Re: Fantasy Quest 1, Cant believe stuck again so soon!
macrinus7, on host
Tuesday, January 8, 2008, at 01:36:57
Re: Fantasy Quest 1, Cant believe stuck again so soon! posted by cat, drawbridge,and sphinx on Tuesday, January 8, 2008, at 00:30:39:
> Well by the time i got the pass ring it was real late and i was real sleepy, i went back to the cat but he was not impressed with my pass ring.. > so i went to bed.. no i didnt try over and over and over but i will. > > The drawbridge i cant open is up nw by the volcano i just dont know what to do there.. one password gets me there.. i have circled round it and used everything in my inventory and used every password over and over. soothsayer says it may be something that dont make sense.. and to have patience!!!!! im trying!! > > i saw another castle way south on the map... but havent found a way to it..tried wearing my pass ring when i jumped into the volcano.. it didnt protect me... i died.. so thats not white fire i guess.! > > You're correct about the four two three. but i dont think it was morning afternoon and evening!That would make the man grow up in one day! How about: What starts on four legs, then on two but ends with three.(crawl, walk, hobble) lol > > Thanks for the encouragement, i will try again. > LadyGwen
I had a hunch you might be trying the wrong drawbridge. Don't worry about the one near the volcano yet. Like people are saying, you need to work on the cat.
mac "easy as 1-2-3" rinus7
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