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Watch this!
Posted By: LaZorra, on host
Date: Friday, July 13, 2007, at 20:53:52

(I've plastered this link everywhere else, so I might as well stick it here.)

For the past two weeks, I've been working on the production team of a political drama about Zimbabwe. It has been an incredible experience, meeting people from that country, interacting with them on a daily basis, getting instruction from guest artists who are the best in their fields. I was the main camera op for the play (watch for tilts from the flag and a camera truck -- that's me!), plus I got to have a lot of general creative input, and I am way too excited about the whole thing, can you tell?

Anyway, last night, we broadcast it live on the local PBS station. (The running joke was, "Don't worry, we'll fix any problems in post production." :-p) Today, it is available for download at the link below. So! Go watch my movie! And if you have need of a camera op in the future, let me know. I think I might want to, you know, do this for a living. ;-)

La"I've also been working 13-hour days, so I apologize for the incoherency of this post"Zorra

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