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Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Thursday, May 17, 2007, at 10:47:42

It's that time of year again, and this time we have a graduation to attend. Chris, our grandson, is graduating from high school. This one is special because Chris has Aspergers, a disorder that often goes unnoticed.

Kids with Aspergers usually are normal in almost every way, but there are a few little things that have to be handled. For example, they relate to adults a little better than kids their own age. They do not work well in a group but often excell in individual efforts. In classroom situations, frustration can lead to rebellion.

To make matters worse, Aspergers kids sometimes get labeled as learning disabilities. Handled correctly, Aspergers may be no disability at all.

Chris often had problems with a teacher early in the year, then as they adjusted to his little quirks, they developed a very close relationship.

Naval ROTC was great for Chris. He is a neat person and instinctively knew how to wear a uniform. Anybody who has ever been in service knows that how you look in that uniform can be a key to success. He is also an excellent shot and on the rifle range he broke a lot of school records. He was delared to be the number one sharpshooter and got a trophy for the highest score ever. As with most kids, success leads to more success, but it is probably a bit more important with Aspergers.

His grades in high school were dips and surges (just like they were for his grandfather)but he came out with a respectable GPA.

So now he is graduating and the family is going to throw a party that may set a few records of its own.

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