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Re: Pet names
Posted By: Paul A., on host
Date: Friday, November 5, 1999, at 01:13:19
In Reply To: Re: Pet names posted by Brunnen-G on Wednesday, November 3, 1999, at 16:05:47:

> I knew a guy once who had two budgies. He called them Rover and Fang.
> My cat doesn't really have a name. She comes running when I call no matter what name I actually
> use, so I call her all sorts of things. Scooter is one of them.

"I call my dog Mechanic, because whenever I shout at him he makes a bolt for the door."

Actually, our dog's name is Bella. Our cat's name is Blitzen, which is German for "lightning", because he arrived in the middle of a thunderstorm and never left.

British writer Terry Pratchett once wrote that every cat has multiple names, including but not limited to:

* The name you give him when you first get him.

* The name you end up calling him.

* The name your neighbours call him, e.g Maudthegreycatfromnextdoorsonthebirdcageagain.

* The name you shout when you're in the kitchen and you notice the bag containing that newly-bought bit of prime steak moving toward the edge of the table. ("This name should be short, with a sharp edge to it. The Egyptians had a cat-goddess called Bast - now you know why.")
