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It was a battle. . .
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Friday, December 22, 2006, at 11:39:33

Just got home from Georgia. Fog, rain, and trailer trucks. It was a hard battle but we made it. I'm glad I wasn't in Denver.

First thing was to go get my new glasses. I can see again. I was using my old trifocals from several years ago, and my eyes have changed so much I had to drive looking through the middle focus. That's the one I used to use for 2 to 5 feet. Now it's infinity.

We won't see our daughter and her family on Christmas, so while we were there, we had a little pre-Christmas and opened a few presents. I got Brazil nuts from Brazil and sugar-free chocolate from Paris. I don't know where that big block of cheese came from, but I can't read anything on the wrapper. Our daughter is a flight attendant/travel agent, so she shops the whole world.

I don't go to school much any more, but we did attend a 3rd grade Christmas party yesterday. I still feel right at home in a classroom, but I have to admit that things have changed. Blackboards have changed from green to white. Grandson Alex's class had 17 students in it. Back when I was teaching and the new technology was yellow chalk instead of white, I often had more than 40 students in a class. The first year it was 43.

The reason for yellow chalk was that it was supposed to show up better on black slate chalkboards, but it really didn't make much difference until they invented green boards. They don't even use chalk any more.

Isn't it wonderful how much publicity you can get from a feud? The Kelly/Rosie feud was so successful, they did a sequel called Rosie/Donald. I think this trend will catch on. As they say in Hollywood, it doesn't matter what they say about you, as long as they are talking about you. Publicity is publicity, even if you have to slander a whole race, drive drunk, or insult somebody's religion to get it. Publicity is money in the bank in sports or show biz.

We have some important dates coming up in the next couple of weeks. My big sister hits 75, we are having a low-key 51st anniversary, greed and glitz will again mark Christmas, and my wife will celebrate an undisclosed birthday. Within the last few weeks our oldest grandchild turned 21 and the youngest turned 8

Have a happy Christmas, or whatever you celebrate. And do something nice for somebody.

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