Archives: Commander-In-Chief
Shortly after this, Eric wrote this up as an actual game, using AGLL, the
language used by the games on Adventure Games
Morris: You are the President. You
are sitting in the White House at your desk. On the desk there is a
brochure, a letter, and a glass of sun-tea.
gremlinn: Look in drawer
Morris: You look in the top left desk drawer. Inside is a revolver.
gremlinn: take all
Morris: gremlinn: You add the revolver to your inventory.
gremlinn: Morris: read letter.
Morris: gremlinn: The letter says "My dearest love, I love you very much. Love, your wife."
gremlinn: read brochure
Morris: The brochure says "Our American Cousin: a musickal comedy in three acts. Come to Ford's and laugh your head off."
gremlinn: Uh-oh.
gremlinn: look in drawer
Morris: gremlinn: You look in the top right drawer. You find a box of bullets that would appear to fit your revolver.
* gremlinn is smart and knows that you have to do actions more than once sometimes.
gremlinn: take bullets
Morris: You take the bullets and at them to your inventory.
gremlinn: load revolver
Morris: gremlinn: You load all six bullets into the revolver.
gremlinn: examine desk
Morris: gremlinn: The desk is made of wood. On top of the desk are a brochure, a letter, and a glass of sun-tea.
gremlinn: I thought I did a "take all". Hmm.
gremlinn: Take brochure. Take letter. Take glass.
Morris: Oh. I didn't know what that meant. I thought it only meant take what was in the drawer.
TalkingDog: It means take what you know is in the room.
Morris: gremlinn: The desk is made
of wood. On top of the desk is a small wet ring left behind by the
sun-tea because you didn't use a coaster.
gremlinn: Lick ring.
Morris: gremlinn: You lick the ring. It tastes like water and desk wood.
gremlinn: examine sun-tea
Morris: gremlinn: The sun-tea is a
special type of tea that is prepared by leaving in the sun for a long
period of time. It tastes somewhat bitter. The glass is made of glass,
and you don't like the design carved into it.
gremlinn: examine design
Morris: It is a bunch of flowers. You feel it looks fruity.
gremlinn: take book from TD's world
Morris: Sorry, illegal action.
gremlinn: Drat.
gremlinn: stand up
Morris: You stand up.
gremlinn: leave office with gun pointed straight ahead
Morris: You leave the office with
your gun pointed straight ahead. Your wife sees you in the hall and
tells you to put that silly thing away and get your hat, for you must
leave for the theater very soon.
gremlinn: put gun in pants
Morris: You put the gun in your
pants. It falls out the bottom of your pant leg and hits the grand,
thankfully not going off and shooting you.
gremlinn: Say, "Both."
Morris: You say "Both."
gremlinn: Take gun.
Morris: You take the gun.
gremlinn: Go back into office.
Morris: You go back into the office.
gremlinn: take hate
gremlinn: oops hat
Morris: You take your hat.
gremlinn: look in hat
Morris: You look in your hat. It is empty.
gremlinn: wear hat
Morris: You put your hat atop your head. You look very dignified.
gremlinn: leave office
Morris: You leave your office.
gremlinn: go to theater with wife
Morris: You go to the theater with
your wife, where you sit in the balcony. The show is quite amusing.
Part of the way through, however, you hear someone creeping up behind
gremlinn: jump off balcony, turning around in mid-air in slow motion and firing at potential assassin a la Matrix 2 sequence
Morris: You jump off the balcony,
turning around in mid-air in slow motion and fire at the potential
assassin a la Matrix 2 sequence. A bullet strikes John Wilkes Booth in
the face, killing him. A second bullet kills your wife. You die from
the fall.
Morris: UNDO? FAIL?
gremlinn: Sweet.
Tbags: wait didn't that tactic fail in the Matrix?
gremlinn: Undo.
Morris: ---undo---
Morris: You go to the theater with
your wife, where you sit in the balcony. The show is quite amusing.
Part of the way through, however, you hear someone creeping up behind
gremlinn: Turn around.
Morris: You turn around. John Wilkes
Booth is creeping up behind you carrying a single-shot round-slug .44
caliber derringer and aiming it at you.
gremlinn: Tell John Wilkes Booth that his shoe is untied.
Morris: You tell John Wilkes Booth that his shoe is untied. "Verily?" he says, and he bends over to tie it.
gremlinn: Grab John Wilkes Booth's toupee.
Morris: You grab John Wilkes Booth's toupee. "I say, good sir!" he says and struggles back.
gremlinn: Trip John Wilkes Booth.
gremlinn: I'm winning. I can feel it.
Morris: You trip John Wilkes Booth. His gun goes off, killing your wife.
Crystal109: Ohh, poor wife!
gremlinn: Shoot John WIlkes Booth.
Morris: You shoot John Wilkes Booth. Your assassination has been averted. YOU WIN!
gremlinn: YES!
gremlinn: Great game, Morris.
Morris: Thanks.
Morris: Historical mysteries are the best.
Crystal109: yay! but... you killed the wife!!
gremlinn: So that's how it happened.
Morris: Crystal: Chicks are expendable.
[RinkChat] User Morris has been kicked from the room by flyingcats.
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