Some words in the English language are often mispronounced when spoken.
Here are a few commonly mispronounced words with their correct pronunciations
and most common mispronunciations.
| Correct | Incorrect |
across | (a-CROSS) | (a-CROST) |
athlete | (ATH-leet) | (ATH-a-leet) |
Arctic | (ARC-tic) | (AR-tic) |
comfortable | (COM-fort-a-ble, COMF-ta-ble) | (COMF-ter-ble) |
electoral | (eh-LEK-tor-al) | (eh-lek-TOR-al) |
espresso | (ess-PRESS-oh) | (ex-PRESS-oh) |
February | (FEB-roo-air-y) | (Feb-yoo-air-y) |
figure | (FIG-yer) | (fig-er) |
forte | (FORT) | (for-TAY) - correct only as a music term |
insouciant | (in-SOO-see-ant) | (in-SOO-shant) |
lambaste | (lam-BASTE) | (lam-BAST) |
library | (LIBE-rare-ee) | (LIBE-air-ee) |
menstruation | (men-stroo-A-shun) | (men-STRAY-shun) |
minuscule | (MIN-uh-skyool) | (MIN-ih-skyool) |
nuclear | (NUKE-lee-ar) | (NUKE-yoo-lar) |
nuptial | (NUP-shul) | (NUP-shoo-al) |
often | (OFF-en) | (OFT-en) |
percolate | (PERC-o-late) | (PERC-u-late) |
plenitude | (PLEN-i-tude) | (PLENT-i-tude) |
probably | (PROB-ab-ly) | (PRAH-bal-ly, PROB-ly) |
pronunciation | (pro-NUN-see-A-shun) | (pro-NOUN-see-A-shun) |
realtor | (RE-al-tor) | (REAL-a-tor) |
supposedly | (sup-POSE-ed-ly) | (sup-POSE-ab-ly) |
taut | (TAUT) | (TAUNT) |
toward | (TOW-ward) | (TOR-ward) |