In his weakened state, Murkon is just not strong enough to survive combat with
the adventurers in the labyrinth by himself. He'll need the assistance of
monsters and magical beasts to do his dirty work for him. But while Murkon
was unconscious at the bottom of the labyrinth, the adventurers cleared all
the monsters out of the labyrinth. Fortunately, there are still summoning portals scattered throughout. When Murkon finds a summoning portal, he can summon some beastly companions. Each portal may be used as many times as desired, so if monsters are killed in battle, Murkon can return to a portal to summon replacements. Finding portals is critical to progressing through the game. Alone in the labyrinth, Murkon won't live long enough to recover his fearsome powers! Also important is choosing the right monsters to summon from the portals. Different monsters have different abilities and vulnerabilities. Experiment to see which monsters serve you best against your foes. Familiarity with Murkon's Refuge will help, but note that in Murkon's Vengeance, some monsters have new abilities you'll have to discover and exploit in the course of play. |