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Murkon's Refuge


Winning the Game

The game is won when your party defeats Murkon in battle, secures the King's Diadem, which he has stolen, and returns to one of the towns (any one). Upon entering a town with the King's Diadem in your possession, you win the game. However, if you have the Diadem in your possession but die in the labyrinth before you can make it back to town, that's not good enough; you'll lose the Diadem and have to go find it again after you resurrect your characters.

Fair warning: when you return to town with the Diadem, the characters in the party will retire, and you won't be able to use them any longer, although they will remain in the roster for you to view. (Characters that are not in the party when you bring the Diadem back will remain accessible, as they were.) Consequently, don't return with the Diadem until you're done with your characters. If you want to defeat Murkon but want to continue to explore, you can drop the Diadem (and try recovering it again later). If you want to save any gold or items for other characters, then leave that stuff behind with another character before you set out to win the game.

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