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Murkon's Refuge


Viewing a Character

To view a character, select 'View Character' from the town menu or from the control area in the dungeon.

There are a number of things you can do while viewing a character. You can trade equipment with other characters, equip your character with weapons and armor, change your character's name, and more.

This screen is mostly self-explanatory, but here are a few parts that might not be:

If an item is listed in a character's inventory in gray print, it means the character is unable to wear or use the item due to class restrictions, i.e., sorcerers aren't allowed to wear metal armor.

If, next to a particular attribute, you see a parenthesized value in small print next to the regular value, this means that something your character is equipped with is altering the value of this attribute. For example, wearing a "Cap of Wisdom" will increase the value of your wisdom. The regular number is the effective value of your wisdom, as modified by wearing the cap; the parenthesized value is the original value, and what the effective value would revert to if you took the cap off.

For help with any of the options available from this screen, see one of the other help pages; there is a separate help page for each available option.

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