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Murkon's Refuge


Reordering the Party

The order in which characters are listed in a party is important. You can reorder the characters in your party by hitting the 'Reorder' button, either in town or while adventuring. (This option only appears when there are at least two characters in the current party.)

After hitting the 'Reorder' button, you can either hit the 'Use Roster Order' button, which automatically orders your characters as they appear in the roster, or you can manually select which character will come first, then second, and so on.

What follows are some points to consider when ordering your party:

Note that paralyzed and dead characters must appear at the end of the party list; if you attempt to reorder the party so that they appear first, the characters will be resorted so they're back at the end. It only makes sense, after all, that the conscious characters drag the unconscious characters behind them, instead of pushing them in front.

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