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Murkon's Refuge



Pools are rare and wonderful finds in the labyrinth. By some strange phenomenon, there is always an item of equipment stored at the bottom of pools in the labyrinth. Often this item of equipment is significantly more valuable than the other equipment you will tend to find elsewhere on the same dungeon level, so you want to make sure you find all the pools you can and scavenge what there is to be had.

But it's not that simple. To retrieve an object at the bottom of the pool, someone has to dive down and get it. The pools are typically very deep, so this can be a challenge. To dive into a pool, first select the character you want to have dive down and then hit the 'Dive' button. You will then be told about the results of the attempt. Hopefully the character will make it back up with the equipment item in good order. But it's also possible that the character will not be successful, or, if he is, he might suffer some hit points of damage. How successful a character is at diving depends upon that character's vitality.

Whatever the case, if he is successful at returning with the item, he'll get some experience points for the effort, and you'll have a new piece of equipment to use or sell.

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