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Murkon's Refuge


The Inn

Resting at the inn is a free service provided to weary adventurers. To rest at the inn, simply select the 'Rest at the Inn' option from the Town Square. Some inns charge for nightly rests; others do not. When a character rests, the following things occur:

It is critical for your characters to gain levels, as this is the way they advance and become powerful enough to handle tougher monsters and stickier situations; consequently, it is important to make sure you stop in the inn regularly, if only to check to see if your character is ready to advance. The 'Exp. To Go' field, which can be seen for each character at the inn (or for an individual character when you are viewing that character's statistics), gives how many experience points are required before the character can gain another level. If this number is zero, the character can gain a level (or more) by resting in the inn.

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