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Murkon's Refuge


Glossary of Terms

Armor Class. When referring to a piece of equipment, it indicates how well it will protect its wearer from physical attacks. When referring to a character, it indicates how well that character is protected from physical attacks. An AC of 0 means that the character is not protected by armor at all; an AC of 65 or more means the character is invulnerable to physical attack. A character's AC is determined primarily by what protective equipment he is wearing, but his AC may also be augmented by special abilities (as assassins and druids gain experience, they will learn how to protect themselves from physical attacks even without armor) or by magic spells. See also: WC.

A character's profession (knight, rogue, sorcerer, wizard, druid, or assassin). Not to be confused with "armor class" (AC) or "weapon class" (WC).

hit points
An indication of how much damage a character (or monster) can take before dying from injuries. Every time a character is hurt, hit points are lost. When a character's hit points reach 0, he dies (but may be resurrected in the clinic or by magic). A character can replenish his hit point supply by resting in the inn.

1. Of a character, how far advanced that character is in his profession. New characters start at level 0 and work their way up, becoming more powerful as they gain levels.
2. A floor or story in the labyrinth. The labyrinth consists of ten levels, the topmost being level 1 and the bottommost level 10.

The group of characters you are currently adventuring with. The party appears in a yellow box and may consist of up to six characters. See also: roster.

The list of all characters you have created (and not deleted). See also: party.

spell points
An indication of how much magic a character can cast before resting up again. Each magic spell requires a certain number of spell points to cast; if a character casts it, he loses that amount of spell points. These spell points are replenished after resting in the inn.

Weapon Class. When referring to a weapon, it indicates how effective a weapon it is. A character's weapon class is usually the same as the weapon class of the weapon he is currently wielding. Assassins, however, have the special ability to gain WC as they advance. See also: AC.

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