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Murkon's Refuge


Deleting Characters

If you wish to delete a character because you no longer want to use it, you can do so by pressing the 'Delete' button while viewing the character roster. Select the character you wish to delete from the drop-down list and hit 'OK.' Confirm deletion of the character by hitting 'OK' again.

Note that deleting characters is a permanent, irreversible operation, so you should not do this unless you are sure you truly never want to use the character again. Note that before you delete a character, you may at least want to salvage gold and/or items it is carrying by transferring them to another character.

Why would you ever want to delete a character? There are two practical reasons. One, since you can only have 18 characters, you may need to delete old characters before you can create new ones. Two, there is a (very) slight improvement in the speed of the game if you have fewer characters rather than more.

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