On the next screen, these initial ability attributes will be listed, and you will be allowed to distribute a certain number of extra points among the different attributes. To add or remove points from an attribute, use the drop down list to specify how many to add or remove, then hit the corresponding 'OK' button.
You cannot decrement any of the statistics below their initial values, nor raise any value beyond 30. The idea is to distribute points in certain key areas so that the character may be trained for a particular class. You don't have to distribute all the points you have at your disposal (if there are points left over, they will be carried over and may be distributed later). However, you must supply sufficient points to train the character for at least one class; the minimum statistic values required to train for each class are listed in the pink box to the right. (Druids and assassins require higher stats than you'll be able to distribute initially; however, after a character has progressed far enough in one of the other four classes, the character may be retrained as a druid or assassin.)
When you have distributed enough points to train the character for at least one class, you will be presented with the option of selecting one of these classes at the bottom of the page. Selecting a class will end the point distribution step. (Unused points are not lost; you will be able to distribute points again later.) After you select a class, the full range of the character's attributes will be displayed, and you will be asked to confirm the creation of the character.
If you confirm the creation of the character, the character will be added to your roster (complete list of characters), and you will then have the option of adding him to the current party (the group of characters you're currently adventuring with).