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Things People Said

Ordinary people can be drop dead funny.

Latest additions: 1/21/11

Human speech is directly responsible for almost every thought and emotion we have throughout life's journey. The complexity of language and the complex messages we use it to communicate leave the possibilities wide open for just about anything. Among other things, people can say things that are funny. We pay good money to see comedians say funny things, and a lot of them come through. But due to the nature of the human comic sense, the deliberateness of a comedian can dilute the potential for humor.

This page features humor that bypasses that. The humor here is, for the most part, unrehearsed and unintentional. Hundreds of quotations are listed. There are lines spoken by people intending to say something else. There are lines spoken by people who misunderstood something or other. They may or may not have known any better. The intricacies of human language may have fouled them up, or perhaps unfortunate slips of the tongue led them to ignominy. Whatever the case, there's a lot to laugh at.


Slips and Gaffes

Questions, Suggestions, and Complaints

Things Kids Say


Famous People

For goofs and gaffes related to computers, visit:

Computer Stupidities


Things People Said is a RinkWorks production. We invite you to visit our other features.

Talk Back

Currently we are NOT accepting new submissions, as we are backlogged and have little hope of catching up any time in the near future. Thank you for your understanding. If you have any kind of feedback to give other than new quotations, please feel free to send it.


The quotations and anecdotes original to this site have been released into the public domain. All other quotations and anecdotes are, to the best of my knowledge, in the public domain. All other material on this site, including logos and other text, is Copyright © 1998-2014 by Samuel Stoddard.