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Ultimate Bot Tournament: Mini-UBT #1

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On October 7, 2008....

TalkingDog has entered.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'LESS ART, MORE PANTS.' by TalkingDog.
niekie has entered.
niekie: =-O
TalkingDog: PANTS
wintermute has entered.
* wintermute is wearing only one pair of pants.
* niekie is wearing underpants and pants.
ThePhan has entered.
ThePhan: I HIGHLY disagree with the topic. ALWAYS more art and ALWAYS less pants. Um... well, maybe not the less pants part.
ThePhan: Anyway. Hi!
Maryam: Hi Phan!
* ThePhan is feeling pretty good about that biology test.
* ThePhan is NOT FEELING AT ALL GOOD about that stuff-that-might-be-snot on the bottom of the keyboard.
Randy has entered.
Randy: PANTS
Randy: heyas
niekie: Randy!
LaZorra has entered.
Randy: Thats what she said...
LaZorra: That's what SHE said.
Randy: LOL LOL
Randy: I didn't even think of that
* Randy starts singing Happy Birthday"
Randy: er...and loudly and off key..was supposed to be in there
asterismW: Who's birthday?
ThePhan: It's my birthday. Heh.
Randy: Right!
asterismW: Happy Birthday to you!
wintermute: BIRTHDAYPHAN!
ThePhan: Thanks :-)
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'LESS PANTS, MORE BIRTHDAY PARTIES!' by wintermute.
ThePhan: LOL
* ThePhan isn't sure she wants a pantsless birthday party...
wintermute: I hereby declare today to be Pantsless Thursday.
Randy: Its Tuesday, dude
ThePhan: It's also not pantsless, at least where I am. I guess it's all in the declaration...
Randy: You could be wearing a skirt
ThePhan: Right.
wintermute: Or a jumpsuit.
ThePhan: Or both!
ThePhan: The absolute height of fashion!
asterismW: With 80s style leggings!
asterismW: And a poncho!
wintermute: Or a kilt?
Randy: KILT
ThePhan: Ooh, food time.
wintermute: Party food?
wintermute: Tiny sausages, that kind of thing?
wintermute: Maybe some cake?
ThePhan: Well, cake, yes. But no tiny sausage.
ThePhan: Not even multiple ones.
wintermute: :(
wintermute: Still, cake is good.
asterismW: Ooh, I love those little sausages.
wintermute: It's not a proper party without tiny sausages.

Then, on October 15....

Sam: We need to have another event in chat before UBT 6.
Sam: Because that's too long to wait.
Randy: Yes
Randy: But what?
Sam: I wonder if Goosey is planning on having another birthday before next year.
ThePhan: I was going to schedule an online birthday party this week or next week. You can just give me on here.
Sam: Ok.
Sam: When?
ThePhan: Hmm. Friday?
* ThePhan will be here Friday.
Sam: I won't be here this Friday. Next Friday, sure.
ThePhan: Hmm. I have something going on either next Friday or next Saturday. I'm not sure which one.
Sam: Friday nights are usually pretty dead.
Sam: Should be another night.
Sam: Although I did put UBT nights on Fridays, so I dunno.
ThePhan: What is a good night of the week?
Sam: How about next Wednesday?
ThePhan: Wednesdays I'm doing something until around 8:30 central, but after that I'm good.
Sam: We'll start without you.
ThePhan: That works.
ThePhan: You can plan the surprise part of my birthday party.
ThePhan: So I can walk in and you can all say SURPRISE
Sam: Thursday.
Sam: It's my final offer.
Sam: Unless you reject it.
ThePhan: Thursday should be fine.
* ThePhan can think of absolutely nothing she's doing on Thursday night.
ThePhan: Any Thursday night. Ever.
ThePhan: I once had my birthday party at the end of November because that was the only time everyone could be there.
ThePhan: He's going to EET MYE KAKE!
Sam: EET: There is more than one way to parse that sentence, and one of them is disturbing.
ThePhan: LOL
Randy: LOL LOL
: Miss Zorra, *blush*, ah reckon ah'd be happier'n a monkey in Carmen Miranda's hairdo if y'all'd consent to be mah date to ThePhan's party.
LaZorra: LOL
LaZorra: Well, Dude, of course I would! *flutters eyelashes*
ThePhan: Oooooh.

The next day, October 16....

[RinkChat] Memo Posted by Sam: [->#UBT] Ok, so, rather than wait for February for the next UBT, let's do one next Thursday for ThePhan's birthday party. That's right -- an ENTIRE Ultimate Bot Tournament in ONE NIGHT. The online birthday party starts at 8pm EDT. We probably won't start the bot stuff right then, but if you can be around in chat Thursday night, that would be a good idea. RULINGNESS WILL OCCUR.
[RinkChat] Memo Posted by Counterpoint: [->Sam] ... This is a joke, right? The total length of the last UBT was over 16 hours; even if we began promptly at 8 pm, we wouldn't finish until noon Friday morning. I suppose that cutting out all interludes and stuff would make it go faster, but ... yikes.
[RinkChat] Memo Posted by Sam: [->Counterpoint] NOT A JOKE.
[RinkChat] Memo Posted by Sam: [->Counterpoint] I figure it'll take about an hour.
Sam: UBT 5 1/2 WILL RULE.
TalkingDog: UBT V.V!
Sam: V.V
Sam: I like that.
TalkingDog: Roman decimals = Awesome.
asterismW: You might as well go all out and title it V.V: V/XXIII/IIX
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Ultimate Bot Tournament V.V: 5/23/08!' by Sam.
TalkingDog: Wait, 5/23/08?
Sam: Oops.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Ultimate Bot Tournament V.V: 10/23/08!' by Sam.
Sam: I made a public room for it.
ThePhan has entered.
Randy: PHAN!
Maryam: Hi Phan!
ThePhan: ENTIRE bot tournament in one night for my birthday? That's... um.
Sam: Sure, why not?
Maryam: Maybe we play every single bot at once.
ThePhan: Maryam: That would rule.
Randy: That would be so awesomely confusing
* ThePhan can't even imagine that, it's so awesome.
Sam: What's this all at once thing? We're going to play them one after the other.
ThePhan: Phew.
Maryam: Aww. That would have been interesting.
Sam: Counterpoint did the calculations and figured out it takes 16 hours to play all the bots. I think we can do it in an hour.
ThePhan: Really? Only 16 hours?
ThePhan: That would be amazing.
Sam: We'll just save some time by not having a story.
Sam: I'll just shorten the submission time a little bit.
ThePhan: Did that work for UBTs 1 and 2?
Randy: I think we're gonna need red bull or something.

On October 23....

Ghost of Sam: TP: Happy birthday!
Ghost of Sam: Just think -- exactly 22 years, 2 weeks, and 2 days ago, YOU WERE BORN! This is a historic occasion.
Ghost of Sam: My dad was born on the same day.
Ghost of Sam: That makes him 12 years younger than me, I suppose.
ThePhan: Well, that's a little awkward.
ThePhan: But thank you for the birthday party greetings.
Ghost of Sam: I hope you're up for a loooong night.
Ghost of Sam: I've been doing some calculations.
Ghost of Sam: It turns out that it might not actually be feasible to squeeze 16 hours of botting in before bedtime after all.
ThePhan: Heh.
* ThePhan was suspecting as much.
ThePhan: If absolute worst comes to worst and we have to skip, oh, say, AstroBot or MathBot, I wouldn't cry too much over it.
Ghost of Sam: I was thinking we could save enough time by not having bathroom breaks.
ThePhan: A true botter doesn't TAKE bathroom breaks.
Ghost of Sam: '* ThePhan isn't sure she wants a pantsless birthday party...' -- ThePhan, 10/7/2008.
Ghost of Sam: I wish I had seen that sooner. I've already made the plans.
ThePhan: Sigh.
ThePhan: It's okay.
ThePhan: I was just unsure. We'll see how it goes, I guess.
ThePhan: This UBT is SO extreme that not only are we playing all the games in one evening, but also it's NO PANTS ALLOWED.
Ghost of Sam: We were going to surprise you.
Ghost of Sam: Everybody was going to show up without pants and cheer.
ThePhan: LOL
Ghost of Sam: Now all our careful planning is ruined.
ThePhan: Well, it would have been a bit more surprising if you hadn't told me just now.
ThePhan: It's okay. I'll try to forget you told me.
Ghost of Sam: Cool!
Ghost of Sam: ...
Ghost of Sam: Say, Phan. Have you forgotten that we're not wearing pants to your party yet?
ThePhan: What? No pants? When were THOSE plans made?
Rivikah: There. I am prepared for my afternoon lab.
Rivikah: It will be a multiple integral whirlwind!
iwpg: =-o
Rivikah: Whoo!
Rivikah: I know everyone will be as excited as me by all the multiple integrals!
Rivikah: Whoo!
Rivikah: um
iwpg: O.o
Rivikah: o.O
Rivikah: I hope there's no one in my class who loves them that much.
Rivikah: Because I'm not sure I can deal with that much drool.
Ghost of Sam: Every morning, I wake up, write down several multiple integrals on a pair of index cards, then crumple them up and tuck them in my mouth, one in each cheek pocket. I carry them around that way throughout the day, so I can be in a constant state of french kissing multiple integrals. *sigh* I'm so much in love....
Rivikah: Um...
Rivikah: You shouldn't eat index cards.
Rivikah: Even if they do hae multiple integrals on them.
Ghost of Sam: I don't *eat* them. I spit them out at the end of each day and give them a proper funeral pyre.
Ghost of Sam: (Also, LOL that 'eating index cards' was what you found inadvisable in all of that.)
Rivikah: Well I don't think you should put them in your mouth at all.
Rivikah: And how could you possibly CRUMPLE the multiple integrals?
Ghost of Sam: I crumple them LOVINGLY. It's all in how you go about it.
Rivikah: so mean!
Rivikah: you probably tear them too,
Kalimeris has entered.
TalkingDog: FRIES
ThePhan: Ooh. That is exciting.
* TalkingDog could use some fries.
Kalimeris: WITH BACON
Kalimeris: :-D
* TalkingDog drools.
Kalimeris: Party soon!
ThePhan: Whoo!
Kalimeris: Will there be RinkCake?
Sam: Sure will! ThePhan promised to bring some!
ThePhan: Uh... yeah!
Fishy has entered.
10Kan: IT IS NOW 8:00 P.M. EST
ThePhan has left.
Kalimeris has left.
LuckyWizard has entered.
10Kan has left.
Maryam has left.
LuckyWizard: Hi all!
TalkingDog has left.
Fishy has left.
Sam has left.
LuckyWizard has left.
iwpg has left.

Then, in the party room....

Kalimeris has entered.
10Kan has entered.
TalkingDog has entered.
Maryam has entered.
Fishy has entered.
Sam has entered.
ThePhan has entered.
LuckyWizard has entered.
Randy has entered.
* 10Kan puts on a silly hat.
Randy: PARTY!
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Birthday Party for ThePhan in progress! Cake and silly hats now -- mini-UBT in a while. NO PANTS ALLOWED!' by Sam.
Maryam: How did you know I wasn't wearing pants?
ThePhan: A party with no pants?
Sam: YAY!
* 10Kan puts on a kilt.
: I got no pants! *grayish blush*
Kalimeris: AHHH
Maryam: LOL
TalkingDog: LOL
ThePhan: Oh my.
Kalimeris: NOT-SUIT GUY
TalkingDog: Haven't seen you in a while, Rick.
ThePhan: Well, thank you for coming to my party, Ricardo.
10Kan: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
Maryam: LOL
* TalkingDog hides.
ThePhan: I'm less certain about welcoming Charlie...
10Kan: He...he said his first words!
Kalimeris: BALLOONS
ThePhan: Balloons!
Maryam: I call dibs on the pink one.
Kalimeris: 99 RED BALLOONS. I need to stop being so excited now.
* Kalimeris breathes
: Easy party for me to dress for.
10Kan: :-{
* TalkingDog connects Hayley with Mom von Steppenwergen again and explodes.
Randy: Except its not
ThePhan: Hey, I'll take birthday wishes. I'll just pretend it actually is my birthday.
Maryam: Happy pseudo-birthday!
10Kan: Happy day we celebrate your existence!
: Wait, wait, wait. I gotta take off my pants?? Wellllll, okayyyyyyyy...
Maryam: aaaaaah
ThePhan: Eeeep
Randy: awwww
Maryam: Did that bear just have brain surgery?
ThePhan: That might be the saddest happy picture I've ever seen.
10Kan: Aww, even zombie-teddy wants to wish you a happy birthday!
Randy: Bwwwaaains
Kalimeris: Bwains? Can I has bwains now?
ThePhan: Bwains! Bwains awe what bwing us togeva today!
Maryam: LOL
TalkingDog: LOL
10Kan: LOL
Randy: LOL
LuckyWizard: Heh.
TalkingDog: LOL
10Kan: :)
ThePhan: LOL
Randy: He EETS my pants?
10Kan: Bless you, stuff-eeting monster!
Kalimeris: My cakeeeee
Sam: So, Goosey and LaZorra both said they'd be here but late.
ThePhan: Well, at least they will make it!
Kalimeris: Well, it is in fashion.
Kalimeris: I was fashionably on time.
Randy: I'm not gonna make it
: ThePhan: No one is going to hate you! And no one... not Maryam... not Randy... not even their friend Kalimeris, the woman I love more than love itself... will stand between ME... and wishing you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
10Kan: LOL
Randy: LOL LOL
ThePhan: Jaffar and Kalimeris?
Sam: Ooooh!
* ThePhan might have missed something there...
Sam: Kali, is there something you're not telling us?
Kalimeris: Uh
10Kan: Does Jaffar love love much, though?
Sam: 10K: Good point.
: ...HA!
Maryam: hehehehe
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: Of course.
: Am I late?
10Kan: LOL
: Oh, no pants! Crap! brb
Sam: I need me some cake.
Kalimeris: Green
* TalkingDog : Red?
[Sam->10Kan, Fishy, iwpg, Kalimeris, LuckyWizard, Maryam, Randy, TalkingDog, ThePhan] Blue!
[RinkChat] User LuckyWizard has been labeled 'yellow' by LuckyWizard.
* Purple? by Kalimeris.
Kalimeris: Darn, it kind of is purple. Fail.
Maryam: How is that purple?
Kalimeris: Kinda looks like a periwinkle color
Maryam: Isn't periwinkle just light blue?
10Kan: It's not quite Carolina Blue.
Maryam: Granted, it's been a long time since I last came in contact with any color calling itself that, so I could be misremembering.
LaZorra has entered.
ThePhan: LaZorra!
LaZorra: silly hatsssss
10Kan: Hey LaZ!
Maryam: Hi LZ!
ThePhan: I know a song about silly hats. However, it only has three lines and is from Blue's Big Musical Movie.
Randy: What what?
* ThePhan sings:
ThePhan: Steve has a silly hat
ThePhan: Slippery has a silly hat
ThePhan: Side Table has a silly hat
ThePhan: The End.
ThePhan: ...Incidentally, Periwinkle is also a character from Blue's Big Musical Movie.
Randy: LOL
Kalimeris: Indeed.
ThePhan: If there's another reference to it, it must be a sign that it holds the key to all the universe's questions.
Randy: Fishy: I will give you 5 hypothetical dollars if you say one word
: There! I MADE IT!
Maryam: haha
Randy: Aggggh!
ThePhan: He's back! But with pants!
Maryam: Phan: Only in the British definition of the word.
: With pants? What are you...oh. Don't tell me it's the BRITISH definition of pants!
Maryam: BEAT
: I'll come with no American pants, or with no British pants, but I'd really like to keep one or the other on, thanks.
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: True. I forgot to enlarge the image.
: Where the cake at?
: Right here. W-whoa! Eep. I think I just fell on it.
Kalimeris: Maybe it'll be apple cake
Kalimeris: I'm sure Tyler Wyler would like that
* 10Kan empties a forty-ouncer of apple juice on the curb in memory of his homie Tyler Wyler.
: I took off four pants. Would like to keep rest on, please.
Maryam: hehehe
: Happy... Birthday... The... Phan....
TalkingDog: *blink*
10Kan: LOL
10Kan: She's launching those kisses like ninja stars.
Kalimeris: But where's the CAKE. She had to come from somewhere.
ThePhan: Hmm.
: Happy birthday, Phannah Hannah.
ThePhan: LOL
* TalkingDog wanted to find a wig and dress up as Grar for RU8.
: I got no pants on. None in front, and, as you can see right here, none in back! Hooray!
ThePhan: Hehe
Goosey has entered.
Goosey: EEp. NO PANTS!
* Randy HUGS Goosey!
ThePhan: Goosey!
Maryam: GOOSEY
* Goosey puts on a SKIRT
Maryam: Goosey: You clever devil, you.
Randy: hehe
Goosey: EEE! Hi Matt! Hi Grar and Ivy! Hi Jay!!
: Hi there, Phan. Sorry for coming dressed. Give gravity another minute or two.
ThePhan: Heh.
10Kan: LOL
: Getting dressed now! Start the party without me!
ThePhan: Oh my. That guy.
Kalimeris: But where is Cody?
Goosey: Who needs Cody when MATT is here!
Sam: I don't think Cody knows how to dress down.
Goosey: LOL
Kalimeris: Well, if you have to have ONE flaw...
: How quickly we forget, Sam. Happy birthday, TP.
10Kan: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
Sam: I actually *did* forget that pic when I said that.
Maryam: Sweaty fox? o.O
ThePhan: That rules.
: Cody: Thanks, but it's not my birthday! ... Oh wait. You meant the other TP. Got it.
Goosey: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
10Kan: LOL LOL
Maryam: LOL
: Pants. *sigh* Silly humans.
TalkingDog: KITTY
ThePhan: Archie!
Maryam: ARCHIe
Goosey: ARCHIE!
LuckyWizard: ARCHIE
Kalimeris: CAT
Maryam: Font of adorableness!
10Kan: Hey, can we really tell if Archie is wearing pants or not?
: *gasp* I TOOK OFF TOO MUCH! *flutter* EEK! *zip* AAAAAHHH! *blush*
TalkingDog: LOL
Maryam: hehehe
ThePhan: LOL
Randy: Can I tell a quick story about a stupid waiter?
Sam: Do it.
Goosey: STORY!
Randy: Ok, I was in Colorado with my family, and we stopped at Denny's for breakfast
Randy: The only waiter there was a German/Swiss/something guy
Randy: He treated us like we were a bunch of hillbillies
: I'm wearing a jungle. That doesn't count as pants, right?
Sam: Bubba: Shhhh. Randy's telling a story.
: Nobody with a beard like this is ever truly naked.
ThePhan: So that guy TOTALLY SHOWED UP in a article the other day. But he wasn't in a jungle. He was in a car or something.
Goosey: TP: LOL
10Kan: His beard is only one centimeter deep, though. The rest is all chin.
Sam: 10K: LOL
Randy: eww
Randy: Anyway, someone wanted grits with thier food, and he said, very rudely, "Ve don't serve greets"
10Kan: No grits at Denny's?
Randy: Apparently not
Sam: I don't think they have grits at the Denny's up here either.
Sam: Non-Southerners realize that grits are nasty.
Randy: Sam: You dam yankees are just wrong.
Goosey: Is that the end of the story?
Randy: The end is that we didn't give him much of a tip.
Goosey: Ah.
Sam: You gave him a bad tip because grits aren't on the menu?
Randy: That and he was rude, and messed up a order
Sam: Oh.
Sam: Still. He could have been wearing no pants.
Randy: True
ThePhan: It was fun traveling with a bunch of southern people in the northeast. They complained about no grits and no sweet tea.
Maryam: No sweet tea? That's weird.
: Sam, I'm gonna stand guard by the door and take care of anybody that comes in with pants, ok?
ThePhan: What, he's going to cut the pants off them?
ThePhan: Guess it's better than eeting their pants.
Goosey: I have a story about a chin.
Sam: Goosey: LOL. That's a great opening line.
Goosey: LOL
Sam: Tell us the story about a chin.
Goosey: My cousin and her rather large -- okay, very large, she's not shy about it -- friend came to visit me one weekend.
Sam: Good idea.
Goosey: We all went out to eat, and my cousin pointed out to her friend that she had something on her chin.
Goosey: Her friend starts wiping the little place just below her mouth -- where the food wasn't.
Goosey: Without thinking, my cousin said, "No, your OTHER chin."
10Kan: AWW LOL
Maryam: Oops.
Goosey: It was really funny -- her friend is really good-natured, so it was all okay.
ThePhan: LOL
Kalimeris: Aww.
ThePhan: So, I have a story about an accidental insult.
Goosey: TP: Okay!
Goosey: I love these segues!
ThePhan: I was hanging out with this 16-year-old who is about the same height and weight as I am, but then she noticed that my hands were much smaller than hers.
ThePhan: What she says: "Wow! Your hands are tiny! They don't match the rest of your body!"
Goosey: TP: LOL AWW
ThePhan: It was amazing.
Maryam: Ack.
Sam: LOL!
ThePhan: I fell over laughing. She felt really bad.
10Kan: LAWWL
Randy: LOL...awww
Kalimeris: You didn't coordinate your hands properly that day.
ThePhan: Apparently.
Goosey: Now I wish I had a story about hands...
Nyperold has entered.
Randy: Hey Nyp
Nyperold: Hello all!
10Kan: Hi Nyperold!
: Hey, does this count as pants?
Sam: No. Definitely no.
Randy: Men should NOT wear shorty overalls
Kalimeris: He's a painter. But a SEXY painter.
Kalimeris: Just like all other Halloween costumes ever.
Goosey: Kali: I think you mean THEXY
Goosey: O.O
ThePhan: LOL
LaZorra: Wait, is this a no pants party?
Sam: LaZ: Yes. Take them off.
10Kan: LOL
Nyperold: No pants? I'd better get my dog out of here, then...
ThePhan: LOL
LaZorra: Sam: I don't go to that kind of party.
Sam: LaZ: This isn't the kind of party where people wear no pants. In fact, it's precisely NOT the kind of party where people where no pants. It just so happens that you can't be wearing pants to come to it.
Goosey: LaZorra: We're all wearing skirts! Sam's is pink!
Goosey: My mistake. :-D
Randy: I'm wearing a skort
Randy: I know, TOPIC BOT
Sam: Randy: LOL!! Yes, TopicBot.
: Wait, I coulda worn a kilt? *blush*
Goosey: No, Matt, you look good like that. ;-)
: Eeeee. The breeze tickles!
Goosey: LOL
: No PANTS?? I thought the invitation said no FLESH ON YOUR HANDS.
ThePhan: Close enough.
Kalimeris: It's practically the same.
: *mumble* Love the food at this party, Phan!
Sam: Pass the monkeys, Kali.
Kalimeris: Pass the bean bag.
Nyperold: Mmm, monkey lime pie.
Kalimeris: Doot. Doot. Doot. Pass the bean bag.
Kalimeris: The person who's left... holding the bag... put the bean bag down on the floor... now the person to the right pick the bean bag up... and pass it around some more
TalkingDog: NOW I AM HERE
Maryam: BOT TIME
Sam: Hey, let's bot!
TalkingDog: Had to take a detour for Dew. Some things are more important than bot parties.
Sam: Now, I've done some calculations. A full bot tournament normally takes 16 hours of playing time. But I think if we summon all the bots at once and not waste the 1-2 minutes before each game with refreshers on the instructions, we can easily shave 30-60 minutes off that total!
ThePhan: WHEE
Randy: Oh. My.
Kalimeris: Uh. We're going to be here for 15 hours?
LuckyWizard: Whoa.
* Goosey cannot stay here THAT long...
Kalimeris: I think I have to go to class sometime in there LOL
ThePhan: Sheesh, people! It's my birthday party! What kind of friends are you?
Sam: So here goes....
Sam: If your streamer dies as a result of this, do a /purge.
AcroBot has been summoned by Sam.
AstroBot has been summoned by Sam.
BibleBot has been summoned by Sam.
BingoBot has been summoned by Sam.
BlankBot has been summoned by Sam.
BlitzBot has been summoned by Sam.
BuzzBot has been summoned by Sam.
CaptionBot has been summoned by Sam.
ChainBot has been summoned by Sam.
CountBot has been summoned by Sam.
CountryBot has been summoned by Sam.
CrackBot has been summoned by Sam.
CuteBot has been summoned by Sam.
HotOrNotBot has been summoned by Sam.
HogBot has been summoned by Sam.
JumbleBot has been summoned by Sam.
KickMoleBot has been summoned by Sam.
LetterBot has been summoned by Sam.
LineBot has been summoned by Sam.
MatchBot has been summoned by Sam.
MathBot has been summoned by Sam.
MoleBot has been summoned by Sam.
MovieBot has been summoned by Sam.
PicMatchBot has been summoned by Sam.
PokerBot has been summoned by Sam.
RWSoDEBot has been summoned by Sam.
SearchBot has been summoned by Sam.
SinbadBot has been summoned by Sam.
SnagBot has been summoned by Sam.
StackBot has been summoned by Sam.
StateBot has been summoned by Sam.
TitleBot has been summoned by Sam.
TopicBot has been summoned by Sam.
VocaBot has been summoned by Sam.
WhizGirl has been summoned by Sam.
WhizHal has been summoned by Sam.
WhizKid has been summoned by Sam.
WhoBot has been summoned by Sam.
WordBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: I think I can cull this list down a little.
RWSoDEBot has been dismissed by Sam.
TopicBot has been dismissed by Sam.
WhizKid has been dismissed by Sam.
WhizGirl has been dismissed by Sam.
ThePhan: But I wanted to play TopicBot!
Sam: wh: Hey, welcome to the party. Lose the pants.
WhizHal: Sam: And, oh no, her pants are too lazy to do that. But i prefer games where the files differ and make up for the good things, i ain't never comin' back.
Kalimeris: Hal: Pass the bean bag
WhizHal: Eletric eel and a bean to the bag of ice.
Goosey: LOL
ThePhan: I'm not sure a bean to the bag of ice is all that daunting a villain.
WhizHal: Sam: My pants are you being alone and lonely.
Sam: wh: :-(
Maryam: hal: Wow, TMI.
WhizHal: I guess. It's probably tmi. If you're not worthless!
Sam: BURN!
Goosey: LOL
LuckyWizard: WH: Say a happy birthday greeting to ThePhan.
WhizHal: ThePhan: Thephan is a happy ending.
Nyperold: wh: Where'd the killing weasel go?
WhizHal: The killing weasel?
Maryam: LOL
Nyperold: wh: Yeah, the eletric eel generally comes with a killing weasel.
WhizHal: I generally think that comes with some unpronouncable chemical cocktail.
ThePhan: LOL!
ThePhan: The killing weasel kills with unpronounceable chemical cocktails!
Sam: LOL. Look at the lobby.
TalkingDog: WH: Yarr!
WhizHal: Yarr! Pieces of eight.
TalkingDog: WH: Yarr!
WhizHal: Yarr! Pieces of eight.
TalkingDog: WH: YARR!
WhizHal: TalkingDog: Yarr! Pieces of glass!
TalkingDog: Yay!
Sam: Ok, I'm almost ready setting up here.
WhizHal: Make sure you are into the social elite from the nintendo store, according to this sort of in the other.
ThePhan: There are social elite in the Nintendo store?
LaZorra: hal: Your mother is ill-fitting.
WhizHal: jessie is a mother.
ThePhan: Jessie as a mother? That's a scary thought.
* TalkingDog giggles.
WhizHal has been dismissed by Sam.
Sam: Ok, we begin with BlitzBot, as always.
Sam: To save time, we won't be taking any breaks between bots. 10 minutes between bots over 30 bots could save us like 5 hours!
Goosey: So now we're down to 11 hours!
Sam: BlitzBot begins in 60 seconds!
Goosey: My fingers feel all twitchy.
LaZorra has left.
Sam: (Re: Jessie as a mother. "i really hate and i mean HATE not looking both ways before crossing the street, so i really think you should look both ways before you cross, its such a happy way to cross the street and i think that i would like if you would do that so i rate you a.......................")
10Kan: LOL
Maryam: LOL
Randy: LOL
LuckyWizard: LOL
ThePhan: LOL LOL
* TalkingDog dies.
Sam: Nice timing on that exit, LaZorra.
BlitzBot: Starting a new speed game:
BlitzBot: 321. Words that mean "hide."
Goosey: EEP!
Maryam: sequester
TalkingDog: duck
Goosey: conceal
TalkingDog: cover
ThePhan: Uh...
Maryam: leather
LuckyWizard: conceal
TalkingDog: skin
Maryam: skin
ThePhan: put in a safe hiding place
ThePhan: escape
10Kan: stealth
Randy: fur
Fishy: disappear
10Kan: cloak
Nyperold: spank
Kalimeris: shelter
TalkingDog: jekyll
10Kan: stow
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer conceal.
BlitzBot: TalkingDog wins a point with answer cover.
BlitzBot: TalkingDog wins a point with answer skin.
BlitzBot: Randy wins a point with answer fur.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: pelt.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: TalkingDog: +2, Goosey: +1, Randy: +1.
ThePhan: vanish
BlitzBot: Game is paused.
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym TMSLBS might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
ThePhan: LOL
Goosey: HUH???
Kalimeris: what
Goosey: EEEP
10Kan: Woohoo!
10Kan: This is gonna be awesome.
Goosey: WHEE FUN
ThePhan: This will RULE
* Goosey will get SO confused!
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for Too Many Silly Llamas Baseball Slammers
AcroBot: Vote 2 for This Might Seem Logical But Sucky...
AcroBot: Vote 3 for This Might Slay Lazy Botters, Sam
AcroBot: Vote 4 for The Most SILLY LaZorra Bots Smoothly
AcroBot: Vote 5 for The Mighty Sam Loses Blitzbot, Sometimes
AcroBot: Vote 6 for To My Sister Love, Brother Sam
AcroBot: Vote 7 for The Men Sneakily Loot Bison, Son.
AcroBot: Vote 8 for The Monkeys Said, "Let's Burn Steve!"
AcroBot: Vote 9 for That Man, Sam, Loves Bots So...
AcroBot: Vote 10 for Twin Mothers Sometime Leave Babies Swapped.
Kalimeris: vote 4
Maryam: vote 3
Sam: vote 10 (which rules)
Fishy: vote 9
Goosey: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 5
10Kan: vote 8
Nyperold: vote 8
LuckyWizard: vote 3
Randy: vote 10
TalkingDog: vote 5
AcroBot: Randy wins 3 points for This Might Slay Lazy Botters, Sam
AcroBot: 10Kan wins 2 points for The Mighty Sam Loses Blitzbot, Sometimes
AcroBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for Twin Mothers Sometime Leave Babies Swapped.
AcroBot: TalkingDog wins 2 points for The Monkeys Said, "Let's Burn Steve!"
AcroBot: Goosey wins 1 point for The Most SILLY LaZorra Bots Smoothly
AcroBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for That Man, Sam, Loves Bots So...
AcroBot: Fishy wins 0 points for To My Sister Love, Brother Sam
AcroBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Too Many Silly Llamas Baseball Slammers
AcroBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for This Might Seem Logical But Sucky...
AcroBot: Maryam wins 0 points for The Men Sneakily Loot Bison, Son.
AcroBot: Game is paused.
AstroBot: Starting a new game:
AstroBot: Question: Which of these moons has a diameter of 22 km? (1) Naiad, (2) Titan, (3) Mimas, (4) Phobos.
AstroBot: Time's Up!
AstroBot: Answer: Naiad (66 km) (Nyperold, Sam)
AstroBot: Answer: Titan (5150 km)
AstroBot: Answer: Mimas (398 km) (Fishy, Goosey, Maryam, Randy)
AstroBot: Answer: Phobos (22 km) [+1] (10Kan, Kalimeris, LuckyWizard, TalkingDog, ThePhan)
AstroBot: Game is paused.
MoleBot: Fishy pops out of the ground.
LuckyWizard: whack fishy
Kalimeris: whack fishy
MoleBot: LuckyWizard smashes Fishy with a wad of dirty socks. Score!
MoleBot: Game is paused.
Fishy: whack fishy
[Sam->Maryam] LOL LOL
BibleBot: Starting a new quiz game:
BibleBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the blanks: The LORD is good, a _______ _______ in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him. (Nahum 1:7) (1 answer accepted)
Goosey: ack
BibleBot: Unclaimed answer: strong hold.
BibleBot: Game is paused.
[BingoBot->Goosey] Your BingoBot card is YGB7J. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is 7ANIQ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is HA5MI. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is DNBW6. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is LBWV2. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is BKYXH. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Fishy] Your BingoBot card is 3DQ5F. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is 9V5ER. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kalimeris] Your BingoBot card is BKNVQ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is Y0Q2Z. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->10Kan] Your BingoBot card is 8AWXJ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is 5GYCH. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is QOLG8. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is 2BKEH. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is VMINY. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is UJLMQ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is 7C24P. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is RD9LH. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is YIW5S. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is GSO07. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is FJ8PN. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is 6CAPY. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is DL7XP. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is FT2N5. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is UAS38. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is 9OD0F. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is AJDWZ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is E3OFP. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is 3YPUH. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is 9AY8F. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is WH7XF. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is CV7DW. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is COM2K. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is T4U51. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is K4Q8C. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is 5IEW7. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is HISME. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is 1FTW2. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is 3G8YX. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is 5CPMX. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is RA5ST. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is Y4FMU. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is 7HZ4B. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is M6AT9. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
Sam: We have to do another BibleBot round since nobody scored.
BingoBot: Next Call: B
BingoBot: Next Call: 3
BingoBot: Next Call: 0
BingoBot: Next Call: Y
Randy: ok
BingoBot: Next Call: X
BingoBot: Next Call: H
BingoBot: Next Call: F
BingoBot: Next Call: Z
BingoBot: Next Call: P
BingoBot: Next Call: 7
Maryam: bingo
BingoBot: Maryam calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: C
BingoBot: Next Call: K
BingoBot: Next Call: G
BingoBot: Next Call: U
BingoBot: Next Call: D
BingoBot: Next Call: S
BingoBot: Next Call: 9
BingoBot: Next Call: O
BingoBot: Next Call: R
BingoBot: Next Call: L
BingoBot: Next Call: N
BingoBot: Next Call: 1
BingoBot: Next Call: I
BingoBot: Next Call: A
BingoBot: Next Call: 6
BingoBot: Next Call: T
Sam: bingo
Randy: bingo
BingoBot: Sam calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Randy calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: M
BingoBot: Next Call: V
Maryam: Oh shoot. Two later and I would have gotten it.
BingoBot: Next Call: J
BingoBot: Next Call: E
Sam: Awww.
BingoBot: Next Call: Q
BingoBot: Next Call: 2
Kalimeris: bingo
BingoBot: Kalimeris calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: W
BingoBot: Next Call: 8
TalkingDog: bingo
10Kan: bingo
BingoBot: TalkingDog calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: 10Kan calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
LuckyWizard: bingo
Goosey: bingoe
Goosey: GAH
* Goosey can't spell bingo
TalkingDog: That would have worked anyway
Sam: That would have worked, though. :-)
BingoBot: Game is paused.
BibleBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the blanks: For there are three that bear _______ _______ _______, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. (I John 5:7) (1 answer accepted)
BibleBot: Unclaimed answer: record in heaven,.
BibleBot: Game is paused.
Goosey: oh, okay
ThePhan: I was not even close.
Nyperold: Oh, record.
Sam: I said "witness in heaven."
Nyperold: Same.
[BlankBot->Fishy] Your turn! Fill in the blank: money ______.
BlankBot: How do you think Fishy completed the following? money ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for money pit.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for money in the bank.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for money bags.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for money talks.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for money matters.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for money bank.
Sam: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 4
10Kan: vote 2
Kalimeris: vote 3
Randy: vote 1
TalkingDog: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 1
Fishy: vote 2
Goosey: vote 3
Maryam: vote 1
LuckyWizard: vote 2
NessaChan has entered.
Nyperold: Hello!
10Kan: Hey NessaChan!
TalkingDog: NESSA
Randy: Nessa!
Sam: Hi!!
NessaChan: howdydoo
NessaChan: A little fairy told me there was botting going on
ThePhan: CamouFairy?
10Kan: Did she tell you about the no pants thing?
BlankBot: Fishy answered money bags.
BlankBot: TalkingDog guessed money bags and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: 10Kan guessed money pit and is wrong.
BlankBot: Goosey guessed money bank and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kalimeris guessed money talks and is wrong.
BlankBot: LuckyWizard guessed money talks and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed money talks and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed money matters and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed money talks and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed money talks and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed money in the bank and is wrong.
BlankBot: Fishy's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: 10Kan submitted money pit and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Game is paused.
BibleBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the blanks: For God so loved the world, that he gave his _______ _______ _______, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) (1 answer accepted)
ThePhan: Heh. SOMEONE should get this one :-)
Randy: LOL
BibleBot: Claimed answer: only begotten Son, (ThePhan, Sam, Randy, Nyperold, Fishy, Goosey, 10Kan)
BibleBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, Fishy: +1, Goosey: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, Sam: +1, ThePhan: +1.
BibleBot: Game is paused.
10Kan: Sam: did you make it choose that verse?
Sam: 10K: no.
[BuzzBot->Maryam] You're up! Try to get someone to say diskette without saying it yourself. You are also prohibited from using any of these words: computer, small, drive, disk, floppy, save. Good luck!
BuzzBot: Maryam has been given a buzzword.
Maryam: This is the predecessor to CDs.
10Kan: tape
ThePhan: TD: I had to remember it in the right version.
Sam: tape
TalkingDog: cassette
ThePhan: records
Goosey: records
LuckyWizard: record
Kalimeris: cassette tapes
Sam: laserdisc
Maryam: Other predecessor.
10Kan: vinyl
ThePhan: eight track tapes
Sam: cassette
Fishy: ipod
Maryam: For things you type on.
Goosey: eight-track
Fishy: walkman
ThePhan: computer?
Sam: typewriter
ThePhan: floppy disk
Kalimeris: diskettes
10Kan: disk
BuzzBot: Kalimeris guesses diskette and is correct! Kalimeris and Maryam each get a point.
Nyperold: ediphone cylinders
10Kan: clay tablet
BuzzBot: Game is paused.
Maryam: YAY KALI
TalkingDog: I got the "ette" part right!
Goosey: TD: yay!
Maryam: LOL 10K.
CaptionBot: CaptionBot chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
LaZorra has entered.
10Kan: You should give it some Coca-Cola.
NessaChan: lol
LaZorra: 10K: LOL
* Goosey staples LaZorra to the floor.
LaZorra: The last thing I saw was Sam saying no ten-minute breaks would save like 5 hours.
Sam: LaZ: You haven't even missed 10 games yet. You're fine.
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for Jerry thought the prop department had been slacking off. "THIS is supposed to be a holy relic?"
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Removing your face is only recommended under heavy hallucinatory drugs.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for The cuteness! I cannot bear it!
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for I was only trying to take your pants off! Geez!
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for The Tasmanian Spitting Squirrel is a vicious beast, and utmost care must be taken when handling one.
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for YOU CAN'T SEE ME
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for OW!!! You spit on my face!
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for Young Ricardo's right hand filling in while his left is busy.
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for Little did Joshua know that his beloved pet was really the evil Count Rodentula. Tonight he would regret not getting a fish.
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for NO! Its the evil squirrel who ate my nuts!
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for EEEWWWW Squirrel cooties!
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for Ow! Ice cream! Why did you hit me?! I'm not putting up with this abusive relationship any longer. We're through Ice Cream! THROUGH!
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for Bob Ross's first attempt at keeping a pet squirrel was not such a pleasant experience.
Kalimeris: vote 13
TalkingDog: vote 2
Fishy: vote 12
Maryam: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 9
Goosey: vote 8
ThePhan: vote 3
Randy: vote 5
Sam: vote 6
LuckyWizard: vote 12
Sam: HM3
10Kan: vote 11
NessaChan: vote 13
LaZorra: vote 5
CaptionBot: 10Kan wins 2 points for The Tasmanian Spitting Squirrel is a vicious beast, and utmost care must be taken when handling one.
CaptionBot: Kalimeris wins 2 points for YOU CAN'T SEE ME
CaptionBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for Ow! Ice cream! Why did you hit me?! I'm not putting up with this abusive relationship any longer. We're through Ice Cream! THROUGH!
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for Bob Ross's first attempt at keeping a pet squirrel was not such a pleasant experience.
CaptionBot: Goosey wins 1 point for EEEWWWW Squirrel cooties!
CaptionBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for Removing your face is only recommended under heavy hallucinatory drugs.
CaptionBot: Maryam wins 1 point for The cuteness! I cannot bear it!
CaptionBot: TalkingDog wins 1 point for Young Ricardo's right hand filling in while his left is busy.
CaptionBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Little did Joshua know that his beloved pet was really the evil Count Rodentula. Tonight he would regret not getting a fish.
CaptionBot: Fishy wins 0 points for OW!!! You spit on my face!
CaptionBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for Jerry thought the prop department had been slacking off. "THIS is supposed to be a holy relic?"
CaptionBot: Randy wins 0 points for NO! Its the evil squirrel who ate my nuts!
CaptionBot: Sam wins 0 points for I was only trying to take your pants off! Geez!
CaptionBot: The search keyword was performance art.
CaptionBot: Game is paused.
NessaChan: lol that's a squirrel... I honestly thought he was holding an ice cream sundae
Randy: I thought it was ice cream at first
Sam: NC: Yours confused me at first until I realized that's what must have happened. Heheheh.
NessaChan: yeah, I just figured he had brain freeze
LuckyWizard: Oh, that's a squirrel! I thought it was some sort of plaster bust wearing a pith helmet.
LaZorra: LW: I thought it was a shrunken head.
ChainBot: Starting a new free-for-all game.
ChainBot: First valid answer scores. Start a new chain from the word 'waives'.
TalkingDog: waves
Randy: waves
ChainBot: TalkingDog continues the chain with the word waves and wins 1 point!
ChainBot: Everyone except TalkingDog, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'waves'.
[ChainBot->Randy] The word 'waves' is not one letter different from 'waves'.
ThePhan: waves
Maryam: laves
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 5, 3, 4, 4, 4. (1/18 accepted)
ThePhan: weaves
Nyperold: saves
Maryam: Oh uh, right.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for These Big Dogs Won't Stay.
CountBot: Vote 2 for Twice The Door Shut Onme.
CountBot: Vote 3 for Never Eat Peas. Ever. Yuck.
CountBot: Vote 4 for Smart And Cute Girl? Wooo!
CountBot: Vote 5 for Games Are Very Very Fast!
CountBot: Vote 6 for Happy Two Bare Bear Feet
CountBot: Vote 7 for Chimp Poo Will Rock Phan
CountBot: Vote 8 for Hello. Now Take Bath. Phew.
CountBot: Vote 9 for Those Two Boys Can't Talk.
CountBot: Vote 10 for Silly Men Mate With Gals.
CountBot: Vote 11 for That's Not Easy; Nope, Uh-uh.
Fishy: vote 10
NessaChan: vote 4
10Kan: vote 4
Kalimeris: vote 3
LuckyWizard: vote 8
TalkingDog: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 4
Sam: vote 4
Goosey: vote 8
Sam: 8 follows naturally from 7.
Maryam: vote 5
Goosey: LOL
Randy: vote 6
ThePhan: I'm a little offended by the idea that I can be vanquished by chimp poo.
Sam: Not vanquished. Just rocked.
Sam: Now go take a bath.
LaZorra: vote 5
ThePhan: Heh.
CountBot: Randy wins 5 points for Smart And Cute Girl? Wooo!
CountBot: Maryam wins 2 points for Hello. Now Take Bath. Phew.
CountBot: Sam wins 2 points for Games Are Very Very Fast!
CountBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for Never Eat Peas. Ever. Yuck.
CountBot: Goosey wins 1 point for Happy Two Bare Bear Feet
CountBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for Silly Men Mate With Gals.
CountBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for That's Not Easy; Nope, Uh-uh.
CountBot: Fishy wins 0 points for Chimp Poo Will Rock Phan
CountBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Those Two Boys Can't Talk.
CountBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for These Big Dogs Won't Stay.
CountBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Twice The Door Shut Onme.
CountBot: Game is paused.
CountryBot: Starting a new quiz game:
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Baku is the capital of what country? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Azerbaijan (LuckyWizard, ThePhan)
CountryBot: Scores this round: LuckyWizard: +1, ThePhan: +1.
NessaChan: Bakganistan
CountryBot: Game is paused.
Randy: Holy what?
10Kan: It's a birthday miracle!
ThePhan: There is no freakin WAY that was correct.
Sam: TP: WOW! That RULES!
ThePhan: That's amazing.
CrackBot: NessaChan asks: How do you feel about trampolines? (1/* accepted)
10Kan: Now is this whobot or crackbot?
Maryam: Crack is next alphabetically.
Sam: 10K: The "CrackBot" prefixing the question is a clever clue.
10Kan: Oooooh.
NessaChan: hahaha
Maryam: Oh yeah, there is that.
Sam: LOL
CrackBot: Time's up! The question was: How do you feel about trampolines?
CrackBot: Vote for the best answer to the question. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CrackBot: Vote 1 for I feel tickled pink.
CrackBot: Vote 2 for They are tasty.
CrackBot: Vote 3 for I think, sadly, I have far greater feelings for trampolines than they do for me. I confess my love to them frequently but they've never reciprocated.
CrackBot: Vote 4 for I love trampolines! Who the heck doesn't?
CrackBot: Vote 5 for Charlie has little tiny trampolines in the soles of his shoes. Probably.
CrackBot: Vote 6 for Tramp (boing) olines (boing) are oka (boing WEEE)y. Just (boing) okay though.
CrackBot: Vote 7 for Boing! Boingboingboing! Boingboingboingboingboingboingboing...
CrackBot: Vote 8 for Great when you're falling out of a tall building.
CrackBot: Vote 9 for Great for outdoor sleepovers. And cuddling.
CrackBot: Vote 10 for They complement my naturally bouncy personality.
CrackBot: Vote 11 for A little ju--no, that's lame.
CrackBot: Vote 12 for They are okay. I'm not sure if they're worth having a big brown dead spot in your back yard for... and once I got my foot stuck between the springs and almost broke my leg, but they are fun to hop hop hop hop...
ThePhan: vote 8
Maryam: vote 5
10Kan: vote 9
Kalimeris: vote 5
Fishy: vote 9
Randy: cuddling?
NessaChan: vote 3
Goosey: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 6
TalkingDog: vote 6
LuckyWizard: vote 3
Randy: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 5
Nyperold: With someone upon, probably.
Sam: vote 10
CrackBot: Fishy wins 3 points for Tramp (boing) olines (boing) are oka (boing WEEE)y. Just (boing) okay though.
CrackBot: Sam wins 3 points for Charlie has little tiny trampolines in the soles of his shoes. Probably.
CrackBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for I think, sadly, I have far greater feelings for trampolines than they do for me. I confess my love to them frequently but they've never reciprocated.
CrackBot: Goosey wins 2 points for Great for outdoor sleepovers. And cuddling.
CrackBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for Great when you're falling out of a tall building.
CrackBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for They complement my naturally bouncy personality.
CrackBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for I feel tickled pink.
CrackBot: Maryam wins 0 points for Boing! Boingboingboing! Boingboingboingboingboingboingboing...
CrackBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for They are okay. I'm not sure if they're worth having a big brown dead spot in your back yard for... and once I got my foot stuck between the springs and almost broke my leg, but they are fun to hop hop hop hop...
CrackBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for A little ju--no, that's lame.
CrackBot: Randy wins 0 points for I love trampolines! Who the heck doesn't?
CrackBot: TalkingDog wins 0 points for They are tasty.
CrackBot: Game is paused.
Sam: I predict Randy wins the next game.
Sam: In a tie.
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Randy rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Kalimeris: 6 6 5
Maryam: 3 7 5
Goosey: 5 7 6
10Kan: 4 7 3
Fishy: 3 6 4
ThePhan: 3 6 4
NessaChan: 6 5 5
Kalimeris: 5 6 5
Sam: 5 7 7
LuckyWizard: 6 5 5
TalkingDog: 4 6 5
CuteBot: Randy's ratings were: 4 6 5.
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 4 6 5 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 5 6 5 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Fishy guesses 3 6 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: ThePhan guesses 3 6 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 3 7 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: 10Kan guesses 4 7 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Goosey guesses 5 7 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 6 5 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 6 5 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 5 7 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Sam guesses 5 7 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Nyperold guesses 7 7 7 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 5, so Randy earns 5 points.
CuteBot: Game is paused.
Kalimeris: PSYCHIC
Randy: WOO!
Maryam: Nice, TD!
* Randy high-fives TalkingDog
Sam: Attention.
Kalimeris: Uh oh
* NessaChan pays attention
Randy: Yes?
Sam: For anyone still wearing pants, please follow these instructions:
Sam: Thank you.
Maryam: LOL
Goosey: LOL LOL
10Kan: LOL
TalkingDog: LOL
NessaChan: lol
10Kan: Oh, but don't forget to remove the pin.
Randy: LOL
Sam: (I can't believe I didn't think of that joke ages ago.)
HogBot: Sam offers to trade 1 card.
Maryam: I forget the syntax.
HogBot: ThePhan offers to trade 1 card.
Sam: /b 789
HogBot: ThePhan trades 1 card with Sam.
HogBot: Nyperold offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: TalkingDog offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: LuckyWizard offers to trade 1 card.
Sam: Or /b 789 thephan
HogBot: ThePhan trades 1 card with Nyperold.
HogBot: Sam trades 1 card with LuckyWizard.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 1 card.
Maryam: Ok, thanks.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 1 card with TalkingDog.
HogBot: Sam trades 1 card with Maryam.
HogBot: 10Kan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Nyperold offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Goosey offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: LuckyWizard offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 1 card with NessaChan.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: 10Kan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sam trades 1 card with Goosey.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 2 cards with Maryam.
HogBot: TalkingDog offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sam offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 2 cards with Sam.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: TalkingDog offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Randy offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 2 cards with TalkingDog.
HogBot: Sam trades 1 card with NessaChan.
HogBot: Kalimeris offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: LuckyWizard trades 1 card with 10Kan.
HogBot: Goosey offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 2 cards with Kalimeris.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Sam trades 1 card with NessaChan.
HogBot: Sam trades 1 card with Goosey.
HogBot: Kalimeris offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: ThePhan offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Randy offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: TalkingDog trades 2 cards with Maryam.
HogBot: Goosey offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: LuckyWizard trades 1 card with Randy.
HogBot: Kalimeris offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sam offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Fishy offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam trades 1 card with Goosey.
HogBot: Nyperold offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: TalkingDog offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Kalimeris trades 1 card with Sam.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam trades 1 card with NessaChan.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 2 cards with TalkingDog.
HogBot: Sam offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Randy offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: LuckyWizard offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Goosey offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam trades 1 card with Randy.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 2 cards with LuckyWizard.
NessaChan: I have no idea what I'm doing
HogBot: TalkingDog offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: ThePhan offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Kalimeris trades 2 cards with TalkingDog.
HogBot: LuckyWizard offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: ThePhan offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Sam trades 2 cards with LuckyWizard.
HogBot: TalkingDog offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Sam trades 2 cards with ThePhan.
HogBot: Maryam trades 3 cards with TalkingDog.
HogBot: Sam offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Goosey offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: ThePhan offers to trade 2 cards.
Nyperold: Trying to collect all of one kind of card.
HogBot: Kalimeris offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: TalkingDog trades 2 cards with ThePhan.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 1 card with Kalimeris.
Goosey: How do you accept a trade?
HogBot: Sam offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: LuckyWizard offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 1 card with Sam.
HogBot: TalkingDog offers to trade 1 card.
Sam: Goosey: /b 89 kalimeris
HogBot: TalkingDog offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Kalimeris offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 1 card with TalkingDog.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 1 card with NessaChan.
HogBot: Nyperold trades 1 card with LuckyWizard.
HogBot: Randy offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 2 cards with Kalimeris.
Sam: Goosey: Or, if you offer one with "/b 89" someone will accept it for you.
HogBot: Goosey trades 1 card with Randy.
HogBot: TalkingDog offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: ThePhan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Kalimeris offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Sam trades 2 cards with TalkingDog.
HogBot: ThePhan offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Maryam trades 3 cards with Kalimeris.
HogBot: Randy offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Sam trades 2 cards with ThePhan.
HogBot: Nyperold offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: TalkingDog offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Goosey offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Sam trades 2 cards with Nyperold.
HogBot: LuckyWizard offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Kalimeris offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 2 cards with Goosey.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sam offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Randy offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 1 card with NessaChan.
Goosey: LOL
HogBot: Nyperold offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: TalkingDog offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with Randy.
HogBot: ThePhan offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Sam trades 1 card with TalkingDog.
HogBot: TalkingDog trades 1 card with Nyperold.
HogBot: Kalimeris offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Goosey offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sam trades 3 cards with ThePhan.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Randy trades 1 card with Goosey.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: TalkingDog offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sam trades 1 card with Maryam.
HogBot: LuckyWizard offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: ThePhan offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Nyperold offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Kalimeris offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 3 cards.
* LaZorra has forgotten how to play.
HogBot: TalkingDog trades 1 card with LuckyWizard.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Randy offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Goosey trades 2 cards with Randy.
Sam: Ok, all idle players will be sent /away in a moment.
HogBot: Kalimeris trades 1 card with NessaChan.
HogBot: TalkingDog offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: LuckyWizard offers to trade 2 cards.
10Kan is away.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 2 cards.
Sam: If you're here and playing, deidle now.
HogBot: Kalimeris offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 3 cards with Maryam.
HogBot: Goosey offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 3 cards.
Kalimeris: Hi
HogBot: Sam trades 1 card with 10Kan.
Nyperold: Hmm.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 1 card with Kalimeris.
LuckyWizard: HA!
HogBot: TalkingDog offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Randy offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 1 card with TalkingDog.
HogBot: Kalimeris offers to trade 3 cards.
LaZorra has been sent away by Sam.
Fishy has been sent away by Sam.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: LuckyWizard trades 2 cards with Randy.
HogBot: TalkingDog offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 3 cards with Kalimeris.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Randy trades 2 cards with NessaChan.
HogBot: Sam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Nyperold offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 3 cards with Sam.
HogBot: Sam trades 1 card with LaZorra.
HogBot: Goosey trades 1 card with TalkingDog.
HogBot: Sam trades 1 card with LaZorra.
HogBot: TalkingDog trades 1 card with Fishy.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: LuckyWizard offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Kalimeris offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: TalkingDog trades 1 card with LaZorra.
HogBot: ThePhan offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Sam trades 1 card with Fishy.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Randy offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sam trades 3 cards with Fishy.
HogBot: Goosey trades 1 card with NessaChan.
HogBot: Kalimeris trades 1 card with Randy.
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with LuckyWizard.
HogBot: Sam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: TalkingDog offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: ThePhan offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Kalimeris offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Randy offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Sam trades 1 card with 10Kan.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Goosey trades 1 card with TalkingDog.
HogBot: Kalimeris offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sam trades 3 cards with Maryam.
HogBot: Kalimeris offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Goosey offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sam trades 1 card with Fishy.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 3 cards with Kalimeris.
HogBot: TalkingDog trades 2 cards with Fishy.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 1 card with Goosey.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: TalkingDog trades 2 cards with LaZorra.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 3 cards with Maryam.
Sam: The round will be cut short in 1 minute.
HogBot: Randy offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: LuckyWizard trades 2 cards with Fishy.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 1 card with Fishy.
HogBot: Kalimeris offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: TalkingDog offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 3 cards with Fishy.
HogBot: Goosey offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Sam trades 1 card with Fishy.
HogBot: TalkingDog trades 1 card with Kalimeris.
HogBot: Maryam offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sam offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: TalkingDog offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 1 card with Maryam.
HogBot: Randy offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: TalkingDog offers to trade 1 card.
HogBot: Sam offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Kalimeris trades 3 cards with Randy.
HogBot: LuckyWizard trades 2 cards with LaZorra.
HogBot: Sam trades 4 cards with LaZorra.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: ThePhan offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: TalkingDog trades 2 cards with LaZorra.
Fishy has left.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Sam offers to trade 4 cards.
HogBot: Maryam trades 3 cards with ThePhan.
HogBot: Randy offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Kalimeris offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: Goosey offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: TalkingDog trades 1 card with LaZorra.
HogBot: LuckyWizard trades 3 cards with 10Kan.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 3 cards with Kalimeris.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Goosey trades 2 cards with Randy.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 1 card with Fishy.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 1 card with Fishy.
HogBot: LuckyWizard trades 2 cards with Fishy.
HogBot: Sam trades 2 cards with Fishy.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: Maryam trades 2 cards with NessaChan.
HogBot: Sam trades 2 cards with Fishy.
HogBot: NessaChan offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: LuckyWizard trades 2 cards with NessaChan.
HogBot: ThePhan trades 3 cards with Fishy.
HogBot: Goosey offers to trade 2 cards.
HogBot: TalkingDog trades 2 cards with Goosey.
HogBot: Randy offers to trade 3 cards.
HogBot: The round is cut short.
HogBot: Scores: TalkingDog: +6, LaZorra: +5, LuckyWizard: +5, Sam: +5, ThePhan: +5, Goosey: +4, Kalimeris: +4, 10Kan: +3, Fishy: +3, Maryam: +3, NessaChan: +3, Randy: +3, Nyperold: +2.
HogBot: Game is paused.
Randy: wow
TalkingDog: augh
ThePhan: ...That is a bit awkward out of context.
* TalkingDog had spare eyebrows and a piranha.
JumbleBot: Starting a new quiz game:
JumbleBot: Next Grid (use /b): (8 answers)
JumbleBot:  Y R G M
JumbleBot:  O M U A
JumbleBot:  E A C I
JumbleBot:  O G A S
JumbleBot: Reminder (use /b): (8 answers)
JumbleBot:  Y R G M
JumbleBot:  O M U A
JumbleBot:  E A C I
JumbleBot:  O G A S
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: emus (Sam, ThePhan, Kalimeris)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: eras (ThePhan)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: ergs (LuckyWizard)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: orca (TalkingDog, Kalimeris, ThePhan, Randy, LuckyWizard)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: orcs (TalkingDog, Sam)
JumbleBot: Unclaimed answer: eggs.
JumbleBot: Unclaimed answer: ogam.
JumbleBot: Unclaimed answer: yagi.
JumbleBot: Scores this round: ThePhan: +3, Kalimeris: +2, LuckyWizard: +2, Sam: +2, TalkingDog: +2, Randy: +1.
JumbleBot: Game is paused.
Goosey: gah
10Kan is back.
KickMoleBot: Sam pops out of the ground.
Maryam: I could not find any words in there. Dang.
NessaChan: I would have gotten Ogam if I remembered how to play
KickMoleBot: Sam escapes safely underground.
KickMoleBot: Game is paused.
LuckyWizard: whack sam
Kalimeris: LAME
Sam: Phew.
NessaChan: hehe
LetterBot: Make up a sentence using only the letters C, D, O, P, R, T, U. (1/18 accepted)
LetterBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LetterBot: Vote 1 for Pop, cop drop top!
LetterBot: Vote 2 for Poor Dot cut our pot.
LetterBot: Vote 3 for Cod port or poor pod cot?
LetterBot: Vote 4 for PROUD!!!!!!!!
LetterBot: Vote 5 for Cut! Put cod up, Todd! Drop port!
LetterBot: Vote 6 for Court coup toot prod up rout
LetterBot: Vote 7 for Proud doctor!
LetterBot: Vote 8 for CRUD!
LetterBot: Vote 9 for Poor Dot, root rot.
Sam: vote 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TalkingDog: vote 2
Maryam: vote 2
NessaChan: vote 8
Sam: 12, AnD WHY IS IT YOUR BIZ???????????
ThePhan: vote 8
Randy: vote 7
10Kan: vote 5
Goosey: vote 9
Nyperold: vote 2
LuckyWizard: vote 4
LaZorra has been hauled back by Sam.
LetterBot: NessaChan wins 3 points for Poor Dot cut our pot.
LetterBot: Maryam wins 2 points for PROUD!!!!!!!!
LetterBot: Sam wins 2 points for CRUD!
LetterBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Cut! Put cod up, Todd! Drop port!
LetterBot: Randy wins 1 point for Poor Dot, root rot.
LetterBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Proud doctor!
LetterBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for Court coup toot prod up rout
LetterBot: Goosey wins 0 points for Cod port or poor pod cot?
LetterBot: TalkingDog wins 0 points for Pop, cop drop top!
LetterBot: Game is paused.
KickMoleBot: Sam pops out of the ground.
Sam: whack sam
ThePhan: whacks am
TalkingDog: whack sma
KickMoleBot: Sam wallops Sam with a rabid dog. Ouch!
ThePhan: whack sam
TalkingDog: whack sam
LuckyWizard: whack sam
KickMoleBot: Game is paused.
Kalimeris: whack sam
Sam: That bot has it out for me.
LineBot: Make up a sentence using the words Goosey's. (1/* accepted)
Goosey: WOO!
LineBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
LineBot: Vote 1 for The botting really made Goosey's day.
LineBot: Vote 2 for Goosey's gonna destroy us all! Run!
LineBot: Vote 3 for Goosey's a treasure to us all.
LineBot: Vote 4 for Goosey's got reason to be concerned about this round.
LineBot: Vote 5 for Goosey's Guys gasp! Go Goosey Go! Gee, Goosey gets guys.
LineBot: Vote 6 for Goosey's cry of "WOO!" is a bit premature, since she has no idea what kinds of sentences about her will come out of this bot...
LineBot: Vote 7 for Goosey's got it going on!
LineBot: Vote 8 for GOOSEY'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and not wearing pants.
LineBot: Vote 9 for Goosey's pet hamster was named Phillipe. He liked to run in his hamster ball, climb the wall, read the Wall Street Journal, cook eggs, and shave the carpet.
LineBot: Vote 10 for Goosey's got a lot of explaining to do! Cuddling on a trampoline? Unsportsmanlike!
LineBot: Vote 11 for Goosey's favorite pants went BOOM
10Kan: vote 5
Kalimeris: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 10
Maryam: vote 5
Randy: vote 8
TalkingDog: vote 5
LuckyWizard: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 7
Sam: vote 9
Sam: HM11
Goosey: LOL LOL
ThePhan: ote 2
ThePhan: vote 2
Goosey: ote 4
Goosey: vote 4
TalkingDog: I like to ote. Ote. Ote. Opples and banonoooos.
Goosey: TD: LOL YAY
Randy: LOL
10Kan: LOL
LineBot: Randy wins 3 points for Goosey's Guys gasp! Go Goosey Go! Gee, Goosey gets guys.
LineBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for Goosey's got a lot of explaining to do! Cuddling on a trampoline? Unsportsmanlike!
LineBot: Goosey wins 1 point for Goosey's got it going on!
LineBot: Maryam wins 1 point for Goosey's a treasure to us all.
LineBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Goosey's pet hamster was named Phillipe. He liked to run in his hamster ball, climb the wall, read the Wall Street Journal, cook eggs, and shave the carpet.
LineBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Goosey's got reason to be concerned about this round.
LineBot: Sam wins 1 point for GOOSEY'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and not wearing pants.
LineBot: TalkingDog wins 1 point for Goosey's gonna destroy us all! Run!
LineBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Goosey's cry of "WOO!" is a bit premature, since she has no idea what kinds of sentences about her will come out of this bot...
LineBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Goosey's favorite pants went BOOM
LineBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for The botting really made Goosey's day.
LineBot: Game is paused.
KickMoleBot: LaZorra pops out of the ground.
KickMoleBot: LaZorra escapes safely underground.
Sam: whack lazorra
TalkingDog: whack lazorra
ThePhan: whack lazrora
KickMoleBot: Game is paused.
TalkingDog: DANG
Sam: This is pathetic.
Randy: that was quick!
MatchBot: Maryam chose the adjective flirtatious for this round. (1/9 accepted)
Sam: match 1
Maryam: match 6
Sam: match 5
ThePhan: match 3
TalkingDog: match 3
Goosey: match 7
NessaChan: match 1
10Kan: match 2
Kalimeris: match 3
Randy: match 7
LuckyWizard: match 7
Nyperold: match 2
NessaChan: match 6
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective flirtatious. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for going to Grandma's.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for having a baby.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for kissing LaZorra.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for hips.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for salsa dancing.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for William Shatner.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for touching Kalimeris.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for smooching.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for Goosey's friends.
Maryam: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 6
LaZorra: vote 7
Goosey: Whoa.
TalkingDog: vote 8
Kalimeris: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 6
LuckyWizard: vote 4
Goosey: vote 9
LaZorra: Although, I would not mind being kissed . . .
Randy: vote 6
Sam: vote 3
10Kan: vote 5
Sam: "Hey there, good-lookin'!" ....... *wink* ......... *have a baby*
TalkingDog: LOL
Randy: LOL
ThePhan: I want to live in a world where having a baby is a form of flirting.
ThePhan: For males AND females.
Goosey: LOL LOL
NessaChan: lol lol
MatchBot: Maryam wins 3 points for William Shatner.
MatchBot: Goosey wins 2 points for hips.
MatchBot: Randy wins 2 points for salsa dancing.
MatchBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for Goosey's friends.
MatchBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for going to Grandma's.
MatchBot: TalkingDog wins 1 point for kissing LaZorra.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for smooching.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for touching Kalimeris.
MatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for having a baby.
MatchBot: Game is paused.
KickMoleBot: Nyperold pops out of the ground.
Sam: whack nyperold
Maryam: whack nyperold
[RinkChat] User Nyperold has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Sam bats Nyperold with a sack of wet rice. Score!
Nyperold has left.
Goosey: whack nyperold
ThePhan: whack nyperold
KickMoleBot: Game is paused.
Nyperold has entered.
MathBot: Starting a new quiz game:
MathBot: Question (use /b): Which digit occurs in all three numbers?  4447600, 4245278, 9027521
Sam: Heh. Figures it would be the world's easiest question type in quiz mode.
10Kan: 7
Randy: USE B
Maryam: 10K: /b
10Kan: :(
* Goosey HUGS 10Kan!
MathBot: Sam wins a point with answer 7.
MathBot: TalkingDog wins a point with answer 7.
MathBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer 7.
MathBot: Goosey wins a point with answer 7.
MathBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer 7.
MathBot: Maryam wins a point with answer 7.
MathBot: 10Kan wins a point with answer 7.
MathBot: Randy wins a point with answer 7.
MathBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer 7.
MathBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer 7.
MathBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer 7.
MathBot: Game is paused.
TalkingDog: ?B &
TalkingDog: Darn. Too late to try a capital 7.
Sam: TD: LOL
Sam: "Dude, do you see that chick over there? She just had a baby at you! She's totally coming onto you, dude!"
TalkingDog: LOL
Goosey: LOL
* LaZorra cracks up!
ThePhan: Having a baby AT someone sounds like a thoroughly unpleasant experience.
ThePhan: For that person, anyway.
ThePhan: The baby goes flying into your arms, and you're left with no choice but to ask the woman out.
Goosey: TP: LOL
LaZorra: LOL
MovieBot: Next round! Name the movie described by the following clues:
MovieBot: Clue 1/10: Star #1: Lillian Gish.
MovieBot: Clue 2/10: Director: D.W. Griffith.
Sam: intolerance
MovieBot: Clue 3/10: Star #4: Miriam Cooper.
Goosey: uhh
Sam: broken blossoms
10Kan: the fall of babylon
MovieBot: Clue 4/10: Star #3: Henry B. Walthall.
Sam: way down east
MovieBot: Clue 5/10: Star #2: Mae Marsh.
* Goosey just lets Sam play this one. ..
Nyperold: birth of a nation
MovieBot: Nyperold says The Birth of a Nation (1915) and is right!
Nyperold: Whoa.
MovieBot: Game is paused.
PokerBot: ====================================================
PokerBot: New hand! Vanilla ($1). 10 seats.
PokerBot: Playing this hand: Kalimeris, 10Kan, TalkingDog, Maryam, Sam, ThePhan, LuckyWizard, Randy, Goosey, NessaChan
PokerBot: Kalimeris antes $0.10.
PokerBot: 10Kan antes $0.10.
PokerBot: TalkingDog antes $0.10.
PokerBot: Maryam antes $0.10.
PokerBot: Sam antes $0.10.
PokerBot: ThePhan antes $0.10.
PokerBot: LuckyWizard antes $0.10.
PokerBot: Randy antes $0.10.
PokerBot: Goosey antes $0.10.
PokerBot: NessaChan antes $0.10.
[PokerBot->10Kan] Your hand: 2 7 4 8 2.
[PokerBot->TalkingDog] Your hand: 3 10 6 K 2.
[PokerBot->Maryam] Your hand: J 4 8 A 10.
[PokerBot->Sam] Your hand: A 9 8 9 9.
[PokerBot->ThePhan] Your hand: 5 K 6 K 6.
[PokerBot->LuckyWizard] Your hand: Q 5 3 10 5.
[PokerBot->Randy] Your hand: 8 7 9 2 10.
[PokerBot->Goosey] Your hand: 4 3 Q J 6.
[PokerBot->NessaChan] Your hand: 4 7 K J A.
[PokerBot->Kalimeris] Your hand: J Q A Q 5.
[PokerBot->Kalimeris] Bet: $1.00.  Pot: $1.00.  Would you like to forcefold, check, or bet?
Randy: LOL
Randy: POKER
10Kan: fold
Kalimeris: check
PokerBot: Kalimeris checks. Pot is $1.00. 10Kan's turn.
Kalimeris: I forgot how to play poker for a second
[PokerBot->10Kan] Your hand: 2 7 4 8 2.
[PokerBot->10Kan] Bet: $1.00.  Pot: $1.00.  Would you like to forcefold, check, or bet?
10Kan: LOL
10Kan: fold
10Kan: fine.
10Kan: check
PokerBot: 10Kan checks. Pot is $1.00. TalkingDog's turn.
[PokerBot->TalkingDog] Your hand: 3 10 6 K 2.
[PokerBot->TalkingDog] Bet: $1.00.  Pot: $1.00.  Would you like to forcefold, check, or bet?
Maryam: I don't know how to play poker.
Goosey: I've never played hardly at all LOL
ThePhan: Maryam: Me either.
Sam: It'll tell you what you can do when it's your turn.
Goosey: okay
PokerBot: TalkingDog checks. Pot is $1.00. Maryam's turn.
[PokerBot->Maryam] Your hand: J 4 8 A 10.
[PokerBot->Maryam] Bet: $1.00.  Pot: $1.00.  Would you like to forcefold, check, or bet?
10Kan: Is this going to be just one hand?
Sam: 10K: Yeah.
Maryam: I guess I'll check, since everyone else is doing it?
Maryam: I don't know what those mean though.
Sam: check is no bet.
Maryam: check
PokerBot: Maryam checks. Pot is $1.00. Sam's turn.
[PokerBot->Sam] Your hand: A 9 8 9 9.
[PokerBot->Sam] Bet: $1.00.  Pot: $1.00.  Would you like to forcefold, check, or bet?
Sam: bet
PokerBot: Sam bets $1.00. Pot is $2.00. ThePhan's turn.
[PokerBot->ThePhan] Your hand: 5 K 6 K 6.
[PokerBot->ThePhan] Call: $1.00.  Raise: $2.00.  Pot: $2.00.  Would you like to fold, call, or raise?
10Kan: Poker is really all about peer pressure. Now you're winning!
Randy: hehe
ThePhan: Heck, it's only one hand.
ThePhan: raise! Raise a trillion and eight dollars!
10Kan: LOL
Randy: YEAH
ThePhan: bet
PokerBot: ThePhan folds by default (time-out). LuckyWizard's turn.
10Kan: Aww!
Goosey: LOL
ThePhan: Hmph.
[PokerBot->LuckyWizard] Your hand: Q 5 3 10 5.
[PokerBot->LuckyWizard] Call: $1.00.  Raise: $2.00.  Pot: $2.00.  Would you like to fold, call, or raise?
Sam: Now that I've bet, you'll get to "call" (match my bet with one of your own) or "raise" (match it and put in an additional bet). Or you can fold, takes you out of the hand.
ThePhan: Oh. Heh.
LuckyWizard: fold
PokerBot: LuckyWizard folds. Randy's turn.
[PokerBot->Randy] Your hand: 8 7 9 2 10.
[PokerBot->Randy] Call: $1.00.  Raise: $2.00.  Pot: $2.00.  Would you like to fold, call, or raise?
Randy: call
PokerBot: Randy calls $1.00. Pot is $3.00. Goosey's turn.
[PokerBot->Goosey] Your hand: 4 3 Q J 6.
[PokerBot->Goosey] Call: $1.00.  Raise: $2.00.  Pot: $3.00.  Would you like to fold, call, or raise?
* ThePhan was going to raise.
Goosey: fold
PokerBot: Goosey folds. NessaChan's turn.
[PokerBot->NessaChan] Your hand: 4 7 K J A.
[PokerBot->NessaChan] Call: $1.00.  Raise: $2.00.  Pot: $3.00.  Would you like to fold, call, or raise?
Maryam: Is there no exchanging of cards? I thought that was part of poker.
NessaChan: call
PokerBot: NessaChan calls $1.00. Pot is $4.00. Kalimeris's turn.
[PokerBot->Kalimeris] Your hand: J Q A Q 5.
[PokerBot->Kalimeris] Call: $1.00.  Raise: $2.00.  Pot: $4.00.  Would you like to fold, call, or raise?
Goosey: Maryam: Yeah, where did that go? I hate the hand I was dealt
Sam: Maryam: In some variants.
Maryam: Ah. Ok.
Kalimeris: call
PokerBot: Kalimeris calls $1.00. Pot is $5.00. 10Kan's turn.
[PokerBot->10Kan] Your hand: 2 7 4 8 2.
[PokerBot->10Kan] Call: $1.00.  Raise: $2.00.  Pot: $5.00.  Would you like to fold, call, or raise?
10Kan: call
PokerBot: 10Kan calls $1.00. Pot is $6.00. TalkingDog's turn.
[PokerBot->TalkingDog] Your hand: 3 10 6 K 2.
[PokerBot->TalkingDog] Call: $1.00.  Raise: $2.00.  Pot: $6.00.  Would you like to fold, call, or raise?
Goosey: LOL
Randy: LOL
TalkingDog: fold
PokerBot: TalkingDog folds. Maryam's turn.
[PokerBot->Maryam] Your hand: J 4 8 A 10.
[PokerBot->Maryam] Call: $1.00.  Raise: $2.00.  Pot: $6.00.  Would you like to fold, call, or raise?
Maryam: If we're going alphabetically, didn't we skip PicMatch?
Goosey: All I had was Queen-high. :-P
Maryam: fold
PokerBot: Maryam folds.
PokerBot: ------------------------------------------------------------
PokerBot: Showdown!
PokerBot: Kalimeris has: J Q A Q 5 (Pair of Queens, Ace/Jack/Five Kickers).
PokerBot: 10Kan has: 2 7 4 8 2 (Pair of Twos, Eight/Seven/Four Kickers).
PokerBot: Sam has: A 9 8 9 9 (Trip Nines, Ace/Eight Kickers).
PokerBot: Randy has: 8 7 9 2 10 (Ten High, Nine/Eight/Seven/Two Kickers).
PokerBot: NessaChan has: 4 7 K J A (Ace High, King/Jack/Seven/Four Kickers).
PokerBot: Sam wins the $6.00 pot!
PokerBot: Game is paused.
SearchBot: Starting a new game:
SearchBot: Starting a new game:
TalkingDog: ...?
Goosey: ?
Randy: uh-oh
Sam: Hrm. Search is broken. One second.
Goosey: B0rKeN!
SearchBot: Starting a new game:
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the most search results? (1) The_Scotsman, (2) janet, (3) Hero_Man, (4) Silon, (5) Cheetahlicious, (6) randomblend, (7) Ferrick, (8) Affenmensch, (9) Hola.
Sam: .b 5
Randy: I think
Sam: Oops.
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: Hero_Man (62,200,000) [+3]
SearchBot: Answer: janet (58,200,000) [+2] (Goosey, ThePhan)
SearchBot: Answer: Hola (11,300,000) [+1] (10Kan, Kalimeris, LuckyWizard, Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Randy, Sam, TalkingDog)
SearchBot: Answer: The_Scotsman (2,060,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Ferrick (229,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Silon (42,900)
SearchBot: Answer: Affenmensch (7,250) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: Cheetahlicious (1,390) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: randomblend (26) [-3]
SearchBot: Game is paused.
Kalimeris: ... hero_man?
TalkingDog: Uh. Hm.
10Kan: Seriously?
Kalimeris: Seriously?
ThePhan: Really? Huh.
10Kan: jinx!
Kalimeris: BAM BAM
Sam: I predict Randy will win the next game in a tie.
HotOrNotBot:  ,  ,  
HotOrNotBot: What do you think Randy rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Randy: hehe
ThePhan: It has been at LEAST a year since I've played HoN.
Maryam: 7 5 2
Sam: 6 5 1
ThePhan: Not that that means anything here.
NessaChan: 6 7 2
10Kan: 5 4 2
ThePhan: 6 5 2
TalkingDog: 5 3 2
Sam: It's been a long time for everyone.
Randy: We haven't played in FOREVER
Goosey: 7 6 3
LuckyWizard: 6 6 1
ThePhan: I didn't play it over UBT4 either.
Kalimeris: 7 5 1
Nyperold: 5 6 3
HotOrNotBot: Randy's ratings were: 5 6 3.
HotOrNotBot: Nyperold guesses 5 6 3 (correct) and scores 5 points!
HotOrNotBot: Goosey guesses 7 6 3 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
HotOrNotBot: 10Kan guesses 5 4 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotBot: ThePhan guesses 6 5 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotBot: LuckyWizard guesses 6 6 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotBot: NessaChan guesses 6 7 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
HotOrNotBot: TalkingDog guesses 5 3 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotBot: Sam guesses 6 5 1 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotBot: Maryam guesses 7 5 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
HotOrNotBot: Kalimeris guesses 7 5 1 (off by 5) and does not score.
HotOrNotBot: The highest score was 5, so Randy earns 5 points.
HotOrNotBot: Game is paused.
Randy: TIE
Sam: Wow, another 5 pointer.
* Randy high-fives Nyperold!
SinbadBot: Nyperold glitters and makes weird noises.
SinbadBot: Nyperold remains safely in place.
Maryam: budge nyperold
ThePhan: budge nyerikd
ThePhan: Wow.
Maryam: LOL Phan
ThePhan: Yeah, Nyerikd too.
Sam: LOL
Goosey: LOL LOL
SinbadBot: Game is paused.
ThePhan: Note how I sneaked "Erik," the Phantom of the Opera, in there.
SnagBot: Rules: Disadvantageous Bad Trades Disallowed, Can Steal Items From Others, Can Pass Along Bad Items Given To You.
Randy: hehe
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: skull [-1], zamboni [3], nails [2], scoop [2], acorn [1], emerald [3], goldfish [5], bauble [2], tent [1]
SnagBot: Sam furnishes the skull [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Sam ensnares the scoop [2].
ThePhan: snag zamboni
SnagBot: Sam collars the acorn [1].
ThePhan: Er.
SnagBot: Sam fetches the emerald [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan obtains the zamboni [3].
SnagBot: TalkingDog yoinks the zamboni [3].
SnagBot: Sam pulls in the goldfish [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard annexes the goldfish [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan pulls in the nails [2].
SnagBot: Sam entraps the bauble [2].
SnagBot: TalkingDog pinches the emerald [3].
SnagBot: Maryam attains the emerald [3].
SnagBot: Sam snatches the tent [1].
SnagBot: TalkingDog pilfers the bauble [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard captures the tent [1].
SnagBot: TalkingDog acquires the tent [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan abducts the goldfish [5].
SnagBot: Sam takes the zamboni [3].
SnagBot: Randy appropriates the goldfish [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard abducts the zamboni [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan obtains the bauble [2].
SnagBot: Maryam hands the skull [-1] to Sam.
SnagBot: TalkingDog seizes the nails [2].
SnagBot: TalkingDog commandeers the scoop [2].
SnagBot: Sam secures the nails [2].
SnagBot: NessaChan confiscates the tent [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nabs the goldfish [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the goldfish [5], zamboni [3], for 8 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the emerald [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Sam has the nails [2], skull [-1], acorn [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: TalkingDog has the scoop [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the bauble [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: NessaChan has the tent [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Game is paused.
StackBot: Starting a new free-for-all game.
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  B A D E
StackBot:  P U P S
StackBot:  C R I B
ThePhan: I definitely forgot how to play Snag at first.
ThePhan: soap
LuckyWizard: ever
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with soap and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  B A D E
StackBot:  P U P S
StackBot:  C R I B
StackBot:  S O A P
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with ever and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  B A D E
StackBot:  P U P S
StackBot:  C R I B
StackBot:  S O A P
StackBot:  E V E R
Nyperold: heth
TalkingDog: star
StateBot: Starting a new quiz game:
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the largest city in Washington? (1 answer accepted)
Kalimeris: leap
Kalimeris: lead
Goosey: achy
StateBot: Claimed answer: Seattle (TalkingDog, Maryam, NessaChan, Sam, Kalimeris, LuckyWizard, ThePhan, Randy)
StateBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Randy: +1, Sam: +1, TalkingDog: +1, ThePhan: +1.
StateBot: Game is paused.
Goosey: LATE
Nyperold: I couldn't think of anything but Olympia until it was too late.
TitleBot: NessaChan chose the word Nyperold for this round. (1/9 accepted)
TitleBot: Make up the name of a video game using the word Nyperold and words in your hand. (1/9 accepted)
Randy: woo!
TitleBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
TitleBot: Vote 1 for Nyperold Castle Bomberman Magic.
TitleBot: Vote 2 for Nyperold and Crystal, Deathlords.
TitleBot: Vote 3 for Nyperold Soldier Shack.
TitleBot: Vote 4 for Nyperold Power: the 31st Monochrome Marines.
TitleBot: Vote 5 for Nyperold Love Wars.
TitleBot: Vote 6 for Great Yeti Dictator Nyperold.
TitleBot: Vote 7 for Nyperold Action Adventure Attack Quest Wars.
TitleBot: Vote 8 for Tremendous Nyperold Hunter Shootout!.
TitleBot: Vote 9 for Super Nyperold Bond: Lagoon Tales.
Kalimeris: Vote 5
Sam: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 6
TalkingDog: vote 2
NessaChan: vote 2
Goosey: vote 5
Maryam: vote 4
Randy: vote 1
LuckyWizard: vote 6
10Kan: vote 2
TitleBot: LuckyWizard wins 4 points for Nyperold and Crystal, Deathlords.
TitleBot: 10Kan wins 2 points for Great Yeti Dictator Nyperold.
TitleBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for Nyperold Love Wars.
TitleBot: Goosey wins 1 point for Nyperold Castle Bomberman Magic.
TitleBot: TalkingDog wins 1 point for Nyperold Power: the 31st Monochrome Marines.
TitleBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Nyperold Soldier Shack.
TitleBot: Maryam wins 0 points for Super Nyperold Bond: Lagoon Tales.
TitleBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Nyperold Action Adventure Attack Quest Wars.
TitleBot: Sam wins 0 points for Tremendous Nyperold Hunter Shootout!.
TitleBot: Game is paused.
SinbadBot: LaZorra glitters and makes weird noises.
TalkingDog: budge lazorra
SinbadBot: TalkingDog dislodges LaZorra with an electronic whirr. TalkingDog is WINNING!
SinbadBot: 10Kan glitters and makes weird noises.
LuckyWizard: budge lazorra
ThePhan: budge 10kan
SinbadBot: ThePhan moves 10Kan with a spell. ThePhan is WINNING!
Goosey: budge 10kan
SinbadBot: Game is paused.
Randy: TD: NICE
Sam: Lucky. You got a second point in before I could pause.
* 10Kan flexes his enormous pectorals.
Randy: woo!
NessaChan: 10Kan Enormous Pectorals Action Adventure Wars
Goosey: LOL
VocaBot: Starting a new game:
VocaBot: Question: What word means disturbance? (1) cuisine, (2) gab, (3) commotion, (4) pock, (5) inceptive, (6) sinful.
* LuckyWizard has to go. Dinner!
Sam: Bye!
LuckyWizard has left.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: cuisine
VocaBot: Answer: gab (TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: commotion [+1] (10Kan, Goosey, Kalimeris, LuckyWizard, Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Randy, Sam, ThePhan)
VocaBot: Answer: pock
VocaBot: Answer: inceptive
VocaBot: Answer: sinful
VocaBot: Game is paused.
TalkingDog: Oops.
* Goosey HUGS TalkingDog!
Sam: Today marks the first tournament game of PokerBot or HoN we've ever played.
ThePhan: Whee!
NessaChan: I've never seen PokerBot played.
* TalkingDog HUGS Goose!
* TalkingDog HUGS y!
Goosey: LOL
WhoBot: Randy asks: What school supply did you never really need?
Sam: PokerBot is easily the most complex bot. You should summon it yourself and look at the bot window for it sometime.
Sam: It supports something like 22 variants.
Goosey: wow
NessaChan: wow!
Sam: And different ways to select the variants, different ways to set up a tournament, etc.
NessaChan: I've also never summoned a bot.
Sam: Oooh, you should. It's a trip.
Maryam: It's a feeling of POWAR.
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: A protractor. I mean, what the heck?
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: Compass. I had like 5 of them and only used them to stab things.
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: crayon sharpener
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: For some reason, when I was in eighth grade, I felt it was necessary to always wear to school a hip pack full of essentials such as marbles and lipstick, which I never ever used.
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: That stupid Hello Kitty pencil box my mom got me for my birthday. *shudder*
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: My compass sharpener. It always got in the way, too!
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: A compass. Who uses a compass? It's good for scratching your name into a desk, but seriously, I never used one until I was in college as an art major. Why is it even there? For stabbing bullies?
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: Slide rule. Little before my time.
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: I pretty much never used a handheld calculator. I used the computer one. Yay for being homeschooled.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) Kalimeris, (B) Sam, (C) Randy, (D) Nyperold, (E) Goosey, (F) NessaChan, (G) 10Kan, (H) Maryam, (I) ThePhan
Sam: LaZ: It was a girl round.
Sam: Thankfully.
Randy: They had pants on. Presumably
ThePhan: LOL
TalkingDog: Stupid pants.
Sam: Randy: I wasn't sure about two of them.
WhoBot: Randy (C) answered (1) A protractor. I mean, what the heck?
WhoBot: Sam (B) answered (2) Compass. I had like 5 of them and only used them to stab things.
WhoBot: Kalimeris (A) answered (3) crayon sharpener
WhoBot: Maryam (H) answered (4) For some reason, when I was in eighth grade, I felt it was necessary to always wear to school a hip pack full of essentials such as marbles and lipstick, which I never ever used.
WhoBot: 10Kan (G) answered (5) That stupid Hello Kitty pencil box my mom got me for my birthday. *shudder*
WhoBot: Nyperold (D) answered (6) My compass sharpener. It always got in the way, too!
WhoBot: NessaChan (F) answered (7) A compass. Who uses a compass? It's good for scratching your name into a desk, but seriously, I never used one until I was in college as an art major. Why is it even there? For stabbing bullies?
WhoBot: Goosey (E) answered (8) Slide rule. Little before my time.
WhoBot: ThePhan (I) answered (9) I pretty much never used a handheld calculator. I used the computer one. Yay for being homeschooled.
WhoBot: Kalimeris scores 3 points for guesses: C1, B2, E4, F5, G6, H7, I9.
WhoBot: NessaChan scores 2 points for guesses: H1, D2, A3, E4, G5, I6, C9.
WhoBot: Maryam scores 1 point for guesses: D1, C2, F3, A5, E6, G7, B8, I9.
WhoBot: Randy scores 1 point for guesses: A2, B3, E4, H5, F6, G7, D8, I9.
WhoBot: Goosey scores 0 points for guesses: B1, A2, D3, F4, I5, G6, H7, C9.
WhoBot: Nyperold scores 0 points for guesses: A1, C2, F3, H5.
WhoBot: Sam scores 0 points for guesses: A1, F3, I4, H5, C6, E7, G8, D9.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 0 points for guesses: H1, C2, F3, E4, A5, B6, D7, G8.
ThePhan: Yay me.
* 10Kan was too late.
* Goosey LOSES
WhoBot: Game is paused.
* 10Kan is the biggest loser here.
Sam: Wow. I thought sure the lipstick one was Randy.
Randy: pppbbbtttt
Goosey: Said the man in the pink skirt.
Randy: Then what's with the pumps?
WordBot: Starting a new quiz game:
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words made by scrambling and adding one letter to: ashore. (2 answers)
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words made by scrambling and adding one letter to: ashore. (2 answers)
Maryam: uhhhhh
NessaChan: aroshers
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: earshot.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: roaches.
WordBot: Game is paused.
Sam: Goosey: Almost!
Goosey: Oh, that's adding two lettees
Goosey: LOL wow.
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris chose the image for this round. (1/9 accepted)
ThePhan: match 7
TalkingDog: match 2
Randy: match 4
NessaChan: match 3
Goosey: match 6
Sam: match 1
10Kan: match 6
Kalimeris: match 3
Nyperold: match 6
Maryam: match 1
Goosey: That's like -- Ramona as a Barbie.
TalkingDog: LOL
Nyperold: Nah, the hair's too normal.
Goosey: Nyp: Have you ever tried to do ANYTHING but a ponytail to Barbie hair? It's nearly impossible.
Nyperold: I've somehow managed never to have attempting to be a Barbie hairstylist.
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for dark.
PicMatchBot: Vote 2 for frisky.
PicMatchBot: Vote 3 for hungry.
PicMatchBot: Vote 4 for industrial.
PicMatchBot: Vote 5 for shady.
PicMatchBot: Vote 6 for egotistical.
PicMatchBot: Vote 7 for troubling.
PicMatchBot: Vote 8 for earthy.
PicMatchBot: Vote 9 for alien.
Sam: vote 2
TalkingDog: vote 1
Maryam: vote 7
NessaChan: vote 1
Kalimeris: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 5
Goosey: vote 6
TalkingDog: Heheheh. "Earthy" and "alien".
Randy: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 1
10Kan: vote 2
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 4 points for dark.
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 2 points for troubling.
PicMatchBot: TalkingDog wins 2 points for frisky.
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for shady.
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 1 point for egotistical.
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for alien.
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for hungry.
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for industrial.
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for earthy.
PicMatchBot: Game is paused.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: _ea_li_g. (5 answers)
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: _ea_li_g. (5 answers)
LaZorra: Goosey: It takes a lot of hair gel, rubber bands and boiling water.
Goosey: LaZ: EXACTLY
* LaZorra used to makeover Barbies.
WordBot: Claimed answer: weakling (TalkingDog, ThePhan)
WordBot: Claimed answer: weanling (Maryam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: yearling (Nyperold)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: pearling.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: yeanling.
WordBot: Scores this round: Maryam: +1, Nyperold: +1, TalkingDog: +1, ThePhan: +1.
WordBot: Game is paused.
NessaChan: argh I was too slow with pearling :<
Kalimeris: I said leafling, I thought it was an excellent nonword
Randy: It truly is
Sam: I think that's it.
Sam: Let me doublecheck to make sure we haven't missed any bots. Stand by.
NessaChan: aw, I like cute little leaflings
Nyperold: Do Ents have leaflings?
Goosey: Nyp: No, they have Entings.
Randy: What what what?
Sam: Yeah, just one. Ok, here it is.
CamouFairyBot has been summoned by Sam.
* TalkingDog knew it.
Randy: LOL
Goosey: WOOO!
Maryam: LOL
LaZorra: LOL
10Kan: LOL
Kalimeris: l knew it
ThePhan: LOL LOL
Kalimeris: I KNEW IT
* 10Kan never guessed.
Sam: Hey, let's do this in quiz mode.
CamouFairyBot: Starting a new quiz game:
CamouFairyBot: 1/18. (use /b) asks: "Why is the Camou-Fairy so cool?"
* TalkingDog no have brain to think.
CamouFairyBot: Claimed answer: cute little dimply smile (NessaChan)
CamouFairyBot: Claimed answer: busts the 1-7 hotness scale by at least three points over the top (10Kan)
CamouFairyBot: Claimed answer: very difficult to see when an arcade is behind her (10Kan)
CamouFairyBot: Claimed answer: duh -- she's got wings... (ThePhan, NessaChan, Maryam, LaZorra, Goosey)
CamouFairyBot: Claimed answer: ...wings with FIREFLIES IN THEM! (Sam)
CamouFairyBot: Claimed answer: perhaps has translucent skin -- which explains why we can see she has eaten a wireless ethernet hub (NessaChan)
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: makes bell-bottom camouflage pants look good.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: magic holds her pants up despite the lack of hips.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: doesn't hate people that hate her even though they suck and deserve it.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: sent a cow to spy on LaZorra.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: heh heh -- I said "busts".
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: NessaChan: +3, 10Kan: +2, Goosey: +1, LaZorra: +1, Maryam: +1, Sam: +1, ThePhan: +1.
CamouFairyBot: Game is paused.
Sam: NOWWWW, we're done!
10Kan: Hooray!
ThePhan: WHOO
NessaChan: haha I can't believe I won a game of camou fairy bot
Sam: NC: LOL
Kalimeris: Oh wow, we're finished
Sam: It'll take a few minutes to compile these scores. In the meantime, feel free to party amongst yourselves.
Sam: Remember: NO PANTS.
* Goosey parties with no pants.
* ThePhan parties pantsle--- Goosey just made the same joke.
10Kan: Have any of you folks ever had a pomegranate before?
* Maryam blows forlornly on a noisemaker.
ThePhan: 10K: I have!
* 10Kan eats leftover cake.
Maryam: I like pomegranates.
NessaChan: I have had a pomagranate
NessaChan: more than once
ThePhan: I like them.
Randy: not i
Goosey: 10Kan: Yes -- not sure how to eat it?
10Kan: They're very interesting fruits.
Maryam: But they are difficult to eat.
NessaChan: I like them.
* 10Kan scooped out the seeds and is eating them from a bowl.
Maryam: Pomegranate juice is good too.
Goosey: mmm, yeah it is
Maryam: 10K: Noo. You have to slice it open, peel away any papery covering, and then attack it with your teeth to get the seeds off.
10Kan: I tried to do that, but I don't want to pull out all my teeth and throw them at it.
Maryam: That's the proper way.
Goosey: Maryam: Yes! While wearing white dry-clean-only clothing!
Maryam: Goosey: LOL
Kalimeris: oh good, Philly has a freeze warning
Kalimeris: or something
* Nyperold has Pom Wonderful and Pom Tea every once in a while.
10Kan: You eat British people?
Maryam: The best pomegranate juice ever is by a brand I can't find down here. :-(
Maryam: It's called Everfresh, I think. I've only seen it in Baltimore.
Nyperold: Publix has a blueberry pomegranate frozen yogurt.
10Kan: Okay, I have to turn in.
10Kan: Goodnight!
10Kan: Happy birthday again, Phan!
10Kan has left.
Goosey: Sleeeeeeeeeeepy
* Randy gives Goosey some DEW
* Goosey starts making a buzzing noise.
Goosey: *SNKzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*
* Goosey snores.
Sam: Ok, I need to look at the scores for ChainBot and StackBot. For me to do that, I have to open the bot windows again, which, since they weren't paused, will cause them to start running again. Please don't resume playing, or it'll screw me up if you score.
* Goosey holds very very still
[ChainBot->ThePhan] The word 'waves' is not one letter different from 'waves'.
ChainBot: Maryam continues the chain with the word laves and wins 1 point!
[ChainBot->ThePhan] The word 'weaves' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Nyperold] The word 'saves' changes a letter you're not allowed to change.
[ChainBot->Fishy] The word 'vote10' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->NessaChan] The word 'vote4' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->10Kan] The word 'vote4' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Kalimeris] The word 'vote3' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->LuckyWizard] The word 'vote8' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->TalkingDog] The word 'vote3' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Nyperold] The word 'vote4' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->ThePhan] The word 'vote4' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Sam] The word 'vote4' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Goosey] The word 'vote8' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Randy] The word 'vote6' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->LaZorra] The word 'vote5' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->NessaChan] The word 'pick3' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->10Kan] The word 'oooooh' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->NessaChan] The word 'hahaha' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->ThePhan] The word 'vote8' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->10Kan] The word 'vote9' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Kalimeris] The word 'vote5' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Fishy] The word 'vote9' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->NessaChan] The word 'vote3' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Goosey] The word 'vote6' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Nyperold] The word 'vote6' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->TalkingDog] The word 'vote6' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->LuckyWizard] The word 'vote3' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Randy] The word 'vote3' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->LaZorra] The word 'vote5' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Sam] The word 'vote10' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Sam] The word 'inatie' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Kalimeris] The word 'uhoh' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Kalimeris] The word 'hisam' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Goosey] The word 'lollol' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Kalimeris] The word 'brrrt' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Sam] The word 'b789' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->TalkingDog] The word 'augh' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->NessaChan] The word 'hehe' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Sam] The word 'phew' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Kalimeris] The word 'lame' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Sam] The word 'vote4' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->TalkingDog] The word 'vote2' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->NessaChan] The word 'vote8' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->ThePhan] The word 'vote8' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Randy] The word 'vote7' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->10Kan] The word 'vote5' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Goosey] The word 'vote9' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Nyperold] The word 'vote2' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->LuckyWizard] The word 'vote4' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->10Kan] The word 'vote5' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Kalimeris] The word 'vote3' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->NessaChan] The word 'vote10' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Randy] The word 'vote8' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->TalkingDog] The word 'vote5' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->LuckyWizard] The word 'vote6' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Nyperold] The word 'vote7' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Sam] The word 'vote9' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Sam] The word 'hm11' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->ThePhan] The word 'ote2' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Goosey] The word 'lollol' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->ThePhan] The word 'vote2' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Goosey] The word 'ote4' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Goosey] The word 'vote4' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->TalkingDog] The word 'dang' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Sam] The word 'match1' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Sam] The word 'match5' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->ThePhan] The word 'match3' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->TalkingDog] The word 'match3' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Goosey] The word 'match7' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->NessaChan] The word 'match1' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->10Kan] The word 'match2' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Kalimeris] The word 'match3' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Randy] The word 'match7' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->LuckyWizard] The word 'match7' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Nyperold] The word 'match2' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->NessaChan] The word 'match6' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->NessaChan] The word 'vote6' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->LaZorra] The word 'vote7' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Goosey] The word 'whoa' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->TalkingDog] The word 'vote8' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Kalimeris] The word 'vote1' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->ThePhan] The word 'vote4' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->LaZorra] The word 'vote6' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->LuckyWizard] The word 'vote4' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Goosey] The word 'vote9' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Randy] The word 'vote6' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->10Kan] The word 'vote5' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Sam] The word 'vote3' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Goosey] The word 'lollol' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->NessaChan] The word 'lollol' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Randy] The word 'useb' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Sam] The word 'tdlol' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Nyperold] The word 'whoa' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Randy] The word 'poker' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->10Kan] The word 'fold' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Goosey] The word 'tplol' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Kalimeris] The word 'check' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->10Kan] The word 'fold' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->10Kan] The word 'fine' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->10Kan] The word 'check' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Goosey] The word 'okay' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Randy] The word 'hehe' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Randy] The word 'yeah' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->ThePhan] The word 'hmph' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->ThePhan] The word 'ohheh' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->LuckyWizard] The word 'fold' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Randy] The word 'call' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Goosey] The word 'fold' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->NessaChan] The word 'call' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Kalimeris] The word 'call' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->10Kan] The word 'call' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->TalkingDog] The word 'fold' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Randy] The word 'uhoh' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Goosey] The word 'b0rken' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->NessaChan] The word 'ahisee' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Randy] The word 'ithink' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Sam] The word 'oops' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->TalkingDog] The word 'uhhm' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->10Kan] The word 'jinx' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Kalimeris] The word 'bambam' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Randy] The word 'hehe' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Goosey] The word 'lollol' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Randy] The word 'hehe' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->ThePhan] The word 'soap' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->LuckyWizard] The word 'ever' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Nyperold] The word 'heth' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->TalkingDog] The word 'star' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Kalimeris] The word 'leap' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Kalimeris] The word 'lead' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Goosey] The word 'achy' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Goosey] The word 'late' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->NessaChan] The word 'pick3' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Kalimeris] The word 'vote5' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Sam] The word 'vote2' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->ThePhan] The word 'vote6' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->TalkingDog] The word 'vote2' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->NessaChan] The word 'vote2' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Goosey] The word 'vote5' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Randy] The word 'vote1' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->LuckyWizard] The word 'vote6' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->10Kan] The word 'vote2' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Randy] The word 'tdnice' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->TalkingDog] The word 'oops' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->ThePhan] The word 'whee' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Randy] The word 'pick2' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->ThePhan] The word 'yayme' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Goosey] The word 'lolwow' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Kalimeris] The word 'pick7' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Kalimeris] The word 'arrr' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Kalimeris] The word 'pick4' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Randy] The word 'matey' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->ThePhan] The word 'match7' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->TalkingDog] The word 'match2' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Randy] The word 'match4' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->NessaChan] The word 'match3' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Goosey] The word 'match6' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Sam] The word 'match1' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->10Kan] The word 'match6' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Kalimeris] The word 'match3' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Nyperold] The word 'match6' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Sam] The word 'vote2' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->TalkingDog] The word 'vote1' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->NessaChan] The word 'vote1' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Kalimeris] The word 'vote7' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->ThePhan] The word 'vote5' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Goosey] The word 'vote6' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Randy] The word 'vote1' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Nyperold] The word 'vote1' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
* TalkingDog decorates a cake with a pair of pants with a "no" sign over it.
[ChainBot->10Kan] The word 'vote2' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Goosey] The word 'wooo' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->ThePhan] The word 'lollol' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->10Kan] The word 'hooray' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->ThePhan] The word 'whoo' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Sam] The word 'nclol' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Randy] The word 'noti' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
[ChainBot->Randy] The word 'hehe' is not one letter different from 'laves'.
ChainBot: Everyone except Maryam, you're up! Continue the chain from the word 'laves'.
TalkingDog: Oops.
Goosey: LOL
Randy: woah
Sam: LOL!
Maryam: Oops.
Sam: That's going to happen again
StackBot: Nyperold continues the stack with heth and wins 1 point!
[StackBot->TalkingDog] The word 'STAR' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Kalimeris] The word 'LEAP' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Kalimeris] The word 'LEAD' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Goosey continues the stack with achy and wins 1 point!
[StackBot->TalkingDog] The word 'OOPS' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->ThePhan] The word 'WHEE' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Kalimeris] The word 'ARRR' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->ThePhan] The word 'whoo' is not recognized.
[StackBot->Randy] The word 'NOTI' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Randy] The word 'HEHE' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->TalkingDog] The word 'OOPS' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Randy] The word 'WOAH' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Maryam] The word 'OOPS' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Everyone except Goosey, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  B A D E
StackBot:  P U P S
StackBot:  C R I B
StackBot:  S O A P
StackBot:  E V E R
StackBot:  H E T H
StackBot:  A C H Y
Goosey: Whoops
Goosey: That was my late entry...
Sam: Ok.
Goosey: But you can still count it if you want. ;-)
Sam: Almost done.
* Goosey blows up a balloon.
* TalkingDog detonates a balloon.
* Goosey sneaks up behing Maryam and pops the balloon!
Sam: Hrm, what bot class is PokerBot in?
TalkingDog: I don't remember the classes.
Sam: Psych, maybe.
TalkingDog: That'd probably be my pick.
* Goosey's balloon-popping has a severe lack of reaction.
Sam: Goosey: Maryam's deaf. Didn't you know?
Sam: Goosey: I don't think it's very sensitive of you to pull a trick like that.
Maryam: :-(
* Goosey crawls away, feeling mean.
NessaChan: hooray not worst place
Sam: The "Ties" column rules.
* TalkingDog did better than he thought.
ThePhan: YAY!
Maryam: How does the ties column work?
Sam: The notation X/Y means that the player was involved in X tied games, and that the total number of people involved in all of those ties was Y.
Sam: Basically, X breaks ties in the "number of won games" column, and Y breaks ties of X. Lower values of X and Y are preferable.
Maryam: Ah.
NessaChan: I've never done well in dreaaamy class before...
NessaChan: and this time I won...
NessaChan: dreams really do come true!
Sam: Wow, ThePhan didn't even come close to dominating the speed class, like she often does.
Sam: LaZorra's rankings suggest that her "don't be around for most of the games" strategy was a bust.
LaZorra: :-p
Sam: Anyway, hey, thanks for playing, everybody. We'll do a mini-UBT again sometime. I'll have a transcript of tonight up sometime soon.
Randy: Wooo! Good job Phan!
Goosey: Thanks Sam!!
Sam: Welcome.
Maryam: This was fun!
Sam: Maryam: Yeah!
Randy: Twas Awesome
Sam: HogBot is *still* unsuited for tournament play, but the rest went all right.
Sam: Actually, if I set like a 30 second limit on HogBot, it would work fine.
TopicBot has been summoned by Sam.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Nyperold: So do they have to open new bottles of apple juice?' by TopicBot.
WhizHal has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: hal: Hi.
WhizHal: Sam misleads radicals!
Sam: Surely not.
Sam: hal: Pants.
WhizHal: Sam: 1 Byte is 1 point. I wonder if cowboy hat and snakeskin pants to go, do you mean goosey.
Sam: "One cowboy hat and snakeskin pants to go, please. No I don't want fries with that."
Goosey: hal: I do NOT have snakeskin pants!
WhizHal: Goosey: I do have the same pants?
Goosey: hal: I dearly hope not.
WhizHal: Hope you don't not like they're moving around, but you're too nice not to disturb the kitty?
Goosey: hal: I don't care WHAT your pants are doing. And please don't disturb the kitty
WhizHal: Goosey: And pants, please.
WhizHal: I believe what i can ooze.
Goosey: LOL LOL
Gahalyn has entered.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to '* Sam plays hopscotch with the flaming pancreas.' by TopicBot.
Gahalyn: Ouch.
Goosey: LOL!!
Sam: Wow. I don't remember that, but it does totally sound like me.
Sam: You'd think I'd remember something like that.
Goosey: *I* remember it.
LaZorra: I would have that looked at immediately.
Goosey: If I remember correctly, it was Enigma's pancreas that was aflame.
Sam: Today I wrote down multiple integrals on index cards and stuffed them in my cheek pockets, so I could be constantly french kissing multiple integrals. This is why boring, mundane things like playing hopscotch with flaming pancreai slip my mind.
Sam: (I assume that's the plural of pancreas.)
Goosey: French . . . kissing . . . multiple . . .integrals . . .
Sam: It had to do with Rivikah saying she wished her students loved multiple integrals as much as she did. Or something.
Sam: I was trying to offer her moral support.
Gahalyn: LOL
Goosey: Ah, hehe.
Sam: LOL. I love how that explanation seems to appease you.
Sam: It's almost as good as Rivikah's reaction to that, which was, "You shouldn't eat index cards."
Randy: LOL
WhizHal: You saw the first i was doing.
NessaChan: WhizHal: I saw, I admit it.
LaZorra: hal: I love your snakeshin pants.
LaZorra: Snakeshin.
LaZorra: Snakeskin!
LaZorra: hal: Your SNAKESKIN pants.
Goosey: LOL
Goosey: Skanes have shins??
Goosey: *SNAKES
LaZorra: hahahaha
WhizHal: LaZorra: I love how your character slips further into the new hole in the pants for that camera anymore. I didn't want to borrow a lot was delayed because of those and comprehend them quickly.
Goosey: :-.
Randy: LOL
Goosey: LOL
Sam: Hey, pants are allowed again!
Randy: LOL
* LaZorra cracks up.
Sam: I don't know why ThePhan insisted on a pantsless party.
Sam: She's weird.
WhizHal: Sam: True. Well, maybe rowling just wanted to pee my pants.
Sam: Rowling wanted to pee YOUR pants??
* LaZorra is dying.
NessaChan: lol
NessaChan: Hal: trousers?
WhizHal: I love them trousers.
Maryam: LOL
LaZorra: LOL
WhizHal: Sam: And pants, please.
Sam: Coming right up.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Sam: The edible succulent bulb of theThe edible succulent bulb of theThe edible succulent bulb of the lily lily lily' by TopicBot.
Randy: Woah
* TalkingDog blinks.
Randy: LOL LOL
Sam: That looks like a copy and paste tangle.
Maryam: Sam, you are a weird dude.
Sam: You don't know that was weird in context!
Maryam: Are you denying that you're weird?
LaZorra: I think the character witnesses will prove otherwise.
LaZorra: The NUMEROUS character witnesses.
* TalkingDog must be weird. "I never asked you to hide your camel!" popped into his head for no reason.
* TalkingDog actually meant tired instead of weird, but yeah.
LaZorra: LOL
LaZorra: You're weird, too.
TalkingDog: (DotA quote, if no one remembered.)
WhizHal: Laz: are you two?
LaZorra: hal: Age two? No.
WhizHal: Wk: "meatloaf" is clearly wrong.
NessaChan: meatloaf pants
TalkingDog: Eeewwww.
Sam: LOL!!
Sam: I don't think I'd want to own a pair of pants made out of meatloaf.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to '* Poim will tickle your firstborn!!!!' by TopicBot.
* TalkingDog blinks.
TalkingDog: I can't tell whether that's funny or scary.
Sam: LOL
NessaChan: hehe
WhizHal: Dvd menus that play loops should be on my pants.
NessaChan: lolol
NessaChan: DVD Pants! The new hot gift this X-mas!
LuckyWizard: WH: You have a DVD player embedded in your pants? Wow.
WhizHal: LuckyWizard: They were hard to sniff.
TalkingDog: The yawns are telling me to do sleep exercises with my head.
TalkingDog: Laters!
LuckyWizard: WH: Say goodbye to TalkingDog.
WhizHal: TalkingDog: Talkingdog is the least steam powered platypus. Goodbye.
TalkingDog: WH: LOL. Thanks. I think.
TalkingDog has left.
WhizHal: LuckyWizard: I'll go for chicks with mechanical ovaries are seriously skewed because sometimes i'm trying to be multitudinous libraries.
WhizHal: Gahalyn: Eat those eggs, and eat them.
TopicBot has been dismissed by Sam.
WhizHal has been dismissed by Sam.

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