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Ultimate Bot Tournament #7: Session 7

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Kalimeris has entered.
Sam has entered.
Sam: Same second!
Kalimeris: BAM!
zyzzyva has entered.
Sentynel has entered.
Nyperold has entered.
Lirelyn has entered.
Gahalyn has entered.
goldfishy has entered.
LaZorra has entered.
TalkingDog has entered.
Maryam has entered.
* Nyperold readies his /b.
Gahalyn: He hasn't been invited here
Gahalyn: He's trying to sign up
LaZorra: Oh. Good. He better be.
Monkeyman has entered.
Monkeyman: I was confused, until Gaha explained.
Monkeyman: Now I am here!
LaZorra: Man, Sam, you gotta set up tighter controls on the UBT. You let just anyone come in now.
Gahalyn: Hahaa.
Monkeyman: And Mocha is getting medieval on that blue plastic ring!
Monkeyman: Now Gaha is getting medieval on the blue plastic ring.
Gahalyn: I am not sure they need a play-by-play of our house.
Monkeyman: I expect to perform poorly in the UBT.
Maryam: LOL, given that you've missed the first six sessions?
goldfishy: You can attend all sessions and still perform poorly - I am proof!
Monkeyman: I blame this keyboard.
Monkeyman: Oh, and years of inactivity. And also not knowing 85% of the bot games you kids are playing these days.
Maryam: That is your own dang fault.
Maryam: You can't blame the keyboard for that.
Monkeyman: Kids today have it too easy.
Monkeyman: Back in MY day, we had BuzzBot and BlitzBot, and that was good enough for us!
LaZorra: I remember when Blitz came out. O.o
Monkeyman: And we couldn't just go summon them as we wanted! We had to wait for Sam to summon them!
Lirelyn: Speaking of........
Lirelyn: Sam, and summoning bots, and such.....
Maryam: I remember the chat having only one room. You signed in and bam, you were instantly there. No way to scope out if there were people you wanted to talk to or not.
Gahalyn: I remember being able to see people in the lobby.
Nyperold: I remember when we'd just sit around refreshing the Recent Messages page on the Forum.
TalkingDog: I remember when this was all farmland!
Gahalyn: TD: LOL
LaZorra: TD: LOL LOL
Gahalyn: TD WINS
Monkeyman: Yeah, TD dominated this conversation.
[RinkChat] User Monkeyman has been labeled 'Conversational Loser' by Monkeyman.
* LaZorra imagines TD sticking a thumb in his suspender, leaning back against a fence, and thinking.
Lirelyn: LZ: That is pretty much EXACTLY how I'm picturing him as well.
Monkeyman: I think I just missed the days of the single room.
Sentynel: I remember... about two months ago. Not much has changed.
TalkingDog: Hey, there's been a new bot since you arrived.
Sentynel: True, true.
[RinkChat] User Gahalyn has been labeled 'TWIZZLERS' by Gahalyn.
Monkeyman: My ninth Rinkiversary is coming up in sixteen days!
Gahalyn: And now I'm freaking out because I've been around almost as long as MM and NINE YEARS what the crap.
Sam: MM: If you don't show up for entire YEARS at a time, you don't get to increment your years of seniority.
Monkeyman: Sam: Do I at least get to keep what I had, or does my seniority drain gradually while in disuse?
Sam: I must apologize, but I need slightly more time.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'UBT #7 Session 7: Starts at 9:20pm EDT!' by Sam.
Sam: However,
Sam: ...Zap is going.
Sam: Don't be too eloquent.
Lirelyn: YAY ZAP
Sam: Don't use too much eloquence?
Kalimeris: Hehe
* LaZorra pats [-2] Sam on the head.
Sam: suns [+1] script [+1]
Sam: pats [+1]
LaZorra: I hope you feel better now, you sneaky rascal [+3].
LaZorra: Although I did actually use "rascal [-2]" instead of the other word.
Sam: rascal [+1]
Sentynel: rascal
Kalimeris: rascal
Sentynel: Your horse is called Rascal, is a rascal, or both?
LaZorra: Definitely both.
Sentynel: That's a very appropriate [+3] name for a horse.
Monkeyman: BACK SOON
Monkeyman: EMERGENCY [+3] MASSAGE [+3]
Monkeyman: Whoah, I got points.
gremlinn has entered.
Lirelyn: Should I eat dinner?
Nyperold: Sure. After TitleBot. ;-)
zyzzyva: Only if it doesn't interfere with UBT.
Lirelyn: I don't really feel like it. But I may regret [+3] not consuming [+3] something.
Kalimeris: I need to make dinner, too
Kalimeris: But I can bring my computer.
Kalimeris: to da kitchennn
Sam: Our first bot is...
: Ahem!
Sam: Yes, Jaffar?
: I gotta sing my opening number.
Sam: *sigh* Very well. Sing your opening [+3] number.
Lirelyn: Jaffar doesn't get WordZap points?
: Ahem.
: Okay.
Sam: Thanks, Nyperfar.
: Welcome.
Sam: As I was saying, our first bot of the evening is VOCABOT!
Sam: ...don't all cheer [-2] at once.
Sam: cheer [+1]
Sentynel: cheer
Lirelyn: YAAAAY!!!
Sam: watching [+1]
Sentynel: watchign
Sentynel: watching
Sentynel: Good start.
* Lirelyn didn't want to cheer, because she intends to dominate [+3], and didn't want to pre-gloat [+3].
Lirelyn: Oops, too late.
Maryam: I AM HERE
Kalimeris: Hi hi hi
Sam: Also, somebody find Nessa on IM or something.
Maryam: Oh, good idea.
Sentynel: I'm still astonished [-2] at some of these wordzap +3s. Nobody's referred [-2] to people idling [+3] yet?
Sentynel: astonished [+1]
Sam: astonished
Sentynel: referred [+1]
Sam: referred
Lirelyn: Apparently not in either tense [-2].
Sentynel: ...well, there was a net [+3] gain [+3]
Sentynel: tense [+1]
Lirelyn: tense
NessaChan has entered.
NessaChan: guh
Nyperold: Hello!
Lirelyn: Yay!
NessaChan: here I am
zyzzyva: Hi!
NessaChan: :D
NessaChan: thanks maryam
VocaBot has been summoned by Sam.
VocaBot: All question types will be used.
Sam: The game will start in 30 seconds!
* Sentynel hastily [+3] looks at the instructions
* Sentynel preemptively swallows [+3] a dictionary
VocaBot: Starting a new game:
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of disputatious [+3]? (1) diabolical, (2) amaranthine, (3) compress, (4) agreeable, (5) exuberance, (6) last.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: diabolical
VocaBot: Answer: amaranthine
VocaBot: Answer: compress
VocaBot: Answer: agreeable [+1] (goldfishy, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, TalkingDog, zyzzyva)
VocaBot: Answer: exuberance
VocaBot: Answer: last
Sentynel: Something tells [+3] me VocaBot is going to get quite a lot of zap points.
VocaBot: Question: What word means surgical saw? (1) trephine, (2) specify, (3) concave [+3], (4) onus [+3], (5) appreciate [-2], (6) bedim.
Sam: appreciate [+1]
Sentynel: appreciate
NessaChan: appreciate
NessaChan: The doctor cut off my leg [-2] with the appreciate.
NessaChan: leg [+1]
Sam: l,eg
Lirelyn: leg
Sam: l,eg
Sam: leg
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: trephine [+1] (goldfishy, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, Maryam, NessaChan, Sam, Sentynel, TalkingDog, zyzzyva)
VocaBot: Answer: specify
VocaBot: Answer: concave [-2]
VocaBot: Answer: onus [-2]
VocaBot: Answer: appreciate
VocaBot: Answer: bedim (Nyperold)
Sentynel: onus [+1]
Sam: CONCAVE [+1]
Sentynel: concave
Sentynel: CAPS [-2] LOCK [+3]
Sam: i have the caps [+1] lock [-2] on
Sentynel: caps
Sam: lock [+1] caps
Sentynel: lock
VocaBot: Question: What word is a synonym of drub? (1) soporific, (2) brook, (3) sycophancy [+3], (4) toddler [+3], (5) maul [+3], (6) petticoat [+3].
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: soporific (Kalimeris, NessaChan, Nyperold)
VocaBot: Answer: brook (TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: sycophancy [-2] (goldfishy)
VocaBot: Answer: toddler [-2]
VocaBot: Answer: maul [-2] [+1] (Lirelyn, Maryam, Sam, Sentynel, zyzzyva)
VocaBot: Answer: petticoat [-2]
Sentynel: maul [+1] toddler [+1] sycophancy [+1] petticoat [+1]
NessaChan: petticoat toddler
zyzzyva: sycophancy toddler maul petticoat
Sam: maul
VocaBot: Question: What word means harangue [+3]? (1) febrile, (2) cumbersome [+3], (3) declaim [+3], (4) asseverate, (5) cognate [+3], (6) imply [+3].
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: febrile
VocaBot: Answer: cumbersome [-2]
VocaBot: Answer: declaim [-2] [+1] (Lirelyn, Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sentynel, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: asseverate (goldfishy, Kalimeris, Sam, zyzzyva)
VocaBot: Answer: cognate [-2]
VocaBot: Answer: imply [-2]
Sentynel: harangue [-2] cumbersome declaim cognate imply
Lirelyn: cumbersome [+1] declaim [+1] cognate [+1] imply [+1]
Sam: cumbersome declaim cognate imply
Sentynel: harangue [+1]
Sam: LOL
Sentynel: The timestamp [+3] there makes me sad.
Sam: Yeah. Race [-2] condition [-2] between your lines making it into the public [-2] message log and the bot message log.
Sam: race [+1] condition [+1] public [+1]
Sentynel: race
Sentynel: condition
VocaBot: Question: What is the definition of flocculent? (1) show, (2) collected [+3] drawings [+3], (3) self-evident [+3], (4) woolly, (5) toil [+3], (6) wealthy.
NessaChan: toil [-2] drawings [-2] collected [-2]
NessaChan: oops!
Sentynel: collected [+1] drawings [+1]
NessaChan: toil [+1]
Sam: collected
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: show
VocaBot: Answer: collected drawings (Kalimeris)
VocaBot: Answer: self-evident [-2] (Nyperold)
VocaBot: Answer: woolly [+1] (goldfishy, Lirelyn, Sentynel, TalkingDog, zyzzyva)
VocaBot: Answer: toil
VocaBot: Answer: wealthy (NessaChan)
Sentynel: evidence [+3]
Sam: evident [+1]
NessaChan: oh, I should have known that
Sentynel: Wow, a beneficial typo for once
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of fervid? (1) debutante, (2) obliging, (3) ingenuous, (4) elevate [+3], (5) meaningful [+3], (6) uncaring [+3].
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: debutante
VocaBot: Answer: obliging (Kalimeris)
VocaBot: Answer: ingenuous (Sam)
VocaBot: Answer: elevate [-2]
VocaBot: Answer: meaningful [-2]
VocaBot: Answer: uncaring [-2] [+1] (goldfishy, Lirelyn, Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sentynel, TalkingDog, zyzzyva)
Sam: elevate [+1] uncaring [+1] meaningful [+1]
Sentynel: elevate meaningful uncaring
NessaChan: meaningful
Lirelyn: elevate meaningful uncaring
Sentynel: You know, I can really see how Nessa managed to jump the gun last round.
Sentynel: I very nearly did the same twice this round.
Sam: heheh
Sentynel: It's like those awful [+3] reaction [-2] testers.
Sentynel: reaction [+1]
VocaBot: Question: What word means laborer? (1) navvy, (2) bygone, (3) curvaceous [+3], (4) choice [+3], (5) vigorous, (6) prospective.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: navvy [+1] (goldfishy, Lirelyn, Maryam, NessaChan, Sam, Sentynel, TalkingDog, zyzzyva)
VocaBot: Answer: bygone
VocaBot: Answer: curvaceous [-2]
VocaBot: Answer: choice [-2]
VocaBot: Answer: vigorous
VocaBot: Answer: prospective (Nyperold)
Lirelyn: curvaceous [+1] choice [+1]
Sam: My curvaceous choice is a BABE.
NessaChan: choice
Sentynel: curvaceous choice
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of pigheaded [+3]? (1) idolize, (2) paradisiacal [+3], (3) frivolity, (4) collect, (5) submissive, (6) chieftain [+3].
gremlinn: paradisiacal [-2] chieftain [-2]
gremlinn: paradisiacal [+1] chieftain [+1]
Sam: paradisiacal chieftain
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: idolize
VocaBot: Answer: paradisiacal (NessaChan)
VocaBot: Answer: frivolity
VocaBot: Answer: collect
VocaBot: Answer: submissive [+1] (goldfishy, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, Maryam, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, TalkingDog, zyzzyva)
VocaBot: Answer: chieftain
VocaBot: Question: What is the definition of ululate [+3]? (1) cleanse, (2) test, (3) sagging, (4) grassland, (5) lament [+3] loudly [+3] and shrilly [+3], (6) fault-finding [+3].
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: cleanse
VocaBot: Answer: test
VocaBot: Answer: sagging
VocaBot: Answer: grassland
VocaBot: Answer: lament loudly and shrilly [+1] (goldfishy, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, TalkingDog, zyzzyva)
VocaBot: Answer: fault-finding
Sam: lament loudly shrilly finding
Sentynel: lament loudly and shrilly Sam's fault-finding
Lirelyn: ululate [-2] lament loudly shrilly
NessaChan: finding
Sam: HAHAHAHA, gremlinn /b's.
NessaChan: ululate [+1]
Lirelyn: ululate
Sentynel: Oh you sneaky git, whoever [-2] did that in /b
Sentynel: whoever [+1]
Sam: whoever
Lirelyn: LOL
VocaBot: Question: What word means arrest [+3] warrant? (1) candor, (2) haughty, (3) afflict, (4) proportion [+3], (5) bauble, (6) capias.
Monkeyman: That activity [+3] took 25 minutes.
Monkeyman: Hooray! I used the A word because I didn't want to use the M word that I got points for previously [-2], and I got more points!
Sentynel: previously [+1]
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: candor
VocaBot: Answer: haughty
VocaBot: Answer: afflict
VocaBot: Answer: proportion [+1]
VocaBot: Answer: bauble
VocaBot: Answer: capias [+1] (goldfishy, Lirelyn, Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, TalkingDog, zyzzyva)
Sentynel: proportion
Sentynel: ...
VocaBot: Question: What word is a synonym of lachrymose? (1) proposal [+3], (2) bifurcate, (3) melancholy, (4) tartuffe, (5) lenient [-2], (6) agnomen.
Sentynel: lenient [+1]
NessaChan: /b 3
NessaChan: !
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: proposal [+1]
VocaBot: Answer: bifurcate
VocaBot: Answer: melancholy [+1] (goldfishy, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, Maryam, Monkeyman, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, TalkingDog, zyzzyva)
VocaBot: Answer: tartuffe
VocaBot: Answer: lenient
VocaBot: Answer: agnomen
Sam: proposal
Sentynel: proposal
NessaChan: proposal
* Sam whops gremlinn.
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of diametric? (1) subsist, (2) conspicuous, (3) like, (4) least, (5) inquire, (6) substandard.
Sentynel: He's enjoying [+3] this.
Sam: Yes.
Lirelyn: I kind of am too :-)
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: subsist
VocaBot: Answer: conspicuous
VocaBot: Answer: like [+1] (NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, zyzzyva)
VocaBot: Answer: least (Maryam)
VocaBot: Answer: inquire
VocaBot: Answer: substandard
Monkeyman: Nuts, too slow.
Lirelyn: GAH! Late!
Sentynel: Aw man, Lirelyn =(
VocaBot: Question: What word means glow [+3]? (1) collapse [+3], (2) pan, (3) ship, (4) salivate, (5) elapse [+3], (6) incandesce.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: collapse [+1]
VocaBot: Answer: pan
VocaBot: Answer: ship
VocaBot: Answer: salivate
VocaBot: Answer: elapse [+1]
VocaBot: Answer: incandesce [+1] (goldfishy, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, Maryam, Monkeyman, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, TalkingDog, zyzzyva)
Sentynel: collapse elapse
NessaChan: elapse
VocaBot: Question: What is the definition of videlicet? (1) go down, (2) near, (3) large, (4) scrawl, (5) namely [+3], (6) encircle [+3].
Monkeyman: namely [+1] encircle [+1]
Sam: LOL. MM jumped [+3] in there.
Monkeyman: I am on to whoever keeps /b'ing them.
gremlinn: Go pour [+3] /b in your pants [+3].
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: go down (Maryam, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: near (NessaChan, Nyperold)
VocaBot: Answer: large (Kalimeris)
VocaBot: Answer: scrawl
VocaBot: Answer: namely [+1] (goldfishy, Kysle, Lirelyn, Sentynel, zyzzyva)
VocaBot: Answer: encircle
VocaBot: Question: What word means obstetrician? (1) accoucheur, (2) lithe [+3], (3) nepotism, (4) scrape [+3], (5) besmirch, (6) onlooker.
Kysle: Lithe [+1]?
Monkeyman: lithe scrape [+1]
NessaChan: scrape?
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: accoucheur [+1] (goldfishy, Kysle, Lirelyn, Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, TalkingDog, zyzzyva)
VocaBot: Answer: lithe
VocaBot: Answer: nepotism
VocaBot: Answer: scrape
VocaBot: Answer: besmirch
VocaBot: Answer: onlooker
Lirelyn: Hee... the /b game makes it SO much more interesting!
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of protract? (1) muster [+3], (2) virile [+3], (3) shorten, (4) mild [+3], (5) mendacious, (6) beast.
Monkeyman: muster [+1] virile mild [+1]
Sam: I'm not touching [-2] these zap words. It's too dangerous [+3].
Sam: touching [+1]
Sentynel: touching
Monkeyman: I like to live dangerously [+3].
Sentynel: Sam: I agree. I'm convinced [+3] one of these rounds someone's going to be caught out.
Sam: Yup. Here, have a bowl of -2's!
gremlinn: Uh-oh, spaghetti [+3]-2's!
Monkeyman: I am confident [-2] that I can outsmart the -2's.
Sam: confident [+1]
NessaChan: confident
Sentynel: confident
Gahalyn: confident
Gahalyn: fajdj
Sam: donfident
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: muster
VocaBot: Answer: virile (NessaChan)
VocaBot: Answer: shorten [+1] (goldfishy, Kalimeris, Kysle, Lirelyn, Maryam, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, TalkingDog, zyzzyva)
VocaBot: Answer: mild
VocaBot: Answer: mendacious
VocaBot: Answer: beast
NessaChan: virile muenster
Kysle: Those taste [-2] the best
Sentynel: taste [+1]
Sam: taste
VocaBot: Question: What word means courtly? (1) pannier, (2) farewell [+3], (3) condone, (4) glorious [+3], (5) choose, (6) aulic.
NessaChan: farewell [+1], decent [+3] wordzap score.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: pannier (Gahalyn, Maryam)
VocaBot: Answer: farewell
VocaBot: Answer: condone
VocaBot: Answer: glorious [+1] (Kalimeris, Nyperold, Sam, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: choose
VocaBot: Answer: aulic [+1] (goldfishy, Kysle, Lirelyn, Sentynel, zyzzyva)
NessaChan: hum [+3].. I'm not on there
NessaChan: I submitted an answer I thought.
NessaChan: oh, I typed it wrong, bleh
NessaChan: and I had it right too.. gah.
VocaBot: Question: What word is a synonym of maltreat? (1) contrivance, (2) neb, (3) adversary, (4) maul, (5) solecism, (6) tempo.
Gahalyn is back.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: contrivance (TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: neb (Kalimeris)
VocaBot: Answer: adversary
VocaBot: Answer: maul [+1] (Gahalyn, Kysle, Lirelyn, Maryam, Monkeyman, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, zyzzyva)
VocaBot: Answer: solecism (goldfishy, NessaChan)
VocaBot: Answer: tempo
VocaBot: Question: What is the definition of sparge? (1) speech, (2) sprinkle, (3) chunk [+3], (4) to influence [-2] someone in advance [+3], (5) arrogance [+3], (6) register.
Sentynel: influence [+1]
Monkeyman: influence
Sam: SPARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gahalyn: Whoah Sam.
gremlinn: THIS IS SPARGA!
Nyperold: Sparge at Feather [+3] River!
NessaChan: arrogance [+1]
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: speech (Sam)
VocaBot: Answer: sprinkle [+1] (Kysle, Lirelyn, Sentynel, zyzzyva)
VocaBot: Answer: chunk [+1] (Gahalyn, NessaChan)
VocaBot: Answer: to influence someone in advance [+1] (goldfishy, Maryam, Nyperold)
VocaBot: Answer: arrogance (TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: register
Monkeyman: chunk advance arrogance
Monkeyman: Dang, that wasn't the time when tricks were afoot [+3].
Gahalyn: mushroom [+3] mushroom [-2] snake
Sam: msuhroom
Sentynel: mushroom
Gahalyn: LOL
VocaBot: Question: What word is a synonym of beleaguer? (1) vague [+3], (2) bedevil, (3) conveyance, (4) iconoclast, (5) scrivener, (6) enchiridion [+3].
NessaChan: badger [+3]?
goldfishy: These words are getting impossible
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: vague [+1]
VocaBot: Answer: bedevil [+1] (Gahalyn, Kysle, Lirelyn, Monkeyman, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, TalkingDog, zyzzyva)
VocaBot: Answer: conveyance (goldfishy)
VocaBot: Answer: iconoclast (Maryam)
VocaBot: Answer: scrivener
VocaBot: Answer: enchiridion [+1]
NessaChan: enchriridion is a long word
Kysle: enchiridion is not a zap word
goldfishy: argh i typed the wrong one!!
VocaBot: Question: What is the definition of univocal? (1) showing anger [+3], (2) unambiguous, (3) fearful [+3], (4) auxiliary, (5) glossy, (6) alibi [+3].
Sam: What a surprise [+3]. gremlinn's zap score is going down.
NessaChan: anger [+1]
gremlinn: anger
Monkeyman: anger fearful [+1] alibi [+1]
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: showing anger (Sam)
VocaBot: Answer: unambiguous [+1] (Gahalyn, Kalimeris, Kysle, Lirelyn, Maryam, Monkeyman, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sentynel, TalkingDog, zyzzyva)
VocaBot: Answer: fearful
VocaBot: Answer: auxiliary
VocaBot: Answer: glossy
VocaBot: Answer: alibi
VocaBot: Question: What word is a synonym of demotic? (1) disservice, (2) exaggerate, (3) adjacent, (4) colloquial, (5) anonymous [+3], (6) ruddy.
Kysle: mossy
gremlinn: anonymous
Sentynel: I doubt [-2] I can keep this up somehow.
Sam: doubt [+1]
Sentynel: doubt
Sentynel: I am feeling a bit bad about only being ahead of you because you were slightly too slow one round..
Lirelyn: Sent: It's okay, I totally deserve [+3] it.
Lirelyn: I am shamefully cocky [+3] about VocaBot.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: disservice (NessaChan, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: exaggerate
VocaBot: Answer: adjacent
VocaBot: Answer: colloquial [+1] (Gahalyn, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, Maryam, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, zyzzyva)
VocaBot: Answer: anonymous [+1]
VocaBot: Answer: ruddy
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of gawky [+3]? (1) graceful, (2) habitat, (3) acrimonious [+3], (4) environmentalist [+3], (5) boor [+3], (6) bemoan [+3].
Sam: gawky [-2] gawky [+1]
Kalimeris: Yay Sam!
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: graceful [+1] (Gahalyn, Kalimeris, Kysle, Lirelyn, Maryam, Monkeyman, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, zyzzyva)
VocaBot: Answer: habitat
VocaBot: Answer: acrimonious [+1]
VocaBot: Answer: environmentalist [+1]
VocaBot: Answer: boor [+1] (TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: bemoan [+1]
TalkingDog: Arg.
VocaBot: Question: What is the definition of caseous? (1) overly [-2] suspicious [+3], (2) self-confident, (3) cheese-like, (4) clarify [+3], (5) relevant [+3], (6) undying.
Sentynel: overly [+1]
Nyperold: Cheese-like clay [+3].
NessaChan: don't get overly suspicious [+1].
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: overly suspicious (Lirelyn)
VocaBot: Answer: self-confident
VocaBot: Answer: cheese-like [+1] (Kalimeris, Kysle, Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, zyzzyva)
VocaBot: Answer: clarify [+1]
VocaBot: Answer: relevant [+1] (Gahalyn)
VocaBot: Answer: undying
Lirelyn: Aaand there's a legitimate [+3] miss!
Sam: Caseous was the first dude to stab Julius Caesar.
Gahalyn: Sam: Hahaha.
Gahalyn: Don't mind me, I'm tired
gremlinn: Don't tire [-2] me, I'm mined [+3].
Sam: tire [+1]
Sentynel: tire
Monkeyman: tire
VocaBot: Question: What word is a synonym of univocal? (1) sustain [+3], (2) robust, (3) fringe [+3], (4) unequivocal [+3], (5) divisive, (6) glabrous.
NessaChan: sustain
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: sustain
VocaBot: Answer: robust
VocaBot: Answer: fringe
VocaBot: Answer: unequivocal [+1] (Gahalyn, Kalimeris, Kysle, Lirelyn, Maryam, Monkeyman, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, TalkingDog, zyzzyva)
VocaBot: Answer: divisive (NessaChan)
VocaBot: Answer: glabrous
VocaBot: Question: What word means fine? (1) malediction, (2) amerce, (3) exanimate, (4) fearless, (5) boost [+3], (6) behoove.
NessaChan: BABE
Kalimeris: Camou-fairy!
* Gahalyn .
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: malediction (Monkeyman)
VocaBot: Answer: amerce [+1] (Kalimeris, Lirelyn, Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, TalkingDog, zyzzyva)
VocaBot: Answer: exanimate (Kysle)
VocaBot: Answer: fearless
VocaBot: Answer: boost [+1]
VocaBot: Answer: behoove
NessaChan: hotsuitguy
VocaBot: Question: What is the definition of colobus? (1) wise [-2] counselor [+3], (2) academic [+3], (3) monkey, (4) learned, (5) exalted, (6) thrash.
Sam: wise [+1]
Sentynel: wise
* Sam colobuses around.
Monkeyman: I hope that was a hint.
Sentynel: There's more than one word that would fit.
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: wise counselor [+1] (Sam, TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: academic [+1]
VocaBot: Answer: monkey [+1] (Kysle, Lirelyn, Maryam, Sentynel, zyzzyva)
VocaBot: Answer: learned (NessaChan, Nyperold)
VocaBot: Answer: exalted (Kalimeris)
VocaBot: Answer: thrash (Monkeyman)
Monkeyman: Oh, wrong hint.
gremlinn: Yeah, colobusman.
NessaChan: Colobusman
* NessaChan jumps [+3] on the colobus
* Nyperold rides [+3] the colobus, but sees [+3] no pretty girls.
Monkeyman: I AM A FOOL [+3]
NessaChan: On monday I stayed [+1] home from work because it was Colobus Day
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of amatory? (1) ambiguous [+3], (2) patron, (3) pep [+3], (4) banality, (5) hateful [+3], (6) mope [+3].
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: ambiguous (Kalimeris)
VocaBot: Answer: patron
VocaBot: Answer: pep
VocaBot: Answer: banality (TalkingDog)
VocaBot: Answer: hateful [+1] (Gahalyn, Lirelyn, Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, zyzzyva)
VocaBot: Answer: mope
Sentynel: Hmm, I like this bot. Interesting application [+3] of educated [-2] guessing about word meanings [+3] I don't know and the process of elimination [+3]...
Sentynel: educated [+1]
Sam: Sent: Yeah, Voca is one of my favorite bots.
VocaBot: Question: What word is a synonym of redolence? (1) riveting, (2) husk [+3], (3) teacher, (4) felon, (5) amnesia [+3], (6) aroma [+3].
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: riveting (Kalimeris)
VocaBot: Answer: husk
VocaBot: Answer: teacher
VocaBot: Answer: felon
VocaBot: Answer: amnesia (Monkeyman, Nyperold, Sam)
VocaBot: Answer: aroma [+1] (Gahalyn, Kysle, Lirelyn, Maryam, NessaChan, Sentynel, TalkingDog, zyzzyva)
Nyperold: Smells [+3] like pineapple [+3]!
Sentynel: Vocabot's on 205 Zap points already
VocaBot: Question: What word is an antonym of acidulous? (1) adhesion, (2) uncanny [+3], (3) sunken [+3], (4) sweet, (5) timeworn, (6) unfamiliar [+3].
NessaChan: uncanny [+1]
Sam: Nice.
NessaChan: sunken [+1]
Sam: unfamiliar
Sam: Aw.
gremlinn: HAHA
Monkeyman: I /b'd it already, Sma!
gremlinn: Monkeyman /b't!
VocaBot: Time's Up!
VocaBot: Answer: adhesion
VocaBot: Answer: uncanny
VocaBot: Answer: sunken
VocaBot: Answer: sweet [+1] (Kalimeris, Kysle, Lirelyn, Maryam, NessaChan, Nyperold, Sam, Sentynel, TalkingDog, zyzzyva)
VocaBot: Answer: timeworn
VocaBot: Answer: unfamiliar
VocaBot: Sentynel wins!
NessaChan: d'oh
Maryam: Yay Sent!
NessaChan: good go Sentynel
Lirelyn: Yay Sentynel!
zyzzyva: Great job, Sent!
Sentynel: Wow, thanks folks.
NessaChan: Sma!
Monkeyman: LOL grem!
Sentynel: I wasn't expecting [+3] to be quite good.
Sentynel: *that
Sentynel: Typical [+3]
Sentynel: Typos are much more likely when they make you look silly.
Monkeyman: LaZorra is familiar with that problem.
Kalimeris: I have pizzabagels!
Kalimeris: Yay cooking!
Lirelyn: Pizza bagels! THAT'S what I want!
Sam: Okay, Zap is off temporarily.
NessaChan: I have cold feet.
NessaChan: as in, they are actually cold.
VocaBot has been dismissed by Sam.
SinbadCaptionBot has been summoned by Sam.
zyzzyva: !
Maryam: bwuh?
Monkeyman: AHHH SINBAD
Sam: CaptionBot begins in about 2 minutes!
gremlinn: CaptainSinbadBot?
SinbadCaptionBot: zyzzyva chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Monkeyman: Do I /b?
Sam: Yeah, it's just CaptionBot with different images.
Monkeyman: I don't know CaptionBot either. It was invented within the last six years.
Sam: MM, CaptionBot is sort of one of the FUNDAMENTAL bots. You are in big trouble for not knowing it.
Maryam: It is?
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for Nose picking time!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for Excuse me, do you have the nail polish color known as "Dreamy Camou Sunset?" I have this great nail that needs painted.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for my fingernail will be DELICIOUS.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for I am scared of "FLEX!"ing.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for A little known fact: Jaffar's exaggerated expressions were obtained with the unusual use of a carrot.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for "Come here, my pretty. Don't worry, I won't eat you... much!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for Jaffar meets his end at the hand of Thing.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for HA!AUCCCKKKK *cough**cough**cough*
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 9 for I'll do it! I'll eat my fingernail! I'm gonna do it RIGHT NOW!....
Kalimeris: vote 9
Gahalyn: vote 8
NessaChan: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 2
Maryam: vote 2
Sam: vote 6
Lirelyn: vote 2
Sam: HM2
Monkeyman: vote 2
gremlinn: vote 4
Sentynel: vote 2
Kysle: vote 7
Sam: Okay, this variant is going to be AWESOME.
Monkeyman: INDEED
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 5 points for Excuse me, do you have the nail polish color known as "Dreamy Camou Sunset?" I have this great nail that needs painted.
SinbadCaptionBot: Gahalyn wins 1 point for I am scared of "FLEX!"ing.
SinbadCaptionBot: Kalimeris wins 1 point for HA!AUCCCKKKK *cough**cough**cough*
SinbadCaptionBot: Kysle wins 1 point for "Come here, my pretty. Don't worry, I won't eat you... much!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 1 point for I'll do it! I'll eat my fingernail! I'm gonna do it RIGHT NOW!....
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 1 point for A little known fact: Jaffar's exaggerated expressions were obtained with the unusual use of a carrot.
SinbadCaptionBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Jaffar meets his end at the hand of Thing.
SinbadCaptionBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for Nose picking time!
SinbadCaptionBot: Monkeyman wins 0 points for my fingernail will be DELICIOUS.
SinbadCaptionBot: The search keyword was
NessaChan: thanks
Sam: hahaha. I think the keyword functionality is broken.
Kysle: Wow, nice keyword.
SinbadCaptionBot: Lirelyn chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
* Sam sits this bot out. He has done enough work trying to invent captions for these images.
Maryam: Sam: LOL
Lirelyn: Sam: Yeah, I was wondering about that.
Lirelyn: You being Sinbad-captioned out, that is.
Sam: Lirelyn: Seriously. I couldn't be funny with these images a second time if I tried.
* Sentynel's humour gland is empty tonight
NessaChan: oh noes, not your humour gland!
Gahalyn: EEW
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for "Look at my hair. It looks real, doesn't it?! Well guess what!!! It's a WIG. A pointy wig of death."
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for And then Poochie was like, "Whatever," and I was like...
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for "You know, once you try pointy hair, you'll never go back..."
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for Five minutes before the sea monster struck.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for YAR HAR FIDDLE DI DEE - Being a pirate is alright with meeee! Do what you want coz a pirate is freeee~! Uh.. do you like my hair? Coz, you know.. I'm a pirate... I can do that.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for Actually, I don't think my bathtub is too big. Why do you ask?
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for Confucious say, "90210 was big mistake."
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for I wish my clothes were colorful like yours, so that when I fight in the streets of Basra my robes would swirl into a mist of brightly-colored beauty!
Gahalyn: vote 2
Monkeyman: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 2
Maryam: vote 2
Kysle: vote 7
Lirelyn: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 1
Sam: vote 6
Gahalyn: Sam: I am apparently only capable of making reference to previous comments I've made on the comics.
Sam: HM2
Sam: Gaha: LOL
Gahalyn: So you must vote for me.
Gahalyn: *nodnod*
SinbadCaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 3 points for And then Poochie was like, "Whatever," and I was like...
SinbadCaptionBot: Monkeyman wins 2 points for "You know, once you try pointy hair, you'll never go back..."
SinbadCaptionBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for Confucious say, "90210 was big mistake."
SinbadCaptionBot: Kysle wins 1 point for "Look at my hair. It looks real, doesn't it?! Well guess what!!! It's a WIG. A pointy wig of death."
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 1 point for Actually, I don't think my bathtub is too big. Why do you ask?
SinbadCaptionBot: Gahalyn wins 0 points for I wish my clothes were colorful like yours, so that when I fight in the streets of Basra my robes would swirl into a mist of brightly-colored beauty!
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for YAR HAR FIDDLE DI DEE - Being a pirate is alright with meeee! Do what you want coz a pirate is freeee~! Uh.. do you like my hair? Coz, you know.. I'm a pirate... I can do that.
SinbadCaptionBot: zyzzyva wins 0 points for Five minutes before the sea monster struck.
SinbadCaptionBot: zyzzyva loses a point for submitting and not voting.
SinbadCaptionBot: The search keyword was ali.
zyzzyva: vote 6
zyzzyva: Lag.
SinbadCaptionBot: Monkeyman chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
* Sam fixes the keyword lines.
Gahalyn: Sam: I may not have actually made that comment, just in my head. But I was thinking those caps would make good bases for ads.
Gahalyn: Where he's swirling.
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for I love ya, tomorrow, you're always a daaaay aaaa-waaaaay!!!!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for It's fun to stay at the.. Y M C A~!! Y M C A~!!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for Y M C A!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for "Sweep the leg! Sweep the leg!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for "Arggh! RRRRGGGGHHHHH! The lighting on this set is so bad, I can barely see you to hit you. Stand still would you?"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for "WHYYYYY EM SEE EH!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for In the event of an emergency, please use the emergency exits to the left and right of the torture chamber.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for Time for twister!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 9 for "I believe I can fly... I believe I can touch the... ceiling..."
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 10 for Boo!
Kysle: Barely Clothed Hug Time
Sentynel: vote 7
zyzzyva: vote 7
Monkeyman: vote 7
Gahalyn: vote 2
Kysle: vote 7
Sam: vote 8
Kalimeris: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 2
Gahalyn: Why aren't my .....s in there?
Gahalyn: Maybe they don't work with a space before the group.
NessaChan: vote 9
Lirelyn: vote 8
Maryam: vote 1
Sentynel: I'm surprised there were only three YMCA entries.
Lirelyn: vote 9
Monkeyman: I am disappointed that I am so unoriginal.
Kalimeris: This caption actually reminded me of the dance we do for band
Kysle: The YMCA?
Kalimeris: No, no.
SinbadCaptionBot: Sam wins 4 points for In the event of an emergency, please use the emergency exits to the left and right of the torture chamber.
SinbadCaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 2 points for I love ya, tomorrow, you're always a daaaay aaaa-waaaaay!!!!
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for It's fun to stay at the.. Y M C A~!! Y M C A~!!
SinbadCaptionBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for "I believe I can fly... I believe I can touch the... ceiling..."
SinbadCaptionBot: zyzzyva wins 1 point for Time for twister!
SinbadCaptionBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Boo!
SinbadCaptionBot: Kysle wins 0 points for "Arggh! RRRRGGGGHHHHH! The lighting on this set is so bad, I can barely see you to hit you. Stand still would you?"
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 0 points for "Sweep the leg! Sweep the leg!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Monkeyman wins 0 points for "WHYYYYY EM SEE EH!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for Y M C A!
Sam: Well, okay, so I got one.
zyzzyva: Lirelyn did you have to change your vote.
Maryam: That totally looks like Daniel-san's pose in the Karate Kid tournament. *pout*
Gahalyn: Oh um, apparently my entry wasn't even there.
Gahalyn: It was "Y.... M C A!"
Gahalyn: And it was there before the "time's up"
Gahalyn: I am confused!
gremlinn: Did you have "Y...M"?
gremlinn: Ha, I'm totally thinking AcroBot.
Sam: You Make Calif Angry!
Sam: Gaha: If it sees a submission that's the same except for punctuation, it only takes the first one.
Gahalyn: Ah.
Gahalyn: Sam: Thx 4 splain.
SinbadCaptionBot: SinbadCaptionBot chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Monkeyman: PLZ VOTE FOR IT
Monkeyman: It'll be the lame one.
gremlinn: Okay.
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for And so, the wicked witch of the west was slain.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for Sinbad receives: 500 experience points. Level up!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for "I'm hot, right? Tell me I'm hot. I need you to tell me I'm hot."
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for So, uh, I killed this dude by accident. He wasn't important, was he?
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for Did someone order a pole dancer?
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for Sinbad strode nobly forth, his trusty spear in his hand, seeking the long lost bathroom.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for It's important to choose good weapons. This stick should make a nice clang when I throw it down.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for Having thrown away his swords, Sinbad dispatches a guard using... a Twizzler!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 9 for I am ABOUT TO THROW AWAY THIS STICK.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 10 for Wow, kendo class is fun! Look at how well I did, Sensei!!! Sensei? Sensei?!?!
gremlinn: vote 6
Kysle: vote 2
Gahalyn: vote 7
zyzzyva: vote 6
Lirelyn: vote 5
goldfishy: vote 4
Monkeyman: vote 9
Sam: vote 7
gremlinn: I voted for yours, MM.
Nyperold: vote 7
Maryam: vote 7
NessaChan: vote 2
Monkeyman: vote 10
Sam: HM2,3
Sam: vote 3
Sam: HM7
Monkeyman: grem: Um, how did you know?
gremlinn: Because it was SO LAME.
Monkeyman: Oh, duh.
Sam: You walked into that, MM.
Monkeyman: I SEE NOW
SinbadCaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 3 points for It's important to choose good weapons. This stick should make a nice clang when I throw it down.
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 2 points for Sinbad receives: 500 experience points. Level up!
SinbadCaptionBot: Monkeyman wins 2 points for Sinbad strode nobly forth, his trusty spear in his hand, seeking the long lost bathroom.
SinbadCaptionBot: goldfishy wins 1 point for Did someone order a pole dancer?
SinbadCaptionBot: Kysle wins 1 point for "I'm hot, right? Tell me I'm hot. I need you to tell me I'm hot."
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Wow, kendo class is fun! Look at how well I did, Sensei!!! Sensei? Sensei?!?!
SinbadCaptionBot: Sam wins 1 point for So, uh, I killed this dude by accident. He wasn't important, was he?
SinbadCaptionBot: Gahalyn wins 0 points for I am ABOUT TO THROW AWAY THIS STICK.
SinbadCaptionBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Having thrown away his swords, Sinbad dispatches a guard using... a Twizzler!
SinbadCaptionBot: zyzzyva wins 0 points for And so, the wicked witch of the west was slain.
Gahalyn: The two of us are kinda in awe of how grem knew.
Gahalyn: We're all like WHA?
SinbadCaptionBot: SinbadCaptionBot chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Monkeyman: OH NO
Gahalyn: SAM
* Sam stops.
Kalimeris: LET'S GO PARTY
Monkeyman: I was totally not bringing that song up. But it happened anyway, to my eternal regret.
Sam: You did sort of walk into that again.
Sam: You're back for like one hour, and already I'm remembering how awesomely easy it is for you to blunder into things you don't mean to. It makes me miss you.
Gahalyn: Sam: Sometimes he does that with walls.
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for Uh, you have, uh, something green in your teeth.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for Stand still! I see a HUGE whitehead on your ear...
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for You've... got something on your chin.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for Alina said: "My earrings are bigger than yours!!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for "OHMYGAWD, he's wearing an earring! Gaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy...."
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for Wow, his earrings are totally nicer than mine. Did he get those at Claire's? Because I was at Claire's last week and I totally didn't see those. Maybe he got them at Hot Topic. Oh, is he still talking to me?
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for See this expression I'm making? This is what we, in the acting business, call TERROR. Dolt.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for Hey, you must be an old hag, because I'd haggle for you any day.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 9 for Alina, the liveliest and sweatiest princess who ever loved... wait... i... is that right?
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 10 for You have on your lip there. No, other side.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 11 for Did I get too much botox this time? I'm smiling... can you see it?
Gahalyn: VOTE 6
Gahalyn: I mean. vote 6.
Monkeyman: vote 7
Lirelyn: vote 9
Maryam: vote 6
Kalimeris: vote 6
gremlinn: vote 8
zyzzyva: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 11
goldfishy: vote 6
Monkeyman: You had me at "walls".
Lirelyn: HM 6
Nyperold: vote 6
Maryam: HM2
Kysle: vote 6
Sam: vote 6
Gahalyn: MM makes no sense.
Gahalyn: I am totally not kidding about the walls.
Monkeyman: Yeah, I am the king of the inadvertent blunder.
Monkeyman: I do it on purpose about 4% of the time.
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 8 points for Wow, his earrings are totally nicer than mine. Did he get those at Claire's? Because I was at Claire's last week and I totally didn't see those. Maybe he got them at Hot Topic. Oh, is he still talking to me?
SinbadCaptionBot: goldfishy wins 1 point for Did I get too much botox this time? I'm smiling... can you see it?
SinbadCaptionBot: Kysle wins 1 point for See this expression I'm making? This is what we, in the acting business, call TERROR. Dolt.
SinbadCaptionBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Alina, the liveliest and sweatiest princess who ever loved... wait... i... is that right?
SinbadCaptionBot: zyzzyva wins 1 point for Hey, you must be an old hag, because I'd haggle for you any day.
SinbadCaptionBot: Gahalyn wins 0 points for Alina said: "My earrings are bigger than yours!!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Stand still! I see a HUGE whitehead on your ear...
SinbadCaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 0 points for You've... got something on your chin.
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 0 points for Uh, you have, uh, something green in your teeth.
SinbadCaptionBot: Monkeyman wins 0 points for "OHMYGAWD, he's wearing an earring! Gaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy...."
SinbadCaptionBot: Sam wins 0 points for You have on your lip there. No, other side.
NessaChan: :O thanks!
Sam: vote 11
SinbadCaptionBot: Kysle chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Sam: I *love* that frame of the guard flying in from the right side of the screen with no visible reason for doing so.
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for "I'm not gonna kill you. I want you to do me a favor. I want you to tell all your friends about me... I'm Batman!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for Everybody was KUNG-FU FIGHTING~! Those cats were fast as light-ning-ing~ Woo! Everybody!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for "GYAAAAaaah! My butt is not a baseball!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for CamouFairy's Batman costume makes strong men cry.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for "I hold belt vary guud!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for The new cast of Swan Lake was very popular during their first season of touring.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for See my life-sized guard puppet? It's heavy, but look, you can wiggle him around -- WHEEEE!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for Nope, it's still blurry! You NEED to keep absolutely still when you hover!!!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 9 for I heard the caramel apple on a stick took a long time to eat, but wait till you try one of these babies - black-robed man on a stick!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 10 for The bane of every man is ninjas on unicycles.
Monkeyman: vote 3
zyzzyva: vote 4
Monkeyman: vote 5
goldfishy: vote 1
Lirelyn: vote 2
gremlinn: vote 7
Sam: vote 6
Maryam: vote 1
Kysle: vote 8
NessaChan: vote 10
Nyperold: vote 8
SinbadCaptionBot: goldfishy wins 2 points for Nope, it's still blurry! You NEED to keep absolutely still when you hover!!!
SinbadCaptionBot: Kysle wins 2 points for "I'm not gonna kill you. I want you to do me a favor. I want you to tell all your friends about me... I'm Batman!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 1 point for CamouFairy's Batman costume makes strong men cry.
SinbadCaptionBot: Monkeyman wins 1 point for The new cast of Swan Lake was very popular during their first season of touring.
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Everybody was KUNG-FU FIGHTING~! Those cats were fast as light-ning-ing~ Woo! Everybody!
SinbadCaptionBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for "I hold belt vary guud!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Sam wins 1 point for See my life-sized guard puppet? It's heavy, but look, you can wiggle him around -- WHEEEE!
SinbadCaptionBot: zyzzyva wins 1 point for The bane of every man is ninjas on unicycles.
SinbadCaptionBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for I heard the caramel apple on a stick took a long time to eat, but wait till you try one of these babies - black-robed man on a stick!
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 0 points for "GYAAAAaaah! My butt is not a baseball!"
Sam: Heh. The other two I was considering were grem's and Maryam's.
gremlinn: I guess mine was too long and unwieldy.
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for I AM NOT SHOUTING AT YOU
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for "For the love of all that is evil, why is the left side of your head missing??"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for I said it very loud and clear: I went and shouted in her ear. `But she was very stiff and proud: She said, "You needn't shout so loud!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for Dang, this dental hygienist is really spacing out! I've been saying "AHHH!" for the last ten minutes!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for Don't you just stand there, young lady! Look at me when I'm talking to you!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for I EET YOR HED
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for The cast changes in the third Twilight film were VERY well received in some circles.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for Hey miss, I often find myself noticing how appropriate your lustre is.
zyzzyva: vote 7
Monkeyman: vote 4
Maryam: vote 6
Kysle: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 2
NessaChan: vote 4
Sam: vote 3
Sentynel: vote 3
Lirelyn: vote 7
Sam: HM1,8
Sam: vote 8
SinbadCaptionBot: gremlinn wins 3 points for Dang, this dental hygienist is really spacing out! I've been saying "AHHH!" for the last ten minutes!
SinbadCaptionBot: Monkeyman wins 2 points for The cast changes in the third Twilight film were VERY well received in some circles.
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 1 point for "For the love of all that is evil, why is the left side of your head missing??"
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for I said it very loud and clear: I went and shouted in her ear. `But she was very stiff and proud: She said, "You needn't shout so loud!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Sam wins 1 point for I EET YOR HED
SinbadCaptionBot: zyzzyva wins 1 point for Hey miss, I often find myself noticing how appropriate your lustre is.
SinbadCaptionBot: Kysle wins 0 points for I AM NOT SHOUTING AT YOU
SinbadCaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 0 points for Don't you just stand there, young lady! Look at me when I'm talking to you!
NessaChan: Thanks to Lewis Carroll for that one. :p
Kysle: Geez, Ness. You're rockin'
NessaChan: thanks
SinbadCaptionBot: Sam chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
* Lirelyn wonders how old these mashed potatoes are.
Kysle: Lire: If you have to ask... too old.
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for Cupid took to bodybuilding when he grew up.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for You want to make sure you fire the arrow BEFORE you cast away the bow. We've had some nasty accidents.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for Many people use arrows with their bows. I use dried spaghetti.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for "I.... need arrows, don't I?"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for Hey baby, what's your sign? Mine's Sagittarius. *wink wink*
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for Sinbad goes on a bender, involving many bars.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for It took eight minutes for Sinbad to realize that his arrows weren't flying because he was actually wielding a curvy palm tree.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for The bus stop? Yeah its *strains* that way
Sam: This is the best Sinbad bot ever.
Sam: And probably an improvement on the original bot, even.
Maryam: NOOO
Maryam: One second too late with my submission.
Maryam: [->Bots] Luckily, it was dark. As it was, I couldn't keep from staring in horrified fascination at the tumescent, undulating deltoids.
zyzzyva: vote 7
Monkeyman: vote 6
Sam: Maryam: LOL LOL. Aww.
Nyperold: vote 2
Kysle: vote 8
Gahalyn: vote 2
goldfishy: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 7
Lirelyn: vote 7
Sam: vote 8
Bryn: vote 2
Monkeyman: vote 2
Maryam: vote 8
Kysle: HM 1
SinbadCaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 4 points for You want to make sure you fire the arrow BEFORE you cast away the bow. We've had some nasty accidents.
SinbadCaptionBot: goldfishy wins 3 points for The bus stop? Yeah its *strains* that way
SinbadCaptionBot: Monkeyman wins 3 points for It took eight minutes for Sinbad to realize that his arrows weren't flying because he was actually wielding a curvy palm tree.
SinbadCaptionBot: Kysle wins 1 point for "I.... need arrows, don't I?"
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Hey baby, what's your sign? Mine's Sagittarius. *wink wink*
SinbadCaptionBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Sinbad goes on a bender, involving many bars.
SinbadCaptionBot: Sam wins 0 points for Cupid took to bodybuilding when he grew up.
SinbadCaptionBot: zyzzyva wins 0 points for Many people use arrows with their bows. I use dried spaghetti.
SinbadCaptionBot: Bryn chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
* Bryn has to keep chasing his sister's pet rabbit off the couch.
Maryam: BUNNY
Kysle: Bryn: Just eat it.
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for "S'mores! S'mores! Get your authentic, freshly toasted S'mores here! S'mores!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for "Hmm, I don't know... this curried habanero extract tabasco sauce needs a bit more kick, don't you think?"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for Wow, he really can't handle his chillis!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for Bob knew he was going to have to break up with his fire elemental girlfriend soon. The blisters were just getting to be too much.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for The fire golem's fist tore through the fruit vendor's fruitless defenses of spit and spatulas.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for AHHH! My head's on fire!!!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for The winner of the Bubble Blowing X-Treme Championship in action.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for Woo!! The TV commercial was right! Tabasco sauce really *does* taste great on pizza! *BELCH* Whoops, sorry about your hair there, Mister.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 9 for As the stunned crowd was about to witness, fireballs are NOT edible.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 10 for That's one a-spicy meatball! Woah!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 11 for I've had hot peppers before, but this is ridiculous.
Monkeyman: DANG
Monkeyman: /b Six months later, EVERY model in Milan was wearing sun-inspired headgear.
Gahalyn: vote 8
Bryn: vote 1
Lirelyn: vote 7
Sam: vote 4
zyzzyva: vote 4
Monkeyman: That's what I get for letting my love for delicious ice cream take me away from the keyboard briefly.
Kalimeris: vote 3
goldfishy: vote 8
Monkeyman: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 10
Maryam: vote 7
LuckyWizard: vote 4
Kysle: vote 10
Sam: 4 is incredible.
Monkeyman: vote 5
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 5 points for Bob knew he was going to have to break up with his fire elemental girlfriend soon. The blisters were just getting to be too much.
SinbadCaptionBot: Bryn wins 2 points for That's one a-spicy meatball! Woah!
SinbadCaptionBot: Kalimeris wins 2 points for The winner of the Bubble Blowing X-Treme Championship in action.
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for Woo!! The TV commercial was right! Tabasco sauce really *does* taste great on pizza! *BELCH* Whoops, sorry about your hair there, Mister.
SinbadCaptionBot: goldfishy wins 1 point for Wow, he really can't handle his chillis!
SinbadCaptionBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for The fire golem's fist tore through the fruit vendor's fruitless defenses of spit and spatulas.
SinbadCaptionBot: Kysle wins 1 point for "S'mores! S'mores! Get your authentic, freshly toasted S'mores here! S'mores!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Gahalyn wins 0 points for AHHH! My head's on fire!!!
SinbadCaptionBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for "Hmm, I don't know... this curried habanero extract tabasco sauce needs a bit more kick, don't you think?"
SinbadCaptionBot: Sam wins 0 points for I've had hot peppers before, but this is ridiculous.
SinbadCaptionBot: zyzzyva wins 0 points for As the stunned crowd was about to witness, fireballs are NOT edible.
Kysle: Next time buy crappy ice cream and it won't happen.
Maryam: Sam: Heh heh. thanks.
Sentynel: Maryam: Your submission for that terrifies me.
Sentynel: It's fantastic.
Nyperold: You can't brush her hair.
Nyperold: Or the bristles will burn up.
SinbadCaptionBot: Gahalyn chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for The poster for the forthcoming motion picture "Twister 2: Cantu Storm."
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for Is that... a horse in the background? A black sheet? No, really, what is that? It kinda looks like a dragon from one angle.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for Of COURSE Gahalyn chose the one with the spinning blur of colors.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for He shoots... GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLLLL!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for Here is where my colorful clothing comes in handy! For making artistic looking images!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for Bill was annoyed when nobody recognized his Halloween Costume as the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. So he gave them a "trick" instead of a "treat."
Maryam: Darn, too late again.
Maryam: [->Bots] In times of lull, the Chinese Soldier of Fortune showed off his knowledge of dances from around the world. Pictured: the Italian tarantella.
Monkeyman: vote 3
Gahalyn: vote 3
Gahalyn: :-.
Bryn: vote 1
Sam: vote 4
Lirelyn: vote 1
Sam: HM6
Kysle: vote 6
Maryam: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 5
Sam: HM Maryam
SinbadCaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 3 points for Of COURSE Gahalyn chose the one with the spinning blur of colors.
SinbadCaptionBot: Sam wins 2 points for The poster for the forthcoming motion picture "Twister 2: Cantu Storm."
SinbadCaptionBot: Bryn wins 1 point for He shoots... GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLLLL!
SinbadCaptionBot: Gahalyn wins 1 point for Here is where my colorful clothing comes in handy! For making artistic looking images!
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Bill was annoyed when nobody recognized his Halloween Costume as the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. So he gave them a "trick" instead of a "treat."
SinbadCaptionBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Is that... a horse in the background? A black sheet? No, really, what is that? It kinda looks like a dragon from one angle.
Gahalyn: Yay Lirelyn!
Lirelyn: :-D
Monkeyman: I had a lame one about casual footwear and wraiths. I wasn't too upset to be too late.
Sam: So, you guys have probably figured out that these images only cover what the first 50 comics cover. Maybe at a later UBT, we can do the next 50.
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Sam: LOL
Lirelyn: It's hard not to quote Sam here.
gremlinn: "LOL"
* gremlinn plagiarizes Sam and does not cite him.
* Sam sues.
* gremlinn wins.
Sam: :-(
Gahalyn: Quickest trial ever!
Sam: Our trials are about as quick as our marriages.
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for "YEOW! Hey, I don't mind you taking an axillary temperature from behind, but can you warm that thing up first?"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for Breaking the chains in the dungeon were nothing compared to breaking the chains of politics to become the governor of California.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for In retrospect, the game of Candyland got out of hand.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for OOOOOOH YES!!! Right there!! Oh that itch has been driving me nuts - damn this stupid armour!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for Sinbad soon realized that cross-dressing was not very fun in the age of corsets.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for "Ooh, yeah, that's the spot. A little lower... ohhhhhhhhh, your massages... mmmmm...."
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for Ok, push a little harder... harder... THERE! My back finally popped! Thank you so much!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for The attacker might find his job easier without the black cloth over his head.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 9 for I will break this chain with an expression of constipation!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 10 for Yeah, the chain guy just wanted to see him flex.
Gahalyn: vote 1
Bryn: vote 7
Gahalyn: hm2
Kysle: vote 1
Monkeyman: vote 9
Lirelyn: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 2
zyzzyva: vote 8
Maryam: vote 3
Sam: vote 5
Sam: HM3
goldfishy: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 8
LuckyWizard: vote 3
Gahalyn: Mine was so SO the funniest.
Gahalyn: Everyone who did not vote for mine is silly.
goldfishy: Mine was sooooo boring!
SinbadCaptionBot: zyzzyva wins 3 points for In retrospect, the game of Candyland got out of hand.
SinbadCaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 2 points for The attacker might find his job easier without the black cloth over his head.
SinbadCaptionBot: Monkeyman wins 2 points for Sinbad soon realized that cross-dressing was not very fun in the age of corsets.
SinbadCaptionBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for "YEOW! Hey, I don't mind you taking an axillary temperature from behind, but can you warm that thing up first?"
SinbadCaptionBot: Gahalyn wins 1 point for I will break this chain with an expression of constipation!
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 1 point for Ok, push a little harder... harder... THERE! My back finally popped! Thank you so much!
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Breaking the chains in the dungeon were nothing compared to breaking the chains of politics to become the governor of California.
SinbadCaptionBot: Bryn wins 0 points for Yeah, the chain guy just wanted to see him flex.
SinbadCaptionBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for OOOOOOH YES!!! Right there!! Oh that itch has been driving me nuts - damn this stupid armour!
SinbadCaptionBot: Kysle wins 0 points for "Ooh, yeah, that's the spot. A little lower... ohhhhhhhhh, your massages... mmmmm...."
Sam: This is fantastic. Just about every single round, there have been 3+ submissions more than worthy of votes.
Lirelyn: Sam: I suspect the common reference pool for the images helps.
Sam: Gaha: I enjoyed reading my work translated into English.
Gahalyn: Sam: :-p
Gahalyn: It was really funny though, translating it in my head.
Sam: Gaha: That wasn't meant to be sarcastic.
Gahalyn: Oh.
SinbadCaptionBot: SinbadCaptionBot chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Sam: LOL
* Sam quotes himself: "LOL" and does not give credit.
* Sam sues and wins and loses.
Sam: :-) :-(
Gahalyn: LOL
Bryn: Heheh.
gremlinn: Sam's lost all creativity. Clearly he is drawing from his previous works.
Sam: That's an image from next Monday's comic.
Bryn: I've got no idea what that is.
Gahalyn: Sam: Thank you for the nonsarcasm :-)
Sam: The dialogue in that particular panel is not obviously funny, but I laugh every time I see it.
Sam: It's probably just me, though, so don't get any hopes up.
Bryn: Probably actually seeing this movie may actually help a bit.
Sam: Bryn: See it IMMEDIATELY.
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for "you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere... I'm a blonde single girl in the fantasy world.... dress me up... take your time... I'm your dolly."
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for This cheatin' heart just told Sinbad on its previous owner.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee! Won't my mommy be so proud of me? I'm bringing home a -- GAH! THAT'S not a bumblebee! AIEEEEEEEE
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for Behold: The sacred rock of Gurgu! "What does it do?" Nothing.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for Okay, Mom, never mind. I totally do not want monkey heads for dinner.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for Voldemort had once again been able to come back from the dead to cohabit in one of his servants bodies. He hadn't thought about the opening of doors being painful though in his new position...
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for Alas, poor Yorrik, I knew him well... that was before the pygmy head-shrinking cannibals got to him.. :(
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for Is this a skull-shaped rock I see before me? No, really. What the heck IS this thing?
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 9 for This reminds me of the BABY ALIGATOR ACTUAL HEAD that SOMEONE brought back from a trip to New Orleans. It was resin coated ACTUAL FLESH.
Monkeyman: vote 3
Gahalyn: vote 2
Kysle: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 2
Sam: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 3
goldfishy: vote 3
Maryam: vote 8
NessaChan: vote 8
gremlinn: vote 5
Lirelyn: vote 4
zyzzyva: vote 3
Monkeyman: vote 7
Monkeyman: Number 9 is a TRUE STORY.
LuckyWizard: vote 4
Kysle: My baby head is from the Everglades.
Monkeyman: And I have the resin-coated baby alligator head to prove it.
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 3 points for I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee! Won't my mommy be so proud of me? I'm bringing home a -- GAH! THAT'S not a bumblebee! AIEEEEEEEE
SinbadCaptionBot: zyzzyva wins 3 points for Behold: The sacred rock of Gurgu! "What does it do?" Nothing.
SinbadCaptionBot: Monkeyman wins 2 points for Is this a skull-shaped rock I see before me? No, really. What the heck IS this thing?
SinbadCaptionBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for This cheatin' heart just told Sinbad on its previous owner.
SinbadCaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 1 point for Okay, Mom, never mind. I totally do not want monkey heads for dinner.
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Alas, poor Yorrik, I knew him well... that was before the pygmy head-shrinking cannibals got to him.. :(
SinbadCaptionBot: Gahalyn wins 0 points for This reminds me of the BABY ALIGATOR ACTUAL HEAD that SOMEONE brought back from a trip to New Orleans. It was resin coated ACTUAL FLESH.
SinbadCaptionBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for Voldemort had once again been able to come back from the dead to cohabit in one of his servants bodies. He hadn't thought about the opening of doors being painful though in his new position...
SinbadCaptionBot: Kysle wins 0 points for "you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere... I'm a blonde single girl in the fantasy world.... dress me up... take your time... I'm your dolly."
Maryam: vote 7
NessaChan: too late, Maryam! :P
NessaChan: hehe
Maryam: Nessa: Sorry!
NessaChan: :)
Gahalyn: There were so many good ones that made me laugh.
Lirelyn: Yeah, this was a great bunch.
Monkeyman: INDEED
SinbadCaptionBot: SinbadCaptionBot chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
NessaChan: it's ok
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for If I stare straight ahead, I can pretend my daughter's not baring her cleavage for every prince, ragamuffin, and evil vizier to walk in here.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for "Huh! Your beard really does look like a duck!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for Did you glue your eyelids open by accident, again? Jeez, this is like the 27th time, dad!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for I guess the "cold hard stare off into the distance while somebody is talking to you" runs in the family.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for Alina's heart grew THREE sizes that day!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for that a hamster hiding in your beard?!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for He heard women were attracted to brainy men, so he started stuffing his cap.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for "For the last time, Daddy, my name is Alina, and I don't even have any midriff-baring outfits! You know that!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 9 for Dad, I have cleavage now, and SOME DAY you are just going to have to accept it! You can't stare blankly into space forever...
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 10 for Stop looking at my boobs.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 11 for I am resolutely not looking at your heart shaped cleveage!
Gahalyn: vote 2
zyzzyva: vote 2
Monkeyman: vote 6
Kalimeris: vote 5
Lirelyn: vote 5
Bryn: Wow, look where a lot of people's minds went straight away... :D
Nyperold: vote 3
Maryam: vote 4
Monkeyman: vote 11
gremlinn: vote 8
LuckyWizard: vote 9
Kysle: vote 11
Sam: vote 9
goldfishy: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 1
Bryn: vote 3
Sam: HM 2,3,6.
NessaChan: I tried hard to do something along the lines of 1 and 11, but I couldn't manage without it being too squicky for me to post.
SinbadCaptionBot: Gahalyn wins 2 points for I am resolutely not looking at your heart shaped cleveage!
SinbadCaptionBot: Kalimeris wins 2 points for Did you glue your eyelids open by accident, again? Jeez, this is like the 27th time, dad!
SinbadCaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 2 points for If I stare straight ahead, I can pretend my daughter's not baring her cleavage for every prince, ragamuffin, and evil vizier to walk in here.
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 2 points for "Huh! Your beard really does look like a duck!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Monkeyman wins 2 points for Dad, I have cleavage now, and SOME DAY you are just going to have to accept it! You can't stare blankly into space forever...
SinbadCaptionBot: Sam wins 2 points for Alina's heart grew THREE sizes that day!
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for I guess the "cold hard stare off into the distance while somebody is talking to you" runs in the family.
SinbadCaptionBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for "For the last time, Daddy, my name is Alina, and I don't even have any midriff-baring outfits! You know that!"
SinbadCaptionBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for that a hamster hiding in your beard?!
SinbadCaptionBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for He heard women were attracted to brainy men, so he started stuffing his cap.
SinbadCaptionBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Stop looking at my boobs.
Gahalyn: I forget who it was that I quoted.
Gahalyn: The heart shaped bit.
Nyperold: I was thinking along the lines that he's getting himself and the other characters confused with the ones in Aladdin.
SinbadCaptionBot: SinbadCaptionBot chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
* Sam's rules.
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for Jaffar sees the "Cheetos-in-the-bathtub-girl" picture for the first time.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for Jaffar's "bunny on crack" impression was always a hit at parties.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for There's a HAIR in my soup! Blegghhhh!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for "If I look at you like this long enough will you leave?"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for *gasp* Who put drawing pins on my chair!!!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for John Steiner still uses this look to intimidate prospective home-buyers.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for Soukra gets fresh.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for Unfortunately for him, there was no Guinness World Record for "Most frightening gaze".
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 9 for what i HAVE DONE TO MY EYEBALLS
Monkeyman: I feel like I have not really made good use of this one.
Gahalyn: vote 7
goldfishy: vote 2
Maryam: LOL LOL 7
Sam: vote 9
Monkeyman: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 2
Maryam: vote 7
Kalimeris: vote 7
Lirelyn: vote 7
gremlinn: vote 9
Sentynel: vote 9
zyzzyva: vote 5
Kysle: vite 2
Sam: HM6!
Kysle: vote 2
LuckyWizard: vote 6
Bryn has left.
gremlinn: vote 2
SinbadCaptionBot: Monkeyman wins 4 points for Jaffar's "bunny on crack" impression was always a hit at parties.
SinbadCaptionBot: Sam wins 4 points for Soukra gets fresh.
SinbadCaptionBot: Gahalyn wins 2 points for what i HAVE DONE TO MY EYEBALLS
SinbadCaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 2 points for John Steiner still uses this look to intimidate prospective home-buyers.
SinbadCaptionBot: goldfishy wins 1 point for *gasp* Who put drawing pins on my chair!!!
SinbadCaptionBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for There's a HAIR in my soup! Blegghhhh!
SinbadCaptionBot: Kysle wins 0 points for "If I look at you like this long enough will you leave?"
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Jaffar sees the "Cheetos-in-the-bathtub-girl" picture for the first time.
SinbadCaptionBot: zyzzyva wins 0 points for Unfortunately for him, there was no Guinness World Record for "Most frightening gaze".
Monkeyman: Well, that did much better than I expected.
Kysle: Man, you really have to be kinda funny to get votes, don't you?
gremlinn: You have to be funny to others. It's not good enough to think your own is the funniest.
Sam: I was proud of that one.
Gahalyn: Sam: You should be!
Gahalyn: That's an awesome mental image. I mean, no ew. But yeah.
Sam: Gaha: LOL LOL LOL
zyzzyva: Sam: I don't get yours.
Sam: zyz: Soukra is this skanky sorceress chick in the movie.
zyzzyva: Oh.
SinbadCaptionBot: Monkeyman chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Sam: All I got for this one is what I put in the comic.
* Gahalyn becomes very, very derivitave.
Gahalyn: derevitive
Gahalyn: dercveafd.
Sam: derivative
Gahalyn: Thanks.
Sam: You were close enough that I had trouble figuring out what was wrong.
Gahalyn: That's me. Just close enough!
Sentynel: dy/dx
Sam: Sent: LOL
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for Man in center: "Hmmm, I wonder what the centurion's pecs look like under all that armor... Mama mia!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for Pin the Iron Spike on the Torturee was a very popular game in the dungeon.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for MARCO!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for Yes, now we're going to play pin the tail on the donkey!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for what i HAVE DONE TO MY EYEBALLS they are gone
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for Now that you're blindfolded, we will tickle you feet.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for Okay, we're going to play Blindman's Bluff. You get to be "It." There's one catch to this game, though. The loser has to go on a date with Jaffar.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for Blindfolds were in vogue as soon as he wore one.
Monkeyman: vote 2
zyzzyva: vote 8
goldfishy: vote 1
Lirelyn: vote 3
Monkeyman: vote 5
Kysle: vote 6
Sam: vote 3
Gahalyn: vote 7
Maryam: vote 5
gremlinn: vote 2
LuckyWizard: vote 7
NessaChan: vote 4
Sam: I love the captions that are really short but still get a complete idea across.
Nyperold: I was going to go for a Masada joke, but the names escaped me.
Monkeyman: Ok, #5 made me EXPLOSIVELY LOL
Lirelyn: Me too.
SinbadCaptionBot: Gahalyn wins 2 points for what i HAVE DONE TO MY EYEBALLS they are gone
SinbadCaptionBot: Kalimeris wins 2 points for MARCO!
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for Okay, we're going to play Blindman's Bluff. You get to be "It." There's one catch to this game, though. The loser has to go on a date with Jaffar.
SinbadCaptionBot: goldfishy wins 1 point for Yes, now we're going to play pin the tail on the donkey!
SinbadCaptionBot: Kysle wins 1 point for Blindfolds were in vogue as soon as he wore one.
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 1 point for Pin the Iron Spike on the Torturee was a very popular game in the dungeon.
SinbadCaptionBot: Monkeyman wins 1 point for Man in center: "Hmmm, I wonder what the centurion's pecs look like under all that armor... Mama mia!"
SinbadCaptionBot: zyzzyva wins 1 point for Now that you're blindfolded, we will tickle you feet.
SinbadCaptionBot: Kalimeris loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Maryam: Everyone got points that time.
gremlinn: I didn't.
SinbadCaptionBot: Gahalyn chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Sam: That frame was only seen in part in the comic. Jaffar's HA! covered most of it.
Sam: Also, I flipped it horizontally.
Sam: I'm writing historical information here because I have no caption for it.
Gahalyn: Sam! Flipping? You are destroying the artistic integrity of the film!
* Gahalyn laughs at the phrase "artistic integrity of the film" as it applies to this particular movie.
Monkeyman: LOL GAHA
* NessaChan snorts
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for Not pictured: kittens.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for Some scenes had to be shot with Harry Belafonte filling in.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for Apparently, Ali's really into those alternative lifestyle type things....
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for I'm ecstatic! Why you ask?! Because I have white teeth! Unusual, right? Not a mistake at all.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for What they hadn't realised was he had a fetish for this sort of stuff...
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for "I'm smiling! I'm smiling! Now take the picture so I can come back down!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for Soukra gets fresh.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for Disturbingly, Prince Ali still loved to have "This Little Piggy" played on his toes.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 9 for "Hee heheee! Hehehee!!," he laughed, as he was attacked mercilessly by the despicable "Puppies licking peanut butter off of your bare feet" torture.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 10 for Prince Ali thought that "The Rack" ride at Disneyland was fun... Right up until they started cranking the wheel.
Monkeyman: vote 1
Gahalyn: vote 7
Maryam: vote 1
Sam: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 3
Kysle: vote 5
zyzzyva: vote 4
Monkeyman: vote 9
goldfishy: vote 8
Nyperold: vote 1
LuckyWizard: vote 4
Lirelyn: vote 6
gremlinn: vote 10
SinbadCaptionBot: Kysle wins 2 points for I'm ecstatic! Why you ask?! Because I have white teeth! Unusual, right? Not a mistake at all.
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 2 points for "I'm smiling! I'm smiling! Now take the picture so I can come back down!"
SinbadCaptionBot: zyzzyva wins 2 points for Not pictured: kittens.
SinbadCaptionBot: Gahalyn wins 1 point for Apparently, Ali's really into those alternative lifestyle type things....
SinbadCaptionBot: goldfishy wins 1 point for What they hadn't realised was he had a fetish for this sort of stuff...
SinbadCaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 1 point for Disturbingly, Prince Ali still loved to have "This Little Piggy" played on his toes.
SinbadCaptionBot: Monkeyman wins 1 point for Prince Ali thought that "The Rack" ride at Disneyland was fun... Right up until they started cranking the wheel.
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for "Hee heheee! Hehehee!!," he laughed, as he was attacked mercilessly by the despicable "Puppies licking peanut butter off of your bare feet" torture.
SinbadCaptionBot: Sam wins 1 point for Soukra gets fresh.
SinbadCaptionBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Some scenes had to be shot with Harry Belafonte filling in.
Sam: I quoted myself again and didn't give me credit.
Sentynel: "I often quote myself. It adds spice to my bot games." -George Bernard Shaw
Monkeyman: LOL Sent!
Gahalyn: Sam: That was an awesome awesome answer.
Sam: Gaha: But even more frightening than the last one.
Gahalyn: Sam: Possibly, yes.
Monkeyman: Sam: I hated your submission, but it DID make me burst out laughing.
SinbadCaptionBot: SinbadCaptionBot chose the next image. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadCaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
* TalkingDog snickers at the dialogue for that panel.
Sam: In the movie, the dialogue is the inspired "HIM!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption for . (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 1 for "HEY! Gimme back my beard extensions!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 2 for Soukra gets fresh.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 3 for There is no WAY that I will let my daughter date you, you tattooed, motorcycle-riding, drug-addled freak!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 4 for Jaffar: "Yes, now you are under my spell! I am the ruler of Basra now! ... Oh, and while you're hypnotized anyway, how about cleaning up around here? It's gotten really dusty." Sultan: "Yes, master!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 5 for Jaffar's most dastardly deed: Possessing the Caliph with the spirit of Martha Stewart, and instructing him to clean house.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 6 for How Wingardium Leviosa is meant to be done.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 7 for It was too late. The evil flapping wing of Thanatos had already destroyed his mind.
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 8 for Agggh! I'm being tickled to death!
SinbadCaptionBot: Vote 9 for She grumbled to herself with irriation, noticing that Daddy was wearing her new dress on his head again. He ALWAYS stole her clothes on "Swanky Handkerchief Dance" Day.
Gahalyn: vote 1
Bryn: vote 1
TalkingDog: /topic Soukra got fresh.
Sam: vote 5
goldfishy: /b Aaah!! What is this scary white thing in front of me? Could it be a GHOST!!?"
Lirelyn: vote 6
Monkeyman: vote 9
LuckyWizard: vote 5
zyzzyva: vote 9
Maryam: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 6
gremlinn: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 5
Kysle: vote 9
Maryam: Man, someone else took my joke and did it better.
Maryam: Plus I forgot he was called Caliph and not Sultan.
SinbadCaptionBot: Lirelyn wins 3 points for Jaffar's most dastardly deed: Possessing the Caliph with the spirit of Martha Stewart, and instructing him to clean house.
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins 3 points for She grumbled to herself with irriation, noticing that Daddy was wearing her new dress on his head again. He ALWAYS stole her clothes on "Swanky Handkerchief Dance" Day.
SinbadCaptionBot: Nyperold wins 3 points for "HEY! Gimme back my beard extensions!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Gahalyn wins 2 points for How Wingardium Leviosa is meant to be done.
SinbadCaptionBot: zyzzyva wins 1 point for It was too late. The evil flapping wing of Thanatos had already destroyed his mind.
SinbadCaptionBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Soukra gets fresh.
SinbadCaptionBot: Maryam wins 0 points for Jaffar: "Yes, now you are under my spell! I am the ruler of Basra now! ... Oh, and while you're hypnotized anyway, how about cleaning up around here? It's gotten really dusty." Sultan: "Yes, master!"
SinbadCaptionBot: Monkeyman wins 0 points for There is no WAY that I will let my daughter date you, you tattooed, motorcycle-riding, drug-addled freak!
SinbadCaptionBot: Randy wins 0 points for Agggh! I'm being tickled to death!
SinbadCaptionBot: Randy loses a point for submitting and not voting.
SinbadCaptionBot: NessaChan wins!
Sam: It wasn't me this time.
Kysle: Meh.
Maryam: YAY NESSA!
Bryn: Yay NessaChan!
NessaChan: woo, thanks! :D
Gahalyn: Congrats!
Kysle: Nice jorb, NessaChan
Gahalyn: jorb
zyzzyva: Great job, Nessa!
Lirelyn: Yay NessaChan!
Sam: Yay, Nessa!
Nyperold: Huzzah!
Sam: I don't know what other people think, but I thought that game RULED RULED RULED.
Gahalyn: Sam: You are correct.
zyzzyva: It was pretty awesome.
Maryam: That was hilarious.
Sam: I definitely like it better than vanilla Caption.
NessaChan: it was pretty fun
Sam: Although obviously it would get old if replayed much.
Lirelyn: Sam: I agree on all points.
* Sentynel applauds
NessaChan: thanks :D
Sam: 5 minute break before CamouFairyBot!
Bryn: Hooray!
Kalimeris: Woo!
Kalimeris: Camou!
Randy: Yay CamouFairy!
Sam: Then we'll do TitleBot to wrap the evening up.
NessaChan: YAY
NessaChan: I love Title Bot.
Sam: ...although tonight we'll be playing SinbadTitleBot.
SinbadCaptionBot has been dismissed by Sam.
CamouFairyBot has been summoned by Sam.
: *scintillates*
zyzzyva: !
Bryn: Yay!
NessaChan: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!
* Sam sighs with lovelorn abandon.
NessaChan: camoufairy!
Bryn: So sparkly...
NessaChan: Every girl wants to be her.
Kalimeris: CAMOU
* Bryn's life is now complete.
TalkingDog: She swallowed a fairy.
Sam: Kalimeris has won this game in all of the last three tournaments. WILL SHE EXTEND HER STREAK, OR WILL SHE BE BEATEN?
Kalimeris: Aw, now you've gone and made it all dramatic
Kalimeris: hehehe
Randy: LOL
CamouFairyBot: Starting a new speed game:
CamouFairyBot: 1/20. asks: "In a bizarre alternate universe, who would play Camou-Fairy in the biographical film about her life?"
Kalimeris: Miley Cyrus
Bryn: Hannah Montana
NessaChan: goldie hawn
Nyperold: John Steiner
Bryn: Chris Tucker
Kalimeris: Julia Child
Lirelyn: Charlie!
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer Hannah Montana.
CamouFairyBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer John Steiner.
CamouFairyBot: Sam wins a point with answer Joe Pesci.
CamouFairyBot: Bryn wins a point with answer Chris Tucker.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer Julia Child.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: Roberto Benigni.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: Cork Hubbert.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: Archie.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +2, Bryn: +1, Nyperold: +1, Sam: +1.
Randy: that hooker girl
Nyperold: Gilbert Gottfried
* Bryn would watch that movie.
NessaChan: ARCHIE
Kalimeris: I forgot archie.
NessaChan: how could you forget sweet fluffypuff archie?!
Kalimeris: I DON'T KNOW
Kalimeris: :-(
CamouFairyBot: 2/20. asks: "What roles has Camou-Fairy played in Ultimate Bot Tournaments?"
Kalimeris: Hailey
Randy: host
LuckyWizard: herself
Bryn: Janet
Kalimeris: Brianna
Kalimeris: ?
Nyperold: distraction
NessaChan: the lead
zyzzyva: murderer
Kalimeris: cute
Bryn: light
CamouFairyBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer Herself.
CamouFairyBot: Bryn wins a point with answer Brianna/Janet.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: Hayley.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Bryn: +1, LuckyWizard: +1.
NessaChan: archie
* Sam craves being unintentionally seduced by Camou-Fairy.
Randy: jaffar
Bryn: She should play Jaffar.
NessaChan: camou-riffic
CamouFairyBot: 3/20. asks: "What words or phrases describe Camou-Fairy's eyes?"
Kalimeris: black
NessaChan: dreamy
zyzzyva: sparkly
LuckyWizard: two
Bryn: two
Randy: blue
Sam: sexy
Kalimeris: not blinking
NessaChan: sparkly
Bryn: intact
LuckyWizard: beautiful
NessaChan: adorable
Sam: luminous
zyzzyva: magical
NessaChan: amazing
Sam: limpid pools
Lirelyn: irresistible
zyzzyva: pretty
NessaChan: intrancing
Sam: black
Kalimeris: cute
Sam: white
Sam: round
Bryn: green
NessaChan: alluring
CamouFairyBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer two.
CamouFairyBot: Bryn wins a point with answer seemingly intact.
CamouFairyBot: Sam wins a point with answer limpid pools.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer cute.
CamouFairyBot: Sam wins a point with answer white (at least that one pixel is).
CamouFairyBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer alluring.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: smily.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: come-hither-but-I'm-a-good-girl.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: not bloodshot.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Sam: +2, Bryn: +1, Kalimeris: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, NessaChan: +1.
Sam: lashes
Nyperold: D'oh
Randy: beautiful
Kalimeris: Grahhhh
CamouFairyBot: 4/20. asks: "If Camou-Fairy had no wings and too much makeup, what would she look like?"
zyzzyva: ugly
NessaChan: dreamy
Nyperold: barbie
NessaChan: hanna montana
Sam: something unanswerable
NessaChan: madonna
Bryn: still the picture of perfection
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: .
Kalimeris: See! Exactly.
NessaChan: well, that does look like camoufairy
CamouFairyBot: 5/20. asks: "What colors are the Camou-Fairy?"
Sam: green
Kalimeris: white
NessaChan: green
Sam: white
LuckyWizard: green
Sam: black
Bryn: glowy
Lirelyn: yellow
Sam: yellow
LuckyWizard: yellow
zyzzyva: yellow
Kalimeris: glowy
NessaChan: sparkle
Sam: glowy
Kalimeris: green
NessaChan: gold
Sam: skin
Nyperold: octarine
zyzzyva: pink
Kalimeris: blonde
Lirelyn: tan
Sam: light green
Nyperold: alpha
NessaChan: camou
zyzzyva: flesh
Sam: other green
Bryn: sparkly
Sam: dark green
Kalimeris: clear
CamouFairyBot: Sam wins a point with answer cool green.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer white...wing veins?.
CamouFairyBot: Bryn wins a point with answer some sort of glowy color.
CamouFairyBot: Lirelyn wins a point with answer sparkly yellow.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer silky blonde.
CamouFairyBot: zyzzyva wins a point with answer indescribably awesome flesh tone.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +2, Bryn: +1, Lirelyn: +1, Sam: +1, zyzzyva: +1.
NessaChan: camou-colored
Randy: sparkly
CamouFairyBot: 6/20. asks: "What words or phrases describe Camou-Fairy's eyelashes?"
Kalimeris: black
NessaChan: dreamy
zyzzyva: black
Sam: sexy
Lirelyn: fluttering
Kalimeris: sexy
Bryn: long
Kalimeris: cute
NessaChan: alluring
Lirelyn: exquisite
zyzzyva: pretty
Sam: larger than her actual eyes
Lirelyn: alluring
zyzzyva: sparkly
Bryn: intact
NessaChan: fairy-like
Kalimeris: not blinking
NessaChan: bette davis-ish
Kalimeris: larger than her eyes
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer black.
CamouFairyBot: Sam wins a point with answer sexy.
CamouFairyBot: Bryn wins a point with answer long.
CamouFairyBot: Sam wins a point with answer larger than her actual eyes.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: hot.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: #1 cause of high blood pressure.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: same color as her cleavage.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Sam: +2, Bryn: +1, Kalimeris: +1.
Bryn: perfect
CamouFairyBot: 7/20. asks: "How many fireflies are trapped inside Camou-Fairy's wings?"
Kalimeris: 19
LuckyWizard: 14
Bryn: 17
zyzzyva: 20
NessaChan: 13
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer 19.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +1.
Nyperold: 23
Bryn: too many
Kalimeris: NOT ENOUGH
Sam: This is why Kali wins. Nobody else remembers those.
Kalimeris: Shhhh I like numbers.
CamouFairyBot: 8/20. asks: "Is the Camou-Fairy actually just a regular girl standing in front of a picture of blinky wings?"
Kalimeris: no
LuckyWizard: no
Bryn: no
zyzzyva: yes
NessaChan: no
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer no.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +1.
Kalimeris: duh
Randy: no
Sam: hehehe. I do too, but for some reason I can't remember those. Probably because I keep falling a stupor looking at her.
Bryn: And she's quick.
NessaChan: camou-fairy may be a veela
Sam: If Camou-Fairy stood next to a veela, the veela would look like Dolores Umbridge.
CamouFairyBot: 9/20. asks: "Who is Camou-Fairy's arch-nemesis?"
NessaChan: hotsuitguy
NessaChan: evil
NessaChan: brianna
Randy: blue
Kalimeris: MR. SPILK
Bryn: DEAD
NessaChan: lol
Lirelyn: I forget the real answer. But I still think it should be Charlie Fairy.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: .
NessaChan: Mr. Small
zyzzyva: ugly
Nyperold: that dog
Kalimeris: hehe
goldfishy: Is there actually a way to answer that?
Bryn: Nope.
zyzzyva: copy and paste the picture?
CamouFairyBot: 10/20. asks: "What other fairies are incredibly hot and cool, though obviously not in the same league as Camou-Fairy?"
Kalimeris: prom fairy
Bryn: prom
Nyperold: prom
Lirelyn: Jean
NessaChan: rainbow fairy
zyzzyva: tinkerbell
Randy: blue
Kalimeris: blue
NessaChan: blue fairy
Nyperold: sporty
Kalimeris: goldie
Bryn: goldie
NessaChan: green fairy
Nyperold: scary
Kalimeris: rose
LuckyWizard: flower
Kalimeris: flower
Nyperold: posh
Kalimeris: country
Randy: jean
NessaChan: cute fairy
Nyperold: baby
Kalimeris: charlie
Bryn: charlie fairy
zyzzyva: green
LuckyWizard: sky
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer .
CamouFairyBot: Lirelyn wins a point with answer .
CamouFairyBot: zyzzyva wins a point with answer .
CamouFairyBot: Randy wins a point with answer .
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer .
CamouFairyBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer .
CamouFairyBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer .
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: .
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: .
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +2, LuckyWizard: +2, Lirelyn: +1, Randy: +1, zyzzyva: +1.
NessaChan: pink
Kalimeris: hotsuitguy
Bryn: nakers fairy
Sam: Impressive.
Sentynel: Most impressive.
Randy: rose
Sentynel: But you are not a fairy yet.
Nyperold: jc penney
CamouFairyBot: 11/20. asks: "How many frames of animation does Camou-Fairy have?"
Kalimeris: 3
zyzzyva: 3
NessaChan: 2
Bryn: 3
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer 3.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +1.
Kalimeris: Hmph.
: Left to right: Camou-Fairy, a veela.
Bryn: !
zyzzyva: Indistinguishable.
NessaChan: Men are weird.
Lirelyn: SAM is weird.
CamouFairyBot: 12/20. asks: "When is Camou-Fairy Day?"
* TalkingDog is only mostly weird.
Kalimeris: july 5
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer July 5.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +1.
NessaChan: every day
Bryn: July 5
Bryn: July 5
CamouFairyBot: 13/20. asks: "What things would a normal red-blooded male do for a single kiss from Camou-Fairy?"
Kalimeris: suck a sword
NessaChan: anything
NessaChan: faint
Bryn: walk through hot coals
NessaChan: scream
zyzzyva: nothing
Kalimeris: eat hummus
NessaChan: yell
zyzzyva: yell
Nyperold: give up klondike bars for life
Sam: ask for directions
zyzzyva: squawk
Bryn: ask for directions
NessaChan: self-flaggulate
Kalimeris: ride a bike uphill
zyzzyva: meep
Randy: anythinh
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer suck a sword.
CamouFairyBot: Bryn wins a point with answer walk on hot coals.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer eat hummus.
CamouFairyBot: Sam wins a point with answer ask for directions.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer bike up Mt. Fuji in high gear.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: skydive without a parachute.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: give up football for life.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: actually attempt to be romantic.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: darn near die from anticipation.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +3, Bryn: +1, Sam: +1.
Bryn: be romantic
Sam: Oooh, close.
Bryn: Too late.
Bryn: Oh noes!
Sam: Yeah. But I'd be back the next day.
CamouFairyBot: 14/20. asks: "What words or phrases describe Camou-Fairy's hair?"
NessaChan: dreamy
Bryn: blonde
zyzzyva: yellow
LuckyWizard: blonde
Lirelyn: perfect
Kalimeris: six parts
NessaChan: silky
LuckyWizard: sexy
Bryn: shiny
Kalimeris: not blinking
zyzzyva: hot
Nyperold: you can brush it
Nyperold: (in Paintbrush)
Bryn: hot
Kalimeris: clean
NessaChan: gold
Sam: silky
NessaChan: amazing
zyzzyva: fresh
NessaChan: sparkles
Kalimeris: sexy
NessaChan: alluring
CamouFairyBot: Bryn wins a point with answer naturally blonde.
CamouFairyBot: Lirelyn wins a point with answer perfect.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer parted in six different places and still looks completely awesome.
CamouFairyBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer silky.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer inexplicably not blinking.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer clean.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: shoulder-length.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +3, Bryn: +1, Lirelyn: +1, NessaChan: +1.
Bryn: And I'm pretty sure Kalimeris is going to maintain her winning streak.
CamouFairyBot: 15/20. asks: "How many green blotches are visible on her outfit from this angle?"
zyzzyva: 12
LuckyWizard: 14
Bryn: 19
CamouFairyBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer 14.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: LuckyWizard: +1.
Kalimeris: 14
NessaChan: 16
Sam: Ooooh, a number point STOLEN.
Bryn: Gasp!
zyzzyva: !
Sam: Still haven't seen my favorite question yet.
Kalimeris: Is there a new question this year?
Sam: No, unfortunately I didn't get to adding a question.
CamouFairyBot: 16/20. asks: "Where does Camou-Fairy have blinky parts?"
Sam: feet
NessaChan: wings
Lirelyn: navel
zyzzyva: wings
LuckyWizard: wings
NessaChan: navel
Bryn: bellybutton
Kalimeris: belly button
Kalimeris: not her hair
Bryn: everywhere
Kalimeris: eyes
Kalimeris: hands
zyzzyva: not pants
Sam: stomach
Kalimeris: heart
Bryn: dress
CamouFairyBot: Sam wins a point with answer probably her toenails (but nobody is quite sure).
CamouFairyBot: NessaChan wins a point with answer wings.
CamouFairyBot: Lirelyn wins a point with answer some miscellaneous stomach area that's not quite the belly button.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer her warm wonderful heart.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +1, Lirelyn: +1, NessaChan: +1, Sam: +1.
NessaChan: wouldn't you like to know
CamouFairyBot: 17/20. asks: "What few anatomical anomalies does Camou-Fairy have that would be imperfections in anybody else but just make Camou-Fairy all the hotter?"
LuckyWizard: wings
Sam: off-center cleaveage
Kalimeris: belly button is off center
NessaChan: blinking navel
Bryn: webbed
Kalimeris: no feet
Sam: off-center cleavage
NessaChan: no nose
zyzzyva: sparkles
NessaChan: one arm
Randy: no belly button
Kalimeris: no ears
zyzzyva: weird hair
Kalimeris: arm seams
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer dislocated navel.
CamouFairyBot: Bryn wins a point with answer probably webbed fingers (since those are pretty cool).
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer feet can probably shoot lasers at enemies.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer shoulder seams (perhaps her arms are posable?).
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: belly button is part white AND part black?.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +3, Bryn: +1.
NessaChan: no feet
Kalimeris: I said nothing about lasers, but yeah totally
Sam: I love that answer.
Sam: The "probably" makes it.
CamouFairyBot: 18/20. asks: "Why is the Camou-Fairy so cool?"
Nyperold: sent a cow to spy on lazorra
Sam: cows
NessaChan: she's dreamy
zyzzyva: sparkles
Kalimeris: cute
Bryn: wings
NessaChan: blinky
Bryn: sparkly
zyzzyva: hair
Kalimeris: nice hair
NessaChan: hair
Kalimeris: she just is
zyzzyva: pants
Bryn: perfect
NessaChan: camou
Bryn: cute
CamouFairyBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer sent a cow to spy on LaZorra.
CamouFairyBot: Bryn wins a point with answer duh -- she's got wings....
CamouFairyBot: zyzzyva wins a point with answer magic holds her pants up despite the lack of hips.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: cute little dimply smile.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: busts the 1-7 hotness scale by at least three points over the top.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: makes bell-bottom camouflage pants look good.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: very difficult to see when an arcade is behind her.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: ...wings with FIREFLIES IN THEM!.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: perhaps has translucent skin -- which explains why we can see she has eaten a wireless ethernet hub.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: doesn't hate people that hate her even though they suck and deserve it.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: heh heh -- I said "busts".
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Bryn: +1, Nyperold: +1, zyzzyva: +1.
NessaChan: sexy
Sam: Seriously. NYPEROLD beat me to typing something in.
* Nyperold blows smoke from his fingers. >:->
Sam: That's my favorite question, though. By far.
CamouFairyBot: 19/20. asks: "What adverbs describe how the Camou-Fairy is cool?"
LuckyWizard: very
Kalimeris: way
zyzzyva: hot
Bryn: awesomly
Sam: pulchritudinously
Sam: sexily
Kalimeris: scintillatingly
Sam: awesomely
Bryn: perfectly
Sam: attractively
LuckyWizard: dreamily
Kalimeris: rockingly
NessaChan: dreamy
zyzzyva: extremely
Sam: alluringly
Kalimeris: definitely
NessaChan: dreamily
Nyperold: literally
Sam: beautifully
Kalimeris: sweetly
NessaChan: awesomely
CamouFairyBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer very.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer way.
CamouFairyBot: Sam wins a point with answer pulchritudinously.
CamouFairyBot: Sam wins a point with answer sexily.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer scintillatingly.
CamouFairyBot: Sam wins a point with answer awesomely.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer rockingly.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: terrifically.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: fantastically.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: incredibly.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: coolly.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: hotly.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: charmingly.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: gorgeously.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: glamorously.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: glitteringly.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +3, Sam: +3, LuckyWizard: +1.
Sam: prettily
Kalimeris: She's coolly cool
Sam: Yes she is.
Sam: And hotly hot.
Lirelyn: AND hotly cool.
Sam: That too.
CamouFairyBot: 20/20. asks: "What words or phrases describe Camou-Fairy's fashion sense?"
Bryn: awesome
zyzzyva: amazing
LuckyWizard: camo
Sam: camouflage
Lirelyn: perfect
Kalimeris: cute
Bryn: bichromatic
Kalimeris: glowy
zyzzyva: sparkly
LuckyWizard: dreamy
NessaChan: dreamy
Kalimeris: not plaid
Bryn: bellybutton
Lirelyn: cutting-edge
Sam: bell-bottoms
NessaChan: awesome
Bryn: fabirc belt
Kalimeris: camou
Bryn: fabric belt
CamouFairyBot: Bryn wins a point with answer awesome.
CamouFairyBot: Sam wins a point with answer when she's in the jungle it looks like her legs are missing and her abdomen is detached.
CamouFairyBot: Bryn wins a point with answer bichromatic.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer eschews plaid (too gaudy!).
CamouFairyBot: Bryn wins a point with answer the secret of her belly button adornment is a mystery we may only long to solve.
CamouFairyBot: Bryn wins a point with answer likes belts made of pants fabric.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: never entirely sure that her pants aren't actually a long skirt.
CamouFairyBot: Unclaimed answer: no need for warm clothes with all those lights radiating heat.
CamouFairyBot: Scores this round: Bryn: +4, Kalimeris: +1, Sam: +1.
CamouFairyBot: Kalimeris wins!
NessaChan: woooo
Sam: Wow, Bryn. Fashion master.
Bryn: Yeah! Wait...
Bryn: Okay, that's kinda embarrassing that's the question I know the most answers.
Sam: TitleBot begins in 3 minutes!
NessaChan: YAY YAY
zyzzyva: YAY!
Sam: Kali: You broke your previous record of 20 points.
Kalimeris: I like the dreamy class because it gives me an excuse to remember random facts.
Sam: I took the points lead again.
CamouFairyBot has been dismissed by Sam.
TitleBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: Okay, the game begins in 60 seconds.
* NessaChan bounces in her chair
TitleBot: TitleBot chose the word large for this round. (1/* accepted)
TitleBot: Make up the name of a dramatic honorific using the word large and words in your hand. (1/* accepted)
NessaChan: dramatic honorific?
Sam: "The Loveliest and Sweetest Princess Who Ever Lived". That sort of thing. But I see I need more "the" and "of" in there.
TitleBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
TitleBot: Vote 1 for Dreamiest Large Knight.
TitleBot: Vote 2 for Nine Large Fearless Men.
TitleBot: Vote 3 for Large Romantic Samurais.
TitleBot: Vote 4 for Glorious Ancient Large Cooks.
TitleBot: Vote 5 for Large Piranha.
TitleBot: Vote 6 for Large Violent Queen.
Sam: dump 4 6 9 10
Gahalyn: vote 2
Sam: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 2
Maryam: vote 6
Sentynel: vote 6
Bryn: vote 6
Randy: vote 6
TitleBot: Gahalyn wins 5 points for Large Violent Queen.
TitleBot: Sam wins 2 points for Nine Large Fearless Men.
TitleBot: Maryam wins 0 points for Large Piranha.
TitleBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Large Romantic Samurais.
TitleBot: Randy wins 0 points for Glorious Ancient Large Cooks.
TitleBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for Dreamiest Large Knight.
Gahalyn: =-O
Gahalyn: Ur, I mean =-o
Gahalyn: The first one looks like I am way too scared.
Sentynel: Can you have a plural honorific?
Sam: Plural words are in the pool, yes.
Sam: dump 4 6 9 10
TitleBot: TitleBot chose the word Upbeat for this round. (1/* accepted)
TitleBot: Make up the name of a dramatic honorific using the word Upbeat and words in your hand. (1/* accepted)
Sam: dump 4 6 9 10
Maryam: dump 1 2
Sam: dump 7 9
Sam: I have almost all adjectives. Anybody else adjective-heavy?
zyzzyva: dump 6
Sam: dump 1
LuckyWizard: I'm adjective-heavy too.
Sentynel: I've got a mixture.
TitleBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
TitleBot: Vote 1 for Gentle Maryam, Most Upbeat Guard.
TitleBot: Vote 2 for Hypnotic Enchanter of All Upbeat Cuteness.
TitleBot: Vote 3 for Playful, Upbeat Death..
TitleBot: Vote 4 for Great Upbeat Utter Hotties.
TitleBot: Vote 5 for Upbeat Silky Enchantresses.
TitleBot: Vote 6 for Dreamiest Exotic Hotties of Upbeat Caverns.
TitleBot: Vote 7 for Upbeat Love Pilots.
NessaChan: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 2
Gahalyn: vote 7
LuckyWizard: vote 6
Sam: vote 6
Maryam: vote 1
zyzzyva: vote 1
Randy: vote 1
TitleBot: Nyperold wins 4 points for Gentle Maryam, Most Upbeat Guard.
TitleBot: Gahalyn wins 2 points for Hypnotic Enchanter of All Upbeat Cuteness.
TitleBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for Dreamiest Exotic Hotties of Upbeat Caverns.
TitleBot: Maryam wins 1 point for Upbeat Love Pilots.
TitleBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for Great Upbeat Utter Hotties.
TitleBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for Upbeat Silky Enchantresses.
TitleBot: zyzzyva wins 0 points for Playful, Upbeat Death..
NessaChan: :3
TitleBot: zyzzyva chose the word the for this round. (1/* accepted)
TitleBot: Make up the name of a dramatic honorific using the word the and words in your hand. (1/* accepted)
zyzzyva: dump 3
Bryn: dump 8
Sam: Okay, I'm increasing the frequency of nouns, but it'll take another round or two.
TitleBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
TitleBot: Vote 1 for The Most Voluptuous Emperor.
TitleBot: Vote 2 for The Most Dumbest Empresses.
TitleBot: Vote 3 for The Baldest Heroine.
TitleBot: Vote 4 for The All Powerful, Huge, Romantic Hunk..
TitleBot: Vote 5 for Sam, the Master of Bewitching Sensuousness..
TitleBot: Vote 6 for The Wisest, Poofiest Hottie of All..
TitleBot: Vote 7 for The Nakedest Babes.
TitleBot: Vote 8 for The Mysterious Virile Enchantress.
TitleBot: Vote 9 for The Unscrupulous Highest Human.
Sam: dump 8
zyzzyva: vote 5
Gahalyn: 8 scares me.
Sam: vote 6
Bryn: vote 6
Gahalyn: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 2
NessaChan: hm 4
Sentynel: vote 4
Maryam: vote 4
LuckyWizard: vote 4
Bryn: 5 is hilarious.
TitleBot: zyzzyva wins 4 points for The All Powerful, Huge, Romantic Hunk..
TitleBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for The Wisest, Poofiest Hottie of All..
TitleBot: Gahalyn wins 1 point for Sam, the Master of Bewitching Sensuousness..
TitleBot: Randy wins 1 point for The Most Dumbest Empresses.
TitleBot: Bryn wins 0 points for The Most Voluptuous Emperor.
TitleBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for The Unscrupulous Highest Human.
TitleBot: Maryam wins 0 points for The Baldest Heroine.
TitleBot: Sam wins 0 points for The Nakedest Babes.
TitleBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for The Mysterious Virile Enchantress.
TitleBot: Randy loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Gahalyn: I would prefer to not see a virile anythingess.
Sam: LOL
TitleBot: LuckyWizard chose the word enormous for this round. (1/* accepted)
TitleBot: Make up the name of a dramatic honorific using the word enormous and words in your hand. (1/* accepted)
NessaChan: Can you use & without penalty?
Sam: Possibly.
Maryam: dump 9
Sam: dump 1 2 3 6 7 9
Sam: This game needs unlimited use of "the" and "of" or it doesn't work.
Maryam: I've thought that about just normal TitleBot.
TitleBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
TitleBot: Vote 1 for Enormous Immodest Bodybuilder.
TitleBot: Vote 2 for The Fattest, Enormous, Evil Rat..
TitleBot: Vote 3 for The Enormous, Kindest Conquerors.
TitleBot: Vote 4 for The Enormous, Foamy, Sanguine Forests.
TitleBot: Vote 5 for The Enormous, Masculine Minion of Exotic Love.
TitleBot: Vote 6 for The Terrible Kingdom of Enormous Toddlers.
TitleBot: Vote 7 for The Mightiest Enormous Pumpkins.
TitleBot: Vote 8 for The Enormous Feminine Babe.
Gahalyn: vote 5
Sentynel: vote 5
Bryn: vote 5
zyzzyva: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 6
Sam: vote 6
Nyperold: "Hey! Who's having a foam party in the forest?"
Maryam: vote 7
Bryn: It just conjures up a nice image, don't you think?
* NessaChan would be afraid of enormous toddlers.
Nyperold: Yeah.
Nyperold: To both.
LuckyWizard: vote 1
TitleBot: Gahalyn wins 3 points for The Terrible Kingdom of Enormous Toddlers.
TitleBot: zyzzyva wins 3 points for The Enormous, Masculine Minion of Exotic Love.
TitleBot: Bryn wins 1 point for The Enormous, Foamy, Sanguine Forests.
TitleBot: LuckyWizard wins 1 point for The Mightiest Enormous Pumpkins.
TitleBot: Maryam wins 1 point for Enormous Immodest Bodybuilder.
TitleBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for The Fattest, Enormous, Evil Rat..
TitleBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for The Enormous Feminine Babe.
TitleBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for The Enormous, Kindest Conquerors.
TitleBot: TitleBot chose the word pure for this round. (1/* accepted)
TitleBot: Make up the name of a dramatic honorific using the word pure and words in your hand. (1/* accepted)
Sam: You almost need unlimited use of "of all that is"
zyzzyva: dump 4 5 8
Randy: dump 1 2 3 4 5
TitleBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
TitleBot: Vote 1 for Pliable Army of Pure Loyal Soldiers.
TitleBot: Vote 2 for Pure Drooly Muscles.
TitleBot: Vote 3 for Pure Gleaming Gorgeousness.
TitleBot: Vote 4 for Three Radiant, Pure Empresses of Voluptuous.
TitleBot: Vote 5 for Most Clean, Pure Stable.
TitleBot: Vote 6 for The Pure, Glorious Zombies.
TitleBot: Vote 7 for The Lovely Sexy Seductive Tantalizing... Pure Warrioress.
Gahalyn: vote 5
Sam: vote 3
zyzzyva: vote 1
Bryn: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 1
Maryam: vote 1
LuckyWizard: vote 7
Sentynel: vite 3
Sentynel: vote 3
Sentynel: vite, vite!
TitleBot: Maryam wins 3 points for Pure Gleaming Gorgeousness.
TitleBot: Sentynel wins 3 points for Pliable Army of Pure Loyal Soldiers.
TitleBot: Bryn wins 1 point for Most Clean, Pure Stable.
TitleBot: Gahalyn wins 1 point for The Lovely Sexy Seductive Tantalizing... Pure Warrioress.
TitleBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Three Radiant, Pure Empresses of Voluptuous.
TitleBot: Sam wins 0 points for Pure Drooly Muscles.
TitleBot: zyzzyva wins 0 points for The Pure, Glorious Zombies.
TitleBot: Bryn chose the word legion for this round. (1/* accepted)
TitleBot: Make up the name of a dramatic honorific using the word legion and words in your hand. (1/* accepted)
Gahalyn: Oh... oh dear.
Sam: enormous kalimeris legion
Sam: Ergh.
Maryam: dump 10
Maryam: dump 3
Sam: dump 4 3 5
Sam: dump 6
TitleBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
TitleBot: Vote 1 for Extreme Evil Fishermen Legion.
TitleBot: Vote 2 for Furious Xenophobe Legion.
TitleBot: Vote 3 for The Meddlesome Princes' Legion..
TitleBot: Vote 4 for Strongest, Spirited Earthworms Legion.
TitleBot: Vote 5 for Fiercest Legion of Treacherous, Damaging Schoolboys.
TitleBot: Vote 6 for Enormous Kalimeris Legion.
TitleBot: Vote 7 for Extreme Knight Legion.
TitleBot: Vote 8 for The Legion of Most Fearless Empresses.
TitleBot: Vote 9 for Legion of Oily Pectoral Babes.
TitleBot: Vote 10 for The Foolish Legion of Terrible, Drooly Heroes..
Bryn: vote 5
Sam: vote 10
zyzzyva: vote 5
Sentynel: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 5
Gahalyn: vote 8
LuckyWizard: vote 10
Nyperold: vote 10
Maryam: vote 1
* NessaChan went to school with #5
Sam: LOL
Sentynel: Didn't we all?
TitleBot: Nyperold wins 3 points for Fiercest Legion of Treacherous, Damaging Schoolboys.
TitleBot: zyzzyva wins 3 points for The Foolish Legion of Terrible, Drooly Heroes..
TitleBot: Randy wins 1 point for The Legion of Most Fearless Empresses.
TitleBot: Sam wins 1 point for Enormous Kalimeris Legion.
TitleBot: Sentynel wins 1 point for Extreme Evil Fishermen Legion.
TitleBot: Bryn wins 0 points for Strongest, Spirited Earthworms Legion.
TitleBot: Gahalyn wins 0 points for Legion of Oily Pectoral Babes.
TitleBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for Furious Xenophobe Legion.
TitleBot: Maryam wins 0 points for Extreme Knight Legion.
TitleBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for The Meddlesome Princes' Legion..
TitleBot: Randy loses a point for submitting and not voting.
NessaChan: hm 9
Randy: vote 7
TitleBot: Nyperold chose the word ancient for this round. (1/* accepted)
TitleBot: Make up the name of a dramatic honorific using the word ancient and words in your hand. (1/* accepted)
zyzzyva: dump 3 4
Sam: dump 1
TitleBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
TitleBot: Vote 1 for The Drooliest Ancient Vikings of Dumbness..
TitleBot: Vote 2 for The Ancient Foul Mothballs.
TitleBot: Vote 3 for Ancient Insane King Quadrupeds.
TitleBot: Vote 4 for Ancient Hotties of Utter Painful.
TitleBot: Vote 5 for Ancient Gloomy Impostor.
TitleBot: Vote 6 for Furious Wicked Spirits of Ancient Princes.
TitleBot: Vote 7 for Ancient Mysterious Seduction Thong.
TitleBot: Vote 8 for Nyperold, the Shrewdest Ancient Spirit.
TitleBot: Vote 9 for Ancient Glorious Mosquito Islands.
Bryn: dump 1 2 3 4
Randy: vote 7
Gahalyn: vote 9
Bryn: vote 7
zyzzyva: vote 9
Maryam: vote 2
LuckyWizard: vote 7
NessaChan: vote 8
Sam: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 7
TitleBot: Maryam wins 5 points for Ancient Mysterious Seduction Thong.
TitleBot: Bryn wins 2 points for Ancient Glorious Mosquito Islands.
TitleBot: LuckyWizard wins 2 points for The Ancient Foul Mothballs.
TitleBot: Sam wins 1 point for Nyperold, the Shrewdest Ancient Spirit.
TitleBot: Gahalyn wins 0 points for Ancient Gloomy Impostor.
TitleBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for The Drooliest Ancient Vikings of Dumbness..
TitleBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Ancient Hotties of Utter Painful.
TitleBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for Ancient Insane King Quadrupeds.
TitleBot: zyzzyva wins 0 points for Furious Wicked Spirits of Ancient Princes.
Gahalyn: dump 9
TitleBot: TitleBot chose the word fierce for this round. (1/* accepted)
TitleBot: Make up the name of a dramatic honorific using the word fierce and words in your hand. (1/* accepted)
NessaChan: no!
NessaChan: GRRR
Maryam: I still have too many adjectives.
Sam: Yeah, this game is kind of stinking. Sorry.
TitleBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
TitleBot: Vote 1 for The Fierce Naughty Passion.
TitleBot: Vote 2 for The Flirtatious Fierce Baldest Princesses.
TitleBot: Vote 3 for Fierce Vikings of Gleaming Poofiness.
TitleBot: Vote 4 for The Fierce, Crazed, Finger Conquerors.
TitleBot: Vote 5 for Fierce Kings of the Steamiest Oceans.
TitleBot: Vote 6 for The Icky, Old, Fierce Bogs.
TitleBot: Vote 7 for Fierce, Steamy, Intense, Pectoral Gorgeousness.
TitleBot: Vote 8 for Fierce Manly Servants.
TitleBot: Vote 9 for Fierce Male Beings of Utter Kissability.
Gahalyn: vote 8
Maryam: vote 1
zyzzyva: vote 9
Bryn: vote 9
Nyperold: vote 2
Sam: vote 7
Sentynel: vote 1
Sam: HM2
Randy: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 8
Sam: ...that round was hilarious, though.
TitleBot: Gahalyn wins 2 points for Fierce Male Beings of Utter Kissability.
TitleBot: LuckyWizard wins 2 points for The Fierce Naughty Passion.
TitleBot: Maryam wins 2 points for Fierce Manly Servants.
TitleBot: Bryn wins 1 point for Fierce, Steamy, Intense, Pectoral Gorgeousness.
TitleBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for The Flirtatious Fierce Baldest Princesses.
TitleBot: zyzzyva wins 1 point for The Icky, Old, Fierce Bogs.
TitleBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for The Fierce, Crazed, Finger Conquerors.
TitleBot: Randy wins 0 points for Fierce Vikings of Gleaming Poofiness.
TitleBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for Fierce Kings of the Steamiest Oceans.
TitleBot: LuckyWizard loses a point for submitting and not voting.
LuckyWizard: vote 4
TitleBot: Gahalyn chose the word of for this round. (1/* accepted)
TitleBot: Make up the name of a dramatic honorific using the word of and words in your hand. (1/* accepted)
NessaChan: The strongest, most littlest fatties of sanguine romance.
NessaChan: d'oh
Sam: LOL
Randy: hehe
NessaChan: 9_9;;
TitleBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
TitleBot: Vote 1 for The Strongest, Most Littlest Fatties of Sanguine Romance..
TitleBot: Vote 2 for The Saucy, Voluptuous Quadruped of Hatred.
TitleBot: Vote 3 for Desirable Nessachan of the Huge Forest Enchantresses.
TitleBot: Vote 4 for The Great Warrior of Utter Poofy.
TitleBot: Vote 5 for Dreamiest Hunk of Shoulder.
TitleBot: Vote 6 for The Grandest Janitor of Repulsiveness.
TitleBot: Vote 7 for Troubled Drinks of Tawdry Bog Rats.
TitleBot: Vote 8 for Deadliest Warrioresses of Coughdrop.
TitleBot: Vote 9 for Littlest Violent Conqueror of Awesome Kingdom.
TitleBot: Vote 10 for The Hot Spirits of Eternity.
NessaChan: ooh, go me
zyzzyva: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 3
Bryn: vote 3
Gahalyn: vote 6
Sentynel: vote 3
Maryam: vote 7
Sam: vote 1
Randy: vote 3
NessaChan: hm 7
Nyperold: vote 7
LuckyWizard: vote 3
NessaChan: mine sounds like a bad reality show
TitleBot: Sam wins 5 points for Desirable Nessachan of the Huge Forest Enchantresses.
TitleBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for The Strongest, Most Littlest Fatties of Sanguine Romance..
TitleBot: Sentynel wins 2 points for Troubled Drinks of Tawdry Bog Rats.
TitleBot: Randy wins 1 point for The Grandest Janitor of Repulsiveness.
TitleBot: Bryn wins 0 points for The Great Warrior of Utter Poofy.
TitleBot: Gahalyn wins 0 points for Dreamiest Hunk of Shoulder.
TitleBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for Littlest Violent Conqueror of Awesome Kingdom.
TitleBot: Maryam wins 0 points for Deadliest Warrioresses of Coughdrop.
TitleBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for The Hot Spirits of Eternity.
TitleBot: zyzzyva wins 0 points for The Saucy, Voluptuous Quadruped of Hatred.
Maryam: ("Coughdrop"?)
Sam: heh. Every once in a while, TitleBot picks a word from the WordBot dictionary.
Maryam: (And still it was my most playable word there.)
Sam: LOL
TitleBot: Sentynel chose the word curvaceous for this round. (1/* accepted)
TitleBot: Make up the name of a dramatic honorific using the word curvaceous and words in your hand. (1/* accepted)
Sentynel: I'd kill for an "of".
Gahalyn: dump 10 2
Bryn: dump 10
TitleBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
TitleBot: Vote 1 for Curvaceous Conquerors.
TitleBot: Vote 2 for Pretty Curvaceous Sparkly Hero of All Caverns.
TitleBot: Vote 3 for The Faithful, Muscly, Curvaceous Hero.
TitleBot: Vote 4 for The Most Curvaceous.
TitleBot: Vote 5 for Curvaceous, Voluptuous Enchantress.
TitleBot: Vote 6 for Slimiest, Limber, Curvaceous Minion.
TitleBot: Vote 7 for Awe-inspiring Curvaceous Men = Senseless, Drooly Women..
TitleBot: Vote 8 for The Steamiest Curvaceous Hottie Babes.
TitleBot: Vote 9 for Two Curvaceous Spies.
Bryn: vote 6
zyzzyva: vote 7
NessaChan: I thought 2 said "Pretty curvaceous sparkly hobo"
Gahalyn: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 2
Sam: vote 8
Maryam: I can't decide between 1 and 4.
Sentynel: vote 5
Randy: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 2
Maryam: vote 4
LuckyWizard: vote 8
NessaChan: hm 8
TitleBot: LuckyWizard wins 2 points for Pretty Curvaceous Sparkly Hero of All Caverns.
TitleBot: Maryam wins 2 points for Curvaceous, Voluptuous Enchantress.
TitleBot: Sentynel wins 2 points for The Steamiest Curvaceous Hottie Babes.
TitleBot: Gahalyn wins 1 point for The Most Curvaceous.
TitleBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Awe-inspiring Curvaceous Men = Senseless, Drooly Women..
TitleBot: Randy wins 1 point for Curvaceous Conquerors.
TitleBot: zyzzyva wins 1 point for Slimiest, Limber, Curvaceous Minion.
TitleBot: Bryn wins 0 points for The Faithful, Muscly, Curvaceous Hero.
TitleBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Two Curvaceous Spies.
TitleBot: Gahalyn wins!
Nyperold: Yay!
Maryam: WHOO GAHA!
Bryn: Yay Gahalyn!
zyzzyva: Good job, Gahalyn!
Gahalyn: Yaay :)
NessaChan: woo!
Sentynel: Nice work.
Randy: Yay Gaha!
NessaChan: yay
Sentynel: If I'd had an "of", that would have been "The Steamiest Curvaceous Hottie Babes of Gorgeousness".
Sam: I'll see if that game can be improved.
Sam: The scores for the night:
Sam: See you here on Tuesday for the final session!
TitleBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Gahalyn: Thank you Sam :)
Bryn: Well, I'll have to take third in the Dreamy class, since this is my only session this time.
Sentynel: Scatter, Jumble, Chain, Bingo and PicMatch
Sentynel: Well, I've played one of those...
NessaChan: :3
* NessaChan loves UBT
Sentynel: Anyway, it's 5:18, must go pass out now.

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