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Ultimate Bot Tournament #7: Session 4

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Revan has entered.
TalkingDog has entered.
10Kan has entered.
LaZorra has entered.
Sentynel has entered.
Gahalyn has entered.
Revan: Ooh, mystery bot.
Sam has entered.
* Sam calls Maryam and leaves a message: "This is your UBT Alert service. At the tone, it will be...FIVE...minutes until the UBT. (high pitch) Tone!"
Gahalyn: Will there be any breaks in between bots?
Sentynel: Fingers to keyboards, noses to grindstones. Nonstop botting.
Gahalyn: Eee.
* 10Kan sharpens his nose to a deadly point.
* Gahalyn flails a bit.
Gahalyn: I do not know if I am prepared for this.
Maryam has entered.
Sam: Hey, Maryam got my message.
Maryam: Sam: You called me? HOW DO I ALWAYS MISS YOUR CALLS
Maryam: I just remembered this time.
Gahalyn: Sam has everyone's number. He has eyes everywhere.
10Kan: That's probably the best body part to have everywhere.
10Kan: Except FRECKLES. *sigh*
Gahalyn: EEEW
Gahalyn: I am disturbed by Sam's fermenting eyes.
Sentynel: Freckles is such a funny word.
10Kan: Sentynel: It's one of those words that's just fun to say even if it didn't refer to a very cute body part.
NessaChan has entered.
* Revan puts his botting gloves on.
* Maryam LOLs at Sam's message.
Sam: Attention: If you are not yet here in this room, get here in this room.
Gahalyn: Also, raise your hand if you are not here.
* TalkingDog raises his hand half way.
Sentynel: All those who believe in psychokinesis, raise my hand.
TalkingDog: Anyone who believes in phycokinusis, buy a gerbil.
LaZorra: Oh dear. I just typoed "lonely" as "loaned me." O.o
MSB has entered.
MSB: i'm sick and needed tomato soup
LaZorra: awwww, teh sick bug? :-(
* Gahalyn applauds.
NessaChan: He needs hugs
Maryam: Serves him right for singing some obscure song no one's heard of last time.
Sam: If everybody claps and pleads with Jaffar, perhaps he will show his face here tonight.
TalkingDog: One can only be so magically mad.
Sam: Everybody!
* Sam claps and pleads!
NessaChan: lol
* Gahalyn .. um... applauds.
Revan: GO JAFFAR GO!!!
* 10Kan wears a turtleneck, a black beret, and snaps his fingers.
* TalkingDog claps each hand individually. 'Cause he can do that.
Gahalyn: I can do that with only my right hand.
Sam: Come on, everybody applaud for Jaffar!!
* NessaChan throws confetti
* Gahalyn also pleads.
Sam: Jaffar says, "Shove it to the hand where it don't shine."
Maryam: Ewww, he keeps his hand there?
NessaChan: He would.
Maryam: That's totally gross.
Gahalyn: OH MY
LaZorra: With those fingernails, it must hurt.
Gahalyn: LZ: Aieee
NessaChan: yayyyyy
RPSBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: We will be playing a variant of Rock Paper Scissors, called: "Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock."
Maryam: Sweet!
Sam: The rules for Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock are as follows: Rock crushes lizard, which poisons Spock, who smashes scissors, which decapitates lizard, which eats paper, which disproves Spock, who vaporizes rock, which crushes scissors, which cuts paper, which covers rock.
LaZorra: I. Um. Okay.
* Revan immediately forgets this.
LaZorra: What Revan said.
Sentynel: There's a diagram here:
Sam: Basically, whichever of the five choices you pick, you'll beat two other choices and get beaten by the other two choices. Everybody plays every round, and the bot gives you a point for every other person that you beat. So basically all you have to do is pick one of the five choices every round and let the bot do the rest.
RPSBot: Starting a new game:
RPSBot: New round! (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors, (4) lizard, (5) spock.
NessaChan: spock
MSB: 5
NessaChan: 5
Sentynel: Submit in /b, by the way
NessaChan: ok
Revan: Heh.
Maryam: Aww.
Gahalyn: what sam HAS DONE TO THIS BOT
10Kan: Gaha: LOL
MSB: what are the rules for light conversation whilst playing with bots?
10Kan: MSB: the crazier, the better.
NessaChan: we don't have no stinkin' rules
Revan: Sam has RUINED THIS BOt
Gahalyn: MSB's line sounds like one of those searches.
Sam: No, I know what I did. Hang on. It's my fault again, not Sentynel's.
* Sentynel tuts
Sentynel: I don't know, I write a perfectly good bot and Sam goes and "fixes" it..
* Gahalyn walks like an Egyptian?
RPSBot: Starting a new game:
RPSBot: New round! (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors, (4) lizard, (5) spock.
RPSBot: Gahalyn answers paper (beating TalkingDog) and wins 1 point.
RPSBot: Maryam answers paper (beating TalkingDog) and wins 1 point.
RPSBot: Sentynel answers paper (beating TalkingDog) and wins 1 point.
RPSBot: TalkingDog answers spock and scores nothing.
Maryam: Awww, poor TD.
Gahalyn: Woah.
10Kan: Darn! Too late.
RPSBot: New round! (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors, (4) lizard, (5) spock.
Sentynel: It's quite fast paced. That can be tweaked if it seems too fast.
RPSBot: 10Kan answers lizard (beating Sentynel, Gahalyn, MSB) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: goldfishy answers lizard (beating Sentynel, Gahalyn, MSB) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Maryam answers rock (beating goldfishy, TalkingDog, 10Kan) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Sam answers rock (beating goldfishy, TalkingDog, 10Kan) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: TalkingDog answers lizard (beating Sentynel, Gahalyn, MSB) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Gahalyn answers spock (beating Sam, Maryam) and wins 2 points.
RPSBot: MSB answers spock (beating Sam, Maryam) and wins 2 points.
RPSBot: Sentynel answers spock (beating Sam, Maryam) and wins 2 points.
RPSBot: New round! (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors, (4) lizard, (5) spock.
RPSBot: 10Kan answers rock (beating Revan, Gahalyn, Maryam, Sam, MSB) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: goldfishy answers rock (beating Revan, Gahalyn, Maryam, Sam, MSB) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: Sentynel answers spock (beating goldfishy, 10Kan, Revan, Gahalyn, Maryam) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: Gahalyn answers scissors (beating TalkingDog, Sam, MSB) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Maryam answers scissors (beating TalkingDog, Sam, MSB) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Revan answers scissors (beating TalkingDog, Sam, MSB) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: TalkingDog answers paper (beating goldfishy, 10Kan, Sentynel) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: MSB answers lizard (beating TalkingDog, Sentynel) and wins 2 points.
RPSBot: Sam answers lizard (beating TalkingDog, Sentynel) and wins 2 points.
RPSBot: New round! (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors, (4) lizard, (5) spock.
RPSBot: 10Kan answers paper (beating Sentynel, MSB, LaZorra, NessaChan, Maryam) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: Gahalyn answers paper (beating Sentynel, MSB, LaZorra, NessaChan, Maryam) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: goldfishy answers scissors (beating Sam, Gahalyn, 10Kan, Revan, TalkingDog) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: Revan answers lizard (beating Sam, Gahalyn, 10Kan, NessaChan, Maryam) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: Sam answers paper (beating Sentynel, MSB, LaZorra, NessaChan, Maryam) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: TalkingDog answers lizard (beating Sam, Gahalyn, 10Kan, NessaChan, Maryam) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: Maryam answers spock (beating Sentynel, MSB, LaZorra, goldfishy) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: NessaChan answers spock (beating Sentynel, MSB, LaZorra, goldfishy) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: LaZorra answers rock (beating goldfishy, Revan, TalkingDog) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: MSB answers rock (beating goldfishy, Revan, TalkingDog) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Sentynel answers rock (beating goldfishy, Revan, TalkingDog) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: New round! (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors, (4) lizard, (5) spock.
* Sam will practice this bot until he is UNBEATABLE.
RPSBot: 10Kan answers scissors (beating NessaChan, MSB, Sentynel, goldfishy, Maryam, TalkingDog) and wins 6 points.
RPSBot: Gahalyn answers rock (beating 10Kan, goldfishy, Maryam, TalkingDog) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: LaZorra answers rock (beating 10Kan, goldfishy, Maryam, TalkingDog) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: MSB answers paper (beating Sam, Revan, Gahalyn, LaZorra) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: NessaChan answers paper (beating Sam, Revan, Gahalyn, LaZorra) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: Revan answers rock (beating 10Kan, goldfishy, Maryam, TalkingDog) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: Sam answers rock (beating 10Kan, goldfishy, Maryam, TalkingDog) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: Sentynel answers paper (beating Sam, Revan, Gahalyn, LaZorra) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: goldfishy answers lizard (beating NessaChan, MSB, Sentynel) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Maryam answers lizard (beating NessaChan, MSB, Sentynel) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: TalkingDog answers lizard (beating NessaChan, MSB, Sentynel) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: 10Kan wins!
Maryam: Yay 10Kan!
NessaChan: wow, that was quick
Sam: Wow.
Sam: That
Maryam: That was quick.
Revan: WOOT 10K
* 10Kan is psychic, but only in regard to RPS.
10Kan: Sorry, I forgot to tell you that.
NessaChan: I went to the restroom and missed half the game
Revan: Ridiculous Paper Scissors:
Sam: Maybe a better game would be to play to like 9000 points.
Maryam: No, I think it's good for it to be over too quick.
Maryam: Otherwise, it would become monotonous.
Gahalyn: I agree with Maryam
goldfishy: That was a little too quick
Sentynel: Sam: With small numbers of players, it's entirely possible to become basically unbeatable at the vanilla version. It's harder with RPSSL, or with more players.
Sentynel: And yes, with this many players it runs rather fast.
10Kan: I have been able to amaze people by beating them in game after game, simply by guessing what they will play next based on their demeanor and previous plays.
Sentynel: Gahalyn: With smaller numbers of players, it becomes quite tactical, second-guessing your opponents, but that's not really possible with this many, so I think it's good that it ends quickly with lots of players.
RPSBot has been dismissed by Sam.
StackBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: StackBot is next. It's played in free-for-all mode, which means you can jump in with answers anytime, except that you can't submit two answers in a row.
Gahalyn: Oh dear. I may be terrible at this bot.
Sam: The game begins in 30 seconds.
StackBot: Starting a new free-for-all game.
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  S N O B
StackBot:  I B I D
StackBot:  L O R E
Sentynel: ball
Maryam: Wait, how did 10Kan end with a score of 38? He only got six points on the last round.
Sam: best
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with ball and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sentynel, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  S N O B
StackBot:  I B I D
StackBot:  L O R E
StackBot:  B A L L
Sam: lest
Sam: rest
Sentynel: Er.
Gahalyn: they
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with rest and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  S N O B
StackBot:  I B I D
StackBot:  L O R E
StackBot:  B A L L
StackBot:  R E S T
StackBot: Gahalyn continues the stack with they and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Gahalyn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  S N O B
StackBot:  I B I D
StackBot:  L O R E
StackBot:  B A L L
StackBot:  R E S T
StackBot:  T H E Y
NessaChan: drat
NessaChan: gnus
Sam: Maryam: That's a GOOD QUESTION. Maybe the game went faster than it should have, because it was overscoring people.
Sam: able
Gahalyn: nick
Sam: ulna
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with ulna and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  S N O B
StackBot:  I B I D
StackBot:  L O R E
StackBot:  B A L L
StackBot:  R E S T
StackBot:  T H E Y
StackBot:  U L N A
Gahalyn: nick
NessaChan: opal
StackBot: Gahalyn continues the stack with nick and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Gahalyn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  S N O B
StackBot:  I B I D
StackBot:  L O R E
StackBot:  B A L L
StackBot:  R E S T
StackBot:  T H E Y
StackBot:  U L N A
StackBot:  N I C K
10Kan: eggs
StackBot: 10Kan continues the stack with eggs and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except 10Kan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  S N O B
StackBot:  I B I D
StackBot:  L O R E
StackBot:  B A L L
StackBot:  R E S T
StackBot:  T H E Y
StackBot:  U L N A
StackBot:  N I C K
StackBot:  E G G S
NessaChan: onyx
NessaChan: gah!
Sam: Yeah, we have to redo RPSBot after this, because the scores were totally wrong.
Maryam: Oh, gah.
Sam: onyx
Sam: oryx
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with oryx and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  S N O B
StackBot:  I B I D
StackBot:  L O R E
StackBot:  B A L L
StackBot:  R E S T
StackBot:  T H E Y
StackBot:  U L N A
StackBot:  N I C K
StackBot:  E G G S
StackBot:  O R Y X
Sentynel: Ah, nuts. That my end or your end?
Sam: Sent; Me again.
NessaChan: hypo
StackBot: NessaChan continues the stack with hypo and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except NessaChan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  S N O B
StackBot:  I B I D
StackBot:  L O R E
StackBot:  B A L L
StackBot:  R E S T
StackBot:  T H E Y
StackBot:  U L N A
StackBot:  N I C K
StackBot:  E G G S
StackBot:  O R Y X
StackBot:  H Y P O
Sam: Nice.
NessaChan: thanks
Gahalyn: Hehee.
NessaChan: Neither is gahh!
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  S N O B
StackBot:  I B I D
StackBot:  L O R E
StackBot:  B A L L
StackBot:  R E S T
StackBot:  T H E Y
StackBot:  U L N A
StackBot:  N I C K
StackBot:  E G G S
StackBot:  O R Y X
StackBot:  H Y P O
Sam: agua
NessaChan: bump
Sam: I bet there are lots of valid words here.
NessaChan: pump
Sam: pump
StackBot: NessaChan continues the stack with pump and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except NessaChan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  S N O B
StackBot:  I B I D
StackBot:  L O R E
StackBot:  B A L L
StackBot:  R E S T
StackBot:  T H E Y
StackBot:  U L N A
StackBot:  N I C K
StackBot:  E G G S
StackBot:  O R Y X
StackBot:  H Y P O
StackBot:  P U M P
Sam: Ooooh, I almost stole that.
Sam: apex
Sam: anhk
Sam: ankh
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  S N O B
StackBot:  I B I D
StackBot:  L O R E
StackBot:  B A L L
StackBot:  R E S T
StackBot:  T H E Y
StackBot:  U L N A
StackBot:  N I C K
StackBot:  E G G S
StackBot:  O R Y X
StackBot:  H Y P O
StackBot:  P U M P
Sam: Bye!
NessaChan: spew
Maryam: Do we play to 30 in UBTs?
NessaChan: slaw
Sam: Yes. Seems a lot, but it only took 36 minutes last time.
Gahalyn: wham
Sam: ammo
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. All possible continuations: afar, ajar, amah, czar.
Sam: Pretty good, everyone.
NessaChan: Czar Jaffar is ajar, afar.
Sam: LOL
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  H O N E S
StackBot:  A P T L Y
StackBot:  U N R I G
Revan: queen
Gahalyn: those
StackBot: Gahalyn continues the stack with those and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Gahalyn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  H O N E S
StackBot:  A P T L Y
StackBot:  U N R I G
StackBot:  T H O S E
Revan: Oh crap.
Revan: I didn't think vowels counted.
NessaChan: stand
StackBot: NessaChan continues the stack with stand and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except NessaChan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  H O N E S
StackBot:  A P T L Y
StackBot:  U N R I G
StackBot:  T H O S E
StackBot:  S T A N D
MSB: truss
Gahalyn: blury
Gahalyn: sdjfasf
Maryam: I think they're just a different color so you can pick them out easier.
Revan: I always find new ways to fail at this.
Gahalyn: bleat
StackBot: Gahalyn continues the stack with bleat and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Gahalyn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  H O N E S
StackBot:  A P T L Y
StackBot:  U N R I G
StackBot:  T H O S E
StackBot:  S T A N D
StackBot:  B L E A T
NessaChan: pasta
StackBot: NessaChan continues the stack with pasta and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except NessaChan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  H O N E S
StackBot:  A P T L Y
StackBot:  U N R I G
StackBot:  T H O S E
StackBot:  S T A N D
StackBot:  B L E A T
StackBot:  P A S T A
Gahalyn: metro
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  H O N E S
StackBot:  A P T L Y
StackBot:  U N R I G
StackBot:  T H O S E
StackBot:  S T A N D
StackBot:  B L E A T
StackBot:  P A S T A
Sam: oxbow
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with oxbow and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  H O N E S
StackBot:  A P T L Y
StackBot:  U N R I G
StackBot:  T H O S E
StackBot:  S T A N D
StackBot:  B L E A T
StackBot:  P A S T A
StackBot:  O X B O W
Gahalyn: humor
Gahalyn: hgsafd
MSB: okay wait, whats the point of this game?
Maryam: You have to continue the stack such that in each column, no letter repeats.
10Kan: MSB: to make new words under increasingly difficult conditions.
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  H O N E S
StackBot:  A P T L Y
StackBot:  U N R I G
StackBot:  T H O S E
StackBot:  S T A N D
StackBot:  B L E A T
StackBot:  P A S T A
StackBot:  O X B O W
Gahalyn: dumbo
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. Some possible continuations: cecum, crick, crimp, crumb, crump, culch, degum, deign, demur, feign, femur, fichu, filch, filum, frizz.
Maryam: Gahalyn's "humor" didn't work just now because there's already an H in the first column, from "hones".
Maryam: For instance.
Gahalyn: Instructions link is in the user list
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  G R E B E
StackBot:  S O L E S
StackBot:  P L U C K
Sam: frizz
10Kan: aural
StackBot: 10Kan continues the stack with aural and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except 10Kan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  G R E B E
StackBot:  S O L E S
StackBot:  P L U C K
StackBot:  A U R A L
Gahalyn: thine
Gahalyn: think
Revan: thing
NessaChan: Pesto
StackBot: Revan continues the stack with thing and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  G R E B E
StackBot:  S O L E S
StackBot:  P L U C K
StackBot:  A U R A L
StackBot:  T H I N G
Gahalyn: oh my freaking crap
NessaChan: Minty
StackBot: NessaChan continues the stack with minty and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except NessaChan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  G R E B E
StackBot:  S O L E S
StackBot:  P L U C K
StackBot:  A U R A L
StackBot:  T H I N G
StackBot:  M I N T Y
NessaChan: :D
Maryam: LOL Nessa
Sam: idyll
Gahalyn: viola
NessaChan: K-mart
Gahalyn: crawl
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  G R E B E
StackBot:  S O L E S
StackBot:  P L U C K
StackBot:  A U R A L
StackBot:  T H I N G
StackBot:  M I N T Y
Revan: vespa
Revan: Oh, come on.
Gahalyn: I keep not noticing letters already there.
Sam: It's often not worth checking the columns for letters early on. Just say stuff.
Gahalyn: swaid
NessaChan: wacky
NessaChan: nooo
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. Some possible continuations: bacon, basic, basin, bassi, basso, baton, bayou, beard, beast, beaux, bebop, bedim, befit, begin, begot.
NessaChan: wacko
Gahalyn: Those are totally not words.
Sentynel: Someone should have got bacon.
Sentynel: We were talking about the bacon dress earlier!
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P H A S E
StackBot:  S T O R Y
StackBot:  I S L E S
Sentynel: trial
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with trial and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sentynel, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P H A S E
StackBot:  S T O R Y
StackBot:  I S L E S
StackBot:  T R I A L
Gahalyn: viola
LuckyWizard: event
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with event and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P H A S E
StackBot:  S T O R Y
StackBot:  I S L E S
StackBot:  T R I A L
StackBot:  E V E N T
NessaChan: grown
NessaChan: thrash
Gahalyn: zaney
NessaChan: harsh
Gahalyn: trial
Gahalyn: um.
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P H A S E
StackBot:  S T O R Y
StackBot:  I S L E S
StackBot:  T R I A L
StackBot:  E V E N T
Revan: crumb
MSB: flump
Sentynel: bacon
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with bacon and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sentynel, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P H A S E
StackBot:  S T O R Y
StackBot:  I S L E S
StackBot:  T R I A L
StackBot:  E V E N T
StackBot:  B A C O N
MSB: clump
Sentynel: score.
Gahalyn: sweet
StackBot: MSB continues the stack with clump and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except MSB, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P H A S E
StackBot:  S T O R Y
StackBot:  I S L E S
StackBot:  T R I A L
StackBot:  E V E N T
StackBot:  B A C O N
StackBot:  C L U M P
NessaChan: aimer
Gahalyn: match
LuckyWizard: merit
Gahalyn: mucha
NessaChan: staroafawewf
Gahalyn: muler
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P H A S E
StackBot:  S T O R Y
StackBot:  I S L E S
StackBot:  T R I A L
StackBot:  E V E N T
StackBot:  B A C O N
StackBot:  C L U M P
LuckyWizard: weird
Sentynel: media
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with media and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sentynel, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P H A S E
StackBot:  S T O R Y
StackBot:  I S L E S
StackBot:  T R I A L
StackBot:  E V E N T
StackBot:  B A C O N
StackBot:  C L U M P
StackBot:  M E D I A
Gahalyn: wound
Sentynel: I think I'm getting the idea.
Gahalyn: world
StackBot: Gahalyn continues the stack with world and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Gahalyn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P H A S E
StackBot:  S T O R Y
StackBot:  I S L E S
StackBot:  T R I A L
StackBot:  E V E N T
StackBot:  B A C O N
StackBot:  C L U M P
StackBot:  M E D I A
StackBot:  W O R L D
Gahalyn: YAY
NessaChan: Armor
NessaChan: Astro
Revan: gusto
StackBot: Revan continues the stack with gusto and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P H A S E
StackBot:  S T O R Y
StackBot:  I S L E S
StackBot:  T R I A L
StackBot:  E V E N T
StackBot:  B A C O N
StackBot:  C L U M P
StackBot:  M E D I A
StackBot:  W O R L D
StackBot:  G U S T O
NessaChan: darnit
Gahalyn: runub
Gahalyn: I am making up words.
Gahalyn: denud
NessaChan: zippo
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P H A S E
StackBot:  S T O R Y
StackBot:  I S L E S
StackBot:  T R I A L
StackBot:  E V E N T
StackBot:  B A C O N
StackBot:  C L U M P
StackBot:  M E D I A
StackBot:  W O R L D
StackBot:  G U S T O
Gahalyn: ranub
NessaChan: kippi
Gahalyn: ahhhh
LuckyWizard: ninja
NessaChan: annex
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. All possible continuations: aitch, annum, ditch, finch, fitch, hitch, linum, lymph, lynch, nimbi, nymph.
Revan: aitch, of course.
Sam: "nymph" is a common StackBot word.
Gahalyn: Sam: Are curse words disqualified?
Sam: Gaha: It's the WordBot dictionary. So yeah.
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  W A I S T
StackBot:  E M E N D
StackBot:  F R O C K
MSB: sickle
Sentynel: altar
NessaChan: Tours
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with altar and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sentynel, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  W A I S T
StackBot:  E M E N D
StackBot:  F R O C K
StackBot:  A L T A R
StackBot: NessaChan continues the stack with tours and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except NessaChan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  W A I S T
StackBot:  E M E N D
StackBot:  F R O C K
StackBot:  A L T A R
StackBot:  T O U R S
Gahalyn: busts
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with nymph and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  W A I S T
StackBot:  E M E N D
StackBot:  F R O C K
StackBot:  A L T A R
StackBot:  T O U R S
StackBot:  N Y M P H
LuckyWizard: levee
Gahalyn: lucky
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with levee and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  W A I S T
StackBot:  E M E N D
StackBot:  F R O C K
StackBot:  A L T A R
StackBot:  T O U R S
StackBot:  N Y M P H
StackBot:  L E V E E
Revan: brain
NessaChan: Stamp
StackBot: NessaChan continues the stack with stamp and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except NessaChan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  W A I S T
StackBot:  E M E N D
StackBot:  F R O C K
StackBot:  A L T A R
StackBot:  T O U R S
StackBot:  N Y M P H
StackBot:  L E V E E
StackBot:  S T A M P
Gahalyn: ducky
StackBot: Gahalyn continues the stack with ducky and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Gahalyn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  W A I S T
StackBot:  E M E N D
StackBot:  F R O C K
StackBot:  A L T A R
StackBot:  T O U R S
StackBot:  N Y M P H
StackBot:  L E V E E
StackBot:  S T A M P
StackBot:  D U C K Y
MSB: sickle
MSB: heheh
NessaChan: plain
NessaChan: groin
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  W A I S T
StackBot:  E M E N D
StackBot:  F R O C K
StackBot:  A L T A R
StackBot:  T O U R S
StackBot:  N Y M P H
StackBot:  L E V E E
StackBot:  S T A M P
StackBot:  D U C K Y
Gahalyn: linol
Gahalyn: vinol
NessaChan: lysol
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. Some possible continuations: bijou, bingo, bison, cilia, hilum, idyll, igloo, infix, jingo, milia, minim, misdo, opsin, oxbow, phlox.
NessaChan: brick
Sentynel: Phlox is a fantastic word.
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  D I V E
StackBot:  L A T I
StackBot:  T U B S
NessaChan: definitely
NessaChan: stab
StackBot: NessaChan continues the stack with stab and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except NessaChan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  D I V E
StackBot:  L A T I
StackBot:  T U B S
StackBot:  S T A B
Gahalyn: lost
Sentynel: wert
Sentynel: er
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with wert and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sentynel, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  D I V E
StackBot:  L A T I
StackBot:  T U B S
StackBot:  S T A B
StackBot:  W E R T
10Kan: bola
Sentynel: wort
LuckyWizard: eked
StackBot: 10Kan continues the stack with bola and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except 10Kan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  D I V E
StackBot:  L A T I
StackBot:  T U B S
StackBot:  S T A B
StackBot:  W E R T
StackBot:  B O L A
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with eked and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  D I V E
StackBot:  L A T I
StackBot:  T U B S
StackBot:  S T A B
StackBot:  W E R T
StackBot:  B O L A
StackBot:  E K E D
NessaChan: onyx
Sentynel: oh, wert was a word?
StackBot: NessaChan continues the stack with onyx and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except NessaChan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  D I V E
StackBot:  L A T I
StackBot:  T U B S
StackBot:  S T A B
StackBot:  W E R T
StackBot:  B O L A
StackBot:  E K E D
StackBot:  O N Y X
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  D I V E
StackBot:  L A T I
StackBot:  T U B S
StackBot:  S T A B
StackBot:  W E R T
StackBot:  B O L A
StackBot:  E K E D
StackBot:  O N Y X
NessaChan: pyro
goldfishy: chop
StackBot: goldfishy continues the stack with chop and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except goldfishy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  D I V E
StackBot:  L A T I
StackBot:  T U B S
StackBot:  S T A B
StackBot:  W E R T
StackBot:  B O L A
StackBot:  E K E D
StackBot:  O N Y X
StackBot:  C H O P
10Kan: plum
StackBot: 10Kan continues the stack with plum and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except 10Kan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  D I V E
StackBot:  L A T I
StackBot:  T U B S
StackBot:  S T A B
StackBot:  W E R T
StackBot:  B O L A
StackBot:  E K E D
StackBot:  O N Y X
StackBot:  C H O P
StackBot:  P L U M
NessaChan: Slug
Revan: grin
StackBot: Revan continues the stack with grin and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  D I V E
StackBot:  L A T I
StackBot:  T U B S
StackBot:  S T A B
StackBot:  W E R T
StackBot:  B O L A
StackBot:  E K E D
StackBot:  O N Y X
StackBot:  C H O P
StackBot:  P L U M
StackBot:  G R I N
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  D I V E
StackBot:  L A T I
StackBot:  T U B S
StackBot:  S T A B
StackBot:  W E R T
StackBot:  B O L A
StackBot:  E K E D
StackBot:  O N Y X
StackBot:  C H O P
StackBot:  P L U M
StackBot:  G R I N
10Kan: ally
NessaChan: xyyz
LuckyWizard: ammo
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with ammo and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  D I V E
StackBot:  L A T I
StackBot:  T U B S
StackBot:  S T A B
StackBot:  W E R T
StackBot:  B O L A
StackBot:  E K E D
StackBot:  O N Y X
StackBot:  C H O P
StackBot:  P L U M
StackBot:  G R I N
StackBot:  A M M O
Sam: Finish the stack! Finish the stack!
NessaChan: nicely done
Gahalyn: icer
Gahalyn: ickr
Gahalyn: iclp
Gahalyn: icwm
Sentynel: icky
NessaChan: icqu
Gahalyn: icaaafdsflkj
Gahalyn: DUDE
Gahalyn: I was not talking to you Mr.StackBot
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  D I V E
StackBot:  L A T I
StackBot:  T U B S
StackBot:  S T A B
StackBot:  W E R T
StackBot:  B O L A
StackBot:  E K E D
StackBot:  O N Y X
StackBot:  C H O P
StackBot:  P L U M
StackBot:  G R I N
StackBot:  A M M O
Sentynel: Icky is totally a word.
NessaChan: ucky
MSB: mynx
MSB: mynk
Sentynel: lynx
Revan: uppy
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. All possible continuations: iffy.
10Kan: Aww!
NessaChan: IFFY
Sam: Aww!
Gahalyn: -_-
NessaChan: so close
Sentynel: Bah.
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  B A L D Y
StackBot:  F U M E S
StackBot:  D E W A R
Gahalyn: trust
StackBot: Gahalyn continues the stack with trust and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Gahalyn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  B A L D Y
StackBot:  F U M E S
StackBot:  D E W A R
StackBot:  T R U S T
Revan: grail
10Kan: white
StackBot: 10Kan continues the stack with white and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except 10Kan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  B A L D Y
StackBot:  F U M E S
StackBot:  D E W A R
StackBot:  T R U S T
StackBot:  W H I T E
Revan: email
NessaChan: strip
Gahalyn: lobbs
StackBot: NessaChan continues the stack with strip and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except NessaChan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  B A L D Y
StackBot:  F U M E S
StackBot:  D E W A R
StackBot:  T R U S T
StackBot:  W H I T E
StackBot:  S T R I P
Revan: EMAIL
10Kan: plane
10Kan: plank
StackBot: 10Kan continues the stack with plank and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except 10Kan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  B A L D Y
StackBot:  F U M E S
StackBot:  D E W A R
StackBot:  T R U S T
StackBot:  W H I T E
StackBot:  S T R I P
StackBot:  P L A N K
Revan: gnoll
Sam: Any objections to ending this at 15 points instead of 30?
Gahalyn: losed
NessaChan: mould
Revan: Come ON
Gahalyn: noooo
10Kan: None here.
MSB: none.
Gahalyn: No objections
NessaChan: nope
Revan: knell
StackBot: Revan continues the stack with knell and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  B A L D Y
StackBot:  F U M E S
StackBot:  D E W A R
StackBot:  T R U S T
StackBot:  W H I T E
StackBot:  S T R I P
StackBot:  P L A N K
StackBot:  K N E L L
Gahalyn: zipped
Sentynel: Oh, nice.
NessaChan: Prose
Gahalyn: emf
Gahalyn: swelt
LuckyWizard: ensue
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  B A L D Y
StackBot:  F U M E S
StackBot:  D E W A R
StackBot:  T R U S T
StackBot:  W H I T E
StackBot:  S T R I P
StackBot:  P L A N K
StackBot:  K N E L L
NessaChan: wacko
NessaChan: tacky
Revan: excon
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. Some possible continuations: acorn, adorn, aitch, cinch, cisco, cobra, cocci, cocoa, codon, cogon, conch, conga, copra, coypu, ephod.
NessaChan: stick
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  G H O S T
StackBot:  L O N G S
StackBot:  B U D D Y
Revan: knell
NessaChan: Tramp
Gahalyn: swell
StackBot: Revan continues the stack with knell and wins 1 point!
StackBot: NessaChan continues the stack with tramp and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except NessaChan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  G H O S T
StackBot:  L O N G S
StackBot:  B U D D Y
StackBot:  K N E L L
StackBot:  T R A M P
Sentynel: cisco
Revan: Again.
MSB: sleep
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with cisco and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sentynel, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  G H O S T
StackBot:  L O N G S
StackBot:  B U D D Y
StackBot:  K N E L L
StackBot:  T R A M P
StackBot:  C I S C O
Gahalyn: brush
MSB: plane
LuckyWizard: eerie
NessaChan: aster
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with eerie and wins 1 point!
StackBot: NessaChan continues the stack with aster and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except NessaChan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  G H O S T
StackBot:  L O N G S
StackBot:  B U D D Y
StackBot:  K N E L L
StackBot:  T R A M P
StackBot:  C I S C O
StackBot:  E E R I E
StackBot:  A S T E R
Gahalyn: lunch
Revan: plank
Revan: plink
StackBot: Revan continues the stack with plink and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  G H O S T
StackBot:  L O N G S
StackBot:  B U D D Y
StackBot:  K N E L L
StackBot:  T R A M P
StackBot:  C I S C O
StackBot:  E E R I E
StackBot:  A S T E R
StackBot:  P L I N K
MSB: plink
Revan: pluck
NessaChan: pluck
Sentynel: Does it only ever give 4 or 5 letter stacks?
LuckyWizard: By default yes, but it can be set to give other word lengths too.
Sam: Sent: By default, yes, but the bot has options to let the person running it pick other lengths as well, or instead. It'll go as low as 2, and as high as 8.
Gahalyn: oystererer
NessaChan: Study
NessaChan: stung
Revan: I think quickness or insanity would ensue if they were any shorter or longer.
Gahalyn: laned
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  G H O S T
StackBot:  L O N G S
StackBot:  B U D D Y
StackBot:  K N E L L
StackBot:  T R A M P
StackBot:  C I S C O
StackBot:  E E R I E
StackBot:  A S T E R
StackBot:  P L I N K
NessaChan: stull
Gahalyn: pasil
Gahalyn: asl;jfssldfj;'j;lk;/
NessaChan: sturm
Gahalyn: fleur
LuckyWizard: sauna
NessaChan: ach!
Revan: German points!
Gahalyn: yeast
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. Some possible continuations: dacha, hajji, hamza, havoc, hazan, hypha, iambi, japan, macaw, mamba, nabob, nawab, nylon, nymph, oakum.
NessaChan: :)
Gahalyn: Um.
Sam: You left another nymph point on the table.
NessaChan: japan counts?
Sam: japan: any of various hard, durable, black varnishes, originally from Japan, for coating wood, metal, or other surfaces.
NessaChan: oh I see, I didn't know there was a noun form of japanning
Sam: Nessa: Me neither, until just now.
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  L A T H E
StackBot:  T R I P S
StackBot:  O L E I C
Revan: nymph
Gahalyn: aimed
Revan: Dang.
NessaChan: Pinto
StackBot: Gahalyn continues the stack with aimed and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Gahalyn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  L A T H E
StackBot:  T R I P S
StackBot:  O L E I C
StackBot:  A I M E D
Revan: gnarl
MSB: garte
NessaChan: Pesto
StackBot: Revan continues the stack with gnarl and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  L A T H E
StackBot:  T R I P S
StackBot:  O L E I C
StackBot:  A I M E D
StackBot:  G N A R L
StackBot: NessaChan continues the stack with pesto and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except NessaChan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  L A T H E
StackBot:  T R I P S
StackBot:  O L E I C
StackBot:  A I M E D
StackBot:  G N A R L
StackBot:  P E S T O
Gahalyn: bustr
MSB: gnarl
Gahalyn: bumpy
10Kan: conat
LuckyWizard: epoch
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with epoch and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  L A T H E
StackBot:  T R I P S
StackBot:  O L E I C
StackBot:  A I M E D
StackBot:  G N A R L
StackBot:  P E S T O
StackBot:  E P O C H
Revan: bunch
NessaChan: Japan
MSB: fount
StackBot: MSB continues the stack with fount and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except MSB, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  L A T H E
StackBot:  T R I P S
StackBot:  O L E I C
StackBot:  A I M E D
StackBot:  G N A R L
StackBot:  P E S T O
StackBot:  E P O C H
StackBot:  F O U N T
* LaZorra loves a good gnarly pesto epoch.
10Kan: That sounds like a truly momentous era.
NessaChan: mmmm gnarly pesto
Gahalyn: yucky
Sam: nymph
NessaChan: Expat
Sam: idyll
Sam: oxbow
Sam: empty
NessaChan: oxbow
Sam: ephod
Gahalyn: zaphod
NessaChan: axiom
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  L A T H E
StackBot:  T R I P S
StackBot:  O L E I C
StackBot:  A I M E D
StackBot:  G N A R L
StackBot:  P E S T O
StackBot:  E P O C H
StackBot:  F O U N T
Revan: (Delayed) LATHE'D!
NessaChan: idiom
LuckyWizard: susan
LuckyWizard: sumac
Gahalyn: daisy
LuckyWizard: sugar
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with sugar and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  L A T H E
StackBot:  T R I P S
StackBot:  O L E I C
StackBot:  A I M E D
StackBot:  G N A R L
StackBot:  P E S T O
StackBot:  E P O C H
StackBot:  F O U N T
StackBot:  S U G A R
Gahalyn: dopey
NessaChan: qussssss
Revan: strum
MSB: stymp
NessaChan: idiot
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  L A T H E
StackBot:  T R I P S
StackBot:  O L E I C
StackBot:  A I M E D
StackBot:  G N A R L
StackBot:  P E S T O
StackBot:  E P O C H
StackBot:  F O U N T
StackBot:  S U G A R
Sam: OH CRAP I SHOULD HAVE BEEN PLAYING THIS. I've won the last four UBT games of StackBot, and I guess I just blew my chance to make it five.
NessaChan: track
Gahalyn: I have so much trouble putting together a word with two consonants at the beginning
NessaChan: mynas
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. All possible continuations: imply, nylon.
NessaChan: gah, why do I keep forgetting to try nylon
Maryam: Because they are horrible icky things?
Sam: Gnarly pesto nylons.
NessaChan: mmm pesto nylons
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P R O N G
StackBot:  F A C T S
StackBot:  S T A V E
Revan: For some reason I did not read that as the normal imply. I was thinking of imps from DOOM going about their imply duties.
goldfishy: Gnarly pesto nymphos
Gahalyn: rated
Gahalyn: rusty
Revan: climb
StackBot: Revan continues the stack with climb and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P R O N G
StackBot:  F A C T S
StackBot:  S T A V E
StackBot:  C L I M B
Sentynel: hissy
NessaChan: brick
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with hissy and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sentynel, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P R O N G
StackBot:  F A C T S
StackBot:  S T A V E
StackBot:  C L I M B
StackBot:  H I S S Y
Gahalyn: busty
Gahalyn: s;aldffjf
NessaChan: oriel
LuckyWizard: ester
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with ester and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P R O N G
StackBot:  F A C T S
StackBot:  S T A V E
StackBot:  C L I M B
StackBot:  H I S S Y
StackBot:  E S T E R
Gahalyn: thumy
NessaChan: forck
Sentynel: topaz
StackBot: Sentynel continues the stack with topaz and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Sentynel, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P R O N G
StackBot:  F A C T S
StackBot:  S T A V E
StackBot:  C L I M B
StackBot:  H I S S Y
StackBot:  E S T E R
StackBot:  T O P A Z
Gahalyn: queen
NessaChan: nylon
StackBot: NessaChan continues the stack with nylon and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except NessaChan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P R O N G
StackBot:  F A C T S
StackBot:  S T A V E
StackBot:  C L I M B
StackBot:  H I S S Y
StackBot:  E S T E R
StackBot:  T O P A Z
StackBot:  N Y L O N
Gahalyn: quota
NessaChan: trump
NessaChan: JUMANJI
Revan: JENGA
Revan: SUPER disappointed that's not in there.
Revan: I expected the stack to come tumbling down.
MSB: rumbt
StackBot: Time's up! Everyone can play now. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  P R O N G
StackBot:  F A C T S
StackBot:  S T A V E
StackBot:  C L I M B
StackBot:  H I S S Y
StackBot:  E S T E R
StackBot:  T O P A Z
StackBot:  N Y L O N
LuckyWizard: reedy
NessaChan: lithe
Gahalyn: viola
NessaChan: idiom
Gahalyn: voila
* MSB roots for Nessa
NessaChan: MSB: Thanks :D
StackBot: Time's up! The stack is broken. Some possible continuations: acrid, adept, admit, admix, adult, affix, afrit, ambit, ameba, amnia, amuck, annul, annum, anvil, aphid.
Revan: quell
StackBot: First valid answer scores. Continue the stack:
StackBot:  S E L F
StackBot:  N O D I
StackBot:  C H E W
Revan: nail
Revan: jail
StackBot: Revan continues the stack with jail and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except Revan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  S E L F
StackBot:  N O D I
StackBot:  C H E W
StackBot:  J A I L
LuckyWizard: else
NessaChan: stab
Gahalyn: tame
Gahalyn: tame
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with else and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Everyone except LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot:  S E L F
StackBot:  N O D I
StackBot:  C H E W
StackBot:  J A I L
StackBot:  E L S E
NessaChan: must
NessaChan: mump
Revan: funk
StackBot: NessaChan continues the stack with mump and wins 1 point!
StackBot: NessaChan wins!
Gahalyn: tilt
LaZorra: brat
MSB: w00t
Gahalyn: Yay!
MSB: LaZ, poor sportmanship!
LaZorra: MSB: LOL, sorry. :-(
NessaChan: thanks foklks :D
NessaChan: folks too
Gahalyn: Congrats :D
Gahalyn: WHOOOO
10Kan: Go NessaChan!
Revan: Funk is by far cooler than mumps.
Sam: 5 minute break!
Revan: Whew. My brain was about to start leaking into my keyboard.
* MSB had spinach dip and pita for dinner :)
Maryam: Yumm!
* LaZorra just had a brownie.
Maryam: Also yum!
Sam: WordZap isn't going to be compatible with any of the bots tonight, so instead, we'll run it only IN BETWEEN bots!
Revan: Right now?
LaZorra: My diet [+3] has gone to pot [+3] since I've been here.
Maryam: Not WordZap, the brownie [+3].
goldfishy: LaZorra you shouldn't eat children
LaZorra: goldie: :-.
NessaChan: excellent [-2]
NessaChan: excellent [+1]
Sam: excellent
Revan: Maryam beat.
LaZorra: WOOOT
MSB: laz, i was wondering if i should have a brownie [-2] or pumpkin pie tonight!
Sam: brownie [+1]
LaZorra: brownie
NessaChan: nobody has said.. magicalllllll yet?
StackBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Sentynel: burying confused partial punctuation robbing source sparse thumps [+1] traveling wad [+1]
Sentynel: Two, not bad given I'm one behind on the logs.
Gahalyn: I am microwaving my dinner
Gahalyn: nom nom
NessaChan: in soviet [+3] rinkworks, wordzap plays [-2] YOU
Sam: plays [+1]
Sentynel: plays
NessaChan: plays
Sam: Gaha: Are you going to consume [+3] your dinner next? Will you masticate [+3] it first, or simply [+3] inhale [+3] it?
MSB: interesting
MSB: and unfair [+3], considering [+3] sam knows all
Maryam: Ok, so now that a bot's not going, what's this LATHE [+3]'D thing?
Revan: LATHE [-2]'D!!!
Sam: Maryam: Teen [+3] Girl Squad [-2] thing from H*R.
Sam: lathe [+1]
Sentynel: lathe
Sentynel: squard
NessaChan: lathe
Sam: squad [+1]
Sentynel: ...
Sentynel: squad
Maryam: Ahh.
NessaChan: PossssummMmmMMMmMs
Sentynel: That was practically [-2] squaw [-2].
Sentynel: practically [+1]
Sentynel: squar
Sentynel: squaw [+1]
MSB: terrific [+3]. i stil dont know whether [+3] to eat pie or chocolate
NessaChan: I met [-2] a possum [+3].
Sentynel: LaZ really is contagious.
NessaChan: met [+1]
Sentynel: met
Sam: met
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Have you caught LaZorra lately?' by Sam.
MSB: squaw
Revan: LOL, squaw is in the wordzap list?
NessaChan: lol
Sentynel: It's a word.
Revan: True, but not used very often.
Sentynel: WordZap's list is thousands [+3] of words, apparently.
Sentynel: I don't know how old the squaw meme is off the top of my head, but it definitely included [+3] all the not-overly [+3]-common words used in the last UBT.
MSB: spork? maybe? perchance?
MSB: okay, i'm casting [+3] my ballot [+3] for.... pie and cream!
NessaChan: mm pie.
Maryam: How about blancmange?
Maryam: Aw.
Sam: and
MSB: woot. im surprisingly [+3] adept at this weird word game.
* LaZorra listens [-2] to an old Pole with a very thinck accent [-2].
Sentynel: listens [+1]
Sentynel: accent [+1]
Sam: listens accent
MSB: are we earning genuine [+3] points for these rarities?
LaZorra: SQUAW
Sentynel: WordZap's a separate [-2] ranking [+3].
Sentynel: separate [+1]
Sam: MSB: See my second link above. That's the running Zap total.
MSB: site-wise [+3]? universe [+3]-wide [+3]?
Sam: Zap is definitely not scoring [+3] as much as it did when we first started it up. As expected, but it's noticeable [+3] now.
Sentynel: Universal [+3].
Sentynel: Since we're the only ones running it.
NessaChan: so many +3s
Gahalyn: Oh gosh, nobody tell Monkeyman about Zap.
Gahalyn: He will try to be first.
Maryam: Gaha: LOL. Maybe that will GET HIM IN HERE.
Gahalyn: Hehee
MSB: fascinating [+3]
Sam: Wait, nobody ever said "sco*ring [-2]" yet?
Sam: ring [+1]
Sentynel: ring
Sentynel: -2 dodging fail there, Sam.
MSB: hahah, sam stil messed [+3] up
Revan: LOL
NessaChan: I'm still surprised at how many words have not yet been typed
Sam: Yeah.
MSB: it seems cruely unfair [-2] to list them all
Sentynel: unfair [+1]
Sam: unfair
NessaChan: unfair
Sam: CONSTIPATION [+3]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NessaChan: gall [+3] bladder.
Revan: You'd know, having the list. :-P
Sentynel: I don't think Sam picked several [+3] thousand [-2] words manually [+3].
Sam: Revan: There are 18000 words on it, you dweeb. Trust [+3] me, I do not have them memorized [+3].
Sentynel: thosuand
Sam: thousand [+1]
Sentynel: thousand
MSB: indiscrete, too, i might add [-2]
Sentynel: add [+1]
Sam: add
MSB: indeed! what insolence [+3]!
NessaChan: He repeated 300 of them every night before bed.
* TalkingDog likes [+3] "add [+1]"
goldfishy: I preferred [+3] add[-2]
* Gahalyn throws confetti [+3] in Sam's hair.
Sam: I didn't even compile [+3] the list manually [-2], so I haven't even seen it.
Sam: manually [+1]
Sentynel: manually
NessaChan: Oh, darn, I said con [+3] fetti earlier when zap wasn't on
CountBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: Zap is dead! For now! CountBot begins in 30 seconds!
MSB: hi countbot!
NessaChan: hello countbot
Maryam: Aren't we doing RPS again?
RPSBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: Oh yeah, we have to replay this first.
RPSBot: Starting a new game:
RPSBot: New round! (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors, (4) lizard, (5) spock.
RPSBot: Maryam answers scissors (beating Sentynel, Revan, Gahalyn, goldfishy, 10Kan) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: Sam answers scissors (beating Sentynel, Revan, Gahalyn, goldfishy, 10Kan) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: NessaChan answers rock (beating Sam, Maryam, goldfishy, 10Kan) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: TalkingDog answers rock (beating Sam, Maryam, goldfishy, 10Kan) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: 10Kan answers lizard (beating Sentynel, Revan, Gahalyn) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: goldfishy answers lizard (beating Sentynel, Revan, Gahalyn) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Gahalyn answers paper (beating NessaChan, TalkingDog) and wins 2 points.
RPSBot: Revan answers paper (beating NessaChan, TalkingDog) and wins 2 points.
RPSBot: Sentynel answers paper (beating NessaChan, TalkingDog) and wins 2 points.
RPSBot: Game is paused.
Sam: See, that's wrong.
Maryam: Oh yeah.
Sentynel: Why is it assigning different point values than it prints?
Sam: Oh, I found it.
Sam: I had a duplicated inc_score line.
RPSBot: Game is reset.
RPSBot: Starting a new game:
RPSBot: New round! (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors, (4) lizard, (5) spock.
RPSBot: Revan answers lizard (beating Sam, Sentynel, NessaChan, Gahalyn, Maryam) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: Sam answers paper (beating goldfishy, 10Kan, NessaChan, Gahalyn, Maryam) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: Sentynel answers paper (beating goldfishy, 10Kan, NessaChan, Gahalyn, Maryam) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: Gahalyn answers spock (beating goldfishy, 10Kan, LuckyWizard, TalkingDog) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: Maryam answers spock (beating goldfishy, 10Kan, LuckyWizard, TalkingDog) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: NessaChan answers spock (beating goldfishy, 10Kan, LuckyWizard, TalkingDog) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: 10Kan answers rock (beating LuckyWizard, TalkingDog, Revan) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: goldfishy answers rock (beating LuckyWizard, TalkingDog, Revan) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: LuckyWizard answers scissors (beating Sam, Sentynel, Revan) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: TalkingDog answers scissors (beating Sam, Sentynel, Revan) and wins 3 points.
Sam: That looks right.
RPSBot: New round! (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors, (4) lizard, (5) spock.
Sam: All bugs are mine, not Sentynel's.
* MSB is not sam's.
RPSBot: Sam answers spock (beating NessaChan, Sentynel, Revan, Gahalyn, Maryam, TalkingDog, 10Kan) and wins 7 points.
RPSBot: Gahalyn answers rock (beating TalkingDog, 10Kan, goldfishy) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Maryam answers rock (beating TalkingDog, 10Kan, goldfishy) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: NessaChan answers rock (beating TalkingDog, 10Kan, goldfishy) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Revan answers rock (beating TalkingDog, 10Kan, goldfishy) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Sentynel answers rock (beating TalkingDog, 10Kan, goldfishy) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: 10Kan answers scissors (beating goldfishy) and wins 1 point.
RPSBot: goldfishy answers lizard (beating Sam) and wins 1 point.
RPSBot: TalkingDog answers scissors (beating goldfishy) and wins 1 point.
Sam: Wow.
Maryam: Wow, nice, Sam.
10Kan: Fascinating.
Maryam: LOL 10K.
Sentynel: You've been secretly practicing so you're invincible, haven't you!
RPSBot: New round! (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors, (4) lizard, (5) spock.
RPSBot: NessaChan answers lizard (beating Sam, Sentynel, Gahalyn, TalkingDog, 10Kan) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: goldfishy answers scissors (beating Sam, Sentynel, Gahalyn, NessaChan) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: MSB answers scissors (beating Sam, Sentynel, Gahalyn, NessaChan) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: 10Kan answers spock (beating Maryam, goldfishy, MSB) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Gahalyn answers paper (beating Maryam, TalkingDog, 10Kan) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Maryam answers rock (beating goldfishy, MSB, NessaChan) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Sam answers paper (beating Maryam, TalkingDog, 10Kan) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Sentynel answers paper (beating Maryam, TalkingDog, 10Kan) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: TalkingDog answers spock (beating Maryam, goldfishy, MSB) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: New round! (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors, (4) lizard, (5) spock.
RPSBot: Gahalyn answers spock (beating MSB, 10Kan, Sentynel, Maryam) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: goldfishy answers lizard (beating NessaChan, Revan, TalkingDog, Gahalyn) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: Maryam answers scissors (beating NessaChan, Revan, TalkingDog, goldfishy) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: Sentynel answers scissors (beating NessaChan, Revan, TalkingDog, goldfishy) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: 10Kan answers rock (beating Sentynel, Maryam, goldfishy) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: MSB answers rock (beating Sentynel, Maryam, goldfishy) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: NessaChan answers paper (beating MSB, 10Kan, Gahalyn) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Revan answers paper (beating MSB, 10Kan, Gahalyn) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: TalkingDog answers paper (beating MSB, 10Kan, Gahalyn) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: New round! (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors, (4) lizard, (5) spock.
RPSBot: LuckyWizard answers rock (beating NessaChan, Sam, Sentynel, TalkingDog, Gahalyn, 10Kan) and wins 6 points.
RPSBot: goldfishy answers spock (beating LuckyWizard, NessaChan, Sam, Sentynel, TalkingDog) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: Maryam answers spock (beating LuckyWizard, NessaChan, Sam, Sentynel, TalkingDog) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: Revan answers spock (beating LuckyWizard, NessaChan, Sam, Sentynel, TalkingDog) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: 10Kan answers lizard (beating MSB, goldfishy, Revan, Maryam) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: Gahalyn answers lizard (beating MSB, goldfishy, Revan, Maryam) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: MSB answers paper (beating LuckyWizard, goldfishy, Revan, Maryam) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: NessaChan answers scissors (beating MSB, Gahalyn, 10Kan) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Sam answers scissors (beating MSB, Gahalyn, 10Kan) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Sentynel answers scissors (beating MSB, Gahalyn, 10Kan) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: TalkingDog answers scissors (beating MSB, Gahalyn, 10Kan) and wins 3 points.
Sentynel: A stats tracker for this game could be pretty interesting.
Maryam: It took me four tries just to type a single number there.
RPSBot: New round! (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors, (4) lizard, (5) spock.
RPSBot: MSB answers spock (beating goldfishy, NessaChan, Sam, Gahalyn, TalkingDog, Sentynel, Revan, Maryam, 10Kan) and wins 9 points.
RPSBot: Gahalyn answers rock (beating Sentynel, Revan, Maryam, 10Kan, LuckyWizard) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: goldfishy answers rock (beating Sentynel, Revan, Maryam, 10Kan, LuckyWizard) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: NessaChan answers rock (beating Sentynel, Revan, Maryam, 10Kan, LuckyWizard) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: Sam answers rock (beating Sentynel, Revan, Maryam, 10Kan, LuckyWizard) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: TalkingDog answers rock (beating Sentynel, Revan, Maryam, 10Kan, LuckyWizard) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: 10Kan answers scissors (beating LuckyWizard) and wins 1 point.
RPSBot: LuckyWizard answers lizard (beating MSB) and wins 1 point.
RPSBot: Maryam answers scissors (beating LuckyWizard) and wins 1 point.
RPSBot: Revan answers scissors (beating LuckyWizard) and wins 1 point.
RPSBot: Sentynel answers scissors (beating LuckyWizard) and wins 1 point.
Sam: WOW.
Maryam: Dang.
Sentynel: Ouch
Revan: There may be something to this spock theory.
Sentynel: That's a lotta points.
MSB: w00t!
RPSBot: New round! (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors, (4) lizard, (5) spock.
RPSBot: Gahalyn answers rock (beating 10Kan, Maryam, goldfishy, Sam, Sentynel, MSB) and wins 6 points.
RPSBot: Revan answers rock (beating 10Kan, Maryam, goldfishy, Sam, Sentynel, MSB) and wins 6 points.
RPSBot: 10Kan answers scissors (beating TalkingDog, goldfishy, Sam, Sentynel, MSB) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: Maryam answers scissors (beating TalkingDog, goldfishy, Sam, Sentynel, MSB) and wins 5 points.
RPSBot: LuckyWizard answers spock (beating Revan, Gahalyn, 10Kan, Maryam) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: TalkingDog answers paper (beating Revan, Gahalyn, LuckyWizard) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: goldfishy answers lizard (beating TalkingDog, LuckyWizard) and wins 2 points.
RPSBot: MSB answers lizard (beating TalkingDog, LuckyWizard) and wins 2 points.
RPSBot: Sam answers lizard (beating TalkingDog, LuckyWizard) and wins 2 points.
RPSBot: Sentynel answers lizard (beating TalkingDog, LuckyWizard) and wins 2 points.
NessaChan: what is the hand-symbol for lizard?
Sentynel: Nessa:
Sam: One of the comments: "By the way, lots of people who have linked to RPSSL have asked what the lizard symbol is. It's like making your hand into a little lizard head with the thumb being the mouth and the 4 fingers being the nose. Sorry my Photoshop skills were not up to par while drawing the image."
RPSBot: New round! (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors, (4) lizard, (5) spock.
RPSBot: goldfishy answers scissors (beating Sentynel, Revan, Maryam, TalkingDog) and wins 4 points.
RPSBot: Maryam answers paper (beating MSB, NessaChan, Gahalyn) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Revan answers paper (beating MSB, NessaChan, Gahalyn) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Sentynel answers paper (beating MSB, NessaChan, Gahalyn) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: TalkingDog answers paper (beating MSB, NessaChan, Gahalyn) and wins 3 points.
RPSBot: Gahalyn answers spock (beating MSB, goldfishy) and wins 2 points.
RPSBot: NessaChan answers spock (beating MSB, goldfishy) and wins 2 points.
RPSBot: MSB answers rock (beating goldfishy) and wins 1 point.
RPSBot: Gahalyn wins!
10Kan: Yay Gahalyn!
Gahalyn: :-)
Sentynel: Well, bugs aside, I think that went pretty well.
Maryam: Sent: Good job.
Gahalyn: It's a nice low-stress bot game.
Sam: Sent: Absolutely.
Sam: I always have bugs on the first public play of a bot game anyway.
Sam: CountBot begins in 30 seconds!
NessaChan has left.
NessaChan has entered.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 3, 3, 5, 9, 5. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for The Old Woman Disgorged Fleas.
CountBot: Vote 2 for The Big Hairy Elephant's Yawns
CountBot: Vote 3 for Too Wet There, Theorized Nessa.
CountBot: Vote 4 for Wow MSB Baked Pepperoni Tarts!
CountBot: Vote 5 for You Are Crazy, Aardvarks. CRAZY!
NessaChan: haha
Revan: vote 4
10Kan: vote 5
NessaChan: they are all pretty good
Sam: vote 1
goldfishy: I need a list of various lengths of words to compile
Gahalyn: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 3
TalkingDog: vote 4
10Kan: Is that like a Hot Pocket?
Maryam: Dang, now I want pepperoni rolls.
NessaChan: we have those in West Virginia, they're called Pepperoni Rolls :p
NessaChan: Sorry Maryam, I can try and mail you some
NessaChan: or send you a recipe
NessaChan: you can make them really easy with frozen dough
Maryam: Hmm...
Maryam: I'll have to try it.
Gahalyn: You should make them yourself with rolls-from-a-can and pepperoni. Maybe.
CountBot: 10Kan wins 2 points for The Old Woman Disgorged Fleas.
CountBot: Sam wins 2 points for Wow MSB Baked Pepperoni Tarts!
CountBot: Gahalyn wins 1 point for Too Wet There, Theorized Nessa.
CountBot: Revan wins 1 point for You Are Crazy, Aardvarks. CRAZY!
CountBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for The Big Hairy Elephant's Yawns
Sam: I was trying to think of something gross (e.g., pie, ice cream, doughnuts, etc) but "tarts" was as close as I could get.
10Kan: Sam: salsa?
Maryam: Am I crazy, or does pepperoni salsa actually sound good?
TalkingDog: I'd try some.
Sam: It sounds good if you like salsa.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 3, 4. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for You Rule.
CountBot: Vote 2 for MSB Left? :-(
CountBot: Vote 3 for How Come?
CountBot: Vote 4 for GET DOWN!!!
CountBot: Vote 5 for Mad Deer.
CountBot: Vote 6 for Sam Flew.
CountBot: Vote 7 for Sam WINS!
Gahalyn: vote 4
Sam: vote 4
Revan: vote 7
TalkingDog: vote 5
Sentynel: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 5
MSB: 2
LuckyWizard: vote 2
goldfishy: vote 3
MSB: i'm here i just zoned out
Sam: MSB: Type "vote 2" there.
10Kan: vote 3
CountBot: goldfishy wins 2 points for Mad Deer.
CountBot: Revan wins 2 points for GET DOWN!!!
CountBot: TalkingDog wins 2 points for How Come?
CountBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for You Rule.
CountBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Sam WINS!
CountBot: Sam wins 1 point for MSB Left? :-(
CountBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for Sam Flew.
MSB: vote e
MSB: haha
MSB: thanks sam
Sam: Round e down, and you get 2.
Revan: 2-7 could make a slightly odd story.
Maryam: Revan: LOL
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 6, 3, 7, 3, 6. (1/18 accepted)
MSB: throw dem pickles out sonny!
MSB: hah, nevermind
MSB: i think i'll just watch
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Cobras Are Hissing, Mom; Escape!
CountBot: Vote 2 for Cheese And Avocado Are Yummmy
CountBot: Vote 3 for Frozen, Sam Shivers And Yelpes
CountBot: Vote 4 for Stupid Guy! Nothing Was Useful!
MSB: i can't even count
LuckyWizard: vote 1
Sam: vote 1
Gahalyn: vote 2
TalkingDog: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 4
10Kan: vote 4
CountBot: 10Kan wins 3 points for Cobras Are Hissing, Mom; Escape!
CountBot: LuckyWizard wins 2 points for Stupid Guy! Nothing Was Useful!
CountBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Cheese And Avocado Are Yummmy
CountBot: Gahalyn wins 0 points for Frozen, Sam Shivers And Yelpes
Gahalyn: My bum is ouchy.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 2, 6, 1, 5. (1/18 accepted)
* MSB is definitely getting sicker by the hour.
Sam: :-(
goldfishy: I'm not feeling well either
MSB: do i tell it to the bots?
Sam: Bots are less sympathetic than Rinkies.
Revan: Yeah, you submit your entries with /b, if that's what you meant.
MSB: no, i mean, how do i enter a sentence
MSB: ahhh ok
Sam: MSB: Oh, yeah, use /b
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Oh! Maryam, I Musn't!
CountBot: Vote 2 for He Brings A Furby!
CountBot: Vote 3 for To Maryam, I Write: "..."
CountBot: Vote 4 for By Monday I Sleep.
CountBot: Vote 5 for To Stupid I Think.
CountBot: Vote 6 for To Dakota, A State!
10Kan: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 3
Sam: vote 2
Gahalyn: vote 4
Maryam: ...
TalkingDog: vote 4
LuckyWizard: vote 3
Maryam: That's my response to both 1 and 3.
NessaChan: lol
MSB: vote 2
CountBot: MSB wins 2 points for By Monday I Sleep.
CountBot: Sam wins 2 points for To Maryam, I Write: "..."
CountBot: TalkingDog wins 2 points for He Brings A Furby!
CountBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Oh! Maryam, I Musn't!
CountBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for To Dakota, A State!
CountBot: Gahalyn wins 0 points for To Stupid I Think.
Sam: 1 would have gotten my vote except for the misspelling.
Sentynel: I should so write a sympathy module for RPSBot.
Sam: Sent: How would that work?
Sentynel: "Fred gets 0 points. I'm so sorry!"
MSB: lolz
Sam: LOL
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 2, 2, 3, 5, 4. (1/18 accepted)
* Sam's is indicative of being tired by too much late.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for It Is All Buggy, Crap.
CountBot: Vote 2 for Bo, Do You Smell That?
CountBot: Vote 3 for Do We Eat Bunny Stew?
CountBot: Vote 4 for No, No, Yer OTHER Left.
CountBot: Vote 5 for On My Way! Quick Dear!
CountBot: Vote 6 for ON MY ARM!! SMUSH BUGS!!!!
CountBot: Vote 7 for He Is The Knees' Bees.
10Kan: vote 7
Sam: To my MSB: "Sweet love..."
Sentynel: vote 4
Revan: vote 7
TalkingDog: vote 2
NessaChan: er
Sam: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 6
MSB: vote 6
LuckyWizard: vote 6
goldfishy: vote 3
CountBot: Sam wins 3 points for ON MY ARM!! SMUSH BUGS!!!!
CountBot: Revan wins 2 points for No, No, Yer OTHER Left.
CountBot: TalkingDog wins 2 points for He Is The Knees' Bees.
CountBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for Bo, Do You Smell That?
CountBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Do We Eat Bunny Stew?
CountBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for On My Way! Quick Dear!
CountBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for It Is All Buggy, Crap.
Sam: Oh man, you voted for that.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 4, 4, 6, 4, 3. (1/18 accepted)
LaZorra: *yawn*
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Tell Leen, "Dangit, Play Bot!"
CountBot: Vote 2 for Five Gals Stayed Four Yrs.
CountBot: Vote 3 for Leen, Leen, Where's Your Man?
CountBot: Vote 4 for What Dumb Person Lied? Gah.
CountBot: Vote 5 for Take Them Before King Bob!
10Kan: vote 3
Sam: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 1
LuckyWizard: vote 3
Sentynel: vote 3
Revan: vote 4
MSB: vote 1
TalkingDog: vote 1
CountBot: Revan wins 4 points for Tell Leen, "Dangit, Play Bot!"
CountBot: MSB wins 3 points for Leen, Leen, Where's Your Man?
CountBot: LuckyWizard wins 1 point for What Dumb Person Lied? Gah.
CountBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Five Gals Stayed Four Yrs.
CountBot: TalkingDog wins 0 points for Take Them Before King Bob!
Revan: I would have said "come UBT" or something but I was rushed since I accidentally submitted Bots the first time and I was like NOOOO MUST SAVE GOOD ONE
* TalkingDog didn't change in time to "They took Jason's mask off." Though I don't know if they've actually done that. Never actually seen those movies.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 3, 3, 6, 3, 4, 2. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Mmm. Ten Donuts Are Nice, No?
CountBot: Vote 2 for Bad Sam, Puking All Over Me!
CountBot: Vote 3 for You, Sam, Cannot Put This Up.
CountBot: Vote 4 for Set Off Alarms? Run Away! GO!!!!
CountBot: Vote 5 for The Big Rabbit Ate Sam's DQ.
Sam: vote 2
Sam: (LOL)
10Kan: vote 5
TalkingDog: vote 5
Sentynel: vote 2
NessaChan: vote 1
MSB: vote 3
LuckyWizard: vote 2
Revan: vote 2
MSB: vote 3
Gahalyn: vote 1
CountBot: MSB wins 4 points for Bad Sam, Puking All Over Me!
CountBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for The Big Rabbit Ate Sam's DQ.
CountBot: Revan wins 2 points for Mmm. Ten Donuts Are Nice, No?
CountBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for You, Sam, Cannot Put This Up.
CountBot: Sam wins 0 points for Set Off Alarms? Run Away! GO!!!!
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 3, 3, 7, 9, 2. (1/18 accepted)
MSB: sam is some sort of superhero.
LaZorra: Yes, he is.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Eat All Maryam's Pepperoni!!! Mm...
CountBot: Vote 2 for The Dog Defaced Sentynel's IQ
CountBot: Vote 3 for Bad Non Working Computers! Gr!
CountBot: Vote 4 for The Top Janitor, Vindicate It?
CountBot: Vote 5 for Can Not Compile Sentences, No.
NessaChan: vote 1
Gahalyn: vote 1
Sentynel: vote 2
Maryam: noooooo not my pepperoni
Maryam: vote 1
Sam: vote 5
TalkingDog: vote 5
LuckyWizard: vote 5
Sentynel: (Also, DOG!)
10Kan: vote 1
10Kan: DOG!
MSB: vote 1
Revan: DOG!
Maryam: DOG!
Sam: What was the "DQ" in "Sam's DQ"? Dairy Queen?
NessaChan: Sam: Yeah
LuckyWizard: All I could think of was disqualification.
LuckyWizard: DOG
Sam: DOG!
NessaChan: I'm not sure how one defaces IQ, but I'm sure it's not pretty
Sentynel: Nessa: You keep me up til 4 in the morning playing bot games.
NessaChan: Sentynel: Sorry about that
CountBot: Sam wins 5 points for Eat All Maryam's Pepperoni!!! Mm...
CountBot: Sentynel wins 3 points for Can Not Compile Sentences, No.
CountBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for The Dog Defaced Sentynel's IQ
CountBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for The Top Janitor, Vindicate It?
CountBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for Bad Non Working Computers! Gr!
Revan: /b Yes, Sam Usually Frequents DQ.
Revan: Milliseconds late, typically.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 6, 9, 2, 3, 2, 3. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Maryam, Pepperoni On Pie? No! Eww!
CountBot: Vote 2 for "Bakers Carefully On Top To Put."
CountBot: Vote 3 for Superb! Toadstool Is Not In SSB.
CountBot: Vote 4 for Actual Martyrdom Is Not To Die.
MSB: i can't count.
10Kan: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 4
Sentynel: vote 1
Sam: vote 4
Maryam: Pepperoni goes great on pizza pies.
Maryam: :-P
Gahalyn: vote 3
Revan: vote 2
Revan: 2 sounds like Engrish.
LuckyWizard: vote 1
Sam: I couldn't count this time either.
Sam: [->Bots] Robbing NessaChan of her ox, YAY! (22:46:59)
NessaChan: lol not my ox!
CountBot: NessaChan wins 3 points for Maryam, Pepperoni On Pie? No! Eww!
CountBot: MSB wins 2 points for Actual Martyrdom Is Not To Die.
CountBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for "Bakers Carefully On Top To Put."
CountBot: Revan wins 1 point for Superb! Toadstool Is Not In SSB.
CountBot: MSB loses a point for submitting and not voting.
MSB: vote 1
Sentynel: I just couldn't compile sentences. Again.
goldfishy: I can't get words the right length - it just doesn't work in my head - I end up sitting here counting on my fingers and failing to come up with anything
Sam: gold: It's definitely not a natural skill.
LaZorra: goldie: I always do that.
Sentynel: Yup, me as well.
LaZorra: I suck at this game.
Sam: This is one of the most mentally exhausting bots we play.
Sam: For me.
MSB: i think its cake
Sam: It's pretty much the same game as AcroBot, but for some reason that one is so much more intuitive.
10Kan: I agree with Sam. This one strains my brains.
Revan: I think LetterBot is by FAR harder than this.
goldfishy: It's easier to pick words out of letters than letters out of numbers - I never ever have to think how long a word is
Sentynel: We don't think about word length when speaking.
Revan: I don't think about what they start with either.
Revan: Or much besides what they sound like and what they mean.
ThePhan: Acro is easier than this for me, but Letter is way harder.
ThePhan: But I also count letters in words in general, so...
NessaChan: I find this one difficult
MSB: the stack game is way harder
Sam: I'm good at Stack, but only because I've had a lot of practice at that sort of thing, even before I wrote the bot. Once you train yourself to look for the availability of common prefixes and suffixes in Stack, and have memorized a few commonly-playable words, it's easier. With CountBot, however, I don't know how to get better at it.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 3, 3, 5, 3, 4. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Dps Teh Aggro Lol Noob
CountBot: Vote 2 for Sam Can Write Ten Feet
CountBot: Vote 3 for Sam Was Aware He'd Died.
CountBot: Vote 4 for The Can Reads, "Pig Feet"
CountBot: Vote 5 for MSB: You Fight Too Hard!
ThePhan: vote 4
Sam: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 4
Maryam: vote 4
TalkingDog: vote 3
10Kan: vote 1
Gahalyn: vote 1
LuckyWizard: vote 3
CountBot: 10Kan wins 3 points for The Can Reads, "Pig Feet"
CountBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for Sam Was Aware He'd Died.
CountBot: TalkingDog wins 2 points for Dps Teh Aggro Lol Noob
CountBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Sam Can Write Ten Feet
CountBot: Sam wins 0 points for MSB: You Fight Too Hard!
NessaChan: mine was the whiz kid one
MSB: why didn't the bots like my sentence?!
MSB: "Bye-bye birdy, fly well!"
Maryam: MSB: Probably the hyphen.
LuckyWizard: Probably it's considered one word if there's a hyphen.
Maryam: MSB: Try making sure to put a space to make sure the bot knows they're separate words.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 3, 3, 8. (1/18 accepted)
* TalkingDog DoTs a tank and wipes the raid all over the pally... aggro... death knoob.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for You Got Napalmed!
CountBot: Vote 2 for Now DIE, Everyone!
CountBot: Vote 3 for The Big Eggplant
CountBot: Vote 4 for ...And You, Sentynel!
CountBot: Vote 5 for YOU ARE GORGEOUS.
Sam: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 1
Revan: vote 5
10Kan: vote 5
Sentynel: Aargh, too slow.
Maryam: Don't ever try to open that door
Sentynel: vote 4
10Kan: LOL 1 & 2!
TalkingDog: LOL
ThePhan: I love the order these came in.
Revan: And 3 & 4!
Sentynel: I like 4 and 5, personally.
* MSB giggles.
10Kan: LOL
Revan: Or 4 & 5, my bad!
Sentynel: Or possibly 3,4 and 5
ThePhan: They all work.
Sam: 1, 2, and 4 read well together.
CountBot: Sam wins 3 points for YOU ARE GORGEOUS.
CountBot: Revan wins 2 points for You Got Napalmed!
CountBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for ...And You, Sentynel!
CountBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for The Big Eggplant
CountBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Now DIE, Everyone!
LuckyWizard: vote 2
MSB: sentynel, will you go on a date with me?
Sentynel: It depends. Are we the same age?
Maryam: Are you two the same age?
Sentynel: BEAT
Revan: LOL
Maryam: Aw, beat.
ThePhan: LOL
Maryam: And again.
10Kan: LOL LOL
Sam: My submission was addressed to all of you. Except the guys. Yuck.
10Kan: I'm...not gorgeous? :-(
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 2, 2, 2, 6, 4. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Do Re Mi... Ummmmm... Line?
CountBot: Vote 2 for Oh No, My Mother Died!
CountBot: Vote 3 for Oh! Oh! My Record Mush
CountBot: Vote 4 for We Do An Eviler Song.
ThePhan: vote 1
LuckyWizard: vote 4
Sentynel: Aw man, I can't count.
Sam: vote 1
10Kan: Aww, I messed up with ellipses.
Gahalyn: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 1
Sentynel: I could have used a different word if I hadn't miscounted, too.
Sentynel: =(
10Kan: vote 1
MSB: vote 1
Sentynel: vote 4
CountBot: LuckyWizard wins 6 points for Do Re Mi... Ummmmm... Line?
CountBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for We Do An Eviler Song.
CountBot: MSB wins 0 points for Oh No, My Mother Died!
CountBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Oh! Oh! My Record Mush
* NessaChan got a phonecall after "record" and just typed in the first word she thought of
Maryam: LOL Nessa
NessaChan: hehe
MSB: sam officiated over my and Randy's wedding and subsequent divorce.
Sam: Oh yeah, I forgot about that. It's fun forcibly marrying and divorcing people at will.
* ThePhan does not believe she has ever had a RinkWedding. Which is okay. Heh.
* Sam pronounces CountBot and ThePhan husband and wife you may kiss the bride :-* may I present Mr. and Mrs. CountBot, HAHAHAHAHAH, YOU'RE MARRIED, okay now you're divorced.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 3, 9, 3, 4, 4. (1/18 accepted)
ThePhan: And CB goes coldly on with his life after our bitter breakup.
Sentynel: Oh dear, does this bot go to 30?
Sentynel: We're going to be here a while.
Sam: The last CountBot durations: 39, 64, 74, 55, 44, 66 minutes.
Maryam: Those are long times.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for The Marriages Are, Like, Cool.
CountBot: Vote 2 for Who Conceives The Baby, Mama?
CountBot: Vote 3 for Sam Frequents The Gift Shop.
CountBot: Vote 4 for His Parakeets May Have Left.
CountBot: Vote 5 for One Goldfishy, One Love. Yeah?
CountBot: Vote 6 for Our Marriages Are Very Fast.
CountBot: Vote 7 for Err... Sentynel's Cat Can't Meow?
NessaChan: it would go a lot quicker if everyone would just vote for sam :D
Gahalyn: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 2
Gahalyn: 6 wins the universe.
NessaChan: vote 4
MSB: vote 6
10Kan: vote 5
Sentynel: vote 6
Revan: vote 5
Sam: vote 2
goldfishy: vote 3
Sam: HM3
LuckyWizard: vote 6
Maryam: vote 6
CountBot: Sam wins 5 points for Our Marriages Are Very Fast.
CountBot: 10Kan wins 2 points for Who Conceives The Baby, Mama?
CountBot: goldfishy wins 2 points for One Goldfishy, One Love. Yeah?
CountBot: MSB wins 1 point for His Parakeets May Have Left.
CountBot: Revan wins 1 point for Sam Frequents The Gift Shop.
CountBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Err... Sentynel's Cat Can't Meow?
CountBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for The Marriages Are, Like, Cool.
TalkingDog: Faster than a speeding Vegas. More powerful than a shotgun wedding.
Sam: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
NessaChan: hurm
MSB: sam is the funniest.
10Kan: S'true.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 2, 3, 5, 3, 3. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for On The First Day, Cry.
CountBot: Vote 2 for I'm Not Crazy! You Are!
CountBot: Vote 3 for My Cat Wants Roe & Ika.
CountBot: Vote 4 for If All Swine Fly, Run.
CountBot: Vote 5 for We Did Paper! RPS Tie!
LuckyWizard: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 2
Maryam: vote 3
Sentynel: vote 2
Revan: vote 5
CountBot: Revan wins 2 points for I'm Not Crazy! You Are!
CountBot: Sentynel wins 2 points for If All Swine Fly, Run.
CountBot: LuckyWizard wins 1 point for We Did Paper! RPS Tie!
CountBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for My Cat Wants Roe & Ika.
CountBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for On The First Day, Cry.
Sentynel: Optionally, substitute "flu" for "fly" for topical lols.
* NessaChan often takes her cat to the sushi bar
Maryam: That would be a happy cat indeed.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 4, 7, 3, 4, 5, 3, 2. (1/18 accepted)
Maryam: A dead fish washed up to the edge of the lake behind our backyard. The next day everything was eaten except the head. Those must've been some happy cats.
* Maryam still has to get rid of the head. Urg.
NessaChan: fish heads, fish heads rolly polly fish heads
NessaChan: Maryam: get a shovel and flip it back into the lake?
Maryam: Nessa: It'd just float there on the edge.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Can't Process All Bot's Count No.s, Oh.
CountBot: Vote 2 for Your Kittens Are Dead. Revan Ate 'Em.
CountBot: Vote 3 for Four Buffalo Ran Into Three Cat! Oh!
CountBot: Vote 4 for Stop Drinkin All Sam's Party Tea, Ok!?
MSB: vote 2
Maryam: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 4
Sentynel: vote 4
Revan: vote 1
Sam: vote 1
CountBot: MSB wins 3 points for Stop Drinkin All Sam's Party Tea, Ok!?
CountBot: Sentynel wins 2 points for Can't Process All Bot's Count No.s, Oh.
CountBot: Revan wins 1 point for Your Kittens Are Dead. Revan Ate 'Em.
CountBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Four Buffalo Ran Into Three Cat! Oh!
* NessaChan was trying hard to do a "walk into a bar" joke, but failed
Revan: LOL
* ThePhan was too late with "Phan loathes her dead uncle, Bob Bo" because she was trying to think of a more interesting last name with two letters.
TalkingDog: Bob Sr?
ThePhan: TD: That's what I needed. Right there.
TalkingDog: Heh.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 7, 7, 4, 5, 5, 5. (1/18 accepted)
* ThePhan's makes no sense at all this round.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Chiefly Arising From Fears, Revan Weeps.
CountBot: Vote 2 for Heaveny Heavens! This Story Began Again!
CountBot: Vote 3 for Maryam's Serious: Fish Heads = Yucky, Gross.
Maryam: VOTE 3
Sam: vote 3
LuckyWizard: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 3
Sentynel: vote 3
MSB: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 1
Revan: /b "Almost" expired? That seems kinda gross.
CountBot: NessaChan wins 6 points for Maryam's Serious: Fish Heads = Yucky, Gross.
CountBot: MSB wins 1 point for Chiefly Arising From Fears, Revan Weeps.
CountBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Heaveny Heavens! This Story Began Again!
NessaChan: thanks folks :D
Sam: Nice.
Sentynel: That was genius.
* ThePhan is failing at Count tonight. LOL... She hasn't scored in like six rounds.
ThePhan: Of course, that is probably because I am using phrases like "Heaveny heavens." So there's a very good reason why I'm failing :-)
Sentynel: I couldn't even come close to forming something even vaguely resembling a sentence.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 6, 8, 5, 1. (1/18 accepted)
Maryam: I can't even watch people eat seafood if it looks too much like it did while alive. I don't know how I'm gonna get rid of that thing.
CountBot: Time's up! There were no valid submissions.
Revan: /b Maryam? Seafood's Alive? O!
* ThePhan was just a second too late with Maryam shouldn't scream "A!"
NessaChan: Scores = ThePhan's small s....
ThePhan: My small s?
Revan: I had some serious trouble with that one.
NessaChan: I failed
Sentynel: vote revan.
NessaChan: ending a sentence with a 1 letter word is hard
Sam: Yes it is.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 5, 1, 7, 3, 4, 3. (1/18 accepted)
* MSB thinks CountBot sounds like a dracula.
goldfishy: Countbotula will suck your blood if you fail in your submissions!
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Revan? A Strange Lad. Sexy, Tho.
CountBot: Vote 2 for Funny = A Botting Day! Errr... Gah!
CountBot: Vote 3 for Nessa, I Desired Her Toes. Yes.
CountBot: Vote 4 for Slyly I Giggled. Sam Said, "Huh?"
ThePhan: vote 3
* Sentynel blinks
LuckyWizard: vote 4
Revan: vote 3
Sam: vote 3
Sentynel: That's a decidedly weird set of submissions.
Sentynel: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 4
Sam: 3 + 4 go together.
Maryam: vote 3
ThePhan: This was a slightly creepy round.
NessaChan: TOES
CountBot: NessaChan wins 4 points for Nessa, I Desired Her Toes. Yes.
CountBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for Slyly I Giggled. Sam Said, "Huh?"
CountBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for Funny = A Botting Day! Errr... Gah!
CountBot: Revan wins 0 points for Revan? A Strange Lad. Sexy, Tho.
Revan: Yes it was.
NessaChan: scary
* LaZorra picks entirely the wrong time to come back to the window.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 5, 4, 4, 1, 5, 4, 5. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Creep Will Like A Round Like Those.
CountBot: Vote 2 for Revan Can't Hear A Green Bird Sqawk.
Sam: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 1
LuckyWizard: vote 2
ThePhan: /b Nessa said "Ciao." I never said "hello."
ThePhan: vote 1
NessaChan: lol!
Sentynel: vote 1
NessaChan: vote thephan
CountBot: LuckyWizard wins 4 points for Creep Will Like A Round Like Those.
CountBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Revan Can't Hear A Green Bird Sqawk.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 4, 6, 4, 3, 2. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Phan, Chased, Runs For It.
CountBot: Vote 2 for FIRE Roasts MSB's Eye! Ow!
CountBot: Vote 3 for This Napalm: Very Hot. Ow.
CountBot: Vote 4 for Egad! Aiyeee! Four Big Ms!!!!
CountBot: Vote 5 for Ever Cooked Duck? Not Me.
CountBot: Vote 6 for This Slicer Cuts! Buy It!
NessaChan: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 3
Gahalyn: vote 2
Maryam: vote 1
ThePhan: HM 6
ThePhan: Most straightforward ad ever.
Revan: vote 6
Sentynel: vote 3
Sam: vote 5
LuckyWizard: vote 2
CountBot: Revan wins 3 points for This Napalm: Very Hot. Ow.
CountBot: Sam wins 2 points for FIRE Roasts MSB's Eye! Ow!
CountBot: LuckyWizard wins 1 point for This Slicer Cuts! Buy It!
CountBot: Sentynel wins 1 point for Phan, Chased, Runs For It.
CountBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Ever Cooked Duck? Not Me.
CountBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Egad! Aiyeee! Four Big Ms!!!!
LaZorra has left.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 4, 3, 3. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Call Him "Sir."
CountBot: Vote 2 for Nuts But Fun.
CountBot: Vote 3 for Stop The Bot!!!!!!
Sam: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 2
LuckyWizard: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 1
CountBot: Sentynel wins 2 points for Nuts But Fun.
CountBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for Call Him "Sir."
CountBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Stop The Bot!!!!!!
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 3, 3. (2/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for HOT BOI
CountBot: Vote 2 for Eat Pie.
CountBot: Vote 3 for NOT MAD!!!!
CountBot: Vote 4 for All: "DOG!"
CountBot: Vote 5 for All Fly.
CountBot: Vote 6 for Far Out.
Maryam: vote 4
Sentynel: vote 4
LuckyWizard: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 6
Maryam: DOG!
ThePhan: vote 4
Sentynel: DOG!
Revan: vote 6
Revan: DOG!
ThePhan: DOG!
LuckyWizard: DOG!
Sam: DOG!
Sam: vote 4
CountBot: Revan wins 5 points for All: "DOG!"
CountBot: Sam wins 2 points for Far Out.
CountBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for NOT MAD!!!!
CountBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Eat Pie.
CountBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for All Fly.
CountBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for HOT BOI
Sentynel: Revan takes the lead!
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 5, 2, 3, 3, 3. (2/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Flies In Our Ear? Eww!
CountBot: Vote 2 for Flies In Our Pop? Eww!
CountBot: Vote 3 for Revan Is Not Neo / One.
CountBot: Vote 4 for Revan Is: Pie, Egg, Cow.
Revan: LOL LOL
NessaChan: lol
Revan: Double doubles!
Sam: vote 2
NessaChan: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 3
Revan: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 3
LuckyWizard: vote 2
Revan: I'm a shopping list?
Maryam: vote 2
CountBot: ThePhan wins 5 points for Flies In Our Pop? Eww!
CountBot: Revan wins 2 points for Revan Is Not Neo / One.
CountBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Revan Is: Pie, Egg, Cow.
CountBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Flies In Our Ear? Eww!
* ThePhan did not see the change to 2 accepted and decided to redo hers. :-)
ThePhan: Who goes to the store and buys a cow?
Revan: For... pre-slaughter beef?
NessaChan: Revan: I was thinking of those things at the end of match bot
Revan: Oh yeah! We need to play that now, hehe.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 3, 3, 2, 6, 1. (2/18 accepted)
NessaChan: Mom Won at Tetris! A++++!!
[CountBot->NessaChan] Your submission was accepted, but in the future you can make your submissions private by prepending /b.
NessaChan: oops!
NessaChan: bummer
Sam: That RULES.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Fly And Be Joyous! O!
CountBot: Vote 2 for Sam Was In Canada, A?
CountBot: Vote 3 for Yes, Sam, It Weren't I.
CountBot: Vote 4 for Mom Won At Tetris! A++++!!
CountBot: Vote 5 for The Day Is Almost F!
CountBot: Vote 6 for Sam Can Go Skiing. K?
ThePhan: LOL
Sam: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 4
Maryam: A+++++++ WOULD PLAY AGAIN
Sentynel: vote 4
LuckyWizard: vote 4
Maryam: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 1
Revan: vote 6
ThePhan: K is going to give Sam skiing lessons!
ThePhan: At the Marriott!
CountBot: NessaChan wins 5 points for Mom Won At Tetris! A++++!!
CountBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Sam Can Go Skiing. K?
CountBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Fly And Be Joyous! O!
CountBot: Revan wins 0 points for The Day Is Almost F!
CountBot: Sentynel wins 0 points for Yes, Sam, It Weren't I.
CountBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Sam Was In Canada, A?
NessaChan: lol, thanks
ThePhan: Nessa: Niiiice.
NessaChan: My mom really does win at tetris.
Revan: I got to the one-letter word and could not think of a single thing, and it was almost over so I just did the first letter of Friday, heh.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 5, 5, 2, 4, 4. (2/18 accepted)
Sentynel: Today I learnt that I'm two seconds faster at Minesweeper than JK Rowling.. Never much good at Tetris, though.
Sam: LOL
Sentynel: (Expert level, her score is 99s, apparently.)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Throw Match In? Good Idea.
CountBot: Vote 2 for Harry & Draco, Be Good, Okay?
CountBot: Vote 3 for Never Eaten An Opal. Yuck.
CountBot: Vote 4 for Child! Quiet! We Can't Hear.
ThePhan: vote 2
NessaChan: vote 3
LuckyWizard: vote 2
CountBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for Harry & Draco, Be Good, Okay?
CountBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Never Eaten An Opal. Yuck.
CountBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for Throw Match In? Good Idea.
CountBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Child! Quiet! We Can't Hear.
CountBot: NessaChan wins!
* Revan, naturally, chokes for three rounds at 28 points.
ThePhan: Yay Nessa!
* Nessa is high-fived by Revan.
LuckyWizard: Yay Nessa!
Revan: Awesome game!
NessaChan: wow, yay!
NessaChan: thanks!!!
Sentynel: Phew, it's over.
* Sentynel collapses
Sentynel: Nice work, Nessa
NessaChan: thank you :3
Sam: We got one more bot left tonight. It's BlankBot! We only play this one to 15, because -- SURPRISE, HEY, IT TAKES FOREVER.
* Revan puts his hands up, now get 'em up, c'mon.
* TalkingDog waves a tiny flag.
* NessaChan throws tiny tickertape
CountBot has been dismissed by Sam.
RPSBot has been dismissed by Sam.
BlankBot has been summoned by Sam.
LaZorra has entered.
Sam: The game starts in 5 minutes!
Revan: Impeccable timing.
Sam: LaZ: Indeed, you are indisputably the superlative [+3] chatter [+3].
* LaZorra WAS going to go run on the treadmill [+3], because she's had a latte [+3], ice cream, and a brownie today, but RinkChat > health [+3].
Sentynel: WordZap makes a return [+3]..
ThePhan: And Zap is back!
Revan: LaZ: Instant [+3] WordZap destruction.
Sam: NOBODY'S SAID RET [+3]*URN [+3] YET???
Sam: LOL LOL LOL. Censoring = +6!!
ThePhan: That is somewhat surprising [-2].
ThePhan: surprising [+1]
Sentynel: suprising
Gahalyn: Mocha [+3] says hi.
Maryam: MOCHA [-2] HI
Sam: mocha [+1]
ThePhan: mocha
Maryam: mocha
Sentynel: I forgot how to spell that half [+3] way through the word. I must be tired.
LaZorra: MOCHA?
Sentynel: Surprising, that is.
ThePhan: hehe
Kysle: Woah. What's this, then?
Sam: Kysle: Click on one of the numbers.
LaZorra: Whoa, why do I have 86 memos [+3]? Holy crap.
Sam: Once again, a surprising word not to have been spoken before.
NessaChan: that's a lot
Sentynel: I've been proactively deleting mine, except for the odd [-2] bit of bot programming [+3] stuff I needed [-2] as reference [+3].
Sentynel: needed [+1]
Sentynel: odd [+1]
ThePhan: odd
Gahalyn: I am so tired and my answers for this bot may be very reflective of this fact.
Revan: I'm starting to really like WordZap. In UBT gatherings, random hilarity [-2] ensues.
Sentynel: hilarity [+1]
ThePhan: hilarity
ThePhan: Unfortunately [+3], this means I'm compelled [+3] to pay [+3] more attention to the chatroom and less to finishing [+3] my reading of Augustine's confessions for tomorrow's class...
Gahalyn: bot > Augustine
ThePhan: But bot < failing [+3]
Revan: Not like it needed WordZap to do THAT, but still. :-P
Sam: Nobody's said un*fortunately [+3] either?
Sam: Or fort [+3]*unately?
Sam: Or f*ort [+3]?
Sam: Or or*t?
Sam: Aww.
LaZorra: SAM CH34TZ0RZ
Sam: Wow, that was amazing.
NessaChan: there are many words that have not yet been said, but how many are left to come, who can say, who can know?
Gahalyn: ort [-2]?
Sentynel: ort [+1]
ThePhan: ort
Sam: ort
Gahalyn: Like seriously, what? Ort?
ThePhan: THE CHEAT [-2]
ThePhan: cheat [+1]
Sentynel: cheast
Sentynel: ><
ThePhan: Dang it. I thought we had said that multiple times already.
NessaChan: the sneak [+3]
Sam: Ort is an AWESOME word. It means "a scrap [+3] of food left after a meal [+3]."
Gahalyn: Sam: Ah.
ThePhan: Ort *is* an awesome word.
Revan: Ort, you know, the rune in the Diablo II expansion [+3]! Everybody knows that.
ThePhan: It was the name of my cousin [+3]'s stuffed pig [+3].
Sam: has it.
Sam: Other words on that page: defenestrate, callipygian [+3], corybantic, dandle [+3], eesome, eructation.
Sentynel: Hmm, I'll have to remember "ort" to pun with "ought [+3]"..
Revan: The literal [+3] definition [-2] is much... Oh. I should really ook up while typing every so often.
Gahalyn: definition [+1]
Sentynel: definitino
Sam: definition
ThePhan: definition
Sentynel: definition
Revan: ...
Gahalyn: I WIN
Sentynel: Rage [+3], typos.
Revan: Of course, that causes [+3] typos. :-P
ThePhan: Definifnitnionfinf
Sentynel: Revan: I'm pretty sure "ort" as a rune showed [+3] up in the Ultima games long before Diablo.
Revan: I never played Ultima, is it any good?
Sentynel: Variable [+3].
Kysle: CrackBot is rather in the negative.
Sentynel: Ultima VII and Ultima Underworld are absolutely genius [+3].
* ThePhan forgot to say! She very much enjoyed [+3] her Rifftrax Live (or, not-so-live, this time around) movie event [-2]. Whee!
Sentynel: event [+1]
ThePhan: event
ThePhan: Now everyone's caught up on the important [+3] silly details [+3] of my life.
Gahalyn: botbotbot
Gahalyn: bot
NessaChan: I like calli pygian as a word
ThePhan: It means like a callipy!
BlankBot: How do you think Maryam completed the following? ______ size
Sam: That's a great one to come right after a discussion [+3] of "callipygian [-2]."
Sam: callipygian [+1]
Sentynel: callipygian
Gahalyn: callipygian
NessaChan: callipygian
Revan: It especially [-2] makes WordZap interesting.
Sentynel: especially [+1]
Maryam: Phan: I heard they never MSTed that movie in the first place because there was so much narration [+3] they wouldn't have had time to say much.
Sam: especially
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for life size.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for super size.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for Biggie size.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for pint [-2] [+3] size.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for super [+1] size.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for font size.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for re size.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for bra [-2] [+3] size.
Kysle: especially?
Sentynel: bra [+1]
Sentynel: pint [+1]
LaZorra: vote 6
ThePhan: pitn
Gahalyn: vote 6
Sam: Gah. *turns off Zap*
ThePhan: vote 6
ThePhan: Heh
Sam: vote 1
TalkingDog: vote 6
Maryam: vote 1
Kysle: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 5
Sentynel: vote 6
Revan: vote 4
Gahalyn: o_O
Sam: That's even worse than Starbucks' Itarian.
LaZorra: Sam: Itarian?
Sam: LaZ: I was trying to think of an equivalent of "Engrish" on the spot.
LaZorra: OH! LOL
ThePhan: LZ: Heh, I didn't get it either...
BlankBot: Maryam answered pint [+3] size.
BlankBot: Gahalyn guessed bra [+3] size and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed super size and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed Biggie size and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed super [+1] size and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed font size and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed re size and is wrong.
BlankBot: TalkingDog guessed super size and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed life size and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sam submitted font size and wins 1 point!
Gahalyn: bra size = pint
Gahalyn: bra size = biggie
Revan: LOL
Sam: I'm totally calling them blas from now on.
Gahalyn: Sam: LOL *dies*
* TalkingDog knew his guess was wrong 'cause he caught the +3, but he went ahead for the Zap-less version anyway. I think my brain is broke.
* LaZorra does not like blahs.
Maryam: My bra size was a bla size, before the surgery!
LaZorra: Maryam: LOL LOL LOL
Revan: ROR
BlankBot: How do you think NessaChan completed the following? ______ fire
NessaChan: oh no, I don't know if it took my correction of my misspelling
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for greek fire.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for on fire.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for forest fire.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for forrest fire.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for wild fire.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for grease fire.
Kysle: vote 5
Maryam: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 2
TalkingDog: vote 5
goldfishy: vote 5
Sam: vote 5
Gahalyn: vote 3
Sentynel: Forrest fire: giving him a whole new reason to run.
Sentynel: vote 5
Kysle: LOL
Sentynel: Beat by Phan.
LaZorra: vote 6
BlankBot: NessaChan answered forrest fire.
BlankBot: Gahalyn guessed on fire and is wrong.
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed on fire and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed forest fire and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed wild fire and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed on fire and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed forest fire and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed greek fire and is wrong.
BlankBot: TalkingDog guessed grease fire and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed forest fire and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LaZorra submitted wild fire and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: NessaChan loses a point for submitting and not voting.
NessaChan: gah :<
ThePhan: Awww.
NessaChan: I tried to fix it
BlankBot: How do you think ThePhan completed the following? camera ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for camera eye.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for camera click for you take picture yay.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for camera man.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for camera flash.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for camera paparazzis won't stop following me :(.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for camera angle.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for camera obscura.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for camera lens.
LaZorra: vote 7
Gahalyn: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 7
Sam: vote 3
Kysle: vote 4
goldfishy: Oh I didn't remember it could be more than one word
Sentynel: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 7
Revan: vote 1
goldfishy: vote 8
Maryam: vote 7
NessaChan: who can take a picture~ a picture of your face?
NessaChan: the camera man!
NessaChan: the camera man can!
BlankBot: ThePhan answered camera man.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed camera man and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Gahalyn guessed camera click for you take picture yay and is wrong.
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed camera obscura and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed camera paparazzis won't stop following me :( and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed camera lens and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed camera flash and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed camera angle and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed camera lens and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed camera eye and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: goldfishy submitted camera obscura and wins 1 point!
ThePhan: Heh. I wouldn't have done much better with any other answers.
Kysle: I was WRONG
Sam: Things you need to take camping: A MAN.
Maryam: LOL
LaZorra: NO MEN
NessaChan: lol
Sam: I thought of that purely because LaZorra said "man."
ThePhan: LOL
LaZorra: :-p
BlankBot: How do you think Sentynel completed the following? ______ bed
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for feather bed.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for queen bed.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for happy fun sleepy times in bed.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for bunk bed.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for queen-size bed.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for going to bed.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for flower bed.
ThePhan: vote 1
Sam: Gahalyn's answers are conspicuous.
Maryam: vote 7
goldfishy: vote 7
Sam: vote 7
NessaChan: vote 7
Gahalyn: vote 7
Gahalyn: Sam: Hahaha yes. *fallover*
Sentynel: vote 6
BlankBot: Sentynel answered flower bed.
BlankBot: Gahalyn guessed happy fun sleepy times in bed and is wrong.
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed going to bed and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed queen bed and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed bunk bed and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed queen-size bed and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed feather bed and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed bunk bed and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sentynel submitted flower bed and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: LaZorra loses a point for submitting and not voting.
LaZorra: vote 1
LaZorra: grr
NessaChan: I love my negative point
BlankBot: How do you think MSB completed the following? ______ bullet
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for faster than a speeding bullet.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for Silver bullet.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for speeding bullet.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for dodge the bullet.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for bite the bullet.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for magic bullet.
Kysle: vote 5
Sam: vote 5
Gahalyn: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 1
goldfishy: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 2
Revan: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 4
* LaZorra stops voting now.
Maryam: vote 2
Sentynel: Spot of indecision there, LaZ?
BlankBot: MSB answered dodge the bullet.
BlankBot: Gahalyn guessed faster than a speeding bullet and is wrong.
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed faster than a speeding bullet and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed Speeding bullet and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed magic bullet and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed speeding bullet and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed magic bullet and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed Silver bullet and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed speeding bullet and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed bite the bullet and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed speeding bullet and is wrong.
BlankBot: MSB's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Revan submitted Silver bullet and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sentynel submitted bite the bullet and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: MSB loses a point for submitting and not voting.
MSB: i can't vote for myself>!>!>
Gahalyn: Aw, I thought I might get points there.
goldfishy: Yes! I wasn't the only one! Thank you Gahalyn :-)
Gahalyn: </whizkid>
BlankBot: MSB's score has been incremented by 1 point.
Sam: MSB: I'll give you back the point since you didn't know. But yeah, you still have to vote, even though you submitted.
BlankBot: How do you think Revan completed the following? ______ pound
Homestarmy has entered.
Homestarmy: I KNOW!
* Homestarmy is ULTRA-HIGH FIVED by Revan.
NessaChan: Benedetto!! nooooo!!!
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for pound for pound.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for dog pound.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for by the pound.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for Jigglypuff used pound.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for quarter pound.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for in for a penny, in for a pound.
Gahalyn: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 1
Revan: (I WONDER which one was mine)
MSB: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 4
Sam: vote 6
Maryam: vote 3
Kysle: vote 4
MSB: vote 4
Revan: vote 6
Homestarmy: vote 4
BlankBot: Revan answered Jigglypuff used pound.
BlankBot: Gahalyn guessed in for a penny, in for a pound and is wrong.
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed dog pound and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed pound for pound and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed dog pound and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed pound for pound and is wrong.
BlankBot: MSB guessed by the pound and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed quarter pound and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed dog pound and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Revan submitted Jigglypuff used pound and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: LaZorra loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Sam: I see no vote.
LaZorra: Oh. Maybe I just voted in my head. Ha.
Sentynel: You're going INSAAAAAANE
* Gahalyn pats LaZorra's head soothingly.
BlankBot: How do you think Gahalyn completed the following? ______ frost
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for perma frost.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for it SNOWED TODAY and I am going to murder jack frost.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for winter frost.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for ground frost.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for I hate -ing frost.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for jack frost.
Sam: vote 6
LaZorra: vote 2
MSB: vote 1
Maryam: vote 1
Gahalyn: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 1
Homestarmy: Bless my luck, I was thinking as I entered in "Hmm, I wonder if there's a bot tournament on"
demanusflint: vote 3
goldfishy: vote 1
Kysle: vote 1
* LaZorra double-checks to make sure she actually voted this time.
Sentynel: vote 6
Revan: vote 2
Homestarmy: vote 1
demanusflint has entered.
Homestarmy: DEMANUSFLINT!!!!
demanusflint: what
Homestarmy: Hi?
BlankBot: Gahalyn answered it SNOWED TODAY and I am going to murder jack frost.
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed ground frost and is wrong.
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed I hate -ing frost and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed winter frost and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed jack frost and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed Jack frost and is wrong.
BlankBot: MSB guessed jack frost and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed jack frost and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed perma frost and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed perma frost and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed perma frost and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed Jack frost and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gahalyn's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Revan submitted perma frost and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sam submitted perma frost and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sentynel submitted perma frost and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: ThePhan loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Gahalyn: Seriously, like, OCTOBER? I am so not happy with the snow. *flails*
Sam: I almost put Gahalyn's answer.
Gahalyn: LOL
* NessaChan wants to get out of negative points
* Homestarmy is an butterfly
BlankBot: How do you think goldfishy completed the following? mount ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for mount up.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for mount rushmore.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for mount ain.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for mount Olympus.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for mount everest.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for mount fuji.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for mount etna.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for mount Fujji.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for mount of olives.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for mount & blade.
ThePhan: vote 2
Gahalyn: vote 4
Sam: vote 5
Sentynel: Nuts, too slow!
goldfishy: vote 5
Homestarmy: vote 2
Sam: vote 1
Kysle: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 1
demanusflint: vote 9
Sentynel: vote 4
MSB: vote 2
Revan: vote 4
BlankBot: goldfishy answered mount etna.
BlankBot: demanusflint guessed mount ain and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gahalyn guessed mount of olives and is wrong.
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed mount Fujji and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed mount up and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed mount Olympus and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed mount fuji and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed mount & blade and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed mount rushmore and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed mount everest and is wrong.
BlankBot: goldfishy's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LaZorra submitted mount Olympus and wins 1 point!
LaZorra: vote 9
LaZorra: w00t
* Sentynel was about to submit "mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom"
goldfishy: lol Sent
BlankBot: How do you think Kysle completed the following? ______ moon
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for Dark Side of the moon.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for sailor moon.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for that's not a moon.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for full moon.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for man in the moon.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for new moon.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for blue moon.
ThePhan: vote 3
Sentynel: vote 1
Sam: vote 6
Homestarmy: vote 1 Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!
Homestarmy: :P
Sam: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 7
Kysle: vote 2
Maryam: I'd vote for 3, but it got the quote wrong.
Sentynel: Maryam: Oh, sod! I am duly chastened. It's been a long night.
demanusflint: vote 3
goldfishy: vote 1
Maryam: vote 6
Revan: vote 3
Gahalyn: vote 1
demanusflint: what was the zap game that got played?
Revan: Yay!
BlankBot: Kysle answered full moon.
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed full moon and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Maryam guessed full moon and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed full moon and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: demanusflint guessed sailor moon and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gahalyn guessed new moon and is wrong.
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed blue moon and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed man in the moon and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed Dark Side of the moon and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed blue moon and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed that's not a moon and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed blue moon and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle's answer was guessed 3 times for 3 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Revan submitted Dark Side of the moon and wins 1 point!
NessaChan: yayyy out of the negatives!
Sentynel: *that's no
NessaChan: coz it is close to usssssss
Revan: But not as much as a spoon!
ThePhan: Nessa: That song amuses me so much.
LaZorra: They are going to BOMB THE MOON tomorrow.
Revan: LaZ: I know, isn't that weird?
LaZorra: Revan: It just seems . . . wrong, somehow.
Revan: Yeah, it does.
Homestarmy: oh gosh
Homestarmy: Why can't I think of something.
BlankBot: Homestarmy timed out. Asking someone else for an answer....
* ThePhan gives up on homework and puts pajamas on.
BlankBot: How do you think Sam completed the following? yard ______
Homestarmy: I should've answered an butterfly...
Kysle: Dude, next time just put butterfly if you're stumped.
Homestarmy: :P
Homestarmy: I still can't believe how people remember that.
LaZorra: It was pretty . . . memorable.
Revan: It was pretty epic.
Sam: I like how euphemistic you're all being.
LaZorra: Epic is not the word I had in mind.
Revan: Maybe memorable was better, hehe.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for yard line.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for yard arm.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for yard gnome.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for yard sale.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for yard stick.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for yard flamingos.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for yard work.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for yard brush.
Gahalyn: vote 3
Homestarmy: vote 7
NessaChan: vote 6
Kysle: vote 2
goldfishy: vote 6
MSB: vote 3
Kysle: vote 5
demanusflint: vote 5
Sam: vote 2
Maryam: vote 2
LaZorra: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 5
LaZorra: Yard brush?
ThePhan: vote 4
demanusflint: is that some silly name for a rake?
Homestarmy: LZ: some people like their lawns freshly brushed :P
Sam: That must be a UKism.
goldfishy: A yard over here isn't a lawn
BlankBot: Sam answered yard stick.
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed yard stick and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed yard stick and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Maryam guessed yard stick and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: demanusflint guessed yard gnome and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gahalyn guessed yard sale and is wrong.
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed yard brush and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed yard work and is wrong.
BlankBot: MSB guessed yard flamingos and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed yard sale and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed yard arm and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed yard line and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam's answer was guessed 3 times for 3 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sentynel submitted yard arm and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sam submitted yard stick and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Homestarmy submitted yard stick and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LaZorra submitted yard stick and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Maryam submitted yard stick and wins 1 point!
Homestarmy: YES!!!!!!
NessaChan: a quiddich pitch?
goldfishy: As I remember it Quiddich is played over grass too
* LaZorra thinks it should be played over thick mattresses.
BlankBot: How do you think LaZorra completed the following? sword ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for sword swallower.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for sword play.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for sword fight.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for sword in the stone.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for sword swallowing.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for sword to be thrown away by Sinbad.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for sword wielding maniac.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for sword fish.
Sam: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 4
Maryam: vote 7
Revan: vote 1
MSB: vote 7
NessaChan: voe 7
Sentynel: vote 8
Homestarmy: vote 7
demanusflint: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 7
Homestarmy: Are swordfish tasty?
Sentynel: Swordfish steak's very tasty.
LaZorra: vote 6
Maryam: vote 2
Kysle: vote 2
Gahalyn: vote 6
Gahalyn: How are we all not voting 6?
BlankBot: LaZorra answered sword in the stone.
BlankBot: Revan guessed sword in the stone and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: demanusflint guessed sword swallowing and is wrong.
BlankBot: goldfishy guessed sword swallower and is wrong.
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed sword play and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed sword fish and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed sword fish and is wrong.
BlankBot: MSB guessed sword fight and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed sword swallower and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed sword wielding maniac and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed sword to be thrown away by Sinbad and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sentynel submitted sword wielding maniac and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ThePhan submitted sword to be thrown away by Sinbad and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: goldfishy loses a point for submitting and not voting.
goldfishy: vote 4
goldfishy: damn you!
NessaChan: my kingdom for a point
Homestarmy: Aw, but I got votes for mine >.<
BlankBot: How do you think demanusflint completed the following? fly ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for fly ball.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for fly swatter.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for fly away.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for fly on the wall.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for fly fishing.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for fly swat.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for fly fish.
demanusflint: fly football
Homestarmy: vote 2
MSB: vote 2
Sam: vote 3
Sentynel: vote 4
demanusflint: vote 4
Maryam: vote 1
Revan: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 4
Homestarmy: Fly swatters are so fun ^.^
Kysle: vote 4
Homestarmy: They make a cool sound.
ThePhan: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 4
Revan: LOL randomness.
BlankBot: demanusflint answered fly fishing.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed fly fishing and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed fly fishing and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed fly ball and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed fly fish and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed fly on the wall and is wrong.
BlankBot: MSB guessed fly away and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed fly on the wall and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed fly swatter and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed fly swat and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed fly ball and is wrong.
BlankBot: demanusflint's answer was guessed 2 times for 2 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Maryam submitted fly on the wall and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Revan submitted fly on the wall and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: LaZorra loses a point for submitting and not voting.
NessaChan: yay!
Kysle: Argh.
Homestarmy: Epic Win Zach!
Revan: ;-)
BlankBot: How do you think Sentynel completed the following? ______ idol
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for Britain idol.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for false idol.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for pop idol.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for fish idol.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for throw me the idol.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for fallen idol.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for american idol.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for billy idol.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for golden idol.
demanusflint: vote 8
Homestarmy: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 8
Maryam: vote 2
Revan: vote 9
Kysle: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 5
Maryam: vote 6
MSB: vote 8
MSB: vote 8
NessaChan: fish idol?
BlankBot: Sentynel answered billy idol.
BlankBot: demanusflint guessed american idol and is wrong.
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed Britain idol and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed fish idol and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed golden idol and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed throw me the idol and is wrong.
BlankBot: MSB guessed american idol and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed american idol and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed false idol and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed fallen idol and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed pop idol and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Maryam submitted throw me the idol and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sentynel submitted billy idol and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Sam loses a point for submitting and not voting.
BlankBot: How do you think demanusflint completed the following? ______ drop
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for Operation Dumbo drop.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for dew drop.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for tear drop.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for snow drop.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for cough drop.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for lemon drop.
demanusflint: vote 1
Maryam: vote 6
Kysle: vote 1
Homestarmy: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 3
Revan: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 2
Homestarmy: Lemon Drops = Tasty
BlankBot: demanusflint answered cough drop.
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed tear drop and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed dew drop and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed snow drop and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed lemon drop and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed Operation Dumbo drop and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed lemon drop and is wrong.
BlankBot: demanusflint's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: NessaChan submitted lemon drop and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ThePhan submitted lemon drop and wins 1 point!
Maryam: LOL Nessa
NessaChan: alas! earwax.
Kysle: earwax drop?
Revan: Definitely. Also Dumbledore's password.
NessaChan: yay
Revan: For one of the books, anyway.
NessaChan: hehe
BlankBot: Sam timed out. Asking someone else for an answer....
NessaChan: :O
BlankBot: How do you think Homestarmy completed the following? side ______
Homestarmy: BUTTERFLY!
Revan: Well, this could be anything. :-P
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for side burns.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for side arm.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for side walk.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for side step.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for side scratching.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for side show.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for side of beef.
NessaChan: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 4
Kysle: vote 6
LaZorra: vote 6
Sentynel: vote 7
Homestarmy: vote 1
Sam: vote 7
Maryam: vote 2
Sam: I vote for "side of beef" because there are sides of beef in my novel.
MSB: vote 7
Homestarmy: I could go for a side of beef myself right now....
BlankBot: Homestarmy answered side scratching.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed side of beef and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed side arm and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed side step and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed side walk and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed side burns and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed side show and is wrong.
BlankBot: Homestarmy's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Kysle submitted side of beef and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ThePhan submitted side show and wins 1 point!
Maryam: There's beef in GOAT too. But it's not in side form.
Sam: There's beef in Enchanted Forest in head form.
Sam: I know I'm going to feel dumb, but where's the beef (haha) in GOAT?
Maryam: In your ice box.
BlankBot: How do you think LaZorra completed the following? shift ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for shift happens.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for shift y.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for shift key.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for shift ily.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for shift gears.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for shift dress.
Maryam: vote 2
Homestarmy: oh crap, I didn't submit >.<
Kysle: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 1
Sentynel: vote 1
Homestarmy: vote 3
Sam: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 5
BlankBot: LaZorra answered shift happens.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed shift y and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed shift ily and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed shift dress and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed shift gears and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed shift key and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed shift key and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sentynel submitted shift key and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ThePhan submitted shift key and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LaZorra submitted shift happens and wins 1 point!
Maryam: Shift dress?
Revan: Me either, I was epicly slow and missed the last two.
Maryam: I've heard of a piece of clothing just called a "shift", but not together with "dress"...
Kysle: Ohh, I totally hadn't gotten 'key'
BlankBot: How do you think Maryam completed the following? crank ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for crank call.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for crank shaft.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for crank y.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for crank shift.
NessaChan: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 2
Homestarmy: vote 2
Revan: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 2
Sam: vote 3
Kysle: vote 1
Maryam: vote 2
BlankBot: Maryam answered crank y.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed crank y and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed crank y and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed crank shift and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed crank call and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed crank shaft and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed crank shaft and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed crank call and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam's answer was guessed 2 times for 2 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Revan submitted crank shaft and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sam submitted crank shaft and wins 1 point!
Sam: LOL. That matched!
Kysle: Maryam: !
Revan: Nice!
Maryam: I am cranky a lot lately.
Homestarmy: yaaaay, nobody guessed my original guess :P
BlankBot: How do you think Kysle completed the following? ______ draw
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for it's a draw.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for fast draw.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for luck of the draw.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for quick draw.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for Verb, to draw.
Maryam: vote 3
Homestarmy: vote 2
Kysle: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 4
Revan: ? 5
NessaChan: vote 3
Revan: vote 1
* Kysle smacks hisself in the forehead
Sentynel: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 3
BlankBot: Kysle answered fast draw.
BlankBot: Sam guessed fast draw and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed Verb, to draw and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed quick draw and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed it's a draw and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed quick draw and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed quick draw and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed luck of the draw and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ThePhan submitted luck of the draw and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Sam loses a point for submitting and not voting.
BlankBot: How do you think NessaChan completed the following? ______ fish
NessaChan: oh no, I gave a horrible answer
NessaChan: I really apologize in advance
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for sword fish.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for gold fish.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for go fish.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for maryam's fish.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for dead fish.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for big fish.
Maryam: LOL
Kysle: vote 3
NessaChan: hehe
Homestarmy: vote 4
Maryam: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 3
Revan: Exact second, right on the timestamp. Still too late.
NessaChan: vote 1
Maryam: I have to vote for it now.
Sentynel: vote 4
Sam: vote 4
goldfishy: vote 2
LaZorra: LOL LOL
goldfishy: for me
LaZorra: vote 4
Revan: 00:22:54
BlankBot: NessaChan answered maryam's fish.
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed sword fish and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed sword fish and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed dead fish and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed gold fish and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed big fish and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed go fish and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed sword fish and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: NessaChan submitted maryam's fish and wins 1 point!
NessaChan: hehe
BlankBot: How do you think Revan completed the following? ______ failure
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for catastrophic engine failure.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for complete failure.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for Error: User failure.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for system failure.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for hard drive failure.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for epic failure.
Homestarmy: vote 6
Maryam: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 2
NessaChan: vote 3
Kysle: vote 4
Sentynel: vote 4
Revan: vote 6
BlankBot: Revan answered Error: User failure.
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed complete failure and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed catastrophic engine failure and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed epic failure and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed complete failure and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed hard drive failure and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed epic failure and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed system failure and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ThePhan submitted system failure and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: How do you think ThePhan completed the following? ______ shark
goldfishy: BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG shark
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for jump the shark.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for card shark.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for Bear holding a shark.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for soup of shark.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for tiger shark.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for loan shark.
Revan: Everyone should know the correct answer to this.
LaZorra: Do do. Do do. Do do do do. Do do do do do do do dodododododododododBWAH
Kysle: vote 2
Maryam: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 3
Homestarmy: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 1
Revan: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 3
goldfishy: Hehe what I was thinking too LaZorra
goldfishy: vote 1
ThePhan: LZ: LOL
BlankBot: ThePhan answered loan shark.
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed loan shark and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Maryam guessed loan shark and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Kysle guessed soup of shark and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed jump the shark and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed card shark and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed Bear holding a shark and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed tiger shark and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan's answer was guessed 2 times for 2 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LaZorra submitted jump the shark and wins 1 point!
Homestarmy: Yay I was right
BlankBot: How do you think Sentynel completed the following? ______ time
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for The Land Before time.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for out of time.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for hammer time.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for a long time.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for bullet time.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for closing time.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for sands of time.
ThePhan: vote 7
Kysle: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 1
Sentynel: vote 3
Maryam: vote 7
Homestarmy: vote 1
Revan: vote 1
Sam: vote 2
NessaChan: vote 3
LaZorra: and 2, and 3, and 11, and 16. . .
Maryam: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 5
BlankBot: Sentynel answered bullet time.
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed a long time and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed The Land Before time and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed sands of time and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed out of time and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed closing time and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed sands of time and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed hammer time and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed The Land Before time and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sam submitted hammer time and wins 1 point!
LaZorra: :-. 8-. O:-)
Kysle: TP: LOL, we submitted the same thing?!
ThePhan: Kysle: Apparently! That's rather surprising. Heh
BlankBot: How do you think LaZorra completed the following? spin ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for spin control.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for spin doctor.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for spin city.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for spin cycle.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for spin doctors.
Homestarmy: vote 4
Kysle: vote 2
Sam: vote 4
Maryam: vote 4
Homestarmy: er.
LaZorra: vote 5
NessaChan: shoot, I almost put cycle
Revan: vote 5
Sentynel: vote 4
Maryam: I'm getting woozy.
ThePhan: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 4
LaZorra: That totally needs to be an energy drink name.
BlankBot: LaZorra answered spin cycle.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed spin cycle and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed spin control and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed spin doctors and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed spin doctors and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed spin city and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed spin doctor and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed spin doctors and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LaZorra submitted spin cycle and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Kysle submitted spin cycle and wins 1 point!
Kysle: LOL
BlankBot: How do you think Revan completed the following? ______ walk
Maryam: I'm all old and not used to staying up past my bedtime anymore.
Sentynel: It's 5:30am here, quit yer whining!
Sam: Maryam: You're about how old I was when I started having a REALLY hard time staying up late. Such as right now.
Maryam: Sent: You're still young. Whippersnapper.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for SOMEBODY WIN I WANT TO SLEEP walk.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for cake walk.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for space walk.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for moon walk.
Homestarmy: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 1
Sam: vote 4
Sentynel: vote 1
Sam: vote 1
ThePhan: OH
Kysle: vote 4
NessaChan: hehe
ThePhan: vote 1
Maryam: vote 3
* ThePhan loves it.
Sentynel: That so worked as well.
BlankBot: Revan answered moon walk.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed moon walk and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Maryam guessed moon walk and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed moon walk and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed moon walk and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed cake walk and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed SOMEBODY WIN I WANT TO SLEEP walk and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed space walk and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed cake walk and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan's answer was guessed 4 times for 4 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Kysle submitted SOMEBODY WIN I WANT TO SLEEP walk and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Revan loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Sentynel: Though, I'm not sure what's so attractive about sleepwalking.
ThePhan: I was like "How did I accidentally submit that?!"
Sam: Before that round, it was a 5-way tie for first place.
LaZorra: Sent: What, are you kidding? Sleepwalking gets all the girls.
Kysle: LaZ: It does?
LaZorra: Oh man, no WONDER geeks don't pick up chicks!
BlankBot: How do you think Homestarmy completed the following? butter ______
* ThePhan is terrified of sleepwalking. Heh.
ThePhan: LOL LOL
Homestarmy: YOU KNOW IT
Maryam: LOL
LaZorra: They're too busy staying up all night to sleepwalk!
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for butter knife.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for butter flies.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for butter I can't belive it's not.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for butter fingers.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for butter ball.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for butter nut squaw.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for butter beer.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for butter fly.
ThePhan: vote 6
Sentynel: vote 6
LaZorra: vote 6
Maryam: vote 6
Sam: vote 7
NessaChan: vote 7
ThePhan: 6 = win.
Homestarmy: vote 8
Kysle: vote 4
Revan: vote 3
BlankBot: Homestarmy answered butter ball.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed butter beer and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed butter flies and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed butter knife and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed butter I can't belive it's not and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed butter fly and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed butter nut squaw and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed butter fingers and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed butter fly and is wrong.
BlankBot: Homestarmy's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sam submitted butter nut squaw and wins 1 point!
Sam: That answer ruled.
NessaChan: lol
* Homestarmy wants some butter nut squaw
LaZorra: Too bad. Chief Cotton Candy beat you to her.
Revan: I find something randomly but extremely hilarious about "butter I can't believe it's not."
NessaChan: hehe
LaZorra: Yoda needs groceries, too.
NessaChan: lol
Sam: LOL
LaZorra: Why do you think he wanted Luke to raise the ship? Safeway's not exactly within walking distance.
Sentynel: Around the butter, I can't believe it's not, a shopping list, create.
BlankBot: How do you think NessaChan completed the following? ______ sugar
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for NEED sugar.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for brown sugar.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for cane sugar.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for real sugar.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for cinnamon sugar.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for powdered sugar.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for Fairy sugar.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for blood sugar.
Homestarmy: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 3
Maryam: vote 3
Homestarmy: 3 would've been my first :P
Kysle: vote 8
Sam: vote 5
Sentynel: vote 1
Revan: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 5
Maryam: vote 2
NessaChan: vote 2
BlankBot: NessaChan answered cane sugar.
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed real sugar and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed Fairy sugar and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed blood sugar and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed cinnamon sugar and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed NEED sugar and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed blood sugar and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed brown sugar and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed powdered sugar and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: NessaChan submitted cane sugar and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: How do you think ThePhan completed the following? ______ roll
* Kysle wonders what everybody will put for this one...
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for cinnamon roll.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for rock n' roll.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for barrel roll.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for on a roll.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for tootsie roll.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for jelly roll.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for rick roll.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for sushi roll.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for butter nut squaw roll.
Homestarmy: vote 5
NessaChan: LOL
Sentynel: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 7
NessaChan: I made butternut squaw soup last night
Maryam: vote 8
Revan: vote 2
Kysle: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 2
Sam: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 9
Homestarmy: Isn't 8 a little redundant? :P
Maryam: Home: Uh, no.
Revan: Not... Especially.
Homestarmy: Huh, I've always heard it referred to just as Sushi.
LaZorra: Homestarmy: Sushi can be other things than rolls.
NessaChan: rolled sushi is a type of sushi
* Homestarmy imagines the things Sushi could be... Sushi Cake?
NessaChan: you could make a sushi cake.
Homestarmy: You know what? I will!
Revan: That might be pretty good, actually.
LaZorra: Dangit, I am HUNGRY AGAIN.
BlankBot: ThePhan answered on a roll.
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed butter nut squaw roll and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed sushi roll and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed rick roll and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed cinnamon roll and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed rock n' roll and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed jelly roll and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed tootsie roll and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed barrel roll and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: NessaChan submitted rock n' roll and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Randy timed out. Asking someone else for an answer....
BlankBot: How do you think Sam completed the following? eye ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for eye of the tiger.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for eye lick.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for eye candy.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for eye of the storm.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for eye is a fabulous suite of games for your amusement and delight.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for eye on the prize.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for eye roll.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for eye lash.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for eye candy... Butternut Squaw.
ThePhan: vote 1
Maryam: vote 2
Homestarmy: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 1
Sam: vote 1
Sentynel: vote 4
Revan: vote 1
Sam: 5 RULES!
Kysle: vote 1
BlankBot: Sam answered eye lash.
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed eye lick and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed eye candy... Butternut Squaw and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed eye is a fabulous suite of games for your amusement and delight and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed eye roll and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed eye on the prize and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed eye candy and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed eye of the tiger and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed eye of the storm and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sentynel submitted eye of the tiger and wins 1 point!
Sam: NOBODY said eyelash? Wow.
* NessaChan's brain is not believe it's butter
BlankBot: How do you think Kysle completed the following? hall ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for hall of the mountain king.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for hall and oates.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for hall way.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for hall pass.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for hall of mirrors.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for hall closet.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for hall s of Montezuma.
LaZorra: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 4
Homestarmy: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 1
Maryam: vote 1
Kysle: vote 5
Revan: vote 4
Sam: vote 5
Sam: vote 1
BlankBot: Kysle answered hall pass.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed hall pass and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed hall closet and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed hall s of Montezuma and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed hall of mirrors and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed hall of the mountain king and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed hall and oates and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed hall way and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Revan submitted hall of the mountain king and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: NessaChan loses a point for submitting and not voting.
NessaChan: vote 2
NessaChan: nooooo
BlankBot: How do you think Maryam completed the following? self ______
Maryam: Dang, I forgot. You're supposed to try to shoot for things other people will put.
* Kysle tries to think like Maryam.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for self sufficient.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for self indulgence.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for self destruct.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for self loathing.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for self same.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for self portrait.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for self awareness.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for self esteem.
LaZorra: vote 5
Homestarmy: vote 7
NessaChan: vote 4
Revan: vote 2
Maryam: vote 8
ThePhan: vote 3
Kysle: vote 4
Kysle: vote 1
Sentynel: vote 8
BlankBot: Maryam answered self same.
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed self indulgence and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed self loathing and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed self sufficient and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed self portrait and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed self destruct and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed self awareness and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed self esteem and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ThePhan submitted self esteem and wins 1 point!
Kysle: Hm. Would not have guessed 'same' anywho.
Maryam: It came from reading fantasy epics in which people speak bad Middle English.
NessaChan: Maryam: Sister, I do believe I've readeth the selfsame epics!
Maryam: Nessa: ehehhehe
BlankBot: How do you think ThePhan completed the following? ______ play
ThePhan: I want to go every day for the rest of my life to see a
ThePhan: (That is not really what I put.)
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for fore play.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for food play.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for play-by- play.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for Shakespearean play.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for role play.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for let's play.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for musical play.
ThePhan: vote 3
Sam: vote 5
Kysle: vote 5
Homestarmy: vote 3
Revan: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 3
Maryam: vote 5
Sentynel: vote 4
BlankBot: ThePhan answered role play.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed role play and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed Shakespearean play and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed food play and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed play-by- play and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed musical play and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed let's play and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed fore play and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed fore play and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LaZorra submitted play-by- play and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: LaZorra loses a point for submitting and not voting.
LaZorra: grrr, went to take vitamins.
Revan: Heh. Thought I was going to be alone on that one.
NessaChan: somebody winnnnn
BlankBot: How do you think Sentynel completed the following? wash ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for wash burne.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for wash -ing machine.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for wash post.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for wash board abs.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for wash room.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for wash tub.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for wash board.
Sam: vote 5
Kysle: vote 4
Maryam: vote 1
Homestarmy: vote 5
LaZorra: vote4
LaZorra: vote 4
Sentynel: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 6
NessaChan: ing is something fanboys need to do more often, have you ever sniffed the game rooms at an anime convention?
Kysle: Ness: No, I haven't.
Revan: Not on purpose, anyway.
NessaChan: consider yourself lucky
Revan: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 4
BlankBot: Sentynel answered wash burne.
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed wash -ing machine and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed wash post and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed wash tub and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed wash board and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed wash board and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed wash room and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed wash board and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed wash board abs and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ThePhan submitted wash board abs and wins 1 point!
Revan: Wash-what?
Sentynel: Why yes, the first thing I think when I hear "Wash" is the Firefly character.
Maryam: Sent: I almost put the same thing.
Maryam: But I knew it wouldn't get votes.
BlankBot: How do you think Kysle completed the following? ______ secret
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for top secret.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for dirty little secret.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for post secret.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for girly secret.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for it's a secret.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for dark secret.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for trade secret.
ThePhan: vote 2
Kysle: vote 6
Sam: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 7
Homestarmy: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 1
LaZorra: Girly secret?
Maryam: vote 6
Sentynel: vote 5
ThePhan: 3 = Super interesting site.
BlankBot: Kysle answered trade secret.
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed girly secret and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed dirty little secret and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed it's a secret and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed it's a secret and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed top secret and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed dark secret and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed post secret and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sam submitted top secret and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sentynel submitted dark secret and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: NessaChan loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Revan: LOL
NessaChan: vote 4
NessaChan: GAH.
NessaChan: stupid hotel connection
BlankBot: How do you think Sam completed the following? cup ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for cup o' noodles.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for cup of NOT GAY.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for cup holder.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for cup of tea.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for cup of coffee.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for cup full o' girls.
Maryam: vote 4
Sentynel: vote 4
Maryam: TEA
* LaZorra is surprised no one put "cup size."
Revan: vote 2
Homestarmy: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 1
Kysle: vote 1
BlankBot: Sam answered cup holder.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed cup holder and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed cup full o' girls and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed cup of NOT GAY and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed cup o' noodles and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed cup of tea and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed cup of tea and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed cup of coffee and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed cup of tea and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Maryam submitted cup o' noodles and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Sam loses a point for submitting and not voting.
BlankBot: How do you think NessaChan completed the following? psycho ______
Maryam: come onnnn I have to go to beeeed
* Sam reads "breed."
Homestarmy: lol
ThePhan: LOL
Maryam: Sam: ....
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for psycho path.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for psycho tic.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for psycho : REENT REENT REENT.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for psycho killer.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for psycho analyze.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for psycho naut.
LaZorra: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 3
Revan: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 3
Sentynel: vote 6
Kysle: vote 4
Homestarmy: vote 1
Maryam: vote 2
* LaZorra feels siilly hour rapidly descending.
BlankBot: NessaChan answered psycho path.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed psycho path and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed psycho path and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed psycho naut and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed psycho analyze and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed psycho : REENT REENT REENT and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed psycho tic and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed psycho killer and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan's answer was guessed 2 times for 2 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Revan submitted psycho : REENT REENT REENT and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: How do you think LaZorra completed the following? dead ______
Kysle: So many good possibilites for this one
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for dead on delivery.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for dead reckoning.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for dead tired.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for dead space.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for dead like me.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for dead dog.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for dead one.
Sentynel: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 1
Maryam: vote 7
LaZorra: Nautics? What the heck?
Kysle: vote 2
Revan: vote 5
Homestarmy: lol, I think 1 is supposed to be "Arrival" :P
NessaChan: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 4
Homestarmy: vote 4
ThePhan: Dang it, it removed special capitalization.
ThePhan: Er, not punctuation.
ThePhan: Capitalization.
BlankBot: LaZorra answered dead one.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed dead ONE and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed dead dog and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed dead like me and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed dead on delivery and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed dead tired and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed dead space and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed dead reckoning and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Revan submitted dead space and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sentynel submitted dead reckoning and wins 1 point!
* ThePhan high fives LaZorra so much!
* LaZorra high-fives Phan like no one has ever been high-fived before.
BlankBot: How do you think Maryam completed the following? baby ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for baby brother.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for baby doll.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for baby boomers: Thanks for the social security!.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for baby shower.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for baby CATS ARE SO CUUUTE.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for baby food.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for baby turtles.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for baby powder.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for baby back ribs.
Homestarmy: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 9
Kysle: vote 7
LaZorra: vote 9
Revan: vote 8
Sentynel: vote 5
Maryam: vote 8
Sam: vote 5
BlankBot: Maryam answered baby shower.
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed baby powder and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed baby back ribs and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed baby brother and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed baby CATS ARE SO CUUUTE and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed baby boomers: Thanks for the social security! and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed baby doll and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed baby turtles and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed baby food and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: NessaChan submitted baby CATS ARE SO CUUUTE and wins 1 point!
* Sam decides we should play this game to 30 after all.
NessaChan: lol
Revan: That's okay, really! :-P
Sentynel: Sam: I think we'd come over there and lynch you..
* ThePhan would give up and go to sleep.
Sentynel: Or Phan's suggestion.
NessaChan: Thanks but no Thanks
ThePhan: Why lynch when you can ignore?
Sam: So, in other words, if I extend the game to 30, you'll all leave, and I'll be the only one left, scoring points uncontested? I'm not seeing the disincentive, really.
BlankBot: How do you think Revan completed the following? ______ oil
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for sesame oil.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for motor oil.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for snake oil.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for castor oil.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for baby oil.
Sam: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 4
Homestarmy: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 3
Kysle: vote 1
Kysle: mmmm
NessaChan: vote 5
Maryam: vote 4
Sam: The first UBT, we did go to 30, and it took 92 minutes.
LaZorra: Sam: LOL, I remember that.
LaZorra: It was miserable.
Sam: This is nothing. We're still on the first hour.
Revan: vote 3
BlankBot: Revan answered castor oil.
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed motor oil and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed snake oil and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed motor oil and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed sesame oil and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed motor oil and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed baby oil and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed baby oil and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Kysle submitted snake oil and wins 1 point!
NessaChan: Guhhhh
BlankBot: How do you think Homestarmy completed the following? ______ sock
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for knee sock.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for Wet mice. In a sock.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for toe sock.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for wind sock.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for stinky, stinky anime fanboy sock.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for butterfly sock.
ThePhan: vote 2
Sam: vote 1
Sam: LOL @5
Revan: vote 2
NessaChan: lol
LaZorra: vote 4
Revan: vote 3
Homestarmy: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 2
Kysle: vote 4
Sam: 2 = LaZorra. 5 = NessaChan
NessaChan: hm 5
Revan: Weren't the wet mice in a sack?
Maryam: vote 3
* LaZorra dies laughing.
Sam: 6 = Homes
Homestarmy: Sam: Exactly :P
* LaZorra coughs up some peanut gutter pretzel.
TalkingDog: Peanut gutter?
LaZorra: TD: LOL!
LaZorra: TD: That's the reeeeally cheap penub mutrer.
TalkingDog: ...
NessaChan: lol penub
Maryam: MUTRER
Revan: LaZ: LOL
BlankBot: Homestarmy answered butterfly sock.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed stinky, stinky anime fanboy sock and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed Wet mice. In a sock and is wrong.
BlankBot: Maryam guessed wind sock and is wrong.
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed knee sock and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed wind sock and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed wind sock and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed toe sock and is wrong.
BlankBot: Homestarmy's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Maryam submitted wind sock and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Revan submitted wind sock and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sam submitted wind sock and wins 1 point!
Sentynel: WOAH
Sentynel: Okay, that was weird
Sam: Well, two out of three isn't bad.
Sentynel: I think I must have dozed off for a second there.
BlankBot: How do you think Sam completed the following? ______ belly
LaZorra: Sam: Er. What?
NessaChan: wet mice belly
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for yourself!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for Peanut butter and belly.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for jelly belly.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for yellow belly.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for pork belly.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for beer belly.
Revan: vote 2
Kysle: Mm, jelly beans.
NessaChan: vote 5
Sam: Sent: In streaming mode, the frame reloads in its entirety every 10 minutes. Sometimes that causes a momentary hiccup in the display.
Homestarmy: vote 2
Maryam: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 4
Homestarmy: 2 is the best.
Kysle: vote 4
LaZorra: Peanut butter and BELLY? 8-o
Sentynel: vote 2
LaZorra: vote 3
Sam: vote 1
Sam: vote 1
Sam: vote 1
Sam: vote 1
Sam: It's late, because that's freaking HILAROUS.
ThePhan: Haha, yes, I was about to mention the toilet and jelly thing...
Revan: LaZ: Those magic brownies took an entire BlankBot to kick in?
* LaZorra dies and dies and dies again.
* Sam fixes himself a peanut butter and belly sandwich. Oh, LEEEEE-EEEEEN!
Maryam: LOL!
* LaZorra embraces insanity with open arms.
Kysle: LOL
LaZorra: LOL!!
ThePhan: LOL LOL
BlankBot: Sam answered jelly belly.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed jelly belly and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Maryam guessed Jelly belly and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: NessaChan guessed jelly belly and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed jelly belly and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Homestarmy guessed beer belly and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed Peanut butter and belly and is wrong.
BlankBot: Revan guessed yellow belly and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sentynel guessed pork belly and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam's answer was guessed 4 times for 4 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sam submitted jelly belly and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LaZorra submitted jelly belly and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Maryam submitted Jelly belly and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: NessaChan submitted jelly belly and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ThePhan submitted jelly belly and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: It's a tie! The winners are: Sam, ThePhan.
Maryam: YAY A WIN
NessaChan: YAY
Kysle: Durn, I changed from jelly
* LaZorra is laughing so hard about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING
Revan: TIES
ThePhan: WHOA
ThePhan: We jelly bellied our way to the top.
NessaChan: yay
NessaChan: wet mice & belly sammich
LaZorra: And a smelly fanboy sock of wer rice!
LaZorra: wer. . . wer. . . yeah.
Homestarmy: WAGH
Homestarmy: SAM WON
LaZorra: *snerk*
LaZorra: *collapse*
Sentynel: Alright, you lunatics, I really must collapse to bed now, as it's gone 6am.
* LaZorra is attacked by the were-rice, because it is almost a full moon and that's when they claim their victims.
Maryam: I gotta git, too.
Sam: NessaChan remains in the lead for points! Will she win? Tune in next Tuesday, 9pm EDT, for another exciting episode of: U! B! T!
NessaChan: Thanks! :D
LaZorra: WHOOO
BlankBot has been dismissed by Sam.

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