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Ultimate Bot Tournament #7: Session 2

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Revan has entered.
Revan: FIRST
* Revan is PUMPED
zyzzyva has entered.
* zyzzyva is excited
Sentynel has entered.
Nyperold has entered.
Sam has entered.
Kalimeris has entered.
Randy has entered.
goldfishy has entered.
Maryam has entered.
NessaChan has entered.
asterismW has entered.
Goosey has entered.
Nyperold: Hello!
Revan: Yay!
Maryam: asterism!
Randy: Hey everyone!
Maryam: And Nessa and Goosey!
Revan: Well, you're wearing such an alluring shade of red, it's hard to avert my attention.
Maryam: LOL
asterismW: HI SAM
(the lights dim)

asterismW: Wooooo!
Nyperold: Uh oh.
zyzzyva: YAY!
* Kalimeris plays a drum rolloff
* Nyperold braces.
* Revan headgears.
* goldfishy hides
* zyzzyva does nothing.
[RinkChat] User Goosey has been labeled 'GO BYU' by Goosey.
[RinkChat] User Maryam has been labeled 'Go to the bayou!' by Maryam.
[RinkChat] User Randy has been labeled 'Born on the Bayou' by Randy.
[RinkChat] User Nyperold has been labeled 'Sitting Bayou' by Nyperold.
[RinkChat] User asterismW has been labeled 'USU > Bayou' by asterismW.
NessaChan: don't stomp meeeeh
Randy: Scary
(the curtain rises)

(a hush falls over the crowd)

asterismW: Sssshhhh!
(the opening notes to a soft, sweet lullaby resound crisply in the chat room)

Revan: *cough*
zyzzyva: *hack*
* Goosey unwraps a candy in a noise wrapper.
Goosey: *crinkle*
Goosey: *rustle*
: Life is spastic!
: It's fantastic!
Revan: NOOOO
: You can brush my beard!
NessaChan: I don't wannna T__T
: And tell me that I'm we-e-eird!
: Devastation, that is my creation!
Goosey: LOL
: Come on Jaffar, you're a pop star.
: Ah ah ah, yeah.
: Come on Jaffar, play that guitar.
: O-o-oh! O-o-oh!
* Goosey dies.
: Make me cool, make me rule, do whatever I please.
: I can act like a star, you can beg on your knees.
: Come jump in, be my slave, why don't we misbehave?
: Rule the town, beat them down, let's go pillage.
Nyperold: "Oh yes... abject HUMILIATION!"
: You can touch!
Goosey: NO!
: You can pla-ay! Let us always be...something...ending in...ay....
Goosey: LOL LOL
Goosey: meep
: Er. Ahem.
Nyperold: One time I saw you HA!
: Ladies and gentlemen. It is my honor -- an honor of UTTER AWESOMNITY -- to announce the winners of the Camou-Fairy lookalike contest from Mini-UBT #2.
Goosey: GO MATT
Revan: Come on, nakers!
Maryam: I completely forgot who I voted for.
: In fourth place, with TWO VOTES, please put your hands together with APPLAUSE OF UTTER APPRECIATION for....................................
zyzzyva: *applause*
* Maryam claps.
: Thank you, thank you. But, you know, seriously, TWO VOTES? You make me run around chopping trees down -- that's hard labor, you know -- and then take all my gold pieces -- but not before KILLING ME by making me fight DRAGONS AND STUFF -- and all I get in appreciation is TWO VOTES? BAH!
: Tied for second place, with THREE VOTES OF ALL THAT IS EVIL, it's..............................................MATT!
zyzzyva: *applause*
: Thanks, everybody. Seriously. No, I mean it. Stop laughing.
asterismW: Aaaargh, my eyes!
Maryam: hee hee hee hee
* Goosey HUGS Matt!
Maryam: Goosey: You got, uh, some... yellow... on you. I don't want to know what that stuff is.
* Goosey dusts herself off.
: ...and that ancient man of ULTIMATE OLDNESS, Jay!
zyzzyva: *applause*
: Is not winning or losing that counts. Is how much you look like a fairy.
asterismW: Jay!
Goosey: Wait -- what happened to third place?
Sam: It was a tie for second, so there isn't a third place.
Sentynel: Goosey: Tied second means there's no third.
Goosey: Ah.
: Finally, the WINNER OF THE CONTEST, the CONTESTANT OF ULTIMATE CAMOUFAIRYNESS -- but only because I -- I, Jaffar, did not enter -- it's............YOUR UBT #7 SESSION 2 HOST, BY POPULAR DEMAND..........................................
Maryam: Aaagh, I just imagined Jaffar in a Camou-Fairy suit.
: .........................WITH FOUR VOTES............................
: .........................THE INCOMPARABLE..........................
Goosey: Maryam: LOL
Goosey: I'll do you one better -- IMAGINE SOUKRA
Goosey: LOL
: .......................................I EET YOR HED MONSTAR!
zyzzyva: ~*applause*~
Randy: LOL
Maryam: YAAAAY
Maryam: *clap clap clap*
asterismW: LOL
Maryam: I think I voted for that one! So possible yay!
* Goosey applauds
Maryam: A giant scary floating head with wings was bound to win, really.
: I'm gonna go lie down and commiserate theatrically.
Goosey: lol
Maryam: Commiserate? With whom about what?
NessaChan: I wonder where Jaffar gets his nails done
Revan: A pencil sharpener?
Goosey: Nessa: Nail. Only one.
NessaChan: do they have little palm trees and rhinestones?
Maryam: LOL
NessaChan: worrrrd bot
Randy: ZAP!
Goosey: HAhahaha
Kalimeris: ZAP ZAP
Sam: I think Zap is running [-2] now.
Sam: running [+1]
Maryam: LOL
Goosey: camou-fairy
Sentynel: anchor [+1] confused doles entrusts hauls myself paced relinquishes [+1] ropes [+1] shells swipes transmits
Sentynel: Huh. That didn't work as well as expected [+3].
Sam: Sent: LOL
Goosey: LOL
NessaChan: running
NessaChan: fail
gremlinn has entered.
Sentynel: I blame [+3] people talking to bots.
Revan: No idea what's going on.
asterismW: I am so lost.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'UBT #7, Session 2 in progress. Click on the green/red numbers for an explanation of those.' by Sam.
Sam: If you don't know about WordZap, the link is here:
Revan: running
Sam: We're continuing [+3] the game from yesterday, so words that were used up yesterday won't score this time.
asterismW: Ooh, I see.
goldfishy: I know Sentynel - but you obviously have too much time on your hands ;)
Sentynel: goldfishy: That was a list of words that may or may not have given me +1s. As you can see, some did. I suspect [+3] most of the failures were because the transcripts don't include /b submissions [+3], but WordZap does.
Sentynel: It was a side effect [-2] of the code [-2] that calculated [+3] average [-2] reaction [+3] time to [-2]s
Sentynel: effect [+1]
gremlinn: effect code [+1] average [+1]
Goosey: effect
Sentynel: code
Sentynel: erage
Goosey: code
zyzzyva: side
Sentynel: average
Goosey: average
Sentynel: I'd written [+3] something that parsed [+3] the logs [+3] anyway, so I thought I might as well add [+3] checking [-2] for +1s
Sentynel: checking [+1]
Revan: written [-2] parsed [-2] logs [-2]
Sentynel: written [+1] parsed [+1] logs [+1]
Goosey: written
Revan: Loving this game so far.
Randy: parsed
WordBot has been summoned by Sam.
Goosey: LOL
WordBot: Starting a new quiz game:
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words made by scrambling [+3] and adding [-2] one letter to: stoma. (7 answers)
Sam: adding [+1]
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words made by scrambling [-2] and adding one letter to: stoma. (7 answers)
Sentynel: scrambling [+1]
WordBot: Claimed answer: almost (NessaChan, Goosey)
WordBot: Claimed answer: matzos (gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: stomas (gremlinn, Sam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: stroma (gremlinn, zyzzyva)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: mascot [+3].
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: smalto.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: stomal.
WordBot: Scores this round: gremlinn: +3, Goosey: +1, NessaChan: +1, Sam: +1, zyzzyva: +1.
Revan: I wonder if some of these are from SnagBot. Dress [+3].
Revan: Yep.
Sam: Revan: I wouldn't assume [+3] that.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words of length [-2] 5 or more made with the letters: ndosae. (7 answers)
Sentynel: length [+1]
Nyperold: Matzos.
Sam: length
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words of length 5 or more made with the letters: ndosae. (7 answers)
WordBot: Claimed answer: anode (gremlinn, Goosey)
WordBot: Claimed answer: anodes (gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: deans (gremlinn, zyzzyva, NessaChan)
WordBot: Claimed answer: nodes (gremlinn, zyzzyva, Goosey, Sam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: nosed (NessaChan, goldfishy, Nyperold)
WordBot: Claimed answer: sedan (Maryam, Nyperold, Kalimeris)
WordBot: Claimed answer: sonde (gremlinn)
WordBot: Scores this round: gremlinn: +5, Goosey: +2, NessaChan: +2, Nyperold: +2, zyzzyva: +2, goldfishy: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Maryam: +1, Sam: +1.
asterismW: Bah, I'm rubbish at this game.
Maryam: I'm just happy to have scored one point so far.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words containing [+3] the letter sequence [+3]: -illusi-. (12 answers)
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words containing [-2] the letter sequence [-2]: -illusi-. (12 answers)
Sentynel: containing [+1] sequence
WordBot: Claimed answer: disillusion (asterismW, gremlinn, Maryam, Randy, Goosey)
WordBot: Claimed answer: disillusioned (goldfishy, Kalimeris, Maryam, gremlinn, Randy)
WordBot: Claimed answer: disillusioning (Goosey, gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: illusion (gremlinn, Goosey, Maryam, Kalimeris, Revan, Sentynel, Sam, NessaChan, Nyperold, asterismW, zyzzyva)
WordBot: Claimed answer: illusionary (Sam, gremlinn, zyzzyva)
WordBot: Claimed answer: illusionist (asterismW, Kalimeris)
WordBot: Claimed answer: illusions (gremlinn, Goosey, Sam, Nyperold, Revan)
WordBot: Claimed answer: illusive (Revan, Maryam, Kalimeris, zyzzyva)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: disillusionment.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: disillusionments.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: illusionism.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: illusively.
WordBot: Scores this round: gremlinn: +6, Goosey: +4, Kalimeris: +4, Maryam: +4, asterismW: +3, Revan: +3, Sam: +3, zyzzyva: +3, Nyperold: +2, Randy: +2, goldfishy: +1, NessaChan: +1, Sentynel: +1.
NessaChan: poop
Sam: I'm very out of practice [+3] at this, apparently.
goldfishy: Oh I thought it *had* to have something on the front [-2] too
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words made by replacing [+3] at most two letters of: rubying. (13 answers)
Revan: front
Sentynel: front
Revan: Alrighty then.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words made by replacing [-2] at most two letters of: rubying. (13 answers)
asterismW: rubying is a word?
Sentynel: replacing [+1]
WordBot: Claimed answer: babying (gremlinn, NessaChan, Randy)
WordBot: Claimed answer: burying [-2] (gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: ribbing (Sam, gremlinn, NessaChan)
WordBot: Claimed answer: robbing [-2] (Kalimeris)
WordBot: Claimed answer: rubbing (NessaChan, Sentynel, Sam, Kalimeris, Revan, Goosey)
WordBot: Claimed answer: running (gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: rusting (gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: tubbing (NessaChan, Goosey)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: relying.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: ruching.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: ruffing.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: ruining [+3].
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: rushing [+3].
WordBot: Scores this round: gremlinn: +5, NessaChan: +4, Goosey: +2, Kalimeris: +2, Sam: +2, Randy: +1, Revan: +1, Sentynel: +1.
Sentynel: robbing
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words of length 3 or more made with the letters: reakqu. (14 answers)
Revan: The +1s don't seem [-2] to be working [-2] anymore [+3].
Sentynel: Revan: People are submitting them in /bots
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words of length 3 or more made with the letters: reakqu. (14 answers)
WordBot: Claimed answer: are (Sam, Goosey, NessaChan)
WordBot: Claimed answer: ark (Sam, NessaChan, zyzzyva)
WordBot: Claimed answer: auk (Sam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: ear (Kalimeris, Sam, Randy)
WordBot: Claimed answer: era [+1] (Sam, Randy)
WordBot: Claimed answer: quake (gremlinn, Maryam, Sam, Kalimeris, Goosey, zyzzyva)
WordBot: Claimed answer: quaker (gremlinn, Sam, Maryam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: quare (Sam, gremlinn, Kalimeris)
WordBot: Claimed answer: quark (gremlinn, NessaChan, Sam, Nyperold, Revan)
WordBot: Claimed answer: rake (Maryam, Sam, Goosey, zyzzyva)
WordBot: Claimed answer: urea (Maryam)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: kea.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: qua.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: rue [+3].
WordBot: Scores this round: Sam: +10, gremlinn: +4, Maryam: +4, Goosey: +3, Kalimeris: +3, NessaChan: +3, zyzzyva: +3, Randy: +2, Nyperold: +1, Revan: +1.
Kalimeris: whoaaa
NessaChan: I got rake too late ;_;
Maryam: How did I read "3 or more" as "4 or more"?
NessaChan: nicely [+3] done sam
gremlinn: For some reason I thought it said length 5 so I stopped [+3].
Sam: Thanks.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: _a_t_a_. (11 answers)
Maryam: I love how I'm the only one that got "urea".
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: _a_t_a_. (11 answers)
Randy: hehe!
* Maryam feels [-2] dirty [+3].
goldfishy: I love how I didn't even get ear
Randy: feels
NessaChan: dirty [-2]
WordBot: Claimed answer: partial [-2] (Revan)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: batteau.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: factual [+3].
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: gastral.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: lacteal.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: manteau.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: mantrap.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: mantras.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: martial [+3].
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: rattrap.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: tactual.
WordBot: Scores this round: Revan: +1.
NessaChan: blah, that one was hard
Maryam: Heh, nice, Revan.
Sam: I had martian.
gremlinn: Tantral, naphthas, canthal.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Unscramble [+3] the following word: bnteyo. (1 answer)
Revan: Hey, neat [+3].
gremlinn: No one had said "neat" yet?
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Unscramble [-2] the following word: bnteyo. (1 answer)
NessaChan: uhh.. bento-y?
Nyperold: Bye! NOT!
WordBot: Claimed answer: betony (gremlinn, Goosey, Sam)
WordBot: Scores this round: Goosey: +1, gremlinn: +1, Sam: +1.
Maryam: LOL
Goosey: LOL
Sam: Total [+3] guess.
asterismW: unscramble
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: scarce. (20 answers)
Goosey: Me too. Total [-2] guess.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: scarce. (20 answers)
Sam: Punctuation [-2] around it is fine.
Nyperold: b scared
WordBot: Claimed answer: scared (Revan, Kalimeris, Sam, Randy, gremlinn, zyzzyva)
WordBot: Claimed answer: scarer (Sam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: scares (Revan, Sam, Nyperold, Goosey, gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: scarey (gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: scarfs (Maryam, Goosey, Revan)
WordBot: Claimed answer: scarps (NessaChan)
WordBot: Claimed answer: sconce [+1] (gremlinn, Sam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: source [-2] (asterismW)
WordBot: Claimed answer: sparse [-2] (gremlinn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: stance (gremlinn)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: scarab.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: scarph.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: scarry.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: scathe.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: scorch [+3].
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: seance.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: search.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: sparge.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: starch [+3].
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: starve [+3].
WordBot: Scores this round: gremlinn: +6, Sam: +4, Revan: +3, Goosey: +2, asterismW: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, zyzzyva: +1.
WordBot: gremlinn wins!
NessaChan: wow that was quick
Randy: yay grem!
Maryam: Does WordZap not pick up on a word if it's got punctuation [+3] around it?
Sentynel: Maryam: I got it in /b
Maryam: Sent: You said "neat [-2]" after it scored a +3?
Maryam: ...
Sentynel: Sorry, misunderstood [+3]
gremlinn: You misunderstood [+3]?
Sentynel: But taht would have been some neat manipulation if it was deliberate [+3]
gremlinn: Deliberate?
Maryam: grem: Are you doing sneaky [-2] HTML tricks [+3] or something?
gremlinn: Yah.
Maryam: Ah.
gremlinn: I actually got +3 for understood [+3].
Sam: sneaky
Sentynel: sneaky
Sam: Someone's still got /b going.
Sentynel: I did for a couple [+3]
Sentynel: I'm back in normal [-2] mode now though
Sentynel: normal [+1]
Sam: normal
Goosey: Normal
gremlinn: nor [+3]mal
TalkingDog: stood [-2]
Sentynel: stood
Goosey: stood
Sam: The results so far: and
Crystal109 has entered.
Crystal109: Hey guys!
* NessaChan doesn't want head eeten
Crystal109: I like heds.
* Maryam gives Crystal a bunch, freshly disembodied.
* Crystal109 starts nomming.
WordBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Maryam: ROLY POLY FISH [-2] HEADS [+3]
Sentynel: fish [+1]
MoleBot has been summoned by Sam.
SinbadBot has been summoned by Sam.
KickMoleBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: fish
Sam: If you don't want KickMoleBot to kick [+3] you, then go /away now. This also means you can't score in KickMoleBot, although if memory serves [+3] you can still score in the other games.
Maryam: I never do well at these.
Crystal109: Maryam: Same!
Nyperold is away.
* Nyperold goes away so he doesn't... budge!
[RinkChat] User gremlinn has been kicked from the room by gremlinn.
gremlinn has left.
gremlinn has entered.
gremlinn: Aww, I didn't get my -2.
Goosey: TOUCHDOWN [+3] BYU!!!!
Randy: Yay!
gremlinn is away.
Sam: hehee
MoleBot: Randy pops [+3] out of the ground.
KickMoleBot: Randy pops [-2] out of the ground.
MoleBot: Randy escapes [+3] safely underground [+3].
SinbadBot: gremlinn glitters and makes weird noises.
Crystal109: whack Randy
gremlinn: pops [+1]
Sentynel: pops
[RinkChat] User Randy has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
Randy: whack randy
Sam: pops
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 busts [+3] Randy with a barrel [+3] of fish. Score!
Randy has left.
SinbadBot: gremlinn remains [+3] safely in place.
KickMoleBot: Kalimeris pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
Crystal109: budge gremlinn
Kalimeris: whack kalimeris
gremlinn: bonus
KickMoleBot: Kalimeris slams [+3] Kalimeris with a steam engine [+3]. Bonus ouch!
NessaChan: whack kalimeris
Sam: whack kalimeris
Crystal109: whack Kalimeris
MoleBot: zyzzyva pops out of the ground.
Randy has entered.
SinbadBot: zyzzyva glitters and makes weird noises.
Sam: whack zyzzyva
MoleBot: Sam whacks [+3] zyzzyva with some barbed [+3] wire [+3]. Score!
Revan: whack zyzzyva
Sentynel: whack zyzzyva
Maryam: whack zzyzyva
Crystal109: whack zyzzyva
Kalimeris: whack zyzzyva
NessaChan: whack zyzzyva
KickMoleBot: Kalimeris pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
MoleBot: Nyperold pops out of the ground.
SinbadBot: zyzzyva remains [-2] safely in place.
Sam: whack kalimeris
Crystal109: budge zyzzyva
[RinkChat] User Kalimeris has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
Kalimeris has left.
MoleBot: Nyperold escapes [-2] safely underground [-2].
KickMoleBot: Sam hammers [+3] Kalimeris with sheet [-2] rock. Bonus score!
NessaChan: whack sam
zyzzyva: :(
Maryam: budge zzyzyva
asterismW: whack kalimeris
MoleBot: Nyperold pops out of the ground.
Sam: whack nyperold
Kalimeris has entered.
MoleBot: Sam pummels Nyperold with a sink [+3]. Score!
Sam: sheet [+1]
SinbadBot: Kalimeris glitters and makes weird noises. Bonus round!
NessaChan: whack nyperold
Sentynel: escapes [+1]
Sam: whack kalimeris
KickMoleBot: Randy pops out of the ground.
Kalimeris: budge kalimeris
Sam: budge kalimeris
NessaChan: wack maryam
gremlinn: whacks [-2]
Revan: whack randy
Randy: whack kalimeris
[RinkChat] User Randy has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Revan socks [-2] Randy with a wad [+3] of dirty socks [+1]. Score!
asterismW: whack kalimeris
Randy has left.
Sentynel: underground [+1]
SinbadBot: Kalimeris dislodges Kalimeris with luck. Bonus HA!
Sam: whack randy
Maryam: whack randy
Crystal109: budge Kalimeris
Sam: socks
gremlinn: whacks [+1]
Kalimeris: whack randy
NessaChan: whack maryam
Sentynel: whacks
SinbadBot: Nyperold glitters and makes weird noises.
MoleBot: Crystal109 pops out of the ground.
Revan: budge nypero.d
NessaChan: budge nyperold
Crystal109: budge Nyperold
asterismW: whack nyperold
Maryam: budge nyperold
SinbadBot: NessaChan moves [+3] Nyperold with long fingernails. NessaChan is WINNING!
Randy has entered.
gremlinn: socks
Sentynel: whack crystal109
KickMoleBot: Kalimeris pops out of the ground.
Crystal109: whack Crystal109
Revan: Damn [+3].
Kalimeris: whack crystal109
MoleBot: Sentynel pummels Crystal109 with asterismW's teeth. Score!
KickMoleBot: Kalimeris escapes safely underground.
Sam: whack aklimeris
Maryam: whack kalimeris
Kalimeris: whack kalimeris
NessaChan: whack kalimeris
Sam: whack kalimeris
Randy: drat
MoleBot: Revan pops out of the ground.
SinbadBot: Maryam glitters and makes weird noises.
NessaChan: whack sentynel
Crystal109: Wow, epic [+3] chat lag [-2].
KickMoleBot: Kalimeris pops out of the ground.
Sam: whack maryam
Kalimeris: whack revan
asterismW: whack revan
Crystal109: lag [+1]
Sentynel: whack revan
MoleBot: Kalimeris smacks [+3] Revan with a subpoena [+3]. Score!
Revan: whack revan
Maryam: whack revan
Sam: whack revan
NessaChan: budge maryam
SinbadBot: NessaChan transports [+3] Maryam with mental [-2] powers. NessaChan is WINNING!
Kalimeris: budge maryam
Randy: whack kalimers
KickMoleBot: Kalimeris escapes safely underground.
Sentynel: lag
Sentynel: mental [+1]
gremlinn: mental
Goosey: mental
NessaChan: whack kalimeris
NessaChan: whack maryam
MoleBot: Sam pops out of the ground.
SinbadBot: Sam glitters and makes weird noises.
KickMoleBot: Maryam pops out of the ground.
Sam: whack sam
NessaChan: whack sam
Crystal109: whack Sam
Kalimeris: whack sam
MoleBot: Sam mashes [+3] Sam in the neck [+3] with Crystal109's face. Ouch!
Maryam: I keep typing "what" instead of "whack".
Sentynel: whack sam
Sam: whack maryam
asterismW: whack sam
Revan: budge sam
SinbadBot: Revan budges [-2] Sam with the winds of utter [-2] destruction. Revan is WINNING!
Maryam: whack maryam
Crystal109: whack maryam
[RinkChat] User Maryam has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Sam smacks [-2] Maryam with a steamroller [+3]. Score!
Maryam has left.
Nyperold: No, the epic [-2] lag was last night.
Randy: whack sam
Sam: budges [+1]
NessaChan: whack asterismw
Sentynel: epic [+1]
Sam: utter [+1]
Maryam has entered.
Crystal109: epic
Sam: epic
Goosey: budges
MoleBot: goldfishy pops out of the ground.
Sam: whack goldfishy
Revan: whack goldfishy
Sentynel: smacks [+1]
NessaChan: whack goldfish [+3]
MoleBot: Sam mashes [-2] goldfishy with a wad [-2] of dirty socks. Score!
Kalimeris: whack goldfishy
SinbadBot: zyzzyva glitters and makes weird noises.
Crystal109: whack goldfishy
Randy: whack goldfishy
KickMoleBot: Sam pops out of the ground.
Sam: whack zyzzyva
Crystal109: mashes [+1]
Sentynel: whack sam
[RinkChat] User Sam has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
Sam has left.
KickMoleBot: Sentynel slugs [+3] Sam with a radiator [+3]. Score!
Revan: budge zyzz7yva
Kalimeris: whack sam
NessaChan: whack goosey
Crystal109: whack Sam
MoleBot: NessaChan pops out of the ground.
KickMoleBot: Sentynel pops out of the ground.
Revan: budge sam
Sam has entered.
Kalimeris: budge sam
SinbadBot: zyzzyva remains [+1] safely in place.
Randy: whack sam
Crystal109: whack Sentynel
Kalimeris: whack sentyne
[RinkChat] User Sentynel has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 pummels Sentynel with a steam engine [-2]. Score!
Revan: whack sentynel
NessaChan: whack nessachan
MoleBot: NessaChan pummels NessaChan with a noodle [+3]. Ouch!
Maryam: whack nessachan
Crystal109: whack nessachan
SinbadBot: zyzzyva glitters and makes weird noises.
Sentynel has left.
gremlinn: engine [+1]
SinbadBot: zyzzyva remains safely in place.
Sam: whack zyzzyva
Kalimeris: whack zyzzyva
Crystal109: budge zyzzyva
Sentynel has entered.
Revan: budge zyzzyva
Sam: budge zyzzyva
KickMoleBot: Sam pops out of the ground.
Maryam: budge zzyzyva
Sam: whack sam
KickMoleBot: Sam stabs [+3] Sam with a sink [-2]. Ouch!
Kalimeris: whack sam
Revan: whack sam
NessaChan: budge zyzzyva
Crystal109: whack sam
Maryam: whack sam
gremlinn: sink [+1]
SinbadBot: zyzzyva glitters and makes weird noises.
Sam: whack sink
MoleBot: Nyperold pops out of the ground.
Revan: whack zyzzyva
Kalimeris: whack zyzzyva
Sam: budge zyzzyva
Maryam: whack nyperold
NessaChan: whack zyzzyva
SinbadBot: Sam relocates [+3] zyzzyva with a shout. Sam is WINNING!
MoleBot: Maryam skins [+3] Nyperold in the jaw [+3] with a two by four. Score!
Crystal109: budge zyzzyva
Sam: whack nyperold
Sentynel: whack nyperold
Randy: whack sam
asterismW: whack nyperold
Kalimeris: whack nyperold
NessaChan: budge zyzzyva
SinbadBot: TalkingDog glitters and makes weird noises. Bonus round!
NessaChan: budge talkingdog
Revan: whack talkingdog
KickMoleBot: Randy pops out of the ground.
Crystal109: budge TalkingDog
Kalimeris: whack talkingdog
SinbadBot: NessaChan budges TalkingDog with a spell. NessaChan is bonusly WINNING!
Maryam: budge talkingdog
MoleBot: Maryam pops out of the ground.
Sentynel: whack randy
Crystal109: whack Randy
Kalimeris: whack randy
Maryam: wahck randy
[RinkChat] User Randy has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Sentynel smooshes Randy with a thighmaster. Score!
Sentynel: whack maryam
Revan: whack maryam
MoleBot: Sentynel whoops [-2] Maryam with a sledgehammer [+3]. Score!
Kalimeris: whack maryam
Maryam: whack maryam
Crystal109: whack maryam
KickMoleBot: Randy pops out of the ground.
Randy has left.
Sentynel: whoops [+1]
gremlinn: whooops
Crystal109: whack Randy
Sam: whoops
Kalimeris: whack randy
Maryam: whack randy
Sentynel: whack randy
SinbadBot: goldfishy glitters and makes weird noises. Bonus round!
Revan is away.
NessaChan: whack sentynel
MoleBot: goldfishy pops out of the ground.
SinbadBot: goldfishy remains safely in place.
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 bashes [+3] Randy in the head with a belt [+3] sander [+3]. Score!
Maryam: budge goldfishy
Kalimeris: whack goldfishy
Crystal109: budge goldfishy
NessaChan: budge goldfishy
MoleBot: Kalimeris clocks [+3] goldfishy with a sink. Score!
SinbadBot: Crystal109 glitters and makes weird noises.
Crystal109: budge Crystal109
SinbadBot: Crystal109 dislodges Crystal109 with mental powers. HA!
Maryam: budge crystal109
Randy has entered.
MoleBot: Sentynel pops out of the ground.
KickMoleBot: Kalimeris pops out of the ground.
Crystal109: whack kalimeris
MoleBot: Sentynel escapes safely underground.
Sentynel: whack sentynel
[RinkChat] User Kalimeris has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
Kalimeris has left.
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 pelts [+3] Kalimeris with a wheelbarrow [+3]. Score!
Maryam: whack sentynle
Sentynel: whack kalimeria
SinbadBot: Maryam glitters and makes weird noises.
* Revan was not coming remotely [+3] close ever.
Kalimeris has entered.
SinbadBot: Maryam remains safely in place.
MoleBot: NessaChan pops out of the ground.
Maryam: whack maryam
NessaChan: budge maraym
Maryam: whack nessacha
Sentynel: whack nessachan
MoleBot: Sentynel beats [+3] NessaChan with a boom [-2] chain. Score!
NessaChan: whack nessachan
gremlinn: boom [+1]
Randy: whack sam
Sam: whack boom
Sentynel: boom
Kalimeris: whack nessachan
KickMoleBot: NessaChan pops out of the ground.
SinbadBot: Kalimeris glitters and makes weird noises.
NessaChan: budge maryam
Crystal109: budge kalimeris
Sentynel: whack nesachan
Kalimeris: budge kalimeris
SinbadBot: Crystal109 removes [+3] Kalimeris with wild gesticulations [+3]. Crystal109 is WINNING!
Maryam: whack nessachan
Crystal109: whack nessachan
[RinkChat] User NessaChan has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Maryam smashes [+3] NessaChan in the face with a can of ginger [-2] ale [-2]. Score!
Randy: whack nessachan
MoleBot: Sam pops out of the ground.
NessaChan has left.
Sentynel: whack sam
Crystal109: whack sam
gremlinn: ginger [+1] ale [+1]
Sam: whack ginger ale
MoleBot: Sentynel beats [-2] up Sam in the neck [-2] with a pan [+3] of lasagna [+3]. Score!
Kalimeris: whack sam
NessaChan has entered.
Sentynel: beats [+1] neck [+1]
Crystal109: beats
gremlinn: beats
Sam: neck
KickMoleBot: asterismW pops out of the ground.
NessaChan: whack sam
KickMoleBot: asterismW escapes safely underground.
Randy: whack sam
Sentynel: whack asterismW
Crystal109: whack asterismw
SinbadBot: goldfishy glitters and makes weird noises.
Maryam: whack asterismw
Kalimeris: whack asterismw
Crystal109: budge goldfishy
SinbadBot: Crystal109 moves [-2] goldfishy with long fingernails. Crystal109 is WINNING!
NessaChan: budge goldfishy
MoleBot: Goosey pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
Maryam: budge goldfishy
gremlinn: moves [+1]
Sentynel: whack goosey
Crystal109: whack goosey
Maryam: whack goosey
Kalimeris: whack goosey
MoleBot: Sentynel slams [-2] Goosey with a blow torch [-2]. Bonus score!
Randy: whack goosey
Sam: SLAMS [+1]
MoleBot: Revan pops out of the ground.
gremlinn: slams
KickMoleBot: Sentynel pops out of the ground.
KickMoleBot: Sentynel escapes safely underground.
Crystal109: whack revan
gremlinn: torch [+1]
zyzzyva: whack revan
Sam: torch
Kalimeris: whack revan
Maryam: whack revan
MoleBot: Crystal109 beats up Revan with Crystal109's face. Score!
NessaChan: pop [-2]
MoleBot: Goosey pops out of the ground.
Sam: pop [+1]
gremlinn: pop
SinbadBot: NessaChan glitters and makes weird noises.
Crystal109: LOL OUCH
Maryam: LOL Crystal
Sentynel: pop
Kalimeris: whack goosey
MoleBot: Kalimeris thumps [+3] Goosey with a giant [-2] bunny [+3] rabbit [+3]. Score!
Crystal109: whack goosey
Randy: whack sam
Maryam: budge nesscahan
NessaChan: budge nessachan
gremlinn: giant [+1]
SinbadBot: NessaChan relocates [-2] NessaChan with mental powers. HA!
Kalimeris: budge nessachan
KickMoleBot: asterismW pops out of the ground.
NessaChan: whack goosey
gremlinn: relocates [+1]
Sam: relocates
NessaChan: whack sam
MoleBot: Sam pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
Crystal109: whack asterismw
Maryam: whack sam
Sentynel: whack sam
Kalimeris: whack asterismsw
NessaChan: whack maryam
[RinkChat] User asterismW has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 blasts [+3] asterismW with a tank [-2]. Score!
asterismW has left.
Crystal109: whack sam
MoleBot: Maryam whonks Sam with Maryam. Bonus score!
Kalimeris: whack sam
NessaChan: whack sam
SinbadBot: Randy glitters and makes weird noises.
Sam: tank [+1]
gremlinn: tank
Sentynel: tank
Randy: whack nessachan
Crystal109: budge randy
SinbadBot: Crystal109 nudges Randy with melodramatic [+3] supplication [+3]. Crystal109 is WINNING!
Kalimeris: budge randy
NessaChan: whack asterismw
asterismW has entered.
Maryam: budge randy
Nyperold: tank
SinbadBot: Sam glitters and makes weird noises.
MoleBot: gremlinn pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
NessaChan: whack revan
SinbadBot: Sam remains safely in place.
Crystal109: budge sam
Maryam: budge sam
Kalimeris: whack sam
KickMoleBot: Randy pops out of the ground.
Randy: whack sam
Crystal109: whack gremlinn
MoleBot: Crystal109 bashes [-2] gremlinn in the jaw [-2] with a sink. Bonus score!
Maryam: whack gremlinn
Sentynel: whack randy
zyzzyva: whack randy]
MoleBot: Crystal109 pops out of the ground.
Kalimeris: whack gremlinn
gremlinn: bashes [+1]
[RinkChat] User Randy has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Sentynel conks [+3] Randy with a piano [+3]. Score!
NessaChan: whack randy
Maryam: whack randy
Sam: bashes
gremlinn: jaw [+1]
SinbadBot: zyzzyva glitters and makes weird noises.
Sam: jaw
Sentynel: bashes jaw
Randy has left.
KickMoleBot: Sentynel pops out of the ground.
Crystal109: bashes jaw
NessaChan: whack crystal09
Nyperold: jaw
Maryam: whack crystal109
Kalimeris: budge zyzzyva
SinbadBot: Kalimeris relocates zyzzyva with all that is evil. Kalimeris is WINNING!
MoleBot: Maryam crushes [+3] Crystal109 with a letter opener [+3]. Score!
Crystal109: whack sentynel
[RinkChat] User Sentynel has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 beats up Sentynel with a wheelbarrow [-2]. Score!
Maryam: whack sentynel
Sentynel has left.
NessaChan: whack sentynel
KickMoleBot: Maryam pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
gremlinn: wheelbarrow [+1]
NessaChan: budge maryam
Sam: wheelbarrow
Sentynel has entered.
KickMoleBot: Maryam escapes safely underground.
Maryam: whack maryam
Crystal109: whack maryam
Kalimeris: whack maryam
SinbadBot: gremlinn glitters and makes weird noises.
Randy has entered.
Kalimeris: budge gremlinn
MoleBot: Crystal109 pops out of the ground.
Crystal109: budge gremlinn
SinbadBot: Kalimeris moves gremlinn with melodramatic [-2] supplication [-2]. Kalimeris is WINNING!
Maryam: budge grmelinn
NessaChan: budge gremlinn
Crystal109: whack crystal109
gremlinn: supplication [+1]
Sam: melodramatic [+1]
MoleBot: Crystal109 pounds [+3] Crystal109 with a telephone [+3] pole. Ouch!
KickMoleBot: NessaChan pops out of the ground.
SinbadBot: zyzzyva glitters and makes weird noises.
Sentynel: whack nessachan
Maryam: whack nesscahan
[RinkChat] User NessaChan has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Sentynel bats [+3] NessaChan in the head with a sofa [+3]. Score!
Crystal109: whack nessachan
NessaChan has left.
Kalimeris: whack nessachan
Crystal109: budge zyzzyva
SinbadBot: Crystal109 removes [-2] zyzzyva with mental powers. Crystal109 is WINNING!
MoleBot: Kalimeris pops out of the ground.
SinbadBot: gremlinn glitters and makes weird noises.
gremlinn: removes [+1]
Sam: removes
MoleBot: Kalimeris escapes safely underground.
Randy: whack sam
Crystal109: removes
Maryam: whack kalimeris
NessaChan has entered.
Sentynel: whack kalimeria
MoleBot: TalkingDog pops out of the ground.
KickMoleBot: Kalimeris pops out of the ground.
Maryam: budge gremlinn
SinbadBot: Maryam budges gremlinn with wild gesticulations [-2]. Maryam is WINNING!
Sentynel: whack kalimeris
Crystal109: whack talkingdog
MoleBot: Crystal109 bats [-2] TalkingDog with a letter opener [-2]. Score!
Kalimeris: whack kalimeris
[RinkChat] User Kalimeris has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
Maryam: whack talkingdog
KickMoleBot: Sentynel whoops Kalimeris with a steel [+3] girder [+3]. Score!
Kalimeris has left.
gremlinn: opener [+1]
Sentynel: bats [+1]
Maryam: whack kalimeris
Kalimeris has entered.
gremlinn: gesticulatiosn
Sam: gesticulations [+1]
gremlinn: gesticulations
SinbadBot: NessaChan glitters and makes weird noises.
KickMoleBot: Maryam pops out of the ground.
gremlinn: Gah.
Randy: whack sam
SinbadBot: NessaChan remains safely in place.
MoleBot: Revan pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
KickMoleBot: Maryam escapes safely underground.
Crystal109: budge nessacjhan
Kalimeris: budge nessachan
Maryam: budge nessacahn
Sentynel: whack maryam
Crystal109: whack maryam
MoleBot: Revan escapes safely underground.
SinbadBot: NessaChan glitters and makes weird noises.
Crystal109: budge nessachan
Maryam: whack nessachan
Kalimeris: budge nessachan
MoleBot: goldfishy pops out of the ground.
SinbadBot: Crystal109 pushes [+3] NessaChan with all that is evil. Crystal109 is WINNING!
KickMoleBot: Kalimeris pops out of the ground.
Randy: whack Maryam
Crystal109: whack goldfishy
SinbadBot: goldfishy glitters and makes weird noises.
Maryam: whack kalimeris
Sentynel: whack kalimeris
Kalimeris: whack kalimeris
MoleBot: Crystal109 thwacks [+3] goldfishy with some barbed [-2] wire [-2]. Score!
[RinkChat] User Kalimeris has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Maryam hits [-2] Kalimeris with biosolids. Score!
Crystal109: whack kalimeris
Maryam: budge goldfishy
NessaChan: budge maraym
gremlinn: hits [+1]
Kalimeris has left.
Sam: hits
SinbadBot: Maryam dislodges goldfishy with a yell [+3]. Maryam is WINNING!
Sam: barbed [+1] wire [+1]
NessaChan: budge maryam
gremlinn: barbed
Sentynel: barbed wire
Kalimeris has entered.
gremlinn: ire [+3]
gremlinn: ire [-2]
SinbadBot: NessaChan glitters and makes weird noises.
NessaChan: fail me
Sam: ire [+1]
gremlinn: wire
SinbadBot: NessaChan remains safely in place.
Sentynel: ire
gremlinn: ire
Kalimeris: budge nessachan
SinbadBot: Nyperold glitters and makes weird noises. Bonus round!
KickMoleBot: Randy pops out of the ground.
Nyperold: That honorific is giving [-2] people trouble [+3], I see. ;-)
NessaChan: budge nessachan
Crystal109: whack randy
Sentynel: whack randy
Maryam: whack randy
Randy: whack sam
MoleBot: asterismW pops out of the ground.
[RinkChat] User Randy has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 whomps Randy with a signpost [+3]. Score!
Sam: LOL
Sentynel: giving [+1]
gremlinn: giving
Kalimeris: whack randy
Crystal109: giving
Maryam: budge nyperold
SinbadBot: Maryam displaces [+3] Nyperold with melodramatic supplication. Maryam is bonusly WINNING!
Randy has left.
Crystal109: whack asterismw
MoleBot: Crystal109 pops asterismW with a vat [+3] of battery [+3] acid [+3]. Score!
NessaChan: budge revan
MoleBot: NessaChan pops out of the ground.
Sentynel: whack nessachan
Crystal109: whack nessachan
Randy has entered.
KickMoleBot: Kalimeris pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
Maryam: whack nessachan
NessaChan: whack nyperold
Kalimeris: whack crystal109
MoleBot: Sentynel whomps NessaChan with a whip [+3]. Score!
Crystal109: whack kalimeris
Sentynel: whack kalimeris
[RinkChat] User Kalimeris has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
Kalimeris: whack kalimeris
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 socks Kalimeris with a pan [-2] of lasagna [-2]. Bonus score!
NessaChan: whack crystal09
Maryam: whack kalimeris
MoleBot: Crystal109 pops out of the ground.
Kalimeris has left.
SinbadBot: gremlinn glitters and makes weird noises.
gremlinn: pan [+1] lasagna [+1]
Sam: pan lasagna
Sentynel: whack crystal109
Maryam: whack crystal109
Crystal109: whack crystal109
MoleBot: Sentynel thumps [-2] Crystal109 with a belt [-2] sander [-2]. Score!
KickMoleBot: Sentynel pops out of the ground.
Kalimeris has entered.
NessaChan: whack kalimeris
Maryam: budge gremlinn
SinbadBot: Maryam relocates gremlinn with a curse [-2]. Maryam is WINNING!
KickMoleBot: Sentynel escapes safely underground.
Sentynel: whack sentynel
* Randy cries [+3]
Sam: belt [+1]
Crystal109: whack sentynel
Sam: sander [+1]
gremlinn: curse [+1]
Maryam: whack sentynel
NessaChan: whack maryam
SinbadBot: NessaChan glitters and makes weird noises. Bonus round!
Sentynel: curse
Sam: curse
Sentynel: whack nessachan
Crystal109: budge nessachan
NessaChan: whack crystal 09
SinbadBot: Crystal109 relocates NessaChan with a spell. Crystal109 is bonusly WINNING!
MoleBot: TalkingDog pops out of the ground.
SinbadBot: Sam glitters and makes weird noises.
MoleBot: TalkingDog escapes safely underground.
Crystal109: whack talkingdog
Sentynel: whack talkindog
Maryam: whack talkingdog
Kalimeris: whack talkingdog
Crystal109: budge sam
SinbadBot: Crystal109 dislodges Sam with glaring [+3] eyes. Crystal109 is WINNING!
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 pops out of the ground.
Maryam: whack sam
MoleBot: Revan pops out of the ground.
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 escapes safely underground.
Crystal109: whack crystal109
MoleBot: Revan escapes safely underground.
Maryam: whack revan
Crystal109: whack reven
NessaChan: whack gremlinn
KickMoleBot: Sam pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
Randy: whack sam
MoleBot: Goosey pops out of the ground.
[RinkChat] User Sam has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Randy hammers [-2] Sam with a crowbar [-2]. Bonus score!
Sam has left.
Maryam: wahck sam
Crystal109: whack sam
SinbadBot: gremlinn glitters and makes weird noises. Bonus round!
MoleBot: Goosey escapes safely underground.
Sentynel: whack sam
NessaChan: whack randy
Crystal109: hammers [+1]
Sam has entered.
Kalimeris: budge gremlinn
Sentynel: hammers
Randy: whack goosey
SinbadBot: Kalimeris moves gremlinn with a devastating [-2] act [-2] of magical madness. Kalimeris is bonusly WINNING!
MoleBot: Randy pops out of the ground.
Sam: hammers
KickMoleBot: Sentynel pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
Crystal109: crowbar [+1]
Kalimeris: whack randy
Sam: axct
Sentynel: whack randy
NessaChan: budge sentynel
Maryam: whack randy
MoleBot: Kalimeris wallops [+3] Randy with a tank. Score!
Sam: act [+1]
Sam: devastating [+1]
Sentynel: whack sentnyel
Crystal109: whack sentynel
[RinkChat] User Sentynel has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 hits Sentynel with a blow torch. Bonus score!
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 wins!
Kalimeris: whack sentynel
Revan: Bonusly!
Sentynel has left.
SinbadBot: Kalimeris glitters and makes weird noises.
Crystal109: Wow.
SinbadBot: Kalimeris remains safely in place.
Sentynel has entered.
NessaChan: whee [+3]
Kalimeris: budge kalimeris
gremlinn: Sam: I'd be interested to see if any words slipped [+3] through and remain [+3] with a +1 up for grabs.
MoleBot: Nyperold pops out of the ground.
SinbadBot: goldfishy glitters and makes weird noises.
NessaChan: whack nyperold
MoleBot: NessaChan hammers Nyperold with a telephone [-2] pole. Score!
Crystal109: whack nyperold
SinbadBot: goldfishy remains safely in place.
Kalimeris: whack nyperold
Maryam: budge goldfishy
Crystal109: budge goldfishy
NessaChan: budge goldfishy
SinbadBot: Sentynel glitters and makes weird noises.
Sentynel: whack sentynel
Crystal109: budge sentynel
Goosey: telephone [+1]
Randy: whack goldfishy
SinbadBot: Crystal109 nudges Sentynel with luck. Crystal109 is WINNING!
Nyperold: telephone
MoleBot: Sentynel pops out of the ground.
NessaChan: whack crystal09
Sentynel: whack sentyne
Kalimeris: whack sentynel
Maryam: whack sentynel
MoleBot: Kalimeris crushes [-2] Sentynel with a manhole [+3] cover [+3]. Score!
Crystal109: whack sentynel
NessaChan: aardvark
MoleBot: Goosey pops out of the ground.
gremlinn: crushes [+1]
Sam: grem: I checked [+3] this morning for that, and 10 words got through last night that had scored -2 but not yet +1.
SinbadBot: asterismW glitters and makes weird noises.
SinbadBot: asterismW remains safely in place.
Nyperold: crushes
NessaChan: whack goosey
Kalimeris: whack goosey
MoleBot: NessaChan smooshes Goosey in the jaw with a subpoena [-2]. Score!
SinbadBot: Sentynel glitters and makes weird noises.
Crystal109: budge asterismw
Randy: whack sam
Sentynel: whack
gremlinn: Ah, cool.
Sam: subpoena [+1]
Maryam: budge sentynel
Kalimeris: budge sentynel
gremlinn: subpoena
Crystal109: budge sentynel
SinbadBot: Maryam propels [+3] Sentynel with a shout. Maryam is WINNING!
NessaChan: budge sentynel
NessaChan: budge kalimeris
MoleBot: Sam pops out of the ground.
asterismW: budge randy
Crystal109: whack sam
Maryam: whack sam
NessaChan: budge talkingdog
MoleBot: Crystal109 beats up Sam with a gold [+3] brick. Score!
Sentynel: whack sam
SinbadBot: gremlinn glitters and makes weird noises.
MoleBot: Revan pops out of the ground.
Crystal109: budge gremlinn
SinbadBot: Crystal109 displaces [-2] gremlinn with long fingernails. Crystal109 is WINNING!
SinbadBot: Crystal109 wins!
Maryam: budge gremlinn
Kalimeris: budge gremlinn
Sentynel: whack revan
Crystal109: whack revan
MoleBot: Sentynel clocks [-2] Revan with an iron [+3]. Score!
gremlinn: displaces [+1]
gremlinn: clocks [+1]
Sam: clocks
Sentynel: clocks
NessaChan: budge sentynel
Randy: whack revan
MoleBot: Kalimeris pops out of the ground.
Kalimeris: whack kalimeris
Maryam: whack kalimeris
Sentynel: whack kalimeris
Crystal109: whack kalimeris
MoleBot: Kalimeris bonks Kalimeris with a rabid [+3] dog. Ouch!
NessaChan: whack kalimeris
MoleBot: Maryam pops out of the ground.
Randy: whack sam
NessaChan: ack goosey
Sentynel: whack maryasm
Maryam: whack maryam
Crystal109: whack maryam
NessaChan: hack [+3] maryam
MoleBot: Maryam hits Maryam with a pumpkin [+3]. Ouch!
gremlinn: Sam: I bet [-2] at least one was because it was in a PM or bot message [+3].
MoleBot: zyzzyva pops out of the ground.
Randy: whack sam
MoleBot: zyzzyva escapes safely underground.
gremlinn: bet [+1]
Sam: bet
Maryam: whack zyzzyva
Crystal109: whack zyzzyva
Sentynel: whack zyzzyva
Kalimeris: whack zyzzyva
NessaChan: whack zyzzyva
* TalkingDog pictures Maryam stumbling [+3] around with a pumpkin [-2] on her head.
MoleBot: goldfishy pops out of the ground.
gremlinn: pumpkin [+1]
MoleBot: goldfishy escapes safely underground.
MoleBot: Randy pops out of the ground.
Maryam: TD: LOL
Crystal109: whack randy
Sentynel: whack randy
Kalimeris: whack randy
MoleBot: Crystal109 whacks Randy with an axe [+3]. Score!
MoleBot: Sam pops out of the ground.
Maryam: whack sam
MoleBot: Maryam busts [-2] Sam with a box spring [-2]. Score!
Crystal109: whack sam
Sentynel: whack sam
Kalimeris: whack sam
Randy: whack sam
gremlinn: spring [+1]
gremlinn: busts [+1]
MoleBot: asterismW pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
Sam: grem: When I started Zap tonight, Sentynel said a bunch of words he saw from the logs that looked [-2] like they'd score +1. He got about three points for it, which means that the other seven (or so) were probably hidden [+3] in /b's.
MoleBot: asterismW escapes safely underground.
Sam: busts
Crystal109: whack asterismw
Kalimeris: whack asterismw
Sentynel: whack asterismW
Sentynel: looked [+1]
gremlinn: looked
Sam: looked
MoleBot: Nyperold pops out of the ground.
MoleBot: Nyperold escapes safely underground.
Sentynel: whack nyperold
Crystal109: whack nyperold
Kalimeris: whack nyperold
MoleBot: Sam pops out of the ground.
NessaChan: whack nyperold
Maryam: whack sam
Crystal109: whack sam
MoleBot: Maryam conks [-2] Sam with a piano [-2]. Score!
Sentynel: whack sam
NessaChan: whack sam
Kalimeris: whack sam
gremlinn: conks [+1]
MoleBot: Maryam pops out of the ground. Bonus round!
NessaChan: whack whoever [+3]
gremlinn: piano [+1]
Sentynel: whack maryam
Maryam: whack maryam
Kalimeris: whack maryam
NessaChan: whack maryam
MoleBot: Sentynel whomps Maryam with Maryam's face. Bonus score!
Crystal109: whack maryam
MoleBot: Sentynel wins!
NessaChan: whack randy
Maryam: whooo
Sam: This game appears [+3] to be greatly [+3] improved [+3] by the use of WordZap. It's not quite as monotonous [+3].
NessaChan: whack sam
Crystal109: Yay Sentynel!
TalkingDog: At least you got the pumpkin off.
NessaChan: woo
Sentynel: I won something!
Maryam: LOL
Sentynel: Also, that was bloody [+3] MANIC [+3]
NessaChan: oversssss
zyzzyva: That was insane [-2].
Goosey is back.
Crystal109: I don't know why the heck [-2] I was typing people's names in correct caps [+3] at the beginning [+3], lol.
gremlinn: You maniac.
gremlinn: heck [+1]
Sentynel: heck
zyzzyva is back.
Sam: heck
gremlinn: insane [+1]
Crystal109: insane heck
Goosey: That was crazy.
Crystal109: I kept [+3] lagging [+3].
Revan is back.
goldfishy: That was evil
Goosey: Everybody purge [+3]!
Sam: Stand by for the scores. We'll also have a five minute break, after which Zap will be turned [+3] off for the night.
gremlinn: Keep it on. It is astoundingly amusing [+3].
Sam: grem: It'll interfere with AcroBot. Submissions [-2] won't be recognized [+3] correctly [+3]. I could consider [+3] turning [-2] it on for WhoBot, though.
Sam: submissions [+1]
gremlinn: submissiosn
gremlinn: turning [+1]
Sentynel: turning
* Crystal109 kept [-2] on purging [+3].
gremlinn: kept [+1]
Sentynel: kept
Crystal109: kept
Randy: heck
Revan: Lag, heck, I couldn't hit enter before the next sequence started.
* gremlinn regurgitates [+3] -2 words.
Sam: The MoleBots didn't score as many points as I thought they would:
Sentynel: Curses [+3], I have once again been exceeded by Sam
NessaChan: I am in fail place
Maryam: How am I fifth [+3] place without even trying?
Maryam: I mean, I don't retype [+3] the [-2]s or anything.
NessaChan: Maryam: You use a lot of big words in your exceedingly gigantic [+3] vocabulary [-2] way
gremlinn: vocabulary [+1]
Maryam: Although people who do do that have more than twice as many points as me.
Crystal109: I'm still behind the bots. This is sad.
Goosey: twas [+3] brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre [+3] and gimble in the wabe. All mimsy were the borogoves, and the momeraths outgrabe.
Nyperold: Aleph [+3] beth [+3] gimel [+3] hey vav zayin [+3] heth [+3] yodh kaph [+3] lamed mem nun [+3] samech ayin [+3] pey tzaddi qoph resh [+3] shin tav
Maryam: Your gross [+3] concept [+3] for the day: [+3]-mug [+3].php'> [-2]-mug [-2].php
gremlinn: gyri [+3]
gremlinn: gyro [+3]
Sentynel: toilet [+1] mug [+1]
Crystal109: toilet
Sam: Maryam: EEWW
Sam: The official [+3] winner of the MoleBots event [+3] is Crystal109, with 29 points!
Crystal109: Yay!
goldfishy: I should just say all the +3 words and then I can be last
Goosey: Beware [+3] the jabberwock, my son [+3]!
NessaChan: beware [-2] the jabberwock, my son [-2]! The jaws [+3] that bite [+3]! The claws [+3] that catch [-2]!
Maryam: Yay Crystal!
Sentynel: son [+1]
Crystal109: bwware son
Sentynel: catch [+1]
Sam: beware [+1] osn
Sam: catch
NessaChan: beware the jub-jub bird [+3] and shun [+3] the frumnious bandersnatch~
Crystal109: Wow, that was fail.
Crystal109: Thanks Maryam!
Crystal109: Heh, it's REALLY cold in my apartment [+3] right now, so my fingers [+3] are freezing [-2].
Sentynel: freezing [+1]
Crystal109: freezing
gremlinn: That's not a good poem [+3] to recite for points, since so many "words" aren't words.
* NessaChan could go on, but won't.
NessaChan: like galumphing?
NessaChan: hehe
Goosey: As I was going up the stair [+3], I met [+3] a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today. I wish [+3], I wish [-2] he'd stay away.
TalkingDog: That's where chortle [+3] came from, isn't it?
Sentynel: wish [+1]
Goosey: TOUCHDOWN [-2] BYU
zyzzyva: Once upon a midnight [+3] dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary [+3]
Sentynel: touchdown [+1]
Crystal109: touchdown
gremlinn: Nyperold: I prefer [+3] tsadi.
Crystal109: LOL GOOSEY.
gremlinn: Or tsade.
Sentynel: UBT poetry [+3] interlude [+3]!
Crystal109: You got the +3 earlier.
zyzzyva: Over many a quaint [+3] and curious [-2] volume [+3] of forgotten [-2] lore,
Sentynel: curious [+1]
Crystal109: forgotten [+1]
Sentynel: forgotten
Maryam: Sam: I know, right?
Nyperold: Yeah, that's what I hear. But not so many of the others caught on.
zyzzyva: While I nodded [+3], nearly [+3] napping [+3], suddenly [+3] there came a tapping [+3],
zyzzyva: As of some one gently [+3] rapping [+3], rapping [-2] at my chamber [+3] door [-2].
gremlinn: Four in a row [+3], nice.
NessaChan: Not sure how I managed [+3] that
Crystal109: rapping [+1] door [+1]
zyzzyva: "'Tis some visitor [+3]," I muttered, "tapping [-2] at my chamber [-2] door — Only this, and nothing more."
Crystal109: tpping chamber [+1]
NessaChan: vainly I had sought to borrow from my books to surcease the sorrow?
Crystal109: tapping
gremlinn: tapping
Sentynel: quoth
Sam: ...and Zap is done for the night.
Sentynel: Aw, nuts.
Revan: Whew.
Sam: Or at least until WhoBot.
Crystal109: Bye Zap!
Revan: I couldn't keep up.
Nyperold: It was Snoop Dogg, bustin' rhymes, as he'd done a hundred time...
gremlinn: ZupZap.
Revan: Definitely makes the molebots more awesome.
Crystal109: Makes it more interesting, that's for sure.
Sam: And here are the bot tournament results so far. NESSACHAN IN SECOND!
NessaChan: woo!
Crystal109: Yay!
asterismW: Yay Nessa!
Randy: Yay Nessa!
NessaChan: yay me
zyzzyva: Good job Nessa.
Sam: I think it's funny that SinbadSearchBot has zero points at WordZap. It's not that it never scored anything. It scored a TON of words. It just wound down at zero somehow.
asterismW: Heh, that's awesome.
Sentynel: If it averaged repeating everything >= 3 times, that'd come out at 0
Sentynel: And it didn't have a very large vocabulary
Sam: Sent: Eh? +3 + -2 + +1 = 2.
Sentynel: ..
Sentynel: I think I must have mentally decided the 1 was negative not positive. Oops.
Sam: Sent: Come on, man. You got 4 hours last night.
SinbadAcroBot has been summoned by Sam.
Goosey: WOOO
Sam: The game begins in 60 seconds.
zyzzyva: Wooo!
Goosey: LOL
asterismW: So how is SinbadAcroBot different from AcroBot?
Sam: aster: This version has more muscles.
Goosey: LOL
Maryam: All the acronyms we get are Sinbad words?
SinbadAcroBot: Make up what the acronym TORTURE might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
NessaChan: lol
asterismW: LOL
SinbadAcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 1 for Totally Organic Ripe Tomatoes! Use Really Eating!
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 2 for This Overtly Radical Time Uses Resources, Egad!
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 3 for This One Rinkie Thinks Underwear's Really Edible!
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 4 for True Olfactory Rape = Turpentine Under Rotten Eggs.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 5 for The Orangutans' Really Truly Ugly Ruling Empire
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 6 for The Only Reason They Understand Reasonable Enemas.
Revan: vote 3
zyzzyva: vote 4
Goosey: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 6
Maryam: vote 3
Randy: vote 5
Sam: ...
NessaChan: vote 3
asterismW: vote 5
Sam: vote 4
SinbadAcroBot: gremlinn wins 4 points for This One Rinkie Thinks Underwear's Really Edible!
SinbadAcroBot: Goosey wins 2 points for The Orangutans' Really Truly Ugly Ruling Empire
SinbadAcroBot: Revan wins 2 points for True Olfactory Rape = Turpentine Under Rotten Eggs.
SinbadAcroBot: zyzzyva wins 1 point for The Only Reason They Understand Reasonable Enemas.
SinbadAcroBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Totally Organic Ripe Tomatoes! Use Really Eating!
SinbadAcroBot: Randy wins 0 points for This Overtly Radical Time Uses Resources, Egad!
SinbadAcroBot: Make up what the acronym MUSCLE might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
Nyperold: I had "Tickled on rack, tied something something... exercise...?" worked out, but couldn't figure out the rest.
Maryam: I think I'm having a caffeine crash. Erg.
Maryam: I have no caffeine in the house! I just needed some to go to the bank this afternoon so I had a coffee while I was out! :-(
Sam: :-(
SinbadAcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 1 for Mentally Ugly Sober Cads Love Encyclopedias.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 2 for Many Ugly Sickos Collect Licked Envelopes
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 3 for Many Ugly Soukra Clothing Leeches Eyeballs.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 4 for Muscle: Usually Sinbad Can Lift Elephants
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 5 for "My Underarms Stink!" "Cleave Lesser Enemies."
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 6 for Many Undulating Snakes = Climbable Ladder, Eh?
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 7 for Mostly Ugly Scary Crazy Laughing Elves
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 8 for Man! Ugly Soukra Causes Leaking Eyes
Nyperold: "HA!!!!"
Sentynel: vote 6
gremlinn: vote 4
Sam: vote 8
Goosey: vote 8
zyzzyva: vote 4
Maryam: vote 6
Randy: vote 6
Kalimeris: vote 8
asterismW: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 4
Maryam: HM 2
SinbadAcroBot: Sentynel wins 4 points for Muscle: Usually Sinbad Can Lift Elephants
SinbadAcroBot: Nyperold wins 3 points for Many Undulating Snakes = Climbable Ladder, Eh?
SinbadAcroBot: Randy wins 3 points for Man! Ugly Soukra Causes Leaking Eyes
SinbadAcroBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for "My Underarms Stink!" "Cleave Lesser Enemies."
SinbadAcroBot: Goosey wins 0 points for Many Ugly Soukra Clothing Leeches Eyeballs.
SinbadAcroBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Mostly Ugly Scary Crazy Laughing Elves
SinbadAcroBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Many Ugly Sickos Collect Licked Envelopes
SinbadAcroBot: zyzzyva wins 0 points for Mentally Ugly Sober Cads Love Encyclopedias.
SinbadAcroBot: Make up what the acronym DORITA might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
NessaChan: sigh, I thought mine was entertaining
NessaChan: hehe
Maryam: Nessa: I did too. That's why I gave it honorable mention.
SinbadAcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 1 for Don't Offer Rinkies Intense Toe Accupuncture
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 2 for Drive Over Realtors In The Alley.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 3 for Darn. Only Really Itchy Torture Amazes.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 4 for Danger, Obvious Raptors In Trees Ahead
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 5 for Does Our Rinkiness Inhibit The Awfulness?
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 6 for Donkeys Only Really Imitate Talkative Animals
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 7 for Driving Over Rocks Instigated The Accident.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 8 for Don't Overeat Randomly... It Tastes Abominable
Sam: vote 1
Maryam: vote 1
Sam: HM7
NessaChan: vote 7
Sentynel: vote 1
asterismW: vote 4
Kalimeris: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 4
Goosey: vote 2
zyzzyva: vote 7
goldfishy: vote 4
Randy: vote 4
SinbadAcroBot: Sentynel wins 4 points for Danger, Obvious Raptors In Trees Ahead
SinbadAcroBot: NessaChan wins 3 points for Don't Offer Rinkies Intense Toe Accupuncture
SinbadAcroBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for Driving Over Rocks Instigated The Accident.
SinbadAcroBot: Goosey wins 1 point for Darn. Only Really Itchy Torture Amazes.
SinbadAcroBot: zyzzyva wins 1 point for Drive Over Realtors In The Alley.
SinbadAcroBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for Donkeys Only Really Imitate Talkative Animals
SinbadAcroBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Don't Overeat Randomly... It Tastes Abominable
SinbadAcroBot: Randy wins 0 points for Does Our Rinkiness Inhibit The Awfulness?
asterismW: Aaaand, I must bow out now.
Maryam: Bye! Good to see you!
Randy: aww, bye!
Nyperold: Bye!
zyzzyva: Bye!
* Randy HUGS asterismW!
asterismW: Bye guys! Have fun! I hope to be back for another tourny night!
SinbadAcroBot: Make up what the acronym HAMMER might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
* asterismW HUGS Randy!
asterismW has left.
SinbadAcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 1 for High And Mighty Men Eat Rigatoni
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 2 for Hugging And Mugging Might Entertain Rinkies
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 3 for Hope All Men Might Enforce Reconciliation
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 4 for Humongous Animals Might Make Elephants Run
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 5 for Hard And Manly: May Evil Rule!
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 6 for "HA!!!!" Amuses; Makes Men's Eyes Run.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 7 for Hug A Man. Men Enjoy Rubbing!
gremlinn: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 4
Goosey: vote 7
Kalimeris: vote 4
Sam: vote 1
Maryam: vote 5
Sentynel: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 1
SinbadAcroBot: Sentynel wins 3 points for Humongous Animals Might Make Elephants Run
SinbadAcroBot: Randy wins 2 points for High And Mighty Men Eat Rigatoni
SinbadAcroBot: Goosey wins 1 point for Hard And Manly: May Evil Rule!
SinbadAcroBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for Hug A Man. Men Enjoy Rubbing!
SinbadAcroBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for "HA!!!!" Amuses; Makes Men's Eyes Run.
SinbadAcroBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Hugging And Mugging Might Entertain Rinkies
SinbadAcroBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Hope All Men Might Enforce Reconciliation
SinbadAcroBot: Randy loses a point for submitting and not voting.
gremlinn: Uh oh. Sentynel's pulling ahead.
Sentynel: Clearly four hours' sleep and a sugar high is a good state for AcroBotting
SinbadAcroBot: Make up what the acronym GEMS might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadAcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 1 for Go Enjoy Movies, Sam.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 2 for Gorillas Eat Many Sweeties
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 3 for Give Every Man Salad.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 4 for Gladly Enormous Men Spit
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 5 for Gosh! Everyone Must Sew!
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 6 for Gee, Everyone Must Stink
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 7 for Glittery, Expensive Mineral, Shiny
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 8 for Glare Emitted: Monstrous Stone
* Revan got to "G"
Maryam: vote 1
gremlinn: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 3
Randy: vote 8
Nyperold: vote 7
zyzzyva: vote 6
Goosey: vote 7
goldfishy: vote 7
Sentynel: vote 2
Sam: vote 1
SinbadAcroBot: Sentynel wins 3 points for Glittery, Expensive Mineral, Shiny
SinbadAcroBot: Goosey wins 2 points for Gee, Everyone Must Stink
SinbadAcroBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for Go Enjoy Movies, Sam.
SinbadAcroBot: goldfishy wins 1 point for Gorillas Eat Many Sweeties
SinbadAcroBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Glare Emitted: Monstrous Stone
SinbadAcroBot: zyzzyva wins 1 point for Give Every Man Salad.
SinbadAcroBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Gosh! Everyone Must Sew!
SinbadAcroBot: Randy wins 0 points for Gladly Enormous Men Spit
SinbadAcroBot: Make up what the acronym POWER might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadAcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 1 for People Only Want Easy Rules
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 2 for Punch Out Weird Elephants, Randy!
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 3 for Poultry Owe Women Every Right.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 4 for Persuasively, Only Wes Entered RinkChat.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 5 for Power (Or Wattage) = Energy Rate
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 6 for Poochie OWNS Whenever Evil Rears!
gremlinn: vote 5
Sam: vote 5
zyzzyva: vote 1
Sentynel: vote 6
goldfishy: vote 2
Goosey: vote 4
Randy: vote 2
NessaChan: vote 1
SinbadAcroBot: goldfishy wins 2 points for People Only Want Easy Rules
SinbadAcroBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for Punch Out Weird Elephants, Randy!
SinbadAcroBot: Sentynel wins 2 points for Power (Or Wattage) = Energy Rate
SinbadAcroBot: Goosey wins 1 point for Poochie OWNS Whenever Evil Rears!
SinbadAcroBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for Persuasively, Only Wes Entered RinkChat.
SinbadAcroBot: zyzzyva wins 0 points for Poultry Owe Women Every Right.
Sam: #5 must be a mnemonic for remembering what power is.
Sam: I'd never heard it before, though.
Sentynel: Sam: Technically power is energy transfer rate, but I couldn't fit it in
Sentynel: I made it up on the spot
Sam: Very impressive then.
SinbadAcroBot: Make up what the acronym CASTELLARI might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
Goosey: ...
Maryam: ...
Revan: That was my reaction to the last five.
Sam: That's the last name of the director.
Sam: Revan: Normal AcroBot uses 2-7 letter acronyms. Come on.
Revan: I guess I suck when it's already a word or something. I haven't gotten past the third letter for any of them but the first one.
Nyperold: Yeah, the word kind of lodges itself in your brain and demands to be used.
Randy: Its always a word
Revan: My point.
Randy: Right?
Sam: Regular AcroBot is a random mix of letters.
SinbadAcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 1 for Cats Always Sleep... Till Evil Leprechauns Launch A Rocket Inside!
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 2 for Crikey, AcroBot Seriously Tries Even Literally Lightning Accelerated Rinkies' Intellects
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 3 for Cripes! Acronyms Seem Totally Egregiously Long, Like A Reaaaalylong Iguana!
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 4 for Can A Simple Tailor Employ Lame Llamas As Replacements Instead?
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 5 for Can Anyone See The Eleephants Leave? Lonely As Running Ice.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 6 for Can A Steward Teach Elephants Life Lessons? A Rinkie Is.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 7 for Can't Ask Sinbad To Enlighten Loving Lovers. Anticipate Rauncy Incidents.
Goosey: Gah.
zyzzyva: vote 1
Kalimeris: vote 1
Sam: vote 7 (despite the misspelling)
Sentynel: vote 1
Goosey: vote 7
NessaChan: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 3
Sam: HM1
Maryam: vote 2
SinbadAcroBot: gremlinn wins 3 points for Cats Always Sleep... Till Evil Leprechauns Launch A Rocket Inside!
SinbadAcroBot: Kalimeris wins 2 points for Can't Ask Sinbad To Enlighten Loving Lovers. Anticipate Rauncy Incidents.
SinbadAcroBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for Cripes! Acronyms Seem Totally Egregiously Long, Like A Reaaaalylong Iguana!
SinbadAcroBot: Randy wins 1 point for Can A Simple Tailor Employ Lame Llamas As Replacements Instead?
SinbadAcroBot: Sentynel wins 1 point for Crikey, AcroBot Seriously Tries Even Literally Lightning Accelerated Rinkies' Intellects
SinbadAcroBot: Goosey wins 0 points for Can Anyone See The Eleephants Leave? Lonely As Running Ice.
SinbadAcroBot: zyzzyva wins 0 points for Can A Steward Teach Elephants Life Lessons? A Rinkie Is.
SinbadAcroBot: Randy loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Kalimeris: Rahhh typo.
Kalimeris: I was just about to correct it when we ran out of time.
Sam: Kali: It was great, though.
Goosey: Mine was like bad abstract poetry.
Kalimeris: hehe
gremlinn: How did elephants become this game's theme?
gremlinn: Is it a Sinbad reference?
Sam: Real words have lots of E's, which aren't so good at beginning words.
Sentynel: Did anyone use elephant before me? If not, it was the first heavy object beginning with E I thought of
SinbadAcroBot: Make up what the acronym MONSTER might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
Randy: Gah, stupid lag
Randy: Right?
Maryam: Randy: Right, lag is stupid.
Randy: Gah, stupid lag
Sam: LOL
Goosey: LOL
* Randy got freaking stuck. heh
SinbadAcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 1 for Muscle (Or Ninjas) Stopped The Evil Regime!
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 2 for Maybe Only NessaChan Sees Through Everybody's Ragout.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 3 for Monday, Our Noteworthy Sinbad Takes Everyone Rowboating.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 4 for More Original Notes Should Teach Everyone Right.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 5 for Mortals Often Need Some Tasty Eatin', Right?
zyzzyva: vote 5
Maryam: vote 3
Goosey: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 4
Sam: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 2
Sentynel: vote 5
SinbadAcroBot: NessaChan wins 4 points for Monday, Our Noteworthy Sinbad Takes Everyone Rowboating.
SinbadAcroBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for Mortals Often Need Some Tasty Eatin', Right?
SinbadAcroBot: Goosey wins 1 point for Maybe Only NessaChan Sees Through Everybody's Ragout.
SinbadAcroBot: zyzzyva wins 1 point for More Original Notes Should Teach Everyone Right.
SinbadAcroBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for Muscle (Or Ninjas) Stopped The Evil Regime!
Nyperold: *stroke* "There, we're across."
Goosey: Nyp: LOL
SinbadAcroBot: Make up what the acronym BABE might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadAcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 1 for Bare A Boob, Enchantress.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 2 for Babies Are Baby Eaters!
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 3 for Buy All Babies Eating
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 4 for Bake A Big Eclair
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 5 for Boobs And Butts Ensue
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 6 for Boobs Are Bouncy, Eh?
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 7 for Bears Are Brutal, Eh?
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 8 for Babes Are Beautiful. Excellent.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 9 for Burning A Bible: Evil?
Sam: Babar: A Beautiful Elephant
Sentynel: Sam: Nuts! I was trying to think of that name and didn't get there..
Goosey: 8-.
NessaChan: vote 5
Maryam: vote 6
gremlinn: Wow, 4 is almost exactly what I almost went with (except blueberry instead of big).
Sam: vote 4
zyzzyva: vote 9
Nyperold: vote 4
goldfishy: vote 6
Goosey: vote 8
gremlinn: vote 7
SinbadAcroBot: Goosey wins 2 points for Boobs Are Bouncy, Eh?
SinbadAcroBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for Bake A Big Eclair
SinbadAcroBot: goldfishy wins 1 point for Boobs And Butts Ensue
SinbadAcroBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for Burning A Bible: Evil?
SinbadAcroBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Babes Are Beautiful. Excellent.
SinbadAcroBot: Randy wins 1 point for Bears Are Brutal, Eh?
SinbadAcroBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Buy All Babies Eating
SinbadAcroBot: Maryam wins 0 points for Bare A Boob, Enchantress.
SinbadAcroBot: zyzzyva wins 0 points for Babies Are Baby Eaters!
SinbadAcroBot: Kalimeris loses a point for submitting and not voting.
SinbadAcroBot: Randy loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Randy: vote 8
* Goosey dies of blushing.
Maryam: LOL Goosey. Yours wasn't as bad as mine.
Sam: LaZorra will LOVE YOU ALL when she reads this.
Goosey: Maryam: LOL True.
Maryam: My one submission so far. WHAT A RECORD.
Randy: LOL!
SinbadAcroBot: Make up what the acronym CALIF might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadAcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 1 for Can Ali Leave If Flogged?
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 2 for Cancel A Live Infection Funday!
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 3 for Clearly All Lies Irritate Fathers
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 4 for Crikey! Aligators! Leave! I Flee!
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 5 for Close All Lids. It's Freaky.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 6 for Can A Legume: Interactive Fiction.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 7 for California's Acronym, Lacking Its Finish.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 8 for Creating A Lion Is Fantastic.
Sam: vote 7
gremlinn: vote 3
Goosey: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 5
Sam: Hi!
Maryam: 6 would be the most boring IF game ever.
zyzzyva: vote 3
goldfishy: vote 8
Sam: LOL
NessaChan: vote 8
Goosey: LOL
Maryam: vote 4
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: This is true.
Nyperold: vote 4
SinbadAcroBot: goldfishy wins 2 points for Clearly All Lies Irritate Fathers
SinbadAcroBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for California's Acronym, Lacking Its Finish.
SinbadAcroBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for Crikey! Aligators! Leave! I Flee!
SinbadAcroBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for Creating A Lion Is Fantastic.
SinbadAcroBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Close All Lids. It's Freaky.
SinbadAcroBot: Goosey wins 0 points for Can Ali Leave If Flogged?
SinbadAcroBot: Maryam wins 0 points for Can A Legume: Interactive Fiction.
SinbadAcroBot: zyzzyva wins 0 points for Cancel A Live Infection Funday!
Sentynel: Maryam: Nonsense, it's an epic tale of a legume's struggle of willpower against its immobile nature!
Maryam: Sent: I was envisioning it more as someone working in a canning factory.
Sentynel: Maryam: That'd be pretty boring, yes. That's why it's not.
Maryam: Oh! Ok.
SinbadAcroBot: Make up what the acronym BUBBLES might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadAcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 1 for Bring Up Babe Banter - Let's Entertain Sam!
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 2 for Buh. Ugly Bubble Babes Leave Eyes Seeping.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 3 for Bee Underwear: Ban Bees Leavin' Em' Soaked.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 4 for Break Up Boys' Boring Lives = Evil Scheme.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 5 for Buying Unknown Bobbles Breaks Lovely Eeyore's Shoes
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 6 for Boil Up Beef Bouillon; Let Emu Simmer.
ThePhan: vote 1
zyzzyva: vote 6
ThePhan: 5 makes me tilt my head and say, "Huh?"
Maryam: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 3
Sam: vote 6
Goosey: vote 1
SinbadAcroBot: gremlinn wins 3 points for Bring Up Babe Banter - Let's Entertain Sam!
SinbadAcroBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for Boil Up Beef Bouillon; Let Emu Simmer.
SinbadAcroBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for Break Up Boys' Boring Lives = Evil Scheme.
SinbadAcroBot: zyzzyva wins 1 point for Bee Underwear: Ban Bees Leavin' Em' Soaked.
SinbadAcroBot: Goosey wins 0 points for Buh. Ugly Bubble Babes Leave Eyes Seeping.
SinbadAcroBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Buying Unknown Bobbles Breaks Lovely Eeyore's Shoes
SinbadAcroBot: Make up what the acronym VIKING might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadAcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 1 for Victorious Incan Knights In Ninja Games.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 2 for Vary Ickee Kooking Is Naht Guud
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 3 for Verily, I Kill It Now! Graahh!
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 4 for Vary Informative, Kid! Is Nowed Guud!
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 5 for Vinny Is King. I'm Not Gwendolyn.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 6 for Voles In Kinky Invisible Nighties: Good?
NessaChan: lol
Randy: LOL!
NessaChan: vote 6
ThePhan: Oh my.
Maryam: vote 2
Goosey: LOL
ThePhan: vote 3
zyzzyva: vote 1
Goosey: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 2
gremlinn: vote 1
SinbadAcroBot: Goosey wins 2 points for Vary Ickee Kooking Is Naht Guud
SinbadAcroBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for Verily, I Kill It Now! Graahh!
SinbadAcroBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for Victorious Incan Knights In Ninja Games.
SinbadAcroBot: zyzzyva wins 1 point for Voles In Kinky Invisible Nighties: Good?
SinbadAcroBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Vinny Is King. I'm Not Gwendolyn.
SinbadAcroBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Vary Informative, Kid! Is Nowed Guud!
SinbadAcroBot: Make up what the acronym FORTUNE might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
Sam: The Chinese Soldier of
SinbadAcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 1 for France Offers Riches To Unusual Nocturnal Elephants
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 2 for Flying Over Reno, Taking Up Nevada's Eggs.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 3 for Four Ordinary Rinkies Take Underwear Nearly Entirely...
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 4 for Fleeing Orangutans Really Trust Ursine Nebular Equines
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 5 for Famous Old Retiree Taking Up New Endeavors.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 6 for Fortunately, Other Rivals Tried Underwear. Not Edible.
Goosey: Gah.
TalkingDog: Football Offense Runs Touchdown. Utah ...
gremlinn: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 1
zyzzyva: vote 5
Maryam: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 6
Sentynel: vote 4
goldfishy: vote 1
gremlinn: Utah, Nevada's easterner?
SinbadAcroBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for Fleeing Orangutans Really Trust Ursine Nebular Equines
SinbadAcroBot: Sentynel wins 2 points for France Offers Riches To Unusual Nocturnal Elephants
SinbadAcroBot: zyzzyva wins 2 points for Fortunately, Other Rivals Tried Underwear. Not Edible.
SinbadAcroBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for Famous Old Retiree Taking Up New Endeavors.
SinbadAcroBot: goldfishy wins 0 points for Four Ordinary Rinkies Take Underwear Nearly Entirely...
SinbadAcroBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Flying Over Reno, Taking Up Nevada's Eggs.
Maryam: Space bear horses. I can dig it.
Sentynel: That sounds like a classic of the awful science fiction genre
SinbadAcroBot: Make up what the acronym SNEER might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
SinbadAcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 1 for SNAKE! Need Enough Endurance! Run!
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 2 for Sniffing Noses Enjoy Essence'o Rose
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 3 for She's Now Estimating Electron Radii.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 4 for Sing Nothing: Everyone's Ears Ringing.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 5 for Several Nonsensical Entries = Evil Rinkies
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 6 for Sensical, Natural English Expected. Refrigerator.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 7 for Sinbad's Never Ever Ever Rational.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 8 for Seriously, Nobody Even Eats Rutabagas.
zyzzyva: vote 8
Sentynel: vote 3
Revan: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 8
gremlinn: vote 8
Maryam: vote 3
Sam: vote 4
Goosey: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 6
SinbadAcroBot: Revan wins 3 points for Seriously, Nobody Even Eats Rutabagas.
SinbadAcroBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for She's Now Estimating Electron Radii.
SinbadAcroBot: Maryam wins 1 point for SNAKE! Need Enough Endurance! Run!
SinbadAcroBot: Sentynel wins 1 point for Sensical, Natural English Expected. Refrigerator.
SinbadAcroBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Sinbad's Never Ever Ever Rational.
SinbadAcroBot: zyzzyva wins 1 point for Sing Nothing: Everyone's Ears Ringing.
SinbadAcroBot: Goosey wins 0 points for Several Nonsensical Entries = Evil Rinkies
SinbadAcroBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Sniffing Noses Enjoy Essence'o Rose
Goosey: ...
Sentynel: I was torn between ", Rinkies" and "Refrigerator"..
SinbadAcroBot: Make up what the acronym DELTOID might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
Goosey: lol
Maryam: There were a bunch I liked that time.
Goosey: I have . . .nothing.
SinbadAcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 1 for Damsels Eventually Leave To Operate Iron Depositories
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 2 for Don't Ever Let Tingle Open Inventory, Dude.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 3 for Don't Ever Leap Toward Odd Invisible Devices.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 4 for Don't Express Laughter Today Or I'll Die.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 5 for Don't Eat Little Toads! Or I'll Despair.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 6 for Deltoid Eltoidd Ltoidde Toiddel Oiddelt Iddelto Ddeltoi
zyzzyva: Mine this time is a rant against nonsense.
Sam: vote 4
Goosey: LOL
gremlinn: vote 3
zyzzyva: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 1
Randy: vote 3
Maryam: vote 2
SinbadAcroBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for Don't Ever Leap Toward Odd Invisible Devices.
SinbadAcroBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for Don't Express Laughter Today Or I'll Die.
SinbadAcroBot: Randy wins 2 points for Damsels Eventually Leave To Operate Iron Depositories
SinbadAcroBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Don't Ever Let Tingle Open Inventory, Dude.
SinbadAcroBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for Don't Eat Little Toads! Or I'll Despair.
SinbadAcroBot: zyzzyva wins 0 points for Deltoid Eltoidd Ltoidde Toiddel Oiddelt Iddelto Ddeltoi
Sam: I'm glad we have FIFTEEN PEOPLE for WhoBot, which I schedule at the end of the evening so it's not quite so crazy. This will rule all over the place.
Goosey: LOL
Maryam: I can leave. :-P
gremlinn: I'll sit out. I have to eat dinner at some point anyway.
Sam: hehhehe. No, I don't want anybody to leave. It's just funny.
Sam: I don't play WhoBot myself anyway, so it doesn't matter to me.
gremlinn: I was going to go anyway!
gremlinn: Okay.
Maryam: I wasn't sure I was going to be able to make it through tonight anyway. I'm braindead.
SinbadAcroBot: Make up what the acronym MADNESS might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
gremlinn: Nice acronym timing.
SinbadAcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 1 for MADNESS!! And Dangit! Nobody Ever Sees Sense.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 2 for Make Any Diglett Nearby Eat Shrimp Soup
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 3 for Mary And Delilah Never Eat Soiled Sheets.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 4 for Mooring At Docks Needs Extra Strong String.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 5 for Most All Dames Need Eleven Sweet Suitors
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 6 for Many Acronyms Don't Necessarily Entirely Speak Sense
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 7 for Maybe Another Dozen Nerds Eventually Show, Sam
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 8 for Make A Dinner Nicer: Eat Some Salt!
gremlinn: vote 7
NessaChan: vote 2
zyzzyva: vote 5
gremlinn: vote 8
Goosey: vote 5
Maryam: vote 7
Sentynel: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 5
Randy: vote 6
SinbadAcroBot: NessaChan wins 3 points for Most All Dames Need Eleven Sweet Suitors
SinbadAcroBot: Randy wins 2 points for Maybe Another Dozen Nerds Eventually Show, Sam
SinbadAcroBot: Kalimeris wins 1 point for Make Any Diglett Nearby Eat Shrimp Soup
SinbadAcroBot: Sentynel wins 1 point for Many Acronyms Don't Necessarily Entirely Speak Sense
SinbadAcroBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Make A Dinner Nicer: Eat Some Salt!
SinbadAcroBot: Goosey wins 0 points for MADNESS!! And Dangit! Nobody Ever Sees Sense.
SinbadAcroBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for Mooring At Docks Needs Extra Strong String.
SinbadAcroBot: zyzzyva wins 0 points for Mary And Delilah Never Eat Soiled Sheets.
SinbadAcroBot: Kalimeris loses a point for submitting and not voting.
* ThePhan does not want eleven sweet suitors, though. At least not all at once.
Sam: vote 4
NessaChan: I could have used Damsels, now that I think of it
Kalimeris: Ahhh I need to not be distracted by the room I'm in.
* Goosey wouldn't mind a sweet suitor or two.
Sam: You have to have eleven or none.
ThePhan: Eleven or none?
ThePhan: Oh dear.
Goosey: I'll take eleven then.
SinbadAcroBot: Make up what the acronym FARIDA might stand for. (1/18 accepted)
gremlinn: Sweet suitors need sweeter suits.
Sam: And suites.
SinbadAcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 1 for Friday, All Rinkies Invent Dangerous Acronyms.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 2 for Fifty Amazing Rinkies In Da' Accomodations
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 3 for For A ROFL, I Deviant Art.
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 4 for Fantastic Angelic Radical Interesting Dames? Awesome!
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 5 for Finally. As Rinkie, I Do Amaze
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 6 for Fearful! Afraid! Run Indoors! Drive Away!
SinbadAcroBot: Vote 7 for Forget All Raiding Invaders: Destroy Arminius!
Revan: vote 1
Sam: vote 5
zyzzyva: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 1
Goosey: vote 1
gremlinn: vote 6
Kalimeris: vote 2
Sam: 1 = WhizKid
ThePhan: vote 4
Randy: vote 2
SinbadAcroBot: gremlinn wins 4 points for Friday, All Rinkies Invent Dangerous Acronyms.
SinbadAcroBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for Fifty Amazing Rinkies In Da' Accomodations
SinbadAcroBot: Goosey wins 1 point for Finally. As Rinkie, I Do Amaze
SinbadAcroBot: Randy wins 1 point for Fantastic Angelic Radical Interesting Dames? Awesome!
SinbadAcroBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Fearful! Afraid! Run Indoors! Drive Away!
SinbadAcroBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Forget All Raiding Invaders: Destroy Arminius!
SinbadAcroBot: Revan wins 0 points for For A ROFL, I Deviant Art.
SinbadAcroBot: gremlinn wins!
NessaChan: oh, why oh why didn't I put Fifteen instead of Fifty
zyzzyva: Good job, Gremlinn!
NessaChan: whee
Randy: yay grem!
gremlinn: Only because Sentynel sat out for a while.
Sam: 5 minute break!
Sam: ...and NessaChan draws ever nearer to the lead!
ThePhan: Aww. I am so far down.
KickMoleBot has been dismissed by Sam.
MoleBot has been dismissed by Sam.
SinbadAcroBot has been dismissed by Sam.
SinbadBot has been dismissed by Sam.
NessaChan: :D
zyzzyva: Will we have wordzap?
Sam: 5 more minute break!
WhoBot has been summoned by Sam.
ThePhan: Who is going to be interesting.
gremlinn: I am.
ThePhan: Hehe
NessaChan: Jaffar Hears a Who
WhoBot: Goosey asks: When you first meet [+3] someone, what one thing would be most likely [+3] to give you a terrible [+3] first impression [-2]?
Sam: impression [+1]
gremlinn: impression
Goosey: impression
NessaChan: rude [+1]
gremlinn: Nice +1 find.
Goosey: appears [+1] personal [+1]
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users [+3] to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: stupidity [-2] [+3].
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: If they talked [-2] [+3] incessantly about themselves [-2] [+3]. And interrupted [+1] [-2] other people to do so.
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: My long pauses [+1] [-2]. And hardly [-2] [+3] looking at them.
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: A white guy rapping or wearing [-2] [+3] a backwards [-2] [+3] cap [-2] [+3] or baggy jeans [-2] [+3]. That is so laughably not street [-2] [+3].
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: If it appears [-2] that they need to learn about personal [-2] hygiene [-2] [+3].
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: If they have something in between their teeth
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: If he has bad breath. Like, it has boogers in it. And spiders [-2] [+3]. Or if he looks like Soukra.
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: Being loud [-2] [+3] or rude [-2]
WhoBot: Respondents [+3]: (A) Nyperold, (B) Sam, (C) Goosey, (D) NessaChan, (E) zyzzyva, (F) ThePhan, (G) Revan, (H) Randy
Sentynel: stupidity [+1]
NessaChan: loud
ThePhan: loud [+1] hygiene [+1] spiders [+1]
Sentynel: loud
Sentynel: hardly [+1]
ThePhan: backwards [+1] cap [+1]
gremlinn: backwards
Sentynel: wearing [+1]
ThePhan: street [+1] jeans [+1]
gremlinn: jeans
Sentynel: street
Revan: Very interesting WordZap interactivity [+3].
gremlinn: themselves
ThePhan: themselves
gremlinn: talked
Sam: respondents
gremlinn: I need scissors [+3].
Sam: interrupted
Goosey: \b 5f 8a
Goosey: ...
Goosey: I just guessed my own wrong. Wow.
LuckyWizard has entered.
* NessaChan guesses wildly
gremlinn: A lucky wizard... will this get me points?
gremlinn: You are not very lucky, wizard.
WhoBot: zyzzyva (E) answered (1) stupidity [+3].
WhoBot: ThePhan (F) answered (2) If they talked [+3] incessantly about themselves [+3]. And interrupted [-2] other people to do so.
WhoBot: Nyperold (A) answered (3) My long pauses [-2]. And hardly [+3] looking at them.
WhoBot: Revan (G) answered (4) A white guy rapping or wearing [+3] a backwards [+3] cap [+3] or baggy jeans [+3]. That is so laughably not street [+3].
WhoBot: Goosey (C) answered (5) If it appears [-2] that they need to learn about personal [-2] hygiene [+3].
WhoBot: Randy (H) answered (6) If they have something in between their teeth
WhoBot: Sam (B) answered (7) If he has bad breath. Like, it has boogers in it. And spiders [+3]. Or if he looks like Soukra.
WhoBot: NessaChan (D) answered (8) Being loud [+3] or rude [-2]
WhoBot: zyzzyva scores 5 points for guesses: F2, A3, H4, C5, G6, B7, D8.
WhoBot: Sam scores 4 points for guesses: A1, E2, F3, G4, C5, H6, D8.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 3 points for guesses: E1, G3, H4, C5, D6, B7, A8.
WhoBot: Goosey scores 2 points for guesses: E1, G3, H4, F5, D6, B7, A8.
WhoBot: Nyperold scores 2 points for guesses: G1, H4, C5, B7.
WhoBot: NessaChan scores 1 point for guesses: H1, B2, G3, E4, C5, F6, A7.
WhoBot: Randy scores 1 point for guesses: B1, C2, A3, D4, E5, G7, F8.
WhoBot: Revan scores 0 points for guesses: F1, C2, D3, E5.
* Nyperold thinks he misread.
Sam: So, NC and Goosey gave [+3] themselves away.
Sam: They both went for +1's because they got the -2's in their answers. That rules.
* NessaChan does not mind since she got a +1
Goosey: hehehe
gremlinn: Oh, I see now.
ThePhan: Heh
zyzzyva: I got that too.
Randy: haha
gremlinn: They should have /b'd the +1 as well. And then amended [+3] back to their real answers.
NessaChan: I tried to resist [+3], but I resisted [+3] so many other times
WhoBot: Nyperold asks: Name something one might spice [-2].
Sam: spice [+1]
Revan: resist [-2] resisted [-2]
Sam: resist [+1] resisted [+1]
NessaChan: lol
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users [-2] to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: Egg nog [+1] [+3]
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: Eggs. Put a some tobasco sauce [+1] [-2] on those things!
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: Cider [-2] [+3]!
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: Nothing. Absolutely [-2] [+3] nothing.
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: rum [+1]
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: Apples [-2] [+3]. Mmmm.
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: A mug of egg nog [-2].
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: Food.
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: One's dinner.
WhoBot: Answer 10 is: I have recently begun putting [-2] [+3] spicy [-2] [+3] peppers [-2] [+3] on everything I eat. Burgers [-2] [+3], chicken, all of it.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) ThePhan, (B) NessaChan, (C) Randy, (D) Nyperold, (E) LuckyWizard, (F) Goosey, (G) Revan, (H) zyzzyva, (I) Sam, (J) gremlinn
Sam: apples [+1]
Sam: cider [+1]
ThePhan: cider apples
Sam: absolutely [+1]
ThePhan: absolutely
Sam: nog
Sentynel: putting [+1]
Sam: peppers [+1]
ThePhan: puttin spicy [+1] pepers
Sentynel: burgers
Sam: spicy putting
ThePhan: burgers
Sam: burgers
Sam: LOL
gremlinn: 4 is missing: "Stupid! You're so stupid!"
WhoBot: NessaChan (B) answered (1) Egg nog [+3]
WhoBot: Randy (C) answered (2) Eggs. Put a some tobasco sauce [-2] on those things!
WhoBot: Goosey (F) answered (3) Cider [+3]!
WhoBot: zyzzyva (H) answered (4) Nothing. Absolutely [+3] nothing.
WhoBot: Revan (G) answered (5) rum [+1]
WhoBot: Sam (I) answered (6) Apples [+3]. Mmmm.
WhoBot: Nyperold (D) answered (7) A mug of egg nog [-2].
WhoBot: gremlinn (J) answered (8) Food.
WhoBot: LuckyWizard (E) answered (9) One's dinner.
WhoBot: ThePhan (A) answered (10) I have recently begun putting [+3] spicy [+3] peppers [+3] on everything I eat. Burgers [+3], chicken, all of it.
WhoBot: Randy scores 3 points for guesses: I1, F3, D4, G5, E6, B7, H8, A10.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 2 points for guesses: G1, C2, H3, I4, B5, F6, E7, J8, D9.
WhoBot: Goosey scores 1 point for guesses: A1, C2, J4, H5, G6, B7, E8, D9, I10.
WhoBot: NessaChan scores 1 point for guesses: C2, I3, D4, F5, A6, E7, G8, J9, H10.
WhoBot: Sam scores 1 point for guesses: A1, C2, B3, D4, E5, J7, G8, H9, F10.
WhoBot: LuckyWizard scores 0 points for guesses: A1, B2, C3, D4, F5, G6, H7, I8, J10.
WhoBot: Nyperold scores 0 points for guesses: B5, H8.
WhoBot: zyzzyva scores 0 points for guesses: I1, B2, D3, E5, A6, J7, F8, C9, G10.
Goosey: At least I remembered [+3] my own answer this time.
ThePhan: Randy: Yay! You got mine! Did you remember my recent [+3] jalapeno fixation? Or did you just guess? Heh.
NessaChan: you can edit [-2] your answers, I think
ThePhan: edit [+1]
Goosey: edit
Sam: edit
goldfishy: I would never have thought to guess my own
WhoBot: Randy asks (custom [+3] question): 9j
Sam: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: Er.
NessaChan: lol, what?!
Randy: LOL stupid lag
Sentynel: battleship [+1].
Sam: nine [+1] wall pass [+1]
gremlinn: Sentynel copied [+3] my answer.
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users [+1] to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: So so sorry about that. have a point on me!
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: Nine [+3] J on the wall [+3], Nine [-2] J on the wall [-2]. Take one down, and pass [-2] it around. Eight J on the wall [+1].
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: Solve [-2] [+3] for j.
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: TOUCHDOWN!! GO BYU!!
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: Dammit, you hit my battleship [-2].
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: You sunk my battleship [+3]!
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: No, j is definitely a 7, but not a 9.
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: ICE CREAM!
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: Hrumana.. I had an onion [-2] [+3] on my belt.. as was the style at the time.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) Sam, (B) gremlinn, (C) Randy, (D) Goosey, (E) Nyperold, (F) zyzzyva, (G) NessaChan, (H) Sentynel, (I) LuckyWizard
Sentynel: solve [+1]
NessaChan: onion [+1]
ThePhan: But got two +3s. Heh.
ThePhan: I forget, do I get matching [+3] points if I don't submit?
gremlinn: I think not.
gremlinn: But you can submit but not match without penalty [-2].
ThePhan: penalty [+1]
gremlinn: Why was I penalized [-2]? Drat.
Sam: penalized [+1]
Sam: LOL
WhoBot: Randy (C) answered (1) So so sorry about that. have a point on me!
WhoBot: Sam (A) answered (2) Nine [+3] J on the wall [+3], Nine [-2] J on the wall [-2]. Take one down, and pass [-2] it around. Eight J on the wall [+1].
WhoBot: Nyperold (E) answered (3) Solve [+3] for j.
WhoBot: Goosey (D) answered (4) TOUCHDOWN!! GO BYU!!
WhoBot: Sentynel (H) answered (5) Dammit, you hit my battleship [-2].
WhoBot: gremlinn (B) answered (6) You sunk my battleship [+3]!
WhoBot: LuckyWizard (I) answered (7) No, j is definitely a 7, but not a 9.
WhoBot: zyzzyva (F) answered (8) ICE CREAM!
WhoBot: NessaChan (G) answered (9) Hrumana.. I had an onion [+3] on my belt.. as was the style at the time.
WhoBot: LuckyWizard scores 6 points for guesses: C1, A2, E3, D4, H5, B6, G8, F9.
WhoBot: Goosey scores 4 points for guesses: C1, A2, H3, B5, I6, E7, F8, G9.
WhoBot: zyzzyva scores 4 points for guesses: C1, A2, E3, I4, B5, H6, D7, G9.
WhoBot: Nyperold scores 3 points for guesses: G1, D4, B5, H6, I7, F8, A9.
WhoBot: Sam scores 3 points for guesses: F1, H3, D4, I5, B6, E7, C8, G9.
WhoBot: Sentynel scores 3 points for guesses: C1, E2, A3, D4, B6.
WhoBot: NessaChan scores 2 points for guesses: C1, A2, I3, H4, F5, E6, D7, B8.
WhoBot: Randy scores 1 point for guesses: E2, D4, B5, H6, A7, G8.
NessaChan: I couldn't remember who was watching [+3] the game -_-
Sam: grem: Go ahead. Complain [+3] about how Zap keeps [+3] penal [+3]*izing you.
ThePhan: Sneaky.
Randy: LOL
gremlinn: It keeps [-2] penalizing me.
ThePhan: keeps [+1]
Sentynel: keeps
Sam: keeps
Goosey: keeps
* Sam dies [+3].
ThePhan: It does, huh?
gremlinn: Unfairly [+3].
Goosey: LOL
Sentynel: grem: Anyone would think you're deliberately [+3] baiting [+3] it.
NessaChan: good job Lucky Wizard
WhoBot: zyzzyva asks: How do you feel about boats [-2]?
Sam: boats [+1]
Sentynel: boats
ThePhan: boats
Randy: I don't think I've scored one point in zap tonight
gremlinn: Just use a novel [-2] word.
ThePhan: novel [+1]
ThePhan: Speaking [-2] of which, NaNo's in less than a month [+3]!
ThePhan: speaking [+1]
Sam: speaking
gremlinn: That was not deliberate [-2].
Sam: deberlliate
ThePhan: delibeate
ThePhan: deliberate [+1]
ThePhan: LOL
Sam: LOL
ThePhan: Yay typos!
Goosey: LOL
Randy: debilitate
gremlinn: Mistyping [+3] is good when this bot is going.
zyzzyva: Where's LaZorra?
Sam: I think WordZap should be enabled [+3] for everything you write [+3] during NaNo. It would encourage [+3] you to use a large [-2] vocabulary.
ThePhan: large [+1]
Sam: large
Sentynel: large
gremlinn: large
ThePhan: Sam: That would be the most amazing thing ever.
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: I love them. Want a nice little bass [-2] [+3] boat [+1] [-2]
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: I would love to take one.
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: I never thought I'd be on a boat [+3], it's like a big blue watery road [-2] [+3]!
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: I can take them oar [-2] [+3] leave them.
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: They are pretty useful [-2] [+3] for traveling [-2] [+3] across [-2] [+3] the water.
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: A good ocean voyage [-2] [+3] on a yacht [-2] [+3] is a rare [-2] [+3] pleasure [-2] [+3].
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: I don't mind boats as much as I mind water.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) Nyperold, (B) Randy, (C) Goosey, (D) Sentynel, (E) NessaChan, (F) ThePhan, (G) zyzzyva
Sentynel: road [+1]
Sam: voyage [+1] useful [+1]
Sentynel: yacht [+1]
Goosey: zyz: Her dad is in town [+3].
Sentynel: rare [+1]
Sam: yacht water
ThePhan: bass [+1] voyage yacht rare
Randy: bass
Sentynel: easure
Sam: rare across [+1]
Sentynel: oar
LuckyWizard: across
Sam: pleasure road
ThePhan: pleasure across road useful ar
Sam: bass
ThePhan: oar
Sam: oar
LuckyWizard: pleasure yacht
gremlinn: Sam: +3, -2, +1, -2 would be interesting. Beware trying to nab the +1 too late!
Sam: grem: Oooh.
goldfishy: I think I shall attempt a 50 word story for NaNo :p
Sam: gold [-2]: That's almost two words a day! You'll never keep up!
gremlinn: Or beware being the sole [+3] person [+3] doing it.
ThePhan: b 1b
Sam: gold [+1]
ThePhan: gold
goldfishy: You're very right Sam - it is most likely [-2] I will not manage [+3] it.
Sentynel: I think -1 would work better; -2 is perhaps [+3] too great a discouragement
Sentynel: likely [+1]
gremlinn: Maybe.
Sam: I like how you can say something fairly [-2] lengthy [+3] and thoughtful, and the initial [+3] response [+3] from everybody is not to read it and consider [-2] it but to quickly [+3] skim [+3] it for -2's.
Sam: fairly [+1]
Sam: consider [+1]
ThePhan: It's like when Sam tried National [+3] Fortune Cookie [+3] Writing [-2] Month [-2]. That was grueling [+3] work.
Sentynel: fairly
ThePhan: consider
ThePhan: writing [+1] month [+1]
Sentynel: writing
gremlinn: month
Goosey: writing month
ThePhan: serves [+1]
Sam: serves
Sentynel: serves
gremlinn: serve [+3]
Sam: Bah.
gremlinn: Yay typo.
Sam: hehehe
Sam: You typoed! +3!
Goosey: lol
Sam: relactate
gremlinn: lactate
Goosey: reconking
Goosey: reconking
Goosey: reckon [+3]
Goosey: reckoning [+3]
Sentynel: Sam: If you can set WordZap up to operant condition [+3] LaZ to typo even more often, we'd have no end of hilarity [+3].
WhoBot: Randy (B) answered (1) I love them. Want a nice little bass [+3] boat [-2]
WhoBot: zyzzyva (G) answered (2) I would love to take one.
WhoBot: NessaChan (E) answered (3) I never thought I'd be on a boat [+3], it's like a big blue watery road [+3]!
WhoBot: Nyperold (A) answered (4) I can take them oar [+3] leave them.
WhoBot: Goosey (C) answered (5) They are pretty useful [+3] for traveling [+3] across [+3] the water.
WhoBot: Sentynel (D) answered (6) A good ocean voyage [+3] on a yacht [+3] is a rare [+3] pleasure [+3].
WhoBot: ThePhan (F) answered (7) I don't mind boats as much as I mind water.
WhoBot: Goosey scores 4 points for guesses: G1, B2, E3, A4, D6, F7.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 4 points for guesses: B1, G2, C3, A4, E5, D6.
WhoBot: Randy scores 3 points for guesses: C2, G3, A4, E5, D6, F7.
WhoBot: NessaChan scores 1 point for guesses: G1, F2, B4, A5, D6, C7.
WhoBot: zyzzyva scores 1 point for guesses: D1, F3, A4, B5, E6, C7.
WhoBot: Nyperold scores 0 points for guesses: D1, B2, C3, E5, F6, G7.
* Nyperold is a paper [-2] size.
Sentynel: paper [+1]
ThePhan: paper
Sam: paper
* NessaChan is somewhat [+3] fail at this game
Nyperold: paper
gremlinn: You should have the Whizzes [+3] face off in WordZap.
gremlinn: With a separate [+3] dictionary instance [-2] to not mess [+3] things up.
Sentynel: isntance
ThePhan: instance [+1]
Sentynel: fail.
ThePhan: But win for me!
WhoBot: ThePhan asks (custom [-2] question): throw [+1]
Sam: custom [+1]
Randy: LOL
Sam: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: SnagBot: ThePhan sequesters the throw.
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: Throwing [-2] [+3] up is not really fun
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: I once walked [-2] [+3] to the store [-2]. At the store [+1], there was a bullfrog. He said "Sup [-2] [+3]?" and I said "Ate any good flies [-2] [+3] lately [-2] [+3]?" It was a good day.
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: http://***********************/
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: I, ThePhan apologize [-2] [+3] for this.
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: A brick. Straight [+1] [-2] up.
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: No, I can't.
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: It's a Throw of Floor [-2] [+3]-Covering [-2] [+3], +1 against [+1] [-2] dead bears [+1] [-2].
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: Well, WhoBot *does* tend [-2] [+3] to ask [-2] [+3] questions like "Name something you might throw." This isn't too far off.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) ThePhan, (B) Sam, (C) Randy, (D) zyzzyva, (E) NessaChan, (F) LuckyWizard, (G) Goosey, (H) Nyperold, (I) Sentynel
Sam: throwing [+1]
gremlinn: sup [+1]
Sentynel: tend [+1]
Sam: tend ask [+1]
gremlinn: floor [+1]
gremlinn: tend ask
Sam: apologize [+1]
Sam: lately [+1]
gremlinn: walked [+1]
Sam: walked flies [+1]
Sentynel: flies
Sam: ask tend
gremlinn: flies
gremlinn: lately
Sam: sup
gremlinn: covering
Sam: covering
Sam: floor
WhoBot: LuckyWizard (F) answered (1) SnagBot: ThePhan sequesters the throw.
WhoBot: Randy (C) answered (2) Throwing [+3] up is not really fun
WhoBot: NessaChan (E) answered (3) I once walked [+3] to the store [-2]. At the store [+1], there was a bullfrog. He said "Sup [+3]?" and I said "Ate any good flies [+3] lately [+3]?" It was a good day.
WhoBot: Sam (B) answered (4) http://***********************/
WhoBot: zyzzyva (D) answered (5) I, ThePhan apologize [+3] for this.
WhoBot: Goosey (G) answered (6) A brick. Straight [-2] up.
WhoBot: Sentynel (I) answered (7) No, I can't.
WhoBot: Nyperold (H) answered (8) It's a Throw of Floor [+3]-Covering [+3], +1 against [-2] dead bears [-2].
WhoBot: ThePhan (A) answered (9) Well, WhoBot *does* tend [+3] to ask [+3] questions like "Name something you might throw." This isn't too far off.
WhoBot: Goosey scores 3 points for guesses: H1, C2, D3, B4, A5, I7, E8, F9.
WhoBot: LuckyWizard scores 3 points for guesses: E2, C3, D4, A5, G6, I7, H8, B9.
WhoBot: NessaChan scores 3 points for guesses: I1, C2, B4, A5, F6, D7, H8, G9.
WhoBot: Nyperold scores 2 points for guesses: G1, D2, B3, I7, A9.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 1 point for guesses: E2, B5, G7, H8.
WhoBot: zyzzyva scores 1 point for guesses: A1, B2, C3, E4, F6, G7, H8, I9.
ThePhan: ave
ThePhan: gave [+1]
WhoBot: WhoBot asks: What is your favorite flower [-2]?
Sentynel: flower [+1]
Sam: flower
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: Wildflowers.
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: Gladiolas.
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: I really like Confederate Roses [+1] [-2]. Sooooo pretty...I mean...
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: That one I stepped [-2] [+3] on. The DEAD ONE.
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: A big river. Or a lilac [+1] [-2].
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: I like roses [+3]. And, here, let me give this all away. I partly [-2] [+3] like them because it's my middle name.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) zyzzyva, (B) gremlinn, (C) NessaChan, (D) ThePhan, (E) Randy, (F) Goosey
Sentynel: stepepd
Sam: stepped [+1]
ThePhan: stepped partly [+1]
Sam: partly
zyzzyva: 6d 2c
zyzzyva: Oops.
Goosey: I probably got these all wrong.
gremlinn: The nested bonuses [+3]/penalities in answers are funny.
gremlinn: *penalties
ThePhan: Penalities!
Sam: A diverse [+3] usage [-2] of the language [+3] during Zap would not be contraindicated.
ThePhan: usage [+1]
Sam: usage
WhoBot: Goosey (F) answered (1) Wildflowers.
WhoBot: NessaChan (C) answered (2) Gladiolas.
WhoBot: Randy (E) answered (3) I really like Confederate Roses [-2]. Sooooo pretty...I mean...
WhoBot: gremlinn (B) answered (4) That one I stepped [+3] on. The DEAD ONE.
WhoBot: zyzzyva (A) answered (5) A big river. Or a lilac [-2].
WhoBot: ThePhan (D) answered (6) I like roses [+3]. And, here, let me give this all away. I partly [+3] like them because it's my middle name.
WhoBot: zyzzyva scores 5 points for guesses: F1, C2, E3, B4, D6.
WhoBot: Randy scores 3 points for guesses: C1, F2, B4, A5, D6.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 3 points for guesses: F1, E2, C3, B4, A5.
WhoBot: Goosey scores 2 points for guesses: A2, E3, B4, D5, C6.
WhoBot: NessaChan scores 1 point for guesses: B1, A3, E4, F5, D6.
WhoBot: It's a tie! The winners [+3] are: Goosey, zyzzyva.
Sentynel: Zap reminds [+3] me of Just a Minute's repetition rules
zyzzyva: Wooo!
Goosey: WOO
Randy: Yay!
ThePhan: Sentynel: I had the same thought at one point.
gremlinn: Yay for the winners [-2]! STOP THAT WORDZAP
Sam: grem: LOL
ThePhan: winners [+1]
Sentynel: winners
Sentynel: grem: You *are* doing it intentionally [+3], aren't you!
gremlinn: No, it's unintentional.
gremlinn: I swear [-2].
ThePhan: swear [+1]
gremlinn: DAMNIT
Sentynel: wsear
Goosey: swear
ThePhan: LOL
Sam: Congratulations [-2] Goosey and zyzzyva!
Sam: congratulations [+1]
ThePhan: congratulations
* Sam congratulates twice.
ThePhan: That is a very long word to retype [-2].
ThePhan: retye
Sam: retype [+1]
ThePhan: retype
Goosey: retype
Sentynel: retype
ThePhan: Gah.
Goosey: yay lag
NessaChan: whee [-2]!
ThePhan: whee [+1]
Goosey: whee
Sam: whee
Sentynel: Oh dear [+3], my typo level [+3] is through the roof [+3]
NessaChan: boo [-2] :(
Sentynel: boo [+1]
ThePhan: boo
gremlinn: boom
NessaChan: wahhh ;_;
Goosey: alouette
Sentynel: boot.
Sam: ...and all done.
gremlinn: bool x
NessaChan: fun times
Randy: stop crying
Sam: The results for tonight! and
Sam: See you next Tuesday at 9pm EST for session 3!
NessaChan: hooray
zyzzyva: I said wooo because I got them all right. Only afterwards did I realise I tied for victory.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'UBT #7, Session 3 starts Tuesday, October 6, at 9pm EST!' by Sam.
Goosey: Awwww, over already?
NessaChan: I love UBT <3
Sentynel: Okay, I'm going to stagger in the general direction of my bed and hope I arrive before I pass out.

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