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Ultimate Bot Tournament #6: Session 1

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LaZorra has entered.
LaZorra has left.
LaZorra has entered.
LaZorra has left.
Brick has entered.
Brick: Woo! Mod status!
Nyperold has entered.
[RinkChat] User Nyperold has been made a moderator by Brick.
10Kan has entered.
Goosey has entered.
Crystal109 has entered.
Goosey: mod me! mod me!~
Crystal109: LOL
Sam has entered.
[RinkChat] User Goosey has been made a moderator by Brick.
Lirelyn has entered.
[RinkChat] User Crystal109 has been made a moderator by Brick.
[RinkChat] User 10Kan has been made a moderator by Brick.
Kalimeris has entered.
Brick: hahahahah!
Kalimeris: lol
TalkingDog has entered.
[RinkChat] User 10Kan has had moderator status revoked by Sam.
[RinkChat] User Brick has had moderator status revoked by Sam.
[RinkChat] User Crystal109 has had moderator status revoked by Sam.
[RinkChat] User Goosey has had moderator status revoked by Sam.
[RinkChat] User Nyperold has had moderator status revoked by Sam.
Sam: Triple ha.
Goosey: Awww
[RinkChat] The room has been set to no mods mode by Sam.
Crystal109: Haha, only Sam has the POWER.
ThePhan has entered.
Brick: Awwww....
Goosey: POWAR
Crystal109: WAR!
* Crystal109 is just being silly.
10Kan: AR!
: Yeah, so, hey, welcome to the UBT, everybody. I'm your host, Mr. Small.
Crystal109: AHHHHH NOT HIM! =(
Brick: lolololololololol
10Kan: This is just going to be one big parade of horrible pictures, isn't it?
Crystal109: Aw, this brings back memories.
Brick: Horrible, horrible memories.
gremlinn has entered.
: Stupid Monsieur Petit! Le Sam say, we ne have pas un story cet tournament bot ultimatique.
Goosey: CHIEN!
Crystal109: Hehe.
Kalimeris: PUPPY
: Can I at least do a quick parlor trick to kick things off? Watch. NOW I'M NOT ON FIRE!
: *bow*...sort of
Crystal109: LOLOLOLOL
Goosey: LOL LOL
* 10Kan applauds!
ThePhan: No two people are not on fire.
10Kan: Smells like bacon.
Brick: I'd like to see Mr. Small actually bow.
Crystal109: Sadly, I have to go to dinner now. =(
Crystal109 is away.
10Kan: Don't worry. After that, I doubt she'll eat much.
Goosey: Brick: I wouldn't!
: L'americain idiotique.
10Kan: Cheese-eating surrender doggie!
: Madames et monsieurs, je m'appelle Pepe, et je suis votre host.
Brick: It's nice to meet you, crazy French dog.
Goosey: DEW RUN
Goosey is away.
10Kan: A dew run, run, run, a dew run, run.
Sam: D-Dew run run run, D-Dew run run.
Sam: hahaha
Goosey: LOL you guys are great
Gharlane has entered.
10Kan: Hey Gharlane.
Gharlane: Hello!
Gharlane: It's Pepe!
Goosey is back.
Sam: Our first game is BlitzBot! Played in speed mode. You know the rules. Let's do this.
Kalimeris: Yayyy
Kalimeris: And, I'm on a stable internet connection for once
Goosey: Yayy!
BlitzBot has been summoned by Sam.
: We begin ze bot de blitz en 30 secondes!
: Ou est le bread et cheese? Je demande le bread et cheese!
Kalimeris: FROMAGE
Kalimeris: nom nom nom
Nyperold: TO LE PAIN!
BlitzBot: Starting a new speed game:
BlitzBot: 482. Story Hunt characters.
10Kan: strong woman
Sam: fenwick glumber
Sam: jill slayburgh
Sam: death
10Kan: duke of gloom
Goosey: um
ThePhan: I will never know
Goosey: I only played once.
Nyperold: duke of big
BlitzBot: 10Kan wins a point with answer Strong Woman.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer Fenwick Glumber.
BlitzBot: 10Kan wins a point with answer The Duke of Gloom.
BlitzBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer The Duke of Big.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Shandra.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Egollia.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Kinegar Kyer.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Skinder Flake.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Shauve Hoggins.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Enther Nyss.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +2, Nyperold: +1, Sam: +1.
Lirelyn: exterminator robots
Sam: kinegar kyer
Brick: duke of...raspberries?
Goosey: LOL
Gharlane: Kinegar Kyer
10Kan: Jill Slayburgh is her real name, though, right?
Sam: Yeah.
Gharlane: Whoa, I'm slow, lol
Sam: Lirelyn: NICE answer!
10Kan: How do you pronounce "Shauve"?
Lirelyn: Hee. That's all I could remember!
BlitzBot: 298. Things you step on.
Goosey: floor
Kalimeris: bug
10Kan: toe
Gharlane: ladder
Sam: shoes
Brick: chair
10Kan: rake
Goosey: stairs
Lirelyn: floor
Sam: floor
Brick: stool
Sam: jacks
10Kan: gas
Kalimeris: poop
10Kan: pedal
Sam: kids
Lirelyn: worms
Nyperold: stepmania
Sam: animals
Sam: dogs
Brick: rake
Gharlane: broken glass
Sam: stairs
10Kan: enemies
Sam: carpet
Goosey: thumtack
Sam: rug
Sam: ground
Brick: people
Goosey: thumbtack
Sam: sidewalk
10Kan: little people
Kalimeris: tree
Sam: grass
Lirelyn: grass
Gharlane: bumblebee
Sam: glass
Kalimeris: road
Nyperold: rusty nails
Brick: gum
Lirelyn: lawn
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer floor.
BlitzBot: 10Kan wins a point with answer toes.
BlitzBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer steps.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer shoe soles.
BlitzBot: 10Kan wins a point with answer gas pedal.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer ground.
BlitzBot: Brick wins a point with answer peons.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer sidewalk.
BlitzBot: Brick wins a point with answer gum.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: cracks.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Sam: +3, 10Kan: +2, Brick: +2, Gharlane: +1, Goosey: +1.
Kalimeris: treadmill
Goosey: ruf
10Kan: land mine
Goosey: RGU
Goosey: :-P
: wug wug wug wug wug wug wug
Brick: rgu?
Kalimeris: Gur gur gur
Gharlane: rgb
Brick: Ni!
BlitzBot: 775. Things in nature that start with "blue."
Goosey: berry
Kalimeris: sky
10Kan: bluebell
Sam: blue moon
Brick: blue sky
Kalimeris: bird
Gharlane: mon
10Kan: bluebird
Sam: bluebonnet
Goosey: bell
Gharlane: moon
ThePhan: grass
10Kan: bluebottle
Kalimeris: jay
Sam: blue ox
Kalimeris: blue jay
ThePhan: blue sky
Sam: blue ribbon
Goosey: blueberry
Brick: berry
ThePhan: blue jay
10Kan: blue mountains
ThePhan: blue bird
Kalimeris: bluegrass
Sam: bluebottle
ThePhan: blue ocean
10Kan: blue, the color
ThePhan: blue sea
Gharlane: velvet
ThePhan: blue river
BlitzBot: 10Kan wins a point with answer bluebell.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer blue moon.
BlitzBot: 10Kan wins a point with answer bluebird.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer bluebonnet.
BlitzBot: 10Kan wins a point with answer bluebottle.
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer bluejay.
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer blueberry.
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer bluegrass.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: bluefin.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: bluefish.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: bluegill.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: blue heron.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: blue catfish/blue cat.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: blue crab.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: blue pike.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: blue shark.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: blue whale.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: blue spruce.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: bluetick.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: blueweed.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +3, Kalimeris: +2, Sam: +2, Goosey: +1.
ThePhan: blue eyes
Nyperold: blue fish
* ThePhan has no idea.
10Kan: C'mon! blue, the color is totally in nature.
Nyperold: superintelligent shade of blue
Goosey: blue looks likea weird word now.
Lirelyn: Yep, completely froze there.
Gharlane: Hoovalu!
Brick: Nyp: +1
10Kan: Lirelyn: :(
Ticia has entered.
Goosey: TICIA
BlitzBot: 42. Household items too heavy to carry on one's own.
10Kan: TICIA!

10Kan, that was an ungentlemanly thing to say.

Gharlane: Hi Ticia!
Sam: oven
Brick: fridge
Kalimeris: piano
Sam: sofa
Sam: chair
ThePhan: dresser
Brick: stove
Goosey: oven
Gharlane: piano
ThePhan: bed
Sam: furnace
ThePhan: floor
Kalimeris: washing machine
Brick: oven
ThePhan: door
Goosey: bookshelf
Gharlane: water heater
ThePhan: tv
10Kan: stove
Kalimeris: dishwahser
10Kan: washing machine
ThePhan: desk
10Kan: couch
Lirelyn: loveseat
Nyperold: swamp cooler
ThePhan: oven
Ticia: children
Brick: table
Kalimeris: christmas tree
ThePhan: stove
Goosey: cupboard
10Kan: fireplace
ThePhan: sishwasher
Goosey: hutch
Brick: dryer
ThePhan: dishwasher
Kalimeris: couch
10Kan: statue
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer stove.
BlitzBot: Brick wins a point with answer refrigerator.
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer piano.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer sofa.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer armchair.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer bureau.
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer washing machine.
BlitzBot: Brick wins a point with answer dryer.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer dishwasher.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: bookcase.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Sam: +3, Brick: +2, Kalimeris: +2, ThePhan: +2.
Kalimeris: armchair
Brick: television
ThePhan: dryer
Gharlane: exterminator robot
Brick: computer
Kalimeris: I know a lot about moving pianos
BlitzBot: Goosey's score has been incremented by 1 point.
Goosey: YAY!
Gharlane: Charlie!
10Kan: AIEE
Brick: ajpoweiuhgiaosdlkng;
10Kan: Hey, he actually looks pretty calm.
Brick: Can creepy guy go away, plz?
BlitzBot: 352. Things people wear in a tanning booth.
10Kan: There must be, like, 15 tranquilizer darts stuck in him below the frame.
Brick: nothing
ThePhan: bathing suits
Brick: shorts
10Kan: sunglasses
Goosey: nothing
Gharlane: bikini
Ticia: bikini
Brick: underwear
Goosey: bikini
10Kan: bikini
Ticia: towel
Kalimeris: nothing
Lirelyn: skin
Gharlane: sunglasses
Lirelyn: towl
Brick: llotion
Gharlane: goggles
Goosey: birthday suit
ThePhan: underwear
Nyperold: leather
Ticia: eye protection
Brick: lotion
Sam: glasses
10Kan: blindfold
Lirelyn: sunscreen
Sam: towel
Kalimeris: hat
BlitzBot: Brick wins a point with answer nothing.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer bikini.
BlitzBot: Brick wins a point with answer sunblock.
BlitzBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer goggles.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Brick: +2, Gharlane: +1, ThePhan: +1.
ThePhan: smile
Nyperold: (so it can be tanned)
Goosey: *sigh* so late.
Kalimeris: Googly eyes
Lirelyn: Oh thank heavens. He's gone.
Ticia: Hey, at least it's not camoufairy...
10Kan: Yeah, he has better camo.
BlitzBot: 643. Reasons why people might wait to get married.
ThePhan: job
Kalimeris: money
ThePhan: school
Goosey: love
* TalkingDog turns images off...
Gharlane: money
10Kan: love
ThePhan: parents
Goosey: money
10Kan: money
ThePhan: love
Gharlane: kids
Ticia: pregnant
ThePhan: babies
Nyperold: Ticia: The night, she is young.
Lirelyn: taxes
ThePhan: money
10Kan: diplomacy
Ticia: religion
ThePhan: house
Sam: Ticia: If you insult the CamouFairy, I will bring out CHARLIEFAIRY.
Kalimeris: ring
Gharlane: exterminator robot
Lirelyn: uncertainty
ThePhan: other responsibilities
10Kan: promise
Brick: not preggers
Ticia: LOL
Kalimeris: death
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer get a job/money.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer finish school.
BlitzBot: TalkingDog wins a point with answer too young.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer get a house.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: in jail.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: ThePhan: +3, TalkingDog: +1.
ThePhan: can't find the right one
Lirelyn: dates
ThePhan: heh
Kalimeris: lol in jail
Gharlane: Exterminator robot fits sooooo many places
10Kan: Aww, no diplomacy? Tell that to the crowned heads of Europe.
Goosey: ...
Brick: I think "exterminator robot" should be a correct answer for that one.
Goosey: Love wasn't an answer? Seriously? What kind of pessimists are you people?
TalkingDog: ...? What did I say?
BlitzBot: 804. Things that are bad for your skin.
ThePhan: tanning
Brick: sun
Kalimeris: lotion
Goosey: sun
Gharlane: sun
ThePhan: chocolate
10Kan: ultraviolet light
ThePhan: sun
* TalkingDog can't figure out where his point came from.
Goosey: acid
10Kan: knives
Kalimeris: grease
Lirelyn: oil
Gharlane: acid
10Kan: oil
ThePhan: peeling it off
Brick: people
Ticia: smoking
Gharlane: exterminator robot
Goosey: fire
Kalimeris: dancing
10Kan: flesh-eating bacteria
ThePhan: hot peppers
Goosey: FIAR
Ticia: wrinkles
ThePhan: leprosy
Kalimeris: death
Gharlane: bleach
Goosey: bugs
BlitzBot: Brick wins a point with answer sun.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer chocolate.
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer oil.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: make-up.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: wind.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: dirt.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Brick: +1, Kalimeris: +1, ThePhan: +1.
ThePhan: steam
Brick: What gharlene said.
10Kan: drinking from not-the-Holy-Grail.
Ticia: Hehe
Nyperold: boiling syrup
: Les americains, le pffff! En france, we do not WAIT for ze romance!
Goosey: Pepe: First comes LOVE, THEN comes marriage!
10Kan: weasels.
ThePhan: 10K: Waiting isn't likely to help that.
: Always soak in toilet paper for great skin!
Brick: hot caviar.
Goosey: AAAHHH
BlitzBot: 355. Places you throw coins.
Kalimeris: fountain
10Kan: sink
ThePhan: fountain
Brick: pond
Goosey: well
Sam: fountain
Ticia: Oh, by the way, Sam. I was not here for the Mystery of Paradise Island UBT, and never got to read the transcript, so it's all new to me. :)
Lirelyn: pond
ThePhan: wishing well
Gharlane: drawer
Brick: river
10Kan: statue
Kalimeris: people
Sam: cup
10Kan: cave
Brick: statue
Lirelyn: wishing well
10Kan: pit
Kalimeris: casino
Ticia: Through fingers
ThePhan: beggars
Ticia: into hat
10Kan: guitar case
Gharlane: exterminator robot
ThePhan: concerts
Sam: Ticia: You're kidding. Seriously?
Lirelyn: empire state building
Kalimeris: river
10Kan: coin-throwing competition
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer fountain.
BlitzBot: Brick wins a point with answer pond.
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer wishing well.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer storage container.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: toll booth machine.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Brick: +1, Goosey: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Sam: +1.
Ticia: Sam: I'm not kidding.
Sam: Ticia: But I remember you teasing all the Cody fangirls.
Nyperold: empire state building
10Kan: No guitar case?
10Kan: Bah.
Ticia: That was during a little bit of the HotorNot bot, I think.
Sam: Huh.
Lirelyn: Nyp: High five! That should be in there.
* Goosey tallies points for all her answers that Blitzbot doesn't count.
10Kan: You'd have won a dozen times.
BlitzBot: 570. Things people eat from a bowl.
Brick: soup
Goosey: ceral
10Kan: soup
Brick: cereal
10Kan: rice
Gharlane: fish
Kalimeris: cereal
ThePhan: ice cream
ThePhan: soup
10Kan: ice cream
10Kan: noodles
Gharlane: jello
Kalimeris: salad
ThePhan: rice
10Kan: stew
Brick: gravy
ThePhan: pasta
Lirelyn: noodles
Nyperold: pudding
10Kan: chili
ThePhan: spaghetti
Brick: churches
* Goosey cannot spell, so gives up.
10Kan: chowder
Brick: leas
Kalimeris: vegetables
Brick: lead
ThePhan: cereal
Gharlane: pasta salad
BlitzBot: Brick wins a point with answer soup.
BlitzBot: Brick wins a point with answer cereal.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer ice cream.
BlitzBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer gelatin.
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer salad.
BlitzBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer pudding.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: fruit.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: oatmeal.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: applesauce.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Brick: +2, Gharlane: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Nyperold: +1, ThePhan: +1.
Brick: very small rocks
Sam: Ticia: Oh, no, you were here for part of session 2, which had the first part of the story in it, where Cody arrives on the island.
Gharlane: Cider
Sam: I thought you were there more, though. Oh well. Cool! This way you can read the transcripts when you're done.
Brick: I literally went through everything that "floats"
Kalimeris: Cody!
BlitzBot: 551. Cloud types.
Sam: cirrus
10Kan: nimbus
Kalimeris: cumulonimbus
Gharlane: stratus
Sam: cumulous
10Kan: cumulus
Sam: cumulus
Brick: cumulus
Lirelyn: cumulonimbus
Sam: stratus
Nyperold: cumulonimbus
Sam: nimbus
Lirelyn: stratua
10Kan: nimbostratus
Gharlane: lenticular
Brick: nimbus
Sam: cirrocumulus
Lirelyn: stratus
10Kan: tornado
Sam: stratocumulus
10Kan: hurricane
Kalimeris: thunder
Ticia: Sam: Ah, ok.
Sam: cumulonimbus
10Kan: altocumulus
Gharlane: exterminator robot
Brick: big ones
Sam: nimbocumulus
Nyperold: Mr. Strife
Kalimeris: fog
Brick: small ones
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer cirrus.
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer cumulonimbus.
BlitzBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer stratus.
BlitzBot: 10Kan wins a point with answer cumulus.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer cirrocumulus.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer stratocumulus.
BlitzBot: 10Kan wins a point with answer altocumulus.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: cirrostratus.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: altostratus.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Sam: +3, 10Kan: +2, Gharlane: +1, Kalimeris: +1.
Lirelyn: cirrus
Kalimeris: smog
10Kan: ones that look like a dog
ThePhan: little black raincloud hovering over the honey tree
: Le haw haw haw.
10Kan: Those crazy undulating ones I saw once
Kalimeris: Green.
Brick: Ones that look like little marshmallows.
* Nyperold gets that song in his head.
Brick: tornadoes
BlitzBot: 347. Sounds a dog makes.
ThePhan: bark
Kalimeris: bark
Goosey: woof
Brick: woof
Sam: yip
ThePhan: woof
Gharlane: growl
Sam: bark
ThePhan: bow wow
Brick: bark
Sam: woof
10Kan: le haw haw haw
ThePhan: yap
Kalimeris: arf
Lirelyn: arf
Goosey: le haw haw haw
Nyperold: guau guau
ThePhan: howl
10Kan: yip
Brick: yip
Lirelyn: bow wow
10Kan: whine
ThePhan: groan
Gharlane: beeping
Lirelyn: ruff
10Kan: growl
Goosey: roof
Sam: rowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrow rowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrow
ThePhan: sniff
10Kan: sigh
Goosey: whine
ThePhan: gruff
Kalimeris: rooo
Brick: rooby rooby roo
Kalimeris: aroo
Goosey: yelp
ThePhan: ruff
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer bark.
BlitzBot: Goosey wins a point with answer woof.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer yip.
BlitzBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer growl.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer bow wow.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer yap.
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer arf.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer howl.
BlitzBot: 10Kan wins a point with answer whine.
BlitzBot: Lirelyn wins a point with answer ruff.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: grr.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: snort.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: ThePhan: +4, 10Kan: +1, Gharlane: +1, Goosey: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Lirelyn: +1, Sam: +1.
Lirelyn: YAY POINT!
Nyperold: Raaaagieeee!
Sam: WHAT? No rowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrow rowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrow???
Brick: I should get a point for "rooby rooby roo"
Goosey: LOL
Ticia: You should totally add that one, Sam.
ThePhan: Hehe
ThePhan: This is why I do not like dogs!
ThePhan: Far too often they just go rowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrow rowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrowrow
10Kan: U^_^U whiiiine
Brick: Are we playing to 30 or 15?
BlitzBot: 743. Expressions that include the word "dog."
ThePhan: And this is less cute.
Sam: That's not all dogs.
10Kan: DOG!
ThePhan: dog day
Kalimeris: doggone
Gharlane: U^_^U
Goosey: DOG!
Brick: doggone
Sam: A LOT of dogs are quiet.
Lirelyn: dog day
ThePhan: dog years
Brick: hot dog
ThePhan: DOG!
10Kan: raining cats and dogs
Lirelyn: dogsbody
Sam: DOG!
Kalimeris: hounddog
Goosey: good dog
Nyperold: dog day afternoon
10Kan: three dog night
ThePhan: dog faced
TalkingDog: DOG!
Ticia: diggetydog
Nyperold: reservoir dogs
Lirelyn: sick as a dog
Sam: hit the tune dog
10Kan: every dog has its day
Brick: dogs are a man's best friend
Gharlane: exterminator robot DOG
10Kan: dog days of summer
Nyperold: dogs of war
BlitzBot: 10Kan wins a point with answer DOG!.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer dog days.
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer doggone it.
BlitzBot: Brick wins a point with answer hot dog.
BlitzBot: Lirelyn wins a point with answer sick as a dog.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: you sorry dog.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: dog eat dog.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: dumb as a dog.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: ugly as a dog.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: in the doghouse.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: dog-eared.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: underdog.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: dog paddle.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: dog tired.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: dog's breakfast.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: gone to the dogs.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: a dog's life.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: doggie bag.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: dog tag.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, Brick: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Lirelyn: +1, ThePhan: +1.
Goosey: five dogs
Kalimeris: Dog eat dog world
Lirelyn: a dog's life
Ticia: a dog's breakfast
10Kan: dogged perseverance
ThePhan: can't teach old dog new tricks
Ticia: DANG IT
Ticia: And that's one of my favorite movies.
: Pathetique!
Brick: Gharlene: LOL
* Goosey kicks at Pepe.
Gharlane: GharLANE
Gharlane: :)
BlitzBot: 484. Things you might complain about to a restaurant manager.
10Kan: fly in soup
ThePhan: food
Goosey: food
Ticia: You should all go watch "A Dog's Breakfast" right after the tournament.
Kalimeris: bathroom dirty
ThePhan: price
Gharlane: dirty fork
Brick: SORRY
Goosey: dirty table
ThePhan: bug
10Kan: slow service
Ticia: bad food
ThePhan: hair
Kalimeris: check
10Kan: cold food
Ticia: undercooked
Goosey: price
Brick: cold food
ThePhan: bad service
Lirelyn: hair in food
10Kan: rude waiter
Nyperold: the restaurant manager
ThePhan: long wait
Kalimeris: rude waiter
Gharlane: exterminator robot
Brick: hot food
Lirelyn: bad service
ThePhan: rude waiter
Goosey: hot
Goosey: cold
Ticia: waitress is ugly
ThePhan: missing utensils
Lirelyn: slow service
Kalimeris: bad food
Brick: bathroom
ThePhan: dirty glasses
10Kan: bad smell
Goosey: broken chair
BlitzBot: 10Kan wins a point with answer fly in soup.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer bad food.
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer dirty tables.
BlitzBot: 10Kan wins a point with answer slow service.
BlitzBot: 10Kan wins a point with answer rude servers.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: poor selection.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: incorrect order.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +3, Kalimeris: +1, ThePhan: +1.
ThePhan: no refills
Ticia: Waitress won't flirt
Kalimeris: dirty utensils
Gharlane: noise
Brick: it's cold outside
Goosey: wrong order
* 10Kan worked as a waiter once. *shudder*
Brick: You're wearing the wrong shade of lavender.
Ticia: I did it for 6 hours once!
Ticia: I made $200 that night.
10Kan: Wow.
BlitzBot: 602. Things people carry water in.
Kalimeris: pail
Brick: Nice haul!
ThePhan: bucket
Ticia: It was new years eve and I was an extra.
10Kan: canteen
ThePhan: hose
Kalimeris: bucket
Gharlane: jug
Brick: pail
Gharlane: s
ThePhan: bag
10Kan: waterskin
Nyperold: bucket
Kalimeris: trougth
ThePhan: box
10Kan: body
Ticia: It was a steak house.
Kalimeris: trough
ThePhan: bottle
Brick: mouth
Gharlane: glass
ThePhan: truck
Lirelyn: jar
Kalimeris: bowl
Ticia: belly
Goosey: bota bag
ThePhan: cup
Lirelyn: glass
Brick: exterminator robot
10Kan: nalgene bottle
ThePhan: jar
Kalimeris: cart
Goosey: bladder
10Kan: mouth
Kalimeris: tank
ThePhan: hands
10Kan: tanker
Lirelyn: jug
Gharlane: canteen
Goosey: eyes
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer bucket.
BlitzBot: 10Kan wins a point with answer canteen.
BlitzBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer jug.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer water bottle.
BlitzBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer glass.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer cup.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: mug.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: pitcher.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: fishbowl.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: squirt gun.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: water balloon.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: vase.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: ThePhan: +3, Gharlane: +2, 10Kan: +1.
Ticia: Human skin
10Kan: cup
Lirelyn: squirt gun
Ticia: Goosey: LOL to eyes.
10Kan: nuclear reactor
BlitzBot: 697. Games played on grass.
Kalimeris: football
Lirelyn: polo
Ticia: soccer
Kalimeris: baseball
10Kan: jarts
Gharlane: cricket
Kalimeris: soccer
Lirelyn: croquet
ThePhan: croquet
Goosey: hide and seek
Sam: croquet
10Kan: ultimate frisbee
Goosey: tag
ThePhan: tennis
Kalimeris: rugby
Sam: horsehoses
10Kan: tag
Nyperold: A little aqueous humor, there, folks.
10Kan: kickball
Sam: *horseshoes
Gharlane: where's waldo
Ticia: flag football
Goosey: dodgeball
10Kan: badminto
Brick: polo
Kalimeris: field hockey
Sam: Not horsehoses.
ThePhan: tag
Ticia: frisbee
10Kan: badminton
Lirelyn: golf
Brick: baseball
Kalimeris: badminton
Brick: football
Gharlane: exterminator robot
Brick: soccer
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer football.
BlitzBot: Ticia wins a point with answer soccer.
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer baseball.
BlitzBot: Lirelyn wins a point with answer croquet.
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer rugby.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer horseshoes.
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer field hockey.
BlitzBot: Lirelyn wins a point with answer golf.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: lacrosse.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: quoits.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: petanque (boule).
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: lawn darts.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +4, Lirelyn: +2, Sam: +1, Ticia: +1.
Brick: hockey
Kalimeris: lawn bowling
ThePhan: pull up the grass, my siblings' favorite game!
10Kan: Grr!
Sam: I typoed "horseshoes" as "horsehoses."
10Kan: I said jarts! It's the same thing.
Goosey: LOL
Ticia: LOL
Kalimeris: Lawn bowling is very important where I work.
Brick: horsehoses is played on concrete
Nyperold: don't smoke it, so don't know
Gharlane: Hmmm, no cricket? That't not cricket!
Sam: See who can water the lawn with the most horses.
Gharlane: *That
ThePhan: LOL
10Kan: EWW
Gharlane: 's
Goosey: LOL EW
Ticia: Ewwwww
BlitzBot: 217. Internal organs.
ThePhan: liver
Sam: bladder
Gharlane: liver
Ticia: heart
10Kan: spleen
Kalimeris: liver
ThePhan: kidney
Brick: stomach
Goosey: stomach
Kalimeris: bladder
ThePhan: appendix
Sam: pancreas
Ticia: lungs
Kalimeris: heart
Brick: brain
Nyperold: hammond
Goosey: kidney
Sam: appendix
10Kan: gall bladder
Sam: liver
ThePhan: stomach
Goosey: heart
10Kan: pancreas
Kalimeris: appendix
Sam: kidney
10Kan: lung
Sam: heart
Ticia: bladder
Goosey: lungs
Sam: lung
Nyperold: orlitzer
Lirelyn: gallbladder
ThePhan: small intestine
Brick: bladder
Gharlane: isles of langerhans
Kalimeris: colon
Lirelyn: uterus
ThePhan: large intestine
Goosey: appendix
10Kan: pituitary gland
Brick: uterus
ThePhan: colon
Sam: intestine
Kalimeris: small intestine
ThePhan: lungs
Ticia: uterus
10Kan: brain stem
Goosey: spleen
Nyperold: worlitzer
Brick: appendix
10Kan: skin
Gharlane: exterminator robot
Sam: prostate
Kalimeris: asophagus
10Kan: colon
Nyperold: yamaha
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer liver.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer bladder.
BlitzBot: Ticia wins a point with answer heart.
BlitzBot: 10Kan wins a point with answer spleen.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer kidney.
BlitzBot: Brick wins a point with answer stomach.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer appendix.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer pancreas.
BlitzBot: Ticia wins a point with answer lung.
BlitzBot: Brick wins a point with answer brain.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: ThePhan: +3, Brick: +2, Sam: +2, Ticia: +2, 10Kan: +1.
Brick: gall bladder
Lirelyn: brain
10Kan: large intesting
Ticia: YAY 2 POINtS
Brick: +2! +2!
Goosey: 10Kan: That's largely interesting.
Brick: I'm actually not doing too bad!
10Kan: <:)
Brick: I said uterus too...
BlitzBot: 659. Inanimate household objects people talk to.
Ticia: Just so you know.
ThePhan: computer
Kalimeris: oven
10Kan: computer
ThePhan: television
Gharlane: toaster
Kalimeris: miror
ThePhan: radio
Ticia: mirror
Gharlane: tv
Goosey: wall
Kalimeris: mirror
Ticia: tv
Lirelyn: Plants
10Kan: sink
ThePhan: remoet control
Brick: exterminator robot
Nyperold: plant
10Kan: showerhead
ThePhan: remote control
ThePhan: bed
Lirelyn: everything
Goosey: vase
Ticia: soccer ball
Kalimeris: couch
ThePhan: toilet
10Kan: television
Goosey: clock
Kalimeris: pillow
Nyperold: mirror
Lirelyn: stuffed animals
Kalimeris: journal
10Kan: statue
Gharlane: dof
ThePhan: tables
10Kan: bust
Goosey: sled
ThePhan: chair
Ticia: Sam: That's why I said "Just so you know"
Gharlane: dog
Kalimeris: tape recorder
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer computer.
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer oven.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer television.
BlitzBot: Lirelyn wins a point with answer plant.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: microwave.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: telephone.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: ThePhan: +2, Kalimeris: +1, Lirelyn: +1.
ThePhan: dolls
ThePhan: toys
Lirelyn: blender
Goosey: plate
10Kan: Green Goblin helmet
Ticia: You know, so you ddn't think I was stupid. ;)
ThePhan: Well, I don't talk *to* the telephone, I talk to people on the other end, but...
: Nobody talks to ME.
Kalimeris: Aww.
Goosey: Hallo, door!
ThePhan: Aww
Kalimeris: I'll talk to you.
Kalimeris: Gimme a call.
Brick: I talked to you once.
Ticia: Door: You make a better door than a window.
Goosey: LOL
Sam: LOL
BlitzBot: 714. Famous doctors who didn't/don't practice medicine.
ThePhan: dr. seuss
Brick: You called, and I had to go answer.
Kalimeris: faust
10Kan: doogie howser
Ticia: Dr Laura
Goosey: einstein
Crystal109 is back.
Sam: dr. spock
Brick: Dr. House
Crystal109: dr. who
10Kan: doctor doom
Ticia: Dr Phil
10Kan: doctor strange
Gharlane: welby
Kalimeris: danger
Lirelyn: Dr Zhivago
Kalimeris: frankenfurter
Goosey: doctor shlocter
Ticia: Dr dredd
Kalimeris: frankenstein
Sam: dr no
ThePhan: frankenstein
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer Seuss.
BlitzBot: Ticia wins a point with answer Laura.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer Spock.
BlitzBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer Who.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Pepper.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Evil.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Ruth Westheimer.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Jekyll.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Kildare.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Holliday.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Strangelove.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Martin Luther King Jr.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Crystal109: +1, Sam: +1, ThePhan: +1, Ticia: +1.
10Kan: doctor frankenstein
Ticia: Dr Demento
Gharlane: Lirelyn, he did
Lirelyn: Dr Dre
Goosey: kevorkian
Crystal109: Heh.
Nyperold: I thought Dr. Zhe did?
Brick: Frank 'n Furter should be on there.
Gharlane: As did doctor spoc
Ticia: No Doc Demento?
ThePhan: But it's all right.
Gharlane: Spock
Lirelyn: Holliday was a dentist
Lirelyn: Doesn't that count?
Ticia: Rats.
10Kan: No Dr. No?
Sam: Yes, doctor! Yes!!
10Kan: Nooooo.
Ticia: LOL
BlitzBot: 910. RinkWorks subscribers.
ThePhan: Uh.
Sam: charlie
Kalimeris: maryam
Ticia: Ticia
Goosey: goosey
10Kan: Ticia
Gharlane: charlie
Sam: kate
Kalimeris: sam
Ticia: Charlie
Brick: sam
Goosey: ticia
Sam: teresa
ThePhan: NOT ME :-(
Nyperold: nobody, now.
Sam: bruce
Goosey: 10kan
Sam: woody
Goosey: sam
Kalimeris: goosey
10Kan: dude
Crystal109: dude
Ticia: Do you mean the ads?
Sam: galaxatron
Goosey: lirelyen
Kalimeris: lazorra
Brick: nyperold
Goosey: liface
ThePhan: heh
Brick: goosey
Goosey: dave
Kalimeris: wintermute
Sam: holly
Gharlane: Me, when there was subscribing
Goosey: nyperold
10Kan: woody
Goosey: ayako
Ticia: This question is totally unfair.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer Charlie.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer Teresa.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer Bruce.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer Woody.
BlitzBot: 10Kan wins a point with answer Dude.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer Galaxatron.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer Holly.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Katie.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Kentucky Rose.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Janet.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Sam: +6, 10Kan: +1.
Goosey: thephan
Kalimeris: nyperold
Sam: The commando chick.
Gharlane: exterminator robot
Crystal109: I'm amused by the names you guys popped out.
Sam: Yeah, Janet.
Kalimeris: kalimeris
10Kan: POINT
Goosey: Oh. Um.
Crystal109: DUDE!
Brick: You mean the names SAM popped out.
ThePhan: Heh
Ticia: Hehe
10Kan: Hey! I popped out a name too!
Crystal109: No, I meantt the wrong answers. As in, REAL subscribers. Hehe.
BlitzBot: 55. Things with horns.
Ticia: Those ads aren't even ON RINKWORKS
Sam: car
Kalimeris: bull
Gharlane: car
Crystal109: ox
Sam: devil
10Kan: the devil
Kalimeris: ox
Lirelyn: bull
Goosey: dilemma
Sam: cow
Gharlane: bus
Lirelyn: m
ThePhan: unicorn
Sam: bull
Kalimeris: unicorn
Ticia: bike
ThePhan: rhino
Sam: dinosaur
Lirelyn: ram
Sam: truck
Nyperold: orchestra
Brick: car
Crystal109: ram
Sam: bicycle
Kalimeris: triceratops
ThePhan: cars
10Kan: marching band
ThePhan: bikes
Sam: saddle
Lirelyn: narwhal
Gharlane: exterminator robot
Ticia: band
Kalimeris: car
10Kan: jazz band
Crystal109: MALE DEER
Kalimeris: fire truck
Lirelyn: devil
ThePhan: Strong Bad, he wishes
10Kan: moose
Goosey: devil
Sam: orchestra
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer car.
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer bull.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer unicorns.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer rhinoceri.
BlitzBot: Lirelyn wins a point with answer goat.
BlitzBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer orchestra.
BlitzBot: Sam wins a point with answer saddle.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: viking helmets.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Sam: +2, ThePhan: +2, Kalimeris: +1, Lirelyn: +1, Nyperold: +1.
Nyperold: horned toad
Brick: Me
10Kan: :((
10Kan: Strangely, horned toads just have spikes.
* Gharlane is amazed to have 7 points in a speed game
Crystal109: I don't remember what male deer are called.
10Kan: They still look wicked awesome and can shoot blood from their eyes, though.
10Kan: Buck.
BlitzBot: 211. Stores you can tell you're in just by the smell.
Crystal109: OH.
ThePhan: candle
Goosey: cookie
Sam: candle
Gharlane: bakery
Kalimeris: canle
Crystal109: hardware
ThePhan: bath and body works
Goosey: shoe
Brick: panera bread
Ticia: walmart
ThePhan: baker
Sam: perfume
Lirelyn: candle store
Kalimeris: sewer
Sam: butcher
Goosey: car
10Kan: fish market
Sam: baker
Brick: mcdonalds
Sam: bakery
ThePhan: furniture
Sam: cafe
Gharlane: hardware
ThePhan: fast food
Kalimeris: dairy
Ticia: candlestick maker
Lirelyn: shoe
Goosey: candlestick maker
Brick: sushi bar
Kalimeris: bread
Crystal109: grocery
ThePhan: chinese food
Kalimeris: animal
Gharlane: candy
ThePhan: lotions
: All of them.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer candle store.
BlitzBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer bakery.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer bath and body.
BlitzBot: Kalimeris wins a point with answer pet store.
BlitzBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer candy store.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: coffee house.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: deli.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: tack shop.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: Gharlane: +2, ThePhan: +2, Kalimeris: +1.
Nyperold: feed store
Kalimeris: pet store
10Kan: perfume
Goosey: cake
Crystal109: Tack shop?
Sam: Leather.
Crystal109: OH that kind of tacks.
Goosey: I always guess the answers that aren't on the lists. *sigh*
Gharlane: Leather smell
Crystal109: I was thinking of push pins, heh.
10Kan: Pepe: In France, all you can tell is that the store has French people in it!
ThePhan: LOL
Sam: Push pins don't really have a smell.
Ticia: lol
ThePhan: Very specialized store.
Crystal109: Sam: That's why I was confused, hehe.
BlitzBot: 902. Fictional tigers.
ThePhan: tony
Sam: tony
ThePhan: hobbes
Goosey: hobbes
Crystal109: tigger
Gharlane: tigger
Kalimeris: kimba
ThePhan: shere khan
Ticia: baghera
Goosey: GAH
Goosey: simba
Crystal109: Simba was a lion.
Gharlane: sher khan
10Kan: kimba
Nyperold: Sambo's tigers that turned into butter
Lirelyn: hobbes
Brick: simba was a lion
Ticia: simba is a li...
ThePhan: Um. Hmm
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer Tony the Tiger.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer Hobbes.
BlitzBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer Tigger.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer Shere Khan.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Rajah.
BlitzBot: Unclaimed answer: Tammany Tiger.
BlitzBot: Scores this round: ThePhan: +3, Crystal109: +1.
BlitzBot: ThePhan wins!
Kalimeris: tigger
Goosey: :-P
10Kan: Yay Phan!
Crystal109: YAY TWO POINTS!
Kalimeris: Oh yeah, rajah
Brick: :(
Goosey: This is not my favorite game.
Gharlane: Yay!
Crystal109: COngrats TP!
Brick: 13 points!
Crystal109: COngrats*
Lirelyn: Yay Phan!
Ticia: I never win this game.
Gharlane: Way to go, Phan!
Crystal109: Congrats***
Ticia: Yay Phan!
: Les congratulations fervent pour LaPhanne!
Gharlane: Oooh, and 9 points for me, best evah!
ThePhan: Whee!
Brick: LaPhanne!
Crystal109: I have book-a-minute.
Kalimeris: I have computer stupidities
Ticia: No, it's an At-A-Glance film review ad.
10Kan: No, Equiworks!
BlitzBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Kalimeris: No, you guys need to see better. Hmph.
10Kan: And now the Apogee FAQ.
Goosey: NOW it's AT-a-glance
Goosey: NOW is't Book-a- minute
Nyperold: I don't know. Mine's covered by the chat frame. :)
: Hi, everyone! I'm here to present the next bot.
Goosey: CODY
Kalimeris: CODY Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!
Kalimeris: ZOh my goodness, oh my goodness!Z
ThePhan: Hey, a new look!
Kalimeris: :-)
Goosey: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! yes hot suit guy
Crystal109: CODY!!!!!
Crystal109: Haha, sweaty fox.
* 10Kan pokes Goosey. She seems to be skipping.
: I think it's MatchBot. Yeah. That's the one where you match stuff, optionally picking stuff first, and then voting stuff, and then you do it all over again. Simple!
Goosey: Woo!
Goosey: LOL
: Yeah, I know.
10Kan: He's now hot jersey guy.
Crystal109: Haha.
ThePhan: Don't get a big head. I don't love you all that much.
Ticia has left.
: Here. Have some of my sweat to cuddle at night! *splat*
Kalimeris: Ewww
Crystal109: LOL
Kalimeris: Aaeeiioouu
Ticia has entered.
Kalimeris: TICIA, it has been AGES.
: We begin the game in 30 seconds.
MatchBot has been summoned by Sam.
Goosey: GAME
10Kan: ON
Brick: gogogogogo...
Brick: the?
Kalimeris: DANCING
Lirelyn: IS
Brick: It's been 45 seconds...
Crystal109: Thirteenth!
Ticia: Gah, my computer turned itself off and then when I came back in I had no post box, just an ad in the bottom frame.
MatchBot: 10Kan chose the adjective unsophisticated for this round. (1/10 accepted)
10Kan: match 4
ThePhan: match 4
Sam: match 2
Ticia: match 3
Goosey: match 6
Ticia: match 6
Crystal109: match 7
Kalimeris: match 6
Nyperold: match 6
Gharlane: match 6
Brick: match 7
Lirelyn: match 1
* ThePhan had too many good possibilities.
Goosey: wow -- 6 is popular.
Crystal109: Did I ever tell you guys that I played Apples to Apples a couple weeks ago?
ALameIris has entered.
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective unsophisticated. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for playdough.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for frogs.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for cow pies.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for boy bands.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for waterbeds.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for weeding the garden.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for tyrannosaurus rexes.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for bounty hunters.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for leaky roofs.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for the United Kingdom.
10Kan: Did you win?
: Goosey: Don't I know it. *wink*
10Kan: Hey Iris!
Nyperold: I... think so.
ThePhan: Crystal: Was it the first time you'd played it?
Brick: I just played it last week.
Crystal109: All I kept thinking the entire time was "MATCHBOT is way better!"
Gharlane: No, but it's a fun game and reminds me of Matchbot, hehe
Ticia: LOL
Goosey: LOL
10Kan: vote 3
Crystal109: TP: Yes, it was my first time playing.
Kalimeris: vote 9
ALameIris: So many people.
Nyperold: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 1
Goosey: vote 4
Lirelyn: vote 4
Crystal109: vote 3
Brick: vote 3
Sam: MatchBot was purposely based on Apples To Apples, which I first played with Darien, Mina, and ahmoacah.
[MatchBot->Sam] This is not the matching stage of the game. Did you mean to type vote?
Gharlane: vote 4
Crystal109: And no, I didn't really win.
Ticia: vote 3
ALameIris: vote 3
* 10Kan totally pwned last time he played Apples to Apples. Those rubes didn't know what matched 'em.
Sam: vote 3
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 7 points for cow pies.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 3 points for boy bands.
MatchBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for leaky roofs.
MatchBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for playdough.
MatchBot: Brick wins 0 points for the United Kingdom.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for weeding the garden.
MatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for tyrannosaurus rexes.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for waterbeds.
MatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for frogs.
MatchBot: Ticia wins 0 points for bounty hunters.
Crystal109: People kept judging based on literal meanings.
Crystal109: They had no sense of humor. =(
10Kan: They were wondring how on earth I got so good at it.
10Kan: Crystal: Aww!
Goosey: match
Ticia: I played Apples to Apples on Thanksgiving and said "My friend made a bot game for his chat room based on this game!"
MatchBot: Brick chose the adjective impolite for this round. (1/11 accepted)
10Kan: "And the bot is way better than this dead-tree junk!"
ThePhan: match 1
Kalimeris: match 7
Crystal109: match 4
Goosey: Did you then have to explain what a bot game was? I always have to.
Lirelyn: match 3
10Kan: match 4
Gharlane: match 2
Ticia: match 3
Sam: match 5
Nyperold: match 5
Ticia: match 5
Crystal109: Goosey: I tried, once.
Goosey: match 5
ALameIris: match 2
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective impolite. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for Howard Stern.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for Napoleon Bonaparte.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for teenagers.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for machine guns.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for Dracula.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for bandits.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for playing hard to get.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for Crystal109's grades.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for whistling.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for punching TalkingDog.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for assassinations.
Crystal109: My friends thought I was looney, to be talking to people I don't know in real life.
ALameIris: vote 5
Ticia: vote 1
10Kan: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 1
Kalimeris: vote 3
vball has entered.
Goosey: vote 10
Gharlane: vote 10
Crystal109: vote 3
Lirelyn: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 10
ThePhan: vball!
vball: Hello everyone!
Crystal109: vball!
Nyperold: Hello!
10Kan: Dracula is very polite. He doesn't even enter unless he's invited.
Gharlane: Hello!
Brick: vote 9
10Kan: Hi vball!
vball: vote 5
Ticia: It would be rude to punch TD, but I don't think he'd even feel it.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 3 points for punching TalkingDog.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for teenagers.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for Howard Stern.
MatchBot: Ticia wins 2 points for Dracula.
MatchBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for playing hard to get.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for whistling.
MatchBot: ALameIris wins 0 points for Napoleon Bonaparte.
MatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for Crystal109's grades.
MatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for bandits.
MatchBot: Lirelyn wins 0 points for machine guns.
MatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for assassinations.
MatchBot: Sam loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Kalimeris: BAD SAM
Ticia: You'd be like a little mosquito.
MatchBot: Goosey chose the adjective painful for this round. (1/12 accepted)
Goosey: match 6
Crystal109: match 6
Ticia: match 4
Brick: match 1
ThePhan: match 7
Nyperold: match 4
Kalimeris: match 2
ALameIris: match 2
Gharlane: match 7
vball: match 5
Sam: match 7
Lirelyn: match 4
Crystal109: ,purge
Brick: I win.
Crystal109: Oops.
vball: match 7
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective painful. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for singles bars.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for geishas.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for giving hugs.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for Nyperold's muscles.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for spelling mistakes.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for the first day of school.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for kidney stones.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for Barney.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for Microsoft.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for potholes.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for termites.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for crime.
10Kan: match 1
Sam: vote 7
Ticia: vote 7
Kalimeris: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 5
* 10Kan's connection hiccoughed.
Crystal109: vote 8
vball: vote 7
ALameIris: vote 6
Gharlane: vote 7
Goosey: vote 5
Brick: vote 8
10Kan: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 5
Brick: I lose!
Lirelyn: vote 6
Gharlane: Barney is painful, but no match for kidney stones
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 5 points for kidney stones.
MatchBot: Lirelyn wins 4 points for spelling mistakes.
MatchBot: Goosey wins 2 points for Barney.
MatchBot: Ticia wins 2 points for the first day of school.
MatchBot: ALameIris wins 0 points for Microsoft.
MatchBot: Brick wins 0 points for termites.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for potholes.
MatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for Nyperold's muscles.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for giving hugs.
MatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for crime.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for geishas.
MatchBot: vball wins 0 points for singles bars.
ThePhan: I am... something. I saw "Barney" and my first thought was of Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother. Heh.
ALameIris: This is fun.
ThePhan: And then I was like, "Barney Fife?"
Brick: You ARE something.
ThePhan: "Barney Rubble?"
Ticia: This is my favorite game.
ThePhan: "OHHHHHH."
Sam: Iris: Yay! :-)
Goosey: TP: LOL
MatchBot: Gharlane chose the adjective captivating for this round. (1/12 accepted)
Ticia: match 2
ThePhan: match 2
Gharlane: match 2
Crystal109: match 1
Nyperold: match 3
10Kan: match 4
Kalimeris: match 4
vball: match 6
Brick: match 4
ALameIris: vote 2
10Kan: Glad ya like it!
Lirelyn: match 6
Goosey: match 3
ALameIris: match 2
Sam: dump
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective captivating. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for mazes.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for the solar system.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for P.T. Barnum.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for extraterrestrial beings.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for toys.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for Celine Dion.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for Danielle Steel.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for baking cookies.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for Romeo and Juliet.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for Robert De Niro.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for the Internet.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for cologne.
10Kan: vote 11
Crystal109: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 2
Kalimeris: vote 2
Goosey: vote 11
vball: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 11
Lirelyn: vote 4
ALameIris: vote 11
Crystal109: Of course, the Internet gets a close second.
Gharlane: I like mine best
Sam: vote 5
Ticia: vote 11
Brick: vote 11
Gharlane: vote 9
ThePhan: It's harder to escape the solar system than the Internet.
ALameIris: Of course, internet gets top.
Gharlane: Random non-ghar answer
MatchBot: Lirelyn wins 6 points for the Internet.
MatchBot: Ticia wins 3 points for the solar system.
MatchBot: Brick wins 1 point for toys.
MatchBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for extraterrestrial beings.
MatchBot: Goosey wins 1 point for Celine Dion.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Romeo and Juliet.
MatchBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for Danielle Steel.
MatchBot: ALameIris wins 0 points for cologne.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for baking cookies.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Robert De Niro.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for mazes.
MatchBot: vball wins 0 points for P.T. Barnum.
Brick: Thank you, Sam.
Nyperold: If you've ever been in a maze, you just can't stop until you're through.
MatchBot: Sam chose the adjective lovable for this round. (1/12 accepted)
Ticia: match 2
ThePhan: match 7
10Kan: Hey Gharlane, your name's from E.E. Doc Smith's Lensmen books, right?
Crystal109: match 1
Kalimeris: match 4
vball: match 3
Lirelyn: match 3
Brick: match 5
Kalimeris: match 7
10Kan: match 6
Gharlane: It is
ALameIris: match 7
Goosey: match 3
Nyperold: match 4
ALameIris: My cards are so LAME!
Ticia: Gharlane: Say hi to your wife for me. :)
Crystal109: ALI: You can type in dump in a round when you don't match.
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective lovable. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for bazookas.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for puppies.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for Lassie.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for Tiny Toons.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for expectant fathers.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for Goosey's mind.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for Barbie dolls.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for bedbugs.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for shishkebabs.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for Snoopy.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for Steve Irwin, Crocodile Hunter.
10Kan: Folks keep recommending that I read those, since I like pulp sci-fi so much.
ThePhan: ALI: Like... an IRIS? HA HA HA HA HA
Gharlane: dump 2 4 6 7
Ticia: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 10
Kalimeris: vote 3
ALameIris: Right right
10Kan: vote 11
Crystal109: vote 10
Nyperold: vote 2
vball: vote 3
Gharlane: Classic space opera stuff, actually
ALameIris: vote 10
Goosey: vote 6
Lirelyn: vote 10
Brick: vote 2
Goosey: vote 5
Crystal109: (This is not to say that Goosey's mind isn't lovable.)
Sam: vote 2
MatchBot: 10Kan wins 4 points for Snoopy.
MatchBot: vball wins 3 points for puppies.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 2 points for expectant fathers.
MatchBot: Ticia wins 2 points for Lassie.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 1 point for Steve Irwin, Crocodile Hunter.
MatchBot: ALameIris wins 0 points for shishkebabs.
MatchBot: Brick wins 0 points for bazookas.
MatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for bedbugs.
MatchBot: Lirelyn wins 0 points for Tiny Toons.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Barbie dolls.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Goosey's mind.
Goosey: I vote for myself all the time, but expectant fathers are INCREDIBLY loveable.
Brick: Oh come on! Bazookas are extremely loveable!
: Yes, Barbies are lovable. NOM NOM NOM
Goosey: LOL
Ticia: LOL
Crystal109: HOLY CRAP
ThePhan: LOL
* Crystal109 has never seen that picture before.
Brick: o.O
Brick: O.o
Ticia: She's such a rebel.
MatchBot: ThePhan chose the adjective sizzling for this round. (1/12 accepted)
Crystal109: match 7
Ticia: match 3
ThePhan: match 3
10Kan: match 1
Kalimeris: match 3
Goosey: match 7
vball: match 5
Nyperold: match 7
ALameIris: match 5
Ticia: match 5
Gharlane: match 5
Brick: match 5
Lirelyn: dump
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective sizzling. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for beaches.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for electricity.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for Pamela Anderson Lee.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for Texas.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for Ticia's grades.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for breathing fire.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for mouth wash.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for exorcisms.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for Crystal109's voice.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for Calvin Klein.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for body fat.
Ticia: LOL
ALameIris: vote 4
vball: vote 2
10Kan: Mr. Small's was, anyway.
Kalimeris: vote 6
Ticia: vote 8
Crystal109: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 6
Sam: vote 1
Goosey: vote 6
10Kan: vote 11
Gharlane: vote 6
Ticia: I have no grades.
Brick: vote 3
Lirelyn: vote 6
Crystal109: Sorry, my voice isn't that sizzling.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 5 points for breathing fire.
MatchBot: 10Kan wins 3 points for electricity.
MatchBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for exorcisms.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Texas.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Pamela Anderson Lee.
MatchBot: Ticia wins 1 point for beaches.
MatchBot: vball wins 1 point for body fat.
MatchBot: ALameIris wins 0 points for Calvin Klein.
MatchBot: Brick wins 0 points for Ticia's grades.
MatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for Crystal109's voice.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for mouth wash.
Goosey: Apparently.
Crystal109: Goosey: Hehe, sorry.
Crystal109: Alright, guys, time to go to my dance class.
Crystal109 is away.
Goosey: I thought that would be a shoo-in.
ThePhan: Dance, Crystal, dance!
MatchBot: Lirelyn chose the adjective sentimental for this round. (1/11 accepted)
10Kan: match 2
Ticia: match 7
ThePhan: match 3
Kalimeris: match 5
Lirelyn: mach 7
Brick: match 5
Goosey: match 7
Lirelyn: match 7
Gharlane: dump
Nyperold: match 1
vball: match 6
ALameIris: match 3
vball: match 4
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective sentimental. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for Niagara Falls.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for poetry.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for merry-go-rounds.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for Lirelyn's first kiss.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for grandfather clocks.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for trimming toenails.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for war memorials.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for Charles Dickens.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for ballet.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for world peace.
Ticia: vote 5
10Kan: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 2
vball: vote 8
Kalimeris: vote 4
Sam: vote 4
ALameIris: vote 3
Gharlane: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 2
Brick: vote 4
Lirelyn: vote 10
Goosey: vote 5
MatchBot: Ticia wins 4 points for Lirelyn's first kiss.
MatchBot: Brick wins 2 points for poetry.
MatchBot: Lirelyn wins 2 points for grandfather clocks.
MatchBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for Charles Dickens.
MatchBot: Goosey wins 1 point for world peace.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for merry-go-rounds.
MatchBot: vball wins 1 point for Niagara Falls.
MatchBot: ALameIris wins 0 points for trimming toenails.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for war memorials.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for ballet.
Brick: Yay! 2 more points!
Ticia: Points!
Lirelyn: Wow, must have been more sentimental than I remember it!
ThePhan: Hehe
MatchBot: Kalimeris chose the adjective slobbery for this round. (1/11 accepted)
Sam: LOL
Ticia: match 6
Gharlane: lol
Ticia: Hehe
Kalimeris: match 7
ThePhan: match 7
10Kan: match 2
Brick: match 5
Gharlane: match 6
vball: match 1
Lirelyn: match 2
* 10Kan's first kiss was in third grade...
Gharlane: Would slobbery have been a better match?
* Gharlane ducks
Lirelyn: Gharlane: LOL, but no.
Goosey: match 6
: Match me and die, zut alors!
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective slobbery. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for take-out food.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for ulcers.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for dieting.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for the United States.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for licking gooey things.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for Saddam Hussein.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for sea monsters.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for kangaroos.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for hijackers.
Brick: dump
Kalimeris: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 5
Ticia: vote 7
Lirelyn: vote 7
Goosey: vote 5
10Kan: vote 5
Gharlane: vote 7
vball: vote 7
Sam: vote 8
Brick: vote 5
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 4 points for sea monsters.
MatchBot: Ticia wins 4 points for licking gooey things.
MatchBot: Brick wins 1 point for Saddam Hussein.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for kangaroos.
MatchBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for take-out food.
MatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for ulcers.
MatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for the United States.
MatchBot: Lirelyn wins 0 points for hijackers.
MatchBot: vball wins 0 points for dieting.
Brick: +1!
MatchBot: vball chose the adjective inventive for this round. (1/11 accepted)
Ticia: match 3
Kalimeris: match 2
vball: match 6
ThePhan: match 4
10Kan: match 3
Gharlane: match 4
Goosey: match 2
Kalimeris: match 6
Lirelyn: match 5
ALameIris: match 1
Brick: match 7
Nyperold: match 3
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective inventive. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for rocket scientists.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for intestines.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for the attack on Pearl Harbor.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for Isaac Newton.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for Weird Al Yankovic.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for baked potatoes.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for Julia Child.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for kaleidoscopes.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for Libertarians.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for soggy noodles.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
10Kan: vote 4
vball: vote 1
ALameIris: Vote 4
Ticia: vote 4
Goosey: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 7
Kalimeris: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 1
Lirelyn: vote 5
Ticia: vote 5
Gharlane: vote 4
Brick: vote 10
Goosey: dump
MatchBot: 10Kan wins 3 points for Weird Al Yankovic.
MatchBot: vball wins 3 points for Isaac Newton.
MatchBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for Julia Child.
MatchBot: Ticia wins 2 points for rocket scientists.
MatchBot: ALameIris wins 1 point for soggy noodles.
MatchBot: Brick wins 0 points for baked potatoes.
MatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for intestines.
MatchBot: Lirelyn wins 0 points for Libertarians.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for kaleidoscopes.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for the attack on Pearl Harbor.
vball: Woo hoo. It helped to pick that time.
MatchBot: ALameIris chose the adjective generous for this round. (1/11 accepted)
Brick: dump
ThePhan: match 4
10Kan: match 4
vball: match 6
Kalimeris: match 6
Goosey: dump
Sam: dump
ALameIris: match 6
Ticia: dump
Lirelyn: match 6
Gharlane: match 5
Nyperold: match 7
Brick: match 1
Brick: Is dump not working?
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective generous. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for homeless shelters.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for true love.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for sugar.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for TalkingDog's family.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for body odor.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for Swiss bank accounts.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for the Grim Reaper.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for punching bags.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for Goosey's future.
Ticia: vote 9
vball: vote 1
Kalimeris: vote 1
Gharlane: vote 2
Goosey: vote 5
ALameIris: vote 7
Sam: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 1
Lirelyn: vote 1
10Kan: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 1
Brick: vote 7
MatchBot: ALameIris wins 5 points for homeless shelters.
MatchBot: Brick wins 2 points for body odor.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 2 points for the Grim Reaper.
MatchBot: vball wins 2 points for true love.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Goosey's future.
MatchBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for Swiss bank accounts.
MatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for sugar.
MatchBot: Lirelyn wins 0 points for TalkingDog's family.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for punching bags.
Brick: I need to go read the fine print on these "rules" about the bots...
Ticia: They really are rules.
Ticia: They're not fake rules.
ThePhan: ALI: Yay! Good job
ALameIris: Yay, I finally made some points! =)
Gharlane: Good match there :)
ALameIris: Not that I've been sitting here forever or anything. =)
MatchBot: Nyperold chose the adjective stealthy for this round. (1/11 accepted)
Nyperold: match 3
Sam: match 1
Kalimeris: match 3
Brick: In one round, you caught up with me...
Ticia: match match 6
ThePhan: match 1
vball: match 3
10Kan: match 5
Goosey: match 4
[MatchBot->Ticia] Your noun number was invalid.
Gharlane: match 6
Lirelyn: match 1
ALameIris: match4
Brick: match 1
Ticia: match 8
[MatchBot->Ticia] Your noun number was out of range.
Ticia: match 6
Ticia: DANG IT
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective stealthy. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for swans.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for cavities.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for vikings.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for handguns.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for grave robbers.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for school buses.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for curiosity.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for mimes.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for big sisters.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for penguins.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for feminists.
10Kan: vote 10
ThePhan: vote 5
Kalimeris: vote 2
Gharlane: Ack! Look out! Penguins!
vball: vote 9
Lirelyn: vote 8
Goosey: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 8
ThePhan: Vikings don't need to be stealthy. They can stab people with their pointy helmets.
ALameIris: vote 3
Sam: vote 5
Gharlane: vote 5
Ticia: vote 5
Brick: vote 10
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 4 points for grave robbers.
MatchBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for penguins.
MatchBot: Lirelyn wins 2 points for cavities.
MatchBot: Sam wins 2 points for mimes.
MatchBot: Goosey wins 1 point for vikings.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 1 point for big sisters.
MatchBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for handguns.
MatchBot: ALameIris wins 0 points for swans.
MatchBot: Brick wins 0 points for school buses.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for curiosity.
MatchBot: vball wins 0 points for feminists.
Gharlane: School buses are deliberately NONstealthy = someone going for the contratian vote?
Gharlane: Contrarian, typopo
MatchBot: Ticia chose the adjective guilty for this round. (1/11 accepted)
Ticia: match 6
ThePhan: match 6
Kalimeris: match 7
Gharlane: match 1
Sam: match 4
Nyperold: match 4
10Kan: match 5
vball: match 4
Lirelyn: match 3
ALameIris: match 2
Brick: match 5
Goosey: match 7
Jumpman has entered.
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective guilty. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for Ernest Hemingway.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for dungeons.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for Cleopatra.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for Chicago.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for Candid Camera.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for pyromaniacs.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for children's television.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for reality TV.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for poison.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for Heaven.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for Joan of Arc.
Gharlane: Hi Jumpman
ThePhan: Hey Jumpman
ThePhan: vote 6
Gharlane: vote 8
Goosey: vote 8
10Kan: vote 2
vball: vote 11
Kalimeris: vote 5
Sam: vote 1
Lirelyn: vote 8
Gharlane: As guilty as it gets
Nyperold: vote 6
Ticia: vote 11
Brick: vote 7
ALameIris: vote 5
vball: vote 6
Jumpman: oops -- an hour late :)
Michael has entered.
ThePhan: Hey Michael.
10Kan: Hi Michael.
Gharlane: Hi Michael
MatchBot: 10Kan wins 3 points for reality TV.
MatchBot: Ticia wins 3 points for pyromaniacs.
MatchBot: Lirelyn wins 2 points for Candid Camera.
MatchBot: ALameIris wins 1 point for Ernest Hemingway.
MatchBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for dungeons.
MatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for Joan of Arc.
MatchBot: vball wins 1 point for children's television.
MatchBot: Brick wins 0 points for Heaven.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for poison.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Cleopatra.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Chicago.
Sam: Haha. Joan of Arc got votes. Hilarious.
Michael: Hi folks.
Sam: Well, vote.
Ticia: Sam: ;)
Gharlane: Sam: Technically she was guilty of rebelling, hehe
Sam: True!
Brick: Children's TV knows what it did...
Sam: And it's very sorry.
MatchBot: Michael chose the adjective depressing for this round. (1/13 accepted)
Sam: match 5
Brick: match 7
Goosey: match 7
Ticia: match 3
10Kan: match 3
Kalimeris: match 2
Lirelyn: match 1
ALameIris: match 6
ThePhan: match 2
Jumpman: match 3
vball: match 3
Gharlane: match 7
Nyperold: match 6
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective depressing. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for the New York Times.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for James Joyce.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for Goosey leaving chat.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for My Little Ponies.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for winter.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for the Boston Red Sox.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for rush hour traffic.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for schizophrenics.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for TalkingDog leaving chat.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for locker rooms.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for Sam leaving chat.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for the 1940s.
MatchBot: Vote 13 for Oz.
ThePhan: LOL
Sam: hahaha. Rinkies leaving chat cancel each other out
Goosey: LOL
vball: vote 11
10Kan: vote 1
Ticia: vote 3
Goosey: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 8
Kalimeris: vote 5
Gharlane: vote 4
Jumpman: vote 5
ALameIris: vote 7
Sam: I'll bite.
Michael: vote 7
Brick: vote 9
Lirelyn: vote 2
Sam: vote 11
Nyperold: vote 1
MatchBot: Brick wins 2 points for Sam leaving chat.
MatchBot: Lirelyn wins 2 points for rush hour traffic.
MatchBot: Sam wins 2 points for Goosey leaving chat.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for the New York Times.
MatchBot: vball wins 2 points for winter.
MatchBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for schizophrenics.
MatchBot: Goosey wins 1 point for TalkingDog leaving chat.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 1 point for James Joyce.
MatchBot: Ticia wins 1 point for My Little Ponies.
MatchBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for the Boston Red Sox.
MatchBot: ALameIris wins 0 points for the 1940s.
MatchBot: Jumpman wins 0 points for locker rooms.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Oz.
Kalimeris: I can't pick which rinkie makes me saddest when they leave, so I have to pick somethin' else
Sam: I almost voted 9.
Sam: But then I was all, I RULE.
Goosey: Hehe, that was a great round. Actually cheered me up!
MatchBot: Jumpman chose the adjective foul for this round. (1/13 accepted)
Kalimeris: match 2
Ticia: match 1
ThePhan: match 2
Gharlane: match 1
Michael: match 2
vball: match 7
Jumpman: match 6
Sam: match 6
Goosey: match 4
10Kan: match 4
Lirelyn: match 6
ALameIris: match 6
Brick: match 1
Nyperold: match 4
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective foul. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for superior attitudes.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for kilts.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for nuclear waste.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for wearing too much perfume.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for beer.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for flirting.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for dating.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for sauerkraut.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for slime molds.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for goo.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for gutting fish.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for armpits.
MatchBot: Vote 13 for street brawling.
Sam: vote 4
Jumpman: vote 8
Michael: vote 5
vball: vote 4
Ticia: vote 11
Kalimeris: vote 4
Sam: It's a tough call between 3 and 4.
Brick: vote 8
10Kan: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 12
Gharlane: vote 4
Goosey: vote 7
10Kan: Slime molds don't smell that bad, really.
ThePhan: Wearing too much nuclear waste!
* Nyperold predicts a certain picture or two...
Lirelyn: vote 4
ALameIris: vote 11
MatchBot: Michael wins 6 points for wearing too much perfume.
MatchBot: Brick wins 2 points for gutting fish.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for sauerkraut.
MatchBot: ALameIris wins 1 point for dating.
MatchBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for beer.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 1 point for armpits.
MatchBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for superior attitudes.
MatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for flirting.
MatchBot: Jumpman wins 0 points for kilts.
MatchBot: Lirelyn wins 0 points for slime molds.
MatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for street brawling.
MatchBot: Ticia wins 0 points for goo.
MatchBot: vball wins 0 points for nuclear waste.
vball: Nice Michael.
Brick: I'm pushing for 15...
Nyperold: Slime molds are apparently good enough to e.
Gharlane: Huh - figured I'd get at least 3 points with that, hehe
MatchBot: Kalimeris chose the adjective theatrical for this round. (1/13 accepted)
ThePhan: match 4
Ticia: match 6
Jumpman: match 4
Goosey: match 1
vball: match 5
ALameIris: match 4
Gharlane: match 4
Nyperold: match 6
Kalimeris: match 5
10Kan: match 5
: What's wrong with armpits?
Lirelyn: match 5
Brick: match 1
Goosey: LOL LOL
ALameIris: ICK!
Gharlane: Yep, hehe
ThePhan: LOL
Michael: match 2
Ticia: hehe
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective theatrical. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for jelly beans.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for Kalimeris's voice.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for power outages.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for Demi Moore.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for Obi Wan Kenobi.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for Jack Nicholson.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for being in a coma.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for monkeys.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for Goosey's personality.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for peg legs.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for magic tricks.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for James Brown.
MatchBot: Vote 13 for Metallica.
Kalimeris: PIT.
Brick: "Me" should be an answer
vball: vote 6
Goosey: vote 9
Jumpman: vote 11
Nyperold: vote 5
Goosey: VOTE 9!!!!
ThePhan: vote 13
Kalimeris: vote 11
ALameIris: vote5
: Seriously.
10Kan: vote 9
Ticia: vote 11
Lirelyn: vote 11
Brick: vote 11
Sam: vote 2
vball: vote 5
Gharlane: vote 13
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 5 points for magic tricks.
MatchBot: Michael wins 3 points for Obi Wan Kenobi.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 2 points for Metallica.
MatchBot: Lirelyn wins 2 points for Goosey's personality.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Kalimeris's voice.
MatchBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for jelly beans.
MatchBot: ALameIris wins 0 points for Demi Moore.
MatchBot: Brick wins 0 points for power outages.
MatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for monkeys.
MatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for being in a coma.
MatchBot: Jumpman wins 0 points for Jack Nicholson.
MatchBot: Ticia wins 0 points for James Brown.
MatchBot: vball wins 0 points for peg legs.
MatchBot: Michael loses a point for submitting and not voting.
10Kan: I'm gonna call that guy Mr. Chinese History X.
Michael: stupid indecision
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'UBT #6 is now!' by Sam.
10Kan: Oh hey guys! UBT is starting!
MatchBot: Brick chose the adjective prominent for this round. (1/13 accepted)
10Kan: match 5
Ticia: match 6
Jumpman: match 1
Sam: match 4
Kalimeris: match 3
ThePhan: match 4
Brick: match 2
Gharlane: match 2
vball: match 4
Goosey: match 7
Michael: match 4
ALameIris: match 5
Nyperold: match 2
Lirelyn: match 2
Ticia: match 2
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective prominent. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for surfing the net.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for Michael's muscles.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for Babe Ruth.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for freckles.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for chicken pox.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for King Kong.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for fingernails.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for the Big Dipper.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for eyes.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for Claude Monet.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for winning the lottery.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for the sense of smell.
MatchBot: Vote 13 for fear.
Michael: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 13
vball: vote 6
ALameIris: vote 4
10Kan: vote 4
Kalimeris: vote 6
Sam: vote 13
Jumpman: vote 9
Nyperold: vote 3
Ticia: vote 6
Gharlane: vote 3
Brick: vote 3
Lirelyn: vote 8
Goosey: vote 8
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 3 points for Babe Ruth.
MatchBot: Sam wins 3 points for King Kong.
MatchBot: ALameIris wins 2 points for the Big Dipper.
MatchBot: Goosey wins 2 points for fear.
MatchBot: Jumpman wins 2 points for freckles.
MatchBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for Michael's muscles.
MatchBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for eyes.
MatchBot: Brick wins 0 points for surfing the net.
MatchBot: Michael wins 0 points for the sense of smell.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Claude Monet.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for chicken pox.
MatchBot: Ticia wins 0 points for winning the lottery.
MatchBot: vball wins 0 points for fingernails.
Jumpman: ok, the first point is the hardest to get, right?
LaZorra has entered.
Gharlane: LaZorra!
Goosey: LAZORRA!!!!
ThePhan: LaZorrrrrrrrra!
LaZorra: I AM HERE
Brick: Yes. Then the 2nd point is the hardest. then the 3rd
Lirelyn: Jumpman: It totally is.
MatchBot: LaZorra chose the adjective strong for this round. (1/13 accepted)
Jumpman: match 5
10Kan: match 3
Ticia: match 6
: Ooooh, another fox! Hi LaZorra!
vball: match 1
Brick: match 6
LaZorra: match 3
10Kan: What's LaZorra's fox codename?
Sam: 10K: Zorra is fox in Spanish.
10Kan: Sam: OH!
ThePhan: match 2
ALameIris: match 3
Gharlane: match 6
Kalimeris: match 6
Michael: match 1
Ticia: Hehe
Sam: match 5
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Lirelyn: match 7
Goosey: match 2
Nyperold: match 6
Gharlane: I hope someone has 'bad', lol
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective strong. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for deodorant.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for ignorance.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for babysitters.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for fathers.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for plywood.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for safes.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for Humphrey Bogart.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for Kalimeris's body.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for Superman.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for Brigitte Bardot.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for cows.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for construction workers.
MatchBot: Vote 13 for animal instincts.
ThePhan: vote 9
ALameIris: vote 9
vball: vote 9
Kalimeris: vote 3
Ticia: vote 9
LaZorra: vote 9
10Kan: vote 13
Lirelyn: vote 7
Michael: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 11
Sam: vote 9
Jumpman: vote 9
Nyperold: That'd be an adjective.
Brick: vote 2
Gharlane: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 9
Sam: LaZorra: You missed Mr. Small. He's hosting UBT 6.
MatchBot: Lirelyn wins 7 points for Superman.
MatchBot: 10Kan wins 2 points for ignorance.
MatchBot: Brick wins 1 point for cows.
MatchBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for animal instincts.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for fathers.
MatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for Humphrey Bogart.
MatchBot: Ticia wins 1 point for babysitters.
MatchBot: ALameIris wins 0 points for Kalimeris's body.
MatchBot: Jumpman wins 0 points for construction workers.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Brigitte Bardot.
MatchBot: Michael wins 0 points for plywood.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for deodorant.
MatchBot: vball wins 0 points for safes.
Gharlane: Nyp: True, but it would be perfect otherwise
Nyperold: "Bad", I mean.
Brick: +1!
Sam: Wow, Lirelyn rockets into the lead!
Ticia: Dang it.
ThePhan: Whoa, go, Lirelyn!
Lirelyn: Squeee!!!
10Kan: Look, up in the sky!
Ticia: no, BAD LIRELYN
10Kan: It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Lirelyn's score!
Gharlane: It's a bird, it's a plane,,,,,,,,it's a bird
MatchBot: vball chose the adjective good for this round. (1/13 accepted)
Brick: Anyone's game now! Except for mine!
ThePhan: match 2
Goosey: ...
Kalimeris: match 4
Lirelyn: match 2
Michael: match 2
10Kan: match 3
Sam: match 6
vball: match 2
Jumpman: match 7
LaZorra: match 7
ALameIris: match 6
Ticia: dump
Brick: match 7
Nyperold: match 1
Gharlane: dump
: Ooooh. This round oughta be good.
vball: match 7
: *zing*
Goosey: LOL
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective good. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for fun.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for lasagna.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for English nannies.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for body functions.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for Mr. Rogers.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for recycling.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for Casablanca.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for hallucinations.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for Crystal109's future.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for water parks.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for Goosey's voice.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for belly button lint.
Goosey: vote 11
Jumpman: vote 5
Gharlane: vote 7
Kalimeris: vote 12
ALameIris: vote 6
10Kan: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 1
Lirelyn: vote 7
vball: vote 1
Sam: vote 4
Ticia: vote 7
Michael: vote 1
Brick: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 2
LaZorra: vote 1
Jumpman: what game(s) did I miss?
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 5 points for fun.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for Casablanca.
MatchBot: vball wins 2 points for lasagna.
MatchBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for recycling.
MatchBot: Jumpman wins 1 point for belly button lint.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 1 point for body functions.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for Goosey's voice.
MatchBot: Michael wins 1 point for Mr. Rogers.
MatchBot: ALameIris wins 0 points for Crystal109's future.
MatchBot: Brick wins 0 points for hallucinations.
MatchBot: Lirelyn wins 0 points for English nannies.
MatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for water parks.
Sam: Blitz
Sam: Hi Jump!
Brick: And most of MatchBot
Jumpman: Greetings.
MatchBot: Sam chose the adjective Kalimeris's for this round. (1/13 accepted)
Gharlane: match 6
Goosey: That's an adjective??
LaZorra: match 6
Michael: match 2
10Kan: match 5
ThePhan: match 7
Jumpman: match 5
Kalimeris: match 7
Ticia: match 7
Nyperold: match 3
vball: match 4
Lirelyn: match 7
Brick: match 8
Goosey: match 2
[MatchBot->Brick] Your noun number was out of range.
ALameIris: match 3
Michael: match 4
Brick: match 0
[MatchBot->Brick] Your noun number was out of range.
Kalimeris: match 6
Brick: match 1
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective Kalimeris's. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for being startled.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for being eaten.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for lasers.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for rabid animals.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for rattlesnakes.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for teddy bears.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for meatloaf.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for ashes.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for reggae music.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for John Travolta.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for doing a handstand.
MatchBot: Vote 12 for getting hugs.
MatchBot: Vote 13 for guardian angels.
vball: vote 13
Sam: vote 2!
ThePhan: vote 12
Goosey: vote 3
ThePhan: You own John Travolta?
Kalimeris: vote 2
ALameIris: vote 9
Ticia: vote 2
Jumpman: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 13
Brick: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 12
10Kan: vote 12
Gharlane: vote 12
* Nyperold HUGS Kalimeris!
Lirelyn: vote 2
Sam: vote 12
Michael: vote 9
MatchBot: vball wins 5 points for getting hugs.
MatchBot: Gharlane wins 4 points for being eaten.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for guardian angels.
MatchBot: Ticia wins 2 points for reggae music.
MatchBot: Jumpman wins 1 point for lasers.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for being startled.
MatchBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for rattlesnakes.
MatchBot: ALameIris wins 0 points for doing a handstand.
MatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for meatloaf.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for John Travolta.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for ashes.
MatchBot: Lirelyn wins 0 points for rabid animals.
MatchBot: Michael wins 0 points for teddy bears.
Brick: Note: Today [Feb 13] is National Free Hug day!
Ticia: Yay 2 points!
* Brick HUGS all!
ThePhan: This is a close game...
Sam: Yes.
Brick: 3 people within 3 points of winning
Gharlane: pick 2
MatchBot: Gharlane chose the adjective cheesy for this round. (1/13 accepted)
Sam: dump
Ticia: match 6
ThePhan: match 2
Jumpman: match 3
Michael: match 6
LaZorra: match 3
Nyperold: match 7
10Kan: dump
Gharlane: match 1
Kalimeris: match 5
vball: match 1
Goosey: dump
Brick: match 3
Lirelyn: dump
MatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best noun that fits the adjective cheesy. (You can't vote for yourself!)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for game shows.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for weapons dealers.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for wigs.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for Richard Simmons.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for Sunday drivers.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for seashells.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for wind chimes.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for email.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for Canada.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for Patrick Stewart.
Ticia: And your boyfriend.
vball: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 1
Kalimeris: vote 5
Michael: vote 1
ALameIris: vote 9
Jumpman: vote 3
Sam: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 1
Ticia: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 4
Goosey: vote 4
Brick: vote 9
Lirelyn: vote 1
10Kan: vote 1
Gharlane: vote 1
Ticia: LOL
ALameIris: To me, yes.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 7 points for game shows.
MatchBot: Michael wins 3 points for Richard Simmons.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for wigs.
MatchBot: Ticia wins 2 points for Canada.
MatchBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for Sunday drivers.
MatchBot: Brick wins 0 points for weapons dealers.
MatchBot: Jumpman wins 0 points for email.
MatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for Patrick Stewart.
MatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for seashells.
MatchBot: vball wins 0 points for wind chimes.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins!
MatchBot: 10Kan is: guilty, inventive, lovable.
MatchBot: ALameIris is: generous.
MatchBot: Brick is: depressing.
MatchBot: Crystal109 is: sizzling.
MatchBot: Kalimeris is: impolite, prominent, slobbery.
MatchBot: LaZorra is: cheesy.
MatchBot: Lirelyn is: captivating, depressing, strong.
MatchBot: Michael is: foul.
MatchBot: Nyperold is: good, painful, stealthy.
MatchBot: Sam is: depressing, prominent.
MatchBot: ThePhan is: depressing, impolite, theatrical, unsophisticated.
MatchBot: Ticia is: guilty, sentimental, slobbery.
MatchBot: vball is: Kalimeris's, depressing, inventive.
Gharlane: If Wisconsin was up there I would vote for it, lol
Ticia: RATS
ThePhan: Wait, what?
Kalimeris: I am horrible.
ThePhan: LOl
* Nyperold had some cheesy shells the other day. Mmm, macaroni.
* 10Kan expects he will get off with a light sentence.
Sam: Ok, the rest of you need to kick it into gear.
ThePhan: I didn't even know I got any votes that round.
Jumpman: what's next?
Sam: I award ThePhan excellence.
Sam: The rest of you: TERRIBLE!
Sam: you get BAD AWARD.
* Goosey cries.
Ticia: Come on! I needed ONE MORE POINT
* LaZorra is not cheesy!
10Kan: Doo-dah-bee-DOOO
Nyperold: Hey, I'm GOOD?
Ticia: Dang it, I voted for wigs.
Kalimeris: I am impolite, so this is okay.
* Lirelyn is just excited to have been in the lead once.
Brick: I'm so depressed
ThePhan: Oh, my. I am depressing, impolite, theatrical, and unsophisticated. I think I'm one of those obnoxious diva actresses.
LaZorra: Also, playing bot tourneys on a tiny screen is HARD.
Nyperold: If painful.
Brick: Tiny = ?
ThePhan: Or, wait. I'm that psycho girl from American Idol.
ALameIris: Are we playing something else?
Jumpman: searchbot, I think
Nyperold: Good, stealthy, and painful... wait, am I Altair?
Brick: I am Marvin the Paranoid Android...
: I wiw be awwouwthing uh neth roun!
10Kan: Did she say arousing?
* LaZorra can't make out what the fourth word is supposed to be.
Brick: announcing
: Ouw neth wot ith ThearthWot!
Kalimeris: So, little kitten has been making big kitty type noises
Kalimeris: She meows now instead of squeaking
ThePhan: Search!
ALameIris: whoa
Brick: O.O
Ticia: . . .
Gharlane: Hmmm, haven't played this one EVAR
Gharlane: Hehe
Nyperold: Surely you jest.
TalkingDog: Don't call me Shirley.
Jumpman: must
Jumpman: get
Jumpman: that
Jumpman: off
Jumpman: my
Jumpman: screen
: Whoops, ha ha ha. I was big.
Ticia: Hehe
Goosey: LOL
Jumpman: d'ah!
: That reminds me of the time I thought somebody said lettuce. HAHAHAHAHA.
Ticia: LOL
Kalimeris: Sad lettuce.
* LaZorra DIES.
Brick: LaZorra = pushing up daisies.
: Anyway, the next bot is SearchBot! Isn't that COOL?
* TalkingDog whistles the exercise music from Big Comfy Couch.
: No, seriously, isn't it cool?
* Nyperold is warm, actually.
Ticia: Hey, at least it's not... never mind.
LuckyWizard has entered.
: LUCKYWIZARD! HI! Ha ha, for a minute I thought his name was LettuceWizard.
Goosey: LOL LOL
Gharlane: Hi LuckyWizard
LuckyWizard: Hi all!
: hahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahaha *snort*
* LaZorra is seriously cracking up.
Kalimeris: Hahaha, for a minute, I though you were some lettuce, but then you turned out just to be an annoying girl in a jester hat, and not lettuce
Nyperold: Is that anything like Eggplant Wizard?
ThePhan: LZ: That's an interesting image. "Seriously cracking up."
LaZorra: TP: LOL LOL
ThePhan: I'm picturing you with a deadpan, pokerface expression, solemnly going, "Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Hehehe. Ha. Ha."
LaZorra: TP: I am should do that at the RU.
ThePhan: LZ: You are should indeed.
: Anyway, the game will start in 30 seconds or something, but anyway, hey, do you like my HAT? My boyfriend gave it to me, although he's not really my boyfriend, I suppose, but I call him that. We have sort of an understanding. Well. Actually, *I* have sort of an understanding. But that's okay, because we hang out a lot, especially after school on Thursdays, so it's cool, you know?
Ticia: LOL
10Kan: It's a virtual hat, though. Is he real?
Gharlane: Hehe
10Kan: Does even your imaginary boyfriend not want to be around you very often?
Ticia: Rose just asked to watch Dr Horrible.
ThePhan: Ticia: Hehehe yay!
ThePhan: Train them young.
LaZorra: Ticia: Awwww.
Ticia: She said "Mom, can we watch that show where the good guy is pretending to be a bad guy and he goes "HA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
10Kan: Ticia: Oh for cute!
: HI RRROOSSSEEEE! How are you? I'm just kind of sitting here, you know. Say, do you have a boyfriend? Aw, crud, my phone battery died.
* LaZorra doesn't get the boyfriend references.
Kalimeris: He's virtually real.
SearchBot has been summoned by Sam.
: LaZorra: Well, it's like, I probably have a boyfriend and all, only he doesn't think so. It's because he asked me out on a date and then another one, but he wouldn't commit, you know, what is it about guys that they don't commit, on the other hand he stopped dating that other chick, haha, I thought her name was Lettuce too, anyway, do you think I should get a dog?
Goosey: LOL
10Kan: LOL
Nyperold: Sure. Call it Bursitis.
Kalimeris: Maybe you could get a hamster.
Ticia: Or a ferret!
Kalimeris: Or a bunny. I think they might eat certain kinds of lettuce sometimes.
10Kan: GRAR!
Goosey: GRAR!
Ticia: ...
Kalimeris: NOM NOM NOM
Ticia: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
: *disappears*
TalkingDog: Grar rules.
: Sheesh, that guy was weird. *giggle* WHOA, A CLOUD!
Ticia: Sam: you have too much fun with this.
ThePhan: I always get this feeling of nostalgia when I see these people.
SearchBot: Starting a new game:
ThePhan: Some day I'm going to meet them and be all like, "I KNOW I've met you before..."
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the fewest search results? (1) Elda, (2) Pamala, (3) Charissa, (4) Cathleen, (5) Danielle, (6) Vernie, (7) Mallory, (8) Louella, (9) Elsa.
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: Vernie (165,000) [+3] (10Kan, ALameIris, Gharlane, ThePhan, Ticia)
SearchBot: Answer: Charissa (319,000) [+2] (TalkingDog)
SearchBot: Answer: Louella (434,000) [+1] (Kalimeris, Nyperold, vball)
SearchBot: Answer: Cathleen (718,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Elda (840,000) (Lirelyn)
SearchBot: Answer: Pamala (1,440,000) (Jumpman, Sam)
SearchBot: Answer: Mallory (3,190,000) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: Danielle (15,300,000) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: Elsa (20,600,000) [-3]
Ticia: Woo!
: Oh yeah, the game started.
Ticia: The bird on Aladdin?
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the most search results? (1) hastily, (2) manioca, (3) forsworn, (4) steamships, (5) disappropriating, (6) working, (7) campaigning, (8) unfurl, (9) grippingly.
* Ticia hides from the wrath of LaZ.
LaZorra: Ticia: No, the villain in Othello, heh.
Ticia: Lazorra: I know. I was being silly.
gremlinn: Is he the white circle or the black circle?
Ticia: LOL
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: working (342,000,000) [+3] (10Kan, Jumpman, Kalimeris, Nyperold, Sam, ThePhan, vball)
SearchBot: Answer: campaigning (3,830,000) [+2] (ALameIris, Gharlane, Lirelyn, Ticia)
SearchBot: Answer: hastily (1,640,000) [+1] (LaZorra)
SearchBot: Answer: unfurl (280,000)
SearchBot: Answer: grippingly (278,000)
SearchBot: Answer: steamships (197,000)
SearchBot: Answer: forsworn (165,000) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: manioca (13,400) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: disappropriating (130) [-3]
Sam: "wroking" would have been more, just from grem and me.
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the most search results? (1) hypergol, (2) rhombs, (3) methodological, (4) shuddered, (5) freshen, (6) pahlavi, (7) hollowly, (8) lipoidal, (9) cornily.
* ThePhan is torn...
* Sam sews ThePhan back together again.
ThePhan: Phew!
Ticia: That's gotta hurt.
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: methodological (1,820,000) [+3] (Lirelyn)
SearchBot: Answer: shuddered (962,000) [+2] (ALameIris, Sam)
SearchBot: Answer: freshen (542,000) [+1] (10Kan, Gharlane, Jumpman, Kalimeris, Nyperold, ThePhan, Ticia, vball)
SearchBot: Answer: pahlavi (523,000)
SearchBot: Answer: hollowly (51,200)
SearchBot: Answer: rhombs (22,000)
SearchBot: Answer: lipoidal (6,620) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: cornily (5,330) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: hypergol (1,490) [-3]
ThePhan: I couldn't decide between freshen and shuddered.
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the most search results? (1) 1236031, (2) 0960306, (3) 3797633, (4) 6950188, (5) 3561918, (6) 1153030, (7) 0195537, (8) 7323620, (9) 6504144.
Gharlane: LOL
ThePhan: But I figured the usage of "shuddered" would be canceled out by the amount of people spelling it "shuttered."
ThePhan: On terrible fiction websites.
ALameIris: vote 5
ALameIris: LoL
* Sam shudders the windows.
* LaZorra shudders the widows.
Ticia: LOL
* gremlinn shudders...the Windows!
* Nyperold adjusts his shudder speed.
* ThePhan opens the widows.
* Sam covers LaZorra in fathers.
* ThePhan can't find her study guys.
LaZorra: hehehe
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: 1153030 (3,300) [+3] (Nyperold, Sam)
SearchBot: Answer: 1236031 (362) [+2] (10Kan, Kalimeris, LaZorra, Michael, ThePhan)
SearchBot: Answer: 0960306 (128) [+1] (Gharlane, vball)
SearchBot: Answer: 6504144 (117) (Lirelyn)
SearchBot: Answer: 3561918 (112) (ALameIris)
SearchBot: Answer: 3797633 (98)
SearchBot: Answer: 0195537 (74) [-1] (Jumpman, Ticia)
SearchBot: Answer: 6950188 (64) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: 7323620 (58) [-3]
Ticia: Awwwww
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the most search results? (1) talipes, (2) pavane, (3) quantitate, (4) flexible, (5) recorder, (6) dampening, (7) opulent, (8) cackle, (9) clammily.
Ticia: Hehe
LaZorra: hehehe
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: flexible (86,100,000) [+3] (10Kan, Kalimeris, Ticia)
SearchBot: Answer: recorder (46,200,000) [+2] (Gharlane, Jumpman, Lirelyn, LuckyWizard, Michael, Sam, ThePhan, vball)
SearchBot: Answer: opulent (5,170,000) [+1]
SearchBot: Answer: dampening (529,000) (Nyperold)
SearchBot: Answer: cackle (511,000) (LaZorra)
SearchBot: Answer: pavane (457,000)
SearchBot: Answer: talipes (88,700) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: quantitate (41,800) [-2] (ALameIris)
SearchBot: Answer: clammily (4,050) [-3]
ThePhan: LOL
Ticia: Woo!
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the fewest search results? (1) Ledesma, (2) Gutierrez, (3) Boyles, (4) Ochoa, (5) Messina, (6) Mendoza, (7) Cutler, (8) Baldridge, (9) Neil.
ThePhan: NEIL
ThePhan: Anyway...
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: Baldridge (312,000) [+3]
SearchBot: Answer: Ledesma (447,000) [+2] (10Kan, ALameIris, Gharlane, Jumpman, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, Michael, Sam, ThePhan)
SearchBot: Answer: Boyles (504,000) [+1]
SearchBot: Answer: Ochoa (1,300,000) (Ticia)
SearchBot: Answer: Cutler (3,270,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Gutierrez (3,350,000) (LaZorra, Nyperold, vball)
SearchBot: Answer: Messina (5,140,000) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: Mendoza (6,770,000) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: Neil (36,300,000) [-3]
10Kan: I drank it on a Friday and my heart sped up...
10Kan: A Dew run run run, a Dew run run...
Lirelyn: Straight out of the bottle, didn't need a cup...
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the fewest search results? (1) 349135, (2) 083746, (3) 993297, (4) 530127, (5) 524619, (6) 400944, (7) 532639, (8) 256337, (9) 477718.
LaZorra: Baldridge? Really?
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: 993297 (813) [+3] (Kalimeris, LuckyWizard, Sam, ThePhan)
SearchBot: Answer: 477718 (2,460) [+2] (Jumpman, Lirelyn)
SearchBot: Answer: 083746 (2,940) [+1] (Nyperold, Ticia)
SearchBot: Answer: 349135 (3,460) (LaZorra)
SearchBot: Answer: 400944 (3,580)
SearchBot: Answer: 524619 (4,560)
SearchBot: Answer: 532639 (4,560) [-1] (vball)
SearchBot: Answer: 530127 (5,160) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: 256337 (5,640) [-3] (10Kan, ALameIris, Gharlane)
10Kan: :(((
Sam: Ouch.
ThePhan: Aww :-(
Gharlane: These number searches are total stabs in the dark for me
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the most search results? (1) scudoobin, (2) Pippas_Ghost, (3) darthvader, (4) Rabbitlord, (5) grizzlykuma, (6) LovesherMarine, (7) Whizkid934, (8) Myrth, (9) Mirage.
Sam: High numbers low. Low numbers high.
ALameIris: yarn is tangled in my phone cord
ThePhan: Gharlane: Generally, high numbers show up less frequently.
Sam: And numbers with leading zeroes, unless they're zip codes.
ThePhan: Iris: Knit the phone cord into whatever you're working on.
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: Mirage (11,900,000) [+3] (10Kan, ALameIris, Jumpman, Kalimeris, LaZorra, Lirelyn, Nyperold, Sam, Ticia, vball)
SearchBot: Answer: Myrth (124,000) [+2]
SearchBot: Answer: darthvader (40,500) [+1] (ThePhan)
SearchBot: Answer: Rabbitlord (52) (Gharlane)
SearchBot: Answer: Whizkid934 (8) (Michael)
SearchBot: Answer: grizzlykuma (8)
SearchBot: Answer: LovesherMarine (6) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: Pippas_Ghost (4) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: scudoobin (4) [-3]
ALameIris: Well, i would but I'm crocheting this time. ;)
Sam: I think three-digit numbers are common with leading zeroes.
ThePhan: Ah. Then crochet it in.
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the most search results? (1) proa, (2) subsequently, (3) iceblink, (4) Cheetahlicious, (5) 6362, (6) cryptogam, (7) Embry, (8) simplicidentate, (9) Curt.
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: subsequently (10,400,000) [+3] (Kalimeris, Lirelyn, LuckyWizard)
SearchBot: Answer: Curt (6,150,000) [+2] (10Kan, Jumpman, LaZorra, Michael, Nyperold, Sam, Ticia)
SearchBot: Answer: proa (1,760,000) [+1]
SearchBot: Answer: Embry (608,000)
SearchBot: Answer: 6362 (529,000) (ThePhan, vball)
SearchBot: Answer: iceblink (20,800)
SearchBot: Answer: cryptogam (15,900) [-1] (ALameIris, Gharlane)
SearchBot: Answer: Cheetahlicious (1,160) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: simplicidentate (65) [-3]
Sam: Is a cryptogam a puzzling leg?
10Kan: LOL
Gharlane: Typopo
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the most search results? (1) senary, (2) puts, (3) technocracy, (4) deforesting, (5) miscount, (6) discontentment, (7) dilapidate, (8) decaying, (9) knotter.
Ticia: loL
LaZorra: hehehe
Lirelyn: Sam: No, a hidden one.
* LaZorra is a knotter boter.
LaZorra: er
LaZorra: *botter
LaZorra: As opposed to a nutter butter.
Lirelyn: LOL
Sam: LOL
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: puts (37,000,000) [+3] (10Kan, Gharlane, Jumpman, Kalimeris, LaZorra, Michael, Nyperold, Sam, ThePhan, Ticia, vball)
SearchBot: Answer: decaying (954,000) [+2] (Lirelyn)
SearchBot: Answer: knotter (467,000) [+1]
SearchBot: Answer: discontentment (267,000) (ALameIris)
SearchBot: Answer: technocracy (182,000)
SearchBot: Answer: miscount (42,900)
SearchBot: Answer: deforesting (22,800) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: dilapidate (16,900) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: senary (16,300) [-3]
ThePhan: Hehe
* 10Kan was puts on his trench caot
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the fewest search results? (1) vv, (2) av, (3) do, (4) ma, (5) ui, (6) ko, (7) gd, (8) nj, (9) bi.
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: vv (9,920,000) [+3] (10Kan, Gharlane, Jumpman, Kalimeris, LaZorra, Lirelyn, ThePhan)
SearchBot: Answer: ui (15,800,000) [+2] (Ticia)
SearchBot: Answer: gd (17,600,000) [+1] (Michael, Sam, vball)
SearchBot: Answer: nj (93,200,000)
SearchBot: Answer: ko (94,000,000)
SearchBot: Answer: bi (134,000,000)
SearchBot: Answer: av (139,000,000) [-1] (LuckyWizard)
SearchBot: Answer: ma (291,000,000) [-2]
SearchBot: Answer: do (1,640,000,000) [-3] (Nyperold)
ALameIris: oh duh.
Jumpman: can anyone catch Kalimeris?
Nyperold: Fewest, doh.
SearchBot: Question: Which of these terms returns the most search results? (1) Bader, (2) Swafford, (3) Whittle, (4) Lapointe, (5) Cress, (6) Manns, (7) Combs, (8) Barlow, (9) Strunk.
Sam: Sure, if she gets a -3 next.
ALameIris: I put what I voted for and not the number.
Sam: Iris: Oops.
Kalimeris: It could happen, I'm caught here.
Nyperold: STRUNK.
Nyperold: (& White's)
SearchBot: Time's Up!
SearchBot: Answer: Combs (6,570,000) [+3] (10Kan, Gharlane, Jumpman, Kalimeris, Lirelyn, Michael, Nyperold, Sam, ThePhan, vball)
SearchBot: Answer: Barlow (4,180,000) [+2] (ALameIris, LuckyWizard)
SearchBot: Answer: Bader (1,840,000) [+1]
SearchBot: Answer: Whittle (1,050,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Manns (973,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Lapointe (750,000)
SearchBot: Answer: Strunk (650,000) [-1]
SearchBot: Answer: Cress (530,000) [-2] (Ticia)
SearchBot: Answer: Swafford (285,000) [-3] (LaZorra)
SearchBot: Kalimeris wins!
10Kan: Yay Kalimeris!
Ticia: Yay!
Jumpman: way to go, K!
Kalimeris: Yay!
: Goo wob, Kawiwawith!
ThePhan: Yay Kalimeris!
Gharlane: Hooray Kalimeris :)
Lirelyn: Yay Kalimeris!
: VIVE LA FRANCE! Anyway, pour presente le game finale de l'evening, voici l'Hayley!
Nyperold: L'HAYLEY
Gharlane: de soir?
: *l'ahem*
Goosey: HAYLEY
ThePhan: Hayley!
: Et maintenant, voici la jolie fille..................................HAYLEY!
* LaZorra is adopting "*l'ahem*"
Gharlane: Pepe, you really need to work on your French, hehe
Kalimeris: Je suis le petit Fromage
ThePhan: To life, to life, l'ahem. L'ahem, l'ahem, to life...
: ...
Goosey: Hayley?
Nyperold: Heh!1
Gharlane: Hehe
Goosey: Hayley is late.
: Je regret. Elle est une Americaine stupide. Un moment, s'il vous plait.
ThePhan: Pas de probleme.
Gharlane: Nach einmal
Gharlane: Night!
Lirelyn: Night!
ThePhan: LOL
ALameIris: Gotcha
10Kan: L'LOL
Goosey: NAKERS
: Er, mesdames et messieurs, je presente l'Hayley LIVE FROM LE ROOM DRESSING!
: Er, hi. Pan UP! Pan UP! Hi everyone.
Ticia: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
10Kan: LOL
* Goosey hands Hayley a spare NAKERS! sign.
Ticia: Oh dear.
LaZorra: o.o
: Um. Our next bot is PicMatchBot. Ok, later.
* 10Kan applauds and whistles!
: Le jou commence en 30 secondes.
* Lirelyn applauds.
* vball claps energetically.
* ThePhan vous-applaude. Or something. Her French is quite rusty.
: ThePhan: Oh, I wouldn't say I'm rusty, jolie, le tchk tchk!
Kalimeris: Ou est la toilette
: Kalimeris: Il y a un tree la bas!
ALameIris: wow
PicMatchBot has been summoned by Sam.
: Hey folks. Just one thing. PREVIEW OF A NEW FEATURE AFTER THE GAME!
Kalimeris: CODY
10Kan: Yay!
* LaZorra wishes she were awake enough to participate in the faux French.
PicMatchBot: Sam chose the image for this round. (1/10 accepted)
Goosey: LOL
Sam: match 5
Ticia: match 3
LaZorra: match 3
vball: match 5
Gharlane: match 5
Kalimeris: match 4
10Kan: match 6
ThePhan: match 6
Goosey: match 6
Nyperold: match 3
ALameIris: match 1
Lirelyn: match 4
LuckyWizard: match 3
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for sweaty.
PicMatchBot: Vote 2 for dignified.
PicMatchBot: Vote 3 for distinguished.
PicMatchBot: Vote 4 for immodest.
PicMatchBot: Vote 5 for frenzied.
PicMatchBot: Vote 6 for hazardous.
PicMatchBot: Vote 7 for loopy.
PicMatchBot: Vote 8 for cozy.
PicMatchBot: Vote 9 for obnoxious.
PicMatchBot: Vote 10 for uncomfortable.
Kalimeris: vote 9
Goosey: vote 8
Ticia: vote 10
10Kan: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 4
ALameIris: vote 6
Sam: Dignified, ruling.
vball: vote 1
Sam: vote 7
Gharlane: vote 6
LaZorra: vote 1
LuckyWizard: vote 5
Lirelyn: vote 7
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 2 points for hazardous.
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for sweaty.
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 2 points for immodest.
PicMatchBot: vball wins 2 points for loopy.
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for uncomfortable.
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for obnoxious.
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for cozy.
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for frenzied.
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for dignified.
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for distinguished.
PicMatchBot: Nyperold loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Nyperold: vote 7
10Kan: Oh, its's ruling but you don't vote for it? Hmph.
Sam: Rulingly wrong!
Kalimeris: Poo.
PicMatchBot: ALameIris chose the image for this round. (1/10 accepted)
10Kan: match 1
Goosey: HEY
Ticia: match 7
vball: match 5
ThePhan: match 2
Kalimeris: match 5
Gharlane: ,atch 6
Lirelyn: match 4
Sam: dump 6 5
vball: match 1
Gharlane: match 6
LaZorra: match 3
Ticia: match 2
ALameIris: match 2
10Kan: dump 2 4
vball: match 5
LaZorra: This is way too hard to play on a tiny laptop.
Goosey: match 2
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that complements the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
Nyperold: match 1
Sam: vote 5
Goosey: vote 5
Ticia: vote 2
10Kan: vote 6
ALameIris: vote 5
Kalimeris: vote 5
Ticia: LOL @ 7 and 8
ThePhan: vote 5
Lirelyn: vote 5
Gharlane: vote 2
vball: vote 5
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 7 points for .
PicMatchBot: vball wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: ALameIris wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Lirelyn wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra loses a point for submitting and not voting.
10Kan: Don't you get it? That guy has ten arms and Homestar Runner has none!
vball: Nice, Ghar!
ALameIris: ohkay
Gharlane: Thanks!
ThePhan: 10K: They both had five until that guy got greed.y
Gharlane: 10Kan: I know! I almost voted for it
10Kan: Almost doesn't cut it, mister.
PicMatchBot: Lirelyn chose the adjective musical for this round. (1/10 accepted)
Gharlane: <shrug>
Ticia: match 4
ThePhan: match 6
10Kan: match 5
Sam: match 1
ALameIris: match 4
Kalimeris: match 5
Goosey: match 4
Ticia: dump 5 6 7
Gharlane: match 7
Sam: dump 7 6
LuckyWizard: match 3
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective musical. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for .
Gharlane: dump 2
LaZorra: vote 5
ALameIris: vote 2
Ticia: vote 2
Sam: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 1
Goosey: vote 2
Lirelyn: vote 2
10Kan: vote 3
LuckyWizard: vote 2
Kalimeris: vote 1
10Kan: "Jaws, the Musical"
Gharlane: vote 4
ALameIris: lol
Goosey: LOL
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 5 points for .
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: ALameIris wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for .
Ticia: Hehe
Goosey: I'm having to /purge every round, sheesh.
Gharlane: Same here, heh
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the image for this round. (1/10 accepted)
Ticia: match 4
10Kan: match 5
Kalimeris: match 2
LaZorra: match 5
ALameIris: match 5
Goosey: match 4
ThePhan: match 3
Ticia: dump 1 2 3
Lirelyn: match 4
Gharlane: match 2
Sam: match 5
Gharlane: dump 7
Goosey: dump 5
10Kan: dump 4
LuckyWizard: match 5
Sam: dump 6 7
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that complements the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
LaZorra: vote 9
Sam: vote 1
Kalimeris: vote 9
10Kan: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 2
Goosey: vote 7
ALameIris: vote 1
Lirelyn: vote 5
LuckyWizard: vote 1
Ticia: vote 9
Gharlane: vote 4
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: ALameIris wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Lirelyn wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for .
Gharlane: random vote
: *burp* Oh, pardon me.
Ticia: Eek!
: I didn't just eat CamouFairy by the way.
: She's filling, though.
Ticia: YAY!
* 10Kan thinks he sees something twinkling in her gullet.
ThePhan: Yay for eating CamouFairy?
ThePhan: Yum yum!
Goosey: CamouFairy got eaten??
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the image for this round. (1/10 accepted)
Ticia: match 3
10Kan: match 4
Goosey: match 5
Kalimeris: match 2
LaZorra: match 7
ThePhan: match 5
ALameIris: match 6
Gharlane: match 4
ThePhan: match 2
Sam: match 6
LuckyWizard: match 4
Nyperold: match 7
Sam: dump 1 2 3 4 5
Sam: dump 7
Gharlane: dump 1
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for naughty.
PicMatchBot: Vote 2 for cold.
PicMatchBot: Vote 3 for brazen.
PicMatchBot: Vote 4 for sour.
PicMatchBot: Vote 5 for open.
PicMatchBot: Vote 6 for adaptable.
PicMatchBot: Vote 7 for African.
PicMatchBot: Vote 8 for corrupt.
PicMatchBot: Vote 9 for bashful.
PicMatchBot: Vote 10 for decorated.
Goosey: vote 3
Sam: vote 3
10Kan: vote 5
Kalimeris: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 3
ALameIris: vote 3
Ticia: vote 1
Gharlane: vote 2
LaZorra: vote 2
LuckyWizard: vote 2
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 4 points for brazen.
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 3 points for cold.
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for naughty.
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 1 point for open.
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for bashful.
PicMatchBot: ALameIris wins 0 points for African.
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for corrupt.
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for decorated.
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for sour.
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for adaptable.
Ticia: hehe
Sam: Ticia: I did warn you.
TalkingDog: =-O
LaZorra: o.o
TalkingDog: X-o
10Kan: Yeek!
Ticia: /purge! /Purge!
PicMatchBot: 10Kan chose the image for this round. (1/10 accepted)
10Kan: match 3
Sam: match 3
LaZorra: vote 4
Gharlane: match 3
ALameIris: match 5
Ticia: match 6
Kalimeris: match 2
ThePhan: match 6
LaZorra: match 4
10Kan: Oh man. I got a spider chipmunk.
Goosey: match 5
Lirelyn: match 4
Goosey: dump 1
10Kan: That was one of the ones I didn't pick.
Sam: 10K: LOL
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that complements the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
ThePhan: vote 7
LaZorra: vote 3
Kalimeris: vote 7
Lirelyn: vote 3
Sam: vote 3
Ticia: vote 5
10Kan: vote 1
Goosey: vote 1
Gharlane: vote 10
LuckyWizard: vote 5
ALameIris: vote 3
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: ALameIris wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Lirelyn wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for .
Ticia: Uh... is that what I think it is in #8?
10Kan: Yes. With a parachute.
* Ticia dies
Goosey: Ticia: I'm afraid so.
: I'm responsible for #9.
10Kan: It's being pounded by anti-ovum fire from the ground.
PicMatchBot: Goosey chose the adjective pure for this round. (1/10 accepted)
LaZorra: Anti . . . ovum?
ThePhan: match 4
Goosey: match 1
Ticia: match 6
Kalimeris: match 4
10Kan: match 2
Gharlane: match 4
LaZorra: match
Gharlane: dump 1 6 7
LaZorra: match 1
Lirelyn: match 3
Sam: match 4
Sam: dump 5 6 7
LuckyWizard: match 7
ALameIris: match 3
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective pure. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
ThePhan: vote 6
10Kan: vote 7
Kalimeris: vote 9
10Kan: It's pure hilarity.
Kalimeris: KITTEH
Ticia: vote 9
Sam: vote 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ALameIris: vote 10
gremlinn: vote 4
ThePhan: 7 = The PURE princess. Has there ever been a princess so PURE?
Goosey: vote 6
LaZorra: vote 1
Lirelyn: vote 10
10Kan: Phan: LOL
Goosey: vote 3
ThePhan: And also BEAUTIFUL.
Gharlane: vote 7
Ticia: vote 7
LuckyWizard: vote 9
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Lirelyn wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 0 points for .
Ticia: LOL
Ticia: Now I'm gonna have to watch that again.
PicMatchBot: Ticia chose the image for this round. (1/10 accepted)
Goosey: LOL
10Kan: match 2
Ticia: match 5
Gharlane: match 6
ThePhan: match 5
ALameIris: match 4
Nyperold: match 1
Kalimeris: match 6
Lirelyn: match 7
Gharlane: dump 1 3
Goosey: match 7
ThePhan: hehehehe
Sam: match 2
10Kan: Yes it does!
LaZorra: match 6
Kalimeris: match 2
Gharlane: Sam, yes it does QED
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for slow.
PicMatchBot: Vote 2 for carefree.
PicMatchBot: Vote 3 for dirty.
PicMatchBot: Vote 4 for troubling.
PicMatchBot: Vote 5 for vintage.
PicMatchBot: Vote 6 for crazed.
PicMatchBot: Vote 7 for militant.
PicMatchBot: Vote 8 for sick.
PicMatchBot: Vote 9 for wicked.
PicMatchBot: Vote 10 for demented.
10Kan: Bill Watterson is the greatest cartoonist of my youth!
Ticia: vote 4
10Kan: vote 10
ThePhan: vote 6
ALameIris: vote 6
Kalimeris: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 9
Nyperold: vote 9
TalkingDog: Those adjectives rule.
LuckyWizard: vote 6
Lirelyn: vote 4
Gharlane: vote 5
Goosey: vote 5
Sam: I'm reading the complete Calvin and Hobbes. I have this 3-ton boxed set of the complete Calvin and Hobbes. It's 3 volumes, each heavier than I can lift by myself. Almost through the first volume. It's pure awesome.
gremlinn: vote 10
Sam: vote 10
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 3 points for crazed.
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 3 points for demented.
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 2 points for vintage.
PicMatchBot: Lirelyn wins 2 points for wicked.
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for troubling.
PicMatchBot: ALameIris wins 0 points for slow.
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for carefree.
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for militant.
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for dirty.
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 0 points for sick.
* 10Kan got 'em one book at a time when he was young.
Sam: Me too.
Gharlane: Same
Ticia: I never do as good at this game as I do at just regular ol' matchbot.
PicMatchBot: LaZorra chose the image for this round. (1/10 accepted)
TalkingDog: YEAH!
Ticia: match 6
Sam: match 4
ThePhan: match 7
Gharlane: match 6
Goosey: match 6
ALameIris: match 1
LaZorra: match 2
Kalimeris: match 3
10Kan: match 2
Sam: YEAH!!!!!!!!!
LuckyWizard: match 4
Nyperold: match 5
Ticia: YEAH
Gharlane: dump 3 4 5
10Kan: YEAH?
Kalimeris: dump 2 5 7
TalkingDog: YEEEAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
LuckyWizard: YEAH
Goosey: hehehe
Ticia: ump 7 2
Goosey: AAHH
Kalimeris: No!
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that complements the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
10Kan: vote 8
ThePhan: vote 8
gremlinn: vote 8
Sam: vote 8
ALameIris: vote 10
Goosey: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 3
Kalimeris: vote 10
Nyperold: vote 3
Ticia: vote 3
Lirelyn: vote 8
LuckyWizard: vote 8
Gharlane: vote 10
Nyperold: vote 8
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 7 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: ALameIris wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 0 points for .
Ticia: That yoda dog is just... just...
Ticia: I have no words.
Ticia: Also... AHHHHHHHHH
Goosey: LOL
10Kan: Just "yeah..."
10Kan: Is what I was going for.
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris chose the adjective controversial for this round. (1/10 accepted)
Sam: match 3
Ticia: match 5
10Kan: match 1
ThePhan: match 6
Sam: dump 4 5 6
ThePhan: dump 5
Goosey: match 7
Kalimeris: match 1
Gharlane: match 6
ALameIris: match 4
Ticia: dump 6
Goosey: dump 2
10Kan: dump 7
Gharlane: dump 4
Ticia: dump 2
Kalimeris: match 3
LuckyWizard: match 3
Nyperold: match 2
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective controversial. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
gremlinn: vote 7
ALameIris: vote 3
Kalimeris: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 5
10Kan: vote 10
Ticia: vote 7
Sam: vote 10
Goosey: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 4
LuckyWizard: vote 10
Goosey: vote 10
Gharlane: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 6
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: ALameIris wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for .
10Kan: But then the fishies will flop around and die on the street! What sort of sadistic monster is this Otis woman?
: AAAAH! *leaves*
: *leaves*
TalkingDog: *blink*
Ticia: Heeeee!
Ticia: Matt!
LaZorra: O.o
Goosey: HI MATT!
* Goosey HUGS MAtt!
ThePhan: Hey, it's Matt!
Sam: That was supposed to be J.C. Penney. Not a black wall.
ThePhan: LOL
LaZorra: LOL LOL
TalkingDog: LOL
Goosey: LOL
PicMatchBot: Gharlane chose the image for this round. (1/10 accepted)
Ticia: match 7
ThePhan: match 2
Kalimeris: match 7
10Kan: match 1
Sam: I'm gonna rerun that after this round.
Goosey: match 7
Gharlane: match 6
ALameIris: match 7
LaZorra: match 4
Nyperold: match 6
Lirelyn: match 1
Sam: match 3
LuckyWizard: match 3
ThePhan: The thought of anyone naked in the dark is terrifying to Matt.
10Kan: That is an awesome picture.
Lirelyn: match 5
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for rusty.
PicMatchBot: Vote 2 for hilarious.
PicMatchBot: Vote 3 for excitable.
PicMatchBot: Vote 4 for carnal.
PicMatchBot: Vote 5 for unethical.
PicMatchBot: Vote 6 for colorful.
PicMatchBot: Vote 7 for psychological.
PicMatchBot: Vote 8 for experienced.
PicMatchBot: Vote 9 for cranky.
PicMatchBot: Vote 10 for dangerous.
Goosey: TD: LOL
ThePhan: vote 2
Nyperold: Ronald McDonald adopts the "crane" defense.
gremlinn: vote 2
Goosey: vote 10
10Kan: vote 2
Kalimeris: vote 9
Gharlane: I can't see for the tears in my eyes from laughing
ALameIris: vote 5
Sam: vote 10
Ticia: vote 9
gremlinn: McCrane
LaZorra: vote 2
Lirelyn: vote 10
Nyperold: vote 2
Gharlane: vote 2
ALameIris: LoL
LuckyWizard: vote 6
PicMatchBot: ALameIris wins 6 points for hilarious.
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 3 points for dangerous.
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for cranky.
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 1 point for unethical.
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for colorful.
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for excitable.
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for carnal.
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for experienced.
PicMatchBot: Lirelyn wins 0 points for psychological.
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 0 points for rusty.
10Kan: "Have you had your break today?"
Kalimeris: Woo! ALameIris!
Ticia: AAAAk
: AAAAH! *leaves*
: *leaves*
Goosey: LOL LOL
ThePhan: There we go.
ThePhan: Yay Iris!
10Kan: Much better.
Sam: Ok, the image sizes are wrong.
Sam: But the joke still works better with the right picture.
PicMatchBot: ThePhan chose the adjective terrifying for this round. (1/10 accepted)
ThePhan: match 1
Gharlane: match 7
Ticia: match 5
Kalimeris: match 2
10Kan: match 4
Goosey: match 7
Sam: match 2
10Kan: match 3
Lirelyn: match 6
Ticia: match 2
ALameIris: match 6
LaZorra: match 4
ThePhan: Well, it is VERY scary if a naked fairy that size appears.
Kalimeris: dump 5 4 3
LuckyWizard: match 3
10Kan: dump 5 7
Nyperold: match 5
Goosey: TP: LOL LOL
ThePhan: She appears to be the size of an actual J.C. Penney store.
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective terrifying. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
gremlinn: vote 8
Kalimeris: vote 9
10Kan: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 9
ALameIris: vote 9
LaZorra: vote 8
Sam: vote 9
Goosey: vote 1
Lirelyn: vote 9
Ticia: vote 8
Ticia: I have no idea what 3 is.
LuckyWizard: vote 8
Gharlane: vote 3
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 5 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: ALameIris wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Lirelyn wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for .
10Kan: Three is a stone that mysteriously has a face in it.
LuckyWizard: For the minitournament, I think.
PicMatchBot: Gharlane chose the image for this round. (1/10 accepted)
Sam: LOL
Ticia: match 4
10Kan: match 5
ThePhan: match 4
Sam: match 3
Ticia: match 7
Kalimeris: match 3
ALameIris: match 2
ThePhan: Heh
Lirelyn: dump
LaZorra: match 6
Nyperold: match 2
Goosey: match 1
Sam: Lirelyn: Dump specific numbers.
Gharlane: match 6
LuckyWizard: match 7
Sam: dump 1 2 3 4 5
Gharlane: dump 1 2 3 4 5 7
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for smelly.
PicMatchBot: Vote 2 for salty.
PicMatchBot: Vote 3 for high.
PicMatchBot: Vote 4 for scented.
PicMatchBot: Vote 5 for courageous.
PicMatchBot: Vote 6 for tenderhearted.
PicMatchBot: Vote 7 for angry.
PicMatchBot: Vote 8 for serene.
PicMatchBot: Vote 9 for weak.
PicMatchBot: Vote 10 for cheap.
Sam: vote 2
gremlinn: vote 9
10Kan: vote 6
Kalimeris: vote 1
Goosey: vote 2
ThePhan: vote5
Lirelyn: Ah, thanks.
ALameIris: vote 3
Ticia: vote 1
Gharlane: vote 2
LuckyWizard: vote 5
Gharlane: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 10
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for smelly.
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for courageous.
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 2 points for salty.
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for cheap.
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for weak.
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 1 point for tenderhearted.
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for high.
PicMatchBot: ALameIris wins 0 points for scented.
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for serene.
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for angry.
PicMatchBot: LaZorra loses a point for submitting and not voting.
LaZorra: Dang.
Ticia: Come on! SALTY
Ticia: Get it?????
Ticia: Hehe
PicMatchBot: LaZorra's score has been incremented by 1 point.
Sam: My fault she didn't vote.
LaZorra: awww yay!
Gharlane: The Lagoon was fresh water I thought
PicMatchBot: Nyperold chose the image for this round. (1/10 accepted)
ThePhan: match 2
Gharlane: match 7
Ticia: match 1
Nyperold: match 7
Kalimeris: match 1
10Kan: match 7
ALameIris: match 7
Sam: match 4
Goosey: match 5
LaZorra: match 3
Sam: match 1
Ticia: dump 7 5
Sam: dump 3 4 5 7
10Kan: Is that Stan Lee in the center?
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that complements the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
Ticia: I don't know... but what's he looking at?
10Kan: No, probably the director of whichever charity.
ThePhan: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 3
10Kan: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 6
Kalimeris: vote 10
Sam: vote 3
Goosey: vote 6
ALameIris: vote 5
Ticia: vote 9
Gharlane: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 7
LuckyWizard: vote 6
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: ALameIris wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 0 points for .
Ticia: Kalimeris: you made me actually LOL with that one.
Goosey: I am so much better with this than MatchBot.
Kalimeris: :-D
: I gotta cleft.
Ticia: How do you shave in there?
Sam: Ticia: Charade!
Ticia: Sam: Best movie EVAR
Sam: It does rule.
Ticia: I love it.
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the image for this round. (1/10 accepted)
ThePhan: match 6
Ticia: match 7
Sam: match 3
LaZorra: match 7
10Kan: match 6
LuckyWizard: match 7
ALameIris: match 3
Ticia: dump 1 2 3 4 5 6
Goosey: match 5
Nyperold: match 4
Kalimeris: match 7
Gharlane: match 2
: Hey, I don't got eyes neither!
Lirelyn: match 2
Gharlane: dump 1 3 4 5 6 7
Goosey: dump 1 2 3 4 6 7
LaZorra: LOL
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for unstable.
PicMatchBot: Vote 2 for gremlinn-like.
PicMatchBot: Vote 3 for eerie.
PicMatchBot: Vote 4 for flexible.
PicMatchBot: Vote 5 for spherical.
PicMatchBot: Vote 6 for unexpected.
PicMatchBot: Vote 7 for haunting.
PicMatchBot: Vote 8 for displeasing.
PicMatchBot: Vote 9 for nerdy.
PicMatchBot: Vote 10 for furry.
ALameIris: vote 7
Ticia: vote 1
gremlinn: vote 9
Goosey: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 3
Kalimeris: vote 7
10Kan: vote 6
Sam: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 1
Lirelyn: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 3
LuckyWizard: vote 3
Gharlane: vote 1
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 5 points for eerie.
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for unstable.
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 2 points for haunting.
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for flexible.
PicMatchBot: ALameIris wins 1 point for nerdy.
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 1 point for unexpected.
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for spherical.
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for gremlinn-like.
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for displeasing.
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 0 points for furry.
PicMatchBot: ThePhan chose the adjective unstoppable for this round. (1/10 accepted)
ThePhan: match 6
Sam: match 7
10Kan: match 1
Nyperold: match 7
Ticia: match 6
Goosey: match 6
ALameIris: match 7
Kalimeris: match 6
Sam: dump 3 4 6
Gharlane: match 2
10Kan: dump 5 6 7
LaZorra: match 7
LuckyWizard: match 3
Kalimeris: dump 1 4 5
Haplay has entered.
Goosey: HAPLAY
ThePhan: Hi Haplay.
Gharlane: dump 1
* Goosey HUGS Haplay!
Haplay: YEAAAAH!
Kalimeris: Hi!
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective unstoppable. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
Ticia: Hi! Play!
10Kan: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 9
ALameIris: vote 4
Kalimeris: vote 10
Nyperold: vote 8
Ticia: vote 8
Sam: vote 3
Goosey: vote 8
Lirelyn: vote 8
Sam: Gamera DID stop #9.
Haplay: vote 10
ThePhan: vote 7
Gharlane: vote 7
LuckyWizard: vote 3
PicMatchBot: ALameIris wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra loses a point for submitting and not voting.
LaZorra: vote 9
Kalimeris: Tsk tsk.
ALameIris: lol
ALameIris: I don't think it works that way
PicMatchBot: Goosey chose the image for this round. (1/10 accepted)
Goosey: HEhehe
TalkingDog: meep
Ticia: match 3
Nyperold: match 5
Sam: match 7
Goosey: match 2
ThePhan: match 2
10Kan: match 5
Sam: LOL
ALameIris: match 5
Kalimeris: match 2
Lirelyn: match 5
Ticia: dump 5
Gharlane: match 6
: Some kitties just don't know how to slaughter people with class.
LuckyWizard: match 7
Gharlane: dump 3 4 5 7
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that complements the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
Ticia: Hee!
Goosey: ARCHIE
10Kan: Archie!
gremlinn: vote 1
ALameIris: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 10
Gharlane: Hey Archie!
Sam: vote 8
10Kan: vote 9
Goosey: vote 2
Crystal109 is back.
Kalimeris: vote 6
Lirelyn: vote 10
LaZorra: vote 7
Crystal109: vote 3
Nyperold: And remember, folks, "class" is just one letter away from "claws".
Ticia: vote 8
Gharlane: vote 5
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: ALameIris wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Lirelyn wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold loses a point for submitting and not voting.
LuckyWizard: vote 1
Crystal109: (Boo!)
Goosey: Is that the governator holding a giant potato?
ThePhan: I am the ONLY one who didn't get a point.
10Kan: Thank you for coming back and voting for mine, Crystal.
ThePhan: LOL
Sam: Seems like it.
Crystal109: 10K: Haha, you're welcome.
Gharlane: Is why I picked it, hehe.
PicMatchBot: Sam chose the image for this round. (1/11 accepted)
ThePhan: match 5
Ticia: match 2
Crystal109: match 4
Gharlane: match 5
Goosey: match 5
Kalimeris: match 7
ALameIris: match 4
10Kan: match 6
LaZorra: match 2
Haplay: match 4
LuckyWizard: match 3
Nyperold: match 5
: Niiiice! Flying without wings!
Lirelyn: match 1
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for spirited.
PicMatchBot: Vote 2 for saddening.
PicMatchBot: Vote 3 for agonizing.
PicMatchBot: Vote 4 for exhilarating.
PicMatchBot: Vote 5 for Ticia-like.
PicMatchBot: Vote 6 for instructive.
PicMatchBot: Vote 7 for rare.
PicMatchBot: Vote 8 for amusing.
PicMatchBot: Vote 9 for shrewd.
PicMatchBot: Vote 10 for incomprehensible.
PicMatchBot: Vote 11 for excited.
Sam: vote 5
Crystal109: vote 4
Lirelyn: vote 4
Kalimeris: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 4
Goosey: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 10
LaZorra: vote 10
Ticia: vote 3
10Kan: vote 8
Crystal109: 4 was the exact word I wanted to use for this.
Haplay: vote 8
ALameIris: vote 10
Gharlane: vote 6
LuckyWizard: vote 4
Crystal109: Sadly, it wasn't in my list.
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 5 points for exhilarating.
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 3 points for incomprehensible.
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for Ticia-like.
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 2 points for amusing.
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for agonizing.
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 1 point for instructive.
PicMatchBot: ALameIris wins 0 points for shrewd.
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for excited.
PicMatchBot: Haplay wins 0 points for rare.
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for saddening.
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for spirited.
ALameIris: Well, you won that one
ThePhan: Goosey: It does.
Goosey: TP: Oh. Yay!
Ticia: That is NOT Ticia-Like
Sam: Ticia: It WILL be. Muhuhahahaha.
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 chose the adjective elitist for this round. (1/11 accepted)
Goosey: match 2
Kalimeris: match 3
Sam: match 2
Ticia: match 2
Haplay: match 7
ThePhan: match 5
10Kan: match 4
Nyperold: match 6
LaZorra: match1
ALameIris: match 5
Gharlane: match 1
LaZorra: match 1
Crystal109: match 2
Lirelyn: match 3
LuckyWizard: match 4
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective elitist. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for .
ALameIris: Darn
Sam: vote 11
10Kan: vote 10
LaZorra: vote 11
gremlinn: vote 11
ThePhan: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 4
Kalimeris: vote 3
Goosey: vote11
Crystal109: vote 4
ALameIris: vote 5
Lirelyn: vote 4
Ticia: vote 4
Haplay: vote 11
Gharlane: vote 7
Ticia: vote 11
LuckyWizard: vote 4
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 6 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 5 points for .
PicMatchBot: Haplay wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: ALameIris wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for .
Nyperold: So long, and thanks for all the fish...
Gharlane: Elitist dolphins!
10Kan: 9 looks pretty amiable, except she's giving you the "die young and penniless" Vulcan hand sign.
ThePhan: LOL
PicMatchBot: ALameIris chose the image for this round. (1/11 accepted)
ThePhan: match 3
Sam: match 3
10Kan: match 5
Nyperold: match 2
LaZorra: match 1
Crystal109: match 1
Haplay: match 7
Gharlane: match 7
Goosey: match 3
Kalimeris: match 1
Lirelyn: match 7
Ticia: match 6
Sam: dump 1 5 6 7
Kalimeris: match 7
ALameIris: match 1
LuckyWizard: match 7
Goosey: dump 1 2 5 6
ALameIris: match 3
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for endearing.
PicMatchBot: Vote 2 for untamed.
PicMatchBot: Vote 3 for industrious.
PicMatchBot: Vote 4 for precocious.
PicMatchBot: Vote 5 for upbeat.
PicMatchBot: Vote 6 for profound.
PicMatchBot: Vote 7 for talented.
PicMatchBot: Vote 8 for harsh.
PicMatchBot: Vote 9 for fearsome.
PicMatchBot: Vote 10 for old.
PicMatchBot: Vote 11 for untidy.
Kalimeris: dump 2 3 4
Kalimeris: drat
ThePhan: vote 4
Sam: Rock out, baby.
Crystal109: vote
Ticia: vote 5
Sam: vote 4
Gharlane: I'm all of a sudden not getting anything cool to match with, even though my words/pictures are alright
gremlinn: vote 10
Crystal109: vote 5
LuckyWizard: vote 4
ALameIris: vote 7
Lirelyn: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 9
Kalimeris: vote 9
10Kan: match 2
Goosey: vote 4
Haplay: vote 1
10Kan: vote 2
Gharlane: vote 3
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 4 points for precocious.
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 3 points for upbeat.
PicMatchBot: Haplay wins 2 points for fearsome.
PicMatchBot: Goosey wins 1 point for old.
PicMatchBot: Lirelyn wins 1 point for endearing.
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for untamed.
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for industrious.
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for talented.
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for profound.
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for untidy.
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for harsh.
PicMatchBot: LaZorra loses a point for submitting and not voting.
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins!
PicMatchBot: Portrait of 10Kan: . Portrait of ALameIris: . Portrait of Crystal109: . Portrait of Gharlane: . Portrait of Goosey: . Portrait of gremlinn: . Portrait of Haplay: . Portrait of Kalimeris: . Portrait of LaZorra: . Portrait of Lirelyn: . Portrait of LuckyWizard: . Portrait of MatchBot: . Portrait of Nyperold: . Portrait of Sam: . Portrait of SearchBot: . Portrait of TalkingDog: . Portrait of ThePhan: . Portrait of Ticia: . Portrait of vball: .
10Kan: Hooray!
ThePhan: Yay 10Kan!
LaZorra: Oh, I am sexy.
10Kan: I'm a creepy doorknob!
ThePhan: Which one am I?
* Nyperold is a wrestling move.
Crystal109: I look WAY COOL.
Haplay: Yeah...Haplay lives on the EDGE!
* Sam hurts.
* Ticia is a SUPER HERO
Crystal109: 10K: Good job!
* Sam doesn't trust Kalimeris.
Ticia: Or the guy looking at Spidey's... never mind.
Kalimeris: *gasp*
Crystal109: Lirelyn looks so cute!
Gharlane: Grats 10Kan!
Kalimeris: Let's go sledding!
Goosey: Ticia : =-O
* Gharlane is a seriously challenged rock act
LuckyWizard: I had Henrietta among my pictures.
: Sam, seriously, you're freakier than I am.
: Anyway, there's a sneak preview or something you wanted to show off?
Sam: Yeah.
Sam: Thanks, eye...lash...bead...girl.
: So, the moment you've all been DON'T PULL THOSE.
ThePhan: OUCH
* 10Kan wants to pull 'em.
Goosey: lol
Crystal109: That looks really painful haha.
10Kan: Show!
Ticia: Don says: Sam, you're not a normal guy.
Sam: Sam says: No, Don, I suppose not.
LaZorra: Don: We know thaaaat.
LaZorra: Sam likes to play with dolls.
Crystal109: LaZ: Hehehe.
Sam: So I have a new feature coming out in late March or April. It'll be updated twice a week for almost the next year or so. And I can give you a sneak peek at the first update when the feature comes out.
Gharlane: LOL
Crystal109: Ooooooh.
Haplay: Aaaaah.
Crystal109: FOR THE NEXT YEAR!
* 10Kan is on the edge of his seat!
Sam: And here it is:
10Kan: I'm guessing webcomic. Is it a webcomic?
Goosey: LOL WOO
* TalkingDog blinks confusedly.
Crystal109: LOL 10K WAS RIGHT!
10Kan: YEAH!
Crystal109: THIS IS AWESOME!
10Kan: Awesome!
Sam: LOL, wow, 10K.
Lirelyn: Dude. Sweeeeet.
ALameIris: LOL
Haplay: WHOA!!!
ThePhan: HA!
Kalimeris: AWESOME
Lirelyn: That's gonna be AMAZING.
* Goosey is SO EXCITED.
ALameIris: That's great.
LaZorra: Wow. Um, wow.
Ticia: Don has also died laughing.
Ticia: Now our children are orphans.
Goosey: Sam, you are brilliant.
Crystal109: Will this make up for me not having seen the movie yet? =)
ThePhan: Crystal: I'm thinking it would be even better if you HAD seen the movie.
10Kan: Crystal: You had better see the movie sometime before it goes live.
Sam: Yeah, if you haven't seen the movie, now would be a good time to find a copy and watch it.
Crystal109: :-(
ThePhan: It is pretty much the best movie you will ever watch.
Kalimeris: I haven't seen it, either.
TalkingDog: I hope people who were involved with the movie find this.
TalkingDog: There's going to be one comic that's just a full page saying "HA!" isn't there?
ThePhan: TD: LOL LOL yes!
Sam: Anyway, for the next two Fridays of the tournament, I'll sneak preview another episode of the strip. However, please do NOT tell anybody about this, even other Rinkies. I'll get to them individually later myself.
* Goosey zips her lips.
ThePhan: Sam: Will do. Or not do. Whichever one means I'll be quiet.
Sam: Anyway, I have 41 comics already in the bag.
ALameIris: Gah..someone is sitting in the office telling me about her kissing experiences. >:(
Sam: Iris: LOL LOL
Goosey: Iris: EW
10Kan: Iris: Did she just start out of the blue?
ALameIris: YES!
* 10Kan is getting tired. Great opening to the UBT!
10Kan: Whoo!
Crystal109: Speaking of out of the blue...
LaZorra: *dies*
ThePhan: LOL
Crystal109: CUDDLY BEARS!
* Goosey HUGS all the teddy bears!
10Kan: Holy wow, that is a lot of points already.
Haplay: Haha! Tied for last place!!!
ThePhan: So many points!
Goosey: #11!! WOO!
Crystal109: I'm in 17th place!
Crystal109: TP: You scare me with your UBT awesomeness.
Sam: See you Tuesday night, 9pm EST!
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'UBT #6, Session 2: Tuesday, 2/17/2009, 9pm EST.' by Sam.
* TalkingDog reads BOOK.

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