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Ultimate Bot Tournament #4: Session 3

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Sam has entered.
Sam: Nah, I'm just regular Sam.
Kysle: So, who's going to die, Sam?
Sam: I can't tell you that.
Kysle: Sure you can.
Sam: All I can tell you is, you're the ones that decided.
* Zup hopes it isn't Sam! Then we'd have Ghost of Sam in here. Scary!
NessaChan: "sma" sounds to me like those noises Felix Unger makes to clear his sinuses.
Danger In Paradise Island: Chapter 2

Zup: YAY
asterismW: WooHoo!
Randy: YAY Chapter 2!
: I don't like this, Ramona. We'll never get away with this.
Zup: Oooh, subterfuge!
: I keep telling you -- everything is going to be fine. Will you quit your worrying? What can go wrong?
asterismW: EVERYTHING.
: A lot can go wrong, and you know it.
* TalkingDog munches popcorn.
10Kan: They're up to somethin'!
: But Hayley, we've been through this before. We've thought it through a hundred times, you and me both.
Kalimeris: The two most unlikely people are working together.
: I know, but I still have a bad feeling about it. We've made a lot of assumptions about who these people are, and what they're capable of. What if we're wrong?
: Then we walk away.
: Walk away? We're going to an island!
: An island resort! You act like we're gonna be stranded out in the wilderness. Listen, I'm the one taking the risks here. Nobody knows you!
10Kan: I know her. from my DREAMS.
Zup: They'll know ALL of her once they see her though.
: Keep your voice down! Do you want the pilot to hear?
* LaZorra wants to say that "Ramona" is a great name for Scary Hair Girl.
: Hayley--
: And don't call me Hayley, either. See, this is what I mean -- one slip up like that could be very, very bad. Until this is all over, my name is Katie. Now look, promise me you're taking this seriously.
Kysle: Haytie, eh?
: Of course I promise.
: You know, I might be your baby sister, but it's a long time since I wore diapers.
asterismW: They're SISTERS?
: Yeah, well...*smile* still need looking after.
: Heh -- listen to you! I can take care of myself.
: If you could take care of yourself, we wouldn't be here in the first--
: We're here, ladies! Is that the most gorgeous strip of beach you've ever seen, or what?
10Kan: It will be when HAYLEY is on it.
: Wow...*looks around*...yeah, it sure is beautiful....
: *looks around* ...and very.........empty.
Sam: Welcome to UBT #4, Session 3!
Randy: SESSION 3
asterismW: Hooray!
* Randy is the hype man.
Zup: I'm here this time! WOOO!
asterismW: Yay Zup!
Sam: The first bot of the evening is the third in our Blitz Blanket Bingo trilogy! BingoBot!
NessaChan: yay
BingoBot has been summoned by Sam.
10Kan: I haven't played this one in ages.
Kysle: Bingooooo!
Kysle: Oh, too early.
iwpg: GOO
Sam: We play this to 15 points, and each point counts double in the tournament scores.
* LaZorra hasn't read any transcripts.
asterismW: LaZ, you're missing your namesake!
Sam: Uh. LAZORRA! Holy crap.
LaZorra: Sam: :-.
Sam: You should have read the story portion before now.
LaZorra: I didn't realize it was that important. :-.
LaZorra: WELL UM
asterismW: With a DREAMY 15 year old!
TalkingDog: That's like skipping an episode of Lost!
whitehelm: It's worse
LaZorra: I don't watch Lost. So I've skipped a lot of episodes.
Sam: Ok, quick recap. The suit guy is named Cody Baxter, and he arrived on the island already, to be greeted by the kindly old gentleman Mrityunjay Darji, a Nepalese man on the verge of his 100th birthday.
Maryam: LZ: Basically, suit guy's name is Cody, and a million-year-old man showed him around the island, and they're waiting for other people to show up, and various people who are not me drooled all over him (Cody, not the old man).
DemanusFlint: Basically, The suit guy is named Cody Baxter, and he arrived on the island already, to be greeted by the kindly old gentleman Mrityunjay Darji, a Nepalese man on the verge of his 100th birthday.
NessaChan: So basically there's this 14 year old kid in a suit who has issues with girls
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Sam: Jay for short, he has demonstrated himself to be a man of uncommon dignity and kindness.
10Kan: And uncommon age.
LaZorra: D00D
LaZorra: Jay?
Sam: Before Session 4, I shall expect you to have read the transcript in full.
LaZorra: You goober.
whitehelm: and Cody's 12
Kalimeris: And Cody is NOT TWELVE.
Zup: Yeah, he's at most 13.
Kalimeris: 15.
Zup: Lolito.
[BingoBot->whitehelm] Your BingoBot card is 3PM9X. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is GH7ZS. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is E63RL. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is V1BUW. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is 2G3SL. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is OL9DA. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->DemanusFlint] Your BingoBot card is L3JH6. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kalimeris] Your BingoBot card is 29HUB. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is CP5B8. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->10Kan] Your BingoBot card is A3FIG. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is RF7QX. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is 2VEP3. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is 18693. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is 31K5U. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->asterismW] Your BingoBot card is W204G. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is 6PSV5. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is 68M5V. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
BingoBot: Next Call: E
BingoBot: Next Call: R
BingoBot: Next Call: D
BingoBot: Next Call: U
BingoBot: Next Call: B
BingoBot: Next Call: 9
BingoBot: Next Call: A
BingoBot: Next Call: K
BingoBot: Next Call: S
BingoBot: Next Call: J
BingoBot: Next Call: L
BingoBot: Next Call: 1
BingoBot: Next Call: I
BingoBot: Next Call: 8
BingoBot: Next Call: V
BingoBot: Next Call: C
BingoBot: Next Call: Y
BingoBot: Next Call: 2
BingoBot: Next Call: M
BingoBot: Next Call: T
BingoBot: Next Call: W
BingoBot: Next Call: 6
BingoBot: Next Call: Q
BingoBot: Next Call: 4
Nyperold: Blow high, blow low, away then we bingo
Zup: chandler bingo
BingoBot: Nyperold calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: Z
BingoBot: Next Call: H
Kysle: Bingo!!?!!
BingoBot: Kysle calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: P
BingoBot: Next Call: 3
LaZorra: bingo
BingoBot: LaZorra calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: 7
BingoBot: Next Call: G
Randy: Bingo
TalkingDog: bingo6u!q
BingoBot: Randy calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: TalkingDog calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: 0
BingoBot: Next Call: O
DemanusFlint: bingo
BingoBot: DemanusFlint calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
10Kan: bingo
Kalimeris: Bingo!
asterismW: bingo
LuckyWizard: bingo
SirDude: Bleh
: *splash*
: HEY!
: Hahahaha -- come on, race you to that tree!
DemanusFlint: I'm getting way too hot of a vibe from these two.
DemanusFlint: So far we have a sexy little boy and a sexy set of sisters, this is intense.
[BingoBot->whitehelm] Your BingoBot card is Y7O3U. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is A0MLY. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is MH149. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is 3T7DS. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is M6HX9. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is OQ4UC. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->DemanusFlint] Your BingoBot card is QANF2. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kalimeris] Your BingoBot card is LF7M4. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is IFA8V. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->10Kan] Your BingoBot card is J4MDI. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is 82YMR. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is YKSDE. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is WB8G5. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is V89HG. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->asterismW] Your BingoBot card is 2QJOI. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is ENK6D. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is 2L4RF. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
BingoBot: Next Call: P
BingoBot: Next Call: R
BingoBot: Next Call: S
BingoBot: Next Call: 0
BingoBot: Next Call: Z
BingoBot: Next Call: M
BingoBot: Next Call: L
BingoBot: Next Call: 1
BingoBot: Next Call: J
BingoBot: Next Call: 7
BingoBot: Next Call: W
BingoBot: Next Call: 6
BingoBot: Next Call: A
BingoBot: Next Call: 4
BingoBot: Next Call: N
BingoBot: Next Call: 8
BingoBot: Next Call: U
BingoBot: Next Call: B
BingoBot: Next Call: Q
BingoBot: Next Call: H
BingoBot: Next Call: T
BingoBot: Next Call: E
BingoBot: Next Call: F
BingoBot: Next Call: 2
BingoBot: Next Call: Y
BingoBot: Next Call: 9
LuckyWizard: bingo
BingoBot: LuckyWizard calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: O
BingoBot: Next Call: I
DemanusFlint: bingo
iwpg: BINGO
BingoBot: DemanusFlint calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: iwpg calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
Zup: BINGO was his NAME-O
NessaChan: bingo
10Kan: bingo
: HA!
: Hey, hey, no fair! *giggle* You're gonna mess up my hair!
: *giggl---STARTLED* Who are you??
10Kan: Your sister, you silly!
asterismW: Jay!
10Kan: Or the killer!
[BingoBot->whitehelm] Your BingoBot card is TLIJ3. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is W476S. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is 4P76Q. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is AMLJ2. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is H872N. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is BE79I. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->DemanusFlint] Your BingoBot card is IZHOQ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kalimeris] Your BingoBot card is KYBFJ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is ROFX9. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->10Kan] Your BingoBot card is JB1PD. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is 3SE2Q. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is XWV0I. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is Y7TNW. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is 7LNIY. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->asterismW] Your BingoBot card is OXD7E. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is 05OCL. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is 6YRUB. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
BingoBot: Next Call: J
BingoBot: Next Call: I
BingoBot: Next Call: 4
BingoBot: Next Call: U
BingoBot: Next Call: 0
BingoBot: Next Call: S
BingoBot: Next Call: G
BingoBot: Next Call: F
BingoBot: Next Call: E
BingoBot: Next Call: M
BingoBot: Next Call: T
BingoBot: Next Call: 8
BingoBot: Next Call: C
BingoBot: Next Call: 1
BingoBot: Next Call: N
BingoBot: Next Call: R
BingoBot: Next Call: B
BingoBot: Next Call: V
BingoBot: Next Call: P
BingoBot: Next Call: 5
BingoBot: Next Call: W
BingoBot: Next Call: O
BingoBot: Next Call: A
BingoBot: Next Call: Q
BingoBot: Next Call: Y
BingoBot: Next Call: Z
Zup: I wonder if I can actually create a cool sentence with the word bingo in it, which would count and help me win something for once.
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: 2
BingoBot: Next Call: 9
BingoBot: Next Call: H
BingoBot: Next Call: K
BingoBot: Next Call: D
BingoBot: Next Call: X
Kysle: Bingo bango bongo
DemanusFlint: bingo
BingoBot: Kysle calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: DemanusFlint calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: 6
BingoBot: Next Call: L
10Kan: bingo
Kalimeris: bingo
BingoBot: 10Kan calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Kalimeris calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
TalkingDog: BiNGo
Sam: Zup: LOL
LuckyWizard: bingo
Nyperold: Bingo!
DemanusFlint: Zup: Not that one!
Zup: Apparently not.
10Kan: Ah, phew.
whitehelm: Bah, I keep ending up with one left
: *bows* Welcome to Paradise Island. Am supposed to welcome guests.
: ...Hello. Uh. *bows*
: Hahahahahaha...hahahahahah...oh, this is GREAT! I love it! All they can get for bellhops around here are creepy old guys!
[BingoBot->whitehelm] Your BingoBot card is P6SY5. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is LXDV1. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is 45AW9. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is INAHD. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is X1IWO. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is IVG1C. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->DemanusFlint] Your BingoBot card is P5GO9. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kalimeris] Your BingoBot card is YXTFD. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is 3XNWI. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->10Kan] Your BingoBot card is ZM12E. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is RC4H2. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is EDU8M. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is GAJ75. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is 7OCNF. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->asterismW] Your BingoBot card is XZ6P0. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is OVMAL. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is 89MLJ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
BingoBot: Next Call: X
BingoBot: Next Call: 6
BingoBot: Next Call: 9
BingoBot: Next Call: U
BingoBot: Next Call: 7
BingoBot: Next Call: 8
BingoBot: Next Call: 4
BingoBot: Next Call: H
BingoBot: Next Call: 3
BingoBot: Next Call: E
BingoBot: Next Call: I
BingoBot: Next Call: J
BingoBot: Next Call: T
BingoBot: Next Call: D
BingoBot: Next Call: L
BingoBot: Next Call: 1
BingoBot: Next Call: K
BingoBot: Next Call: 2
BingoBot: Next Call: C
BingoBot: Next Call: O
BingoBot: Next Call: Y
BingoBot: Next Call: N
BingoBot: Next Call: A
BingoBot: Next Call: Z
BingoBot: Next Call: Q
BingoBot: Next Call: F
BingoBot: Next Call: R
BingoBot: Next Call: P
Nyperold: Bingo.
Kalimeris: bingo
iwpg: BINGO
BingoBot: Nyperold calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Kalimeris calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: iwpg calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
Zup: b - i - n - g - o (which is how you spell "bingo")
Maryam: bingo
DemanusFlint: i don't have a bingo :(
asterismW: I never get to the end...
SirDude: So that's where my W went
: Ramona--!
: What are you, a hundred? Hahahaha.
: Not hundred yet.
10Kan: Disrespecting your elders is the leading cause of death on paradise islands!
Sam: 10K: LOL LOL
[BingoBot->whitehelm] Your BingoBot card is TY6XM. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is HMDYE. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is W70GP. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is VRYG6. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is QKO8T. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is CO24P. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->DemanusFlint] Your BingoBot card is CHERF. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kalimeris] Your BingoBot card is T1ENC. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is NU312. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->10Kan] Your BingoBot card is I4XJZ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is 86HUA. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is 4TPZN. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is EK8G9. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is GRWCJ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->asterismW] Your BingoBot card is IZJU1. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is 95OSD. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is NIGFS. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
DemanusFlint: CHERF
* TalkingDog rearranges in his head to DOS95.
BingoBot: Next Call: N
BingoBot: Next Call: P
BingoBot: Next Call: 7
BingoBot: Next Call: W
BingoBot: Next Call: B
BingoBot: Next Call: V
BingoBot: Next Call: R
BingoBot: Next Call: C
BingoBot: Next Call: M
BingoBot: Next Call: D
BingoBot: Next Call: J
BingoBot: Next Call: E
BingoBot: Next Call: T
BingoBot: Next Call: U
BingoBot: Next Call: 4
BingoBot: Next Call: F
BingoBot: Next Call: 8
BingoBot: Next Call: I
BingoBot: Next Call: Y
BingoBot: Next Call: 1
BingoBot: Next Call: L
BingoBot: Next Call: 3
BingoBot: Next Call: 2
BingoBot: Next Call: H
DemanusFlint: bingo
BingoBot: DemanusFlint calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: A
BingoBot: Next Call: 5
Zup: My card is 4TPZN. Fortenplazen. Maybe that'll win me a bingo.
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: S
BingoBot: Next Call: Z
LaZorra: bingo
BingoBot: LaZorra calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: Q
BingoBot: Next Call: 6
NessaChan: bingo
asterismW: bingo
10Kan: bingo
Randy: bingo ognib
BingoBot: NessaChan calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
iwpg: BINGO
Nyperold: Words wouldn't come in an easy way, 'round in circles bingo
Kysle: I got b-i-n-g-o! BINGO
Sam: LOL
asterismW: Crap, I actually get it and I'm BEAT.
: Well hey, Mr. Miyagi, our bags are back their in the sand. And don't bash them all around! I got delicate fabrics in there.
: Ramona--
: This the way to the hotel? I need me a pina colada.
[BingoBot->whitehelm] Your BingoBot card is 2M9P1. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is IQUSP. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is FSQOE. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is D8BSK. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is F9K2T. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is S2831. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->DemanusFlint] Your BingoBot card is 9EFSK. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kalimeris] Your BingoBot card is 8YEWR. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is 846XR. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->10Kan] Your BingoBot card is PREDA. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is UBD4G. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is 6DAJ1. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is UAKZ0. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is VSQKU. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->asterismW] Your BingoBot card is PKGLV. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is WRZ5F. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is BIPKN. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
BingoBot: Next Call: C
BingoBot: Next Call: 8
BingoBot: Next Call: J
BingoBot: Next Call: 0
BingoBot: Next Call: 5
BingoBot: Next Call: 7
BingoBot: Next Call: L
BingoBot: Next Call: X
BingoBot: Next Call: F
BingoBot: Next Call: V
BingoBot: Next Call: O
BingoBot: Next Call: N
BingoBot: Next Call: S
BingoBot: Next Call: A
BingoBot: Next Call: U
BingoBot: Next Call: K
BingoBot: Next Call: I
BingoBot: Next Call: P
Randy: bingo is lame-o
BingoBot: Randy calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: E
BingoBot: Next Call: M
BingoBot: Next Call: W
BingoBot: Next Call: Y
BingoBot: Next Call: 3
BingoBot: Next Call: 9
BingoBot: Next Call: H
BingoBot: Next Call: R
DemanusFlint: bingo
Randy: DANg
Zup: BINGO, BINGO, BINGO, and bingo was his name-o!
BingoBot: DemanusFlint calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: 2
BingoBot: Next Call: 1
Kalimeris: bino
whitehelm: bingo
BingoBot: whitehelm calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: D
BingoBot: Next Call: 4
Kalimeris: bingo
Kysle: Bingo
BingoBot: Kalimeris calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
10Kan: bingo
LaZorra: bingo
Kalimeris: I suck. Hahaha
SirDude: Someone's got a Lucky Day badge on
asterismW: Whoa, DF!
DemanusFlint: My connection :/
: I'm awfully sorry, sir. Here, let me help carry those.
: Need not be sorry. Was polite.
[BingoBot->whitehelm] Your BingoBot card is QPBLV. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is W6OYZ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is CZ1FN. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is 3RU71. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is 8CH2P. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is RVUK1. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->DemanusFlint] Your BingoBot card is 34ZVI. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kalimeris] Your BingoBot card is OAE7T. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is I9HQB. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->10Kan] Your BingoBot card is UV43B. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is O9F1S. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is YUD0N. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is Z59BU. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is B1Z2I. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->asterismW] Your BingoBot card is OP0DA. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is RBI0Z. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is DYJCZ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
BingoBot: Next Call: Q
BingoBot: Next Call: U
BingoBot: Next Call: Y
BingoBot: Next Call: T
BingoBot: Next Call: 2
BingoBot: Next Call: 3
BingoBot: Next Call: 0
BingoBot: Next Call: J
BingoBot: Next Call: 1
BingoBot: Next Call: G
BingoBot: Next Call: R
BingoBot: Next Call: L
BingoBot: Next Call: H
BingoBot: Next Call: 6
BingoBot: Next Call: F
BingoBot: Next Call: 9
BingoBot: Next Call: N
BingoBot: Next Call: Z
BingoBot: Next Call: 8
BingoBot: Next Call: V
BingoBot: Next Call: A
BingoBot: Next Call: S
BingoBot: Next Call: 7
BingoBot: Next Call: O
BingoBot: Next Call: 5
BingoBot: Next Call: C
Zup: Dang-o, I suck-o at this bingo! I wish-o I was better-o at this game-o.
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: W
BingoBot: Next Call: B
Randy: blingo, I mean BINGO
BingoBot: Randy calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: 4
BingoBot: Next Call: X
iwpg: BINGO
NessaChan: bingo
BingoBot: iwpg calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: NessaChan calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
10Kan: bingo
Kysle: bigo bingo
LuckyWizard: I keep having one left.
: I'm Katie. My si--uh, friend is Ramona. What's your name?
10Kan: Real smooth there, 'Katie'!
: Best to call me Jay.
: How come nobody's out on the beach?
: Katie and Ramona only second and third to arrive.
[BingoBot->whitehelm] Your BingoBot card is VGCWM. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is B59YA. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is L16Q5. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is W38M1. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is QXAW4. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is L3PVK. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->DemanusFlint] Your BingoBot card is 4XEI0. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kalimeris] Your BingoBot card is WQEUP. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is M7PIU. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->10Kan] Your BingoBot card is 0UFGZ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is K3DXM. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is YJZ3G. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is Z7OLT. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is A30L2. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->asterismW] Your BingoBot card is RJINK. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is DSCWX. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is 5MLI8. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
BingoBot: Next Call: O
BingoBot: Next Call: T
BingoBot: Next Call: 0
BingoBot: Next Call: D
LaZorra: bingo
BingoBot: LaZorra calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: E
BingoBot: Next Call: B
BingoBot: Next Call: J
BingoBot: Next Call: H
BingoBot: Next Call: I
BingoBot: Next Call: 5
BingoBot: Next Call: K
BingoBot: Next Call: G
BingoBot: Next Call: Z
BingoBot: Next Call: Q
BingoBot: Next Call: V
BingoBot: Next Call: Y
BingoBot: Next Call: 7
BingoBot: Next Call: P
BingoBot: Next Call: 1
BingoBot: Next Call: 2
Randy: b to i to the ingo, bingo!
BingoBot: Randy calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: S
BingoBot: Next Call: X
BingoBot: Next Call: 9
BingoBot: Next Call: A
BingoBot: Next Call: C
BingoBot: Next Call: U
BingoBot: Next Call: L
BingoBot: Next Call: 3
Zup: I keep getting out early. But no more! I WINNO AT BINGO!
Kysle: Kysle is my name and bingo is my game.
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Kysle calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: 4
BingoBot: Next Call: F
NessaChan: bingo
10Kan: bingo
BingoBot: NessaChan calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
DemanusFlint: bingo
Zup: YES!
NessaChan: bingo
Sam: Randy: You lost, because b to the i to the ingo is biingo
asterismW: :sigh:
Randy: Oops.
* TalkingDog WANTS POINT
: Katie, can you believe this? A conservatory! It's like we're in some English drawing room comedy.
: Or maybe it's one of those old-fashioned murder mysteries! WhhooooooOOOOOO, spooky!
Nyperold: Careful with that wall there. It's the fourth one. ;)
[BingoBot->whitehelm] Your BingoBot card is 1UWY3. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is 162ZS. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is UWY40. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is CUIN8. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is XRZG9. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is WFPG3. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->DemanusFlint] Your BingoBot card is 083RU. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kalimeris] Your BingoBot card is BPFGX. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is EQ4M9. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->10Kan] Your BingoBot card is B14HI. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is 48F61. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is EL1QP. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is K3QF0. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is YSM8I. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->asterismW] Your BingoBot card is VXCO6. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is LTNWU. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is 4POYU. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
BingoBot: Next Call: 2
BingoBot: Next Call: F
BingoBot: Next Call: R
BingoBot: Next Call: C
BingoBot: Next Call: G
BingoBot: Next Call: Q
BingoBot: Next Call: 8
BingoBot: Next Call: N
BingoBot: Next Call: O
BingoBot: Next Call: D
BingoBot: Next Call: 7
BingoBot: Next Call: M
BingoBot: Next Call: 0
BingoBot: Next Call: U
BingoBot: Next Call: 4
BingoBot: Next Call: H
BingoBot: Next Call: 9
BingoBot: Next Call: Y
BingoBot: Next Call: J
BingoBot: Next Call: 1
BingoBot: Next Call: E
BingoBot: Next Call: K
Kysle: Lucky letters! Bingo for mee!
BingoBot: Kysle calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: 5
BingoBot: Next Call: S
TalkingDog: bingodowndahoooole
BingoBot: TalkingDog calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: X
BingoBot: Next Call: 3
Zup: It's Mustard in the Billiards room! But seriously, bingo.
LaZorra: bingo
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: LaZorra calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: T
BingoBot: Next Call: 6
Randy: b to the i to ngo is now bingo
DemanusFlint: bingo
BingoBot: Randy calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: DemanusFlint calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
iwpg: BINGO
DemanusFlint: So does this move too fast for most people to actually play?
asterismW: YES.
Zup: DF: No, I just get bored.
* TalkingDog keeps up well enough.
Maryam: Most of the time I still have one left at the end of the round.
DemanusFlint: I just see two at a time.
Zup: And I guess. A lot.
: Wow, look at this furniture! NICE!
: Will show to room.
: Oh, what's the hurry, pops? I still want that drink.
Randy: Jay needs to go ancient asian man on her butt
[BingoBot->whitehelm] Your BingoBot card is 76CGK. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is 5C8XJ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is 9RNBS. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is FB3KS. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is MKPRX. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is BLQH0. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->DemanusFlint] Your BingoBot card is Q29ZI. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kalimeris] Your BingoBot card is 45V1L. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is U9J41. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->10Kan] Your BingoBot card is 9VFTW. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is MOGA7. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is BGFE4. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is MWDEA. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is CRGBT. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->asterismW] Your BingoBot card is 1ODIN. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is C8DH7. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is 5CBDH. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
BingoBot: Next Call: F
BingoBot: Next Call: M
Zup: If someone else bingoes, I usually go too.
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: R
BingoBot: Next Call: O
BingoBot: Next Call: X
BingoBot: Next Call: E
BingoBot: Next Call: Z
BingoBot: Next Call: 2
BingoBot: Next Call: 4
BingoBot: Next Call: 5
BingoBot: Next Call: 7
BingoBot: Next Call: A
BingoBot: Next Call: P
BingoBot: Next Call: I
BingoBot: Next Call: L
BingoBot: Next Call: J
BingoBot: Next Call: 6
BingoBot: Next Call: C
BingoBot: Next Call: Y
BingoBot: Next Call: T
BingoBot: Next Call: 8
BingoBot: Next Call: 1
BingoBot: Next Call: G
BingoBot: Next Call: W
BingoBot: Next Call: H
BingoBot: Next Call: S
iwpg: BINGO
BingoBot: iwpg calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: V
BingoBot: Next Call: B
BingoBot: Next Call: U
BingoBot: Next Call: Q
BingoBot: Next Call: 9
BingoBot: Next Call: N
Maryam: bingo
Kalimeris: bingo
iwpg: YAY
BingoBot: Maryam calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Kalimeris calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
10Kan: bingo
asterismW: bingo
whitehelm: I can keep up alright but my letters arent coming up
Randy: hehe
: Ramona, will you stop--
: Hey, who're you? Come out from behind there!
: is...
asterismW: CODY!
Kalimeris: Cody!
Randy: uh. oh.
Maryam: I wonder how old Ramona and Hayley are.
[BingoBot->whitehelm] Your BingoBot card is YNPFK. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is 7ZAR4. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is WF2D9. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is AVLU8. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is X3WMJ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is 2K1PN. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->DemanusFlint] Your BingoBot card is UNMAW. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kalimeris] Your BingoBot card is BP8E4. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is 7HJQY. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->10Kan] Your BingoBot card is XVKZI. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is O9PM0. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is 4A6R5. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is T076Z. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is 05RBG. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->asterismW] Your BingoBot card is 4TPAW. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is 2RMYC. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is NRD3O. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
BingoBot: Next Call: 4
BingoBot: Next Call: V
BingoBot: Next Call: W
BingoBot: Next Call: P
BingoBot: Next Call: 9
BingoBot: Next Call: T
* asterismW changes her strategy
BingoBot: Next Call: N
BingoBot: Next Call: 6
BingoBot: Next Call: R
BingoBot: Next Call: 3
BingoBot: Next Call: G
BingoBot: Next Call: E
BingoBot: Next Call: H
BingoBot: Next Call: O
BingoBot: Next Call: C
BingoBot: Next Call: Z
BingoBot: Next Call: B
BingoBot: Next Call: D
BingoBot: Next Call: U
BingoBot: Next Call: I
LuckyWizard: bingo
BingoBot: LuckyWizard calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: 8
BingoBot: Next Call: S
BingoBot: Next Call: 7
BingoBot: Next Call: J
asterismW: bingo
Kalimeris: bingo
BingoBot: asterismW calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Kalimeris calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: F
BingoBot: Next Call: 0
Zup: bInGo!1!1
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: K
BingoBot: Next Call: Q
iwpg: BINGO
BingoBot: iwpg calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: A
BingoBot: Next Call: 2
Randy: but...but...I have bingo!
asterismW: Dang.
BingoBot: Randy calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
: My, uh...
: Name is Cody Baxter. Came to meet you but was shy when saw you were girls. Hid in bushes.
asterismW: LOL LOL
: JAY! *blush*
Maryam: LOL
TalkingDog: LOL
NessaChan: xD
LaZorra: hehehe
10Kan: He ruins more suits that way.
Kalimeris: Jay is awesome.
Kalimeris: + 2 awesome points
[BingoBot->whitehelm] Your BingoBot card is 6YUTX. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is U6N9K. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is 39X2V. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is TGZJN. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is VDP3G. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is M6PUN. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->DemanusFlint] Your BingoBot card is C9MYG. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kalimeris] Your BingoBot card is YU9DL. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is N76L3. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->10Kan] Your BingoBot card is YAMGR. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is 983IR. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is 1BYEC. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is REUAL. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is QU2MO. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->asterismW] Your BingoBot card is 68W7K. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is 2QDEX. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is 8YM3D. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
Nyperold: PUN
Nyperold: M6PUN, that is.
BingoBot: Next Call: N
BingoBot: Next Call: G
BingoBot: Next Call: Q
BingoBot: Next Call: 8
BingoBot: Next Call: 4
BingoBot: Next Call: D
BingoBot: Next Call: X
BingoBot: Next Call: Z
BingoBot: Next Call: 7
BingoBot: Next Call: H
BingoBot: Next Call: V
BingoBot: Next Call: A
BingoBot: Next Call: L
BingoBot: Next Call: 2
BingoBot: Next Call: I
BingoBot: Next Call: T
BingoBot: Next Call: 0
BingoBot: Next Call: W
BingoBot: Next Call: M
BingoBot: Next Call: R
BingoBot: Next Call: 1
BingoBot: Next Call: 3
BingoBot: Next Call: J
BingoBot: Next Call: P
BingoBot: Next Call: K
BingoBot: Next Call: B
SirDude: BingogniB
BingoBot: SirDude calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: 6
BingoBot: Next Call: U
Kysle: Brrrring! Brrriing! Yes? Hello? Oh, what's that? BINGO?!
BingoBot: Kysle calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: 5
BingoBot: Next Call: Y
asterismW: bingo
TalkingDog: bingozz0r
Zup: I wish I had a bingo. ;)
LaZorra: bingo
BingoBot: asterismW calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
whitehelm: bingo
LuckyWizard: bingo
10Kan: bingo
DemanusFlint: bingo
Kalimeris: bingo
asterismW: Woo, it worked!
NessaChan: bingo
asterismW: I got a point!
Randy: yay!
: What'd you tell them THAT for?
: Talking to girls easier when someone else does for you.
LaZorra: Jay is very wise.
[BingoBot->whitehelm] Your BingoBot card is 756BQ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is QAVM3. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is KQN2Z. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is TL0O3. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is HGZOL. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is TQYHX. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->DemanusFlint] Your BingoBot card is QZ1L0. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kalimeris] Your BingoBot card is 0MRWK. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is FX5D9. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->10Kan] Your BingoBot card is M8XFT. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is 2T9B3. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is LOQSV. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is JTWZF. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is VDLG2. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->asterismW] Your BingoBot card is 7VDR6. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is UVA2T. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is 5M9T1. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
BingoBot: Next Call: V
BingoBot: Next Call: 1
BingoBot: Next Call: F
BingoBot: Next Call: A
BingoBot: Next Call: I
BingoBot: Next Call: 6
BingoBot: Next Call: Y
BingoBot: Next Call: S
BingoBot: Next Call: 4
BingoBot: Next Call: 7
BingoBot: Next Call: M
BingoBot: Next Call: U
BingoBot: Next Call: L
BingoBot: Next Call: Q
BingoBot: Next Call: G
BingoBot: Next Call: E
BingoBot: Next Call: X
BingoBot: Next Call: C
BingoBot: Next Call: 2
BingoBot: Next Call: K
BingoBot: Next Call: 5
BingoBot: Next Call: 3
BingoBot: Next Call: D
BingoBot: Next Call: H
BingoBot: Next Call: P
BingoBot: Next Call: R
BingoBot: Next Call: T
BingoBot: Next Call: N
BingoBot: Next Call: Z
BingoBot: Next Call: W
10Kan: bingo
TalkingDog: teh bingo
BingoBot: 10Kan calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: TalkingDog calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: J
BingoBot: Next Call: 9
Zup: Zup, 10Kan, Nyperold, SirDude, Kalimeris, iwpg, DemanusFlint, TalkingDog, Maryam, Kylse, Randy, asterismW, NessaChan, whitehelm, LaZorra, Sam, LuckyWizard, and bingo!
NessaChan: bingo
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: NessaChan calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Next Call: O
BingoBot: Next Call: 8
LuckyWizard: bingo
asterismW: bingo
BingoBot: LuckyWizard calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
Nyperold: When today is a long time bingo...
Kalimeris: bingo
Randy: go go bingo win!
NessaChan: bingo
Zup: You guys are all unlucky. Invoking your names did nothing!
Randy: buh buh buh bingo!
: Nice to meet you, Cody. I'm Katie. This is Ramona.
: Yeah...yeah, real nice to meet you. Heh. Well don't you look all handsome and grown up.
: *b-b-blush*
: Hahaha.... Come on, Katie. Let's find the kitchen. Then I want to explore this island!
iwpg: How exactly does one stutter a blush?
SirDude: iwpg : He's THAT nervous.
[BingoBot->whitehelm] Your BingoBot card is 8DN1T. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->NessaChan] Your BingoBot card is UJVXY. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is EC61X. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is 0SEYN. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->SirDude] Your BingoBot card is D7A10. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is FDJ8T. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->DemanusFlint] Your BingoBot card is 47J63. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kalimeris] Your BingoBot card is ZBGW8. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is 4ZIJ7. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->10Kan] Your BingoBot card is PHZ69. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is NHQLJ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is 65F9M. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is YZUIS. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Maryam] Your BingoBot card is V4SEH. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->asterismW] Your BingoBot card is O79XD. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->TalkingDog] Your BingoBot card is BAWCK. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is WBM4A. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 20 seconds.
TalkingDog: LOL LOL! "BAWCK"
BingoBot: Next Call: U
BingoBot: Next Call: B
BingoBot: Next Call: 0
BingoBot: Next Call: Q
BingoBot: Next Call: 4
BingoBot: Next Call: O
BingoBot: Next Call: M
BingoBot: Next Call: J
BingoBot: Next Call: 2
BingoBot: Next Call: H
BingoBot: Next Call: N
BingoBot: Next Call: W
BingoBot: Next Call: E
BingoBot: Next Call: F
BingoBot: Next Call: 6
BingoBot: Next Call: G
BingoBot: Next Call: D
BingoBot: Next Call: C
BingoBot: Next Call: 1
BingoBot: Next Call: 7
Kysle: Bingo bingo.... bingo
BingoBot: Kysle calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next Call: 3
BingoBot: Next Call: L
BingoBot: Next Call: A
BingoBot: Next Call: V
DemanusFlint: bingo
iwpg: BINGO
LaZorra: bingo
BingoBot: DemanusFlint calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: iwpg calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: LaZorra calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: DemanusFlint wins!
Zup: What a card! That's bingo for ya.
LuckyWizard: bingo
SirDude: -7A-- Bingo!
Maryam: Go DF!
asterismW: ONE!
NessaChan: woo
10Kan: Good job, DF.
iwpg: DF is TOO FAST.
Randy: Yay DF!
Zup: yay DF!
TalkingDog: I got points!
Kysle: That was fast. Thanks, DF :)
DemanusFlint: No problem!
Zup: So did I!
asterismW: I got point!
* iwpg is apparently the eternal runner-up.
* Zup adds his first points in the tourney!
Kysle: iwpg: I'm impressed.
DemanusFlint: iwpg: you were leading total points...
iwpg: DF: not in any individual game, though.
: Hello? Hello-o-o-o? Trying to find the kitchen here! Can I get me some SERVICE or what?
: Hello-o-o-o?
: Ramona, we're the only people here. Us, Jay, and Cody.
* Zup thinks Sam is showing off the house through this chapter somehow.
: You're kidding.
Zup: Which is a really nice (stolen from the internet) house.
: I don't like this. This isn't what we were expecting at all.
NessaChan: Mr. Boddy's body, it's gone!
: Chill. Relax. You worry too much. Right now our biggest problem is finding the kitchen. All those hours of breathing salty air has me parched. Let's just find a drink first, and then we can talk.
: Wow.
NessaChan: They do kinda have similar noses now that I look at it
: Something on Cody's mind?
* TalkingDog works on Jay's birthday cake... *grin*
: What? Oh. Well, I just thought it was funny. We were just talking about girls, and...well...she's beautiful.
10Kan: Which one, Cody?
asterismW: I hope he's talking about 'Katie'.
Kalimeris: I don't think he's talking about 'Katie'
: Yes, very beautiful. Maybe you thinking practice conquering nerves?
Nyperold: Well, if she let her hair down, sure.
Nyperold: And maybe stuck to flesh tones for makeup.
: Ahhh, that's better.
10Kan: Ramona is always ready to just relax and let her hair down.
10Kan: Figuratively speaking, of course.
SirDude: 10Kan : Sounds a bit like me.
iwpg: SirDude is Ramona? =-o
SirDude: No... XP
Maryam: XP is Ramona?
iwpg: The "Dude" is a red herring? (And the "Sir", come to think of it.)
TalkingDog: SirDude is actually... MadamBabe!
: Heh heh. Ramona, as much as I worry about you, I envy you, too. Nothing ever worries you, does it? Ever?
Kalimeris: Duh, her hair altitude worries her
Zup: LOL
: You know me. Take life as it comes. Stick around and wait for that opportunity, and snatch it up when it does.
: I'm gonna go explore the island a bit. Wanna come?
: *smile* Nah, you go on. I think I'll try to get some rest by the pool or something.
whitehelm: He's actually the murderer
whitehelm: I figured it all out
: Yo, Miyagi and the Karate Kid. Going for a walk. Later.
Nyperold: So you've had your piña colada, and you're trying to get caught in the rain.
: Cody -- it look like now is your chance. She alone.
NessaChan: Jay is such a nice old dude
: Yeah, but I couldn't...
whitehelm: Cody's probably too young for them anyway
: Well why not? I'm going to go talk to her right now!
Nyperold: "Ramona! Ramona!"
: *races outside*
: W--wait! Katie still inside!
Maryam: Hehehehe.
Randy: Oh my.
asterismW: NICE.
NessaChan: nooo
10Kan: It's like a Midsummer Night's Dream, with MURDER!
Kalimeris: Ugh, Cody.
10Kan: He didn't know who went where.
Zup: The drama is tangible!
LaZorra: You know, that's the problem with men. Every time you think you've found a good one, he goes for weird women.
NessaChan: Cody has bad taste
Kalimeris: I knew he wasn't that hott.
asterismW: Naw. He's hawt, he just doesn't have any sense.
Nyperold: Well, she is the younger sister.
Nyperold: The older one's gotta be 18 or 19. Way too old.
asterismW: But what do you expect from a 15 year old?
whitehelm: 13
Randy: 14
whitehelm: 11
whitehelm: He's lying about his age
Kalimeris: Totally. 17.
Zup: I'm sure he's genetically engineered, so he's actually only four years old.
NessaChan: I still think he's like 23.
SirDude: An age differential doesn't mean jack when it comes to love
Maryam: Oh yes it does.
Randy: It totally does.
10Kan: Tell it to the judge, SirDude.
Zup: LOL
LaZorra: NC: That was my reaction, too.
Zup: Age matters more than a person'd think,
SirDude: Not as much as you're making it out to be
asterismW: My grandparents were 30 years apart.
Kalimeris: My aunt and uncle are 20 years
Maryam: In the teens, a few years can be far too vast of a gulf.
Kalimeris: It's true. Teenage years are more a gulf than non-teenage
Maryam: People change much too quickly as teenagers.
NessaChan: and don't know who they are yet
Zup: 15 - 18 is a huge difference. I know, I've been the 18. However, 26 to 23 isn't nearly as much.
DemanusFlint: Half your age plus seven, right?
DemanusFlint: (as a lower bound)
Randy: DF: heh, I like that formula.
DemanusFlint: So someone who's twenty can date some who's between 17 and 26.
Zup: I'm 19 and I wouldn't date a 17 year old.
Sam: Our next bot is WordBot!
BingoBot has been dismissed by Sam.
WordBot has been summoned by Sam.
whitehelm: and gremlinn's not playing
Sam: We'll be playing WordBot in quiz mode, which means there is no race to be first to answer. Submit your answers privately, with the /b command. This particular bot does accept multiple answers per line, separated by spaces.
* LaZorra likes WordBot in quiz mode!
Sam: The game begins in 60 seconds. We'll have a proper break after this game -- it goes pretty quickly, usually.
DemanusFlint: Played to 30?
Sam: Yes, played to 30 points. Oh wait -- actually, I need another minute to tally the Bingo scores.
Sam: Ok. NOW the game begins in 30 seconds.
* SirDude hopes he can make up for the last game here
WordBot: Starting a new quiz game:
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: doodling.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: doodling.
WordBot: Claimed answer: dawdling (SirDude, whitehelm, DemanusFlint, iwpg, Nyperold, Maryam, asterismW, NessaChan)
WordBot: Claimed answer: diddling (Kysle)
WordBot: Claimed answer: doubling (Kalimeris)
WordBot: Claimed answer: drooling (LaZorra)
WordBot: Claimed answer: fondling (DemanusFlint)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: coddling.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: dandling.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: doweling.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: foozling.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: lordling.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: toddling.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: tootling.
WordBot: Scores this round: DemanusFlint: +2, asterismW: +1, iwpg: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Kysle: +1, LaZorra: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, SirDude: +1, whitehelm: +1.
* Kysle winces
Zup: I am bad at this.
SirDude: Aw, no doodlist?
DemanusFlint: I'm hero.
Randy: hehe
WordBot: Question (use /b): Unscramble the following word: mirheo.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Unscramble the following word: mirheo.
WordBot: Claimed answer: homier (DemanusFlint, NessaChan, Nyperold)
WordBot: Scores this round: DemanusFlint: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1.
Zup: I am going to *lose*.
: Enjoy the flight. We'll have all four of you on the island in just a few hours.
: You all know each other?
NessaChan: his neck is gonna get stiff looking over his shoulder like that
: Nope! Just met while we were waiting for you!
NessaChan: yay trench coat boy
Maryam: Trench guy!
LaZorra: This is reminding me of a Wild Wild West episode.
10Kan: All the guys except for apple-man are way overdressed for this climate.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words with all these letters, in order: h, e, a, r, a, s.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words with all these letters, in order: h, e, a, r, a, s.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: antidisestablishmentarianism.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: disestablishmentarianism.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: heartsease.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: hemiparasite.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: hetaeras.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: hetairas.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: rehearsals.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: theatricals.
Zup: LOL
SirDude: Ouch.
NessaChan: boo, too slow
10Kan: LOL
DemanusFlint: No establishmentarianism?
SirDude: Scoreless round
Randy: Yow
NessaChan: oh, mine wasn't in there anyway
Zup: Apparently Heartattacks isn't a word.
NessaChan: I put in heartbeats
: *giggle* ww-wwwhoa! This helicopter ride isn't as smooth as I was expecting!
: No sea legs, huh?
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: befalling.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: befalling.
WordBot: Claimed answer: befouling (NessaChan)
WordBot: Claimed answer: refilling (whitehelm, Kysle)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: becalming.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: bevelling.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: bewailing.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: metalling.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: pedalling.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: recalling.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: refelling.
WordBot: Scores this round: Kysle: +1, NessaChan: +1, whitehelm: +1.
asterismW: I totally suck at this game.
Randy: aster: ditto
DemanusFlint: I hate those kinds of questions.
Nyperold: If there weren't only 2 remaining, I'd wonder if he would have to carry 8 over next trip.
: So, HI! Boy, this sure is exciting, huh? Almost as exciting as clean teeth!
: Yeah, real exciting.
asterismW: LOL
Maryam: Apple guy must be a dental student.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words with all these letters, in order: d, z, n, s.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words with all these letters, in order: d, z, n, s.
WordBot: Claimed answer: denizens (DemanusFlint, LaZorra, Kysle, asterismW, LuckyWizard, Zup)
WordBot: Claimed answer: dizziness (Nyperold)
WordBot: Claimed answer: dozens (DemanusFlint, LuckyWizard, Zup, LaZorra, Kalimeris, SirDude)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: bedizens.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: dizens.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: dramatizations.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: idealizations.
WordBot: Scores this round: DemanusFlint: +2, LaZorra: +2, LuckyWizard: +2, Zup: +2, asterismW: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Kysle: +1, Nyperold: +1, SirDude: +1.
10Kan: No demilitarizations?
: I'm Camille. *giggle* So, uh...what are you, some kind of a gangster? Maybe you're a super spy?
: Nah, I just like trenchcoats. I'm Matthew.
NessaChan: awee Matthew... he's dressed kinda warm for a beach
asterismW: Nessa: Well, so is Cody.
NessaChan: Asterism: This is true
LaZorra: The opinion editor at my school paper is named Matt and wears trenchcoats a lot. Hee!
WordBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: _or_ui_ou_.
asterismW: All I see is "oruiou".
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: _or_ui_ou_.
WordBot: Claimed answer: fortuitous (Zup, whitehelm, iwpg, LuckyWizard, asterismW)
WordBot: Scores this round: asterismW: +1, iwpg: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
: But call me Matt.
: Hmmm, and how about you? Wait, don't tell me. You're a dentist?
: Oh, golly, no! But wouldn't I like to be!
10Kan: LOL
Kalimeris: By golly gee whiz
Maryam: Hehehe.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words with all these letters, in order: f, e, e, r, i, g.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words with all these letters, in order: f, e, e, r, i, g.
Nyperold: Looks Gaelic.
WordBot: Claimed answer: fevering (DemanusFlint)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: defenestrating.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: featherbedding.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: feathering.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: featherweight.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: festering.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: fettering.
WordBot: Scores this round: DemanusFlint: +1.
: My name's Tyler! Tyler Wyler!
: Tyler Wyler? *rolls eyes* You've got to be kidding me.
LaZorra: LOL
asterismW: Tyler WYLER?
NessaChan: lol
Zup: That's gotta be a stage name.
10Kan: Sam, you truly have a gift with names.
Sam: 10K: Believe it or not, "Tyler Wyler" came to me as I was already typing out the sentence.
Zup: and he is thus named FOREVERMORE
Sam: I had "Tyler" already, but not a last name.
asterismW: His parents must hate him.
10Kan: Wouldn't you?
WordBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: i_sp_re.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: i_sp_re.
WordBot: Claimed answer: inspire (whitehelm, Zup, LuckyWizard, DemanusFlint, SirDude, Kalimeris, Randy, Kysle, 10Kan, NessaChan, asterismW, iwpg, Nyperold)
WordBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, asterismW: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, iwpg: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Kysle: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, SirDude: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
Randy: POINT
: How about you? What's YOUR name?
Maryam: Ok, I'm voting for apple guy to die next.
DemanusFlint: NO COLLUSION
Maryam: DF: Hey, I might change my mind.
: *rolls eyes*
: Genevieve.
Nyperold: Genevieve, Genevieve, bo-Benevieve, banana-fana fo-Fenevieve, me-my-mo-Menevieve! Genevieve!
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words with all these letters, in order: a, m, b, o, i, a.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words with all these letters, in order: a, m, b, o, i, a.
WordBot: Claimed answer: ambrosia (DemanusFlint, Zup, whitehelm, SirDude, iwpg, 10Kan, Kalimeris, asterismW, NessaChan, LaZorra)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: amblyopia.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: amboina.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: ambrosial.
WordBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, asterismW: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, iwpg: +1, Kalimeris: +1, LaZorra: +1, NessaChan: +1, SirDude: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
Kysle: Ooh, nice word
DemanusFlint: hambonia
Zup: [->Bots] amoebaphobia
iwpg: Zup: LOL
: Nice to meet you, Genevieve. What brings you out here?
: *stare*
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words of length 6 or more made with the letters: smlraildi.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words of length 6 or more made with the letters: smlraildi.
WordBot: Claimed answer: drills (DemanusFlint, Nyperold)
WordBot: Claimed answer: similar (Randy)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: disarm.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: dismal.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: milliard.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: milliards.
WordBot: Scores this round: DemanusFlint: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1.
Zup: Darn.
Kalimeris: I's bad at this games.
NessaChan: too slow again!!
Kysle: :( Midair wasn't in there?
: Oh, never mind her! *giggle* W-whoa...! Hey, can't you keep this thing level?
: Sorry, miss!
: Anyway...Matt...what about YOU? What are you all about?
10Kan: He's selling these fine leather trenchcoats.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words ending with the letter sequence: -cci.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words ending with the letter sequence: -cci.
WordBot: Claimed answer: bocci (whitehelm, LaZorra)
WordBot: Claimed answer: cocci (Zup, LaZorra, SirDude)
WordBot: Claimed answer: streptococci (whitehelm)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: enterococci.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: gonococci.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: meningococci.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: pasticci.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: staphylococci.
WordBot: Scores this round: LaZorra: +2, whitehelm: +2, SirDude: +1, Zup: +1.
whitehelm: just missed staphylococci
asterismW: Streptococci! THAT'S what I was trying to remember!
NessaChan: boo, no fibonacci ?
NessaChan: lol
10Kan: I guess that's a name.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Unscramble the following word: vuant.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Unscramble the following word: vuant.
* 10Kan got it!
WordBot: Claimed answer: vaunt (Kysle, LaZorra, LuckyWizard, SirDude, Zup, DemanusFlint, whitehelm, NessaChan, 10Kan, iwpg)
WordBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, iwpg: +1, Kysle: +1, LaZorra: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, NessaChan: +1, SirDude: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
Zup: I thought that was way too easy to be the answer. I'm glad I wrote it anyway.
: Me? Oh, I sell insurance.
Maryam: Boooo, he's an insurance salesman?
10Kan: A LIFE insurance salesman, and the rates on Paradise Island are about to go UP!
SirDude: Aren't insurance salesmen usually evil?
TalkingDog: He says he's an insurance salesman.
asterismW: Maryam: That's just a ruse. He's really a plainclothes detective.
NessaChan: he probably works at a host club!
: Really? *grin* Oh, but now that just sounds so fascinating!
Zup: Watch out Camille, you might fall out of the helicopter!
: *snerk*
DemanusFlint: Is that a trench or a peacoat?
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words with all these letters, in order: s, u, b, o, r, n.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words with all these letters, in order: s, u, b, o, r, n.
WordBot: Claimed answer: insubordination (LuckyWizard, Zup)
WordBot: Claimed answer: stubborn (whitehelm, NessaChan, Randy, Kysle, iwpg, 10Kan)
WordBot: Claimed answer: stubbornly (iwpg)
WordBot: Claimed answer: subordinate (Zup, Kysle, DemanusFlint, LuckyWizard, whitehelm)
WordBot: Claimed answer: subordinates (DemanusFlint)
WordBot: Claimed answer: subordination (Zup, LuckyWizard)
WordBot: Claimed answer: suborn (10Kan, LuckyWizard)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: insubordinate.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: insubordinately.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: stubbornness.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: subordinated.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: subornation.
WordBot: Scores this round: LuckyWizard: +4, Zup: +3, 10Kan: +2, DemanusFlint: +2, iwpg: +2, Kysle: +2, whitehelm: +2, NessaChan: +1, Randy: +1.
: It does!
: No it doesn't.
: Oh yes it does -- I've always been interested in insurance, ever since I was a little girl. Oh, but you must be so strong and smart to have a job like that...ah-huhuhuhuh *flutter*
Maryam: Maybe I'm voting for bikini girl.
Maryam: Oh right. They have names now.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: relishes.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: relishes.
WordBot: Claimed answer: fetishes (SirDude)
WordBot: Claimed answer: perishes (iwpg)
WordBot: Claimed answer: polishes (Zup)
WordBot: Claimed answer: radishes (SirDude, Zup, iwpg, DemanusFlint, Nyperold, LuckyWizard)
WordBot: Claimed answer: relished (whitehelm, DemanusFlint, iwpg, asterismW, 10Kan, SirDude, Kysle)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: ravishes.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: relieves.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: relights.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: relisted.
whitehelm: No rehashes
whitehelm: ?
NessaChan: rehashes..
WordBot: Scores this round: iwpg: +3, SirDude: +3, DemanusFlint: +2, Zup: +2, 10Kan: +1, asterismW: +1, Kysle: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Nyperold: +1, whitehelm: +1.
: I'm afraid I have to agree with Genevieve! Insurance is ok, but what about dental hygiene, huh! Golly. You know, my daddy always told me if you can clean your teeth, you can clean the world, and I believe that.
10Kan: Clean the world...OF PEOPLE
asterismW: I just can't fall for a man that still calls his dad "daddy".
10Kan: We don't know how old he is either.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words with all these letters, in order: s, o, c, e, t, i, s.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words with all these letters, in order: s, o, c, e, t, i, s.
WordBot: Claimed answer: societies (DemanusFlint, iwpg, Kysle, whitehelm, SirDude, Zup, 10Kan, LuckyWizard, NessaChan, asterismW, Nyperold, Kalimeris)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: misconceptions.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: spirochetosis.
WordBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, asterismW: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, iwpg: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Kysle: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, SirDude: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
iwpg: No associativities. :-(
: But--
: I'm afraid they're both right. Insurance isn't much of a living. But it's a living.
Zup: I'm not liking any of these women so far. I hope the other hot one is cool.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words made by scrambling and adding one letter to: faith.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words made by scrambling and adding one letter to: faith.
WordBot: Claimed answer: faiths (DemanusFlint, iwpg, Kysle, asterismW, whitehelm, 10Kan)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: haffit.
WordBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, asterismW: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, iwpg: +1, Kysle: +1, whitehelm: +1.
SirDude: Now why didn't I go with the obvious one?
: Yes, but...well here's how I always looked at it. Insurance is kind of like gambling, isn't it?
: Well, actually, yes. But not having insurance is a gamble, too. Something could happen beyond your financial control, and then it's all over. You take my brother, for example--
LaZorra: Take my brother, please!
Nyperold: Boo-doomp-kish!
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: desman.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: desman.
WordBot: Claimed answer: demean (LuckyWizard)
WordBot: Claimed answer: design (iwpg)
WordBot: Claimed answer: dismal (Kysle, DemanusFlint, whitehelm, Maryam)
WordBot: Claimed answer: german (DemanusFlint)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: dermal.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: desmid.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: dismay.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: dolman.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: hetman.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: legman.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: merman.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: messan.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: penman.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: seaman.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: yeoman.
WordBot: Scores this round: DemanusFlint: +2, iwpg: +1, Kysle: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Maryam: +1, whitehelm: +1.
: ......Well, anyway.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: p_th_lo_ic_l.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: p_th_lo_ic_l.
WordBot: Claimed answer: pathological (DemanusFlint, Kysle, LuckyWizard, iwpg, Maryam, LaZorra, whitehelm, Kalimeris, Zup, Nyperold, asterismW, SirDude, NessaChan, 10Kan, Gahalyn)
WordBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, asterismW: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, Gahalyn: +1, iwpg: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Kysle: +1, LaZorra: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, SirDude: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
: Say, Genevieve. I think you're real swell. What's that makeup you're wearing? It's really keen.
: ... *glare* ...
: I call it...
: makeup.
Maryam: Hehehe.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words ending with the letter sequence: -hern.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words ending with the letter sequence: -hern.
WordBot: Claimed answer: cithern (whitehelm)
WordBot: Claimed answer: hern (Zup)
WordBot: Claimed answer: northern (iwpg, whitehelm)
WordBot: Claimed answer: southern (iwpg, whitehelm, DemanusFlint)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: leathern.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: zithern.
WordBot: Scores this round: whitehelm: +3, iwpg: +2, DemanusFlint: +1, Zup: +1.
Zup: LOL
asterismW: hern is a word?
Zup: Hern is a word!
DemanusFlint: haha
DemanusFlint: Southern, sure, but no northern.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: e_i_m_.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: e_i_m_.
WordBot: Claimed answer: enigma (10Kan, whitehelm, Kalimeris, iwpg)
WordBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, iwpg: +1, Kalimeris: +1, whitehelm: +1.
Kysle: Doh
: Gosh, your hair sure is pretty. So blonde, it's almost as white as my teeth! Would you like an apple?
: Do I look like I want an apple?
Kalimeris: Well, her makeup is red and stuff.
TalkingDog: BLOOD
NessaChan: well, she obviously likes red!
NessaChan: poor tyler wyler
Kysle: I wonder where they're coming from. What a long helicopter ride.
10Kan: We must've just caught the end of the earlier characters' ride.
TalkingDog: They ran out of fuel, so they're stuck in mid air while they call for help.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Unscramble the following word: sstlo.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Unscramble the following word: sstlo.
WordBot: Claimed answer: slots (DemanusFlint, iwpg, 10Kan, SirDude, Gahalyn, LaZorra, LuckyWizard, NessaChan, whitehelm, Nyperold, Kalimeris, Randy, Kysle)
WordBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, Gahalyn: +1, iwpg: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Kysle: +1, LaZorra: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, SirDude: +1, whitehelm: +1.
Nyperold: LOSST
Kalimeris: I submitted "losts" just i case
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: fletched.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: fletched.
WordBot: Claimed answer: bleached (SirDude, Maryam, Nyperold, Kalimeris)
WordBot: Claimed answer: fletcher (DemanusFlint, Kysle, SirDude, Nyperold, iwpg, asterismW, whitehelm, 10Kan, LuckyWizard)
WordBot: Claimed answer: fletches (DemanusFlint, iwpg, 10Kan, Nyperold, Kysle, LuckyWizard)
WordBot: Claimed answer: flinched (LuckyWizard, 10Kan, whitehelm, DemanusFlint)
WordBot: Claimed answer: wretched (SirDude, 10Kan, iwpg)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: blenched.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: blotched.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: clenched.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: clutched.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: sketched.
WordBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +4, DemanusFlint: +3, iwpg: +3, LuckyWizard: +3, Nyperold: +3, SirDude: +3, Kysle: +2, whitehelm: +2, asterismW: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Maryam: +1.
whitehelm: ahh
* 10Kan has a good round.
* Zup is a sad English major today.
Maryam: Awww, poor Zup.
: *flutter* Hey, Matt. *'accidentally' scooches closer* Suppose I was somebody you wanted to sell some insurance to. You might be worried something might happen to li'l ole me! What would you say? Let's hear your sales pitch. I bet you could sell me...anything.
asterismW: Is she drunk?
WordBot: Question (use /b): Unscramble the following word: twailh.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Unscramble the following word: twailh.
10Kan: Fowwow the twail to find the wabbit!
DemanusFlint: i hate the unc tawhil
10Kan: LOL DF
WordBot: Claimed answer: withal (whitehelm, Kysle)
WordBot: Scores this round: Kysle: +1, whitehelm: +1.
* Zup reminds himself that he likes novels, not the individual words that make them up. That makes him feel better.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words made by scrambling and adding one letter to: frump.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words made by scrambling and adding one letter to: frump.
NessaChan: and the twailth came down from the fletch, and frumped the nonbelievers
WordBot: Claimed answer: frumps (iwpg, Kysle, whitehelm, DemanusFlint, NessaChan, Randy, 10Kan, Zup, LuckyWizard, asterismW)
WordBot: Claimed answer: frumpy (Kysle, 10Kan, iwpg, DemanusFlint, Randy, Nyperold, LuckyWizard)
WordBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +2, DemanusFlint: +2, iwpg: +2, Kysle: +2, LuckyWizard: +2, Randy: +2, asterismW: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
: Well, I...I'm not really...I'm on vacation you know. ... Well, I suppose I would start out by talking about how sometimes bad things happen in the world. You know, sometimes bad things happen to good people, and you can't be too careful.
: Yes...? And then...? *scooch*
WordBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: _ai_ue.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: _ai_ue.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: caique.
iwpg: CAKE
DemanusFlint: Is that like calque?
NessaChan: wow
SirDude: Now who would ever come up with that?
DemanusFlint: SD: gremlinn
10Kan: There will be caique at the end of this bot.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words of length 6 or more made with the letters: flsttrlyuu.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words of length 6 or more made with the letters: flsttrlyuu.
Zup: U RLY
WordBot: Claimed answer: lustful (Kysle)
WordBot: Claimed answer: slutty (Kysle)
WordBot: Claimed answer: sulfur (Kysle)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: sulfuryl.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: sultry.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: trustful.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: trustfully.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: trusty.
WordBot: Scores this round: Kysle: +3.
DemanusFlint: Wow, Kysle.
Kalimeris: Wow Kysle.
Kysle: ...
Zup: Kysle gets both lustful and slutty...ummmm
SirDude: Bleh, barely missed trusty
NessaChan: I am usually so good at those "make words out of these letters" games, but not so much when I can't move the letters around
Sam: Note to self: /urge is not a command.
SirDude: Sam : Neither is /pure
: Well...heh! You know, we're on vacation. Maybe there are more fun things to talk about. As I said, insurance isn't really all that exciting.
: No kidding.
asterismW: Matt's a SPY! Or something!
10Kan: Matt's the worst spy ever.
WordBot: Question (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: r_si_uu_.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Fill in the missing letters: r_si_uu_.
NessaChan: resicuum
WordBot: Claimed answer: residuum (whitehelm, DemanusFlint, LuckyWizard)
WordBot: Scores this round: DemanusFlint: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, whitehelm: +1.
Kysle: Ahh
NessaChan: blah
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: throbs.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words made by replacing at most two letters of: throbs.
WordBot: Claimed answer: shrubs (Kysle, LuckyWizard, iwpg, DemanusFlint)
WordBot: Claimed answer: threes (iwpg, NessaChan)
WordBot: Claimed answer: throat (LuckyWizard, Nyperold, Gahalyn)
WordBot: Claimed answer: throes (SirDude, Zup)
WordBot: Claimed answer: throne (Nyperold, 10Kan)
WordBot: Claimed answer: throng (iwpg)
WordBot: Claimed answer: thrown (SirDude, Zup, 10Kan, asterismW)
WordBot: Claimed answer: throws (iwpg, DemanusFlint, LuckyWizard, SirDude, asterismW, Kalimeris, whitehelm, 10Kan, NessaChan, Zup)
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: thrips.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: thumbs.
WordBot: Scores this round: iwpg: +4, 10Kan: +3, LuckyWizard: +3, SirDude: +3, Zup: +3, asterismW: +2, DemanusFlint: +2, NessaChan: +2, Nyperold: +2, Gahalyn: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Kysle: +1, whitehelm: +1.
DemanusFlint: Close game!
* Zup wants to pass 20!
LuckyWizard: Thiols isn't in there?
WordBot: Question (use /b): Words of length 2 or more made with the letters: tcipy.
WordBot: Reminder (use /b): Words of length 2 or more made with the letters: tcipy.
Zup: tip
Maryam: Zup: Thanks for the tip.
WordBot: Claimed answer: city (Nyperold, Randy, DemanusFlint)
WordBot: Claimed answer: icy (10Kan, Randy, whitehelm)
WordBot: Claimed answer: it (DemanusFlint, iwpg, Randy, whitehelm, Nyperold, Kysle, Kalimeris)
WordBot: Claimed answer: pi (DemanusFlint, SirDude, Kysle, asterismW, iwpg, NessaChan, whitehelm)
WordBot: Claimed answer: pit (10Kan, whitehelm, Nyperold, iwpg, Randy, DemanusFlint, SirDude, Zup, Kysle)
WordBot: Claimed answer: pity (10Kan, Nyperold, NessaChan)
WordBot: Claimed answer: tic (LuckyWizard, Randy, DemanusFlint, 10Kan, SirDude, NessaChan, Nyperold, iwpg)
WordBot: Claimed answer: tip (DemanusFlint, whitehelm, iwpg, 10Kan, asterismW, SirDude, Kysle, NessaChan)
WordBot: Claimed answer: typic (DemanusFlint)
WordBot: Claimed answer: yip (iwpg, Zup, SirDude, 10Kan, Randy, DemanusFlint, Kysle, Kalimeris)
WordBot: Scores this round: DemanusFlint: +8, 10Kan: +6, iwpg: +6, Randy: +6, Kysle: +5, Nyperold: +5, SirDude: +5, whitehelm: +5, NessaChan: +4, asterismW: +2, Kalimeris: +2, Zup: +2, LuckyWizard: +1.
WordBot: DemanusFlint wins!
Zup: Aw crap.
10Kan: Yay DF! Again!
iwpg: Yay DF, again!
Kysle: DF with a bonus
asterismW: Yay DF!
iwpg: And I'm still second, yay!
Zup: Yay DF!
Kysle: Good jurb.
DemanusFlint: iwpg yr my bro
asterismW: Yay iwpg!
Zup: That "Aw Crap" wasn't at you DF, btw.
Zup: That was at my own stupidity.
10Kan: I can't believe I got to 5th place after that awful start.
NessaChan: well, I'm not last!
Sam: 10 minute break! I'll tally the scores in the meantime. The story resumes after the break!
* asterismW gets more toast
* Zup goes back to reading.
SirDude: Wow, I've moved up
SirDude: I thought I would drop in the standings
Kysle: Poor iwpg.
asterismW: Wow, I'm like dead center in points
Gahalyn: CUTEBOT!
SirDude: Just four more points and I could be in third...
iwpg: Heh, I'm going to utterly suck at StateBot.
Zup: iwpg: Me too! Yay1
Maryam: Randy: >:->
Gahalyn: CUTEBOT
Maryam: LOL Gaha.
Kysle: Cutebot is so... cute.
* Maryam HUGS GahalynBot!
* Gahalyn Bot wiggles gleefully.
Gahalyn: Last night I saw guinea pigs and bunnies.
Maryam: Today I saw kittens!
Gahalyn: Yay Maryam kittens!
Sam: Man, I'm already exhausted.
* Maryam HUGS Sam!
* LaZorra too, and she's on the opposite coast.
Sam: I don't think I've ever done creative writing at this speed before.
Maryam: At least tomorrow will be a break.
Sam: Yeah.
Sam: I think the extra day hereafter will be good.
Sam: I so love this, though.
Sam: Three more minutes!
WordBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Sam: All right, girls.
Sam: Cody's up next.
Kalimeris: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!LOLZ
asterismW: Cody's quickly losing his charm. No taste whatsoever.
Sam: Hey, what happened to all the cooing?? Oh, Kali came through.
: ...
: (talking to herself) Sure know how to pick the places, I'll give you that.
: Nothing like having the whole world spread out at your feet.
: --------hey! Who's that?
: Um. Hi.
: Oh, it's you.
: Uh...yeah, it's me.
: So, um...what's your name?----*cringe*
: ......Uh, Ramona. We met, like, just now.
: I knew that, yup. Uh. Ok, that was a stupid question.
: ...
: ...
: ...
asterismW: *snort*
Maryam: LOL
whitehelm: lol
: Um, do you come here often?
Kalimeris: Ahahahaha
Randy: Wow
whitehelm: to a deserted island, yep
: *snerk* I can't believe this.
Randy: He's even more awkard around girls than I am.
: Sure is cool, getting to stay here before the grand opening of the hotel.
: What are you talking about?
: The grand opening next week...didn't you get a letter, inviting you to stay--
: Duh, like, NO.
whitehelm: "I came here to kill everyone"
: I don't understand. How did you get a room here if--
10Kan: She's a party crasher!
: Somebody I know set it up.
: But how--
: I don't know, the Internet probably. Sheesh, you're nosy.
: I'm sorry. I just wanted to talk--
: Yeah yeah, I know, you just wanted to talk. Hahahaha. Kid, whatever your name is, I saw you coming a mile away. It'd be funny if it weren't so pathetic. What are you, 16? Sorry kid, but look me up when your voice changes. Nice suit.
Maryam: Ouch. Burn.
whitehelm: ooh
Kalimeris: Poor Cody.
LaZorra: Harsh.
asterismW: He DOES have a nice suit, though.
10Kan: "She noticed the suit! She's totally into me!"
: ...
Zup: She's the first to die...because he's the killer!
: Sorry. *walks away*
asterismW: Awww...
Maryam: Aww.
NessaChan: Poor Coders.. ;_;
Zup: Well, coder. Sam's the only one who coded this I believe.
: *shakes head* Hahahahaha. Sheesh.
Kalimeris: SOME pointy haired lady thinks she's somethin' special
: *comes back* No, wait a second. I'm not sorry. Look, all you had to say was you don't want a new friend. You didn't have to be rude. I'm not some kind of doormat!
10Kan: Get angry!
: Get away from me, loser.
: Hey--
: I said GET AWAY! *shove*
asterismW: KILL HER!
: Aa...whoa...aaugh...*flails arms*
DemanusFlint: Oh no!
Maryam: OH NOS!
Kalimeris: NO!
Zup: Whoa!
LaZorra: WHOA NO
whitehelm: Yes!
NessaChan: :O
whitehelm: Mystery solved
Kysle: Hah
Kalimeris: CODYYYYYY
Randy: Awesome
Randy: I mean!
Randy: Nooooooooo!
Kalimeris: Oh well.
Kalimeris: :-(
Zup: I know the killer!
: Quit screaming! *gasp* I've got you! *grunt* Find a foothold!
: I--I can't!
asterismW: LOL
Kalimeris: Hahahaha
10Kan: Hooray!
Maryam: LOL
: Well I can't--hold you much longer!
: The rocks keep slipping under my feet!
: Your hand's slipping!
: I can't hold on!
: ...Take my hair!
: What?
iwpg: LOL
Maryam: LOL LOL
Kalimeris: hahahaha
: TAKE MY HAIR! Tie it around you!
whitehelm: LOL
Zup: LOL
asterismW: LOL LOL
10Kan: It has the tensile strength of steel cable!
: It's...sticky!
NessaChan: lol
* Maryam dies.
: Whoa, perceptive of you...*strain* should be a...detective.
: I got it!
: Ok, now climb up!
NessaChan: Ramona, Ramona, let down your hair!
: *gasp*
: rrrrrr...
: ungh
: ...owowow...
asterismW: Oh man oh man oh man...
: Made it!
Zup: Well, she's now his princess.
10Kan: Look what you did, Cody. You completely ruined her hairdo.
whitehelm: Now push him off again
Gahalyn: "ungh" is such a great collection of letters :-)
: *pant*
: *pant*
Randy: Are those the Cliffs of Insanity?
: *sigh*
* LaZorra is cracking up.
: Thanks, Ramona. You saved my--
10Kan: What's that I hear? Is it LUHV in bloom?
Zup: LOL
LaZorra: LOL
: Skip it. I'd have saved a dog's life, but that doesn't mean I'd make out with it.
Kysle: 10Kan: no
: *frown*
: Yeah, well, thanks anyway. *skulks off*
asterismW: Ok, Cody's too much of a wet blanket for me.
Kalimeris: Yeah, he's all.
Kalimeris: *pouts*
Sam: LOL. All that, and Cody's the one that rubs you the wrong way.

This is a tragically sharp illustration of the so-called "marketing window." Remember 10Kan's suggestion about Cody merchandise from the previous day? I should have set up a Cody merchandise online store right that very moment. If you're going to succeed in business, you have to catch the marketing window. Because some morning, perhaps the very next morning, you'll wake up and discover that the sweet whisper of opportunity has drifted away in the breeze of time.

Sam: Next up: StateBot!
10Kan: That exchange was eerily similar to one from my own youth, minus the cliff of death.
LaZorra: LOL
StateBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: We play StateBot to 30 points!
Randy: Yikes
* Randy will suck at this also.
asterismW: If I guess "Minnesota" for all the answers, I'm bound to get one right.
SirDude: asterismW : Like the "C" theory on multiple-choice quizzes?
asterismW: Exactly!
Kalimeris: Oh man, we had a moment like that in scholastic scrimmage with state birds.
Kalimeris: And a team guessed "Pelican" each time
Kalimeris: And when it came down to whatever the state that has pelican for a state bird, they guessed something else.
asterismW: LOL
NessaChan: haha
* Zup remembers CountryBot where he guessed "white" for all his answers.
Zup: And got some points too.
* SirDude remembers seeing that in the transcripts
Zup: That was on a slower connection.
Sam: Like WordBot, we play it in quiz mode. This time, only one answer is accepted per line. Use /b.
Sam: IMPORTANT NOTE: StateBot will give you how many answers for each question it will recognize, and it will ONLY accept that many answers! For example, if there are 4 correct answers, and you submit 5, only the LAST 4 answers will be scored!
StateBot: All question types will be used.
DemanusFlint: Red White and Blue! Way to go, StateBot!
Sam: Before we begin, I'd just like to say...
Sam: I totally had lots of you fooled on that Cody dying thing.
Sam: hahahahaha
Kalimeris: Hmph.
10Kan: I admit it, you did.
LaZorra: Yeah, yeah.
Kalimeris: Yeah.
asterismW: Yeah, that was great.
Kalimeris: I was suspicious, but overall fooled.
DemanusFlint: Well, it didn't really fit into the whole "murder mystery" thing.
Maryam: Sam: I had doubts! I swear!
DemanusFlint: But I didn't expect the Ramona save.
DemanusFlint: I was hoping for a body cast, that would have been funny too.
LaZorra: Body casts are inherently funny.
10Kan: Unless you're in one.
Sam: The game begins in 60 seconds.
StateBot: Starting a new quiz game:
StateBot: Question (use /b): Crescit Eundo (It Grows As It Goes) is the state motto of what state? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: New Mexico.
asterismW: Dang.
Randy: New Mexico?!?
: Ah, Cody. How did talk with girl go?
: Everything went wrong.
: Starting with choice of wrong girl, no doubt.
10Kan: Listen to Jay, he knows his stuff.
Kysle: Jay is wise.
StateBot: Question (use /b): Keystone State is the nickname of what state(s)? (1 answer accepted)
NessaChan: what grows in New Mexico?
asterismW: Cacti.
StateBot: Claimed answer: Pennsylvania (Kalimeris, NessaChan, Nyperold, Zup)
StateBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, Zup: +1.
Maryam: Pecan trees.
Zup: Luck!
Kalimeris: And where does it GO.
Randy: To Arizona
: Come. Helicopter arrives with more guests. We greet?
: Sure, ok. Lead the way.
StateBot: Question (use /b): Colorado Blue Spruce is the state tree of what state(s)? (1 answer accepted)
Zup: Old Mexico.
StateBot: Claimed answer: Colorado (DemanusFlint, 10Kan, Zup, Nyperold, SirDude, Kalimeris, iwpg, Maryam, Kysle, NessaChan, Gahalyn, LaZorra, whitehelm)
StateBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, Gahalyn: +1, iwpg: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Kysle: +1, LaZorra: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, SirDude: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
iwpg: POINT
whitehelm: Wow...hard one
SirDude: Um, LOL?
: And there we go. You all have a great time, ok?
: Golly, mister, thanks!
* Nyperold has a prediction, but he's not saying.
StateBot: Question (use /b): Idaho, Wyoming, North Dakota, and South Dakota border what state(s)? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Montana (whitehelm, Maryam, asterismW, Nyperold, SirDude, Kalimeris, LaZorra, 10Kan, Zup, DemanusFlint, Randy)
StateBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, asterismW: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, Kalimeris: +1, LaZorra: +1, Maryam: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, SirDude: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
: W-w-w-whoa! I got so used to the helicopter, now I can't keep my balance on good old terra firma! *giggle*
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the largest city in New Hampshire? (1 answer accepted)
LaZorra: Oh, wait, that's just the most famous.
whitehelm: Sam's city
whitehelm: I'm totally sure thats it
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Manchester.
Zup: Womanchester
Zup: That's less sexist.
LaZorra: Personchester.
asterismW: Personchester.
asterismW: BEAT
Randy: LZ: My bro said that at the same time!
LaZorra: Randy: NICE
NessaChan: w0mynchester, you mean.
Maryam: Persontorsoer.
LaZorra: Wagons West!
: Welcome to Paradise Island. Call me Jay. This, Cody.
: Hi.
10Kan: His young ward.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is/are the state song(s) of Oregon? (1 answer accepted)
Zup: I should know this.
NessaChan: Oh I love you Oregon
StateBot: Claimed answer: Oregon, My Oregon (Zup)
StateBot: Scores this round: Zup: +1.
Zup: YES
NessaChan: I like the not-dying-of-dysentry part
LaZorra: LOL, good, Zup.
Zup: No, some friends and I went through all the Oregon facts not too long ago.
Zup: I remembered it was ridiculously easy.
Zup: I live here.
LaZorra: Zup: I live in California, but I couldn't tell you what the song is.
: Hi, Jay! Hi, Cody! Pleasure to meet you.
: Mmmm, don't you look smart?
StateBot: Question (use /b): Honolulu is the capital of what state? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Hawaii (Kalimeris, Kysle, LaZorra, Maryam, whitehelm, 10Kan, Zup, asterismW, SirDude, Gahalyn, Nyperold, Randy, NessaChan, iwpg, DemanusFlint)
StateBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, asterismW: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, Gahalyn: +1, iwpg: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Kysle: +1, LaZorra: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, SirDude: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
: I'm Camille.
: Do I know you from somewhere?
: Oh, I think I'd have remembered you.
10Kan: Ooh! The plot thickens!
StateBot: Question (use /b): Mountain State is the nickname of what state(s)? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: West Virginia (NessaChan, 10Kan, Maryam, whitehelm)
StateBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, whitehelm: +1.
Maryam: Whew, I'm glad I got that one.
Maryam: Nessa would have beat me up if I didn't.
NessaChan: lol
: Genevieve. Yo.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What state entered the union with rank 33? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Oregon (NessaChan)
StateBot: Scores this round: NessaChan: +1.
Zup: And I up and forget that one.
NessaChan: I totally guessed.
: And I'm Tyler! Tyler Wyler! Care for an apple? An apple a day keeps the dentist away! Not that dentists are bad or anything, of course, it's just an expression. I want to be a dentist someday!
Zup: Golly.
Kalimeris: How old is Tyler Wyler again?
SirDude: I don't think we know yet
Maryam: So we're just missing cowboy and pouty girl.
StateBot: Question (use /b): Cardinal is the state bird of what state(s)? (7 answers accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Illinois (whitehelm)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Kentucky (10Kan)
StateBot: Claimed answer: North Carolina (10Kan)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Ohio (NessaChan)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Virginia (whitehelm, Zup, Gahalyn, SirDude, 10Kan)
StateBot: Claimed answer: West Virginia (NessaChan, Gahalyn)
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Indiana.
StateBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +3, Gahalyn: +2, NessaChan: +2, whitehelm: +2, SirDude: +1, Zup: +1.
Gahalyn: Yay!
DemanusFlint: Oh, I missed seeing that. I knew NC!
Kalimeris: I totally thought NJ.
Maryam: Kali: Heh, that's what I guessed too.
Maryam: And somehow missed seeing that there were seven answers.
: Pleasure to meet all. Come. Take you to rooms.
: Lead the way, sir!
StateBot: Question (use /b): Wood Violet is the state flower of what state(s)? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Wisconsin.
: W-w-whoa! *giggle* Tripped on a root.
: Are you retarded or something?
10Kan: She's just spatially impaired.
Zup: Touched in the brain is my guess.
Maryam: Genevieve and Ramona will either be great friends or bitter enemies.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is/are the nickname(s) of Montana? (1 answer accepted)
Nyperold: big sky country
LaZorra: the state with no people in it
DemanusFlint: "hannah"
10Kan: "Monty"
Maryam: 10K: LOL
StateBot: Claimed answer: Treasure State (whitehelm)
StateBot: Scores this round: whitehelm: +1.
Kalimeris: Stupid carmen sandiego MISLED ME
: WOW! What a...a...CLEAN pool!
: this is my kind of life.
* SirDude wonders if the pool is heated... or is that only indoor pools?
asterismW: Nah, outdoor pools are heated too.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the state motto of Mississippi? (One point each for the motto and its translation.) (2 answers accepted)
LaZorra: "Our name is hard for grade-school children to spell."
Nyperold: "We've Got Some Double Letters"
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Virtute et Amis.
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: By Valor and Arms.
DemanusFlint: humpback humpback i
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the capital of Texas? (1 answer accepted)
Randy: We Also got destroyed by Katrina
10Kan: As seen in Huck Finn.
StateBot: Claimed answer: Austin (SirDude, Zup, asterismW, Randy, Nyperold, Maryam, LaZorra, whitehelm)
StateBot: Scores this round: asterismW: +1, LaZorra: +1, Maryam: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, SirDude: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
NessaChan: whoops, I knew that.
SirDude: I should know that; after all, I moved up to Michigan from there
: Oh no, I think I'm FALLING IN!
: *catch* Easy! Lucky I was right behind you -- you might have fallen in!
: *grin* Yeah. *flutter* Lucky.
10Kan: Oh you two!
asterismW: Oh, she is so going to die next.
LaZorra: This is starting to remind me of reality TV.
Zup: Both need to fall in in true Romantic Comedy fashion.
StateBot: Question (use /b): Pine is the state tree of what state(s)? (2 answers accepted)
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Arkansas.
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: North Carolina.
10Kan: Oh, right.
10Kan: "Here's to the land of the Longleaf Pine/The summer land where the sun doth shine..."
10Kan: "...Where the weak grow strong and the strong grow great/ Here's to Down Home, the Old North State!"
Randy: 10K: Why am I imagining that to the tune of "Immigrant Song" by Led Zepplin?
10Kan: I have no idea.
: This way, please.
: Hi!

(boring introductions are made)

StateBot: Question (use /b): What is/are the nickname(s) of Georgia? (2 answers accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Peach State (Kalimeris, NessaChan, Nyperold, 10Kan, whitehelm, Randy, LaZorra)
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Empire State of the South.
StateBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, Kalimeris: +1, LaZorra: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, whitehelm: +1.
whitehelm: yay for state quarters
* SirDude is surprised that he isn't as far behind as he thinks
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is/are the state song(s) of Virginia? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Carry Me Back To Old Virginia.
: Has our host arrived yet, Jay?
: Not yet. Please -- can take coat.
: Oh, no thanks. I'll keep it on.
StateBot: Question (use /b): Trenton is the capital of what state? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: New Jersey (10Kan, Kalimeris, Zup, whitehelm, LaZorra, Maryam, Randy, Nyperold)
StateBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, Kalimeris: +1, LaZorra: +1, Maryam: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
: Dinner served at 6. Until then, please have run of facilities and island.
LaZorra: Oh no! They'll never all figure out how to get to the dining room just at six in time for dinner!

Great reference to Outlaws of the Sierra Nevadas, but it got by me at the time.

Randy: There are 2 people left, right?
StateBot: Question (use /b): L'Etoile du Nord (Star of the North) is the state motto of what state? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Minnesota (asterismW)
StateBot: Scores this round: asterismW: +1.
asterismW: I TOLD you it would work!
: I think I'll check out the dining room! A clean dining room makes a clean home, my daddy always used to say!
Gahalyn: Everyone: Mocha is watching StateBot and also says hi.
Maryam: MOCHA
Randy: MOCHA!
10Kan: Hey Mocha!
Maryam: Give her kisses for me.
Gahalyn: I will.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the capital of West Virginia? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Charleston (NessaChan, whitehelm, Maryam)
StateBot: Scores this round: Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, whitehelm: +1.
NessaChan: WOO
: Golly, this is swell.
: Say, Tyler?
: That's my name, don't wear it out! Hahehahehah!
Kalimeris: Apple boy makes me sad.
* Nyperold sounds out his laugh.
StateBot: Question (use /b): Columbus is the largest city in which state? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Ohio (iwpg, Nyperold, Kalimeris, SirDude, Randy, whitehelm, Maryam, 10Kan, LaZorra, NessaChan, asterismW)
StateBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, asterismW: +1, iwpg: +1, Kalimeris: +1, LaZorra: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, SirDude: +1, whitehelm: +1.
iwpg: POINT
Zup: Crud! I missed the question.
StateBot: Question (use /b): Saguaro Cactus Blossom is the state flower of what state(s)? (1 answer accepted)
10Kan: Cactus blossoms are beautiful things.
StateBot: Claimed answer: Arizona (whitehelm, Zup, LaZorra, 10Kan, SirDude, Kalimeris, asterismW, NessaChan)
StateBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, asterismW: +1, Kalimeris: +1, LaZorra: +1, NessaChan: +1, SirDude: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
SirDude: I almost said New Mexico
Kalimeris: I'm so glad I changed my answer all last minute like
Randy: Dang, I went with New Mexico
Nyperold: Aw, just one state over.
whitehelm: Where are all the postal code questions?
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is/are the state song(s) of Idaho? (1 answer accepted)
10Kan: "Mashed Taters"
Zup: /b Potato, my Potato
LaZorra: "The Unofficial Mormon State"
SirDude: Are there any?
Randy: "Potaoes are awesome!"
NessaChan: Idaho on my mind
Nyperold: I Only Have Eyes For You
Zup: I da ho? No! U da ho!
NessaChan: I - Owe - Idaho
SirDude: Potayto potahto
10Kan: "Hang on Sloopy"
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Maryam: LOL! That's the dorkiest song name ever.
LaZorra: That's an AWESOME song title.
Gahalyn: That is the silliest song title ever!
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Here We Have Idaho.
: How did you come to be here? I mean, how did you get reservations to this hotel? Did you get invited, or--
: Well gosh, Cody, I... ...well... ...I just have business here, is all. It's kinda private, if you know what I mean. I...guess you don't, though.
asterismW: Ooh, apple guy has a secret agenda!
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the postal abbreviation for North Carolina? (1 answer accepted)
whitehelm: there we go
StateBot: Claimed answer: NC (Zup, Nyperold, iwpg, whitehelm, asterismW, Kysle, Kalimeris, LaZorra, 10Kan, Maryam, SirDude, Randy, DemanusFlint, NessaChan, Gahalyn)
StateBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, asterismW: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, Gahalyn: +1, iwpg: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Kysle: +1, LaZorra: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, SirDude: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
iwpg: POINT
StateBot: Question (use /b): Harrisburg is the capital of what state? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Pennsylvania (Kalimeris, NessaChan, 10Kan, whitehelm, Maryam, Nyperold)
StateBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, whitehelm: +1.
: There's something funny going on here. I was told--
: Hey guys! This where the party is?
: *gulp* Um, um, um, um, hi.
* 10Kan cues the 'love at first sight' music.
Kalimeris: Or second sight. Hehe.
Nyperold: Ooh, second sight.
whitehelm: Cody: You should take her to the cliff
Maryam: Nah, he needs to take Genevieve there. She's got rope hair too.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the postal abbreviation for South Carolina? (1 answer accepted)
asterismW: I LIKE these questions!
StateBot: Claimed answer: SC (Zup, Maryam, Kalimeris, Randy, whitehelm, iwpg, Nyperold, 10Kan, SirDude, DemanusFlint, asterismW, NessaChan)
StateBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, asterismW: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, iwpg: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, SirDude: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
iwpg: POINT
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is/are the state tree(s) of Alaska? (1 answer accepted)
10Kan: Polar Bears.
Zup: /b Palm Trees
NessaChan: igloo trees
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Sitka Spruce.
10Kan: Darn, I knew it was some sort of spruce.
Kysle: I knew it was some kinda spruce
10Kan: Jinx!
Kalimeris: Polar Tree Bears.
NessaChan: darn, I said blue spruce
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is/are the state song(s) of Indiana? (1 answer accepted)
Kysle: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10Kan: And here we have Indiana
Zup: Indiana, my Indiana
NessaChan: gary indiana gary indiana
whitehelm: /b Let's go to the Indy 500
Randy: "David Letterman is from here!"
Zup: Theme from Indiana Jones
* LaZorra sings, "Back home agaaaaaaain, in Indiaaaaaanaaaa . . ."
10Kan: "I can't drive 55"
NessaChan: gary indiana is the place I wanna beeeee
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: On the Banks of the Wabash.
: Well, ladies. I think I'll retire to my room for a rest.
: Oh! Oh, actually...Matt? You know, I think that helicopter ride made me feel a little woozy. I don't suppose I could ask you to stick around until I feel a little better. It helps when I have somebody with me, you know, to...hold me.
Kalimeris: Well, that's a bit more creative.
: Holy crap. *rolls eyes*
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the capital of Wisconsin? (1 answer accepted)
Kysle: Cheese City?
StateBot: Claimed answer: Madison (LaZorra, Maryam, Randy, whitehelm, DemanusFlint)
StateBot: Scores this round: DemanusFlint: +1, LaZorra: +1, Maryam: +1, Randy: +1, whitehelm: +1.
10Kan: Darn! It was on the tip of my tongue.
10Kan: Like a delicious bit of cheddar.
Maryam: I may not know songs or birds or trees or mottos or nicknames or any of that crap, but I know capitals!
LaZorra: Maryam: Ditto!
: Listen, I'm going to the beach before I puke. Skin cancer can't be worse than this.
: Well now I just wonder what's ailin' her?
Nyperold: Type 2 Lovesickness?
10Kan: I think her hair might be a bit too tight.
Zup: Whoa, she slipped into a Southern accent.
Randy: Which makes her HOTTER.

It's frustrating not to be able to convey voices, guttural sounds, and gestures in more ways than just printed dialogue. In my mind, Camille always had a southern accent, but it's tough to convey that, especially when the dialogue is written on the spot. But note the "li'l ole me" from earlier as another clue.

StateBot: Question (use /b): In what year did Kentucky enter the union? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: 1792.
* NessaChan is a bad history major
StateBot: Question (use /b): Springfield is the capital of what state? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Illinois (Kalimeris, Zup, whitehelm, Maryam, SirDude, LaZorra, Randy, NessaChan)
StateBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +1, LaZorra: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Randy: +1, SirDude: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
SirDude: Aren't there like, 20 Springfields in the USA?
asterismW: 50.
10Kan: Yes, but only one is a capital.
Maryam: But only one of them is a capital.
whitehelm: but only one capital
iwpg: But only one's a capital!
DemanusFlint: Only one is a capital!
: *stretch* Well, I think I'll take a walk. Don't you SLYYYYYY kids do anything I wouldn't do! Hehahehahehah! You know, there's nothing like a good walk in the afternoon to keep the heart pumping those cleaning chemicals around the body! Keeps the teeth nice and shiny white!
Randy: Die apple boy
NessaChan: I like appleboy
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the state flower of Arkansas? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Apple Blossom.
StateBot: Question (use /b): Robin is the state bird of what state(s)? (2 answers accepted)
Randy: Batmanville
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Michigan.
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Wisconsin.
NessaChan: I knew it was Michigan... I was just there and got a postcard with a robin on it. :-|
: Heh. He's quite a character. Well, I guess that just leaves us.
10Kan: Why yes, it does!
: *blush* I guess so.
Kalimeris: Wow, Cody moves from girl to girl like nobody's business.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is/are the state song(s) of West Virginia? (3 answers accepted)
NessaChan: three!? o.O
asterismW: "We're Better Than Viriginia"
10Kan: West Virginia is also for Lovers
Zup: We're to the Left of Virginia
NessaChan: West Virginia, My West Virginia
StateBot: Claimed answer: The West Virginia Hills (NessaChan)
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: This Is My West Virginia.
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: West Virginia My Home.
StateBot: Scores this round: NessaChan: +1.
NessaChan: lolol
NessaChan: I should have known the last one though
Maryam: Darn. Not "Country Roads, Take Me Home"?
Randy: Maryam:I guessed that too!
LaZorra: Maryam: LOL, yes!
LaZorra: dangit, now that's stuck in my head.
Maryam: LZ: Hehe. Sorry. For what it's worth, it's in mine too.
Randy: And me
10Kan: ...and drivin' down the road I get a feelin' that I should've been home yesterday...yesterday...
* NessaChan is already there!
: Katie, can I ask you a question?
10Kan: He's gonna propose!
: Sure, Cody -- go ahead.
whitehelm: How old are you?
: How did you get reservations for this hotel?
StateBot: Question (use /b): In what year did Maine enter the union? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: 1820.
: ...
: ...My friend got them. What makes you ask a question like that, Cody?
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is/are the state tree(s) of Alabama? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Southern Pine.
: *frown* There's something funny going on around here.
10Kan: Cody, look out. It's probably an assassins convention or something.
: What is it?
: Cody, is something wrong? You can trust me.
asterismW: NEVER trust anyone who says you can trust them!
whitehelm: lol
SirDude: LOL
Kalimeris: Wow, these two make my head implode.
Kalimeris: Don't trust her. Never trust someone who's all "You can trust me!"
Kalimeris: If they have to say it, I mean, come on.
Kysle: aster: You know you can always trust me, though, right?
asterismW: Kysle: Of course!
Zup: You guys can't trust me.
whitehelm: You may or may not be able to truse me
whitehelm: trust me also
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is/are the state song(s) of Iowa? (1 answer accepted)
LaZorra: Iowa, who's only important in primarieeeeeee eeeelectiooooons . . .
NessaChan: Well, I know all I owe, I - owe - Iowa
NessaChan: I owe Iowa all I owe and I know why~
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Song of Iowa.
Maryam: LOL! That's even better than Idaho's.
NessaChan: haha
StateBot: Question (use /b): Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida border what state(s)? (1 answer accepted)
10Kan: Alabama
10Kan: Oh, sorry.
StateBot: Claimed answer: Alabama (Maryam, asterismW, whitehelm, SirDude, Nyperold, LaZorra, Randy, Zup, Kalimeris, 10Kan, Kysle, DemanusFlint)
StateBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, asterismW: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Kysle: +1, LaZorra: +1, Maryam: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, SirDude: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
DemanusFlint: Thanks!
Kysle: Thanks, 10Kan.
Maryam: 10K: Tsk.
10Kan: Just remember to return the favor.
Nyperold: I had it 6 seconds before. :)
StateBot: Question (use /b): 1816 is the year what state(s) entered the union? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Indiana.
: I got a letter from a friend of my father's, inviting me to spend a week at this hotel -- the week before a grand opening. I figured everybody else coming here got the same offer, but Ramona said...well, it wasn't the same story. And Tyler.... I just don't understand. This place looks well-kept, sure, but does it look like it's on the verge of opening to the public? Where are the people working to get things ready? There's not even anybody in the kitchen! It's just Jay!
LaZorra: Never trust old men who look like Yoda.
Maryam: But Yoda's trustworthy!
10Kan: But Yoda looks like himself!
asterismW: At least Cody's starting to use his brain.
StateBot: Question (use /b): Bluegrass State is the nickname of what state(s)? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Kentucky (Maryam, Kalimeris, 10Kan, Randy, Kysle, whitehelm, Nyperold, LaZorra, DemanusFlint, iwpg, Zup)
StateBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, iwpg: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Kysle: +1, LaZorra: +1, Maryam: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
iwpg: POINT
NessaChan: AHHH too slow ;_;
NessaChan: *cries*
NessaChan: I knew that, I was too busy reading Cody's soliloquy
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the state flower of Alaska? (1 answer accepted)
LaZorra: tundra
Kalimeris: They have flowers in Alaska?
10Kan: Fish.
Maryam: Oil!
Kysle: /b Frozen Lilly
Nyperold: polar rose
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Forget-Me-Not.
10Kan: You forgot about it, didn't you?
DemanusFlint: Ooh, tough luck, Alaska.
: You got a letter? From whom?
: Friend of my father's, like I said. A Mr. Spilk. That name mean anything to you?
: No....
* 10Kan tries to see if "spilk' is an anagram.
10Kan: P.S. KIL?
Zup: LOL
10Kan: K LIPS!
StateBot: Question (use /b): PA is the postal abbreviation for what state? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Pennsylvania (Zup, DemanusFlint, Kysle, Maryam, SirDude, Nyperold, 10Kan, asterismW, Kalimeris, whitehelm, NessaChan, LaZorra, iwpg)
StateBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, asterismW: +1, DemanusFlint: +1, iwpg: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Kysle: +1, LaZorra: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, SirDude: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
iwpg: POINT
iwpg: (And I even spelled it right!)
StateBot: Game is paused.
LaZorra: OOOH
asterismW: Woo!
: *whistle* doo-de-dooo
10Kan: Uh-oh.
: bum ba da da bum...*whistle*
DemanusFlint: Things are not looking good!
: *whistle* la la la l----*blank*
NessaChan: poor appleboy
Zup: LOL
Randy: LOL
Kalimeris: hahahaha
* LaZorra is too empathetic for her own good.
Kalimeris: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! HE FOUND SOME APPLES
: What is it?
Zup: It's the dread-lady
: What wrong?
DemanusFlint: Oh good, it's not Jay.
: What's your problem?
asterismW: Medusa's dead!
Zup: LOL
iwpg: LOL
Maryam: LOL
: She's DEAD!
10Kan: GASP!
Kalimeris: hahahahahahaha
iwpg: LOL
Zup: LOL
asterismW: LOL
DemanusFlint: hahahaha
Maryam: OH NOS!
NessaChan: lol oh noes
NessaChan: I thought maybe she'd get Xs in her eyes
10Kan: The cord of her fate was cruelly cut before its time!
Kalimeris: We hardly knew her!
Maryam: Stop smiling, you apple fool!
: She's been STABBED!
: In her EYES!
: What's with all the screaming?
: Huh?
LaZorra: LOL LOL
whitehelm: LOL
asterismW: LOLOLOL
10Kan: ROTFL
: I'm trying to relax here. Scream somewhere else.
Zup: LOL
LaZorra: LOL LOL LOL!!
Maryam: LOL
SirDude: XD
Kalimeris: Hahahaha
NessaChan: pwnt.
Zup: You fooled me again!
: But...but...but...but...but your eyes-- BOTH of your eyes!
DemanusFlint: Sam, Sam, Sam...
Kalimeris: Sam's mean.
iwpg: LOL
Randy: Stupid apple guy.
Zup: Sam = tease
: It's her makeup, lunkhead.
: Oh.
: *whew*
: *sigh*
: I knew that.
asterismW: That was awesome!
Kysle: Wait- she's a zombie??
Kalimeris: Apple man could never be a dentist with that brain of his.
* Zup give Sam Uber-Props.
NessaChan: Tyler Wyler is willey!
* Zup won't trust Sam ever again.
Zup: Unless there are Xs in the eyes.
* whitehelm won't trust Sam even then
10Kan: But really, wearing your hair like that is just asking for it from the Norns.
Zup: LOL
10Kan: LOL
Maryam: hahaha
asterismW: Aaahhh....
* Kalimeris claps
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the capital of Arizona? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Phoenix (SirDude, iwpg, Zup, whitehelm, Nyperold, Maryam, LaZorra, Kalimeris, Randy)
StateBot: Scores this round: iwpg: +1, Kalimeris: +1, LaZorra: +1, Maryam: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, SirDude: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
iwpg: POINT
Maryam: iwpg: Impressive for someone who doesn't live here.
iwpg: Maryam: thanks. :-)
Kalimeris: I almost spelled that wrong.
* NessaChan spelled it wrong. :(
StateBot: Question (use /b): Mountain Bluebird is the state bird of what state(s)? (2 answers accepted)
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Idaho.
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Nevada.
StateBot: Question (use /b): Wild Prairie Rose is the state flower of what state(s)? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: North Dakota.
whitehelm: We're awesome at this
SirDude: I wonder what the guy who quoted "Never say never" was thinking at that moment?
StateBot: Question (use /b): What state(s) border Washington? (2 answers accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Oregon (Zup, SirDude, Randy, Kalimeris, asterismW, Maryam, iwpg, whitehelm, Nyperold, 10Kan, NessaChan, LaZorra, Kysle)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Idaho (Zup, SirDude, Maryam, Kalimeris, whitehelm, Nyperold, Randy, LaZorra, Kysle)
StateBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +2, Kysle: +2, LaZorra: +2, Maryam: +2, Nyperold: +2, Randy: +2, SirDude: +2, whitehelm: +2, Zup: +2, 10Kan: +1, asterismW: +1, iwpg: +1, NessaChan: +1.
iwpg: Another POINT!
StateBot: Question (use /b): 1959 is the year what state(s) entered the union? (2 answers accepted)
LaZorra: Er, I mean.
Maryam: LOL
StateBot: Claimed answer: Alaska (SirDude, iwpg, whitehelm, Kalimeris, Nyperold, NessaChan, 10Kan)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Hawaii (Kysle, Randy, whitehelm, Maryam, SirDude, iwpg, Kalimeris, Nyperold, NessaChan)
StateBot: Scores this round: iwpg: +2, Kalimeris: +2, NessaChan: +2, Nyperold: +2, SirDude: +2, whitehelm: +2, 10Kan: +1, Kysle: +1, Maryam: +1, Randy: +1.
DemanusFlint: ah bad time for snack break
Maryam: Crap, didn't see it was two answers.
LaZorra: "Hawiia" is not a state. Hehe.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What state entered the union with rank 4? (1 answer accepted)
asterismW: Rank 4?
StateBot: Claimed answer: Georgia (whitehelm)
StateBot: Scores this round: whitehelm: +1.
whitehelm: yay for state quarters again
StateBot: Question (use /b): In what year did Nevada enter the union? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: 1864 (Randy)
StateBot: Scores this round: Randy: +1.
whitehelm: wow
asterismW: Dang. Guessed 1834.
Randy: Woo!
NessaChan: I should know that :0
* NessaChan comits it to memory until tomorrow
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is/are the state song(s) of Utah? (1 answer accepted)
asterismW: Uhh...
Randy: Used to live there. Knew it was in the Civil War.
10Kan: "Hey there's a Utah over there"
Zup: Hymn to Joseph Smith
Kalimeris: U tah u tah a puddy tat
LaZorra: LOL
Zup: LOL
LaZorra: Nice, Kali.
Randy: Kali: Nice!
NessaChan: Utah My Utah
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Utah, We Love Thee.
asterismW: THAT'S our state song?
Zup: They would have "thee" in the song title.
StateBot: Question (use /b): Sioux Falls is the largest city in which state? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: South Dakota (LaZorra, Randy, NessaChan)
StateBot: Scores this round: LaZorra: +1, NessaChan: +1, Randy: +1.
Nyperold: D'oh, wrong Dakota.
10Kan: I made the same mistake.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the state bird of Arizona? (1 answer accepted)
NessaChan: turkey vulture?
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Cactus Wren.
10Kan: Roadrunner!
Maryam: 10K: It should be.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is/are the state song(s) of North Carolina? (1 answer accepted)
* 10Kan thinks he knows this one!
whitehelm: North Carolina something something something
StateBot: Claimed answer: The Old North State (10Kan, DemanusFlint)
StateBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, DemanusFlint: +1.
whitehelm: or not
DemanusFlint: wooooo
* 10Kan high-fives DF.
NessaChan: The best carolina of all
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is/are the state tree(s) of Maine? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: White Pine (Kysle)
StateBot: Scores this round: Kysle: +1.
Kysle: Woo!
NessaChan: I knew it was needly
Kalimeris: Nice.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the state flower of New Mexico? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Yucca (Kalimeris)
StateBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +1.
Maryam: Nice, Kali.
Kalimeris: Yucca is a funny plant name.
StateBot: Question (use /b): St. Louis is the largest city in which state? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: Missouri (Kysle, whitehelm, Randy, Nyperold, Maryam, LuckyWizard, NessaChan, asterismW, Zup, Kalimeris)
StateBot: Scores this round: asterismW: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Kysle: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, whitehelm: +1, Zup: +1.
LaZorra: ARGH
LaZorra: One second late.
StateBot: Question (use /b): Oregon Grape is the state flower of what state(s)? (1 answer accepted)
whitehelm: hmmm
StateBot: Claimed answer: Oregon (SirDude, LuckyWizard, Kysle, Kalimeris, Nyperold, 10Kan, Randy, Maryam, asterismW, iwpg, whitehelm, NessaChan, Gahalyn, LaZorra)
StateBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, asterismW: +1, Gahalyn: +1, iwpg: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Kysle: +1, LaZorra: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, SirDude: +1, whitehelm: +1.
Kysle: LOL
Zup: Crud!
Zup: I wasn't paying attention.
Maryam: LOL Zup!
Nyperold: 1 more for whitehelm...
StateBot: Question (use /b): Pinion and Bristlecone Pine are the state trees of what state? (1 answer accepted)
whitehelm: not this one though
StateBot: Claimed answer: Nevada (Kalimeris, LuckyWizard)
StateBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +1, LuckyWizard: +1.
Randy: D'oh
Zup is away.
StateBot: Question (use /b): Red Clover is the state flower of what state(s)? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Vermont.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is/are the state song(s) of New Jersey? (1 answer accepted)
DemanusFlint: "this state sucks"
DemanusFlint: "la la la"
10Kan: "Screams of the damned"
LaZorra: "The Mafia Runs Us"
Randy: "Anything by Bruce Springsteen"
Maryam: "We Are the Armpit of the United States"
LaZorra: Maryam: No, that's Fresno.
StateBot: Claimed answer: I'm From New Jersey (Kalimeris)
StateBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +1.
Kalimeris: Ahh New Jersey
LaZorra: LOL LOL
NessaChan: lol
Maryam: LOL LOL
Maryam: The state songs just get better and better.
NessaChan: poor New Jersey :(
Kalimeris: I love New Jersey hahahaha
DemanusFlint: Ha-ha, I was about to say "I'm from New York"
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the state flower of New Jersey? (1 answer accepted)
Randy: Sheesh. It's New Jersey night.
DemanusFlint: "Anything by Bruce Springsteen."
10Kan: Jimmy Hoffa's skull.
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Purple Violet.
Kalimeris: ... purple... violet.
Nyperold: Poiple vialet.
DemanusFlint: Indigo?
iwpg: Wasn't that in a previous round?
* Kysle guessed pink carnation
Maryam: LZ: Look at a map of the US though. If anywhere there would be a spot to correlate to an armpit, it'd be NJ.
LaZorra: Maryam: Rue!
LaZorra: Er. True!
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is/are the state song(s) of Vermont? (1 answer accepted)
whitehelm: I'm from Vermont
10Kan: "Kum by yah"
Maryam: LOL Nessa
Randy: "We've got cows"
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Hail, Vermont.
Maryam: Hey, what happened to the story?
asterismW: Maryam: I've been wondering that too.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the state motto of West Virginia? (One point each for the motto and its translation.) (2 answers accepted)
10Kan: "This Confederacy thing sucks, we're leaving"
Gahalyn: 10K: LOL
StateBot: Claimed answer: Mountaineers Are Always Free (NessaChan)
StateBot: Unclaimed answer: Montani Semper Liberi.
StateBot: Scores this round: NessaChan: +1.
Randy: Nessa: Dang! Nice
* NessaChan dies of embarrassment
Maryam: Nessa: Aw, suck!
NessaChan: left out one letter
NessaChan: how could I leave the e out of liberi? ;__;
StateBot: Question (use /b): What state entered the union with rank 9? (1 answer accepted)
StateBot: Claimed answer: New Hampshire (NessaChan, Kalimeris, Kysle)
StateBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +1, Kysle: +1, NessaChan: +1.
Kysle: Ha! I've been guessing New Hampshire for ages. I knew it'd pay off.
StateBot: Question (use /b): What is the capital of Nebraska? (1 answer accepted)
whitehelm: Win
StateBot: Claimed answer: Lincoln (LuckyWizard, Maryam, whitehelm, Kalimeris)
StateBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Maryam: +1, whitehelm: +1.
StateBot: whitehelm wins!
10Kan: Yay it's over!
Maryam: Grats whitehelm!
LaZorra: AUGH
SirDude: I guess not.
10Kan: Also Yay whitehelm!
asterismW: Yay whitehelm!
LaZorra: I guessed Omaha.
Randy: Yay whitehelm!
Nyperold: back? again?
iwpg: Yay whitehelm!
LaZorra: Good jorb, whitehelm!
Kysle: Nice, whitey
Sam: Congratulations, whitehelm!
* whitehelm bows..."Thank you, thank you"
Gahalyn: Belated congrats! :)
Sam: A moment while I record the scores.
LaZorra: Okay, but only one.
LaZorra: All right, time's up.
* 10Kan takes the moment to go brush his teeth.
StateBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Maryam: Hooray, I've reclaimed my spot at 11.
SirDude: Aw, down to 7th.
whitehelm: moved up to 4th
SirDude: Tied with NessaChan.

(that evening, at dinner)

asterismW: Story!
: Well, now. This looks delicious, Jay. Did you cook this yourself, or do you have an assistant hiding back in the kitchens somewhere?
LaZorra: They figured out when dinner was!
: Cooked meal myself.
NessaChan: monkey brains?
: It looks great, Mrityunjay!
Kalimeris: Aww, but Cody is neat because he calls him by his real name.

I am really, really happy when the little details like this are noticed and appreciated.

: Mriiiwha...?
: Mrityunjay. It's his name. Jay's just a nickname.
: What IS this? Listen, I appreciate the cooking and all, but I don't eat anything I can't identify. Don't you have a burger or something?
: Ramona!
: Ohhhh, burgers are bad for the teeth! Ask anybody! Now this -- well, my daddy always used to say, Chinese food is great for the complexion!
iwpg: LOL
: Is Nepalese.
: Oh. Well, he didn't say anything about Nepalese food, but I'm sure it's really healthy! I'd have to be -- look at you, I mean, you must be 60, 70 years old already!
asterismW: LOL
NessaChan: lol
LaZorra: Already!
: Is nice compliment, Mr. Wyler. But am 99.
: 99? Wowwww.
: He'll be 100 the day after tomorrow!
: Well that's lovely, Mrityunjay. We'll have to celebrate.
whitehelm: So where are the other guys? The cowboy and such
iwpg: wh: I'm guessing he's the host.
whitehelm: There's a girl missing too...
iwpg: wh: yeah, not sure about her. We'll have to wait and see....
: Tyler...?
: Yes?
: There's something different about you! I just can't place what it is.... Did you change your hair since the helicopter ride?
Maryam: LOL
NessaChan: haha
LaZorra: hehehe
Maryam: I totally didn't notice.
LaZorra: Maryam: I didn't, either!
Kalimeris: But orange is acidic and acidic things are bad for teeeeeth
: Oh, why no, Camille! I, uh...nothing's different at all! Not a thing! SAY, THAT'S A REALLY NICE...THING...OVER THERE.
: Hey, where's Genevieve?
NessaChan: Matt is observant!
: I haven't seen her since she went to the beach. Do you suppose she fell asleep out there?
: I saw Genevieve an hour ago. I think she went up to her room.
Kalimeris: Cody is suspicious.
: Oh, never mind. I'm sure she'll find the dining room when she gets hungry.

(time passes)

: Well, that was a wonderful meal, Jay. Thanks!
: Sure was!
: Thank you, Mrityunjay.
: Yeah, thanks. How about pizza or something next time, huh?
: Breakfast served in morning when get up. Breakfast area through that way. Excuse -- I prepare breakfast for tomorrow. *leaves*
: Tyler, I've got it. I know what's different about you.
: You--you do?
: You changed your shirt, didn't you?
: No.
: Oh.
Gahalyn: LOL
asterismW: Beach bimbo has GOT to go.
: Oh! Emergency! Come quick!
: What's the matter?
: Look! Is dead!
: Oh...oh no.
asterismW: LOLOL
NessaChan: lol
iwpg: LOL
whitehelm: I don't believe it
* Kalimeris facedesks
Randy: DEAD
Gahalyn: Eeeep!
Kysle: Nice 'x's
Nyperold: Someone strangled her! With her own hair!
10Kan: Strangled with her own braids, no doubt.
NessaChan: haha, that's what I said too
Sam: I had that X's image done up before the tournament started.
asterismW: That's so ruling!
Sam: I am unduly proud of the X's being underneath her hair.
Randy: LOL!
Maryam: LOL Sam.
NessaChan: maybe she's just faking
whitehelm: I bet it's more makeup
NessaChan: and it's her new makeup
Sam: Ok, it's going to be a late night, but I have to slog onwards anyhow. CuteBot next. If you need to bail out because it's too late, check the transcript tomorrow, as there is still another bit of story left to go before we wrap tonight.
Randy: Eh, I still have laundry drying. So I'm up for a while.
CuteBot has been summoned by Sam.
NessaChan: will the cute bot winner be in the story, too?
Sam: NC: No, it's not tournament CuteBot.
NessaChan: aww
Sam: We'll be playing CuteBot in triples mode, which means on your turn, you have to rate three separate images from 1-7. Put spaces between the ratings. Then everybody has to guess what those ratings are, and you're scored based on how close you were.
Gahalyn: Just /b # # # ?
Sam: Gaha: Yes.
Sam: Everyone who is not here, please /away now.
LaZorra: hehe
whitehelm: Wait...if they're not here...
Sam: Ok, game begins now!
Sam is away.
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Gahalyn rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Gahalyn: Squeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
NessaChan: hang 10
Kysle: 5 7 7
Maryam: 6 7 4
iwpg: 7 7 5
LaZorra: #3 is kinda gross, though.
Kalimeris: 6 4 7
SirDude: 5 7 2
Randy: 5 7 7
LaZorra: 7 7 4
asterismW: 5 4 6
whitehelm: 5 5 5
Kalimeris: 6 5 7
Nyperold: 4 6 7
Kysle: 5 7 5
LuckyWizard: 4 5 5
Kysle: 5 7 6
NessaChan: 7 7 7
CuteBot: Gahalyn's ratings were: 5 7 4.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 6 7 4 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 5 7 2 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 5 7 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 7 7 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 5 5 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Randy guesses 5 7 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: iwpg guesses 7 7 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 4 5 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Nyperold guesses 4 6 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: asterismW guesses 5 4 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 7 7 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 6 5 7 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 3, so Gahalyn earns 3 points.
Gahalyn: Look at those LIPS!!
Gahalyn: Cute piggy LIPS!!!!!
Randy: I knew you would love that one. heh
Gahalyn: Randy: Hehehehe!
: Holy crap.
: Oh no! Dying is very unhealthy!
Maryam: LOL LOL
LaZorra: hehehe
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think asterismW rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Kysle: 4 2 3
whitehelm: 4 4 5
Maryam: 5 3 5
Randy: 4 2 3
SirDude: 5 3 6
NessaChan: 2 3 4
iwpg: 2 2 5
LaZorra: 4 3 5
Gahalyn: 4 3 6
Kalimeris: 4 4 5
LuckyWizard: 2 2 5
Randy: Ack! Pomeranian!
LaZorra: #2 is more fabric than dog.
* SirDude is at a disadvantage since he doesn't know the rest of the group as well
CuteBot: asterismW's ratings were: 1 1 2.
CuteBot: iwpg guesses 2 2 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 2 2 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 2 3 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 4 2 3 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Randy guesses 4 2 3 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 4 3 5 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: Gahalyn guesses 4 3 6 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 4 4 5 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 4 4 5 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 5 3 5 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 5 3 6 (off by 10) and does not score.
CuteBot: No scores.
SirDude: LOL
Maryam: Wow.
Nyperold: 3 3 6
Maryam: You're harsh, aster.
asterismW: Sorry. I find dogs really unappealing.
LaZorra: Apparently!
Randy: awww
* Randy loves dogs. Especially Black Labs!
: Let me look at her.
: What happened?
: W-w-whoa!
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think SirDude rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Kalimeris: KITTY
whitehelm: 4 5 4
Kysle: 6 2 3
iwpg: 6 4 3
Maryam: 3 5 6
asterismW: 5 3 4
Randy: 6 5 6
NessaChan: 5 6 5
Kalimeris: 4 5 4
Gahalyn: 5 3 6
Randy: 6 5 4
Gahalyn: PIG IN A SCALE!
Kalimeris: 4 6 3
Randy: Thats a big pig.
LuckyWizard: 3 4 4
LaZorra: 5 2 4
CuteBot: SirDude's ratings were: 6 4 5.
CuteBot: iwpg guesses 6 4 3 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Randy guesses 6 5 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: asterismW guesses 5 3 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Gahalyn guesses 5 3 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 5 6 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 3 4 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 4 5 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 5 2 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 6 2 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 3 5 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 4 6 3 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 2, so SirDude earns 2 points.
* NessaChan huggles her one point
: She's dead, all right. And look -- an apple lying by her hand, with a bite taken out.
asterismW: !!!
Randy: oooooooh
Kalimeris: UH OH
Kalimeris: skettios.
NessaChan: :O
NessaChan: Tyler Wyler doesn't seem like the type
whitehelm: no, I bet apply boy was the intended target
Maryam: It's a frame-up!
whitehelm: cause he usually has the apple
NessaChan: poor Tyler!
Kysle: 1 3 4
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Kysle rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
whitehelm: 5 5 3
iwpg: 1 3 4
Randy: Coati!
asterismW: 2 5 4
NessaChan: 2 4 4
SirDude: 5 5 4
Gahalyn: 2 6 4
[Kysle->Sam] I kinda accidentally revealed, though I changed them a bit. Discount if you want.
Kalimeris: 2 5 4
Maryam: 4 5 3
LaZorra: 4 6 4
whitehelm: THE DOG'S DEAD
Randy: 2 5 4
LaZorra: 4 6 5
whitehelm: OH NO
Nyperold: 2 5 6
CuteBot: Kysle's ratings were: 1 4 3.
CuteBot: iwpg guesses 1 3 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 2 4 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: asterismW guesses 2 5 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 2 5 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Randy guesses 2 5 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Gahalyn guesses 2 6 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 4 5 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Nyperold guesses 2 5 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 5 5 3 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 5 5 4 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 4 6 5 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 2, so Kysle earns 2 points.
CuteBot: Game is paused.
Kalimeris: Yay, I'm on the BOARD.
* Kalimeris dances
Sam: Kysle mistakenly revealed his ratings beforehand. I have to undo the scores for that round. Sorry, Kali.
Kalimeris: Poo.
iwpg: Oh. :-(
iwpg: Silly Kysle.
CuteBot: iwpg's score has been decremented by 1 point.
CuteBot: iwpg's score has been decremented by 1 point.
CuteBot: Kysle's score has been decremented by 1 point.
CuteBot: Kysle's score has been decremented by 1 point.
CuteBot: NessaChan's score has been decremented by 1 point.
CuteBot: NessaChan's score has been decremented by 1 point.
CuteBot: asterismW's score has been decremented by 1 point.
CuteBot: Kalimeris's score has been decremented by 1 point.
CuteBot: Randy's score has been decremented by 1 point.
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Nyperold rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Kalimeris: KITTY
Kysle: 4 3 4
iwpg: 5 6 5
asterismW: 5 6 5
Maryam: 6 7 5
whitehelm: 5 6 4
Randy: DUCKY
Gahalyn: 5 5 5
SirDude: 5 5 6
Randy: 6 5 5
Kalimeris: 4 5 5
NessaChan: 5 5 5
asterismW: That's NOT a duck.
LaZorra: 5 5 5
LuckyWizard: 4 5 5
LaZorra: It's a CHIKIN
CuteBot: Nyperold's ratings were: 3 6 7.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 4 5 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 4 5 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 5 5 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: asterismW guesses 5 6 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: iwpg guesses 5 6 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Gahalyn guesses 5 5 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 5 5 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 5 5 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 5 6 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Randy guesses 6 5 5 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 6 7 5 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 4 3 4 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: No scores.
Maryam: Wow, I'm terrible at this.
: So...what, did she choke on it? What happened? Oh no...this can't be happening.
: I don't know, I guess. I'm no doctor.
: Choked on an apple...just like that? How frightening!
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think NessaChan rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Kalimeris: What.
LaZorra: WHOA
iwpg: 7 4 5
Maryam: 3 2 4
Kysle: 2 1 2
whitehelm: 5 2 3
LaZorra: Anteaters?
SirDude: 6 3 2
Kalimeris: 5 2 2
asterismW: 5 4 4
Kysle: What are those? Anteaters?
Zup: 6 3 4
Gahalyn: 5 3 3
LaZorra: 5 2 3
Nyperold: 5 3 4
LuckyWizard: 3 2 4
CuteBot: NessaChan's ratings were: 3 5 6.
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 3 2 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 3 2 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: asterismW guesses 5 4 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Nyperold guesses 5 3 4 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: iwpg guesses 7 4 5 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Gahalyn guesses 5 3 3 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 6 3 4 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 5 2 3 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 5 2 3 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 2 1 2 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 5 2 2 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 6 3 2 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: No scores.
: Ramona...let's get out of these people's way. We should talk.
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Kalimeris rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Kysle: 3 5 7
whitehelm: 4 4 4
Zup: 7 5 6
Gahalyn: 4 5 5
NessaChan: 4 5 7
SirDude: 6 5 4
Maryam: 4 6 5
iwpg: 4 7 6
Randy: 4 5 6
LuckyWizard: 4 6 7
LaZorra: 4 4 6
Nyperold: 3 6 4
CuteBot: Kalimeris's ratings were: 4 6 4.
CuteBot: Nyperold guesses 3 6 4 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 4 6 5 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 4 4 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Gahalyn guesses 4 5 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Randy guesses 4 5 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 4 6 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: iwpg guesses 4 7 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 6 5 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 4 4 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 4 5 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 3 5 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 7 5 6 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 3, so Kalimeris earns 3 points.
NessaChan: eeee I thought squirrleypoo was the cutest
Gahalyn: So did I.
LuckyWizard: 5 4 5
LuckyWizard: Oops.
: Are you sure she choked? What if the apple was poisoned?
: Poisoned! What a dreadfully gruesome thought! Who'd want to poison Genevieve? Why, we don't even KNOW her!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard timed out. Asking someone else for ratings....
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think iwpg rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Kysle: 6 6 5
Maryam: 5 4 2
whitehelm: 5 3 3
Zup: 6 4 4
Randy: 6 5 2
Gahalyn: 5 5 3
SirDude: 6 5 2
Randy: That dog looks like he can pick up radar.
LaZorra: 4 5 2
NessaChan: 3 4 6
Gahalyn: Tiny ears BIG feet!
Maryam: LOL. It's a fox.
Kalimeris: 5 6 5
LaZorra: Is that a dog?
LuckyWizard: 3 7 3
LaZorra: 4 5 7
LaZorra: FOX DUH
Nyperold: 3 7 4
CuteBot: iwpg's ratings were: 5 6 4.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 5 6 5 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Gahalyn guesses 5 5 3 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 6 6 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Nyperold guesses 3 7 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 6 4 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 3 7 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 5 3 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 5 4 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Randy guesses 6 5 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 6 5 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 4 5 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 3 4 6 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 3, so iwpg earns 3 points.
: If was poison, still perhaps accidental. Must leave her here -- let authorities decide.
: Authorities! Now, Matt, I don't think--
* LuckyWizard is given a @-`-,--`,--`-,---- by Gahalyn.
Gahalyn: Thank you!!
: We don't really need authorities, do we?
: He's right, Camille.
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think whitehelm rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Gahalyn: LOL!
Kysle: eek
Kalimeris: Aww look at the kitties!
iwpg: 5 3 2
Kysle: 4 1 3
Gahalyn: Most hilarious trifecta of photos EVER.
NessaChan: 4 2 4
LaZorra: 3 2 5
Maryam: 3 1 2
SirDude: 5 2 2
Gahalyn: 4 4 4
Zup: 3 3 3
Kalimeris: 5 3 6
Randy: 3 4 6
LuckyWizard: 4 1 6
CuteBot: whitehelm's ratings were: 4 3 5.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 3 2 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 4 2 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Gahalyn guesses 4 4 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 5 3 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 3 3 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Randy guesses 3 4 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 4 1 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 4 1 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: iwpg guesses 5 3 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 5 2 2 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 3 1 2 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 2, so whitehelm earns 2 points.
: Tyler...?
: Er--yes?
Zup: Oh that wily Wyler.
: Where's your apple?
SirDude: Tyler - Think fast!
NessaChan: Tyler is too dumb to murder
Zup: Maybe thats what they WANT you to think.
NessaChan: Maybe... Yvette poisoned the cooK!
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think LaZorra rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Zup: 6 7 4
iwpg: 6 7 2
NessaChan: caturday!
SirDude: 5 6 2
Randy: 5 7 2
Gahalyn: 5 7 3
whitehelm: 4 7 4
Maryam: 4 7 2
LuckyWizard: 5 7 3
NessaChan: 6 5 2
Kalimeris: 5 6 3
Kysle: 7 7 3
Nyperold: 6 5 4
CuteBot: LaZorra's ratings were: 5 7 3.
CuteBot: Gahalyn guesses 5 7 3 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 5 7 3 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 5 6 3 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Randy guesses 5 7 2 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 4 7 2 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 4 7 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 5 6 2 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: iwpg guesses 6 7 2 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 6 7 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 7 7 3 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 6 5 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Nyperold guesses 6 5 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 5, so LaZorra earns 5 points.
Gahalyn: WOAH.
iwpg: FIVE
iwpg: YAY FIVE
LaZorra: Yay Gaha and LuckyWiz!
: Well! Hehah! Funny you should mention it, I--
: Yeah, Tyler. Where IS your apple?
: I...lost it?
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Randy rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Kalimeris: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!
Kalimeris: SNAIL
SirDude: 4 3 1
Maryam: 2 5 1
whitehelm: 3 3 1
Kysle: 5 7 1
NessaChan: 6 5 2
iwpg: 5 7 1
Zup: 4 5 1
Gahalyn: 5 5 2
Kalimeris: 5 7 2
LaZorra: 5 6 1
Kalimeris: That snail picture is super neat, though
LuckyWizard: 2 6 2
Kalimeris: It's like it's crawling on a bigger snail shell
CuteBot: Randy's ratings were: 3 6 2.
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 2 6 2 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 2 5 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 4 5 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Gahalyn guesses 5 5 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 5 6 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 5 7 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 3 3 1 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: iwpg guesses 5 7 1 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 5 7 1 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 6 5 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 4 3 1 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 3, so Randy earns 3 points.
Nyperold: 6 7 1
NessaChan: awe, that little pooky puppy
: Tyler...Tyler, now I don't think that's funny. This woman died eating an apple, and it sure looks like your apple, because goodness knows I got to know it well, staring at it for three hours in the helicopter.
Maryam: LOL
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think DemanusFlint rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
whitehelm: 5 5 5
Zup: 5 6 5
iwpg: 4 6 7
Kalimeris: It tiny!
Maryam: Everything's starting to be funny now. It's getting late.
LuckyWizard: 7 7 5
NessaChan: 3 4 5
SirDude: 6 7 6
Kalimeris: 6 6 5
LaZorra: 3 7 7
LaZorra: Maryam: Yay!!
Maryam: 3 6 6
LaZorra: Silly hour event horizon!
Gahalyn: 4 6 5
Kysle: 5 7 5
Gahalyn: SMOOCHING BUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Randy: 3 6 6
LaZorra: Gaha: LOL LOL
LaZorra: That sounds SO wrong.
Maryam: I was just about to say, that brings up the WEIRDEST mental images...
Gahalyn: One bunny, two buns, three bunnieeeeees!! .... er?
CuteBot: DemanusFlint's ratings were: 6 5 3.
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 5 5 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 6 6 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 5 6 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Gahalyn guesses 4 6 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 5 7 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 6 7 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 7 7 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 3 4 5 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 3 6 6 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: Randy guesses 3 6 6 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: iwpg guesses 4 6 7 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 3 7 7 (off by 9) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 1, so DemanusFlint earns 1 point.
Nyperold: 6 7 4
* LaZorra is the only one who likes dogs, apparently.
Randy: LZ: I love dogs.
Maryam: LZ: I like dogs, I swear. Just... not those.
Eric: Dogs are stupid, and smelly.
LaZorra: Eric: So's your MOM.
: I'm telling the truth! I was hoping nobody would notice! I feel so insecure without an apple, and I only brought one. I found an orange in the kitchen, but no app--
: Tyler, what happened to the apple?
: It's like I say! I lost it! I set it down in my room when I went to take a shower, and...and...when I came out...*shudder*....IT WAS GONE!
NessaChan: I believe him.
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Zup rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Gahalyn: OH SNAP
iwpg: 5 6 7
LaZorra: LOL
NessaChan: 4 4 5
Zup: #3 makes me laugh.
whitehelm: 5 3 3
LaZorra: #1 is great.
Kysle: 4 6 2
LuckyWizard: 4 5 4
Gahalyn: 5 3 2
Kalimeris: 4 5 2
Eric: 5 4 7
whitehelm: 5 3 6
Maryam: 4 4 3
SirDude: 6 4 4
LaZorra: 5 5 5
Randy: 5 3 4
Nyperold: 5 7 3
CuteBot: Zup's ratings were: 5 4 4.
CuteBot: Randy guesses 5 3 4 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 6 4 4 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 4 4 3 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 4 4 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 4 5 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 5 5 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Gahalyn guesses 5 3 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 5 3 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Eric guesses 5 4 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 4 5 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Nyperold guesses 5 7 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 4 6 2 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: iwpg guesses 5 6 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 3, so Zup earns 3 points.
Gahalyn: I would have rated #3 a 1. It made me laugh too, but I don't think it's cute.
: All right, never mind. It's probably not important anyway. Probably Genevieve just found it, wandered down here, took a bite, and choked on it. Jay, is there a phone or something around here?
: No phones. No lines, and no cellular service. Is radio.
Nyperold: Nice communications setup for a hotel that's supposedly opening very soon.
: Let's go use it and call somebody in. We should get a doctor out here, too. A doctor might be able to tell us what happened.
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Maryam rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Kalimeris: Awwww
Kysle: 5 3 4
whitehelm: 4 4 4
NessaChan: 5 5 6
Gahalyn: 7 3 5
iwpg: 4 4 5
LuckyWizard: 5 4 3
SirDude: 6 4 6
Kalimeris: 5 3 5
Zup: 6 3 2
Kalimeris: 5 3 4
Eric: 7 5 5
Randy: 6 5 3
Randy: 6 4 3
LaZorra: 6 3 4
CuteBot: Maryam's ratings were: 5 3 2.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 6 3 2 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 5 3 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 5 3 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 5 4 3 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 6 3 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Randy guesses 6 4 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 4 4 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: iwpg guesses 4 4 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Gahalyn guesses 7 3 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 5 5 6 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 6 4 6 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Eric guesses 7 5 5 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 3, so Maryam earns 3 points.
Nyperold: 7 2 5
Eric: I am not good at this game.
Eric: My heart is too cold, icy, and black.
NessaChan: I'm not good at it either
Kysle: That doesn't sound healthy, Eric
Gahalyn: Poor Eric.
: Will radio now. Come, if you wish. *leaves*
: *follows*
: A doctor? Yes, a doctor would be good! We can call a doctor out here, and he can decide if we need to bring in the authorities.... *follows after*
Nyperold: "Anyone know Morse Code?"
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Eric rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
whitehelm: 5 4 4
SirDude: 4 2 3
Gahalyn: 5 4 3
Kalimeris: 6 5 4
Zup: 6 3 3
Maryam: 6 3 3
LuckyWizard: 7 3 4
iwpg: 5 6 4
Randy: 6 4 3
Kysle: 7 4 4
LaZorra: 7 5 2
NessaChan: 6 2 4
Nyperold: 7 4 6
CuteBot: Eric's ratings were: 7 2 5.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 6 2 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 7 3 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 7 4 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Nyperold guesses 7 4 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 6 3 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 6 3 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 4 2 3 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 5 4 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Randy guesses 6 4 3 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 6 5 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Gahalyn guesses 5 4 3 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 7 5 2 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: iwpg guesses 5 6 4 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 2, so Eric earns 2 points.
Gahalyn: Eric, how did your icy black heart just give a 7?
Eric: Gahalyn: the kitty is so cuuuuute
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Kysle rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
iwpg: 4 6 3
whitehelm: 4 3 3
Zup: 3 4 6
Kalimeris: 2 4 5
NessaChan: 4 4 5
LaZorra: 4 3 4
Gahalyn: 5 5 5
SirDude: 6 4 3
Randy: 2 6 3
Kalimeris: Kitty!
LaZorra: #3 is part polar bear cub.
LuckyWizard: 5 2 5
Eric: 3 4 3
Gahalyn: Hehe.
Maryam: 5 3 6
Randy: gaha: thanks!
Nyperold: 4 3
SirDude: 6 4 5
CuteBot: Kysle's ratings were: 4 3 6.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 5 3 6 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 3 4 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 4 3 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 4 4 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 4 3 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 5 2 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 2 4 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Gahalyn guesses 5 5 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 6 4 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Eric guesses 3 4 3 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: iwpg guesses 4 6 3 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Randy guesses 2 6 3 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 3, so Kysle earns 3 points.
Nyperold: 4 3 7
: I just can't believe it.
: It's a shock, isn't it? We didn't know her but--
: I'd never seen a dead body before.
: ...
: I suppose that was a stupid thing to say.
: Not at all, Cody. Me neither. It's pretty unsettling.
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think iwpg rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
NessaChan: 4 5 3
Maryam: 6 3 5
Kysle: 5 5 5
SirDude: 5 2 5
Randy: 5 2 5
Gahalyn: 6 5 5
whitehelm: 4 4 4
Eric: 4 4 4
Zup: 4 4 4
LaZorra: 6 6 3
Nyperold: 7 5 3
LuckyWizard: 6 3 4
Kalimeris: 5 6 4
Nyperold: What is 2?
NessaChan: a little birdie
CuteBot: iwpg's ratings were: 5 5 5.
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 5 5 5 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: Gahalyn guesses 6 5 5 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 5 6 4 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Eric guesses 4 4 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 4 4 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 4 4 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 4 5 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Randy guesses 5 2 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 5 2 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 6 3 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 6 3 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 6 6 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Nyperold guesses 7 5 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 5, so iwpg earns 5 points.
iwpg: FIVE
* Kysle high fives iwpg
Gahalyn: Poop. I was going to change to 5 5 5.
: Doctor called. Will arrive in morning.
: This has been too much of an evening for me. I'm going to bed. Night night, everyone.
Zup: Night night!
Eric: Good night, bikini girl!
NessaChan: 7 5 4
NessaChan: oh
NessaChan: sorry
Kalimeris: Hehe.
NessaChan: didn't realise it was my turn
NessaChan: too sleepy
CuteBot: NessaChan timed out. Asking someone else for ratings....
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Kalimeris rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
whitehelm: 5 5 2
Zup: 3 3 1
DemanusFlint: 6 4 5
Kysle: 5 6 4
Maryam: 5 5 1
SirDude: 6 6 2
iwpg: 4 5 1
Randy: 5 5 1
Gahalyn: 5 5 4
Gahalyn: 5 5 3
LuckyWizard: 4 3 1
Nyperold: 6 6 2
* TalkingDog needs bunny.
LuckyWizard: 5 3 1
LaZorra: 2 5 2
Gahalyn: bunnybunnybunny
CuteBot: Kalimeris's ratings were: 4 5 1.
CuteBot: iwpg guesses 4 5 1 (correct) and scores 5 points!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 5 5 1 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Randy guesses 5 5 1 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 5 4 1 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 5 5 2 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 2 5 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 3 3 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 5 3 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Gahalyn guesses 5 5 3 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Nyperold guesses 6 6 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 6 6 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 5 6 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 6 4 5 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 5, so Kalimeris earns 5 points.
iwpg: FIVE
Kalimeris: Yes!
Randy: Yay!
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think whitehelm rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Kalimeris: 5 4 3
Maryam: 4 5 3
Kysle: 6 6 4
iwpg: 3 5 2
Gahalyn: 4 5 3
LaZorra: Eww, wow.
LuckyWizard: 6 4 2
NessaChan: 5 4 4
SirDude: 6 6 2
Randy: 3 5 2
Zup: 5 3 1
LaZorra: 6 4 1
CuteBot: whitehelm's ratings were: 5 5 2.
CuteBot: iwpg guesses 3 5 2 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Randy guesses 3 5 2 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Gahalyn guesses 4 5 3 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 4 5 3 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 5 4 3 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 6 4 2 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 6 6 2 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 5 3 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 5 4 4 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 6 4 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 6 6 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 2, so whitehelm earns 2 points.
Eric: That's a real-live Toonces the Driving Cat!
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think SirDude rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
LaZorra: LOL at #1.
Kysle: 5 5 7
whitehelm: 4 4 5
NessaChan: lol
Kalimeris: 2 7 7
Kysle: 6 6 7
Eric: 6 6 6
Gahalyn: 5 5 6
Maryam: 3 7 7
iwpg: 2 6 6
Zup: 4 5 6
NessaChan: 6 6 7
Kalimeris: lookatallthekittiesinthesamepictureOh my goodness, oh my goodness!
LuckyWizard: 3 7 7
Randy: 4 6 6
Nyperold: 4 7 7
Eric: Is that a llama??
LaZorra: 4 6 6
Maryam: Ohmigosh #3 is the cutest thing on the planet.
Eric: Or just a really fuzzy pinata?
Gahalyn: 5 6 6
Randy: Its like Yin and yang.
LaZorra: Maryam: It's like Ying and Yang.
CuteBot: SirDude's ratings were: 5 7 4.
CuteBot: Gahalyn guesses 5 6 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 4 6 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Randy guesses 4 6 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Nyperold guesses 4 7 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Eric guesses 6 6 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 3 7 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 3 7 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 4 4 5 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 4 5 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 6 6 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 6 6 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: iwpg guesses 2 6 6 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 2 7 7 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 1, so SirDude earns 1 point.
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Maryam rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
DemanusFlint: 6 2 2
Kysle: 6 1 1
iwpg: 3 3 1
SirDude: 6 4 2
whitehelm: 4 5 2
iwpg: 4 3 1
LaZorra: That cracks me up.
Zup: 6 11
Kalimeris: 3 5 2
Zup: 6 1 1
Gahalyn: 5 4 2
Nyperold: 7 2 2
NessaChan: 6 2 2
LaZorra: 4 1 1
Randy: 5 2 2
Gahalyn: I so want to rate again :)
LaZorra: 4 2 1
LuckyWizard: 6 6 2
Randy: A praying rat!
Eric: 1 3 1
CuteBot: Maryam's ratings were: 5 4 1.
CuteBot: Gahalyn guesses 5 4 2 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: iwpg guesses 4 3 1 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 6 4 2 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 4 2 1 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 4 5 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Randy guesses 5 2 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 3 5 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 6 1 1 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 6 1 1 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 6 2 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 6 2 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 6 6 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Eric guesses 1 3 1 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Nyperold guesses 7 2 2 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 3, so Maryam earns 3 points.
LaZorra: SITS
Gahalyn: NOM NOM *moveover* NOM
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Zup rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Kysle: 5 6 3
SirDude: 5 5 1
whitehelm: 3 5 2
Kalimeris: 5 6 4
DemanusFlint: 6 5 3
iwpg: 1 6 2
NessaChan: 3 3 2
Maryam: 4 6 1
Gahalyn: 6 6 2
Eric: 5 4 1
LaZorra: 4 4 2
Randy: 5 6 2
LuckyWizard: 3 5 2
iwpg: 3 6 2
CuteBot: Zup's ratings were: 2 7 3.
CuteBot: iwpg guesses 3 6 2 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 3 5 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 3 5 2 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 5 6 3 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 4 6 1 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Randy guesses 5 6 2 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 5 6 4 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 3 3 2 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 4 4 2 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 6 5 3 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Gahalyn guesses 6 6 2 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 5 5 1 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: Eric guesses 5 4 1 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 1, so Zup earns 1 point.
Gahalyn: Or
Gahalyn: Chinchilla?
Maryam: No, that looks like a bunny to me.
Gahalyn: The ears aren't right.
Maryam: The angle is weird.
NessaChan: hmmm it's chinchilla esque but hard to say
Gahalyn: #3 tops the "weird angle" category.
Maryam: But the shape of the head definitely suggest bunny to me.
Nyperold: LOAD
CuteBot: Nyperold timed out. Asking someone else for ratings....
CuteBot: Eric timed out. Asking someone else for ratings....
* Zup misses WhizKid in moments like this.
Zup: Eric! Wake up! We're playing a game here!
Kalimeris: Silly Eric. Being all idle non responsive like that.
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Randy rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
Kysle: 5 5 5
Kalimeris: 2 4 5
whitehelm: 3 4 5
iwpg: 4 4 5
Maryam: 4 7 6
Zup: 4 7 4
SirDude: 4 5 6
Gahalyn: 5 5 5
LuckyWizard: 5 5 5
Maryam: 4 6 6
DemanusFlint: 5 7 6
NessaChan: 4 5 6
LaZorra: 3 4 7
CuteBot: Randy's ratings were: 2 5 4.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 2 4 5 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 3 4 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: iwpg guesses 4 4 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 4 5 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 4 5 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 4 7 4 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Gahalyn guesses 5 5 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 5 5 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 5 5 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 3 4 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 4 6 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 5 7 6 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 2, so Randy earns 2 points.
Gahalyn: Oh man.
Gahalyn: Bird butts are cute.... aren't they? ;-)
Randy: Mostly.
Randy: hehe
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think Gahalyn rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
whitehelm: 5 5 5
iwpg: 6 5 6
SirDude: 4 6 6
Kysle: 7 5 7
LuckyWizard: 5 2 7
Zup: 4 5 6
Gahalyn: You shut up too ;-p
Kalimeris: 6 5 6
Maryam: 7 5 7
Kysle: You first, DF
NessaChan: 6 5 6
TalkingDog: 6 5 7
Randy: 6 4 6
DemanusFlint: 1 1 1
whitehelm: He's only got 1 point though
Kysle: Bah, you're not playing anyways.
Nyperold: 2 5 6
CuteBot: Gahalyn's ratings were: 5 4 7.
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 5 2 7 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Randy guesses 6 4 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: TalkingDog guesses 6 5 7 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 4 5 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 5 5 5 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: iwpg guesses 6 5 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 6 5 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 6 5 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 7 3 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 7 5 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 7 5 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 4 6 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Nyperold guesses 2 5 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 1 1 1 (off by 13) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 2, so Gahalyn earns 2 points.
Sam: So close.
Gahalyn: Gah!
Gahalyn: Hehehe.
LaZorra: Ooh.
Zup: How in the world did I get 18 points?
Kysle: The same way I did?
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think LaZorra rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
LaZorra: I love #1.
iwpg: 5 3 5
Kysle: 6 7 7
whitehelm: 5 5 5
SirDude: 6 5 6
Maryam: 7 3 6
NessaChan: 6 6 7
Zup: 6 2 2
Gahalyn: 6 5 6
Kalimeris: 7 6 5
LuckyWizard: 7 5 3
Randy: 6 6 6
DemanusFlint: 7 7 7
Kalimeris: Number 1 is another amazing kitty picture
whitehelm: 6 6 6
CuteBot: LaZorra's ratings were: 6 2 7.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 7 3 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: iwpg guesses 5 3 5 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Gahalyn guesses 6 5 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 6 5 6 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 6 6 7 (off by 4) and does not score.
CuteBot: Zup guesses 6 2 2 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Randy guesses 6 6 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: whitehelm guesses 6 6 6 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 6 7 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 7 7 7 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: Kalimeris guesses 7 6 5 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 7 5 3 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 1, so LaZorra earns 1 point.
Nyperold: 7 4 4
whitehelm: 5 5 5
Sam: Oooh, close, Gaha.
Gahalyn: Must... score... point....
Maryam: Must score two points!
Gahalyn: Maryam: nevar!
Randy: DUDE
Randy: CuteBotCageMatch!
LuckyWizard: 6 4 5
LuckyWizard: Oops.
Sam: I am the king of forgetting /b in rating games.
LaZorra: Sam tells truth.
Sam: It sucks.
LuckyWizard: Sam: Yeah, heh.
CuteBot: LuckyWizard timed out. Asking someone else for ratings....
CuteBot:  ,  ,  
CuteBot: What do you think whitehelm rated the above? (1-7) (Separate ratings with spaces.)
DemanusFlint: 6 2 7
Nyperold: 4 4 4
Kysle: 7 3 7
Maryam: 5 2 4
SirDude: 7 5 6
iwpg: 7 2 6
Gahalyn: 5 3 5
NessaChan: 7 3 7
Sam: Must...turn...water...on....
Randy: 6 3 6
LaZorra: 7 5 7
Randy: hehe
LuckyWizard: 7 3 7
Maryam: Sam: noooooooooooooo
iwpg: EVIL SAM
Zup: 5 2 3
Nyperold: 7 6 7
Gahalyn: 5 3 6
whitehelm: GAME OVER!!!!!!!!!
whitehelm: but you dont know who won
CuteBot: whitehelm's ratings were: 5 2 5.
CuteBot: Maryam guesses 5 2 4 (off by 1) and scores 3 points!
CuteBot: Zup guesses 5 2 3 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: Gahalyn guesses 5 3 6 (off by 2) and scores 2 points!
CuteBot: DemanusFlint guesses 6 2 7 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Randy guesses 6 3 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: iwpg guesses 7 2 6 (off by 3) and scores 1 point!
CuteBot: Kysle guesses 7 3 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: LuckyWizard guesses 7 3 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: NessaChan guesses 7 3 7 (off by 5) and does not score.
CuteBot: SirDude guesses 7 5 6 (off by 6) and does not score.
CuteBot: LaZorra guesses 7 5 7 (off by 7) and does not score.
CuteBot: Nyperold guesses 7 6 7 (off by 8) and does not score.
CuteBot: The highest score was 3, so whitehelm earns 3 points.
CuteBot: It's a tie! The winners are: Gahalyn, Maryam.
CuteBot: Portrait of DemanusFlint: . Portrait of Eric: . Portrait of Gahalyn: . Portrait of iwpg: . Portrait of Kalimeris: . Portrait of Kysle: . Portrait of LaZorra: . Portrait of LuckyWizard: . Portrait of Maryam: . Portrait of NessaChan: . Portrait of Nyperold: . Portrait of Randy: . Portrait of Sam: . Portrait of SirDude: . Portrait of TalkingDog: . Portrait of whitehelm: . Portrait of Zup: .
CuteBot: Cutest: Least Cute:
Maryam: WE WIN
LaZorra: YAY TIE
Randy: TIES!
Gahalyn: I was hoping we'd tie :-)
DemanusFlint: i am a dog wearing clothes
Maryam: I love my portrait.
Maryam: That is so me.
LaZorra: Maryam: LOL
Kysle: Why am I a chick?
Kalimeris: I am an ADORABLE KITTY
LuckyWizard: What am I? A shrew or something?
DemanusFlint: iwpg you rotten kid
iwpg: Yay, I winnar on points!
whitehelm: Close run on points
: ...
: Hi...Hayley.
iwpg: Oooooh....
Maryam: Ooooh.
Zup: oooooh, he knows her real name
whitehelm: OOOHHH
NessaChan: DUN DUN
Randy: OOOOH
: Matt. Oh, this is so terrible. *hug*
Nyperold: Oh, she knows he knows.
Randy: And he knows she knows he knows.
: Yeah. We knew this would be dangerous, but I didn't think things would get this bad, and not this soon, either.
: What have you found out? Camille seemed to hang on to you pretty tight.
: Yeah. I'm afraid I didn't find out very much, though. Maybe she's smarter than she lets on. Maybe not. How about Cody?
: Cody acts confused and suspicious, and I think he's on the level. He knows something's funny about how everybody came to be here, and he's asking questions.
: If he's asking questions, that probably means he doesn't know the answers. But somebody does. But it's hard to believe it's Tyler, either. He's a stooge, for sure. A perfect stooge. Dumb as can be.
Zup: They've gotta be detectives.
: A little too dumb, don't you think?
: Perhaps. Maybe you'll have better luck with him. How's Ramona?
: *sigh* She still doesn't understand how much trouble she's in. But then, maybe we underestimated it too.
: Yeah. When the doctor arrives, they're going to find out Genevieve's death wasn't an accident. When that happens, our job is going to get a lot harder.
End of Chapter 2

Maryam: Ooohh.
whitehelm: TO BE CONTINUED....
NessaChan: dun dun
* Randy applauds.
NessaChan: exciting
Sam: Stand by for the voting to be open for the next round.
Zup: I don't think the Apple Guy did it; I mean he freaked out when he thought she was dead earlier.
whitehelm: They could've all been in on it
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'UBT #4: Next Session, Friday 2/8/08, 9:30pm EST.' by Sam.
Sam: The voting deadline will be 11pm on Thursday.
* whitehelm goes to vote for Cody to die
whitehelm: not really
* Zup knows who he's voting for!
* whitehelm voted away
* Zup voted!
* Maryam pins on an "I Voted" button.
CuteBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Sam: Ok, tonight was hard.
Sam: I introduced six characters, and that was insane.
LaZorra: You're insane.
Sam: Hopefully once everybody knows everybody, and once the body count piles up a little more, the story will be easier to manage.
Sam: I was really actually quite scared about tonight.
Sam: The discovery of the body and the epilogue were composed as you were all playing. I was fortunate to have run out of mid-game story before the games ended, and I could compose, rather than improvise.
Sam: I think I'd have botched it otherwise.
LaZorra: I do kinda miss you actually being a part of the tournament, though.
Sam: Maybe I'll have to have the next one be storyless so I can compete.
Sam: I gotta win one eventually, after all.
LaZorra: That would be cool.
LaZorra: I just stumbled across the unedited picture of that fat dude.
LaZorra: >_<
Sam: You did?
Sam: I, thankfully, have not seen this.
LaZorra: Yeah. Totally by accident.
Sam: How did you DO that, though? Were you googling for "naked fat guy"?
LaZorra: Oh, yeah, I do that every Wednesday night.
LaZorra: :-p
LaZorra: Someone sent him to me on Facebook as a joke.
Crystal109: Wow. That's evil.
Sam: Oh, funny joke. Ha ha.
Sam: It's funny that people expected him to be in it. But he wasn't in line for it. People voted him high enough to be out of reach for selection.
Sam: Oh, did you notice Camille was edited?
LaZorra: No, I didn't notice she was.
Sam: If you look in session 2 when Camille shows up, there's a whole beach background. I had to edit it out so she would be free to be anywhere other than on the beach. So I whited all the background out.
LaZorra: Oh, that's why I didn't realize. I wasn't here.
Sam: All the other characters have less specific and less confusing backgrounds, so I just left them.
Sam: I did NOT want to use her.
Sam: But I guess it's working out ok.
Sam: I didn't want the apple guy either, until I realized he'd work for the gag I thought of if we'd gotten the scissors guy.
Sam: I figured if we got the scissors guy in, I'd have to have a body with a giant pair of scissors sticking out of him, and then an edited shot of the scissors guy with the scissors missing.
TalkingDog: Who was voted safe? Or is that gonna stay secret?
LaZorra: YODA
LaZorra: He is my favoreet.
Sam: TD: I'll release the vote tallies at the end of the tournament. I don't want prior votes to influence future votes, though, so they're secret for now.

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