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Ultimate Bot Tournament #4: Session 10

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Note: Kysle, Myrth, and Goosey saw the final session's story segment later, when I reran it for them. (Kysle and Myrth were in one showing, and Goosey was in another.) Their comments have been edited into this transcript.

iwpg has entered.
SirDude has entered.
10Kan has entered.
TalkingDog has entered.
Nyperold has entered.
Kalimeris has entered.
* SirDude goes and rechecks tonight's bots
Nyperold: "I don't care about the crosswords, man, just the jumbles, the jumbles!"
Maryam has entered.
SirDude: Jumble, Country, and PicMatch... Hmm...
Randy has entered.
Eric has entered.
SirDude: The question is, will I be able to take 4th place back from Nyperold tonight?
Eric: No.
Eric: that is my guess
* Randy asks the magic 8 ball
NessaChan has entered.
LuckyWizard has entered.
iwpg has left.
LuckyWizard: Hi all!
Randy: Yo
* NessaChan is excited
NessaChan: and thirsty
LuckyWizard: NessaChan is the only person to have scored in every game.
Sam has entered.
Sam: Ok, where are LaZorra and Crystal?
SirDude: Hi Sam!
Sam: They like to cut it close.
Kalimeris: Hey Sam!
Sam: Hi!
Crystal109 has entered.
Crystal109: I'm HERE!
Sam: Hey, there's one of them.
Sam: Now we got a slowpoke cowgirl that's AWOL. Who else?
Sam: iwpg isn't here.
Sam: I'm not sure if he said he was going to be.
Kalimeris: But, but, he's the LEADER. Isn't he?
Sam: Yeah. That would suck, if he lost by default.
Randy: I'm like 90 points behind him.
Sam: Randy would probably have to win all three games for somebody to overtake him in the points ranking, but he could lose the game ranking easily.
Sam: If 10Kan wins one game, he could win a tiebreaker game against iwpg and take the whole tournament.
Sam: Well, let's give iwpg and LaZ a few minutes.
Eric: DemanusFlint is not here.
Sam: I assume DF isn't planning on being here, since he left the other room only a few minutes ago.
Randy: And Kysle is asleep. We think.
* Crystal109 is skipping dinner to be here!
asterismW has entered.
Randy: Heya aster
Nyperold: Hello!
asterismW: Hello!
Sam: Oooh, asterism!
Sam: Excellent!
asterismW: I'd like to thank this Bot session for getting me out of a call I didn't really want to be on.
conty has entered.
iwpg has entered.
Sam: I was afraid you thought I was serious when I joked about cancelling tonight.
iwpg: Arg, browser stopped refreshing. :-(
iwpg: Sowwee.
Sam: Just LaZorra now. I called her cell, but she didn't answer.
Maryam: You have her phone number? Isn't that, like, against the unwritten rules of RinkChat? We only communicate in here!
Sam: Yeah, but this is an emergency.
Crystal109: Meh. My roommate and her friend are in the room and I kind of don't wanna be in the room playing while they're here.
asterismW: Crystal: Just start being really, really annoying.
Crystal109: Heh. Not possible. They're eccentric beings.
Crystal109: I think I'm going to move to the lounge after the chapter starts
Crystal109: I can afford to miss the beginning of the bot games.
Sam: If it'll take less than five minutes, do it now.
Crystal109: Oh, okay. Sure.
Crystal109 is away.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'UBT #4, FINAL SESSION, GET IN HERE NOW, GOOB.' by Sam.
Crystal109 is back.
Crystal109: Yay! Four minutes and two seconds!
Sam: Ok, I can't keep making you all wait for one person.
Sam: However, I suggest we dive into CountryBot (because it takes longer than JumbleBot) and postpone the first bit of the story until after that.
CountryBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: We play CountryBot in quiz mode. One answer may be submitted per line, and only the last N answers will be accepted per question, N being the number of answers for a particular question. For example, if a question has four answers and you submit five, only the LAST four you submit will be considered for scores.
Eric: These are /b submissions, right?
Sam: Eric: Yes.
Sam: The game begins in 60 seconds.
CountryBot: All regions of the world will be covered.
CountryBot: Questions will be restricted to the following types: Capitals, Largest Cities, Bordering Countries, Bordering Oceans/Seas, Flag Images.
* 10Kan returns to chat just in time!
10Kan: To lose.
Crystal109: 10K: Me too!
asterismW: I'm ready to lose!
Maryam: All but one of us will!
iwpg: Unless it's a tie!
Crystal109: We're all losers in here!
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'UBT #4, final session in progress. Tonight's story has not yet begun, so get in here NOW.' by Sam.
Eric: Maps are cheating, right?
Sam: Yes, using maps or other reference material is considered cheating. Normally, it isn't, but because this is a tournament game, the rules are stricter.
Eric: 10-4
CountryBot: Starting a new quiz game:
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What is the largest city in Madagascar? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Antananarivo.
Sam: Bless you.
Crystal109: Lookit those As.
Maryam: LOL, I didn't see the question. But I didn't know it anyway.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Central African Republic, Chad, Democractic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Libya, and Uganda border which nation(s)? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Sudan (conty, Maryam, LuckyWizard, Nyperold)
CountryBot: Scores this round: conty: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Maryam: +1, Nyperold: +1.
NessaChan: too slow
Nyperold: Ooh. :)
Eric: Man, I don't know crap about Africa.
Crystal109: I'm not great with African countries.
Crystal109: I mean, the layout of them.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Sydney is the largest city in what country? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Australia (Maryam, 10Kan, iwpg, Randy, conty, SirDude, Crystal109, Eric, Nyperold, NessaChan, LuckyWizard, Sam, asterismW)
CountryBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, asterismW: +1, conty: +1, Crystal109: +1, Eric: +1, iwpg: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, Sam: +1, SirDude: +1.
asterismW: We need more questions like that.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What nation(s) border Ukraine? (7 answers accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Belarus (Eric, iwpg, LuckyWizard)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Hungary (Maryam, Sam)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Moldova (Sam, LuckyWizard)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Poland (Randy, Kalimeris, 10Kan)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Romania (Crystal109, NessaChan)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Russia (10Kan, iwpg, LuckyWizard, Eric, asterismW, Kalimeris, Randy, Sam, conty, Crystal109)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Slovakia (10Kan)
CountryBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +3, LuckyWizard: +3, Sam: +3, Crystal109: +2, Eric: +2, iwpg: +2, Kalimeris: +2, Randy: +2, asterismW: +1, conty: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1.
Randy: Yay for guessing!
Eric: Poland?
Eric: I didn't realize Belarus went so far west.
10Kan: Eric: Just barely.
Maryam: I misspelled Russia. Argh.
Crystal109: I'm so glad I did that report on Romania back in 5th grade.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): The following is the flag of what nation(s)?   (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Myanmar.
NessaChan: that flag hurts my eyes
Crystal109: That looks SO MUCH like the Taiwan flag.
LuckyWizard: Yeah, it does.
asterismW: Do some nations have the same flag?
Eric: asterism: Not with the same dimensions.
Sam: aster: I think there is one pair of nations that have the same flag, yes.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What nation(s) border Luxembourg? (3 answers accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Belgium (iwpg, Nyperold, SirDude, Eric, Sam, LuckyWizard)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: France (Kalimeris, Maryam, SirDude, iwpg, asterismW, Randy, Crystal109, Nyperold, LuckyWizard)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Germany (Maryam, conty, Kalimeris, iwpg, SirDude, Eric, NessaChan, LuckyWizard, 10Kan, Sam)
CountryBot: Scores this round: iwpg: +3, LuckyWizard: +3, SirDude: +3, Eric: +2, Kalimeris: +2, Maryam: +2, Nyperold: +2, Sam: +2, 10Kan: +1, asterismW: +1, conty: +1, Crystal109: +1, NessaChan: +1, Randy: +1.
Crystal109: D'oh. Germany.
NessaChan: argh, typed belgium too slowly
* Crystal109 isn't so great on European countries either.
Randy: I'm just not good at geography.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Cape Verde? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Atlantic Ocean (Kalimeris)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +1.
Crystal109: LOL nice Kali.
Sam: Gah, changed it.
Kalimeris: Okay, that was a guess.
asterismW: Dang.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What nation(s) border Syria? (5 answers accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Iraq (LuckyWizard, Eric, iwpg, Kalimeris, Sam, 10Kan)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Israel (asterismW, Kalimeris, Nyperold, Sam, iwpg, Crystal109, LuckyWizard)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Jordan (iwpg, Nyperold, 10Kan, Sam)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Lebanon (LuckyWizard, Nyperold)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Turkey (Maryam, 10Kan, LuckyWizard, Nyperold, Kalimeris, NessaChan, Randy)
CountryBot: Scores this round: LuckyWizard: +4, Nyperold: +4, 10Kan: +3, iwpg: +3, Kalimeris: +3, Sam: +3, asterismW: +1, Crystal109: +1, Eric: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Randy: +1.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Montevideo is the largest city in what country? (1 answer accepted)
Maryam: Darn, I feel like I should know this.
asterismW: Oh, oh, oh!
iwpg: Me too....
Sam: Me too.
Crystal109: I hope I spelled it right. And it's not the other country.
asterismW: What is it??
Crystal109: I always mix this up.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Uruguay (LuckyWizard, Crystal109, NessaChan)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Crystal109: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, NessaChan: +1.
10Kan: I know I've heard of the city before.
Crystal109: YES!.
10Kan: Ooh, good job.
Maryam: Ok, I didn't know it.
iwpg: Oh, I didn't.
Sam: I had the right continent, at least.
asterismW: Sam: Me too.
Crystal109: I thought it might be Paraguay at first.
NessaChan: thank goodness I had to learn that dumb rap song about all the capitals in South America in Spanish class
Maryam: Nessa: You never know when such things might come in handy.
Crystal109: Nessa: Heh. I learned the capitals in Spanish.
* Maryam still knows all the states in alphabetical order.
* Eric doesn't.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Senegal? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Atlantic Ocean (Sam, Eric, LuckyWizard, Crystal109, conty, Kalimeris)
CountryBot: Scores this round: conty: +1, Crystal109: +1, Eric: +1, Kalimeris: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Sam: +1.
iwpg: D'oh, that was my next guess.
Eric: Man, I'm glad I got that. I always get Senegal and Suriname mixed up.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What nation(s) border Canada? (1 answer accepted)
Crystal109: I will get this WRONG.
Sam: This is a tricky one, because the border in question is very very small.
Maryam: Sam: Hehe.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: United States (Sam, Eric, Maryam, LuckyWizard, asterismW, Crystal109, 10Kan)
CountryBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, asterismW: +1, Crystal109: +1, Eric: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Maryam: +1, Sam: +1.
CountryBot: LuckyWizard wins!
Sam: Uhhhh....
Maryam: Wow, that was fast.
Crystal109: LW: Whoa.
asterismW: Whoa.
10Kan: Wow!
NessaChan: quick game!
10Kan: Yay LW!
Crystal109: That was fast.
Sam: We're supposed to play to 30.
Sam: Sorry, I screwed that up. We play to 30.
Kalimeris: but... I said United States of America
iwpg: Er, it doesn't accept "of America"?
SirDude: Wait. It didn't accept "United States of America"?
Kalimeris: Hmph.
Sam: Hang on while I reset the bot to the proper scores.
Randy: I also said "of America"
Nyperold: I put the same as the others.
NessaChan: SirDude: That's what I typed
Sam: It didn't accept that?
Kalimeris: No, I guess not, s'what I typed
Sam: It accepts "USA" and "United States," I know that. I'm surprised it doesn't take the of America. So hang on while I fix that, too.
Sam: Ok. I'm going to start the game again. We have to play one round first, but then I'll pause it and fix the scores.
Crystal109: Okay!
Randy: Sounds good
CountryBot: Starting a new quiz game:
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Morocco? (2 answers accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Atlantic Ocean (Sam, Maryam, iwpg, asterismW, LuckyWizard, Nyperold, Crystal109, Eric, NessaChan)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Mediterranean Sea (LuckyWizard, Eric, Sam, Maryam, iwpg)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Eric: +2, iwpg: +2, LuckyWizard: +2, Maryam: +2, Sam: +2, asterismW: +1, Crystal109: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1.
CountryBot: Game is paused.
iwpg: Yay, spelt it right!
Crystal109: If I even knew it was Mediterranean Sea, I wouldn't have ever spelled it right. Heh.
Kalimeris: I spelled it wrong :-p
CountryBot: LuckyWizard's score has been incremented by 15 points.
* Crystal109 is just guessing Atlantic Ocean every time.
NessaChan: Yeah, I could never spell it
Nyperold: I spelled it right, but not in time.
CountryBot: Sam's score has been incremented by 11 points.
CountryBot: 10Kan's score has been incremented by 9 points.
10Kan: :)
CountryBot: iwpg's score has been incremented by 10 points.
Maryam: Look, it's very simple. It's in the middle of the Earth, right? So... medi... terra. And, uh... that's its name, so... nean.
Maryam: EASY
Crystal109: Maryam: LOL Oh MAN I'm so using that next time.
Kalimeris: Yeah, I know, I thought about it like that after
Randy: Maryam should teach social studies.
Crystal109: I never thought of it that way. XD
CountryBot: Kalimeris's score has been incremented by 10 points.
asterismW: But EVERYTHING is in the middle of the Earth.
Sam: When the land area of the world was all one big continent, then broke apart, the center of that is currently somewhere around Israel and, hence, the Mediterranean Sea.
iwpg: Maryam: it's mainly the double letters and the vowels in the "nean" that I'm never sure of.
Crystal109: Okay, now I'll be forever pronouncing it Medi-terra-nean instead of Mediterranean.
CountryBot: Crystal109's score has been incremented by 8 points.
Maryam: iwpg: Well, the only double letters are the "rr" in "terra". So that should help, right?
iwpg: Maryam: if I can remember that, yes.
* asterismW is already yawning. That isn't good.
Crystal109: asterism: Listen to music? Eat food?
Randy: aster: Get some soda! Stat!
Crystal109: Sit in a REALLY REALLY cold place like I am?
* Crystal109's feet are freezing.
CountryBot: Eric's score has been incremented by 8 points.
* 10Kan is beginning to feel sleep deprivation as well. Quick, somebody get murdered so he can stay awake!
* Crystal109 murders 10Kan. There.
Crystal109: But then uh, no point in staying awake, huh?
* Crystal109 revives 10Kan. Sorry.
10Kan: 'Salright. I walked right into that one.
CountryBot: Nyperold's score has been incremented by 9 points.
asterismW: K, got soda and Skittles.
Crystal109: Mmm Skittles.
CountryBot: Maryam's score has been incremented by 7 points.
* TalkingDog, brilliant professor that he is, just typed out the word "dot" in a URL instead of a period.
CountryBot: asterismW's score has been incremented by 5 points.
Randy: TD: LOL!
Crystal109: TD: LOL
CountryBot: conty's score has been incremented by 5 points.
10Kan: Happens to the best of us.
CountryBot: NessaChan's score has been incremented by 5 points.
Randy: wwwdotrinkworksdotcom!
CountryBot: SirDude's score has been incremented by 5 points.
CountryBot: Randy's score has been incremented by 6 points.
Sam: Game resume in 60 seconds.
asterismW: I think I need 4 more points.
Sam: aster: Are you sure?
asterismW: Yup. I think that all right.
Sam: I think you're wrong.
asterismW: You can't tell me what I think!
Sam: You think about elephants NOW.
Randy: Dangit!
asterismW: Piglet!
Crystal109: Winnie the Pooh!
Sam: You had to think about elephants in order to rebel and think about Piglet.
10Kan: Less mind control, more CountryBot!
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What nation(s) border Belgium? (4 answers accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: France (Sam, conty, Maryam, asterismW, Eric, SirDude, LuckyWizard, iwpg, Kalimeris)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Germany (Sam, asterismW, Eric, conty, Maryam, LuckyWizard, SirDude, iwpg, NessaChan, Kalimeris, Crystal109)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Luxembourg (iwpg, LuckyWizard, SirDude, Maryam, conty, Kalimeris, Sam, Nyperold)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Netherlands (Kalimeris, Eric, iwpg, 10Kan, Maryam, LuckyWizard)
CountryBot: Scores this round: iwpg: +4, Kalimeris: +4, LuckyWizard: +4, Maryam: +4, conty: +3, Eric: +3, Sam: +3, SirDude: +3, asterismW: +2, 10Kan: +1, Crystal109: +1, NessaChan: +1, Nyperold: +1.
* NessaChan can't spell Luxembrugoughg
10Kan: Darnit, I keep forgetting about the limited number of answers that'll be accepted.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Azerbaijan? (1 answer accepted)
Crystal109: Oh, wait. Not countries.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Caspian Sea (LuckyWizard, 10Kan, Nyperold)
CountryBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Nyperold: +1.
iwpg: I typed "caspian", then changed it to "caspien".
Sam: iwpg: Ouch.
asterismW: iwpg: Didn't you ever read the Chronicles of Narnia?
iwpg: I suppose it's to punish me for bragging about getting Mediterranean right.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Vatican City is the largest city in what country? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Holy See (Maryam, Sam, LuckyWizard, NessaChan, iwpg)
CountryBot: Scores this round: iwpg: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Maryam: +1, NessaChan: +1, Sam: +1.
Kalimeris: Hah. I didn't realize that was called that.
Randy: Crud. I said Italy.
Crystal109: What? It's not in Italy?
10Kan: I can never remember what to call that.
Crystal109: Eeesh.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Italy borders which nation(s)? (6 answers accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Austria (Maryam, Sam, 10Kan)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: France (iwpg, conty, Randy, 10Kan, Crystal109, Kalimeris)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Holy See (iwpg, Sam, Randy, Nyperold, LuckyWizard)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: San Marino (Eric)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Switzerland (Sam, iwpg, 10Kan, Eric)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Slovenia.
CountryBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +3, iwpg: +3, Sam: +3, Eric: +2, Randy: +2, conty: +1, Crystal109: +1, Kalimeris: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Maryam: +1, Nyperold: +1.
10Kan: LOL, how did I forget about Holy See?!
Crystal109: :'(
Randy: Same seconded on switzerland
CountryBot: Question (use /b): The following is the flag of what nation(s)?   (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Mali.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What nation(s) border Botswana? (3 answers accepted)
Sam: Crys: Vatican City/Holy See is surrounded by Italy, but it's its own country.
Crystal109: Sam: Yeah, I realized.
Sam: There are a couple other countries in the world that are completely surrounded like that. One is in South Africa. It's weird.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Namibia (LuckyWizard)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: South Africa (LuckyWizard, 10Kan, Sam, Crystal109, Eric, asterismW, conty, Kalimeris)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Zimbabwe (conty, LuckyWizard)
CountryBot: Scores this round: LuckyWizard: +3, conty: +2, 10Kan: +1, asterismW: +1, Crystal109: +1, Eric: +1, Kalimeris: +1, Sam: +1.
Sam: Speaking of South Africa.
asterismW: THANKS SAM!
Crystal109: LOL
NessaChan: oh man, too slow with the guessing on zimbabwe...
* 10Kan picked three countries at different corners of Africa and crossed his fingers.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): The following is the flag of what nation(s)?   (2 answers accepted)
Crystal109: Cool flag.
10Kan: Semaphoria.
Maryam: LOL
TalkingDog: LOL
asterismW: 10: You almost made me spray soda all over my computer.
10Kan: aster: Sorry!
NessaChan: redandwhiteistan
Crystal109: LOL
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Indonesia.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Monaco.
iwpg: ....
iwpg: "monacco"
iwpg: And it was a total guess, too.
Sam: Ha! There's the flag that two countries have!
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What is the largest city in Kuwait? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Kuwait City (Sam, 10Kan, Randy, LuckyWizard, Maryam, conty)
CountryBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, conty: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Maryam: +1, Randy: +1, Sam: +1.
Crystal109: Really? Mannn.
Randy: Yay for guesses!
NessaChan: oh, how could I Forget that
Crystal109: I should have known. Heh.
Maryam: Randy: High five!
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Kuwait? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Persian Gulf (Sam, Randy, Maryam, Nyperold, LuckyWizard, Eric, 10Kan)
CountryBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +1, Eric: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Maryam: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, Sam: +1.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What is the largest city in Jamaica? (1 answer accepted)
Crystal109: I don't know any of these.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Kingston (Randy, Kalimeris)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Kalimeris: +1, Randy: +1.
Maryam: Ohhh, I should have guessed!
Crystal109: Nice, guys.
10Kan: Dangit! I halfway-sorta knew that one.
Randy: yay for being a reggae fan!
Eric: :( "Kingstown"
Kalimeris: Yay travelpod!
Kalimeris: That's a fun game.
Crystal109: Kingston sounds familiar.
NessaChan: haha Jamaica City didn't work.
NessaChan: Kingston Trio?
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What nation(s) border Haiti? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Dominican Republic (Sam, Eric, Maryam, LuckyWizard, Nyperold, Kalimeris)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Eric: +1, Kalimeris: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Maryam: +1, Nyperold: +1, Sam: +1.
CountryBot: LuckyWizard wins!
Maryam: Nice job, LW!
asterismW: Oh, duh.
Crystal109: Aww, too late with the answer.
Randy: Yay!
NessaChan: good job
asterismW: Yay, LW!
Crystal109: Congrats, LW!
Randy: I said Cuba. D'oh!
iwpg: Yay for wizard dude!
conty: congrats
10Kan: Yay for reals this time, LW!
Sam: Congratulations, LuckyWizard.
Sam: I suspect it was not actually luck.
Crystal109: Heh. And I looked at his name and it says he's been idle for 10 minutes.
Crystal109: And I almost wondered how he did it.
10Kan: Crystal: He's just that good.
asterismW: Storystorystorystorystorystorystory
Crystal109: YES! I have 70 more points to pass asterism.
Maryam: LaZorra is STILL NOT HERE. >:-|
TalkingDog: RAR
Sam: Ok, we have some victory announcements to catch up on. First, congratulations, Nyperold, for winning the Academic Class!
Sam: *applause*
iwpg: Wooooooooo!!!!
10Kan: *standing ovation*
* Crystal109 applauses.
Randy: YAY!
NessaChan: yay
Sam: Congratulations, NessaChan, for winning the Creative Class!
Crystal109: Yay Nessa!
NessaChan: :D
iwpg: Wooooooooo!!!!
10Kan: WHOO!
Sam: Congratulations, Kalimeris, for winning the Dreeeeamy Class!
Crystal109: LOL Kali!
iwpg: And another wooooooooo!!!!
NessaChan: soooo coool
Kalimeris: dreamy!
Randy: YAYS
Sam: Congratulations, Maryam, for winning the Psychological Class!
iwpg: Wooooooooo!!!!
Crystal109: Yay Maryam!
NessaChan: wooo maryam
10Kan: Hurrah!
Maryam: :-D
* asterismW holds her applause until the end.
Sam: I think we already congratulated iwpg on the Speed Class, but hooray anyway!
iwpg: Yay me!
Crystal109: Gimme an i...gimme a w...
NessaChan: hooray for iwpg
10Kan: I! W!
Sam: Also congratulate iwpg for winning the Wordsmith Class!
iwpg: Yay me again!
Crystal109: Gimme a p...gimme a g. What do you get?
Maryam: pg!
NessaChan: wooo
Nyperold: ihw'p'g!
Sam: The Associative and Word Classes remain to be determined tonight.
* asterismW claps now for everyone!
LaZorra has entered.
Crystal109: LAZORRA.
TalkingDog: FINALLY
10Kan: LaZ!
SirDude: Hi LaZorra
Kalimeris: To be (a goob) or not to be (a goob).
Sam: You are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lucky. I was *JUST* changing the topic to "Spoilers to those entering late."
LaZorra: I was unavoidably detained in town.
LaZorra: It was worth it.
Maryam: You got asked out on a DATE, didn't you?
LaZorra: Because I now have a genuine promotional Indiana Jones bullwhip.
asterismW: !!!
Maryam: Whoa.
Sam: Nice!
Crystal109: BULLWHIP.
Crystal109: You are so cool.
NessaChan: ooh bullwhip!
TalkingDog: Cool!
Eric: That's like being asked out on a date by Indiana Jones himself.
Sam: Did you get my multitude of cell phone messages making fun of you?
LaZorra: Sam: LOL yes!
Sam: LaZ: I called your house, too. But nobody answered. Too bad. I was looking forward to trying to explain to your parents who I was.
Randy: LOL
iwpg: LOL
LaZorra: Sam LOL LOL
LaZorra: Mom was with me, and Dad never answers the phone. And that would have been an interesting conversation.
Crystal109: LaZ: Heh. I was playing Outlaws earlier today. I'd forgotten how fun - and difficult - it was.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'UBT #4, final session in progress. Spoilers to those entering late.' by Sam.
10Kan: Whether tis' nobler in the mind to miss the slings and arrows of Paradise Island, or take arms against a sea of bots, and by /whack-ing defeat them?
Crystal109: Hamlet!
Crystal109: What would a date with Hamlet be like?
Eric: Crystal: Ask Ophelia.
asterismW: Crystal: You probably wouldn't make it through the night.
Randy: Crys: He'd be all "I LOVE YOU! GO AWAY!"
Crystal109: And then he'd kill himself.
Randy: Right
10Kan: And then LaZorra'd go insane, or just slap some sense into him.
Maryam: You people are totally spoiling Hamlet for me.
NessaChan: Alas poor Maryam
Crystal109: We knew her well. =)
Sam: Ok, story resumes now.
iwpg: STORY
asterismW: FINALLY!
Sam: LaZ: You haven't missed any story.
LaZorra: Sam: YOU RULE.
* Crystal109 sits in a circle.

Danger On Paradise Island: Chapter 9

* Goosey applauds
Randy: STO-REE
* Crystal109 is apparently the only one. So she sits in
* asterismW sits in a line with Crystal109
* Kalimeris sits in a TRIANGLE with aster and crys
Sam: Um.
Sam: Hang on. My script is still sending to my test room.
* Maryam sits on Crys's and aster's shoulders to make a pyramid.
* 10Kan sits beneath everyone, making a triangular-faceted diamond.
Danger On Paradise Island: Chapter 9

LaZorra: Mexican Standoff!
: Put the gun down, Matt.
: It's over, Hayley.
: *tears* Why are you doing this??
: You're the only one left.
: I'm the last to die, am I?
: Don't play dumb with me! I'm not stupid! You're the killer!
Crystal109: Uh oh.
: It's a nice act, but who do you expect to fool with it?
Crystal109: There's a THIRD person on the island.
Eric: Naked jungle fatty . . . didn't die!
iwpg: =-O
LaZorra: Eric: Eeeeewwwww.
: Hayley, how could you do this? I trusted you!
: You have the...nerve to say that to me??
: For heaven's sake, Hayley, how could you have killed your own sister??
: I didn't!
: Then who did?? Because it sure as heck wasn't me.
Crystal109: They're being set up!
: ...
: ...
* TalkingDog loops some tense Who Wants to be a Millionaire background music.
asterismW: Both of you just shoot each other in the arm. That'll make you feel better.
10Kan: Let's just put the guns down, you lovebirds.
Crystal109: Kiss and make up.
: ... Matt, this is some sort of a trick. Either you're tricking me, or...
: Or what??
LaZorra: Remember, guys, Julie probably had a contingency plan for her death.
: Or this was the plan all along. Don't you see? Two innocents left. One kills the other. The survivor goes to the chair for all the murders.
Goosey: O.O
Crystal109: And then there were none.
: Who killed Ramona, then, if it wasn't you? You tell me. You tell me!
Nyperold: I think Ramona did it.
LaZorra: She hung herself.
asterismW: I bet there's a suicide note.
10Kan: LaZorra: That's what I'm talkin' about!
: I don't know--
: WE MISSED SOMETHING, I'm telling you! Think!
Goosey: Is somebody still alive???
: What? What could we have possibly missed?
: Maybe there's someone else on the isla--
: We searched it thoroughly!
: Then maybe it's something else!
: What, then? WHAT?
10Kan: Nazi Polar Bears?
: ...
Crystal109: What a pretty place to die.
Maryam: LOL Crys.
: WHAT??
: Maybe somebody's not really dead! One of the murders! Somebody faked it!
asterismW: Someone FAKED it?
LaZorra: Oooh.
10Kan: Buck came back as a zom-boy?
: Oh, come on! You'll have to do better than that!
: I CAN'T! But I know that we both die if we don't trust each other, and that's just what the killer, whoever he is, wants to happen.
Crystal109: How did Tyler die again?
Kalimeris: TYLER WYLER
Maryam: Fell off a cliff. Missing large chunks of his head.
Crystal109: Ah.
LaZorra: Maryam: LOL. That sounds like an official coroner's report.
LaZorra: "Victim died of large missing chunks in the head."
: We have to trust each other! Please. Please! It's the only way we'll get out of this alive.
: I can't do that, Hayley. How can I?
Crystal109: I'm trying to think of anyone else who could have survived.
Crystal109: Jay!
Eric: Jay!
Eric: Crystal: Jinx!
10Kan: Crystal: Jay pulled a Juliet on them!
Crystal109: Eric: I said it first!
TalkingDog: He who conquers death, yes?
Crystal109: He's the ONLY ONE who died of natural causes!
asterismW: JAY'S NOT EVIL
asterismW: Sam, I will SO HURT YOU if Jay is evil.
NessaChan: Jay can't be evil
Crystal109: Jay. =(
: Ok! ... Ok. ... Ok, look, I'll go first. I'll trust you. I'll lay my own gun down.
: Look. I'm laying my gun down. All right? Why would I do that if I were the killer? *lays the gun down* Why would I do that?
* 10Kan is holding his breath.
: ...
: ...
NessaChan: I still think Ramona killed herself..
10Kan: Nessa: But she was screaming bloody murder.
NessaChan: I thought the screaming was Hayley
: Step away from the gun.
: Ok. *backs away* Look. I'm backing away. I trust you.
asterismW: Hayley has a lot more trust than I would...
: Now it's your turn, Matt. You trust me. Lay your gun down. We'll find the killer together, and we'll go home. Ok?
10Kan: We're just one big, happy, gun-totin' family here.
Crystal109: They'll never recover from the mistrust afterwards though. If they really do get out.
Kalimeris: BLAM
: Haha....
Crystal109: Oh NO!
: HahaHAHAHAhahaa. Ohhhh, Hayley! Tsk, tsk, tsk.
TalkingDog: eep
Kysle: ...
: I'm afraid you have just made a very...
: ...very...
: ...big mistake.
Maryam: Erp.
asterismW: Ooohh..
Goosey: aaaaahhhhh!
NessaChan: :O
10Kan: 8-o
Kysle: That's just mean.
LaZorra: Stupid girls, trusting boys.
Crystal109: Next bot?
: ...?? *tear*
: How anticlimactic. This is hardly even sporting anymore! You make this too easy!
Crystal109: :'(
: I told you before, Hayley -- you're too trusting.
Maryam: Gasp!
asterismW: !!!
iwpg: =-O
TalkingDog: !
Crystal109: OH MY GOSH.
LaZorra: !!!
Randy: KNEW IT
:'re just in time. *kisssssss*
: Mmmmm...*kissssss*
Maryam: Noooo!
Eric: Goodness!
LaZorra: Eeeewwwww.
10Kan: AIEE!
Crystal109: Ewwwwwwwww.
: *tears* Why? Why...??
NessaChan: :O nooo I don't want Matt to be evil either
Crystal109: Pick up the gun!
LaZorra: Dude, he so cannot focus the gun on you while he's making out with game chick.
Crystal109: LaZ: LOL
10Kan: She can't get the gun, Matt's got her dead to rights.
Kalimeris: She hid a gun in her freckles.
: Don't take it personally! It's just a game!
asterismW: Poor Hayley!
: Two years? Two years were just a game to you?
: And a very pleasant two years they were, I assure you. But what's two years in the game of life? Just a drop in the bucket!
asterismW: Ouch.
Crystal109: Fun board game, too.
iwpg: LOL
: *an array of suppressed emotions impossible to describe*
: *smirk*
Nyperold: Man, it's getting to where a guy can't even trust Xs in the eyes anymore.
LaZorra: LOL
NessaChan: heh heh
: So that's how you knew Mr. Spilk would be coming.
: Of course. That's how I found Ramona and Katie for the Piper Downs job in the first place.
10Kan: Our only hope now is a certain deceased 100-year-old Nepalese man.
NessaChan: We need a Jay-us Ex Machina
Crystal109: Nessa: LOL
asterismW: Nessa: LOL
: And why us?
: Had to be somebody, didn't it? I saw Ramona in the street one day and thought she looked like a perfectly ridiculous individual -- and therefore perfect for my gang of misfits. So I asked my dear...dear friend Matt here to learn about her. You, of course, were the perfect excuse for him to stay close to her.
Crystal109: Someone had better survive.
10Kan: And that someone had better not be evil!
Crystal109: And it better not be the bad guys.
: When he met Katie, we knew we had not one but two perfect candidates for the gang. You, of course, just wouldn't do. You're too smart. But you made a wonderful opponent here on the island.
: A faked death.... A gun loaded with blanks.... Blood packets under your shirt...?
Eric: Ketchup, actually.
Nyperold: And electrical tape.
10Kan: Nyp: LOL
: Mm-hmm.
LaZorra: Julie: Man, the A-Team did that. That's an old, old trick.
: *head down, in resignation*
Crystal109: Stop giving up!
: It was a great idea. I'll give you that.
: *a nod of thanks*
: It threw us all off our guard, right when we were getting too careful.
: Thank you so very much, Hayley, for a lovely game.
Crystal109: -GASP-
Randy: Someone else is alive
: Shoot her, Matt.
Goosey: eep
Crystal109: His gun has blanks!
Crystal109: Didn't he shoot Julie with it earlier?
Sam: Crys: He was tinkering with it before Hayley showed up.
Crystal109: Oh. Darn.
: *grin*
: *streaming tears*
: ...
: Well, come on! SHOOT HER!
NessaChan: no shooting Hayley
NessaChan: Freckles doesn't deserve to die
: ...
LaZorra: A HAH AH HA
asterismW: HE CAN'T DO IT
Goosey: cry more, Hayley! It's working!
: Aw, why can't we just let her fry for murder?
Crystal109: LOVE PREVAILS.
: You can kill a couple of armed guards, but a girl is too much for you? Idiot. Give me that. *snatch*
: Time to die, Hayley.
Goosey: o.O
Kalimeris: GASP
LaZorra: Aw, damn.
Goosey: so the bad guys win?
Maryam: Nice gun Photoshop there.
Crystal109: Wow, I love the gun photoshopping on Julie.
10Kan: That is one enormous pistola.
Eric: She shot HIM
Sam: "Time to die, Hayley," and she shoots him?
NessaChan: ....
Eric: Or . . . herself.
LaZorra: She killed them both and then herself.
Crystal109: She shot up in the air as a warning shot.
conty: She killed Matt
conty: she had an alliance with Hayley way back
Sam: Man, you folks come up with crazier conspiracies than *I* do.
Eric: I always try to think, "What would Silk Stalkings do?"
NessaChan: a fat man fell out of the sky and landed on her
LaZorra: LOL, nessa!
Maryam: And made BANG! sounds?
LaZorra: Maryam: Hey, all that lard hitting the ground from a great height might make quite a bang.
Crystal109: Three times??
iwpg: Crys: he bounces.
Maryam: I think it'd be more of a.. splat.
iwpg: LOL
Randy: LOL
Kalimeris: Cody's lying powers ressurect him and make him SUPERCODY
Kalimeris: And he flies in and zaps Julie with lazervision
LaZorra: heheh
NessaChan: maybe it's the stereo system banging again
asterismW: SUPERCODY!
10Kan: And Mr. Small is effectively bulletproof.
Crystal109: All that fat is very protective.
Sam: For those of you that think Mr. Small is still alive, here is a hint. He couldn't have slipped out of the helicopter before it blew up and REMAINED UNSEEN. Some things are just TOO far fetched.
Maryam: People survive explosions all the time. Duh.
asterismW: A parachute wouldn't have slowed him down.
NessaChan: maybe he remained in orbit like a small moon
Crystal109: But he burned in a fiery hell, remember?
NessaChan: if he landed in the sea there would be a tsunami
10Kan: They just mistook him for the carcass of a beached whale all this time!
Sam: 10K: Possibly they mistook him for the beach.
iwpg: LOL
Crystal109: Ew. They've been walking ON him all this time?
Crystal109: Ew ew ew ew ew.
Sam: Crys: They do say the sand on Paradise Island is especially springy.
LaZorra: eweeeeeeeeeeeewewewewwwwweweweweweweeeeewwwwwww
10Kan: They should've gotten the hint when the waves on the sea were mirrored by ripples of flab.
Crystal109: 10K: Ewwwww. Awful imagery.
* Crystal109 feels sick now.
10Kan: Sorry.
Sam: 10K: You rule.
NessaChan: Well, I feel we still don't know much about Mr. Small
Maryam: Nessa: That is ok!
Sam: Our next bot is JumbleBot!
CountryBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Sam: The game will be played in quiz mode.
Sam: Again, only the last N answers are accepted, just like in CountryBot.
iwpg: Really?
iwpg: Is that new?
Sam: Oh! iwpg is right. Actually, any number of answers are accepted for consideration. Sorry about that.
Sam: So it'll tell you how many legitimate answers there are, but any and all answers you submit will be considered. Use /b to submit. Furthermore, you can submit multiple answers per line.
Sam: Game begins in 60 seconds.
NessaChan: where is the bot, I want to read the instructions
iwpg: YEAH SAM
iwpg: It generally helps if you summon the bot.
asterismW: Yeah, I don't know how to play either.
Crystal109: LOL Sam didn't summon it yet.
Sam: Oh, ok, I'll explain the rules to those new to the game.
JumbleBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: Go ahead and read the rules now if you want.
Sam: In a nutshell, you get a grid of letters, and you have to form words by picking one letter from each column, in order, from left to right.
NessaChan: ok I remember now
asterismW: So it's kind of like Boggle but not?
Sam: aster: Exactly.
JumbleBot: Bot does not score unclaimed answers.
Sam: Ok, NOW the game begins in 60 seconds. Unless someone still has a serious question about the rules.
Randy: Sam: What's your name?
Sam: Randy: Did you see what I did there? "...serious question about the rules..." I'm totally onto that trick now.
Randy: It was for whitehelm, who is not here.
JumbleBot: Starting a new quiz game:
JumbleBot: Next Grid (use /b): (8 answers)
JumbleBot:  F E V
JumbleBot:  L O Y
JumbleBot:  N U M
JumbleBot:  R I M
JumbleBot: Reminder (use /b): (8 answers)
JumbleBot:  F E V
JumbleBot:  L O Y
JumbleBot:  N U M
JumbleBot:  R I M
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: fey (SirDude, 10Kan, LuckyWizard, Eric, Sam, Maryam, Nyperold, conty)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: foy (Randy, conty, 10Kan, Crystal109, Sam)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: lev (iwpg)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: lum (Crystal109, SirDude, conty, Nyperold, 10Kan)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: nim (conty, Sam, LuckyWizard, 10Kan)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: rev (Sam, Crystal109, Eric, Maryam)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: rim (asterismW, Crystal109, conty, LuckyWizard, Nyperold, SirDude, Randy, NessaChan, iwpg, Eric, 10Kan, Sam, Maryam, Kalimeris)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: rum (LuckyWizard, Crystal109, iwpg, SirDude, NessaChan, Eric, conty)
JumbleBot: Scores this round: conty: +6, 10Kan: +5, Crystal109: +5, Sam: +5, Eric: +4, LuckyWizard: +4, SirDude: +4, iwpg: +3, Maryam: +3, Nyperold: +3, NessaChan: +2, Randy: +2, asterismW: +1, Kalimeris: +1.
LaZorra: Aww, stupid screen not refreshing.
Sam: Nice, conty!
conty: thanks
Maryam: "ley" should be in there.
asterismW: No ley?
Crystal109: Wow. I so didn't choose Lev because I know a guy named Lev.
* 10Kan hit a bit of lag towards the end.
JumbleBot: Next Grid (use /b): (4 answers)
JumbleBot:  S O E S O
JumbleBot:  R R D E H
JumbleBot:  P W I S T
Sam: Remember, multiple answers can go on a single line.
JumbleBot: Reminder (use /b): (4 answers)
JumbleBot:  S O E S O
JumbleBot:  R R D E H
JumbleBot:  P W I S T
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: rodeo (10Kan, SirDude, asterismW, iwpg, NessaChan, LuckyWizard, Kalimeris, Randy, Eric, Sam)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: sweet (Eric, Nyperold, LaZorra, iwpg, 10Kan)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: swish (Randy, Sam, SirDude, Nyperold, LuckyWizard)
JumbleBot: Unclaimed answer: prest.
JumbleBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +2, Eric: +2, iwpg: +2, LuckyWizard: +2, Nyperold: +2, Randy: +2, Sam: +2, SirDude: +2, asterismW: +1, Kalimeris: +1, LaZorra: +1, NessaChan: +1.
LaZorra: RODEO
Crystal109: Durrr.
iwpg: LOL
Crystal109: I so did not see any of those words.
JumbleBot: Next Grid (use /b): (8 answers)
JumbleBot:  R O M E
JumbleBot:  C I P S
JumbleBot: Reminder (use /b): (8 answers)
JumbleBot:  R O M E
JumbleBot:  C I P S
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: come (Nyperold, NessaChan, Kalimeris, iwpg, conty, Sam, Crystal109, Randy, LuckyWizard, 10Kan, SirDude, Eric, Maryam, asterismW)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: cope (SirDude, LuckyWizard, Sam, asterismW, conty, NessaChan, Crystal109)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: cops (SirDude, conty, asterismW, Kalimeris, Maryam, 10Kan, NessaChan, Crystal109, Sam, iwpg, Eric, LaZorra, Randy, Nyperold)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: rime (10Kan, Maryam, Sam, SirDude, iwpg, Kalimeris, NessaChan, Nyperold, Eric, LaZorra, LuckyWizard)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: rims (LuckyWizard, Kalimeris, SirDude, iwpg, Sam, Crystal109, Randy, 10Kan)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: ripe (iwpg, asterismW, Crystal109, Sam, 10Kan, Maryam, Nyperold, conty, LuckyWizard, SirDude, Kalimeris)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: rips (NessaChan, SirDude, asterismW, iwpg, Crystal109, Nyperold, Randy, 10Kan, Sam, Kalimeris, conty, Maryam, LaZorra, LuckyWizard, Eric)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: rope (Crystal109, SirDude, NessaChan, Sam, LuckyWizard, asterismW, Kalimeris, Nyperold, iwpg, conty, Eric)
JumbleBot: Scores this round: Sam: +8, SirDude: +8, Crystal109: +7, iwpg: +7, Kalimeris: +7, LuckyWizard: +7, 10Kan: +6, asterismW: +6, conty: +6, NessaChan: +6, Nyperold: +6, Eric: +5, Maryam: +5, Randy: +4, LaZorra: +3.
Crystal109: Sweet.
Sam: Rock on.
Kalimeris: That was a friendly round.
Crystal109: It was.
JumbleBot: Next Grid (use /b): (2 answers)
JumbleBot:  L E A O O N D
JumbleBot:  R E S D U F F
Maryam: Yipe.
JumbleBot: Reminder (use /b): (2 answers)
JumbleBot:  L E A O O N D
JumbleBot:  R E S D U F F
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: leadoff (iwpg, LuckyWizard, 10Kan, NessaChan, Randy, Sam, Kalimeris, Eric)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: resound (SirDude, iwpg, NessaChan, asterismW, 10Kan, LuckyWizard, conty, Sam, Kalimeris, Eric, Maryam, Nyperold)
JumbleBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +2, Eric: +2, iwpg: +2, Kalimeris: +2, LuckyWizard: +2, NessaChan: +2, Sam: +2, asterismW: +1, conty: +1, Maryam: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, SirDude: +1.
Maryam: Second too late!
Crystal109: I can't do long words, apparently.
10Kan: Once you find one word, you've got the other.
Crystal109: Yeah.
JumbleBot: Next Grid (use /b): (5 answers)
JumbleBot:  P O G E Y
JumbleBot:  S C I P E
JumbleBot:  B O O S S
LaZorra: Redoff: To remove your hat out of respect more than once.
JumbleBot: Reminder (use /b): (5 answers)
JumbleBot:  P O G E Y
JumbleBot:  S C I P E
JumbleBot:  B O O S S
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: bogey (LuckyWizard, Eric, Randy, Crystal109, iwpg, asterismW, SirDude, LaZorra, NessaChan, conty, Sam, 10Kan, Nyperold, Kalimeris)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: poise (iwpg, Maryam, Eric, asterismW, conty)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: poops (10Kan, Randy, Sam)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: scope (iwpg, Kalimeris, conty, NessaChan, LuckyWizard, 10Kan, SirDude, Eric, LaZorra, Nyperold, Maryam)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: scops (SirDude, 10Kan)
JumbleBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +4, conty: +3, Eric: +3, iwpg: +3, SirDude: +3, asterismW: +2, Kalimeris: +2, LaZorra: +2, LuckyWizard: +2, Maryam: +2, NessaChan: +2, Nyperold: +2, Randy: +2, Sam: +2, Crystal109: +1.
Sam: Aargh.
SirDude: Oh yeah, Poise...
Crystal109: Second too late on poops.
Eric: Aw, man, I had "poopy" but not "poops".
LaZorra: eewww
JumbleBot: Next Grid (use /b): (2 answers)
JumbleBot:  M N S A I I G N
JumbleBot:  E I Q U L R E S
JumbleBot: Reminder (use /b): (2 answers)
JumbleBot:  M N S A I I G N
JumbleBot:  E I Q U L R E S
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: enquires (SirDude, Maryam, Nyperold, iwpg, LuckyWizard, Randy, 10Kan, Eric, NessaChan, Sam, Kalimeris, conty, Crystal109)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: misalign (Maryam, LuckyWizard, asterismW, 10Kan, Crystal109, NessaChan, Kalimeris, iwpg, conty, SirDude, Eric, Sam, Nyperold, Randy)
JumbleBot: Scores this round: 10Kan: +2, conty: +2, Crystal109: +2, Eric: +2, iwpg: +2, Kalimeris: +2, LuckyWizard: +2, Maryam: +2, NessaChan: +2, Nyperold: +2, Randy: +2, Sam: +2, SirDude: +2, asterismW: +1.
Crystal109: Phew.
Crystal109: I almost put enquire instead.
JumbleBot: Next Grid (use /b): (4 answers)
JumbleBot:  S U G O N
JumbleBot:  D I A N K
JumbleBot:  T P T C H
Crystal109: Diagon!
JumbleBot: Reminder (use /b): (4 answers)
JumbleBot:  S U G O N
JumbleBot:  D I A N K
JumbleBot:  T P T C H
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: ditch (Eric, LuckyWizard, Sam, LaZorra, Randy, Kalimeris, iwpg, SirDude, Maryam, Nyperold, asterismW)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: dutch (Randy, conty)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: spank (SirDude, Kalimeris, LaZorra, iwpg, NessaChan, Maryam, Sam, LuckyWizard, conty, Randy, Eric, Nyperold)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: tigon (Sam, LuckyWizard, conty)
JumbleBot: Scores this round: conty: +3, LuckyWizard: +3, Randy: +3, Sam: +3, Eric: +2, iwpg: +2, Kalimeris: +2, LaZorra: +2, Maryam: +2, Nyperold: +2, SirDude: +2, asterismW: +1, NessaChan: +1.
Sam: Phew.
* 10Kan drew a blank.
Crystal109: I'm always too slow on finding the long words.
JumbleBot: Next Grid (use /b): (5 answers)
JumbleBot:  R O A E I T
JumbleBot:  M R D D S R
JumbleBot:  U E A N E A
JumbleBot: Reminder (use /b): (5 answers)
JumbleBot:  R O A E I T
JumbleBot:  M R D D S R
JumbleBot:  U E A N E A
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: meaner (NessaChan, Sam, Randy, conty)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: modest (iwpg, Nyperold, LuckyWizard, Maryam)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: reader (NessaChan)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: redder (SirDude, LuckyWizard, Sam)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: urania (iwpg)
JumbleBot: Scores this round: iwpg: +2, LuckyWizard: +2, NessaChan: +2, Sam: +2, conty: +1, Maryam: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, SirDude: +1.
iwpg: Hard one.
Sam: Yeah.
Crystal109: Urania?
Sam: uranea. Oops.
iwpg: Crys: total guess.
Crystal109: Cool.
10Kan: There goes my lead.
JumbleBot: Next Grid (use /b): (9 answers)
JumbleBot:  S O X S
JumbleBot:  L A M A
JumbleBot:  T A A I
JumbleBot:  E Y O T
Nyperold: Plural of uranium?
JumbleBot: Reminder (use /b): (9 answers)
JumbleBot:  S O X S
JumbleBot:  L A M A
JumbleBot:  T A A I
JumbleBot:  E Y O T
Sam: soat
Maryam: hehe
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: lama (Crystal109, 10Kan, asterismW, LuckyWizard, Sam, LaZorra, Randy, Maryam, iwpg)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: loot (SirDude, Sam)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: soma (10Kan, Randy, iwpg)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: soot (SirDude, Sam, conty, LaZorra, Eric)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: taxa (Crystal109)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: taxi (LuckyWizard, Kalimeris, LaZorra, iwpg, Eric, NessaChan, Maryam)
JumbleBot: Claimed answer: toot (SirDude, Sam, NessaChan)
JumbleBot: Unclaimed answer: eyas.
JumbleBot: Unclaimed answer: loos.
JumbleBot: Scores this round: Sam: +4, iwpg: +3, LaZorra: +3, SirDude: +3, 10Kan: +2, Crystal109: +2, Eric: +2, LuckyWizard: +2, Maryam: +2, NessaChan: +2, Randy: +2, asterismW: +1, conty: +1, Kalimeris: +1.
JumbleBot: Sam wins!
Maryam: Whoo Sam!
asterismW: Hurray!
conty: congrats
Crystal109: Whoosh.
Maryam: I am far too slow on word games.
iwpg: Yay Sam!
Randy: Yay Sam!
Crystal109: Yeah Sam!
LaZorra: LOOS
NessaChan: oh, I didn't think soma would count
10Kan: My brain stopped working halfway through the game.
Crystal109: 10K : It got harder halfway through.
Sam: That was also hard.
iwpg: Sam: yeah, a lot harder than it looked at first sight.
Crystal109: I did a lot better than I thought I would actually.
* Maryam finally rates JumbleBot in BotBot.
SirDude: Sometimes, I just started throwing out as many answers as I could think of
10Kan: Still in 3rd!
Sam: Congratulations to iwpg and...uh, me...for jointly winning the Word Class!
iwpg: Yay me and Sam!
Maryam: Yay iwpg and Sam!
asterismW: Yay!
LaZorra: YAY SAM
Crystal109: Congrats iwpg and Sam!
10Kan: Hurrah!
Randy: Nessa: Oooh. gaining on me!
Crystal109: iwpg's won a ton of classes.
LaZorra: (Because without the rest of us sucking, Sam and iwpg's victory would mean nothing. ;-))
Crystal109: LaZ: So true! Nice way to look at it.
* Kalimeris claps
NessaChan: :O
Crystal109: Just 60 more points to catch up to asterism!
asterismW: Crystal: You can do it!
Crystal109: asterism: Heh. I'll try!
SirDude: It looks like chances are I'll be in 5th here
Crystal109: Sam: I've always wondered, do you manually input the scores?
Crystal109: Or is there a program that inputs it for you?
Sam: Crys: I copy and paste the text into a file from the bot display.
* asterismW now feels sick from all this sugar.
asterismW: Thanks a lot, Randy. ;)
Crystal109: You can never feel sick from sugar!
Crystal109: NEVAR.
Sam: It actually IS possible for Randy to overtake iwpg in the Points Rankings during the last game.
Crystal109: PicMatch!
Maryam: Sam: It is? How?
Sam: He's got 97 points to make up, so iwpg will have to not score anything, and Randy will have to win the last round of PicMatchBot by like 68 of his friends registering for the tournament at the last minute and voting for his final submission, so he wins the game with 98 points.
Maryam: LOL
iwpg: LOL
10Kan: LOL
Crystal109: LOL
LaZorra: LOL!
* Randy text messages furiously.
* Crystal109 is literally cracking up.
Crystal109: Wait. That doesn't work.
* Crystal109 is literally laughing.
: Wh--??
: *tear*
: You were supposed to swap the blanks out for real bullets!
LaZorra: YES!
Crystal109: I WAS RIGHT!
asterismW: Yay Crys!
: I did! I did!
: *click*
: *click*
: *click*
10Kan: She's invincible!
: ???
10Kan: Now, behold the power of freckles!
: As I said. Faking a death was a good idea.
: We thought of it, too.
asterismW: We?
Crystal109: We? O_o
: Reach for the stars, lovebirds.
iwpg: !!!
NessaChan: :O!
asterismW: Hahahaha
Maryam: Ooooh.
Randy: Knew it also!
Crystal109: I KNEW IT!
Goosey: I knew it!!! I knew it!!!!
Nyperold: Huzzah!
* TalkingDog's brain asplode.
: WHAT??
: !
Eric: :)
NessaChan: Go Ramona
: Matt, I thought you killed her!
: I thought you killed her!
iwpg: LOL
Crystal109: LOL
: No, you IDIOT. You were supposed to kill her!
Crystal109: Trouble in Paradise.
10Kan: LOL, it's like a lover's spat but about murder.
: Yeah, but I thought--
: It's your lucky day! I'm handing out free brain piercings to anybody that says ONE MORE WORD.
: Go on...claim your prize!
Crystal109: Yeahhhhhh.
* Crystal109 would like a pierced brain!
Maryam: Crys: ... ow.
Crystal109: (Not really.)
Randy: Pierced brains are ok and all. I'd rather have a heart tattoo. On my heart!
: *seething*
: *resignation*
: *tear*
(Moments later...)

: *downcast*
: *furious* This isn't over. I'm going to take my TIME killing you! You're gonna SCREAM FOR MERC--
asterismW: YEAH!
Goosey: whoo!
Crystal109: GO HAYLEY.
asterismW: Nice rope!
Crystal109: Yeah, nice rope, Sam!
: --I'll kill your family! I'll ki--
: How'd you like some more FIBER in your diet?
: Mmfffmmrrmff! Mffmfrrfmmm! Rrmfmffrmfmrff!
Kalimeris: badum chsshhhh
Goosey: haha
10Kan: Muhuhahaha!
Crystal109: LOL LOL
* LaZorra is loving this.
Crystal109: So many great insults out of this one.
NessaChan: haha, I hope this poor girl never finds these pictures
Crystal109: I know, right?
Maryam: LOL Nessa
10Kan: Game's over Julie. Time to put the pieces back into the box.
10Kan: By which I mean solitary at a max security prison!
* Kysle imagines that Sam enjoyed very much coming up with these corny one-liners.
Sam: Kysle: Oh yeah.
: Ramona, can I have a moment with Matt?
: Sure, Hayley. I'll be right upstairs if you need me.
Crystal109: She's totally going to make out with him now.
asterismW: He's not worthy, Hayley!
10Kan: That's the problem with being a crazy megalomaniac. Without robot legions or armies of the undead, you have to get people like Buck and Matt to hench for you.
: *tear*
: How did you know?
: I didn't.
: If you had laid that gun down and let us go home, I'd never have known. I'd have believed anything you'd have told me. I wanted to. I loved you.
: And I'd have spent the rest of my life trying to make up for putting your trust to the test.
: *downcast*
: So what made you suspicious, then?
: A number of things. None of them conclusive. How did you know the owner of the island was a fat man? Maybe you saw him through the helicopter window before it exploded. But I didn't.
Goosey: Matt, you dope
: When Camille was killed, how did you hear the shots from the beach? When Ramona killed Buck, nobody at the house heard them. Were you just out of sight, waiting for your cue to show up and bust the door down?
Maryam: Nice job working that into the story, Sam.
Sam: Maryam: I so lucked out. That was NOT a planned clue.
: Most of all, why didn't you seem to know more about this island before we came? You had us expecting a secluded but public vacation spot, not an isolated private island that Ramona and I certainly would have thought twice about coming to. But you researched this place ahead of time, and the information you dug up was hardly up to your usual standards of detective work.
NessaChan: plus he wears his trench coat on the beach
: None of that ever hit me, though, until you pulled the trigger on Julie. In that moment, I realized you weren't who I thought you were, and in the hours that followed, one thing after another came to mind that just didn't add up.
: Still. You could have explained away all these things somehow, and I'd have believed you.
: So you put me to a test.
: Yes.
: I tossed your gun into the woods, where Ramona replaced the real bullets with blanks from the stash in the secret passage. Then we faked her death, and I made sure the gun you went for was the right one.
Crystal109: Hayley's so tricky. Man, she's intelligent
: *sniff* What I don't understand is why.
: We had a great life together, didn't we?
LaZorra: Poor Hayley.
: Why did you throw it all away?
Crystal109: Awwwww.
LaZorra: Guys are trouble, girl, nothing but trouble.
: Yeah. It was a great life. Maybe that's why I couldn't pull the trigger.
: But I had a life long before I ever met you, Hayley.
: My real life.
Kysle: Ouch.
: For all the laughs we had, ultimately....
: Well. You were just another job.
Randy: Ouch
asterismW: Ouch.
conty: Ouch
Goosey: OUCHIE
Crystal109: :'(
LaZorra: Dude, I'm about to slap you myself.
Crystal109: I want to punch him in the face.
10Kan: It's criminal the way that man squanders the treasures of smart, hot, nice and FRECKLES.
: *tear*
: AAGH! *wipes her eyes* I'm so angry with myself that you can make me cry!
: Do you have any idea how much you've hurt me? Do you even care?
asterismW: Slap him!
Eric: Shoot him!
: You know what the kicker for all of this is? The big, bitter kick in the gut?
: She was cleaning house. Starting her life over.
: She'd have killed you too.
: And you still chose her.
: *unsettled*
: *leaves*
LaZorra: NICE
LaZorra: Good job, Hayley.
Kalimeris: But, can't they wriggle free
NessaChan: I assume Hayley knows how to tie a knot
Eric: With them in it!
: *scowl*
LaZorra: I don't think it's actually possible to scowl with a gag in your mouth.
10Kan: You can scowl with just your eyes.
: *sigh*
Goosey: oh man
: ...
Randy: AHA
conty: NOOOOOO
Crystal109: She didn't SEARCH THEM?
NessaChan: But Hayley doesn't know how to frisk people apparently
Maryam: Ooh, I want that knife.
asterismW: NICE KNIFE!
Eric: Sweet knife.
10Kan: Nazi Polar Bear Commando Knife!
: *snip*
Goosey: oh no!
: Julie! You escaped! Ha! Set me free -- we'll win this yet!
asterismW: He's so dead.
conty: She'll kill him
Crystal109: Because you didn't KILL HAYLEY.
: Not we, Matt.
Crystal109: Uh-oh.
: *slice*
: Hhhhhhhhhuuuuu...*gasp*
LaZorra: *shudder*
TalkingDog: Ow.
Goosey: O_O
conty: cool blood
Kalimeris: Sweeeeeeeneyyyy
: (whispering into his ear) She was wrong, you know. I was never going to kill you.
: Hhhhhuuungh...
Kysle: Nice throat cut blood, Sam.
: Not until you couldn't pull that trigger.
: Hhhhh--
: Then I knew you were no longer mine.
: ...
: You should have pulled that trigger, Matt.
Kalimeris: Never date a murderous psychopath.
Randy: Kali: One of my hard, fast rules.
LaZorra: There's something so much more horrifying about killing someone with a knife than with a gun.
Crystal109: LaZ: Yes, there is. It's much closer.
LaZorra: And the whole thought of actually feeling the knife slice through someone...ugh.
Crystal109: LaZ: I don't want to think about it.
Crystal109: Sam, that is an AWESOME photoshopping of Julie with the knife.
Nyperold: Aw man, he's getting blood on that horizontal wall.
conty: I just realised you can enlarge the images by clicking on them
conty: WOW
iwpg: He fell over even though he was tied up?
Eric: He was only tied to himself.
Sam: iwpg: Hey, Buck STOOD UP when HE died.
iwpg: Heh, true.
NessaChan: lol
conty: lol
Sam: Our last bot is PicMatchBot!
Sam: Since we skipped telling any of the story at the beginning, we'll be pausing the game once someone reaches 15 points to tell another segment of the story.
PicMatchBot has been summoned by Sam.
JumbleBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Sam: This is like MatchBot, except that you can dump specific items in your hand, rather than being limited to just all-or-nothing. For example, "dump 1 3 5" gets rid of items 1, 3, and 5 from your hand.
Sam: We're playing mixed modes, so sometimes you'll be matching adjectives to images, sometimes images to adjectives, and sometimes images to images.
Crystal109: Oh, good. I was just about to ask that.
Sam: Game begins in 60 seconds, unless someone has a serious question about the rules. My name is Sam.
TalkingDog: LOL
Nyperold: And I approve this message.
Sam: hehehe
Crystal109: LOL
Crystal109: Sam, you're learning.
10Kan: What's your opinion on green eggs and ham?
NessaChan: do we lose our turn when we dump?
Crystal109: Nessa: Yes.
Crystal109: Unless the rules changed.
Maryam: You do?
NessaChan: ok
10Kan: No, you don't.
Crystal109: Wait. No.
Sam: NC: No.
Crystal109: Sorry. I mixed it up.
asterismW: Wait, you don't?
Sam: In MatchBot, yes.
LaZorra: Not for PicMatch. I didn't think?
NessaChan: okie dokie
Sam: In PicMatchBot, you can dump and match in the same round.
10Kan: That's why it's wonderful.
Crystal109: Forget anything I EVER said.
Sam: The reason is because in PicMatch, you're more easily stuck with difficult images to use.
SirDude: Does it matter the order?
10Kan: SirDude: It doesn't.
Sam: SD: No. Although if you dump and match the same item in the same round, regardless of the order, it'll be matched rather than dumped.
Nyperold: Or broken images.
Sam: Nyp: There aren't any broken images anymore.
Nyperold: Ah, that's right.
Sam: Ok, here we go.
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 chose the adjective European for this round. (1/13 accepted)
Maryam: match 2
LaZorra: match 7
NessaChan: match 1
SirDude: match 6
Randy: match 7
Eric: match 6
Crystal109: match 3
asterismW: match 4
LuckyWizard: match 6
10Kan: match 1
Maryam: dump 4 5 1
Kalimeris: match 6
Nyperold: match 2
asterismW: Can't we enlarge these?
Crystal109: dump 4 5 6 7
iwpg: dump 1 7
10Kan: dump 3 7
Crystal109: yeah, we can't enlarge.
Nyperold: Nope.
LuckyWizard: Nope.
10Kan: No, alas.
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective European. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for . Vote 12 for .
Eric: vote 5
Maryam: vote 10
10Kan: vote 8
SirDude: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 5
Randy: vote 10
Crystal109: vote 2
Kalimeris: vote 2
asterismW: vote 10
iwpg: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 7
LaZorra: vote 10
SirDude: LOL 4
Sam: vote 10
LuckyWizard: vote 10
iwpg: Because it's awesome, not because it's particularly European.
Nyperold: I like 4, but...
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 6 points for .
PicMatchBot: asterismW wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
Crystal109: HM 4 for humor. Heh.
Randy: I didn't expect to score.
Sam: #10 is almost certainly a Ren Faire in America, but that's as European as we got.
LaZorra: Apparently bullfighters aren't European. :-p
10Kan: LaZ: That's why I voted for it!
Maryam: There was a bullfighter?
LuckyWizard: Oh, that's what was going on in that picture.
Crystal109: It's really hard to see the pictures.
asterismW: That was a bullfighter?
iwpg: LaZ: oh, that's what it is?
Maryam: Oh. I couldn't tell what it was, yeah.
Sam: Wait, there was a bullfighter?
10Kan: YES.
LaZorra: YES
TalkingDog: There was a bullfighter?
10Kan: SI.
Crystal109: I SEE IT NOW.
Sam: Oh yeah. That should have won.
PicMatchBot: Randy chose the image for this round. (1/13 accepted)
Eric: match 6
Crystal109: match 2
asterismW: match 5
Maryam: match 7
Randy: match 7
10Kan: match 7
NessaChan: match 7
LaZorra: match 1
iwpg: match 1
Sam: match 1
Nyperold: match 4
LuckyWizard: match 5
SirDude: match 7
Kalimeris: match 5
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for silly.
PicMatchBot: Vote 2 for expressive.
PicMatchBot: Vote 3 for colorful.
PicMatchBot: Vote 4 for unpredictable.
PicMatchBot: Vote 5 for frightening.
PicMatchBot: Vote 6 for remarkable.
PicMatchBot: Vote 7 for undesirable.
PicMatchBot: Vote 8 for kaleidoscopic.
PicMatchBot: Vote 9 for unexpected.
PicMatchBot: Vote 10 for unforgettable.
PicMatchBot: Vote 11 for detestable.
PicMatchBot: Vote 12 for vain.
PicMatchBot: Vote 13 for damaging.
iwpg: vote 7
10Kan: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 3
asterismW: vote 5
Maryam: vote 5
Crystal109: vote 11
LaZorra: Yes.
NessaChan: vote 8
LuckyWizard: vote 1
SirDude: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 1
Eric: vote 10
Randy: vote 5
Maryam: vote 4
Sam: vote 3
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 4 points for frightening.
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for silly.
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for colorful.
PicMatchBot: asterismW wins 1 point for detestable.
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for kaleidoscopic.
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 1 point for undesirable.
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for unforgettable.
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for unpredictable.
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for damaging.
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for expressive.
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 0 points for vain.
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for remarkable.
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for unexpected.
Crystal109: Yay POINTS.
Crystal109: I have some scary images here.
PicMatchBot: asterismW chose the adjective Nyperold-like for this round. (1/12 accepted)
Crystal109: match 2
Maryam: match 1
Sam: match 1
asterismW: Sorry, Nype, I just had to. :)
Nyperold: match 5
LaZorra: match 6
Randy: match 7
10Kan: match 3
iwpg: match 7
Sam: dump 3 4 6 7
LuckyWizard: match 4
asterismW: match 7
Kalimeris: match 2
SirDude: match 4
iwpg: dump 2 4 6
NessaChan: match 4
Crystal109: dump 4
Maryam: dump 6
LaZorra: match 7
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective Nyperold-like. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for . Vote 12 for .
Crystal109: Nyp: Some scary ones here.
iwpg: vote 3
asterismW: vote 4
LuckyWizard: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 4
Sam: vote 1
asterismW: vote 6
LaZorra: vote 7
Kalimeris: vote 6
Maryam: vote 3
Crystal109: vote 12
10Kan: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 5
SirDude: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 10
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: asterismW wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Randy loses a point for submitting and not voting.
10Kan: Two laughing kitties!
Randy: Grar
Crystal109: GRAR.
TalkingDog: GRAAAAR!
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the image for this round. (1/12 accepted)
10Kan: match 2
SirDude: match 7
Maryam: match 5
Crystal109: match 2
Sam: match 4
iwpg: match 6
NessaChan: match 7
LaZorra: match 3
asterismW: match 5
Maryam: dump 7
Randy: match 1
Crystal109: dump 3 5
LuckyWizard: match 2
Nyperold: match 4
Kalimeris: match 7
asterismW: dump 6
Sam: dump 5 6
NessaChan: dump 5
Maryam: dump 4 1
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that complements the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for . Vote 12 for .
iwpg: vote 3
Kalimeris: vote 3
asterismW: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 10
10Kan: vote 10
NessaChan: vote 7
Maryam: vote 10
Randy: vote 10
SirDude: vote 3
Crystal109: vote 3
LuckyWizard: vote 6
LaZorra: #6: "That's good, honey; just a little higher!"
Sam: vote 12
LuckyWizard: vote 10
LaZorra: vote 9
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 5 points for .
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: asterismW wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for .
Sam: Mine was unbelievable. I couldn't believe I had something that close.
10Kan: I'm going to have nightmares about 3, I just know it.
Maryam: Can we dump adjectives?
Sam: Yes.
PicMatchBot: SirDude chose the image for this round. (1/12 accepted)
LaZorra: match 5
NessaChan: match 4
Maryam: match 3
10Kan: match 7
Sam: dump 1 3 4 5
asterismW: match 6
Randy: match 3
Kalimeris: match 7
Nyperold: match 2
Crystal109: match 5
SirDude: match 6
Maryam: dump 5 6 7
iwpg: dump 2 6
LuckyWizard: match 7
Crystal109: dump 2 7 6
asterismW: dump 2 7
NessaChan: dump 5
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for trendy.
PicMatchBot: Vote 2 for macho.
PicMatchBot: Vote 3 for SirDude's.
PicMatchBot: Vote 4 for historic.
PicMatchBot: Vote 5 for upright.
PicMatchBot: Vote 6 for innovative.
PicMatchBot: Vote 7 for educational.
PicMatchBot: Vote 8 for immoral.
PicMatchBot: Vote 9 for reliable.
PicMatchBot: Vote 10 for clean.
PicMatchBot: Vote 11 for useless.
SirDude: vote 5
asterismW: vote 4
Kalimeris: vote 4
Maryam: vote 5
iwpg: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 4
10Kan: vote 1
Sam: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 11
LuckyWizard: vote 4
Randy: vote 11
Crystal109: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 11
NessaChan: vote 7
LaZorra: vote 3
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 6 points for historic.
PicMatchBot: asterismW wins 2 points for upright.
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for SirDude's.
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for useless.
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 1 point for innovative.
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for trendy.
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for educational.
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for reliable.
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for immoral.
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for macho.
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for clean.
Crystal109: I miss whizkid. =(
asterismW: Crystal: Shave nine footballs.
Sam: I'd let WhizKid play this, but these voting games are so cluttered already.
10Kan: I miss people getting my double pun.
Sam: What double pun?
10Kan: They're guys at a ren faire, so they are Dudes pretending to be knights, and also SirDude chose the picture.
Sam: 10K: Ah!
Maryam: 10K: LOL, oh.
Sam: That's awesome.
Randy: LOL!
Crystal109: LOL
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the image for this round. (1/12 accepted)
Crystal109: match 3
LaZorra: ARGH
SirDude: match 1
Nyperold: match 4
Kalimeris: match 5
10Kan: match 7
iwpg: match 5
asterismW: match 6
Maryam: match 5
Randy: match 2
LaZorra: match 4
NessaChan: match 5
Maryam: dump 6 7
asterismW: dump 5
LuckyWizard: match 3
iwpg: dump 4
Nyperold: dump 7
Sam: match 3 4 5 6 7
Crystal109: dump 7
Sam: dump 3 4 5 6 7
Crystal109: Sam: LOL I was like "You can't match all of those!"
Sam: Crys: hehehe
10Kan: dump 3 1
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that complements the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for . Vote 12 for .
Sam: vote 2
Kalimeris: vote 1
iwpg: vote 1
asterismW: vote 1
LuckyWizard: vote 1
Randy: vote 10
Crystal109: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 2
SirDude: vote 1
10Kan: vote 8
Maryam: vote 4
NessaChan: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 12
LaZorra: vote 3
Crystal109: Homestarrrrrrr.
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 5 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: asterismW wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the image for this round. (1/12 accepted)
SirDude: match 7
Maryam: match 7
iwpg: match 3
asterismW: match 1
Crystal109: match 6
Randy: match 1
10Kan: match 1
Maryam: dump 6
LaZorra: match 5
NessaChan: match 5
LaZorra: Sam: Yes.
LuckyWizard: match 7
Kalimeris: match 5
Sam: match 4
Crystal109: dump 7 3
Nyperold: I got nothin'.
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for dry.
PicMatchBot: Vote 2 for disheveled.
PicMatchBot: Vote 3 for pointed.
PicMatchBot: Vote 4 for terrifying.
PicMatchBot: Vote 5 for plump.
PicMatchBot: Vote 6 for efficient.
PicMatchBot: Vote 7 for flowing.
PicMatchBot: Vote 8 for comic.
PicMatchBot: Vote 9 for breathtaking.
PicMatchBot: Vote 10 for lethargic.
PicMatchBot: Vote 11 for asterismW-like.
PicMatchBot: Vote 12 for tempting.
NessaChan: dump 6 1
SirDude: vote 8
iwpg: vote 1
10Kan: vote 8
Maryam: vote 7
Kalimeris: vote 8
asterismW: vote 8
Nyperold: match fantastic
LuckyWizard: vote 7
Crystal109: vote 7
Randy: vote 5
Sam: vote 2
LaZorra: vote 8
NessaChan: vote 12
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 5 points for comic.
PicMatchBot: asterismW wins 3 points for flowing.
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 1 point for disheveled.
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for dry.
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for plump.
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for tempting.
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for pointed.
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for breathtaking.
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for terrifying.
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for efficient.
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for lethargic.
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for asterismW-like.
Crystal109: The fan is very breathtaking!
Crystal109: Because it takes the dog's breath away!
LaZorra: hehehe
LuckyWizard: And it's also efficient at cooling!
10Kan: Depends which side of it you're on.
PicMatchBot: Sam chose the adjective wacky for this round. (1/12 accepted)
Sam: match 4
SirDude: match 1
iwpg: match 4
Randy: match 2
10Kan: match 3
Maryam: match 3
asterismW: match 6
Sam: dump 5 6 7
LaZorra: math 4
LuckyWizard: match 3
Crystal109: match 5
LaZorra: match 4
Kalimeris: match 2
Crystal109: dump 6
iwpg: dump 1 2 7
Nyperold: match 4
NessaChan: match 3
Maryam: dump 5 7
Crystal109: dump 3
Maryam: match 1
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective wacky. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for . Vote 12 for .
NessaChan: dump 1 3
iwpg: vote 3
Kalimeris: Vote 8
asterismW: vote 9
LuckyWizard: vote 11
Maryam: vote 12
10Kan: vote 7
Randy: vote 9
SirDude: vote 8
Crystal109: vote 12
Nyperold: vote 3
Sam: vote 2
10Kan: Six isn't wacky, it's terrifying!
LaZorra: vote 4
Nyperold: Ah, those wacky car explosions.
PicMatchBot: asterismW wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kalimeris wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Game is paused.
Maryam: Sam, I am at 15.
Maryam: Oh, beat.
Sam: Yes!
LaZorra: hehe
Crystal109: Yay!
iwpg: STROY
LaZorra: DES
Sam: Ok. Story resumes.
NessaChan: stotretat
10Kan: ILIUM
Maryam: Desssstroy, my precioussss.
: *tiptoe*tiptoe*tiptoe*tiptoe*
: ...?
Goosey: where did they go, Julie?
: *tiptoe*tiptoe*tiptoe*tiptoe*
NessaChan: grrr fall in a hole
: ...?
10Kan: Too late, they're already swimming for the mainland.
: *tiptoe*tiptoe*tiptoe*tiptoe*
: *tiptoe*tiptoe*tiptoe*tiptoe*
: Curses. They moved the guns.
Goosey: ha ha
: *tiptoe*tiptoe*tiptoe*
Crystal109: She's pretty though.
: *tiptoe*tiptoe*tiptoe*
Crystal109: All the pretty ones are dangerous.
: *tiptoe*tiptoe*tiptoe*
Kysle: Tired toes.

: *cry*
: *hug*
: *cry* I'm getting your shoulder all wet.
10Kan: Aww.
LaZorra: Aww.
: It's ok. *hug* I never liked that shoulder much anyway.
: *laugh*cry*
TalkingDog: Hehe.
: I'm sorry. I need to stop crying. I hate crying. I feel so stupid and helpless and...weak.
: Hey now. What are you, a guy? Crying is a good thing. Let it out. For heaven's sake, you deserve to have a good cry.
: *sniff*
: You've been strong for the both of us, all our lives. Let me take a turn, huh?
Crystal109: Awwww.
: All right. I'll let myself cry. For now. But I meant what I said before. What happened on this island stays on this island. Once we're out of here, Matt is out of my life for good. I won't let him hurt me any longer than that. I won't shed another tear.
: Hear hear to that! There, now, you see? Even when you're weak, you're strong.
: *hug*
: *hug*
: Thanks.
: I think I'd like to be alone for a while.
Crystal109: NO DON'T DO IT.
: Sure.
NessaChan: What?!
NessaChan: NO
Goosey: deathmatch chick fight on the cliff? That should be good, lol
: I'll go scrounge up some dinner for us. Any requests? I recommend one of the few items without tentacles in it.
: *smile* No, thanks. I don't think I could hold anything down.
: I'll be back a while later, then.
Goosey: no! Don't separate!
: (hiding)
iwpg: LOL
asterismW: NICE
Crystal109: LOL
Randy: LOL
LaZorra: Nice!!
Crystal109: Sam I am in awe of your Photoshop skills.
SirDude: Now that's some nice camo work.
Myrth: Commando-trained archeologist, isn't she?
: (listening)
10Kan: Crouching Gamer, Spiky Hair.
Randy: 10K: NICE
NessaChan: lol
: *staring out to sea*
asterismW: TURN AROUND
NessaChan: Fall on your knife Julie
10Kan: Why haven't they learned about the cliffs by now?
* LaZorra can't watch. >_<
: Aaaah!
10Kan: EEE
: *swing*
: *dodge*
: *kick*
* NessaChan covers eyes
: *recoil*
Maryam: LOL LOL
asterismW: LOL
Goosey: LOL
: *punch*
LaZorra: "Biff" LOL
iwpg: LOL
Crystal109: LOL onomotapeia!
: Oof!
Crystal109: CRUNCH.
Randy: Dude, its 1960's Batman!
Goosey: holy chickfight Batman!
* 10Kan hums the theme.
LaZorra: Randy: LOL LOL YES
: *slash*
LaZorra: Sam, you had way too much fun with that.
10Kan: Thank goodness she felt compelled to yell before attacking.
: *PUNCH!*
: Aagh!
: *slip* Whoa--
LaZorra: !!!
: Grab my hand!
Crystal109: !!!!!!!!
: Aaahh! Don't let go!
iwpg: LET GO
Randy: Drop her like 6th period French class.
* Crystal109 realized how bloodthirsty she is.
LaZorra: Crys: It's OK, me too.
: *strain*
10Kan: Hayleeeeeey!
asterismW: She's still going to kill you!
: Don't let go, don't let go! I'll pay you! Fifty million dollars! It's yours! Just don't let go!
: *pant* Shut your stupid mouth, tramp. *wheeze* Does it look like I'm letting go of you?
: Pull me up! Pull me up! I promise I won't try to hurt you again!
NessaChan: ....
: *strain* Don't make me laugh. *pant* I'm liable to lose my grip.
: Pull me up! Pull me up!
: *strain*
: *pull*
: *heave*
: Ahhh.
: *pant*
: *lies down*
NessaChan: >_<
10Kan: That one's for Tyler Wyler!
: Oof. *pinned to the ground*
Crystal109: YEAH HAYLEY.
Goosey: YAY!
: You move a muscle, and I'll chuck you right back over the edge.
: *still*
asterismW: GET THE KNIFE
: Where'd that knife go? *presses her forearm into Julie's neck*
: I...dropped it.
Crystal109: DID NOT.
: You're lying. Where is it?
Crystal109: Body search!
LaZorra: Body CAVITY search.
: Right...
: ...HERE! *slash*
: *sprawls backward*
: Uhhhh... *slips down the slope*
iwpg: =-O
asterismW: I TOLD YOU!
: *scrambles for purchase*
: *stands up*
: *claws at the ground for a solid hold*
Goosey: oh no!
: *dusts herself off*
: *kneels beside Hayley's grappling fingers*
: Well, well, well.
: *panic* ... *slip* ...
: This looks like a great opportunity to play a game.
: *slips further* ... (gravel cascades down the cliff side)
: Let's see how many fingers I can cut off before you lose your grip!
asterismW: !!!
Crystal109: OH MY GOSH.
* NessaChan covers eyes again
: *strain* ... *hyperventilate* ...
: I think the optimal strategy will be to start with your pinkies....
: *helpless panic*
: *lowers the knife*
NessaChan: spit in her eye
: Hey, Julie!
: Wha--?
asterismW: YES!
10Kan: SOCKO!
Randy: WOOT
Maryam: Wahoo!
: ...
asterismW: LOL the eyes!
Goosey: WHOOHOO!!
: *splatter*
Goosey: ew
asterismW: LOLOLOL
Maryam: LOL
NessaChan: hah
iwpg: IT'S OVER
10Kan: Oh man. She's not quite as sturdy as Mr. Wyler.
10Kan: You could say that trip down the cliff 'expanded her mind'.
Crystal109: Her eyes don't have X's though. =P
10Kan: Crystal: ROTFL
Maryam: Very nice falling scream there.
: Hold on, Hayley. I got you.
: *strain*
: *heave*
: *wheeze*
: *huff*
: *crawls away from the cliff*
Maryam: What happened to "take my hair"?
LaZorra: LOL
Crystal109: LOL
Sam: Maryam: A more serious moment.
LaZorra: She had a massive headache after that.
NessaChan: Take my hair... please!
asterismW: Man, that's two people Ramona's saved from the cliff.
: Just a guess, but...*catches her breath*...
: *pant*
: ...I don't think that chick was right in the head.
Crystal109: Got that right.
: *catches her breath*
: Matt's dead.
Crystal109: =(
: *still breathing heavily*
: I'm gonna take a nap.
LaZorra: She's in shock.
: Right here.
Crystal109: Awwww.
Kalimeris: She sleeeeeping
LaZorra: Make her lie down and elevate her feet.
End of Chapter 9

asterismW: It ends on a NAP?
Maryam: Wait, that's the end? That's it?
LaZorra: ...
Randy: End of story?
Sam: Not the end of the story.
Randy: Nyet!
Crystal109: It says end of Chapter 9.
asterismW: Phew.
Maryam: Oh, phew.
LaZorra: No, there's an epilogue.
NessaChan: it would say the end if it were the end
SirDude: I was gonna say, can anyone say "anticlimactic ending"?
NessaChan: and then they woke up and found it was all a dream
Crystal109: Nessa: Or that they really were in a game. And everyone else really stayed alive.
Crystal109: And we still have another half of a game!
Sam: LaZ: By the way, yes, I had a tremendous amount of fun with the Batman fight.
LaZorra: Sam: I could tell!
LaZorra: "Biff" is a great sound effect, too.
Sam: hehehe
LaZorra: My favorite sound effect ever is actually from Spiderman, though.
LaZorra: He falls on his hiney and the effect is "BUTT!"
Maryam: LOL
Sam: LaZ: LOL
Randy: Biff makes me think of "Back to the Future"
NessaChan: Biff is the sound of a manure truck dumping into your car
Randy: Nessa: True!
Crystal109: Nessa: LOL
Sam: I actually looked at MoleBot for verb ideas on that sequence.
Crystal109: I keep thinking of the Most Dangerous Game.
Crystal109: Does anyone else know that story?
Maryam: Crys: I remember that one.
Crystal109: That was an awesome scene in the movie.
Sam: Crys: Yes! But, And Then There Were None is the story I had to constantly remind myself not to emulate.
Crystal109: Sam: Yeah I thought so. It's nice how you twisted a lot of the story elements.
Sam: Crys: Thanks. I really appreciate that compliment.
Sam: We resume PicMatchBot in 60 seconds.
Randy: Man. I need to make up some points here.
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the image for this round. (1/11 accepted)
LaZorra: match 5
Randy: match 2
10Kan: match 1
asterismW: match 2
Crystal109: match 7
Nyperold: match 4
Maryam: match 7
Sam: match 1
NessaChan: match 3
iwpg: match 3
LaZorra: dump 2 7
10Kan: dump 4 6
NessaChan: dump 1 7
SirDude: match 1
Maryam: dump 5
Crystal109: dump 3 5
iwpg: dump 6 7
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that complements the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for .
iwpg: vote 9
Randy: vote 11
asterismW: vote 9
10Kan: vote 3
Maryam: vote 3
Crystal109: vote 8
Sam: vote 1
SirDude: vote 9
NessaChan: vote 6
SirDude: LOL 3
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: asterismW wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold loses a point for submitting and not voting.
PicMatchBot: LaZorra loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Nyperold: vote 4
NessaChan: oh alas
Maryam: Nyp: You're managing to do a good job despite your connection. I'm impressed.
Randy: Yeah!
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the adjective sentimental for this round. (1/11 accepted)
Randy: match 3
Crystal109: match 1
Sam: match 3
10Kan: match 3
Maryam: match 1
LaZorra: match 5
iwpg: match 5
asterismW: match 1
Crystal109: dump 5
NessaChan: match 7
SirDude: match 7
Sam: dump 2 3 4 6 7
10Kan: dump 2 5 7
Nyperold: match 4
Sam: dump 1 5
Maryam: dump 2 4 6 7
iwpg: dump 4 6 7
NessaChan: dump 6 5
asterismW: dump 7
Randy: dump 5 7
NessaChan: dump 1
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective sentimental. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for .
LaZorra: vote 3
asterismW: AWWWW 6
asterismW: vote 6
Maryam: vote 7
10Kan: vote 9
SirDude: vote 9
Sam: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 2
iwpg: vote 3
10Kan: Aww, a boy and his chicken!
Crystal109: vote 6
Randy: vote 5
Sam: 10K: LOL
NessaChan: vote 7
Crystal109: 10K: LOL LOL
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: asterismW wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for .
Sam: Yeah, I loved that one too.
Randy: Its the Macho-Man! OOOOH YEAH
Randy: I met that dude once. He's awesomely goofy.
PicMatchBot: 10Kan chose the image for this round. (1/11 accepted)
10Kan: match 6
Randy: match 4
SirDude: match 7
LaZorra: match 6
Maryam: match 3
Crystal109: match 3
iwpg: match 4
NessaChan: match 6
asterismW: match 2
10Kan: dump 2 3
Sam: dump 4 5 7
Maryam: dump 6 7
Crystal109: dump 6 4 7
iwpg: dump 1 6 7
asterismW: dump 6
Crystal109: I like how I dump out of order.
NessaChan: dump 1
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for awkward.
PicMatchBot: Vote 2 for innocent.
PicMatchBot: Vote 3 for unstable.
PicMatchBot: Vote 4 for haunting.
PicMatchBot: Vote 5 for intolerant.
PicMatchBot: Vote 6 for exciting.
PicMatchBot: Vote 7 for bogus.
PicMatchBot: Vote 8 for suburban.
PicMatchBot: Vote 9 for camouflaged.
iwpg: vote 9
SirDude: vote 7
Maryam: vote 1
10Kan: vote 9
LaZorra: vote 7
asterismW: vote 1
Sam: vote 9
Randy: vote 1
Crystal109: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 3
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 4 points for awkward.
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 3 points for camouflaged.
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 2 points for bogus.
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for unstable.
PicMatchBot: asterismW wins 0 points for intolerant.
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for exciting.
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 0 points for innocent.
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for suburban.
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for haunting.
Crystal109: "What did the cow say to the masked robber?"
LaZorra: MOOOO
NessaChan: moo
Crystal109: I love these ads. =)
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the image for this round. (1/11 accepted)
iwpg: GAH
Sam: match 7
Randy: match 3
Maryam: match 4
LaZorra: match 5
Crystal109: match 7
SirDude: match 2
10Kan: match 1
iwpg: match 1
Maryam: dump 5 6
NessaChan: match 3
10Kan: dump 6
asterismW: match 5
Sam: dump 2 3 4 5 7
Crystal109: match 2
Sam: dump 1
NessaChan: dump 7 4
iwpg: Sam: in future, any chance of increasing the pick time, at least for image-to-image mode?
Sam: iwpg: I could do that.
iwpg: Since there have been quite a few that timed out today.
Maryam: Yeah, I timed out on one earlier while still trying to decide.
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that complements the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
Maryam: vote 7
Sam: vote 5
10Kan: vote 7
asterismW: vote 4
10Kan: Aww Australian Shepherds!
Crystal109: vote 7
NessaChan: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 10
Randy: vote 2
Crystal109: Are those what 7 are?
SirDude: vote 5
* LaZorra has to vote for horseys.
10Kan: yep.
iwpg: vote 7
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: asterismW wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for .
iwpg: I was hoping to save the horsey one for one that really matched well, but I wasn't sure if I would get one by the end.
Crystal109: Man, I have some awesome images I want to use before the end of this game.
PicMatchBot: iwpg chose the image for this round. (1/10 accepted)
iwpg: match 6
SirDude: match 5
LaZorra: match 7
10Kan: match 5
Maryam: match 4
Randy: match 4
asterismW: match 3
Sam: match 5
Crystal109: match 1
iwpg: Got the words and images mixed up for a moment there.
asterismW: dump 6 4
NessaChan: match 3
10Kan: dump 1 3
Nyperold: match 5
Crystal109: dump 5 3
NessaChan: dump 6 2
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for destructive.
PicMatchBot: Vote 2 for eerie.
PicMatchBot: Vote 3 for fun.
PicMatchBot: Vote 4 for hungry.
PicMatchBot: Vote 5 for primitive.
PicMatchBot: Vote 6 for ancient.
PicMatchBot: Vote 7 for jagged.
PicMatchBot: Vote 8 for dangerous.
PicMatchBot: Vote 9 for seductive.
PicMatchBot: Vote 10 for brave.
iwpg: vote 6
Sam: iwpg: I just increased the time.
asterismW: vote 10
Maryam: vote 8
10Kan: vote 10
iwpg: Cool, thanks.
SirDude: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 10
Sam: vote 10
Nyperold: vote 4
Maryam: vote 7
Randy: vote 10
Crystal109: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 5
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 5 points for brave.
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 2 points for primitive.
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for hungry.
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 1 point for jagged.
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for ancient.
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 1 point for fun.
PicMatchBot: asterismW wins 0 points for dangerous.
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for destructive.
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for seductive.
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for eerie.
Crystal109: Heh. Somehow, Sam's name stands out in that list.
Sam: Yay me.
Crystal109: Because it's so short and after Nessa's.
LaZorra: Hooray for copyeditors, who notice such pedantic things.
Crystal109: LaZ: Heee. A copy editor is me!
LaZorra: Crys: yay!
PicMatchBot: 10Kan chose the image for this round. (1/10 accepted)
10Kan: match 3
Randy: match 7
asterismW: match 3
Nyperold: match 3
LaZorra: match 5
Crystal109: match 2
iwpg: match 3
SirDude: match 5
NessaChan: match 7
Sam: dump 2 3 4 6 7
NessaChan: oh man, I dumped one that would have gone really well
NessaChan: dump 5 3
Crystal109: dump 7
Maryam: match 6
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that complements the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
Crystal109: vote 6
SirDude: vote 5
iwpg: vote 10
Maryam: vote 5
Sam: vote 1
10Kan: vote 10
asterismW: vote 8
Nyperold: vote 8
LaZorra: vote 10
Randy: vote 8
NessaChan: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 6
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: asterismW wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: NessaChan chose the adjective disorderly for this round. (1/10 accepted)
Crystal109: match 5
SirDude: match 6
10Kan: match 4
Sam: match 6
Maryam: match 7
Randy: match 5
NessaChan: match 7
LaZorra: match 7
asterismW: match 2
iwpg: match 4
10Kan: dump 3 5 6
NessaChan: dump 5 6
Maryam: match 6
Crystal109: dump 7
Nyperold: match 3
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective disorderly. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
SirDude: vote 3
Crystal109: EESH @ 6.
iwpg: vote 10
asterismW: vote 3
Crystal109: vote 9
Maryam: vote 3
Sam: vote 3
10Kan: vote 4
iwpg: Mr Small's family going to his funeral?
Randy: vote 3
NessaChan: vote 6
LaZorra: vote 3
Sam: iwpg: LOL
Nyperold: SUMO ROAD
LaZorra: vote 2
Crystal109: iwpg: LOL LOL
10Kan: I'd hate to be the janitor who had to clean that bathroom.
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 5 points for .
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: asterismW wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for .
Crystal109: Whoooo! I loved that picture.
NessaChan: vote 2
PicMatchBot: SirDude chose the image for this round. (1/10 accepted)
Sam: match 3
SirDude: match 7
Maryam: match 5
NessaChan: match 5
Randy: match 5
iwpg: match 7
LaZorra: match 7
Sam: dump 4 5 6 7
Crystal109: match 5
Nyperold: match 4
asterismW: match 4
iwpg: dump 1 3 5
Maryam: dump 2 4
NessaChan: dump 7 4
Crystal109: dump 6
10Kan: match 1
Randy: dump 2 3
10Kan: dump 4 6 7
asterismW: KITTY!
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that complements the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
LaZorra: vote 1
SirDude: vote 1
Crystal109: vote 1
asterismW: vote 1
iwpg: vote 9
Sam: vote 7
LaZorra: 8 needs to be in next year's UBT.
10Kan: vote 8
Randy: vote 1
Crystal109: Hee can you imagine if he were in this year's?
Nyperold: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 6
Maryam: vote 1
iwpg: Heh, we had 6 in CaptionBot.
Maryam: It's armless lady!
Sam: Yeah.
Sam: That's cool.
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 7 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: asterismW wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for .
NessaChan: he's archie's lil brother
Crystal109: NICE, Sam.
asterismW: Nice!
Sam: Nice round for me.
Sam: Thanks.
Sam: Just luck of having that image.
PicMatchBot: Maryam chose the adjective electronic for this round. (1/10 accepted)
Maryam: match 6
Nyperold: match 6
Crystal109: match 4
SirDude: match 5
Randy: match 6
10Kan: match 6
Sam: dump 3 4 5 6 7
asterismW: vote 5
Maryam: dump 2
NessaChan: match 4
asterismW: match 5
10Kan: dump 5
iwpg: match 4
Randy: mine makes nooooo sense
LaZorra: match 5
iwpg: Neither does mine, but oh well.
NessaChan: dump 6
asterismW: dump 6 4
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that fits the adjective electronic. (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
LaZorra: vote 1
SirDude: vote 4
SirDude: vote 4
iwpg: vote 2
Crystal109: vote 2
10Kan: vote 10
Maryam: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 10
asterismW: vote 4
Crystal109: LaZ: LOL
Randy: vote 9
NessaChan: vote 8
LaZorra: Man, that brings back memories.
asterismW: vote 2
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: asterismW wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for .
Sam: vote 2
LaZorra: vote 4
Nyperold: Did those memories make you cahnge your mind too late? ;-)
PicMatchBot: Sam chose the image for this round. (1/9 accepted)
Maryam: match 1
Randy: match 3
Crystal109: match 6
LaZorra: match 4
iwpg: match 7
Maryam: dump 7
SirDude: match 1
asterismW: match 4
NessaChan: match 5
LaZorra: vote 1
iwpg: dump 1 4 5 6
Sam: dump 5
LaZorra: match 1
Nyperold: match 5
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for caring.
PicMatchBot: Vote 2 for compelling.
PicMatchBot: Vote 3 for complacent.
PicMatchBot: Vote 4 for extreme.
PicMatchBot: Vote 5 for scenic.
PicMatchBot: Vote 6 for creepy.
PicMatchBot: Vote 7 for goody-goody.
PicMatchBot: Vote 8 for excited.
PicMatchBot: Vote 9 for spotted.
SirDude: vote 6
iwpg: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 8
Maryam: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 6
Sam: vote 5
asterismW: vote 5
10Kan: vote 6
Crystal109: vote 6
NessaChan: vote 1
Randy: vote 6
10Kan: I remember that from an old captionbot game too.
Crystal109: Strange how we can remember images so easily.
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 5 points for creepy.
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 3 points for scenic.
PicMatchBot: asterismW wins 1 point for excited.
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 1 point for caring.
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for complacent.
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for compelling.
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for spotted.
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for extreme.
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for goody-goody.
Nyperold: I'd hate to be in the South Atlantic when the earth decides to grin.
Randy: hehe
Crystal109: Nyp: Heh.
NessaChan: haha
Maryam: Wow, I didn't think 'scenic' would get that many.
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the image for this round. (1/10 accepted)
Sam: match 3
Crystal109: match 6
10Kan: match 2
iwpg: match 5
Maryam: match 6
Sam: dump 5 6 7
asterismW: match 3
SirDude: match 4
NessaChan: match 5
iwpg: dump 7
10Kan: dump 6 7
LaZorra: match 3
asterismW: dump 7 5 6
Crystal109: dump 4 1
Maryam: dump 4
Randy: match 5
NessaChan: dump 7 4
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that complements the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
Maryam: vote 8
iwpg: vote 8
Crystal109: vote 8
asterismW: vote 8
10Kan: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 8
Crystal109: Sweep on 8.
Maryam: Someone's getting a lot.
Randy: vote 1
NessaChan: vote 6
SirDude: vote 1
Sam: vote 8
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 6 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: asterismW wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for .
Crystal109: Nice, SirDude!
Maryam: Uh oh. Too close!
Sam: Wow.
Crystal109: Close race between you and Maryam now!
Crystal109: That's an amazing come-from-behind score.
NessaChan: hehe
SirDude: I'm kinda known for that among my friends. =D
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the image for this round. (1/10 accepted)
Randy: match 4
Sam: match 1
Crystal109: match 4
iwpg: match 1
10Kan: match 1
Maryam: match 2
SirDude: match 1
Crystal109: dump 5 6 7
* Sam goes into convulsions.
NessaChan: match 6
Nyperold: match 4
LaZorra: match 3
asterismW: match 6
10Kan: dump 2
LaZorra: O.o
Crystal109: Freaky.
Randy: KILL IT
asterismW: dump 7
Crystal109: LOL
Sam: match 3
Maryam: match 5
asterismW: Man, NONE of mine even come close.
Crystal109: It's AN ALIEN.
SirDude: dump pic
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best adjective that fits the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for afraid.
PicMatchBot: Vote 2 for deranged.
PicMatchBot: Vote 3 for young.
PicMatchBot: Vote 4 for kissable.
PicMatchBot: Vote 5 for white.
PicMatchBot: Vote 6 for cranky.
PicMatchBot: Vote 7 for popular.
PicMatchBot: Vote 8 for malleable.
PicMatchBot: Vote 9 for nasty.
PicMatchBot: Vote 10 for wicked.
iwpg: If only this was an image-image round, and someone had Ugly Dog.
Maryam: vote 2
Sam: vote 2
10Kan: vote 6
asterismW: vote 2
iwpg: vote 9
SirDude: vote 9
LaZorra: vote 2
Crystal109: vote 9
Nyperold: vote 9
SirDude: 4 = No. Just no.
Randy: vote 10
Crystal109: WHY, 4? WHY?
asterismW: vote 9
NessaChan: vote 4
Sam: NC has too soft a heart.
NessaChan: it's a kitty!
asterismW: It's an abomination!
NessaChan: I like kitty cats.
10Kan: asterism: It's spelled "abyssinian".
Randy: LOL
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 5 points for nasty.
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 3 points for deranged.
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 1 point for cranky.
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 1 point for kissable.
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for wicked.
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for popular.
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 0 points for afraid.
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 0 points for white.
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for malleable.
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 0 points for young.
Crystal109: RANDY.
SirDude: So small it doesn't have its fur yet, hence my submission
NessaChan: I should have saved white
Crystal109: My images are way confusing.
PicMatchBot: LaZorra chose the image for this round. (1/10 accepted)
Sam: match 6
Sam: dump 4 5 6 7
Crystal109: match 5
Maryam: match 3
LaZorra: match 5
Randy: match 3
Crystal109: dump 7
Maryam: dump 7 6
10Kan: match 4
iwpg: match 2
10Kan: dump 5 7
Crystal109: dump 4
asterismW: match 6
SirDude: match 4
NessaChan: match 4
Maryam: Man, I dumped one a while ago that'd be perfect now.
NessaChan: dump 6
asterismW: dump 5 4 7
PicMatchBot: Time's up! Vote for the best image that complements the image . (You can't vote for yourself!)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
Crystal109: 3 looks like a lovely arrangement of hands.
Maryam: vote 6
asterismW: Shredder!
10Kan: vote 10
LaZorra: vote 5
Crystal109: vote 9
asterismW: vote 3
10Kan: That is totally what hackers look like.
asterismW: And... the brain thing!
Nyperold: MAN DIAL-UP
Sam: vote 2
Randy: vote 8
iwpg: vote 9
SirDude: vote 5
NessaChan: vote 2
TalkingDog: KRANG
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: NessaChan wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: SirDude wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: 10Kan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: asterismW wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Maryam wins!
PicMatchBot: Portrait of 10Kan: . Portrait of asterismW: . Portrait of Crystal109: . Portrait of iwpg: . Portrait of Kalimeris: . Portrait of LaZorra: . Portrait of Maryam: . Portrait of NessaChan: . Portrait of Nyperold: . Portrait of Randy: . Portrait of Sam: . Portrait of SirDude: . Portrait of TalkingDog: .
Sam: HACKERS CAN TURN YOUR HOME COMPUTER INTO A BOMB....and blow your family to smithereens!
Randy: Right!
Sam: Anything with the word "smithereens" in it is bound to be hilarious.
Crystal109: YEAH MARYAM.
Maryam: I WINNED
asterismW: Yay!
NessaChan: lol
Randy: WOOOO!
NessaChan: that is me.
* TalkingDog is a kitty!
* Crystal109 is a kitty too!
iwpg: I'm an ugly fish. :-(
* LaZorra is an oriental ribbon-twirler.
Crystal109: Randy's pretty happy.
Sam: Maryam, put some clothes on.
Maryam: Sam: No, I'd prefer to stay here waving my guitar at nothing.
10Kan: Sam's two of my favorite type of dog.
* Sam is kissing himself.
Crystal109: Sam: LOL LOL TOPICBOT.
Crystal109: TD: I think we're related.
* Nyperold one of the ugliest cats in the world.
10Kan: Nyp: Just stay close to iwpg and nobody'll notice.
Nyperold: Awww, widdwe Kali. :)
Crystal109: Nyp/iwpg: YOU MAKE KITTY SCARED.
10Kan: But TD laughs in the face of fear!
10Kan: Yay iwpg!
Crystal109: YEAH IWPG!
TalkingDog: WOO!
NessaChan: woo
Randy: WOOOO!
asterismW: Hurray!
Crystal109: We've had different winners for every UBT haven't we?
Crystal109: That's awesome.
Sam: Additionally, please congratulate Maryam and 10Kan, joint winners of the Associative Class!
Crystal109: YAY MARYAM AND 10KAN!
TalkingDog: MORE WOO!
Nyperold: Huzzah!
10Kan: Wahoo!
NessaChan: oh no, I'm in 13th place
asterismW: Yays!
Crystal109: ALMOST caught up with asterism. Hehe.
asterismW: Crystal: Next time.
Crystal109: I'm in 18th place. Right where I should be. Because that's how old I am.
NessaChan: I wish I were 18 again!
NessaChan: I would dress much cuter
PicMatchBot has been dismissed by Sam.
iwpg: And thanks for all the yays!
10Kan: ...But Maryam booted me out of the top 3.
Maryam: 10K: Heh heh. Sorry.
Nyperold: STILL 4th in points! :)
Sam: Oh, WOW. Nyperold and SirDude had the same number of points, but Nyp's wins put him higher.
Sam: One point would have made the difference.
Crystal109: Haha, sweet.
Randy: Wow. I take second in even numbered UBT's.
Crystal109: Randy: Hahaha.
Sam: Ok. FIVE MINUTE BREAK, and then, the story concludes!
Crystal109: YAY!
LaZorra: YAY
* Crystal109 is on a happy high.
SirDude: So am I.
Crystal109: I'm also looking through UBT #3. I totally forgot about the storyline there too.
Crystal109: Sam's storylines are amazing.
Sam: The great thing for me about the UBT #3 story is that it surprised me as much as anybody. I didn't plan on doing a story like that.
Sam: I planned on having some characters make wisecracks.
Crystal109: Sam: Yeah, I loved the spontaneity of it.
Crystal109: Each story has its merits.
Sam: That's why I thought another UBT story would never work. But at this point I can honestly say I like this one better.
Crystal109: But but Archie!
Sam: Yeah, this is true. Archie is awesome.
Maryam: Crys: Even better than Cody?
Crystal109: Maryam: Welllll.
Crystal109: That's a hard one.
* 10Kan is soooo tired.
TalkingDog: You could interact with UBT3's characters, though.
LaZorra: TD: Actually, I hadn't thought about that. But you're right.
Kalimeris: It was my first bot tournie. I enjoyed.
LaZorra: I think I didn't know what to expect this UBT to be like.
iwpg: I wasn't in #3 so I can't really compare fairly, but from my point of few, yes, this one was better.
Maryam: I think 3 will always have a special place in my heart, but that's not to say that 4 hasn't ruled.
asterismW: I liked the beginning most. It was fun guessing who would die.
LaZorra: I was so attached to the last characters that these felt kind of fake to me at first.
LaZorra: But after a couple of "chapters," that went away.
NessaChan: I like both.
NessaChan: I couldn't make a decision on which was more betterer.
Crystal109: And like I said earlier, each has its own merits. Hard to compare.
Sam: NC: That's probably the best answer anyway.
Sam: And the most complimentary. If I did what I set out to do, the two stories are not comparable.
Crystal109: Sam: I have to say, though, your writing for UBT #4 was REALLY good. And I loved it.
NessaChan: I am too sensitive to vote for even fake people to die... that kinda bothered me... even voting for someone not to die was a bad vote to make, because then they could kill
Sam: Anyway, I think it's been five minutes.
Randy: YAY
Crystal109: YAY STORY.
10Kan: Yes, let's conclude this tale before I pass out.
NessaChan: hehe
10Kan: S-o :-O
Crystal109: Awww, 10Kan.
Maryam: 10K: Eww, don't sneeze on me.
10Kan: Choo! :kissy:
Danger On Paradise Island: Chapter 10

Goosey: YAY MORE!!!
* NessaChan gets popcorn
Myrth: I still think it was Tyler all along.
: *sigh*
asterismW: WHOA
LaZorra: O.o
Goosey: Another tuxedo boy!
Crystal109: YAY!
Kalimeris: I forgot about him
Randy: Who the heywire is that?
10Kan: He was one of the close finalists.
asterismW: HE BETTER NOT BE 18.
: *knock*knock*knock*
Maryam: He really looks like a vampire.
: *opens the door*
Crystal109: Hayley's NEW BOYFRIEND.
: Police uniforms look more and more dashing all the time.
LaZorra: LOL
: *sheepish smile* It's my brother. Getting married tonight. Do you mind if I come in?
10Kan: He's wearing his brother?
iwpg: LOL
LaZorra: 10K: LOL LOL LOL
Crystal109: 10K: LOL LOL
: Certainly, officer. *smile*
: Aww, don't call me that. It's weird. We've known each other since we were kids.
Crystal109: Awwww. They're so getting together!
asterismW: Miles is SO much hotter too.
Crystal109: I way prefer Miles.
Crystal109: Hayley: I APPROVE.
10Kan: asterism: And he's probably not a crazy killer!
Crystal109: Hehe.
: Heheh. All right, Miles. Care for some tea? I was just fixing myself a cup.
: No, thank you. I can't stay long.
NessaChan: Hayley has a nice house
Crystal109: I was just about to say that!
10Kan: Strange design choices, but very nice.
: Listen, um....
: Yes?
: I'm real sorry about Matt. I knew he wasn't completely above board, but I just never dreamed he'd do a thing like what he did to you.
: Miles, it's my own fault. You tried to warn me, and I just didn't listen.
: Yeah, but, if I knew he was that screwed up, I'd have tried harder. And for heaven's sake, he was my partner for years. We joined the force together. I ought to have known him better than I apparently did.
: Yes, and I was his girlfriend, and I should have known better, too. But you didn't come down here to share regrets with me.
: No. *sigh* No, I didn't.
Crystal109: "I wanted to ask you out."
: The investigation is still underway, but it looks like it's wrapping up. They recovered most of the Piper Downs money when they searched Julie's house. Her skin cells were found under Tyler's fingernails, and her hands fit the bruises on Genevieve's head.
NessaChan: how could they find her hands?!
asterismW: Nessa: LOL
Crystal109: Nessa: That's an awful imagery! All that blood!
10Kan: I'm trying to think of how the morgue guys figured all that out, but it's just too gross.
: We traced the knife to an online purchase Julie made six months ago, and it's consistent with the incision on Matt's neck.
: *sigh* But Hayley...Ramona's in a lot of trouble.
: What's wrong? They're not going to throw the book at her for Piper Downs, are they? She didn't even know what they hired her for!
: No, no, it's not that. The D.A.'s office believes her story, especially since her bank account shows she was scarcely paid anything for it. She'll get a few months in prison for form's sake, but that's it.
LaZorra: Oooh, they found out about Buck.
: So what's wrong?
: It's one of the Paradise Island bodies. The cowboy, Buck Cassidy. We found boot marks on the body. The state of the bruises indicate that he sustained them within minutes of his death. Somebody kicked him -- right before he was killed.
Crystal109: BUCK CASSIDY.
NessaChan: lol
Randy: Related to Butch?
: The boot marks are consistent with the footwear Ramona was wearing on the island. And nobody else's. We checked.
Goosey: oops
: ...
: That puts her on the beach when he died.
Crystal109: Uh-oh.
10Kan: Darn competent police investigators.
: Hayley, I believe you. But I don't have to tell you how this looks. If she lied about that night, it calls into question every statement you and Ramona ever made about Buck's involvement in the conspiracy. There's no other evidence that says he had anything to do with any illegal activity. It's just your word about what Julie said about him before she died.
: ...*downcast*
: We're going to have to arrest her. I...I figured you should hear it from me first.
: Thank you.
: I'm really sorry.
: Yeah. Me too.
Goosey: aw man
LaZorra: *sigh*
Crystal109: And the good news is...?
Kalimeris: He just saved a ton of money on car insurance.
Randy: LOL
Crystal109: Kali: LOL
asterismW: Probably a bad time for him to ask her out, then.
: I guess I'd better be going.
: No. Stay a moment. I have a story to tell you.
10Kan: She's pulling a Scheherazade for her sister's life!
: ...?
: I'm the one that killed Buck.
Goosey: eep
Crystal109: !!!
LaZorra: WHAT
: ... Aw, Hayley. Aw, no, come on.
Crystal109: Aww her sisterly love and protection.
asterismW: HAYLEY :(
Myrth: You see... *I* am Big Red!
: You've been protecting that girl ever since she could walk, and that's great, but this is going too far.
: It's true. Ramona kicked him awake, but I pulled the trigger.
Crystal109: NOOOOOOOOO.
NessaChan: dun lie
Crystal109: LaZ: LOL LOL LOL
NessaChan: that hair would be considered a weapon in jail
: *sigh* I appreciate what you're trying to do here, but come on. Nobody's going to believe you.
: Look, I know your mother played favorites. I know how you've spent your entire life trying to even the scales. You feel guilty for every good thing that happens to you, and every bad thing that happens to her. But you can't take the fall for her this time. This is murder.
: If you won't listen to my story, I'll find a cop who will.
asterismW: Hayley, you idiot.
Crystal109: No Hayley, don't do it. =(
: *sigh*
NessaChan: sigh
: All right. Let's hear it.
(blurry flashback transition)

* 10Kan jangles the windchimes mournfully.
Maryam: Hey, maybe she really did.
Crystal109: Yeah, maybe.
LaZorra: No, remember Hayley telling Ramona to keep her mouth shut?
Crystal109: Both sisters are trying to protect each other. It's really sad.
: Hayley?
: What?
: Still awake, huh?
: Yes. Still awake.
: Hayley...I'm sorry.
: Sorry? For what?
: *sigh*
: This.
: *CONK!*
: Oof! *unconscious*
10Kan: She's sorry she forgot to wind the clock.
Sam: 10K: LOL
: ...ohhhhhh...*wince*
: *wipes the blood from her head* Owowowow.
Crystal109: That's a really hard blow.
: Ramona...?
: Ra-- Oh no. Bedsheets out the window? Ramona, I have the scary feeling I know what you're up to.
: *climbs out the window*
: (in the distance) Ahh-hawhawhawhawhawhaw! Well, looks like the spiked wonder has a brain after all!
: (in the distance) Ok, li'l missy! YEAH! I'm he'ping somebody out! Somebody who's gonna kill every last one of you riffraff!
: (in the distance) First, I make like I'm a doctor and make everybody think the first death is an accident to buy time. After three dead, though, ain't nobody gonna believe they's all accidents, so I he'p out other ways.
: (in the distance) Like killing Camille yourself?
: (in the distance) Aw, no, but I helped! I helped!
: *listening* Yeah. I'll bet you did. Now you're going to help me. We're going to march right back up to the hotel, get everybody out of bed, and you're going to tell them what you told me.
asterismW: Ha, I like how the text is getting larger.
Crystal109: Totally cool effect, yeah.
: *listening* Ahh-hawhawhawhawhawhawhawhawhawhaw! Ohhhhhh, that's a good one. Tell me, li'l missy, why would I do a thing like that?
: You ain't gonna shoot nobody. Fer one, you ain't got the guts. Fer two, if you shoot me, everybody'll think you been killin' everybody. They'll stick you like a pig faster'n you kin say dawgone.
: No, you ain't gonna shoot nobody. I'll tell you what'll happen instead, li'l missy. You gonna go back to yer comfy old bed and go back to sleep. Meanwhile, I'll go talk to my pardner, 'bout how you's so smart.
: You'll be next, see! Ain't no good lettin' a smartypants like you run around.
Goosey: I love how he found hay to lie on at the beach
: You know what? I think I'm gonna ask my pardner if I kin kill you myself.
LaZorra: Awww, Buck. Why did you have to be evil? :-(
10Kan: And stupid. Why'd he have to be stupid?
10Kan: You don't back people into a corner when they've got a gun on you.
: Let me get this straight, Bucko. You think I'm not going to pull this trigger because people might think I'm the murderer. But if I don't pull this trigger, you're going to personally see to it that I get killed?
: I told you you was a smart girl.
: And you're even dumber than I thought.
: *hesitating*
: This is your last chance.
: Ahh-hawhawhawhawhawhawhawhaw! Come on, lady, if you was gonna pull that trigger, you'd'a pulled it by now.
: I WILL shoot you! You better believe it!
: Hee heeee! Look at the little girl, playin' all TOUGH! Like yer a MAN or sumthin'!
: Rrrrrrr!
: Ramona, stop.
: H--Katie! Katie, go back. I have to shoot him. *choked up* It's the only way we're going to live through this. Go back! You have to get out of here!
: Give me the gun.
LaZorra: This is not the story Ramona told.
Crystal109: Hayley knows some elements of the story, though. She could just make up the rest.
LaZorra: Yeah.
: Your way won't work!
: I know. I know that now. But killing him won't work either. Give me the gun. We'll tie him up -- how's that? He won't be able to do anything to us, and in the morning we'll tell everybody how we know he lied to us about Genevieve. The killer will give himself away by defending him, or by killing Buck to keep him quiet. Give me the gun.
: Why do I get the feeling even you don't think that plan will work?
: I do think it'll work, but even if I didn't, so what? If you pull that trigger, you could go to jail for the rest of your life. Is that really going to help?
: ...
: Give me the gun, Ramona.
: ...
: *sigh* Ok.
: Here.
: Thank you. All right, we're going to need some rope. I'll keep him covered, and you go find something to tie him up with, ok?
: All right.
: *leaves*
asterismW: Yeah. Leave them alone.
: Well. Just you and me now, Buck.
Nyperold: Oh dear.
: ...Awwwwww, now ain't that sweet? Big sister lookin' out for the little sister like that, s'nuff to break yer heart! HAH! Didn't think I knowed about you being sisters, didja???
: You're wasting time, Buck. You and I both know I can't leave you alive, or Ramona and I will both be dead by morning.
: HAHHHHHH! You got THAT right!
: Unless you tell us who you're working with. If you turn yourself in and tell us all you know, we'll catch the real killer, and the rest of the household will be content to hold you both under citizen's arrest until you can be turned over to the authorities.
10Kan: Citizen's arrest isn't used nearly often enough.
* Randy arrests SirDude.
: If you refuse to talk, killing you is the only way I can hope to save my sister and myself.
: If I were you, I'd start talking now. Ramona isn't going to be long.
: HAWHAWHAWHAW! Now you think YER gonna shoot me?? Pretty little silly GIRL like you???
NessaChan: He's pretty calm to keep chewin that hay with a gun pointed at him
: Tell me who you're working with.
: NEWS FO' YA, BARBIE DOLL! YOU GONNA DIE! 'Cause I ain't tellin' NUTHIN'!
: So you best just shoot that gun, IF YOU CAN FIGGER OUT HOW!
: Lemme he'p. That dangly bit? That's called the trig--
Goosey: what a dope
(blurry transition back from flashback)

10Kan: "Two through the heart and two through the head, and you can be sure that they're really quite dead."
NessaChan: She didn't talk about the Ramona Kicking bit
LaZorra: No, she didn't.
iwpg: That would have been before she got there.
Maryam: She did that before Hayley got there.
Sam: If you want to go back later, you'll find that actually neither flashback lies. They're both 100% truthful.
: Aw, no. *distraught* You're telling the truth, aren't you?
: Of course.
: Of course. Aw, man. I should have realized. You're not protecting her by lying -- you protected her by actually killing the guy. Oh, Hayley.
: ...
: But they'll still never believe it. They'll think you're lying to protect her.
: They'll believe it.
: Wait here a moment.
: *unlock*
: *removes something from the safe*
asterismW: Cool! *I* don't have a safe!
: Listen to this.
: NEWS FO' YA, BARBIE DOLL! YOU GONNA DIE! 'Cause I ain't tellin' NUTHIN'!
: *click*
Goosey: that shows some foresight for sure
: It's all there. Every word.
: We didn't go to Paradise Island to pay a blackmailer. We went to expose the Piper Downs gang. We made sure we had the equipment for the job with us. And the night I killed Buck, I made sure Ramona got the fresh start in life she should have.
asterismW: While destroying your own. Smart.
Sam: If that's what it takes. That's love.
10Kan: She's been pretty selfless through this entire story.
: *sigh*
iwpg: She has evidence that Buck was in on it, though.
iwpg: So it could easily be ruled justifiable.
asterismW: iwpg: Yeah!
NessaChan: yeah, the Jury wouldn't convict her at least not for much
10Kan: Yeah, remote island, big murder plot, crony swearing to kill you himself...
10Kan: I think she'll get off easy.
: I can't cover this up. I would if I could, but other people know about the boot marks now, too.
: I couldn't let you compromise your ethics on my account in any case. You're a good man, Miles, and you should stay that way.
: But Hayley! I have to arrest you, now. How can I do that? You know how I feel about you....
: *smile* It's easy, Miles. You take those handcuffs, and you put them around my wrists.
: *anguished*
: Let's get this over with. Come on. Read me my rights.
Crystal109: Oh, man. It's so sad.
: Thank you.
: For what?
: For being such a good friend.
: I don't feel like such a good friend right now.
: No, I suppose you don't. But you are. You always have been.
* Randy's waiting for the car to blow up
: I'm sorry.
: It must have been hard for you, me being with Matt all this time.
: Heh...*shakes his head*...only you, Hayley. I'm taking you to prison, and all you can think about is the welfare of the arresting officer.
: *wan smile*
: If Matt had made you happy, I'd have been fine.
Crystal109: Dude, you are officially on my cool list.
: Look after Ramona while I'm away, would you?
: Sure, Hayley.
: She'll be fine, you know.
: I know.
: *smile*
End of Chapter 10

Crystal109: Such a sad ending.
(fade out)

Crystal109: ....Wow.
10Kan: :'-)
Crystal109: That was an intense ending right there.
LaZorra: *sigh* :-(
Myrth: So... It wasn't Tyler after all?
Sam: Fraid not.
Kysle: Wait - the car doesn't blow up or something?
Maryam: But... how did they get off the island?
asterismW: The rescuers came for them.
Sam: Somebody noticed the helicopter guy didn't come back.
10Kan: Maryam: The coast guard eventually came to look for the pilot.
NessaChan: they used the fat man as a raft
Crystal109: Sam, that's a great way for you to talk about deep issues like repercussions. =)
* Maryam claps.
* Randy applauds!
* Crystal109 gives a standing ovation.
* 10Kan cheers loudly.
iwpg: Indeed, yay Sam!
Crystal109: This really felt like a movie. Way cool.
asterismW: Wait, that's the END end?
Sam: That's the end.
LaZorra: But . . . what about her sentence?
Sam: Or...well...
Ramona served six months in the Kentucky Correctional Institute for Women. She currently works as a counselor for underprivileged youth in Columbus, Ohio, and visits schools nationwide to speak about her experiences growing up.
LaZorra: LOL
asterismW: LOL
10Kan: She still has that hair.
True to her word, she got rid of her ridiculous hairdo.
Maryam: LOL
Crystal109: LOL LOL LOL
TalkingDog: LOL
10Kan: LOL
asterismW: LOLOLOL
NessaChan: lolol
Randy: LOL LOL !
Goosey: LOL
* LaZorra dies.
Goosey: yes, much better
Maryam: That RULES.
Randy: She looks like a peacock and a turkey got together.
NessaChan: I especially like the green muppet hair in the back
Hayley was tried for voluntary manslaughter in a federal court. Buck's death was ruled a justifiable homicide, and Hayley was released from custody.
asterismW: Yay!
LaZorra: YES
Crystal109: Yay!
Goosey: YAY!
Three years later, she married her childhood sweetheart.
Maryam: Awww.
Crystal109: YES YES YES YES YES.
10Kan: WHOOO!
Goosey: yay!
LaZorra: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
asterismW: Happy ending after all!
NessaChan: woo
Crystal109: What a cute couple.
asterismW: GO SAM!
10Kan: Those must've been engagement cuffs!
They currently reside in Cincinnati, Ohio, with their three children -- Ricardo, Sven, and Ivy.
NessaChan: haha
iwpg: LOL
10Kan: LOL
Nyperold: LOL
NessaChan: hahhaha
* TalkingDog dies.
LaZorra: SVEN? LOL
Crystal109: Awwwwwwwww. RICARDO. SVEN. IVY.
Crystal109: THAT'S AWESOME.
NessaChan: and a cat named archie
Kalimeris: KITTY
Sam: I'm watching it dawn on you who those characters are in UBT #3 now.
Maryam: And he lifted way too many weights.
Randy: LOL
Sam: Hayley got really patriotic in her old age.
Crystal109: LOL Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! I NEVER THOUGHT THAT FAR YET.
Sam: YES! I knew LaZorra needed her memory jogged!
asterismW: OH GROSS
* Crystal109 claps for Sam's movie anyways.

Because the credits read easier without comments interspersed, here are the credits without them, followed by the credits with them.

Written and Directed by Samuel Stoddard
If it hadn't been for Piper Downs,
All the gang would still be around.
They lived life in a foolish way --
They were dumb, says Cotton-Eyed Jay.
Edited by Snook Draddots
If it hadn't been Julie and Matt,
Small'd be alive and still be fat.
Why did you kill? Were you down on your luck?
Why did you kill him, Cotton-Eyed Buck?
Cinematography by the Cast
She took the Downs like a thief in the night.
She teethed on her finger in the autumn twilight.
Her men were her tools, and they put her on high.
And when she was done, somehow they would all die!
Art Decoration by Google Image Search
If it hadn't been for old Big Red,
Piper Downs gang wouldn't all be dead.
Why did you play that nasty game?
Don't they know homicide is lame?
Costume Design by People Who Don't Understand Tropical Islands Are Hot
She brought disaster wherever she went.
The hearts of the boys were to hell broken sent.
They all ran her errands so nobody would know,
That Julie Parris was the one a-runnin' the show!
Makeup by Random Splatter Enterprises
If it hadn't been for Cody's dad,
He'd be a good guy, and Crystal'd be glad.
Why does he wear that handsome suit?
Underneath, he's not as cute.
Hairstyle by the Egad Please Don't Corporation
If it hadn't been for tropical climes,,
They wouldn't be so hot all the time.
Matt wore a coat, 'cause he was a prude;
Camille was skimpy, and Hayley was nude.
Special Visual Effects by 733t Photoshop Skillz
If it hadn't been for UBT,
You wouldn't see this story from me.
Play some bots and click some links;
Here's to us, we're Cotton-Eyed Rinks.
Hay Bales Donated By Country Mile Hay Farm, Dooby, Minnesota
"Cotton-Eyed Jay"
Casting by Samuel Stoddard and the UBT #4 Contestants
dir. Charlie Von Steppenwergen

As promised, the credits with the comments included:

Written and Directed by Samuel Stoddard
If it hadn't been for Piper Downs,
All the gang would still be around.
They lived life in a foolish way --
They were dumb, says Cotton-Eyed Jay.
10Kan: LOL
* asterismW applauds
Edited by Snook Draddots
If it hadn't been Julie and Matt,
Small'd be alive and still be fat.
Why did you kill? Were you down on your luck?
Why did you kill him, Cotton-Eyed Buck?
NessaChan: xD
* 10Kan does that crazy, freaky dance.
Maryam: What does "cotton-eyed" mean?
Crystal109: He has soft eyes.
10Kan: I don't know, but it sounds painful.
Crystal109: Unless it's before picking.
Nyperold: Give Buck the weevil eye!

It's a term that seems to have originated with the song, which dates back to before the American Civil War. Its intended meaning is unclear. From Wikipedia: "A list of the possible meanings of the term 'cotton eyed' that have been proposed includes: to be drunk on moonshine, or to have been blinded by drinking wood alcohol, turning the eyes milky white; a black person with very light blue eyes; someone whose eyes were milky white from bacterial infections of Trachoma or syphilis, cataracts or glaucoma; and the contrast of dark skin tone around white eyeballs in black people."

Cinematography by the Cast
She took the Downs like a thief in the night.
She teethed on her finger in the autumn twilight.
Her men were her tools, and they put her on high.
And when she was done, somehow they would all die!
asterismW: LOL
LaZorra: LOL
Art Decoration by Google Image Search
If it hadn't been for old Big Red,
Piper Downs gang wouldn't all be dead.
Why did you play that nasty game?
Don't they know homicide is lame?
Goosey: LOL
Costume Design by People Who Don't Understand Tropical Islands Are Hot
She brought disaster wherever she went.
The hearts of the boys were to hell broken sent.
They all ran her errands so nobody would know,
Maryam: Hehehehe.
LaZorra: "Cotton-Eyed Joe" is an old fiddle tune.
LaZorra: To which these lyrics are set.
That Julie Parris was the one a-runnin' the show!
Makeup by Random Splatter Enterprises
If it hadn't been for Cody's dad,
He'd be a good guy, and Crystal'd be glad.
Crystal109: YEAH I WOULD.
Why does he wear that handsome suit?
Underneath, he's not as cute.
Crystal109: SAMMMMMMM.
10Kan: LOL
Goosey: ROFL!
Hairstyle by the Egad Please Don't Corporation
If it hadn't been for tropical climes,,
They wouldn't be so hot all the time.
Matt wore a coat, 'cause he was a prude;
Camille was skimpy, and Hayley was nude.
asterismW: Laughing so hard...
iwpg: LOL
NessaChan: lol
10Kan: That's why I liked her!
Crystal109: HAYLEY WAS NUDE.
10Kan: That and the FRECKLES.
Special Visual Effects by 733t Photoshop Skillz
If it hadn't been for UBT,
You wouldn't see this story from me.
Play some bots and click some links;
Here's to us, we're Cotton-Eyed Rinks.
Hay Bales Donated By Country Mile Hay Farm, Dooby, Minnesota
LaZorra: LOL
Crystal109: LOL LOL.
"Cotton-Eyed Jay"
Casting by Samuel Stoddard and the UBT #4 Contestants
dir. Charlie Von Steppenwergen
10Kan: Here's to us!
Crystal109: A toast!
LaZorra: I'm surprised the dialogue wasn't *snnnnnnnnnnnnnraaararfffgglglglgllllfff"

But then there is an interruption in the credits....

: What did that letter really mean, Cody?
asterismW: ?
Goosey: huh?
: It's like I told you. Blackmail.
Kalimeris: Cody returns!
: Must be nice to have a blackmailer that covers your pay-off expenses.
: *blink*
Nyperold: Bloopers!
: *laugh*
: *giggle*
Kalimeris: :-D
: ... We're not up to that line yet, are we?
LaZorra: R
10Kan: LOL, outtakes?
Maryam: Hehehehe.
Goosey: YAY! I love bloopers!
: *laugh* No, that comes later.
asterismW: LOLOLOLOL


Goosey: LOL
10Kan: This just got 20% more awesome!
: *swing*
: *dodge*
: *kick*
: *recoil*
: *pummel*
Crystal109: Way too much fun on this.
: Oof!
: *smash*
: Oh my gosh, are you ok?
: Yeah, I'm fine...ow ow ow ow. *wince*
LaZorra: hehehe
Randy: LOL!
: I am soooo sorry. *cringe* Ouch, you're bleeding. Oh my gosh, I am so, so sorry.
Maryam: LOL
Goosey: LOL
Crystal109: LOL LOL
* asterismW DIES

10Kan: LOL
* Randy is hurting from lauughing
iwpg: Nice picture reuse.
: What did that letter really mean, Cody?
NessaChan: lol
TalkingDog: LOL LOL
: *cracks up*
Maryam: LOL
Randy: laughing too
* 10Kan is cracking up over here!
* Crystal109 is grinning like CRAZY. Because she can't laugh and disturb the studying people.
iwpg: LOL
Crystal109: LOL LOL LOL
* LaZorra is trying SO HARD not to laugh out loud.
: I can't help it. I love that line.

Maryam: LOL
asterismW: LOLOLOL
LaZorra: LOL
Crystal109: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! I LOVE CODY THE ACTOR.
: Oh no, I think I'm FALLING IN!
: *laugh*
LaZorra: hehehe
: *laugh*
asterismW: LOL
iwpg: TYLER
: But...but I thought you might want to cool off!
: Brrr. Nobody's actually going to believe it's hot out here. Give me your hand.
Maryam: LOL
: *pull*
: *YANK!*
: *gasp*
asterismW: Yes!
: Serves you right.
: Oh, man. This coat is HEAVY when it's wet. *laugh*
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Crystal109: YEAHHHH.

Maryam: Hehehe.
10Kan: heehee!
Goosey: heheheheh
Crystal109: Oh, they're having so much fun.
asterismW: Sam, you RULE
: Beauty of nature take breath away, whether 15 or 99.
Sam: Randy: Nice call.
Randy: I rule
: You're 99?
: Yes. 99 years. Birthday is the day after tomorrow.
: ...
: What? Didn't I say that right?
: You said the word 'the' again.
iwpg: LOL
asterismW: LOLOLOLOL
: I did? Oh, poo. I just can't talk like that. How long has this character been in America? Forty, fifty years? He masters every single word in the English language except 'the.' *laugh*
: *laugh*
Goosey: LOL
TalkingDog: LOL
Crystal109: LOL LOL LOL LOL
: Who wrote this stuff, anyway?
* 10Kan dies.

NessaChan: haha
LaZorra: That's . . . really cut.
: Watch his head!
: I got him.
:     OW!
iwpg: LOL
: Oops!
: She said to watch my head!
asterismW: HAHAHAHA
: Sorry! I didn't realize there was a chair right there.
: Oh, man. That hurt.
Crystal109: AHAHAHAHA.
Goosey: hahahaha

Crystal109: <3
NessaChan: I love how tyler wyler's apple is unscathed
: AAGH! *wipes her eyes* I'm so angry with myself that you can make me cry!
: Do you have any idea how much you've hurt me? Do you even care?
: You know what the kicker for all of this is? The big, bitter kick in the gut?
: Hahahahaha...
10Kan: LOL
TalkingDog: LOL LOL
: :-)
Maryam: LOL LOL
: Get out of here, Cody, you're dead.
Goosey: LOL
Crystal109: LOL LOL
Kalimeris: Oh Cody.

* LaZorra is losing it.
* asterismW has lost it
TalkingDog: Cody rules.
Randy: CODY
: Do you see this? *spit* Do you see that hock of spit? Aww, I got it all over your shirt, SO SORRY! Do you see that? That spotty snop of glit has more value to--
: ...*cracks up*
Goosey: LOL
: *grin* --DID YOU HEAR ME? You're a GLOTTY SPOT OF...SNIP....
: *out of control*
: ...a snocky...stop of...
LaZorra: hehehehehehe
: *crying*
: ...whatever it is, you're it, I know that at least.
Maryam: LOL

Goosey: That was great! LOL
asterismW: hahahahaha
Crystal109: LOL LOL
Randy: LZ: Mostly in chat!
LaZorra: Randy: YES
10Kan: LaZorra: Quit spitting on people then!
: Do you see this? *spit* Do you see that hock of spit? Aww, I got it all over your shirt, SO SORRY! Do you see that? That...snotty...glop
: *laugh*

LaZorra: LOL LOL
Sam: This is proof. Ramona = LaZorra
Maryam: LOL
Goosey: LOL
Randy: O.o
: Do you see this? *spit* Do you see that hock of spit? Aww, I got it all over--bwahahaa...
NessaChan: xD
Maryam: hehehe
asterismW: LOL
: Quit laughing! I can't keep a straight face if you're laughing!
LaZorra: hehehehgehehehheheheheaaaaaaa
: I can't help it!

Crystal109: This is almost EXACTLY like a blooper reel. It's AMAZING.
asterismW: Aaaaahhhh.....
* Crystal109 breathes.
: Do you see this? *spit* Do you s...LOL LOL LOL

Maryam: Now he's absolutely covered in spit.
LaZorra: Maryam: Ewwwwww.
Crystal109: Maryam: LOL LOL
Randy: LOL
Crystal109: SPITTOON.
Myrth: "Ramona and Tyler spit scene, take 225!"
10Kan: This reminds me of those fictional bloopers that Phan wrote on her website.
Randy: Man, the last bit of this transcript is basically all of us going "LOL"
: NEWS FO' YA, BARBIE DOLL! YOU GONNA DIE! 'Cause I ain't tellin' NUTHIN'!
: So you best just shoot that gun, IF YOU CAN FIGGER OUT HOW!
: Lemme he'p. That dangly bit? That's called the trig--
: ...
: I don't think those blood packets are workin'.
: *laugh* You're invincible!
LaZorra: hehehe
Kalimeris: Hahaha
: (pop!) Hey, there goes one of 'em!
10Kan: LOL
: They're just really slow bullets!
asterismW: LOLOLOL

Goosey: ROFL
Maryam: hehehe
Crystal109: LOL LOL
NessaChan: hahaha
* 10Kan dies. AGAIN!
LaZorra: LOL LOL!
Maryam: He has the accent in real life too. Hehe.
asterismW: Oh man oh man oh man....
LaZorra: hehehehe
Crystal109: Hotness.

The credits resume, first without comments:

Cast of Characters
Hayley Harper..........Camou-Fairy
On a warm summer's evenin',
Ramona Harper..........Grrrothbabie13
In a chat room full of idlers,
I met up with the chatter.
Julie Parris..........Sarah Michelle Gellar
We were both too tired to sleep.
Right next to his name,
Matt Spilk..........Herve Villechaize
I couldn't help but notice,
That shiny green [op] label.
Cody Baxter..........Ralph Macchio
And he began to speak.
Mrityunjay Darji..........Pat Morita
He said, son, I've spent my time here,
Buster "Buck" Cassidy..........Dude
Watchin' over this here chat,
Preventing incoherence,
Camille Gautier..........Gene Tierney
So the regulars can talk.
But I'm leaving here forevar,
Tyler Wyler..........Jokey Smurf
And son, you will replace me,
But before you take the job on,
Genevieve Signoret..........Julia Child
You gotta learn to do it right.
Miles Von Steppenwergen..........Robert Young
You got to know when to kick 'em,
Helicopter Pilot..........Archie
Know when to trick 'em,
Know when you're from Belize,
Bubba Small..........Nicolas Kringle
Or a fifteen year old girl.
You never throw out a lamer,
When he's ripe for entertainment,
There'll be time enough for banning,
"Cotton-Eyed Jay"
When the pwning's done.
Lyrics By WhizKid
Performed by WhizNex
All operators know,
That the secret to adminning,
"The Chatter"
Is knowin' that a slash possess
Lyrics By WhizKid
Comes before a slash evict.
Performed by Whizzy Rogers
'Cause every n00b's a target,
Such as Gortman64,
Or K or Tofu Ninja,
Or sweetgirl651.
This bot tournament is a work of fiction. Any similarity to persons living
or dead is...seriously, trust us...entirely coincidental, oh yeah.
You got to know when to ban 'em,
Know when to scam 'em,
No animals were harmed in the making of this bot tournament.
Know when you're from Belize,
Or ninety-nine years old.
Except for that one time Mr. Small fell over and squashed a moose flat.
You never throw out a lamer,
Who says she's Cheyenne Kimball,
And that other time a hawk got impaled on Ramona's hair.
There'll be time enough for banning,
When the pwning's done.
But those were accidents.
"The Chatter"
Filmed On Location On the Tropical Islands of New Hampshire, USA
Whizzy Rogers
dir. Charlie Von Steppenwergen
The Ultimate Bot Tournament Will Return


Again, with comments:

Cast of Characters
Randy: aww
Crystal109: Awwww.
10Kan: Oh boy!
Hayley Harper..........Camou-Fairy
Maryam: LOL
iwpg: LOL
asterismW: LOL
On a warm summer's evenin',
Crystal109: LOL LOL
Randy: LOL
10Kan: Yes!
Ramona Harper..........Grrrothbabie13
In a chat room full of idlers,
Maryam: Of course!
I met up with the chatter.
Crystal109: Grrothbabie!
10Kan: The one, the only...
Julie Parris..........Sarah Michelle Gellar
We were both too tired to sleep.
Right next to his name,
iwpg: Nice.
Matt Spilk..........Herve Villechaize
I couldn't help but notice,
Randy: OH MY
That shiny green [op] label.
10Kan: LOL
Cody Baxter..........Ralph Macchio
And he began to speak.
Mrityunjay Darji..........Pat Morita
Maryam: hehehe
10Kan: Awesome!
Crystal109: LOL
Randy: Karate Kid!
He said, son, I've spent my time here,
Buster "Buck" Cassidy..........Dude
Watchin' over this here chat,
Crystal109: DUDE!
iwpg: Naturally.
Crystal109: BUCK!
Randy: DUDE
Maryam: Dude's gonna be in every UBT!
Preventing incoherence,
Camille Gautier..........Gene Tierney
So the regulars can talk.
But I'm leaving here forevar,
10Kan: LOL
Tyler Wyler..........Jokey Smurf
And son, you will replace me,
Maryam: LOL
LaZorra: SMURF
Crystal109: LOL
Kalimeris: Tyler Wyler doesn't have luck with names.
But before you take the job on,
NessaChan: haha jokey smurf xDDD
TalkingDog: But aren't Smurfs three apples tall?
Crystal109: It's the camera.
10Kan: TD: ROTFL
Genevieve Signoret..........Julia Child
You gotta learn to do it right.
Miles Von Steppenwergen..........Robert Young
iwpg: LOL
You got to know when to kick 'em,
Helicopter Pilot..........Archie
Know when to trick 'em,
Crystal109: ARCHIE?????
Maryam: ARCHIE!
asterismW: ARCHIE!
Know when you're from Belize,
Bubba Small..........Nicolas Kringle
Or a fifteen year old girl.
Crystal109: BUBBA.
Kalimeris: SANTA CLAUS Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!
asterismW: Santa is NOT that fat.
10Kan: Nor is he naked. Ever.
You never throw out a lamer,
10Kan: Whoever did makeup here deserves an Oscar.
When he's ripe for entertainment,
There'll be time enough for banning,
"Cotton-Eyed Jay"
When the pwning's done.
Crystal109: LOL LOL
Lyrics By WhizKid
Performed by WhizNex
Crystal109: WHIZNEX.
All operators know,
* asterismW is loving the poem thingy too.
* LaZorra is loving the song.
* Crystal109 is loving the song too.
asterismW: Oh, it's a song?
Sam: That's to the tune of the Gambler, by Kenny Rogers. Check it out in the archive, where it'll be more coherent.
Randy: The Gambler is one of my favorites
* 10Kan half-recognizes it.
That the secret to adminning,
"The Chatter"
Is knowin' that a slash possess
Lyrics By WhizKid
Comes before a slash evict.
Performed by Whizzy Rogers
'Cause every n00b's a target,
Crystal109: N00b!
Such as Gortman64,
Or K or Tofu Ninja,
iwpg: TOFU
Or sweetgirl651.
This bot tournament is a work of fiction. Any similarity to persons living
or dead is...seriously, trust us...entirely coincidental, oh yeah.
Crystal109: LOL LOL LOL
LaZorra: You gotta know when to hold 'em / Know when to fold 'em / Know when to walk away / Know when to run / You never count your money / When you're sitting at the table / There'll be time enough for counting / When the dealing's done."
You got to know when to ban 'em,
Randy: When to ban 'em
Know when to scam 'em,
Randy: When to scam 'em!
No animals were harmed in the making of this bot tournament.
Know when you're from Belize,
Maryam: LOL
Myrth: No apples were harmed either.
Or ninety-nine years old.
Randy: Ninety-nine years old!
Except for that one time Mr. Small fell over and squashed a moose flat.
You never throw out a lamer,
Crystal109: LOL
iwpg: LOL
LaZorra: LOL LOL
10Kan: LOL
asterismW: Squooshed moose!
Who says she's Cheyenne Kimball,
And that other time a hawk got impaled on Ramona's hair.
There'll be time enough for banning,
LaZorra: Owww.
When the pwning's done.
But those were accidents.
LaZorra: Nice!
10Kan: My sock is stuck fast to the heater grate, and it is hilarious.
"The Chatter"
Filmed On Location On the Tropical Islands of New Hampshire, USA
Whizzy Rogers
dir. Charlie Von Steppenwergen
Crystal109: NEW HAMPSHIRE.
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Randy: I don't think Tropical and New Hampshire go together.
LaZorra: Bring your bikini!
LaZorra: And your earmuffs!
NessaChan: Matt knows how to dress for New Hampshire Beach
The Ultimate Bot Tournament Will Return
LaZorra: Ooohh.
Nyperold: In UBT 5... and Let Die?
10Kan: Seriously, I'm going to have to climb down beneath my desk and get it unhooked.
Crystal109: 10K: LOL oh man.
Goosey: Yay! Brilliant!
* asterismW give a standing ovation!
* Goosey performs a standing ovation
Kysle: Yaaay!
Maryam: Sam, I cannot express in words how much you RULE.
* Crystal109 stands up and claps REALLY LOUDLY.
* LaZorra too!!!!!!!
* 10Kan hoots and whistles!
Crystal109: Sam, this was AWESOME.

TalkingDog: LOL LOL LOL
Crystal109: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!. YES YES YES YES YES.
asterismW: AWWWWW
Crystal109: ROFL
Crystal109: MEOW.
NessaChan: ROCK
Kalimeris: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! KITTY YAY
Maryam: heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Crystal109: SAM YOU ARE 100000000x AWESOME.
Sam: Ok, NOW the UBT story is over.
asterismW: SAM = RULING ^ 100000000
10Kan: Sam, this is going to be a tough act to follow.
Crystal109: Sam, that was amazing.
NessaChan: okay, that rocked like awesome
Crystal109: Just the credits themselves were amazing.
Crystal109: And the
* 10Kan just got himself unhooked.
Crystal109: 10K: LOL good to know.
Kalimeris: My socks are off.
LaZorra: Which is different from a Ticia pounce hug. This is basically me jumping at him.
Sam: Oof
asterismW: The bloopers were SO AWESOMENESS
LaZorra: YES
Crystal109: Sam: Make sure your ego doesn't get inflated too much! XD
Maryam: Definitely needed those bloopers after that serious story there.
LaZorra: They were pretty much like watching real bloopers.
Crystal109: Maryam: For SURE.
Kalimeris: That was fun.
Randy: crazygoofyfunthatruled
10Kan: That was awesome. You're all too awesome.
Sam: Thanks for everything. You all rule to death. UBT #5 shall be sometime this summer or early fall.
10Kan: No, YOU rule to death and renincarnation and death again.
Randy: You are all very strange and crazy and I love you all.
LaZorra: Randy: That is basically my standing RinkChat sentiment.
asterismW: 10: LOL
Sam: I don't offhand know that I'm going to do a story for it. These things take ridiculous amounts of time to put together. I wrote Wednesday night's story chapter last Sunday, and I've basically been working on tonight ever since.
Crystal109: Sam: Yeah, we all appreciate the dedication you put into this, Sam.
Crystal109: At least, I do. =)
Maryam: That's ok. I'm sure sometimes we just need a bot tournament without a story.
Sam: But if I think of a good story idea that won't repeat myself, I'll be a sucker for it, of course.
Sam: Yeah. I'd kind of like to actually play one.
asterismW: You could alternate.
asterismW: One with a story, one without.
* LaZorra votes for a regular tourney next time, and maybe something special the next time.
Sam: Anyway, about Miles and Hayley. It breaks my heart to think they'll grow up like that, but I couldn't possibly resist the joke, especially when I went back to UBT #3 and realized that I never actually gave them names.
Crystal109: Sam: That was AWFULLY SAD. But RULING at the same time.
Maryam: I thought it was just hilarious.
LaZorra: I loved it.
Randy: When is the revealing of the votes?
Crystal109: And WATCH me TYPE in CAPS for FUN.
Maryam: I can't wait to read your writeup either, Sam.
Sam: Oh yeah!
10Kan: And now I'm going to nestle all snug in my bed, with visions of RinkWorks dancing in my head.
Crystal109: 10K: Night!
Maryam: Night 10K!
10Kan: Goodnight!
Randy: Night bro!
LaZorra: Night!
10Kan has left.
LaZorra: The idea of Charlie getting married is too freaking hilarious.
Crystal109: LOL
Maryam: LOL LZ
LaZorra: "Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
LaZorra: "SNRFgargledo"
Sam: Ok, yeah, I forgot about the votes and stuff. This weekend, I'll be writing up probably a VERY lengthy author's note sort of thing, describing the evolution of the story, ideas and contingency plans that I thought of but never used, and also the revealing of the votes and so forth.
Crystal109: Yeah, I can't wait for the behind the scenes!
Sam: That "The Chatter" song, by the way, I wrote to perform at RU7.
Randy: heh
LaZorra: LOL
Sam: The problem is, I can't sing, so I ultimately chickened out. But then I realized this was a good place to use that.
Maryam: Awww.
Sam: I probably could have done it, though. It's not a hard song.
Sam: *shrug*
* LaZorra can sing. . .
Maryam: I'm amazed you were able to sit on it for so long.
* LaZorra can even play the guitar . . .
Maryam: LZ, you are totally performing it at the next RU.
Sam: LaZ: Yodel it.
LaZorra: Sam: LOL LOL
LaZorra: Yodelling Kenny Rodgers. Now THERE'S a challenge.
Sam: Oh, there is one comment I can make before my write-up.
Sam: Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine Ramona would survive the story.
asterismW: I didn't vote for her because she was interesting.
Maryam: aster: Same here.
Maryam: I voted for her once at the beginning, I think, but then I thought the way she talked was funny so I didn't vote for her anymore.
Sam: I figured the first vote would be her or Genevieve. Great. After that, Tyler and Camille seemed to be unpopular for not being very developed, so those two and Ramona would be the next three.
asterismW: Tyler and Camille were just annoying.
Randy: I thought Cody would make it.
Sam: Randy: At some points early on, I did too. I'll talk a bit about why that had to change.
Sam: Cody was the vote that I overruled.
Sam: He didn't get any kill votes, and he won the safety vote. So I didn't just go against the vote, I totally turned it upside down.
Randy: LOL
Sam: Anyway, at one point Ramona WON a safety vote.
Sam: I was SHOCKED.
asterismW: You made her interesting!
Sam: Then I realized, dang, that's going to screw up my story. So the next chapter, I didn't do much of anything interesting with her. But after THAT, I started to know where the story had to go.
NessaChan: I couldn't kill her or Matt coz Hayley would be sad.
NessaChan: I couldn't stand to see freckles cry
Sam: Like I say, you have a soft heart. :-)
Sam: If Ramona had been killed, Matt would have turned out a goodguy.
Maryam: Nessa: You didn't vote to kill anyone though. :-)
NessaChan: Actually I did vote for the death of Camille lol but that was only once.
NessaChan: after I figured out I didn't have to, I didn't bother
Sam: NC: I noticed in one of the last votes, you voted to save somebody but not to kill anybody.
NessaChan: yes
NessaChan: I can't remember who I voted for though
Sam: Hrm.
Sam: Matt.
NessaChan: Yeah, I didn't really want to do that because I figured if Matt lived he'd be evil
* Sam breathes a contented sigh of relief.
Sam: That was fun.
* Maryam HUGS Sam!
* Sam HUGS Maryam!
* asterismW pats Sam on the back.
* LaZorra HUGS Sam!
LaZorra: That was an incredible amount of fun.
* Sam HUGS LaZorra!
* Randy HUGS Everyone!
* LaZorra HUGS Randy!
LaZorra: Sam: Fry elven cows!
LaZorra: *elevn
LaZorra: *eleven
TalkingDog: ELVEN COWS
Maryam: LOL LZ
TalkingDog: LOL LOL LOL
iwpg: Is that the kind of cow that Camou Fairy sent?
LaZorra: iwpg: LOL
LaZorra: Probably!
asterismW: I'm still surprised that you held the tourneys so late your time.
asterismW: Don't you have to get up in the morning?
Sam: aster: Not tonight. So I knew it would be ok to go late. The other nights it went to 1am weren't my own preference.
Nyperold: Hey, iwpg's still here. It's 6:30 AM his time.
asterismW: Really? Yikes.
Randy: I think iwpg might be a sleep chatter.
iwpg: Heh.
Sam: Heh. iwpg, you can return to your own time zone now.
iwpg: Yeah, I should. 'Night!
iwpg has left.
Randy: And chat is going all wonky for me now...
Maryam: Sam: By the way, the first couple of sessions I wasn't really sure I wanted to come play (because I have a hard time committing myself to that much time and energy for anything). But I got over that fast; I was looking forward to each session, even the ones where I didn't want to play any of the bots.
Sam: Maryam: RULE
Sam: Maryam: I'm *SO* glad you found a way to be on this week.
Maryam: ME TOO.
Sam: And that Kali could log in from home.
Maryam: (typoed as ME TOTO)
Maryam: hehehehe
asterismW: Sam: I'd like to thank you for giving me an excuse to end math tutoring ON TIME rather than having it drag out for two hours or so.
Sam: heheheeh. Anytime.
Sam: I should go to bed, but I'm still calming down.
Kalimeris: :-)
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'UBT #4 is over! But this room shall remain open for rerun(s) of the final chapter, time to be determined.' by Sam.
Randy: I really needed the fun of the tourney these past few weeks. Work was ROUGH. heh
asterismW: Randy: Ditto
Sam: Glad this could help.
asterismW: I especially needed session 2.
NessaChan: okay, well considering my blood test is at 6:30 am I should probably sleep
NessaChan: good job sam
Maryam: Night Nessa!
NessaChan: nitenite
asterismW: Night!
Sam: Night Nessa!
NessaChan has left.
Sam: LaZ: I still can't get over how lucky you were to make it.
Sam: I was seriously *right* in the middle of typing out the "story underway" topic command.
LaZorra: Sam: I can't believe you didn't start the story earlier.
LaZorra: I was sure I'd come in and everyone would be like, " YOU TOTALLY MISSED IT."
Sam: I was thinking I'd have to. We waited probably 15 minutes, but I can't make 15 other people wait, so I was going to start, and then I realized I could just start the first bot instead.
Sam: And then the first bot took a while, because I forgot to set the winning score to 30, so it ended at 15, and I had to spent some time resetting the scores for a 30 point game.
LaZorra: Well, I really, really, really appreciate it. :-)
Sam: No problem.
LaZorra: Even if you DID leave me dorky messages on my phone. ;-)
Sam: That was the best part.
Sam: TD: You're not here, but thanks for the blooper idea. That was your doing.
* TalkingDog is here.
TalkingDog is back.
Sam: I thought it was a good idea, but we were talking about it in terms of something I'd just post to the transcript area after the fact, and I didn't like that idea. But then at some point I realized, duh, I can do that during the end credits.
asterismW: Cody's bloopers were my favorite.
Sam: The bloopers were the last thing to go in. I wrote those today.
LaZorra: Archie at the end is what made it for me.
Sam: hehehe
Sam: That idea came earlier.
Maryam: heee
LaZorra: Heee!
LaZorra: That is so freaking awesome.
Maryam: He is TOO CUTE.
Randy: Ok. The world is getting all fuzzy. And I don't mean like Archie.
asterismW: Ok, I think I'm out too.
Sam: Night!

As mentioned before, Goosey saw this session's story later, during which time a few others were also present to rewatch it. This was an interesting snippet of conversation that couldn't be edited into the transcript above:

NessaChan: I totally missed Hayley calling Julie a tramp

End of Chapter 9

[Maryam->Sam] LOL
Goosey: YAY!!!
* Goosey applauds
Goosey: Wonderful!
Sam: Aww, you're sweet.
Sam: I had people ready to flay me for ending it there.
Maryam: All the rest of us went "WHAT? That's the END?"
Goosey: LOL
Danger On Paradise Island: Chapter 10

Goosey: YAY MORE!!!

Click here for more fun at RinkWorks!