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Ultimate Bot Tournament #3: Session 3

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Zup has entered.
Zup: First again, baby! /idle
Zup has entered.
Zup has entered.
Counterpoint has entered.
vballgirl has entered.
vballgirl: You are both doing very well in the tournament so far. Congrats!
Zup: Thank you, vb!
Nyperold has entered.
* Counterpoint is exhausted tonight. Ugh.
Counterpoint: Got two hours of sleep last night and no nap since.
Nyperold: Hmm, Buzz, Count, Country, and Snag.
vballgirl: CP: I did about the same last night. Was unavoidably detained and missed the tournament. Up all night. Caught a couple hours earlier. Looking forward to game play.
vballgirl: Was disappointed to miss Linebot and Blankbot last night. Bummer.
vballgirl: Which will you excel at Nyp?
Nyperold: Hmm.
Nyperold: I like Buzz the most of those, but who knows?
vballgirl: It's up first, so we'll both know soon.
Zup: I prefer Count myself.
vballgirl: Dracula? :-)
Zup: No, Chocula.
Nyperold: The first year, I got no points for Country and 13 for Snag. Last year, I got 23 for Country and none for Snag.
Zup: Heh. I'm no good at the fast ones, or the academic ones. Any of the creative kind though, I love those.
Nyperold: Wait a minute, I'm talking like this is annual, or even regular.
vballgirl: I studied some for Country and State last tourny. Not this time. I prefer the creative ones too, but am not particularly good at them.
Zup: Well, the first tourny, I won the very last one, mostly through luck. This time, I won the very first one I played.
Zup: I think I'm improving.
Zup: Considering that there's only two others, I wasn't too confused. And by "too confused" I mean "at all."
vballgirl: Zup: Are you improving where it matters most - writing your AGL game?
vballgirl: People are clamouring for new ones.
* Zup hides.
* vballgirl peeks under the blanket and gives Zup some encouragement.
Zup: With work and school and general laziness, it might take awhile for the game to complete itself.
Zup: Admittedly, that might be because I'm hoping that it will complete itself.
vballgirl: Zup: Funny how that wroks, huh?
Randy: Zup: I think that won
Randy: 't work too well.
vballgirl: I like your style of hyphenation there Randy!
Zup: Yeah, I know. I'm thinking that I'll write some more this weekend. Get a good chunk finito.
Liface has entered.
Liface is away.
Liface: I'm going to be late
Liface: gotta run to the store
Zup: I got the first boss battle the second chapter. I still have quite a ways to go.
Zup: Hey Liface.
TalkingDog has entered.
Randy has entered.
ThePhan has entered.
Dude7581 has entered.
Gahalyn has entered.
Crystal109 has entered.
Crystal109: Phew, I'm not late.
Sam has entered.
Maryam has entered.
gremlinn has entered.
Zup: Hey y'all.
Nyperold: Gaha: No, that's another night. ;-)
Gahalyn: Heh.
Crystal109: Today's cutesy overload, right?
: *giggle*
: *giggle*
: *giggle* I still say you say H's so CUTELY.
: Awww, but not as cute as your little NOSE!
[Sam->Crystal109] Whoa. NICE call.
* TalkingDog hurls.
* Counterpoint says Brianna's nose cutely.
Gahalyn: ...
Gahalyn: ..
Gahalyn: .
[Crystal109->Sam] Hahaha, totally a wild guess. =)
* Zup feels as if he's walked in on something...unpleasant. And nauseating by the sound of it.
: Oh, uh.
: Hi.
: Ahem. Welcome to BUT #3, Sess--*snort*
: BUT?
: I mean UBT #3, Session #3--
: totally snorted.
: First up is BUZZBOT!
Gahalyn: WHOOOO
Gahalyn: Okey.
Gahalyn: I hope.
: We'll be playing to...HAHAHA, stop that...we'll be pla--CUT IT OUT! *giggle*-- we'll be playing to 10 points. You all know the rules. Maybe. If you don't check out the instructions and just do as the bot directs.
Counterpoint: Question! If someone says "he snorted with laughter," does that mean he inhaled or exhaled through his nose? They're very different sounds.
* Counterpoint has wondered about this for a long time.
Gahalyn: Inhale. Hahaha hahaha *snortinhale* haha
Sam: I think it's open to reader interpretation.
BuzzBot has been summoned by Sam.
Gahalyn: How do you possibly snort OUT of your nose? I don't think that works.
Zup: I thought it was an exhale. As if snot were raining upon us.
Counterpoint: Is there a word, then, for the sharp exhalation people make when they laugh, but not really?
Gahalyn: Counterpoint: "notasnort"
Gahalyn: Zup: And that rhymes with "snotasnort"
Zup: Heh, *snots*.
: All those who do not wish to receive clues and take turns in the game, go /away now. If you do want to participate, make sure you are /back.
: You've got a cute back.
: The game begins in one minute.
* Zup is beginning to retch at the cutesyness.
Crystal109: How does Brianna see his back?
Gahalyn: Some sort of two dimensional magic.
BuzzBot: ThePhan has been given a buzzword.
BuzzBot: Time's up! No score. The buzzword was plunger.
TalkingDog: Off to a great start.
: And ThePhan completely blows it.
ThePhan: Oh PAH. I was in another window and didn't get here in time to think of a way to give it.
Crystal109: Awwww.
ThePhan: Mrgrgrrrrrghgh.
BuzzBot: vballgirl has been given a buzzword.
: Quit blowing in my ear! *giggle*
* ThePhan devotes her total attention to the chat window now.
vballgirl: This is the name of the battle we fought in the desert not too long ago
Counterpoint: storm'
gremlinn: This tournament has good character development so far.
BuzzBot: Counterpoint guesses storm and is correct! Counterpoint and vballgirl each get a point.
Zup: desert storm
Gahalyn: iraq
Sam: grem: LOL
Randy: storm
Gahalyn: persiosdflnan
vballgirl: Yaya!
BuzzBot: Nyperold has been given a buzzword.
Crystal109: Although I can probably eat while botting.
Sam: LaZorra can't eat while botting.
Maryam: Don't remind me. I just started to get hungry, and now I can't leave the computer to get food.
Sam: One time the spit-out food came through to *my* screen.
Nyperold: A good comestible for getting huge forearms and beating Bluto.
Maryam: spinach
TalkingDog: spinach
Counterpoint: spinach
BuzzBot: Maryam guesses spinach and is correct! Maryam and Nyperold each get a point.
Gahalyn: spinach
Gahalyn: dangit
Crystal109: Wha? Is this an obscure reference, because I totally didn't get that.
TalkingDog: Popeye.
Counterpoint: Popeye
Sam: Popeye's nemesis was named Bluto.
Crystal109: Oh. No wonder, haha.
Randy: How can you be too young to not know Popeye?
TalkingDog: If Popeye is obscure, I will now spontaneously age 20 years.
Crystal109: Nah, I was just a deprived kid.
BuzzBot: Maryam has been given a buzzword.
Maryam: Blackens the hairy protrusions around the orbs in your face.
Gahalyn: mascara
Counterpoint: eyelashes
ThePhan: mascara
vballgirl: zits
BuzzBot: Gahalyn guesses mascara and is correct! Gahalyn and Maryam each get a point.
Counterpoint: Oh.
Zup: bruise
Maryam: YAY GAHA
Randy: makeup
Nyperold: eyeliner
Crystal109: LOL it took me so long to figure out the "orbs" in my face.
BuzzBot: Dude7581 has been given a buzzword.
Counterpoint: Is this score multiplied by three for the tournament?
Sam: Yeah.
Counterpoint: Okay.
vballgirl: Alright. I have a whole three points!
Dude7581: Carpenters hit it into the floor
Gahalyn: nail
Counterpoint: nail
Crystal109: nail
ThePhan: nails
Nyperold: nail
Counterpoint: hammer
TalkingDog: nail
vballgirl: nail
BuzzBot: Gahalyn guesses nail and is correct! Gahalyn and Dude7581 each get a point.
vballgirl: hammer
Randy: nails
Dude7581: I had no idea there were restrictions.
BuzzBot: gremlinn has been given a buzzword.
gremlinn: boom
Gahalyn: explode
Crystal109: dynamite
Gahalyn: explosion
ThePhan: explosion
TalkingDog: bomb
Crystal109: bomb
gremlinn: one one thousand
ThePhan: bomb
Counterpoint: noise
TalkingDog: tnt
vballgirl: sonic
Gahalyn: TNT
ThePhan: bang
ThePhan: loud
Dude7581: kaboom!
ThePhan: noise
Counterpoint: second
Gahalyn: lighting
ThePhan: dynamite
Maryam: thunder
Randy: dynamite
Nyperold: dynamite
BuzzBot: Maryam guesses thunder and is correct! Maryam and gremlinn each get a point.
Gahalyn: thunder
Counterpoint: countdown
Crystal109: explosion
Counterpoint: fuse
ThePhan: sound effect
Gahalyn: sdl;fjak;l
Crystal109: Yikes.
Counterpoint: Oh.
Gahalyn: I had the idea first though!
Gahalyn: ;-)
Crystal109: Heh too bad those don't count.
BuzzBot: Crystal109 has been given a buzzword.
Crystal109: Little tiny rodent-like animals like to take these off objects that grow leaves and eat them.
ThePhan: squirrels
ThePhan: acorns
Gahalyn: acorns
Maryam: nuts
BuzzBot: ThePhan guesses acorn and is correct! ThePhan and Crystal109 each get a point.
Counterpoint: acorn
ThePhan: Heh.
* Counterpoint couldn't parse that.
Crystal109: I was trying to think of another word for tree, heh.
Randy: acorn
ThePhan: Squirrels eat other squirrels!
* TalkingDog's brain is sloooow.
Crystal109: Yeah, sorry about the confusing stuff.
Gahalyn: A few commas might have helped, LOL
Maryam: It's hard not to be confusing.
Randy: hehe
: Hey, neat. My mother was an acorn.
Maryam: LOL
ThePhan: Hehe
Crystal109: Heh I wasn't sure where to put commas.
Gahalyn: or even parentheses
BuzzBot: Counterpoint has been given a buzzword.
Crystal109: "Eats shoots and leaves."
Zup: panda
vballgirl: bear
Counterpoint: You prepare Pop Tarts in these.
ThePhan: toaster
Crystal109: toaster
TalkingDog: toaster
Gahalyn: toaster
BuzzBot: ThePhan guesses toaster and is correct! ThePhan and Counterpoint each get a point.
Dude7581: toaster
Crystal109: Bear??
Zup: toaster
Randy: toaster
ThePhan: Bears are not all that good for preparing Pop Tarts.
Crystal109: They digest them too fast, probably.
vballgirl: :-. Thought Zup had the clue.
Maryam: Unless they're fire-breathing bears.
Randy: They mostly just eat you.
Crystal109: Poor Pop Tart. =(
ThePhan: But after they've eaten you, maybe you can prepare Pop Tarts in them!

This was great. Crystal was continuing the conversation from the previous round, but Zup mistook it for the clue. So he submitted a guess. vballgirl, in turn, thought Zup was giving the clue and submitted a guess of her own. In theory, that could have continued on forever.

BuzzBot: Zup has been given a buzzword.
Zup: This is an oscar winning movie that shocked everyone! (It wasn't Brokeback? Surprised me!)
Counterpoint: rash
Crystal109: Uh.
Nyperold: crash
Counterpoint: crash
Gahalyn: mountain
ThePhan: crash
Sam: crash
BuzzBot: Nyperold guesses crash and is correct! Nyperold and Zup each get a point.
Counterpoint: AUGH
vballgirl: breakback Mouhntain
TalkingDog: Wha.
Gahalyn: Hmmmm.
vballgirl: Yikes.
Maryam: Man, I don't know from Oscars.
Counterpoint: "Rash! The breakthrough hit!"
Crystal109: I was trying to think of what movie could shock people.
Sam: RASH! The spine-tingling tale of red spots INFESTING YOUR BODY!
Maryam: Hehehe.
Zup: Good thing I was here that particular Oscars night, eh?
* ThePhan would most likely not watch a movie called "Rash."
Gahalyn: giggle!
ThePhan: Rash Hour!
BuzzBot: TalkingDog has been given a buzzword.
TalkingDog: Candles.
Counterpoint: wax
ThePhan: light
BuzzBot: Counterpoint guesses wax and is correct! Counterpoint and TalkingDog each get a point.
Counterpoint: taper
Crystal109: light
ThePhan: matches
Gahalyn: wick
Dude7581: matches
Gahalyn: Can I plz have buzzword now kthx.
TalkingDog: Woo, point.
Randy: Or me?
BuzzBot: Eric has been given a buzzword.
Eric: Iguana Dorothy went to see him.
Gahalyn: oz
Crystal109: oz
Maryam: lizard
Counterpoint: wizard
ThePhan: wizard lizadr
BuzzBot: Maryam guesses lizard and is correct! Maryam and Eric each get a point.
Crystal109: wizard
Dude7581: Toto
ThePhan: Yeah. Heh.
Crystal109: Ohhhh.
Counterpoint: The Lizard of Oz?
Gahalyn: oh freaking heck.
gremlinn: Funny.
Gahalyn: That is so not funny.
Gahalyn: Except it is.
Gahalyn: SIGH
Sam: LOL
Crystal109: LOL a bit confusing but still funny.
BuzzBot: Sam has been given a buzzword.
Sam: Two half nuthins is a whole nuthin. You can argue with me, but you can't argue with figures!
Crystal109: math
BuzzBot: Crystal109 guesses math and is correct! Crystal109 and Sam each get a point.
Crystal109: nut
Dude7581: zero
Zup: logic
Gahalyn: .... woah.
* Counterpoint blinks.
Crystal109: Woohoo.
Maryam: Wha?
Randy: Crap. I didn't even see the clue.
Sam: NICE. I was expecting Foghorn Leghorn-related guesses before it got around to the subject.
Crystal109: I guessed the first thing that came into my mind. =\
* Zup saw crystal meth instead of crystal math and weant, "whut now?"
* Crystal109 doesn't know Foghorn Leghorn well, either.
Crystal109: I'm such a sad, deprived kid. =(
: Two nuthins of a two whole...*hic* makes sense to me!
Gahalyn: LOL
BuzzBot: Randy has been given a buzzword.
Randy: All the girls I work with claime they are on this, but they ate the doughnuts I bought anyways.
Gahalyn: diet
Eric: diet
Crystal109: diet
Counterpoint: diet
vballgirl: diet
Zup: diet
vballgirl: vacation from being a cop.
BuzzBot: Gahalyn guesses diet and is correct! Gahalyn and Randy each get a point.
Crystal109: Mmmm, doughnut.
Gahalyn: LOL
vballgirl: vacation from being a cop.
: Speaking of diets, I'm going to put my neck on one.
Crystal109: Heh.
BuzzBot: Gahalyn has been given a buzzword.
Gahalyn: What you sling around to chop off someone's head
ThePhan: axe
Eric: axe
Crystal109: axe
Eric: sword
Crystal109: sword
Counterpoint: machete
: I guess: MY BODY.
BuzzBot: Eric guesses sword and is correct! Eric and Gahalyn each get a point.
ThePhan: guillotine
Gahalyn: flatter
Randy: blade
Zup: hatchet
vballgirl: jump rope
Crystal109: Darn one millisecond too slow...
ThePhan: ...Although slinging a guillotine around would probably be difficult.
Eric: The: Not if you break off the bottom part.
Randy: Phan: But it would be AWESOME.
Crystal109: Just buy a mini one.
ThePhan: Randy: 'Twould, 'twould.
BuzzBot: Crystal109 has been given a buzzword.
Crystal109: When water comes down from the sky, people use this to keep from getting soaked.
Gahalyn: umbrella
ThePhan: umbrella
BuzzBot: Gahalyn guesses umbrella and is correct! Gahalyn and Crystal109 each get a point.
Dude7581: umbrella
ThePhan: raincoat
Counterpoint: umbrella
Nyperold: poncho\
vballgirl: umbrella
Randy: umbrella
: And Gahalyn pulls into the lead! Great job, Gahalyn!
Counterpoint: Dude, Gaha. You're on fire.
Randy: Yay Gaha!
ThePhan: Go Gaha!
Gahalyn: 8-.
Maryam: Dang, I'm not even seeing the clues before someone guesses.
Counterpoint: Maryam: Same here.
BuzzBot: Maryam has been given a buzzword.
Maryam: "Extra! Extra!"
Counterpoint: newspaper
Gahalyn: news
Eric: newspaper
Gahalyn: paper
vballgirl: newpaper
TalkingDog: newspaper
BuzzBot: Counterpoint guesses newspaper and is correct! Counterpoint and Maryam each get a point.
Dude7581: newspaper
ThePhan: newspaper
Gahalyn: newspaper
Crystal109: newspaper
vballgirl: newspaper
Gahalyn: emmf
Liface: OKBACK
Zup: read all about it!
Sam: Nice clue.
Nyperold: newspaper
Randy: newspaper
Eric: really obnoxious jackasses who jump into the street and screw up traffic
Gahalyn: HI LIFACE
Liface is back.
Maryam: Thanks.
: Yeah, advice about newspapers: DO NOT FALL ASLEEP ON THEM. I didn't *mean* to get a tattoo.
Liface: haha
Gahalyn: Uugh
Eric: Who's the guy on her thigh? It looks like Snape in a bow tie.
Liface: ur snape
Eric: sick burn dude
BuzzBot: Randy has been given a buzzword.
Randy: jigsaw
Counterpoint: puzzle
vballgirl: puzzle
Liface: puzzle
Gahalyn: puzzle
ThePhan: puzzle
Maryam: puzzle
TalkingDog: puzzle
BuzzBot: Counterpoint guesses puzzle and is correct! Counterpoint and Randy each get a point.
Dude7581: puzzle
Crystal109: puzzle
Nyperold: puzzle
Liface: handball
Counterpoint: by Graham Nelson.
gremlinn: Nice chain reaction there.
* ThePhan just might have gotten that if she hadn't typed "pizzle" at first.
Crystal109: Ahhhh. I see the clue, but the postage takes too slow to get there. =(
* Zup gets no chance.
Crystal109: Sizzle my pizzle? =)
Counterpoint: Cry: =-O
BuzzBot: gremlinn has been given a buzzword.
gremlinn: sevac
Liface: vaccum
Counterpoint: vacuum
Liface: caves
Gahalyn: caves
BuzzBot: Liface guesses cave and is correct! Liface and gremlinn each get a point.
Gahalyn: mfmffm
vballgirl: caves
Liface: ?
ThePhan: LOL
Gahalyn: grem, I think that's cheating ;-p
gremlinn: In EFSM.
Liface: hmm
Counterpoint: Oh.
Counterpoint: The one AGL I haven't played.
Gahalyn: Oh, I guess not if it is an already existing thing in a game and a rambleramble
BuzzBot: TalkingDog has been given a buzzword.
TalkingDog: Multi-hued curves.
ThePhan: rainbow
Gahalyn: rainbow
Liface: paragon
Eric: rainbow
Crystal109: rainbow
Dude7581: rainbow
Nyperold: rainbow
BuzzBot: ThePhan guesses rainbow and is correct! ThePhan and TalkingDog each get a point.
Liface: parabola
Eric: rainbows
Randy: rainbow
* Crystal109 couldn't understand that one quickly either.
Eric: I read that as "multi-curved hues" for a second.
ThePhan: Eric: Yeah, I kept seeing that at first. Heh.
BuzzBot: Zup has been given a buzzword.
Zup: The wardrobe that leads to Narnia had these, along with the coats.
Liface: JACKAL
Gahalyn: lions
Liface: dust
Crystal109: mothballs
ThePhan: boots
Liface: moles
Dude7581: closet
BuzzBot: Crystal109 guesses mothball and is correct! Crystal109 and Zup each get a point.
Maryam: mothballs
Liface: mites
Eric: secret passage
Liface: moths
Crystal109: Yay for Narnia!
Eric: WHAT
Gahalyn: oh dangit. WITH The coats.
Zup: For some reason, when my third grade teacher read Narnia to us, I couldn't wrap my head around the idea of mothballs, so after rereading it, it sticks out in my mind.
Liface: hmm does anyone ever not guess it?
Counterpoint: Lif: Sometimes.
Eric: Liface: Only LOSERS
Gahalyn: Liface: If the clue given is kind of bad, then yeah
Crystal109: Or if no clue is given, of course.
gremlinn: See my "income" round last tournament. It was funny.
BuzzBot: Gahalyn has been given a buzzword.
Gahalyn: Ummmmmm
Liface: pause
Liface: oh
Dude7581: clueless
Dude7581: dang
Maryam: denial
Eric: har har
Gahalyn: something you cut things with, and the things you cut are a game
Gahalyn: a game with a picture on it
Liface: scissors
Liface: pictionary
Crystal109: pictionary
Liface: puzzle
vballgirl: dice
Dude7581: puzzle
gremlinn: goat
Dude7581: pictionary
Crystal109: scissors?
Nyperold: jigsaw
Gahalyn: kind of a revisit of something someone else said
BuzzBot: Nyperold guesses jigsaw and is correct! Nyperold and Gahalyn each get a point.
Liface: knife
Dude7581: clue
Not-a-Fairy: monopoly
Zup: cards
Gahalyn: yes thank you Nyp.
Liface: HAHA
Eric: cutting up a tattooed corpse that you need to dispose of?
Crystal109: Ohhhh saw.
Maryam: Oh man, I was totally about to say jigsaw when I saw Nyp had said it.
Randy: Ahhh
Crystal109: Does that mean people used to do jigs while sawing things?
Eric: Aww man, I was robbed again.
Maryam: grem: goat?
gremlinn: A game with pictures in it.
Maryam: Ohh, heh.
BuzzBot: Dude7581 has been given a buzzword.
Dude7581: Little boys are sometimes called this, but it's also one step up from sophomore.
Liface: freshman
Crystal109: freshman
Counterpoint: junior
Liface: junior
ThePhan: junior
BuzzBot: Counterpoint guesses junior and is correct! Counterpoint and Dude7581 each get a point.
Gahalyn: junios
Crystal109: froshie
Zup: freshmen
vballgirl: freshman
Randy: junior
vballgirl: Duh.
Crystal109: Whoops! One step up!
: Ricky muffin, take your hand down. Covering up that hickey like that only draws attention to it.
: Noooo, nobody's noticed yet, have they?
: Aww, you're so CUTE! My Ricky smootie punkin's BLUSHING!
: Is not! My face hasn't had an ounce of color in it in years!
Crystal109: Ewwwww cute overload.
Counterpoint: He has a forehead hickey?
* Zup ignores the cutesy chatter.
Eric: Brittany? Ricardo? We can hear you.
Sam: Eric: It's Brianna, silly.
Zup: Cute....chatter...melting....brain....
BuzzBot: Liface has been given a buzzword.
Liface: you keep money in it
BuzzBot: Liface said the forbidden word money. No score. The answer was wallet.
Liface: sorry
Gahalyn: wallet
Liface: i messed up
Dude7581: wallet
Liface: i do that all the time
Liface: i don't even read the words you're supposed to say
Liface: er, not supposed to say
Gahalyn: LOL!!!
Liface: zing
BuzzBot: vballgirl has been given a buzzword.
vballgirl: You put this on to cover your nakedness in the morning.
Counterpoint: clothes
Liface: clothes
Gahalyn: robe
Crystal109: clothes
Liface: makeup
Dude7581: underwear
Gahalyn: bathrobe
Maryam: clothes
Eric: bathrobe
ThePhan: bathrobe
Maryam: dress
Liface: outfit
ThePhan: clothes
Crystal109: bathrobe
Liface: suit
BuzzBot: Gahalyn guesses bathrobe and is correct! Gahalyn and vballgirl each get a point.
ThePhan: shirt
Dude7581: shirt
ThePhan: pants
Not-a-Fairy: robe
Crystal109: Darn.
Crystal109: Gaha's WINNING.
Liface: bathmat contest
vballgirl: And please do so!
BuzzBot: Counterpoint has been given a buzzword.
Counterpoint: Another name for the Recycle Bin in an OS.
Gahalyn: trash can
Crystal109: trash
ThePhan: trash can
Maryam: trash can
BuzzBot: Gahalyn guesses trash and is correct! Gahalyn and Counterpoint each get a point.
Dude7581: trash
Eric: delee
Zup: bottomless pit
Crystal109: Yeesh. So fast!
BuzzBot: ThePhan has been given a buzzword.
ThePhan: It's... gooey hot liquid deep within our world.
Gahalyn: magma
Crystal109: lava
Liface: lava
BuzzBot: Gahalyn guesses magma and is correct! Gahalyn and ThePhan each get a point.
Gahalyn: lava
Eric: magma
Counterpoint: magma
Liface: molten
ThePhan: YES!
Zup: lava
vballgirl: magma
gremlinn: 3 in a row.
Crystal109: O_o
Counterpoint: Three seconds!
Crystal109: On FIAR.
ThePhan: Gaha's gonna wiiiiiiiinnn!
Liface: ZING
Crystal109: Gogo Gaha!
Gahalyn: :)
gremlinn: Gogo Gaha Keyboard!
Liface: What are we playing to?
Counterpoint: 10.
Crystal109: 10.
BuzzBot: Eric has been given a buzzword.
Liface: uh oh
Eric: On a hill, this protrudes into the empty area around.
Counterpoint: jetty
Liface: bunker
Dude7581: valley
Eric: It's like made of stone or whatever.
Gahalyn: top
Crystal109: cliff
Liface: jut
Liface: cliff
Zup: tree
Counterpoint: cliff
Liface: face
Dude7581: river
Eric: I don't even know what this word means. Sorry guys. :(
Maryam: spire
vballgirl: scenery
Nyperold: overhang
ThePhan: peak
Crystal109: deck
Liface: hangover
gremlinn: outcropping
BuzzBot: gremlinn guesses outcropping and is correct! gremlinn and Eric each get a point.
vballgirl: cliff
Nyperold: outcroppins
Crystal109: LOL
Crystal109: Oh man.
Gahalyn: (not in) + (cutting a photo down to size)
Crystal109: Somehow I keep thinking of crop circles when I see the word outcropping.
BuzzBot: Nyperold has been given a buzzword.
Nyperold: :
Counterpoint: colon
Gahalyn: colon
Crystal109: colon
Gahalyn: butt
Eric: punctuation
Counterpoint: punctuatikon
Zup: blank
ThePhan: punctuation
Eric: dots
Liface: space
Eric: period
Liface: nothing
Dude7581: semi-colon
Counterpoint: dots
Zup: white
Nyperold: Only not.
Liface: blank
Gahalyn: stacked
gremlinn: colony colonial
Eric: eyes
Crystal109: space
Zup: empty
Gahalyn: stack
vballgirl: english
Counterpoint: semicolon
Eric: mouthless
Liface: empty set
Zup: emptiness
Crystal109: smiley
Dude7581: semicolon
Randy: GRAR
Liface: everything
Zup: silent
Eric: emoticon
Liface: all
ThePhan: just one colon all by itself
vballgirl: grammar
Zup: quiet
Liface: loud
BuzzBot: Time's up! No score. The buzzword was intestine.
Nyperold: The other colon.
Eric: bad clue?
: Come on, call me what you called me before.
: In public??
: What do they care? What, don't you love me? ;-)
: Oh, all right...Baboo...Cuddle Princess...Briannabear...Doodleboat...Honey Peach...Babushka Lumlum...Pandacake...Rosie Roo--
Crystal109: Er?
Zup: LOL
Maryam: ...
Counterpoint: Doodleboat?
ThePhan: Ricardo: Don't forget "snoogle maggot."
Liface: i love this in-game entertainment
* Zup doubles over in violent cutesy pain.
* Counterpoint thinks we need the pet name filter back.
Eric: Babushka Lumlum? I'm going to have to remember that.
BuzzBot: Not-a-Fairy has been given a buzzword.
Not-a-Fairy: Something that is done behind closed doors.
Liface: privat
Counterpoint: secrete
ThePhan: secret
Gahalyn: secret
Dude7581: change
Eric: bathroom
Liface: private
Crystal109: kissing
Maryam: secret
ThePhan: confidential
Dude7581: res
BuzzBot: Liface guesses private and is correct! Liface and Not-a-Fairy each get a point.
vballgirl: sleep
ThePhan: private
Eric: whisper
vballgirl: dress
Dude7581: dress
Randy: bathing
Crystal109: Oh whoops.
Not-a-Fairy: Good job, Liface!
Counterpoint: Secretion is done behind closed doors.
Eric: Counter: Too true!
Gahalyn: FWA
Randy: Good one Liface!
* ThePhan is amused that both "secret" and "secrete" are appropriate answers...
gremlinn: Heh.
: Well go on, finish it.
: *sigh* ...Miss McSweetPear In Your Own Heavy Syrup.
: *giggle* Awwwwww.
* Maryam gags in Ricardo and Brianna's general direction.
* Zup makes retching noises noisily.
BuzzBot: vballgirl has been given a buzzword.
vballgirl: Tom hanks movie with a girl fish
ThePhan: splash
Gahalyn: splash
BuzzBot: ThePhan guesses splash and is correct! ThePhan and vballgirl each get a point.
Dude7581: RFV
Liface: a fish called wanda
Randy: splash
Liface: RIGHT
Gahalyn: DANG I typoed that approximately three times.
Dude7581: splish splash I was taking a bath.
Nyperold: finding
Crystal109: Heh I saw fish and thought Finding Nemo. -\
Crystal109: =\*
Randy: RFV?
Nyperold: I think you can get a Honey Peach by having Zess T. cook Honey Syrup with a Peachy Peach, but I'm not sure.
Gahalyn: Nyp: I was TOTALLY thinking that.
Zup: Nyp: I think so.
Maryam: LOL
* Gahalyn was actually really thinking that for real.
BuzzBot: TalkingDog has been given a buzzword.
Eric: TalkingDog?
gremlinn: NotTalkingDog.
Randy: hehe
Maryam: grem: Heh.
BuzzBot: Time's up! No score. The buzzword was windmill.
Eric: ??
TalkingDog has been sent away by Sam.
Zup: Aww, TD is on a time out.
Eric: Guess he's not such a TALKING dog now!
Not-a-Fairy: Don Quixote makes me think about windmills
gremlinn: Tell him to stop.
Maryam: Eric: grem made that joke first.
Eric: Oh. :(
BuzzBot: Randy has been given a buzzword.
Randy: A SpongeBob curse word.
Liface: drat
Liface: curse
Gahalyn: spork
Dude7581: tartar
Counterpoint: darn
* Crystal109 has no clue.
Counterpoint: sponge
Maryam: No idea.
Liface: don't watch it
Dude7581: barnacles
Gahalyn: seamonkeys
Zup: I don't know SpongeBob!
Counterpoint: squish
BuzzBot: Dude7581 guesses barnacle and is correct! Dude7581 and Randy each get a point.
Liface: barnacles
Crystal109: I don't even have Nick.
Liface: blistering barnacles
Liface: AWW
ThePhan: Crystal: Nor do I. We continue not knowing popular cartoons together! :-)
Crystal109: TP: Woohoo!
Not-a-Fairy: Tartar sauce!
Crystal109: I don't have cable.
Randy: LOL
Gahalyn: Hehee!
BuzzBot: gremlinn has been given a buzzword.
gremlinn: cheating on your spouse
Gahalyn: AFFAIR
Crystal109: adultery
Counterpoint: affair
ThePhan: adultery
Liface: adultery
Eric: infidelity
BuzzBot: Crystal109 guesses adult and is correct! Crystal109 and gremlinn each get a point.
vballgirl: wrong
Gahalyn: ahem
Maryam: adultery
Zup: adultery
Gahalyn: .........
Gahalyn: I don't think I'll ever get another point
Crystal109: Gaha: Oh, you will. =)
vballgirl: Gaha: Sit on a pin.
Liface: or a barnacle
BuzzBot: ThePhan has been given a buzzword.
ThePhan: This looks like those creatures that go "neigh."
Crystal109: reindeer
Counterpoint: pony
vballgirl: mule
Dude7581: horse
Eric: seahorse
Maryam: zebra
Gahalyn: horse
Liface: horse
BuzzBot: Maryam guesses zebra and is correct! Maryam and ThePhan each get a point.
Liface: onkey
Nyperold: zebra
Crystal109: buck
ThePhan: But it's jungled.
Gahalyn: odnkey
Liface: mule
Zup: horse
Liface: donkey
vballgirl: donlkey
Gahalyn: s;djlff
ThePhan: Yeah.
Not-a-Fairy: seahorse
Eric: paris hilton
Gahalyn: aj;dd
Crystal109: Darn. Why reindeer???
vballgirl: zebra
vballgirl: reindeer
gremlinn: acorn
vballgirl: unicorn
BuzzBot: Zup has been given a buzzword.
Zup: Comedians often tell these, in a stand-up format.
Gahalyn: jokeys
Crystal109: jokes
Counterpoint: joke
Gahalyn: jokes
Dude7581: joke
BuzzBot: Gahalyn guesses joke and is correct! Gahalyn and Zup each get a point.
BuzzBot: Gahalyn wins!
Eric: jokes
Eric: stories
Not-a-Fairy: jokes
Maryam: YAY GAHA!
Crystal109: YAY GAHA!
Zup: Yay gaha!
Crystal109: You got another point! =)
Nyperold: :)
: Congratulations, Gahalyn!
: Nicely done!
Randy: Woot!
Gahalyn: Well wow. I thought that typo wouldn't be the right answer!
Not-a-Fairy: Hoorah!
Counterpoint: Woo Gaha.
* Crystal109 is just happy she got to the halfway point.
Gahalyn: Thank you thank you :-)
BuzzBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Gahalyn: Thanks everyone, I had lots of fun. :-)
Gahalyn: Everyone was so creative this game.
Gahalyn: I will now call them "jokeys" forever.
Randy: What's next?
Crystal109: CountBot next.
Zup: Yay counting!
* Counterpoint Bot.
: On to our next game! Sugar Britches--I mean, Ricky--I mean, Ricardo, tell us what's coming up next!
Gahalyn: Sugar Britches?
Crystal109: Sugar Britches????? O_o
Gahalyn: Mmmmmmmm.
Gahalyn: Tasty.
Crystal109: Sugar.
* Zup thinks that it's interesting, reading last night's transcript. It now seems like he was slapped a dozen times for no reason, other than slapping himself in the first place.
: Well, uh, uh, our next game is CountBot! This is the first of the Wordsmith bots we'll be playing, in which players must form creative sentences within tricky constraints. In CountBot, you're given the number of letters each word in a sentence has to have, and you have to form something clever or amusing for us all to read.
Eric: Oh sweet, this game is awesome.
* Zup likeyz.
: Sam, if you please?
Sam: Sure, Brianna.
CountBot has been summoned by Sam.
Dude7581: heh hehe, Sam's talking to himself again.
Eric: No, he's talking to Brianna.
: Hey, don't get too familiar--
Sam: Oh, hush, just finish your part.
: Um, let's begin in one minute.
Sam: Ok, an aside with the audience here. There's no point in having character dialogue if every other line breaks the fourth wall.
: Actually, Sam, *unless* we break the fourth wall, I'm just staring at...a wall.
Sam: Regardless.
Not-a-Fairy: LOL!
Nyperold: Well, that wall should keep the sun out of your eyes.
Gahalyn: HAHAHA!!
* Zup is waiting to break the FIFTH wall.
Eric: Zup: The ceiling? That's a dangerous wall to break.
Zup: Eric: More like the floor. Like Mario. Ground poundage +1.
: Ok, hit it!
vballgirl: Ouch!
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 2, 1, 5, 2. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for I'm A Great Me!
CountBot: Vote 2 for So, I Frown On...
CountBot: Vote 3 for To A Happy Me
CountBot: Vote 4 for Eh!? A Mango Is...
CountBot: Vote 5 for Do I Smell, TD?
CountBot: Vote 6 for Am I Truly Me?
CountBot: Vote 7 for No, I Shan't Go!
CountBot: Vote 8 for In A Glass, Al.
CountBot: Vote 9 for In A Dirty PM . . .
Dude7581: vote 6
Eric: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 6
Counterpoint: vote 7
Crystal109: vote 1
Eric: vote 7
vballgirl: vote 8
Gahalyn: VOTE 9
gremlinn: vote 9
Zup: vote 8
Gahalyn: sorry for the caps
Not-a-Fairy: vote 3
Crystal109: Heh I was going to say, you seem excited.
CountBot: Crystal109 wins 2 points for No, I Shan't Go!
CountBot: Eric wins 2 points for In A Dirty PM . . .
CountBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for In A Glass, Al.
CountBot: Zup wins 2 points for Am I Truly Me?
CountBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for I'm A Great Me!
CountBot: Dude7581 wins 1 point for To A Happy Me
CountBot: Gahalyn wins 0 points for Do I Smell, TD?
CountBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 0 points for Eh!? A Mango Is...
CountBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for So, I Frown On...
Not-a-Fairy: Hoorah!
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 1, 3, 3, 6, 7. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for A Fun Bot Likesy Crashes.
CountBot: Vote 2 for A Sad, Sad Person: Tantrum!
CountBot: Vote 3 for I And You: Sooooo Perfect.
CountBot: Vote 4 for A Dog Ran Across Rinkcht.
CountBot: Vote 5 for I Run. See Spotty Running.
CountBot: Vote 6 for A Cat Ate Spongy Rhubarb
Gahalyn: vote 6
Zup: vote 1
Crystal109: vote 2
Not-a-Fairy: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 4
Dude7581: vote 6
vballgirl: vote 4
CountBot: Gahalyn wins 2 points for A Dog Ran Across Rinkcht.
CountBot: vballgirl wins 2 points for A Cat Ate Spongy Rhubarb
CountBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for I Run. See Spotty Running.
CountBot: Dude7581 wins 1 point for A Fun Bot Likesy Crashes.
CountBot: Zup wins 1 point for A Sad, Sad Person: Tantrum!
CountBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for I And You: Sooooo Perfect.
Zup: I didn't deserve a point...but thanks.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 3, 3. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Zup? Meh.
CountBot: Vote 2 for Too Bad.
CountBot: Vote 3 for Not Big!
CountBot: Vote 4 for Can Can!?
CountBot: Vote 5 for Sea, See?
CountBot: Vote 6 for Run! Now!
CountBot: Vote 7 for Pan, Two.
CountBot: Vote 8 for It's Bad
CountBot: Vote 9 for Bad Sam.
CountBot: Vote 10 for Zup: Grr!
Dude7581: vote 4
Sam: vote 9
gremlinn: vote 9
Zup: vote 10
Gahalyn: vote 8
Counterpoint: vote 2
vballgirl: vote 9
Crystal109: vote 2
Not-a-Fairy: vote 1
Eric: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 3
CountBot: Dude7581 wins 3 points for Bad Sam.
CountBot: Sam wins 3 points for Too Bad.
CountBot: Eric wins 1 point for It's Bad
CountBot: Gahalyn wins 1 point for Not Big!
CountBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 1 point for Can Can!?
CountBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for Zup: Grr!
CountBot: Zup wins 1 point for Zup? Meh.
CountBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for Run! Now!
CountBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for Sea, See?
CountBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Pan, Two.
: Awww, Ricky, Bumblepie, I wanna take Can-Can lessons with you! Wouldn't that be the greatest thing?
: Uh......yeah! Yes, of course, Cheekykins.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 5, 7, 2, 5, 4. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Forty Stuffed, Uh, Hares Here?
CountBot: Vote 2 for Butch Wonders If Casey Dips.
CountBot: Vote 3 for "Ricky? Ricardo? I'm Super Babe."
CountBot: Vote 4 for Could Chatter Be Great? Sure!
CountBot: Vote 5 for Daddy Singing Is Funny. Rofl.
CountBot: Vote 6 for Mario? Awesome. He Jumps Well.
Crystal109: vote 3
Eric: vote 6
Zup: vote 5
Dude7581: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 6
Counterpoint: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 6
Counterpoint: Oh, LOL.
* Counterpoint just got the "Ricky Ricardo" thing.
Sam: vote 5
Not-a-Fairy: vote 6
CountBot: Zup wins 4 points for Mario? Awesome. He Jumps Well.
CountBot: Crystal109 wins 3 points for Daddy Singing Is Funny. Rofl.
CountBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for "Ricky? Ricardo? I'm Super Babe."
CountBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for Could Chatter Be Great? Sure!
CountBot: Dude7581 wins 0 points for Butch Wonders If Casey Dips.
CountBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Forty Stuffed, Uh, Hares Here?
Counterpoint: Thank you, grem.
gremlinn: Brianna, I meant.
: Uh...WHO is this Super Babe?
: YOU, Brianna!
: Mm-hmm.
: No, really -- see, gremlinn just said!
: Oh.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 7, 2, 6, 2, 7, 3. (1/18 accepted)
Crystal109: Ack, I can't think of anything.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Brianny No Touchy. Go, Ricardo, Run!
CountBot: Vote 2 for Panties In Hamper To Launder Now.
CountBot: Vote 3 for Welcome To Heaven! We Worship God.
Eric: vote 3
Crystal109: vote 3
Dude7581: vote 2
gremlinn: vote 1
Counterpoint: vote 1
Not-a-Fairy: vote 3
CountBot: Counterpoint wins 3 points for Welcome To Heaven! We Worship God.
CountBot: Dude7581 wins 2 points for Brianny No Touchy. Go, Ricardo, Run!
CountBot: Eric wins 1 point for Panties In Hamper To Launder Now.
: I'm sorry, Boodle Sugar Daddy Mack. I can't help but be jealous. Those little eyes are too cuuuute, you know. Forgive me?
: Why, of course, my little smundle bundle. *cuddle*giggle*
Crystal109: Heh that's some intense "and they ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after."
Nyperold: Smundle... that's a new one on me.
Maryam: Nyp: On YOU? Ricardo missed, apparently...
Eric: Hey, guys, you know the microphones are on, right?
gremlinn: Yeah, I'm starting to think they're doing that on purpose.
Zup: Hey, Brianna, Ricardo. Quiet down, willya? We're trying to play a game here!
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 2, 2. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Go In!
CountBot: Vote 2 for I'm OK?
CountBot: Vote 3 for Go Me!!
CountBot: Vote 4 for As So.
CountBot: Vote 5 for Me Io.
CountBot: Vote 6 for I'm Op.
Sam: vote 6
Crystal109: vote 3
Counterpoint: vote 6
Eric: vote 6
Not-a-Fairy: vote 3
Sam: 6 is a liar, but ok.
Dude7581: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 1
Crystal109: Heh.
Sam: At least, a liar for the moment.
vballgirl: vote 2
Gharlane: vote 2
CountBot: Nyperold wins 3 points for I'm Op.
CountBot: vballgirl wins 3 points for Go Me!!
CountBot: Eric wins 2 points for I'm OK?
CountBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for Go In!
CountBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for As So.
CountBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for Me Io.
Dude7581: how high are we playing to?
Eric: Dude: 7581.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 3, 5, 2, 3, 5, 5. (1/18 accepted)
Crystal109: Er. I don't know if mine even makes sense.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for You Wince At The Light, Right?
CountBot: Vote 2 for Not Gonna Go Buy Kitty. Ouchy!
CountBot: Vote 3 for The Bacon Is Too Baked. Saute!
CountBot: Vote 4 for Are Clown In Car Jokes Cuute?
CountBot: Vote 5 for She Asked To See Ricky, Today!
CountBot: Vote 6 for All Pants In The Dryer, Kiddo!
CountBot: Vote 7 for The Small Id Can Think! Great!
CountBot: Vote 8 for Now Shall We Fly, Peter? Above?
CountBot: Vote 9 for He's Gonna Do His Chore Today.
Counterpoint: vote 2
Eric: vote 6
Dude7581: vote 5
Gahalyn: vote 2
Eric: 6 continues the laundry theme.
vballgirl: vote 6
Crystal109: vote 7
Sam: vote 9
Gahalyn: vote 8
vballgirl: It must be laundry day.
Crystal109: I should learn how to do laundry in those coin-operated laundry machines at college.
Nyperold: vote 1
Zup: That's three I've missed now due to brain failure.
Not-a-Fairy: vote 4
Gharlane: vote 4
* Counterpoint always submits a bad one first, then tries to improve it. Sadly, only the bad one makes it in time.
Crystal109: CP: I do that too!
gremlinn: vote 6
CountBot: Nyperold wins 3 points for All Pants In The Dryer, Kiddo!
CountBot: vballgirl wins 2 points for Are Clown In Car Jokes Cuute?
CountBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for Now Shall We Fly, Peter? Above?
CountBot: Dude7581 wins 1 point for Not Gonna Go Buy Kitty. Ouchy!
CountBot: Eric wins 1 point for He's Gonna Do His Chore Today.
CountBot: Gahalyn wins 1 point for She Asked To See Ricky, Today!
CountBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for You Wince At The Light, Right?
CountBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 1 point for The Small Id Can Think! Great!
CountBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for The Bacon Is Too Baked. Saute!
: Somebody make a submission about me! I wanna be in a submission! My name is Juanita! J-u-a-n-i-t-a! That's SIX LETTERS, for those of you too dumb to count!
Crystal109: Yikes.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 2, 4, 2, 6, 6. (1/18 accepted)
: Six letters? J-u-a...wait, I lost count., that's not right. *frown*
Counterpoint: "H-w-a ...."
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for If They Do, Splint Breaks.
CountBot: Vote 2 for Is Fred In Actual Terror?
CountBot: Vote 3 for We Love To Ingest People.
CountBot: Vote 4 for Be Mine, Or You'all Perish!
CountBot: Vote 5 for To Them, It Stinks, Juanit--
gremlinn: vote 3
Eric: aww, I submitted it at the same second it posted.
Dude7581: vote 5
Eric: /b It's, like, my mother tongue.
Eric: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 3
Gahalyn: DANG
Gahalyn: I had:
Gahalyn: Do fear, he likes Juanita!!
Crystal109: vote 4
Counterpoint: vote 2
Gharlane: vote 3
Crystal109: I'm trying to figure out why mine didn't make it.
Crystal109: I had: [->Bots] So, does he become Juanita?? (22:37:57)
CountBot: Counterpoint wins 4 points for We Love To Ingest People.
CountBot: Dude7581 wins 1 point for Be Mine, Or You'all Perish!
CountBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 1 point for Is Fred In Actual Terror?
CountBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for To Them, It Stinks, Juanit--
CountBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for If They Do, Splint Breaks.
CountBot: Not-a-Fairy loses a point for submitting and not voting.
gremlinn: Because Juanita can't count.
Crystal109: grem: HAHAHA. I should have noticed that. Duh.
vballgirl: That's what I get for believing people.
Sam: Crystal: LOL LOL. Sorry!
Gahalyn: Sam is awesome.
Crystal109: Sam: Thanks a whole bunch, Sam. =P
Crystal109: I should've checked myself.
Gahalyn: I trusted Juanita PLUS I couldn't count on my own.
Nyperold: And Counterpoint pulls into the lead!
* Counterpoint heard a lovely song recently. "All we want to do is eat your brains! We're not unreasonable; I mean, no one's gonna eat your eyes."
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 8, 3, 2, 6. (1/18 accepted)
Zup: Brothers, let us S-smash!
[CountBot->Zup] Your submission was accepted, but in the future you can make your submissions private by prepending /b.
Zup: Crud.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Covering Tar Is Lovely.
CountBot: Vote 2 for Interior: All In Houses.
CountBot: Vote 3 for Kentucky: It's So . . . Southy.
CountBot: Vote 4 for Monsters Are My Friend.
CountBot: Vote 5 for Brothers, Let Us S-smash!
CountBot: Vote 6 for Demonman Bod Is: Terror!
CountBot: Vote 7 for Fortunes Are So Pricey.
Counterpoint: oops
Eric: vote 2
Counterpoint: vote 4
Dude7581: vote 2
Sam: vote 3
Not-a-Fairy: vote 7
Zup: vote 7
Crystal109: vote 4
Gharlane: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 3
CountBot: Nyperold wins 3 points for Interior: All In Houses.
CountBot: Dude7581 wins 2 points for Fortunes Are So Pricey.
CountBot: Eric wins 2 points for Kentucky: It's So . . . Southy.
CountBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for Monsters Are My Friend.
CountBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for Covering Tar Is Lovely.
CountBot: Sam wins 0 points for Demonman Bod Is: Terror!
CountBot: Zup wins 0 points for Brothers, Let Us S-smash!
Nyperold: Yeah, man, so many gold coins!
: You got that right, webmaster man. MUHUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Counterpoint: Should have been "entering tar ..."
: I just smoke it.
Eric: If that guy's tan was any darker, he'd be a one-man minstrel show.
Crystal109: I had a total brain crash.
Crystal109: Er. Brain freeze?
Eric: Brain BSoD.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 6, 6, 5. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Vball's Brains: Tasty!
CountBot: Vote 2 for Bongos Invite J-nita.
CountBot: Vote 3 for Jackie Caught Bambi!
CountBot: Vote 4 for Sticky People Stick.
CountBot: Vote 5 for Wizard Enters! Lucky!
CountBot: Vote 6 for Scooby Doooby Doooo!
CountBot: Vote 7 for Tanned Muchly: Burns.
: Hey Maryam, are you still hungry?
Dude7581: Cheese-its!!!!
Maryam: Ugh, that picture is so gross.
Sam: The best part of that picture is how there are a few cheetos in the soap dish.
vballgirl: vote 1
Counterpoint: Oh, rats.
Dude7581: vote 2
gremlinn: vote 7
Eric: Oh, wow, somehow I forgot that there was supposed to be a five-letter word after the first two.
LuckyWizard: vote 5
Zup: vote 5
Crystal109: vote 5
Eric: I submitted a 6 6, and then redecided and submitted a 6 6.
Eric: vote 6
Gharlane: vote 5
CountBot: gremlinn wins 4 points for Wizard Enters! Lucky!
CountBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for Scooby Doooby Doooo!
CountBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Tanned Muchly: Burns.
CountBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for Bongos Invite J-nita.
CountBot: Zup wins 1 point for Vball's Brains: Tasty!
CountBot: Dude7581 wins 0 points for Sticky People Stick.
CountBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 0 points for Jackie Caught Bambi!
CountBot: Not-a-Fairy loses a point for submitting and not voting.
CountBot: Nyperold loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Nyperold: vote 4
Nyperold: Thanks, connection.
Maryam: I'm finicky enough about getting cheez powder on my fingers. I can't imagine having it on my whole body.
: Scheez povder on your finkers, himph! Vhen I vas your age, the Nazis took ewerythink except the Scheetoz for ze war ration. Ve had scheez povder eweryvhere, and ve vere tankful for it.
Maryam: Yeah, picture lady, we can tell.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 7, 5, 5, 4, 5, 4. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Beating Stuff: Crazy. True, Beets Rock.
CountBot: Vote 2 for Gahalyn Named Grem's Game World, Yeah.
CountBot: Vote 3 for Stephen King's "Stand": Evil Loses! Good!
CountBot: Vote 4 for Demonic Satan Keeps Hell Quite Warm.
CountBot: Vote 5 for Brianna Finds Ricky Near Eric's Bust.
CountBot: Vote 6 for Rinkies Think Words Make Great Chat.
CountBot: Vote 7 for Juanita Stops Lover Vice. Quick! Hurl!
CountBot: Vote 8 for Airshow Noise: Quite Loud, Quite Good.
CountBot: Vote 9 for Juanita, Spell Words More Truly. Geez.
CountBot: Vote 10 for Kinegar Loses Every Good Looks Race.
Crystal109: vote 6
Not-a-Fairy: vote 9
vballgirl: vote 4
Dude7581: vote 8
gremlinn: vote 4
Eric: vote 3
Crystal109: Heh 6 sounds like a newspaper headline.
Zup: vote 6
LuckyWizard: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 6
Gharlane: vote 5
CountBot: Eric wins 3 points for Demonic Satan Keeps Hell Quite Warm.
CountBot: Gharlane wins 3 points for Rinkies Think Words Make Great Chat.
CountBot: Dude7581 wins 1 point for Brianna Finds Ricky Near Eric's Bust.
CountBot: LuckyWizard wins 1 point for Airshow Noise: Quite Loud, Quite Good.
CountBot: Sam wins 1 point for Juanita, Spell Words More Truly. Geez.
CountBot: Zup wins 1 point for Stephen King's "Stand": Evil Loses! Good!
CountBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for Beating Stuff: Crazy. True, Beets Rock.
CountBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for Gahalyn Named Grem's Game World, Yeah.
CountBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Kinegar Loses Every Good Looks Race.
CountBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Juanita Stops Lover Vice. Quick! Hurl!
CountBot: Sam loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Zup: I love "The Stand." I need to reread it.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 3, 3, 8, 4, 3. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Not For Stickies. Dude, Bad.
CountBot: Vote 2 for She Ate Cheetoes? Good God!
CountBot: Vote 3 for Mom Was Dominant When Old.
CountBot: Vote 4 for Big Bad Violence Kill Kid!
CountBot: Vote 5 for Sam! Sam Conquers Dave, Man!
CountBot: Vote 6 for Two Ewe: Shepherd Know Ewe.
CountBot: Vote 7 for Big Red Monsters Want You!
CountBot: Vote 8 for Fly The Airplane High, Now!
Dude7581: vote 3
Zup: vote 2
gremlinn: vote 2
LuckyWizard: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 5
vballgirl: vote 7
Eric: vote 3
Counterpoint: vote 8
Crystal109: vote 7
Not-a-Fairy: vote 2
Gharlane: vote 2
CountBot: Eric wins 5 points for She Ate Cheetoes? Good God!
CountBot: Counterpoint wins 2 points for Mom Was Dominant When Old.
CountBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for Big Red Monsters Want You!
CountBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Fly The Airplane High, Now!
CountBot: Zup wins 1 point for Sam! Sam Conquers Dave, Man!
CountBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for Big Bad Violence Kill Kid!
CountBot: Dude7581 wins 0 points for Not For Stickies. Dude, Bad.
CountBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Two Ewe: Shepherd Know Ewe.
Sam: vote 8
Gharlane: Another big score for Eric. :)
: *giggle*
: *giggle* Shhhhh.
: No, you shhhhh.
: No, YOU shhhhh.
Counterpoint: Riccardo: Shhh.
Maryam: Get a ROOM, you guys.
Eric: Maryam: This is a room . . .
Crystal109: Just wait, they'll end this one with a fight.
Crystal109: And then have to make up in the next game.
Crystal109: Just to continue the storyline. =)
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 1, 8, 6. (1/18 accepted)
Crystal109: Man, I can think of 8 letter long words when I need 6 or 7, but not when I really need it.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for I Candidly Cooked.
CountBot: Vote 2 for U. Briannna, Stopit.
CountBot: Vote 3 for I Memorize Things.
CountBot: Vote 4 for I Murdered Oswald!
CountBot: Vote 5 for A Rinkwork Comedy!
vballgirl: vote 3
Sam: vote 1
Zup: vote 4
gremlinn: You can use me for the next 8 letter word.
Sam: vote 3
Dude7581: vote 5
Eric: vote 3
Crystal109: grem: Heh, thanks. Except then everyone'd know it was me.
Gharlane: vote 5
Not-a-Fairy: vote 2
CountBot: Gharlane wins 3 points for I Memorize Things.
CountBot: Zup wins 2 points for A Rinkwork Comedy!
CountBot: Dude7581 wins 1 point for U. Briannna, Stopit.
CountBot: Eric wins 1 point for I Murdered Oswald!
CountBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for I Candidly Cooked.
Eric: If only Lincoln didn't have that stupid second L . . .
Counterpoint: I, gremlinn, victor.
Zup: The comedy being, of course, that I couldn't fit "Rinkworks."
gremlinn: Also, the W is capitalized.
Zup: Grem: that too is part of the hilarity.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 4, 1, 4. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Flee! (...) I Lied!
CountBot: Vote 2 for Bond. J. Bond.
CountBot: Vote 3 for Love A Duck!
CountBot: Vote 4 for Work? I? Haha!
CountBot: Vote 5 for Book- A- Year!?!?! : (
CountBot: Vote 6 for Kiss - A - Mole
CountBot: Vote 7 for Kick A Ball!
CountBot: Vote 8 for Plug A Leak.
CountBot: Vote 9 for Take A Rest
Crystal109: vote 2
Not-a-Fairy: vote 3
Eric: vote 3
Dude7581: vote 8
Zup: vote 2
Counterpoint: vote 9
LuckyWizard: vote 5
Crystal109: Heh these are mostly commands.
Gharlane: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 7
CountBot: Crystal109 wins 2 points for Love A Duck!
CountBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for Bond. J. Bond.
CountBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for Plug A Leak.
CountBot: Eric wins 1 point for Kick A Ball!
CountBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for Take A Rest
CountBot: LuckyWizard wins 1 point for Flee! (...) I Lied!
CountBot: Zup wins 1 point for Book- A- Year!?!?! : (
CountBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 0 points for Work? I? Haha!
CountBot: Sam wins 0 points for Kiss - A - Mole
CountBot: Sam loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Crystal109: Heh yay for points!
Counterpoint: I started to write a sample exchange from KissMoleBot, but changed my mind.
Crystal109: Heh KissMoleBot.
Dude7581: Dang. I said Bond, J. Bond too!
: I wrote you a love poem, Bri Baby. Roses are red. Violets are blue. I love you, Brianna. Boo boo boo boo boo.
: Ohhhh...*heart hoplessly melted as eyes well up with tears of joy*
Maryam: Her heart melted out her eyes.
Crystal109: Boo boo boo boo boo?
Crystal109: Did you get booed out because your poem was horrible? =P
* LuckyWizard signs Ricardo up for poetry classes.
Maryam: LW: How could you inflict him upon that poor teacher?
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 7, 5, 3. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Annoyed Kysle Yet?
CountBot: Vote 2 for Boating Rough Sea.
CountBot: Vote 3 for Brianna + Ricky = LUV
CountBot: Vote 4 for Pancake Syrup - Mmm.
CountBot: Vote 5 for Letters? Seven For...
CountBot: Vote 6 for Gahalyn Likes Pie.
CountBot: Vote 7 for Problem? Solve Now.
Crystal109: vote 7
Eric: vote 4
Counterpoint: vote 6
gremlinn: vote 4
Sam: vote 6
Zup: vote 3
Dude7581: vote 1
Crystal109: Heh 7 was actually exactly what I was going to put if I weren't too slow.
LuckyWizard: vote 3
Crystal109: So maybe it's a good thing I didn't.
vballgirl: vote 7
vballgirl: vote 7
Not-a-Fairy: vote 1
CountBot: Dude7581 wins 2 points for Gahalyn Likes Pie.
CountBot: Eric wins 2 points for Brianna + Ricky = LUV
CountBot: LuckyWizard wins 2 points for Problem? Solve Now.
CountBot: vballgirl wins 2 points for Pancake Syrup - Mmm.
CountBot: Zup wins 2 points for Annoyed Kysle Yet?
CountBot: Counterpoint wins 0 points for Boating Rough Sea.
CountBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 0 points for Letters? Seven For...
Zup: BTW, the answer is "Yes, I said I didn't like salt."
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 4, 6, 4, 3. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Eric Showed Dude Goo!
CountBot: Vote 2 for Most People Like You. :)
CountBot: Vote 3 for Only Forest Fire... Man!
CountBot: Vote 4 for Bugs Bunny's Cool, Man.
CountBot: Vote 5 for High Spikes Hurt You!
CountBot: Vote 6 for Kyle Sounds Like He's . . .
CountBot: Vote 7 for Stop Crying. We'll Run.
CountBot: Vote 8 for Jack, Please, Stay Off.
Eric: Whoa now.
Dude7581: vote 4
Counterpoint: vote 8
Nyperold: vote 4
vballgirl: vote 8
Not-a-Fairy: vote 4
Eric: vote 1
LuckyWizard: vote 5
Crystal109: vote 2
Zup: vote 7
Gharlane: vote 4
CountBot: Zup wins 4 points for Bugs Bunny's Cool, Man.
CountBot: Crystal109 wins 2 points for Jack, Please, Stay Off.
CountBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for Stop Crying. We'll Run.
CountBot: Dude7581 wins 1 point for Eric Showed Dude Goo!
CountBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for Most People Like You. :)
CountBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for High Spikes Hurt You!
CountBot: Eric wins 0 points for Kyle Sounds Like He's . . .
CountBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Only Forest Fire... Man!
* Nyperold makes like Smokey flubbing his lines. :)
: Hey, Maryam! Did you hear the latest health report? You need to increase your daily dosage of vitamin ME!
Eric: Wow.
Nyperold: Yeah, he's thick, too.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 4, 6, 7, 6, 1. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Help, Doctor! Fifteen Mouths! :-O
CountBot: Vote 2 for She's Really Leaving Monday? D-:
CountBot: Vote 3 for Dude Showed Brianna Muscle. Y?
CountBot: Vote 4 for Don't Create Tumults, Sayeth I.
CountBot: Vote 5 for Vile? There's "Viscous Sleaze X"!
Crystal109: That 1 at the end threw me off.
Crystal109: vote 1
gremlinn: vote 4
Zup: Same here.
Dude7581: vote 5
Not-a-Fairy: vote 5
Eric: vote 3
LuckyWizard: vote 5
Counterpoint: vote 2
Gharlane: vote 4
CountBot: Gharlane wins 3 points for Vile? There's "Viscous Sleaze X"!
CountBot: Counterpoint wins 2 points for Don't Create Tumults, Sayeth I.
CountBot: Dude7581 wins 1 point for Dude Showed Brianna Muscle. Y?
CountBot: Eric wins 1 point for She's Really Leaving Monday? D-:
CountBot: LuckyWizard wins 1 point for Help, Doctor! Fifteen Mouths! :-O
LuckyWizard: The first two numbers were same as before, so I could use the basic idea I would've used last time if I'd submitted.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 4, 3, 2, 6, 7, 3. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Don't You Be Afraid, Gahalyn, Win!
CountBot: Vote 2 for "Kill The Op" Newbie Shouted? Ban!
CountBot: Vote 3 for Don't Eat My Turkey Stuffed! Ugh!
CountBot: Vote 4 for Rush, Sam, Go! Frodo's Deathly, Run!
CountBot: Vote 5 for Real Guy Is Always Staying, Too.
Crystal109: Bah. My bad entry made it in.
Zup: vote 2
Crystal109: vote 2
Eric: vote 4
LuckyWizard: vote 2
gremlinn: vote 2
Counterpoint: vote 3
Gharlane: vote 3
CountBot: Counterpoint wins 4 points for "Kill The Op" Newbie Shouted? Ban!
CountBot: Eric wins 2 points for Don't Eat My Turkey Stuffed! Ugh!
CountBot: Zup wins 1 point for Rush, Sam, Go! Frodo's Deathly, Run!
CountBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for Real Guy Is Always Staying, Too.
CountBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for Don't You Be Afraid, Gahalyn, Win!
Not-a-Fairy: vote 4
Not-a-Fairy: Oh dear.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 1, 1. (1/18 accepted)
gremlinn: Yuck.
Dude7581: oh no!
* gremlinn predicts a ton of punctuation marks in these submissions.
Crystal109: I kind of wish people didn't use smileys and stuff for the 1 word length ones, heh.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for E - - - Z - - -?
CountBot: Vote 2 for I? I!
CountBot: Vote 3 for I M 1337!
CountBot: Vote 4 for A I!?
CountBot: Vote 5 for :-) ... :-D ... :-) ... :-( ... :-P
CountBot: Vote 6 for A, B...?
CountBot: Vote 7 for I P: 003.45.437.892
CountBot: Vote 8 for I / O
gremlinn: Is "1, 1" the only set of numbers for which there isn't a grammatically correct English sentence?
Crystal109: Probably.
gremlinn: The only set of 2 numbers, anyway.
Sam: grem: Any number of 1's, and that's probably it.
Dude7581: vote 3
Eric: vote 5
Counterpoint: Oh, no! Someone submitted the same letters but with different punctuation, so it's all wrong.
Nyperold: vote 2
Zup: vote 2
Counterpoint: vote 1
Not-a-Fairy: vote 6
Gharlane: vote 7
LuckyWizard: vote 6
Crystal109: vote 1
CountBot: Crystal109 wins 2 points for A, B...?
CountBot: Dude7581 wins 2 points for E - - - Z - - -?
CountBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for I? I!
CountBot: Eric wins 1 point for I M 1337!
CountBot: LuckyWizard wins 1 point for :-) ... :-D ... :-) ... :-( ... :-P
CountBot: Zup wins 1 point for I P: 003.45.437.892
CountBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 0 points for A I!?
CountBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for I / O
: Brianna, if I had a rose for every time I thought of you, I'd be walking in a garden forever.
: Ricky, forever? I'd say I'd love you forever, but forever suddenly seems too short. Oh Ricky...Ricky...are you sure your name's Ricky? Are you sure it's not Visa? Because you're everywhere I want to be.
: Brianna, is it hot in here? Or is it just you?
Zup: Now it's reverted to pick-up lines! They're GOING BACKWARDS!
Crystal109: LOL our hosts are so cheesy.
Gharlane: LOL
gremlinn: Back to where they started?
Crystal109: Just wait, they'll go back to fighting soon. Just wait.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 7, 3, 5, 5, 2. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Beatles Did Music, Drugs, U.S.
CountBot: Vote 2 for Rinkies Are Angry About ET
CountBot: Vote 3 for Creamer And Sugar. Share It!
CountBot: Vote 4 for Nature's Own, Grown Organ Ic!
CountBot: Vote 5 for Brianna Got Ricky. Lucky, No?
CountBot: Vote 6 for Robbers Can Steal Money? No!
Counterpoint: vote 1
Zup: vote 1
Crystal109: vote 2
Dude7581: vote 3
LuckyWizard: vote 2
Not-a-Fairy: vote 6
vballgirl: vote 5
gremlinn: vote 2
Gharlane: vote 1
CountBot: Eric wins 3 points for Beatles Did Music, Drugs, U.S.
CountBot: Gharlane wins 3 points for Rinkies Are Angry About ET
CountBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for Robbers Can Steal Money? No!
CountBot: Dude7581 wins 1 point for Brianna Got Ricky. Lucky, No?
CountBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for Creamer And Sugar. Share It!
CountBot: Zup wins 0 points for Nature's Own, Grown Organ Ic!
CountBot: Eric loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Counterpoint: Why would Rinkies be angry about ET?
Crystal109: Who knows.
LuckyWizard: Because, by all accounts, it's a horrible video game.
gremlinn: ET the game? It's commonly claimed to be the worst ever.
* Nyperold shrugs.
Nyperold: I've seen worse.
Maryam: You could get angry about them changing the shotguns to walkie talkies in the movie.
: Doctor, doctor! It hurts when I do this!
: Don't do this.
Maryam: LOL
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 2, 4, 3, 4, 7, 6. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for No, They Say "Ever Lasting" Breaks.
CountBot: Vote 2 for "Oh, Will The Love Destroy?" "Always."
CountBot: Vote 3 for No More! Plz, More Gremlin Scaryz!!!!!
CountBot: Vote 4 for Is Grem All That? Someone Coughs.
CountBot: Vote 5 for So, Let's See: Eric Winning? *Shrugs*
CountBot: Vote 6 for In Iowa, The Ants' Usually Picnin.
CountBot: Vote 7 for To Game Bot, Find Letters, Typing.
Not-a-Fairy: vote 2
gremlinn: Hey, no, save me for the 8s.
LuckyWizard: vote 3
Zup: vote 2
Counterpoint: vote 5
Crystal109: vote 6
Dude7581: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 1
Zup: vote 7
vballgirl: vote 7
gremlinn: vote 5
CountBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for To Game Bot, Find Letters, Typing.
CountBot: Zup wins 2 points for So, Let's See: Eric Winning? *Shrugs*
CountBot: Counterpoint wins 1 point for "Oh, Will The Love Destroy?" "Always."
CountBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for No, They Say "Ever Lasting" Breaks.
CountBot: Dude7581 wins 1 point for No More! Plz, More Gremlin Scaryz!!!!!
CountBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 1 point for In Iowa, The Ants' Usually Picnin.
CountBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for Is Grem All That? Someone Coughs.
* Nyperold is an Engrish instructon manual for bot games, now. :)
vballgirl: I originally had "Someone Cheers". Liked it better, but changed it.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 4, 5, 2, 4, 3, 4. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for When Death Is Near, Try Life.
CountBot: Vote 2 for Look, Silly, He Does All Type!
CountBot: Vote 3 for Don't Think To Sing The Song.
CountBot: Vote 4 for They Laugh... We Will Win! HAHA!
CountBot: Vote 5 for Sam's Party Is Gone. Bot Drop!
CountBot: Vote 6 for Rink Works To Make Sam Glad.
Nyperold: vote 1
Sam: vote 1
Dude7581: vote 6
Zup: vote 1
Gharlane: Ack! my second word had 6 letters.
Not-a-Fairy: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 4
Counterpoint: vote 3
Crystal109: My first had 5 letters.
LuckyWizard: vote 6
Crystal109: vote 2
CountBot: Counterpoint wins 3 points for When Death Is Near, Try Life.
CountBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for Rink Works To Make Sam Glad.
CountBot: LuckyWizard wins 2 points for They Laugh... We Will Win! HAHA!
CountBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Don't Think To Sing The Song.
CountBot: Zup wins 1 point for Look, Silly, He Does All Type!
CountBot: Dude7581 wins 0 points for Sam's Party Is Gone. Bot Drop!
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 6, 6, 5, 4. (1/18 accepted)
LaZorra: I can't play CountBot.
LaZorra: I end up sounding like WK.
Sam: This is a long freaking game.
Sam: I think I had been planning to play it to 15, but I forgot.
Maryam: Maybe we should defer the other bots to another night.
Sam: Country and Snag are really quick, though.
Maryam: Oh, ok.
Maryam: I don't usually play those.
Maryam: So I didn't know that.
Maryam: My brain has died.
Zup: As has mine.
Maryam: I shall continue to ramble inanely.
Gharlane: I do poorly at SnagBot, but it's crazy fun anyhow, hehe.
Crystal109: Heh I love Snagbot.
Crystal109: It's only fun when there's a lot of people, though.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Idiots! Eating Every Cake?
CountBot: Vote 2 for Kisses Signal Great Love.
CountBot: Vote 3 for Thanks! Return Again Soon.
CountBot: Vote 4 for Really? Really!?!?!?!?! That's Cool.
CountBot: Vote 5 for "Please, Uphill?" "Going Down!"
CountBot: Vote 6 for Sliced Weirdo Using Oars.
CountBot: Vote 7 for Toilet Sticky? Gross! Yuck!
Crystal109: vote 2
Dude7581: vote 2
Not-a-Fairy: vote 1
gremlinn: vote 3
Zup: vote 3
Counterpoint: vote 3
Sam: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 1
Gharlane: vote 2
CountBot: Counterpoint wins 4 points for Kisses Signal Great Love.
CountBot: Gharlane wins 3 points for Thanks! Return Again Soon.
CountBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for Idiots! Eating Every Cake?
CountBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for "Please, Uphill?" "Going Down!"
CountBot: Dude7581 wins 0 points for Really? Really!?!?!?!?! That's Cool.
CountBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Sliced Weirdo Using Oars.
CountBot: Zup wins 0 points for Toilet Sticky? Gross! Yuck!
Crystal109: Sliced weirdo, Nyp? =)
LaZorra: Nyp: I fully approve of that sentence.
Counterpoint: Eric would have won if he hadn't fled.
LaZorra: Ew, guys, get a room.
Crystal109: Eesh.
Crystal109: Get a priate room, you guys.
Crystal109: Private, even. My V key is weird.
Not-a-Fairy: There's too much love in this room.
* LaZorra digs her brain out with a fork.
Crystal109: LaZ: OWWWWWWW.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 1, 3. (1/18 accepted)
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for X- Men!
CountBot: Vote 2 for I Win.
CountBot: Vote 3 for I Eye.
CountBot: Vote 4 for I? Odd?
CountBot: Vote 5 for I RUN!
CountBot: Vote 6 for I DIE.
CountBot: Vote 7 for I 1337 You!!!!
CountBot: Vote 8 for I Bot!
CountBot: Vote 9 for I... Sea!
CountBot: Vote 10 for I Can!
CountBot: Vote 11 for A Did.
gremlinn: vote 2
Not-a-Fairy: vote 4
Sam: vote 2
Dude7581: vote 3
Counterpoint: vote 10
vballgirl: vote 1
Gharlane: vote 4
LuckyWizard: vote 9
Nyperold: vote 3
Zup: vote 7
Crystal109: vote 6
LuckyWizard: vote 8
CountBot: Counterpoint wins 2 points for I Win.
CountBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for I? Odd?
CountBot: Maryam wins 2 points for I Eye.
CountBot: Dude7581 wins 1 point for I 1337 You!!!!
CountBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for I DIE.
CountBot: Not-a-Fairy wins 1 point for I Can!
CountBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for I Bot!
CountBot: Zup wins 1 point for X- Men!
CountBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for I RUN!
CountBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for A Did.
CountBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for I... Sea!
CountBot: Maryam loses a point for submitting and not voting.
CountBot: LaZorra loses a point for submitting and not voting.
CountBot: Counterpoint wins!
Crystal109: Yay CP!
Gharlane: CP stole mine, heh.
gremlinn: Counterprophet.
Not-a-Fairy: Hoorah, Counterpoint!
Gharlane: I knew it wasn't me because of no !
Gharlane: Nice win. :)
vballgirl: Excellent Cp!
Zup: Congrats CP, on another excellent win!
Counterpoint: Thanks.
Counterpoint: But still, Eric should have had that.
LuckyWizard: Gah. Note to self: Graphical smileys just get omitted. I submitted "A :-* did."
Zup: I made a decent come back, considering I gave up about fifteen minutes ago.
* LaZorra gets dinner AND COMES RIGHT BACK
LaZorra is away.
Crystal109: Heh dinner.
vballgirl: Hey. Check the transcripts. LaZorra swore off eating during the tournament!
: Ahem. Congratulations to Counterpoint for--AAAAAAHHHH, I'm ticklish there, quit it!-for winning the--
: You're ticklish THERE? LOL
: Erm. ...for winning the CountBot game. We move along now to CountryBot. CountBot, CountryBot -- hey, neat! ...And we'll be playing this in Quiz Mode.
* LuckyWizard had noticed that neat thing too.
Counterpoint: CountryUsurpingBot
Nyperold: RiskBot?
Not-a-Fairy: Ricardo, do you have any siblings?
LaZorra is back.
: That's right, HunkyPot--UHHHH, Ricardo. We'll have all question types enabled except for Flag Colors. Let's start this game in one minute!
Zup: Awww, flag colors are good points!
Sam: Zup: Bad points, really.
CountryBot has been summoned by Sam.
CountryBot: All regions of the world will be covered.
CountryBot: Questions will be restricted to the following types: Capitals, Largest Cities, Languages, Bordering Countries, Bordering Oceans/Seas, Flag Images.
* Zup prepares to lose spectacularly!
CountryBot: Starting a new quiz game:
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What nation(s) border Suriname? (2 answers accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Brazil (Sam, Gharlane, Nyperold)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Guyana (Sam)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Sam: +2, Gharlane: +1, Nyperold: +1.
Zup: I spelled guyana wrong!
Nyperold: Aw, I was thinking of the French one.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Grenada? (2 answers accepted)
flyingcats has entered.
Sam: flyingcats!
Crystal109: Hi flyingcats!
flyingcats: Hi!
Counterpoint: Miss.
: I don't approve of aerial cats. Rrrrrr.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Caribbean Sea (Sam, LuckyWizard, Gharlane)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Atlantic Ocean (Gharlane, Sam, Crystal109, LuckyWizard)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Gharlane: +2, LuckyWizard: +2, Sam: +2, Crystal109: +1.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): The following is the flag of what nation(s)?   (1 answer accepted)
Crystal109: Errr. I hope I have the right name.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Taiwan (Crystal109)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Crystal109: +1.
Crystal109: Phew.
Sam: Niiice.
Gharlane: Good one. :)
Crystal109: I'd better get that, since my parents are from Taiwan. =P
Crystal109: But I was afraid it'd be "Republic of China" or something.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What nation(s) border Namibia? (4 answers accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Botswana (Sam)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: South Africa (Gharlane, LuckyWizard)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Angola.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Zambia.
CountryBot: Scores this round: Gharlane: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Sam: +1.
gremlinn: Bots. Wanna?
Sam: Sure.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Kathmandu is the largest city in what country? (1 answer accepted)
Crystal109: It must be a country with a long and hard-to-spell name.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Nepal (Gharlane, Counterpoint, Nyperold, LuckyWizard)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Counterpoint: +1, Gharlane: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Nyperold: +1.
Crystal109: ....Or not.
Nyperold: Or a short and easy one. :)
Gharlane: LOL
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What is the capital of New Zealand? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Wellington (Sam, Gharlane, LuckyWizard, Crystal109)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Crystal109: +1, Gharlane: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Sam: +1.
Crystal109: Yes, International Business finally pays off!
Nyperold: Wellington!
Crystal109: I almost went with Auckland, though.
Nyperold: Man, all I could think of was Auckland.
Crystal109: Heh for Intl Business we had to plan an itinerary for two countries to travel to. We "went" to New Zealand and Australia.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Maldives? (3 answers accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Arabian Sea (Gharlane)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Indian Ocean (Gharlane, LuckyWizard, Zup, Counterpoint)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Laccadive Sea.
CountryBot: Scores this round: Gharlane: +2, Counterpoint: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Zup: +1.
Zup: Yay! point based on random guesses!
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What is the capital of Iran? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Tehran (Sam, Zup, Gharlane, LuckyWizard)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Gharlane: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Sam: +1, Zup: +1.
Counterpoint: Broderbund software would be so, so disappointed in me.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): The following is the flag of what nation(s)?   (1 answer accepted)
Zup: Whoo! Having a father who listens to the news regularly = paying off!
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Mexico (Counterpoint, Zup, LuckyWizard, Dude7581, flyingcats, Gharlane)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Counterpoint: +1, Dude7581: +1, flyingcats: +1, Gharlane: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Zup: +1.
Zup: Yahoo! Barely remembering flags! yeah!
Crystal109: Man, I kept thinking it was Italy. Stupid symbol in the middle.
Nyperold: Heh, guess it doesn't accept é as e. :)
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What oceans, seas, and gulfs border United Kingdom? (5 answers accepted)
: The only oceans, seas, and gulfs I care about are the beautiful pools of beauty in your eyes.
: awwwwwwWWWWWWWWWW *squeal*
LaZorra: Good grief, I think I'm going to be sick from too much saccharine.
Zup: LaZ: Join the club.
Crystal109: LaZ: I'm just waiting for them to fight at the end. That'll totally make my night.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Atlantic Ocean (Crystal109, Dude7581, Counterpoint, vballgirl, flyingcats, Zup, LuckyWizard, Sam, Gharlane)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Irish Sea (Gharlane)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: English Channel (LuckyWizard, flyingcats, Zup)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: North Sea (Gharlane, LuckyWizard, Counterpoint, Dude7581, Nyperold)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Celtic Sea.
CountryBot: Scores this round: Gharlane: +3, LuckyWizard: +3, Counterpoint: +2, Dude7581: +2, flyingcats: +2, Zup: +2, Crystal109: +1, Nyperold: +1, Sam: +1, vballgirl: +1.
Crystal109: Man, I totally blanked on everything but Atlantic. Should've gotten English Channel at least.
Gharlane: SIlly me typed british channel, lol
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Bishkek is the capital of what country? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Kyrgyzstan.
Zup: I knew it was a "stan."
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Brazil and Argentina border which nation(s)? (3 answers accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Bolivia (Dude7581, Zup, Sam)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Paraguay (Gharlane, Counterpoint)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Uruguay (Gharlane, LuckyWizard, Nyperold, Counterpoint)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Counterpoint: +2, Gharlane: +2, Dude7581: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Nyperold: +1, Sam: +1, Zup: +1.
CountryBot: Gharlane wins!
Crystal109: Whoo.
Sam: Oh.
Zup: Woo Ghar!
Sam: That wasn't 30.
Crystal109: Great job, Gharlane!
LaZorra: Nice, Gharlane.
Gharlane: Was set to 15, apparently.
Dude7581: That was fast.
Sam: Well crud.
Sam: Hang on.
Sam: Ok, we can't play to another 15, because if it isn't Gharlane that wins, nobody will have gotten to 30 total. I have to start another game, pause it, then recreate the scores.
Sam: This will take me a minute.
Dude7581: Sam's working his magic.
Crystal109: I'm willing to wait.
* Zup can wait a minute, as long as dopey eyes and giggle bunny sit quietly.
Crystal109: Heh. Giggle bunnt.
Crystal109: Bunny*
LaZorra: Giggle bundt!
LaZorra: The cake that can't stop laughing!
Sam: Giggle bundt pan.
Zup: Giggle HONK.
Maryam: Cutey macaroni bundt cake.
LaZorra: Maryam: LOL LOL
Maryam: LZ: I'm glad one person got it! Hehe.

Maryam was slyly referencing an ancient RinkChat archive, "Pet Names," here.

Sam: Ok, we'll play one round of a new game, and then I'll pause.
CountryBot: Starting a new quiz game:
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen border which nation(s)? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Oman (Sam, LuckyWizard, Gharlane)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Gharlane: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Sam: +1.
CountryBot: Game is paused.
Nyperold: Aw, same-seconded. Oh well/
CountryBot: Gharlane's score has been incremented by 15 points.
CountryBot: LuckyWizard's score has been incremented by 12 points.
CountryBot: Sam's score has been incremented by 9 points.
CountryBot: Counterpoint's score has been incremented by 7 points.
Counterpoint: CountryBot is going mad with power.
vballgirl: My score saves time.
CountryBot: Zup's score has been incremented by 6 points.
Crystal109: Man, I was such a pig on the BBQ chips.
CountryBot: Crystal109's score has been incremented by 4 points.
Zup: Crys: I'm not exactly nibbling these pretzels myself.
Gharlane: At least it wasn't Cheetoh's, heh.
CountryBot: Dude7581's score has been incremented by 4 points.
Maryam: I think all the ice cream I ate gave me indigestion.
LaZorra: Aww.
CountryBot: Nyperold's score has been incremented by 4 points.
Crystal109: It's strange, though. When I'm occupied, like watching a movie, my hand automatically goes to my mouth without me thinking.
CountryBot: flyingcats's score has been incremented by 3 points.
Crystal109: (When I have food, I mean.)
flyingcats: I had three points? Sweet!
Crystal109: And then I realize I've been gorging myself...and then I can't stop.
Zup: Crys: Same here, and with drinks it's a definite problem.
CountryBot: vballgirl's score has been incremented by 1 point.
Sam: There, done.
gremlinn: I had 27, I think.
Sam: grem: Yes, but that's only because you're living with your parents.
gremlinn: Ah, makes sense.
Sam: Restarting in 5...
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What is the largest city in Uzbekistan? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Tashkent.
Gharlane: Wow, I've actually heard of that city, hehe.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What oceans, seas, and gulfs border East Timor? (2 answers accepted)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Timor Sea.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Banda Sea.
Sam: "Timorean Sea" Gah.
Crystal109: Heh Timor Sea.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What languages are commonly spoken in Burundi? (3 answers accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: French (Sam, Nyperold, Gharlane, Crystal109, Zup, Counterpoint)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Swahili (Gharlane, Maryam, Zup, Sam, Nyperold)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Kirundi.
CountryBot: Scores this round: Gharlane: +2, Nyperold: +2, Sam: +2, Zup: +2, Counterpoint: +1, Crystal109: +1, Maryam: +1.
Nyperold: Oh, Kirundi.
Zup: Pure guessing pointage +2!
Crystal109: Whoa.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What is the capital of Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia? (1 answer accepted)
Dude7581: what??
LaZorra: This is why I do not play CountryBot, heh.
Zup: LaZ: With a name like country bot, it should be asking things like, "How long does it take to get to school, in the snow, uphill both ways?"
LaZorra: LOL LOL
vballgirl: Zup: Good one.
Gharlane: LOL - awesomeness. :)
Dude7581: 5 hours walking.
Zup: Dude: Whippersnapper! We crawled to school! And it took DAYS!
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Skopje.
Crystal109: Where is that?
Crystal109: I didn't even know that was a country, heh.
Sam: It's one of the pieces of the old Yugoslavia. Eastern Europe.
Crystal109: Ah, Europe.
LuckyWizard: Yeah, it's the portion south of Serbia-Montenegro.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What languages are commonly spoken in Russia? (1 answer accepted)
Counterpoint: Iowan.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Russian (Maryam, Counterpoint, vballgirl, Gharlane, Dude7581, LuckyWizard, flyingcats, Crystal109, Nyperold, Zup, Sam)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Counterpoint: +1, Crystal109: +1, Dude7581: +1, flyingcats: +1, Gharlane: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Maryam: +1, Nyperold: +1, Sam: +1, vballgirl: +1, Zup: +1.
Zup: Countrybot: What time is it when the sun is precisely at the top of the sky?
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Roseau is the capital of what country? (1 answer accepted)
Dude7581: Sounds like a flower.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Dominica.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What is the largest city in Nauru? (1 answer accepted)
Dude7581: Where's that?
Sam: Nauru is an island in the Pacific.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: .
Counterpoint: PERIOD
Crystal109: LOL
Gharlane: LOL
LaZorra: LOL WHAT?
Zup: LOL
LuckyWizard: Huh?
Sam: It...has no capital. CountryBot has a bug. Didn't used to, but it was probably introduced in the rewrite. Nauru is basically as big as, like, nothing.
Dude7581: No, it's asking for the largest City.
Crystal109: Really? It has no capital?

Correct -- Nauru, about 8.1 square miles in size, has no official capital. It does, however, have a largest city, and CountryBot has since been fixed to recognize it. The largest city is called Yaren, population 1100 as of 2003.

Nyperold: The governing body of Nauru consists of whoever happens to be there at the time. :)
CountryBot: Question (use /b): The following is the flag of what nation(s)?   (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Mali (Gharlane)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Gharlane: +1.
LaZorra: Niiiice.
Gharlane: Whoa! Total guess answer - I figured it was African but that's all.
Sam: Gharlane: Wow, nice.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Sudan? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Red Sea (LuckyWizard, Sam, Counterpoint, Dude7581, Gharlane, LaZorra)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Counterpoint: +1, Dude7581: +1, Gharlane: +1, LaZorra: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Sam: +1.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What is the capital of United Kingdom? (1 answer accepted)
Crystal109: I hope I have this right, heh.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: London (Sam, Crystal109, LaZorra, Maryam, Gharlane, Counterpoint, Nyperold, flyingcats, Zup, Dude7581, vballgirl, LuckyWizard)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Counterpoint: +1, Crystal109: +1, Dude7581: +1, flyingcats: +1, Gharlane: +1, LaZorra: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Maryam: +1, Nyperold: +1, Sam: +1, vballgirl: +1, Zup: +1.
Crystal109: Phew. That'd be embarrassing if I got it wrong. =\
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Dominican Republic borders which nation(s)? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Haiti (Sam, Maryam, Gharlane, Dude7581, Counterpoint, Nyperold, Crystal109, LuckyWizard)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Counterpoint: +1, Crystal109: +1, Dude7581: +1, Gharlane: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Maryam: +1, Nyperold: +1, Sam: +1.
Crystal109: Whoooo Spanish!
Zup: Boo spanich.
Crystal109: Looks like my high school classes do come in handy.
LaZorra: Mmm, Spinach.
Sam: Crystal: You've trained for 12 years for this moment.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What languages are commonly spoken in Nigeria? (5 answers accepted)
Maryam: Does it give the names in order of time of answer?


CountryBot: Claimed answer: English (Gharlane, Sam, Zup, Counterpoint, vballgirl, LuckyWizard, Nyperold, Crystal109)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Hausa (LuckyWizard)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Yoruba.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Igbo.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Fulani.
CountryBot: Scores this round: LuckyWizard: +2, Counterpoint: +1, Crystal109: +1, Gharlane: +1, Nyperold: +1, Sam: +1, vballgirl: +1, Zup: +1.
Counterpoint: Whoa, nice LW.
LaZorra: Nice, LW.
Zup: Igbo!
Gharlane: Nice!
: Igbo is a language in Nigeria? That's where you got that name for me?
Zup: Duh!
Crystal109: LOL
LaZorra: . . .
Maryam: LOL
Crystal109: "Quick, I need a new pet name! There's a map right next to me..."
Crystal109: Or er. Since it's a language...
Crystal109: A dictionary?
Crystal109: Webster's. The huge one.
Zup: Thesaurus!
LaZorra: Encyclopedia.
Zup: Thesaurus rex, too.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What is the largest city in Montenegro? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Podgorica.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Baku is the capital of what country? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Azerbaijan.
Ticia has entered.
Ticia: For some reason I thought we weren't having more bot tournament till next week. Oops.
Sam: Oh, Ticia.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Lebanon? (1 answer accepted)
Gharlane: I hope I spelled that right, heh.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Mediterranean Sea (LuckyWizard, Sam, Gharlane, Nyperold, Dude7581)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Dude7581: +1, Gharlane: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Nyperold: +1, Sam: +1.
Gharlane: Whew.
vballgirl: Spelled it wrong. Bah.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Port Moresby is the capital of what country? (1 answer accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Papua New Guinea (LuckyWizard)
CountryBot: Scores this round: LuckyWizard: +1.
Crystal109: Oooh, nice LW!
Sam: Nice, again.
Gharlane: Argh, forgot to put Papua in front. Nice, LW. :)
Crystal109: I just want to get into the double digits. That's all I'm asking for.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What languages are commonly spoken in Republic of the Congo? (3 answers accepted)
LaZorra: C'mon, ask me a question about Zimbabwe. ;-)
Crystal109: LaZ: Heh, do you know a lot about Zimbabwe?
LaZorra: Crystal: I spent two weeks filming a play about Zimbabwe, heh.
Crystal109: LaZ: Oh, yeah! I remember you said something about that on the forums!
CountryBot: Claimed answer: French (Sam, Counterpoint, Gharlane, Maryam, Zup, Crystal109, vballgirl, flyingcats)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Lingala.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Monokutuba.
CountryBot: Scores this round: Counterpoint: +1, Crystal109: +1, flyingcats: +1, Gharlane: +1, Maryam: +1, Sam: +1, vballgirl: +1, Zup: +1.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Tel Aviv is the largest city in what country? (1 answer accepted)
: Yes, my little Monokutuba, that's exactly where I got it.
: I don't think that one works quite as well, my dear Papito Num Num.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Israel (Maryam, Gharlane, Counterpoint, Nyperold, Zup, LaZorra, LuckyWizard)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Counterpoint: +1, Gharlane: +1, LaZorra: +1, LuckyWizard: +1, Maryam: +1, Nyperold: +1, Zup: +1.
Crystal109: LOL LOL.
Sam: I missed a point on Tel Aviv typing that.
Zup: Sam: Fourth wall! No breaking!
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What nation(s) border Pakistan? (4 answers accepted)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Afghanistan (Dude7581, Maryam, Gharlane, LuckyWizard, Sam)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: China (LuckyWizard, Maryam)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: India (LuckyWizard, Gharlane, Zup, Nyperold, Counterpoint, Maryam, Sam)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Iran (Gharlane, LuckyWizard, vballgirl, Nyperold, Dude7581, Maryam)
CountryBot: Scores this round: LuckyWizard: +4, Maryam: +4, Gharlane: +3, Dude7581: +2, Nyperold: +2, Sam: +2, Counterpoint: +1, vballgirl: +1, Zup: +1.
CountryBot: Gharlane wins!
Ticia: woo!
LaZorra: Yay!
Crystal109: Nice, good job Gharlane!
Maryam: Whoo, I went out with a four-point answer.
Nyperold: And Gharlane still wins. :)
Sam: Maryam: Niiice.
Zup: Yay Ghar!
LaZorra: Good job, Maryam.
Gharlane: Thanks. :)
CountryBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Nyperold: Well, I'm glad we played to 30, or I'd only have 8 points. :-D
Crystal109: Now it's time for...SNAGbot.
* Crystal109 gets ready.
Gharlane: Now for some fun losing, hehe.
Zup: Snag...I always end up losing!
Zup: Especially with my internet de la crappucino!
Crystal109: Heh.
Crystal109: How many points are we playing to for Snag?
Counterpoint: 30, but it's fast.
Crystal109: I hate the rounds where people can just take it from me no matter what. =P
Crystal109: MINE.
Zup: Same here. Although I end up losing points in that one too.
Gharlane: Crystal: That's usually the only way I get any points, hehe.
Crystal109: Gharlane: You thief, you, hehe.
Crystal109: But if TP's not here, I might have a chance.
Zup: Which way are we playing?
Crystal109: If it's like last UBT, both.
Crystal109: Or, er, all the ways.
Nyperold: Two of the combinations of ways.
: Great job, Gharlane. At last, we come to the final bot for the evening. A little bot we like to call SnagBot--
: We played that last night at the bistro, *giggle*.
: --and it's a pretty crazy game. So crazy, we have to play it twice just to make sure we played it at all. Once to 15 points one way, then again to 15 points another. The first way is simple. Somebody gets an item, it stays in that person's possession until the end of the round. Second time, you can pass them all around and snatch them out of people's hands all you want.
Maryam: What are "disadvantageous trades"?
Gharlane: Maryam: I bet Sam's glad you asked.
Crystal109: Maryam: Taking negative items.
Maryam: Oh, for yourself?
LuckyWizard: Or giving a positive item.
Maryam: Ok, thanks.
: Disadvantageous trades, Maryam, are either taking a...ahhh...never mind.
Crystal109: Heh. Sorry, Riccccccardo.
Crystal109: Or Ricarrrrrrrrdo.
Zup: Ricardddddddddo.
Zup: Ricard Ricard Ricardoooooooooo!
Crystal109: So the first game should go really fast and easy.
Crystal109: The second....tons of spammage.
: Sam, could you summon the bot please? Everybody read the rules if you don't know the syntax of what you type in to take items and pass them to other people.
SnagBot has been summoned by Sam.
: The game begins in one minute, during which time we will totally not be over here in this corner cuddling.
: *giggle*
Nyperold: Uh huh. :)
Dude7581: double ewww.
* Crystal109 prepares her fingers.
SnagBot: Rules: Disadvantageous Bad Trades Disallowed, Can Take Unclaimed Items Only, Must Keep Bad Items Given To You.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: cotton [2], flak [-1], earwig [-4], scarf [3], blush [3], canteen [1], olive [1], barnacle [2]
SnagBot: Counterpoint procures the cotton [2].
LaZorra: snag cotton
SnagBot: Gharlane bags the blush [3].
LaZorra: OH
SnagBot: Maryam ensnares the scarf [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint clasps the olive [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard furnishes the earwig [-4] to ThePhan.
Nyperold: snag blush
SnagBot: Zup commits the flak [-1] to Sam.
SnagBot: Counterpoint yoinks the barnacle [2].
Sam: /b item
SnagBot: Maryam abducts the canteen [1].
LaZorra: Yeah, I realize that now. :-p
Crystal109: barnacle
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the cotton [2], barnacle [2], olive [1], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the scarf [3], canteen [1], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Gharlane has the blush [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Sam has the flak [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the earwig [-4], for -4 points.
Crystal109: Oh.
Crystal109: Poor TP.
: HEY, if a beer comes up, pass it to me, would you?
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: sting [-3], goosebumps [-3], table [4], ponytail [3], spectacles [2], fumes [-3], turkey [1]
SnagBot: Crystal109 grabs the table [4].
SnagBot: Zup hands over the sting [-3] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Dude7581 grants the goosebumps [-3] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Counterpoint filches the ponytail [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard swipes the turkey [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint ensnares the spectacles [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 turns over the fumes [-3] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the table [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the turkey [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the sting [-3], ponytail [3], spectacles [2], goosebumps [-3], fumes [-3], for -4 points.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: belt [2], oyster [1], hat [1], tick [-4], smog [-2], heed [3], chimpanzee [3], icicle [1], paperweight [1], explosion [-1], anchovy [2], nunchucks [4], gown [4]
SnagBot: Crystal109 grasps the gown [4].
SnagBot: Maryam bestows the smog [-2] upon Crystal109.
SnagBot: Nyperold snitches the hat [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 picks up the nunchucks [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra steals the belt [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 grabs the heed [3].
SnagBot: Maryam seizes the icicle [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint entrusts the tick [-4] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snitches the oyster [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 steals the chimpanzee [3].
SnagBot: Maryam salvages the paperweight [1].
SnagBot: Zup shells the explosion [-1] out to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Maryam nails the anchovy [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the chimpanzee [3], tick [-4], smog [-2], heed [3], explosion [-1], nunchucks [4], gown [4], for 7 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the icicle [1], paperweight [1], anchovy [2], for 4 points.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the belt [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the oyster [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the hat [1], for 1 point.
flyingcats: I type slow.
: Crystal, I'll fight you with your nunchucks any day, any way!
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: spurs [3], paperclip [1], kilt [1], cactus [-1], rabies [-3]
SnagBot: Counterpoint forks over the rabies [-3] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Crystal109 seizes the spurs [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane gets the paperclip [1].
SnagBot: Maryam presents the cactus [-1] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Crystal109 retrieves the kilt [1].
Crystal109: Ahhhhh.
SnagBot: Gharlane has the paperclip [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the rabies [-3], spurs [3], kilt [1], cactus [-1], for 0 points.
Nyperold: Broke even.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: penguin [4], diorama [1], soap [2], comb [2], dust [-4], rattlesnake [-1], sand [-2], bodice [3], raisin [4], handcuffs [-2], ukulele [1], jacks [2]
SnagBot: Gharlane takes the comb [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snatches the penguin [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint steals the raisin [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra snags the bodice [3].
SnagBot: Maryam awards the sand [-2] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Crystal109 hands the dust [-4] to Gharlane.
SnagBot: Zup takes the ukulele [1].
SnagBot: Dude7581 confers the handcuffs [-2] upon Crystal109.
SnagBot: Counterpoint gets the jacks [2].
SnagBot: flyingcats gains the soap [2].
SnagBot: Zup plucks the diorama [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 transmits the rattlesnake [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the jacks [2], raisin [4], for 6 points.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the bodice [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: flyingcats has the soap [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Zup has the ukulele [1], diorama [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the penguin [4], handcuffs [-2], sand [-2], for 0 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the rattlesnake [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: Gharlane has the comb [2], dust [-4], for -2 points.
Counterpoint: LaZorra, of course you'd take the bodice.
LaZorra: :-.
ThePhan is back.
Crystal109: Aw, man.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: five [1], puppy [1], clover [3], grate [3]
SnagBot: ThePhan ropes in the five [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint gets the puppy [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard commandeers the grate [3].
SnagBot: Dude7581 appropriates the clover [3].
SnagBot: Dude7581 has the clover [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the grate [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the puppy [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the five [1], for 1 point.
LaZorra: AHH
LuckyWizard: Ah, now I can see that's a foot.
ThePhan: Now I only have -3. I am totally winning.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: birdseed [2], war [-1], cookie [2], computer [3], switch [-2], earring [3], cocoa [2], parachute [2], lemur [3], shrub [1], pterodactyl [1]
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snatches the birdseed [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 obtains the shrub [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan sequesters the lemur [3].
SnagBot: flyingcats plucks the cocoa [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane grabs the cookie [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra plucks the parachute [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 filches the computer [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold nabs the pterodactyl [1].
SnagBot: vballgirl filches the earring [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan doles out the switch [-2] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Crystal109 grants the war [-1] to Gharlane.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the lemur [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: vballgirl has the earring [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the shrub [1], computer [3], switch [-2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: flyingcats has the cocoa [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the parachute [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the birdseed [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Gharlane has the war [-1], cookie [2], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the pterodactyl [1], for 1 point.
Crystal109: Sorry, Gharlane, wrong person.
Maryam: You accidentally typed "gharlane"?
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: scarf [1], machete [2], basket [1], cartilage [-1], crab [-2], traffic [-5], mug [2], firecracker [-1], shivers [-2], shampoo [1], casserole [1], dandelion [2], shirt [1], comic [2], turkey [3]
SnagBot: ThePhan nails the dandelion [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snitches the machete [2].
SnagBot: flyingcats clasps the comic [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold annexes the shampoo [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 grabs the shirt [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan relinquishes the shivers [-2] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: flyingcats abducts the mug [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint pulls in the turkey [3].
SnagBot: Maryam clasps the scarf [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 lavishes the firecracker [-1] upon Counterpoint.
SnagBot: ThePhan entraps the casserole [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint passes the traffic [-5] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Maryam nabs the basket [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan delivers the crab [-2] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Crystal109 dispenses the cartilage [-1] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: flyingcats has the mug [2], comic [2], for 4 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the dandelion [2], casserole [1], for 3 points.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the machete [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the scarf [1], basket [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the cartilage [-1], firecracker [-1], turkey [3], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the shampoo [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the crab [-2], shirt [1], traffic [-5], shivers [-2], for -8 points.
Crystal109: Thanks, guys. =)
ThePhan: Oh. Heh. I didn't realize you got ALL negative ones. Sorry. :-)
Crystal109: Now get Maryam.
Maryam: Who, me-- I'm winning?
: Taking my shirt, eh, Crystal? You wanna see my bod, eh, Crystal?
LaZorra: AHHH
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: flowers [5], pickles [1], bobcat [-3], spats [1], hubcap [1], bazooka [3], stand [4], snot [-2], magma [-2], mattress [2], ice [2], worms [-1], snake [-2], sheepskin [3], Counterpoint [-1], helmet [2]
SnagBot: ThePhan takes the sheepskin [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard gains the flowers [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint nabs the bazooka [3].
SnagBot: Maryam absconds with the helmet [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold fetches the ice [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 awards the Counterpoint [-1] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Counterpoint annexes the mattress [2].
Dude7581: b helmet
SnagBot: Crystal109 seizes the stand [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard delivers the snake [-2] to Maryam.
SnagBot: Nyperold takes the spats [1].
SnagBot: vballgirl collars the pickles [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan hands over the worms [-1] to Maryam.
SnagBot: Nyperold ensnares the hubcap [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan presents the snot [-2] to Maryam.
SnagBot: Gharlane commits the bobcat [-3] to Maryam.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the flowers [5], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the mattress [2], bazooka [3], Counterpoint [-1], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the stand [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the ice [2], hubcap [1], spats [1], for 4 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the sheepskin [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: vballgirl has the pickles [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Maryam has the snot [-2], snake [-2], helmet [2], worms [-1], bobcat [-3], for -6 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: magma [-2].
* Counterpoint gets Counterpoint and ... loses points for it. Woo.
LaZorra: LOL
Counterpoint: Thanks, Crys. ;)
Crystal109: I thought it'd be fun. =)
Gharlane: Get Lucky Wizard now
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: jellyfish [-3], diorama [2], shirt [2], eagle [4]
SnagBot: Gharlane grasps the diorama [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 absconds with the shirt [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan snares the eagle [4].
SnagBot: Zup bestows the jellyfish [-3] upon Counterpoint.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the eagle [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the shirt [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Gharlane has the diorama [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the jellyfish [-3], for -3 points.
Counterpoint: I don't think I've ever played this way, actually.
: Whoa, Crystal, slow down there. One guy at a time! Preferably me!
Crystal109: Noooo.
: You heard her, Beach Boy. She likes me better!
flyingcats: eww
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: axe [5], harmonica [2], kiss [4], crouton [1], scoop [1], brain [1]
SnagBot: ThePhan snatches the axe [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan obtains the harmonica [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint wins the kiss [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan retrieves the scoop [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint swipes the brain [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 entraps the crouton [1].
Crystal109: Ahhhh TP. =P
SnagBot: ThePhan has the axe [5], harmonica [2], scoop [1], for 8 points.
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the kiss [4], brain [1], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the crouton [1], for 1 point.
: Well, Counterpoint! You won it! Here's your kiss!
Counterpoint: :-*:-*
Zup: ...
Crystal109: Wait, why didn't TP win?
Eric: ack what's the command
Crystal109: She just got past 15.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: rigormortis [-1], Dude7581 [-2], dust [-2], maggot [-1], electrocution [-1], bat [-2]
SnagBot: Crystal109 transmits the bat [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard entrusts the maggot [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: ThePhan confers the dust [-2] upon LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: Maryam consigns the electrocution [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Crystal109 transfers the Dude7581 [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: vballgirl heaps the rigormortis [-1] upon Counterpoint.
ThePhan: Sigh.
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the rigormortis [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the dust [-2], for -2 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the maggot [-1], electrocution [-1], bat [-2], Dude7581 [-2], for -6 points.
Dude7581: Hey, That's not nice!
Sam: Lessee. On the scale of nastiness, Dude7581 is roughly the equivalent of two maggots?
ThePhan: LOL
Counterpoint: Or two electrocutions.
Sam: Or one of each!
Nyperold: Or two cases of rigormortis.
ThePhan: Or two rigormortes.
Dude7581: ...
Sam: Or one dust.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: megaphone [1], chlorine [-2], pillow [1], comb [2], tongue [-1], bat [-2], vballgirl [3], scythe [3], pistachio [1], rattlesnake [-2], spear [2], shovel [5], Zup [1], pencil [1], owl [1]
SnagBot: Crystal109 secures the spear [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan abducts the Zup [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 entraps the shovel [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan clutches the comb [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 collars the owl [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane yoinks the pencil [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard picks up the scythe [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold abducts the pillow [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan collars the pistachio [1].
SnagBot: Maryam hands over the tongue [-1] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Eric purloins the vballgirl [3].
Dude7581: b pistachio
SnagBot: Gharlane transmits the bat [-2] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Crystal109 steals the megaphone [1].
SnagBot: Eric furnishes the chlorine [-2] to Sam.
SnagBot: Eric relinquishes the rattlesnake [-2] to Sam.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the spear [2], megaphone [1], owl [1], shovel [5], for 9 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the comb [2], Zup [1], pistachio [1], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Eric has the vballgirl [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the scythe [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Gharlane has the pencil [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the pillow [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the tongue [-1], bat [-2], for -3 points.
SnagBot: Sam has the chlorine [-2], rattlesnake [-2], for -4 points.
vballgirl: Take good care of me Eric.
Eric: vball: =-0
Crystal109: TP: Zup's all yours. =)
* ThePhan now owns Zup and Dude7581. She will not stop until everyone is hers.
: CoOOoouuNNterpoINT! Don't take MY tooOOOOoongue!
Zup: TP: I'd like me back now, thanks.
Sam: Zup: Sorry. All trades are final.
Zup: Awww. Slavery's no fun.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: dehydration [-3], mosquito [-3]
LaZorra: TP: :-.
SnagBot: Crystal109 remits the dehydration [-3] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Crystal109 forks over the mosquito [-3] to LuckyWizard.
Crystal109: Whoa.
Dude7581: wow.
Maryam: We have reached 15 several times now. How come there hasn't been a win?
Crystal109: I was wondering that too.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the mosquito [-3], for -3 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the dehydration [-3], for -3 points.
Crystal109: Yeah.
* ThePhan so dehydrated...
Counterpoint: =-O
Gharlane: I just can't type fast enough on those rounds with only two items, hehe.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: canary [4], quill [4], hat [1], chicken [1], origami [2], pendant [1], sandpaper [5], scythe [1], tuba [2], rattle [1], sunflower [5], scepter [1], paperclip [2], heart [1]
SnagBot: Crystal109 purloins the canary [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan nails the paperclip [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint gets the sunflower [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 hauls in the quill [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint takes the heart [1].
SnagBot: vballgirl snitches the scythe [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold snitches the tuba [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan collars the sandpaper [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane salvages the chicken [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard absconds with the pendant [1].
SnagBot: vballgirl fetches the rattle [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold pinches the hat [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint snitches the origami [2].
SnagBot: Maryam commandeers the scepter [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the sunflower [5], origami [2], heart [1], for 8 points.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the canary [4], quill [4], for 8 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the sandpaper [5], paperclip [2], for 7 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the tuba [2], hat [1], for 3 points.
SnagBot: vballgirl has the scythe [1], rattle [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Gharlane has the chicken [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the pendant [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Maryam has the scepter [1], for 1 point.
: Uh, Ricky Wiki, you messed up the rules! Folks, we play to 30 in each of the two games, but then your tournament score is half of the total between the two games.
Maryam: Ahhh...
Crystal109: Oh, I see.
ThePhan: Ah. Gotcha.
Counterpoint: It's the Ricky Wiki!
ThePhan: In the Ricky Wiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Room...
LaZorra: Dangit, Phan, I am going to have that in my head all evening now.
ThePhan: LZ: Here, let me help. OO-DE-LALLY OO-DE-LALLY
* LaZorra loses it completely.
* ThePhan is evil. She will stop now.
ThePhan: In the tiki tiki oodelally!
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: anesthesia [-2], salt [5], megaphone [3], landmine [-2], amethyst [1], taxes [-1], scars [-1], sweater [2], purple [1], accordion [1], audit [-2], flyingcats [1]
SnagBot: Maryam hauls in the salt [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane purloins the flyingcats [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pilfers the accordion [1].
SnagBot: Dude7581 awards the audit [-2] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Maryam pinches the megaphone [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan picks up the purple [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard delivers the anesthesia [-2] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Maryam annexes the amethyst [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 retrieves the sweater [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard cedes the landmine [-2] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: vballgirl dishes out the taxes [-1] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Maryam has the amethyst [1], salt [5], megaphone [3], for 9 points.
SnagBot: Gharlane has the flyingcats [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the purple [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the taxes [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the accordion [1], anesthesia [-2], landmine [-2], sweater [2], audit [-2], for -3 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: scars [-1].
: *slaps Crystal* I'll take my sweater back, thanks.
Crystal109: Oh, EXCUSE YOU. =P
: It's not much, but it's all I have.
Eric: Brianna: Is that your own arm in the picture? Because you should see a doctor.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: ticket [-1], orange [3], newspaper [2], masculinity [3], wolf [-2], firecracker [-1], magnet [2], futon [1], teasing [-2], buttercup [1], ruin [-1], notice [1], underwear [-1], helmet [2]
SnagBot: Crystal109 annexes the buttercup [1].
SnagBot: Dude7581 lavishes the ticket [-1] upon Crystal109.
SnagBot: Maryam ropes in the orange [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 steals the helmet [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snags the masculinity [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan salvages the magnet [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan picks up the newspaper [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 entraps the futon [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 abducts the notice [1].
SnagBot: Dude7581 gives the ruin [-1] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Counterpoint relinquishes the underwear [-1] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: vballgirl leaves the wolf [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Gharlane leaves the firecracker [-1] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: ThePhan remits the teasing [-2] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the futon [1], buttercup [1], ruin [-1], ticket [-1], masculinity [3], underwear [-1], notice [1], helmet [2], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the orange [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the wolf [-2], newspaper [2], magnet [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the firecracker [-1], teasing [-2], for -3 points.
SnagBot: Crystal109 wins!
Sam: Yay Crystal!
Crystal109: Wow, probably my first ever win.
Zup: Woo! Congrats Crys!
ThePhan: WHOA! I didn't even see Crystal creeping up there. LOL. Nice job!
Maryam: Go Crys!
vballgirl: Yay Crystal!
Crystal109: TP: I LOVE YOU for not coming in earlier. =)
ThePhan: Crystal: Heh. You are welcome. :-) I spent far too much time debating what movie to rent.
Crystal109: TP: Hope it ended up being a good one.
Zup: I like how masculinity is a 3.
Crystal109: Yeah, lookit me. So masculine.
: Congratulations, Crystal! And I apologize for slapping you, just for ripping the sweater off my body. I was overreacting, and I'm sorry.
Crystal109: And, oh, it's okay Brianna.
* Zup mumbles, "An' I wanted to see a catfight..."
Crystal109: Man, my arms are shaking from the andrenaline, heh.
Maryam: Time to switch to decaf, Crys.
Crystal109: I don't even like coffee. O_o
Maryam: Coffee's not the only caffeinated thing.
: Next up, it's anything goes! Snatch items away, pawn them off on other people, all you want. Disadvantageous trades are still disallowed, but otherwise, the sky's the limit. Let's kick it off in 5 minutes. That'll give everyone a chance to catch their breath and for Sam to tally the scores so far.
ThePhan: WHEE! More Snag!
* Crystal109 breathes deeply.
SnagBot: Rules: Disadvantageous Bad Trades Disallowed, Can Steal Items From Others, Can Pass Along Bad Items Given To You.
Eric: What's a disadvantageous bad trade?
Crystal109: Taking items that are negative.
LuckyWizard: Or giving a positive item.
Eric: Ah
Crystal109: Forewarning, get ready for a sea of blue font.
* Counterpoint purges.
* Crystal109 always purges frantically and obsessively.
* ThePhan typoes and ends up "puring" instead.
* Crystal109 purifies chat.
Crystal109: It'd be nice if you ended up purring instead. =P
* ThePhan always ends up typing "pure" or "urge."
Crystal109: Now mix them together, and whaddya got?
Crystal109: Pure urge.
Ticia: ThePhan: But can you type "Square?"
ThePhan: Hehe
ThePhan: Yes, but I can't for the life of me type "Counterpoint."
Ticia: You can, too.
ThePhan: That name gives me more trouble than any other during a bot game.
ThePhan: Well, yeah, but only after fixing it many many times.
Maryam: I always do Cointerpoint.
Crystal109: Yeah, Counterpoint is hard.
Counterpoint: It rolls off your right hand.
Zup: The number ones screw me up.
ThePhan: I can type Chrysanthemum and ones with numbers, but Coutnerponit.... yeah.
Crystal109: Really? I can't type Chrys's name.
Crystal109: What I was talking about during the last snagbot game was that gharlane was so much easier to type.
Crystal109: So, my apologies Gharlane.
Gharlane: Heh, that's alright. :)
: The five minutes are up! Starting the game....
: Pooka Petal, that was the longest five minutes of my life.
: Oh, for me too. Let us never be apart ever again!
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: cataract [-5], gunpowder [2], weathervane [2], bikini [1], lightstick [1], magazine [4], handkerchief [1], mattress [1], balloon [1], battery [5], spear [3]
SnagBot: Counterpoint fetches the magazine [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan clasps the spear [3].
SnagBot: Maryam yanks the gunpowder [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan filches the battery [5].
SnagBot: Zup pulls in the balloon [1].
SnagBot: Dude7581 bags the gunpowder [2].
Maryam: b cataract sam
SnagBot: Crystal109 grasps the battery [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra gets the magazine [4].
SnagBot: Eric fetches the gunpowder [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan steals the magazine [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint abducts the spear [3].
SnagBot: Zup snags the bikini [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan pilfers the weathervane [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra retrieves the magazine [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint collars the balloon [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan purloins the balloon [1].
Gharlane: cataract Counterpoint
SnagBot: Maryam dispenses the cataract [-5] to Sam.
SnagBot: LaZorra wins the gunpowder [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold clasps the gunpowder [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan steals the mattress [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nabs the spear [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint transmits the cataract [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: ThePhan clutches the battery [5].
SnagBot: Zup pinches the lightstick [1].
SnagBot: Eric pulls in the bikini [1].
SnagBot: Maryam plucks the handkerchief [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snitches the battery [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra gets the balloon [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan hauls in the gunpowder [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold annexes the weathervane [2].
SnagBot: Eric appropriates the weathervane [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra confiscates the gunpowder [2].
SnagBot: Zup snares the bikini [1].
SnagBot: Maryam clutches the lightstick [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint swipes the magazine [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan dispenses the cataract [-5] to Sam.
SnagBot: LaZorra steals the magazine [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 ensnares the gunpowder [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint steals the weathervane [2].
SnagBot: Zup secures the battery [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan hauls in the magazine [4].
SnagBot: Zup has the bikini [1], battery [5], for 6 points.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the spear [3], gunpowder [2], for 5 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the mattress [1], magazine [4], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the weathervane [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the handkerchief [1], lightstick [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the balloon [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Sam has the cataract [-5], for -5 points.
* Zup blushes.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: dirt [-1], amethyst [4], flu [-1], blush [2]
SnagBot: ThePhan wins the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan hands the flu [-1] to Maryam.
SnagBot: Maryam pulls in the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nips the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane grasps the blush [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan bags the blush [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snitches the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint snags the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: Eric snares the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 annexes the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard grabs the blush [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan gives the dirt [-1] to Nyperold.
SnagBot: Maryam heaps the flu [-1] upon ThePhan.
SnagBot: Gharlane gets the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: Zup lavishes the flu [-1] upon LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: Crystal109 seizes the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: Eric shells the dirt [-1] out to Sam.
SnagBot: LaZorra clasps the blush [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold catches the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan hands the flu [-1] to Maryam.
SnagBot: Dude7581 pilfers the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: Maryam bequeaths the dirt [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Eric dishes out the flu [-1] to Sam.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard seizes the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan commandeers the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 swipes the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: Eric gains the blush [2].
SnagBot: Maryam gets the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane plucks the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: Zup entrusts the dirt [-1] to Eric.
SnagBot: ThePhan confiscates the blush [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold clutches the blush [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint seizes the blush [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pilfers the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard drags in the blush [2].

That's a good line.

SnagBot: Eric pulls in the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra yoinks the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan doles out the dirt [-1] to Sam.
SnagBot: Crystal109 pockets the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: Maryam gains the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra clutches the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: Eric salvages the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: Zup seizes the blush [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra pinches the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: Maryam sequesters the blush [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint yanks the blush [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane appropriates the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard commandeers the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold annexes the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan abducts the blush [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nips the blush [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra gets the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 obtains the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: Dude7581 pulls in the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra picks up the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint catches the blush [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan seizes the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: Zup snares the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 acquires the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: Eric furnishes the dirt [-1] to Zup.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nabs the blush [2].
SnagBot: Maryam grabs the amethyst [4].
SnagBot: Maryam has the amethyst [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the blush [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Sam has the flu [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: Zup has the dirt [-1], for -1 point.
Eric: Zup: Trying to dump the dirt on me, eh?
Zup: Maybe.
Crystal109: Aw, darn.
Maryam: w00t!
Crystal109: Good job Maryam. =)
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: lasso [2], snot [-4], sash [2], sunburn [-3], money [3], typewriter [4], sunset [1], movie [2], sarsaparilla [5], stink [-2]
SnagBot: Maryam catches the lasso [2].
SnagBot: Dude7581 ensnares the lasso [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint furnishes the stink [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: ThePhan attains the sarsaparilla [5].
SnagBot: Ticia pockets the lasso [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan gets the money [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra salvages the sunset [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nabs the money [3].
SnagBot: Maryam pockets the sarsaparilla [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 gets the typewriter [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane remits the stink [-2] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Ticia obtains the money [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra captures the lasso [2].
SnagBot: Dude7581 filches the lasso [2].
SnagBot: Zup snitches the lasso [2].
SnagBot: Maryam drags in the money [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 clasps the movie [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan donates the stink [-2] to Maryam.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard commandeers the typewriter [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra secures the sash [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 retrieves the typewriter [4].
SnagBot: Ticia pockets the sunset [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan collars the sunset [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane captures the sash [2].
SnagBot: Maryam secures the typewriter [4].
SnagBot: Zup appropriates the sunset [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 grasps the money [3].
SnagBot: Dude7581 abducts the lasso [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold acquires the money [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra yoinks the money [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 drags in the typewriter [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint bequeaths the stink [-2] to Sam.
SnagBot: ThePhan pockets the typewriter [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint gains the sarsaparilla [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 seizes the typewriter [4].
SnagBot: Ticia snags the movie [2].
SnagBot: Maryam clasps the sarsaparilla [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint ensnares the sarsaparilla [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard bags the sarsaparilla [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint ensnares the sarsaparilla [5].
SnagBot: Zup commandeers the sash [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 collects the money [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan sequesters the money [3].
SnagBot: Maryam lavishes the stink [-2] upon ThePhan.
SnagBot: Nyperold gets the sunset [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pulls in the sash [2].
SnagBot: Eric pilfers the lasso [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra plucks the lasso [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane seizes the typewriter [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 gets the money [3].
SnagBot: Dude7581 gets the lasso [2].
SnagBot: Maryam attains the sarsaparilla [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint drags in the sarsaparilla [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 annexes the typewriter [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra abducts the money [3].
SnagBot: Zup wins the typewriter [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold pockets the movie [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan lavishes the stink [-2] upon Maryam.
SnagBot: Crystal109 filches the money [3].
SnagBot: Eric grabs the typewriter [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan retrieves the sash [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 seizes the typewriter [4].
SnagBot: Maryam ensnares the sarsaparilla [5].
SnagBot: Eric swipes the typewriter [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard picks up the money [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra snags the lasso [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint seizes the sarsaparilla [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan abducts the lasso [2].
: Whoooooaaaaaa. Will one of you put me down? NO, don't just toss me off to the next fella. Put me DOWN!
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the sarsaparilla [5], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Eric has the typewriter [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the lasso [2], sash [2], for 4 points.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the money [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the movie [2], sunset [1], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the stink [-2], for -2 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: snot [-4], sunburn [-3].
Crystal109: =(
Maryam: LOL
* ThePhan has a lasso and a sash. She can tie them together and make an even LONGER lasso or sash.
Crystal109: This game is more about connection.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: blender [3], woodpecker [1], arsenic [-5], origami [1], ThePhan [1], pincushion [1], daisy [1], robot [3], bowl [1], money [5], moth [1], canoe [2], sock [-3], wagon [1]
SnagBot: ThePhan snares the moth [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane filches the canoe [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan grasps the money [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra acquires the daisy [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint bestows the arsenic [-5] upon Sam.
SnagBot: Eric retrieves the blender [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard absconds with the woodpecker [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan bags the ThePhan [1].
SnagBot: Zup collars the moth [1].
SnagBot: Maryam entraps the blender [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane gains the blender [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan gains the woodpecker [1].
SnagBot: Ticia collects the blender [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nips the ThePhan [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint nails the money [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan seizes the blender [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 purloins the blender [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold salvages the money [5].
SnagBot: Maryam plucks the woodpecker [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint procures the money [5].
SnagBot: Zup takes the wagon [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra takes the pincushion [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan snitches the wagon [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snitches the money [5].
SnagBot: Dude7581 awards the arsenic [-5] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Counterpoint catches the money [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane fetches the blender [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 abducts the money [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint yoinks the money [5].
SnagBot: Ticia yoinks the wagon [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan wins the woodpecker [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra procures the blender [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 gains the blender [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard ropes in the blender [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan drags in the money [5].
SnagBot: Zup picks up the robot [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint captures the money [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snitches the money [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold snatches the canoe [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint collars the money [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 yanks the blender [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra filches the money [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan clutches the money [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint gains the money [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 wins the money [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan nips the blender [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nails the robot [3].
SnagBot: Eric drags in the money [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pulls in the blender [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra seizes the wagon [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane pinches the blender [3].
SnagBot: Ticia snatches the money [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan obtains the wagon [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint hands the arsenic [-5] to Sam.
SnagBot: Maryam grasps the ThePhan [1].
SnagBot: Eric picks up the money [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard clutches the money [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint acquires the money [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 acquires the blender [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra pinches the canoe [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold drags in the wagon [1].
SnagBot: Eric pinches the money [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint absconds with the money [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane entraps the money [5].
SnagBot: Maryam swipes the daisy [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint snares the money [5].
SnagBot: Eric pilfers the money [5].
SnagBot: Zup snitches the ThePhan [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 swipes the money [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard secures the blender [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan pockets the robot [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint bags the money [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra gets the blender [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 acquires the blender [3].
SnagBot: Eric snitches the money [5].
SnagBot: Ticia nails the money [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint collects the money [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan ropes in the wagon [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 plucks the money [5].
SnagBot: Eric commandeers the money [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint abducts the money [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan bags the money [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra confiscates the money [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane grabs the money [5].
SnagBot: Maryam confiscates the blender [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 commandeers the blender [3].
SnagBot: Eric yanks the money [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint nabs the money [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pockets the robot [3].
SnagBot: Zup hauls in the wagon [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan ropes in the blender [3].
SnagBot: Eric retrieves the money [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 gets the money [5].
SnagBot: Ticia retrieves the money [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra appropriates the wagon [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint grabs the money [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the money [5], for 5 points.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the canoe [2], wagon [1], pincushion [1], for 4 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the blender [3], woodpecker [1], for 4 points.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the robot [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Zup has the ThePhan [1], moth [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the daisy [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Sam has the arsenic [-5], for -5 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: origami [1], bowl [1], sock [-3].
LaZorra: Woot! I have the canoe!
Ticia: Oh, no! She's got a canoe!
Crystal109: Yeah, looks like I'll die on this round heh.
* Crystal109 misses her old connection.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: dress [2], cactus [-1], tambourine [1], bobcat [-1], pacifier [1], canary [1], fire [-1], mallet [5], handkerchief [3], dice [3], blocks [3], razor [2], spear [3]
SnagBot: Ticia wins the blocks [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint seizes the blocks [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pilfers the mallet [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan attains the blocks [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane pockets the blocks [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint gets the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 annexes the blocks [3].
SnagBot: Maryam relinquishes the fire [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard abducts the dice [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan snares the tambourine [1].
SnagBot: Eric yanks the tambourine [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra pilfers the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 ropes in the dice [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan obtains the pacifier [1].
SnagBot: Maryam attains the handkerchief [3].
SnagBot: Dude7581 relinquishes the cactus [-1] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Eric appropriates the pacifier [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane snares the blocks [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan filches the canary [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint clutches the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 seizes the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Maryam retrieves the dice [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard gains the handkerchief [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint confiscates the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Zup delivers the fire [-1] to LaZorra.
SnagBot: ThePhan swipes the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 acquires the blocks [3].
SnagBot: Ticia fetches the tambourine [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra obtains the handkerchief [3].
SnagBot: Maryam clasps the dress [2].
SnagBot: Eric catches the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint annexes the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold commandeers the dress [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snares the dice [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan nails the handkerchief [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard confiscates the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane wins the blocks [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra seizes the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Maryam yanks the blocks [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nabs the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Eric entraps the handkerchief [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane yoinks the mallet [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan transmits the fire [-1] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Crystal109 entraps the blocks [3].
SnagBot: Maryam clutches the razor [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra collars the blocks [3].
SnagBot: Ticia acquires the handkerchief [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard filches the blocks [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint lavishes the cactus [-1] upon ThePhan.
SnagBot: Crystal109 steals the blocks [3].
SnagBot: Eric ensnares the blocks [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan gets the handkerchief [3].
SnagBot: Maryam entraps the spear [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint confiscates the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold snatches the canary [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra collars the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 plucks the blocks [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint abducts the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Eric seizes the spear [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan purloins the mallet [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard absconds with the mallet [5].
SnagBot: flyingcats obtains the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Maryam yanks the dress [2].
SnagBot: Zup nabs the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane sequesters the mallet [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan grabs the razor [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra yanks the razor [2].
SnagBot: Eric collects the razor [2].
SnagBot: Ticia drags in the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Eric snitches the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint consigns the fire [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Crystal109 gets the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold abducts the dice [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint captures the mallet [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra collects the mallet [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard collects the handkerchief [3].
SnagBot: Maryam retrieves the handkerchief [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan forks over the cactus [-1] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Counterpoint abducts the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Zup plucks the blocks [3].
SnagBot: Eric nips the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane seizes the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint commandeers the mallet [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan nips the spear [3].
SnagBot: Ticia hauls in the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint commandeers the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 yoinks the mallet [5].
SnagBot: flyingcats entraps the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint clasps the mallet [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra grabs the dress [2].
SnagBot: Eric annexes the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 gains the blocks [3].
SnagBot: Maryam procures the blocks [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold gains the mallet [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan presents the fire [-1] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard collars the spear [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 clutches the mallet [5].
SnagBot: Zup pulls in the spear [3].
SnagBot: Maryam has the handkerchief [3], blocks [3], for 6 points.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the mallet [5], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the canary [1], dice [3], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Eric has the pacifier [1], razor [2], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Zup has the spear [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the dress [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Ticia has the tambourine [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the cactus [-1], fire [-1], for -2 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: bobcat [-1].
: Spear, pah! My buck-and-a-quarter-quarterstaff will knock you silly!
Ticia: POINT
* Counterpoint and ThePhan play hot potato.
ThePhan: Heh. Yeah.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: horseshoe [4], wound [-1], napkin [1], piccolo [1], weeds [-1], stand [3], beanbag [5], switch [-2], meteorite [1]
Crystal109: I kept typing die, heh.
SnagBot: Counterpoint gives the wound [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pulls in the horseshoe [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pinches the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: Maryam collars the horseshoe [4].
SnagBot: Ticia grasps the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 ensnares the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan purloins the meteorite [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint doles out the weeds [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Maryam gains the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pockets the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: Zup picks up the napkin [1].
SnagBot: Dude7581 forks over the switch [-2] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: LaZorra picks up the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan seizes the horseshoe [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 relinquishes the switch [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Crystal109 gains the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan contributes the wound [-1] to Maryam.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snitches the horseshoe [4].
SnagBot: Zup attains the stand [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra clasps the meteorite [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan passes the weeds [-1] to Maryam.
SnagBot: Gharlane abducts the horseshoe [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard obtains the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold retrieves the horseshoe [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 wins the horseshoe [4].
SnagBot: Ticia salvages the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan relinquishes the switch [-2] to Maryam.
SnagBot: Crystal109 retrieves the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: Maryam heaps the wound [-1] upon ThePhan.
SnagBot: ThePhan obtains the stand [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra purloins the piccolo [1].
SnagBot: Eric snatches the piccolo [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane bags the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard procures the horseshoe [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan wins the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: Dude7581 dispenses the switch [-2] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Ticia ropes in the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint appropriates the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold yanks the napkin [1].
SnagBot: Maryam nails the horseshoe [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 catches the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan wins the horseshoe [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint obtains the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra procures the horseshoe [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nails the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: Ticia snitches the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint procures the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane absconds with the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint procures the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: Zup attains the stand [3].
SnagBot: Maryam forks over the switch [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Ticia seizes the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan hauls in the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint absconds with the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra acquires the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 purloins the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint retrieves the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan annexes the napkin [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nails the horseshoe [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold ensnares the stand [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 collars the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint yanks the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: Maryam fetches the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: Ticia annexes the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint wins the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan picks up the horseshoe [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra nails the horseshoe [4].
SnagBot: Zup entraps the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 collars the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane attains the piccolo [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint snatches the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: Ticia collars the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan bequeaths the switch [-2] to Maryam.
SnagBot: Counterpoint ensnares the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nabs the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint collars the beanbag [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra snares the napkin [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra has the horseshoe [4], napkin [1], meteorite [1], for 6 points.
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the beanbag [5], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the stand [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Gharlane has the piccolo [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the wound [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: Maryam has the weeds [-1], switch [-2], for -3 points.
: I could use a napkin, actually.
LaZorra: Ewwww.
Crystal109: Aw, TP's wounded.
Sam: "LaZorra nails the horseshoe." AWESOME!
LaZorra: LOL!
Crystal109: LOL nice.
Maryam: Nice!
Nyperold: LaZorra the farrier!

It went unnoticed at the time, but previously that round, Maryam and LuckyWizard both nailed the horseshoe.

SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: teapot [3], top [1], blanket [1], doll [1], llama [1], cookie [2], anchovy [5], tire [1]
SnagBot: Crystal109 picks up the teapot [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra gains the teapot [3].
SnagBot: Maryam catches the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard ropes in the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Eric hauls in the teapot [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint retrieves the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane nails the teapot [3].
SnagBot: Dude7581 purloins the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra wins the top [1].
SnagBot: Zup drags in the teapot [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard grasps the teapot [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 absconds with the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Maryam absconds with the teapot [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane pulls in the llama [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra obtains the doll [1].
SnagBot: Eric nails the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 attains the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Maryam yoinks the tire [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard wins the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 commandeers the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra clasps the llama [1].
SnagBot: Zup nails the llama [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan retrieves the teapot [3].
SnagBot: Dude7581 clutches the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint obtains the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 filches the blanket [1].
SnagBot: Maryam steals the cookie [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane seizes the tire [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra absconds with the cookie [2].
SnagBot: Ticia collects the llama [1].
SnagBot: Eric obtains the llama [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan catches the top [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nips the teapot [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pulls in the llama [1].
SnagBot: Eric steals the doll [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold snatches the top [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 attains the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Zup pulls in the doll [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan commandeers the blanket [1].
SnagBot: Maryam snags the llama [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane plucks the llama [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra wins the teapot [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint gets the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nabs the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Eric plucks the blanket [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint drags in the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 plucks the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan fetches the doll [1].
SnagBot: Dude7581 grasps the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra seizes the llama [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan collars the llama [1].
SnagBot: Maryam purloins the doll [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint annexes the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Ticia entraps the blanket [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan bags the cookie [2].
Dude7581: b anchovy
SnagBot: Nyperold gains the doll [1].
SnagBot: Zup clasps the tire [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra attains the cookie [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane picks up the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Maryam wins the teapot [3].
SnagBot: Ticia commandeers the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard seizes the blanket [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 clasps the teapot [3].
SnagBot: Eric plucks the teapot [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 secures the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Ticia bags the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint collars the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Maryam steals the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra collects the teapot [3].
SnagBot: Zup yoinks the top [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint yoinks the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snags the blanket [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold gains the tire [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan wins the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint yanks the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Ticia ropes in the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snatches the teapot [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pinches the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Eric nails the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint entraps the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan snitches the tire [1].
SnagBot: Maryam pilfers the teapot [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 filches the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Ticia snatches the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane entraps the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Eric ropes in the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 fetches the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Zup acquires the teapot [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan pulls in the teapot [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra pockets the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint absconds with the anchovy [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the anchovy [5], for 5 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the llama [1], teapot [3], tire [1], for 5 points.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the cookie [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the blanket [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the doll [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Zup has the top [1], for 1 point.
Ticia: arg
Crystal109: Thieves, all of you. =P
Maryam: Craziness.
Nyperold: It's an ACTION FIGURE, all right?
Maryam: Hehe.
Crystal109: LOL
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: subpoena [-3], skirt [5], perforation [-2], overalls [2], liver [-1], motorcycle [2], watermelon [2], rat [-1], avalanche [-4], hemorrhage [-2], origami [3], stand [1], shock [-1], corpse [-4], Crystal109 [1], stilts [3], lightstick [3]
SnagBot: LuckyWizard filches the skirt [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint hands the corpse [-4] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Zup plucks the origami [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra appropriates the Crystal109 [1].
SnagBot: Ticia captures the skirt [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane sequesters the watermelon [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold purloins the skirt [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan awards the subpoena [-3] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Eric grants the hemorrhage [-2] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: LaZorra nips the lightstick [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 ensnares the Crystal109 [1].
SnagBot: Zup pockets the Crystal109 [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra sequesters the stand [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane passes the avalanche [-4] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard clutches the origami [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 catches the skirt [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan bags the skirt [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra nabs the overalls [2].
SnagBot: Zup yoinks the watermelon [2].
Maryam: watermelon
SnagBot: Crystal109 collars the lightstick [3].
Nyperold: crystal109
SnagBot: Counterpoint shells the subpoena [-3] out to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Gharlane hauls in the watermelon [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 grabs the Crystal109 [1].
SnagBot: Eric bestows the corpse [-4] upon Counterpoint.
SnagBot: ThePhan delivers the perforation [-2] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Maryam fetches the motorcycle [2].
SnagBot: flyingcats grabs the lightstick [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 purloins the skirt [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pilfers the skirt [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 secures the skirt [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra grasps the watermelon [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan wins the overalls [2].
SnagBot: Eric seizes the lightstick [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint hands over the avalanche [-4] to Sam.
SnagBot: Eric secures the watermelon [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold seizes the Crystal109 [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra purloins the lightstick [3].
SnagBot: flyingcats collects the skirt [5].
SnagBot: Zup retrieves the stand [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan relinquishes the liver [-1] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Counterpoint surrenders the corpse [-4] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Dude7581 dishes out the subpoena [-3] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Gharlane surrenders the avalanche [-4] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Crystal109 confiscates the lightstick [3].
SnagBot: flyingcats has the skirt [5], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the lightstick [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the origami [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Eric has the watermelon [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the motorcycle [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the Crystal109 [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Zup has the stand [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the corpse [-4], overalls [2], for -2 points.
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the liver [-1], avalanche [-4], subpoena [-3], hemorrhage [-2], perforation [-2], for -12 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: rat [-1], stilts [3], shock [-1].
Crystal109: STILTS.
Counterpoint: Ouch.
ThePhan: Yikes.
Crystal109: Wow, CP. That sucks.
LaZorra: Poor CP.
Crystal109: Nyp: I'd like me back, please.
* Nyperold gives her back to herself. :)
Eric: It sucks, until you remember that he was in the lead.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: nightmare [-3], splinter [-1], opal [1], ambulance [3], llama [1], fedora [1], parasol [2], barley [1], pinwheel [1]
SnagBot: LaZorra snitches the barley [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint picks up the ambulance [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane annexes the fedora [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 retrieves the ambulance [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra pilfers the pinwheel [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint absconds with the ambulance [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra appropriates the opal [1].
SnagBot: Maryam consigns the nightmare [-3] to LaZorra.
SnagBot: Nyperold abducts the llama [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 heaps the nightmare [-3] upon ThePhan.
SnagBot: ThePhan awards the nightmare [-3] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Crystal109 bags the ambulance [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint retrieves the ambulance [3].
SnagBot: Zup purloins the fedora [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard seizes the ambulance [3].
SnagBot: Ticia snares the opal [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra pinches the ambulance [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 procures the ambulance [3].
SnagBot: Maryam nails the ambulance [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan delivers the splinter [-1] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Eric hands the splinter [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Gharlane collects the fedora [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 sequesters the ambulance [3].
SnagBot: Maryam fetches the parasol [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint pinches the parasol [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold ropes in the fedora [1].
SnagBot: Zup annexes the llama [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint entraps the ambulance [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 purloins the ambulance [3].
SnagBot: Eric captures the ambulance [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan confiscates the opal [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra plucks the fedora [1].
SnagBot: Ticia yanks the ambulance [3].
SnagBot: Maryam captures the barley [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint plucks the ambulance [3].
: Ambulances. Well do I remember them.
SnagBot: Eric filches the parasol [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane gains the fedora [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan snitches the ambulance [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard grabs the parasol [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra collars the fedora [1].
SnagBot: Zup yoinks the parasol [2].
SnagBot: Maryam sequesters the pinwheel [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint nips the ambulance [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan pinches the llama [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 shells the nightmare [-3] out to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Gharlane hauls in the llama [1].
SnagBot: Eric gains the pinwheel [1].
SnagBot: Dude7581 delivers the nightmare [-3] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: ThePhan clasps the fedora [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pilfers the ambulance [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint grasps the ambulance [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold ropes in the ambulance [3].
SnagBot: Ticia confiscates the barley [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard seizes the ambulance [3].
SnagBot: Maryam confiscates the ambulance [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan confiscates the parasol [2].
SnagBot: Eric steals the llama [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 ensnares the ambulance [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane seizes the fedora [1].
SnagBot: Zup steals the pinwheel [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan has the parasol [2], splinter [-1], opal [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Eric has the llama [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Gharlane has the fedora [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Ticia has the barley [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Zup has the pinwheel [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the ambulance [3], nightmare [-3], for 0 points.
Ticia: POINT
ThePhan: Crystal had a nightmarish ambulance experience, I guess.
Crystal109: Heh.
Eric: I totally remember pinwheels. Do they make them anymore?
LaZorra: I dunno. I loved those things as a kid.
Maryam: Mmmmmm, I could go for a pinwheel cookie.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: pumpkin [3], sash [2], forgetfulness [-3], curtain [1], pebble [2], mail [3], orange [1], tissue [3], sand [-4], slipper [4], baton [4], rug [4], wound [-2], bungee [1], leather [1], dictionary [3], cataract [-1]
SnagBot: Counterpoint forks over the sand [-4] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Crystal109 picks up the baton [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra purloins the orange [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 bags the rug [4].
SnagBot: Ticia clutches the pumpkin [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra commandeers the tissue [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint collects the rug [4].
SnagBot: Zup obtains the baton [4].
SnagBot: Maryam pinches the dictionary [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard steals the mail [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snags the sash [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra nails the slipper [4].
SnagBot: Ticia swipes the sash [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard seizes the baton [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan confiscates the pumpkin [3].
SnagBot: Maryam hauls in the bungee [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint seizes the slipper [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane seizes the baton [4].
SnagBot: Eric surrenders the wound [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Zup obtains the rug [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan hauls in the sash [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint ropes in the rug [4].
SnagBot: Maryam plucks the leather [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra pockets the rug [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard clutches the leather [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 yanks the mail [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane steals the pumpkin [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint appropriates the baton [4].
SnagBot: Ticia appropriates the curtain [1].
SnagBot: Maryam bags the orange [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra yoinks the leather [1].
SnagBot: Eric ropes in the dictionary [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 appropriates the bungee [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint ensnares the rug [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane procures the sash [2].
SnagBot: Zup plucks the mail [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nabs the pebble [2].
SnagBot: Eric appropriates the pebble [2].
SnagBot: Ticia ropes in the mail [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan furnishes the forgetfulness [-3] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: Nyperold fetches the sash [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra attains the bungee [1].
SnagBot: Dude7581 bags the rug [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 collects the pumpkin [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan hauls in the curtain [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard annexes the slipper [4].
SnagBot: Maryam filches the tissue [3].
SnagBot: Zup salvages the curtain [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan confiscates the pebble [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard swipes the rug [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint catches the rug [4].
SnagBot: Eric snatches the sash [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold pilfers the mail [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane collars the pumpkin [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan ropes in the mail [3].
SnagBot: Maryam plucks the dictionary [3].
SnagBot: Dude7581 appropriates the rug [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint steals the rug [4].
SnagBot: Eric hauls in the pebble [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan snags the orange [1].
Ticia: pebble
SnagBot: Zup fetches the pebble [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan obtains the tissue [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra ropes in the curtain [1].
SnagBot: Eric secures the slipper [4].
SnagBot: Maryam nips the tissue [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane pulls in the mail [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the baton [4], rug [4], for 8 points.
SnagBot: Eric has the sash [2], slipper [4], for 6 points.
SnagBot: Gharlane has the pumpkin [3], mail [3], for 6 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the tissue [3], dictionary [3], for 6 points.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the bungee [1], curtain [1], leather [1], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Zup has the pebble [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the forgetfulness [-3], for -3 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the wound [-2], sand [-4], orange [1], for -5 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: cataract [-1].
: Now wounds. You're doing this on purpose.
ThePhan: Eep.
LaZorra: That is a SCARY image.
ThePhan: Now everyone is ahead of me.
Crystal109: Except Sam.
LuckyWizard: Who am I?
: HEY MARYAM! I think I used that tissue! Best throw it out!
Maryam: AAAH
LaZorra: ewwwwwwww
Eric: eww
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: casserole [1], brownie [4], bodice [1], llama [3], eviction [-1], juice [1]
SnagBot: Counterpoint secures the juice [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra obtains the brownie [4].
SnagBot: Maryam wins the bodice [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard ensnares the brownie [4].
SnagBot: Dude7581 procures the llama [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane purloins the llama [3].
SnagBot: Ticia abducts the casserole [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra annexes the bodice [1].
SnagBot: Eric procures the llama [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 purloins the brownie [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan secures the casserole [1].
SnagBot: Zup nails the casserole [1].
SnagBot: Maryam clasps the brownie [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 appropriates the llama [3].
SnagBot: Eric picks up the brownie [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan retrieves the brownie [4].
SnagBot: Ticia catches the brownie [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint abducts the brownie [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane grasps the llama [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 commandeers the juice [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard picks up the llama [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan nips the bodice [1].
SnagBot: Zup snitches the juice [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 drags in the bodice [1].
SnagBot: Ticia pinches the bodice [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold fetches the juice [1].
SnagBot: Dude7581 yoinks the llama [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan sequesters the llama [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane yoinks the bodice [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 acquires the brownie [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan gets the juice [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 picks up the llama [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint pinches the brownie [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra yanks the brownie [4].
SnagBot: Eric bequeaths the eviction [-1] to LaZorra.
SnagBot: Counterpoint catches the brownie [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane attains the llama [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan nabs the casserole [1].
SnagBot: Zup ensnares the bodice [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 confiscates the bodice [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard confiscates the brownie [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold grasps the bodice [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan takes the brownie [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 steals the brownie [4].
SnagBot: Maryam takes the brownie [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra abducts the bodice [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane grabs the bodice [1].
SnagBot: Ticia drags in the bodice [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 fetches the brownie [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan ensnares the bodice [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard wins the juice [1].
SnagBot: Eric appropriates the brownie [4].
SnagBot: Maryam collects the bodice [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nabs the brownie [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan acquires the llama [3].
SnagBot: Zup yanks the brownie [4].
SnagBot: Dude7581 hauls in the llama [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra confiscates the brownie [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane collars the casserole [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint seizes the brownie [4].
Maryam: b llama
SnagBot: Eric abducts the llama [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard seizes the bodice [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold pilfers the llama [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nabs the llama [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan grabs the juice [1].
SnagBot: Ticia gets the brownie [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint procures the brownie [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nips the brownie [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane purloins the bodice [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra nips the bodice [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint pulls in the brownie [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nabs the brownie [4].
SnagBot: Zup annexes the bodice [1].
SnagBot: Ticia acquires the llama [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan surrenders the eviction [-1] to Eric.
SnagBot: Crystal109 gains the brownie [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane gets the llama [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint gets the brownie [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan nabs the casserole [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold grabs the brownie [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra yoinks the casserole [1].
SnagBot: Eric hauls in the brownie [4].
SnagBot: Eric has the eviction [-1], brownie [4], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Gharlane has the llama [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the casserole [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the juice [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Zup has the bodice [1], for 1 point.
Crystal109: Zup: And what are you doing with that bodice, huh?
Zup: Yes! My bodice! I mean, um, somebody lost it...?
Sam: Eric was kicked out of his apartment and into the street, but he got a brownie, and that more than makes up for it.
LaZorra: LOL
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: care [1], homework [-4], surfboard [3], ladder [3], canoe [3], eraser [1], blood [-1], wolf [-2], firecracker [-1]
SnagBot: LaZorra plucks the care [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold plucks the care [1].
SnagBot: Maryam grants the homework [-4] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Dude7581 collects the surfboard [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane secures the eraser [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan grasps the care [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 obtains the surfboard [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint delivers the homework [-4] to Zup.
SnagBot: Zup commandeers the surfboard [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pulls in the canoe [3].
SnagBot: Eric surrenders the homework [-4] to LaZorra.
SnagBot: Crystal109 steals the surfboard [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra attains the surfboard [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint snitches the canoe [3].
SnagBot: Maryam captures the canoe [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan secures the surfboard [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pilfers the surfboard [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane grabs the surfboard [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard procures the surfboard [3].
SnagBot: Eric ropes in the ladder [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan nips the ladder [3].
SnagBot: Maryam abducts the ladder [3].
SnagBot: Eric drags in the canoe [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane grasps the canoe [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan hauls in the canoe [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard seizes the canoe [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 awards the blood [-1] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: LaZorra plucks the ladder [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pilfers the surfboard [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan abducts the eraser [1].
SnagBot: Maryam captures the surfboard [3].
SnagBot: Eric presents the blood [-1] to LaZorra.
SnagBot: Ticia hauls in the care [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 appropriates the surfboard [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard collars the ladder [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan surrenders the homework [-4] to Eric.
SnagBot: Gharlane grabs the surfboard [3].
SnagBot: Maryam hauls in the canoe [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 sequesters the surfboard [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra snitches the surfboard [3].
SnagBot: Eric donates the wolf [-2] to LaZorra.
SnagBot: Nyperold collars the eraser [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint pilfers the canoe [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pilfers the eraser [1].
SnagBot: Zup shells the homework [-4] out to Ticia.
SnagBot: Crystal109 wins the surfboard [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane seizes the canoe [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan passes the blood [-1] to Eric.
SnagBot: Ticia sequesters the surfboard [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 secures the surfboard [3].
SnagBot: Maryam hauls in the eraser [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra attains the ladder [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan annexes the care [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint heaps the blood [-1] upon ThePhan.
SnagBot: Ticia salvages the care [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 furnishes the homework [-4] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Dude7581 yoinks the surfboard [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint ropes in the canoe [3].
SnagBot: Maryam annexes the ladder [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard grabs the canoe [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold takes the canoe [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint steals the canoe [3].
SnagBot: Zup captures the ladder [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pulls in the surfboard [3].
SnagBot: Eric forks over the homework [-4] to LaZorra.
SnagBot: ThePhan commandeers the surfboard [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra turns over the blood [-1] to Eric.
SnagBot: Maryam catches the canoe [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 fetches the surfboard [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane snags the ladder [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint yanks the canoe [3].
SnagBot: Ticia seizes the surfboard [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 bags the surfboard [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra annexes the ladder [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold yoinks the ladder [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 catches the canoe [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint commandeers the canoe [3].
SnagBot: Eric seizes the surfboard [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the canoe [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the ladder [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Eric has the blood [-1], surfboard [3], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the eraser [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Ticia has the care [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the homework [-4], wolf [-2], for -6 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: firecracker [-1].
LaZorra: eek
Ticia: Yay, point!
ThePhan: "My wolf ate my homework."
: Oh, I get it. TAKE CARE. That's, like, awesome.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: bottle [5], mirror [3], eraser [3], notice [2], picture [1], binoculars [1]
SnagBot: Maryam bags the bottle [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra salvages the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint clutches the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Maryam attains the eraser [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane ensnares the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Ticia pilfers the bottle [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra ensnares the mirror [3].
Maryam: b binoculars
SnagBot: Counterpoint gains the notice [2].
SnagBot: Zup yanks the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Dude7581 sequesters the eraser [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan swipes the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane catches the mirror [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 grabs the bottle [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard ropes in the mirror [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint attains the picture [1].
SnagBot: Ticia pockets the mirror [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan hauls in the mirror [3].
SnagBot: Eric salvages the binoculars [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra absconds with the binoculars [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane pockets the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Maryam snatches the picture [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nabs the binoculars [1].
SnagBot: Zup grabs the picture [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan steals the eraser [3].
SnagBot: Maryam gets the mirror [3].
SnagBot: Ticia bags the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold secures the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint snitches the binoculars [1].
SnagBot: Eric plucks the mirror [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane absconds with the mirror [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan captures the notice [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard entraps the binoculars [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra clutches the picture [1].
SnagBot: Maryam sequesters the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Eric absconds with the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Ticia hauls in the bottle [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan sequesters the picture [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint pilfers the bottle [5].
Maryam: b notice
SnagBot: Crystal109 pockets the picture [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nabs the picture [1].
SnagBot: Eric ensnares the eraser [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane snags the notice [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra ropes in the notice [2].
SnagBot: Zup entraps the notice [2].
SnagBot: Dude7581 collects the eraser [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 drags in the bottle [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan clutches the binoculars [1].
SnagBot: Ticia plucks the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 captures the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Eric entraps the notice [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint catches the bottle [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan annexes the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pockets the bottle [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard gains the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold annexes the notice [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint clutches the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 appropriates the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Maryam yoinks the binoculars [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint catches the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Ticia grabs the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Eric seizes the picture [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan seizes the mirror [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra annexes the notice [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pockets the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane nails the bottle [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard catches the notice [2].
SnagBot: Maryam entraps the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint yanks the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Zup snags the binoculars [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan snags the eraser [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 collars the notice [2].
SnagBot: Eric secures the bottle [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra nails the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 takes the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane attains the mirror [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint snags the bottle [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan appropriates the notice [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nabs the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Maryam wins the eraser [3].
SnagBot: Dude7581 fetches the eraser [3].
SnagBot: Ticia grabs the bottle [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nabs the eraser [3].
SnagBot: Eric purloins the binoculars [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan collects the picture [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snatches the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane purloins the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 retrieves the bottle [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra seizes the bottle [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan grabs the binoculars [1].
SnagBot: Eric pulls in the eraser [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold nips the eraser [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 steals the notice [2].
SnagBot: Maryam collars the notice [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint drags in the notice [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard confiscates the binoculars [1].
SnagBot: Ticia captures the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Zup takes the picture [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nips the bottle [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the bottle [5], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Gharlane has the mirror [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the eraser [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the notice [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the binoculars [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Zup has the picture [1], for 1 point.
: Ladies, ladies! There's more than enough of me to go around.
Maryam: LOL
Crystal109: Heh.
LaZorra: LOL
ThePhan: I keep not scoring at *all*. Heh.
* Nyperold has a SAMERASER
gremlinn: Maryam: you don't need to /b every time.
Maryam: grem: Do I keep typoing it?
gremlinn: Well, you can just post to *Bots.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: stinkbug [-3], sewage [-1], earwig [-1], ort [-1], armpit [-3], deadline [-2], virus [-1], mud [-1]
SnagBot: Crystal109 cedes the deadline [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard lavishes the deadline [-2] upon Crystal109.
SnagBot: Zup dishes out the stinkbug [-3] to Ticia.
SnagBot: Counterpoint heaps the virus [-1] upon Sam.
SnagBot: LaZorra lavishes the virus [-1] upon Eric.
SnagBot: Eric transmits the stinkbug [-3] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Gharlane contributes the deadline [-2] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: ThePhan awards the armpit [-3] to Eric.
SnagBot: ThePhan consigns the deadline [-2] to Eric.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard confers the stinkbug [-3] upon Zup.
SnagBot: Eric relinquishes the sewage [-1] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Counterpoint cedes the deadline [-2] to Sam.
SnagBot: Zup transmits the ort [-1] to gremlinn.
Sam: I swear I didn't choose this noun myself, but I have to....
SnagBot: Counterpoint bequeaths the stinkbug [-3] to Sam.
SnagBot: Crystal109 shells the deadline [-2] out to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: Eric presents the virus [-1] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Gharlane dishes out the deadline [-2] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Zup furnishes the deadline [-2] to Nyperold.
SnagBot: Crystal109 presents the armpit [-3] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Counterpoint furnishes the sewage [-1] to Sam.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard delivers the armpit [-3] to Crystal109.
: HIGH FIVE, DUDE! They're finally fighting over us!
: Uhhh...they're fighting over who DOESN'T get us.
: Oh.
Ticia: Hehe
SnagBot: ThePhan hands over the sewage [-1] to Eric.
SnagBot: Ticia heaps the mud [-1] upon LaZorra.
SnagBot: Eric contributes the deadline [-2] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Counterpoint heaps the virus [-1] upon Sam.
SnagBot: Crystal109 presents the stinkbug [-3] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Eric has the sewage [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: gremlinn has the ort [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the mud [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: Sam has the virus [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the armpit [-3], for -3 points.
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the stinkbug [-3], deadline [-2], for -5 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: earwig [-1].
Crystal109: Heh too late in the armpit.
LaZorra: I love how armpit is negative.
Crystal109: I don't want no stinking armpit!
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: lemur [1], grapefruit [1], tick [-4], shoelaces [2], typo [-5], bees [-4], thistle [-3], meteorite [1], telephone [3], fox [3], nightmare [-2], underwear [-3], monocle [3]
SnagBot: Counterpoint snitches the fox [3].
SnagBot: Ticia commandeers the fox [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane snitches the lemur [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 forks over the typo [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Maryam captures the monocle [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane snares the fox [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra forks over the thistle [-3] to Eric.
SnagBot: Nyperold secures the lemur [1].
SnagBot: Dude7581 snares the shoelaces [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint hands over the typo [-5] to Eric.
SnagBot: Crystal109 steals the telephone [3].
SnagBot: Maryam cedes the bees [-4] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Zup presents the underwear [-3] to Eric.
SnagBot: Ticia remits the nightmare [-2] to LaZorra.
SnagBot: Crystal109 pulls in the fox [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan lavishes the typo [-5] upon Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Counterpoint surrenders the typo [-5] to Eric.
SnagBot: LaZorra lavishes the typo [-5] upon Nyperold.
SnagBot: ThePhan acquires the lemur [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard seizes the lemur [1].
SnagBot: Eric contributes the tick [-4] to Nyperold.
SnagBot: Gharlane wins the telephone [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan grabs the grapefruit [1].
SnagBot: Eric transfers the thistle [-3] to Nyperold.
SnagBot: Counterpoint shells the bees [-4] out to Eric.
SnagBot: Nyperold collars the shoelaces [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard catches the telephone [3].
SnagBot: Zup clasps the grapefruit [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint contributes the typo [-5] to Eric.
SnagBot: Eric forks over the typo [-5] to Nyperold.
SnagBot: Gharlane catches the lemur [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard gains the fox [3].
SnagBot: Maryam leaves the thistle [-3] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Crystal109 sequesters the telephone [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane pockets the fox [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra picks up the fox [3].
SnagBot: Zup pinches the lemur [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan hands over the tick [-4] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Counterpoint bequeaths the typo [-5] to Eric.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard swipes the monocle [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold picks up the fox [3].
SnagBot: Maryam captures the shoelaces [2].
SnagBot: Dude7581 commandeers the shoelaces [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra picks up the fox [3].
SnagBot: Eric relinquishes the bees [-4] to Nyperold.
SnagBot: Gharlane nails the telephone [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pinches the telephone [3].
SnagBot: Ticia seizes the fox [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint donates the thistle [-3] to Eric.
SnagBot: LaZorra grasps the fox [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan gets the shoelaces [2].
SnagBot: Maryam attains the telephone [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane pinches the fox [3].
SnagBot: Eric turns over the typo [-5] to Nyperold.
SnagBot: LaZorra nails the fox [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint cedes the tick [-4] to Eric.
SnagBot: Zup furnishes the typo [-5] to Eric.
SnagBot: ThePhan bestows the typo [-5] upon Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Maryam snitches the fox [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra seizes the fox [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold sequesters the telephone [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 gets the telephone [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard drags in the fox [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint snags the fox [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan delivers the bees [-4] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: LaZorra wins the fox [3].
SnagBot: Eric bequeaths the typo [-5] to Nyperold.
SnagBot: Gharlane bags the fox [3].
SnagBot: Ticia pilfers the fox [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra captures the fox [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the telephone [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the monocle [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the shoelaces [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Zup has the grapefruit [1], lemur [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the nightmare [-2], fox [3], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the bees [-4], for -4 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the typo [-5], for -5 points.
SnagBot: Eric has the thistle [-3], tick [-4], underwear [-3], for -10 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: meteorite [1].
Eric: :-(
Crystal109: Ouch, Eric.
Nyperold: Aww, I have a typo. And I'm usually so careful.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: waffle [1], quill [2], flute [2], barrel [2], laser [4], pearl [4]
SnagBot: Counterpoint yoinks the flute [2].
SnagBot: Ticia retrieves the waffle [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane acquires the flute [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pockets the laser [4].
SnagBot: Zup seizes the waffle [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard steals the pearl [4].
SnagBot: Eric clutches the waffle [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 ensnares the pearl [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan yoinks the waffle [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane seizes the laser [4].
SnagBot: Ticia attains the flute [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 catches the laser [4].
SnagBot: Eric snares the quill [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan entraps the quill [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint collects the laser [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard bags the laser [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra swipes the waffle [1].
SnagBot: Eric nails the flute [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint gets the laser [4].
SnagBot: Ticia takes the laser [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan entraps the flute [2].
SnagBot: Maryam nails the laser [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane gains the pearl [4].
SnagBot: Zup takes the pearl [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint steals the laser [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold retrieves the waffle [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan steals the barrel [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 fetches the laser [4].
SnagBot: Eric pilfers the barrel [2].
SnagBot: Maryam wins the barrel [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nails the pearl [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra ropes in the quill [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane snags the waffle [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan picks up the laser [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint absconds with the pearl [4].
SnagBot: Eric bags the laser [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nails the laser [4].
SnagBot: Ticia entraps the pearl [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint obtains the laser [4].
SnagBot: Maryam attains the pearl [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 bags the laser [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan attains the pearl [4].
SnagBot: Eric hauls in the pearl [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra yanks the pearl [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint pilfers the laser [4].
SnagBot: Zup collars the quill [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane ropes in the quill [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 abducts the pearl [4].
SnagBot: Maryam fetches the flute [2].
SnagBot: Eric seizes the pearl [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan filches the waffle [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra drags in the waffle [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snitches the laser [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane attains the laser [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint swipes the laser [4].
SnagBot: Ticia snares the laser [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan collars the quill [2].
SnagBot: Maryam takes the laser [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 swipes the laser [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold wins the quill [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint commandeers the waffle [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan snatches the barrel [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard clutches the waffle [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra snatches the quill [2].
SnagBot: Zup nips the laser [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane pilfers the barrel [2].
SnagBot: Maryam nips the quill [2].
SnagBot: Ticia pinches the pearl [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint snares the laser [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan retrieves the flute [2].
SnagBot: Dude7581 yanks the waffle [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 swipes the quill [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra takes the laser [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint obtains the laser [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan drags in the laser [4].
SnagBot: Eric confiscates the laser [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 retrieves the laser [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane clutches the laser [4].
SnagBot: Maryam drags in the flute [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 yanks the laser [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra yoinks the quill [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan annexes the pearl [4].
SnagBot: Eric wins the quill [2].
SnagBot: Maryam pulls in the quill [2].
SnagBot: Zup collars the pearl [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint entraps the pearl [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold nabs the flute [2].
SnagBot: Eric nips the waffle [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan snatches the pearl [4].
SnagBot: Ticia pilfers the laser [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra wins the waffle [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint nails the laser [4].
SnagBot: Maryam annexes the laser [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard wins the laser [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane retrieves the waffle [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint snitches the laser [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 absconds with the barrel [2].
SnagBot: Eric yoinks the laser [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra seizes the waffle [1].
SnagBot: Ticia nails the pearl [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint swipes the laser [4].
SnagBot: Zup hauls in the waffle [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 retrieves the laser [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane hauls in the pearl [4].
SnagBot: Maryam acquires the pearl [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard seizes the quill [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan fetches the barrel [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint snags the pearl [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the pearl [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the laser [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the quill [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the flute [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the barrel [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Zup has the waffle [1], for 1 point.
: Laser? Uhhhhh...I'm not sure a staff beats a laser, actually. Um.
Maryam: What about SNAKE LASERS?
: A waffle bath sounds fun.
Crystal109: Ew.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: bauble [3], twig [3], dishes [2], shishkebab [3], dodecahedron [1], bathrobe [2]
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pulls in the bauble [3].
SnagBot: Maryam seizes the bauble [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint takes the bathrobe [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra pulls in the bauble [3].
SnagBot: Zup commandeers the bauble [3].
SnagBot: Ticia nips the bauble [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint snatches the twig [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard yanks the shishkebab [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra steals the bathrobe [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane plucks the bauble [3].
SnagBot: Maryam grasps the dodecahedron [1].
SnagBot: Ticia picks up the shishkebab [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard entraps the twig [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snags the shishkebab [3].
SnagBot: Zup collects the dodecahedron [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane acquires the dishes [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint plucks the bauble [3].
SnagBot: Maryam confiscates the bathrobe [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan nips the bauble [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan seizes the twig [3].
SnagBot: Ticia hauls in the dodecahedron [1].
SnagBot: Maryam snares the shishkebab [3].
SnagBot: Eric wins the bauble [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan gets the dishes [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra seizes the dodecahedron [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard takes the bathrobe [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint sequesters the bauble [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 plucks the dodecahedron [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane entraps the twig [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 takes the shishkebab [3].
SnagBot: Maryam takes the bauble [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan hauls in the dodecahedron [1].
SnagBot: Eric commandeers the twig [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint salvages the bauble [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nips the twig [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold grasps the twig [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard retrieves the dishes [2].
SnagBot: Maryam pulls in the twig [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra pinches the dodecahedron [1].
SnagBot: Ticia attains the bathrobe [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane acquires the bauble [3].
SnagBot: Eric plucks the dishes [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint retrieves the twig [3].
SnagBot: Maryam pilfers the dishes [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nabs the bauble [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan obtains the shishkebab [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint absconds with the bauble [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane secures the twig [3].
SnagBot: Eric hauls in the shishkebab [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 ensnares the shishkebab [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan retrieves the bathrobe [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint clasps the dishes [2].
SnagBot: Zup gains the dodecahedron [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra nips the dodecahedron [1].
SnagBot: Ticia picks up the dodecahedron [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snitches the dodecahedron [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint clasps the twig [3].
SnagBot: Maryam captures the dodecahedron [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold pulls in the dodecahedron [1].
SnagBot: Eric annexes the dodecahedron [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard annexes the dodecahedron [1].
SnagBot: Zup grasps the twig [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan attains the shishkebab [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane procures the dodecahedron [1].
SnagBot: Maryam steals the shishkebab [3].
SnagBot: Dude7581 takes the dodecahedron [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nips the dishes [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard steals the twig [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pulls in the shishkebab [3].
SnagBot: Maryam procures the bathrobe [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane seizes the twig [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the dishes [2], shishkebab [3], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the bauble [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Gharlane has the twig [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the bathrobe [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Dude7581 has the dodecahedron [1], for 1 point.
Counterpoint: Crys is close.
Crystal109: Ahhhhhhhh.
Maryam: I think I was actually doing better when I was typing /b.
* Counterpoint smells BLOOD.
LaZorra: Heh, me too.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: raspberry [2], pickles [3], wax [-1], supervisor [-1], hangover [-5], squash [1], attention [1], garnet [1], purple [1], pain [-1], ukulele [2], blocks [1], phaser [4], chair [4]
SnagBot: Maryam presents the wax [-1] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Counterpoint confiscates the chair [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard sequesters the chair [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane drags in the raspberry [2].
SnagBot: Maryam captures the chair [4].
SnagBot: Zup doles out the pain [-1] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: ThePhan salvages the raspberry [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint presents the hangover [-5] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Ticia procures the raspberry [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snitches the raspberry [2].
SnagBot: Maryam nips the phaser [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan appropriates the pickles [3].
SnagBot: Counterpoint entraps the chair [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 awards the wax [-1] to Maryam.
SnagBot: Gharlane lavishes the hangover [-5] upon Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Eric takes the ukulele [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan dispenses the wax [-1] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Zup pockets the chair [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold attains the purple [1].
SnagBot: Maryam attains the blocks [1].
SnagBot: Ticia attains the pickles [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 presents the hangover [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Zup clutches the blocks [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan delivers the supervisor [-1] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Maryam swipes the ukulele [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane acquires the garnet [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan transmits the hangover [-5] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Maryam abducts the garnet [1].
SnagBot: Eric transfers the wax [-1] to Zup.
SnagBot: Nyperold clutches the ukulele [2].
SnagBot: Zup pulls in the pickles [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan procures the squash [1].
SnagBot: Maryam seizes the purple [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane swipes the phaser [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra acquires the phaser [4].
SnagBot: Eric delivers the supervisor [-1] to Zup.
SnagBot: ThePhan collars the attention [1].
SnagBot: Ticia commits the hangover [-5] to LaZorra.
SnagBot: Gharlane seizes the chair [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan snitches the garnet [1].
SnagBot: Zup seizes the phaser [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold yoinks the chair [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan hauls in the ukulele [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane captures the phaser [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint entrusts the hangover [-5] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: ThePhan pulls in the phaser [4].
SnagBot: Eric hands the pain [-1] to Zup.
SnagBot: Maryam yoinks the garnet [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra hands the wax [-1] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: ThePhan swipes the chair [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane entraps the pickles [3].
SnagBot: Maryam clasps the chair [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan nails the blocks [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold filches the phaser [4].
SnagBot: Ticia drags in the garnet [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint plucks the chair [4].
SnagBot: Eric dishes out the hangover [-5] to Zup.
SnagBot: LaZorra catches the phaser [4].
SnagBot: Maryam seizes the attention [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the chair [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the phaser [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the squash [1], ukulele [2], blocks [1], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Gharlane has the pickles [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the attention [1], purple [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the wax [-1], raspberry [2], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Ticia has the garnet [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Zup has the hangover [-5], supervisor [-1], pain [-1], for -7 points.
Zup: Wow. Avalanche of pain.
Zup: Wait, I don't drink. What's a hangov-OW!
: Hey, anybody know a cure for hangovers? I've tried beer, but even that doesn't seem to work.
Ticia: I think you have to have a dog bite you.
: Seriously? That is totally gnarly. I'm gonna have to drink lots of beer to prep for that. Dogs biting me...non non heinous.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: baton [1], chlorine [-1], vulture [-1], landmine [-1], egg [3], armpit [-3], skull [-1]
SnagBot: Counterpoint confiscates the egg [3].
SnagBot: Eric entraps the baton [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane gains the egg [3].
SnagBot: Eric pulls in the egg [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold acquires the baton [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard lavishes the vulture [-1] upon Crystal109.
SnagBot: Gharlane procures the baton [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan commandeers the baton [1].
SnagBot: Maryam contributes the chlorine [-1] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: LaZorra grants the skull [-1] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Counterpoint awards the armpit [-3] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard remits the landmine [-1] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: LaZorra retrieves the egg [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold confiscates the egg [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan absconds with the egg [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane lavishes the armpit [-3] upon Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Counterpoint lavishes the armpit [-3] upon Crystal109.
SnagBot: Maryam yanks the egg [3].
SnagBot: Eric relinquishes the chlorine [-1] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Ticia nips the baton [1].
SnagBot: Maryam secures the baton [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold clasps the baton [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane snags the egg [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan yoinks the baton [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane sequesters the baton [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan bestows the chlorine [-1] upon Crystal109.
SnagBot: Ticia clasps the egg [3].
SnagBot: Zup grabs the baton [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint grants the chlorine [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Nyperold snares the egg [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra collars the baton [1].
SnagBot: Maryam bags the egg [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane entrusts the skull [-1] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Ticia appropriates the baton [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra drags in the egg [3].
SnagBot: Maryam nabs the baton [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan plucks the egg [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard bequeaths the chlorine [-1] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Zup clutches the egg [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane attains the baton [1].
SnagBot: Maryam yanks the egg [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra plucks the egg [3].
SnagBot: Maryam takes the baton [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan shells the skull [-1] out to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Ticia gets the egg [3].
SnagBot: Ticia has the egg [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the baton [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the armpit [-3], chlorine [-1], vulture [-1], skull [-1], landmine [-1], for -7 points.
Ticia: yes!
Maryam: Awww!
LaZorra: LOL awww
* Crystal109 is very very mad with her connection.
Gharlane: I wondered why you didn't post
Crystal109: Yeah, it cut out when you guys were beating me up. =P
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: snot [-1], slime [-2], rock [1], yoyo [1], stencil [1], tulip [2], bathrobe [2]
SnagBot: Maryam fetches the yoyo [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra clasps the rock [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 takes the bathrobe [2].
SnagBot: Maryam purloins the stencil [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint grasps the bathrobe [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 acquires the bathrobe [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra ensnares the yoyo [1].
SnagBot: Ticia grants the snot [-1] to LaZorra.
SnagBot: Zup purloins the yoyo [1].
SnagBot: Eric obtains the rock [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan consigns the snot [-1] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Eric pulls in the yoyo [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint commandeers the tulip [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold plucks the rock [1].
SnagBot: Maryam transfers the slime [-2] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: LaZorra seizes the stencil [1].
SnagBot: Ticia plucks the tulip [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane hauls in the stencil [1].
SnagBot: Zup commandeers the stencil [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint confiscates the tulip [2].
SnagBot: Eric confiscates the stencil [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan snatches the rock [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra seizes the rock [1].
SnagBot: Maryam sequesters the bathrobe [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 bags the yoyo [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane fetches the bathrobe [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan attains the yoyo [1].
SnagBot: Eric purloins the tulip [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 clutches the bathrobe [2].
SnagBot: Maryam grabs the tulip [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan entraps the stencil [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra swipes the tulip [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint dishes out the slime [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Eric fetches the bathrobe [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 ropes in the bathrobe [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard captures the bathrobe [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold yanks the yoyo [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan abducts the tulip [2].
SnagBot: Maryam obtains the stencil [1].
SnagBot: Zup appropriates the bathrobe [2].
SnagBot: Ticia retrieves the tulip [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan retrieves the bathrobe [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint bestows the snot [-1] upon ThePhan.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard hauls in the rock [1].
SnagBot: Maryam fetches the yoyo [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint seizes the tulip [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 grasps the yoyo [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan dishes out the snot [-1] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Ticia fetches the tulip [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 seizes the bathrobe [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snitches the yoyo [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane entrusts the slime [-2] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Counterpoint retrieves the tulip [2].
SnagBot: Zup hauls in the stencil [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold seizes the stencil [1].
SnagBot: Ticia yoinks the tulip [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra annexes the rock [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan ensnares the rock [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint ropes in the tulip [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard hauls in the tulip [2].
SnagBot: Dude7581 seizes the tulip [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane salvages the bathrobe [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan wins the yoyo [1].
SnagBot: Ticia abducts the tulip [2].
SnagBot: Zup secures the yoyo [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra snags the rock [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint furnishes the slime [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Nyperold snares the tulip [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane annexes the tulip [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan captures the stencil [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard annexes the stencil [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 sequesters the bathrobe [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the bathrobe [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Gharlane has the tulip [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the rock [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the stencil [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Zup has the yoyo [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the snot [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the slime [-2], for -2 points.
Sam: Some of these lines will only ever be read in the archives.
Nyperold: 1 length of string + 1 wheel.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: cannonball [2], mold [-1], trampoline [1], medicine [2], llama [1], gremlinn [5], brain [1], nightgown [1], robot [2], purse [1], needle [1], ort [-2], laundry [-1], nunchucks [4]
SnagBot: Gharlane steals the needle [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint passes the ort [-2] to Gharlane.
SnagBot: LaZorra clasps the nightgown [1].
SnagBot: Maryam hauls in the nunchucks [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 catches the nunchucks [4].
SnagBot: Zup commandeers the purse [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane pinches the nunchucks [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint wins the gremlinn [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra snags the gremlinn [5].
SnagBot: Eric commits the ort [-2] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Maryam snitches the nightgown [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 doles out the ort [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Zup yanks the llama [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint transmits the ort [-2] to Gharlane.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snags the nunchucks [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra appropriates the brain [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan drags in the cannonball [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 bags the nunchucks [4].
SnagBot: Maryam pockets the robot [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane nails the cannonball [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint appropriates the gremlinn [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan relinquishes the mold [-1] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Crystal109 ropes in the llama [1].
SnagBot: Maryam acquires the purse [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan salvages the trampoline [1].
SnagBot: Zup snags the brain [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra attains the gremlinn [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard collects the nightgown [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane filches the nunchucks [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 contributes the mold [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Maryam entrusts the mold [-1] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: ThePhan entraps the medicine [2].
SnagBot: Eric grabs the medicine [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan passes the ort [-2] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Crystal109 pockets the nunchucks [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint collects the gremlinn [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane ensnares the gremlinn [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra plucks the cannonball [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold ensnares the cannonball [2].
SnagBot: Eric drags in the gremlinn [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan swipes the llama [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 yanks the medicine [2].
SnagBot: Zup attains the robot [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra snares the purse [1].
SnagBot: Eric ropes in the needle [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan wins the gremlinn [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard filches the cannonball [2].
SnagBot: Maryam drags in the nunchucks [4].
SnagBot: Eric bags the nunchucks [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane collects the gremlinn [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan seizes the brain [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint presents the mold [-1] to Gharlane.
SnagBot: Crystal109 snitches the nunchucks [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pockets the gremlinn [5].
SnagBot: Dude7581 yanks the robot [2].
SnagBot: Maryam snitches the nightgown [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold purloins the llama [1].
SnagBot: Eric retrieves the gremlinn [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint snags the gremlinn [5].
SnagBot: Maryam snitches the llama [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan purloins the nightgown [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane entraps the nunchucks [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard wins the nunchucks [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan pockets the robot [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 appropriates the nunchucks [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra pulls in the gremlinn [5].
SnagBot: Maryam snatches the cannonball [2].
SnagBot: Zup gets the purse [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard gains the gremlinn [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan confiscates the purse [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint swipes the gremlinn [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold procures the gremlinn [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane donates the mold [-1] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Counterpoint gets the gremlinn [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan collects the needle [1].
SnagBot: Maryam sequesters the nightgown [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 procures the gremlinn [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint attains the gremlinn [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra gets the gremlinn [5].
SnagBot: Ticia pinches the gremlinn [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan has the robot [2], purse [1], needle [1], trampoline [1], brain [1], for 6 points.
SnagBot: Ticia has the gremlinn [5], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the ort [-2], nunchucks [4], medicine [2], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the nightgown [1], cannonball [2], llama [1], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the mold [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: laundry [-1].
Ticia: YES
LaZorra: I love how that round had "gremlinn," "brain," and "mold."
Nyperold: I like how gremlinn and brain are in the same round. :)
Crystal109: LOL yes.
Sam: Awesome.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: cannonball [1], rattlesnake [-1], tick [-1], needle [1], egg [2], handkerchief [1], barnacle [5], eagle [1]
SnagBot: LuckyWizard grasps the cannonball [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra abducts the eagle [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint collars the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane captures the cannonball [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard ropes in the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Ticia gains the cannonball [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint confiscates the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra absconds with the handkerchief [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold annexes the eagle [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 annexes the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane obtains the needle [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint pulls in the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan wins the cannonball [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane fetches the egg [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra gets the needle [1].
SnagBot: Zup shells the tick [-1] out to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Crystal109 turns over the tick [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Maryam surrenders the rattlesnake [-1] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Crystal109 appropriates the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint absconds with the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane entraps the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra takes the egg [2].
SnagBot: Eric gains the cannonball [1].
SnagBot: Ticia dispenses the rattlesnake [-1] to LaZorra.
SnagBot: ThePhan bestows the rattlesnake [-1] upon Crystal109.
SnagBot: Counterpoint commandeers the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Zup fetches the egg [2].
SnagBot: Maryam fetches the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 salvages the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra drags in the egg [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint acquires the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan relinquishes the tick [-1] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Eric nips the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Maryam acquires the eagle [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint catches the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 yanks the egg [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan seizes the needle [1].
SnagBot: Ticia relinquishes the tick [-1] to LaZorra.
SnagBot: Eric grasps the handkerchief [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan grasps the egg [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra swipes the needle [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard grants the tick [-1] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Ticia ropes in the egg [2].
SnagBot: Maryam attains the cannonball [1].
SnagBot: Eric commandeers the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint picks up the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane transmits the rattlesnake [-1] to Counterpoint.
SnagBot: Nyperold collects the needle [1].
SnagBot: Zup gets the eagle [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 relinquishes the rattlesnake [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: ThePhan ensnares the handkerchief [1].
SnagBot: Eric seizes the eagle [1].
SnagBot: Maryam gains the egg [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra plucks the egg [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan pilfers the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Eric attains the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint filches the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard attains the eagle [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane purloins the cannonball [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 lavishes the tick [-1] upon ThePhan.
SnagBot: Zup clutches the egg [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan snitches the eagle [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 gains the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Ticia purloins the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint plucks the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra transmits the tick [-1] to Maryam.
SnagBot: Crystal109 swipes the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan cedes the rattlesnake [-1] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snatches the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint snares the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snares the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane captures the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold bags the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra ropes in the egg [2].
SnagBot: Maryam hauls in the handkerchief [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan entrusts the tick [-1] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Crystal109 yoinks the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Ticia steals the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint acquires the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Eric snatches the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Dude7581 pockets the egg [2].
SnagBot: Maryam yoinks the eagle [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 appropriates the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra salvages the egg [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint annexes the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 annexes the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Eric captures the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Maryam salvages the egg [2].
SnagBot: Zup fetches the handkerchief [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan appropriates the cannonball [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint absconds with the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 collars the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Eric drags in the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint snatches the barnacle [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint has the barnacle [5], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the egg [2], eagle [1], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the needle [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the cannonball [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Zup has the handkerchief [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the rattlesnake [-1], tick [-1], for -2 points.
Crystal109: Oooooosh.
Ticia: Hehe
* Nyperold has a needle, for one point. :-D
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: lantern [2], dress [4], can [4], hubcap [1], victory [1], parachute [1], caulk [1], kitty [2], ladder [1], battery [1], accordion [5], sunflower [1], fedora [1], drum [1], boomerang [1], cutlass [2]
SnagBot: Maryam pulls in the drum [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 drags in the accordion [5].
SnagBot: Ticia plucks the fedora [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane abducts the dress [4].
SnagBot: Maryam confiscates the boomerang [1].
SnagBot: Zup clasps the fedora [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nips the cutlass [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold commandeers the drum [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan pulls in the lantern [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint attains the accordion [5].
SnagBot: Maryam snares the cutlass [2].
SnagBot: Eric commandeers the accordion [5].
LaZorra: b dress
SnagBot: LaZorra catches the lantern [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 ensnares the can [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint yoinks the accordion [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan wins the dress [4].
SnagBot: Ticia appropriates the drum [1].
SnagBot: Maryam clutches the kitty [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 commandeers the accordion [5].
SnagBot: Eric gets the lantern [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan fetches the can [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint hauls in the accordion [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pinches the accordion [5].
SnagBot: Zup pilfers the drum [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane procures the dress [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint gets the dress [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan nails the hubcap [1].
SnagBot: Maryam sequesters the accordion [5].
SnagBot: Eric absconds with the dress [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 yoinks the kitty [2].
SnagBot: Counterpoint confiscates the accordion [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold pilfers the fedora [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane procures the can [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan snares the victory [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 clutches the accordion [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra purloins the accordion [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint retrieves the accordion [5].
SnagBot: Zup annexes the caulk [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 grasps the accordion [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan seizes the parachute [1].
SnagBot: Eric clasps the hubcap [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard wins the accordion [5].
SnagBot: Maryam grabs the dress [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 seizes the accordion [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint pulls in the can [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan seizes the caulk [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint acquires the accordion [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 collars the accordion [5].
SnagBot: Eric grasps the parachute [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra snags the drum [1].
SnagBot: Maryam yoinks the drum [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint collars the accordion [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan yanks the kitty [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard entraps the dress [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane steals the dress [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 picks up the accordion [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold grasps the dress [4].
SnagBot: Maryam picks up the can [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint attains the accordion [5].
SnagBot: Zup pulls in the victory [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan captures the ladder [1].
SnagBot: Eric appropriates the accordion [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane snags the lantern [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pulls in the victory [1].
SnagBot: Maryam steals the accordion [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan seizes the battery [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snags the can [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint filches the dress [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snatches the accordion [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra confiscates the accordion [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan clutches the accordion [5].
SnagBot: Eric appropriates the drum [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pulls in the accordion [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint grabs the accordion [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold grasps the can [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan clasps the sunflower [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra yoinks the can [4].
SnagBot: Zup takes the hubcap [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 yoinks the accordion [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard yanks the accordion [5].
SnagBot: Counterpoint seizes the accordion [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan snatches the fedora [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 grasps the can [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pilfers the can [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra pinches the dress [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane picks up the can [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan captures the drum [1].
SnagBot: Maryam snitches the caulk [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 acquires the accordion [5].
SnagBot: Dude7581 nails the can [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold collars the dress [4].
SnagBot: Zup yoinks the drum [1].
SnagBot: Counterpoint wins the accordion [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra retrieves the can [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan snags the boomerang [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snatches the accordion [5].
SnagBot: Maryam seizes the can [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint grasps the accordion [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 gets the accordion [5].
SnagBot: Eric confiscates the can [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snatches the sunflower [1].
SnagBot: Maryam pilfers the dress [4].
SnagBot: Counterpoint collects the accordion [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan gets the cutlass [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 catches the accordion [5].
SnagBot: Eric annexes the fedora [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan has the kitty [2], ladder [1], boomerang [1], battery [1], cutlass [2], for 7 points.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the accordion [5], victory [1], for 6 points.
SnagBot: Eric has the fedora [1], can [4], parachute [1], for 6 points.
SnagBot: Maryam has the caulk [1], dress [4], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Gharlane has the lantern [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Zup has the hubcap [1], drum [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the sunflower [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Maryam wins!
Maryam: WOOHOO!
Crystal109: Whoaaaaaaaaa.
LaZorra: Yay Maryam!!
Counterpoint: phew
Gharlane: Yay Maryam!
Zup: Woot Maryam!
ThePhan: Go Maryam!
Ticia: Yay!
Crystal109: That was so surprising! Go maryam!
Sam: Nice. Three scores above 30.
Maryam: Man that was crazy.
Dude7581: And maryam comes out of nowhere for the win!
Sam: I'm pretty sure Crystal wins the total of the two games, though.
Nyperold: Crystal has the victory, but Maryam wins!
Maryam: I'd like to thank that last round for having no negatives in it.
Crystal109: I'd like to thank my Internet...
Zup: Crystal, appropriately enough, has victory.
Crystal109: Wow, that was fun.
* Maryam can't read and type fast enough to give stuff away AND take stuff.
LaZorra: Oww, my wrist.
Crystal109: Lol yeah I learned the trick was to watch what other people were taking.
Crystal109: The 1 point stuff usually doesn't go that quickly.
Maryam: It went often enough that you still had to keep retaking it.
* Counterpoint plays that game as paste, paste, paste, oh shoot have to get rid of negative item, paste, paste, paste ....
LaZorra: hehe
Crystal109: And since my name is longer, I can easily pick out when people give me stuff.
Zup: I always took the lower point stuff, so that people'd forget about it and let me have it.
Crystal109: CP: I DO THAT TOO. =)
[Ticia->Sam] I accidently set my posts to go to Dude instead of the bot on that last round and didn't notice for awhile. LOL
[Sam->Ticia] LOL LOL LOL LOL
[Ticia->Sam] In my defence, I don't have my glasses on.
: ...And that's a wrap for tonight, folks! Stay tuned for Sam to tally the final scores. Otherwise, we'll see you here on Monday evening, at 9:30pm Eastern, to determine the third host of the remainder of the tournament!
: A CUTE CUTE CUTE AMINAL...but not as cute as somebody else I happen to know.
* Zup votes for Sam, the ugly dog!
* Crystal109 can't wait to see the transcript of SnagBot.
Crystal109: They always have some giggle-worthy snags.
: Sam? Sam, are you adding up the scores?
Sam: Yes, hold your horses.
: Just checking.
Sam: Crystal109 was first with Snag. Then ThePhan, then Maryam.
Crystal109: Woohoo this is my first ever win in UBT.
LaZorra: I didn't do so hot tonight.
* Zup is still pouting.
LaZorra: Country and Count are sucky ones for me, heh.
* Counterpoint has no wins but top point in Speed. Odd.
* LaZorra hopes to do better in the associative and remaining creative bots.
Counterpoint: Gharlane is rocking the academic class.
Gharlane: Hmm, I wish I could have made it to the first game tonight, hehe. I'm doing almost as well as Counterpoint.
Zup: I started last night, and am in 3rd place. Very strange, considering that I wasn't even in the top five last time.
Crystal109: Winning 2 games might have something to do with it, though.
ThePhan: Speed Class... is complete.
Sam: Oh yeah!
: The Speed Class is officially finished. The glory is split by ThePhan, first in the Game Rankings, and Counterpoint, first in the Points Rankings!
Crystal109: Speed was probably the only thing I had a chance in.
LaZorra: Whooo Phanterpoint!
: Congratulations to both of you! Ok, now let's get out of here! *giggle*!
: hee hee hee hee!
Maryam: Yes, please. Get out of here.
LaZorra: What Maryam said.

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