Ultimate Bot Tournament #2: Session 7
Zup has entered.
Zup: I guess I'm a little early for the LAST SESSION. Oh well.
Zup has left.
gremlinn has entered.
LaZorra has entered.
Zup has entered.
Randy has entered.
LaZorra: I am sick and blargh.
Ticia has entered.
LaZorra: Ooo, new EquiWorks banner ad.
Ticia: !!
Ticia: Yay!
Ticia: LaZorra: I made that banner ad. :D
ThePhan has entered.
gremlinn: You can make a banner ad, but you can't make it multiply.
Ticia: LOL
LaZorra: hee
Ticia: You, sir, are a crazy man.
Ticia: And aslo very funny.
gremlinn: 15/F/Puerto Rico
Ticia: Erm. Also.
gremlinn: Oh.
Randy: LOL
vballgirl has entered.
iwpg has entered.
Sam has entered.
HotOrNotBot has been summoned by Sam.
Zup: WOO
LaZorra: I think this may be the only game I can stay for.
HotOrNotBot: What do you think Sam rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: Bot-A-Minute.
Zup: 6
LaZorra: 5
Ticia: 5
Randy: 5
gremlinn: 5
vballgirl: 6
HotOrNotBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Sam: Welcome to Session 7!!!
Ticia: LOL
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Ticia: Rock on.
ThePhan: LOL
Zup: LOL
gremlinn: I would have won if you had finished the round.
Ticia: 5
Randy: You have to include that in the transcript.
Zup: No fair! My browser lagged!
LaZorra: grem: Hee
Kysle has entered.
Kysle: Gah. So close.
PetBot has been summoned by Sam.
LaZorra: Oh. Eesh.
Zup: Woo, more ratings.
Sam: Read the rules if you need to. Also, now is a good time to get a lobotomy if you need one to cope with the next hour.
* ThePhan has never ever played PetBot.
Zup: I won this last time! yay luck!
gremlinn: Playing to 30?
Zup: I hope not.
Randy: Aww, its fun.
Sam: Of course!
Sam: What, we want to abbreviate the tournament??
DemanusFlint has entered.
Kysle: Hey, DF!
LaZorra: My eyes are watering so much I can hardly see, anyway.
Zup: Sam: 60, just for kicks.
Zup: Double last years! Double the fun!
Sam: From the tournament rules: Players are on their honor to cast honest ratings. Telling other players what your rating is is considered cheating. Intentionally doing so will result in disqualification from the entire tournament. Doing so accidentally may result in loss of score for the round or scratching the game, at Sam's sole discretion. If a rating is accidentally submitted publicly instead of with /b, all scores earned by any player during the round will be reverted.
* Kysle wants to see all da cute widdle outfits
Sam: Game begins in 60 seconds...
* Zup can't wait to find Sam, the ugliest dog again.
Randy: No, pets should not be put into outfits. That is WRONG
PetBot: What do you think ThePhan rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: 1
Zup: 2
iwpg: 2
Randy: 2
Sam: 1
Ticia: 3
Randy: 1
vballgirl: vote 6
Kysle: 5
Sam: Ok, that image took forever to load.
gremlinn: Yeah.
Nyperold: 2
PetBot: ThePhan rated a 1.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: iwpg guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so ThePhan earns a bonus point.
gremlinn: Okay, got the costume image out of the way. Hopefully the last.
PetBot: What do you think Sam rated the above? (1-7)
Nyperold: I'm still on the finite side of infinity.
iwpg: Heh, probably because it's HUGE.
Randy: 2
Kysle: 5
gremlinn: 1
iwpg: 2
ThePhan: 2
Sam: That first image was roughly 3000x2000 pixels. Crazy.
Ticia: 1
Zup: 3
iwpg: Yeah.
gremlinn: That one was slow too.
vballgirl: 1
Randy: 1
PetBot: Sam rated a 1.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Ticia guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: vballgirl guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: iwpg guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: ThePhan guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Sam earns a bonus point.
PetBot: What do you think vballgirl rated the above? (1-7)
Zup: LOL
gremlinn: 5
iwpg: 5
Ticia: 6
Kysle: 2
Zup: 4
ThePhan: 4
Randy: 5
Randy: 4
Sam: 4
Sam: 3
PetBot: vballgirl rated a 3.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: iwpg guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: ThePhan guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: No scores.
Nyperold has left.
ThePhan: Oh, man, I almost said 3.
Sam: I *did* say 3!
vballgirl: It looked a lot better smaller!
Sam: Same seconded!
PetBot: What do you think Ticia rated the above? (1-7)
Sam: 1
iwpg: 1
Kysle: 2
ThePhan: 1
Zup: 1
gremlinn: 2
Ticia: vball: yup, they usually do.
Randy: 1
vballgirl: 1
Sam: Half a point for each of them.
ThePhan: One animal with clothes and one with no eyes!
PetBot: Ticia rated a 1.
PetBot: iwpg guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: ThePhan guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: vballgirl guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Ticia earns a bonus point.
Zup: Nah... quarter for the one, three fourths the other.
Ticia: +1 for each -1/2 for the peeing -1/2 for the sweaters.
vballgirl: Na...One point for the collar.
Sam: So far, these are the worst PetBot pictures ever.
PetBot: What do you think iwpg rated the above? (1-7)
vballgirl: I aean the "leash".
gremlinn: What peeing?
Sam: Was he peeing, or just scrambling to get at the other dog?
Ticia: Isn't the one dog peeing?
Randy: 6
iwpg: Heh, one of my choices was Ticia's one.
Kysle: 6
ThePhan: 6
Sam: 4
vballgirl: 5
gremlinn: 5
Randy: Heck
Randy: 7
Zup: 6
vballgirl: *mean
Ticia: 6
PetBot: iwpg rated a 4.
PetBot: Sam guesses 4 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: ThePhan guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: vballgirl guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so iwpg earns a bonus point.
Zup: Beautiful dog.
* Randy loves Black labs
Ticia: Not a dog person, eh?
Sam: It looks wrong on my laptop monitor. But when I tilt the screen down, suddenly it looks great.
vballgirl: He needed a top hat.
Sam: I almost upgraded to 6 after I saw that.
Nyperold has entered.
Sam: If I'd been on my desktop system, I'd have started at 6.
PetBot: What do you think Zup rated the above? (1-7)
Kysle: 6
DemanusFlint: 6
Ticia: 3
Sam: 5
gremlinn: 2
Randy: 6
iwpg: 6
DemanusFlint is away.
Randy: He's smiling!
ThePhan: 5
vballgirl: 5
Ticia: He's about to rip your face off.
PetBot: Zup rated a 6.
PetBot: DemanusFlint guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: iwpg guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: ThePhan guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: vballgirl guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Zup earns a bonus point.
Zup: But at least he's happy about it!
ThePhan: I like looking at dogs more than I like looking at cats, but I would never want to own a dog.
Kysle: Woo! pnt
Ticia: That's the kind of dog that tried to rip my sister's face off. Got her hand, instead. Didn't rip it off, though, just tried.
PetBot: What do you think Randy rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: 1
Sam: LOL!
Kysle: 1
Sam: 1
iwpg: 1
Ticia: 2
Zup: 1
vballgirl: 1
Ticia: Awesome.
ThePhan: 1
iwpg: And that's another of my choices.
Sam: He's a total 7 on the scale of pitifulness.
Nyperold: I'm still on the finite side of infinity.
Zup: Want a puppy taco?
PetBot: Randy rated a 5.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: iwpg guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: ThePhan guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: vballgirl guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: No scores.
ThePhan: That is the saddest looking thing I have ever seen.
Randy: He was cute!
Ticia: Heh, Randy likes little rat-dogs. Ok, got it. ;)
Randy: Just that one, really.
PetBot: What do you think Kysle rated the above? (1-7)
Sam: Randy has a +3 bonus in both PetBot *and* HoN.
Zup: 1
gremlinn: 4
Sam: 1
Randy: LOL
vballgirl: 1
Kysle: I only had one choice, all the other's we'd done.
iwpg: 1
Ticia: 1
Randy: 4
ThePhan: ...The dog has an H sticking out of its head?
ThePhan: 3
Zup: I got this picture too. horrible picture.
Randy: Yeah, me too.
PetBot: Kysle rated a 2.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: ThePhan guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: iwpg guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: vballgirl guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: No scores.
gremlinn: Binoculars?
Ticia: Horns?
PetBot: What do you think gremlinn rated the above? (1-7)
Ticia: ...
Zup: LOL
Kysle: 5
Ticia: 5
Zup: 4
Sam: 3
vballgirl: 4
iwpg: 5
Randy: 3
ThePhan: 3
PetBot: gremlinn rated a 5.
PetBot: iwpg guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Ticia guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: vballgirl guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: ThePhan guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so gremlinn earns a bonus point.
gremlinn: I was hoping someone would know what I put for it last time.
ThePhan: I couldn't remember.
vballgirl: He gets the exact same photo and people guess it...
Ticia: Glad I remembered.
gremlinn: Not that it'd necessarily be my guess for someone else's rating.
Sam: PetBot might actually be a reasonable game with a controlled pool of personally-approved images.
Nyperold has left.
PetBot: Nyperold timed out. Asking someone else for a rating....
Sam: Probably never a great game, though.
vballgirl: I thought the bottle laying next to the cat would get bigger votes.
Zup: Nyperold! We're playing a game here!
PetBot: What do you think Ticia rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: 7
Sam: 7
Kysle: 5
Zup: 7
Randy: 7
iwpg: 6
ThePhan: 6
iwpg: 7
iwpg: 6
vballgirl: 5
Randy: WhizKid will be played by Zup tonight.
PetBot: Ticia rated a 7.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: iwpg guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: ThePhan guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: vballgirl guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Ticia earns a bonus point.
Ticia: Had a dog just like that when I was a kid. His name was Rudi. I loved that dog. *sniff* I miss him. He was a good dog.
Sam: Ticia: I rate you a 7.
Zup: I prefer the term "performed," but thank you.
Ticia: LOL
Zup: Alright! I rule!
Kysle: Looks so sad :(
PetBot: What do you think vballgirl rated the above? (1-7)
Sam: 5
Zup: 5
gremlinn: I had this one to choose from.
Randy: 5
ThePhan: 5
Ticia: 4
iwpg: 5
Ticia: Me, too.
Kysle: 7
gremlinn: 4
vballgirl: The same images are loading.
Ticia: Of my last four, two had already been done, and this was the third.
gremlinn: Looks like he is trying to pick that nose.
PetBot: vballgirl rated a 5.
PetBot: iwpg guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: ThePhan guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so vballgirl earns a bonus point.
Sam: grem: Me too. I'm a little concerned that the pool of available images on that site is even less than it usually is.
Sam: This could be a record terrible game if we've seen all the images we're going to get.
vballgirl: The cat was the only one we hadn't had so far.
Ticia: Oh, I was >< this close to saying 5
Sam: Uh. Suck. All four of my choices have been done before.
Zup: Yeah, it's going to get pretty lame from here on out.
PetBot: What do you think Sam rated the above? (1-7)
Zup: 7
Randy: 7
iwpg: 7
ThePhan: Somebody win, fast!
gremlinn: 7
Ticia: 7
ThePhan: 7
Kysle: 7
Ticia: LOL
vballgirl: 7
Ticia: 6
PetBot: Sam rated a 7.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: iwpg guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: ThePhan guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: vballgirl guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Ticia guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Sam earns a bonus point.
Ticia: Hehe.
gremlinn: Maybe we could switch to 15 points if we unanimously decided on it?
Sam: We could.
Ticia: How about 10?
* Zup thought 15 was perfect.
Ticia: I'm good with 15
PetBot: What do you think iwpg rated the above? (1-7)
Randy: ditto
Sam: Ugh.
gremlinn: 3
Kysle: 1
Zup: 1
ThePhan: 15 works.
Sam: 1
Ticia: 1
Randy: 1
iwpg: Again, all done before.
vballgirl: 1
ThePhan: 1
Sam: What, there are five images on that site now?
PetBot: iwpg rated a 5.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: ThePhan guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: vballgirl guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: No scores.
Zup: Now it's a game of trying to remember how other people already voted.
Sam: Let's vote on scratching this whole game from the tournament entirely. All in favor?
Zup: iwpg: I rate you a 1.
PetBot: Game is paused.
gremlinn: Sure.
Ticia: Scratch.
ThePhan: Aye.
Kysle: Aye
Randy: Yeah
Zup: Yeah.
vballgirl: Aye.
Sam: Any nays?
iwpg: Yeah (as in, not nay).
PetBot has been dismissed by Sam.
* Sam dropkicks PetBot.
vballgirl: See, if we'd have only played 30 seconds, it would have been a fun game.
Sam: I'm doing a little bot work these days anyway. Shortly, I will revamp PetBot so that it has a large and glorious and wonderful pool of images stored on the RinkWorks server, and it'll be a decent game again. So let's not give up on dear old poor sucky PetBot just yet.
Zup: So, the points we have don't count, I take it?
Sam: Correct.
DemanusFlint is back.
ThePhan: There needs to be a one-night bot tournament. Summon each bot in turn, play one round, and then dismiss it, but keep track of the points.
Sam: TP: Oooh, neat idea.
* Zup explodes his five points in unison.
LaZorra has left.
LaZorra has entered.
iwpg: Heh, on the site: "Click here if the picture above is broken, copyrighted, or inappropriate(ads, porn, pets, children, group photos, celebrities, models, nudity, gross, joke, fake, etc.) "
iwpg: What exactly is "pets" doing there?
Sam: iwpg: I hate those fake cat images. They just put a cat's head on a different cat's body.
Sam: LOL LOL!!! I missed that.
Nyperold has entered.
ThePhan: LOL!!!
Zup: LOL
gremlinn: So only wildlife, huh?
Ticia: Er,
Nyperold: Whew.
gremlinn: And, nudity? Only clothed wild animals?
Zup: Grem: That explains the preponderance of sweaters on the dogs.
Ticia: http://www.petcabaret.com/petpics/elsabeanie.jpg CUTE
Sam: hahaha -- that's funny.
Randy: That dog is slowly eating that cat.
CountryBot has been summoned by Sam.
Zup: Woohoo for quiz mode!
Sam: CountryBot will be played in quiz mode, with all question types enabled. It is worth noting that the bot's default configuration excludes certain question types; nonetheless, for the tournament, all question types will be enabled. Also, the bot's recognition or nonrecognition of answers will stand. Players who submit abbreviations for countries or oceans or anything else are expected to know which abbreviations the bot recognizes and abide by the consequences either way. Finally, players are on their honor not to use reference material to look up answers. Normally, this practice is permitted at the discretion of the summoner of the bot, but for the tournament, this is disallowed.
* Kysle crosses his finger for 8 points
Randy: I went to the site, and it seems that there are not a lot of photos on right now.
gremlinn is away.
Ticia: Oh, for goodness sakes, they need to have a uniform size on these pet pictures.
Nyperold: There. Now the only picture will be flags.
CountryBot: Questions will cover all countries.
CountryBot: All question types will be used.
Randy: That one of the smiling rottweiler is HUGE
Sam: That's another thing I can do by storing the images on the RW server -- control the size.
Ticia: Yes. That would be awesome.
Sam: I can just have a script automatically shrink the stupidly huge images.
ThePhan: That would be good.
Sam: Game begins in 60 seconds....
Sam: It may have been 60 seconds by now.
Ticia: LOL
CountryBot: Starting a new quiz game:
CountryBot: Question (use /b): The flag of Philippines has what colors? (4 answers)
Randy: probably
CountryBot: Claimed answer: White (LaZorra, Sam, vballgirl, Nyperold, Ticia, Zup, Randy, ThePhan)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Yellow (LaZorra, Kysle, Ticia, ThePhan)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Blue (Sam, Nyperold, iwpg, Randy, Kysle, Zup, Ticia)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Red (iwpg, vballgirl, LaZorra, Sam, Zup, Randy, ThePhan, Ticia, Nyperold)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Ticia: +4, LaZorra: +3, Nyperold: +3, Randy: +3, Sam: +3, ThePhan: +3, Zup: +3, iwpg: +2, Kysle: +2, vballgirl: +2.
Ticia: I'm curious to see how well I do in quiz mode.
Ticia: I need to play this game more, I see. W00T
gremlinn: Should be a relatively quick game.
Randy: Total guess!
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What is the capital of Seychelles? (1 answer)
Sam: Remember, only your most recent four answers are accepted. Sorry I forgot to mention that before the game started.
ThePhan: Nice.
gremlinn: At least, if there's lots of flag/border questions.
LaZorra: That's a country?
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Victoria.
Ticia: .b Ocean
LaZorra: LOL
Sam: LOL
gremlinn: Time to take the picture! Everyone, Seychelles!
ThePhan: LOL
Nyperold: .b Conch City
CountryBot: Question (use /b): The flag of Chad has what colors? (3 answers)
Ticia: LOL
Randy: LOL
Sam: grem: Nice.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Blue (Kysle, ThePhan, Sam, Zup)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Yellow (Nyperold, Randy, Ticia, LaZorra, DemanusFlint)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Red (Ticia, ThePhan, Kysle, Nyperold, Zup, iwpg, vballgirl, Sam, DemanusFlint)
CountryBot: Scores this round: DemanusFlint: +2, Kysle: +2, Nyperold: +2, Sam: +2, ThePhan: +2, Ticia: +2, Zup: +2, iwpg: +1, LaZorra: +1, Randy: +1, vballgirl: +1.
Sam: Ah, flag color questions, how weird do I find thee.
Ticia: Mental note to self. It is Red. Not read.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What languages are commonly spoken in Guinea-Bissau? (2 answers)
LaZorra: I typoed "erd."
Randy: ERD
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Portuguese.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Crioulo.
Ticia: Pig Latin.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Stockholm is the capital of what country? (1 answer)
Ticia: Get it?
Zup: ERD: English Retroactively Decide.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Sweden (Zup, Nyperold, LaZorra, Randy, ThePhan, Ticia, Sam)
CountryBot: Scores this round: LaZorra: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, Sam: +1, ThePhan: +1, Ticia: +1, Zup: +1.
iwpg: Gah, too slow.
Sam: CountryBot rules.
gremlinn: Or maybe English Randomization Disorder.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Eritrea? (1 answer)
DemanusFlint: One day the mysteries of Europe will reveal themselves to me.
DemanusFlint: So many identical little countries!
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Red Sea.
Sam: GAH GAH GAH!!!!
Ticia: >< this close to saying that, seriously.
Sam: I put Red Sea, and then changed it to Indian Ocean!!
Zup: So many seas, of so many colors...
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Kirundi, French, and Swahili are commonly spoken in what nation(s)? (1 answer)
Kysle: Ouch
Nyperold: I was thinking it was a Baltic state.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Burundi.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): The following is the flag of what nation(s)? (1 answer)
DemanusFlint: Ha-ha.
Sam: Man, I would have been so 733t to have gotten Red Sea back there.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Chad (vballgirl, Sam, DemanusFlint)
CountryBot: Scores this round: DemanusFlint: +1, Sam: +1, vballgirl: +1.
Ticia: How up to date is this bot?
Sam: Ti: Sort of. It recognizes East Timor as a state, including its flag.
DemanusFlint: See, because it was the same as... ha-ha.
gremlinn: Wow, nice.
Sam: grem: I remembered its colors from the earlier question.
gremlinn: Sam: ah, that explains it.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What nation(s) border Chad? (6 answers)
gremlinn: CountryBot: a bit obsessed over Chad still? Get over him.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Cameroon (vballgirl)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Central African Republic (Sam)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Libya (ThePhan)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Niger (Kysle, Randy, vballgirl, iwpg)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Nigeria (Kysle, vballgirl, ThePhan, iwpg)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Sudan.
CountryBot: Scores this round: vballgirl: +3, iwpg: +2, Kysle: +2, ThePhan: +2, Randy: +1, Sam: +1.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Blue and White are the colors of the flag(s) of what nation(s)? (7 answers)
Sam: ...and I only got to type in one answer before the time was up.
* ThePhan isn't doing nearly as badly as she expected. Hurray for guessing.
Ticia: Ack. Should have remembered my Animaniacs.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Finland (Sam)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Greece (Nyperold, iwpg)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Israel (Nyperold)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Federated States of Micronesia.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Honduras.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Nicaragua.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Somalia.
CountryBot: Scores this round: Nyperold: +2, iwpg: +1, Sam: +1.
iwpg: Was about to say Finland.
gremlinn: I knew Israel's from playing EKS games.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): The following is the flag of what nation(s)? (1 answer)
Ticia: Finland. Doh, my dad would kill me for not getting that one.
Kysle: ... I didn't even see the question *whoosh*
Sam: That's a much better way to do the color questions. Ask for the countries, not the colors.
gremlinn: The Sherlock ones, specifically.
iwpg: Although come to think of it, I think it would have been just a guess.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: France (iwpg, Sam, Kysle, Nyperold, vballgirl, Ticia, Zup)
CountryBot: Scores this round: iwpg: +1, Kysle: +1, Nyperold: +1, Sam: +1, Ticia: +1, vballgirl: +1, Zup: +1.
Ticia: So, funny story about the french flag. We had "French Kiss" playing at the movie theater when I worked there as a teen, and some french guy came in and told us we had the colors in the wrong order.
ThePhan: I know pretty much none of the flags.
Ticia: Sorry, left out a part of the story, we had a drawing of the french flag hanging in the lobby.
Randy: Gah. I was debating if that was Italy or France.
gremlinn: Italy's horizontal?
Sam: Italy's horizontal and green instead of blue.
Randy: Oh.
Randy: heh
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Yamoussoukro is the capital of what country? (1 answer)
Nyperold: Basra?
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Cote d'Ivoire.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What oceans, seas, and gulfs border India? (3 answers)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Indian Ocean (Nyperold, ThePhan, vballgirl, Ticia, Kysle, iwpg, Randy, Zup, Sam)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Arabian Sea.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Laccadive Sea.
CountryBot: Scores this round: iwpg: +1, Kysle: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, Sam: +1, ThePhan: +1, Ticia: +1, vballgirl: +1, Zup: +1.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): The following is the flag of what nation(s)? (1 answer)
Ticia: It's so laccadivical.
Kysle: Man, that looks familiar
Nyperold: \b Texas
Randy: hehe
Ticia: Heh
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Chile.
iwpg: K: yeah.
Ticia: Close
Sam: I was thinking a former Soviet state.
Ticia: ;)
Sam: So, way off.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What nation(s) border Spain? (4 answers)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Andorra (Sam)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: France (vballgirl, Nyperold, Randy, iwpg, Zup, Kysle, Sam, ThePhan)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Portugal (Ticia, Sam, Nyperold, Randy, iwpg, Kysle, ThePhan, Zup)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Morocco (Sam)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Sam: +4, iwpg: +2, Kysle: +2, Nyperold: +2, Randy: +2, ThePhan: +2, Zup: +2, Ticia: +1, vballgirl: +1.
Ticia: Ah, well, at least I got one.
iwpg: Gah, was about to say Morocco.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What is the largest city in Sao Tome and Principe? (1 answer)
gremlinn: Morocco?
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Sao Tome (Ticia, vballgirl, DemanusFlint, Kysle, Randy, Sam)
CountryBot: Scores this round: DemanusFlint: +1, Kysle: +1, Randy: +1, Sam: +1, Ticia: +1, vballgirl: +1.
Ticia: WOOT for guessing!
Sam: Yeah. There's a little bit of Spanish-owned land on the southern side of the straits.
Kysle: Hehe
ThePhan: Oh, pah.
ThePhan: I guessed Principe for some reason.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): The following is the flag of what nation(s)? (1 answer)
gremlinn: Oh, weird.
gremlinn: I was wondering if it'd count if they bordered but on the water only.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: China (ThePhan, Kysle, iwpg, Randy, Zup)
CountryBot: Scores this round: iwpg: +1, Kysle: +1, Randy: +1, ThePhan: +1, Zup: +1.
Randy: If this isn't what I think it is, I will be very upset.
Ticia: Doh
Randy: Sweet!
Zup: Awesome.
Kysle: Isn't it the People's Republic of China?
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Dominican Republic? (1 answer)
Sam: grem: Nope.
gremlinn: That star has a spread gun!
Ticia: My soon to be sister in law lives there.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Caribbean Sea (Nyperold, Sam)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Nyperold: +1, Sam: +1.
Ticia: If they ever get her visa.
iwpg: GAH, can't spell/
gremlinn: Carribean?
Sam: Fess up. How many spelled it "carribean"?
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What is the largest city in Israel? (1 answer)
iwpg: Was just thinking of asking, is it OK to look up only the spelling if you know the answer?
Sam: Nope.
Ticia: Sam: I didn't spell anything.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Tel Aviv (iwpg, Randy, Sam, Nyperold)
CountryBot: Scores this round: iwpg: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, Sam: +1.
iwpg: Sam: OK
Kysle: Dope. I put Jerusalem
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What nation(s) border Cote d'Ivoire? (5 answers)
Zup: Same here.
gremlinn: I probably would have as well.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Burkina Faso (Sam)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Ghana (iwpg)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Liberia (Zup)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Guinea.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Mali.
CountryBot: Scores this round: iwpg: +1, Sam: +1, Zup: +1.
Zup: I got Liberia!
ThePhan: Gah. I said Mali too late.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Green, Yellow, Red, and Blue are the colors of the flag(s) of what nation(s)? (4 answers)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Eritrea.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Ethiopia.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Mauritius.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Moldova.
Ticia: Moldova is just an awesome name for a country.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What is the capital of Hungary? (1 answer)
Sam: Moldova cocktail
gremlinn: I wouldn't buy bread there.
Zup: \b my belly
Ticia: Heh
Ticia: @ gremlinn and Zup.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Budapest (Sam, iwpg, vballgirl, Ticia, ThePhan)
CountryBot: Scores this round: iwpg: +1, Sam: +1, ThePhan: +1, Ticia: +1, vballgirl: +1.
Ticia: And Sam.
Ticia: You are all funny funny people.
Nyperold: Budapest!
CountryBot: Question (use /b): The following is the flag of what nation(s)? (1 answer)
Ticia: Wooooah.
Zup: Bud? A pest?
gremlinn: Millerapest!
Sam: seychelles
* ThePhan has a Shrek movie ticket stub from Budapest.
gremlinn: Less filling!
Sam: TP: Wow, awesome.
ThePhan: I didn't actually go there.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Central African Republic.
ThePhan: I just have the movie ticket stub.
ThePhan: Heh.
Ticia: I think they left some colors out.
Ticia: They feel lonely.
gremlinn: Hey, it's like a road through it, and the acronym is CAR. Easy way to remember it.
Sam: grem: Awesome observation.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What languages are commonly spoken in Tanzania? (3 answers)
ThePhan: A friend living in Budapest gathered a bunch of random cool stuff and sent it to me.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Swahili (iwpg, Zup, Sam)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: English (Ticia, vballgirl, Kysle, ThePhan, iwpg, Zup, Sam)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Arabic.
CountryBot: Scores this round: iwpg: +2, Sam: +2, Zup: +2, Kysle: +1, ThePhan: +1, Ticia: +1, vballgirl: +1.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia border which nation(s)? (1 answer)
Ticia: So close to putting swahili, but I spelled it wrong anyway.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Montenegro.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Lome is the largest city in what country? (1 answer)
gremlinn: ITARY
iwpg: LOL
Randy: LOL
Zup: LOL
Sam: LOL LOL. You beat me to it.
Ticia: LOL LOL
Sam: I was JUST going to say that.
Zup: You beat me too.
Zup: I was SO going to do that.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Togo.
Ticia: And though I wander far from Lome, my heart is always there.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Algeria, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Cote d'Ivoire, Mauritania, Niger, and Senegal border which nation(s)? (1 answer)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Mali (ThePhan)
CountryBot: Scores this round: ThePhan: +1.
Sam: NICE.
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: Nice.
Ticia: W00t
Randy: Good one!
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea, and Gulf of Riga border which nation(s)? (1 answer)
vballgirl: Good one.
ThePhan: It was the only one I could remember from the Cote d'Ivoire question earlier.
Sam: TP: I guessed Ghana for the same reason!
Sam: I guessed Ghana and wondered if it was the Central African Republic.
Ticia: Hehe
Ticia: Awesome.
iwpg: Yeah, Ghana's my generic answer from that region.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Estonia.
Sam: hahaha
Sam: Show of hands. Who guessed Finland? *raises hand*
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What is the largest city in Saint Kitts and Nevis? (1 answer)
Nyperold: Me.
Randy: I guessed Finland, and thought about Latvia
vballgirl: Yep!
ThePhan: I did. Heh.
* Ticia raises her hand.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Basseterre.
vballgirl: Thought sure it would be Nevis....
CountryBot: Question (use /b): The flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina has what colors? (2 answers)
Sam: Show of hands. Who guessed "Saint Kitts"? *raises hand*
Crystal109 has entered.
gremlinn: City of basset hounds.
Crystal109 is away.
Randy: Me!
Ticia: Nevis, here.
Sam: I think I knew it was wrong, though.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Blue (iwpg, Randy, Nyperold)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Yellow (iwpg, Ticia)
CountryBot: Scores this round: iwpg: +2, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, Ticia: +1.
iwpg: WHOA
ThePhan: Oh, I almost guessed yellow.
iwpg: Total guess.
Nyperold: I said "Nevis".
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Togo? (1 answer)
Nyperold: Hello! :)
Ticia: LOL
Sam: gulf of guinea
Sam: Uh. Free point.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Gulf of Guinea (Randy, Sam, ThePhan)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Randy: +1, Sam: +1, ThePhan: +1.
Ticia: Doh, too slow.
Scruffy has entered.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Black, Red, and Orange are the colors of the flag(s) of what nation(s)? (1 answer)
Sam: SCRUFFY!!!!!
Zup: Hey Scruffy!
ThePhan: It's Scruffy!
Kysle: Sombre country.
Nyperold: Halloweentown
Randy: Scruffy!
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Germany (Sam)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Sam: +1.
Sam: Scruffy: You're just in time to take ThePhan down!
Ticia: NO
iwpg: Orange? Germany?
Ticia: Why the heck didn't I say Germany?
CountryBot: Question (use /b): The following is the flag of what nation(s)? (1 answer)
Ticia: I was thinking Germany.
iwpg: Isn't that yellow?
ThePhan: Ticia: LOL... I thought you were protesting Scruffy taking me down. I was confused.
Ticia: LOL
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Oman.
Ticia: Oh, man.
Sam: Oh, man.
Randy: hehe
Ticia: BEAT
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Italy? (4 answers)
Randy: +1 for Ticia
Zup: Ow, man.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Adriatic Sea (Sam)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Mediterranean Sea (Nyperold, Zup, Sam, ThePhan)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Ionian Sea.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Tyrrhenian Sea.
CountryBot: Scores this round: Sam: +2, Nyperold: +1, ThePhan: +1, Zup: +1.
Ticia: Doh.
iwpg: Again with the spelling.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Belgium and Germany border which nation(s)? (3 answers)
Ticia: I am an uncultured swine.
Crystal109 is back.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: France (ThePhan, Zup)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Luxembourg (iwpg, Sam)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Netherlands (Sam, Nyperold, iwpg)
CountryBot: Scores this round: iwpg: +2, Sam: +2, Nyperold: +1, ThePhan: +1, Zup: +1.
Ticia: My brain is gone.
Randy: Waffles!
iwpg: GAH
iwpg: Too slow on France.
Crystal109: Hi, guys.
gremlinn: .b Randy: 1
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Canada? (3 answers)
iwpg: Was just thinking it.
Ticia: I used to actually know those countries and their general locations.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Pacific Ocean (iwpg, Nyperold, Scruffy, LaZorra, Zup, Crystal109, Kysle, Randy, vballgirl, Ticia, ThePhan)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Atlantic Ocean (iwpg, Sam, vballgirl, Zup, Crystal109, Ticia, Kysle, ThePhan, Randy)
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Labrador Sea.
CountryBot: Scores this round: Crystal109: +2, iwpg: +2, Kysle: +2, Randy: +2, ThePhan: +2, Ticia: +2, vballgirl: +2, Zup: +2, LaZorra: +1, Nyperold: +1, Sam: +1, Scruffy: +1.
Zup: Yay Scruffy!
CountryBot: Question (use /b): The following is the flag of what nation(s)? (1 answer)
Nyperold: Redmond
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Colombia.
Ticia: One of these times, it's gonna be estonia.
iwpg: Whoa, Sam's nearly won.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Ghana? (1 answer)
Zup: Colombia? Columbia? Confusing.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Gulf of Guinea.
iwpg: GAH
Sam: Estonia is a striking flag -- I think white and black, plus one other color.
Sam: Blue, maybe.
Ticia: Hehe
CountryBot: Question (use /b): The flag of Marshall Islands has what colors? (3 answers)
iwpg: Was going to say that, but I had to scroll up for the spelling and was too slow.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Blue (Kysle, vballgirl, iwpg, Crystal109, Randy, ThePhan)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: White (Crystal109, DemanusFlint, Randy, Kysle, iwpg, Ticia, Zup)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Orange (DemanusFlint)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Crystal109: +2, DemanusFlint: +2, iwpg: +2, Kysle: +2, Randy: +2, ThePhan: +1, Ticia: +1, vballgirl: +1, Zup: +1.
DemanusFlint: pwnd
Ticia: I wish it would show the flag in the answer, that would rule.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): The following is the flag of what nation(s)? (1 answer)
Sam: Ti: That's a neat idea.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Australia (iwpg, Nyperold, Randy)
CountryBot: Scores this round: iwpg: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1.
Ticia: I know I'm gonna feel like an idiot... yup, I do.
gremlinn: Isn't there another flag like that which is just a bit different? Maybe NZ's?
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What nation(s) border Holy See? (1 answer)
Crystal109: Gah, I should've known that one.
Zup: LOL
iwpg: grem: yeah, but only four stars.
Crystal109: Holy See?
Sam: New Zealand's is like that, but without the fifth star in the Southern Cross, and without the extra bonus star on the left.
DemanusFlint: Awesome question!
Ticia: Yup, Batman and Robin know all about the Holy See.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Italy (Kysle, DemanusFlint, Randy, Zup, ThePhan)
CountryBot: Scores this round: DemanusFlint: +1, Kysle: +1, Randy: +1, ThePhan: +1, Zup: +1.
gremlinn: DF: thanks.
Sam: I think it also has a red border around the stars, too.
Zup: I thought it was officially called the Vatican?
iwpg: And I think the NZ stars are red, or red with a white outline, or something like that.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): The following is the flag of what nation(s)? (1 answer)
DemanusFlint: grem: Hm?
Crystal109: Ohhh, that's what that is?
Ticia: Oh, awesome flag
ThePhan: I like that flag.
iwpg: Ooh, fancy colour.
DemanusFlint: Oh. nvmnvmnvm
gremlinn: That's not pink.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Latvia.
LaZorra: PINK
Zup: Breast Cancer Awareness Country!
Ticia: It's more... maroonish.
Crystal109: Magenta, pink, same thing.
LaZorra: Okay, so it's a purplish pink.
Randy: Latvia! My friend's dad is from there.
iwpg: LOL
CountryBot: Question (use /b): What is the largest city in Iceland? (1 answer)
Zup: Of course, I stop guessing Latvia when it it Latvia.
DemanusFlint: Crystal, you are so wrong.
Sam: Vatican City is the city. Holy See is the state.
LaZorra: Pink sucks as a color.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Reykjavik (Nyperold, ThePhan)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Nyperold: +1, ThePhan: +1.
gremlinn: Yes.
Zup: I can't spell it!
Randy: Misspelled it.
Nyperold: Ooh, 20.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): The flag of North Korea has what colors? (3 answers)
Ticia: Heh, I knew I had no chance of spelling it right.
ThePhan: Yay for the Where in the World Is Carmen San Diego home game!
Ticia: LOL
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Blue (Crystal109, vballgirl, ThePhan)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: Red (iwpg, Crystal109, vballgirl, Randy, ThePhan, Kysle, Nyperold, Zup)
CountryBot: Claimed answer: White (Crystal109, Randy, iwpg, vballgirl, Nyperold, Ticia, Kysle, Zup)
CountryBot: Scores this round: Crystal109: +3, vballgirl: +3, iwpg: +2, Kysle: +2, Nyperold: +2, Randy: +2, ThePhan: +2, Zup: +2, Ticia: +1.
DemanusFlint: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Shades_of_pink
iwpg: DF: LOL
iwpg: At the fact that WP has such a page.
Sam: That's awesome.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): The following is the flag of what nation(s)? (1 answer)
Crystal109: DF: Lol, so it's the shade. Heh.
DemanusFlint: They're actually kind of cool.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Benin.
Crystal109: But that's awesome that they actually have a page for that.
Sam: That shade of green basically means it's an Islamic country.
gremlinn: I'll go with Cerise.
CountryBot: Question (use /b): Benin, Burkina Faso, and Ghana border which nation(s)? (1 answer)
ThePhan: That flag looked closest to cerise.
DemanusFlint: Wikipedia actually gives it as maroon, and our picture's totally wrong.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Togo.
DemanusFlint: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Latvia.svg
Sam: Uh. I put Togo.
Randy: TOGO
CountryBot: Question (use /b): The following is the flag of what nation(s)? (1 answer)
ThePhan: Togo, home to Lome!
Ticia: TOGO or not TOGO
Crystal109: That flag looks really familiar.
CountryBot: Claimed answer: United Kingdom (iwpg, Randy, Nyperold, vballgirl, Kysle, Zup, DemanusFlint, Sam)
CountryBot: Scores this round: DemanusFlint: +1, iwpg: +1, Kysle: +1, Nyperold: +1, Randy: +1, Sam: +1, vballgirl: +1, Zup: +1.
CountryBot: Sam wins!
Sam: Man, that's the second time I screwed up a cool answer. It would have been WAY cooler to win on "Togo."
Crystal109: Ew. No wonder.
Ticia: Doh, I guess England is not a valid guess, eh?
gremlinn: Fries with that, Sam?
iwpg: Hmm, I did surprisingly well there.
vballgirl: Congrats Sam.
DemanusFlint: TOGO PARTY
Sam: 5 minute (at least) break while I tally the scores.
ThePhan: Ticia: Heh, I did the same thing.
Randy: TOGO's was a great sub shop in Vegas.
Crystal109: Doesn't England have another flag?
gremlinn: Crystal: yes, but I accidentally burned it up.
Crystal109: grem: Is that legal in England? Or anywhere, for that matter? Heh.
gremlinn: It is if it's an accident.
Crystal109: Heh. Accidents are hard to determine. Nice.
CountryBot has been dismissed by Sam.
PicMatchBot has been summoned by Sam.
iwpg: Ticia: England's flag is white with a red horizontal/vertical cross.
Crystal109: I kept thinking England, which is why I got it wrong.
Kysle: iwpg: Mee too!
Sam: Read the rules for PicMatchBot now, if you need to.
Kysle: Oh this game! Fun
Randy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Flag_of_England.svg
Nyperold: ThE mAsTeR wIlL nOt Be PlEaSeD.
Crystal109: I kind of suck at PicMatchBot. Eh.
iwpg is away.
Nyperold: Hopefully, the images won't be DEATH.
* Ticia is willing, she guesses, to risk exposure to obscene and/or disturbing images.
Crystal109: Yes, I hope I won't get traumatized by my hand.
Nyperold: Well, that too.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=2
Nyperold: I'm hoping my connection won't cry out in agony.
Crystal109: I think I missed a session. I suck.
ThePhan: This game just might be the LAST CHANCE to overtake me.
gremlinn: Congrats, ThePhan.
ThePhan: Heh.
Sam: It is still technically possible for ThePhan to lose! All you have to do is get 400 of your friends in here.
Crystal109: LOL.
Zup: LOL
vballgirl: Darn! Two hundred just left!
iwpg is back.
Ticia: Hehe
Crystal109: Unfortunately, I don't think I have 400 friends. Darn.
Randy: I don't even know 400 people.
gremlinn: Actually, only 61, if I counted right.
gremlinn: Not likely. Plus or minus a few.
Nyperold: I'm just hoping her lead won't increase by too much.
Sam: Note: The Academic and Psychological Classes are DONE! So the results in those classes are final.
Ticia: I have 61 friends, but they're all in my head.
* Crystal109 has to pay $285 for AP tests. Oh, joy.
Ticia: Except for 2 of them.
ThePhan: I know exactly how many friends I have because of MySpace.
Sam: Congratulations to Randy and gremlinn for winning those classes, respectively.
ThePhan: I have 125.
gremlinn: Psyche will be so proud.
Randy: Aw, shucks.
Zup: Crys: That's cake compared to how much you'll be paying for college.
ThePhan: ...Or something.
Randy: Phan: Including Norbert?
* vballgirl thought Crystal was going to say she had to pay $285 for her 61 friends.
ThePhan: Yay, grem and Randy!
Crystal109: Zup: Three AP tests? That's going to kill me. I don't need to wait for college to die.
ThePhan: Randy: Including Norbert. Heh. So maybe really 124.
ThePhan: But I know I have at least one friend without MySpace.
Crystal109: Well, I do pay my friends to be my friends...
gremlinn: I took 6 APs my senior year.
gremlinn: I think maybe 3 of them were pointless.
LaZorra: I wish I'd have had AP classes.
LaZorra: Or maybe I don't.
vballgirl: Grem: Nah. That Anagram course is really paying off in here.
Zup: Crys: I took two, and they were lifesavers. That's five classes I don't have to take in college.
Crystal109: grem: How did you survive that? I'm already hardly sleeping because of that and journalism.
Randy: Me too. I could have taken different stuff at college.
DemanusFlint: I never took that many APs. It's a better iea to just take a few and do well at them.
Sam: Although the final tournament results are up in the air, the Associative Class results are not. ThePhan and LaZorra are pretty close.
gremlinn: Because among them were Calc, CS, and two Econs. Kind of fun.
Sam: Pretend I said the negation of each of those clauses.
Ticia: Hehe
Randy: So, strike that and reverse it?
ThePhan: "ThePhan and LaZorra are not pretty close"?
Ticia: LOL
Sam: TP: Ok, both clauses in the first sentence, but not the clause in the second sentence.
Sam: From the rules: For tournament games, the "Match Images to an Adjective" mode will be used. Also, note that occasionally the bot will lag while loading images, such that the player whose turn it is to pick the next image will not have enough time to choose. If this happens, it stands; no adjustment will be made to the natural course of the game.
Nyperold: Well, you are in the Midwest, if I remember correctly...
Sam: Game begins in 60 seconds. I don't know if I can handle the suspense.
LaZorra: I hope my connection is going to behave for this.
Sam: LaZ: You have a new connection. Stop having issues.
* Ticia gives LaZorra's connection 30 lashes, just for good measure.
Sam: LaZorra's connection wins!
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Ticia: Hehe
Sam: Oh, lashes.
ThePhan: LOL
* Crystal109 will /purge constantly.
Ticia: Crystal: Sounds serious.
Randy: Man. I love when PBS does a donation drive. Blues music all the time around here.
Ticia: Hee
Ticia: When is PBS *not* doing a donation drive?
Randy: Good point.
LaZorra: It's just being REALLY slow right now.
Randy: Man. I love when PBS does a donation drive. Blues music all the time around here.
Randy: Good point.
Crystal109: Whoa. That took so long to post.
Randy: Ignore that.
Ticia: Heh
ThePhan: "No, you don't get it. I REALLY love when PBS does a donation drive."
Ticia: Hehe!
Randy: Um...lagging.
Randy: There we go
Crystal109: Hahaha that's awesome.
LaZorra: Yeah.
Zup: \kick lagmonster
Crystal109: Randy: I thought you purposely posted that again. Heh.
Zup: Sam: Do you mean that the person choosing an adjective might not get to?
Zup: Cuz the red words that hurt my head are contradictory.
Sam: Zup: Yes.
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the adjective foolish for this round. (1/11 submissions accepted.)
ThePhan: Whoa. Um. Okay.
Randy: match 3
Sam: match 2
LaZorra: match 1
vballgirl: match 4
Zup: match 5
Ticia: 1
Nyperold: match 1
Kysle: match 7
vballgirl: match 1
iwpg: match 1
Crystal109: match 7
Sam: dump 3 4 7
Ticia: match 2
ThePhan: match 6
Randy: dump 7
Sam: dump 1
Nyperold: dump 2
iwpg: dump
Zup: dump 3 1 2 7 6
Scruffy: match5
Crystal109: dump 1 5
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective foolish. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for .
Kysle: dump 5 6 3 1 4
vballgirl: dump 7
iwpg: vote 3
Crystal109: Whoa @ 9.
Nyperold: vote 1
Ticia: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 10
Zup: vote 8
Scruffy: vote 9
vballgirl: vote 9
DemanusFlint: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 3
Randy: vote 7
Sam: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 9
Crystal109: vote 6
Kysle: vote 7
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for .
Nyperold: WILBUR
DemanusFlint: Zup: You win my bot.
Zup: DF: aww, you're so sweet.
LaZorra: vote 10
LaZorra: Whoa.
Zup: Although I'm not sure I agree with my picture.
Nyperold: pick 2
PicMatchBot: Nyperold chose the adjective weird for this round. (1/11 submissions accepted.)
Nyperold: match 5
Zup: match 6
Kysle: match 7
Ticia: match 7
Crystal109: match 7
LaZorra: match 3
Sam: match 1
Randy: match 4
ThePhan: match 1
DemanusFlint: match 3
iwpg: match 1
Kysle: dump 1 3 4 5 6
ThePhan: dump 3 2 5
Sam: dump 3 4 5 6 7
vballgirl: match 2
ThePhan: hdump 6
iwpg: dump 2 3 4 5 6 7
ThePhan: dump 6
Ticia: dump 2 3 6
Scruffy: pick 5
Zup: dump 3 7
DemanusFlint: dump 2 1
Randy: dump 5 6
LaZorra: dump
vballgirl: dump 7
Scruffy: dump 2 3
Randy: LOL
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective weird. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for ..
vballgirl: dump 6
gremlinn: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 9
iwpg: vote 4
DemanusFlint: vote 9
Nyperold: vote 3
Sam: vote 9
Crystal109: vote 3
Ticia: vote 9
Randy: vote 4
Zup: vote 2
Sam: Ok, there are just too many choices for something like "weird."
LaZorra: vote 6
Scruffy: vote 1
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: DemanusFlint wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for .
* Crystal109 says goodbye to a lot of money.
iwpg: pick 3
PicMatchBot: iwpg chose the adjective wicked for this round. (1/11 submissions accepted.)
Zup: match 6
Kysle: match 4
DemanusFlint: match 6
Randy: match 6
ThePhan: match 7
Ticia: match 6
Sam: match 1
iwpg: match 3
ThePhan: dump 4 6 3
LaZorra: match 5
Kysle: dump 2 3 5 7
Crystal109: match 1
vballgirl: match 4
ThePhan: dump 1
Scruffy: match 2
Nyperold: match 6
Zup: dump 5 3 2 1 7
iwpg: dump 4 6 7
vballgirl: match 2
Scruffy: dump 5
Ticia: dump 1 2 3 4 5
Sam: dump 2 3 4 5 6 7
Randy: dump 5 7
Ticia: dump 7
Crystal109: dump 2 3 7
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective wicked. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for .
* gremlinn votes for any pictures with candles in them.
Kysle: vote 3
iwpg: vote 3
Zup: vote 6
Ticia: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 4
vballgirl: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 3
Crystal109: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 1
Sam: vote 4
DemanusFlint: vote 9
Scruffy: vote 3
Randy: vote 3
Nyperold: I'd go with 3. Dude.
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 6 points for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: DemanusFlint wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
Sam: I was saving that one for a while. I never expected it would come in quite THAT handy.
Nyperold: But I was too late with the submission.
Ticia: Hehe
Crystal109: pick 3
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 chose the adjective distinguished for this round. (1/11 submissions accepted.)
Crystal109: match 4
DemanusFlint: match 6
vballgirl: match 7
Sam: match 6
LaZorra: match 6
Kysle: match 2
Ticia: match 2
Randy: match 5
ThePhan: match 4
Nyperold: match 3
Crystal109: dump 6 7
iwpg: match 1
Zup: match 1
Kysle: dump 3 4 5 6 7
Sam: dump 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ThePhan: dump 5 6 7
Scruffy: match7
iwpg: dump 6 7 4
Zup: dump 5 4 6
Sam: LaZorra and ThePhan are currently tied for Associative Class.
Zup: dump 3
Randy: dump 4 6
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective distinguished. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for .
vballgirl: dump 3 5
DemanusFlint: match 11
iwpg: vote 3
Sam: vote 3
Ticia: vote 11
ThePhan: vote 5
DemanusFlint: vote 11
Nyperold: vote 11
Kysle: vote 11
gremlinn: vote 5
Zup: vote 11
Randy: vote 11
Crystal109: vote 11
vballgirl: vote 11
iwpg: vote 11
LaZorra: vote 11
Kysle: Holy moly
Sam: Holy cow.
Crystal109: What does it say on 11?
LaZorra: 1 scares me.
Scruffy: vote 11
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 11 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: DemanusFlint wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for .
gremlinn: Holy cola.
Ticia: Hehe
ThePhan: My GOSH.
DemanusFlint: Crystal: Sometimes, it's not so nice to be first.....
Sam: 11 points for 11
Crystal109: Wow, Sam.
Zup: LOL
vballgirl: Whoa!
gremlinn: One more round like that....
iwpg: Wow.
vballgirl: I think I should put "away" by my name...
* Sam is still hoping to beat ThePhan overall.
Randy: hehe
Nyperold: "If thou art able to read this, thou art too close."
gremlinn: Heh.
Crystal109: Lol.
gremlinn: Thou art in mine art.
LaZorra: pick 2
PicMatchBot: LaZorra chose the adjective complicated for this round. (1/11 submissions accepted.)
Sam: LOL
Zup: match 5
LaZorra: match 2
Nyperold: match match 6
Crystal109: match 4
Ticia: match 6
iwpg: match 6
DemanusFlint: match 7
Randy: match 4
Kysle: match 5
vballgirl: match 2
Sam: match 3
ThePhan: match 3
Nyperold: match 6
LaZorra: dump 3 4
Kysle: dump 2 4 6 7
Crystal109: dump 5 3
Ticia: dump 3 4 7
Scruffy: match 7
Sam: dump 1 2 3 4 5
Nyperold: match 4
vballgirl: match 3
iwpg: Oh, heh, didn't realise what my match was until after I'd submitted it.
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective complicated. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for .
vballgirl: dump 4
gremlinn: vote 1
Ticia: LOL
iwpg: vote 1
DemanusFlint: Holy crap, look at 9!
Ticia: vote 1
Sam: NICE! A Graffiti made it!
Zup: vote 11
Sam: vote 1
vballgirl: vote 4
Kysle: vote 1
Nyperold: Two did!
Randy: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 10
DemanusFlint: And 10!
Sam: Two RW images in one round. Awesome.
DemanusFlint: vote 11
Crystal109: vote 10
Scruffy: vote 11
LaZorra: vote 3
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 5 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: DemanusFlint wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Sam: Oh yeah, they're *both* graffitis.
Nyperold: Fight Club, or something.
Ticia: Clowns are complicated, man.
LaZorra: Aww, man, same-seconded by the bot.
DemanusFlint: Nobody thinks PEOPLE are complicated?
iwpg: Sam: yeah, at first glance I thought it was some sort of class work, until I looked closer.
Randy: Or women?
iwpg: What with the grid and writing.
Ticia: Women are not complicated.
Zup: George Bush isn't THAT complicated.
Ticia: We are easy to understand.
Sam: Ti: If you're an alien.
vballgirl: Phooey LZ. That was a point I needed. :-)
Randy: pick 1
gremlinn: As people go, he is not too complicated.
PicMatchBot: Randy chose the adjective thrilling for this round. (1/11 submissions accepted.)
Kysle: match 1
Ticia: match 5
Nyperold: match 5
Zup: match 4
ThePhan: match 5
ThePhan: dump 7
iwpg: match 6
Randy: match 5
DemanusFlint: match 7
Crystal109: match 4
Kysle: dump 2 4 5 6 7
Sam: match 4
Zup: dump 7
vballgirl: match 7
LaZorra: match 5
Sam: dump 6 7
vballgirl: dump 2 3 4 5
Crystal109: dump 6 7
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective thrilling. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for .
iwpg: vote 5
Scruffy has left.
gremlinn: vote 10
DemanusFlint: vote 3
Crystal109: vote 5
Sam: vote 10
ThePhan: vote 5
Sam: HM5
Ticia: vote 10
DemanusFlint: "Wow... these are real!"
vballgirl: vote 5
Zup: vote 2
Randy: vote 11
Kysle: vote 1
Sam: HM11!
Nyperold: vote 8
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: DemanusFlint wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for .
Sam: Toshiro Mifune
Zup: Gesundheit!
Ticia: Watch your language, Sam.
Sam: That's the guy's name!
Ticia: Suuuure.
gremlinn: Or is it Mifune Toshiro?
Sam: He's a samurai, and samurai are way exciting.
Zup: Wakarimasen.
Randy: Right
vballgirl: pick 1
* Crystal109 squints at her screen. Darnit, too many small images.
PicMatchBot: vballgirl chose the adjective vain for this round. (1/10 submissions accepted.)
Ticia: match 6
ThePhan: match 3
Zup: match 2
iwpg: match 1
Randy: match 5
Sam: match 1
LaZorra: match 3
Crystal109: match 4
Kysle: match 4
Sam: dump 5 6 7
ThePhan: dump 6 7 1 2
DemanusFlint: match 5
Nyperold: match 6
ThePhan: dump 4
Crystal109: dump 5
Zup: dump 6
vballgirl: match 3
Kysle: dump 2 6 7 5
Randy: dump 4 6 7
Ticia: dump 4
Crystal109: dump 3
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective vain. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
Kysle: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 5
DemanusFlint: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 5
Ticia: vote 2
Zup: vote 10
ThePhan: Heh.
iwpg: vote 5
Randy: vote 10
Crystal109: vote 2
Sam: vote 4
Crystal109: It looks like no one had anything, haha.
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 5 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: DemanusFlint wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for .
vballgirl: vote 6
Sam: Those are the scariest images ever.
Ticia: Yay points!
Nyperold: Really? Well, horror is subjective, so...
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the adjective competitive for this round. (1/10 submissions accepted.)
Ticia: pick 4
LaZorra: match 1
vballgirl: Gotcha.
Sam: match 2
Nyperold: match 2
ThePhan: match 4
Crystal109: match 4
Randy: match 5
Zup: match 1
Kysle: match 1
Sam: dump 5 6 7
Ticia: match 1
iwpg: match 4
Randy: dump 4
ThePhan: dump 5 6
vballgirl: match 4
Zup: dump 7
Kysle: dump 3 4 5 7
Ticia: Huh, luckily it chose the one I was going to.
Crystal109: dump 3 5
Randy: dump 7
vballgirl: dump 6
Ticia: dump 4 6
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective competitive. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
vballgirl: dump 7
gremlinn: I'm adding a free vote point.
Zup: vote 7
Kysle: vote 8
iwpg: vote 8
gremlinn: vote 6
vballgirl: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 8
Sam: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 3
Ticia: vote 9
DemanusFlint: vote 6
ThePhan: Lots of dance pictures.
Kysle: vote 6
Crystal109: vote 8
Nyperold: vote 8
Randy: vote 7
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
gremlinn: Actually, that was irrelevant.
Sam: 6 looks like he's buckling under the intense weight of his shirt.
Crystal109: Oh, come on. Boxing's competitive. Heh.
Ticia: LOL
Sam: I like "Fight With Food." 10 rounds in the ring with spaghetti!
Ticia: No, the wedgie was 8
iwpg: Heh. I thought of it more as a food fight. But yours is funnier.
DemanusFlint: pick 2
PicMatchBot: DemanusFlint chose the adjective brown for this round. (1/10 submissions accepted.)
DemanusFlint: match 2
Sam: match 2
Zup: match 7
Ticia: match 7
Nyperold: match 7
Randy: match 5
Sam: dump 4 5 6 7
vballgirl: match 4
Kysle: match 2
LaZorra: match 4
iwpg: match 6
Ticia: dump 5 6
Kysle: dump 3 4 6 7
Crystal109: match 3
Crystal109: dump 5 6
ThePhan: match 7
Crystal109: dump 3
vballgirl: dump 6 7
Crystal109: dump 4
ThePhan: dump 2 6
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective brown. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
gremlinn: vote 6
Zup: vote 7
iwpg: vote 9
ThePhan: vote 7
LaZorra: vote 7
DemanusFlint: vote 10
Sam: vote 4
Kysle: vote 9
LaZorra: vote 10
ThePhan: 8 is scary looking to me.
Nyperold: vote 6
Ticia: vote 7
Zup: Cornbread Red!
vballgirl: vote 9
Sam: 8 is terrifying, yes.
Randy: vote 9
Crystal109: I would not eat 8.
Crystal109: vote 7
Sam: What is it? Smooshed beetle over noodles?
ThePhan: It appears someone has killed a very large spider in a very messy way on top of spaghetti.
PicMatchBot: DemanusFlint wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
DemanusFlint: iwpg: RACIST
Crystal109: TP: Ewwwwwwww.
iwpg: DF: :-P
ThePhan: Crystal: Exactly.
Randy: Cornbread Red is apparently the Steely Dan of Bluegrass.
Sam: I saved that one to play.
Ticia: I'm making a comeback! Wooo
Randy: http://www.cornbreadred.net/
Crystal109: My mouth now has a bad taste in it. My taste buds are cringing in disgust.
Sam: I was hoping for "inedible."
Zup: pick 3
PicMatchBot: Zup chose the adjective illegal for this round. (1/10 submissions accepted.)
Zup: match 4
Kysle: match 6
Ticia: match 6
DemanusFlint: match 7
Sam: match 1
vballgirl: match 6
Crystal109: match 6
iwpg: match 1
Sam: dump 3 4 5 6 7
Nyperold: match 5
Randy: match 4
ThePhan: match 6
Ticia: dump 7
Kysle: dump 3 4 5 7
ThePhan: dump 5 2
iwpg: dump 2 3 4
Crystal109: dump 4 5 7
ThePhan: dump 7
vballgirl: dump 4 5
Randy: dump 7
Ticia: dump 4
Crystal109: I've gotten nothing these past rounds.
Sam: TP and LaZ are not making this a very competitive game. Come on! KILL EACH OTHER!
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective illegal. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
gremlinn: vote 5
Zup: vote 4
DemanusFlint: vote 3
Sam: vote 1
Ticia: vote 4
Crystal109: vote 3
Randy: vote 4
iwpg: vote 4
vballgirl: vote 9
Kysle: vote 6
Sam: I like the juxtaposition of 7 and 8.
Nyperold: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 6
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: DemanusFlint wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: DemanusFlint loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Crystal109: I'm voting 3 mainly because I got that image before. Crazy.
DemanusFlint: Crys: I voted it because it was mine.
Kysle: pick 2
PicMatchBot: Kysle chose the adjective tasty for this round. (1/10 submissions accepted.)
Kysle: match 6
DemanusFlint: match 4
Randy: match 2
Zup: match 3
Nyperold: match 7
Sam: match 1
LaZorra: match 5
ThePhan: match 3
Kysle: dump 3 4 7
vballgirl: match 4
Ticia: match 7
ThePhan: dump 7 5
Randy: dump 6
Ticia: dump 5
iwpg: Bah, NOTHING
Crystal109: dump 6 7
Zup: dump 7 4 6 1 2
vballgirl: dump 1 3
gremlinn: Sam: in the Corolis kitchen.
Nyperold: Foods and hot people.
Ticia: dump 1 2 4
ThePhan: LOL
Zup: LOL
vballgirl: dump 2
Crystal109: I have NOTHING.
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective tasty. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
Ticia: LOL
ThePhan: vote 5
DemanusFlint: vote 1
Ticia: vote 7
iwpg: vote 5
Crystal109: vote 5
vballgirl: vote 5
Randy: vote 10
Sam: vote 5
Crystal109: I don't want to know for 4.
Nyperold: vote 5
gremlinn: vote 7
Kysle: vote 6
Zup: vote 10
LaZorra: vote 10
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 6 points for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: DemanusFlint wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
ThePhan: 4 = WK?
LaZorra: Mmm, rhino.
DemanusFlint: TP: I like it.
Zup: C'mon! I was so hoping for the fish vote.
Randy: 10 is eventually tasty.
Crystal109: DF: How is that tasty?
Nyperold: Because it's a woman, I guess.
Sam: DF: You probably have to be male to figure that out.
gremlinn: It's a picture of human flesh. Duh.
Ticia: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
Nyperold: Figuratively.
Ticia: A DEAD ... oh wait.
Sam: She's not that hot, though.
Crystal109: Oh. Duh. I just figured it had to be, you know, dead first.
vballgirl: Here we go again with your elite appetites.
Crystal109: Whatever floats your boat, though.
Sam: pick 5
ThePhan: The dead butterfly was on the spaghetti.
PicMatchBot: Sam chose the adjective graceful for this round. (1/10 submissions accepted.)
ThePhan: match 6
Randy: match 3
Kysle: match 6
Crystal109: match 1
Ticia: match 2
Kysle: match 3
Nyperold: match match 6
Zup: match 6
LaZorra: match 6
iwpg: match 5
vballgirl: match 7
ThePhan: dump 5 7
Nyperold: match 6
Kysle: dump 6 7 4 5
Ticia: dump 3 4 5 7
Crystal109: dump 6 2
iwpg: Again, nothing good.
Zup: dump 5 7 2 3
ThePhan: dump 3
Sam: match 7
vballgirl: dump 4 5 6
Sam: dump 1 2 3 4 5 6
* Randy drinks some Dew
Nyperold: dump 7
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective graceful. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
Zup: vote 8
gremlinn: vote 8
Ticia: vote 8
vballgirl: vote 8
iwpg: vote 8
Kysle: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 3
Crystal109: vote 6
Sam: vote 8
ThePhan: vote 3
gremlinn: A ballerina mime?
Randy: vote 8
Nyperold: vote 8
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 8 points for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
Kysle: Gah. You can't change?
vballgirl: Graceful, not disgraceful!
Nyperold: Um at 1, though.
ThePhan: Another Graffiti, too.
Ticia: Go, ThePhan
ThePhan: Whoa!
Sam: I almost voted for the graffiti by default, and then I saw 8.
ThePhan: An 8 for 8.
ThePhan: That's kind of fun.
ThePhan: Er. 8 votes for vote 8, rather.
ThePhan: Man. Never mind. I'm being confusing.
Ticia: I got it.
vballgirl: I needed that vote too Sam!
Sam: Anyway, that probably shores up your Associative win, TP.
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the adjective delightful for this round. (1/10 submissions accepted.)
Crystal109: LOL my pictures are all following a theme. That rocks in a creepy sort of way.
Sam: match 1
vballgirl: match 1
Randy: match 2
Ticia: match 3
Zup: match 2
Sam: dump 2 3 4 5 6 7
Crystal109: match 4
Kysle: match 3
ThePhan: match 6
LaZorra: match 3
Nyperold: match 4
iwpg: match 1
ThePhan: dump 5
Ticia: dump 1 2 4 5 6 7
ThePhan: dump 4
Crystal109: dump 5 2 6
Kysle: dump 4 5 6 7
LaZorra: dump 5
Crystal109: dump 1
Zup: dump 6 7 4 5
vballgirl: dump 4 5 7
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective delightful. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
Ticia: vote 9
Randy: It's Sam!
Ticia: BETTY
iwpg: vote 3
Zup: vote 3
vballgirl: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 7
Sam: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 10
Kysle: vote 8
Zup: vote 8
Randy: vote 5
gremlinn: 7 is better than 3.
Nyperold: vote 3
Crystal109: vote 3
Kysle: Ticia: ?
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 6 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
Ticia: 9 is Ugly Betty.
Sam: I got 2 points for THAT?
Randy: Heck yeah it is!
Kysle: Ohh
Ticia: Awesomely delightful character.
ThePhan: Sam: I didn't vote for you, if that helps.
Crystal109: Hey, it's Pikachu and Baby Pikachu (Pichu?).
Ticia: Ugly Betty rocks.
Sam: Pokemon isn't delightful in its natural form. Big bloated Pokemon costumes can't possibly be anything but disturbing.
LaZorra: pick 4
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the adjective incredible for this round. (1/10 submissions accepted.)
LaZorra: match 6
Crystal109: match 7
Ticia: match 4
Randy: match 2
LaZorra: HEY
gremlinn: Sam: it is for some people.
Zup: match 1
Nyperold: match 5
ThePhan: match 6
iwpg: match 1
Kysle: match 1
Crystal109: dump 6 4 3
ThePhan: dump 5 7 4
iwpg: dump 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticia: dump 1 6 7 3
Zup: dump 5 4 3
Sam: match 1
Ticia: dump 5
Randy: dump 4 5
Kysle: dump 4 5 6 7
LaZorra: And now my picture makes no sense. :-p
Sam: LaZ: It likes you.
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective incredible. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
gremlinn: vote 2
Kysle: vote 2
Zup: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 8
Crystal109: vote 8
iwpg: vote 2
Ticia: Watch yer language LaZorra (Correct answer: English, watch yers?)
LaZorra: vote 2
vballgirl: vote 10
Sam: vote 4
Ticia: vote 2
Randy: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 8
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 5 points for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
Sam: LaZ: What was the adjective supposed to be?
Crystal109: Nyp: What was yours?
gremlinn: Game's getting close.
LaZorra: Enthusiastic.
Ticia: Woah, I got points for something I couldn't tell what it was.
LaZorra: Ticia: Oops.
Sam: LaZ: Perfect for that.
Ticia: Hehe
ThePhan: Ticia: I wasn't sure either, but it looked incredible. :-)
Ticia: That's why I matched it.
Crystal109: Same here. Looked like people on top of each other. =P
LaZorra: Sam: Yeah, I know. :-p
Nyperold: I thought it was someone standing on her head. Most incredibl;e thing in my hand.
Zup: pick 3
PicMatchBot: Zup chose the adjective fictional for this round. (1/10 submissions accepted.)
Zup: match 3
Ticia: match 7
Sam: Nyp: It looks like someone who's been hanged.
Kysle: match 5
Nyperold: match 6
ThePhan: match 3
vballgirl: match 3
iwpg: match 2
Crystal109: match 6
Randy: match5
LaZorra: match 5
ThePhan: dump 5 6 7
Randy: match 5
Zup: dump 1 7 6 4 5
Kysle: dump 1 2 3 4 6 7
Crystal109: match 5
ThePhan: match 4
Sam: match 7
Crystal109: Gah. I matched the wrong one.
Sam: dump 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticia: dump 2 4
Crystal109: dump 7 1 4
vballgirl: dump 4 6
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective fictional. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
DemanusFlint: vote 2
Crystal109: My picture is probably more incomprehensible than LaZ thought hers was.
iwpg: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 5
Zup: vote 9
Kysle: vote 3
Ticia: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 8
vballgirl: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 5
Crystal109: vote 4
DemanusFlint: vote 6
Sam: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 8
LaZorra: WHAT
DemanusFlint: What's with all the RW pics?
Randy: vote 4
gremlinn: RinkWorks is one of the search terms.
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
Ticia: Uh huh.
Sam: Dude may be brokenhearted, but at least he's got a point.
Zup: Yeah, RW isn't fictional. Just virtual.
Ticia: Rats, I was sure that one would get more points.
ThePhan: Only one point for the eHarmony one? Pah. Heh.
ThePhan: I would think "Find the love of your life on eHarmony" was pretty fictional. :-)
LaZorra: A couple of points, it looks like.
Zup: TP: I agreed.
gremlinn: I almost voted for that.
Randy: hehe
LaZorra: TP: Yeah. I couldn't read it, though.
Kysle: pick 4
PicMatchBot: Kysle chose the adjective snooty for this round. (1/10 submissions accepted.)
Kysle: match 4
Sam: match 1
ThePhan: match 5
Ticia: match 6
vballgirl: match 4
Kysle: dump 1 2 3 5 6 7
LaZorra: match 4
iwpg: match 6
Randy: match 3
Sam: dump 2 3 4 6 7
ThePhan: dump 3 4 6 7
Crystal109: match 7
Zup: match 4
ThePhan: dump 2
Ticia: dump 5
Crystal109: dump 5 6 7
iwpg: dump 1 2 3 4 5 7
Randy: dump 4 6 7
vballgirl: dump 3
Crystal109: Gah. What if I accidentally dump what I just matched? Does it dump it?
Zup: dump 6 2
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective snooty. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
Sam: Cry: No.
Crystal109: Guess not. Thanks.
DemanusFlint: vote 1
gremlinn: vote 3
Ticia: vote 9
vballgirl: vote 8
Zup: vote 8
gremlinn: vote 9
Crystal109: vote 5
Randy: vote 8
ThePhan: vote 3
Kysle: vote 9
iwpg: vote 10
Zup: 9 = Snoogie, not snooty
LaZorra: vote 2
Sam: vote 7
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: iwpg wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for .
DemanusFlint: Snotty, you mean.
LaZorra: 9 is snotty, not snooty.
Ticia: 5 is hilarious.
LaZorra: BEAT
DemanusFlint: BEAT
gremlinn: He could be snooty.
Zup: T
Crystal109: I loved 5.
vballgirl: Snooty, snotty - all the same.
DemanusFlint: Sam: I thought it was "sooty." So I picked the Hobo Clown.
Randy: LOL
Ticia: Hehe
Crystal109: LOL that's awesome.
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the adjective trivial for this round. (1/10 submissions accepted.)
Crystal109: Sam's one point away from winning, by the way.
Zup: match 2
LaZorra: match 1
Kysle: match3
Ticia: match 2
Randy: match 7
Sam: match 1
ThePhan: match 5
Nyperold: A little yellow bear puppet would be good for that.
Zup: dump 7 5
DemanusFlint: match 5
Ticia: Oops. Wrong match. GAH
vballgirl: match 7
Crystal109: match 7
ThePhan: dump 7 2
gremlinn: Would it be the first time one session's games were all won by the same person?
Sam: dump 2 3 4 5 6
Nyperold: v7
iwpg: dump 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticia: dump 6 7
vballgirl: dump 3 5 6
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective trivial. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
Nyperold: match 7
Crystal109: dump 6
DemanusFlint: vote 5
Kysle: vote 10
iwpg: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 7
Crystal109: vote 7
Randy: vote 8
Zup: vote 1
vballgirl: vote 10
gremlinn: vote 7
Ticia: vote 7
Sam: vote 7
PicMatchBot: DemanusFlint wins 5 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Ticia wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LaZorra loses a point for submitting and not voting.
PicMatchBot: Sam wins!
PicMatchBot: Portrait of Crystal109: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of DemanusFlint: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of gremlinn: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of iwpg: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of Kysle: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of LaZorra: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of Nyperold: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of Randy: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of Sam: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of ThePhan: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of Ticia: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of vballgirl: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of Zup: .
Zup: YAY
Ticia: YAY
Sam: I would have lost if I had put something worse.
Zup: Good tournament y'all.
Ticia: Second place in that game. Go me!
Crystal109: Hey, why am I the picture of dirty feet???
Randy: I have albums by LaZorra
Randy: And I'm kinda hot.
LaZorra: grem: LOL
LaZorra: Randy: I rate you a 5.
Randy: Cool
* ThePhan is... an astronaut.
Ticia: Hehe
Zup: Grem: OW.
Crystal109: So not fair. Haha.
gremlinn: Sam is WhizKid and WhizGirl.
Sam: Crystal, wash yourself.
Nyperold: My other car is a stolen ambulance? I wonder what my primary car is...
Sam: Stay tuned for the final scores!
Nyperold: Aww, little DF. :)
Crystal109: LOL these pics are really funny.
gremlinn: Aww, LZ beat me.
gremlinn: By one lousy point.
Crystal109: Kysle: that's gotta be uncomfortable. How'd you stick your head in like that?
Crystal109: Lol I ended the game in last place. Bummer.
Zup: Well, I beat my last tourney's score. That was my goal. Even though we have more bots in this tourney.
Crystal109: Zup: Yeah, me too! Haha.
Zup: Crys: You didn't beat Scruffy?
Crystal109: Scruffy doesn't count because he's not here.
Zup: Crys: He's here in spirit!
DemanusFlint: What was my picture? It's gone now.
gremlinn: DF: a ballerina.
Zup: DF: Ballerina girls.
DemanusFlint: awwww
Crystal109: Zup: Okay, fine. Second to last.
Note that the following link appears as it did at the time, but it links
to a static snapshot of the results page as it looked at that moment.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=2
Randy: LOL LOL
Crystal109: LOL LOL LOL.
DemanusFlint: GO SCRUFFY
Randy: Scruffy Rules!
Crystal109: Sam: That is AWESOME KEEP IT THAT WAY.
gremlinn: WHO IS IT?
Nyperold: Nice, I'm in the top ten.
Zup: I'll have to call him tomorrow.
gremlinn: I didn't think he'd seriously win the tournament.
Crystal109: Well, he did it in the end.
Zup: He totally beat all my expectations.
Sam: Ok, reload for the actual results.
ThePhan: That was awesome.
Crystal109: Wasn't that what we were all predicting, though? That Scruffy'd win. =P
Zup: I might capture this and just send it in as a graffiti without doing anything.
Randy: Man. I've been having a crappy day, and that really made me laugh. Thanks Sam.
gremlinn: Oh, I'm in the top 10 now.
Sam: ...and reload yet again, for ThePhan's name in lights.
ThePhan: Oooooh.
ThePhan: Whee.
Ticia: Wooo
ThePhan: I never win anything, so this is really super exciting for me. :-)
iwpg: Congrats, ThePhan!
Kysle: Yaaaay! ThePhan!
Ticia: Go ThePhan! It's your Birthday! Go ThePhan! It's your Birthday!
Crystal109: Congrats, ThePhan!
ThePhan: And I don't even have to play ChainBot, which I hate!
Zup: Congratulations!
Crystal109: Heh it'd have been awesome to watch you play Chain, I think.
Randy: Congrats Phan!
LaZorra: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
Ticia: Ok, I'm tired from so much late. Goodnight!
Randy: Night Ticia!
vballgirl: Good job ThePhan!
Ticia has left.
ThePhan: Night Ticia!
Sam: There are four different winners of the six individual classes. Only one (mine) is contested by a different winner in the games listing.
Crystal109: Night Ticia!
Crystal109: That's a nice distribution.
Sam: Congratulations, ThePhan\
gremlinn: I'll ChainBot duel you for it.
Zup: Great job, TP.
Crystal109: TP: Take him up on it. I wanna watch. =P
Sam: grem: No way. I like being half the winner there.
Crystal109: Oh, wait.
* ThePhan will only play ChainBot if her title is truly threatened.
gremlinn: Congrats on the most class wins, Randy.
Crystal109: Scruffy.
* Zup thinks Scruffy could challenge ThePhan in pure Awesomeness...
gremlinn: Oh, it's 2-2, never mind.
Zup: He DID have 900 points for a while there.
Randy: Wow.
ThePhan: Oh, if it's an Awesomeness contest, I most definitely lose.
Sam: ThePhan's 458 points, by the way, beat UBT#1's highest point count of 444.
Randy: I didn't realize I was that academic or creative.
Zup: Wow, we finished an hour earlier than I planned.
ThePhan: I apparently am the best at associating speedily.
iwpg: Randy = ARTSY NERD
Zup: Sweet.
Randy: Huh...I kinda am an Artsy Nerd. I play music and write crappy poems.
Sam: vballgirl has the highest score without any wins. LuckyWizard has the lowest score with a win.
Crystal109: TP: So how's it feel to beat a ton of records?
ThePhan: Crystal: Hehe. It's kinda crazy.
gremlinn: I must have the fewest points per win.
Zup: Alright, well, I'm out. Thanks Sam for a great tournament, thanks ThePhan for whooping my butt repeatedly and thanks everyone for putting up with my little antics these past few weeks. ;)
Zup: Later skaters.
Crystal109: See ya, Zup!
Zup has left.
Sam: I'll try to get the last two transcripts up soon.
Randy: Soon as in this year?
Sam: Randy: Possibly.