Ultimate Bot Tournament #2: Session 4
Kysle has entered.
Kysle: Darn. Two seconds late.
Sam has entered.
gremlinn has entered.
ThePhan has entered.
iwpg has entered.
Randy has entered.
LaZorra has entered.
vballgirl has entered.
AcroBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: Welcome to session 4. Read the rules now if you need to.
Randy: Phan: You are going DOWN
Randy: Probably not by me though.
Sam: Randy: I'm going to go ahead and make a guess that after AcroBot is over, ThePhan will still be #1
Randy: Yeah. Most likely.
ThePhan: I'm okay at the first two games. Better at Acro than Blank, for sure. Hoping to do well on the last speed game of the tournament.
Randy: Good luck everyone, really.
Sam: It's *possible* her 69 point lead will fall, but it would take 41 total players, with 40 of them all voting for LaZorra's acronym on the last round, when she has 29 points, and ThePhan scoring 0 for the whole game.
Sam: If that happens, LaZorra will tie ThePhan for first.
Sam: It could happen!
ThePhan: It probably will.
LaZorra: :-P
Randy: Wow.
LaZorra: Especially since Acro is one of my weaker bots, too.
Sam: I don't know where those 41 players are going to come from, but newbies are finding RinkWorks every day.
Sam: Game begins in 60 seconds...
Sam: LaZorra: 1
LaZorra: Sam: decompose hairgel!
Sam: That would be a 2 word sentence.
LaZorra: *ahem* Pardon me.
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym ON might stand for.
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best acronym. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for Only Nip--ahem.
AcroBot: Vote 2 for Only Neanderthals!
AcroBot: Vote 3 for Orangutans' Night-fever
AcroBot: Vote 4 for Only Never
AcroBot: Vote 5 for Olive Noodles
AcroBot: Vote 6 for October's Nice.
AcroBot: Vote 7 for Octogenarian's Nuptials
AcroBot: Vote 8 for Onward Nerds!
AcroBot: Vote 9 for Oh No!
AcroBot: Vote 10 for Only Naughtiness
AcroBot: Vote 11 for Only Newbies.
AcroBot: Vote 12 for Oh Noes!
Kysle: Does the total get bumped up if there happen to be more than 15 players?
Sam: No.
LaZorra: vote 12
vballgirl: vote 8
ThePhan: vote 8
Sam: vote 1
gremlinn: vote 8
iwpg: vote 8
Randy: vote 1
Kysle: vote 8
AcroBot: Randy wins 5 points for Onward Nerds!
AcroBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for Only Nip--ahem.
AcroBot: Kysle wins 1 point for Oh Noes!
AcroBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Only Naughtiness
AcroBot: Randy wins 0 points for Only Never
AcroBot: Sam wins 0 points for Octogenarian's Nuptials
AcroBot: Sam wins 0 points for Oh No!
AcroBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for October's Nice.
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for Only Newbies.
AcroBot: iwpg wins 0 points for Orangutans' Night-fever
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Olive Noodles
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Only Neanderthals!
* LaZorra is surprised hers got votes.
LaZorra: I didn't think you people remembered back that far. :-p
gremlinn: I had Kysle's "Oh Noes".
Randy: hehe
gremlinn: But it was all caps.
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym CLOA might stand for.
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best acronym. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for Choose LaZorra's Own Adventure
AcroBot: Vote 2 for Clowns: Lunatics, Or Actors?
AcroBot: Vote 3 for Coke Lovers Often Agree
AcroBot: Vote 4 for Crazy Like Our Aunt.
AcroBot: Vote 5 for Can't Live On Antarctica!
AcroBot: Vote 6 for Cool! LaZorra's On Acid!
AcroBot: Vote 7 for Class Leads On A's
AcroBot: Vote 8 for Clowns Leap Out Autos.
AcroBot: Vote 9 for Can Larry Open Apes?
AcroBot: Vote 10 for City Lights On Always?
iwpg: vote 1
LaZorra: 6 is a SCARY IDEA.
ThePhan: vote 7
gremlinn: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 10
Sam: vote 5
Randy: vote 5
Kysle: vote 5
Randy: hm 4
vballgirl: vote 3
AcroBot: ThePhan wins 4 points for Can't Live On Antarctica!
AcroBot: Randy wins 1 point for City Lights On Always?
AcroBot: Randy wins 1 point for Coke Lovers Often Agree
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for Choose LaZorra's Own Adventure
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for Class Leads On A's
AcroBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Can Larry Open Apes?
AcroBot: Sam wins 0 points for Cool! LaZorra's On Acid!
AcroBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Crazy Like Our Aunt.
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for Clowns: Lunatics, Or Actors?
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Clowns Leap Out Autos.
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym MAWWH might stand for.
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best acronym. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for Many A Woman Wears Handbags.
AcroBot: Vote 2 for "Mutilate All Witches!" WhizKid Harangued.
AcroBot: Vote 3 for Maybe AcroBot Was WhizKid's Harem?
AcroBot: Vote 4 for Must All Women Wear Heels?
AcroBot: Vote 5 for Music And Wine: Woo Her.
AcroBot: Vote 6 for More Answers. When? Why? How?
AcroBot: Vote 7 for May All Wobble With Happiness.
AcroBot: Vote 8 for Maybe Another Word Will Help
AcroBot: Vote 9 for Make A Wish, Wish Hard!
AcroBot: Vote 10 for Man! A Wig?! Why Hairy?
AcroBot: Vote 11 for Maybe A Wild Wabbit Heard.
AcroBot: Vote 12 for Mom Always Washes With Helium.
AcroBot: Vote 13 for My! Avalanche Won't Wear Housecoats?
ThePhan: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 8
iwpg: vote 6
LaZorra: vote 2
vballgirl: vote 8
Gharlane: vote 8
Sam: vote 12
Randy: vote 5
Kysle: vote 8
AcroBot: Randy wins 4 points for Maybe Another Word Will Help
AcroBot: Kysle wins 1 point for More Answers. When? Why? How?
AcroBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for Mom Always Washes With Helium.
AcroBot: Sam wins 1 point for Maybe AcroBot Was WhizKid's Harem?
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for "Mutilate All Witches!" WhizKid Harangued.
AcroBot: iwpg wins 1 point for Music And Wine: Woo Her.
AcroBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for Maybe A Wild Wabbit Heard.
AcroBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Man! A Wig?! Why Hairy?
AcroBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Make A Wish, Wish Hard!
AcroBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Must All Women Wear Heels?
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for Many A Woman Wears Handbags.
AcroBot: iwpg wins 0 points for May All Wobble With Happiness.
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for My! Avalanche Won't Wear Housecoats?
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym HAPLTW might stand for.
LaZorra: Mine sounds like Yoda, heh.
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best acronym. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for Have Another Pepsi? Looks That Way...
AcroBot: Vote 2 for Help! A Plumber Leaked The World!
AcroBot: Vote 3 for Have A Peach, Little Tiny Wombat.
AcroBot: Vote 4 for Happy Appleday! Please Let Timmy Whine.
AcroBot: Vote 5 for Help! A Poisionus Lizard Took Wayne!
AcroBot: Vote 6 for Hey, A Plane, Look! (That Worked?)
AcroBot: Vote 7 for Have A Petite Licorice Tart, Wilma!
AcroBot: Vote 8 for Happy At Play, Long Twilight Willows.
AcroBot: Vote 9 for "Hate Always Prevents Love" - True Words.
AcroBot: Vote 10 for Horse Antics Put LaZorra To Wear.
AcroBot: Vote 11 for Hazard: All Players Laugh - ThePhan Wins...
AcroBot: Vote 12 for Hapless Are People Living Together Weddingless.
AcroBot: Vote 13 for Here, At Plaza La Telgo With...
AcroBot: Vote 14 for Hello, Anti Pasta. Lose That Weight!
Sam: I can't make any of mine work tonight.
LaZorra: 3 cracks me up.
vballgirl: vote 1
iwpg: vote 14
ThePhan: vote 11
Sam: vote 3
Randy: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 9
Kysle: vote 6
LaZorra: vote 9
Gharlane: vote 10
AcroBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for "Hate Always Prevents Love" - True Words.
AcroBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for Have A Peach, Little Tiny Wombat.
AcroBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for Hello, Anti Pasta. Lose That Weight!
AcroBot: Randy wins 1 point for Have Another Pepsi? Looks That Way...
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for Hey, A Plane, Look! (That Worked?)
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for Horse Antics Put LaZorra To Wear.
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for Hazard: All Players Laugh - ThePhan Wins...
AcroBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Happy Appleday! Please Let Timmy Whine.
AcroBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Here, At Plaza La Telgo With...
AcroBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for Hapless Are People Living Together Weddingless.
AcroBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for Have A Petite Licorice Tart, Wilma!
AcroBot: Randy wins 0 points for Help! A Poisionus Lizard Took Wayne!
AcroBot: Sam wins 0 points for Help! A Plumber Leaked The World!
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Happy At Play, Long Twilight Willows.
Sam: If ThePhan forgets to vote 8 times, she can still lose the #1 spot.
Gharlane: Oh, TWO entries allowed. I totally forgot that.
LaZorra: LOL
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym FIG might stand for.
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best acronym. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for FIG: It's Godly
AcroBot: Vote 2 for Food Is Good.
AcroBot: Vote 3 for Fighting Is Good!
AcroBot: Vote 4 for Fight In Goo!
AcroBot: Vote 5 for Fire Is Good!
AcroBot: Vote 6 for Finally, Its Gone.
AcroBot: Vote 7 for Forget It, Girl.
AcroBot: Vote 8 for Feeling Icky, Girlfriend?
AcroBot: Vote 9 for Fat? I'm *Ginormous*.
AcroBot: Vote 10 for Fire! It's ... Gone?
AcroBot: Vote 11 for Fine! I Give!
AcroBot: Vote 12 for Fix It, Grem.
AcroBot: Vote 13 for Frightening In Grease.
AcroBot: Vote 14 for Forget It, Gremlinn!
iwpg: vote 9
gremlinn: vote 6
vballgirl: vote 7
Sam: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 12
Randy: vote 9
Gharlane: vote 9
ThePhan has left.
Kysle: vote 2
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 3 points for Fat? I'm *Ginormous*.
AcroBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for Food Is Good.
AcroBot: Randy wins 1 point for Finally, Its Gone.
AcroBot: Sam wins 1 point for Forget It, Girl.
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for Fix It, Grem.
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for Fight In Goo!
AcroBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for Forget It, Gremlinn!
AcroBot: Kysle wins 0 points for FIG: It's Godly
AcroBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Fire! It's ... Gone?
AcroBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for Feeling Icky, Girlfriend?
AcroBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for Fine! I Give!
AcroBot: Randy wins 0 points for Fighting Is Good!
AcroBot: iwpg wins 0 points for Fire Is Good!
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Frightening In Grease.
LaZorra: That shall be my new greeting.
LaZorra: Hi Zup! Fight in goo!
gremlinn: Foam's interesting girlfriend.
ThePhan has entered.
Randy: LOL
Gharlane: Hehe.
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym NRDSD might stand for.
LaZorra: Hey TP! Fight in goo!
LaZorra: grem: LOL LOL
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best acronym. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for Never Rate Dudes Seven, Dude!
AcroBot: Vote 2 for Nerds Run Dull Servers - D'ah-no!
AcroBot: Vote 3 for No, Randy! Don't Sit Down!
AcroBot: Vote 4 for Nerds Revolt! "DOWN!!!" Say Dweebs!
AcroBot: Vote 5 for Nyperold's Rink Demands Shall Disappear.
AcroBot: Vote 6 for Nerds Rule; Dorks Suck. Duh!
AcroBot: Vote 7 for No Reason, Dawg, So Don't!
AcroBot: Vote 8 for Never Read Dickens? Seriously Deprived!
AcroBot: Vote 9 for Never Resist Delicious, Scrumptious Donuts.
AcroBot: Vote 10 for Never Really Did Stop Drinking
AcroBot: Vote 11 for Not Ready, Dork. Stand Down.
ThePhan: vote 6
iwpg: vote 1
Zup: vote 1
Randy: vote 9
gremlinn: vote 9
LaZorra: vote 10
Sam: vote 9
Gharlane: vote 10
vballgirl: vote 1
AcroBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for Never Resist Delicious, Scrumptious Donuts.
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 3 points for Never Rate Dudes Seven, Dude!
AcroBot: Randy wins 2 points for Never Really Did Stop Drinking
AcroBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for Nerds Rule; Dorks Suck. Duh!
AcroBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for Nyperold's Rink Demands Shall Disappear.
AcroBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for Never Read Dickens? Seriously Deprived!
AcroBot: Sam wins 0 points for Nerds Revolt! "DOWN!!!" Say Dweebs!
AcroBot: Sam wins 0 points for Not Ready, Dork. Stand Down.
AcroBot: Zup wins 0 points for No Reason, Dawg, So Don't!
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for No, Randy! Don't Sit Down!
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Nerds Run Dull Servers - D'ah-no!
Gharlane: The creativity just isn't flowing yet.
Sam: This bot is killing me tonight.
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym MOAS might stand for.
Sam: Gah. Another lame lame lame round for me.
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best acronym. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for May One Ask Sam?
AcroBot: Vote 2 for Make Only Acronyms, Sam.
AcroBot: Vote 3 for Mighty Oliphaunts Are Smelly.
AcroBot: Vote 4 for Move Over, AcroBot. SNAG!
AcroBot: Vote 5 for Mattress --> Oragitang --> Apple --> Slime!
AcroBot: Vote 6 for Make Our Answers Shine
AcroBot: Vote 7 for Maybe Olive Ate Spinach?
AcroBot: Vote 8 for Mighty Oak, And Stuff.
AcroBot: Vote 9 for Milk Or Another Shake?
AcroBot: Vote 10 for Mystery Of A Sandwich
AcroBot: Vote 11 for More Ovaltine, Aunt Susan!
AcroBot: Vote 12 for Make Omelets At Sunrise.
AcroBot: Vote 13 for My Office Always Stinks.
AcroBot: Vote 14 for Make Omlette And Souffle
AcroBot: Vote 15 for My! Outrageous Ants Stink!
ThePhan: vote 4
iwpg: vote 11
gremlinn: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 3
vballgirl: vote 9
LaZorra: vote 6
Gharlane: vote 10
Randy: vote 13
LaZorra: Does 5 make any sense to anyone?
gremlinn: 7 is very nice.
Kysle: vote 11
Sam: vote 10
Gharlane: LaZ: Not to me.
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for More Ovaltine, Aunt Susan!
AcroBot: iwpg wins 2 points for Mystery Of A Sandwich
AcroBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for Mighty Oliphaunts Are Smelly.
AcroBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Maybe Olive Ate Spinach?
AcroBot: Randy wins 1 point for Make Our Answers Shine
AcroBot: Randy wins 1 point for Milk Or Another Shake?
AcroBot: Sam wins 1 point for Move Over, AcroBot. SNAG!
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for My Office Always Stinks.
AcroBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for Make Omelets At Sunrise.
AcroBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Mattress --> Oragitang --> Apple --> Slime!
AcroBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for May One Ask Sam?
AcroBot: Sam wins 0 points for Make Only Acronyms, Sam.
AcroBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Mighty Oak, And Stuff.
AcroBot: iwpg wins 0 points for Make Omlette And Souffle
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for My! Outrageous Ants Stink!
gremlinn: Mine wasn't very good at all. Last second scramble.
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym MMEP might stand for.
* Kysle really needs to start using firefox's spell checker
Sam: I recall this happening at UBT1, me just crashing and burning on Acro.
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best acronym. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for Maybe My Eggs're Poached.
AcroBot: Vote 2 for Men Mean Empty Pantry.
AcroBot: Vote 3 for Mine! Mine! Everything Pwnd!
AcroBot: Vote 4 for More Melons 'Er! Please?!
AcroBot: Vote 5 for Make Me Emperor, Punk!
AcroBot: Vote 6 for Maybe Maryam Eats Peas.
AcroBot: Vote 7 for Monkey Man Eats Poorly
AcroBot: Vote 8 for Make Me Eleven Pies!
AcroBot: Vote 9 for Martians Make Earthlings Pets.
AcroBot: Vote 10 for Monsters Make Exquisite Pie.
AcroBot: Vote 11 for Mumps Make Eating Painful.
AcroBot: Vote 12 for Make Me Eat Puke!
AcroBot: Vote 13 for Mighty Mouse Eats "Product"!
AcroBot: Vote 14 for Make Me Eggs Please
AcroBot: Vote 15 for Make Mine EXTRA Peppery!
LaZorra: vote 2
iwpg: vote 13
LaZorra: HM 7
ThePhan: vote 15
Sam: vote 3
Zup: vote 14
gremlinn: vote 3
vballgirl: vote 11
Randy: vote 2
Kysle: vote 9
Scruffy: vote 7
Gharlane: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 9
Ticia has entered.
Ticia: Hello!
Sam: Hey Ticia!
Sam: Fight in goo!
LaZorra: Ticia! Fight in goo!
Sam: hahahah beat
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Gharlane: LOL
Ticia: Ooooooooh. kay.
AcroBot: Kysle wins 3 points for Mine! Mine! Everything Pwnd!
AcroBot: Zup wins 2 points for Men Mean Empty Pantry.
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for Martians Make Earthlings Pets.
AcroBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for Make Mine EXTRA Peppery!
AcroBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for Mumps Make Eating Painful.
AcroBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Mighty Mouse Eats "Product"!
AcroBot: Randy wins 1 point for Monkey Man Eats Poorly
AcroBot: Scruffy wins 1 point for Make Me Eggs Please
AcroBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for Maybe Maryam Eats Peas.
AcroBot: Kysle wins 0 points for More Melons 'Er! Please?!
AcroBot: Sam wins 0 points for Monsters Make Exquisite Pie.
AcroBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Make Me Emperor, Punk!
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for Make Me Eat Puke!
AcroBot: iwpg wins 0 points for Make Me Eleven Pies!
AcroBot: iwpg wins 0 points for Maybe My Eggs're Poached.
Nyperold: "Product", as in, not real cheese.
Sam: Attention: Scruffy has a point.
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym UO might stand for.
Randy: Yay Scruffy!
Zup: Yes, yes he does.
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best acronym. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for Ugly Orifice
AcroBot: Vote 2 for U. Out!
AcroBot: Vote 3 for Underestimate Onions!
AcroBot: Vote 4 for Underarms = Odorous.
AcroBot: Vote 5 for Union Oompas.
AcroBot: Vote 6 for Ugly Oaf.
AcroBot: Vote 7 for UNIVERSITY OfOREGON!
AcroBot: Vote 8 for Unidintified Object
AcroBot: Vote 9 for Unusual Opening.
AcroBot: Vote 10 for Upside... Out?
AcroBot: Vote 11 for Upwards! Onwards!
AcroBot: Vote 12 for Uncle Oofdah?
AcroBot: Vote 13 for Unclaimed Ostriches.
AcroBot: Vote 14 for Understandably Offended.
AcroBot: Vote 15 for Until October?
iwpg: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 10
gremlinn: vote 11
Sam: vote 14
vballgirl: vote 4
Ticia: vote 11
Kysle: vote 4
LaZorra: vote for the state motto
Zup: vote 4
Scruffy: vote 6
LaZorra: vote 15
Randy: vote 14
Nyperold: vote 4
gremlinn: Ouch, sixteened.
Gharlane: vote 11
Ticia: Heh
gremlinn: Uber object was my other.
Gharlane: Only 15 entries allowed? Alright, that is also noted.
AcroBot: LaZorra wins 5 points for Underarms = Odorous.
AcroBot: Kysle wins 3 points for Upwards! Onwards!
AcroBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for Understandably Offended.
AcroBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Ugly Oaf.
AcroBot: iwpg wins 1 point for Upside... Out?
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 1 point for Until October?
AcroBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for Unclaimed Ostriches.
AcroBot: Kysle wins 0 points for U. Out!
AcroBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for Underestimate Onions!
AcroBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Union Oompas.
AcroBot: Randy wins 0 points for Unidintified Object
AcroBot: Ticia wins 0 points for Unusual Opening.
AcroBot: Zup wins 0 points for UNIVERSITY OfOREGON!
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for Ugly Orifice
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Uncle Oofdah?
Zup: UO! UO!
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym MCON might stand for.
Gharlane: My entry is horrible, heh.
Ticia: Typopo! Misspelling! ACK
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best acronym. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for Muddy, Clumsy, Oafish Nymphs.
AcroBot: Vote 2 for Mighty Cream Of Nukes
AcroBot: Vote 3 for Murphy's Cited Often, No?
AcroBot: Vote 4 for Men Can Only Nudge.
AcroBot: Vote 5 for Many Cowards Order Noodles.
AcroBot: Vote 6 for Make Corn Our Nutrition.
AcroBot: Vote 7 for Murcon Can Own Nyperold.
AcroBot: Vote 8 for Might Come Over 'Night.
AcroBot: Vote 9 for Monkeys Can Open Nuts.
AcroBot: Vote 10 for Mice! Crabs! Oranges! Nuts!
AcroBot: Vote 11 for Mince Cheese On Nothing.
AcroBot: Vote 12 for Mysterious Creatures... Oh No!
AcroBot: Vote 13 for Men Consider Opening Nightclubs.
AcroBot: Vote 14 for My Comb Or None
AcroBot: Vote 15 for Mud Can Offer Nothing.
ThePhan: vote 5
Kysle: vote 6
vballgirl: vote 13
Ticia: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 2
iwpg: vote 6
Zup: vote 3
LaZorra: 4 sounds like a subtle insult.
gremlinn: vote 3
Sam: vote 3
iwpg: Hmm, it didn't take mine. :-(
Randy: vote 15
Gharlane: vote 9
Scruffy: vote 9
* Kysle wonders if #6 was supposed to have the deeper meaning he found it to have
gremlinn: I got last-seconded or sixteened. I don't know which.
Sam: I got sixteened with one.
Ticia: Kysle: There's corn in here!
Sam: But that's just as well.
AcroBot: Nyperold wins 3 points for Murphy's Cited Often, No?
AcroBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for Make Corn Our Nutrition.
AcroBot: Sam wins 2 points for Monkeys Can Open Nuts.
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for Many Cowards Order Noodles.
AcroBot: Randy wins 1 point for Mighty Cream Of Nukes
AcroBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Mud Can Offer Nothing.
AcroBot: Zup wins 1 point for Men Consider Opening Nightclubs.
AcroBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Mice! Crabs! Oranges! Nuts!
AcroBot: Scruffy wins 0 points for My Comb Or None
AcroBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Mysterious Creatures... Oh No!
AcroBot: Ticia wins 0 points for Men Can Only Nudge.
AcroBot: Ticia wins 0 points for Murcon Can Own Nyperold.
AcroBot: Zup wins 0 points for Muddy, Clumsy, Oafish Nymphs.
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Might Come Over 'Night.
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Mince Cheese On Nothing.
iwpg: grem: that's probably what happened to mine, but it was 6 seconds before it posted the candidates, seems a bit long.
Ticia: I am so sorry that I don't know how to spell Murkon.
Ticia: I mean, I do, but I didn't.
gremlinn: Murkon's mad at you now.
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym DKOC might stand for.
* Ticia = Doh
Randy: hehe
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best acronym. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for Donkey Kong's Our Champion.
AcroBot: Vote 2 for Don't Kill Oxen, Ciaran.
AcroBot: Vote 3 for Driver Knows Own Car
AcroBot: Vote 4 for Does Kelp Often Cling?
AcroBot: Vote 5 for Dumb Korney Other Cows
AcroBot: Vote 6 for Donky Kong On Crocodiles!
AcroBot: Vote 7 for Donkey Kong Only CRUSHES!
AcroBot: Vote 8 for Don't Knit On Catapults
AcroBot: Vote 9 for Dude! K Often Cries.
AcroBot: Vote 10 for Did Kong Own Crowns?
AcroBot: Vote 11 for Decomposing Kills Off Cells.
AcroBot: Vote 12 for Dimples Knock Out Cheeks.
AcroBot: Vote 13 for Donkey Kong On Crack
AcroBot: Vote 14 for Don't Keep Our Cheese.
AcroBot: Vote 15 for Drunk Kangaroos Oscillate Crazily.
Ticia: vote 11
LaZorra: LOL at 12.
gremlinn: vote 11
iwpg: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 11
Zup: vote 7
vballgirl: vote 11
Randy: vote 9
ThePhan: vote 13
Sam: vote 11
Gharlane: vote 13
Scruffy: vote 15
Kysle: vote 7
Sam: 15 = WK
Ticia: Heh
Randy: heh
Zup: lol
gremlinn: I thought it made sense.
Sam: It does.
Sam: It just sounds like WhizKid.
AcroBot: ThePhan wins 5 points for Decomposing Kills Off Cells.
AcroBot: Sam wins 2 points for Donkey Kong On Crack
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for Donkey Kong Only CRUSHES!
AcroBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Donkey Kong's Our Champion.
AcroBot: Ticia wins 1 point for Dude! K Often Cries.
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for Drunk Kangaroos Oscillate Crazily.
AcroBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for Don't Keep Our Cheese.
AcroBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Donky Kong On Crocodiles!
AcroBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for Does Kelp Often Cling?
AcroBot: Randy wins 0 points for Did Kong Own Crowns?
AcroBot: Scruffy wins 0 points for Dumb Korney Other Cows
AcroBot: Ticia wins 0 points for Don't Kill Oxen, Ciaran.
AcroBot: iwpg wins 0 points for Don't Knit On Catapults
AcroBot: iwpg wins 0 points for Driver Knows Own Car
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Dimples Knock Out Cheeks.
LaZorra: It does.
Sam: The lack of linking words, I guess -- prepositions, etc.
vballgirl: It was the Whizkid - gremlinn!
Zup: Sam: That was mine!
Sam: Wow, TP. Good round for you.
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym JCGLI might stand for.
LaZorra: That and "oscillate," heh.
Zup: That's hilarious!
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best acronym. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for Jiggly Crowns Garner Laughs Inside!
AcroBot: Vote 2 for Just Can't Get Ladies = I
AcroBot: Vote 3 for Jiggle! Crap! Gladly Lie, Idiot.
AcroBot: Vote 4 for Jaguars Charm Giraffes Like Indianajones.
AcroBot: Vote 5 for John Can Glue Logs In.
AcroBot: Vote 6 for Just Change Gremlinn's Little Inkcartridge.
AcroBot: Vote 7 for Jump! Crouch! Go Long! Intimidate!
AcroBot: Vote 8 for Jiggle. Clumpclump. Giggle. Little Imps!
AcroBot: Vote 9 for Jesus Christ Gives Life - Invite!
AcroBot: Vote 10 for Juggling Cups, Glenda Looked Ill.
AcroBot: Vote 11 for Just Cut Gigli Like Ice
AcroBot: Vote 12 for Jungles Can Get Lonely Indeed.
AcroBot: Vote 13 for Join Crazy Good Life Inc.
AcroBot: Vote 14 for Jesus Christ: God's Little Insider.
AcroBot: Vote 15 for Just Cuddle! Girls Like It!
gremlinn: [->Bots] Juice cans: generally, liquid inside. (22:06:09)
Sam: I keep getting sixteened on my second submission.
Zup: vote 9
iwpg: vote 3
Sam: Ooh, good one.
Scruffy: vote 15
ThePhan: vote 8
LaZorra: vote 15
LaZorra: vote gremlinn
gremlinn: vote 15
Ticia: vote 15
vballgirl: vote 15
Sam: vote 9
Randy: vote 3
Kysle: vote 12
Gharlane: vote 9
Nyperold: I was going to do something with Jedi and George Lucas, but I couldn't figure out what in time.
AcroBot: Sam wins 5 points for Just Cuddle! Girls Like It!
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 3 points for Jesus Christ Gives Life - Invite!
AcroBot: Ticia wins 2 points for Jiggle! Crap! Gladly Lie, Idiot.
AcroBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Jungles Can Get Lonely Indeed.
AcroBot: Zup wins 1 point for Jiggle. Clumpclump. Giggle. Little Imps!
AcroBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for Jaguars Charm Giraffes Like Indianajones.
AcroBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for Just Change Gremlinn's Little Inkcartridge.
AcroBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Jiggly Crowns Garner Laughs Inside!
AcroBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Jump! Crouch! Go Long! Intimidate!
AcroBot: Randy wins 0 points for John Can Glue Logs In.
AcroBot: Randy wins 0 points for Join Crazy Good Life Inc.
AcroBot: Scruffy wins 0 points for Just Cut Gigli Like Ice
AcroBot: Ticia wins 0 points for Just Can't Get Ladies = I
AcroBot: Zup wins 0 points for Juggling Cups, Glenda Looked Ill.
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for Jesus Christ: God's Little Insider.
Sam: Eternal life was upstaged by cuddling. That's not right.
Sam: Ti: LOL LOL"
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Randy: LOL
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym UTNFAO might stand for.
ThePhan: LOL
Sam: There. I got two in, I think, even though I had to end the second one stupidly.
Ticia: Heh
Gharlane: I messed up my first one; too bad.
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best acronym. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for Until The Night Falls, Amour Only!
AcroBot: Vote 2 for Understanding Ticia? Never Fear An Oder.
AcroBot: Vote 3 for Ugly Tikes Need Fathers Around, Oh!
AcroBot: Vote 4 for Untold Treasures Never Found: Ask Oscar.
AcroBot: Vote 5 for Undo That Noose Fast And Off!
AcroBot: Vote 6 for Under The Noose, Few Are Optimistic.
AcroBot: Vote 7 for Use The Nut For A Offer
AcroBot: Vote 8 for Under The Needles, Frank Ate Oreos!
AcroBot: Vote 9 for Under The Napkin, Foul Asparagus Organized.
AcroBot: Vote 10 for Untie This Napkin! Free An Orangutan!
AcroBot: Vote 11 for Unidentified Totally Nifty Flying Airplane Object.
AcroBot: Vote 12 for Until Then, No Few Attended Outside.
AcroBot: Vote 13 for Unlike The Next, Finally AcroBot's Over.
AcroBot: Vote 14 for Until Tonight, Nick's Friends Always Owned.
AcroBot: Vote 15 for Ultimate Tenors Notice Friendly American Opulence.
gremlinn: vote 6
iwpg: vote 4
Zup: vote 11
LaZorra: LOL LOL, I just realized I thought mine was different than it ended up.
Scruffy: vote 11
ThePhan: vote 10
vballgirl: vote 4
Sam: vote 6
Ticia: vote 9
Sam: HM5
Randy: vote 11
LaZorra: vote 1
Gharlane: vote 6
Sam: I guess I just like noose acronyms.
Kysle: vote 6
Sam: HM11, too
AcroBot: ThePhan wins 4 points for Under The Noose, Few Are Optimistic.
AcroBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for Unidentified Totally Nifty Flying Airplane Object.
AcroBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for Untold Treasures Never Found: Ask Oscar.
AcroBot: Kysle wins 1 point for Untie This Napkin! Free An Orangutan!
AcroBot: Sam wins 1 point for Until The Night Falls, Amour Only!
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for Under The Napkin, Foul Asparagus Organized.
AcroBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for Undo That Noose Fast And Off!
AcroBot: Randy wins 0 points for Until Tonight, Nick's Friends Always Owned.
AcroBot: Sam wins 0 points for Unlike The Next, Finally AcroBot's Over.
AcroBot: Scruffy wins 0 points for Use The Nut For A Offer
AcroBot: Ticia wins 0 points for Ugly Tikes Need Fathers Around, Oh!
AcroBot: Ticia wins 0 points for Understanding Ticia? Never Fear An Oder.
AcroBot: Zup wins 0 points for Ultimate Tenors Notice Friendly American Opulence.
AcroBot: Zup wins 0 points for Under The Needles, Frank Ate Oreos!
AcroBot: vballgirl wins 0 points for Until Then, No Few Attended Outside.
Sam: WHOA.
Gharlane: Wow
ThePhan: Wow.
ThePhan: Heh.
LaZorra: Holy cow.
Randy: NICe
Sam: I'm starting to think we're going to need a couple extra dozen new players.
Randy: NICE
AcroBot: Make up what the acronym DBOEF might stand for.
AcroBot: Time's up! Vote for the best acronym. (You can't vote for yourself!)
AcroBot: Vote 1 for Dont Back Off Eat Food
AcroBot: Vote 2 for Don't Be Offended, Everyone's Friends!
AcroBot: Vote 3 for Drunk Boys Open Every Ford
AcroBot: Vote 4 for Dead Bodies Often Emit Foulness
AcroBot: Vote 5 for Don't Barf On Emperors' Faces.
AcroBot: Vote 6 for Don't Be Ornery. Eat Flesh.
AcroBot: Vote 7 for Doubt Being? Order E Fly
AcroBot: Vote 8 for Don't Buy Oreos, Elfish Friend!
AcroBot: Vote 9 for Donkey Basketball Or Empty Feelings?
AcroBot: Vote 10 for Dollar Buys One Eensy Flea.
AcroBot: Vote 11 for Drinking Beverages Or Eating Foods?
AcroBot: Vote 12 for Dotcoms Become Our Electronic Frontier.
AcroBot: Vote 13 for Dead Boys. Only Extra Fun!
AcroBot: Vote 14 for Don't Be Outraged; Eat Flame!
AcroBot: Vote 15 for Do Boots Often Exude Fear?
Sam: 13 = o.O
ThePhan: havote 15
ThePhan: vote 15
ThePhan: 13 scares me.
Ticia: vote 12
iwpg: vote 6
Zup: vote 1
LaZorra: 5 is very good advice.
gremlinn: vote 10
Sam: vote 5
Kysle: vote 6
Scruffy: vote 15
ThePhan: vote 5
Gharlane: vote 6
Randy: vote 15
Nyperold: vote 5
vballgirl: vote2
Sam: 5 is a LOL
LaZorra: vote 2
LaZorra: vote 5
ThePhan: I missed 5 the first time around.
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 4 points for Don't Barf On Emperors' Faces.
AcroBot: gremlinn wins 3 points for Don't Be Ornery. Eat Flesh.
AcroBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for Do Boots Often Exude Fear?
AcroBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for Dotcoms Become Our Electronic Frontier.
AcroBot: Sam wins 1 point for Dollar Buys One Eensy Flea.
AcroBot: Scruffy wins 1 point for Dont Back Off Eat Food
AcroBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Don't Be Offended, Everyone's Friends!
AcroBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for Don't Be Outraged; Eat Flame!
AcroBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Doubt Being? Order E Fly
AcroBot: Randy wins 0 points for Dead Bodies Often Emit Foulness
AcroBot: Randy wins 0 points for Drunk Boys Open Every Ford
AcroBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Drinking Beverages Or Eating Foods?
AcroBot: Ticia wins 0 points for Dead Boys. Only Extra Fun!
AcroBot: Zup wins 0 points for Don't Buy Oreos, Elfish Friend!
AcroBot: Zup wins 0 points for Donkey Basketball Or Empty Feelings?
AcroBot: ThePhan wins!
Sam: WOW, that wound up being close.
Kysle: Good game, grem, TP!
Gharlane: Sure did; good round!
Randy: Good job Phan and grem!
Sam: Unbelievable game. Great, great game. Except that I was absolutely terrible in it.
vballgirl: Hey watch it Sam. You scored more than some of us lowly people.
Sam: vball: I wasn't talking about the scores.
Sam: 5 minute break.
ThePhan: That was close. Good job, grem.
gremlinn: You too.
LaZorra is away.
Scruffy: 2 points
Randy: I didn't score any points in the last 4 rounds, I think.
Ticia: I would have scored more points if I had put something better.
gremlinn: Alas.
Zup: No fair! My browser lagged!
gremlinn: Lie! Mouser bragged!
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=2
Kysle: Dang, TP.
AcroBot has been dismissed by Sam.
BlankBot has been summoned by Sam.
FAQBot has been summoned by Sam.
vballgirl: With this Bot we can't credit TP's win to a speedy connection. She's creative too. Excellent job!
Sam: Check the BlankBot instructions if you have to. Glance at FAQBot for BlankBot questions. And...
Sam: ...this from the tournament rules: Telling other players what your answer is (or isn't) is considered cheating. Intentionally doing so will result in disqualification from the entire tournament. Doing so accidentally may result in loss of score for the round or scratching the game, at Sam's sole discretion. There is one exception: if it is a particular player's turn to answer first, and that player mistakenly forgets to use /b on his or her answer, posting it publicly, that player is obligated to supply a different answer to the bot and subsequently affirm to the other players that the publicly posted answer was not the one ultimately submitted.
Randy: I'm only 98 points behind Phan!
ThePhan: Heh. The BlankBot FAQ answers are awesome.
Gharlane: A speedy connection and fast hands help, when time is a factor as it was since it only took the first 15 answers.
Gharlane: Being creative helps more, though. :)
Sam: We play this to 30, not the usual 15.
Gharlane: Randy: I'm not even looking to see how far I'm behind. :)
Kysle: 226
* Gharlane kicks Kysle.
* ThePhan doesn't do well at Blank.
Ticia: You're just trying to make us feel better.
vballgirl: Make us believers TP.
Ticia: Hehe
ThePhan: LOL
Randy: I won CaptionBot, only reason I'm so high up. When Math and Country Bot hit, I'm going down.
ThePhan: Math and Country are going to kill me as well.
Sam: Math and Country, combined, can only bring you down 60 points.
Gharlane: I like CaptionBot and wish I'd been here for that.
Sam: It was a pretty good game of Caption. The archive of it is funny.
Sam: Starting in 60 seconds, barring questions about the game...
Zup: Sam: All of the archives are pretty funny so far.
LaZorra is back.
[BlankBot->iwpg] Your turn! Fill in the blank: butter ______.
Kysle: It was a heck of a lot faster, though.
BlankBot: How do you think iwpg completed the following? butter ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for butter nut squaw.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for butter scotch pudding.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for butter scotch.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for butter stick.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for butter cream gang.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for butter cups and daisys! I wuv you! ♥.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for butter fingers.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for butter nut.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for butter cup.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for butter ball.
BlankBot: Vote 11 for butter flies.
BlankBot: Vote 12 for butter toast.
gremlinn: I only managed 10 points in this last tournament, playing my best.
Zup: vote 2
Gharlane: vote 3
Scruffy: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 6
Sam: vote 7
vballgirl: 10
gremlinn: vote 2
Ticia: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 7
iwpg: vote 3
Randy: vote 7
LaZorra: vote 11
Kysle: vote 10
LaZorra: OH CRAP
LaZorra: I typoed mine.
Ticia: Butter nut squaw? Like, an Indian woman?
LaZorra: >_<
BlankBot: iwpg answered butter flies.
BlankBot: Zup guessed butter ball and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed butter cream gang and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed butter cup and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed butter cups and daisys! I wuv you! ♥ and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed butter fingers and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed butter nut and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed butter nut squaw and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed butter scotch and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed butter scotch pudding and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed butter stick and is wrong.
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed butter toast and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: vballgirl submitted butter fingers and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: vballgirl loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Ticia: LOL
Ticia: Squash?
gremlinn: Almost put fingers.
[BlankBot->Scruffy] Your turn! Fill in the blank: kid ______.
LaZorra: Squaw, yeah.
LaZorra: AUGH
Ticia: LOL
vballgirl: Sam, I forgot to put "vote on my vote...
ThePhan: LOL!
Zup: LOL
Randy: LOL
BlankBot: How do you think Scruffy completed the following? kid ______
* LaZorra lives in a town called Squaw Valley, which her fingers are really used to typing, evidently.
Sam: vball: Can't help you, unfortunately.
Ticia: Lazorra: I can't tell you the times I've typed www.ebaby.com into the browser.
Ticia: Instead of ebay.
Sam: In later life, Butternut Squaw married Chief Cotton Candy.
LaZorra: Ticia: LOL LOL
LaZorra: Sam: :-p
iwpg: LOL
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for kid Icarus.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for kid rock.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for kid brother.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for kid in the candy store.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for kid gloves.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for kid cody.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for kid nap.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for kid pie.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for kid ding.
Zup: vote 1
Ticia: vote 1
Sam: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 7
LaZorra: vote 4
iwpg: vote 5
Gharlane: 1 = ?
LaZorra: Half of those I don't get.
vballgirl: vote 9
Gharlane: vote 7
gremlinn: Can you change your answer?
Scruffy: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 4
Sam: grem: Yes.
vballgirl: Got it right that time...
Randy: vote 9
iwpg: 1 = Nintendo thing, I think.
Kysle: vote 4
LaZorra: Kid cody? Kid pie?
gremlinn: Darn.
gremlinn: I had "icarus" first and changed it.
Kysle: Old Gameboy game, yeah
gremlinn: vote 5
Ticia: Gharlane: It's a game. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kid_Icarus
BlankBot: Scruffy answered kid rock.
BlankBot: Zup guessed kid rock and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed kid brother and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed kid cody and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed kid ding and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed kid gloves and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed kid gloves and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed kid gloves and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed kid Icarus and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed kid in the candy store and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed kid nap and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed kid nap and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed kid pie and is wrong.
BlankBot: Scruffy's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Randy submitted kid in the candy store and wins 1 point!
[BlankBot->gremlinn] Your turn! Fill in the blank: cream ______.
Kysle: Oh, it was NES, first.
Nyperold: Yes, it was a game for the Nintendo.
Ticia: Kid Cody. The gun fighter.
BlankBot: How do you think gremlinn completed the following? cream ______
gremlinn: I liked that game.
Sam: grem: Looks like we're thinking alike again. And that it didn't matter that you switched.
LaZorra: Ohh.
gremlinn: Sam: yeah. It looked like it was shaping up to be the vote winner.
Randy: What is kid pie?
Sam: So, 14 players, each getting one point per round in turn, with the winning score at 30.
Sam: This may take some time.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for cream sicle.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for cream of mushroom soup..
BlankBot: Vote 3 for cream of nuke soup.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for cream puff.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for cream of the crop.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for cream and sugar.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for cream of tartar.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for cream ed corn.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for cream puffs.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for cream of wheat.
Gharlane: Sam: It certainly did last time.
gremlinn: There will be just enough easy ones for people to get 4 or 5 point rounds.
Zup: vote 10
Sam: The game is guaranteed not to exceed 407 rounds, though, so there's comfort in that.
Ticia: vote 8
LaZorra: Randy: The only thing I can think of is kidNEY pie.
iwpg: vote 2
vballgirl: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 9
gremlinn: vote 10
Scruffy: vote 3
Gharlane: vote 5
Sam: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 4
Randy: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 1
Kysle: vote 9
Randy: LZ: yeah
gremlinn: Or a big tie score?
BlankBot: gremlinn answered cream puff.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed cream puff and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Zup guessed cream and sugar and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed cream ed corn and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed cream of mushroom soup. and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed cream of nuke soup and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed cream of tartar and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed cream of the crop and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed cream of the crop and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed cream of wheat and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed cream puffs and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed cream sicle and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Gharlane submitted cream of mushroom soup. and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: iwpg submitted cream puff and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: gremlinn submitted cream puff and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: vballgirl submitted cream puffs and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Randy submitted cream of wheat and wins 1 point!
[BlankBot->ThePhan] Your turn! Fill in the blank: hairy ______.
Ticia: Mmm. Cream puff. Creamsicle. Mmmmm hungry.
BlankBot: How do you think ThePhan completed the following? hairy ______
Sam: LOL
Kysle: I was trying to be funny.
LaZorra: Ahh.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for hairy backs are gross.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for hairy mary.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for hairy legs.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for hairy and the Hendersons.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for hairy armpit.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for hairy chest.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for hairy Knuckles, Batman!.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for hairy backs are EWWWW.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for hairy Potter?.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for hairy armpits.
BlankBot: Vote 11 for hairy scary.
Zup: vote 9
Sam: vote 9
gremlinn: vote 3
Scruffy: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 9
iwpg: vote 9
Ticia: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 7
Kysle: vote 10
ThePhan: Because I almost said that one :-)
Nyperold: vote 6
vballgirl: vote 1
Gharlane: vote 5
Randy: vote 11
Ticia: I think more people should have hairy legs. Not just me.
BlankBot: ThePhan answered hairy legs.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed hairy and the Hendersons and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed hairy and the Hendersons and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed hairy armpit and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed hairy armpits and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed hairy backs are EWWWW and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed hairy backs are gross and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed hairy chest and is wrong.
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed hairy chest and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed hairy Knuckles, Batman! and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed hairy mary and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed hairy Potter? and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed hairy scary and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Kysle submitted hairy Potter? and wins 1 point!
Randy: I do
* Kysle actually has stationary with those words and a picture of a hairy potter
[BlankBot->Randy] Your turn! Fill in the blank: boat ______.
Ticia: Anyone remember Harry and the Hendersons?
Ticia: Anyone?
BlankBot: How do you think Randy completed the following? boat ______
vballgirl: Great movie!
ThePhan: I do I do.
Randy: Yep! Its playing on HBO lately.
Gharlane: Nice movie, actually. Not great, but nice.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for boat trip.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for boat full of ood.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for boat DA BETS GMAE!!!!.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for boat of ice cream!.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for boat house.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for boat race.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for boat floating on the water. Drifting peacefully....
BlankBot: Vote 8 for boat weather.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for boat swain.
Randy: Kinda cheesy.
gremlinn: vote 9
ThePhan: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 5
iwpg: vote 4
Sam: vote 9
Ticia: vote 3
Randy: vote 3
vballgirl: vote 5
Zup: vote 5
LaZorra: *GAEM
Gharlane: vote 9
Scruffy: vote 7
BlankBot: Randy answered boat house.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed boat house and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: iwpg guessed boat house and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Sam guessed boat DA BETS GMAE!!!! and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed boat floating on the water. Drifting peacefully... and is wrong.
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed boat full of ood and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed boat of ice cream! and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed boat race and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed boat swain and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed boat trip and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed boat weather and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy's answer was guessed 2 times for 2 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: iwpg submitted boat house and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: gremlinn submitted boat house and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Randy submitted boat house and wins 1 point!
LaZorra: It's hard to correct a misspelling, but Im a hard man.
Sam: LaZ: GMAE
LaZorra: GAEM
Sam: I ought to know, as I'm the one that coined the phrase in the first place.
[BlankBot->Kysle] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ main.
BlankBot: How do you think Kysle completed the following? ______ main
Zup: Full of OOOOOOOOOD!
ThePhan: LaZ: G. Mae. Short for Granny Mae.
Sam: guh-may
LaZorra: TP: LOL
Randy: The M is silent.
Gharlane: ThePhan: Any relation to Alice or Jub?
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for int main.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for lions main.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for state and main.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for re main.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for water main.
gremlinn: I never thought of how to pronounce it.
gremlinn: vote 1
Sam: vote 3
Kysle: vote 2
iwpg: vote 1
Ticia: vote 3
vballgirl: vote 4
Randy: vote 1
Kysle: :grin:
Nyperold: vote 3
LaZorra: I pronounce everything in my head, heh.
Zup: vote 4
Kysle: Or whatever.
Nyperold: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 5
Gharlane: vote 4
Scruffy: vote 5
gremlinn: Dang, I thought of int main one time playing this game, but I didn't remember it this time.
ThePhan: vote 4
BlankBot: Kysle answered water main.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed water main and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed water main and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: iwpg guessed water main and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed water main and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Ticia guessed water main and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed water main and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Zup guessed water main and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Sam guessed int main and is wrong.
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed lions main and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed re main and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed State and main and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed state and main and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle's answer was guessed 7 times for 7 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sam submitted int main and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LaZorra submitted re main and wins 1 point!
Ticia: Plz to be telling me what is int main?
[BlankBot->Quark] Your turn! Fill in the blank: brush ______.
ThePhan: Int main?
ThePhan: I don't get it...
gremlinn: C code.
Randy: yeah
Sam: "int main()" defines the main function in C and C++
Ticia: Ahh, I guesses as much.
gremlinn: Int stands for integer.
Sam: It's a geek thing. I figured Kysle would do that, though.
Kysle: And Java (python, too?)
Sam: Not Python.
iwpg: Java's void, isn't it?
BlankBot: Quark timed out. Asking someone else for an answer....
[BlankBot->Ticia] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ stack.
Quark has been sent away by Sam.
BlankBot: How do you think Ticia completed the following? ______ stack
Sam: iwpg: That rings a bell.
gremlinn: Well, you can do "void" in C too.
gremlinn: Right?
Randy: Java is based off of C, isn't it?
Sam: You can. I think most compilers will take it, but technically it's contrary to the standard. At least as far as I understand.
Kysle: iwpg: Yeah, but you also have to define the variable
gremlinn: Yeah.
Sam: Randy: Not really, but it does borrow a lot of C++ syntax.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for smoke stack.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for needdle in a hay stack.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for Robert stack.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for Hay stack.
gremlinn: vote 4
iwpg: I think void in C is allowed in freestanding implementations.
Ticia: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 1
Sam: vote 3
Kysle: vote 1
iwpg: vote 1
vballgirl: vote 1
Randy: vote 3
Gharlane: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 1
Zup: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 4
iwpg: (So I've heard, at least.)
gremlinn: Sorry for the geekiness, people reading this archive in the future.
Ticia: LOL
Randy: hehe
LaZorra: Hee.
Scruffy: vote 1
BlankBot: Ticia answered Hay stack.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed hay stack and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: iwpg guessed hay stack and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Kysle guessed hay stack and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed hay stack and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Sam guessed hay stack and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed hay stack and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed hay stack and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Zup guessed hay stack and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed needdle in a hay stack and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed Robert stack and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed smoke stack and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed smoke stack and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia's answer was guessed 8 times for 8 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: gremlinn submitted smoke stack and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Randy submitted smoke stack and wins 1 point!
LaZorra: You're apologizing for geekiness to a bunch of geeks?
Ticia: Wooo
Kysle: Nice, Ticia!
[BlankBot->Gharlane] Your turn! Fill in the blank: a history of ______.
gremlinn: LZ: not in particular.
Ticia: Tied, with one round!
Sam: Ticia: You got a huge score landslide in UBT1, too, didn't you?
gremlinn: Anyone could come across it.
Ticia: I think I did, Sam.
BlankBot: How do you think Gharlane completed the following? a history of ______
LaZorra: grem: Well, anyone who would probably read the archives would have to be pretty geeky to get this far down in it.
Sam: I had a feeling "hay" was going to win you a lot of points, because everyone was voting for smokestack.
Sam: Gharlane stands to gain a lot here, too.
Gharlane: I could *not* think of anything good for this.
Sam: ...or maybe not.
Ticia: LOL
gremlinn: Sam: I can't think of any obvious answer.
Gharlane: Me either.
Sam: I can only think of a couple.
gremlinn: Well, one, now.
Sam: Other than just whatever random health condition you care to think of.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for a history of errors..
BlankBot: Vote 2 for a history of violence.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for a history of life.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for a history of time.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for a history of abuse.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for a history of stupidity.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for a history of cheese.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for a history of my foot fungus.
gremlinn: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 2
Ticia: vote 2
iwpg: vote 2
gremlinn: That one, because I thought of it too late.
Zup: vote 4
Randy: vote 6
Sam: vote 5
vballgirl: vote 2
Kysle: vote 6
Scruffy: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 6
Gharlane: vote 7
Kysle: I was totally thinking cheese
LaZorra: 8 is EW GROSS
Randy: vote 4
Kysle: I wonder why.
BlankBot: Gharlane answered a history of errors..
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed a history of abuse and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed a history of cheese and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed a history of life and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed a history of my foot fungus and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed a history of stupidity and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed a history of time and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed a history of violence and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed a history of violence and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed a history of violence and is wrong.
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed a history of violence and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed a history of violence and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LaZorra submitted a history of violence and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Randy submitted a history of violence and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sam submitted a history of violence and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Scruffy submitted a history of violence and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Zup submitted a history of violence and wins 1 point!
Sam: "a history of violence" is the only one in the bunch I know of as an expression, and plus it's a movie title.
gremlinn: Oh.
[BlankBot->LaZorra] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ gown.
Randy: Yeah
BlankBot: How do you think LaZorra completed the following? ______ gown
Zup: Yeah, that's where I got it from.
Kysle: Nyp: Is that from anything?
gremlinn: LZ scores big.
Sam: Stuff like "a history of mental illness" work about equally well, though.
iwpg: I was thinking of "A Brief History of Time" - closest I could think of, even with the extra word.
LaZorra: Maybe.
Nyperold: I was just being random.
gremlinn: iwpg: yeah.
iwpg: But "violence" is obviously better now that you mention it.
Kysle: Ooh. Good book!
Ticia: Is it a book? Or do you mean the Bible? heh
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for night gown.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for bridal gown.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for ball gown.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for wedding gown.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for evening gown.
Gharlane: It was so obvious I totally could not remember it.
gremlinn: vote 5
Randy: I need to see that movie eventually.
ThePhan: vote 2
Ticia: vote 1
Sam: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 1
Kysle: vote 5
Randy: vote 1
vballgirl: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 1
iwpg: vote 4
Zup: vote 5
Gharlane: vote 4
Scruffy: vote 5
gremlinn: vote 2
BlankBot: LaZorra answered wedding gown.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed wedding gown and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Randy guessed wedding gown and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed wedding gown and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Ticia guessed wedding gown and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed wedding gown and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Zup guessed wedding gown and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed ball gown and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed bridal gown and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed evening gown and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed night gown and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed night gown and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed night gown and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra's answer was guessed 6 times for 6 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: iwpg submitted night gown and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: gremlinn submitted night gown and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sam submitted night gown and wins 1 point!
Ticia: Woooo

Ticia: Good job!
Randy: LZ: High Five!
[BlankBot->Zup] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ break.
Ticia: Don't do that!
LaZorra: Yay!
* Ticia yawns.
BlankBot: How do you think Zup completed the following? ______ break
gremlinn: I was right, but I thought it'd be with night gown.
Sam: grem: Me too.
gremlinn: Sam: worked better for us to answer that way.
Sam: True.
LaZorra: I was teetering between wedding and night, but I thought wedding might get more matches.
gremlinn: HA
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for can't catch a break.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for bathroom break.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for spring break.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for fire break.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for winter break.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for coffee break.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for lunch break.
Sam: LaZorra: wedding night?
ThePhan: vote 6
gremlinn: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 3
Ticia: vote 6
LaZorra: Sam: LOL LOL
Zup: vote 3
gremlinn: WKismic.
Sam: vote 1
Scruffy: vote 1
Randy: vote 6
Gharlane: vote 3
Kysle: vote 5
vballgirl: vote 3
iwpg: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 3
Gharlane: vote 7
Ticia: Never?
gremlinn: Ever?
BlankBot: Zup answered coffee break.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed coffee break and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed coffee break and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Ticia guessed bathroom break and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed can't catch a break and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed fire break and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed lunch break and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed spring break and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed Spring break and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed spring break and is wrong.
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed spring break and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed spring break and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed winter break and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup's answer was guessed 2 times for 2 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LaZorra submitted can't catch a break and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Kysle submitted spring break and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Randy submitted Spring break and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ThePhan submitted spring break and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sam submitted spring break and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Scruffy submitted spring break and wins 1 point!
LaZorra: Not for me.
Ticia: Never Ever?
Sam: Can't catch a break with this thing.
Randy: Ever Ever
gremlinn: You all did spring, huh.
gremlinn: Looking ahead.
[BlankBot->Nyperold] Your turn! Fill in the blank: tone ______.
LaZorra: Sam: That's what I was thinking!
Sam: Except just then. And the round before.
LaZorra: Ticia: LOL
BlankBot: How do you think Nyperold completed the following? tone ______
Zup: I'm in college, I should have thought of spring. Doh!
Ticia: Big score on this one, I think.
gremlinn: I only thought of one.
Kysle: Zup: You poor, poor man
Zup: Oh, well.
Kysle: What do you think about at night, if not spring break?
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for tone deaf.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for tone loc.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for tone modulation.
ThePhan: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 3
Sam: WOW.
gremlinn: vote 3
iwpg: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 3
Ticia: vote 3
vballgirl: vote 3
Randy: Tone Loc!
Sam: vote 3
Zup: vote 3
Kysle: vote 1
LaZorra: SWEEP
iwpg: LOL
Randy: vote 3
Gharlane: vote 1
Scruffy: vote 3
Sam: Nyperold is either going to win big, or he's going to slam his forehead into the monitor.
Ticia: LOL
BlankBot: Nyperold answered tone deaf.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed tone deaf and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: iwpg guessed tone deaf and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed tone deaf and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Randy guessed tone deaf and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Sam guessed tone deaf and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed tone deaf and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed tone deaf and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Ticia guessed tone deaf and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed tone deaf and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Zup guessed tone deaf and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed tone loc and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed tone modulation and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold's answer was guessed 10 times for 10 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Kysle submitted tone modulation and wins 1 point!
Zup: LOL
gremlinn: Win big it is.
Ticia: Woooh!
[BlankBot->vballgirl] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ end.
Nyperold: Huzzah!
BlankBot: How do you think vballgirl completed the following? ______ end
ThePhan: I have three points! I rule!
Kysle: TP: Keep losing.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for dead end.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for def end.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for the end.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for It will never end.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for This is the song that doesn't end.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for book end.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for bag end.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for tight end.
ThePhan: vote 7
gremlinn: vote 8
Ticia: vote 5
Zup: vote 8
vballgirl: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 7
Randy: vote 7
Scruffy: vote 3
Zup: vote 5
Sam: vote 1
iwpg: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 5
Kysle: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 3
Gharlane: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 7
BlankBot: vballgirl answered dead end.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed dead end and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed dead end and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed Bag end and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed bag end and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed book end and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed def end and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed It will never end and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed the end and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed the end and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed the end and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed This is the song that doesn't end and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed tight end and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl's answer was guessed 2 times for 2 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Randy submitted This is the song that doesn't end and wins 1 point!
gremlinn: Sometimes it's good to see no one voting for yours, because that makes it more likely you matched the answer.
Randy: yeah
BlankBot: How do you think Sam completed the following? corn ______
gremlinn: Well, especially the submitter's vote.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for corn bread.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for corn in here!.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for corn flakes.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for corn : Can Orangutans Run Naturally?.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for corn on the cob.
Sam: vote 1
gremlinn: vote 1
iwpg: vote 2
vballgirl: vote 1
Kysle: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 1
Zup: vote 1
Ticia: vote 1
Randy: vote 1
Sam: I almost put "corn chowder." Good thing I didn't.
Gharlane: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 1
Gharlane: Heh.
Scruffy: vote 4
gremlinn: I hope you put "in here".
Bryn: Finally got a chance to come in here.
BlankBot: Sam answered corn on the cob.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed corn on the cob and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed corn on the cob and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed corn bread and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed corn : Can Orangutans Run Naturally? and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed corn flakes and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed corn in here and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed corn in here and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed corn in here and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed corn in here! and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed corn in here and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed corn in here and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed corn in here! and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam's answer was guessed 2 times for 2 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LaZorra submitted corn bread and wins 1 point!
Sam: grem: Should have.
Zup: SMA!
gremlinn: Well, 7 of us did.
Sam: Wow.
gremlinn: I'm glad you didn't, now.
Scruffy: YAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[BlankBot->Bryn] Your turn! Fill in the blank: spin ______.
Randy: Wow. We rule.
Ticia: Hehe
BlankBot: How do you think Bryn completed the following? spin ______
Sam: You don't get stuff like K, but you remember Dave commenting on, when you think about it, a completely uninteresting salad.
LaZorra: iwpg: "corn chowder" wasn't even one of the choices.
Sam: iwpg: Obviously it wasn't chowder!
Sam: Silly iwpg
Sam: He's trying to get me on a technicality.
Sam: As if I'm not the judge.
gremlinn: Yeah, you'd just overrule it even if it applied.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for spin out.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for spin cycle.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for spin doctors.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for spin doctor.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for spin off.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for spin the bottle.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for spin city.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for spin around until you're dizzy..
Kysle: vote 2
LaZorra: vote 6
gremlinn: vote 2
iwpg: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 2
vballgirl: vote 2
Randy: vote 3
Zup: vote 6
Sam: vote 5
Scruffy: voote 8
Bryn: vote 8
Randy: Good band.
Gharlane: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 6
Ticia: vote 6
* Sam, the jury, find the defendant not guilty.
Scruffy: vote 8
BlankBot: Bryn answered spin doctor.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed spin doctor and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Randy guessed spin around until you're dizzy. and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed spin city and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed spin cycle and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed spin doctors and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed spin off and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed spin out and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed spin the bottle and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed spin the bottle and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed spin the bottle and is wrong.
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed spin the bottle and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed spin the bottle and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed spin the bottle and is wrong.
BlankBot: Bryn's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Ticia submitted spin cycle and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: iwpg submitted spin the bottle and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: gremlinn submitted spin the bottle and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: vballgirl submitted spin the bottle and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ThePhan submitted spin the bottle and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sam submitted spin the bottle and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Scruffy submitted spin the bottle and wins 1 point!
gremlinn: The glove didn't fit.
LaZorra: LOL
Sam: I testified that I was sleeping at the time of the incident and therefore could not have been present to disclose my answer.
[BlankBot->iwpg] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ tight.
Kysle: Nyp: oooh, close
BlankBot: How do you think iwpg completed the following? ______ tight
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for air tight.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for up tight.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for hella tight.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for skin tight.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for water tight.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for stick tight.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for sleep tight.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for Hold me tight.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for eyes shut tight.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for Squeeze in tight.
Sam: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 7
LaZorra: vote 4
Zup: vote 7
iwpg: vote 9
Bryn: vote 1
vballgirl: vote 7
Scruffy: vote 5
Gharlane: vote 5
Kysle: vote 1
Ticia: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 9
Randy: vote 9
BlankBot: iwpg answered air tight.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed air tight and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Zup guessed eyes shut tight and is wrong.
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed hella tight and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed Hold me tight and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed skin tight and is wrong.
BlankBot: Bryn guessed sleep tight and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed sleep tight and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed Squeeze in tight and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed stick tight and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed up tight and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed up tight and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed up tight and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed water tight and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Ticia submitted sleep tight and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Bryn submitted sleep tight and wins 1 point!
iwpg: Hmm, a lot more different answers than I expected.
gremlinn: Yeah.
[BlankBot->Zup] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ tower.
gremlinn: I thought "air" and "water" only.
iwpg: Yeah.
Sam: I had "hang tight" at first, and I changed it to "water tight," and then when I saw the answers, I saw "hang tight" wasn't there, so I figured that was a good sign.
BlankBot: How do you think Zup completed the following? ______ tower
Sam: Then it dawned on me that just because "water tight" was there doesn't mean anybody but me put it there.
Sam: And sure enough.
LaZorra: Sam: LOL LOL
LaZorra: Your logic is undeniable.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for sears tower.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for watch tower.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for fire tower.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for bell tower.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for Dark tower.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for radio tower.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for twin tower.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for clock tower.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for water tower.
ThePhan: LOL
Ticia: vote 2
gremlinn: vote 8
ThePhan: vote 1
Bryn: vote 8
iwpg: vote 8
vballgirl: vote 4
Randy: vote 5
Sam: vote 8
LaZorra: vote 8
Zup: vote 4
Scruffy: vote 8
LaZorra: vote 1
Gharlane: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 3
Kysle: vote 6
Randy: Stephen King ref's ruls.
Kysle: Fire tower?
Gharlane: No they don't
BlankBot: Zup answered sears tower.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed bell tower and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed clock tower and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed Dark tower and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed fire tower and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed radio tower and is wrong.
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed twin tower and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed twin tower and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed watch tower and is wrong.
BlankBot: Bryn guessed water tower and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed water tower and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed water tower and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed water tower and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed water tower and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Randy submitted clock tower and wins 1 point!
Zup: Panicked.
Nyperold: A tower where somebody watches for, well, fires.
Zup: Ack!
BlankBot: How do you think Sam completed the following? extra ______
Bryn: It kind of makes sense.
gremlinn: I voted for "clock tower" because...isn't that a game?
LaZorra: We have fire towers out here.
LaZorra: A lot of them.
Sam: I voted for clock tower because of Back to the Future.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for extra change.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for extra ordinary.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for extra points.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for extra credit.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for extra sized.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for extra conservative.
Nyperold: Yeah, Darien mentions those every once in a while.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for extra edition.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for extra swanky.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for extra extra.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for extra innings.
BlankBot: Vote 11 for extra cheese.
LaZorra: Because we have a lot of fires.
gremlinn: vote 10
ThePhan: vote 4
Ticia: vote 2
LaZorra: And I think I need sleep.
Bryn: vote 2
iwpg: vote 2
gremlinn: More answers than I expected.
Sam: vote 11
vballgirl: vote 2
LaZorra: vote 4
Zup: vote 3
Scruffy: vote 9
Sam: grem: Yeah.
Randy: vote 10
Nyperold: vote 11
Gharlane: vote 10
Kysle: vote 2
BlankBot: Sam answered extra credit.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed extra credit and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Bryn guessed extra change and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed extra cheese and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed extra cheese and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed extra conservative and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed extra edition and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed extra extra and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed extra innings and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed extra ordinary and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed extra ordinary and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed extra points and is wrong.
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed extra sized and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed extra swanky and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Gharlane submitted extra ordinary and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Zup submitted extra ordinary and wins 1 point!
* Sam high-fives gremlinn
gremlinn: Heh, thought that'd be guessed more.
[BlankBot->Gharlane] Your turn! Fill in the blank: web ______.
* Gharlane high-fives Zup
gremlinn: I also thought "extra extra".
BlankBot: How do you think Gharlane completed the following? web ______
Sam: No answer given more than twice.
* Zup gives Gharlane a return high-five.
* Gharlane crosses his fingers.
gremlinn: Zup: you just mangled Gharlane's hand, I think.
gremlinn: It sure looked painful, anyway.
* Zup heartily apologizes.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for web browser.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for web page.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for web of Spiderman!.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for web of lies.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for web server.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for web master.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for web search.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for web site.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for web slinger.
ThePhan: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 1
Zup: vote 9
Bryn: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 4
Randy: vote 9
iwpg: vote 4
Sam: vote 6
LaZorra: Web slinger?
Sam: (6 is me!)
vballgirl: vote 8
Nyperold: vote 9
gremlinn: Spiderman, probably.
Kysle: vote 1
Ticia: vote 1
Sam: Spiderman is the webslinger.
Randy: Yeah
Scruffy: vote 3
LaZorra: Ahh.
Gharlane: vote 1
LaZorra: 6 is me, also.
BlankBot: Gharlane answered web site.
BlankBot: Bryn guessed web site and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed web site and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Zup guessed web site and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: iwpg guessed web browser and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed web master and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed web master and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed web of lies and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed web of Spiderman! and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed web page and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed web search and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed web server and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed web slinger and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane's answer was guessed 3 times for 3 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: iwpg submitted web browser and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Kysle submitted web of lies and wins 1 point!
Bryn: Yay!
LaZorra: LOL
[BlankBot->Bryn] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ tide.
* Zup gives Gharlane another high-five, but less heartily.
Gharlane: 3 whole points! I shall treasure them. :)
BlankBot: How do you think Bryn completed the following? ______ tide
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for rip tide.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for Shout! or tide.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for crimson tide.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for red tide.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for Rising tide.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for low tide.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for neap tide.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for high tide.
gremlinn: vote 1
LaZorra: This game hurts my brain.
Bryn: vote 3
vballgirl: vote 3
iwpg: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 3
gremlinn: This bot is almost as cool as me.
Zup: vote 7
Kysle: vote 8
Ticia: vote 8
LaZorra: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 3
Gharlane: vote 6
Randy: vote 8
Sam: vote 3
Scruffy: vote 1
BlankBot: Bryn answered rip tide.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed rip tide and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed rip tide and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed crimson tide and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed high tide and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed high tide and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed high tide and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed high tide and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed high tide and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed low tide and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed neap tide and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed red tide and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed Rising tide and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed Shout! or tide and is wrong.
BlankBot: Bryn's answer was guessed 2 times for 2 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Scruffy submitted crimson tide and wins 1 point!
[BlankBot->vballgirl] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ swing.
Ticia: Hehe
* Bryn grins.
Randy: I almost went with crimson.
BlankBot: How do you think vballgirl completed the following? ______ swing
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for up swing.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for vine swing.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for king of swing.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for lama swing.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for West' swing.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for tire swing.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for mood swing.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for kids swing.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for full swing.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for rope swing.
ThePhan: vote 7
gremlinn: vote 7
iwpg: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 3
Scruffy: vote 3
Sam: The top ten scorers right now are within 4 points of each other. This, in a game where most people score only a point at a time, but sometimes score 10 at a time.
LaZorra: Lama swing?
Zup: vote 7
Bryn: vote 2
vballgirl: vote 7
Randy: vote 10
Zup: vote 10
Ticia: vote 10
Sam: vote 6
Gharlane: vote 9
Kysle: vote 9
Nyperold: vote 2
gremlinn: 4 = WK.
LaZorra: LOL
BlankBot: vballgirl answered full swing.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed full swing and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Randy guessed kids swing and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed king of swing and is wrong.
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed lama swing and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed mood swing and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed rope swing and is wrong.
BlankBot: Bryn guessed tire swing and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed tire swing and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed tire swing and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed tire swing and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed up swing and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed vine swing and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed West' swing and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Zup submitted king of swing and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sam submitted mood swing and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Nyperold submitted rope swing and wins 1 point!
Nyperold: Maybe they have swings in Tibet?
[BlankBot->ThePhan] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ metal.
vballgirl: Yeah gremlinn!
BlankBot: How do you think ThePhan completed the following? ______ metal
gremlinn: I got vb's twice in a row, and was the only correct guesser both times.
vballgirl: Really going strong.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for sold gear, metal.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for Full metal.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for precious metal.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for heavy metal.
vballgirl: grem: What would I do without you?!
LaZorra: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 3
Bryn: vote 3
Gharlane: Hey!
Ticia: vote 1
Sam: vote 3
vballgirl: vote 3
Randy: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 3
iwpg: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 3
Kysle: `vote 3
gremlinn: vb: dunno!
Scruffy: vote 3
Gharlane: No vote from me since I didn't see it until the bot spammed the answers.
iwpg: K: `
Zup: vote 3
BlankBot: ThePhan answered heavy metal.
BlankBot: Bryn guessed heavy metal and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed heavy metal and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed heavy metal and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Randy guessed heavy metal and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Sam guessed heavy metal and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed heavy metal and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Ticia guessed heavy metal and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed heavy metal and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Zup guessed heavy metal and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed Full metal and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed precious metal and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed sold gear, metal and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan's answer was guessed 9 times for 9 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: iwpg submitted precious metal and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Kysle loses a point for submitting and not voting.
LaZorra: DAMMIT. I *almost* put precious.
Kysle: vote 3
Sam: Welcome to the front lines, ThePhan.
Nyperold: Complete with "Jacket" or "Alchemist", as is your wont.
* Kysle screwed it up
Ticia: Wow
Kysle: (his vote and his answer, that is)
[BlankBot->gremlinn] Your turn! Fill in the blank: land ______.
Randy: Good job Phan!
gremlinn: Tied for 2nd with TP.
ThePhan: YAY! I'm not in last place anymore!
gremlinn: Oh man, this will be tough.
Bryn: Now it's just me. :-)
vballgirl: TP:Your making yourself a liar, you know.
BlankBot: How do you think gremlinn completed the following? land ______
Sam: It's really anybody's game, still.
gremlinn: A lot rides on getting one with few possible answers when it's your turn.
Sam: Yeah. Luck plays a big factor in this.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for land opportunity.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for land ing.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for land ahoy!.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for land slide.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for land before time LXXV.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for land stretchin' out so far and wide....
BlankBot: Vote 7 for land before time 23.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for land mine.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for land of the lost.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for land hoe.
BlankBot: Vote 11 for land of the dinosaurs.
Ticia: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 5
iwpg: vote 5
Bryn: vote 9
vballgirl: vote 8
gremlinn: vote 8
Randy: vote 6
Zup: vote 9
Gharlane: vote 9
LaZorra: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 9
Sam: vote 5
Kysle: vote 5
* LaZorra hoes with a land hoe.
Gharlane: vote 5
Scruffy: vote 11
BlankBot: gremlinn answered land ahoy!.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed land ahoy and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Ticia guessed land ahoy! and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Zup guessed land before time 23 and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed land before time LXXV and is wrong.
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed land hoe and is wrong.
BlankBot: Bryn guessed land ing and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed land mine and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed land of the dinosaurs and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed land of the lost and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed land opportunity and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed land slide and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed land slide and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed land stretchin' out so far and wide... and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn's answer was guessed 2 times for 2 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LaZorra submitted land before time LXXV and wins 1 point!
gremlinn: Oh, not too bad. Whew.
[BlankBot->LaZorra] Your turn! Fill in the blank: paper ______.
BlankBot: How do you think LaZorra completed the following? paper ______
Zup: If I had remembered any roman numerals...
vballgirl: Well, it looks like the telepathy only goes one way grem.
Nyperold: LBT LXXV: The Beginning of Time
Sam: I'm impressed at how many votes "Land of the Lost" got. I almost didn't put it, because it's *almost* before my own time, and I think I'm still older than everybody here except Gharlane.
vballgirl: cut
* Kysle meant to put 'of opportunity,' in case anyone didn't understand
Bryn: I just liked how it sounded.
gremlinn: vb: I'd have put "slide" had I thought of it. I'd have expected it to have more guesses.
Gharlane: I almost voted for Land of the Lost, but switched to the LBT entry for the humor factor.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for paper Mario.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for paper crane.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for paper airplane.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for paper doll.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for paper clip.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for paper thin.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for paper cut.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for paper mache.
LaZorra: I've heard of it.
vballgirl: I'm not using that answer!
Zup: vote q
Ticia: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 5
gremlinn: vote 3
Zup: vote 1
Scruffy: vote 1
Nyperold: There was also a Land of the Lost in the '90s.
Sam: vote 4
Bryn: vote 4
iwpg: vote 3
* LaZorra read 8 as "paper mustache."
iwpg: LOL
vballgirl: When I refreshed, it took me out of Bot mode and I didn't notice!
Randy: vote 3
Gharlane: vote 8
LaZorra: vote 6
Sam: Nyp: Heretical, I'm sure.
gremlinn: I thought of "mache" but wasn't sure of the spelling nor confident it would be correct.
Nyperold: vote 5
vballgirl: vote 2
BlankBot: LaZorra answered paper doll.
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed paper airplane and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed paper airplane and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed paper clip and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed paper clip and is wrong.
BlankBot: Bryn guessed paper crane and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed paper cut and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed paper cut and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed paper cut and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed paper cut and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed paper mache and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed paper Mario and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed paper thin and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ThePhan submitted paper airplane and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Scruffy submitted paper airplane and wins 1 point!
Nyperold: Possibly.
Randy: I almost went with doll. Dang.
[BlankBot->Nyperold] Your turn! Fill in the blank: habit ______.
BlankBot: How do you think Nyperold completed the following? habit ______
Nyperold: All I know is, it existed. Well, maybe a little more than that.
gremlinn: I can't think of any "real" phrases for this.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for habit breaking.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for habit of chewing your nails.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for habit s are hard to break!.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for habit of a lifetime.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for habit forming.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for habit of force.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for habit , force of.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for habit breaker.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for habit tat.
gremlinn: Just split words.
Zup: vote 5
iwpg: vote 9
Bryn: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 8
vballgirl: vote 9
gremlinn: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 1
Randy: vote 1
Gharlane: 9 is misspelled. :|
Ticia: vote 3
Sam: vote 6
Kysle: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 4
Gharlane: vote 3
Scruffy: vote 1
Zup: Ghar: SHUSH
BlankBot: Nyperold answered habit breaking.
BlankBot: Bryn guessed habit breaker and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed habit , force of and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed habit forming and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed habit forming and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed habit forming and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed habit forming and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed habit forming and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed habit forming and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed habit of a lifetime and is wrong.
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed habit of chewing your nails and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed habit of force and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed habit s are hard to break! and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed habit tat and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Nyperold submitted habit breaking and wins 1 point!
[BlankBot->Scruffy] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ color.
Gharlane: Hehe.
Randy: Nice
Sam: grem: I could only think of "habit forming."
Bryn: I got mine mixed up with Nyperold's for a sec.
gremlinn: I couldn't even think of that.
BlankBot: How do you think Scruffy completed the following? ______ color
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for primary color.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for bright color.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for In Living color.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for water color.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for techni color.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for eye color.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for multi color.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for What color.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for the wrong color.
ThePhan: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 1
Bryn: vot 1
vballgirl: vote 5
Bryn: vote 1
iwpg: vote 5
Zup: vote 8
Gharlane: vote 5
Sam: vote 4
Ticia: vote 5
Kysle: vote 4
Scruffy: vote 1
Randy: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 6
* Bryn attempts to vot one.
BlankBot: Scruffy answered bright color.
BlankBot: Sam guessed eye color and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed In Living color and is wrong.
BlankBot: Bryn guessed multi color and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed primary color and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed primary color and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed Techni color and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed techni color and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed techni color and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed the wrong color and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed water color and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed water color and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed What color and is wrong.
BlankBot: Scruffy's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Gharlane submitted water color and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: gremlinn submitted water color and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Nyperold submitted Techni color and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ThePhan submitted techni color and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Zup submitted techni color and wins 1 point!
Kysle: vote 9
[BlankBot->Randy] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ beat.
gremlinn: Oh, I thought it was "___ cooler".
Gharlane: LOL
ThePhan: LOL!
LaZorra: grem: Hehe, it still worked.
gremlinn: LZ: just kidding.
Nyperold: I would so have said "ecto", in that case.
BlankBot: How do you think Randy completed the following? ______ beat
Randy: I am such a dork
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for music beat.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for dance to the beat.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for down beat.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for Walking the beat.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for dead beat.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for up beat.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for move to the beat.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for brow beat.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for no tune, but has a good beat.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for clap your hands to the beat.
BlankBot: Vote 11 for off beat.
BlankBot: Vote 12 for Can't be beat.
gremlinn: That means I have guessed wrong, I suppose.
Ticia: vote 11
Zup: vote 12
vballgirl: vote 5
Scruffy: vote 10
gremlinn: vote 11
Bryn: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 11
Randy: vote 9
Sam: vote 6
iwpg: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 11
Kysle: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 7
Gharlane: vote 6
BlankBot: Randy answered clap your hands to the beat.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed brow beat and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed brow beat and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed Can't be beat and is wrong.
BlankBot: Bryn guessed dance to the beat and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed dead beat and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed down beat and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed move to the beat and is wrong.
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed music beat and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed no tune, but has a good beat and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed off beat and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed up beat and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed up beat and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed Walking the beat and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Zup submitted off beat and wins 1 point!
[BlankBot->Kysle] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ race.
* Zup just says what everyone else is acting like.
Randy: heh
BlankBot: How do you think Kysle completed the following? ______ race
Kysle: *whimper*
Zup: Including me.
vballgirl: Man Randy, do you think you could've been more specific and harder to match? :-)
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for wave race.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for road race.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for foot race.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for space race.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for human race.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for different race.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for run the good race.
ThePhan: vote 5
Bryn: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 4
Ticia: vote 5
iwpg: vote 4
Zup: vote 4
Sam: vote 4
Scruffy: vote 3
Kysle: vote 3
Nyperold: Whoa, too fast.
Ticia: vote 3
Gharlane: vote 7
vballgirl: vote 5
BlankBot: Kysle answered different race.
BlankBot: Bryn guessed foot race and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed human race and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed human race and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed road race and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed run the good race and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed space race and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed wave race and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Ticia submitted space race and wins 1 point!
Kysle: Shucks.
Ticia: wooo point
[BlankBot->Ticia] Your turn! Fill in the blank: bear ______.
gremlinn: SPACE RACE. (Care caps?)
BlankBot: How do you think Ticia completed the following? bear ______
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for bear 's like honey..
BlankBot: Vote 2 for bear in mind.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for bear claw.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for bear y.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for bear your own burdens.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for bear trap.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for bear hug.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for bear tracks.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for bear (it's not a).
BlankBot: Vote 10 for bear necessities.
Sam: vote 3
Zup: vote 10
iwpg: vote 10
Ticia: vote 6
LaZorra: vote 3
Bryn: vote 7
gremlinn: vote 2
vballgirl: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 10
LaZorra: Mmm.
Kysle: vote 5
Randy: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 7
Scruffy: vote 3
Gharlane: vote 6
BlankBot: Ticia answered bear tracks.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed bear claw and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed bear hug and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed bear hug and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed bear hug and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed bear hug and is wrong.
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed bear hug and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed bear in mind and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed bear (it's not a) and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed bear necessities and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed bear 's like honey. and is wrong.
BlankBot: Bryn guessed bear trap and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed bear y and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed bear your own burdens and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: vballgirl submitted bear claw and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: iwpg submitted bear hug and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Gharlane submitted bear hug and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LaZorra submitted bear hug and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: gremlinn submitted bear hug and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Scruffy submitted bear hug and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Nyperold submitted bear necessities and wins 1 point!
Ticia: Brain freeze on that one.
[BlankBot->vballgirl] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ wedding.
Bryn: 'beary'?
Zup: Apparently, bearing your own burdens isn't popular. Who knew.
Gharlane: Nyperold: I almost typed that in, heh.
BlankBot: How do you think vballgirl completed the following? ______ wedding
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for happy wedding.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for Star Wars-themed wedding.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for royal wedding.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for white wedding.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for shotgun wedding.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for nerds have a Star Trek wedding.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for My Big, Fat, Greek wedding.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for summer wedding.
Sam: vote 5
LaZorra: 2 is SCARY
Kysle: vote 5
iwpg: vote 2
vballgirl: vote 7
Zup: vote 6
gremlinn: vote 8
Ticia: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 2
Bryn: vote 3
Gharlane: vote 4
Zup: vote 5
Scruffy: vote 5
Randy: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 7
BlankBot: vballgirl answered shotgun wedding.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed shotgun wedding and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Ticia guessed shotgun wedding and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Kysle guessed happy wedding and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed my big fat Greek wedding and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed My Big, Fat, Greek wedding and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed nerds have a Star Trek wedding and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed royal wedding and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed Star Wars-themed wedding and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed summer wedding and is wrong.
BlankBot: Bryn guessed white wedding and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed white wedding and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed white wedding and is wrong.
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed white wedding and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl's answer was guessed 2 times for 2 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LaZorra submitted shotgun wedding and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: vballgirl submitted shotgun wedding and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Ticia submitted shotgun wedding and wins 1 point!
* Randy has seen 5 and 6.
[BlankBot->Gharlane] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ teeth.
* LaZorra high-fives Ticia!
BlankBot: How do you think Gharlane completed the following? ______ teeth
Ticia: Ahem... I've wanted to say this the whole game. "I'M WINNING!"
Sam: You've been to an actual shotgun wedding?
Randy: Yep.
Randy: Only it was more of a rifle.
Sam: You really do live in hicksville.
* Nyperold would never have one, by the way. A SW wedding, that is.
gremlinn: Ticia: you were winning earlier too.
gremlinn: At around 13, I think.
* LaZorra high-fives Randy, too.
Ticia: Was I? I didn't notice.
gremlinn: But it was even closer than now.
Sam: LaZorra: YOU TOO?
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for wisdom teeth.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for white teeth.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for sharp teeth.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for Doctor teeth.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for George Washington's false teeth.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for false teeth.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for clean your teeth.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for buck teeth.
Ticia: I thought it was tied.
Randy: hehe
gremlinn: It was like 13-12-12-12-12.
ThePhan: vote 6
vballgirl: vote 1
* Zup wants to have a Hawaiian wedding. That way he can wear shorts. ;)
Scruffy: vote 5
Ticia: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 5
gremlinn: vote 1
Sam: vote 3
Zup: vote 1
Randy: vote 5
Gharlane: vote 4
Kysle: vote 1
Bryn: Didn't notice it had been shown. Oops.
LaZorra: Sam: No, not actually. I know people who have had them, but I've never been to one.
iwpg: vote 8
BlankBot: Gharlane answered false teeth.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed false teeth and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed false teeth and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed buck teeth and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed buck teeth and is wrong.
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed buck teeth and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed clean your teeth and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed Doctor teeth and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed George Washington's false teeth and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed sharp teeth and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed white teeth and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed wisdom teeth and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed wisdom teeth and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane's answer was guessed 2 times for 2 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: iwpg submitted wisdom teeth and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ThePhan submitted wisdom teeth and wins 1 point!
Nyperold: Doctor Teeth and the Electric Mayhem!
[BlankBot->gremlinn] Your turn! Fill in the blank: carton of ______.
Gharlane: Nyp: Yep!
Randy: And I worked at the Star Trek Experience in Vegas. They had weddings there all the time.
LaZorra: That's just scary.
BlankBot: How do you think gremlinn completed the following? carton of ______
Ticia: Silly Las Vegas.
Sam: Hrm. I *was* in contention, but I haven't scored since Ticia's 14 was the highest score.
Ticia: gremlinn FTW
gremlinn: Ticia: I might get one or two.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for carton of ammo.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for carton of milk.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for carton of smokes.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for carton of eggs.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for carton of Whoppers!.
ThePhan: vote 2
iwpg: vote 4
Ticia: vote 5
Zup: vote 5
Sam: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 1
gremlinn: vote 3
vballgirl: vote 4
Kysle: vote 4
Gharlane: vote 4
Randy: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 4
Randy: vote 1
Ticia: Mmmm. Whoppers
Scruffy: vote 5
Ticia: LaZorra: Uh huh.
Randy: LOL
Bryn: vote 1
BlankBot: gremlinn answered carton of milk.
BlankBot: Bryn guessed carton of milk and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed carton of milk and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: iwpg guessed carton of milk and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Kysle guessed carton of milk and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed carton of milk and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Randy guessed carton of milk and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed carton of milk and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Ticia guessed carton of milk and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Zup guessed carton of milk and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Sam guessed carton of ammo and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed carton of eggs and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed carton of smokes and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed carton of Whoppers! and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn's answer was guessed 9 times for 9 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: ThePhan submitted carton of eggs and wins 1 point!
Kysle: Nice, grem!
[BlankBot->Kysle] Your turn! Fill in the blank: trick ______.
gremlinn: Whew. I didn't know if "carton of milk" was a phrase. It sounded vaguely right.
Nyperold: Well, they could reenact Miles' and Keiko's wedding from TNG.
ThePhan: Whoo! Go grem!
vballgirl: I don't smoke, by the way.
Ticia: LaZorra: Heh, sorry, couldn't help it.
BlankBot: How do you think Kysle completed the following? trick ______
Randy: Mostly the Klingons sing at them.
LaZorra: Hehe.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for trick question.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for trick daddy.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for trick photography.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for trick pony.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for trick or treat.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for trick shot.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for trick of the trade.
ThePhan: vote 1
gremlinn: vote 6
iwpg: vote 6
Ticia: vote 1
Kysle: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 3
Zup: vote 4
LaZorra: Trick daddy?
Bryn: vote 7
Sam: vote 3
Scruffy: vote 5
Randy: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 1
Gharlane: vote 4
vballgirl: vote 7
BlankBot: Kysle answered trick shot.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed trick shot and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed trick daddy and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed trick of the trade and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed trick or treat and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed trick or treat and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed trick or treat and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed trick or treat and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed trick or treat and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed trick or treat and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed trick photography and is wrong.
BlankBot: Bryn guessed trick pony and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed trick pony and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed trick question and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: gremlinn submitted trick question and wins 1 point!
gremlinn: That's not your daddy! We've been lying to you since you were a year old!
* Kysle HIGH FIVES Gharlane
gremlinn: Tricked you!
[BlankBot->Zup] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ dog.
Nyperold: I think a Betazoid wedding would be right out, but I could be wrong.
iwpg: LOL
Gharlane: Hehe.
Bryn: Heh.
BlankBot: How do you think Zup completed the following? ______ dog
Ticia: Nyperold: You could hold it on a nude beach.
LuckyWizard: Hi all!
Sam: Yo.
Gharlane: Hi LuckyWizard.
Bryn: Hello.
Zup: vote Hey LW!
Ticia: Potentially a lot of points here.
Randy: yeah
Ticia: Also:
Ticia: DOG
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for Hot dog.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for bird dog.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for toy dog.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for puppy dog.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for shaggy dog.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for wiener dog.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for BAD dog.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for The Shaggy dog.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for trick dog.
Sam: DOG!
Randy: DOG
ThePhan: vote 4
Bryn: DOG
iwpg: vote 5
Sam: vote 4
ThePhan: DOG
Ticia: vote 2
LuckyWizard: vote 1
LaZorra: DOG!
Gharlane: vote 7
Zup: vote 1
Bryn: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 4
Kysle: vote 5
Randy: vote 2
vballgirl: vote 1
gremlinn: vote 1
Scruffy: vote 2
vballgirl: vote 21
LaZorra: vote 3
Zup: Darn dyslexia.
Nyperold: No "Under", I see.
vballgirl: vote 2
BlankBot: Zup answered puppy dog.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed BAD dog and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed bird dog and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed hot dog and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed hot dog and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed hot dog and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed hot dog and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed Hot dog and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed hot dog and is wrong.
BlankBot: Bryn guessed shaggy dog and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed The Shaggy dog and is wrong.
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed toy dog and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed trick dog and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed wiener dog and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: LaZorra submitted bird dog and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Zup submitted puppy dog and wins 1 point!
Randy: DAM: Mothers against dyslexia.
* ThePhan almost said "puppy dog," too.
[BlankBot->Randy] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ kiss.
Gharlane: Randy: LOL
Nyperold: Not bird, nor plane, nor even frog...
BlankBot: How do you think Randy completed the following? ______ kiss
Zup: I didn't even think of Hot Dog.
Ticia: Zup: Sad story.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for first kiss.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for french kiss.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for hershey's kiss.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for candy kiss.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for hug and kiss.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for butterfly kiss.
Sam: vote 3
iwpg: vote 1
Bryn: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 3
Ticia: vote 6
LaZorra: vote 3
Scruffy: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 3
vballgirl: vote 6
Randy: vote 3
LuckyWizard: vote 3
Zup: vote 3
Kysle: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 5
Gharlane: vote 1
BlankBot: Randy answered french kiss.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed french kiss and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: iwpg guessed French kiss and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed french kiss and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Bryn guessed butterfly kiss and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed butterfly kiss and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed candy kiss and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed first kiss and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed first kiss and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed first kiss and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed first kiss and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed first kiss and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed hershey's kiss and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed hug and kiss and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy's answer was guessed 3 times for 3 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Ticia submitted hershey's kiss and wins 1 point!
[BlankBot->Scruffy] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ idea.
Ticia: MMmmm. Chocolate.
BlankBot: How do you think Scruffy completed the following? ______ idea
Ticia: Hehe
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for brilliant idea.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for Big idea.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for good idea.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for What's the big idea.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for bright idea.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for novel idea.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for good idead, bad idea.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for bad idea.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for I have no idea.
Sam: LaZorra. Remember my rule.
Sam: No, that's not my rule.
ThePhan: vote 6
Ticia: vote 8
gremlinn: vote 5
Bryn: vote 6
Kysle: vote 9
iwpg: vote 4
Sam: vote 9
LuckyWizard: vote 9
Randy: vote 9
Zup: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 6
Gharlane: vpte 4
vballgirl: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 9
Gharlane: vote 4
BlankBot: Scruffy answered brilliant idea.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed brilliant idea and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed bad idea and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed Big idea and is wrong.
BlankBot: Bryn guessed bright idea and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed bright idea and is wrong.
BlankBot: LuckyWizard guessed bright idea and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed bright idea and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed bright idea and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed bright idea and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed good idea and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed good idead, bad idea and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed I have no idea and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed novel idea and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed What's the big idea and is wrong.
BlankBot: Scruffy's answer was guessed 1 time for 1 point!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Gharlane submitted I have no idea and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: Scruffy loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Scruffy: vote 5
Nyperold: I was too late to change to "orange". Oh well.
[BlankBot->Ticia] Your turn! Fill in the blank: school ______.
BlankBot: How do you think Ticia completed the following? school ______
Kysle: Ticia: You could win with this one!
Ticia: Hope so.
Kysle: No stress
Sam: Doesn't feel like an obvious one.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for school house rock.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for school teacher.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for school sucks!.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for school bus driver.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for school bus.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for school dance.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for school year.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for school 's Out For Summer!.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for school house.
Sam: Yeah, see, that's a lot of answers.
* Bryn would like to make it to double-digits before the game's over.
iwpg: vote 8
gremlinn: Nope, not over yet.
Ticia: vote 1
Zup: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 9
Bryn: vote 6
Kysle: vote 1
Ticia: Yeah, I didn't think so, but I hoped.
LuckyWizard: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 5
Scruffy: vote 1
vballgirl: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 1
Sam: vote 5
Randy: vote 9
gremlinn: vote 9
Gharlane: vote 5
BlankBot: Ticia answered school house.
BlankBot: Bryn guessed school bus and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed school bus and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed school bus and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed school bus and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed school bus and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed school bus driver and is wrong.
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed school dance and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed school house rock and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed school 's Out For Summer! and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed school 's out for summer and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed school sucks and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed school sucks! and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed school teacher and is wrong.
BlankBot: LuckyWizard guessed school year and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: Sam submitted school house rock and wins 1 point!
Ticia: Gah.
gremlinn: But bus would have gotten us both closer.
[BlankBot->ThePhan] Your turn! Fill in the blank: run ______.
* Gharlane is sad to see no one voted for #4
Ticia: Hehe
Bryn: Aw.
BlankBot: How do you think ThePhan completed the following? run ______
iwpg: Heh.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for run away! Stinky feet!.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for run the good race, fight the good fight..
BlankBot: Vote 3 for run for the border.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for run away.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for run as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I'm ThePhan!.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for run around.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for run rummers.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for run DMC.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for run wild.
Sam: vote 5
LaZorra: vote 7
ThePhan: LOL!
iwpg: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 5
gremlinn: vote 3
Randy: vote 8
Zup: vote 5
Bryn: vote 9
Nyperold: vote 2
Zup: LOL
Gharlane: vote 4
LuckyWizard: vote 8
Bryn: That's a good one.
Ticia: vote 4
vballgirl: vote 9
Kysle: vote 9
Scruffy: vote 5
BlankBot: ThePhan answered run away.
BlankBot: Bryn guessed run away and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed run away! and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: iwpg guessed run away and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed run away and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Sam guessed run away and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed run away and is right for 1 point!
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed run around and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed run as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I'm ThePhan! and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed run away! Stinky feet! and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed run DMC and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed run for the border and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed run rummers and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed run the good race, fight the good fight. and is wrong.
BlankBot: LuckyWizard guessed run wild and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan's answer was guessed 6 times for 6 points!
BlankBot: Vote Winner: vballgirl submitted run as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I'm ThePhan! and wins 1 point!
[BlankBot->Bryn] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ wheel.
Ticia: Go, ThePhan!
LaZorra: Run rummers made me laugh.
ThePhan: vballgirl: You rule.
vballgirl: Hehe.
Gharlane: I almost typed "roaders", heh.
Randy: LOL
gremlinn: G: heh.
iwpg: Ghar: LOL
* ThePhan is ashamed to be doing this well.
Ticia: LaZorra: It made me laugh, too.
BlankBot: How do you think Bryn completed the following? ______ wheel
* Ticia is tired from so much late.
Gharlane: ThePhan: Just enjoy it. :)
* LaZorra too.
Sam: Dare I ask what a run rummer is?
Ticia: It's a spoonerism for Rum Runner.
LaZorra: Sam: Like a rum runner, but not.
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for catherine wheel.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for click wheel.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for behind the wheel.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for asleep at the wheel.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for Ugg, the inventor of the wheel.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for ferris wheel.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for don't reinvent the wheel.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for third wheel.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for fortune of wheel.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for Big wheel.
BlankBot: Vote 11 for reinventing the wheel.
BlankBot: Vote 12 for pin wheel.
BlankBot: Vote 13 for fly wheel.
gremlinn: And a rum runner is?
Ticia: vote 13
iwpg: vote 5
gremlinn: vote 6
Bryn: vote 12
vballgirl: vote 8
ThePhan: vote 11
LaZorra: vote 4
Ticia: A rum runner is a person who runs rum.
Sam: vote 6
Randy: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 12
Gharlane: vote 11
Kysle: vote 11
LuckyWizard: vote 7
gremlinn: Rum needs exercise, I guess.
Zup: vote 10
Bryn: I don't think I'm getting points with this one.
Randy: A moonshiner. Like my grandpa.
Ticia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rum-running
Scruffy: vote 13
BlankBot: Bryn answered catherine wheel.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed asleep at the wheel and is wrong.
BlankBot: LuckyWizard guessed behind the wheel and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed Big wheel and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed click wheel and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed don't reinvent the wheel and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed ferris wheel and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra guessed fly wheel and is wrong.
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed fortune of wheel and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed pin wheel and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed pin wheel and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed reinventing the wheel and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed third wheel and is wrong.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed third wheel and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed Ugg, the inventor of the wheel and is wrong.
BlankBot: Bryn's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: iwpg submitted reinventing the wheel and wins 1 point!
Gharlane: Too many answers.
LaZorra: grem: Someone who sailed loads of rum from the Caribbean to places it was illegal, like the southern US.
LaZorra: Asleep at the Wheel is an awesome band.
[BlankBot->LaZorra] Your turn! Fill in the blank: ______ wind.
* Bryn wishes he'd thought of some of these before.
BlankBot: How do you think LaZorra completed the following? ______ wind
Nyperold: A band?
BlankBot: Time's up! Vote for the best answer. (You can't vote for your own!)
BlankBot: Vote 1 for reap the whirl wind.
BlankBot: Vote 2 for break wind.
BlankBot: Vote 3 for run like the wind.
BlankBot: Vote 4 for down wind.
BlankBot: Vote 5 for blowing in the wind.
BlankBot: Vote 6 for A lot of wind.
BlankBot: Vote 7 for west wind.
BlankBot: Vote 8 for Earth! Fire! wind.
BlankBot: Vote 9 for gale force wind.
BlankBot: Vote 10 for north wind.
BlankBot: Vote 11 for blowing wind.
BlankBot: Vote 12 for spiritual wind.
BlankBot: Vote 13 for whirl wind.
BlankBot: Vote 14 for inherit the wind.
gremlinn: I think I'll match Sam on this.
iwpg: vote 1
Ticia: vote 14
Bryn: vote 14
gremlinn: Maybe not.
ThePhan: vote 14
Zup: vote 14
vballgirl: vote 8
LuckyWizard: vote 5
Scruffy: vote 14
Nyperold: vote 5
Sam: vote 10
Kysle: vote 14
gremlinn: vote 10
Gharlane: vote 2
LaZorra: vote 7
Sam: grem = 14
Randy: vote 14
BlankBot: LaZorra answered blowing in the wind.
BlankBot: Ticia guessed A lot of wind and is wrong.
BlankBot: Randy guessed blowing wind and is wrong.
BlankBot: Kysle guessed break wind and is wrong.
BlankBot: Zup guessed break wind and is wrong.
BlankBot: Sam guessed down wind and is wrong.
BlankBot: Nyperold guessed Earth! Fire! wind and is wrong.
BlankBot: Bryn guessed gale force wind and is wrong.
BlankBot: gremlinn guessed inherit the wind and is wrong.
BlankBot: iwpg guessed north wind and is wrong.
BlankBot: Gharlane guessed reap the whirl wind and is wrong.
BlankBot: ThePhan guessed run like the wind and is wrong.
BlankBot: Scruffy guessed spiritual wind and is wrong.
BlankBot: LuckyWizard guessed west wind and is wrong.
BlankBot: vballgirl guessed whirl wind and is wrong.
BlankBot: LaZorra's answer was not guessed.
BlankBot: Vote Winner: gremlinn submitted inherit the wind and wins 1 point!
BlankBot: gremlinn wins!
Ticia: Wooo!
Bryn: Nice.
Sam: Oh, I guess I shouldn't have said that before it was over. Oops.
Sam: But no harm done.
Zup: Yay Grem!
gremlinn: See, I thought you'd think of that recent conversation.
Sam: grem: I did, and I knew LaZorra wouldn't have.
LaZorra: Sam: Yeah, I didn't remember it until I saw grem's answer.
ThePhan: Great job, grem!
LaZorra: Whoo, grem!!
gremlinn: Just got lucky having that one round.
Ticia: Yay, grem!
Randy: Oh, yay grem!
gremlinn: This game is crazily unpredictable.
Sam: 5 minute break
Gharlane: Go, go, gremlinn!
Kysle: Oh, he won... Nice, grem!
gremlinn: Go go gremlinn hovercraft!
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Gharlane: Sam: I don't think this botgame lasted as long as the last time. That one was a marathon session.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=2
LaZorra: I am so going to catch up with TP.
BlankBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Bryn: 20th. Still, that's a rank.
Sam: Attention: Scruffy has moved from unranked to 18th in a matter of a couple hours. He's on his way!
BingoBot has been summoned by Sam.
Kysle: Should be fairly quick
gremlinn: Not all that quick, maybe.
Kysle: Last time was less than a half hour...
gremlinn: I guess I'm thinking "compared to how long my sanity holds".
Sam: BingoBot will only be played to the customary 15 points; however, each player's score will be multiplied by two for the Points Ranking. For example, if you scored 7 points in BingoBot, your score for BingoBot in the tournament will be 14.
gremlinn: Oh yeah, 15 points. That makes quite a difference.
Sam: UBT#1's game was also to 15 points, and it took 23 minutes.
Sam: 46 minutes of Bingo would be crazy.
LaZorra: Sam: The winner would be the one person who stuck it out. :-p
Nyperold: It could take as few as five rounds. But probably not.
gremlinn: I'd expect double the point total to take over twice the time, because it's more of a long-range thing not susceptible to someone getting a few lucky breaks and shooting ahead by a lot.
Randy: Has anyone ever gone to a Bingo hall?
Kysle: Randy: I used to volunteer at one
ThePhan: I have a friend who currently works at a bingo place.
Sam: Game begins in 60 seconds...
Randy: Are they anything like the ones in Vegas, where people on oxygen sit around and smoke?
ThePhan: One day one of the women was sitting somewhere different than she usually did. When he asked her why, she responded, "The energy led me here."
Randy: lol
Bryn: Heh.
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is 6AGZR. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Gharlane] Your BingoBot card is ON79B. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is TNE4M. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is 2RI87. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is WJIPG. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is XOP0K. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is YARW7. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->vballgirl] Your BingoBot card is HDU42. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is XZ3FK. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is OY03R. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is UR3ON. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bryn] Your BingoBot card is B3QE2. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Ticia] Your BingoBot card is 60KQC. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is 359Y1. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is BZDWT. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
Isn't that cute? BingoBot gives a special card for FAQBot to
play with.
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 30 seconds.
gremlinn: Sam: ur on.
BingoBot: Next call: X.
BingoBot: Next call: E.
BingoBot: Next call: B.
BingoBot: Next call: I.
BingoBot: Sam calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: L.
BingoBot: Next call: C.
BingoBot: Next call: 8.
BingoBot: Next call: 3.
BingoBot: Next call: M.
BingoBot: Next call: 2.
BingoBot: Next call: W.
BingoBot: Next call: 4.
BingoBot: Next call: 0.
BingoBot: Next call: N.
BingoBot: Next call: Z.
BingoBot: Next call: P.
Zup: bingo
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: V.
BingoBot: Next call: A.
BingoBot: Next call: D.
BingoBot: Next call: Q.
BingoBot: Next call: T.
BingoBot: Next call: R.
BingoBot: Next call: 9.
BingoBot: Next call: Y.
LaZorra: bingo
BingoBot: LaZorra calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next call: F.
BingoBot: Next call: O.
BingoBot: Next call: 6.
BingoBot: Next call: U.
Kysle: Bingo!
Nyperold: Go, bingo!
BingoBot: Kysle calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: G.
BingoBot: Next call: K.
BingoBot: Next call: S.
BingoBot: Next call: H.
vballgirl: bingo
Ticia: bingo
Randy: bingo
BingoBot: Nyperold calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: vballgirl calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
iwpg: bingo
Gharlane: bingo
Kysle: Oh, no 7
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is TG6AI. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Gharlane] Your BingoBot card is R9JVF. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is JDZ8S. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is SZMWH. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is 8VH7P. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is T8H1Q. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is O2ZNB. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->vballgirl] Your BingoBot card is PRB8O. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is 70RYP. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is S6AE1. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is 0L1NJ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bryn] Your BingoBot card is 9KBNX. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Ticia] Your BingoBot card is 2W5SX. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is JH0OU. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is 2PSU0. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 30 seconds.
Randy: LOL
gremlinn: bingo
BingoBot: Next call: E.
BingoBot: Next call: H.
BingoBot: Next call: T.
BingoBot: Next call: 3.
BingoBot: Next call: Y.
BingoBot: Next call: 2.
Sam: BINGOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooo.................................(echo)
BingoBot: Next call: Q.
BingoBot: Next call: O.
BingoBot: Sam calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: R.
BingoBot: Next call: 9.
BingoBot: Next call: A.
BingoBot: Next call: K.
BingoBot: Next call: 1.
BingoBot: Next call: L.
BingoBot: Next call: D.
BingoBot: Next call: 0.
BingoBot: Next call: 8.
BingoBot: Next call: M.
BingoBot: Next call: F.
BingoBot: Next call: I.
BingoBot: Next call: S.
BingoBot: Next call: N.
BingoBot: Next call: G.
BingoBot: Next call: P.
BingoBot: Next call: V.
BingoBot: Next call: W.
BingoBot: Next call: 6.
BingoBot: Next call: U.
Zup: bingo blingo, baby
iwpg: bingo
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: iwpg calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next call: J.
BingoBot: Next call: 4.
BingoBot: Next call: B.
BingoBot: Next call: X.
Randy: bingo
LaZorra: bingo
BingoBot: Randy calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: LaZorra calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: 5.
BingoBot: Next call: Z.
BingoBot: Next call: C.
BingoBot: Next call: 7.
Bryn: Bingo
vballgirl: bingo
Gharlane: bingo
Nyperold: BINGOLAS!
ThePhan: bingo
Ticia: bingo
Kysle: Bingoooooo
BingoBot: Bryn calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: vballgirl calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
LuckyWizard: bingo
Bryn: Yay!
gremlinn: Nyp: is that supposed to be like "Legolas"?
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is J045C. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Gharlane] Your BingoBot card is 2LP4E. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is XNQ0Y. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is 536JS. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is OEGAV. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is 5SZ4F. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is 8K9RM. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->vballgirl] Your BingoBot card is BUW1O. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is L40KC. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is N1M9Y. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is PXSYQ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bryn] Your BingoBot card is P8VK7. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Ticia] Your BingoBot card is 73QJY. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is C20KJ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is 1VBSP. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 30 seconds.
Sam: Nyp = Nimoy
BingoBot: Next call: E.
BingoBot: Next call: 8.
BingoBot: Next call: R.
BingoBot: Next call: 0.
BingoBot: Sam calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: 9.
BingoBot: Next call: A.
BingoBot: Next call: K.
BingoBot: Next call: C.
gremlinn: Not many interesting cards so far.
BingoBot: Next call: I.
BingoBot: Next call: J.
BingoBot: Next call: 2.
BingoBot: Next call: G.
BingoBot: Next call: X.
BingoBot: Next call: 4.
BingoBot: Next call: 1.
BingoBot: Next call: 7.
BingoBot: Next call: W.
BingoBot: Next call: P.
BingoBot: Next call: L.
BingoBot: Next call: T.
BingoBot: Next call: B.
BingoBot: Next call: 3.
BingoBot: Next call: Y.
BingoBot: Next call: U.
Zup: bbbbbbbbbbbingoooooooooooooooo!
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next call: V.
BingoBot: Next call: Z.
BingoBot: Next call: D.
BingoBot: Next call: H.
vballgirl: bingo
Gharlane: bingo sucks!
BingoBot: vballgirl calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: F.
BingoBot: Next call: O.
BingoBot: Next call: N.
BingoBot: Next call: 6.
Ticia: bingo
LaZorra: bingo
Bryn: Bingo
BingoBot: Gharlane calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Ticia calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: LaZorra calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Bryn calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
Kysle: Bingo! Bingo! Bingo! Bingo! Bingo!
Nyperold: Osama Bingo-den?
* ThePhan quite simply never gets bingo.
Sam: Can't catch a break with this thing.
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is ROS3Q. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Gharlane] Your BingoBot card is ECJG9. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is C0RFO. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is IES5O. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is L0RGE. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is Q0LHF. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is RX8Y6. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->vballgirl] Your BingoBot card is MK5YR. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is WKXMO. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is WE9FY. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is 3M01L. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bryn] Your BingoBot card is YTF3N. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Ticia] Your BingoBot card is 9MG1A. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is 67ISA. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is DKZYA. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 30 seconds.
gremlinn: Rats.
gremlinn: LaCorfo.
BingoBot: Next call: L.
BingoBot: Next call: 6.
BingoBot: Next call: U.
BingoBot: Next call: 3.
Sam: bingo!!!!!!!
BingoBot: Sam calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: 8.
BingoBot: Next call: Y.
BingoBot: Next call: B.
BingoBot: Next call: 5.
BingoBot: Next call: K.
BingoBot: Next call: D.
BingoBot: Next call: 1.
BingoBot: Next call: A.
BingoBot: Next call: O.
BingoBot: Next call: J.
BingoBot: Next call: I.
BingoBot: Next call: F.
BingoBot: Next call: 9.
BingoBot: Next call: R.
BingoBot: Next call: M.
BingoBot: Next call: T.
BingoBot: Next call: E.
BingoBot: Next call: 4.
BingoBot: Next call: 7.
BingoBot: Next call: Q.
Bryn: Bingo
Kysle: I ♥ BINGO!!!11
Ticia: bingo
BingoBot: Bryn calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Kysle calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Ticia calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: P.
BingoBot: Next call: N.
BingoBot: Next call: S.
BingoBot: Next call: X.
LaZorra: bingo
Randy: bingo
BingoBot: LaZorra calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Randy calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next call: H.
BingoBot: Next call: W.
BingoBot: Next call: 0.
BingoBot: Next call: Z.
vballgirl: bingo
Zup: Bingooooone!
iwpg: bingo
ThePhan: bingo
BingoBot: vballgirl calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
Gharlane: bingo sucks!
gremlinn: LW almost had "LARGE".
Nyperold: Bingo
Sam: I had two letters on my card before I called bingo.
gremlinn: It was "L0RGE".
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is HADNO. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Gharlane] Your BingoBot card is 71RKG. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is H2VR6. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is 14RYK. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is MWGSR. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is NUSJB. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is 7E1RY. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->vballgirl] Your BingoBot card is Z8OD2. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is QBVU5. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is 5OGEM. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is V9W4M. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bryn] Your BingoBot card is 2167P. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Ticia] Your BingoBot card is A02CS. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is 3LRX6. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is QHTYV. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 30 seconds.
Bryn: Heh.
Nyperold: I would've won if I had put something better.
gremlinn: iwpg HADNO chance last round.
Zup: Iwpg HADNO chance, ha ha ha.
BingoBot: Next call: D.
BingoBot: Next call: G.
BingoBot: Next call: M.
BingoBot: Next call: R.
BingoBot: Next call: U.
BingoBot: Next call: I.
BingoBot: Next call: E.
BingoBot: Next call: 4.
BingoBot: Next call: F.
BingoBot: Next call: 2.
BingoBot: Next call: A.
BingoBot: Next call: Z.
BingoBot: Next call: J.
BingoBot: Next call: K.
BingoBot: Next call: 0.
BingoBot: Next call: 7.
Nyperold: BINGO
BingoBot: Nyperold calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: 8.
BingoBot: Next call: 6.
BingoBot: Next call: N.
BingoBot: Next call: T.
Randy: bingo
BingoBot: Randy calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: 3.
BingoBot: Next call: 1.
BingoBot: Next call: V.
BingoBot: Next call: B.
Gharlane: bingo sucks!
BingoBot: Gharlane calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next call: X.
BingoBot: Next call: Y.
BingoBot: Next call: P.
BingoBot: Next call: Q.
Ticia: bingo
vballgirl: bingo
BingoBot: Ticia calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: vballgirl calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: H.
BingoBot: Next call: O.
BingoBot: Next call: L.
BingoBot: Next call: W.
LaZorra: bingo
iwpg: bingo
BingoBot: LaZorra calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Next call: S.
BingoBot: Next call: 9.
BingoBot: Next call: 5.
BingoBot: Next call: C.
Bryn: Bingo
Kysle: Bingo, bingo. My friend, Mr. Bingo
Zup: bingo
BingoBot: iwpg calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
Sam: Strange voting.
Kysle: Voting?
LaZorra: LOL, Sam.
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is U17P9. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Gharlane] Your BingoBot card is CEUIJ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is X93JI. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is UPYQ7. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is B9RVL. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is ZJ56G. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is S0G2D. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->vballgirl] Your BingoBot card is LRU4S. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is QR45W. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is DTY2R. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is YB8OT. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bryn] Your BingoBot card is A7ZOH. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Ticia] Your BingoBot card is 0DG5I. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is DF4Z6. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is YFHCD. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 30 seconds.
gremlinn: I would have won...yeah, you know the rest.
BingoBot: Next call: A.
BingoBot: Next call: U.
BingoBot: Next call: N.
BingoBot: Next call: R.
LaZorra: No wonder wk doesn't play BingoBot.
BingoBot: LaZorra calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: X.
BingoBot: Next call: Z.
BingoBot: Next call: 1.
BingoBot: Next call: L.
BingoBot: Next call: D.
BingoBot: Next call: G.
BingoBot: Next call: Q.
BingoBot: Next call: W.
BingoBot: Next call: C.
BingoBot: Next call: F.
BingoBot: Next call: H.
BingoBot: Next call: S.
LaZorra: OHHHH
BingoBot: Next call: Y.
BingoBot: Next call: O.
BingoBot: Next call: I.
BingoBot: Next call: 5.
LaZorra: CRAP
Kysle: Bingo!
Ticia: Ok, Joseph is back to sleep. Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Goodnight! BINGO
BingoBot: Kysle calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Ticia calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: 6.
BingoBot: Next call: K.
BingoBot: Next call: V.
BingoBot: Next call: J.
gremlinn: LZ: aww.
Sam: LaZ: LOL LOL LOL. Oh man, that was terrible.
BingoBot: Next call: M.
BingoBot: Next call: 7.
BingoBot: Next call: T.
BingoBot: Next call: 2.
vballgirl: bingo
Zup: bringo it on, bingo man
BingoBot: vballgirl calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: E.
BingoBot: Next call: 0.
BingoBot: Next call: B.
BingoBot: Next call: 8.
Randy: bingo
Bryn: Bingo
BingoBot: Randy calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Bryn calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Next call: 3.
BingoBot: Next call: P.
BingoBot: Next call: 9.
BingoBot: Next call: 4.
Kysle: Night!
Gharlane: Bingo, Bango, Bongo and Irving.
iwpg: bingo
ThePhan: bingo
Nyperold: And BingoBot was his name, oh!
BingoBot: Gharlane calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
LuckyWizard: bingo
Sam: A lot of good entries that time.
gremlinn: Hey Sam, did I tell you how BingoBot scored a point at BlitzBot recently?
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is G9CFZ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Gharlane] Your BingoBot card is 657EJ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is RKDW0. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is 0J1XQ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is D0KWY. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is 6X5BJ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is ARELD. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->vballgirl] Your BingoBot card is TJXM2. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is 2UST9. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is W53IP. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is E127Z. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bryn] Your BingoBot card is 48FGZ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is PD9MV. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is 6FV9H. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 30 seconds.
Sam: grem: NO! How'd that happen?
LuckyWizard: I like how three pointsless people straddle the people with points in the userlist.
gremlinn: He got a point for "car" on a question about things that Barbie has that other women are jealous of (something like that).
BingoBot: Next call: R.
BingoBot: Next call: W.
BingoBot: Next call: X.
BingoBot: Next call: P.
BingoBot: Next call: D.
BingoBot: Next call: 5.
BingoBot: Next call: A.
BingoBot: Next call: Z.
BingoBot: Next call: S.
BingoBot: Next call: M.
BingoBot: Next call: J.
BingoBot: Next call: H.
BingoBot: Next call: C.
BingoBot: Next call: T.
BingoBot: Next call: I.
BingoBot: Next call: L.
BingoBot: Next call: F.
BingoBot: Next call: Q.
BingoBot: Next call: N.
BingoBot: Next call: B.
Zup: Bing-o, bigno biong bingo!
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: K.
BingoBot: Next call: 6.
BingoBot: Next call: 3.
BingoBot: Next call: 2.
Sam: grem: That's fantastic.
BingoBot: Next call: 9.
BingoBot: Next call: G.
BingoBot: Next call: Y.
BingoBot: Next call: 1.
vballgirl: bingo
BingoBot: vballgirl calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next call: 4.
BingoBot: Next call: O.
BingoBot: Next call: U.
BingoBot: Next call: 8.
iwpg: bingo
Gharlane: Bingo, Bango, Bongo and Irving.
ThePhan: bingo
Kysle: BingO-so
Nyperold: Bingol
BingoBot: iwpg calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Gharlane calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: ThePhan calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
Bryn: Bingo
Sam: I liked mine, but oh well.
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is S3NXE. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Gharlane] Your BingoBot card is I85NR. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is 6P27N. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is FUGKM. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is G12W4. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is RWU46. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is XABV3. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->vballgirl] Your BingoBot card is MVRJW. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is P4UN7. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is EMH1F. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is FBN4G. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bryn] Your BingoBot card is E3JZV. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is 9V8RX. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is MYP39. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 30 seconds.
Randy: Yay Phan!
gremlinn: RinkWROKUnion46.
BingoBot: Next call: 3.
BingoBot: Next call: P.
BingoBot: Next call: 4.
BingoBot: Next call: G.
BingoBot: Next call: L.
BingoBot: Next call: S.
BingoBot: Next call: O.
BingoBot: Next call: W.
BingoBot: Next call: 1.
BingoBot: Next call: 2.
BingoBot: Next call: M.
BingoBot: Next call: J.
BingoBot: Next call: C.
BingoBot: Next call: 9.
BingoBot: Next call: F.
BingoBot: Next call: I.
LuckyWizard: bingo
BingoBot: LuckyWizard calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next call: 5.
BingoBot: Next call: B.
BingoBot: Next call: U.
BingoBot: Next call: E.
BingoBot: Next call: 0.
BingoBot: Next call: K.
BingoBot: Next call: D.
BingoBot: Next call: V.
Kysle: Bingo!
BingoBot: Kysle calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Next call: N.
BingoBot: Next call: 8.
BingoBot: Next call: Y.
BingoBot: Next call: H.
LaZorra: bingo
Zup: Pong? No! Ping? No! Bing? Bingo!
BingoBot: LaZorra calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: 6.
BingoBot: Next call: R.
BingoBot: Next call: A.
BingoBot: Next call: T.
Gharlane: Bingo, Bango, Bongo and Irving.
Nyperold: Cingo Bingo
BingoBot: Gharlane calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
vballgirl: bingo
Sam: Oh come on, mine was good!
LaZorra: Fiddlesticks!
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is JNM9C. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Gharlane] Your BingoBot card is FBCKE. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is 36LKY. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is IMGXV. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is GCK8A. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is DRQHL. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is I1M8E. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->vballgirl] Your BingoBot card is 5UCG0. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is GL9WS. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is FTK0X. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is M31H9. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bryn] Your BingoBot card is LXWUY. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is B231O. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is 9STAX. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 30 seconds.
Sam: LW: That was an incredibly early scorer. Nice.
gremlinn: Sam: WK needs some new complaints.
LaZorra: hehe
BingoBot: Next call: D.
BingoBot: Next call: 5.
BingoBot: Next call: Y.
BingoBot: Next call: L.
BingoBot: Next call: T.
BingoBot: Next call: C.
BingoBot: Next call: X.
BingoBot: Next call: A.
BingoBot: Next call: I.
BingoBot: Next call: 3.
BingoBot: Next call: 0.
BingoBot: Next call: O.
BingoBot: Next call: H.
BingoBot: Next call: Z.
BingoBot: Next call: 4.
BingoBot: Next call: N.
BingoBot: Next call: V.
BingoBot: Next call: W.
BingoBot: Next call: F.
BingoBot: Next call: G.
BingoBot: Next call: M.
BingoBot: Next call: 6.
BingoBot: Next call: 7.
BingoBot: Next call: R.
Bryn: Bingo was his name-oh
BingoBot: Bryn calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: 9.
BingoBot: Next call: S.
BingoBot: Next call: B.
BingoBot: Next call: Q.
BingoBot: Next call: 2.
BingoBot: Next call: J.
BingoBot: Next call: U.
BingoBot: Next call: 8.
Nyperold: Groucho, Zeppo, Harpo, and Bingo!
vballgirl: bingo
BingoBot: Nyperold calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: vballgirl calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next call: P.
BingoBot: Next call: K.
BingoBot: Next call: E.
BingoBot: Next call: 1.
iwpg: bingo
Zup: And "Bingo" was his name-o!
Randy: oingo Bingo
LaZorra: bingo
LuckyWizard: bingo
Gharlane: Bingo, Bango, Bongo and Irving.
BingoBot: iwpg calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Kysle calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
Sam: grem: Every once in a while, I add some. It's tough to think of them, though. If you have suggestions, memo me.
Sam: Aww man, I had a good one!
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is WCLX8. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Gharlane] Your BingoBot card is LFD2J. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is SIDJ0. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is WN0EI. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is B52HU. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is 1CP0Z. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is BOAG6. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->vballgirl] Your BingoBot card is EAOQ3. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is WC3MZ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is X19P0. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is Y1BGI. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bryn] Your BingoBot card is 1YRNW. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is 8CSLZ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is 24G5Z. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 30 seconds.
BingoBot: Next call: 9.
BingoBot: Next call: P.
BingoBot: Next call: I.
BingoBot: Next call: H.
Sam: Didn't we get EchoBot to play this one time?
BingoBot: Next call: 2.
BingoBot: Next call: Q.
BingoBot: Next call: T.
BingoBot: Next call: R.
BingoBot: Next call: 3.
BingoBot: Next call: J.
BingoBot: Next call: X.
BingoBot: Next call: K.
BingoBot: Next call: 8.
BingoBot: Next call: A.
BingoBot: Next call: W.
BingoBot: Next call: V.
Nyperold: Ready, set, Bingo!
BingoBot: Nyperold calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: C.
BingoBot: Next call: Z.
BingoBot: Next call: S.
BingoBot: Next call: F.
BingoBot: Next call: 7.
BingoBot: Next call: 0.
BingoBot: Next call: L.
BingoBot: Next call: U.
BingoBot: Next call: N.
BingoBot: Next call: 6.
BingoBot: Next call: M.
BingoBot: Next call: 1.
Kysle: Dino-Bingo!
iwpg: bingo
ThePhan: bingo
BingoBot: Kysle calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: iwpg calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: ThePhan calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Next call: E.
BingoBot: Next call: 5.
BingoBot: Next call: B.
BingoBot: Next call: Y.
gremlinn: Could be.
BingoBot: Next call: D.
BingoBot: Next call: G.
BingoBot: Next call: 4.
BingoBot: Next call: O.
Gharlane: Bingo, Bango, Bongo and Irving.
vballgirl: bingo
LuckyWizard: bingo
LaZorra: bingo
Zup: Buh-lingo, bingo!
Bryn: Bingo.
BingoBot: Gharlane calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
Sam: Tough one.
Sam: Gharlane is the master of getting the 1 pointers.
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is FZLN1. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Gharlane] Your BingoBot card is 5DXMP. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is V6KBZ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is NLHYP. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is Y4I0L. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is TG4EW. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is TR3XL. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->vballgirl] Your BingoBot card is B0JHZ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is YEIJZ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is PKQAM. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is N0LQD. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bryn] Your BingoBot card is U1FZH. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is H284P. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is W64QJ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 30 seconds.
gremlinn: He practices the free throw, I guess.
Gharlane: Sam: I just go for it; it's better than no points.
BingoBot: Next call: 7.
BingoBot: Next call: T.
BingoBot: Next call: 0.
BingoBot: Next call: H.
BingoBot: Next call: R.
BingoBot: Next call: K.
BingoBot: Next call: I.
BingoBot: Next call: 2.
BingoBot: Next call: F.
BingoBot: Next call: Z.
BingoBot: Next call: E.
BingoBot: Next call: Q.
BingoBot: Next call: D.
BingoBot: Next call: O.
BingoBot: Next call: 9.
BingoBot: Next call: S.
BingoBot: Next call: U.
BingoBot: Next call: X.
BingoBot: Next call: L.
BingoBot: Next call: G.
gremlinn: Yeah, you need to get in before the deluge when you feel it's time.
Nyperold: Bingo Crosby!
Kysle: Bingo!
BingoBot: Nyperold calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Kysle calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: 5.
BingoBot: Next call: V.
BingoBot: Next call: M.
BingoBot: Next call: N.
LaZorra: bingo
vballgirl: bingo
BingoBot: LaZorra calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: vballgirl calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: P.
BingoBot: Next call: 6.
BingoBot: Next call: J.
BingoBot: Next call: 8.
BingoBot: Next call: C.
BingoBot: Next call: A.
BingoBot: Next call: Y.
BingoBot: Next call: 3.
BingoBot: Next call: 1.
BingoBot: Next call: 4.
BingoBot: Next call: W.
BingoBot: Next call: B.
Randy: bingo here
ThePhan: bingo
LuckyWizard: bingo
iwpg: bingo
Bryn: bingo ognib
BingoBot: Randy calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: ThePhan calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: LuckyWizard calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
Gharlane: Bingo, Bango, Bongo and Irving.
Sam: Aww, I had a good one, but I ran out of time.
Zup: Jinjo, Ninjin, BINGO!
Sam: BingoBot: I rate you a 1.
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is NKGXH. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Gharlane] Your BingoBot card is XON7V. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is KOG01. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is 850EB. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is NHS5T. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is EV9SK. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is YPCL5. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->vballgirl] Your BingoBot card is 6NWUV. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is PFZ3M. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is DQGLR. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is 75ASC. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bryn] Your BingoBot card is HOF3Z. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is 2ZLVX. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is 4IUCA. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 30 seconds.
Gharlane: I didn't have bingo, but hit the post key anyhow, heh.
gremlinn: Zup: ???, carrot, bingo.
BingoBot: Next call: N.
BingoBot: Next call: 5.
BingoBot: Next call: Z.
BingoBot: Next call: J.
BingoBot: Next call: 2.
BingoBot: Next call: L.
BingoBot: Next call: F.
BingoBot: Next call: Y.
BingoBot: Next call: P.
BingoBot: Next call: Q.
BingoBot: Next call: E.
BingoBot: Next call: A.
BingoBot: Next call: R.
BingoBot: Next call: D.
BingoBot: Next call: G.
BingoBot: Next call: C.
Randy: bingo
BingoBot: Randy calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next call: H.
BingoBot: Next call: T.
BingoBot: Next call: U.
BingoBot: Next call: 4.
BingoBot: Next call: V.
BingoBot: Next call: I.
BingoBot: Next call: 9.
BingoBot: Next call: X.
Bryn: Bingo!!!!!!111
LaZorra: bingo
Nyperold: Sam LaBingo!
BingoBot: Bryn calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: LaZorra calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: 3.
BingoBot: Next call: 1.
BingoBot: Next call: B.
BingoBot: Next call: O.
BingoBot: Nyperold calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Next call: S.
BingoBot: Next call: W.
BingoBot: Next call: 0.
BingoBot: Next call: M.
BingoBot: Next call: 6.
BingoBot: Next call: 8.
BingoBot: Next call: 7.
BingoBot: Next call: K.
ThePhan: bingo
vballgirl: bingo
LuckyWizard: bingo
Gharlane: Bingo, bingo Housie housie!
Kysle: Bingo Bus Driver!
iwpg: bingo
BingoBot: ThePhan calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
Zup: Wastashi no bingo ga dai suki desu!
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is EZF60. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Gharlane] Your BingoBot card is 8S7TZ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is F2XMP. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is 912KF. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is GM94Q. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is Q8C3P. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is 25R0V. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->vballgirl] Your BingoBot card is 9WP6E. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is B98IC. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is UVLH1. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is W1XRZ. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bryn] Your BingoBot card is H7T28. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is 1ILUO. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is 39NFX. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 30 seconds.
Sam: Any round now could be the last.
LaZorra: I remember when BingoBot was new and exciting, heh.
Zup: Grem: I don't know about Jinjo. I threw that in there.
gremlinn: I know "junjou" which means naive, I think.
BingoBot: Next call: X.
BingoBot: Next call: B.
BingoBot: Next call: 8.
BingoBot: Next call: E.
BingoBot: Next call: F.
BingoBot: Next call: C.
BingoBot: Next call: Z.
BingoBot: Next call: S.
BingoBot: Next call: Q.
BingoBot: Next call: W.
BingoBot: Next call: 5.
BingoBot: Next call: L.
BingoBot: Next call: R.
BingoBot: Next call: A.
BingoBot: Next call: 4.
BingoBot: Next call: I.
BingoBot: Next call: 6.
BingoBot: Next call: M.
BingoBot: Next call: T.
BingoBot: Next call: Y.
Zup: \bingo
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: N.
BingoBot: Next call: 0.
BingoBot: Next call: 1.
BingoBot: Next call: 3.
BingoBot: Next call: D.
BingoBot: Next call: J.
BingoBot: Next call: 7.
BingoBot: Next call: O.
LaZorra: bingo
iwpg: bingo
Randy: bingo
BingoBot: LaZorra calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: iwpg calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Next call: 2.
BingoBot: Next call: U.
BingoBot: Next call: G.
BingoBot: Next call: H.
Kysle: Calling all Bingos. Calling all Bingos. Is there a Mr. Bingo in the House? BINGOOO Oh. BINGOoo?
Bryn: Bingo!
Gharlane: Bingo, bingo Housie housie!
Nyperold: ogniBingo
BingoBot: Randy calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Kysle calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Bryn calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Next call: P.
BingoBot: Next call: 9.
BingoBot: Next call: V.
BingoBot: Next call: K.
vballgirl: bingo
LuckyWizard: bingo
ThePhan: bingo
BingoBot: Gharlane calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is 08G6X. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Gharlane] Your BingoBot card is Q9US2. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is 7JQ1X. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is QCZ64. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is 4ZU3L. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is DSVT9. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is C3KOP. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->vballgirl] Your BingoBot card is KUI8A. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is RBTCV. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is YHJPG. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is V71A4. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bryn] Your BingoBot card is A6WUC. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is X3JF5. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is WOP68. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 30 seconds.
BingoBot: Next call: T.
BingoBot: Next call: U.
BingoBot: Next call: 7.
BingoBot: Next call: E.
BingoBot: Next call: D.
BingoBot: Next call: I.
BingoBot: Next call: 3.
BingoBot: Next call: S.
Sam: Ranto, Finch, Bobo, Jub, and Bingo!
BingoBot: Sam calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: Q.
BingoBot: Next call: B.
BingoBot: Next call: J.
BingoBot: Next call: H.
Nyperold: bingo
BingoBot: Nyperold calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: A.
BingoBot: Next call: Y.
BingoBot: Next call: L.
BingoBot: Next call: X.
BingoBot: Next call: 4.
BingoBot: Next call: 0.
BingoBot: Next call: 9.
BingoBot: Next call: 8.
Zup: Chandler Bingo...darn, I watch too much television.
BingoBot: Zup calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: 1.
BingoBot: Next call: 2.
BingoBot: Next call: 5.
LaZorra: bingo
BingoBot: Next call: N.
Gharlane: Bingo, bingo Housie housie!
Kysle: Bingo Night!
BingoBot: LaZorra calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Gharlane calls Bingo and wins 2 points!
BingoBot: Kysle calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: 6.
BingoBot: Next call: O.
BingoBot: Next call: C.
BingoBot: Next call: M.
BingoBot: Next call: V.
BingoBot: Next call: F.
BingoBot: Next call: R.
BingoBot: Next call: K.
Randy: bingo
Bryn: Bingo bling!
BingoBot: Randy calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Bryn calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: P.
BingoBot: Next call: Z.
BingoBot: Next call: G.
BingoBot: Next call: W.
ThePhan: bingo
vballgirl: bingo
LuckyWizard: bingo
iwpg: bingo
BingoBot: ThePhan calls Bingo and wins 1 point!
BingoBot: ...And that's the end of the round.
[BingoBot->iwpg] Your BingoBot card is AI9QY. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Gharlane] Your BingoBot card is O4BN9. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LaZorra] Your BingoBot card is BFVLK. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Kysle] Your BingoBot card is F8VI6. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->LuckyWizard] Your BingoBot card is HN8QU. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->gremlinn] Your BingoBot card is T2XR7. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Randy] Your BingoBot card is YEZ7X. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->vballgirl] Your BingoBot card is JV0DA. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->ThePhan] Your BingoBot card is UDACM. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Nyperold] Your BingoBot card is 2H4XV. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Sam] Your BingoBot card is SFBIP. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bryn] Your BingoBot card is 9MHEC. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Zup] Your BingoBot card is 375DK. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
[BingoBot->Bots] Your BingoBot card is UWPDE. This card should appear in your label when the user list refreshes. Good luck!
BingoBot: Cards have been assigned. The next round starts in 30 seconds.
BingoBot: Next call: G.
BingoBot: Next call: Y.
BingoBot: Next call: 4.
BingoBot: Next call: C.
BingoBot: Next call: 1.
BingoBot: Next call: B.
BingoBot: Next call: W.
BingoBot: Next call: 8.
BingoBot: Next call: 0.
BingoBot: Next call: N.
BingoBot: Next call: 6.
BingoBot: Next call: F.
Gabe has entered.
BingoBot: Next call: I.
BingoBot: Next call: K.
BingoBot: Next call: 9.
BingoBot: Next call: A.
Kysle: Bingo!
Gharlane: Bingo, bingo Housie housie!
BingoBot: Kysle calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Gharlane calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: Z.
BingoBot: Next call: M.
BingoBot: Next call: D.
BingoBot: Next call: X.
gremlinn: gabingo
BingoBot: gremlinn calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: 3.
BingoBot: Next call: T.
BingoBot: Next call: 2.
BingoBot: Next call: 7.
BingoBot: Next call: J.
LaZorra: bingo
BingoBot: Next call: 5.
BingoBot: Next call: P.
BingoBot: Next call: R.
Bryn: Just plain bingo.
BingoBot: LaZorra calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Bryn calls Bingo too soon and is out!
BingoBot: Next call: U.
BingoBot: Next call: E.
BingoBot: Next call: Q.
BingoBot: Next call: L.
Randy: bingo
BingoBot: Randy calls Bingo and wins 3 points!
BingoBot: Randy wins!
Zup: Bingo ga suki desu ka. Hai, soo desu. Watashi mo suki desu!
iwpg: bingo
vballgirl: bingo
Nyperold: Vincent Bingo?
Randy: woah
gremlinn: Zup: talking to yourself?
Bryn: Nice one, Randy.
ThePhan: Whoa, I forgot we were playing to 15. Heh.
Zup: Grem: apparently.
iwpg: Randy: nice. I was so close. :'-(
Sam: And session 4 is over! Scores shortly, transcript tomorrow.
Randy: Me too!
gremlinn: Suki ja arimasen ka.
Kysle: Nice, Randy!
Zup: I got 8. :(
ThePhan: Good job, Randy!
Randy: Thanks!
Bryn: I'm happy with 7.
Gharlane: Bryn: That gets doubled. :)
vballgirl: Good job Randy!
Bryn: Wait - I'm much happier with 14. :-D
Zup: Grem: Soo desu ka? Amari bingo o shimasu.
Gharlane: Randy teh bingomaster!
Randy: Wow. I've now won 2 bot games. I am just as surprised as you.
Zup: Good Bingood job, Randy. That's two bots you've won!
gremlinn: Zup: I think you just use "amari" with a negative.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=2
Bryn: I've played in two bot games...
Zup: Grem: True! Amari bingo o shimasen.
vballgirl: Hey iwpg, I think we'd have gotten the one and two points if Randy hadn't won...
Zup: Grem: I'm still learning quite a bit (and make many mistakes, especially speaking.)
Sam: Note: The Speed Class is complete now. ThePhan is the unequivocal winner of the Speed Class, with Randy and iwpg splitting the runner-up spot.
Gabe: Congrats, Phan
Bryn: 4 places up.
Randy: Congrats, Phan!
Bryn: Yay, ThePhan!
gremlinn: Yeah, it's tougher speaking because you can't go back and correct yourself before it's too late.
Zup: Woohoo TP!
Gabe is away.
ThePhan: Whee. Yay to Randy and iwpg as well.
gremlinn: And the "ka" at the end of my last sentence changed it completely, from "I don't like it" to "Don't you like it?"
Zup: Grem: I'm totally missing these things! Ah!
iwpg: Woo for teh PhanX0r.
Randy: LZ: One point separates us.
* LaZorra growls.
LaZorra: MY point. MINE.
Randy: eep
Bryn: Heheh.
LaZorra: LOL
Bryn: Anyway, I'd better go. Good game, everyone. See you all later!
BingoBot has been dismissed by Sam.
FAQBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Sam: Let's try out Jumble.
Sam: Anybody that wants to try JumbleBot out, follow me.
Sam has left.
Zup: What's jumble?
gremlinn has left.
vballgirl has left.
Randy has left.
LaZorra has left.
Zup has left.
Nyperold has left.
Kysle has left.
Gharlane has left.