Ultimate Bot Tournament #2: Session 3
Randy: I think its funny how Sam forgets what bots we're doing.
Crystal109: Match, something, and Stack, right?
flyingcats: Snag. Yep.
Crystal109: Heh Snag's gonna be fun.
Randy: I believe ThePhan will kill us on Snag.
Crystal109: There's no doubt about that one.
Sam: Welcome to session 3!
Sam is away.
Sam: (back in an hour)
Sam: Ha, I'm just kidding.
MatchBot has been summoned by Sam.
FAQBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: Read the rules if you need to. Game begins in 3 minutes.
Sam: You need to be /back to play.
Kysle: OK. So we can only dump entire hands?
Sam: Correct. And only on rounds where you don't submit anything else.
Sam: So if you submit a match first, you can't dump that hand.
Sam: This is the major difference between MatchBot and PicMatchBot.
DemanusFlint: I'm playing this one for Scruffy.
gremlinn: Nuh-uh. I called it first.
DemanusFlint: Do you want to combine our points and donate them to Scruffy?
gremlinn: Sure.
Sam: 'fraid I have to veto that idea.
Sam: Any points you make are yours to keep.
Sam: You may, however, donate up to 0 of your points to any player of your choice. You only keep the positive or negative points.
gremlinn: I want to donate -50 points to ThePhan.
DemanusFlint: Oh, I forgot I hate this bot.
iwpg: pick 1
Crystal109: Heh.
MatchBot: iwpg chose the adjective clumsy for this round. (1/8 submissions accepted.)
iwpg: match 5
Kysle: match 1
LaZorra: match 4
ThePhan: match 1
DemanusFlint: match 6
Randy: match 2
Kysle: match 5
Crystal109: match 7
MatchBot: Now vote for the noun that best fits the adjective clumsy. (You can't vote for yourself.)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for Emily Dickinson.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for flyingcats's mind.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for drunkards.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for King Kong.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for death.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for skydiving.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for the Supreme Court.
ThePhan: vote 3
DemanusFlint: match 3
iwpg: vote 3
DemanusFlint: vote 3
Randy: vote 3
Crystal109: vote 3
Sam: vote 4
Kysle: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 7
gremlinn: vote 3
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 7 points for drunkards.
MatchBot: iwpg wins 1 point for the Supreme Court.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for King Kong.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for death.
MatchBot: DemanusFlint wins 0 points for skydiving.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Emily Dickinson.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for flyingcats's mind.
Crystal109: Nice on, LaZ.
gremlinn: Good start there.
Crystal109: one*
LaZorra: Thanks!
Randy: yeah
LaZorra: That, ladies and gentlemen, is probably the most points I will win all evening. :-p
Randy: pick 1
MatchBot: Randy chose the adjective obnoxious for this round. (2/11 submissions accepted.)
Crystal109: vote 3
iwpg: match 1
Randy: match 2
LaZorra: match 7
Crystal109: vote 1
Kysle: match 6
Crystal109: match 1
iwpg: match 6
Crystal109: match 3
LaZorra: match 6
ThePhan: match 7
Kysle: match 1
ThePhan: match 5
MatchBot: Now vote for the noun that best fits the adjective obnoxious. (You can't vote for yourself.)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for pagers.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for playing footsie.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for jaywalking.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for Kysle's bathroom.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for listening to MatchBot.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for poisonous secretions.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for the World Series.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for little sisters.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for ticks.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for Sandra Bullock.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for hitting Crystal109.
iwpg: vote 8
gremlinn: vote 8
flyingcats: vote 9
Crystal109: Huh.
Sam: vote 9
LaZorra: vote 3
Sam: HM1
Kysle: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 9
Randy: vote 9
Crystal109: vote 3
MatchBot: iwpg wins 4 points for ticks.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 2 points for jaywalking.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for little sisters.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for pagers.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for the World Series.
MatchBot: iwpg wins 0 points for listening to MatchBot.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Sandra Bullock.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for Kysle's bathroom.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for playing footsie.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for poisonous secretions.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for hitting Crystal109.
Crystal109: Thanks, TP. =)
gremlinn: For hitting you?
Crystal109: Incidentally, I am a little sister, as well.
ThePhan: Heh.
Crystal109: Yeah.
flyingcats: pick 1
MatchBot: flyingcats chose the adjective uninhibited for this round. (2/11 submissions accepted.)
ThePhan: I have three little sisters. They're not always obnoxious, though. :-)
Randy: match 1
iwpg: match 6
LaZorra: match 7
ThePhan: match 1
Kysle: match 2
iwpg: match 2
Randy: match 4
LaZorra: match 5
Crystal109: match 3
Kysle: match 4
ThePhan: match 2
Crystal109: match 5
TalkingDog has left.
MatchBot: Now vote for the noun that best fits the adjective uninhibited. (You can't vote for yourself.)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for moon buggies.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for the 1920s.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for random acts of violence.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for despair.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for rodeos.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for July 4th.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for fairies.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for family vacations.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for hummingbirds.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for bad movies.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for skinny dipping.
iwpg: vote 7
LaZorra: vote 11
ThePhan: vote 2
gremlinn: vote 1
Kysle: vote 9
Crystal109: vote 3
flyingcats: vote 2
Randy: vote 11
ThePhan: vote 11
Sam: vote 11
MatchBot: iwpg wins 4 points for skinny dipping.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for the 1920s.
MatchBot: iwpg wins 1 point for random acts of violence.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 1 point for moon buggies.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for fairies.
MatchBot: Randy wins 1 point for hummingbirds.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for despair.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for bad movies.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for July 4th.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for family vacations.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for rodeos.
Sam: It's a different game without WhizKid to complain that his answer of "grandfather clocks" didn't score.
Randy: hehe
ThePhan: Heh.
LaZorra: pick 3
MatchBot: LaZorra chose the adjective tedious for this round. (2/11 submissions accepted.)
gremlinn: Alas.
LaZorra: match 1
Crystal109: match 4
Kysle: match 7
ThePhan: match 2
Randy: match 2
Kysle: match 2
iwpg: match 5
Crystal109: match 1
iwpg: match 7
LaZorra: match 7
Randy: match 6
ThePhan: match 7
flyingcats: match 3
gremlinn: "gremlinn" better be in there.
Sam: You're not tedious.
LaZorra: You aren't tedious. :-p
MatchBot: Now vote for the noun that best fits the adjective tedious. (You can't vote for yourself.)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for the Tooth Fairy.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for sour grapes.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for road construction.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for forest fires.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for the Three Tenors.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for patience.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for the Grim Reaper.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for Charles Dickens.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for tailgating.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for left-wing politics.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for pepper.
Sam: Meticulous.
ThePhan: vote 8
Sam: Studious.
iwpg: vote 10
flyingcats: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 3
Crystal109: vote 8
Kysle: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 3
Randy: vote 10
Sam: vote 6
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 4 points for road construction.
MatchBot: iwpg wins 2 points for Charles Dickens.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 2 points for left-wing politics.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for patience.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for forest fires.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for pepper.
MatchBot: iwpg wins 0 points for sour grapes.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for the Tooth Fairy.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for the Grim Reaper.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for tailgating.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for the Three Tenors.
* LaZorra is admittedly a lit geek, though.
gremlinn: I don't know; I've never been able to get 10 pages through one of his works.
Randy: hehe
ThePhan: I love Charles Dickens' actual plots, I just get bored reading his books. Heh.
* Crystal109 is a lit geek, but she doesn't like Dickens very much.
Kysle: pick 1
Crystal109: Yeah, the books themselves are boring.
MatchBot: Kysle chose the adjective tall for this round. (2/11 submissions accepted.)
Kysle: match 2
LaZorra: match 6
Randy: match 7
flyingcats: match 6
Kysle: match 7
flyingcats: match 2
ThePhan: match 1
Crystal109: match 7
Randy: match 2
ThePhan: match 6
Crystal109: match 2
LaZorra: match 1
iwpg: match 7
iwpg: match 3
iwpg: AAAHH too slow. I had a good one. :-(
Randy: I enjoyed Great Expectations.
MatchBot: Now vote for the noun that best fits the adjective tall. (You can't vote for yourself.)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for Clint Eastwood.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for bellows.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for Gandalf.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for lumberjacks.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for jaywalkers.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for Jesse James.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for coaches.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for fathers.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for the Statue of Liberty.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for space heaters.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for helicopters.
gremlinn: vote 9
ThePhan: vote 9
iwpg: vote 9
Sam: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 9
Randy: vote 3
Kysle: vote 3
Crystal109: vote 11
flyingcats: vote 9
MatchBot: Kysle wins 5 points for the Statue of Liberty.
MatchBot: flyingcats wins 3 points for Gandalf.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for helicopters.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for jaywalkers.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for space heaters.
MatchBot: flyingcats wins 0 points for Jesse James.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for fathers.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for lumberjacks.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for Clint Eastwood.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for bellows.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for coaches.
Sam: No fair! My browser lagged!
LaZorra: I was thinking of Paul Bunyan with lumberjacks, heh.
LaZorra: Sam: 
gremlinn: Kysle: yours was funny.
LaZorra: Sam: You are fat.
Crystal109: Sam: I think I'm definitely using that excuse at SnagBot.
Kysle: grem: It was?
Sam: LaZorra: suck a sword!
Kysle: Or the 'fathers' one?
gremlinn: Kysle: evacuate any briefcases!
ThePhan: pick 3
MatchBot: ThePhan chose the adjective clever for this round. (2/11 submissions accepted.)
LaZorra: Sam: Go eat yourself!
Randy: match 4
ThePhan: match 6
Crystal109: match 2
Kysle: match 5
iwpg: match 5
LaZorra: match 6
Crystal109: match 4
Randy: match 7
iwpg: match 6
ThePhan: match 7
Kysle: match 7
flyingcats: match 3
LaZorra: match 5
Sam: LaZorra: Yeah, like you even know how to exsanguinate gremlinn's janitors.
Kysle: grem: I can't just do any! There are privacy rules, you know.
Randy: This transcript will rule.
MatchBot: Now vote for the noun that best fits the adjective clever. (You can't vote for yourself.)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for Joan of Arc.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for classic literature.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for thumbs.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for Jackie Chan.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for Steven Spielberg.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for James Bond.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for Sigmund Freud.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for chat rooms.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for Bruce Lee.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for treasure hunts.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for the Renaissance.
ThePhan: vote 10
Sam: vote 2
iwpg: vote 6
Randy: vote 11
gremlinn: vote 6
LaZorra: Sam: I love it when you're oblique!
Kysle: vote 7
Crystal109: vote 6
LaZorra: vote 11
flyingcats: vote 3
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for James Bond.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 2 points for the Renaissance.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for thumbs.
MatchBot: iwpg wins 1 point for treasure hunts.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 1 point for classic literature.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for Sigmund Freud.
MatchBot: iwpg wins 0 points for Steven Spielberg.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Bruce Lee.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for Joan of Arc.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for chat rooms.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Jackie Chan.
Sam: This game hurts my head.
gremlinn: I hate this bot.
Sam: LaZorra: In my dreams, you are more deceased.
Kysle: TP: What made you put Jackie Chan?
Crystal109: pick 2
MatchBot: Crystal109 chose the adjective anxious for this round. (2/11 submissions accepted.)
Crystal109: match 6
Kysle: match 7
Randy: match 4
Crystal109: match 7
LaZorra: match 1
ThePhan: Kysle: Heh. You never know what will get you points.
Kysle: match 4
LaZorra: match 4
Randy: match 5
ThePhan: match 3
ThePhan: match 2
Crystal109: Oh, wait. Wrong one.
Crystal109: I matched the wrong number, darnit. Oh, well.
MatchBot: Now vote for the noun that best fits the adjective anxious. (You can't vote for yourself.)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for flyingcats leaving chat.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for the attack on Pearl Harbor.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for choir boys.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for swans.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for Medieval times.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for all-nighters.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for paying bills.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for touching Sam.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for gangsters.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for luck.
Sam: Sometimes, with an adjective like "clever," you just have to play whatever sentient noun you have to play.
gremlinn: vote 6
Crystal109: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 2
LaZorra: Sam: Give me flyingcats's molehills!
Kysle: vote 5
Randy: vote 7
iwpg: vote 9
LaZorra: vote 7
Sam: vote 7
flyingcats: vote 7
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 4 points for paying bills.
MatchBot: Randy wins 2 points for all-nighters.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 1 point for the attack on Pearl Harbor.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for Medieval times.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for gangsters.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for touching Sam.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for choir boys.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for flyingcats leaving chat.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for luck.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for swans.
Sam: This bot is almost as cool as me.
Crystal109: pick 2
gremlinn: Sam: even though it hurts your head?
MatchBot: Crystal109 chose the adjective remarkable for this round. (2/11 submissions accepted.)
Crystal109: match 6
Kysle: match 5
flyingcats: match 1
LaZorra: match 3
Crystal109: match 3
iwpg: match 5
Randy: match 7
ThePhan: match 2
Sam: LaZorra: Why are you sporty!
Kysle: match 2
LaZorra: match 4
Randy: match 4
ThePhan: match 7
MatchBot: Now vote for the noun that best fits the adjective remarkable. (You can't vote for yourself.)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for fantasies.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for magic wands.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for Socrates.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for Sam's attitude.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for the Moon.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for mutant radioactive beasts.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for disembodied heads.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for the North Pole.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for kittens.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for Atlantis.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for Superman.
iwpg: vote 9
LaZorra: Sam: flirt!
ThePhan: vote 2
Sam: gremlinn: Befuddle eleven grenades!
flyingcats: vote 6
iwpg: LOL
gremlinn: vote 11
Randy: vote 10
Crystal109: vote 6
* ThePhan read number 6 as "mutant radioactive breasts."
Kysle: vote 11
Sam: vote 1
ThePhan: Whoops.
LaZorra: vote 4
MatchBot: iwpg wins 2 points for mutant radioactive beasts.
MatchBot: Randy wins 2 points for Superman.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for Sam's attitude.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for fantasies.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for magic wands.
MatchBot: Randy wins 1 point for kittens.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Atlantis.
MatchBot: flyingcats wins 0 points for the Moon.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for disembodied heads.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for the North Pole.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for Socrates.
* Randy did too.
gremlinn: TP: you're not the first.
iwpg: TP: I think I've done that before.
Crystal109: Heh. That'd be definitely remarkable.
ThePhan: I nearly voted for it because of that. Heh.
Sam: Fiddlesticks!
Ticia has entered.
iwpg: pick 2
MatchBot: iwpg chose the adjective closed for this round. (1/8 submissions accepted.)
Randy: Ticia!
Ticia: Hello!
Kysle: match 6
iwpg: match 7
Randy: match 2
LaZorra: match 4
Crystal109: match 6
Ticia: pick 1
Randy: match 6
Kysle: mtach 4
Sam: LaZorra's.
Ticia: match 1
Crystal109: match 7
Crystal109: match 6
Sam: Tambourines!
MatchBot: Now vote for the noun that best fits the adjective closed. (You can't vote for yourself.)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for psychologists.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for the Holocaust.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for wine tasting.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for manacles.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for tree houses.
* Crystal109 didn't notice the 1/8 submissions until too late.
ThePhan: Hey, no fair! My browser lagged! (For real, though. I missed entering anything that round. Ah well.)
LaZorra: Sam: you are gooey!
iwpg: vote 5
gremlinn: vote 4
Crystal109: vote 2
Kysle: vote 4
Sam: vote 4
Ticia: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 4
Randy: vote 5
Sam: Ok, how were there only 5 submissions??
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 6 points for manacles.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 2 points for tree houses.
MatchBot: Randy wins 1 point for the Holocaust.
MatchBot: iwpg wins 0 points for psychologists.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for wine tasting.
Ticia: I didn't get any cards that round, so I know mine was in vain.
LaZorra: I would have won if I had put something better.
Crystal109: That's really strange.
Sam: Must...kill...Crystal109.
Sam: LaZorra: You should be more like your spork!
* Crystal109 doesn't mind, though. Heh.
LaZorra: pick 3
LaZorra: match 7
MatchBot: LaZorra chose the adjective smelly for this round. (1/8 submissions accepted.)
LaZorra: match 7
flyingcats: match 7
Ticia: match 7
Randy: match 3
ThePhan: match 1
Kysle: match 6
Crystal109: match 1
iwpg: match 7
Ticia: Wow, lots of 7s this round.
Sam: Controversially.
gremlinn: Ticia: I rate you a 7.
Sam: Ti: It's a cute one.
Ticia: LOL
LaZorra: Sam: In my dreams, you are more aquamarine!
Ticia: You two are like twins!
MatchBot: Now vote for the noun that best fits the adjective smelly. (You can't vote for yourself.)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for roadkill.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for skulls.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for long underwear.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for belly buttons.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for sarcasm.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for sisters.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for iwpg's bedroom.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for Cary Grant.
Crystal109: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 1
Ticia: vote 1
Sam: LaZorra: subjugate one model!
iwpg: vote 1
Kysle: vote 1
Randy: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 1
LaZorra: vote 4
flyingcats: vote 4
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 6 points for roadkill.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for belly buttons.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for skulls.
MatchBot: flyingcats wins 0 points for iwpg's bedroom.
MatchBot: iwpg wins 0 points for sisters.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Cary Grant.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for sarcasm.
MatchBot: Ticia wins 0 points for long underwear.
Crystal109: Nice, LaZ.
LaZorra: Sam: telescoping!
Sam: Can't catch a break with this thing.
LaZorra: Thanks. :-)
gremlinn: No fair! My browser lagged!
Sam: LaZorra: Let's share either gown!
LaZorra: Sam: Be more like DemanusFlint!
DemanusFlint: :)
Sam: LaZorra: replicate blubber.
MatchBot: MatchBot chose the adjective limber for this round. (1/8 submissions accepted.)
ThePhan: pick 2
Ticia: match 7
Kysle: match 5
LaZorra: match 5
Crystal109: match 2
flyingcats: match 7
Randy: match 3
iwpg: dump
ThePhan: match 5
LaZorra: Sam: Give me either tortoise!
Sam: LaZorra: I've always wanted to betroth yourself!
MatchBot: Now vote for the noun that best fits the adjective limber. (You can't vote for yourself.)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for George Washington.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for skiing.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for hockey.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for ThePhan's hands.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for construction workers.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for gondolas.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for Harry Potter.
Sam: vote 4
gremlinn: vote 5
Ticia: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 2
Kysle: vote 5
Crystal109: vote 3
Randy: vote 2
DemanusFlint: 5, I get it.
iwpg: vote 4
flyingcats: vote 4
gremlinn: It works even without that.
MatchBot: Ticia wins 4 points for ThePhan's hands.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 2 points for construction workers.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for skiing.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 1 point for Harry Potter.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for hockey.
MatchBot: flyingcats wins 0 points for George Washington.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for gondolas.
Sam: A lot of good entries that time.
Kysle: Waste of Harry Potter, I should've waited
gremlinn: Strange voting.
Randy: Mine sucked
Sam: Pimples!
LaZorra: Sam: you are grumpy!
Sam: LaZorra: I dream I can diet.
gremlinn: Sam: it's hard to rock.
flyingcats: pick 3
MatchBot: flyingcats chose the adjective shiny for this round. (1/8 submissions accepted.)
Crystal109: We don't even need WhizKid in here anymore.
Sam: gremlinn: bandage two salads!
Ticia: match 6
ThePhan: match 4
iwpg: match 3
Kysle: match 4
flyingcats: match 4
LaZorra: match 1
Crystal109: match 5
Randy: match 2
LaZorra: Sam: conjugate owls!
Kysle: WK does sound comprehensible, though, sometimes.
gremlinn: I want to see WhizKid the Movie.
MatchBot: Now vote for the noun that best fits the adjective shiny. (You can't vote for yourself.)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for treasure chests.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for ink.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for the Titanic.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for washboards.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for swords.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for windmills.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for jackhammers.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for mirrors.
iwpg: vote 8
Crystal109: vote 8
LaZorra: vote 8
Randy: vote 5
Ticia: vote 5
gremlinn: vote 5
Kysle: vote 8
Sam: LaZorra: One time I saw you ingest nine seashells.
gremlinn: Just imagine WhizKid trying to manage everyday life, talking like he does.
flyingcats: vote 8
Sam: vote 5
Crystal109: Just imagine other people trying to work with him.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 5 points for mirrors.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 4 points for swords.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for jackhammers.
MatchBot: flyingcats wins 0 points for the Titanic.
MatchBot: iwpg wins 0 points for ink.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for windmills.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for washboards.
MatchBot: Ticia wins 0 points for treasure chests.
MatchBot: ThePhan loses a point for submitting and not voting.
LaZorra: Sam: You are fruity.
Randy: He's get hit. By girls. A lot.
gremlinn: He'd be the boss of his own company.
Sam: LaZorra: You look like your refrigerator.
Randy: *He'd
gremlinn: No one would notice the difference between him and the rest of the managers.
Crystal109: Hahaha.
LaZorra: Sam: Give me gremlinn's electricians!
Ticia: pick 1
Sam: LaZorra: Together, we could whip your log!
MatchBot: Ticia chose the adjective geeky for this round. (2/11 submissions accepted.)
Ticia: match 5
Crystal109: match 6
Kysle: match 2
Randy: match 2
Crystal109: match 4
LaZorra: match 7
iwpg: match 6
Kysle: match 3
iwpg: match 1
Ticia: match 2
Randy: match 1
Crystal109: This is depressing. Only 10 people in here now.
MatchBot: Now vote for the noun that best fits the adjective geeky. (You can't vote for yourself.)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for trimming toenails.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for almonds.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for hypnosis.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for gremlinn's dreams.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for telemarketers.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for figure skating.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for salesmen.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for Spiderman.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for the Pyramids.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for goblins.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for jelly beans.
ThePhan: I HATE MY COMPUTER. But I'm back.
LaZorra: Sam: One time, I licked iwpg's dresser.
LaZorra: vote 4
Kysle: vote 4
Ticia: vote 8
iwpg: vote 4
Sam: LaZorra: I can loan you your birthmark!
Crystal109: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 8
Randy: vote 8
ThePhan: vote 8
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 4 points for Spiderman.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 3 points for gremlinn's dreams.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 1 point for hypnosis.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for salesmen.
MatchBot: iwpg wins 0 points for goblins.
MatchBot: iwpg wins 0 points for telemarketers.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for almonds.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for jelly beans.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for the Pyramids.
MatchBot: Ticia wins 0 points for figure skating.
MatchBot: Ticia wins 0 points for trimming toenails.
Sam: vote 8
gremlinn: My dreams are actually pretty mundane.
Sam: You people are weird.
Crystal109: Grem: Sorry about that.
LaZorra: Sam: You smell like gremlinn's dreams!
Crystal109: You know, if you think your dreams aren't geeky.
Sam: LaZorra: You should sequester your fan.
gremlinn: Actually, most of the time I forget them by the time I wake up.
Kysle: pick 3
MatchBot: Kysle chose the adjective natural for this round. (2/11 submissions accepted.)
Kysle: match 4
ThePhan: match 3
Crystal109: match 7
LaZorra: match 7
Kysle: match 6
ThePhan: match 1
Crystal109: match 2
Randy: match 6
iwpg: match 7
Ticia: match 6
Randy: match 7
iwpg: match 3
Ticia: match 2
LaZorra: Sam: dirt!
Sam: LaZorra: I can hum.
MatchBot: Now vote for the noun that best fits the adjective natural. (You can't vote for yourself.)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for family values.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for climbing trees.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for stomach aches.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for kazoos.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for the sense of taste.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for fingernails.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for jungles.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for methane gas.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for tragedies.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for pond scum.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for sound.
Sam: Bellyaches.
ThePhan: vote 11
LaZorra: Sam: In my dreams, you are more ecstatic.
iwpg: vote 7
gremlinn: vote 7
Crystal109: vote 9
Sam: vote 1
Ticia: vote 2
LaZorra: vote 7
Sam: LaZorra: rescue trash.
Randy: vote 8
Kysle: vote 8
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for jungles.
MatchBot: iwpg wins 2 points for methane gas.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for climbing trees.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for sound.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 1 point for tragedies.
MatchBot: Ticia wins 1 point for family values.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for kazoos.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 0 points for pond scum.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for fingernails.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for the sense of taste.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for stomach aches.
Ticia: ThePhan: orbit our bee!
LaZorra: Behemoths.
Crystal109: A lot of ties in here.
gremlinn: LZ: you are so close.
Kysle: Sheesh. Haven't you guys ever seen a kazoo tree?
Crystal109: Nope.
LaZorra: grem: Whoa! I didn't realize that.
Sam: Communists slip precociously, however butchers bless organs!
Randy: pick 2
gremlinn: LZ: you need two points.
Ticia: scratch your dolphins!
MatchBot: Randy chose the adjective savory for this round. (2/11 submissions accepted.)
Randy: match 4
Kysle: match 5
Crystal109: match 2
iwpg: match 5
ThePhan: match 7
Randy: match 2
Ticia: match 4
Kysle: match 6
ThePhan: match 1
Ticia: match 2
Crystal109: match 4
iwpg: match 4
LaZorra: match 2
Sam: gremlinn: You need DemanusFlint's radio!
MatchBot: Now vote for the noun that best fits the adjective savory. (You can't vote for yourself.)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for Celine Dion.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for mothers-in-law.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for cabbage.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for fast food.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for cotton candy.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for Marilyn Monroe.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for Dolly Parton.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for toasted marshmallows.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for birthday parties.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for Johnny Cash.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for lasagna.
ThePhan: vote 11
iwpg: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 4
Crystal109: vote 5
Sam: vote 11
Sam: Octogenarians wash kneepads, or feminist magnetizes bum.
Randy: vote 5
Kysle: vote 8
gremlinn: vote 4
Ticia: vote 4
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 3 points for fast food.
MatchBot: Randy wins 2 points for lasagna.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for cotton candy.
MatchBot: Randy wins 1 point for toasted marshmallows.
MatchBot: Ticia wins 1 point for cabbage.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for Celine Dion.
MatchBot: iwpg wins 0 points for mothers-in-law.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Johnny Cash.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Marilyn Monroe.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for birthday parties.
MatchBot: Ticia wins 0 points for Dolly Parton.
gremlinn: Sam: 1
Sam: Encircle!
Ticia: Sam: You are displeasing.
Sam: Ticia: I hate you when you're jagged.
gremlinn: I like how fast food beat out the other foods.
ThePhan: pick 1
LaZorra: Sam: Eat neither hairband!
MatchBot: ThePhan chose the adjective insane for this round. (2/11 submissions accepted.)
Randy: Thats just wrong
ThePhan: match 3
LaZorra: match 5
Crystal109: match 2
Randy: match 1
Kysle: match 5
ThePhan: match 4
iwpg: match 1
Crystal109: match 7
Kysle: match 7
LaZorra: match 4
Randy: match 4
ang_nic has entered.
Ticia: match 7
Ticia: match 3
Sam: LaZorra: I can't bamboozle four castles.
Kysle: Howdy
MatchBot: Now vote for the noun that best fits the adjective insane. (You can't vote for yourself.)
MatchBot: Vote 1 for Roseanne Arnold.
MatchBot: Vote 2 for safecrackers.
MatchBot: Vote 3 for Tahiti.
MatchBot: Vote 4 for Richard Simmons.
MatchBot: Vote 5 for horoscopes.
MatchBot: Vote 6 for Quentin Tarantino.
MatchBot: Vote 7 for the U.S. Congress.
MatchBot: Vote 8 for boxing.
MatchBot: Vote 9 for grandparents.
MatchBot: Vote 10 for lust for revenge.
MatchBot: Vote 11 for Miss Piggy.
Sam: Incapacitating!
Crystal109: vote 4
LaZorra: vote 4
gremlinn: Sam: bamboozle bouillabaisse!
iwpg: vote 4
Sam: vote 6
Ticia: vote 1
Kysle: vote 11
Sam: gremlinn: zap yourself.
ThePhan: vote 9
Randy: vote 7
gremlinn: vote 1
LaZorra: Sam: You can't be like ThePhan!
gremlinn: vote 5
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for Richard Simmons.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for the U.S. Congress.
MatchBot: iwpg wins 1 point for horoscopes.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 1 point for Quentin Tarantino.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for Miss Piggy.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for grandparents.
MatchBot: Randy wins 1 point for Roseanne Arnold.
MatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for safecrackers.
MatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Tahiti.
MatchBot: Randy wins 0 points for lust for revenge.
MatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for boxing.
MatchBot: LaZorra wins!
MatchBot: Crystal109 is: anxious, closed, savory.
MatchBot: iwpg is: obnoxious, remarkable, uninhibited.
MatchBot: Kysle is: tall.
MatchBot: LaZorra is: clumsy, geeky, smelly.
MatchBot: Randy is: remarkable.
MatchBot: ThePhan is: clever, insane, natural, shiny, tedious.
MatchBot: Ticia is: limber.
Sam: LaZorra: Let's play with twenty orts.
Crystal109: Nice! Go, LaZ!
Sam: Oh, I guess I have to stop being WhizKid now.
* Kysle smooshes everyone underfoot
Randy: I am remarkable.
LaZorra: Sam: LOL
gremlinn: If I'm away, I'm immune from negative points in SnagBot, right?
Sam: Good job, LaZorra. You won it even while composing deep WhizKid thoughts throughout the game.
LaZorra: Hehe.
Randy: ThePhan is a mad scientist.
Sam: grem: I don't think so, but negative points get bumped up to 0 in the tournament.
* LaZorra's description is pretty accurate.
gremlinn: Ah, good enough.
ThePhan: Randy: But a tedious one.
Sam: 5 minute break while I tally the scors.
ThePhan: I don't even get to be a cool mad scientist.
Sam: LaZ: LOL
Randy: Right
Ticia: I'm too tired to play tonight. Sorry guys.
Crystal109: TP: You are clever, though. That makes you cool. For me, at least.
Randy: All mad scientist are cool.
* Ticia HUGS everyone!
* LaZorra HUGS Ticia!
Ticia has left.
Randy: See ya Ticia!
ThePhan: Bye, Ticia!
Sam: Wow, that was a close game. One person at 29, and one at 28.
Crystal109: Yeah, I was nervous for a while there.
ThePhan: That *was* a really close game.
LaZorra: I can't believe I won a tournament game. I hardly ever win regular matches. :-p
LaZorra: Good job, y'all.
Crystal109: Hopefully, this'll move me up the ranks.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=2
Crystal109: Nice, I'm tied with gremlinn, even if he didn't play this game.
Crystal109: My life is made now.
Sam: Technically, you're still ranked below him.
Crystal109: Yeah, I noticed.
Sam: The tie is broken in his favor, because he has more wins than you. But you can make that up next game.
MatchBot has been dismissed by Sam.
SnagBot has been summoned by Sam.
vballgirl has entered.
Kysle: Hi
Crystal109: TP: Your lead is still insane, haha.
vballgirl: Hey everyone!
Crystal109: Hey, vballgirl.
gremlinn: vballgirl is SnagBot, apparently.
vballgirl: Had choir practice.
ThePhan: LOL
LaZorra: LOL
Sam: From the tournament rules: Two games of SnagBot will be played to determine the single winner of the game. In the first game, the bot will be configured to disallow taking items out of players' hands and also to disallow passing along bad items. In the second game, both these things will be allowed. In neither game will disadvantageous trades be allowed. The number of points each player will score for SnagBot, as far as the tournament is concerned, is the total points between both games divided by 2, rounding down (unless rounding down causes the winner to tie with someone a point behind, in which case the winner's score only is rounded up). For example, if your total score across both games is 43, you score 21 points for SnagBot in
Sam: the tournament. The winner of the SnagBot game as far as the tournament is concerned will be the player with the highest total score between both games. Note that this could potentially be someone who did not win either of the two individual games.
* Crystal109 needs to do really really really really well this first game.
SnagBot: Rules: Bad Trades Disallowed, Must Keep Bad Items Given To You, Can Take Unclaimed Items Only.
Sam: Also note that if you wind up with a negative score, it gets bumped up to 0 for the tournament, so you don't need to worry about losing tournament points just by playing this.
vballgirl: Good thing...
gremlinn: But you can still worry, if you choose to.
Sam: Read the rules if you don't know them, and ask any questions you may have now.
Sam: Game starts in 60 seconds...
Sam: Remember that commands get sent with /b. You may wish to switch your "post to" drop-down box to *Bots
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: pus [-1], milkbone [-1], sunburn [-1], sassafras [3], loincloth [1], victory [2], record [2], hemorrhage [-2], time [4], robot [1], saliva [-2], headache [-1], supervisor [-1], lightbulb [1].
SnagBot: iwpg yanks the victory [2].
SnagBot: Kysle snares the record [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan filches the lightbulb [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 ropes in the time [4].
SnagBot: vballgirl abducts the sassafras [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan fetches the robot [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan yoinks the loincloth [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan cedes the headache [-1] to LaZorra.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the time [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the loincloth [1], robot [1], lightbulb [1], for 3 points.
SnagBot: vballgirl has the sassafras [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: iwpg has the victory [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Kysle has the record [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the headache [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: pus [-1], milkbone [-1], sunburn [-1], hemorrhage [-2], saliva [-2], supervisor [-1].
Sam: Ok, that was not nearly vicious enough.
Sam: Those negative items are there for a reason!
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: infection [-3], handcuffs [-2], esophagus [-2], cartilage [-2], explosion [-1], allergy [-2].
ThePhan: Oh. Heh. Didn't see LaZorra was away. Probably shouldn't have given her a negative item. Heh.
gremlinn: You all should give TP the negatives to even things out a bit.
SnagBot: Crystal109 bestows the infection [-3] upon ThePhan.
SnagBot: ThePhan hands over the explosion [-1] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Crystal109 hands over the handcuffs [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: ThePhan delivers the allergy [-2] to Randy.
SnagBot: Crystal109 consigns the cartilage [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: ThePhan furnishes the esophagus [-2] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: gremlinn has the explosion [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the esophagus [-2], for -2 points.
SnagBot: Randy has the allergy [-2], for -2 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the cartilage [-2], infection [-3], handcuffs [-2], for -7 points.
Sam: Well ok then.
Kysle: Ouch
Crystal109: Sorry, TP.
ThePhan: Poor me.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: spider [-1], hate [-2], woodpecker [1], pebble [1], raisin [2], shrapnel [-2], gunpowder [1], lawn [2], hemorrhage [-1], famine [-1].
ThePhan: Heh.
SnagBot: Kysle picks up the woodpecker [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 yoinks the raisin [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan appropriates the pebble [1].
gremlinn: Everyone was doing that to Sam and me last time, heh.
SnagBot: Kysle pockets the lawn [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan bags the gunpowder [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan presents the famine [-1] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: ThePhan doles out the shrapnel [-2] to Kysle.
SnagBot: ThePhan transfers the hemorrhage [-1] to iwpg.
SnagBot: iwpg shells the spider [-1] out to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Crystal109 grants the hate [-2] to iwpg.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the pebble [1], gunpowder [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Kysle has the shrapnel [-2], woodpecker [1], lawn [2], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the spider [-1], raisin [2], famine [-1], for 0 points.
SnagBot: iwpg has the hemorrhage [-1], hate [-2], for -3 points.
Sam: I love the verbiage sometimes. ThePhan "presents the famine," like it's on a silk pillow.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: bedbugs [-3], homework [-1], sniffles [-1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 lavishes the bedbugs [-3] upon ThePhan.
SnagBot: ang_nic consigns the sniffles [-1] to Kysle.
SnagBot: Randy presents the homework [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Kysle has the sniffles [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the bedbugs [-3], homework [-1], for -4 points.
Sam: Ok, if she's super negative, that's not worse for her or better for you than if she's just moderately negative.
ThePhan: Heh.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: homework [-2], seashell [1], anklet [3], snowglobe [2], goldfish [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan grabs the snowglobe [2].
SnagBot: iwpg relinquishes the homework [-2] to vballgirl.
SnagBot: ThePhan snares the anklet [3].
SnagBot: Kysle captures the goldfish [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan salvages the seashell [1].
gremlinn: And she's still not too far back.
ThePhan: Well, there we go. I've redeemed myself a bit.
Crystal109: Fast work, TP. Nice.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the seashell [1], snowglobe [2], anklet [3], for 6 points.
SnagBot: Kysle has the goldfish [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: vballgirl has the homework [-2], for -2 points.
Sam: Back to 0.
Randy: Nice
ThePhan: At least I'm back at 0.
Sam: Only two people with positive scores.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: pus [-1], sewage [-1], twig [1], pinwheel [2], sunburn [-3], wax [-2], llama [2], cookie [4], sarsaparilla [2], taxes [-4], flute [1], ticket [-2], corset [-2], cantaloupe [1], crowbar [4].
Crystal109: Three.
SnagBot: ThePhan hands the wax [-2] to Kysle.
SnagBot: iwpg pilfers the crowbar [4].
SnagBot: Randy obtains the cookie [4].
SnagBot: Kysle transfers the corset [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: ThePhan dispenses the ticket [-2] to Kysle.
SnagBot: Crystal109 sequesters the cantaloupe [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan pockets the llama [2].
SnagBot: Kysle obtains the twig [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snares the pinwheel [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan snags the sarsaparilla [2].
SnagBot: Randy doles out the taxes [-4] to Kysle.
SnagBot: iwpg forks over the pus [-1] to Kysle.
SnagBot: Kysle yoinks the flute [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 entrusts the sunburn [-3] to Kysle.
gremlinn: And Kysle takes a beating.
SnagBot: iwpg has the crowbar [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Randy has the cookie [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the cantaloupe [1], pinwheel [2], for 3 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the llama [2], corset [-2], sarsaparilla [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Kysle has the pus [-1], taxes [-4], twig [1], ticket [-2], flute [1], sunburn [-3], wax [-2], for -10 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: sewage [-1].
Crystal109: Holy... Yikes, Kysle.
Kysle: Ouchy
iwpg: Heh, poor Kysle.
Randy: Dang
Sam: If anybody notices any particularly good "snag" lines, say so at the end of the round. It's good to have them pointed out in the transcript.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: teapot [2], hemorrhage [-1], bobcat [-1], brazier [2], bunny [5], flute [4], birdseed [2], tuxedo [1], briefcase [5], grape [2], rapier [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 entraps the rapier [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan seizes the teapot [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan snitches the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Kysle procures the brazier [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan snares the flute [4].
SnagBot: Randy commandeers the tuxedo [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan attains the birdseed [2].
SnagBot: iwpg sequesters the briefcase [5].
SnagBot: Kysle annexes the grape [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan bequeaths the bobcat [-1] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: ThePhan cedes the hemorrhage [-1] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the teapot [2], bunny [5], flute [4], birdseed [2], for 13 points.
SnagBot: iwpg has the briefcase [5], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Kysle has the brazier [2], grape [2], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Randy has the tuxedo [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the hemorrhage [-1], bobcat [-1], rapier [2], for 0 points.
Crystal109: My browser lagged!
Kysle: How does this ever get to 30?
Randy: Woah!
ang_nic has left.
Crystal109: Eesh. TP, you're going to beat us all up.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: pus [-2], diorama [1], soap [2], boomerang [1], baby [2], crab [-3], shoe [1], lingerie [3], carriage [1], floss [1], aphid [-1], sushi [1], blocks [3], picture [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan nabs the lingerie [3].
SnagBot: iwpg gets the blocks [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 grasps the picture [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan obtains the boomerang [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snitches the sushi [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan appropriates the soap [2].
SnagBot: vballgirl plucks the carriage [1].
ThePhan: blocks
SnagBot: ThePhan collars the floss [1].
SnagBot: Kysle forks over the crab [-3] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Kysle grasps the diorama [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 gives the aphid [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Crystal109 grants the pus [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: ThePhan clasps the baby [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 acquires the shoe [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the shoe [1], sushi [1], picture [2], for 4 points.
SnagBot: iwpg has the blocks [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the aphid [-1], soap [2], pus [-2], boomerang [1], baby [2], crab [-3], lingerie [3], floss [1], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Kysle has the diorama [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: vballgirl has the carriage [1], for 1 point.
Sam: "snitches the sushi" has a nice ring to it.
Crystal109: Clasps the baby, lol.
ThePhan: "clasps the baby" isn't too bad.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: dreams [3], walrus [2], chair [1], canteen [1], cake [1], pixie [2], magnet [3], mailbox [3], ice [1], diamond [1], kilt [4], sweater [1], tea [1], eyelash [2], icicle [1], stencil [4], monocle [1].
SnagBot: Randy confiscates the mailbox [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 fetches the eyelash [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan clasps the kilt [4].
SnagBot: iwpg sequesters the dreams [3].
SnagBot: vballgirl seizes the magnet [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 entraps the diamond [1].
SnagBot: Randy seizes the monocle [1].
SnagBot: iwpg salvages the stencil [4].
Sam: No negatives this round.
SnagBot: Kysle procures the chair [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 fetches the tea [1].
SnagBot: vballgirl clasps the walrus [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 commandeers the sweater [1].
SnagBot: Randy pockets the icicle [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan snatches the canteen [1].
gremlinn: Sam: except your comment.
SnagBot: Crystal109 annexes the pixie [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the eyelash [2], diamond [1], sweater [1], tea [1], pixie [2], for 7 points.
SnagBot: iwpg has the stencil [4], dreams [3], for 7 points.
SnagBot: Randy has the mailbox [3], icicle [1], monocle [1], for 5 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the canteen [1], kilt [4], for 5 points.
SnagBot: vballgirl has the walrus [2], magnet [3], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Kysle has the chair [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: cake [1], ice [1].
Sam: grem: Touche.
* ThePhan was in the process of typing "ice" when the round ended.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: lozenge [4], anesthesia [-3], helicopter [2], initiative [1], brain [3], boots [1], stutter [-2], bidet [2], birdseed [2], sofa [1], icicle [1], anklet [1], vaccine [3], foam [-1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nips the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Kysle transfers the foam [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: iwpg appropriates the vaccine [3].
SnagBot: iwpg takes the lozenge [4].
SnagBot: Kysle pulls in the helicopter [2].
SnagBot: iwpg snitches the brain [3].
SnagBot: vballgirl swipes the initiative [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 relinquishes the anesthesia [-3] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: vballgirl clasps the boots [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan fetches the icicle [1].
SnagBot: Randy yoinks the sofa [1].
SnagBot: iwpg nabs the birdseed [2].
SnagBot: Kysle yoinks the bidet [2].
SnagBot: iwpg has the vaccine [3], brain [3], birdseed [2], lozenge [4], for 12 points.
SnagBot: Kysle has the bidet [2], helicopter [2], for 4 points.
SnagBot: vballgirl has the boots [1], initiative [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the anklet [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Randy has the sofa [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the icicle [1], anesthesia [-3], foam [-1], for -3 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: stutter [-2].
SnagBot: iwpg wins!
Crystal109: Whoa.
Kysle: Woah
iwpg: WHOA
ThePhan: Wow. Nice.
Sam: Wow. That was unexpected.
Crystal109: That was so fast.
Kysle: Sneak
gremlinn: That's how it gets to 30.
Crystal109: Sneaky sneaky, iwpg.
Sam: Yeah, the scores spike hard when you have a big round with few or no negatives.
Kysle: grem: and yet... I still don't understand
Sam: And there are more of those, on average, than all negative rounds.
Crystal109: Just imagine how much TP would have gotten if there were no negatives in the beginning.
Sam: And in mixed rounds, there are still more positives. So, basically, *everybody's* average score rises over time, and somebody *has* to win.
Sam: Ok, SnagBot is not over! It's only at halftime! The bloodbath begins in the second half. In the next game, you can snatch items out of people's hands, and you can also pass along bad items to other people.
Sam: Game begins in 60 seconds, barring questions.
Crystal109: Which means, by the way, that you don't keep items, either.
SnagBot: Rules: Bad Trades Disallowed, Can Pass Along Bad Items Given To You, Can Steal Items From Others.
Randy: How would a trade work?
Sam: Actually, more than 60 seconds. I need 3 minutes to record the scores from the first game.
Crystal109: And what would it mean for a bad trade is you can pass along bad items?
Crystal109: if*
gremlinn: You could make a game where you trade items in order to complete "sets" of matches, I guess.
Sam: Ok, "Bad Trades Disallowed" means that you can't play to lose. It means you can't give others *good* items, and you can't purposely take bad items for yourself.
gremlinn: But "trade" here is just theft.
Randy: Oh. ok.
gremlinn: Or donation.
Sam: Randy: I'm not sure I know what you mean.
Sam: Oh, right.
Crystal109: Oh, I see. Thanks.
Randy: Sam:heh. I wasn't sure what a trade meant until now.
Sam: The other thing to think about, in terms of strategy is this: iwpg may be in the lead for the first half, but his score doesn't factor into when the *second* half ends. And the winner of "SnagBot" in the tournament may not be *either* iwpg or the winner of the second half of the game.
* ThePhan eats a Dutch Butter Square. For having nothing but butter in them, they're awfully yummy. And thus ends the ad for random things ThePhan eats.
Randy: hehe
Sam: So you may have to strategize on the fly, who's the best person to give the negatives to.
Sam: Game starts in 60 seconds for real this time, again barring further questions....
Sam: ThePhan: Yes, they rule.
LaZorra: Dutch Butter Squares? Weird.
Crystal109: Sounds interesting, though.
LaZorra: Yeah.
ThePhan: Pretty much butter and sugar baked into a bar. Heh.
LaZorra: Mmm.
Randy: Yum!
Sam: Actually, hang on a bit. The server load spiked. I'm giving it a minute to catch up.
Sam: It's coming down now. Looks like The Dialectizer freaked out for some random reason.
Randy: huh
gremlinn: Scorpiona dialectized the Library of Congress.
DemanusFlint: It was me, I was translating Wikipedia into... dang. My joke would have been pretty much the same.
Randy: LOL
ThePhan: Heh.
Sam: Heh heh.
Sam: Actually, I need to restart the web server. So there will be a brief hiccup in service to the site.
Sam: Is everybody back? Say DOG! if you see this.
LaZorra: DOG!
DemanusFlint: DOG!
Crystal109: DOG!
ThePhan: DOG!
Randy: DOG!
gremlinn: DOG! if you see this.
vballgirl: DOG!
Kysle: DOGG
vballgirl: Hehe.
Sam: ...and just like that, everybody de-idles.
Sam: Game starts in 60 seconds, take 3.
ThePhan: Like magic!
* Crystal109 obsessively purges.
LaZorra: MAGIC
* gremlinn read that the wrong way.
LaZorra: LOL
Crystal109: It's like me unnecessarily saving documents.
gremlinn: Okay, I actually didn't.
Sam: Yeah, the "/purge" command will fix the problem if your buffer starts to go jumpy in the middle of the game.
DemanusFlint: Heh, obsessive purging.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: thistle [-4], worms [-2], deadline [-1], switch [-1], stink [-1].
* ThePhan does an obsessive cutting and pasting of the word "ha" at very odd times. Silly quirks.
Crystal109: Heh.
SnagBot: iwpg grants the thistle [-4] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Crystal109 transmits the thistle [-4] to iwpg.
SnagBot: vballgirl turns over the thistle [-4] to ThePhan.
Sam: And we start with an all-negative round! ROCK ON! (grem: Except this comment.)
SnagBot: Kysle shells the stink [-1] out to ThePhan.
SnagBot: ThePhan contributes the thistle [-4] to vballgirl.
SnagBot: iwpg entrusts the thistle [-4] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Crystal109 consigns the worms [-2] to iwpg.
SnagBot: ThePhan hands over the stink [-1] to Kysle.
SnagBot: LaZorra turns over the thistle [-4] to iwpg.
SnagBot: iwpg donates the worms [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Kysle dispenses the stink [-1] to iwpg.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the worms [-2], for -2 points.
SnagBot: iwpg has the thistle [-4], stink [-1], for -5 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: deadline [-1], switch [-1].
Sam: Not deadly enough of a round. That should have gone on for two screenfuls.
gremlinn: 25-21 iwpg over TP?
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: shrapnel [-2], tambourine [4], poppy [2], amethyst [2], photograph [4], chandelier [1], monocle [2], radiation [-3], peace [1], restaurant [2], shirt [1], underwear [-2].
SnagBot: ThePhan confiscates the tambourine [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan hauls in the poppy [2].
SnagBot: Kysle grasps the restaurant [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 drags in the tambourine [4].
SnagBot: iwpg snitches the restaurant [2].
SnagBot: DemanusFlint yanks the chandelier [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan pinches the amethyst [2].
SnagBot: iwpg hauls in the tambourine [4].
SnagBot: Kysle secures the monocle [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan catches the monocle [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan salvages the peace [1].
SnagBot: Randy appropriates the chandelier [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 ensnares the tambourine [4].
SnagBot: iwpg gains the photograph [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan attains the photograph [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 attains the photograph [4].
SnagBot: Randy nips the peace [1].
SnagBot: DemanusFlint drags in the chandelier [1].
SnagBot: iwpg fetches the photograph [4].
SnagBot: vballgirl clasps the peace [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra furnishes the underwear [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: ThePhan relinquishes the radiation [-3] to Kysle.
SnagBot: ThePhan clasps the photograph [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan leaves the underwear [-2] to LaZorra.
SnagBot: Kysle transfers the radiation [-3] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Randy drags in the chandelier [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan yoinks the peace [1].
SnagBot: vballgirl steals the amethyst [2].
SnagBot: Randy pinches the peace [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan seizes the chandelier [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan has the radiation [-3], poppy [2], monocle [2], chandelier [1], photograph [4], for 6 points.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the tambourine [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: iwpg has the restaurant [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: vballgirl has the amethyst [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Randy has the peace [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the underwear [-2], for -2 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: shrapnel [-2], shirt [1].
Sam: Just what LaZorra always wanted.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: lotion [1], barley [3], weevil [-5], music [2].
Kysle: What happened to my stuff?
SnagBot: Crystal109 fetches the barley [3].
SnagBot: vballgirl pinches the barley [3].
SnagBot: Randy catches the barley [3].
SnagBot: iwpg snags the barley [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan collars the lotion [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan grasps the barley [3].
SnagBot: Kysle pinches the music [2].
SnagBot: iwpg ensnares the music [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 presents the weevil [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: ThePhan salvages the music [2].
SnagBot: Randy catches the music [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 hauls in the barley [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan annexes the barley [3].
SnagBot: vballgirl ropes in the music [2].
SnagBot: Kysle salvages the music [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nails the barley [3].
SnagBot: vballgirl purloins the lotion [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan obtains the music [2].
SnagBot: iwpg confiscates the barley [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 collects the barley [3].
SnagBot: Randy gains the music [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra retrieves the music [2].
Sam: Kysle: Other people took it.
SnagBot: iwpg annexes the music [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 confiscates the lotion [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan dispenses the weevil [-5] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: Randy snatches the barley [3].
SnagBot: Kysle collars the music [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan acquires the music [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 purloins the barley [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan entraps the barley [3].
SnagBot: Kysle pinches the music [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan retrieves the lotion [1].
SnagBot: DemanusFlint abducts the barley [3].
SnagBot: Randy bags the music [2].
SnagBot: iwpg gets the barley [3].
SnagBot: vballgirl annexes the barley [3].
SnagBot: Kysle captures the music [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan purloins the barley [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 transmits the weevil [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: ThePhan snitches the music [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra donates the weevil [-5] to Kysle.
SnagBot: Kysle annexes the music [2].
SnagBot: vballgirl secures the lotion [1].
SnagBot: iwpg gains the music [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan snitches the music [2].
SnagBot: Kysle drags in the music [2].
SnagBot: iwpg yoinks the barley [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra secures the music [2].
SnagBot: Kysle gets the music [2].
gremlinn: Does it even make much sense to grab high-valued stuff right away?
SnagBot: Randy gets the music [2].
SnagBot: Kysle salvages the music [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan snares the music [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 appropriates the barley [3].
SnagBot: iwpg confiscates the music [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the barley [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: iwpg has the music [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: vballgirl has the lotion [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Kysle has the weevil [-5], for -5 points.
ThePhan: Heh. Well, at least I didn't lose anything.
Crystal109: It just makes us feel good?
gremlinn: Seems like a timing issue at the end.
gremlinn: With lots of items, I can see it.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: earring [3], raspberry [1], lederhosen [4], dinosaur [2], juice [1], dartboard [1], shivers [-1], ort [-1], lawnmower [3], restaurant [1], credit [4], gown [1].
Sam: grem: Once in a while, you can get something early, and people forget about it because it's scrolled off the screen.
SnagBot: Randy purloins the credit [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra fetches the earring [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 retrieves the lederhosen [4].
Sam: This is more likely to be smaller valued items, though.
SnagBot: ThePhan takes the earring [3].
SnagBot: iwpg nabs the earring [3].
SnagBot: Randy collects the gown [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan sequesters the raspberry [1].
gremlinn: This many, yeah.
SnagBot: Kysle hauls in the restaurant [1].
SnagBot: vballgirl nips the lawnmower [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra yanks the lederhosen [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan annexes the lederhosen [4].
SnagBot: iwpg purloins the dinosaur [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan nabs the dinosaur [2].
SnagBot: vballgirl wins the raspberry [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan snitches the juice [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 captures the gown [1].
SnagBot: iwpg sequesters the credit [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan pinches the dartboard [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pilfers the lederhosen [4].
SnagBot: vballgirl captures the credit [4].
SnagBot: Randy annexes the lederhosen [4].
SnagBot: Kysle contributes the ort [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: LaZorra purloins the dartboard [1].
SnagBot: vballgirl abducts the gown [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan heaps the shivers [-1] upon Crystal109.
SnagBot: Randy catches the gown [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 grasps the lederhosen [4].
SnagBot: iwpg plucks the lederhosen [4].
SnagBot: Kysle gives the ort [-1] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: vballgirl seizes the gown [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 dispenses the shivers [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: LaZorra steals the juice [1].
SnagBot: Randy collars the credit [4].
SnagBot: vballgirl pulls in the credit [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snags the lederhosen [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan commandeers the lawnmower [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra ensnares the gown [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 remits the ort [-1] to Kysle.
SnagBot: ThePhan wins the credit [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan grabs the gown [1].
SnagBot: Randy grabs the lederhosen [4].
SnagBot: vballgirl drags in the gown [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 absconds with the lederhosen [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan grabs the restaurant [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan has the shivers [-1], lawnmower [3], restaurant [1], dinosaur [2], credit [4], for 9 points.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the lederhosen [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: iwpg has the earring [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the juice [1], dartboard [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: vballgirl has the raspberry [1], gown [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Kysle has the ort [-1], for -1 point.
Kysle: *sigh*
Sam: "Crystal109 remits the ort to Kysle." It sounds like she threw up on him.
Randy: ORT
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: belt [5], beef [3], sweater [1], teacup [1], trombone [1].
Crystal109: And TP still gets lots of items.
LaZorra: LOL
SnagBot: Kysle fetches the belt [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan gets the belt [5].
SnagBot: iwpg takes the belt [5].
SnagBot: Randy fetches the sweater [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snares the belt [5].
SnagBot: Kysle clasps the belt [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra hauls in the sweater [1].
SnagBot: iwpg salvages the beef [3].
SnagBot: Randy filches the teacup [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 wins the belt [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan yoinks the beef [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra pockets the belt [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snatches the belt [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan snitches the sweater [1].
SnagBot: Kysle plucks the belt [5].
SnagBot: iwpg grasps the belt [5].
SnagBot: vballgirl snares the beef [3].
SnagBot: Randy captures the trombone [1].
SnagBot: Kysle annexes the belt [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 seizes the beef [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan gets the teacup [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra collects the teacup [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan appropriates the beef [3].
SnagBot: iwpg snitches the beef [3].
SnagBot: vballgirl secures the belt [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 retrieves the belt [5].
SnagBot: Kysle wins the belt [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan appropriates the belt [5].
SnagBot: Kysle drags in the belt [5].
SnagBot: vballgirl grasps the belt [5].
SnagBot: Kysle wins the belt [5].
SnagBot: iwpg nails the belt [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan gets the trombone [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 salvages the trombone [1].
SnagBot: Kysle nips the belt [5].
SnagBot: Randy absconds with the belt [5].
SnagBot: vballgirl bags the belt [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra gets the trombone [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan plucks the teacup [1].
SnagBot: Kysle pilfers the belt [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan captures the belt [5].
SnagBot: iwpg commandeers the belt [5].
SnagBot: Kysle snares the belt [5].
DemanusFlint has left.
SnagBot: ThePhan procures the beef [3].
SnagBot: iwpg fetches the beef [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra confiscates the belt [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 clasps the belt [5].
SnagBot: vballgirl secures the belt [5].
SnagBot: Randy appropriates the belt [5].
SnagBot: Kysle abducts the belt [5].
SnagBot: iwpg absconds with the belt [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan takes the trombone [1].
SnagBot: Kysle appropriates the belt [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan ropes in the belt [5].
SnagBot: Kysle salvages the belt [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra pockets the teacup [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan clutches the beef [3].
SnagBot: iwpg grabs the belt [5].
SnagBot: vballgirl wins the belt [5].
SnagBot: Randy collars the trombone [1].
SnagBot: iwpg hauls in the beef [3].
SnagBot: Kysle drags in the belt [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 yoinks the belt [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan snitches the teacup [1].
SnagBot: iwpg snags the belt [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 attains the trombone [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra steals the beef [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan salvages the beef [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 gains the belt [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the belt [5], trombone [1], for 6 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the beef [3], sweater [1], teacup [1], for 5 points.
gremlinn: No one's touching that sweater.
Sam: That belt has just got to have set a record for most-exchanged Snagbot item.
Crystal109: Salvages the beef, hah.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: Sam [2], sandpaper [1], mask [4], flute [3], movie [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pulls in the Sam [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan picks up the Sam [2].
SnagBot: Randy purloins the mask [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nabs the Sam [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra bags the Sam [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan pilfers the mask [4].
SnagBot: iwpg seizes the Sam [2].
SnagBot: vballgirl clutches the Sam [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan pockets the sandpaper [1].
Sam: "LaZorra pockets the teacup." Big pockets.
SnagBot: Randy acquires the flute [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra abducts the sandpaper [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan abducts the flute [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 gets the movie [2].
SnagBot: Kysle fetches the Sam [2].
SnagBot: iwpg swipes the mask [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 procures the Sam [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan obtains the movie [2].
SnagBot: Randy clutches the movie [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra wins the mask [4].
SnagBot: vballgirl snares the flute [3].
SnagBot: iwpg seizes the flute [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan purloins the Sam [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snares the Sam [2].
SnagBot: vballgirl appropriates the mask [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan salvages the sandpaper [1].
SnagBot: iwpg snares the mask [4].
SnagBot: Randy grabs the mask [4].
SnagBot: Kysle gets the Sam [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan entraps the mask [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snares the mask [4].
SnagBot: iwpg wins the Sam [2].
SnagBot: vballgirl procures the flute [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan yoinks the flute [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pulls in the Sam [2].
gremlinn: Sam must be dizzy.
SnagBot: ThePhan acquires the movie [2].
SnagBot: Kysle grabs the mask [4].
SnagBot: vballgirl appropriates the mask [4].
SnagBot: iwpg snares the mask [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 appropriates the mask [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra clasps the flute [3].
SnagBot: Randy procures the Sam [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan pulls in the Sam [2].
SnagBot: Kysle snares the Sam [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 catches the Sam [2].
SnagBot: iwpg captures the Sam [2].
SnagBot: Kysle seizes the Sam [2].
SnagBot: vballgirl confiscates the Sam [2].
SnagBot: Kysle yanks the Sam [2].
SnagBot: iwpg purloins the movie [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 drags in the Sam [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan snares the flute [3].
SnagBot: Kysle sequesters the Sam [2].
SnagBot: vballgirl grabs the flute [3].
SnagBot: iwpg ropes in the Sam [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan abducts the Sam [2].
SnagBot: Randy acquires the mask [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra pilfers the Sam [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 steals the Sam [2].
SnagBot: vballgirl collars the mask [4].
Sam: Ouch, man, headache.
SnagBot: ThePhan grabs the movie [2].
SnagBot: iwpg seizes the mask [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 filches the mask [4].
SnagBot: vballgirl collects the Sam [2].
SnagBot: Kysle retrieves the Sam [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra swipes the flute [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan ensnares the flute [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 wins the Sam [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the Sam [2], mask [4], for 6 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the sandpaper [1], flute [3], movie [2], for 6 points.
LaZorra: Durnit, someone stole my mask.
Crystal109: Phew. Sam was definitely in high demand.
Sam: I've been pulled, squestered, dragged, pilferred, abducted, and finally won.
iwpg: Seriously, your connections are way too fast.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: clay [2], bunny [2], blush [1], rock [1], halberd [3], jalapeno [2], chandelier [1], bikini [1], hay [2], hangover [-1], firecracker [-4], buttercup [1], flu [-1], Sam [-2], eggnog [2], earmuffs [1].
SnagBot: Randy secures the earmuffs [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan procures the clay [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra grasps the bikini [1].
Sam: Hahaha, now I'm negative.
SnagBot: ThePhan bags the bunny [2].
SnagBot: iwpg steals the halberd [3].
SnagBot: Randy bags the bikini [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 confiscates the halberd [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan captures the blush [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan captures the rock [1].
LuckyWizard has entered.
SnagBot: LaZorra plucks the buttercup [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan picks up the halberd [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 commandeers the earmuffs [1].
SnagBot: vballgirl drags in the eggnog [2].
SnagBot: iwpg sequesters the clay [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 salvages the halberd [3].
SnagBot: vballgirl swipes the hay [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra attains the eggnog [2].
SnagBot: Randy swipes the buttercup [1].
SnagBot: iwpg grabs the halberd [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan nips the chandelier [1].
SnagBot: vballgirl seizes the eggnog [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 retrieves the buttercup [1].
SnagBot: Randy pockets the rock [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra nips the earmuffs [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan appropriates the hay [2].
SnagBot: vballgirl yoinks the clay [2].
SnagBot: iwpg turns over the firecracker [-4] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Randy obtains the eggnog [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan picks up the bikini [1].
SnagBot: Kysle picks up the jalapeno [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra grasps the buttercup [1].
SnagBot: vballgirl retrieves the halberd [3].
SnagBot: iwpg abducts the halberd [3].
SnagBot: vballgirl wins the eggnog [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra obtains the hay [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 cedes the Sam [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Randy nabs the buttercup [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 picks up the halberd [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan gives the firecracker [-4] to Crystal109.
SnagBot: LaZorra picks up the bikini [1].
SnagBot: iwpg takes the eggnog [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra has the earmuffs [1], bikini [1], hay [2], for 4 points.
SnagBot: iwpg has the eggnog [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Kysle has the jalapeno [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Randy has the rock [1], buttercup [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the bunny [2], blush [1], Sam [-2], chandelier [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: vballgirl has the clay [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the halberd [3], firecracker [-4], for -1 point.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: hangover [-1], flu [-1].
Sam: ThePhan: You and me, kid. We're stuck with each other.
LaZorra: Earmuffs *and* a bikini. I'm set for anything.
Sam: LaZ: Earmuffs and a bikini?
Sam: LOL
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: typewriter [2], bikini [5], amethyst [3], jalapeno [2], lingerie [1], lamp [1], scoop [3], sundae [2], bathrobe [2], bed [2], pancake [1], movie [1], stein [2], SnagBot [2], turkey [2].
ThePhan: Sam: Heh. And the chandelier, too. I keep getting that. But it's been good.
LaZorra: LOL
SnagBot: Randy yoinks the sundae [2].
SnagBot: iwpg confiscates the SnagBot [2].
SnagBot: vballgirl attains the pancake [1].
SnagBot: Randy entraps the bed [2].
SnagBot: iwpg nips the bikini [5].
SnagBot: vballgirl secures the stein [2].
SnagBot: Kysle ropes in the pancake [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra entraps the sundae [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 clutches the bikini [5].
SnagBot: Kysle clutches the lamp [1].
SnagBot: iwpg gains the amethyst [3].
SnagBot: vballgirl pinches the turkey [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan attains the typewriter [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra entraps the scoop [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 clutches the jalapeno [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan gains the bikini [5].
SnagBot: Kysle collars the bathrobe [2].
SnagBot: vballgirl nips the bathrobe [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 seizes the bed [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan annexes the amethyst [3].
SnagBot: Randy acquires the turkey [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 grabs the bikini [5].
SnagBot: iwpg sequesters the scoop [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra ensnares the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Kysle wins the SnagBot [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 drags in the amethyst [3].
SnagBot: Kysle steals the turkey [2].
SnagBot: Randy plucks the bed [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan snags the jalapeno [2].
SnagBot: iwpg pockets the bikini [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 collects the SnagBot [2].
SnagBot: vballgirl nabs the sundae [2].
SnagBot: Randy yoinks the bathrobe [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan snares the lingerie [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 picks up the bikini [5].
SnagBot: Kysle drags in the typewriter [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra wins the typewriter [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan captures the lamp [1].
SnagBot: iwpg swipes the amethyst [3].
SnagBot: vballgirl seizes the SnagBot [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 ensnares the amethyst [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan nips the scoop [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra plucks the bikini [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan gets the sundae [2].
SnagBot: iwpg snatches the bikini [5].
SnagBot: Kysle sequesters the bed [2].
SnagBot: Randy appropriates the bikini [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan nails the amethyst [3].
SnagBot: Kysle commandeers the bikini [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra gets the bikini [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan snatches the bikini [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 secures the typewriter [2].
SnagBot: Kysle yoinks the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 yoinks the bikini [5].
SnagBot: iwpg annexes the bikini [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan has the sundae [2], jalapeno [2], amethyst [3], lingerie [1], scoop [3], for 11 points.
SnagBot: Kysle has the pancake [1], bed [2], lamp [1], turkey [2], for 6 points.
SnagBot: iwpg has the bikini [5], for 5 points.
SnagBot: vballgirl has the stein [2], SnagBot [2], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the typewriter [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Randy has the bathrobe [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: movie [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan wins!
Crystal109: Nice, TP!
Sam: iwpg: Nice bikini.
Kysle: Huh, that method actually works a lot better.
LaZorra: >_<
Sam: 5 minute break while I calculate the scores.
Kysle: I'll remember next time... not
Sam: Kysle: Depends on what you want.
Randy: Phan has a sundae and a scoop.
ThePhan: All right!
Sam: I actually like the former method better, but the second method is a better spectator game.
Sam is back.
ThePhan: Also a jalapeno, but I'm not sure I'll eat that with my ice cream.
Crystal109: Heh. Kysle commandeered the bikini
ThePhan: The lingerie and the amethyst are, I suppose, my sundae-eating attire.
Kysle: Yes. I did
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Randy: Somebody made some kind of hot pepper ice cream.
ThePhan: Oh, I did hear about that.
Crystal109: ...And now for the Bot I Suck At.
ThePhan: Reading about weird ice cream flavors. Like there was a "bread ice cream" somewhere.
LaZorra: Which is that, Crystal?
Randy: Huh
ThePhan: ...I'm not entirely sure why I put that in quotes. Heh.
Crystal109: StackBot.
ThePhan: They CALLED it bread ice cream, but...
LaZorra: Ahh.
LaZorra: I forgot which was next, heh.
Randy: There was a resteraunt in Vegas that made garlic ice cream.
* ThePhan is far from crazy about StackBot. :-)
Sam: Final SnagBot scores: ThePhan (28), Crystal109 (20), iwpg (19), vballgirl (10), Randy (7), Kysle (3), LaZorra (2)
LaZorra: I RULE
Randy: Go LaZorra!
Kysle: Sweet
Crystal109: Always lagging behind you, TP. =)
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=2
ThePhan: Crystal: That last game, it was a toss up. For awhile you and I were the only ones with objects. Heh.
Crystal109: Heh. Yeah. I think you were always going to win, though. You're just that much faster than I am.
SnagBot has been dismissed by Sam.
StackBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: Read the rules now if you need to.
gremlinn: SnackBot.
Randy: That sounds like a good idea.
gremlinn: /insert quarter
gremlinn: /buy snickers
Crystal109: I still remember "idyll" from last year.
ThePhan: Heh. I just cleverly closed off my chat window. But I returned quickly.
* Crystal109 remembers the most random things
Randy: /insert nickels
Sam: If an answer is given that is valid, but not recognized by the bot's dictionary, no score adjustment will be made. However, the missed words may be added to the bot's dictionary at any future time, before or after the end of the game.
ThePhan: And I had SO much trouble typing "cleverly." It kept coming out "cleveler."
vballgirl: All the main food groups. Chocolate, peanuts and caramel.
Randy: /buy gum
LaZorra: The ideal RC game!
Sam: LaZ; Yeah.
ThePhan: And you could bestow the healthy brussels sprouts type snacks on others.
gremlinn: SnackBot works by people frantically typing snacks from the ones presented. Point total is determined by total calories.
LaZorra: LOL
ThePhan: That would rule.
gremlinn: But you can't type two snacks that share any letters in the same places.
gremlinn: So, it's a combination of Snag and Stack.
Nyperold has entered.
Crystal109: Thus, Snack.
Kysle: Hey, Nyp
ThePhan: Hey Nyperold.
Nyperold: Hello all!
Crystal109: Hey Nyp.
vballgirl: Hello!
Sam: grem: Your Snickers bar gets stuck in the machine. Buy another?
gremlinn: Kick machine.
vballgirl: Just like in your game.
Sam: It falls on top of you. You die.
Sam: Another game? (y/n)
vballgirl: That poor machine!
gremlinn: Overthrow machine.
Sam: Game begins in 60 seconds....
gremlinn: Sam: why does dying end the game? I can still fight!
Nyperold: Oh well. Not like the currency it accepts is used anymore.
Crystal109: Hah.
DemanusFlint has entered.
StackBot: LaZorra, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C E T E
StackBot: G A M Y
StackBot: S O U R
LaZorra: barn
LaZorra: burn
StackBot: LaZorra continues the stack with the word burn and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C E T E
StackBot: G A M Y
StackBot: S O U R
StackBot: B U R N
Kysle: till
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word till and wins 1 point!
StackBot: iwpg, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C E T E
StackBot: G A M Y
StackBot: S O U R
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: T I L L
iwpg: drop
StackBot: iwpg continues the stack with the word drop and wins 1 point!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C E T E
StackBot: G A M Y
StackBot: S O U R
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: T I L L
StackBot: D R O P
ThePhan: eggs
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word eggs and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C E T E
StackBot: G A M Y
StackBot: S O U R
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: T I L L
StackBot: D R O P
StackBot: E G G S
Crystal109: All vowels taken.
Sam: itch
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word itch and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C E T E
StackBot: G A M Y
StackBot: S O U R
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: T I L L
StackBot: D R O P
StackBot: E G G S
StackBot: I T C H
Crystal109: army
StackBot: Crystal109 timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C E T E
StackBot: G A M Y
StackBot: S O U R
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: T I L L
StackBot: D R O P
StackBot: E G G S
StackBot: I T C H
Crystal109: Eh.
Kysle: Hard
Sam: That was tough.
Randy: amid
StackBot: Randy continues the stack with the word amid and wins 2 points!
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C E T E
StackBot: G A M Y
StackBot: S O U R
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: T I L L
StackBot: D R O P
StackBot: E G G S
StackBot: I T C H
StackBot: A M I D
gremlinn: myna
StackBot: gremlinn continues the stack with the word myna and wins 2 points!
StackBot: vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C E T E
StackBot: G A M Y
StackBot: S O U R
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: T I L L
StackBot: D R O P
StackBot: E G G S
StackBot: I T C H
StackBot: A M I D
StackBot: M Y N A
vballgirl: wham
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with the word wham and wins 2 points!
StackBot: DemanusFlint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C E T E
StackBot: G A M Y
StackBot: S O U R
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: T I L L
StackBot: D R O P
StackBot: E G G S
StackBot: I T C H
StackBot: A M I D
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: W H A M
DemanusFlint: flew
StackBot: DemanusFlint continues the stack with the word flew and wins 2 points!
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C E T E
StackBot: G A M Y
StackBot: S O U R
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: T I L L
StackBot: D R O P
StackBot: E G G S
StackBot: I T C H
StackBot: A M I D
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: W H A M
StackBot: F L E W
StackBot: LuckyWizard timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C E T E
StackBot: G A M Y
StackBot: S O U R
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: T I L L
StackBot: D R O P
StackBot: E G G S
StackBot: I T C H
StackBot: A M I D
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: W H A M
StackBot: F L E W
Sam: That's an unusually long stack.
Crystal109: It's a hard one, too.
iwpg: Vowels gone in both middle columns....
gremlinn: It'll have few answers, I think.
StackBot: Nyperold breaks the stack. Possible continuations: onyx, undo, updo.
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S O R G O
StackBot: J A M M Y
StackBot: U P S E T
Sam: nymph
Sam: infix
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word infix and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S O R G O
StackBot: J A M M Y
StackBot: U P S E T
StackBot: I N F I X
Crystal109: froze
StackBot: Crystal109 continues the stack with the word froze and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S O R G O
StackBot: J A M M Y
StackBot: U P S E T
StackBot: I N F I X
StackBot: F R O Z E
Nyperold: aleph
StackBot: Nyperold continues the stack with the word aleph and wins 1 point!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S O R G O
StackBot: J A M M Y
StackBot: U P S E T
StackBot: I N F I X
StackBot: F R O Z E
StackBot: A L E P H
ThePhan: chink
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word chink and wins 1 point!
StackBot: vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S O R G O
StackBot: J A M M Y
StackBot: U P S E T
StackBot: I N F I X
StackBot: F R O Z E
StackBot: A L E P H
StackBot: C H I N K
vballgirl: wears
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with the word wears and wins 1 point!
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S O R G O
StackBot: J A M M Y
StackBot: U P S E T
StackBot: I N F I X
StackBot: F R O Z E
StackBot: A L E P H
StackBot: C H I N K
StackBot: W E A R S
LuckyWizard: idyll
LuckyWizard: ethan
StackBot: LuckyWizard timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: iwpg, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S O R G O
StackBot: J A M M Y
StackBot: U P S E T
StackBot: I N F I X
StackBot: F R O Z E
StackBot: A L E P H
StackBot: C H I N K
StackBot: W E A R S
iwpg: oscar
StackBot: iwpg timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: DemanusFlint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S O R G O
StackBot: J A M M Y
StackBot: U P S E T
StackBot: I N F I X
StackBot: F R O Z E
StackBot: A L E P H
StackBot: C H I N K
StackBot: W E A R S
Kysle: I don't think this bot likes me
DemanusFlint: munka
StackBot: DemanusFlint breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: bijou, bipod, bulla, butyl, buxom, bylaw, dicta, dinar, divan, ducal.
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P I S H
StackBot: A L M A
StackBot: F A N G
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word bobs and wins 1 point!
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P I S H
StackBot: A L M A
StackBot: F A N G
StackBot: B O B S
gremlinn: Does this go to 15 or 30?
Sam: 30
gremlinn: reel
StackBot: gremlinn continues the stack with the word reel and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P I S H
StackBot: A L M A
StackBot: F A N G
StackBot: B O B S
StackBot: R E E L
Randy: punk
Randy: puck
StackBot: Randy timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: LaZorra, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P I S H
StackBot: A L M A
StackBot: F A N G
StackBot: B O B S
StackBot: R E E L
LaZorra: idle
StackBot: LaZorra continues the stack with the word idle and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P I S H
StackBot: A L M A
StackBot: F A N G
StackBot: B O B S
StackBot: R E E L
StackBot: I D L E
Crystal109: onyx
StackBot: Crystal109 continues the stack with the word onyx and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P I S H
StackBot: A L M A
StackBot: F A N G
StackBot: B O B S
StackBot: R E E L
StackBot: I D L E
StackBot: O N Y X
Sam: envy
Sam: updo
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word updo and wins 2 points!
StackBot: LaZorra, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P I S H
StackBot: A L M A
StackBot: F A N G
StackBot: B O B S
StackBot: R E E L
StackBot: I D L E
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: U P D O
LaZorra: must
LaZorra: muck
StackBot: LaZorra continues the stack with the word muck and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P I S H
StackBot: A L M A
StackBot: F A N G
StackBot: B O B S
StackBot: R E E L
StackBot: I D L E
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: U P D O
StackBot: M U C K
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word wham and wins 2 points!
StackBot: iwpg, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P I S H
StackBot: A L M A
StackBot: F A N G
StackBot: B O B S
StackBot: R E E L
StackBot: I D L E
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: U P D O
StackBot: M U C K
StackBot: W H A M
iwpg: crop
StackBot: iwpg continues the stack with the word crop and wins 2 points!
StackBot: DemanusFlint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P I S H
StackBot: A L M A
StackBot: F A N G
StackBot: B O B S
StackBot: R E E L
StackBot: I D L E
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: U P D O
StackBot: M U C K
StackBot: W H A M
StackBot: C R O P
Crystal109: My words just got demolished.
Kysle: Whammy!
DemanusFlint: Mine too!
StackBot: DemanusFlint timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P I S H
StackBot: A L M A
StackBot: F A N G
StackBot: B O B S
StackBot: R E E L
StackBot: I D L E
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: U P D O
StackBot: M U C K
StackBot: W H A M
StackBot: C R O P
ThePhan: It's a rule that the bot calls on you just after your words get demolished.
Randy: hehe
gremlinn: Advanced AI detects it.
LuckyWizard: stud
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word stud and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P I S H
StackBot: A L M A
StackBot: F A N G
StackBot: B O B S
StackBot: R E E L
StackBot: I D L E
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: U P D O
StackBot: M U C K
StackBot: W H A M
StackBot: C R O P
StackBot: S T U D
LaZorra: LW: LOL, that was the word I was thinking of
LaZorra: *.
Sam: LaZ: I'm sure you're always thinking about that word.
Randy: brit
LaZorra: HEY
StackBot: Randy breaks the stack. Possible continuations: djin, ecru, emir, emit, espy, exit, gyri, twin, twit, typy.
Crystal109: Not that that's a bad thing.
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: M U L L
StackBot: S W I M
Randy: DOH
LaZorra: For your information, I was thinking of the kind in walls. :-p
ThePhan: crow
ThePhan: Er.
ThePhan: chow
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word chow and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: M U L L
StackBot: S W I M
StackBot: C H O W
Nyperold: resh
StackBot: Nyperold continues the stack with the word resh and wins 1 point!
StackBot: vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: M U L L
StackBot: S W I M
StackBot: C H O W
StackBot: R E S H
Sam: Right, right.
vballgirl: town
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with the word town and wins 1 point!
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: M U L L
StackBot: S W I M
StackBot: C H O W
StackBot: R E S H
StackBot: T O W N
gremlinn: play
StackBot: gremlinn continues the stack with the word play and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: M U L L
StackBot: S W I M
StackBot: C H O W
StackBot: R E S H
StackBot: T O W N
StackBot: P L A Y
StackBot: Nyperold timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: iwpg, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: M U L L
StackBot: S W I M
StackBot: C H O W
StackBot: R E S H
StackBot: T O W N
StackBot: P L A Y
iwpg: lime
StackBot: iwpg continues the stack with the word lime and wins 2 points!
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: M U L L
StackBot: S W I M
StackBot: C H O W
StackBot: R E S H
StackBot: T O W N
StackBot: P L A Y
StackBot: L I M E
gremlinn: ever
StackBot: gremlinn continues the stack with the word ever and wins 2 points!
StackBot: LaZorra, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: M U L L
StackBot: S W I M
StackBot: C H O W
StackBot: R E S H
StackBot: T O W N
StackBot: P L A Y
StackBot: L I M E
StackBot: E V E R
LuckyWizard: You stole my word!
Crystal109: You stole my L!
LaZorra: spry
iwpg: E is dead.
gremlinn: RIP, E.
Nyperold has left.
LaZorra: crud
ThePhan: Ripe?
StackBot: LaZorra timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: M U L L
StackBot: S W I M
StackBot: C H O W
StackBot: R E S H
StackBot: T O W N
StackBot: P L A Y
StackBot: L I M E
StackBot: E V E R
LuckyWizard: hard
LaZorra: LOL, I meant "crud" as in "darn, I can't think of anything."
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word hard and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: M U L L
StackBot: S W I M
StackBot: C H O W
StackBot: R E S H
StackBot: T O W N
StackBot: P L A Y
StackBot: L I M E
StackBot: E V E R
StackBot: H A R D
Nyperold has entered.
Crystal109: LW: Man, I was totally thinking that word.
StackBot: Kysle breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: abut, anna, anta, anti, aqua, asci, into, onto, otto, umbo.
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L I K E S
StackBot: M A U N D
StackBot: S U L L Y
Sam: nymph
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word nymph and wins 1 point!
StackBot: vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L I K E S
StackBot: M A U N D
StackBot: S U L L Y
StackBot: N Y M P H
* Nyperold gives his connection what for. As opposed to T4.
vballgirl: weary
vballgirl: rhino
vballgirl: think
vballgirl: there
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with the word there and wins 1 point!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L I K E S
StackBot: M A U N D
StackBot: S U L L Y
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: T H E R E
ThePhan: prick
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word prick and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L I K E S
StackBot: M A U N D
StackBot: S U L L Y
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: T H E R E
StackBot: P R I C K
Crystal109: again
StackBot: Crystal109 continues the stack with the word again and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L I K E S
StackBot: M A U N D
StackBot: S U L L Y
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: T H E R E
StackBot: P R I C K
StackBot: A G A I N
Randy: clown
StackBot: Randy timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L I K E S
StackBot: M A U N D
StackBot: S U L L Y
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: T H E R E
StackBot: P R I C K
StackBot: A G A I N
LuckyWizard: honor
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word honor and wins 2 points!
StackBot: iwpg, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L I K E S
StackBot: M A U N D
StackBot: S U L L Y
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: T H E R E
StackBot: P R I C K
StackBot: A G A I N
StackBot: H O N O R
iwpg: gloat
StackBot: iwpg continues the stack with the word gloat and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L I K E S
StackBot: M A U N D
StackBot: S U L L Y
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: T H E R E
StackBot: P R I C K
StackBot: A G A I N
StackBot: H O N O R
StackBot: G L O A T
StackBot: Nyperold timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L I K E S
StackBot: M A U N D
StackBot: S U L L Y
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: T H E R E
StackBot: P R I C K
StackBot: A G A I N
StackBot: H O N O R
StackBot: G L O A T
Sam: ethyl
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word ethyl and wins 3 points!
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L I K E S
StackBot: M A U N D
StackBot: S U L L Y
StackBot: N Y M P H
StackBot: T H E R E
StackBot: P R I C K
StackBot: A G A I N
StackBot: H O N O R
StackBot: G L O A T
StackBot: E T H Y L
Kysle: Some good scrabble words in here
gremlinn: Pass.
Crystal109: I think part of why stack is hard is we see the previous word and then automatically rhyme them for the next word.
StackBot: gremlinn breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: begum, betta, cecum, debug, degum, derma, recta, recti, recto, versa.
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A P H I S
StackBot: G U M M A
StackBot: S T E A L
Crystal109: scoff
Crystal109: froze
StackBot: Crystal109 continues the stack with the word froze and wins 1 point!
StackBot: LaZorra, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A P H I S
StackBot: G U M M A
StackBot: S T E A L
StackBot: F R O Z E
Sam: I *kind* of know what you mean. I don't rhyme, exactly, but definitely our brains naturally recall words that the stack words remind us of, which are probably going to be similar, and you don't want that. This game requires serious lateral thinking.
Crystal109: Sam: Yeah, that's what I meant. Heh.
LaZorra: churn
StackBot: LaZorra continues the stack with the word churn and wins 1 point!
StackBot: vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A P H I S
StackBot: G U M M A
StackBot: S T E A L
StackBot: F R O Z E
StackBot: C H U R N
Crystal109: It's like being told not to think about a white polar bear for the next 5 minutes.
vballgirl: hymn
vballgirl: gloat
vballgirl: cecum
StackBot: vballgirl timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A P H I S
StackBot: G U M M A
StackBot: S T E A L
StackBot: F R O Z E
StackBot: C H U R N
vballgirl: begum
Randy: heg
Randy: heh
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word bipod and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A P H I S
StackBot: G U M M A
StackBot: S T E A L
StackBot: F R O Z E
StackBot: C H U R N
StackBot: B I P O D
Randy: randy
StackBot: Randy continues the stack with the word randy and wins 2 points!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A P H I S
StackBot: G U M M A
StackBot: S T E A L
StackBot: F R O Z E
StackBot: C H U R N
StackBot: B I P O D
StackBot: R A N D Y
DemanusFlint: HEY
LaZorra: LOL
iwpg: LOL
Crystal109: LOL.
Randy: I rule.
LuckyWizard: Heh.
Crystal109: Now, that's the best one so far.
Sam: That's awesome.
Crystal109: Even if you did ruin my word. =)
StackBot: ThePhan timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: DemanusFlint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A P H I S
StackBot: G U M M A
StackBot: S T E A L
StackBot: F R O Z E
StackBot: C H U R N
StackBot: B I P O D
StackBot: R A N D Y
DemanusFlint: plant
StackBot: DemanusFlint continues the stack with the word plant and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A P H I S
StackBot: G U M M A
StackBot: S T E A L
StackBot: F R O Z E
StackBot: C H U R N
StackBot: B I P O D
StackBot: R A N D Y
StackBot: P L A N T
ThePhan: You ruined my word, too. Heh.
gremlinn: Plant was mine.
Randy: Oops. Sorry.
DemanusFlint: I just saw it.
Crystal109: Randy: The awesomeness of your word, though, makes up for that.
ThePhan: Heh. True.
StackBot: Randy breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: debug, defer, degum, deism, deter, doggo, dower, dozer, ember, ender.
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: Y O U R
StackBot: S P A Y
StackBot: G U S T
Nyperold: ayin
StackBot: Nyperold continues the stack with the word ayin and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: Y O U R
StackBot: S P A Y
StackBot: G U S T
StackBot: A Y I N
* Crystal109 notes debug.
Randy: I didn't realize it was my turn! LOL
DemanusFlint: thats what ims ayin
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word eggs and wins 1 point!
StackBot: DemanusFlint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: Y O U R
StackBot: S P A Y
StackBot: G U S T
StackBot: A Y I N
StackBot: E G G S
DemanusFlint: farm
StackBot: DemanusFlint continues the stack with the word farm and wins 1 point!
StackBot: vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: Y O U R
StackBot: S P A Y
StackBot: G U S T
StackBot: A Y I N
StackBot: E G G S
StackBot: F A R M
vballgirl: wind
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with the word wind and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: Y O U R
StackBot: S P A Y
StackBot: G U S T
StackBot: A Y I N
StackBot: E G G S
StackBot: F A R M
StackBot: W I N D
Sam: knob
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word knob and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: Y O U R
StackBot: S P A Y
StackBot: G U S T
StackBot: A Y I N
StackBot: E G G S
StackBot: F A R M
StackBot: W I N D
StackBot: K N O B
Crystal109: That rule of StackBot is annoying.
Crystal109: updo
Crystal109: undo
Sam: What rule?
Sam: Sorry, thought you had finished your turn.
gremlinn: Where you can't duplicate a letter in the same column.
ThePhan: That no-repeating letters rule.
ThePhan: :-)
Sam: Oh.
StackBot: Crystal109 timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: Y O U R
StackBot: S P A Y
StackBot: G U S T
StackBot: A Y I N
StackBot: E G G S
StackBot: F A R M
StackBot: W I N D
StackBot: K N O B
gremlinn: peel
StackBot: gremlinn continues the stack with the word peel and wins 2 points!
StackBot: LaZorra, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: Y O U R
StackBot: S P A Y
StackBot: G U S T
StackBot: A Y I N
StackBot: E G G S
StackBot: F A R M
StackBot: W I N D
StackBot: K N O B
StackBot: P E E L
Sam: It'd be an interesting game without it.
Crystal109: Ugh. No, the "stackback asks you for a word after it's been taken" rule, haha.
Sam: Ah.
Crystal109: Sam: I had "know" all ready when you peeled out knob.
Sam: Aww, heh.
LaZorra: elks
StackBot: LaZorra timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: iwpg, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: Y O U R
StackBot: S P A Y
StackBot: G U S T
StackBot: A Y I N
StackBot: E G G S
StackBot: F A R M
StackBot: W I N D
StackBot: K N O B
StackBot: P E E L
Crystal109: I had elk today. It was kind of tough to eat.
iwpg: blam
Randy: Elk is great, if it's made right.
DemanusFlint has left.
StackBot: iwpg breaks the stack. Possible continuations: idle, ilka, isle, itch, olla, orca, ordo, oryx, otto, umbo.
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S E R F
StackBot: K N E E
StackBot: C A M P
LuckyWizard: drys
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word drys and wins 1 point!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S E R F
StackBot: K N E E
StackBot: C A M P
StackBot: D R Y S
ThePhan: exit
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word exit and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S E R F
StackBot: K N E E
StackBot: C A M P
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: E X I T
Crystal109: AHHHHHH it's dinnertime now.
LaZorra: And I thought I ate late.
Randy: otto
StackBot: Randy continues the stack with the word otto and wins 1 point!
StackBot: vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S E R F
StackBot: K N E E
StackBot: C A M P
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: E X I T
StackBot: O T T O
vballgirl: burn
Crystal109: My family usually eats at 9 or so, when my dad comes home from work.
vballgirl: updo
vballgirl: myna
LaZorra: Cool.
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with the word myna and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S E R F
StackBot: K N E E
StackBot: C A M P
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: E X I T
StackBot: O T T O
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word pish and wins 1 point!
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S E R F
StackBot: K N E E
StackBot: C A M P
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: E X I T
StackBot: O T T O
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: P I S H
LaZorra: Everyone here always teases me for eating late, heh.
LuckyWizard: than
* Kysle wishes he could eat late
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word than and wins 1 point!
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S E R F
StackBot: K N E E
StackBot: C A M P
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: E X I T
StackBot: O T T O
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: P I S H
StackBot: T H A N
gremlinn: .fool
StackBot: gremlinn continues the stack with the word fool and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S E R F
StackBot: K N E E
StackBot: C A M P
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: E X I T
StackBot: O T T O
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: P I S H
StackBot: T H A N
StackBot: F O O L
Sam: LOL
Crystal109: With my west coast time, it gets pretty hectic for me, heh.
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Randy: Nice
LuckyWizard: Heh.
StackBot: Nyperold timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S E R F
StackBot: K N E E
StackBot: C A M P
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: E X I T
StackBot: O T T O
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: P I S H
StackBot: T H A N
StackBot: F O O L
StackBot: Crystal109 timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S E R F
StackBot: K N E E
StackBot: C A M P
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: E X I T
StackBot: O T T O
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: P I S H
StackBot: T H A N
StackBot: F O O L
ThePhan: ashy
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word ashy and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S E R F
StackBot: K N E E
StackBot: C A M P
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: E X I T
StackBot: O T T O
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: P I S H
StackBot: T H A N
StackBot: F O O L
StackBot: A S H Y
Sam: iglu
Crystal109: Aw, darn. I had one right when I timed out.
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word iglu and wins 3 points!
StackBot: LaZorra, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S E R F
StackBot: K N E E
StackBot: C A M P
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: E X I T
StackBot: O T T O
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: P I S H
StackBot: T H A N
StackBot: F O O L
StackBot: A S H Y
StackBot: I G L U
Sam: Whew. I had three words lined up, and "ashy" killed two of them.
LaZorra: blue
LaZorra: blur
StackBot: LaZorra continues the stack with the word blur and wins 3 points!
StackBot: iwpg, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S E R F
StackBot: K N E E
StackBot: C A M P
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: E X I T
StackBot: O T T O
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: P I S H
StackBot: T H A N
StackBot: F O O L
StackBot: A S H Y
StackBot: I G L U
StackBot: B L U R
gremlinn: LZ just killed mine.
iwpg: ZaL: 
iwpg: puck
LaZorra: Sorry, guys.
iwpg: nuck
iwpg: muck
LaZorra: Girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
Sam: Don't apologize. This is what you want to happen.
Sam: Yeah, that's more like it.
iwpg: luck
StackBot: iwpg ends the stack with the word luck (no valid continuations) and wins 6 points!
StackBot: vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M O L A
StackBot: H E R E
StackBot: S I T H
LaZorra: Sam: Hehe.
iwpg: Ooh!
gremlinn: Yikes.
Kysle: NIce!
ThePhan: Whoa.
ThePhan: NICE.
vballgirl: whey
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with the word whey and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M O L A
StackBot: H E R E
StackBot: S I T H
StackBot: W H E Y
Randy: WOAH
LaZorra: NICE, iwpg.
Randy: Good job,
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word punk and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M O L A
StackBot: H E R E
StackBot: S I T H
StackBot: W H E Y
StackBot: P U N K
Randy: .
iwpg: Thanks, all.
Randy: trip
StackBot: Randy continues the stack with the word trip and wins 1 point!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M O L A
StackBot: H E R E
StackBot: S I T H
StackBot: W H E Y
StackBot: P U N K
StackBot: T R I P
ThePhan: clam
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word clam and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M O L A
StackBot: H E R E
StackBot: S I T H
StackBot: W H E Y
StackBot: P U N K
StackBot: T R I P
StackBot: C L A M
Kysle: Sith is a word?
gremlinn: Hey, you could make a blind version of this game where you don't get to see the stack until it's your turn.
iwpg: grem: DIE
Randy: That would be nuts.
Sam: iwpg: LOL!
Sam: I guess we know how iwpg feels about that.
StackBot: Nyperold timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M O L A
StackBot: H E R E
StackBot: S I T H
StackBot: W H E Y
StackBot: P U N K
StackBot: T R I P
StackBot: C L A M
LuckyWizard: Kysle: Heh. Yeah, I learned some time ago that it's an obsolete form of "since".
* ThePhan would only play that variant if she were forced to at gunpoint.
gremlinn: grub
Kysle: Cool
gremlinn: edit
gremlinn: idol
StackBot: gremlinn continues the stack with the word idol and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M O L A
StackBot: H E R E
StackBot: S I T H
StackBot: W H E Y
StackBot: P U N K
StackBot: T R I P
StackBot: C L A M
StackBot: I D O L
Sam: undo
Nyperold: Or how about you don't get to see the stack even when it's your turn?
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word undo and wins 2 points!
StackBot: LaZorra, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M O L A
StackBot: H E R E
StackBot: S I T H
StackBot: W H E Y
StackBot: P U N K
StackBot: T R I P
StackBot: C L A M
StackBot: I D O L
StackBot: U N D O
LaZorra: bass
StackBot: LaZorra continues the stack with the word bass and wins 2 points!
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M O L A
StackBot: H E R E
StackBot: S I T H
StackBot: W H E Y
StackBot: P U N K
StackBot: T R I P
StackBot: C L A M
StackBot: I D O L
StackBot: U N D O
StackBot: B A S S
* Randy plays bass and catches bass.
StackBot: LuckyWizard timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: iwpg, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M O L A
StackBot: H E R E
StackBot: S I T H
StackBot: W H E Y
StackBot: P U N K
StackBot: T R I P
StackBot: C L A M
StackBot: I D O L
StackBot: U N D O
StackBot: B A S S
Nyperold: You pretend to be a fish and catch a stringed instrument?
StackBot: iwpg breaks the stack. Possible continuations: abut, asci, etui.
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G R A N D
StackBot: A L I G N
StackBot: N E R V Y
Randy: heh
* Kysle had abut!
gremlinn: zoeae
StackBot: gremlinn continues the stack with the word zoeae and wins 1 point!
StackBot: vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G R A N D
StackBot: A L I G N
StackBot: N E R V Y
StackBot: Z O E A E
Sam: Could have had another 6 points if you had thought of one of those ridiculous words.
iwpg: Yeah.
vballgirl: tilts
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with the word tilts and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G R A N D
StackBot: A L I G N
StackBot: N E R V Y
StackBot: Z O E A E
StackBot: T I L T S
Randy: among
Randy: shuck
StackBot: Randy continues the stack with the word shuck and wins 1 point!
StackBot: LaZorra, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G R A N D
StackBot: A L I G N
StackBot: N E R V Y
StackBot: Z O E A E
StackBot: T I L T S
StackBot: S H U C K
LaZorra: Grar.
LaZorra: proxy
Randy: :oops"
StackBot: LaZorra timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G R A N D
StackBot: A L I G N
StackBot: N E R V Y
StackBot: Z O E A E
StackBot: T I L T S
StackBot: S H U C K
Sam: idyll
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word idyll and wins 2 points!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G R A N D
StackBot: A L I G N
StackBot: N E R V Y
StackBot: Z O E A E
StackBot: T I L T S
StackBot: S H U C K
StackBot: I D Y L L
ThePhan: panda
LaZorra: Showoff.
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word panda and wins 2 points!
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G R A N D
StackBot: A L I G N
StackBot: N E R V Y
StackBot: Z O E A E
StackBot: T I L T S
StackBot: S H U C K
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: P A N D A
Randy: hehe
LuckyWizard: ether
Sam: It's an old standby.
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word ether and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G R A N D
StackBot: A L I G N
StackBot: N E R V Y
StackBot: Z O E A E
StackBot: T I L T S
StackBot: S H U C K
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: P A N D A
StackBot: E T H E R
LaZorra: Yeah, yeah.
StackBot: Kysle timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G R A N D
StackBot: A L I G N
StackBot: N E R V Y
StackBot: Z O E A E
StackBot: T I L T S
StackBot: S H U C K
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: P A N D A
StackBot: E T H E R
Randy: Man this is a long game.
Sam: StackBot was 113 minutes in Tournament 1.
ThePhan: Eesh.
Randy: Dang
LuckyWizard: How long has it been so far this time?
StackBot: Nyperold breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: bucko, buffo, buxom, cubic, cubit, cutup, humic, humph, hydro, jugum.
Sam: Not sure. Maybe an hour.
StackBot: iwpg, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G O N G
StackBot: R I S K
StackBot: C L O Y
LuckyWizard: And hasn't Sam reached 15?
iwpg: bran
StackBot: iwpg continues the stack with the word bran and wins 1 point!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G O N G
StackBot: R I S K
StackBot: C L O Y
StackBot: B R A N
Sam: We play to 30.
ThePhan: spur
LuckyWizard: Oh, okay.
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word spur and wins 1 point!
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G O N G
StackBot: R I S K
StackBot: C L O Y
StackBot: B R A N
StackBot: S P U R
Sam: I toyed with the idea of playing to 15. I guess I should have kept it that way.
LuckyWizard: thee
Nyperold: Man, I thought of "busty", but not of "buxom".
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word thee and wins 1 point!
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G O N G
StackBot: R I S K
StackBot: C L O Y
StackBot: B R A N
StackBot: S P U R
StackBot: T H E E
LaZorra: Nah, this is cool.
gremlinn: mars
StackBot: gremlinn continues the stack with the word mars and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G O N G
StackBot: R I S K
StackBot: C L O Y
StackBot: B R A N
StackBot: S P U R
StackBot: T H E E
StackBot: M A R S
Sam: It's an intense 2 hours. Can't stop thinking for a moment.
Sam: unto
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word unto and wins 1 point!
StackBot: vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G O N G
StackBot: R I S K
StackBot: C L O Y
StackBot: B R A N
StackBot: S P U R
StackBot: T H E E
StackBot: M A R S
StackBot: U N T O
Sam: And I'm really lucky my word wasn't killed while I was busy typing that.
Crystal109: I'm really worried. I lost my phone today and can't find it.
Sam: Crys: Call yourself?
gremlinn: I can stop thinking now that it won't be my turn until next stack.
vballgirl: puck
vballgirl: puks
vballgirl: eggs
Sam: grem: Do you know that for sure?
vballgirl: itch
vballgirl: ding
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with the word itch and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G O N G
StackBot: R I S K
StackBot: C L O Y
StackBot: B R A N
StackBot: S P U R
StackBot: T H E E
StackBot: M A R S
StackBot: U N T O
StackBot: I T C H
Crystal109: Sam: That's why I'm worried. Before, I could call it (no one answered), and now it's turned off.
gremlinn: If it is, it'll be such a stack that I'll be stuck anyway.
vballgirl: ever
Sam: Crys: Oh. Rats.
Crystal109: scoff
Crystal109: Oops.
StackBot: Crystal109 continues the stack with the word exit and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G O N G
StackBot: R I S K
StackBot: C L O Y
StackBot: B R A N
StackBot: S P U R
StackBot: T H E E
StackBot: M A R S
StackBot: U N T O
StackBot: I T C H
StackBot: E X I T
StackBot: Randy timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: iwpg, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G O N G
StackBot: R I S K
StackBot: C L O Y
StackBot: B R A N
StackBot: S P U R
StackBot: T H E E
StackBot: M A R S
StackBot: U N T O
StackBot: I T C H
StackBot: E X I T
iwpg: pend
Sam: I'm out of words for this one.
gremlinn: Same.
gremlinn: I'll take my chances.
LaZorra: I have one, I think.
iwpg: pull
StackBot: iwpg continues the stack with the word pull and wins 2 points!
StackBot: LaZorra, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G O N G
StackBot: R I S K
StackBot: C L O Y
StackBot: B R A N
StackBot: S P U R
StackBot: T H E E
StackBot: M A R S
StackBot: U N T O
StackBot: I T C H
StackBot: E X I T
StackBot: P U L L
Randy: I couldn't think of anything. But that's not unusual.
Sam: LOL
Crystal109: Doesn't help that all vowels are taken in the third column.
LaZorra: Or not.
StackBot: LaZorra timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G O N G
StackBot: R I S K
StackBot: C L O Y
StackBot: B R A N
StackBot: S P U R
StackBot: T H E E
StackBot: M A R S
StackBot: U N T O
StackBot: I T C H
StackBot: E X I T
StackBot: P U L L
* Kysle has one
Kysle: Oh. Nope
StackBot: Nyperold breaks the stack. Possible continuations: hemp, jehu, kemp, kepi, leva, lewd, nema, nevi, weka, zebu.
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: V I R A L
StackBot: A M E B A
StackBot: D R I V E
LaZorra: Man, it's pouring out.
Crystal109: Whoa.
gremlinn: LZ: it's dangerous to go out. It's raining viral amebas.
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word bucko and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: V I R A L
StackBot: A M E B A
StackBot: D R I V E
StackBot: B U C K O
LaZorra: AIEE
iwpg: Again, any of those would have ended it.
LuckyWizard: Yeah, they all had e in second.
StackBot: Nyperold timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: LaZorra, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: V I R A L
StackBot: A M E B A
StackBot: D R I V E
StackBot: B U C K O
gremlinn: I would have guessed it was a VCCV form with double-M or double-N or something.
StackBot: LaZorra timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: V I R A L
StackBot: A M E B A
StackBot: D R I V E
StackBot: B U C K O
LuckyWizard: ether
LaZorra: OH
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word ether and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: V I R A L
StackBot: A M E B A
StackBot: D R I V E
StackBot: B U C K O
StackBot: E T H E R
Randy: sluts
StackBot: Randy continues the stack with the word sluts and wins 3 points!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: V I R A L
StackBot: A M E B A
StackBot: D R I V E
StackBot: B U C K O
StackBot: E T H E R
StackBot: S L U T S
LaZorra: *headdesk*
Sam: Awww.
ThePhan: Ahem......
ThePhan: poopy
ThePhan: Hey!
* Randy apologizes
Sam: LOL
iwpg: LOL
ThePhan: Hmmp.
LaZorra: LOL
ThePhan: loopy
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word loopy and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: V I R A L
StackBot: A M E B A
StackBot: D R I V E
StackBot: B U C K O
StackBot: E T H E R
StackBot: S L U T S
StackBot: L O O P Y
StackBot: Kysle breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: cabin, calif, calix, calyx, canon, canst, capon, catch, chaff, chain.
StackBot: vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M E N D
StackBot: H A L E
StackBot: F O S S
vballgirl: unto
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with the word unto and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M E N D
StackBot: H A L E
StackBot: F O S S
StackBot: U N T O
Crystal109: burn
StackBot: Crystal109 continues the stack with the word burn and wins 1 point!
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M E N D
StackBot: H A L E
StackBot: F O S S
StackBot: U N T O
StackBot: B U R N
gremlinn: pier
StackBot: gremlinn continues the stack with the word pier and wins 1 point!
StackBot: iwpg, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M E N D
StackBot: H A L E
StackBot: F O S S
StackBot: U N T O
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: P I E R
iwpg: grip
StackBot: iwpg continues the stack with the word grip and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M E N D
StackBot: H A L E
StackBot: F O S S
StackBot: U N T O
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: P I E R
StackBot: G R I P
Sam: edgy
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word edgy and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M E N D
StackBot: H A L E
StackBot: F O S S
StackBot: U N T O
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: P I E R
StackBot: G R I P
StackBot: E D G Y
Nyperold: xyna
StackBot: Nyperold timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M E N D
StackBot: H A L E
StackBot: F O S S
StackBot: U N T O
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: P I E R
StackBot: G R I P
StackBot: E D G Y
Randy: shot
StackBot: Randy continues the stack with the word shot and wins 2 points!
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M E N D
StackBot: H A L E
StackBot: F O S S
StackBot: U N T O
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: P I E R
StackBot: G R I P
StackBot: E D G Y
StackBot: S H O T
gremlinn: ovum
StackBot: gremlinn continues the stack with the word ovum and wins 2 points!
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M E N D
StackBot: H A L E
StackBot: F O S S
StackBot: U N T O
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: P I E R
StackBot: G R I P
StackBot: E D G Y
StackBot: S H O T
StackBot: O V U M
LuckyWizard: itch
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word itch and wins 2 points!
StackBot: vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M E N D
StackBot: H A L E
StackBot: F O S S
StackBot: U N T O
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: P I E R
StackBot: G R I P
StackBot: E D G Y
StackBot: S H O T
StackBot: O V U M
StackBot: I T C H
LaZorra: Durnit, grem, you took my word.
Crystal109: LW: That's the second time you've had a word I had, too, haha.
Sam: Mine too.
Sam: In fact, I had both "ovum" *and* "itch."
Sam: That should have caused the bot to call on me.
gremlinn: I will return your ova later.
Sam: Thanks.
vballgirl: blur
vballgirl: burp
gremlinn: Hopefully I won't switch them by mistake.
StackBot: vballgirl timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: LaZorra, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M E N D
StackBot: H A L E
StackBot: F O S S
StackBot: U N T O
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: P I E R
StackBot: G R I P
StackBot: E D G Y
StackBot: S H O T
StackBot: O V U M
StackBot: I T C H
vballgirl: iglu
vballgirl: abut
vballgirl: imps
vballgirl: etui
Sam: Your turn's over.
Crystal109: vball: It's LaZ's turn.
Sam: Great words, though.
vballgirl: Sorry, I can't watch and type. :-(
LaZorra: curt
Sam: hehehe
StackBot: LaZorra breaks the stack. Possible continuations: acyl, alba, alma, amyl, axal, claw, cyma.
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: H E C K
StackBot: R O O T
StackBot: G A F F
Sam: That's all the continuations there were. Wow.
Crystal109: burn
StackBot: Crystal109 continues the stack with the word burn and wins 1 point!
StackBot: iwpg, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: H E C K
StackBot: R O O T
StackBot: G A F F
StackBot: B U R N
* ThePhan had "claw" ready.
iwpg: knew
StackBot: iwpg continues the stack with the word knew and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: H E C K
StackBot: R O O T
StackBot: G A F F
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: K N E W
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word amid and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: H E C K
StackBot: R O O T
StackBot: G A F F
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: K N E W
StackBot: A M I D
Sam: clap
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word clap and wins 1 point!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: H E C K
StackBot: R O O T
StackBot: G A F F
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: K N E W
StackBot: A M I D
StackBot: C L A P
ThePhan: scum
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word scum and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: H E C K
StackBot: R O O T
StackBot: G A F F
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: K N E W
StackBot: A M I D
StackBot: C L A P
StackBot: S C U M
Kysle: Huh, no vowels in the last column
StackBot: Kysle timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: H E C K
StackBot: R O O T
StackBot: G A F F
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: K N E W
StackBot: A M I D
StackBot: C L A P
StackBot: S C U M
Kysle: It was my turn?! D'oh
vballgirl: wing
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with the word wing and wins 2 points!
StackBot: iwpg, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: H E C K
StackBot: R O O T
StackBot: G A F F
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: K N E W
StackBot: A M I D
StackBot: C L A P
StackBot: S C U M
StackBot: W I N G
iwpg: edge
StackBot: iwpg continues the stack with the word edge and wins 2 points!
StackBot: LaZorra, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: H E C K
StackBot: R O O T
StackBot: G A F F
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: K N E W
StackBot: A M I D
StackBot: C L A P
StackBot: S C U M
StackBot: W I N G
StackBot: E D G E
LaZorra: otto
StackBot: LaZorra continues the stack with the word otto and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: H E C K
StackBot: R O O T
StackBot: G A F F
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: K N E W
StackBot: A M I D
StackBot: C L A P
StackBot: S C U M
StackBot: W I N G
StackBot: E D G E
StackBot: O T T O
Nyperold: xyla
Randy: nice one
Crystal109: No vowels in second and third columns.
StackBot: Nyperold timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: H E C K
StackBot: R O O T
StackBot: G A F F
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: K N E W
StackBot: A M I D
StackBot: C L A P
StackBot: S C U M
StackBot: W I N G
StackBot: E D G E
StackBot: O T T O
LuckyWizard: drys
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word drys and wins 3 points!
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: H E C K
StackBot: R O O T
StackBot: G A F F
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: K N E W
StackBot: A M I D
StackBot: C L A P
StackBot: S C U M
StackBot: W I N G
StackBot: E D G E
StackBot: O T T O
StackBot: D R Y S
Sam: I"m out. I was out a turn ago, actually.
gremlinn: Dang my luck.
StackBot: gremlinn breaks the stack. Possible continuations: iglu, typy, ugly.
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O O T S
StackBot: S T E I N
StackBot: P A L E A
Sam: Oh, huh.
Randy: crime
StackBot: Randy continues the stack with the word crime and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O O T S
StackBot: S T E I N
StackBot: P A L E A
StackBot: C R I M E
Crystal109: Huh. Ugly.
Sam: bimbo
Sam: Awww.
Sam: oxbow
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word oxbow and wins 1 point!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O O T S
StackBot: S T E I N
StackBot: P A L E A
StackBot: C R I M E
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: ThePhan timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O O T S
StackBot: S T E I N
StackBot: P A L E A
StackBot: C R I M E
StackBot: O X B O W
Crystal109: blurt
StackBot: Crystal109 continues the stack with the word blurt and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O O T S
StackBot: S T E I N
StackBot: P A L E A
StackBot: C R I M E
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: B L U R T
Sam: awful
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word awful and wins 2 points!
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O O T S
StackBot: S T E I N
StackBot: P A L E A
StackBot: C R I M E
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: B L U R T
StackBot: A W F U L
gremlinn: chalk
StackBot: gremlinn timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O O T S
StackBot: S T E I N
StackBot: P A L E A
StackBot: C R I M E
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: B L U R T
StackBot: A W F U L
Kysle: Maybe 20 points next time...?
LaZorra: This is a hard one.
Sam: Can't scale up to 30 from 20 very well.
Sam: 15 is reasonable. 30 is better as a torture device.
gremlinn: Scale everything up to 60 tournament wide.
Randy: hehe
LaZorra: LOL
StackBot: Kysle breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: decay, derby, dewar, diazo, dicky, dimly, dinar, dingo, dingy, dinky.
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: V I N E S
StackBot: F U R Z E
StackBot: D O G M A
gremlinn: That lets you play to 10, 15, 20, or 30.
Crystal109: Egads, no.
Crystal109: Oh. Yeah, that works.
gremlinn: Or even 12.
Kysle: Arg. I had one, but I deleted it to type that.... then forgot what it was.
LaZorra: Kysle: Cut and paste.
Nyperold: gamut
StackBot: Nyperold continues the stack with the word gamut and wins 1 point!
StackBot: vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: V I N E S
StackBot: F U R Z E
StackBot: D O G M A
StackBot: G A M U T
vballgirl: churn
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with the word churn and wins 1 point!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: V I N E S
StackBot: F U R Z E
StackBot: D O G M A
StackBot: G A M U T
StackBot: C H U R N
Kysle: Yeah, I didn't think... (or think that I'd forget it)
ThePhan: brand
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word brand and wins 1 point!
StackBot: LaZorra, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: V I N E S
StackBot: F U R Z E
StackBot: D O G M A
StackBot: G A M U T
StackBot: C H U R N
StackBot: B R A N D
LaZorra: idyll
StackBot: LaZorra continues the stack with the word idyll and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: V I N E S
StackBot: F U R Z E
StackBot: D O G M A
StackBot: G A M U T
StackBot: C H U R N
StackBot: B R A N D
StackBot: I D Y L L
Sam: LaZ: Good job.
LaZorra: Sam: I learn from the master.
StackBot: Crystal109 timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: iwpg, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: V I N E S
StackBot: F U R Z E
StackBot: D O G M A
StackBot: G A M U T
StackBot: C H U R N
StackBot: B R A N D
StackBot: I D Y L L
Crystal109: Darn.
Randy: I read that as "my master". Which made me think of the Emperor on Star Wars.
LaZorra: LOL
Crystal109: Oh, NOW I think of one.
iwpg: annoy
iwpg: antsy
StackBot: iwpg timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: V I N E S
StackBot: F U R Z E
StackBot: D O G M A
StackBot: G A M U T
StackBot: C H U R N
StackBot: B R A N D
StackBot: I D Y L L
iwpg: Gah.
LuckyWizard: relay
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word relay and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: V I N E S
StackBot: F U R Z E
StackBot: D O G M A
StackBot: G A M U T
StackBot: C H U R N
StackBot: B R A N D
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: R E L A Y
Sam: Aw, man, you were robbed on that one, iwpg.
iwpg: Yup.
Randy: flunk
StackBot: Randy breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: abhor, acock, actor, affix, aleph, alibi, aloof, altho, amido, amigo.
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A L O E
StackBot: W E N D
StackBot: S O U R
Kysle: Why didn't antsy work?
Sam: Not in the dictionary.
iwpg: Didn't recognise it.
Crystal109: pica
StackBot: Crystal109 continues the stack with the word pica and wins 1 point!
StackBot: vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A L O E
StackBot: W E N D
StackBot: S O U R
StackBot: P I C A
Randy: Amigo!
vballgirl: iglu
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with the word iglu and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A L O E
StackBot: W E N D
StackBot: S O U R
StackBot: P I C A
StackBot: I G L U
Nyperold: chet
Nyperold: kaph
StackBot: Nyperold continues the stack with the word kaph and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A L O E
StackBot: W E N D
StackBot: S O U R
StackBot: P I C A
StackBot: I G L U
StackBot: K A P H
Sam: envy
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word envy and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A L O E
StackBot: W E N D
StackBot: S O U R
StackBot: P I C A
StackBot: I G L U
StackBot: K A P H
StackBot: E N V Y
Randy: crap
StackBot: Randy continues the stack with the word crap and wins 1 point!
StackBot: iwpg, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A L O E
StackBot: W E N D
StackBot: S O U R
StackBot: P I C A
StackBot: I G L U
StackBot: K A P H
StackBot: E N V Y
StackBot: C R A P
Sam: You have the most interesting words, Randy.
LaZorra: hehe
iwpg: foam
iwpg: fume
Randy: That one came up in the spur of the moment.
LaZorra: FOAM
iwpg: fuss
StackBot: iwpg continues the stack with the word fuss and wins 1 point!
StackBot: LaZorra, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A L O E
StackBot: W E N D
StackBot: S O U R
StackBot: P I C A
StackBot: I G L U
StackBot: K A P H
StackBot: E N V Y
StackBot: C R A P
StackBot: F U S S
LaZorra: open
Randy: I was thinking "Crap, its my turn. Hey, crap can work!"
StackBot: LaZorra continues the stack with the word open and wins 1 point!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A L O E
StackBot: W E N D
StackBot: S O U R
StackBot: P I C A
StackBot: I G L U
StackBot: K A P H
StackBot: E N V Y
StackBot: C R A P
StackBot: F U S S
StackBot: O P E N
Sam: I'm out.
Nyperold: Hey, if whatsisname ever comes in here, that can be his username. 
Sam: No I'm not.
ThePhan: skit
StackBot: ThePhan timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A L O E
StackBot: W E N D
StackBot: S O U R
StackBot: P I C A
StackBot: I G L U
StackBot: K A P H
StackBot: E N V Y
StackBot: C R A P
StackBot: F U S S
StackBot: O P E N
Crystal109: Now I'm out.
Crystal109: Oh, wait. Never mind.
gremlinn: Rule 2. If you think of one, your turn won't come up.
Sam: Yup.
Crystal109: So true.
StackBot: LuckyWizard timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A L O E
StackBot: W E N D
StackBot: S O U R
StackBot: P I C A
StackBot: I G L U
StackBot: K A P H
StackBot: E N V Y
StackBot: C R A P
StackBot: F U S S
StackBot: O P E N
Kysle: Or if you do, you don't realize it's your turn
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word gyri and wins 3 points!
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A L O E
StackBot: W E N D
StackBot: S O U R
StackBot: P I C A
StackBot: I G L U
StackBot: K A P H
StackBot: E N V Y
StackBot: C R A P
StackBot: F U S S
StackBot: O P E N
StackBot: G Y R I
gremlinn: I had gyro.
Randy: heh
Sam: You've had a rough few turns, grem.
Kysle: MMm
StackBot: gremlinn breaks the stack. Possible continuations: twig, twit, umbo.
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B L A T E
StackBot: P E N N Y
StackBot: Y O L K S
Crystal109: I had twit ready.
Nyperold: Rule 6. If someone asks what that word is you just put, you have to tell. 
gremlinn: creep
StackBot: gremlinn continues the stack with the word creep and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B L A T E
StackBot: P E N N Y
StackBot: Y O L K S
StackBot: C R E E P
Sam: ichor
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word ichor and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B L A T E
StackBot: P E N N Y
StackBot: Y O L K S
StackBot: C R E E P
StackBot: I C H O R
Nyperold: zayin
StackBot: Nyperold continues the stack with the word zayin and wins 1 point!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B L A T E
StackBot: P E N N Y
StackBot: Y O L K S
StackBot: C R E E P
StackBot: I C H O R
StackBot: Z A Y I N
Sam: Heh.
Sam: Nyperold has his own arsenal of unusual words.
gremlinn: Yeah. Some call it the Hebrew alphabet.
Sam: I call it Nyperold's arsenal of unusual words.
gremlinn: I use them all in SOAT.
ThePhan: extra
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word extra and wins 1 point!
StackBot: vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B L A T E
StackBot: P E N N Y
StackBot: Y O L K S
StackBot: C R E E P
StackBot: I C H O R
StackBot: Z A Y I N
StackBot: E X T R A
Nyperold: Yeah. Chet didn't work, though. Oh well.
Sam: grem: Everything but pepperoni pizza, right?
vballgirl: stick
gremlinn: At least, one English variant spelling of each.
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with the word stick and wins 1 point!
StackBot: LaZorra, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B L A T E
StackBot: P E N N Y
StackBot: Y O L K S
StackBot: C R E E P
StackBot: I C H O R
StackBot: Z A Y I N
StackBot: E X T R A
StackBot: S T I C K
LaZorra: spilt
LuckyWizard: Might be in there under a different name, such as heth.
LaZorra: Augh.
gremlinn: It's "cheth" where I used it.
Nyperold: Hmm. Maybe.
LaZorra: glued
StackBot: LaZorra timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B L A T E
StackBot: P E N N Y
StackBot: Y O L K S
StackBot: C R E E P
StackBot: I C H O R
StackBot: Z A Y I N
StackBot: E X T R A
StackBot: S T I C K
LaZorra: Dang.
LaZorra: My brain is gone.
Crystal109: I think having Stack last, when our brains have deteriorated, isn't a very good idea. Heh.
StackBot: Kysle timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: iwpg, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B L A T E
StackBot: P E N N Y
StackBot: Y O L K S
StackBot: C R E E P
StackBot: I C H O R
StackBot: Z A Y I N
StackBot: E X T R A
StackBot: S T I C K
iwpg: flush
LaZorra: "Stick" singlehandedly took out all my words, heh.
gremlinn: LOYAR FRUSH!
LaZorra: LOL
Randy: LOL
gremlinn: Oh, the R is blocked too.
Crystal109: I think I have some.
StackBot: iwpg breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: about, addax, adopt, adult, adust, afoul, ampul, angst, appal, assai.
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P U L P
StackBot: F I C E
StackBot: G O B S
vballgirl: I have one.
Nyperold: Yeah. I think having Stack first, where I could miss most of it, would have been nice. 
iwpg: Gah.
LuckyWizard: ever
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word ever and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P U L P
StackBot: F I C E
StackBot: G O B S
StackBot: E V E R
gremlinn: LZ: more than you could shake a "stick" at?
Nyperold: And then I could get in on Match.
LaZorra: *groan*
Randy: mean
StackBot: Randy continues the stack with the word mean and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P U L P
StackBot: F I C E
StackBot: G O B S
StackBot: E V E R
StackBot: M E A N
Crystal109: idyl
StackBot: Crystal109 continues the stack with the word idyl and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P U L P
StackBot: F I C E
StackBot: G O B S
StackBot: E V E R
StackBot: M E A N
StackBot: I D Y L
Sam: E = DED
Randy: I killed it.
Sam: I find it kind of difficult to switch between 4- and 5-letter words. My brain gets in one mode, and it's hard to switch back.
Crystal109: E dies easily.
Nyperold: kaph
StackBot: Nyperold continues the stack with the word kaph and wins 1 point!
StackBot: vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P U L P
StackBot: F I C E
StackBot: G O B S
StackBot: E V E R
StackBot: M E A N
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: K A P H
LaZorra: Yeah.
vballgirl: onto
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with the word onto and wins 1 point!
StackBot: iwpg, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P U L P
StackBot: F I C E
StackBot: G O B S
StackBot: E V E R
StackBot: M E A N
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: K A P H
StackBot: O N T O
Crystal109: I constantly have to consciously count every new round to make sure I have the right number of words.
iwpg: drum
StackBot: iwpg continues the stack with the word drum and wins 1 point!
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P U L P
StackBot: F I C E
StackBot: G O B S
StackBot: E V E R
StackBot: M E A N
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: K A P H
StackBot: O N T O
StackBot: D R U M
gremlinn: chin
gremlinn: chit
StackBot: gremlinn continues the stack with the word chit and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P U L P
StackBot: F I C E
StackBot: G O B S
StackBot: E V E R
StackBot: M E A N
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: K A P H
StackBot: O N T O
StackBot: D R U M
StackBot: C H I T
Crystal109: blow
StackBot: Crystal109 continues the stack with the word blow and wins 1 point!
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P U L P
StackBot: F I C E
StackBot: G O B S
StackBot: E V E R
StackBot: M E A N
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: K A P H
StackBot: O N T O
StackBot: D R U M
StackBot: C H I T
StackBot: B L O W
StackBot: LuckyWizard timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P U L P
StackBot: F I C E
StackBot: G O B S
StackBot: E V E R
StackBot: M E A N
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: K A P H
StackBot: O N T O
StackBot: D R U M
StackBot: C H I T
StackBot: B L O W
Sam: ashy
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word ashy and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P U L P
StackBot: F I C E
StackBot: G O B S
StackBot: E V E R
StackBot: M E A N
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: K A P H
StackBot: O N T O
StackBot: D R U M
StackBot: C H I T
StackBot: B L O W
StackBot: A S H Y
Randy: swun
StackBot: Randy timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: LaZorra, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P U L P
StackBot: F I C E
StackBot: G O B S
StackBot: E V E R
StackBot: M E A N
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: K A P H
StackBot: O N T O
StackBot: D R U M
StackBot: C H I T
StackBot: B L O W
StackBot: A S H Y
LaZorra: lynx
StackBot: LaZorra ends the stack with the word lynx (no valid continuations) and wins 6 points!
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: I M I D O
StackBot: S U L K S
StackBot: M A Y S T
Crystal109: I saw Visa at first.
LaZorra: WHOO
Kysle: Nice
Crystal109: NICE, LZ!
iwpg: Nice!
Randy: Good job!
ThePhan: Whoo!
LaZorra: Thanks!
LuckyWizard: Good job!
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word aleph and wins 1 point!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: I M I D O
StackBot: S U L K S
StackBot: M A Y S T
StackBot: A L E P H
Crystal109: Happens every UBT, apparently.
Sam: I love those 6 point bonuses. They're always exciting.
LaZorra: Yeah!
LaZorra: Never thought I'd get one, though, heh.
Crystal109: And brings LaZ into the running for first.
ThePhan: beard
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word beard and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: I M I D O
StackBot: S U L K S
StackBot: M A Y S T
StackBot: A L E P H
StackBot: B E A R D
Randy: I didn't even know that happened.
Nyperold: gimel
StackBot: Nyperold continues the stack with the word gimel and wins 1 point!
StackBot: iwpg, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: I M I D O
StackBot: S U L K S
StackBot: M A Y S T
StackBot: A L E P H
StackBot: B E A R D
StackBot: G I M E L
Sam: When the bot was new, it didn't do that.
iwpg: I read "And brings LaZ into the running for first beard."
Sam: But it's been like that for at least many months now.
Sam: LaZorra's beard, I mean.
iwpg: entry
LaZorra: I know. I really need to shave.
StackBot: iwpg timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: I M I D O
StackBot: S U L K S
StackBot: M A Y S T
StackBot: A L E P H
StackBot: B E A R D
StackBot: G I M E L
iwpg: GAH
vballgirl: gloam
vballgirl: floam
StackBot: vballgirl timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: I M I D O
StackBot: S U L K S
StackBot: M A Y S T
StackBot: A L E P H
StackBot: B E A R D
StackBot: G I M E L
Randy: woman
gremlinn: Aleph, beard, gimel... well, that's close.
StackBot: Randy breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: chock, choir, chomp, chuck, chuff, chump, chunk, chute, cobia, coble.
StackBot: LaZorra, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M U C K
StackBot: W O L F
StackBot: N A P E
Zup has entered.
Crystal109: Hey, Zup.
Zup: What's up, guys!
LaZorra: lynx
StackBot: LaZorra continues the stack with the word lynx and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M U C K
StackBot: W O L F
StackBot: N A P E
StackBot: L Y N X
LaZorra: I like that word.
Zup: I didn't think I'd make it tonight.
Zup: At all.
Sam: You kind of didn't.
Crystal109: envy
StackBot: Crystal109 continues the stack with the word envy and wins 1 point!
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M U C K
StackBot: W O L F
StackBot: N A P E
StackBot: L Y N X
StackBot: E N V Y
Zup: I know, but I made it enough to be in the transcript, ha.
Sam: But we missed you, and that's what counts, except in the scores.
gremlinn: beth
Sam: Ahhh, yes. Good point.
StackBot: gremlinn continues the stack with the word beth and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M U C K
StackBot: W O L F
StackBot: N A P E
StackBot: L Y N X
StackBot: E N V Y
StackBot: B E T H
Zup: Sam: Aww, I'm touched.
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word crop and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M U C K
StackBot: W O L F
StackBot: N A P E
StackBot: L Y N X
StackBot: E N V Y
StackBot: B E T H
StackBot: C R O P
Sam: itch
Sam: odic
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word odic and wins 1 point!
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M U C K
StackBot: W O L F
StackBot: N A P E
StackBot: L Y N X
StackBot: E N V Y
StackBot: B E T H
StackBot: C R O P
StackBot: O D I C
LuckyWizard: then
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word then and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M U C K
StackBot: W O L F
StackBot: N A P E
StackBot: L Y N X
StackBot: E N V Y
StackBot: B E T H
StackBot: C R O P
StackBot: O D I C
StackBot: T H E N
Sam: Huh. That's a word.
Zup: rime
Zup: rimy
Zup: rimp
Zup: wimp
Zup: gimp
Zup: gims
StackBot: Zup timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M U C K
StackBot: W O L F
StackBot: N A P E
StackBot: L Y N X
StackBot: E N V Y
StackBot: B E T H
StackBot: C R O P
StackBot: O D I C
StackBot: T H E N
Zup: gima
Zup: Crud.
StackBot: Nyperold timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M U C K
StackBot: W O L F
StackBot: N A P E
StackBot: L Y N X
StackBot: E N V Y
StackBot: B E T H
StackBot: C R O P
StackBot: O D I C
StackBot: T H E N
StackBot: vballgirl breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: abut, acyl, afar, agar, aids, aims, airs, airt, ajar, alas.
StackBot: LaZorra, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: K E P T
StackBot: L O B O
StackBot: N A G S
LaZorra: jist
LaZorra: Durr
LaZorra: onyx
StackBot: LaZorra continues the stack with the word onyx and wins 1 point!
StackBot: iwpg, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: K E P T
StackBot: L O B O
StackBot: N A G S
StackBot: O N Y X
iwpg: bile
StackBot: iwpg continues the stack with the word bile and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: K E P T
LaZorra: *StackBot* The word 'durr' is not recognized. (00:58:44)
StackBot: L O B O
StackBot: N A G S
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: B I L E
Sam: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
Randy: hehe
Crystal109: pica
Crystal109: amid
StackBot: Crystal109 continues the stack with the word amid and wins 1 point!
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: K E P T
StackBot: L O B O
StackBot: N A G S
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: B I L E
StackBot: A M I D
LuckyWizard: LOL
LuckyWizard: ever
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word ever and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: K E P T
StackBot: L O B O
StackBot: N A G S
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: B I L E
StackBot: A M I D
StackBot: E V E R
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word punk and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: K E P T
StackBot: L O B O
StackBot: N A G S
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: B I L E
StackBot: A M I D
StackBot: E V E R
StackBot: P U N K
Sam: Gah.
Sam: tort
Sam: torn
Sam: tyne
Gahalyn has entered.
Sam: puma
Gahalyn is away.
Nyperold: Hello!
Sam: tuna
gremlinn: gaha
Crystal109: Hey, Gaha!
StackBot: Sam timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: K E P T
StackBot: L O B O
StackBot: N A G S
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: B I L E
StackBot: A M I D
StackBot: E V E R
StackBot: P U N K
Randy: slum
StackBot: Randy continues the stack with the word slum and wins 2 points!
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: K E P T
StackBot: L O B O
StackBot: N A G S
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: B I L E
StackBot: A M I D
StackBot: E V E R
StackBot: P U N K
StackBot: S L U M
Gahalyn: Hi all
Kysle: Ohhh
gremlinn: gyri
Crystal109: LOL I was about to purge and subconsciously typed in /punk.
StackBot: gremlinn continues the stack with the word gyri and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: K E P T
StackBot: L O B O
StackBot: N A G S
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: B I L E
StackBot: A M I D
StackBot: E V E R
StackBot: P U N K
StackBot: S L U M
StackBot: G Y R I
Zup: tray
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with the word tray and wins 2 points!
StackBot: vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: K E P T
StackBot: L O B O
StackBot: N A G S
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: B I L E
StackBot: A M I D
StackBot: E V E R
StackBot: P U N K
StackBot: S L U M
StackBot: G Y R I
StackBot: T R A Y
gremlinn: There, got to a respectable 20 at least.
Zup: There, got to a respectable 2 at least.
vballgirl: lynx
vballgirl: kaph
Sam: grem: At 21, you can drink. Ah, you're there already, I see.
StackBot: vballgirl timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: K E P T
StackBot: L O B O
StackBot: N A G S
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: B I L E
StackBot: A M I D
StackBot: E V E R
StackBot: P U N K
StackBot: S L U M
StackBot: G Y R I
StackBot: T R A Y
gremlinn: Zup: hey, only difference is the 0, which is, like, nothing.
Zup: Heh, yep.
StackBot: Kysle breaks the stack. Possible continuations: chon, chop, chow, dhow, icon, idol, ikon, itch, upon, whoa.
StackBot: Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I S H
StackBot: B L O T
StackBot: F E C K
Zup: chon
Zup: itch
Zup: plug
Zup: crag
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with the word crag and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I S H
StackBot: B L O T
StackBot: F E C K
StackBot: C R A G
Crystal109: lake
Zup: I panicked.
StackBot: Crystal109 continues the stack with the word lake and wins 1 point!
StackBot: iwpg, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I S H
StackBot: B L O T
StackBot: F E C K
StackBot: C R A G
StackBot: L A K E
Crystal109: It's hard being first.
iwpg: chum
Sam: It's easy to panic in this game.
Zup: Which is always a bad idea, unless you're Patrick McManus.
Randy: yeah
iwpg: rump
StackBot: iwpg continues the stack with the word rump and wins 1 point!
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I S H
StackBot: B L O T
StackBot: F E C K
StackBot: C R A G
StackBot: L A K E
StackBot: R U M P
gremlinn: zoea
StackBot: gremlinn continues the stack with the word zoea and wins 1 point!
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I S H
StackBot: B L O T
StackBot: F E C K
StackBot: C R A G
StackBot: L A K E
StackBot: R U M P
StackBot: Z O E A
LuckyWizard: emir
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word emir and wins 1 point!
StackBot: LaZorra, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I S H
StackBot: B L O T
StackBot: F E C K
StackBot: C R A G
StackBot: L A K E
StackBot: R U M P
StackBot: Z O E A
StackBot: E M I R
LaZorra: onyx
Gahalyn: Good luck everyone :)
Gahalyn has left.
Gahalyn has entered.
StackBot: LaZorra continues the stack with the word onyx and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I S H
StackBot: B L O T
StackBot: F E C K
StackBot: C R A G
StackBot: L A K E
StackBot: R U M P
StackBot: Z O E A
StackBot: E M I R
StackBot: O N Y X
Crystal109: E has died yet again!
Nyperold: Ably
StackBot: Nyperold continues the stack with the word ably and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I S H
StackBot: B L O T
StackBot: F E C K
StackBot: C R A G
StackBot: L A K E
StackBot: R U M P
StackBot: Z O E A
StackBot: E M I R
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: A B L Y
Crystal109: ...And so has A.
StackBot: Randy timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Gahalyn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I S H
StackBot: B L O T
StackBot: F E C K
StackBot: C R A G
StackBot: L A K E
StackBot: R U M P
StackBot: Z O E A
StackBot: E M I R
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: A B L Y
Gahalyn has left.
* Randy's brain fizzled there.
StackBot: Gahalyn timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I S H
StackBot: B L O T
StackBot: F E C K
StackBot: C R A G
StackBot: L A K E
StackBot: R U M P
StackBot: Z O E A
StackBot: E M I R
StackBot: O N Y X
StackBot: A B L Y
Sam: Not me! Aargh!
gremlinn: You can win if you think of one.
Sam: No pressure, huh.
StackBot: Sam breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: gyri, gyro, hypo, scud, scum, shul, shun, spud, spun, stub.
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T A S S E
StackBot: S O U P S
StackBot: P I X E L
gremlinn: I had "stub".
ThePhan: mealy
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word mealy and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T A S S E
StackBot: S O U P S
StackBot: P I X E L
StackBot: M E A L Y
* Kysle had stud
Sam: I should have thought of 'S' words. Missed that entirely.
Crystal109: lucid
StackBot: Crystal109 continues the stack with the word lucid and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T A S S E
StackBot: S O U P S
StackBot: P I X E L
StackBot: M E A L Y
StackBot: L U C I D
Crystal109: Sam: Out of curiosity, where does StackBot get its words?
StackBot: Randy timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T A S S E
StackBot: S O U P S
StackBot: P I X E L
StackBot: M E A L Y
StackBot: L U C I D
Sam: Same dictionary that WordBot, ChainBot, and others use.
vballgirl: ichor
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with the word ichor and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T A S S E
StackBot: S O U P S
StackBot: P I X E L
StackBot: M E A L Y
StackBot: L U C I D
StackBot: I C H O R
Sam: uncap
Sam: oxbow
Sam: ethyl
Sam: nymph
Sam: exert
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word exert and wins 2 points!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T A S S E
StackBot: S O U P S
StackBot: P I X E L
StackBot: M E A L Y
StackBot: L U C I D
StackBot: I C H O R
StackBot: E X E R T
Sam: Phew.
LaZorra: Sam: Grar.
Crystal109: Sam: Rawr.
gremlinn: Sam: Woof.
StackBot: ThePhan timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T A S S E
StackBot: S O U P S
StackBot: P I X E L
StackBot: M E A L Y
StackBot: L U C I D
StackBot: I C H O R
StackBot: E X E R T
Zup: known
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with the word known and wins 3 points!
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T A S S E
StackBot: S O U P S
StackBot: P I X E L
StackBot: M E A L Y
StackBot: L U C I D
StackBot: I C H O R
StackBot: E X E R T
StackBot: K N O W N
ThePhan: Sam took away my T!
gremlinn: LW can win it if he thinks of one.
Zup: I've been sitting on that for awhile.
Crystal109: Sam took away my E, R, and T.
gremlinn: Let's kill the X.
Randy: hehe
LaZorra: Let's kill Saturday night.
StackBot: LuckyWizard breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: addax, adyta, aging, album, alibi, alpha, altho, amido, amigo, amino.
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O V E A
StackBot: L E W I S
StackBot: K I T H E
gremlinn: I kill Saturday night by doing wrok.
Zup: Let's kill John Travolta.
LaZorra: Man, I haven't heard that song in forever.
Sam: Killer game.
gremlinn: addax
StackBot: gremlinn continues the stack with the word addax and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O V E A
StackBot: L E W I S
StackBot: K I T H E
StackBot: A D D A X
* Zup is kidding if John Travolta is reading this.
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word jammy and wins 1 point!
StackBot: LaZorra, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O V E A
StackBot: L E W I S
StackBot: K I T H E
StackBot: A D D A X
StackBot: J A M M Y
LaZorra: brown
StackBot: LaZorra continues the stack with the word brown and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O V E A
StackBot: L E W I S
StackBot: K I T H E
StackBot: A D D A X
StackBot: J A M M Y
StackBot: B R O W N
gremlinn: Jimmy Brown.
Randy: James Brown!
StackBot: Nyperold timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: iwpg, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O V E A
StackBot: L E W I S
StackBot: K I T H E
StackBot: A D D A X
StackBot: J A M M Y
StackBot: B R O W N
Zup: alack
iwpg: chant
StackBot: iwpg continues the stack with the word chant and wins 2 points!
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O V E A
StackBot: L E W I S
StackBot: K I T H E
StackBot: A D D A X
StackBot: J A M M Y
StackBot: B R O W N
StackBot: C H A N T
Zup: Ah! Enter key mishap!
Sam: The first 'A' was used anyway.
gremlinn: glyph
LaZorra: Dangit, now I have that song stuck in my head!
StackBot: gremlinn continues the stack with the word glyph and wins 2 points!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O V E A
StackBot: L E W I S
StackBot: K I T H E
StackBot: A D D A X
StackBot: J A M M Y
StackBot: B R O W N
StackBot: C H A N T
StackBot: G L Y P H
ThePhan: oxbow
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word oxbow and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O V E A
StackBot: L E W I S
StackBot: K I T H E
StackBot: A D D A X
StackBot: J A M M Y
StackBot: B R O W N
StackBot: C H A N T
StackBot: G L Y P H
StackBot: O X B O W
Zup: Oh, yeah. Good thing it wasn't my turn.
Nyperold: The rare-but-majestic all-purple word.
Randy: truck
gremlinn: Well hey, if I had only thought of "ugly" on that one turn, I'd have just won.
StackBot: Randy timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O V E A
StackBot: L E W I S
StackBot: K I T H E
StackBot: A D D A X
StackBot: J A M M Y
StackBot: B R O W N
StackBot: C H A N T
StackBot: G L Y P H
StackBot: O X B O W
* Kysle kills his computer
gremlinn: Not that everything would necessarily follow in suit.
* Nyperold hears Toccata & Fugue.
StackBot: Crystal109 breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: dwell, ennui, ethyl, hullo, imido, incur, mucro, mufti, multi, mungo.
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T I T L E
StackBot: L A K E S
StackBot: M U C I N
Crystal109: Grah.
Crystal109: I had nothing.
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word relay and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T I T L E
StackBot: L A K E S
StackBot: M U C I N
StackBot: R E L A Y
Nyperold: aleph
StackBot: Nyperold continues the stack with the word aleph and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T I T L E
StackBot: L A K E S
StackBot: M U C I N
StackBot: R E L A Y
StackBot: A L E P H
Nyperold: Well, I got to a respectable 10, at least.
Crystal109: LW: Are you really idle?
StackBot: Sam timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: LaZorra, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T I T L E
StackBot: L A K E S
StackBot: M U C I N
StackBot: R E L A Y
StackBot: A L E P H
Crystal109: Or you just have nothing to say?
LaZorra: stuck
StackBot: LaZorra continues the stack with the word stuck and wins 2 points!
StackBot: vballgirl, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T I T L E
StackBot: L A K E S
StackBot: M U C I N
StackBot: R E L A Y
StackBot: A L E P H
StackBot: S T U C K
LuckyWizard: Nothing to say.
LaZorra: grem: I dunno.
Randy: LZ: Now you killed my word.
vballgirl: gnarl
LaZorra: Sorry.
StackBot: vballgirl continues the stack with the word gnarl and wins 2 points!
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T I T L E
StackBot: L A K E S
StackBot: M U C I N
StackBot: R E L A Y
StackBot: A L E P H
StackBot: S T U C K
StackBot: G N A R L
LuckyWizard: honor
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word honor and wins 2 points!
StackBot: LuckyWizard wins!
Kysle: Yay!
Zup: Woo! Yay LW!
LaZorra: YAY LW!!!
Crystal109: Nice! Good job, LW!
ThePhan: Good job!
Kysle: I can go to bed! Night
gremlinn: Night.
Nyperold: it's over!
Randy: Good Job!
vballgirl: Good game!
Crystal109: Night.
Randy: Now for Round 2!
Zup: I got to 6! For a session I wasn't planning on being at!
Crystal109: Heh. Most of the happy people are happy that they can sleep.
Zup: That's six more than I would have gotten!
Sam: All right, I'm going to tally these scores and call it a day.
Sam: Transcript tomorrow.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=2
Sam: Phan, you're losing ground.
Sam: LaZorra got 5 points on you after that last game.
ThePhan and LaZorra were the top two, 204 to 135 points.
Zup: Wow. Missing a session can seriously damage your point total.
Crystal109: Whoa, we're playing WhoBot in UBT?
Crystal109: Zup: Yeah, I missed the first one, and I really regret it now.
Sam: One point between 3rd and 4th places.
LaZorra: I can't believe I'm in second place.
LaZorra: I credit the new connection.
Sam: WhoBot totally sucks with a tournament-sized crowd, but it would be silly to leave it out just on those grounds.
Zup: Crys: Tuesday, I was in second, point-wise.
Sam: That would be like never playing PetBot just because it sucks.
Randy: I can't believe I'm so higly ranked.
Crystal109: Heh, true. I just don't remember if I played it in UBT 1.
LaZorra: Hey, if it's with this few people, it should be WAY better than it was last UBT.
Crystal109: Yeah, I'm happy with my score so far.
Sam: Crys: The transcript will tell you.
Zup: Sam: NO! I won PetBot last time! Just be cause there's no skill involved...
Sam: Acro/Blank/Bingo tomorrow. That should be fun.
Crystal109: Acro, ugh. Blank, fun. Bingo, no clue how to play.
LaZorra: Crud, I hope I can make tomorrow.
Crystal109: So I just hope I can get some decent pointage there and just come in case.
Sam: Zup: That's what I'm saying. You can't eliminate either game from the tournament just because they'll be poor gameplay experiences.
Zup: Sam: Good. I liked my lucky win.
LaZorra: I like Acro and Blank. Bingo is eesh.
Zup: Acro - Awesome, Blank - Awesome, Bingo - ummm...no comment
Sam: Bingo is fun to do twice a year, in tournaments.
vballgirl: I agree LZ.
iwpg: I like Bingo.
Randy: Yeah
Sam: I think I have more fun participating in BingoBot than I do actually playing it, if you get the shade of meaning there.
Crystal109: I don't think I've ever played it before. I'm going to look at the transcripts to see how it's done.
LaZorra: hehe
vballgirl: It always seems like one of my numbers is in the last set to appear.
Sam: Crys: It's the world's easiest game to learn.
Nyperold: Coming up with clever ways to call it?
Sam: Nyp: Partly, yeah.
Sam: Then, some hands you decide to call it early, just to see if you can catch a 3 pointer.
Sam: Other times you watch for your card to be called.
Sam: *shrug*
Zup: Yeah, last time, I had a horrible connection, so it was all luck.
Sam: Playing it to win, straight through, is not great.
Zup: Hopefully it's better this time.
Randy: That's pretty much my strategy. I call when at least 3 or 4 of my card has been called.
Sam: I also love watching other people play it, too. And then there is the subgame of trying to make scrambled words or acronyms out of people's cards.
Sam: So, just in general, the game is a fun experience, inasmuch as it's a poor game.
Zup: Was it one of the first bot games?
Sam: Yeah, it was fourth, after Blitz, Mole, and Buzz.
vballgirl: It's amazing how I went into overload on StackBot tonight about halfway!
Crystal109: Strange how I like all the first three bots.
Sam: They were all more or less speed games. AcroBot introduced the voting model, and then that took over as the popular bot game paradigm.
Crystal109: I'm a sucker for old things, apparently.
Sam: The more recent ones dabble in turn-taking games, like Chain and Stack, but I don't think that's as successful. Chain is GREAT with two players, but I don't like it with more, even if it's just three.
Sam: Crys: Quite a bit later. I don't remember exactly. ahmoacah wrote it.
Crystal109: I think turn-taking games didn't take off because they don't involve everyone's participation at once.
Crystal109: Having to wait in between turns probably slows down the perception of gameplay.
Randy: Sinbad is better if you've seen the movie.
Sam: I think the order is Blitz, Word, Buzz, Bingo, Math, Word, State, Country, Acro, Match, Letter. I might be misremembering and State/Country came after Letter. But those two possibly orderings account for all the first 11 bots.
Not true. SnagBot and KickMoleBot predate AcroBot. The order of the bot games
goes like this: Blitzbot, MoleBot, BuzzBot, BingoBot, MathBot, WordBot,
StateBot, CountryBot, SnagBot, AcroBot, MatchBot, LetterBot,
StoryBot, LineBot, WhoBot, ChainBot, StackBot, HotOrNotBot, PetBot,
PokerBot, CountBot, BlankBot, MovieBot.
This list omits a few: KickMoleBot comes before AcroBot and after BingoBot,
but I'm not sure where. PokerBot, while it did not get released until
after CountBot, existed in a primitive form that only supported Vanilla,
Texas Hold'Em, Omaha, and Omaha/8 much earlier. Also missing are
PicMatchBot and CaptionBot, which came along no earlier than about when
LineBot did. MovieBot, while publicly released after BlankBot, was actually
written and finished and operational shortly after PetBot.
JumbleBot, also missing from this list, was conceived, written, and finalized,
all within 90 minutes in the evening of 2/23/07, the day after this gaming
vballgirl: Storybot is a great one with all the creative minds here.
Sam: It was for a while. I'm pretty burnt out on it, though. I experienced a sudden and abrupt disappearance of interest and inspiration for that.
Sam: ...at some point when it seemed like I'd done everything that idea had to offer.
Sam: It was the best thing ever for a month or two, though.
Sam: I still love the archive of old stories. It's just a been-there-done-that thing.
Nyperold: Some of the early ones, while the stories themselves are not good as stories, are hilariously surreal.