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Ultimate Bot Tournament #1: Session 6

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zK: Oh, you piece of flaming crap, refresh, you dumb, stupid old window, I hate you so much.
[RinkChat] User zK has been labeled 'Shot TalkingDog's judges' by zK.
LuckyWizard: Appropriate that today's graffiti appeared on the day we play CountBot...
Homestarmy: Ta-ooonament.
Sam has entered.
Zup has entered.
Sam: NICE! I came in RIGHT on the dot that time.
gremlinn: Good timing.
Sam: That ruled.
Sam: Ok, so, PicMatchBot was discovered to be broken only about 35 minutes ago, on account of the HTML code for image search results changed.
Homestarmy: :(
Grishny: ACK! That's my game!
Grishny: I was counting on that game for some points.
Sam: But...the good news is that 20 minutes later, I had it working again. SO WE'RE ALL GOOD!
Zup: Good thing it was discovered at all.
Kysle: lol
Sam: Yeah.
Sam: But first up is CountBot.
CountBot has been summoned by Sam.
* Grishny sweats bullets
* Grishny shoots a sweat bullet at Sam
* Sam is killed.
Grishny: No you're not, you're just sweaty.
gremlinn: "Each player may submit up to 1 interpretations; if more are given, only the first 1 are accepted."
[RinkChat] User Zup has been labeled 'is sad for the end of UBT...' by Zup.
Sam: Read the rules if you don't know them. There is a change: only 1 submission per player is accepted per round (instead of 2, normally), but up to 25 submissions are accepted per round in total (instead of 15) so there's no need to race. ....And...apparently there wouldn't be anyway, because this is by far the teeniest crowd we've ever had.
Homestarmy: Does this one have quiz mode?
Nyperold: It doesn't need quiz mode.
Grishny: This is the one where you can dump particular numbers anytime during a round, yes?
Sam: Grish: PicMatch, yes.
* Grishny cracks his PicMatching knuckles
Sam: Grish: It's CountBot first, though.
Sam: got about two hours to catch up on your knuckle cracking.
Grishny: CountBot is good. I like CountBot.
Grishny: I like all my lovely creative category bots.
* Homestarmy cracks open a fresh bottle of /b.
Sam: Starting in 1 minute...
* Grishny uncracks his PicMatching knuckles and cracks the CountBot ones instead.
* Zup cracks corn and does not- ya know what? nevermind.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 6, 7, 4, 4.
Pupmon has entered.
Sam: 14 people now. Still not 20-22. I know of three that couldn't make it tonight, though. :-/
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Randy's feeling good, dawg
CountBot: Vote 2 for Onward! Smilers can't punt!
CountBot: Vote 3 for Where's Grishny? Play! Play!
CountBot: Vote 4 for WhoBot, another good game!
CountBot: Vote 5 for Pupmon arrives... she's late!
CountBot: Vote 6 for People singing seem wild.
CountBot: Vote 7 for Losers tonight, let's lose!
CountBot: Vote 8 for Radish doggies beat Mike!
Sam: vote 5
Grishny: vote 5
Kysle: vote 5
Zup: vote 4
Crystal109: vote 7
gremlinn: vote 3
Pupmon: vote 5
GrimbleGromble: vote 6
LuckyWizard: vote 6
nessachan has entered.
Sam: It would rule if 5 was Pupmon.
Scruffy: vote 1
Homestarmy: vote 5
Randy: vote 3
CountBot: gremlinn wins 5 points for Pupmon arrives... she's late!
CountBot: Crystal109 wins 2 points for People singing seem wild.
CountBot: Grishny wins 2 points for Where's Grishny? Play! Play!
CountBot: Randy wins 1 point for Randy's feeling good, dawg
CountBot: Sam wins 1 point for WhoBot, another good game!
CountBot: Zup wins 1 point for Losers tonight, let's lose!
CountBot: GrimbleGromble wins 0 points for Radish doggies beat Mike!
CountBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Onward! Smilers can't punt!
Sam: ...but I suspected it was grem. :-)
nessachan: whee I remembered!
nessachan: for once!
Sam: grem: You are the MASTAR at taking advantage of current events in chat.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 2, 4, 3, 5, 7.
Randy: We have our chances, gremlinn.
Randy: d'oh
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Yo! Stop teh power abusing!
CountBot: Vote 2 for We were not there, Grishny.
CountBot: Vote 3 for zK took his pants outside.
CountBot: Vote 4 for "At last! You aren't shallow!"
CountBot: Vote 5 for To arms , Sir Ralph Fistron!
CountBot: Vote 6 for "I'm evil, yes," Satan decided.
CountBot: Vote 7 for So, that guy yells, "GRISHNY."
Randy: Never mind me, I'm dumb.
Grishny: How long do we have to make a submission on this bot?
Sam: Randy: I was trying to figure out why you said that.
Zup: vote 6
Crystal109: vote 6
gremlinn: vote 3
Pupmon: vote 2
Grishny: vote 6
Homestarmy: vote 6
Kysle: vote 6
nessachan: vote 6
GrimbleGromble: vote 6
LuckyWizard: vote 1
Randy: vote 6
Sam: vote 2
LuckyWizard: vote 6
Scruffy: vote 6
CountBot: gremlinn wins 10 points for "I'm evil, yes," Satan decided.
CountBot: Grishny wins 2 points for We were not there, Grishny.
CountBot: Sam wins 1 point for zK took his pants outside.
CountBot: GrimbleGromble wins 0 points for To arms , Sir Ralph Fistron!
CountBot: Homestarmy wins 0 points for Yo! Stop teh power abusing!
CountBot: Kysle wins 0 points for "At last! You aren't shallow!"
CountBot: Zup wins 0 points for So, that guy yells, "GRISHNY."
* Homestarmy thanks lucky wizard
Sam: Yikes.
nessachan: wow.
Crystal109: Wow. gremlinn has dominated already.
Grishny: And in case you missed it, how long do we have to make an entry with this bot?
Kysle: Go gremlinn!
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 1, 2, 3, 6, 4.
Zup: Gremlinn is going to sweep again.
Sam: Looks like about 75 seconds.
Grishny: gremlinn can do whatever he wants at this point. He's got first place secured.
Sam: Grish: No, he does not.
gremlinn: I have to beat Sam at ChainBot.
Sam: I'm 28 points up on him in the Points Ranking.
Grishny: ChainBot...oh, right, I forgot about that.
Sam: Pet and PicMatch are usually even, so he has to make up the 28 points this game.
Sam: I'm sure he'll beat me at Chain, though.
Grishny: Well, it looks like he's well on his way to doing that, doesn't it.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for I am the person, yeah
CountBot: Vote 2 for I am not really sure!
CountBot: Vote 3 for I am all mighty king.
CountBot: Vote 4 for I do not demand logs.
CountBot: Vote 5 for I am not always... sane.
CountBot: Vote 6 for I am JOE PESHCI, fool!
CountBot: Vote 7 for I am NOT 'oohing'!.... Dork!
CountBot: Vote 8 for I do not defuse cats!
CountBot: Vote 9 for I am the bigger hero!
CountBot: Vote 10 for i am the purree mens.
CountBot: Vote 11 for "I do not," hissed Lynn.
CountBot: Vote 12 for I do not giggle much.
Sam: Grish: The night is young.
Grishny: Well, from my vantage point in fourth place, I don't care what gremlinn does. I'm just hoping to surpass Gharlane and take 3rd.
LuckyWizard: vote 5
gremlinn: vote 9
Scruffy: vote 9
GrimbleGromble: vote 1
Sam: A gremlinn win of 30-3 at this game would still be not bad for me.
Homestarmy: vote 9
Kysle: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 5
Pupmon: vote 4
Zup: vote 5
Grishny: vote 3
nessachan: vote 3
Sam: vote 12
Randy: vote 2
Sam: 3 = misspelling
nessachan: I wish I had not forgotten the other tourneys. :O
gremlinn: Sam: you can interpret it grammatically correctly.
Randy: I just want to overtake TD
CountBot: LuckyWizard wins 3 points for I am the bigger hero!
CountBot: Sam wins 3 points for I am not always... sane.
CountBot: Zup wins 3 points for I am all mighty king.
CountBot: GrimbleGromble wins 1 point for I do not demand logs.
CountBot: Scruffy wins 1 point for I am the person, yeah
CountBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for I am not really sure!
CountBot: nessachan wins 1 point for I do not giggle much.
CountBot: Grishny wins 0 points for I am JOE PESHCI, fool!
CountBot: Homestarmy wins 0 points for i am the purree mens.
CountBot: Kysle wins 0 points for I am NOT 'oohing'!.... Dork!
CountBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for "I do not," hissed Lynn.
CountBot: Pupmon wins 0 points for I do not defuse cats!
nessachan: vote 5
Zup: Sam: Shush!
nessachan: oops :O!
gremlinn: Like "I am all man".
* nessachan thanks Sam for the vote
Sam: grem: All of me is a mighty king?
Sam: Hehehe, ok.
Sam: Odd, but ok.
Grishny: I read it in a thick Russian accent.
Sam: Grish: LOL
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 4, 4.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Even this?
CountBot: Vote 2 for Four? Uh-uh.
CountBot: Vote 3 for Dogs suck.
CountBot: Vote 4 for Hard Rock!!!
CountBot: Vote 5 for Corn: here.
CountBot: Vote 6 for Sam's done.
CountBot: Vote 7 for Rice wine!
CountBot: Vote 8 for Beat grem!
CountBot: Vote 9 for Dude!!! WEED!!!
CountBot: Vote 10 for Yeah, good.
CountBot: Vote 11 for Shot down!
CountBot: Vote 12 for Back, figs!
CountBot: Vote 13 for True Love
Pupmon: vote 3
nessachan: vote 4
gremlinn: Oh, it took my first. I thought you said we could change.
Homestarmy: vote8
Nyperold: vote 7
Grishny: vote 11
zK: vote 4
Sam: vote 2
Zup: vote 6
Kysle: vote 4
Sam: Sorry, no.
Crystal109: vote 13
Scruffy: vote 11
LuckyWizard: vote 2
Randy: vote 11
gremlinn: vote 13
gremlinn: My second was "HUGE vest".
Kysle: H: You might want to re-vote
GrimbleGromble: vote 1
Sam: grem: LOL!
Scruffy: vote 13
CountBot: Randy wins 3 points for Hard Rock!!!
CountBot: Sam wins 3 points for True Love
CountBot: GrimbleGromble wins 2 points for Shot down!
CountBot: Zup wins 2 points for Four? Uh-uh.
CountBot: Kysle wins 1 point for Beat grem!
CountBot: LuckyWizard wins 1 point for Even this?
CountBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for Sam's done.
CountBot: nessachan wins 1 point for Rice wine!
CountBot: zK wins 1 point for Dogs suck.
CountBot: Grishny wins 0 points for Corn: here.
CountBot: Homestarmy wins 0 points for Dude!!! WEED!!!
CountBot: Pupmon wins 0 points for Back, figs!
CountBot: Scruffy wins 0 points for Yeah, good.
Randy: Sweet
Kysle: Go Randy and Sam!
Grishny: Sam's done? gremlinn's overconfident.
Pupmon: Go Randy!
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 4, 2, 3.
GrimbleGromble: SAM FOR LEAD
Sam: I'll be done with this tournament soon and able to return to sleeping at night.
zK: Yay for sleep. I have lost much of that over the past week.
Zup: Sam: You sleep at night? Weirdo.
Sam: Not the last two weeks, no.
Randy: heh
Grishny: I'm getting run down and sick because I don't get enough sleep anymore.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for "Open UP, cow!"
CountBot: Vote 2 for "Yelp!" "Go! Git!"
CountBot: Vote 3 for Peas in pod!
CountBot: Vote 4 for Grab an egg!
CountBot: Vote 5 for Pull my fin-
CountBot: Vote 6 for Good be sam.
CountBot: Vote 7 for West Is Lip
CountBot: Vote 8 for Sam's an bee.
CountBot: Vote 9 for Wine? No, tea.
CountBot: Vote 10 for Grem is bot.
CountBot: Vote 11 for Have to pee!!
CountBot: Vote 12 for Grow up, man!
CountBot: Vote 13 for This is Sam.
Homestarmy: Haw-haw! your nocturnal!
Sam: What about my nocturnal?
Homestarmy: vote 11
gremlinn: vote 12
Crystal109: vote 10
Homestarmy: Hey!!
GrimbleGromble: vote 7
Pupmon: vote 10
Grishny: vote 10
LuckyWizard: vote 10
Homestarmy: Somebody stole my "an" line!
Sam: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 3
zK: vote 1
Zup: vote 3
nessachan: vote 11
Kysle: vote 12
Randy: vote 10
Scruffy: vote 12
CountBot: zK wins 5 points for Grem is bot.
CountBot: Crystal109 wins 3 points for Grow up, man!
CountBot: Kysle wins 2 points for "Open UP, cow!"
CountBot: Randy wins 2 points for Have to pee!!
CountBot: nessachan wins 2 points for Peas in pod!
CountBot: Grishny wins 1 point for West Is Lip
CountBot: GrimbleGromble wins 0 points for Good be sam.
CountBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for Grab an egg!
CountBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for "Yelp!" "Go! Git!"
CountBot: Pupmon wins 0 points for Wine? No, tea.
CountBot: Sam wins 0 points for This is Sam.
CountBot: Zup wins 0 points for Pull my fin-
CountBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for Sam's an bee.
Homestarmy: It is an butterfly!
Sam: I forgot what "West Is Lip" was about. What's that?
* Randy is in 4th Grade.
Grishny: One of Strong Bad's made-up bands.
Nyperold: West Islip?
Crystal109: Randy: More like 6th grade, if what my friends did is any indication.
GrimbleGromble: Sam: It's those androgynous boys from Heartfordshire.
Sam: Ohhh, that's where I've heard that. Ok.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 4, 8, 3.
Randy: heh
GrimbleGromble: With their hit single "She Partied Without Dancing"
Homestarmy: Garrr..
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Woah, humongus guy!
CountBot: Vote 2 for Fire cremates all.
CountBot: Vote 3 for Goal! Football = fun.
CountBot: Vote 4 for "Free Dolphins! Owl!"
CountBot: Vote 5 for Make gremlinn die
CountBot: Vote 6 for More chickens?!! YES!!
CountBot: Vote 7 for <---------- Vote, Nyperold? THx.
Homestarmy: vote 5
gremlinn: That's pretty mean.
Grishny: I came up with one... and then it was too late.
GrimbleGromble: vote 2
nessachan: vote 1
Pupmon: vote 7
Crystal109: vote 2
LuckyWizard: vote 6
Sam: vote 6
Homestarmy: People are pretty mad at gremlinn.
Randy: vote 2
Kysle: vote 1
Zup: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 7
Crystal109: Not really.
zK: vote 6
Nyperold: vote seven
Scruffy: vote 5
CountBot: gremlinn wins 3 points for Fire cremates all.
CountBot: nessachan wins 3 points for More chickens?!! YES!!
CountBot: Sam wins 2 points for <---------- Vote, Nyperold? THx.
CountBot: Zup wins 2 points for Woah, humongus guy!
CountBot: LuckyWizard wins 1 point for Goal! Football = fun.
CountBot: Randy wins 1 point for Make gremlinn die
CountBot: Kysle wins 0 points for "Free Dolphins! Owl!"
Nyperold: Oh, man. It didn't work. How terrible.
Sam: Awww.
Sam: You tease.
Randy: Sorry grem. Just a joke.
gremlinn: Hehe, no problem.
Randy: And a lame one at that.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 4, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Clue, by Home: "It is an ________"
CountBot: Vote 2 for Ouch. It hurt. Ow, ow, ow...
CountBot: Vote 3 for Sing "la". Sing "do re mi".
CountBot: Vote 4 for Food: We need to do it.
CountBot: Vote 5 for Heya zK. What is th- at!?!@#$%
CountBot: Vote 6 for Jane? No. Leah? No, no, no!
CountBot: Vote 7 for Pigs do Work in my PO.
CountBot: Vote 8 for When we feel it, it is.
CountBot: Vote 9 for Dumb 'ol Fred is on me!
CountBot: Vote 10 for What if we're at it, eh?
CountBot: Vote 11 for John: "Hi." Jane: "Hi. So, um..."
CountBot: Vote 12 for Yeah I'm good, no no no.
gremlinn: vote 10
Sam: vote 8
gremlinn: vote 8
Homestarmy: boyr 10
zK: vote 5
nessachan: vote: 11
Grishny: vote 9
LuckyWizard: vote 1
Pupmon: vote 8
Scruffy: vote 2
GrimbleGromble: vote 8
Homestarmy: vote 10
zK: That one was tough to make coherent.
Crystal109: vote 11
Randy: vote 1
Zup: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 7
CountBot: Grishny wins 4 points for When we feel it, it is.
CountBot: Sam wins 2 points for Clue, by Home: "It is an ________"
CountBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for John: "Hi." Jane: "Hi. So, um..."
CountBot: zK wins 2 points for Ouch. It hurt. Ow, ow, ow...
CountBot: GrimbleGromble wins 1 point for Pigs do Work in my PO.
CountBot: Randy wins 1 point for What if we're at it, eh?
CountBot: Zup wins 1 point for Heya zK. What is th- at!?!@#$%
CountBot: nessachan wins 1 point for Dumb 'ol Fred is on me!
CountBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for Food: We need to do it.
CountBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Sing "la". Sing "do re mi".
CountBot: Pupmon wins 0 points for Jane? No. Leah? No, no, no!
CountBot: Scruffy wins 0 points for Yeah I'm good, no no no.
Sam: Man. I was anticipating a sweep.
gremlinn: Hehe.
Grishny: I don't understand yours at all, Sam.
Randy: Somebody voted for mine? It sucked!
Crystal109: Oh. I didn't notice that one.
Zup: Sam: I just now got yours. LOL
Sam: Grish: Homestarmy, at BuzzBot in the tournament. His clue was "It is an ________"
* Homestarmy steals sams points since he stole hie thing.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 4, 3, 2, 4, 3, 6.
LuckyWizard: A reference to the BuzzBot game earlier in the tournament.
Sam: We spent all week joking about it.
Grishny: I guess I missed that.
Homestarmy: I had already gotten the points and i forgot i didn't have to submit.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for that gel is real gel? really???
CountBot: Vote 2 for Good! Eat it with the LARDER.
CountBot: Vote 3 for Ouch the ow, stop the madnes.
CountBot: Vote 4 for What now? Oh, good. It's stupid.
CountBot: Vote 5 for That was my head, you idiots.
CountBot: Vote 6 for They are in deep dog doodoo.
CountBot: Vote 7 for Send the ol' dogs off, Pupmon!
CountBot: Vote 8 for Leen ate my food! I'll starve!
CountBot: Vote 9 for Some one is evil! It's Darien!
Crystal109: I'm always too late now.
gremlinn: vote 8
Sam: vote 5
GrimbleGromble: vote 8
Homestarmy: vote 8
Grishny: vote 8
nessachan: vote 5
Zup: vote 7
Crystal109: vote 8
Pupmon: vote 5
LuckyWizard: vote 5
Randy: vote 9
nessachan: oops I goofed.
Kysle: vote 5
Scruffy: vote 4
Grishny: I was going to vote for 5, but 8 is funnier.
CountBot: Randy wins 5 points for That was my head, you idiots.
CountBot: Sam wins 5 points for Leen ate my food! I'll starve!
CountBot: GrimbleGromble wins 1 point for Send the ol' dogs off, Pupmon!
CountBot: Grishny wins 1 point for Some one is evil! It's Darien!
CountBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for What now? Oh, good. It's stupid.
CountBot: Homestarmy wins 0 points for that gel is real gel? really???
CountBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Good! Eat it with the LARDER.
CountBot: Scruffy wins 0 points for Ouch the ow, stop the madnes.
CountBot: Zup wins 0 points for They are in deep dog doodoo.
Grishny: But I'm bummed. I thought I would get more points that round.
Ticia has entered.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 6, 4, 3.
Ticia: Sorry I'm late!
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for "Eureka!" they cry.
CountBot: Vote 2 for Ticia's late, Sam.
CountBot: Vote 3 for Jaffar says "WIN!"
CountBot: Vote 4 for Ticia's late. D'oh.
CountBot: Vote 5 for Ticia's Here! Yay!
CountBot: Vote 6 for Nessa's cute, yes?
Ticia: We were out eating a birthday dinner and getting a birthday cake for Rose.
CountBot: Vote 7 for really late her..
CountBot: Vote 8 for Killer text, Sam.
CountBot: Vote 9 for Amoeba don't eat.
CountBot: Vote 10 for Pupmon can't act.
CountBot: Vote 11 for Ticia's late, too!
CountBot: Vote 12 for Ticia's late. Boo!
Sam: Mid-bot-dump post! Yay!
Ticia: Hehe
Crystal109: Haha wow. So many about Ticia.
Sam: That was an even split, too.
Homestarmy: Lots of Ticia late.
Zup: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 11
Ticia: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 6
Grishny: vote 1
GrimbleGromble: vote 2
Pupmon: vote 2
nessachan: vote 1
LuckyWizard: vote 5
Randy: vote 3
Sam: vote 6
Homestarmy: vote 12
Scruffy: vote 12
LuckyWizard: vote 10
Crystal109: vote 9
Sam: Man. There sure is a Ticia's late bandwagon.
CountBot: Crystal109 wins 2 points for "Eureka!" they cry.
CountBot: LuckyWizard wins 2 points for Jaffar says "WIN!"
CountBot: Sam wins 2 points for Ticia's late. Boo!
CountBot: Ticia wins 2 points for Ticia's late, Sam.
CountBot: nessachan wins 2 points for Nessa's cute, yes?
CountBot: Grishny wins 1 point for Pupmon can't act.
CountBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Ticia's late, too!
CountBot: Randy wins 1 point for Ticia's Here! Yay!
CountBot: Zup wins 1 point for Amoeba don't eat.
CountBot: GrimbleGromble wins 0 points for Killer text, Sam.
CountBot: Homestarmy wins 0 points for really late her..
CountBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for Ticia's late. D'oh.
Ticia: Heh
Sam: Inexplicably, I got two votes for a run-of-the-mill Ticia's-late submission.
Grishny: Gets the points well spread-out.
Sam: HM for the amoeba, by the way.
Crystal109: I like how Ticia did it, too. =)
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 2, 1, 3, 4, 3.
Zup: Sam: thanks.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Hm. I saw that cat!
CountBot: Vote 2 for We, a tet, love all.
CountBot: Vote 3 for Do I eat food? Yes.
CountBot: Vote 4 for Oh! A bug! Help! Eek!
CountBot: Vote 5 for Am I dip? Chum off!
CountBot: Vote 6 for zK: I bit your eye. :-/
CountBot: Vote 7 for Do I dye Fish red?
CountBot: Vote 8 for Oh, I nix "can't act."
CountBot: Vote 9 for Ed, I lov... love you.
CountBot: Vote 10 for Am I not good now?
CountBot: Vote 11 for Ah! I can swim, Sam!
Crystal109: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 3
Pupmon: vote 3
Grishny: vote 4
Kysle: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 3
Sam: vote 3
Randy: vote 9
LuckyWizard: vote 3
Zup: vote 11
nessachan: vote 11
zK: vote 9
GrimbleGromble: vote 11
CountBot: Grishny wins 6 points for Do I eat food? Yes.
CountBot: zK wins 3 points for Ah! I can swim, Sam!
CountBot: Pupmon wins 2 points for Ed, I lov... love you.
CountBot: nessachan wins 2 points for Oh! A bug! Help! Eek!
CountBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for Hm. I saw that cat!
CountBot: GrimbleGromble wins 0 points for Do I dye Fish red?
CountBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Am I dip? Chum off!
CountBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Oh, I nix "can't act."
CountBot: Sam wins 0 points for zK: I bit your eye. :-/
CountBot: Zup wins 0 points for We, a tet, love all.
CountBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for Am I not good now?
Sam: This game is coming to me a lot easier than the first couple games of this I played. It's still rough sometimes.
gremlinn: Heh.
nessachan: I rather enjoy this game. :D
Pupmon: Points! Yay! First, I would like to thank those who voted for me.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 7, 6, 5, 8, 5, 5.
nessachan: ewww
zK: Pup: It was because I had originally thought of submitting that very sentence, and that was cool.
Grishny: Aw crap.
Zup: Worldly people lunch sometime alone, Ticia.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Angrily, tensed, Kysle embosses bumpy bombs.
CountBot: Vote 2 for Another length batch, CountBot! Rough, tough!
CountBot: Vote 3 for Zachary doesn't enjoy CountBot. Hurts brain.
CountBot: Vote 4 for Leopold, Janice, Eddie, pancakes aren't tasty.
CountBot: Vote 5 for Worldly people lunch sometime alone, Ticia.
CountBot: Vote 6 for Friends: really, thank goodness their there.
Grishny: I thought I had a great sentence until I submitted. Now that I see, it I realize it sucks.
nessachan: Too hard ;(
Randy: I had nothing
Crystal109: I totally got stuck.
Crystal109: vote 2
Pupmon: vote 5
gremlinn: Oops, I seem to have done 7, 6, 5, 9, 5, 5.
GrimbleGromble: vite 2
Sam: vote 1
zK: vote 4
Kysle: vote 6
GrimbleGromble: vot 2
nessachan: vote 3
LuckyWizard: vote 3
Grishny: vote 3
Zup: vote 2
GrimbleGromble: VOTE 2
Randy: vote 4
Scruffy: vote 6
Sam: Third time's the charm, GG.
gremlinn: vote 3
CountBot: zK wins 4 points for Zachary doesn't enjoy CountBot. Hurts brain.
CountBot: Sam wins 3 points for Another length batch, CountBot! Rough, tough!
CountBot: Grishny wins 2 points for Friends: really, thank goodness their there.
CountBot: Pupmon wins 2 points for Leopold, Janice, Eddie, pancakes aren't tasty.
CountBot: Kysle wins 1 point for Angrily, tensed, Kysle embosses bumpy bombs.
CountBot: Zup wins 1 point for Worldly people lunch sometime alone, Ticia.
Kysle: Go zK!
Grishny: That was the best sentence there, zK.
zK: Aw, thanks.
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 2.
GrimbleGromble: HULLAY FOL ME
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Count these. Can't you do it?
CountBot: Vote 2 for Randy stole that car! Go, go!
CountBot: Vote 3 for Ghost! Ghost! Yipe! Run! It co--
CountBot: Vote 4 for Valid tract mask the yo yo.
CountBot: Vote 5 for Great games? Then AGL it is.
CountBot: Vote 6 for There, there, ya'll are so *it*!
CountBot: Vote 7 for Think Kysle, like yes um um.
Crystal109: vote 5
gremlinn: vote 5
Zup: vote 5
nessachan: ARgh
GrimbleGromble: vote 5
nessachan: I goofed again ;(
Kysle: vote 1
Randy: vote 2
LuckyWizard: vote 5
Pupmon: vote 2
Grishny: vote 2
Scruffy: vote 3
* zK too.
Sam: vote 5
gremlinn: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 5
nessachan: vote 1
zK: It was crap, anyway, nobody would've voted for it.
zK: (mine!)
zK: Not yours.
CountBot: gremlinn wins 6 points for Great games? Then AGL it is.
CountBot: Nyperold wins 3 points for Count these. Can't you do it?
CountBot: Sam wins 3 points for Randy stole that car! Go, go!
CountBot: Grishny wins 1 point for Ghost! Ghost! Yipe! Run! It co--
CountBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Valid tract mask the yo yo.
CountBot: Scruffy wins 0 points for Think Kysle, like yes um um.
CountBot: Zup wins 0 points for There, there, ya'll are so *it*!
Sam: grem: I suspected that was you even before you changed your vote like that.
Pupmon: Go Nyperold!
Zup: That was cheap Grem.
zK: Hehe, sorry, ness.
nessachan: hehe
nessachan: I just can't count ;)
CountBot: Make up a sentence with these word lengths: 3, 4, 5, 3.
Sam: I read it and was all, "That's grem's, I don't care what he voted."
Randy: It was a good sentence
gremlinn: Zup: well, I'm talking about Sam's games, of course.
Zup: Grem: True, true.
* Randy saw Superman last night.
gremlinn: Yeah, sure you did. He's not real, you know.
CountBot: Time's up! Vote for the best submission. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CountBot: Vote 1 for Hey! This games won!
CountBot: Vote 2 for The cake = Tasty! Yay!
CountBot: Vote 3 for !$@#%^!@# ^ @#% #!@& !#^ #^!# ^# #%^ !# ^!#%^!#%^!#$%@#$%&!#$ !#^ #$ ^ %& @#$^& #!$^ !#^!#$%^ @#^& @$%& @^&@#%^&!#$^#%^ @#$%^ ^&%&%& #@^# !%^ $!% @#$% .............. Did that annoy you?
CountBot: Vote 4 for AHH! Time again! NOO!
CountBot: Vote 5 for The ride wasn't fun!
CountBot: Vote 6 for Woe! Alas! Nessa = Sad.
CountBot: Vote 7 for Joe, find fried fur.
CountBot: Vote 8 for The girl? Seven, yes.
CountBot: Vote 9 for Ack! Sean, watch out!
CountBot: Vote 10 for She must enjoy bot.
CountBot: Vote 11 for Got keys, Grimb? Yes!
CountBot: Vote 12 for Eat *THIS*! Sorry dog!
CountBot: Vote 13 for It's very tasty, yes?
Nyperold: vote 8
gremlinn: vote 13
Grishny: vote 5
Scruffy: vote 3
Sam: vote 8
Randy: vote 3
LuckyWizard: vote 3
nessachan: vote 2
zK: vote 12
Pupmon: vote 11
Crystal109: vote 13
GrimbleGromble: vote 13
Zup: vote 13
Kysle: vote 3
CountBot: Grishny wins 4 points for It's very tasty, yes?
CountBot: Sam wins 4 points for !$@#%^!@# ^ @#% #!@& !#^ #^!# ^# #%^ !# ^!#%^!#%^!#$%@#$%&!#$ !#^ #$ ^ %& @#$^& #!$^ !#^!#$%^ @#^& @$%& @^&@#%^&!#$^#%^ @#$%^ ^&%&%& #@^# !%^ $!% @#$% .............. Did that annoy you?
CountBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for The girl? Seven, yes.
CountBot: GrimbleGromble wins 1 point for Got keys, Grimb? Yes!
CountBot: Kysle wins 1 point for Eat *THIS*! Sorry dog!
CountBot: LuckyWizard wins 1 point for The ride wasn't fun!
CountBot: zK wins 1 point for The cake = Tasty! Yay!
CountBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for Ack! Sean, watch out!
CountBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for She must enjoy bot.
CountBot: Pupmon wins 0 points for Joe, find fried fur.
CountBot: Randy wins 0 points for Hey! This games won!
CountBot: Zup wins 0 points for AHH! Time again! NOO!
CountBot: nessachan wins 0 points for Woe! Alas! Nessa = Sad.
CountBot: gremlinn wins!
Sam: I should have gone for way more spamming. I typed what felt like a lot, then sensed time running out, so I wrapped it up too soon. :-) I'm all cracking up at myself now.
Grishny: Huh, Gharlane isn't even here tonight. I should have no trouble taking 3rd place if he doesn't show up.
Kysle: YAY
Pupmon: Hooray for gremlinn!
nessachan: :D
Crystal109: Yay for gremlinn!
Sam: At least a 5 minute break.
Zup: Yay Grem!
Crystal109: Okay, the scary bot is over with.
Crystal109: Or, at least, the thinking hard bot is over with.
zK: Huh? I got a modestly good score? What is this treachery?!
Pupmon: Oh well, four points are better than one.
Leen has entered.
Kysle: Heya, Leen!
Crystal109: Hi Leen!
zK: Ha. First LEEEEN.
gremlinn: Nice second halves, Grish and Sam.
* nessachan is proud of her little points
Pupmon: Greetings Leen!
Sam: grem: Thanks.
Zup: Hey there Leen.
Sam: I certainly did not expect to catch up to within 2 points of you.
Leen: hehe
Leen: Hi!
Grishny: Hi Leeeeeeen
gremlinn: I tried to go for natural-sounding stuff, which didn't work out with votes.
Leen: That reminds me of that silly computer parrot thing that Sam had on his computer in college.
Leen: You could tell it what to say, and he put it something like LELELELELEEEEEEN. It sounded quite funny.
Sam: LOL
Sam: I forgot that.
Sam: Grish, I think you're secure in the #3 spot now.
Sam: The places probably won't change much over the course of the next two bots, except with people passing those who aren't here.
Grishny: Sam: I noticed that. :)
CountBot has been dismissed by Sam.
PetBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: Read the instructions if you don't know how to play this. We'll be playing in rating mode only.
Nyperold: WHEW
Zup: Woo. Cutesy stuff ahoy.
Nyperold: Both for getting back in time and for the mode.
Zup: PetBet: Bet actual money during your bot games.
Sam: Oh, by the way. The Word Class results are FINAL now!
gremlinn: Who won?
Zup: YAY
gremlinn: Oh, you did.
Sam: And yet, I didn't win any of those games.
Zup: I managed to sneak in the top ten.
Sam: If I hadn't pulled that recovery in Count, I'd have lost the points ranking.
zK: Um... am I lagging? Someone tell me.
Grishny: How would we know?
Sam: Starting in 1 minute, unless there are questions...
gremlinn: I guess this game's for the Psych class.
Sam: Yup, this game will complete the psych class results.
PetBot: What do you think Kysle rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: 1
Grishny: 1
Crystal109: 1
Zup: 2
Leen: 4
Sam: Which half are we rating?
Sam: Looks like a 3/1 to me.
Sam: 2
Nyperold: 3
zK: 3
Scruffy: 2
Ticia: 3
nessachan: 4
Pupmon: 4
Randy: 2
Ticia: 2
gremlinn: I'd give it a NEGATIVE ZERO if I could.
PetBot: Kysle rated a 2.
PetBot: Randy guesses 2 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 2 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 2 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Ticia guesses 2 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 2 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Leen guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Pupmon guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: zK guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Kysle earns a bonus point.
Grishny: gremlinn doesn't like the Taco Bell dog
Sam: Wow, it was actually possible for Kysle not to score there.
PetBot: What do you think GrimbleGromble rated the above? (1-7)
Ticia: 1
Crystal109: 1
Sam: Not enough information!
Leen: 1
Sam: 1
Grishny: 1
Kysle: 2
Zup: 1
gremlinn: 7
Scruffy: 1
Pupmon: 3
LuckyWizard: 1
nessachan: 2
zK: 1
gremlinn: My rating: 5.
Randy: 1
PetBot: GrimbleGromble rated a 7.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Pupmon guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Leen guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: zK guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so GrimbleGromble earns a bonus point.
Nyperold: 2
Crystal109: Different people have different likes.
Sam: grem: How did you know that was a 7??
Leen: Someone must like rats.
nessachan: Rat lover ;O
nessachan: hehe
PetBot: What do you think gremlinn rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: Sam: I figured either 1 or 7 was most likely.
Ticia: 7
Leen: 5
Zup: 6
Crystal109: Wait. Is that two pictures?
GrimbleGromble: Leen: I like anything fuzzy with wide appetites...
Grishny: 6
Crystal109: 6
Scruffy: 6
Kysle: 5
Sam: 5
LuckyWizard: 5
Pupmon: 5
GrimbleGromble: 6
Sam: 4
gremlinn: Non-cats and dogs generally seem to go extreme.
Nyperold: vote 6
nessachan: 6
Sam: grem: Huh.
PetBot: gremlinn rated a 5.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Leen guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Pupmon guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Ticia guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so gremlinn earns a bonus point.
Randy: 6
zK: 7
Grishny: 5? What's wrong with you, man?
Randy: sheesh. lag
Pupmon: My kittens are cuter.
Grishny: That is clearly a SIX.
PetBot: What do you think Sam rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: 6
Grishny: A stately cat.
Leen: 6
zK: 4
Nyperold: 6
GrimbleGromble: Heck, I like anything fuzzy.
nessachan: 6
Zup: 7
Randy: 6
Kysle: 5
Grishny: 5
Scruffy: 5
Ticia: 5
Crystal109: 5
LuckyWizard: 5
Pupmon: 7
nessachan: squeak looks just like my old kitty ;__;
Grishny: That cat looks like it's waiting for foie gras in a crystal goblet.
GrimbleGromble: Anything with hair has a chance at being adorable...
gremlinn: I think it's a 7. But I think Sam likes dogs.
PetBot: Sam rated a 6.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Leen guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: nessachan guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Pupmon guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: zK guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Sam earns a bonus point.
GrimbleGromble: vote 6
nessachan: hooray
GrimbleGromble: That's a gorgeous cat.
Sam: I almost said 7. For some reason, even though I'm definitively a dog person and not a cat person, that doesn't seem to come across in this game.
PetBot: What do you think Zup rated the above? (1-7)
Sam: The dogs in this are like the chicks in HoN. Bizarrely sub-par.
Kysle: 6
gremlinn: FIREFOX CAT
Ticia: You can appreciate a cute cat and not want to own it.
Leen: 6
Sam: 6
Grishny: Can't even see it.
gremlinn: 6
Scruffy: 6
Crystal109: 5
GrimbleGromble: vote 7
Ticia: 4
Grishny: 4
Pupmon: 6
nessachan: 6
LuckyWizard: 5
Randy: vot 5
zK: 6
Nyperold: 6
Randy: 5
PetBot: Zup rated a 5.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Leen guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Pupmon guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: zK guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Zup earns a bonus point.
Nyperold: vote 6
Sam: Whoever said that cat was "stately" had it exactly right, too. That was a classy cat.
Nyperold: Oh yeah.
Grishny: 'Twas me.
nessachan: I should have gone with my gut.
PetBot: What do you think Pupmon rated the above? (1-7)
Leen: 6
Kysle: 6
Crystal109: I'm eating way too many Vitamin C's.
Sam: 7
nessachan: 6
Zup: 5
gremlinn: 6
GrimbleGromble: vote 6
Crystal109: 5
Grishny: 7
Scruffy: 5
nessachan: that is adorable.
LuckyWizard: 7
Grishny: My wife thinks they're all 6's and 7's.
gremlinn: The first one wasn't.
PetBot: Pupmon rated a 7.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Leen guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Pupmon earns a bonus point.
Randy: 5
GrimbleGromble: 6
Sam: Heh, the first was NEGATIVE ZERO.
GrimbleGromble: I loves tux cats.
Randy: Right
PetBot: What do you think Grishny rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: 3
Sam: 5
GrimbleGromble: 5
LuckyWizard: 2
Leen: 5
Pupmon: 5
nessachan: 5
Crystal109: 5
Zup: LOL
Scruffy: 6
Zup: 4
Kysle: Grish: is this you, or your wife?
Grishny: Jailbird dog.
Kysle: 5
Randy: 5
PetBot: Grishny rated a 4.
PetBot: Zup guesses 4 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Leen guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Pupmon guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Grishny earns a bonus point.
GrimbleGromble: Just looks bizarre, not neccessarily cute.
Grishny: This is me. She's just standing over my shoulder telling me how to vote.
PetBot: What do you think Crystal109 rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: 1
Leen: 2
Kysle: 5
LuckyWizard: 2
Zup: 2
Nyperold: 7
Grishny: 7
GrimbleGromble: 6
nessachan: 5
Pupmon: 3
Randy: 5
Zup: 3
Sam: 4
Leen: 4
Scruffy: 3
Randy: Fluffy doggy
gremlinn: Well, someone's right.
Grishny: That looks like my mother-in-law's dog when he was a pup.
GrimbleGromble: THAT stands a chance at being "cute"
PetBot: Crystal109 rated a 1.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Grishny guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Leen guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Pupmon guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Crystal109 earns a bonus point.
Crystal109: Sorry for those who thought it was a 7.
gremlinn: Hehe.
nessachan: awe, you made the dog sad
GrimbleGromble: Even though the little ones are usually a waste of dog...
Grishny: That dog looked like a dustmop! A CUTE dustmop!
gremlinn: Grish: exactly. Yuck.
PetBot: Nyperold timed out. Asking someone else for a rating....
PetBot: What do you think Leen rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: 7
Sam: 7
Ticia: 7
Crystal109: 7
Ticia: 7
Zup: 7
Ticia: 77777777
nessachan: 5
Grishny: 7
Crystal109: SWEEP
nessachan: 7
Grishny: EASY
Kysle: 7
Scruffy: 5
GrimbleGromble: I mean, I love little doggies, but I'm sure the guys would first domesticated dogs would laugh their heads off at toy or teacup dogs.
GrimbleGromble: 7
GrimbleGromble: 7
GrimbleGromble: 7
Pupmon: 6
Randy: 7
GrimbleGromble: 7
LuckyWizard: 7
PetBot: Leen rated a 7.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Grishny guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: nessachan guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Ticia guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Pupmon guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Leen earns a bonus point.
Scruffy: 7
* Sam holds out a tip jar next to the points dispenser.
gremlinn: (6 + 3 + 5) / 2
Leen: Man, if only I could get a point for every correct one. ;)
* nessachan hugs her point
Randy: heh
* Grishny puts a counterfeit Sacagawea dollar in it
gremlinn: Leen: that'd make the game strategy rather extreme.
Nyperold: 7
PetBot: What do you think nessachan rated the above? (1-7)
Leen: 7
Ticia: Oh my
gremlinn: 4
Crystal109: 7
GrimbleGromble: 5
Crystal109: 6
gremlinn: 5
Grishny: Naughty kitty
Ticia: 5
Zup: 6
Randy: 4
Kysle: 6
Grishny: 6
Sam: 3
gremlinn: A bit chubby there.
Scruffy: 5
Pupmon: 4
Randy: 6
LuckyWizard: 6
Grishny: Probably preggers.
GrimbleGromble: It is time for my daily belly rub...
PetBot: nessachan rated a 7.
PetBot: Leen guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Pupmon guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so nessachan earns a bonus point.
Crystal109: Darn it. I should have gone with my first choice.
Nyperold: 6
GrimbleGromble: same here
Sam: Nyperold guesses 6 and is wrong.
gremlinn: 7
Sam: grem: LOL
PetBot: What do you think LuckyWizard rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: 1
Leen: 1
Ticia: 1
Nyperold: 2
Sam: 1
Randy: 4
Kysle: 3
Zup: 2
GrimbleGromble: :-)
Grishny: 3
Pupmon: 7
Crystal109: 3
Scruffy: 2
Nyperold: There.
nessachan: 5
GrimbleGromble: 5
Randy: 6
GrimbleGromble: 6
PetBot: LuckyWizard rated a 2.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 2 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 2 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 2 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Pupmon guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Leen guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so LuckyWizard earns a bonus point.
Randy: Pugs = CUTE
GrimbleGromble: Pugs are a small dog I like
nessachan: poor puggy
* Grishny will automatically give pugs a 7 unless they are super-ugly.
Crystal109: Strangely, after seeing one in real life, I started to like chihuahuas
GrimbleGromble: And Dachshunds, as they had a purpose...
* nessachan is an animal lover and therefore sucks at this game
Sam: This game is way harder than HoN. With PetBot, so-ugly-they're-cute pictures are plentiful, and they're unpredictable in ratings. With HoN, there is only so-ugly-it's-ugly.
PetBot: What do you think Randy rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: And cute but fatally trashy.
nessachan: 5
Leen: 7
gremlinn: 7
Ticia: 5
Kysle: 6
Zup: 7
Grishny: 5
Crystal109: 7
Sam: 6
LuckyWizard: 5
Nyperold: 4
Scruffy: 7
GrimbleGromble: 7
PetBot: Randy rated a 6.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Leen guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Randy earns a bonus point.
Leen: Darn. I thought he looked like your doggie.
Randy: I love retrievers. Espically labbies.
Leen: Well, wrong color, but other than that.
Crystal109: That dog was so cute!
Randy: hehe.
Randy: Leen: oh, you saw those pics! Cool!
PetBot: What do you think Scruffy rated the above? (1-7)
Ticia: HA
Leen: 1
Leen: 1
Leen: 1
Grishny: What is that, a baboon?
Leen: 1
gremlinn: 1
Zup: LOL
Kysle: 3
Ticia: 7
Crystal109: 1
Sam: 1
Grishny: 2
nessachan: aaahaha
Zup: 1
Sam: Afghan hounds are hideous.
Crystal109: I thought it was a stuffed animal at first.
nessachan: 7
LuckyWizard: 1
PetBot: Scruffy rated a 6.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Leen guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: No scores.
GrimbleGromble: 1
nessachan: he looks like a monkey
Nyperold: 2
Randy: 1
Sam: I had a suspicion that was high.
Ticia: Oh, men.
Ticia: *man
Sam: Ti: LOL!!
Crystal109: LOL Man.
nessachan: ahhh should have gone with my first guess ;O
Grishny: Why would you give a reindeer baboon a six?
Zup: LOL
Randy: ROFL
GrimbleGromble: If it were sitting up and lost the antlers, it vote be a 7 for me.
PetBot: What do you think Ticia rated the above? (1-7)
GrimbleGromble: Afghans are gorgeous dogs.
Sam: 7
Kysle: 6
gremlinn: ELETRIC SOFA
nessachan: 7
Leen: 7
LuckyWizard: 6
Crystal109: 7
Zup: 7
Leen: That is so a 7
Grishny: 7
GrimbleGromble: Too bad their rock dumb.
gremlinn: 5
Crystal109: It's a bit.... glowy.
GrimbleGromble: 7
Ticia: It's a ghost kitty!
Scruffy: 6
Nyperold: 7
Randy: 6
Pupmon: 7
PetBot: Ticia rated a 7.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Grishny guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Leen guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: nessachan guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Pupmon guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Ticia earns a bonus point.
GrimbleGromble: TUX-EEEEEDO 2: bi-color boogalooooo!
Grishny: But that picture is from three years ago. That cat is probably missing an ear and most of its fur now.
PetBot: What do you think gremlinn rated the above? (1-7)
GrimbleGromble: LOL
Kysle: 1
Sam: LOL
Ticia: Oh my
nessachan: lol
Randy: Grish: Reindeer baboon!!! LOL
Sam: 6
Leen: 5
GrimbleGromble: 1
nessachan: 7
Crystal109: Dang.
Zup: 2
Nyperold: 2
Ticia: Why haven't we played this game more?
nessachan: 6
Ticia: 6
Crystal109: 1
Pupmon: 4
Grishny: 2
LuckyWizard: 2
Scruffy: 2
Randy: 4
PetBot: gremlinn rated a 1.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: nessachan guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Leen guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Pupmon guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so gremlinn earns a bonus point.
Zup: Ticia: It's usually boring.
Crystal109: Sam: We're playing this to 30? Or 10? I can't remember which one you changed.
Sam: Ti: Because it's boring?
Sam: We've got about 90 more minutes of this too, folks.
Ticia: But this is funny!
gremlinn: Oh, yay.
Sam: Yeah.
zK: Well, goodbye, then.
Sam: PetBot sucks.
Sam: Except when it rules.
PetBot: What do you think Grishny rated the above? (1-7)
Ticia: Hehe
gremlinn: BEER AUTOMATIC 1
Kysle: 7
nessachan: haha
Randy: Like now
Crystal109: LOL
GrimbleGromble: YES.
Zup: LOL
Leen: 4
Sam: 1
GrimbleGromble: IT RULES
Grishny: Chillin' with a brewsky
Nyperold: 5
nessachan: 6
Sam: 5
gremlinn: 5
LuckyWizard: 6
Pupmon: 6
Zup: 4
Ticia: 4
Randy: 5
Crystal109: 6
gremlinn: 7, -2 for the beer.
GrimbleGromble: 6
gremlinn: 5
PetBot: Grishny rated a 5.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Pupmon guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Leen guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Grishny earns a bonus point.
Scruffy: 5
Crystal109: It is pretty gorgeous. The cat, I mean.
Sam: I figured the beer and Mrs. Grishny cancel each other out.
GrimbleGromble: Cute cat. Poor taste in beer.
Randy: I followed the same formula.
GrimbleGromble: Get it a Leinie's or a Sam Adam's and I'll reconsider.
gremlinn: There's another cat behind it.
Ticia: I have a cat trying to climb into my kitchen through the window screen right now.
PetBot: What do you think Crystal109 rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: 7
GrimbleGromble: 7
Kysle: 1
Leen: 7
nessachan: AHHH
Sam: 1 or 7
Zup: 1
Pupmon: 4
Nyperold: 2
Ticia: Ferret = cute. Bad picture.
Sam: 1
Grishny: 1
nessachan: 2
Ticia: 3
Leen: 1
Nyperold: Is that alive?
gremlinn: 6
nessachan: yeah
LuckyWizard: 4
Randy: 5
Scruffy: 1
PetBot: Crystal109 rated a 1.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Leen guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Pupmon guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Crystal109 earns a bonus point.
Zup: Nice armfur.
Kysle: Nyp: LOL
Grishny: It's Kiki and she's about to hurl
GrimbleGromble: DON'T DANGLE IT THOUGH...
Crystal109: I figured the picture was pretty ugly.
Pupmon: I like ferrets.
Ticia: I love ferrets. They're so cute.
Ticia: If they don't bite.
Crystal109: Ferrets are really cut. Unfortunately, I always think of Pokemon now when I think of ferrets.
GrimbleGromble: Ferrets are another fuzzy thing I love...
gremlinn: I think of SOAT.
* Sam cuts ferrets whenever he can.
nessachan: Why pokemon?
PetBot: What do you think Randy rated the above? (1-7)
Sam: 1
Nyperold: Yeah, I know.
Grishny: 1
gremlinn: 1
Kysle: 1
Pupmon: 1
Zup: 1
LuckyWizard: 1
Nyperold: Furret.
GrimbleGromble: 1
nessachan: 2
Nyperold: 2
Leen: 4
Crystal109: In a version of Pokemon, there's a Pokemon like a ferret.
Scruffy: 1
Crystal109: 1
Grishny: Animals with ridiculous hats are automatically 1.
Randy: Come on! He's in a party hat!
Leen: I can't tell if it's a puppy or small dog.
Nyperold: Colosseum has it.
PetBot: Randy rated a 1.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Grishny guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Pupmon guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Leen guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Randy earns a bonus point.
gremlinn: No, that's a fancy drink with an animal in it.
GrimbleGromble: bad picture, useless dog. COSTUME.
Grishny: And if the animal is ugly to boot? even worse.
nessachan: hahaha
Leen: Apparently I guessed wrong.
GrimbleGromble: costumes always dock points for me.
Crystal109: Haha
Randy: The others were just as silly.
Nyperold: Never mind the hair of the dog, eh?
PetBot: What do you think Sam rated the above? (1-7)
Crystal109: It depends on if the costume is tasteful.
Leen: 6
gremlinn: 6
Grishny: 6
LuckyWizard: 7
Zup: 6
Crystal109: 7
Nyperold: 7
Pupmon: 5
nessachan: 6
Kysle: 7
Randy: 6
GrimbleGromble: 7
* Grishny is on his own now... Mrs. G has gone to bed.
Scruffy: 6
gremlinn: Karate Cat?
* Sam will lower future Grishny guesses.
PetBot: Sam rated a 6.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Grishny guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Leen guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: nessachan guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Pupmon guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Sam earns a bonus point.
GrimbleGromble: I WANT TO LOOOOVE YOU.
Zup: That cat's on a shelf or something.
Crystal109: Come on. How could that not be a 7?
Pupmon: Cats rule!
gremlinn: They can't ALL be sevens.
Randy: My friend has a pic of his cat looking like its about to bite into a pumpkin.
PetBot: What do you think nessachan rated the above? (1-7)
Grishny: Remmeber, Sam's not a cat person. He's not likely to give a cat a 7.
Leen: 1
Kysle: 1
Zup: 3
GrimbleGromble: 1
LuckyWizard: 2
Grishny: A blurry toad 1
Grishny: 1
Crystal109: Oh. I don't think I knew that before, actually.
Sam: 1
Crystal109: 1
Nyperold: 2
gremlinn: 1
Randy: 1
Pupmon: 4
Scruffy: 4
Crystal109: But wait. Nessachan's an animal lover.
Zup: It took me a moment to actually see the pet.
gremlinn: Okay, I didn't even see it until I knew what to look for.
PetBot: nessachan rated a 5.
PetBot: Pupmon guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Leen guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: No scores.
gremlinn: I was looking in the water.
nessachan: xD
Gharlane has entered.
LuckyWizard: It took a second too.
nessachan: alas
Sam: I was not confident about that 1.
Pupmon: Frogs can be cute.
Sam: But if it wasn't 1, it could be anything.
Grishny: OH noes! gharlane has come to challenge me!
Sam: So I still figured my chances with 1 were best.
Pupmon: Greetings Gharlane!
Zup: Hey Ghar.
Gharlane: Hello!
PetBot: What do you think Scruffy rated the above? (1-7)
Leen: 1
Crystal109: Yikes.
Grishny: =-O
Kysle: 1
gremlinn: 1
Crystal109: 1
nessachan: ahhh
Grishny: 8-o
Zup: 1
Pupmon: 6
Nyperold: 1\
GrimbleGromble: 1
Randy: 1
Leen: 3
LuckyWizard: 4
Grishny: 1
Sam: 2
nessachan: 1
gremlinn: Sam: which is my reasoning for this one.
nessachan: 2
Gharlane: 1
gremlinn: It's either 1 or who knows.
Sam: True.
GrimbleGromble: KEEEEEL KEEEEL
Zup: Scruff: You and bad pics, my God.
PetBot: Scruffy rated a 1.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Grishny guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Pupmon guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Leen guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Scruffy earns a bonus point.
Grishny: "I kill you with the paw that I am going to kill you with!"
Crystal109: I really can't stop laughing at that one.
Randy: LOL
GrimbleGromble: 8-o
gremlinn: I've fallen and I can't get up.
Randy: Grish is on FIRE tonight.
Crystal109: It is so amazingly scary.
Leen: Sam keeps swaying me, the bum.
* Gharlane sees that Grishny is likely to come in third. *alas for last minute schedule changes*
gremlinn: How can you predict so early?
Grishny: It is... my destiny.
PetBot: What do you think GrimbleGromble rated the above? (1-7)
Kysle: Gharlane: Don't worry you have twice as long to catch up!
Ticia: 4 years ago right now, Rosie was born...
Sam: grem: Neither Pet nor PicMatch tend to have huge swings.
Leen: 7
gremlinn: Oh, not this game, but overall.
Crystal109: 5
Nyperold: 6
Zup: 5
Sam: 6
gremlinn: 4
Randy: 6
Gharlane: 5
nessachan: 6
Pupmon: 4
Grishny: 4
Kysle: 2
Randy: -1 for crosseyes
GrimbleGromble: YAY Rose!
Scruffy: 4
LuckyWizard: 4
Ticia: 1
PetBot: GrimbleGromble rated a 5.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Leen guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Pupmon guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so GrimbleGromble earns a bonus point.
Grishny: Happy Birthday, Rose!
Randy: ROSIE!
Crystal109: Happy birthday to Rose!
Ticia: :-D
Pupmon: Haaaaappy birthday!
* nessachan falls asleep
LuckyWizard: Happy birthday Rose!
GrimbleGromble: I mean, I love huskies. But -2 points cause of the eyes.
gremlinn: Rose rose.
* Randy plays "Give my Love to Rose" for her.
PetBot: What do you think Zup rated the above? (1-7)
Gharlane: gremlinn; I'd figured on at least 18-20 points for CountBot but I had to miss it.
Leen: 7
Ticia: 7
GrimbleGromble: He looked like he was on illicit substances...
nessachan: 7
GrimbleGromble: 7
* Gharlane wishes Rose a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Kysle: 2
Randy: 6
Nyperold: 7
Pupmon: 6
Grishny: 6
gremlinn: 3
LuckyWizard: 6
Randy: 7
Crystal109: 1
Scruffy: 7
Sam: 6
Gharlane: 7
PetBot: Zup rated a 6.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Pupmon guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Leen guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Zup earns a bonus point.
Randy: gah
gremlinn: That one I call X-ray cat.
Sam: No middle ground there.
GrimbleGromble: That looks like El Gato Misterioso (Greyscales)
Crystal109: That kitty's scary too.
Sam: grem: LOL
Ticia: Haha
PetBot: What do you think Leen rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: 1
Grishny: 7
Sam: !!
nessachan: 5
Zup: 1
Crystal109: What... is... that
nessachan: 3
Pupmon: 3
LuckyWizard: 3
Sam: Is that dog smooshed in a photocopier??
Crystal109: ?*
Nyperold: 1
Randy: 1
gremlinn: A view through a car window of a dog flying past?
Sam: 1
Gharlane: 1
Crystal109: 1
Scruffy: 1
Ticia: 2
Grishny: 1
Kysle: 1
nessachan: 2
PetBot: Leen rated a 6.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Pupmon guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 2 and is wrong.
GrimbleGromble: 4
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: No scores.
Crystal109: That looks like a mutilated bunny. =\
Zup: It's raining dogs...and dogs!
Sam: OH! It's sideways!
Kysle: It doesn't look alive
nessachan: :O!
Randy: LOL! We suck!
* nessachan chortles
Leen: We used to have a cocker.
Ticia: You and Sam?
Randy: I was going to ask if that was Lady.
Gharlane: I wasn't sure of the breed with that 90 degree twist.
Ticia: Or you as a kid?
Leen: Yeah, Lady.
Sam: Yeah, Lady.
Grishny: That's why my first guess was a 7.
PetBot: What do you think Nyperold rated the above? (1-7)
GrimbleGromble: my first was a cocker mix.
Grishny: But I figured Sam knew you better than me. :-(
gremlinn: 1
Leen: 5
Ticia: 1
Sam: I should have guessed high, but it looked, you know, smooshed.
GrimbleGromble: 2
Pupmon: 2
Crystal109: 1
Zup: 1
gremlinn: Is that a dog?
Kysle: 1
Randy: JINX! Now you owe me a coke
Grishny: 1
Sam: 1
nessachan: 1
Scruffy: 1
Gharlane: 1
LuckyWizard: 2
Randy: 4
nessachan: is that the statue of liberty next to it?
Leen: 4
Gharlane: 3
PetBot: Nyperold rated a 1.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Grishny guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: nessachan guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Ticia guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Leen guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Pupmon guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Nyperold earns a bonus point.
Kysle: It looks SNIDE.
gremlinn: It looks like a bat-dog.
* Gharlane has a headache
GrimbleGromble: Dada-dada-dada-dada BAT-DOG!
* Grishny is probably going to have a headache
PetBot: What do you think Gharlane rated the above? (1-7)
Randy: Grimble beat.
Ticia: 6
Leen: 7
Grishny: 7
Kysle: 6
gremlinn: 5
LuckyWizard: 5
Crystal109: 6
Randy: 6
Zup: 6
Sam: 6
Leen: 6
Nyperold: 7
Scruffy: 7
GrimbleGromble: 7
nessachan: 7
PetBot: Gharlane rated a 7.
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Grishny guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: nessachan guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Leen guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Gharlane earns a bonus point.
Grishny: Okay, a dog is allowed to wear a bandanna around it's neck. That's okay.
Ticia: Awwww
Gharlane: THAT is a cute dog.
Grishny: Bandanna dogs are cute.
Randy: Totally.
GrimbleGromble: BEG POOCHY BEG!
Crystal109: I concur.
GrimbleGromble: You'll get the goods someday!
Gharlane: A bandana is the maximum allowable dog clothing for cuteness.
Randy: My dog will have a bandanna, soon.
GrimbleGromble: Bandana's beat costumes.
PetBot: What do you think Ticia rated the above? (1-7)
Crystal109: Something like a headband, though, is bad.
Leen: 7
LuckyWizard: 7
Sam: !!
gremlinn: What about the dog with the blackbelt facade?
Pupmon: 7
Grishny: That cat is AWESOME
Gharlane: Wow!
gremlinn: 7
Zup: 7
nessachan: 7
Grishny: 7
Randy: 7
Gharlane: 7
Crystal109: 7
Nyperold: 7
Kysle: 6
Leen: 6
Sam: 1
Scruffy: 7
gremlinn: Peer pressure?
PetBot: Ticia rated a 3.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Pupmon guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Leen guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: No scores.
nessachan: he's adorable!
Gharlane: So?!
Randy: Different colored eyes rule.
Grishny: And an attitude!
Ticia: That is a scary cat. That cat is even scarier big. That cat is EVIL
Sam: That was insane.
Gharlane: What nessachan said
GrimbleGromble: awwww
Crystal109: Lol that one was iffy. So I jumped on the bandwagon.
gremlinn: I'd have said...5, I guess.
Sam: There was nothing adorable about that demon cat.
Pupmon: A 3!?
GrimbleGromble: I missed the big picture!!!
Crystal109: The cat was cute. The eyes were scary.
Ticia: Big was a 1, for sure.
nessachan: pfft.
GrimbleGromble: the tiny one looks CUTE though.
Sam: Pupmon: Yeah, can you believe it was that high?
PetBot: What do you think Kysle rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: 1
Ticia: 7
Crystal109: 1
Leen: 6
Gharlane: 7
gremlinn: Cut some hair, will you, owner?
Sam: 3
Ticia: That is a really good shot, too.
Pupmon: 6
Zup: 7
Grishny: 6
nessachan: 7
LuckyWizard: 3
Scruffy: 7
PetBot: Kysle rated a 5.
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Leen guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Pupmon guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: No scores.
nessachan: 6
Randy: 3
Grishny: So close.
Crystal109: That's like... the dog version of Gandalf or something.
Sam: Ok, NOW what's up with the 7s? This is some weird twilight zone of animal appreciation.
Zup: That's a classy dog, San Diego.
Ticia: He looks gentle, Sam
Ticia: And... dignified.
Randy: San Diego?
Ticia: A 7 dog, for sure.
Sam: Er, no way.
gremlinn: If San Diego were here, we'd be mighty lagged.
PetBot: What do you think Pupmon rated the above? (1-7)
Leen: 5
Kysle: 6
GrimbleGromble: SCHNAUSY!
Crystal109: 6
gremlinn: 5
GrimbleGromble: 6
Grishny: 4
Zup: Sorry, Classy/San Diego is combined in my mind.
Sam: 5
Gharlane: 5
LuckyWizard: 5
nessachan: 6
Scruffy: 5
Randy: 2
Zup: 5
Ticia: That cat is thinking... "Where's my remote? I don't want to have to get up and go find it. Maybe I'll just take a nap."
Ticia: 5
gremlinn: Zup: I guess I'll take that as a compliment.
PetBot: Pupmon rated a 6.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: nessachan guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Leen guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Pupmon earns a bonus point.
Randy: 5
Nyperold: 6
* Randy don't like the kittys
* Crystal109 remembers that.
Nyperold: Thanks for making me guess BLIND, connection.
Grishny: Your'e welcome. Oh wait, my name's not connection.
PetBot: What do you think LuckyWizard rated the above? (1-7)
nessachan: a point for me~
gremlinn: 1
Ticia: ACK
Crystal109: Wow that took some time to load.
Ticia: 1
Sam: 1
GrimbleGromble: 1
Crystal109: 1
Grishny: 1
Gharlane: ICK
Kysle: 1
Gharlane: 1
Leen: 3
gremlinn: Crystal: me too.
Zup: 1
gremlinn: 2 or 3 seconds.
Randy: 1
Nyperold: 1
Scruffy: 1
GrimbleGromble: It's Eli Wallach as TEH UGLY
Zup: Crys: Same here.
PetBot: LuckyWizard rated a 1.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Grishny guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Ticia guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Leen guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so LuckyWizard earns a bonus point.
Gharlane: That poor,,,dog, I guess,
GrimbleGromble: Rather, the PUGLY.
gremlinn: Almost a sweep.
Grishny: How many hands must be bitten before people will learn not to dress their dogs?
PetBot: What do you think Ticia rated the above? (1-7)
Kysle: 7
gremlinn: 735,244.
Sam: 7
Grishny: 7
Crystal109: 7
Zup: 7
gremlinn: 7
Scruffy: 7
Gharlane: 7
Randy: 7
GrimbleGromble: 7
nessachan: 7
gremlinn: GROUPTHINK
LuckyWizard: 6
LuckyWizard: 7
PetBot: Ticia rated a 7.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Grishny guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: nessachan guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Ticia earns a bonus point.
Nyperold: 7
Crystal109: Sweep.
Ticia: LW just has to be a rebel, for a minute.
gremlinn: Stay with the crowd or get left behind.
PetBot: What do you think Sam rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: 7
Ticia: 6
nessachan: 6
Kysle: 6
Crystal109: 7
Zup: 7
Randy: 7
Randy: cute
LuckyWizard: 4
Grishny: 6
Gharlane: No way I'll catch Grishny now, unless his computer dies or something
Nyperold: 6
Gharlane: 7
Scruffy: 6
Scruffy: 7
PetBot: Sam rated a 7.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Grishny guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Sam earns a bonus point.
gremlinn: You caught up by 1.
Crystal109: That dog is gorgeous.
Grishny: Gorgeous the dog may be, but the picture needs some brightening up.
GrimbleGromble: Yes. Preety pooch.
GrimbleGromble: bad pic.
Sam: It looks acceptable on my monitor, but it's a flat panel and very bright.
PetBot: What do you think Scruffy rated the above? (1-7)
Sam: Anyway, I don't rate photo quality.
Crystal109: I actually thought the pic was good.
Sam: Unless it's bad enough that I can't make out detail.
* Grishny wants a flat panel monitor
Ticia: 7
gremlinn: 5
Zup: 4
Sam: 6
LuckyWizard: 6
Crystal109: 6
Randy: 6
Gharlane: 6
nessachan: 7
Nyperold: 6
Grishny: 5
Kysle: 7
nessachan: 6
GrimbleGromble: 6
PetBot: Scruffy rated a 4.
PetBot: Zup guesses 4 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Scruffy earns a bonus point.
GrimbleGromble: DEMON CAT
nessachan: I don't think I will be able to stay awake until somebody gets 30 points.. haha
Randy: I don't rate photo quality, I vote pet quality
Crystal109: Sam's halfway there.
gremlinn: Zup's over.
Crystal109: And Zup is now more so.
nessachan: Zup is closer
PetBot: What do you think Gharlane rated the above? (1-7)
Scruffy: It looked creepy!
Ticia: 7
Sam: 7
Crystal109: 7
nessachan: AHH!
* Zup tries to look innocent.
gremlinn: 4
nessachan: 7
Kysle: 7
LuckyWizard: 7
Zup: 7
Grishny: 7
Randy: 6
Nyperold: 7
Scruffy: 7
GrimbleGromble: 7
* gremlinn defies the whole world of seveners.
Sam: But this flat panel is great on both counts. Steady image, too, so no refresh rate issues.
Randy: 5
PetBot: Gharlane rated a 6.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: No scores.
GrimbleGromble: ^x^
Ticia: CamoCat
nessachan: alas
Crystal109: Haha.
Grishny: dagnabbit
Sam: Wow.
GrimbleGromble: I mean >^_^<
Sam: No 6's??
GrimbleGromble: aggh.
GrimbleGromble: The cat one.
Randy: I did at first.
Grishny: >^_^<
Crystal109: That cat was pretty darn cute, though.
GrimbleGromble: yes.
PetBot: What do you think Nyperold rated the above? (1-7)
Grishny: 1
GrimbleGromble: That was a sweetie
Gharlane: I almost rated it 7
Zup: Night!
gremlinn: 6
Ticia: 6
Randy: 1
nessachan: ahahaha
Zup: 2
GrimbleGromble: 2
Sam: Awww, man. 7 dog, for sure. But...
nessachan: ahaha
Sam: 6
nessachan: 5
Randy: 2
Kysle: 5
Gharlane: 6
Crystal109: 1
LuckyWizard: 3
Crystal109: 2
PetBot: Nyperold rated a 2.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 2 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 2 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 2 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 2 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Ticia guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Nyperold earns a bonus point.
Scruffy: 1
Sam: How'd Zup get a 3-point lead when everybody else is bunched up?
Crystal109: It looked like it doesn't even have a body.
Randy: He's thinking, "Tonight, while they sleep...DEATH".
* Zup whistles "Im workin' on the railroad"
PetBot: What do you think Crystal109 rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: It was 16-15-14 two round ago. He scored alone both times after.
Kysle: WHAT
Zup: 1
nessachan: hahaha
gremlinn: 1
nessachan: 5
LuckyWizard: 2
GrimbleGromble: 6
Kysle: 3
Scruffy: 1
Nyperold: 2
Grishny: 4
Gharlane: 2
Nyperold: 5
PetBot: Crystal109 rated a 1.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Crystal109 earns a bonus point.
Randy: 4
GrimbleGromble: BEST. CAT. EVER
Crystal109: Scariest. Cat. Ever.
Crystal109: Maybe it got stretched on the computer, but it still looks abnormally stretched.
GrimbleGromble: It's like Einstein as a cat
PetBot: What do you think Grishny rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: 1
Crystal109: O_o.
Gharlane: 1
LuckyWizard: 1
Zup: 2
Crystal109: 1
Nyperold: 5
nessachan: ehehe
Scruffy: 1
gremlinn: One half for each dog.
Randy: 5
nessachan: 5
Kysle: 6
Sam: 3
Scruffy: 2
Gharlane: Demon Dog and his sidekick, The Tongue
Randy: hehe
Scruffy: 1
Zup: Eh, 1 for each,
PetBot: Grishny rated a 6.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: nessachan guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Grishny earns a bonus point.
Grishny: I told you I like boxers.
nessachan: lol
Gharlane: ???
Crystal109: lol hahaha
nessachan: I was close :o
Randy: Boxers do rule.
Crystal109: I can never recognize boxers, or any other dog, for that matter.
GrimbleGromble: That's a great picture...
PetBot: What do you think LuckyWizard rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: 1
* Zup can recognize Goldens, Dachshunds and Huskies. That's about it.
Sam: 1
GrimbleGromble: 6
Kysle: 6
gremlinn: Dogaroo.
Zup: 5
Scruffy: 6
Grishny: 3
Randy: 6
Nyperold: 2
Gharlane: 5
Crystal109: 3
nessachan: 6
PetBot: LuckyWizard rated a 6.
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: nessachan guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so LuckyWizard earns a bonus point.
GrimbleGromble: Goldens, Dachshunds, Huskies Schnauzers, Corgis, and some others I can't think of.
PetBot: What do you think Zup rated the above? (1-7)
GrimbleGromble: Some I recognize/my favorites.
gremlinn: 1
Crystal109: 1
Sam: 1
Kysle: 3
Randy: I'm pretty good with most types.
LuckyWizard: 1
Grishny: 1
GrimbleGromble: 5
Gharlane: 1
Randy: 1
nessachan: 2
Nyperold: 1
Scruffy: 1
PetBot: Zup rated a 1.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Grishny guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Zup earns a bonus point.
Randy: This poor, poor ugly dog.
GrimbleGromble: 1 for costume. +4 for that smug look.
Grishny: I wish there was a way to automatically exclude from this game any animal that is wearing clothing
Gharlane: Or with a tiger cut.
Gharlane: Lion cut, I mean
gremlinn: Too bad it was -4 to start.
Sam: Yeah, exactly.
Randy: heh
Sam: That poor dog was deformed.
PetBot: What do you think Kysle rated the above? (1-7)
Sam: 7
Zup: 6
Crystal109: 6
nessachan: Sqeee
LuckyWizard: 7
nessachan: 7
gremlinn: 5
Randy: 7
Gharlane: 7
Grishny: 7
Nyperold: 7
Scruffy: 6
GrimbleGromble: 7
PetBot: Kysle rated a 6.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Kysle earns a bonus point.
GrimbleGromble: SWEET
gremlinn: This game really does seem to be the most polarized ever.
Sam: HoN is definitely not ever polarized like this.
Sam: Except on occasional 1s.
Randy: heh
PetBot: What do you think nessachan rated the above? (1-7)
Sam: And then there's agreement on it, at least.
GrimbleGromble: I wonder if the late hour is a factor.
Zup: 5
gremlinn: 6
GrimbleGromble: 6
Sam: Hard one here.
Kysle: 5
Randy: 7
Nyperold: 3
Crystal109: 6
Scruffy: 6
Gharlane: 6
Grishny: 5
Sam: 5
LuckyWizard: 5
GrimbleGromble: I wish I had ears like that.
PetBot: nessachan rated a 6.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so nessachan earns a bonus point.
Randy: Dude, its freaking Snoopy.
Randy: Almost.
nessachan: ^_^
Gharlane: Cute dog, hehe.
PetBot: What do you think GrimbleGromble rated the above? (1-7)
Kysle: I thought the blotch on the nose and the big ears offset the cuteness
Sam: 7
gremlinn: 6
Zup: 7
Kysle: 7
Gharlane: 7
Nyperold: 7
Randy: 7
Grishny: 7
Scruffy: 6
nessachan: 7
gremlinn: Now's my chance to gain on almost everyone.
LuckyWizard: 7
Sam: That dog is so beautiful.
PetBot: GrimbleGromble rated a 7.
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Grishny guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: nessachan guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so GrimbleGromble earns a bonus point.
Randy: No, the blotch and the ears were like +2. Each.
GrimbleGromble: Gorgeous dog. Top-notch photo..
Nyperold: Or widen the gap.
gremlinn: Yeah. That's gambling for you.
PetBot: What do you think Randy rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: 3
Sam: 3
Zup: 5
Grishny: 2
Nyperold: 4
LuckyWizard: 4
Gharlane: 4
nessachan: 2
Sam: 0 for image editing skills.
GrimbleGromble: 2
Grishny: Is that one of those corgies?
Scruffy: 3
Kysle: 2
gremlinn: Going against all odds, picking close to the middle.
Nyperold: CROP, people!
gremlinn: Not a corgi, anyway.
PetBot: Randy rated a 5.
PetBot: Zup guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Randy earns a bonus point.
GrimbleGromble: Grish: possibly.
LuckyWizard: What Sam said on the image editing.
Zup: Huzzah!
Sam: And Zup widens his lead by 4 points. Amazing.
Sam: Er.. *to* 4 points.
GrimbleGromble: It's the right frame, but the snout is a little pudgy.
Randy: Dude. I just chose the first one, but the third one was so cute it could have killed someone.
PetBot: What do you think gremlinn rated the above? (1-7)
Sam: Randy: LINK??
nessachan: 7
Zup: 3
Nyperold: 6
Grishny: 5
Zup: 4
nessachan: 6
LuckyWizard: 4
Kysle: 4
Sam: 6
Gharlane: 4
Crystal109: 5
PetBot: gremlinn rated a 6.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so gremlinn earns a bonus point.
Randy: 5
Scruffy: 5
Randy: hold on
gremlinn: Corgis rock.
GrimbleGromble: sweet cat
GrimbleGromble: Especially THAT one.
Sam: Randy: LOL. Nice.
Zup: Randy: Awwww
Gharlane: CUTE
PetBot: What do you think Nyperold rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: 2
Randy: A puppy. In the snow. with snow on him.
GrimbleGromble: And despite their size they were bred as COW DOGS.
Crystal109: 2
Zup: 7
Grishny: 3
nessachan: 6
GrimbleGromble: 7
Sam: Wow. I love Collies, but that one is seriously misproportioned.
Randy: 5
Kysle: 5
Sam: 3
Gharlane: 7
Randy: 3
Scruffy: 6
Zup: 5
LuckyWizard: 4
Gharlane: 5
PetBot: Nyperold rated a 5.
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 5 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Nyperold earns a bonus point.
Sam: GEEZ.
GrimbleGromble: Ooooo....I love collies
Randy: Yeah. Looks weird.
Zup: Collies are awesome.
GrimbleGromble: Pretty puppy, poor piccie
Nyperold: Here's another:
gremlinn: Zup can not possibly lose.
GrimbleGromble: I kept begging for one as a kid.
gremlinn: No way.
PetBot: What do you think Grishny rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: 1
GrimbleGromble: My mom kept saying the yard is too small.
Kysle: 2
GrimbleGromble: 1
Sam: 4
Crystal109: 6
Zup: 3
nessachan: 7
nessachan: 6
LuckyWizard: 2
gremlinn: Ouch, that is painful to look at.
Scruffy: 2
Nyperold: 6
GrimbleGromble: It looks ready to kill.
Gharlane: 3
PetBot: Grishny rated a 7.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: No scores.
Randy: 4
Grishny: You people don't understands me.
Sam: Heh.
Grishny: And nessachan! Why for you change vote?
Randy: heh
Kysle: Grish: You confuse me
nessachan: d'oh!
nessachan: Because everyone else was lower.
gremlinn: I kind of knew I'd be wrong, but hey, I must stand up for good taste!
* Sam stops lowering Grishny guesses just because Mrs. Grishny isn't up anymore.
nessachan: but *I* thought doggy was cute
Grishny: :-D
PetBot: What do you think Gharlane rated the above? (1-7)
Sam: 6
gremlinn: 6
Grishny: 6
Kysle: 3
Crystal109: 2
GrimbleGromble: 7
Randy: 6
Zup: 6
Scruffy: 6
Nyperold: 5
LuckyWizard: 5
PetBot: Gharlane rated a 7.
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Gharlane earns a bonus point.
Gharlane: Beautiful dog.
PetBot: What do you think Crystal109 rated the above? (1-7)
Kysle: 7
Grishny: 7
Zup: 6
gremlinn: 5
Randy: 7
Sam: I figured this game would be a tie with 2-4 players at 30 points, and a bunch at 29.
LuckyWizard: 6
Nyperold: 7
Gharlane: 7
Sam: 7
nessachan: 7
Sam: 6
GrimbleGromble: 7
gremlinn: I'd have been amazed.
PetBot: Crystal109 rated a 7.
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Grishny guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: nessachan guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Crystal109 earns a bonus point.
Scruffy: 1
Sam: Rats.
Scruffy: 7
Sam: Should have stuck with my first impression.
nessachan: somebody winnn
PetBot: What do you think gremlinn rated the above? (1-7)
nessachan: hehe
Kysle: Randy: You are creeping up.
Grishny: 1
Sam: 1
Zup: 1
Kysle: 1
Grishny: Thanks for making it easy, grem.
LuckyWizard: 1
Scruffy: 1
gremlinn: Sure thing.
Crystal109: 1
nessachan: 2
Randy: 2
Nyperold: 1
Gharlane: 4
PetBot: gremlinn rated a 1.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Grishny guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so gremlinn earns a bonus point.
Gharlane: ???
DemanusFlint has entered.
GrimbleGromble: last known photograph.
Zup: Hi Demanus!
Gharlane: THe only thing wrong there was the photo quality.
Nyperold: 5 rounds minimum remain.
Sam: Gharlane: Did you miss how gremlinn said the dog from a few rounds ago that looked like that hurt his eyes?
Sam: That was a better looking dog than this one was.
gremlinn: That one wasn't as bad as before.
Gharlane: Sam: I missed that.
PetBot: What do you think Randy rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: 1
Sam: Similar idea, anyway.
nessachan: 5
DemanusFlint: 3
Crystal109: Agh this one's iffy.
Zup: 5
Kysle: 6
Crystal109: 4
Zup: 6
GrimbleGromble: 7
Grishny: 2
Scruffy: 7
Sam: 1
LuckyWizard: 4
Gharlane: 5
Crystal109: 5
PetBot: Randy rated a 6.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: DemanusFlint guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Randy earns a bonus point.
gremlinn: The one before was like that, but with no ears. It looked like a monkey wearing a cotton mask.
Nyperold: 4
Randy: His sad eyes did it for me.
Sam: LOL
Nyperold has left.
Nyperold has entered.
Sam: Zup got his 5 point lead back.
PetBot: What do you think Zup rated the above? (1-7)
Crystal109: 1
gremlinn: 1
DemanusFlint: 1
GrimbleGromble: 1
Randy: 1
Gharlane: 1
Grishny: 1
Sam: Crystal remains entrenched in second place.
Nyperold: 6
Kysle: 1
Sam: 1
nessachan: 1
Scruffy: 1
LuckyWizard: 1
PetBot: Zup rated a 1.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: DemanusFlint guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Grishny guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: nessachan guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Zup earns a bonus point.
Randy: UGH. And Double Ugh.
DemanusFlint: Hey. I have one more Tournament point.
DemanusFlint: And Now Off I Zoom!
DemanusFlint has left.
gremlinn: Wow, so he does!
PetBot: What do you think Sam rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: Oooh, bad place.
Zup: 7
Kysle: 7
Crystal109: 6
nessachan: !!!!!!!!
gremlinn: 7
Nyperold: 7
nessachan: 7
Gharlane: 7
GrimbleGromble: 7
LuckyWizard: 7
Crystal109: 7
Grishny: 4
nessachan: oh wait.. sam
Sam: I so want to turn on that faucet.
nessachan: 6
Randy: 4
gremlinn: WWAAAAOO!
Gharlane: Hehe.
Scruffy: 6
PetBot: Sam rated a 5.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: No scores.
Sam: Sure, dance around that.
GrimbleGromble: sam: It would kill four times.
Zup: lol
nessachan: Sam: My cat likes it when the faucet gets turned on on him
nessachan: Er.. on her
Kysle: Sam: And yet you rated that other cat so high. You are an enigma
GrimbleGromble: Catinsink: /ban sam
Sam: nessa: Whoa. Didn't figure a cat like that existed.
Gharlane: Well, if you don't rate that cat at least a 6, then you deserve to have it danced around, hehe.
Randy: I was going "4, 5, or 6, hmmm".
Sam: Kysle: It was a cuter cat!
Sam: Not that tricky!
PetBot: What do you think Scruffy rated the above? (1-7)
Kysle: 7
gremlinn: Finally, a good dog.
GrimbleGromble: Turkish vans love water
Gharlane: 7
Sam: Weird picture. Gorgeous dog.
nessachan: Sam: 2/3 of my cats like water
gremlinn: 6
Zup: 7
nessachan: hehe
GrimbleGromble: 7
Sam: 6
Grishny: 7
nessachan: 7
GrimbleGromble: Beautiful puppy.
LuckyWizard: 7
Nyperold: 7
Randy: 7
Sam: nessa: Nice.
PetBot: Scruffy rated a 6.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Scruffy earns a bonus point.
GrimbleGromble: though it looks like it was taken by a passing spacecraft
nessachan: it kind of looks taxidermied
gremlinn: Sam: you're very close to point-clinching, barring a score of over 30 in PicMatch.
Sam: This game feels long, but not as long as Blank did.
* Zup yawns.
PetBot: What do you think LuckyWizard rated the above? (1-7)
Nyperold: I had a picture earlier that looks like it was taken with low-light gear.
gremlinn: Hmm.
GrimbleGromble: 4
Zup: 1
Crystal109: 1
gremlinn: 2
nessachan: 3
Gharlane: 1
Kysle: 2
Randy: 3
Grishny: 2
Scruffy: 1
Sam: 2
PetBot: LuckyWizard rated a 4.
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 4 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: nessachan guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so LuckyWizard earns a bonus point.
Nyperold: 2
LuckyWizard: It looked fine in the small size!
GrimbleGromble: The quality is low, and the cat's glory is block by the tacky plastic flowers.
GrimbleGromble: I BEAT ALL
Sam: The smaller size does look a bit better.
PetBot: What do you think nessachan rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: Must...resist...1.
Crystal109: This is hard.
Nyperold: 6
Kysle: 5
gremlinn: 5
GrimbleGromble: 7
Grishny: 6
Crystal109: 4
Zup: 6
Randy: 6
Crystal109: 5
Sam: 6
Scruffy: 6
Gharlane: 6
LuckyWizard: 5
PetBot: nessachan rated a 6.
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Grishny guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so nessachan earns a bonus point.
Sam: Caught up to Crystal to tie for second!
nessachan: =)
Randy: my doggie
Crystal109: Hey. Not fair. =)
gremlinn: I think Sam has the Psych wrapped up.
PetBot: What do you think GrimbleGromble rated the above? (1-7)
Sam: Randy: 7
nessachan: 5
Crystal109: 6
gremlinn: 4
Zup: 6
Randy: Thanks!
Sam: 6
Randy: 6
Kysle: 3
Gharlane: 6
Grishny: 6
Kysle: 1
LuckyWizard: 5
Nyperold: 6
Scruffy: 5
GrimbleGromble: Randy: 7^7
PetBot: GrimbleGromble rated a 7.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 1 and is wrong.
PetBot: No scores.
Sam: I almost said 7.
Crystal109: Lol.
Crystal109: Me too.
Crystal109: It was a 6.5.
Sam: ...remembering GG's apparent fondness for big dogs.
Zup: I should have seen it, with no 7s out there.
PetBot: What do you think Kysle rated the above? (1-7)
Crystal109: 1
Sam: !!!
Sam: 1
Zup: 1
Randy: 1
nessachan: 5
gremlinn: 1
Crystal109: FEED THAT DOG
Scruffy: 1
Nyperold: 4
Zup: LOL
Gharlane: 1
LuckyWizard: 1
Sam: That poor dog was tortured on the rack!
gremlinn: DOGIRAFFE
Grishny: 1
Randy: Sam: I was going to say the exact same thing.
PetBot: Kysle rated a 1.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Grishny guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 1 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: nessachan guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Kysle earns a bonus point.
Nyperold: It's Mr. Dogtastic!
Randy: hehe
Sam: Zup has a 6-point lead.
* Randy will leave after this bot. Sleep!
Crystal109: That's scary.
PetBot: What do you think Nyperold rated the above? (1-7)
Sam: Seven people have 22-23 points, tying for 2nd and 3rd place.
* Zup is praying that he doesn't lose the internet or something.
LuckyWizard: And he's one point away from winning.
gremlinn: 3
Sam: 6
Grishny: 4
Sam: 4
Zup: 6
Crystal109: 5
nessachan: 2
Randy: 5
LuckyWizard: 3
Gharlane: 6
Scruffy: 6
Sam: 5
gremlinn: 7
Kysle: 2
PetBot: Nyperold rated a 1.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 4 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: No scores.
* Gharlane came in late or he'd have at least 20 points
Crystal109: lol
Gharlane: Wow,
GrimbleGromble: connection died
Sam: My indecision was needless.
Crystal109: Everything BUT 1.
PetBot: What do you think Crystal109 rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: 1
gremlinn: 2
Kysle: 7
Sam: 5
Zup: 5
nessachan: 5
Crystal109: Ack. Pressed the wrong button.
Gharlane: The hills have eyes! But not this dog.
Nyperold: 7
LuckyWizard: 3
Grishny: 5
Randy: 5
GrimbleGromble: 6
Gharlane: 5
Sam: 7
Scruffy: 6
gremlinn: 6
Randy: 7
PetBot: Crystal109 rated a 7.
PetBot: Kysle guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Randy guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: nessachan guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so Crystal109 earns a bonus point.
gremlinn: You picked the wrong dog?
* Sam guesses the mode just in time.
Crystal109: Nah. I was going for 6.
Sam: Oh.
Crystal109: Wasn't looking.
PetBot: What do you think LuckyWizard rated the above? (1-7)
gremlinn: 2
Kysle: 6
Zup: 5
Crystal109: It's a double sided animal!
GrimbleGromble: 6
Sam: 2
Scruffy: 6
nessachan: 6
Crystal109: 3
Gharlane: 2
GrimbleGromble: doggy in a gad-ren.
Nyperold: 7
Randy: 2
Grishny: 3
PetBot: LuckyWizard rated a 6.
PetBot: GrimbleGromble guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: nessachan guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 6 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 7 and is wrong.
PetBot: Zup guesses 5 and is wrong.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Grishny guesses 3 and is wrong.
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Randy guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: Sam guesses 2 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so LuckyWizard earns a bonus point.
Sam: Zup: Finish this, silly.
Crystal109: People are sneaking up.
Sam: We have another game to play tonight.
Sam: Let's get cracking.
Nyperold: We have a 3-way tie for second...
gremlinn: It should go faster.
Zup: heh heh
Sam: Cracking CORN.
Crystal109: No pressure or anything.
Zup: I don't care.
PetBot: What do you think GrimbleGromble rated the above? (1-7)
Kysle: 7
Gharlane: 7
gremlinn: I had this one to choose from.
Crystal109: 7
Sam: 7
Zup: 7
nessachan: 7
Grishny: 7
gremlinn: 6
Nyperold: 7
Randy: 7
LuckyWizard: 7
nessachan: My aunt has furniture with that same print
Scruffy: 6
gremlinn: YOU FOOLS.
Zup: FOX
Sam: Zup probably wins!
PetBot: GrimbleGromble rated a 7.
PetBot: Crystal109 guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Gharlane guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Grishny guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Kysle guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: LuckyWizard guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: nessachan guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Nyperold guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
Randy: Looks almost like a fox.
PetBot: Randy guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Sam guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: Zup guesses 7 and is right for 1 point!
PetBot: gremlinn guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: Scruffy guesses 6 and is wrong.
PetBot: The rating was guessed, so GrimbleGromble earns a bonus point.
PetBot: Zup wins!
* Crystal109 is going to eat dinner after this one.
Crystal109: YAY Zup.
nessachan: just thought everyone needed to know
Grishny: At last.
Kysle: YAY
Crystal109: Okay 5 minute dinner, here I come.
Sam: 5 minute break (at least)...
Zup: Sam: LOL
Randy: Nice
GrimbleGromble: Randy: EXACTLY why it was a 7
LuckyWizard: Yay Zup!
Zup: I was so not expecting to win any game in this tournament.
GrimbleGromble: Well, I'm up too late as it is. Night!
Zup: And I win the luck game! WOO
Zup: Night GrimGrom!
Sam: Congratulations, Zup. You ranked yourself in the game rankings, and not a bad ranking, either. Looks like you'll land in #5.
Zup: Awesome.
GrimbleGromble: Thank you for fetching points for me, foxy-puppy. And thanks all for all the votes. and Congrats zup!
* Zup pretends he's accepting an award. "I'd like to thank my parents....and the academy...."
GrimbleGromble has left.
Zup: Sam: Why 5? Is it because of points won or something.
LuckyWizard: Zup: See the tournament rules. Points break ties in the games ranking.
Sam: Yeah, you had more points than anybody who had only won 1 game so far.
Sam: Psychological Class results are final.
Zup: Noice!
Sam: Wow. I have now officially won two classes on points that I did not even place in with wins.
Randy: Ok, I would love to stay, but work tomorrow.
Zup: That is so awesome.
gremlinn: And you won half the classes.
Randy: Bye
gremlinn: Or are leading.
Randy has left.
Crystal109: Hm. I didn't do that badly.
Sam: And I placed second in the speed class without winning any games.
Crystal109: Considering how I was only there for maybe 2 of the psychological games.
Zup: TOP 5??!?!?! I'm in the freaking top five of psych?!? I'm amazed.
Gharlane has entered.
Sam: grem: Associative is still up in the air, but it would be an uphill battle to unseat me.
Sam: Gharlane: You have to beat me by 12 points in PicMatch if you want to win the Associative Class.
gremlinn: I'd have won Psych if BlankBot hadn't rocked me so thoroughly.
Gharlane: Sam: That will be tough.
Crystal109: I'm hoping to go up a lot more in Associative.
gremlinn: What category will MovieBot go in?
Gharlane: Academic?
Zup: Insane.
Kysle: grem: nobody knows enough other than, like, 3 people
gremlinn: It's similar to the academic games, but it's not really in there.
Zup: Could Moviebot have a quiz mode, or no?
Sam: Probably Academic. There isn't a great spot for it, though, yeah.
Sam: Zup: I'm mulling over ways for one. Not really, though. But it seems to need it less, too.
Gharlane: It's very much knowledge based. Academic isn't perfect, but the closest fit.
gremlinn: It's most similar to State/Country.
Kysle: It should go in the wisdom category.
gremlinn: Except you can't exactly cram for it.
Sam: Unlike, "Postal code for Nevada," which IMMEDIATELY causes 20 people to type in the correct answer, MovieBot is more about figuring things out. So it's MUCH less reliant on typing speed and more on thinking speed.
Sam: And even more than that on raw knowledge, yeah.
PetBot has been dismissed by Sam.
PicMatchBot has been summoned by Sam.
gremlinn: Can we do the tiebreaker thing after this?
Sam: I couldn't believe it when I realized I had to recode the image grabbing function 35 minutes before the tournament started.
Sam: grem: I'd rather not, if that's ok. I work in the morning.
gremlinn: Okay. Tomorrow night?
Sam: Sure, whatever you like.
Sam: Starting in 1 minute...
gremlinn: Maybe 7:30 EDT as usual.
Sam: Ok.
gremlinn: Probably will only last 5 minutes or so anyway.
Sam: We won't need to do a tiebreaker if you beat me by 39 points.
Sam: With weird enough voting, you could do that.
gremlinn: 1 in 10^34 chance.
Sam: That much, huh?
Grishny: What, no special rules changes for this one?
Sam: Remember, first round won't let someone pick an adjective in time.
Sam: Nope.
Sam: Come on, bot. You can do this.
Sam: Still churning...
Sam: Don't make me hit you, bot.
Crystal109: Go go bot.
* Grishny does a raindance
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the adjective clean for this round. (1/10 submissions accepted.)
Sam: YAY
Crystal109: Yay.
Sam: match 1
Grishny: match 3
Crystal109: match 6
gremlinn: match 3
Zup: match 3
Gharlane: match 4
Grishny: dump 12567
nessachan: match 7
Scruffy: match5
Kysle: match 6
Eric: match 5
Sam: dump 2 3 4 5 6 7
Nyperold: match 4
Zup: dump 7
LuckyWizard: match 5
Crystal109: dump 1 3
Gharlane: dump 1 3 7
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective clean. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
Grishny: dump 4
Sam: Spaces, Grishny.
Eric: dump 1 2 6
Eric: vote 10
gremlinn: vote 10
Sam: vote 9
Nyperold: vote 5
nessachan: vote 10
Kysle: vote 41
Sam: HM7
LuckyWizard: vote 10
Crystal109: vote 5
Zup: vote 5
Grishny: vote 7
Scruffy: vote 6
Gharlane: vote 10
PicMatchBot: Scruffy wins 5 points for .
PicMatchBot: gremlinn wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Grishny wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Sam: grem: One in 10^33 now.
Zup: Good job, Scruff!
gremlinn: Sweet. Once you get 2 points, I'm dead, though.
gremlinn: I can't get 41 points with 12 players...unless someone enters.
Sam: I can try to vote for you twice.
Zup: pick 1
PicMatchBot: Zup chose the adjective unstable for this round. (1/10 submissions accepted.)
Eric: match 2
Zup: match 2
gremlinn: match 3
Kysle: match 7
Crystal109: match 1
LuckyWizard: match 5
Grishny: match 1
nessachan: match 2
Gharlane: match 5
Nyperold: match 4
Grishny: dump 2 3 4 5 6 7
Sam: match 6
Gharlane: dump 2 7
Eric: dump 1 5 7
Nyperold: dump 5
Sam: dump 1 3 4 5 7
Scruffy: match 1
Crystal109: dump 5 6 2 7
Grishny: Actually, I should have kept 7. Oh well.
gremlinn: Oh yeah, you could go negative.
gremlinn: I'll assume that won't happen.
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective unstable. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
nessachan: vote 5
Crystal109: vote 8
gremlinn: vote 8
Nyperold: vote 4
Sam: vote 1
Grishny: vote 7
Eric: vote 7
Zup: vote 1
Gharlane: vote 3
LuckyWizard: vote 6
Eric: Is 7 Anna Nicole Smith?
Kysle: vote 7
Grishny: I thought it was Courtney Love.
Sam: Doesn't look like her, but I don't know.
Scruffy: vote 6
Eric: Either way.
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Grishny wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
Sam: grem: 10^32
nessachan: looks more courtney love to me
gremlinn: Sam: trying to make it interesting? Heheh.
Crystal109: I have no clue who it is.
Sam: No, I got elevened, I guess. I didn't even realize until just now.
gremlinn: Ahh.
Grishny: Godzilla is very stable. You know he's gonna destroy Tokyo.
Sam: I didn't have anything good anyway, though.
Grishny: pick 4
PicMatchBot: Grishny chose the adjective impure for this round. (1/10 submissions accepted.)
Eric: match 4
Kysle: match 7
Grishny: match 7
Gharlane: match 2
Sam: match 4
gremlinn: match 3
Crystal109: match 6
Zup: match 2
Eric: dump 5
Sam: dump 3 6 7
Gharlane: dump 1 6 7
Nyperold: match 6
Crystal109: dump 4 7
Grishny: dump 1 3 6
nessachan: match 5
Scruffy: dump 123456
Kysle: dump 3 6 2 4 5
Crystal109: These pictures are really small.
Sam: Scruffy: Put spaces between the numbers.
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective impure. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
Eric: Scruffy: You have --- yeah.
FAQBot has been summoned by Sam.
Scruffy: dump 1 2 3 4 5
gremlinn: vote 6
Eric: I typed "Scruffy" as "Scurry".
Sam: Crystal: There's a FAQ question about that, although I know you weren't asking a question.
Eric: vote 2
Kysle: vote 2
Grishny: vote 10
nessachan: vote 5
Crystal109: vote 5
Sam: vote 2
Gharlane: vote 10
Scruffy: vote 5
Crystal109: Sam: Thanks.
Nyperold: vote 2
Zup: vote 9
PicMatchBot: Grishny wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
gremlinn: Yay, Sam!
Eric: I think my clown was John Wayne Gacy.
Grishny: I think you're right.
Sam: grem: 10^9999999999999
Eric: And I don't think that's the first time I've gotten him in this game.
Crystal109: Sam: That picture is really crazy.
Gharlane: Clowns are inherently unstable.
gremlinn: Okay, since it's over and I don't like this game much, I'm out. Later.
Sam: Later.
Gabe has entered.
gremlinn has left.
Grishny: Adios.
Scruffy: Thanks Sam
Crystal109: By....e.
Zup: Hey Gabe.
Grishny: Habe.
Crystal109: Hi Gabe.
Nyperold: Hello.
Gharlane: Hello Gabe.
Gabe: Hi!
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the adjective zany for this round. (1/11 submissions accepted.)
Eric: match 1
Eric: dump 7
Crystal109: match 5
Zup: match 3
Nyperold: match 7
Grishny: match 3
Sam: match 4
nessachan: dump 3 6
LuckyWizard: match 3
Crystal109: dump 6 2 1
Sam: dump 7 6 5 3
Gharlane: match 2
Kysle: match 1
nessachan: match 7
Grishny: dump 4 6
Scruffy: dump1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Zup: dump 4 7 6 1 5 2
Gharlane: dump 4 7
Crystal109: All my dumpings are out of order.
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective zany. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
Kysle: dump 5 3
Gabe: match 5
Gharlane: The pictures took so long to load I had no time to pick an adjective.
Eric: vote 7
Sam: vote 8
Crystal109: vote 9
LuckyWizard: vote 9
Grishny: vote 9
Zup: vote 3
Kysle: vote 9
Scruffy: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 9
nessachan: vote 9
Gharlane: vote 8
Kysle: vote 8
Gharlane: vote 9
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 6 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Grishny wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
Sam: Gharlane: Unfortunately, with the number of people we have playing and the amount of time it takes to fetch images, we may find that to be the case all game long.
Sam: I'll have to fix that so that it doesn't include image-loading time in the picking time.
Sam: But it's not simple.
Gharlane: I'd already figured that, hehe.
Gharlane: A non-trivial exercise?
Eric: pick 5
PicMatchBot: Eric chose the adjective youthful for this round. (1/11 submissions accepted.)
Eric: match 1
nessachan: dump 5
Crystal109: match 4
Nyperold: match 6
Zup: match 3
LuckyWizard: match 5
nessachan: match 3
Sam: match 1
Kysle: match 7
Eric: dump 7
Grishny: match 4
Gharlane: match 2
Sam: dump 4 5 6 7
Kysle: dump 2 4
Nyperold: dump 5
Grishny: dump 5 7
Crystal109: dump 2 3 5
Gharlane: dump 5 6 7
Gabe: dump 4
Zup: dump 4 2
Scruffy: dump 1 2
Gharlane: dump 3
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective youthful. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
Crystal109: vote 5
LuckyWizard: vote 5
Gabe: vote 5
Kysle: vote 10
Eric: vote 5
Gharlane: vote 8
nessachan: vote 1
Zup: vote 6
Grishny: vote 5
Sam: vote 10
Nyperold: vot 11
Nyperold: vote 1
* LuckyWizard then reads the caption in #5. Heh.
Sam: I got out-cuted.
Scruffy: vote 5
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 6 points for .
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Grishny wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
Crystal109: How can you see the caption?
Kysle: LW: You can read the caption?
Sam: LW: What's the caption say?
LuckyWizard: "College fund in tech stocks?"
* Gharlane isn't getting any good matches...
Gharlane: LOL
Sam: Oh! I could only make out the first two words.
Gharlane: Cute.
Crystal109: Haha man, that's cute.
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the adjective buxom for this round. (1/11 submissions accepted.)
Scruffy: pick 2
Sam: match 2
Gabe: match 5
Grishny: match 1
Sam: dump 4 7
Crystal109: match 7
Eric: match 5
Sam: dump 3 2
Kysle: mtach 3
Zup: match 6
Gharlane: dump 1 3 4 5
Crystal109: dump 2 5
Eric: dump 6 7
Nyperold: match 7
Gabe: dump 2 7
Grishny: dump 5 3
nessachan: match 1
Kysle: dump 7
Gharlane: dump 6
Kysle: dump 6
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective buxom. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for .
nessachan: dump 6 2
nessachan: vote 1
LuckyWizard: vote 7
Eric: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 7
Sam: vote 7
Crystal109: I don't think anyone had much.
Zup: vote 7
Crystal109: vote 7
Gharlane: vote 3
Gabe: vote 3
Grishny: vote 7
Sam: 7 = 7
PicMatchBot: Gabe wins 7 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Grishny wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
Grishny: Gobe!
Sam: LOL. 7 is a 7 and got 7.
Gabe: Heh
Kysle: dump 6
nessachan: dump 1
LuckyWizard: pick 2
nessachan: dump 5
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard chose the adjective feminine for this round. (1/11 submissions accepted.)
Sam: match 1
Eric: match 6
Kysle: match 5
Gharlane: match 2
Crystal109: match 6
Grishny: match 7
LuckyWizard: match 6
nessachan: match 6
Sam: dump 4 5 6 7
Zup: match 4
Gabe: match 3
Kysle: dump 3 4 6 7
Scruffy: match 3
Eric: dump 7 5 3 2
Gharlane: dump 5
Grishny: dump 1 2 5 6
Gabe: dump 7
Crystal109: dump 3 7
Nyperold: match 7
Crystal109: dump 5
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective feminine. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for .
Scruffy: dump 3 4 5
* Nyperold shrugs.
Zup: dump 6
Crystal109: vote 6
Kysle: vote 7
Sam: vote 3
Gabe: vote 4
Crystal109: Is that Reese Witherspoon?
nessachan: vote 4
Sam: Yes.
Eric: vote 6
Zup: vote 7
LuckyWizard: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 6
Gharlane: vote 3
Grishny: vote 6
Scruffy: vote 6
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 5 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Grishny wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gabe wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Scruffy wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
Grishny: Reese is very feminine.
Sam: Yes.
Nyperold: Hey, it's Jane Bond again!
Crystal109: She's really pretty.
Grishny: Reese is... very feminine.
nessachan: woot.
Gharlane: Ballerinas ARE feminine.
Sam: Well.... She is, but she'll also beat you the heck up, too.
Crystal109: Unless they're male ballerinas.
Grishny: Reese is very sassy.
nessachan: my other choice was a ballerina actually, I almost chose that image
Sam: Crystal: They're still feminine.
Gharlane: If they're male, thaey aren't ballerinas.
Kysle: pick 5
PicMatchBot: Kysle chose the adjective ridiculous for this round. (1/11 submissions accepted.)
Grishny: match 1
Gabe: match 2
Kysle: match 7
Eric: match 5
Gharlane: match 5
Crystal109: match 7
Zup: match 6
Scruffy: match 7
LuckyWizard: match 3
ThePhan has entered.
Eric: dump 7 3 4
Sam: match 4
nessachan: dump 1 5
Gabe: dump 7
Grishny: dump 3 4 6
Kysle: dump 1 3 4 5 6
Zup: dump 5
Nyperold: match 5
Gharlane: Hello!
Crystal109: dump 4 5
Sam: dump 4 6 7 5
nessachan: match 3
Sam: dump 3
Scruffy: dump 1 2 3
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective ridiculous. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for .
Kysle: vote 5
Eric: vote 2
LuckyWizard: vote 1
Scruffy: vote 1
Zup: vote 5
Crystal109: vote 6
nessachan: vote 1
Gharlane: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 1
Grishny: vote 2
Gabe: vote 8
Nyperold: vote 7
Sam: vote 3
Eric: The idea that that guy is "hot stuff" . . .
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Grishny wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Scruffy wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gabe wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
Sam: WHAT are those things in #3? Those sure look ridiculous to me.
Crystal109: Pens.
Eric: Also, what is that "Blooper" monster and why does it keep coming up?
Crystal109: Very common in Asia.
Crystal109: I think I have one, actually, as a prize from Chinese School.
Nyperold: "I'm moving the ping-pong ball with my mind!"
Gabe: pick 1
PicMatchBot: Gabe chose the adjective spry for this round. (1/12 submissions accepted.)
Gabe: match 1
Eric: match 2
Crystal109: match 2
nessachan: match 5
ThePhan: match 7
Sam: match 2
Grishny: match 3
LuckyWizard: match 1
Gharlane: match2
Kysle: match 6
Zup: match 3
Eric: dump 4 5 6 7
Nyperold: match 6
Crystal109: dump 6 7
Gharlane: match 2
Sam: dump 3 4 5 7 6
Gabe: dump 6
Kysle: dump 1 2 3 4 5 7
Grishny: dump 4 5 6
Scruffy: match 6
Crystal109: I just realized I had a better one.
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective spry. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for . Vote 12 for .
ThePhan: dump 2 3 4 5 6
nessachan: vote 12
Crystal109: vote 8
Zup: vote 9
Eric: vote 4
Grishny: vote 8
ThePhan: vote 8
Kysle: vote 11
Sam: vote 8
Gabe: vote 10
LuckyWizard: vote 8
LuckyWizard: vote 8
Gharlane: vote 2
Scruffy: vote 11
PicMatchBot: Gabe wins 5 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for .
Nyperold: vote 2
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Grishny wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Nyperold: Dumbshoes connection!
Sam: I submitted mine not because it was "spry" so much as that made "spry" a hilarious understatement.
Scruffy: match
Eric: aahahh
Sam: pick 4
Crystal109: Why do I keep getting pets?
PicMatchBot: Sam chose the adjective dead for this round. (1/12 submissions accepted.)
Zup: match 3
Eric: match 4
Sam: match 4
Gharlane: match 5
Kysle: match 1
Grishny: match 4
Gabe: match 3
Eric: dump 6
ThePhan: match 4
Zup: dump 7
Sam: Heh. I picked that adjective without anything for it. It just sounded funny.
Gabe: dump 6 7
Grishny: dump 5 1 2
nessachan: match 3
Kysle: dump 5 4 3 2 6
Nyperold: match 4
nessachan: dump 4 5
Sam: dump 5 6 7
ThePhan: dump 1 2 3 5
ThePhan: dump 6 7
Grishny: You picked an adjective. A DEAD ONE.
* Nyperold picks blind.
Sam: dump 2
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective dead. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for .
Scruffy: dump 1 2 3 4
Eric: vote 5
Grishny: vote 5
nessachan: match 7
Sam: vote 2
Nyperold: vote 2
nessachan: er
Gabe: vote 2
Zup: vote 6
Kysle: vote 2
Scruffy: vote 2
nessachan: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 7
Crystal109: vote 2
Gharlane: vote 6
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 6 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gabe wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Grishny wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for .
Grishny: Woo points are much better than boo points.
Nyperold: I think the ballet dancer from Caption went to that school.
Gabe: I like to woo points, but they play hard to get sometimes.
Sam: Nyp: What school?
Gharlane: That ballet book thing.
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the adjective sticky for this round. (1/12 submissions accepted.)
LuckyWizard: The one in pic 10, I think.
Kysle: match 1
Sam: match 3
Grishny: match 5
Crystal109: match 6
Sam: dump 4 5 6 7 2
Gharlane: match 4
ThePhan: match 7
Eric: match 5
Zup: match 3
Crystal109: dump 7
Gabe: match 7
Eric: dump 6 7
ThePhan: dump 1 2 3 6
Nyperold: match 2
Scruffy: match4
nessachan: match 5
Kysle: dump 2 3 4 5 6 7
Gabe: dump 5 6
Grishny: dump 1 6 7
Gharlane: dump 7
Zup: dump 7
nessachan: dump 2 3 6
Nyperold: The Contortion school.
Scruffy: dump 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Crystal109: I have awesome pictures sometimes, but I don't think I'll get a good match for it.
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective sticky. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for . Vote 12 for .
Nyperold: Or class.
Eric: vote 3
Sam: vote 1
nessachan: vote 3
Gabe: vote 12
Sam: 9 rules.
ThePhan: vote 3
Grishny: vote 3
Zup: vote 2
Crystal109: vote 2
Scruffy: vote 10
Kysle: vote 3
Zup: 9 is a 5.
Nyperold: vote 2
Gharlane: vote 11
PicMatchBot: Scruffy wins 5 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gabe wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Grishny wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
Crystal109: Yay for points!
nessachan: pick 1
PicMatchBot: nessachan chose the adjective nessachan-like for this round. (1/12 submissions accepted.)
Eric: match 3
Sam: match 1
Nyperold: match 3
Crystal109: match 6
Gabe: match 7
Zup: match 7
Sam: dump 2 3 4 5 7
Kysle: match 2
Grishny: match 5
Eric: dump 5 6 7
Gharlane: match 3
LuckyWizard: match 6
Gabe: dump 5 6
nessachan: match 3
Gharlane: dump 6
Kysle: dump 1 3 4 5 7
Grishny: dump 1 3 4 7
ThePhan: match 2
Scruffy: dump 1 2 3 4
nessachan: dump 2 5 6
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective nessachan-like. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for . Vote 12 for .
Crystal109: vote 6
Sam: vote 3
Eric: vote 6
nessachan: vote 6
Zup: vote 12
ThePhan: vote 3
Scruffy: vote 12
nessachan: lol thanks a lot Zup
Grishny: vote 3
Sam: LOL@12
Gabe: vote 8
Nyperold: vote 10\
Kysle: vote 8
Gharlane: vote 8
Zup: 12 is hilarious.
Sam: Whoever submitted 9 was complimentary.
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Grishny wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gabe wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard loses a point for submitting and not voting.
* Zup bows.
nessachan: xD
Sam: It was Zup! Does that make up for the vote?
nessachan: too perfect.
Zup: Eric, that was awesome.
Sam: Cool, I voted for nessachan's submission.
Eric: Zup: I beg to differ.
nessachan: Nessa wears costumes, so a cat in a costume was quite good
Sam: I love the user-like adjectives.
Kysle: This is really slow.
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the adjective clever for this round. (1/11 submissions accepted.)
Gabe: match 4
Grishny: match 1
Nyperold: match 1
Sam: match 5
Gabe: dump 5 6
nessachan: match 3
Zup: match 3
ThePhan: match 7
Eric: match 3
Gharlane: match 7
Scruffy: match 1
LuckyWizard: match 6
Kysle: match 1
Sam: dump 2 3 4 5 6 7
Grishny: dump 3 4 6 7
Gharlane: dump 1 2
Eric: dump 4 5 6
nessachan: dump 2 5 4 6 7
ThePhan: dump 1 3 5
Zup: dump 6 7
Kysle: dump 5 6 4 7 3 2
Crystal109: match 1
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective clever. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for .
Scruffy: dump 1 2 3
* Gharlane keeps getting awful pictures for the adjectives.
Grishny: vote 10
Eric: vote 11
Sam: vote ...
LuckyWizard: vote 5
nessachan: match 5
Scruffy: vote 7
Sam: vote 4?
Crystal109: vote 6
Nyperold: vote 2
Gabe: vote 4
Sam: vote 5
Zup: vote 2
zK: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 11
Gharlane: vote 8
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Gabe wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Grishny wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Scruffy wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan loses a point for submitting and not voting.
nessachan: darn it
Sam: Aww.
nessachan: wrote wrong thing
nessachan: I'm tired
nessachan: hehe
Sam: I was looking away, or I would have said something.
zK: Eep. Dialup+picmatch=grief.
Scruffy: So close
Eric: zK: It's not just you.
nessachan: Sam: thanks anyway :D
zK: pick 3
PicMatchBot: zK chose the adjective tranquil for this round. (1/13 submissions accepted.)
Eric: match 6
Crystal109: match 4
LuckyWizard: match 7
Gabe: match 1
ThePhan: match 4
Gharlane: match 3
Kysle: match 5
Crystal109: dump 6 7
Eric: dump 4 5 7
Sam: match 4
zK: match 7
Grishny: match 7
Zup: match 1
ThePhan: dump 2 5
Gabe: dump 7
Crystal109: dump 5
Grishny: dump 5 4
Kysle: dump 6 2 1 3 7
Gharlane: dump 4 5 6
Sam: dump 7 6 5 4 3
Scruffy: match5
nessachan: match 3
Nyperold: match 6
nessachan: dump 7
Sam: vote 2
Sam: dump 2
Scruffy: dump 1 2 3 4 5 6
Zup: dump 5 6
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective tranquil. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for . Vote 12 for . Vote 13 for .
Gabe: Voting a little early, there.
nessachan: vote 3
Sam: Heh, meant to type dump.
Zup: vote 4
Scruffy: vote 8
ThePhan: vote 3
Grishny: vote 3
Kysle: vote 3
zK: vote 4
Sam: vote 3
Gabe: vote 4
Crystal109: vote 8
LuckyWizard: vote 13
Eric: vote 4
ThePhan: Although 2 made me giggle.
Gharlane: vote 13
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 5 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gabe wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Grishny wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Scruffy wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: zK wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
zK: I dunno what that one is. People standing on a rug... next to the ocean?
Scruffy: not again
LuckyWizard: That's Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, isn't it?
zK: Kysle's scares me, though,
zK: comma.
Sam: pick 4
PicMatchBot: Sam chose the adjective cute for this round. (1/13 submissions accepted.)
Sam: match 1
Crystal109: match 6
Gharlane: match 2
zK: match 3
ThePhan: match 5
Sam: dump 2 3 4 5 6 7
Gabe: match 3
LuckyWizard: match 7
Kysle: match5
Grishny: match 1
Eric: match 6
Nyperold: match 4
Zup: match 7
Scruffy: match 6
Gharlane: dump 5 6
Grishny: del 5 6
Gabe: dump 4 6 7
nessachan: match 4
zK: dymp 6 7
Crystal109: dump 5 7
Kysle: dump 7 2 1
zK: dump 6 7
Grishny: dump 5 6
Eric: dump 4 7
Crystal109: dump 4
nessachan: dump 6
Zup: dump 6
Grishny: BALEET 5 6
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective cute. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for . Vote 12 for . Vote 13 for .
Grishny: vote 9
ThePhan: vote 13
Kysle: vote 13
Crystal109: It's too hard!
nessachan: vote 3
Crystal109: vote 1
Sam: vote 11
Zup: vote 1
Gabe: vote 3
Scruffy: vote 10
LuckyWizard: vote 11
Zup: 7 has no arms.
zK: vote 3
Gharlane: vote 13
Eric: vote 9
Nyperold: vote 1
PicMatchBot: Grishny wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gabe wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Scruffy wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: zK wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
nessachan: lol my cute baby pic didn't make the cut
Crystal109: 7's arms are behind her.
Sam: Yeah, that was hard. HM 7,10,13.
Eric: Amputees are the cutest children of all.
Sam: LOL
Zup: LOL
Gabe: Her arms are behind her...
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the adjective distressing for this round. (1/13 submissions accepted.)
Eric: match 2
Grishny: match 1
Crystal109: match 7
LuckyWizard: match 5
Gharlane: match 2
ThePhan: match 5
Gabe: match 3
zK: My pictures were all made while on drugs, I'd bet.
Zup: match 5
Kysle: match 2
Eric: dump 5 6 7
Nyperold: match 6
Gharlane: dump 7
Sam: match 3
ThePhan: dump 7
Crystal109: dump 4 5 6
Scruffy: match 3
zK: match 3
Gabe: dump 4 5 6 7
ThePhan: dump 6
Sam: dump 1 2 4 5 6 7
Zup: dump 6 7
zK: dump 5
Kysle: dump 6 4 3
nessachan: match 7
Crystal109: My pictures are crazy.
Scruffy: dump 1 2 3 4
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective distressing. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for . Vote 12 for . Vote 13 for .
nessachan: mine are all distressing
Eric: vote 7
nessachan: argh, I had a perfect one for that too
Gabe: vote 7
Zup: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 7
nessachan: vote 6
zK: vote 7
Grishny: vote 8
Sam: vote 11
Crystal109: vote 7
Kysle: vote 7
zK: Spinal cord distressing.
LuckyWizard: vote 3
Scruffy: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 10
Gharlane: vote 2
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 7 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gabe wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Grishny wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Scruffy wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: zK wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
Crystal109: Haha I'm doing pretty badly at this game.
zK: I'd say I was doing pretty good, myself.
Sam: Crystal: You're beating gremlinn!!
Crystal109: Sam: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! wow! Amazing, really!
Sam: It is!
Sam: But just barely.
Crystal109: Thanks.
Sam: No problem.
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the adjective dangerous for this round. (1/13 submissions accepted.)
* Sam HUGS Crystal109!
zK: match 5
Crystal109: match 5
Gharlane: match 4
Sam: match 7
Gabe: match 4
* Crystal109 HUGS Sam!
Grishny: match 3
zK: dump 1 3
Sam: dump 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Nyperold: match 4
Zup: match 3
Eric: match 2
Gharlane: dump 7
Grishny: dump 7
zK: dump 2
ThePhan: match 6
Kysle: match 4
Gabe: dump 3 5 7
Eric: dump 5 6 7
Scruffy: match 3
Zup: dump 5
nessachan: dump 3 7
Crystal109: dump 4 7
Kysle: dump 5
Kysle: dump 7
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective dangerous. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for . Vote 12 for .
Sam: LOL@10
nessachan: vote 7
Crystal109: vote 8
Scruffy: vote 5
Zup: vote 5
Gabe: vote 8
zK: vote 2
Kysle: vote 5
LuckyWizard: vote 5
Grishny: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 1
Gabe: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 2
Eric: vote 6
Sam: vote 4
Gharlane: vote 12
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 5 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Grishny wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: zK wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gabe wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Scruffy wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
zK: I dunno what 1 is, but pyrotechnics have to be dangerous.
Crystal109: pick 2
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 chose the adjective comic for this round. (1/13 submissions accepted.)
Crystal109: Eh. I have nothing.
zK: match 7
Zup: match 3
Gharlane: match 4
Gabe: match 3
Grishny: match 4
Eric: match 3
Crystal109: match 1
LuckyWizard: match 6
nessachan: match 2
Sam: match 6
Kysle: match 7
ThePhan: match 4
Grishny: dump 5 6 7
Zup: dump 5 7
Sam: dump 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Eric: dump 4 6 7
ThePhan: dump 1 2
Nyperold: match 7
Gharlane: dump 7
zK: dump 1 2 3 4 6
Sam: Ugh, those all stunk.
Kysle: match 3
Scruffy: match 5
Crystal109: dump 5 6 7
ThePhan: dump 7
Kysle: dump 6
Gabe: I don't understand this photo at all.
Gabe: It involves a woman apparently holding her head on her knees in an MRI machine.
Gabe: And I don't mean she's curled up. Her head appears to just be resting on her lap instead of its usual spot.
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective comic. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for . Vote 12 for . Vote 13 for .
Nyperold: got mullet?
Zup: vote 3
nessachan: vote 2
ThePhan: vote 3
Grishny: vote 12
zK: vote 3
LuckyWizard: vote 9
Gharlane: vote 8
Eric: vote 12
Scruffy: vote 2
Sam: vote 8
Crystal109: vote 9
Kysle: vote 11
Gabe: vote 2
Eric: The bear . . . :'(
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gabe wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Grishny wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: zK wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold loses a point for submitting and not voting.
nessachan: Eric: When y' gotta go..
Nyperold: vote 3
Gharlane: I guess that costume wasn't comic enough, hehe.
* Crystal109 rolls her head and hears her neck bones crack. Ewwww...
zK: I do that about every day.
Zup: I can't believe this is the last bot game of the tourney. So strange.
Sam: Chain tiebreaker tomorrow, but that's it.
Gabe: pick 5
Sam: I can't wait to be done. This has been a long haul!
Zup: Yeah, last bot game i'll be in.
zK: Urgh, I got the zombie Dolly Parton one again.
PicMatchBot: Gabe chose the adjective impolite for this round. (1/13 submissions accepted.)
Gabe: match 2
Sam: Too many late nights for me in a row.
Kysle: match 5
Zup: match 6
Grishny: match 3
Gharlane: match 7
Crystal109: match 5
LuckyWizard: match 5
nessachan: match 4
Eric: match 2
Grishny: dump 4 7
Scruffy: match 5
ThePhan: match 7
zK: match 7
ThePhan: dump 5 6
nessachan: dump 6 7
Nyperold: match 3
Eric: dump 4 5 7
Sam: match 5
Gabe: dump 1 3 4 5 6 7
Sam: dump 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Zup: dump 7 5
Crystal109: Sam: But those late nights are very much worth it for the rest of us!
Scruffy: dump 1 2 3 4
Gharlane: Sam: The tournament's been great! Thanks for running it!
ThePhan: dump 4
Sam: Ugh, these images I keep getting are completely uninspiring.
Crystal109: dump 4 7
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective impolite. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for . Vote 12 for . Vote 13 for .
zK: dump 136
zK: dump 1 3 6
Sam: No problem. The next one will be at least an hour earlier, though.
Zup: Sam: Yeah, I enjoyed it, thank you a ton.
Crystal109: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 4
Eric: vote 6
Grishny: vote 4
zK: vote 9
Sam: vote 4
nessachan: match 4
Nyperold: vote
Scruffy: vote 1
LuckyWizard: vote 4
Sam: LOL!!!! I love 10!
Zup: vote 4
Gabe: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 8
nessachan: vote 4
nessachan: darn it
nessachan: hehe
Kysle: vote 8
Gharlane: vote 3
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 8 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gabe wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Grishny wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Scruffy wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: zK wins 0 points for .
nessachan: 10 is really cute
Crystal109: What is 10 doing??
Crystal109: Nice one, Kysle.
ThePhan: 10 is, er.. impolitely reading a book on the beach. When she should be playing with her friends.
* ThePhan shrugs
Gabe: Sitting on a toy chair, I think.
Eric: Reading.
Sam: She's sitting in this infinitesimal chair.
nessachan: a little girl on a TINY chair
Crystal109: Oh. I see it now!
Kysle: Thanks, crystal!
zK: Appears to be sitting on a tiny chair, reading in the middle of the road.
ThePhan: Oh, is it a road?
* ThePhan looks more carefully
Sam: I was afraid #4 was Gharlane. :-)
Crystal109: Looks like water.
Gharlane: I thought my entry looked plenty impolite, hehe.
LuckyWizard: Looks like a sidewalk.
Sam: Yeah, it's a cobblestone (or similar) street.
Crystal109: Lol.
Gharlane: pick 4
PicMatchBot: Gharlane chose the adjective slobbery for this round. (1/13 submissions accepted.)
Gharlane: match 7
Eric: match 2
Grishny: match 4
zK: match 5
Nyperold: match 1
nessachan: match 2
ThePhan: match 6
Sam: match 7
Kysle: match 2
Eric: dump 4 5 6
Zup: match 3
Gabe: match 4
nessachan: dump 5 6
ThePhan: dump 1 4 7
LuckyWizard: match 6
Scruffy: match 5
Sam: dump 1 2 3 4 6
Grishny: dump 7 5 2
zK: dump 3 4 7
Kysle: dump 5 4 3
Grishny: dump 3
Zup: dump 5 6
Gabe: dump 1 2 3 5
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective slobbery. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for . Vote 12 for . Vote 13 for .
Sam: vote 11
Zup: match 5
ThePhan: vote 6
nessachan: vote 11
Eric: vote 10
Kysle: vote 4
Scruffy: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 9
Grishny: vote 12
Zup: 11 = teh awesome
LuckyWizard: vote 4
Gharlane: vote 4
zK: vote 11
Zup: vote 5
Gabe: vote 11
PicMatchBot: Grishny wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: zK wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Gabe wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Scruffy wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
Sam: Man. I hit this 25-point ceiling and just can't break it.
Zup: "There's an anti-Sam barrier here!"
Gharlane: I need a good match here.
ThePhan: I need a brilliant match that everyone will vote for.
LuckyWizard: pick 4
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard chose the adjective glitzy for this round. (1/13 submissions accepted.)
zK: match 1
Gharlane: match 3
LuckyWizard: match 4
Crystal109: match 6
ThePhan: match 7
Eric: match 2
Kysle: match 1
Sam: match 7
Nyperold: match 6
Grishny: match 1
Gabe: match 1
Sam: dump 2 3 4 5 6
Zup: match 3
Eric: dump 4 6 7 3
Kysle: dump 5 4 7
Grishny: dump 2 3 4 5 6 7
Gharlane: dump 5 6
ThePhan: dump 3 4 5 6
Scruffy: match 2
Crystal109: dump 4 5 7
Gabe: dump 3 4 5
nessachan: match 1
Zup: dump 7
nessachan: dump 4
zK: dump 2 3 4 5 6 7
Scruffy: dump 1 2 3 4
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective glitzy. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for . Vote 12 for . Vote 13 for .
Sam: vote 12
Zup: vote 1
LuckyWizard: vote 12
Kysle: vote 13
Eric: vote 13
Gabe: vote 12
Grishny: vote 12
Crystal109: vote 12
ThePhan: vote 12
Nyperold: vote 7
nessachan: vote 13
zK: vote 13
Crystal109: Love 7 and 8
Sam: Somebody wins now.
* zK has cuteness overload.
Gharlane: vote 11
Sam: Maybe not.
PicMatchBot: zK wins 6 points for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 4 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gabe wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Grishny wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Scruffy wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Scruffy loses a point for submitting and not voting.
zK: That would have easily sevened.
Crystal109: Lol.
nessachan: or not!
Sam: Heh, nobody up high scored.
Gabe: Everyone must all win at the same time!
Sam: Except Kysle. I guess Kysle is in fourth now.
zK: This coming from someone who hates PetBot.
Kysle: YAY
zK: Cute kitty.
Eric: pick 2
PicMatchBot: Eric chose the adjective undesirable for this round. (1/13 submissions accepted.)
Eric: match 2
zK: match 4
ThePhan: match 4
Sam: match 3
Crystal109: match 3
nessachan: match 4
Zup: match 6
LuckyWizard: match 5
Grishny: match 5
Gabe: match 4
Kysle: match 1
Sam: dump 2 4 5 6 7
Gharlane: match 3
Nyperold: match 4
Crystal109: dump 4 5 6 7
Eric: dump 3 67
Grishny: dump 1 2 3 4 6 7
Kysle: dump 5 6 7 4 3
Gabe: dump 5 6 7
ThePhan: dump 2 3 5 6 7
Gharlane: dump 5 6
Gabe: dump 3
zK: LOL @ my pics.
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective undesirable. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for . Vote 12 for . Vote 13 for .
Sam: LOL @3. I love that one.
Zup: vote 6
zK: vote 3
Eric: vote 4
Scruffy: vote 4
LuckyWizard: vote 6
nessachan: vote 11
Zup: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 6
Grishny: vote 11
Gabe: vote 11
Sam: vote 11
Gharlane: vote 12
Kysle: vote 11
nessachan: okay this one made me giggle and wake up my cat
Kysle: I don't have a 10
Nyperold: vote 7
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 5 points for .
PicMatchBot: zK wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Gabe wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Grishny wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Crystal109 loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Sam: vote 13
zK: Is 11 It, after setting his head on fire?
Zup: Aww, no one voted for the little red x.
nessachan: wow, way to catch up!
Sam: And just like that, LuckyWizard pushes himself into contention.
Zup: C'mon Sam, win this already!
Zup: heh heh
Sam: It's any of five people's game, now.
PicMatchBot: PicMatchBot chose the adjective soft for this round. (1/13 submissions accepted.)
Zup: match 4
Kysle: match 3
Gabe: match 3
nessachan: match 1
Scruffy: pick 5
ThePhan: match 7
Grishny: match 5
Gharlane: match 7
zK: match 6
ThePhan: dump 4 3 2 6
Sam: match 7
Nyperold: match 6
Eric: match 3
Gabe: dump 4 5
Gharlane: dump 1 5 6
LuckyWizard: match 2
Kysle: dump 4 5 6 1 7 2
nessachan: dump 5 6 7
Sam: dump 2 3 4 5 6
Zup: dump 6 7
Eric: dump 4 5 6 7
Scruffy: match2
Grishny: dump 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Crystal109: dump 1 5 6 7
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective soft. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for . Vote 12 for . Vote 13 for .
Gharlane: I'm not sure mine qualifies as 'soft' but I wanted to play it, hehe.
Sam: I love #5, too.
zK: vote 7
Zup: vote vote 8
zK: I love 7!
Nyperold: vote 5
Zup: vote 8
nessachan: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 6
Kysle: vote 2
Eric: vote 3
Sam: vote 3
nessachan: vote 12
LuckyWizard: vote 4
Crystal109: vote 8
Gabe: vote 5
Grishny: vote 5
Kysle: How is a painting soft?
Gharlane: vote 3
Sam: Spread out votes this time.
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Grishny wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gabe wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Scruffy wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: zK wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Scruffy loses a point for submitting and not voting.
Scruffy: vote 5
zK: The man in the painting is soft.
Grishny: Oh man. Neck and neck.
Sam: Whoa. And the Big G's advance to 29!
ThePhan: Everyone is SO CLOSE.
zK: He's a big-time wrestler who gets paid to pretend to do stunts, tell me that's not soft.
Gharlane: Oh man! Scruffy was a couple seconds late for making me win, hehe.
Kysle: It is still 5 people's game, though.
zK: pick 2
zK: match 3
PicMatchBot: zK chose the adjective bad for this round. (1/13 submissions accepted.)
zK: match 3
Zup: match 3
Sam: match 3
ThePhan: match 2
nessachan: match 6
Gharlane: match 7
Nyperold: match 7
Eric: match 2
Scruffy: match 1
Grishny: match 6
ThePhan: dump 3 4 6 7
LuckyWizard: match 7
Kysle: match 6
Gabe: match 4
Gharlane: dump 4 5
Sam: dump 4 5 6 7 2
Eric: dump 3 4 7
Gabe: dump 5 6 7
nessachan: dump 4 7
Kysle: dump 4 71
Grishny: dump 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Kysle: I had three good ones, that time!
PicMatchBot: Now vote for the image best described by the adjective bad. (You can't vote for yourself.)
PicMatchBot: Vote 1 for . Vote 2 for . Vote 3 for . Vote 4 for . Vote 5 for . Vote 6 for . Vote 7 for . Vote 8 for . Vote 9 for . Vote 10 for . Vote 11 for . Vote 12 for . Vote 13 for .
Eric: Man, I wish tranquil got played on this round instead. Look at what I have:
Zup: vote 5
Sam: Eric: That's awesome.
zK: vote 10
Nyperold: vote 8
Eric: vote 2
Kysle: vote 8
Sam: vote 2
Gabe: vote 9
Grishny: vote 8
Scruffy: vote 4
ThePhan: vote 8
nessachan: vote 2
Sam: *Somebody* has to win this round.
Gharlane: vote 8
Crystal109: vote 4
LuckyWizard: vote 5
PicMatchBot: Sam wins 5 points for .
PicMatchBot: Nyperold wins 3 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: zK wins 2 points for .
PicMatchBot: Scruffy wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Zup wins 1 point for .
PicMatchBot: Eric wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Gabe wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Grishny wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Kysle wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: nessachan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for .
PicMatchBot: Sam wins!
PicMatchBot: Portrait of Crystal109: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of Eric: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of FAQBot: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of Gabe: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of Gharlane: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of Grishny: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of Kysle: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of LuckyWizard: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of nessachan: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of Nyperold: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of Sam: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of Scruffy: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of ThePhan: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of zK: .
PicMatchBot: Portrait of Zup: .
Zup: And the winner is....
nessachan: lol
Kysle: YAY
Gharlane: Yay Sam! Lol
Grishny: Sweet, I'm Reese.
Nyperold: NOOOOOO
zK: Yay! I get to be kyoot!
Grishny: I can sass you and beat you up.
Zup: Aw, no one's next to my portrait.
Crystal109: LOL at FAQBot's portrait
* Nyperold is NOT "got mullet?" man.
Sam: Oh man. Those are some hilarious portraits.
Kysle: I'm the gun d00d
Eric: I'm a mountain.
Sam: Mine's kind of stupid, but otherwise....
Gharlane: I'm the panther cubs. :)
nessachan: FAQBot is pretty amazing
ThePhan: Wow, I'm a cute kid in a cow costume.
Crystal109: Man. I'm a freaking toilet guy.
Eric: Well, a hill.
Zup: LOL
nessachan: haha
nessachan: s
Sam: FAQBot: I had no idea how hot you were!
nessachan: yes
Nyperold: Aww, wook at widdwe Gabe.
Sam: Crystal: LOL LOL
Zup: Grish is a definite 7.
* ThePhan dies laughing at Crystal's
Gabe: Nyp, you're not quite how I expected.
zK: Poor LW.
Sam: Thank you, everyone, for participating in the bot tournament! Final results will be posted shortly. Tiebreaker game(s) will be played tomorrow night.
Nyperold: Hee! Yeah, we kept seeing what WhizKid looked like.
* nessachan chortles some more
Zup: Woohaa!
Sam: There *may* be more than just a tiebreaker between gremlinn and me. If there are any ties in the Overall rankings in the middle, they need to be broken by ChainBot as well.
Sam: Ties in the individual classes, however, stay.
Crystal109: So any ties at all in Overall will need to be broken?
Scruffy: It was a pleasure playing even if it was the last night, thanks sam this is scruffy the janitor signing off!
Gharlane: Tomorrow night is right out for me, schedule-wise
* nessachan yaaaawns
* Sam pauses a moment to take in the scenery of Eric.
Nyperold: Huzzah!
Zup: Night Scruff.
Kysle: Bye!
Gharlane: Night Scruffy!
Crystal109: Night!
LuckyWizard: Night!
Scruffy has left.
Crystal109: LOL Sam that sentence is just plain funny.
zK: Myp's is just teh bets.
* Zup cries at Sam's tattered remains. He was so pretty.
Crystal109: Man. My score sucks.
zK: I think those are skydiving people in foofy dresses.
Zup: Good game Crys, on PetBot. You kept me on my toes the entire time.
Crystal109: Zup: Good to know, especially since you were 6 points ahead basically the whole time. Good job on that, by the way. =)
LuckyWizard: Gabe: I was also wondering if I'd seen one of my submissions before. Maybe I'll ask about that after the transcript is posted.
Gharlane: Nope.
nessachan: woo
* zK flies off to Mountain Stream.
Grishny: Sweet. Good night.
zK has left.
Grishny has left.
Gharlane: I wish I could have been here for CountBot. That's why I'm behind the 8-{
Sam: Looks like we have a Gahalyn vs. Quark match to run.
* ThePhan celebrates
Crystal109: Yay! I moved way up.
nessachan: hooray I moved up 2 points
nessachan: :D
* Crystal109 is still very sad at her score for PicMatchBot.
nessachan: I am going to bed now though, it's been fun all. =)
Crystal109: Night!
Sam: Night!
nessachan has left.
Nyperold: Night!1
Gharlane: Sam: Any tiebreakers for the game wins?
* Nyperold HUGS Crystal109!
Sam: Those are broken by the point totals.
Gabe: Goodnight's a good plan. See you all later.
Gharlane: Good idea.
Sam: A point totals are broken by game wins. But Gahalyn and Quark are equally ranked in both, so we need a tiebreaker there.
Sam: Later.
* LuckyWizard placed fourth in three categories.
Gharlane: Thanks again for running the tournament, Sam!
Kysle: Imagine if I hadn't missed 3 games!
Gharlane: Hip, hip, hooray!
Gharlane: Hip, hip, hooray!
Gharlane: Hip, hip, hooray!
Kysle: YAY
Kysle: Go everyone who scored more than 0 points!
Zup: Three cheers for Sam and his utterly successful Tournament!
Zup: Hurrah! Huzzah! Huwwah!
Sam: Thanks -- I'm glad you all enjoyed it.
ThePhan: Thanks indeed, Sam. The tournament was marvelously fun.
LuckyWizard: I enjoyed it.
Zup: And I'm off to bed. Night y'all, great games.
Sam: We'll do another at some point.
* Crystal109 HUGS Nyperold!
Kysle: Very good idea!
Sam: I'll have to see how long it takes us to not be sick of bots again. :-)
Crystal109: A very late hug, because I was in another window. =) Thanks.
Gabe has left.
Sam: Although I was really impressed with Monday night, when you guys just went off into another room and played two more games.
Kysle has left.
Nyperold: :-D
Crystal109: Hahaha. That was a really fun night.
ThePhan: Heh. We don't get sick of bots... They just feed our addiction. Or something.
Zup: Alright, night 'yall.
Zup has left.
Crystal109: Night!
Crystal109: Alright, I'm going, too. My back hurt from sitting in this chair.
Crystal109: Bye guys!
ThePhan: I'm taking off. Night, everyone.
ThePhan has left.
Crystal109 has left.
Nyperold has left.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Ultimate Bot Tournament: IT'S OVER! Except for tiebreakers.' by Sam.
Eric has left.
FAQBot has been dismissed by Sam.
PicMatchBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Sam has left.
Gharlane has left.
LuckyWizard has left.

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