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What movie deserved an Academy Award nomination for Best Picture but didn't get one?

Answer Number
Three Kings12 (3.7%)23.5668789808917
The Talented Mr. Ripley6 (1.8%)11.4649681528662
The Matrix103 (31.4%)200
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace28 (8.5%)54.140127388535
Toy Story 236 (11%)70.0636942675159
Being John Malkovich41 (12.5%)79.6178343949045
Magnolia12 (3.7%)23.5668789808917
Boys Don't Cry4 (1.2%)7.64331210191083
Fight Club26 (7.9%)50.3184713375796
Man on the Moon29 (8.8%)56.0509554140127
Topsy-Turvy2 (0.6%)3.82165605095541
Bringing Out the Dead6 (1.8%)11.4649681528662
The Straight Story4 (1.2%)7.64331210191083
The Hurricane19 (5.8%)36.9426751592357

A total of 328 people answered this question.