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RinkAwards 2000: Interview: Liface

February 5, 2001

RinkChat, NH - RinkChat regular Liface, of Oregon, has been participating in RinkChat archives since he was 12 years old. He made his archive debut in "I Have Eyes Everywhere," a short archive in which he played a young upstart who puts his foot in his mouth when he wrongly assumes webmaster Sam isn't watching. His first starring role came in "Mrs. Girlagong," where he plays the unwilling object of Mosuei, the character played by leading lady Miss Mousie Mooseconker. A later role, for "Childhood Frolics," garnered him box office popularity and critical acclaim.

I had a chance to chat with Liface on Saturday evening. We talked about the nature of his craft and his hopes for the upcoming the RinkAwards.

Sam: Are you excited about the RinkAwards?

Liface: Yes! I hope to win many many awards for "Best Typo."

S: Which of your eligible performances are you most proud of?

L: Definitely "Childhood Frolics," because I like to get hit in the head with golf clubs.

S: Really? That's very interesting. What was it like to work with your childhood friend folex?

L: Well, it was fun, except for the part where he scared me, hit me in the head with a golf club, hit me in the head with a tennis ball, and sprayed me with a hose.

S: I thought you liked being hit on the head with golf clubs!

L: Well, it was fun at the moment I got hit, but then the blood started pouring out.

S: That must have been very frightening for you.

L: Yeah. My friend's lawn is still stained with blood. But then I got to watch Motocross.

S: I think it's pretty clear how seriously you take your work in the RinkChat archives. I must admit I admire your dedication to your craft.

L: Oh, thank you very much.

S: Which of your co-stars in the RinkChat archives do you think you found it most professionally fulfilling to work with?

L: Mousie, even though she tried to kiss me and call me cute pet names. She was fun to work with in "Mrs. Girlagong."

S: Were you able to learn anything from her?


S: That's very interesting advice. How would you describe your improvisational style?

L: Well, I like to be incoherent. But you probably already know that. And I am only humourous when I make up stuff on the spot.

S: What performances besides your own might you like to see win in the Best Male categories?

L: Stephen, because he is so ultra-733t. And Radebur, if he's on there.

S: What's your pick for Best Archive?

L: "The Sting II," ALL THE WAY! Radebur is rox0r, dood!

S: Thank you for participating in this interview. Do you have anything else you'd like to add before I close?

L: I hope you are eating a double-decker ice cream cone that falls off and eats a party on the plate of your brother. Then the Australian shampoo will fall off the shelf and land on your leg.

S: I'll be sure to pass along that message to my readers. Thank you for being with us!

L: Glad to be on the Rinkrocks show! Let's roll the theme song.

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