- Except where noted below, original Enchanted Forest rules
apply. To avoid repeating all the rules for the original
Enchanted Forest game, simply familiarize yourself with
the original rules before continuing to
read here. Below are the added and changed rules for Enchanted
Forest II.
- Magic Saws. Magic saws are rarer than regular saws and will
help you get by petrified trees, whereas regular saws will not.
When you move into a tree to chop it down, a regular saw will be
tried first, assuming you have one. If the tree turns out to be
petrified, the saw will break, and the tree will be marked as a
petrified tree. If you try to chop it down again (or any other tree
known to be petrified), the game won't waste your saws by trying a
regular saw but will attempt to chop it down with a magic saw (assuming
you have one). If you don't have any regular saws but do have magic
saws, then attempts to chop down regular trees will be made
with a magic saw. Bottom line: be aware of your supply of saws before
attempting to chop down a tree.
- Teleporters. Teleporters can be used to jump to another location
in the forest at almost any time.
- Bombs. Bombs are useful in a couple different situations.
When it is possible to use a bomb, the option will be provided to
- The Whitestone. In addition to the Blackstone, the single most
beneficial item from the original Enchanted Forest, there is
now also a Whitestone. The Whitestone is a little harder to find,
because it will only ever be found underneath a tree.
- New things to do in the forest. Enchanted Forest II has
a number of new things you can find -- both common things and unique
things. You'll have to find out what these things are for yourself,
but here's a hint: one of the unique squares will only ever appear in
or adjacent to one of the four corners of the forest.
- The Pixie and the Leviathan. The Pixie and the Leviathan are
visible creatures that can be seen moving about the forest as you do.
The Pixie will tend to run away from you, while the Leviathan is a
powerful monster that will hunt you down. Deal with the Pixie when
and where you please, but you may want to hold off on your battle with
the Leviathan until you've progressed a bit first: the higher the
level you're on, the more successful you will be when battling him.
Finding the Blackstone and Whitestone will help you greatly, too.
A final note about the Leviathan: unlike other monsters, you can always
successfully run away from it -- but it won't be the last you'll see
of it.
- Small rule changes. The monsters have new treasures to guard.
The gold pieces you find lying about in the forest and inside chests no
longer come in even multiples of 100. The healing power of strength
potions and the destructive power traps have each been decreased
proportionally to each other, to stabilize your hit point count
during the game.
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