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Convention II

Food: The Important Stuff


I was lucky enough to have a business class ticket because I got it with frequent flyer miles, so my trip started out great. They had printed menus, and I chose an omelette with asparagus and tomatoes. Yummeh. But before that, they served a choice of lemon bread, banana bread, or bagels. I had banana bread. Then, they served some sliced mangoes and strawberries. Or maybe the fruit was before the bread. Who cares? BUSINESS CLASS RULES. The omelette came with chicken sausage and potatoes. The potatoes weren't great. Then after a while, they came around with a cheese and fruit course. That ruled. It had water crackers AND warm rolls, two kinds of grapes, apples, and what must have been cammembert and some mild cheddar cheese. That might have been my favorite meal of the whole trip.

Okay, so Friday night, before Stephen and Mia and I had to pick up Dave at about 500-thirty in the morning, we all had some cajun popcorn shrimp and fries with Fry Sauce, which Mia insists is served in all restaurants in Utah, even the ones that don't have fries. It is a mixture of ketchup and mayonnaise that tastes a lot like, say, ketchup and mayonnaise. Or maybe like thousand island dressing without the relish. Because Stephen hates pickles. Okey. We decided it makes everything taste like Big Macs. Then we all had lobstah after our salads with peppercorn dressing, only Stephen had bleu cheese.

Saturday morning, even though I was a little late for the 8:30 call time, Sam gave me a 24 second break to go get some hot tea and a blueberry muffin, which threw off his schedule for the whole day. For the rest of the morning, most of us snacked on the Jaffas Brunnen-G had sent, along with some weird jaffa-cookie things Matthew brought, Cheerwine Iss and MrsIss brought, Mikesell's puffy thingies in both butter and cheese flavor that the Grishnys brought, Pez, and Sam's contribution, water. We also tasted Moxie. Grow up, it was not that bad.

Saturday for lunch, Darien and Stephen and I all ordered Chinese chicken salad, only mine was only a half size because Dave and I also ordered an appetizer platter for the whole table consisting of quesadillas, nachos (mmmmmmmmm......naaaaachooooos), riblets (huh?), and fried cheese. Dave had a turkey club, Rivikah had a grilled chicken sandwich, Mia had a small basket of chicken fingers, and Minamoon had a large basket of chicken fingers and everything everyone else got full of and couldn't eat. That girl can eat more than Dave and Stephen and Darien put together. I like that in a woman. I don't know what the other table had because they came in well after us in an attempt to not make it look like they were the big copycats they were.

Before the movie, I talked Sam into letting us have an ice cream break, so Dave and Elly and Jake and I went to Dairy Queen. Elly and I had chocolate cones, and Dave had a chocolate cone with sprinkles. Jake had some big brownie/ice cream/whipped cream thing. During the movie, everybody snacked on more puffy thingies and Jaffas.

For dinner Saturday, as you have heard, a group of us had Chinese. We all shared some crab rangoon. They had too much cream cheese in them. Darien and I had some killer hot and sour soup. Stephen had wonton soup and rice. That's it. I'm not kidding. And he didn't even eat it all. Weirdo. So then I had General's chicken, which came with cold broccoli for some reason, with house fried rice. Dave had some of the rice with his moo goo gai pan. Mia had about an ounce of her sweet and sour shrimp. Mina and Darien EACH had their OWN pork fried rice, and Mina wouldn't let anyone touch hers, even when she was done. I think they actually shared their sweet and sour pork. It only just now occurred to me we didn't get fortune cookies. I wonder if that's bad luck.

Sunday morning, Sam wouldn't let me eat again, but I snuck past him and got a half a bagel and some hot tea. I don't know what anyone else ate, because they got to sleep for another hour, and I hated them, especially Mrs. Pas, because she had a McDonald's hashbrown. I love those things. I think it must have been cold though, because the smell didn't waft up to me in the front of the van. Luckily for her.

When we got to the Old Man of the Mountain, I had some trail mix consisting of: almonds, cashews, dried cranberries, sunflower seeds, pepitas, and white raisins. The raisins got thrown at Stephen and Darien. They are yucky. I put the rest of it in Iss's backpack. He still has it. It's okay, Iss. I didn't want anymore anyway. Also in the van, I had a few of the Grishnys' big Cheez-Its. They are big but taste no different than the normal sized ones. Oh, and I had brought Rice Krispy Treats and split them between the two vans, and we had those, too.

I think most of us ate lunch at Loon Mountain, but we all did it at different times, so I can't be sure what everyone had. I had a hot dog which I shared with the littlest Grish. He did not share his animal crackers with me, though I'm sure he would have, had I asked. His mom had a tuna sandwich, and his dad had a Philly cheesesteak. I think a lot of people had those. I know famous had chocolate milk, but I don't know what else. Rivikah, who can also pack away the food, had some big sandwich and chocolate milk. That's all I could see. I know Jake saved his chips because they were in Iss's backpack later, too. Iss is going to be eating well this week.

Finally, almost the whole group decided to go to Newick's for dinner. I can only tell you what the people around me were having, because our table was so long I had to call Stephen on his cell phone to make sure he planned to eat. I was worried about him. He didn't eat enough to suit me while we were there. Dave and I started with fried calamari, which we shared with the table. MrsIss started with clam chowder. Then they brought coleslaw in little cups. I don't know why it was served earlier than the food, but it was darn good. I had steak and lobster tails. The lobster was killer, but the steak wasn't. That'll teach me to order steak in a seafood restaurant. Dave and Iss and MrsIss had various conglomerations of various fried things. Matthew had fish 'n' chips. Imagine that. Ayako had a vegetarian burger (yeah, like THAT'S food), and I can only assume since there were two of those ordered, that Ticia had the other one. Leen had the two lobstah special and said she could put away two more. I should have ordered that. Stephen said he ate, but I don't know what. Newick's lived up to its reputation, for sure.

Monday morning, Dave and I had to take the vans back, and I made him drive through Burger King so I could finally have some hash browns. I had Dr. Pepper with them. Breakfast of champions. Dave didn't eat.

Dave and Stephen and I were pretty much the only ones left after I finally got ready and checked out, so we had lunch at Cactus Jack's. As usual, I insisted we order an appetizer, so we got chicken quesadillas. Dave had some big honkin' burger with pretty much every topping on Sam's list and then some on it, including cheese. I had nachos (mmmmmmmm......naaaaachooooss), and Stephen had some barbecued meat combo thingy. It was good to finally see him eat.

I had to downgrade to regular coach class on the way home so I could leave at 3:30 instead of 5:30, so the food is barely worth mentioning. As a matter of fact, it's NOT worth mentioning.

When I got home, I had some chicken barley soup and part of a brown sugar/cinnamon pop tart with a lot of milk. Then today for lunch I had a baguette with cammembert and some sliced tomatoes, with garlic powder and salt and pepper. I would have put basil on there, but the Italian market's basil was kind of icky-looking, so I skipped it.

I bought another bag of trail mix, too.

Stephen replies:

HA!!! It was egg drop soup!! Jeez, Mousie, please pay attention to what we eat next time....

Ste "And I thought Sam was psycho at recording trivial things!" phen

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