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Convention II

Thoughts on the Convention


Okay, so I totally missed out on everything because I was still in the New England area and had limited access to a computer, so I'm just going to post a few things about what *I* thought of everyone.

First of all, Dave is a big dummy head. He tried to kill me. I think he was too tired the first night I met him in Boston to try to kill me. But he tried the rest of the weekend. He almost managed, too. On Saturday morning, he pushed me down, and I hit my head on the wall and almost bled to death, but luckily Stephen saved my life. Sunday night, though, I beat Dave up, so it's all good.

Sam and Leen are awesome. I didn't talk to them very much, unfortunately, but they were very very cool. I gave Leen an "I BLEED PURPLE" t-shirt, and I hope she liked it.

Elly Myruh is a bundle of joy, but she writes too much.

famous is also a bundle of joy, and I had the opportunity of sitting next to her on the plane on the way to NH from Cincinnati. That was a lot of fun, and she and I talked, so the time passed fairly quickly.

Miss Mousie is a one-woman show. Mousie ducks! Need I say more?

Rivikah is very cool, too. I didn't get to meet her until Saturday morning, even though we shared a room. She was dead asleep when I got back, and only a short few minutes after I got there I was, too. (Although Ticia called me four hours later....grrrrr.)

Darien and Mina are AWESOME. We spent the whole time being HARDCORE. WE OWNED JOO ALL.

Faux_Pas and Mrs. Faux_Pas were HARDCORE, too, but they did not OWN us. So what if they beat us through the caves? (Although, their claim that they did so is still precarious, as we did not run into each other ONCE.) Doesn't matter. They did not SAY they owned us, so they did not. See how this works?

The Grishes were pretty cool, too. Little Grish was SOOOOO CUTE CUTE CUTE, like everyone says he was. I didn't get to talk to Momma and Papa Grishny very much, though. Someone kept "hogging" me. :-P

Ayako and Matthew didn't say much, though they are very cute people. Matthew wouldn't talk to me, though, even when I turned around and told him to. I was very disappointed. I love English accents. And I now know how to pronounce Ayako's name! Ah-YAK-oh. :-)

ahmoacah was very cool, and I must admit, I didn't know what to expect from her. She's so tall! And not only because I'm so short. She really could beat Dave up, but that's not very hard to do.

Issachar and Mrschar are also HARDCORE, even though it was ISS'S IDEA TO GO DOWN TO THE RIVER IN THE FIRST PLACE. Just thought Mrschar should know that. :-P

Jaguar is cool, too, and he looks just like Sam, only with a mustache.

Princess Leia and Tim I didn't talk to very much, but they seemed cool.

Cynthia is funny, and she really doesn't stop talking. That's okay, though, because I didn't talk very much, except when everyone was sleeping. THEN I didn't shut up. Cynthia also was very nice to try to shield her icky mushrooms from my eyes. I didn't realize that THAT was the reason she put up this colorful picture (on a napkin) between her plate and mine. I just thought it was so I could look at a l33t pretty drawing.

Ticia and Don seemed pretty cool, too. I've heard so much about them, and it was nice to FINALLY meet them. They are very cute together, also, but they don't stop kissing. Ever. Believe me. I'm not making that up.

And finally, Stephen. Stephen rules, just so you know. And he's VERY hardcore. And loud. All I heard the whole weekend was, "Ain't nothin' but a hip hop thang, just bidness in da hood." And then later, "CRUD! BURN!" I kinda miss that, actually. Oh, and also, I heard, "HAAAAH!!!!" Many times. Right in my ear, too. It was loud. And he got very close to getting it right, too. A bit higher, Stephen, and you've got it. But not TOO high.

If I missed anyone, I apologize. I'm still kinda sleepy from the flight and all.

Anyway, I'm done.

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