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Convention II

Thoughts on the Convention


Sheesh. I have no flipping CLUE where to start. So I'll just fling random things at the nice little text box.


On Friday, Mum and my little sister and I were walking back to the hotel from lunch when I saw these three people walking down the ramp from the front door. My poor tired brain was screaming at me, "YOU KNOW THESE PEOPLE. YOU RECOGNIZE THEM." Then I noticed the RinkWorks T-shirts two of the people were wearing. My brain is now on Full Red Alert, and finally it plucks a name from my fuzzy little brain. "Sam?" said I. "Cynthia?" said one of the three. Indeed, it was Sam, Leen, and Ellmyruh that we'd run across. Miraculously, my mum (who was running on two and a half hours' sleep) let me go run off with them. Mum needs to get two and a half hours' sleep more often. *teehee*

We went looking for other Rinkies at the Econo Lodge, but when asking the EXTREMELY HELPFUL people at the desk proved fruitless, we wandered all six billion floors saying, "RinkWorks! RinkWorks!" in hopes of being recognized. The tactic didn't work, but it was rather entertaining to see its effect on innocent civilians.

And then we went to go meet famous and Mia at the airport. I didn't realize it, but I had always subconsciously pictured Mia as looking like the Mia on "Dave's World," so she was a mild surprise to me when she got off the plane. famous looks like her pictures.

Ehhh...then we hung out and talked and stuff happened and more Rinkies put in appearances. And then it was Saturday. Many Rinkies look like their pictures, except for Leen. I hesitated before I introduced her to my mother. I really don't know what else to report on the matter.

Now I'm just going to lapse into random tidbits from Saturday because I'm too tired to make actual sense. The RinkMobile is proof that Rivikah is a genius. I faithfully executed my duties as teach's ambassador. Iss is a decent volleyball player. I practiced on Monday morning, and now I can play the "clapping bottle game" backwards and forwards. ahmoacah and I got the same thing at lunch. Faux Pas makes a great coleslaw depository. Moxie is the most disgusting drink ever to foul the earth with its presence. Stephen asked Matthew what the can was made of, and he said, "Tin," which ruled. PrincessLeia brought the RULINGEST water clocks. Mina and Darien went beyond fashionably late and out the other side. I heard Leen say, "ICECEAM!" I'm glad Ayako didn't smash my camera. I heard a poem. A DEAD ONE. When Ellmyruh publishes "RinkUnion II: The Novelization," I'll be first in line to read it.

Now we can go into random tidbits from Sunday. Mother Nature designs for skinny athletic people, so I'll wear my "wuss" badge proudly. The shortcut was TEH 733TEST PAHT. I knew without looking whom the bus driver was talking about when he radioed the base about people being off the trail. Jonathan, the RinkBaby, is ADORABLE. Oh, yeah, and he has RinkParents. They were cool. The train operator needed to lay off the whistle. New Hampshire doesn't have a sales tax, so they make money by getting suckers to drive through rocks and trees so that they can pay to look at rocks and trees. I hear leaving day-old Chinese food in a room with the air conditioning off is an extremely bad idea. I feel sorry for the people who were trying to leave Newick's while we were prancing about the parking lot and forcing Dave, Stephen, and Darien into a group hug. Jake performed an entire number from The Music Man in the van, and it ruled. I'm glad Ayako didn't smash my other camera. Mousie really needed a nap for a while -- even her own mum told her so over the phone. Tag-team chat on Dave's laptop is fun. I apparently make a good laugh track for Stephen. Ticia killed a baby (in a game). I need to start saving money to make the trip next year.

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