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Convention 2000

Thoughts on the Convention


So, it takes 9 hours to get from SouthWestern Ohio, to Fairfax, VA. Not a bad time for such a long distance, although I'm sure I drove way too fast. When I got to the hotel I asked if Sam and Leen were there yet, and the lady said no, but that the people "over there" (she pointed at two people) asked for them too. I looked over and started to say "Are you..." and that's as far as I got before Issachar said "FAMOUS!!!" He hugged me right off the bat, which I just seemed to expect from him. It was cool. He introduced me to Jacqueline, who is super nice, and we decided to go out to dinner. We never could get out of the stupid street in front of the hotel (it surrounded a mall) because it just kept circling, and all we saw were signs for West Ox Road. I'm fairly sure I never actually saw the road, just the signs.

Anyway, we went out to eat, talked, and returned. Then Darien, Leen, and Mina met us right out front, and we all talked and everything. It was great. Sam and Dave finally arrived, and Dave gave me the guitar that I bought from him, which totally roX0red! I'm so excited. Now, if I can only learn how to really play. :)

Anyway, I'm trying to only tell things that weren't previously mentioned, so you don't have to hear them twice and my fingers don't fall off.

Ok, so Saturday was cool. Iss was first down to the Convention room (The Huntley), and I saw him writing "RinkWorks: We don't StinkWorks." I laughed; it was cool.

Everything was fun Saturday. The best really was the poetry reading. I was surprised. I honestly didn't think I'd enjoy it. Even though I write poetry, I rarely like hearing it read. And I really don't like reading my own to others. But somehow it turned out really great. Mina's reading was spellbinding. Iss' first poem (rather, a song) totally made me laugh real hard. His other ones were great, too. Dave reading Darien's poem ruled, and Bal's Haiku and other poem were hilarious. And of course, I was glad to hear the Pain Poem that Sam read. That roX0red as always.

The rest of the day goes as everyone has said. Sinbad of the Seven Seas was great. I laughed so hard. It was great watching it with everyone.

Sunday morning I woke up with 50 billion balloons on the floor. See, we brought them there after the convention room was done being used, and they had all deflated overnight. Somehow, one crazy balloon floated all the way across the room, into the bathroom, and then weasled its way down behind the toilet. That was quite an interesting thing to see first thing in the morning.

Touring D.C. was good. I think we were all affected by the Vietnam Memorial, but I couldn't do a better job than Dave in describing the feeling, so I'll leave you to read what he said about that.

I think we were all wiped out on Sunday, and as sad as I was to see everyone go, it was nice to have a quiet evening and order room service with Sam and Leen. Then a good night's sleep was just what I needed. I can't wait for next year!

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