Anagram Contest
This contest ran from 12/18/99 to 12/28/99.
The winner and first runner up are awarded a brand spanking new official
RinkWorks ball point pen each. The winner is also awarded, in
addition, an official RinkWorks honey
Come up with the funniest and strangely appropriate anagram for one of
the RinkWorks site names. Anything that appears as a link in
the Site Index on the RinkWorks front page may be
made into an anagram eligible for this contest.
You may use an anagram generator such as
http://www.wordsmith.org/anagram/ or
http://www.easypeasy.com/cgi-bin/anagrams/r-us.pl. The trick, of course, is to pick a good
one out of the sometimes thousands that these anagram generators produce.
Because of the sheer number of possibilities for this contest, you are
limited to eight official entries per person. I welcome more, however, and
so please feel free to submit any number beyond that, but please denote
which eight are your official contest entries.
I've long been a fan of anagrams, and so this contest was particularly
interesting to me. I was going to attempt a throw-away subpage of
RinkWorks that included anagrams of the various RinkWorks
site features. Then I decided that a contest would accomplish the same thing,
be more complete, and provide you folks with something more to do here.
The contest was, as usual, difficult to judge. I received many wonderful
entries from you all, and I thank you for your participation.
The winning entry is:
- How To Be Romantic:
"Bow tie on, to charm." -- "Gremlinn"
The first runner-up is:
- The Duel of the Ages:
"Sage? He left the duo." -- "Dracimas"
Finalists are:
- At-A-Glance Film Reviews:
"RW ale gave Sam nice lift." -- "Dracimas"
- The Duel of the Ages:
"Oh, defeat the lugs." -- "Nyperold"
- Enchanted Forest:
"Often rend a chest..." -- Gremlinn
- Enchanted Forest:
"...transcend the foe..." -- Gremlinn
- Enchanted Forest:
"...then scorn defeat." -- Gremlinn
- Site Journal:
"Just one liar." -- "Zarkon"
Honorable mentions are:
- Computer Stupidities:
"Topic, it's setup; I'm rude." -- Michael G.
- The Duel of the Ages:
"Foe, the guts healed." -- "Tranio"
- The Duel of the Ages:
"Ole huge death fest." -- "Tranio"
The remaining contest entries follow:
Adventure Games Live
- "Vain deer gave me lust." -- Catherine N.
- "Dave gets vile manure." -- "Dracimas"
- "Lure Saint Eve, Madge V." -- Joe K.
- "Elvis gave me nude rat." -- Neil D.
- "Gave Eve slim, nude rat." -- Neil D.
- "Give me nude rat slave." -- Neil D.
- "Evade evil arguments." -- Paul U.
At-A-Glance Film Reviews
- "We five clear Maltin gas." -- Michael G.
Brain Food
- "An FBI door." -- Joe K.
- "Baron of Id." -- Pat C. P.
Computer Stupidities
- "CPU idiots, see it trump?" -- Everett E. J.
- "O stupid CPU! It tires me!" -- "Gremlinn"
- "Optimistic? Rude, upset!" -- "Gremlinn"
- "Utmost rude tip is epic." -- Michael G.
- "Cupid titmouse priest." -- Ross M.
- "Tec Support, I...um...it dies." -- "Tranio"
- "Certitude pimp is oust." -- "Trillian"
The Dialectizer
- "I'd let a zit cheer." -- "Madula"
- "The rice led a zit." -- "Madula"
- "Delicate her zit." -- Scott J.
- "Hel, dit it crazee." -- "Tranio"
- "Reel chat iz edit." -- Trip P.
The Duel of the Ages
- "Lo, she ate the fudge." -- Neil D.
- "Gee, hustle of Death." -- "Tranio"
- "Oh, these get feudal." -- "Tranio"
Enchanted Forest
- "A decent hen frost." -- Jessica
- "Ascend nether oft." -- Jessica
- "Cathode fern nest." -- Jessica
- "Dance the nest fro." -- Jessica
- "Sacred neon theft." -- Jessica
- "...N, N, Defeat the Orc, S..." -- Trip P.
- "He fear'd contents." (why the Enchanted Forest player chose
to leave the treasure chest alone) -- Trip P.
- "Consternated! Feh!" -- Trip P.
Fantasy Name Generator
- "Treat yon manager safe." -- "Dracimas"
The Filmmaker's Exam
- "Make extra fish, Mel M." -- Joe K.
- "He makes me xtra film." -- Neil D.
- "Her team makes X-film." -- Neil D.
Greeting Cards
- "Creed rigs tang." -- Joe K.
How To Be Romantic
- "The Robotic Woman." -- "Gremlinn"
- "Boom theatric now." -- Mel
- "Bewitch a moron to..." -- "Moonbrat"
I Think
It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie
- "Bad diva-mob bid database." -- "Darien"
- "Add bomb bid via database." -- Michael G.
- "Did bomb via 'bad' database." -- Mel
Lights & Noises
- "It's so English." -- "Tranio"
Message Forum
- "Fuse memo rage." -- Mel
- "Smear smug foe." -- Mel
- "Some smug fare." -- Michael G.
- "Mere sum of gas." -- "Tranio"
- "A reef smog sum." -- "Trillian"
- "Mere smug sofa." -- Virginia N.
- "Fearsome smug." -- "Zarkon"
- "I'm a movie tune." -- "Madula"
- "Omit naive emu." -- "Madula"
- "Matinee: I, ovum." -- Scott J.
- "A menu I've omit." -- "Trillian"
Reader Poll
- "Dollar peer." -- "ShadowClerk"
- "Lard eel pro." -- "ShadowClerk"
- "Rap old leer." -- "ShadowClerk"
- "Rap lord eel." -- "ShadowClerk"
- "Smear smug foe." -- Mel
- "All deer pro." -- "Trillian"
Really Bad Jokes
- "Seek a jolly bard." -- "Darien"
- "Jelly soak bread." -- John B.
- "A bad jerk yell so." -- "Liface"
- "Say, do, jerk label." -- "Moonbrat"
- "Losable jerk day." -- Ross M.
- "A bad jerk yell so." -- "Trillian"
- "Rank itch." -- "Liface"
- "Hick rant." -- Mel
- "Kant rich." -- "ShadowClerk"
- "Ranch kit." -- "ShadowClerk"
- "Rank chit." -- "ShadowClerk"
- "Rank itch." -- "ShadowClerk"
- "Crank hit." -- "Trillian"
- "Arm I link." -- "Trillian"
- "Kirk sworn." -- "Architect"
- "KRK, in rows." -- "Architect"
- "Sir K. R. Wonk" -- "Architect"
- "Sir R. K. Wonk" -- "Architect"
- "Sir R. W. Konk" -- "Architect"
- "Sir W. R. Konk" -- "Architect"
- "W. R. Kirkson." -- "Architect"
- "Win krorks." -- "Architect"
- "Kirk sworn." -- John B.
Site Journal
- "Jot, sail rune." -- Mel
- "Junior slate." -- "Zarkon"
Slapdash City
- "Ad splash it, cy." -- Joe K.
Things People Said
- "Sad thin pigs elope." -- Catherine N.
- "Leo H., dissin' Pet Gap." -- Joe K.
- "A pidgin she let sop." -- "Liface"
- "Dishonest lip page." -- Michael G.
- "He led inapt gossip." -- Michael G.
- "Inept sage slip; doh!" -- Michael G.
- "Semi-vapid treat." -- "Moonbrat"
- "Die, honest pig pals!" -- Neil D.
- "I lend posh pigs tea." -- Neil D.
- "A gold sheep sin tip." -- Ross M.
- "Designate posh lip." -- "Zarkon"
- "Sidestepping halo." -- "Zarkon"
Trivia Stampede
- "I. via Damp Tree St." -- "Joe K."
- "Edit vamp satire." -- "Zarkon"
- "Vast media tripe." -- "Zarkon"
Lastly, the following entries were unofficial, either because they were
submitted after the deadline, because more than the limit of eight official
entries per person was submitted, or because they were not anagrams of
RinkWorks features, or by request.
At-A-Glance Film Reviews
- "Escalate a film wing, Rev." -- "scArA"
- "We've a carnage film list." -- "scArA"
David J. Parker
- "David par jerk." -- "ShadowClerk"
- "David rap jerk." -- "ShadowClerk"
The Dialectizer
- "A derelict zit, he." -- "scArA"
- "Her zit: delicate." -- "scArA"
- "I declare the zit." -- "scArA"
- "I detract Liz (hee)." -- "scArA"
Enchanted Forest
- "A decent hen frost." -- Robin L.
- "Ascend nether oft." -- Robin L.
- "Cathode fern nest." -- Robin L.
- "Dance the nest fro." -- Robin L.
- "Sacred neon theft." -- Robin L.
- "Squire wok." -- "Zarkon"
Fantasy Name Generator
- "For any neat, great names." -- "Tranio"
It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie
- "David + bomb = a database bid." -- "scArA"
Lights & Noises
- "Slot and sine... (sigh...)" -- "scArA"
Message Forum
- "Fog smear muse." -- "Zarkon"
- "Fur memo gases." -- "Zarkon"
- "Maser goes fum." -- "Zarkon"
- "Sir K. W. Ronk." -- "Architect"
- "Sir R. Kwonk" -- "Architect"
- "Sir R. Wonkk" -- "Architect"
- "Sir W. K. Ronk." -- "Architect"
- "Sir W. Kronk." -- "Architect"
- "Kirk sworn." -- "ShadowClerk"
Site Journal
- "In a lour jest." -- "Tranio"
- "Jail stun ore." -- "Zarkon"
- "Just earn oil." -- "Zarkon"
- "Our jail sent." -- "Zarkon"
- "One rust jail." -- "Zarkon"
- "Tine soul jar." -- "Zarkon"
Still Looking For Poetry
- "Poet: Lit for kingly solo." -- Pegeen M. T.
Trivia Stampede
- "Diva team stripe." -- "Zarkon"
- "Irate vapid stem." -- "Zarkon"
- "Starve paid time." -- "Zarkon"
- "Trite vapid seam." -- "Zarkon"
Things People Said
- "Spot headline pigs." -- Nick M.
- "People said things." -- "scArA"
- "Diligent passe hop." -- "Zarkon"
- "Help spa digestion." -- "Zarkon"
- "Ship gas depletion." -- "Zarkon"
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