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Sundance Film Festival



Documentary Competition

Soldier Girls (1981)  *

Dramatic Competition

Circle of Power (1981)  *



Documentary Competition

Style Wars (1984)  *
When the Mountains Tremble (1983)

Dramatic Competition

Old Enough (1984)  *



Documentary Competition

America and Lewis Hine (1984)
Before Stonewall (1984)
Far From Poland (1984)
Gospel According To Al Green (1984)
Hopi: Songs of the Fourth World (1985)
In Heaven There Is No Beer? (1984)
Kaddish (1984)
Kerouac, the Movie (1985)
Seventeen (1983)
Strategic Trust: The Making of a Nuclear Free Palau (1984)
Streetwise (1984)
The Times of Harvey Milk (1984)
The Work I've Done (1985)
The World of Tomorrow (1984)



Dramatic Competition

Almost You (1985)
Blood Simple (1984)
The Brother From Another Planet (1984)
Cold Feet (1983)
A Flash of Green (1984)
Hard Choices (1985)
Heartbreakers (1984)
American Playhouse: The Killing Floor (1985)
The Roommate (1984)
Stranger Than Paradise (1984)
Vamping (1984)



Documentary Competition

Contrary Warriors: A Film of the Crow Tribe (1985)
Einstein On the Beach: The Changing Image of Opera (1985)
Growing Up With Rockets (1985)
Huey Long (1985)
In Her Own Time (1985)
Las Madres: The Mothers of Plaza de Mayo (1985)
Louie Bluie (1985)
Nicaragua Was Our Home (1985)
Private Conversations: On the Set of 'Death of a Salesman' (1985)
Rate It X (1986)
The Return of Ruben Blades (1985)
Stripper (1986)
Troupers (1985)
Wildcatter: The Story of Texas Oil (1985)
You Got To Move: Stories of Change In the South (1985)



Dramatic Competition

Belizaire the Cajun (1986)
The Cosmic Eye (1986)
Chain Letters (1985)
Desert Hearts (1985)
Dim Sum: A Little Bit of Heart (1985)
The Great Wall Is a Great Wall (1986)
Hard Traveling (1986)
On Valentine's Day (1986)
Parting Glances (1986)
Raw Tunes (1985)
Restless Natives (1985)
Seven Minutes In Heaven (1985)
Smooth Talk (1985)
Static (1985)



Documentary Competition

All American High (1987)
Are We Winning Mommy? America & the Cold War (1986)
Chile: When Will It End? (1986)
A Composer's Notes (1986)
Directed By William Wyler (1986)
Do Not Enter: The Visa War Against Ideas (1987)
Hellfire: A Journey From Hiroshima (1986)
Isaac In America: A Journey With Isaac Bashevis Singer (1986)
Islands (1987)
Jimi Plays Monterey (1986)
Lily Tomlin (1986)
Ozawa (1985)
Sherman's March (1986)
Spark Among the Ashes: A Bar Mitzvah In Poland (1986)
William Carlos Williams (1987)



Dramatic Competition

Dead End Kids (1986)
Her Name Is Lisa (1987)
Impure Thoughts (1986)
Living On Tokyo Time (1987)
My Little Girl (1986)
No Picnic (1987)
Positive I.D. (1986)
River's Edge (1986)
Seize the Day (1986)
Sleepwalk (1986)
Stacking (1987)
The Trouble With Dick (1987)
Sullivan's Pavillion (1987)
Waiting For the Moon (1987)
A Walk On the Moon (1987)
Working Girls (1986)



Documentary Competition

Acting Our Age (1988)
Beirut: The Last Home Movie (1987)
Broken Noses (1987)
Chuck Solomon: Coming of Age (1987)
Dear America: Letters Home From Vietnam (1987)
Distant Harmony (1987)
Elvis '56: In the Beginning (1987)
The Family Album (1988)
Fire From the Mountain (1987)
The Houses Are Full of Smoke (1987)
John Huston and the Dubliners (1988)
Miss... Or Myth? (1987)
Missile (1987)
The American Experience: Radio Bikini (1988)
Thy Kingdom Come... Thy Will Be Done (1988)
Where the Heart Roams (1987)



Dramatic Competition

The Brave Little Toaster (1987)
Break of Dawn (1988)
Hairspray (1988)
Heat and Sunlight (1987)
Lemon Sky (1988)
Made In U.S.A. (1987)
Patti Rocks (1988)
Promised Land (1987)
Rachel River (1987)
The Silence At Bethany (1988)
South of Reno (1988)
Stand and Deliver (1988)



Documentary Competition

Comic Book Confidential (1988)
Coming Out (1989)
Cover Up: Behind the Iran Contra Affair (1988)
For All Mankind (1989)
Funny (1989)
Heavy Petting (1989)
Isadora Duncan: Movement From the Soul (1989)
John Huston (1989)
Let's Get Lost (1988)
Lightning Over Braddock: A Rustbowl Fantasy (1988)
Lodz Ghetto (1989)
Motel (1989)
The Days of the Dead (1989)
Who Killed Vincent Chin? (1987)



Dramatic Competition

Apartment Zero (1988)
The Big Dis (1989)
Cheap Shots (1988)
Clownhouse (1989)
84 Charlie Mopic (1989)
Ginger Ale Afternoon (1989)
Heathers (1989)
The Laserman (1988)
Lobster Man From Mars (1989)
Miracle Mile (1988)
Morgan's Cake (1989)
Of Men and Angels (1989)
Powwow Highway (1989)
Prisoners of Inertia (1989)
Sex, Lies, and Videotape (1989)
True Love (1989)
That's Adequate (1989)



Documentary Competition

Berkeley In the Sixties (1990)
Current Events (1989)
Dance of Hope (1989)
Dancing For Mr. B: Six Balanchine Ballerinas (1990)
H-2 Worker (1990)
In the Blood (1989)
American Masters: James Baldwin: The Price of the Ticket (1989)
Metamorphosis: Man Into Woman (1990)
Mr. Hoover and I (1989)
The Other Side of the Moon (1990)
Painting the Town: The Illusionistic Murals of Richard Haas (1990)
American Masters: Preston Sturges: The Rise and Fall of an American Dreamer (1990)
Teatro! (1990)
To Protect Mother Earth (1989)
Vienna Is Different: 50 Years After the Anschluss (1989)
Water and Power (1989)



Dramatic Competition

Chameleon Street (1989)
Horseplayer (1990)
House Party (1990)
How To Be Louise (1990)
Iron & Silk (1990)
The Kill-Off (1989)
Longtime Companion (1990)
Denial (1990)
A Matter of Degrees (1990)
Metropolitan (1990)
Mortal Passions (1989)
The Natural History of Parking Lots (1990)
Never Leave Nevada (1990)
The Plot Against Harry (1989)
To Sleep With Anger (1990)
The Unbelievable Truth (1989)



Documentary Competition

American Dream (1990)
Absolutely Positive (1991)
Amazonia: Voices From the Rainforest (1991)
Blood In the Face (1991)
Broken Meat (1991)
Christo In Paris (1990)
The American Experience: Coney Island (1991)
In the Shadow of the Stars (1991)
Legends (1991)
Maria's Story (1990)
Paris Is Burning (1990)
The Restless Conscience: Resistance To Hitler Within Germany 1933-1945 (1992)
Takeover (1991)
Thank You and Good Night (1991)
Trouble Behind (1991)



Dramatic Competition

All the Vermeers In New York (1990)
Daughters of the Dust (1991)
End of the Night (1990)
Hangin' With the Homeboys (1991)
Iron Maze (1991)
The Juniper Tree (1990)
Little Noises (1992)
A Little Stiff (1991)
Pastime (1990)
Poison (1991)
Privilege (1990)
Queen of Diamonds (1991)
Slacker (1991)
Straight Out of Brooklyn (1991)
Sure Fire (1990)
Trust (1990)
Twenty-One (1991)



Documentary Competition

Asylum (1992)
A Brief History of Time (1991)
Brother's Keeper (1992)
Color Adjustment: Blacks In Prime Time (1992)
Deep Blues (1992)
Finding Christa (1991)
The Inland Sea (1991)
Innocents Abroad (1991)
In Search of Our Fathers (1992)
Intimate Stranger (1991)
Last Images of War (1992)
Rock Soup (1991)
Shoot For the Contents (1992)
Techqua Ikachi: Land - My Life (1992)
Where Are We? Our Trip Through America (1993)



Dramatic Competition

Black and White (1992)
Desperate (1991)
Fathers & Sons (1992)
Gas Food Lodging (1992)
The Hours and Times (1991)
In the Soup (1992)
Johnny Suede (1991)
Jo-Jo At the Gate of the Lions (1992)
Jumpin' At the Boneyard (1992)
The Living End (1992)
Poison Ivy (1992)
Reservoir Dogs (1992)
Some Divine Wind (1992)
Star Time (1992)
Swoon (1992)
The Tune (1992)
The Waterdance (1992)
Zebrahead (1992)



Documentary Competition

Aileen Wuornos: The Selling of a Serial Killer (1992)
Children of Fate: Life and Death In a Sicilian Family (1993)
Delivered Vacant (1992)
Earth and the American Dream (1992)
From Hollywood To Hanoi (1992)
Harry Bridges: A Man and His Union (1993)
The Life and Times of Allen Ginsberg (1994)
My Home, My Prison (1993)
Nitrate Kisses (1992)
On the Bridge (1992)
American Masters: Paul Simon: Born At the Right Time (1993)
Road Scholar (1993)
Saviors of the Forest (1993)
Silverlake Life: The View From Here (1993)
Something Within Me (1993)



Dramatic Competition

An Ambush of Ghosts (1993)
Amongst Friends (1993)
Bodies, Rest & Motion (1993)
Boxing Helena (1993)
Combination Platter (1993)
Fly By Night (1993)
Frameup (1993)
Inside Monkey Zetterland (1992)
Just Another Girl On the I.R.T. (1992)
Lillian (1993)
El Mariachi (1992)
Cheatin' Hearts (1994)
Public Access (1993)
Rift (1993)
Ruby In Paradise (1993)
Twenty Bucks (1993)



Documentary Competition

Boatman (1993)
Boxer Rebellion (1994)
Cancer In Two Voices (1994)
Colorado Cowboy: The Bruce Ford Story (1993)
Coming Out Under Fire (1994)
Cuba Va: The Challenge of the Next Generation (1993)
Dialogues With Madwomen (1994)
Fast Trip, Long Drop (1994)
Fire Eyes (1994)
The Fire This Time (1994)
Freedom On My Mind (1994)
The Heart of the Matter (1994)
Hoop Dreams (1994)
Lives In Hazard (1994)
Mama Awethu! (1994)
Martha & Ethel (1994)
Theremin: An Electronic Odyssey (1994)



Dramatic Competition

Blessing (1994)
Clean, Shaven (1993)
Clerks (1994)
Floundering (1994)
Fresh (1994)
Fun (1994)
Go Fish (1994)
Grief (1993)
Picture Bride (1994)
The Pornographer (1994)
Risk (1994)
River of Grass (1994)
The Secret Life of Houses (1994)
Spanking the Monkey (1994)
Suture (1993)
What Happened Was... (1994)



Documentary Competition

Ballot Measure 9 (1995)
Black Is... Black Ain't (1994)
Brian Wilson: I Just Wasn't Made For These Times (1995)
Complaints of a Dutiful Daughter (1994)
Crumb (1995)
The Devil Never Sleeps (1994)
Dorothea Lange: A Visual Life (1995)
Ecological Design: Inventing the Future (1994)
Jupiter's Wife (1995)
A Litany For Survival: The Life and Work of Audre Lorde (1995)
No Loans Today (1995)
Out of Ireland (1995)
Teen Dreams (1994)
Tie-Died: Rock 'n Roll's Most Deadicated Fans (1995)
Unzipped (1995)
When Billy Broke His Head (1995)



Dramatic Competition

Angela (1995)
The Brothers Mcmullen (1995)
Coldblooded (1995)
Fall Time (1995)
The Four Corners of Nowhere (1995)
Heavy (1995)
Homage (1995)
Living In Oblivion (1995)
Nadja (1994)
Naked Jane (1995)
New Jersey Drive (1995)
Parallel Sons (1995)
Party Girl (1995)
Picture Bride (1994)
Postcards From America (1994)
Rhythm Thief (1994)
The Wife (1995)



Documentary Competition

The American Experience: The Battle Over Citizen Kane (1996)
Belly Talkers (1996)
American Masters: Buckminster Fuller: Thinking Out Loud (1996)
The Celluloid Closet (1995)
Cutting Loose (1996)
Fire On the Mountain (1996)
Halving the Bones (1996)
Hype! (1996)
Jane: An Abortion Service (1995)
A Leap of Faith (1996)
My Knees Were Jumping: Remembering the Kindertransports (1996)
Paradise Lost: The Child Murders At Robin Hood Hills (1996)
Synthetic Pleasures (1995)
Tender Fictions (1996)
The American Experience: Troublesome Creek: A Midwestern (1995)  *
When We Were Kings (1996)



Dramatic Competition

Bandwagon (1996)
Big Night (1996)
Citizen Ruth (1996)
Color of a Brisk and Leaping Day (1996)
The Darien Gap (1996)
Eden (1996)
Female Perversions (1996)
Follow Me Home (1996)
Freeway (1996)
Girls Town (1996)
God's Lonely Man (1996)
I Shot Andy Warhol (1996)
The Keeper (1995)
Late Bloomers (1996)
The Spitfire Grill (1996)
Walking and Talking (1996)
The Whole Wide World (1996)
Welcome To the Dollhouse (1995)



Documentary Competition

An Act of Conscience (1997)
Family Name (1997)
Fear and Learning At Hoover Elementary (1997)
The Fight In the Fields (1997)
Girls Like Us (1997)  *
A Healthy Baby Girl (1997)
Hide and Seek (1997)
John Henrik Clarke: A Great and Mighty Walk (1996)
Licensed To Kill (1997)
The Long Way Home (1997)
My America... Or Honk If You Love Buddha (1997)
New School Order (1997)
Paul Monette: The Brink of Summer's End (1996)
Poverty Outlaw (1997)
Riding the Rails (1997)
Sick: The Life & Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist (1997)



Dramatic Competition

All Over Me (1997)
Arresting Gena (1997)
Black & White & Red All Over (1997)
Clockwatchers (1997)
Colin Fitz (1997)
The Delta (1996)
Eye of God (1997)
George B. (1997)
Going All the Way (1997)
The House of Yes (1997)
Hurricane Club (1997)
In the Company of Men (1997)
Love Jones (1997)  *
The Myth of Fingerprints (1997)
Santa Fe (1997)
Slaves To the Underground (1997)
Strays (1997)
Sunday (1997)  *



Documentary Competition

Baby, It's You (1998)
Beautopia (1998)
The Decline of Western Civilization Part III (1998)
Divine Trash (1998)
The Farm: Angola, Usa (1998)  *
Frank Lloyd Wright (1998)
Frat House (1998)  *
A Letter Without Words (1998)
Lou Reed: Rock and Roll Heart (1998)
Modulations (1998)
Moment of Impact (1998)
Out of the Past (1998)
Paulina (1998)
Slavegirls (1998)
Some Nudity Required (1998)
Wild Man Blues (1997)



Dramatic Competition

2by4 (1998)
Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss (1998)
Buffalo 66 (1998)
Hav Plenty (1997)
High Art (1998)
How To Make the Cruelest Month (1998)
I Married a Strange Person! (1997)
Jerry and Tom (1998)
Miss Monday (1998)
Next Stop Wonderland (1998)
Once We Were Strangers (1997)
Pi (1998)
Slam (1998)  *
Smoke Signals (1998)
In the Shadows (1998)
Wrestling With Alligators (1998)



Documentary Competition

American Hollow (1999)
American Movie (1999)  *
American Pimp (1999)
The Black Press: Soldiers Without Swords (1999)
Death: A Love Story (1999)
American Masters: Hitchcock, Selznick and the End of Hollywood (1998)
Home Page (1998)
The Legacy: Murder & Media, Politics & Prisons (1999)
The Living Museum (1998)
On the Ropes (1999)
Rabbit In the Moon (1999)
Regret To Inform (1998)
Wanton: From Grace To Disgrace (1999)
Sing Faster: The Stagehands' Ring Cycle (1999)
The Source (1999)
Speaking In Strings (1999)



Dramatic Competition

The Adventures of Sebastian Cole (1998)
The Autumn Heart (1999)
Getting To Know All About You (1999)
Guinevere (1999)
Happy, Texas (1999)
The Hi-Line (1999)
The Item (1999)
Joe the King (1999)
Judy Berlin (1999)
The Minus Man (1999)
Roberta (1999)
A Slipping-Down Life (1999)
Three Seasons (1999)  *
Treasure Island (1999)
Trick (1999)
Tumbleweeds (1999)



Documentary Competition

Americanos: Latino Life In the United States (2000)
The Ballad of Ramblin' Jack (2000)
Long Night's Journey Into Day (2000)  *
Coming to Light: Edward S. Curtis and the North American Indians (2000)
Dark Days (2000)
The Eyes of Tammy Faye (2000)
First Person Plural (2000)
George Wallace: Settin' the Woods On Fire (2000)
Just, Melvin (2000)
Legacy (2000)
Nuyorican Dream (1999)
Paragraph 175 (2000)
Scottsboro: An American Tragedy (2000)
Sound and Fury (2000)
Stranger With a Camera (2000)
Well-Founded Fear (2000)



Dramatic Competition

Beyond the Ocean (2000)
A Question of Faith (2000)
Chuck & Buck (2000)
Committed (2000)
Compensation (1999)
Crime and Punishment In Suburbia (2000)
Drop Back Ten (2000)
Everything Put Together (2000)
Girlfight (2000)
Other Voices (2000)
Our Song (2000)
Shadow Hours (2000)
Songcatcher (2000)
The Tao of Steve (2000)
Urbania (2000)
You Can Count On Me (2000)



Documentary Competition

Chain Camera (2001)
Children Underground (2001)
Dogtown and Z-Boys (2001)
The Endurance (2000)
Go Tigers! (2001)
Home Movie (2001)
Lalee's Kin: The Legacy of Cotton (2001)
Marcus Garvey: Look For Me In the Whirlwind (2000)
The Natural History of the Chicken (2000)
Ralph Bunche: An American Odyssey (2001)
Robert Eads (2001)  *
Scout's Honor (2001)
Scratch (2001)
Startup.Com (2001)
Trembling Before G-D (2001)
Unfinished Symphony: Democracy and Dissent (2001)



Dramatic Competition

The Believer (2001)  *
30 Years To Life (2001)
The American Astronaut (2001)
The Business of Strangers (2001)
The Deep End (2001)
Donnie Darko (2001)
Green Dragon (2001)
Hedwig and the Angry Inch (2001)
In the Bedroom (2001)
L.I.E. (2001)
Lift (2001)
MacArthur Park (2001)
Memento (2000)
Robert Eads (2001)
Scotland, Pa (2001)
The Sleepy Time Gal (2001)
Some Body (2001)



Documentary Competition

Amandla! A Revolution In Four Part Harmony (2002)
American Standoff (2002)
Blue Vinyl (2002)
Close To Home (2001)
The Cockettes (2002)
Daddy and Papa (2002)
Daughter From Danang (2002)  *
Derrida (2002)
The Execution of Wanda Jean (2002)
Family Fundamentals (2002)
How To Draw a Bunny (2002)
Miss America (2002)
Ralph Ellison: An American Journey (2002)
Missing Young Woman (2001)
Sister Helen (2002)
A Texas Murder In Black and White (2002)



Dramatic Competition

Bark! (2002)
Better Luck Tomorrow (2002)
Cherish (2002)
Face (2002)
Killing Time (2002)
Love Liza (2002)
Manito (2002)
Narc (2002)
Paradox Lake (2002)
Personal Velocity (2002)
Pumpkin (2002)
Real Women Have Curves (2002)
Secretary (2002)
The Slaughter Rule (2002)
Tadpole (2002)
XX/XY (2003)



Documentary Competition

Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin (2003)
Bukowski: Born into This (2003)
Capturing the Friedmans (2003)  *
A Certain Kind of Death (2003)
A Decade Under the Influence (2003)
The Education of Gore Vidal (2003)
The Murder of Emmett Till (2003)
My Flesh and Blood (2003)
The Pill (2003)
Robert Capa: In Love and War (2003)
The Same River Twice (2003)
State of Denial (2003)
Stevie (2002)
Tom Dowd & the Language of Music (2003)
The Weather Underground (2002)
What I Want My Words To Do To You: Voices From Inside a Women's Maximum Security Prison (2003)



Dramatic Competition

All the Real Girls (2003)
American Splendor (2003)  *
Camp (2003)
The Cooler (2003)
Die, Mommie, Die! (2003)
Dopamine (2003)
The Mudge Boy (2003)
Party Monster (2003)
Pieces of April (2003)
Quattro Noza (2003)
Rhythm of the Saints (2003)
The Station Agent (2003)
The Technical Writer (2003)
Thirteen (2003)
The United States of Leland (2003)
What Alice Found (2003)




Born Into Brothels (2004)
Chisholm '72: Unbought & Unbossed (2004)
Dig! (2004)  *
Farmingville (2004)
The Fight (2004)
Guerrilla: The Taking of Patty Hearst (2004)
Heir To an Execution (2004)
Home of the Brave (2004)
I Like Killing Flies (2004)
Imelda (2003)
In the Realms of the Unreal (2004)
Deadline (2004)
Persons of Interest (2004)
A Place of Our Own (2004)
Super Size Me (2004)
Word Wars (2004)




The Best Thief In the World (2004)
Book of Love (2004)
Brother To Brother (2004)
Chrystal (2004)
Down To the Bone (2004)
Easy (2003)
Evergreen (2004)
Garden State (2004)
Harry + Max (2004)
Maria Full of Grace (2004)
Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
November (2004)
Paranoia: 1.0 (2004)
Primer (2004)  *
We Don't Live Here Anymore (2004)
The Woodsman (2004)



Documentary Competition

After Innocence (2005)
The Aristocrats (2005)
The Devil and Daniel Johnston (2005)
The Education of Shelby Knox (2005)
Enron: The Smartest Guys In the Room (2005)
The Fall of Fujimori (2005)
Frozen Angels (2005)
Mardi Gras: Made In China (2005)
Murderball (2005)
New York Doll (2005)
Ring of Fire: The Emile Griffith Story (2005)
Romantico (2005)
Shakespeare Behind Bars (2005)
Trudell (2005)
Twist of Faith (2004)
Why We Fight (2005)  *



Dramatic Competition

Between (2005)
Brick (2005)
The Dying Gaul (2005)
Ellie Parker (2005)
Forty Shades of Blue (2005)  *
How the Garcia Girls Spent Their Summer (2005)
Hustle & Flow (2005)
Junebug (2005)
Loggerheads (2005)
Lonesome Jim (2005)
Me and You and Everyone We Know (2005)
Police Beat (2005)
High School Confidential (2005)
The Squid and the Whale (2005)
Thumbsucker (2005)
Who Killed Cock Robin? (2005)



World Cinema Documentary Competition

The 3 Rooms of Melancholia (2004)
Dhakiyarr vs. the King (2005)
Grizzly Man (2005)
I am Cuba, the Siberian Mammoth (2005)
El Inmortal (2005)
The Liberace of Baghdad (2005)
Odessa... Odessa! (2005)
Shake Hands With the Devil: The Journey of Romeo Dallaire (2004)
Shape of the Moon (2004)  *
Unknown White Male (2005)
Wall (2004)
Yang Ban Xi: The 8 Modelworks (2005)



World Cinema Dramatic Competition

Brothers (2004)
Cronicas (2004)
The Forest For the Trees (2003)
Green Chair (2005)
The Hero (2004)  *
Kekexili: Mountain Patrol (2004)
Lila Says (2004)
Live-In Maid (2004)
Monsterthursday (2004)
On a Clear Day (2005)
Palermo Hollywood (2004)
Stranger (2004)
This Charming Girl (2004)
Tony Takitani (2004)
Unconscious (2004)
Wolf Creek (2005)



Documentary Competition

American Blackout (2006)
Crossing Arizona (2006)
God Grew Tired of Us (2006)  *
The Ground Truth (2006)
Iraq In Fragments (2006)
A Lion In the House (2006)
Small Town Gay Bar (2007)
So Much So Fast (2006)
Thin (2006)
'Tis Autumn: The Search For Jackie Paris (2006)
The Trials of Darryl Hunt (2006)
TV Junkie (2006)
An Unreasonable Man (2006)
Wide Awake (2006)
Wordplay (2006)
The World According To Sesame Street (2006)



Dramatic Competition

Come Early Morning (2006)
Flannel Pajamas (2006)
Forgiven (2006)
A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints (2006)
Half Nelson (2006)
The Hawk Is Dying (2006)
In Between Days (2006)
Puccini For Beginners (2006)
Quinceanera (2006)  *
Right At Your Door (2006)
Sherrybaby (2006)
Somebodies (2006)
Sleeping Dogs Lie (2006)
Steel City (2006)
Stephanie Daley (2006)
Wristcutters: A Love Story (2006)



World Cinema Documentary Competition

5 Days (2006)
Angry Monk: Reflections On Tibet (2005)
Black Gold (2006)
By the Ways: A Journey With William Eggleston (2007)
De Nadie (2005)
Dear Pyongyang (2005)
The Giant Buddhas (2005)
Glastonbury (2006)
I For India (2005)
In the Pit (2006)  *
Into Great Silence (2005)
Kz (2006)
The Short Life of Jose Antonio Gutierrez (2006)
Songbirds (2007)
Unfolding Florence (2006)
Viva Zapatero! (2005)



World Cinema Dramatic Competition

13 Tzameti (2005)
Allegro (2005)
The Aura (2005)
The House of Sand (2005)
Kiss Me Not On the Eyes (2005)
Eve and the Fire Horse (2005)
Grbavica: The Land of My Dreams (2006)
Little Red Flowers (2006)
Madeinusa (2006)
Naming Number Two (2006)
One Last Dance (2006)
The Blossoming of Maximo Oliveros (2005)
The Peter Pan Formula (2005)
Princesas (2005)
Son of Man (2006)
Only God Knows (2006)



Documentary Competition

Banished: How Whites Drove Blacks Out of Town In America (2006)
Chasing Ghosts: Beyond the Arcade (2007)
Crazy Love (2007)
Everything's Cool (2007)
For the Bible Tells Me So (2007)
Ghosts of Abu Ghraib (2007)
Girl 27 (2007)
Hear and Now (2007)
Manda Bala (Send a Bullet) (2007) *
My Kid Could Paint That (2007)
Nanking (2007)
No End In Sight (2007)
Protagonist (2007)
War Dance (2007)
White Light/Black Rain: The Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (2007)
Zoo (2007)



Dramatic Competition

Adrift In Manhattan (2007)
Broken English (2007)
Four Sheets To the Wind (2007)
The Good Life (2007)
Grace Is Gone (2007)
Hounddog (2007)
Joshua (2007)
Never Forever (2007)
On the Road With Judas (2007)
The Pool (2007)
Rocket Science (2007)
Sangre De Mi Sangre (2007)  *
Snow Angels (2007)
Starting Out In the Evening (2007)
Teeth (2007)
Weapons (2007)



World Cinema Documentary Competition

Accident (2007)
Bajo Juarez: The City Devouring Its Daughters (2006)
Cocalero (2007)
Comrades In Dreams (2006)
Crossing the Line (2006)
Enemies of Happiness (2006)  *
Hot House (2006)
In the Shadow of the Moon (2007)
Strummer (2007)
Manufactured Landscapes (2006)
The Monastery: Mr. Vig and the Nun (2006)
On a Tightrope (2007)
Three Comrades (2007)
A Very British Gangster (2007)
VHS - Kahloucha (2007)
Welcome Europa (2006)



World Cinema Dramatic Competition

The Night Buffalo (2007)
Drained (2006)
Dreams of Dust (2006)
Driving With My Wife's Lover (2006)
Eagle Vs. Shark (2007)
Ezra (2007)
Blame it On Fidel (2006)
Ghosts (2006)
How She Move (2007)
How Is Your Fish Today? (2006)
The Island (2006)
Khadak (2006)
The Legacy (2006)
Noise (2007)
Once (2007)
Sweet Mud (2006)  *



Documentary Competition

American Teen (2008)
Bigger, Stronger, Faster* (2008)
Fields of Fuel (2008)
Flow: For Love of Water (2008)
Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson (2008)
The Greatest Silence: Rape In the Congo (2007)
I.O.U.S.A. (2008)
The Betrayal - Nerakhoon (2008)
The Order of Myths (2008)
Patti Smith: Dream of Life (2008)
The Recruiter (2008)
Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired (2008)
Secrecy (2008)
Slingshot Hip Hop (2008)
Traces of the Trade: A Story From the Deep North (2008)
Trouble the Water (2008)  *



Dramatic Competition

American Son (2008)
Anywhere, USA (2008)
Ballast (2008)
Choke (2008)
Downloading Nancy (2008)
Frozen River (2008)  *
Good Dick (2008)
The Last Word (2008)
The Mysteries of Pittsburgh (2008)
North Starr (2008)
Phoebe In Wonderland (2008)
Pretty Bird (2008)
Sleep Dealer (2008)
Sugar (2008)
Sunshine Cleaning (2008)
The Wackness (2008)



World Cinema Documentary Competition

Alive (2007)
Alone In Four Walls (2007)
The Art Star and the Sudanese Twins (2007)
Be Like Others (2008)
A Complete History of My Sexual Failures (2008)
Derek (2008)
Dinner With the President: A Nation's Journey (2007)
Durakovo: Village of Fools (2007)
In Prison My Whole Life (2007)
Man On Wire (2008)  *
Puujee (2007)
Recycle (2007)
Triage: Dr. James Orbinski's Humanitarian Dilemma (2007)
Up the Yangtze (2007)
The Women of Brukman (2007)
Yasukuni (2007)



World Cinema Dramatic Competition

Absurdistan (2008)
Blue Eyelids (2007)
Captain Abu Raed (2007)
Dog Eat Dog (2008)
The Drummer (2007)
Glasses (2007)
Good Morning Heartache (2008)
I Always Wanted To Be a Gangster (2007)
Just Another Love Story (2007)
The King of Ping Pong (2008)  *
Mancora (2008)
The Mermaid (2007)
Strangers (2007)
Under the Bombs (2007)
The Wave (2008)
The Wind and the Water (2008)



Documentary Competition

Art & Copy (2009)
Boy Interrupted (2008)
The Cove (2009)
Crude (2009)
Dirt! The Movie (2009)
The General (2009)
Good Hair (2009)
The Horse Boy (2009)
The Reckoning: The Battle For the International Criminal Court (2009)
Reporter (2009)
The September Issue (2009)
Sergio (2009)
Shouting Fire: Stories From the Edge of Free Speech (2009)
We Live In Public (2009)  *
When You're Strange (2009)
William Kunstler: Disturbing the Universe (2009)



Dramatic Competition

Adam (2009)
Amreeka (2009)
Arlen Faber (2009)
Big Fan (2009)
Brief Interviews With Hideous Men (2009)
Cold Souls (2009)
Dare (2009)
Don't Let Me Drown (2009)
The Greatest (2009)
Humpday (2009)
Paper Heart (2009)
Peter and Vandy (2009)
Precious (2009)  *
Sin Nombre (2009)
Taking Chance (2009)
Toe To Toe (2009)



World Cinema Documentary Competition

Afghan Star (2009)
Big River Man (2009)
Burma VJ (2008)
The End of the Line (2009)
The Glass House (2009)
Kimjongilia (2009)
Let's Make Money (2008)
Nollywood Babylon (2008)
Old Partner (2008)
Prom Night In Mississippi (2009)
The Queen and I (2008)
Quest For Honor (2009)
Rough Aunties (2008)  *
Thriller In Manila (2008)
Tibet In Song (2009)
211: Anna (2009)



World Cinema Dramatic Competition

Before Tomorrow (2008)
Bronson (2008)
Carmo, Hit the Road (2008)
Client (2008)
The Clone Returns To the Homeland (2008)
Dada's Dance (2008)
An Education (2009)
Five Minutes of Heaven (2009)
Heart of Time (2009)
Louise-Michel (2008)
Lulu and Jimi (2009)
The Maid (2009)  *
One Day In a Life (2008)
Unmade Beds (2009)
Victoria Day (2009)
Zion and His Brother (2009)



Documentary Competition

Bhutto (2010)
Casino Jack and the United States of Money (2010)
Family Affair (2010)
Freedom Riders (2010)
GasLand (2010)
Jean-Michel Basquiat: The Radiant Child (2010)
Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work (2010)
Lucky (2010)
My Perestroika (2010)
The Oath (2010)
Restrepo (2010)  *
A Small Act (2010)
Smash His Camera (2010)
The Tillman Story (2010)
12th & Delaware (2010)
Waiting For 'Superman' (2010)



Dramatic Competition

Blue Valentine (2010)
Douchebag (2010)
The Dry Land (2010)
Happythankyoumoreplease (2010)
Hesher (2010)
Holy Rollers (2010)
Howl (2010)
The Imperialists Are Still Alive! (2010)
Lovers of Hate (2010)
Night Catches Us (2010)
Obselidia (2010)
Skateland (2010)
Sympathy For Delicious (2010)
3 Backyards (2010)
Welcome To the Rileys (2010)
Winter's Bone (2010)  *



World Cinema Documentary Competition

Enemies of the People (2009)
A Film Unfinished (2010)
Fix ME (2009)
His & Hers (2009)
Kick In Iran (2010)
Last Train Home (2009)
The Red Chapel (2009)  *
Russian Lessons (2009)
Secrets of the Tribe (2009)
Sins of My Father (2009)
Space Tourists (2009)
Waste Land (2010)



World Cinema Dramatic Competition

All That I Love (2009)
Animal Kingdom (2010)  *
Boy (2010)
Four Lions (2010)
Grown Up Movie Star (2009)
The Man Next Door (2009)
Me Too (2009)
Nuummioq (2009)
Peepli Live (2010)
Son of Babylon (2009)
Southern District (2009)
The Temptation of St. Tony (2009)
Undertow (2009)
Vegetarian (2009)




Beats Rhymes & Life: The Travels of a Tribe Called Quest (2011)
Being Elmo: A Puppeteer's Journey (2011)
Buck (2011)
Connected: A Declaration of Interdependence (2011)
Crime After Crime (2011)
Hot Coffee (2011)
How To Die In Oregon (2011)  *
If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front (2011)
The Last Mountain (2011)
Miss Representation (2011)
Page One: A Year Inside the New York Times (2011)
The Redemption of General Butt Naked (2011)
Resurrect Dead: The Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles (2011)
Sing Your Song (2011)
Troubadours (2011)
We Were Here: Voices From the AIDS Years In San Francisco (2011)




Another Earth (2011)
Another Happy Day (2011)
Benavides Born (2011)
Circumstance (2011)
Gun Hill Road (2011)
Here (2011)
Higher Ground (2011)
Homework (2010)
The Ledge (2011)
Like Crazy (2011)  *
Little Birds (2011)
Martha Marcy May Marlene (2011)
On the Ice (2011)
Pariah (2011)
Take Shelter (2011)
Terri (2011)



World Cinema Documentary Competition

An African Election (2011)
Senna (2010)
The Bengali Detective (2011)
The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975 (2011)
Family Portrait In Black and White (2011)
The Flaw (2011)
The Green Wave (2010)
Hell and Back Again (2011)  *
Knuckle (2011)
Position Among the Stars (2011)
Project Nim (2011)
Shut Up Little Man! An Audio Misadventure (2011)



World Cinema Dramatic Competition

Aburakurasu No Matsuri (2010)
Asalto Al Cine (2011)
A Few Days of Respite (2010)
The Guard (2011)
Happy, Happy (2010)  *
Kinyarwanda (2011)
Lost Kisses (2010)
Mad Bastards (2010)
Restoration (2010)
The Salesman (2010)
Ticket To Paradise (2010)
Todos Tus Muertos (2011)
Tyrannosaur (2011)
Vampire (2011)




Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry (2012)
The Atomic States of America (2012)
Chasing Ice (2012)
Detropia (2012)
Escape Fire: The Fight To Rescue American Healthcare (2012)
Finding North (2012)
The House I Live In (2012)  *
How To Survive a Plague (2012)
The Invisible War (2012)
Love Free Or Die: How the Bishop of New Hampshire is Changing the World (2012)
Marina Abramovic: The Artist Is Present (2012)
Me At the Zoo (2012)
The Other Dream Team (2012)
The Queen of Versailles (2012)
Slavery By Another Name (2012)
We're Not Broke (2012)




Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012)  *
The Comedy (2012)
The End of Love (2012)
Filly Brown (2012)
The First Time (2012)
For Ellen (2012)
Hello I Must Be Going (2012)
Keep the Lights On (2012)
LUV (2012)
Middle of Nowhere (2012)
Nobody Walks (2012)
Safety Not Guaranteed (2012)
Save the Date (2012)
Simon Killer (2012)
Smashed (2012)
The Surrogate (2012)



World Cinema Documentary

1/2 Revolution (2011)
5 Broken Cameras (2011)
The Ambassador (2011)
Big Boys Gone Bananas!* (2011)
China Heavyweight (2012)
Gypsy Davy (2011)
The Imposter (2012)
Indie Game: The Movie (2011)
The Law In These Parts (2011)  *
Payback (2012)
Putin's Kiss (2012)
Searching For Sugar Man (2012)



World Cinema Dramatic

Four Suns (2012)
About the Pink Sky (2011)
Can (2011)
Father's Chair (2011)
L (2012)
The Last Elvis (2011)
Madrid, 1987 (2011)
My Brother the Devil (2012)
Teddy Bear (2012)
Valley of Saints (2012)
Violeta Went To Heaven (2011)  *
Wish You Were Here (2012)
Wrong (2012)
Young & Wild (2012)




99%: The Occupy Wall Street Collaborative Film (2013)
After Tiller (2013)
An American Promise (2013)
Blackfish (2013)
Blood Brother (2013)  *
Citizen Koch (2013)
Cutie and the Boxer (2013)
Dirty Wars (2013)
Gideon's Army (2013)
God Loves Uganda (2013)
Inequality For All (2013)
Life According To Sam (2013)
Manhunt (2013)
Narco Cultura (2013)
Twenty Feet From Stardom (2013)
Valentine Road (2013)




Afternoon Delight (2013)
Ain't Them Bodies Saints (2013)
Austenland (2013)
C.O.G. (2013)
Concussion (2013)
Emanuel and the Truth about Fishes (2013)
Fruitvale Station (2013)  *
In a World... (2013)
Kill Your Darlings (2013)
The Lifeguard (2013)
May In the Summer (2013)
Mother of George (2013)
The Spectacular Now (2013)
Touchy Feely (2013)
Toy's House (2013)
Upstream Color (2013)



World Cinema Documentary

Fallen City (2011)
Fire In the Blood (2012)
Google and the World Brain (2013)
The Machine Which Makes Everything Disappear (2012)
The Moo Man (2012)
Pussy Riot - A Punk Prayer (2013)
A River Changes Course (2012)  *
Salma (2013)
The Square (2013)
The Stuart Hall Project (2013)
The Summit (2012)
Who is Dayani Cristal? (2012)



World Cinema Dramatic

An Afghan Love Story (2013)
Circles (2013)
Crystal Fairy (2013)
The Future (2013)
Houston (2013)
Jiseul (2012)  *
Lasting (2013)
Metro Manila (2013)
Shopping (2013)
Soldier Jane (2013)
There Will Come a Day (2013)
What They Don't Talk About When They Talk About Love (2013)




Alive Inside (2013)
All the Beautiful Things (2014)
Captivated (2014)
The Case Against 8 (2014)
Cesar's Last Fast (2014)
Dinosaur 13 (2014)
E-Team (2014)
Fed Up (2014)
The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz (2014)
Ivory Tower (2014)
Marmato (2014)
No No: A Dockumentary (2014)
The Overnighters (2014)
Private Violence (2014)
Rich Hill (2014)  *
Watchers of the Sky (2014)




Camp X-Ray (2014)
Cold In July (2014)
Dear White People (2013)
Fishing Without Nets (2014)
God's Pocket (2014)
Happy Christmas (2014)
Hellion (2014)
Infinitely Polar Bear (2014)
Jamie Marks Is Dead (2014)
Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter (2014)
Life After Beth (2014)
Low Down (2014)
The Skeleton Twins (2013)
The Sleepwalker (2014)
Song One (2014)
Whiplash (2014)  *



World Cinema Documentary

20,000 Days On Earth (2014)
Concerning Violence (2013)
The Green Prince (2014)
Happiness (2014)
Love Child (2014)
Mr. X (2014)
My Prairie Home (2013)
The Notorious Mr. Bout (2014)
The Return To Homs (2013)  *
Sepideh (2013)
We Come As Friends (2014)
Web Junkie (2013)



World Cinema Dramatic

52 Tuesdays (2013)
Blind (2014)
Difret (2014)
The Disobedient (2014)
God Help the Girl (2014)
Liar's Dice (2014)
Lilting (2014)
Lock Charmer (2014)
To Kill a Man (2014)  *
Viktoria (2014)
Wetlands (2013)
White Shadow (2013)




3 1/2 Minutes (2015)
Being Evel (2015)
Best of Enemies (2015)
Call Me Lucky (2015)
Cartel Land (2015)
City of Gold (2015)
Finders Keepers (2015)
Hot Girls Wanted (2015)
How To Dance In Ohio (2015)
Larry Kramer In Love and Anger (2014)
Meru (2015)
Racing Extinction (2015)
(T)Error (2015)
Welcome To Leith (2015)
Western (2015)
The Wolfpack (2015)  *




Advantageous (2015)
The Bronze (2015)
The D Train (2015)
The Diary of a Teenage Girl (2015)
Dope (2015)
I Smile Back (2015)
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (2015)  *
The Overnight (2015)
People, Places, Things (2015)
Results (2015)
Songs My Brothers Taught Me (2015)
The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015)
Stockholm, Pennsylvania (2015)
Unexpected (2015)
The Witch (2015)
Z For Zachariah (2015)



World Cinema Documentary

The Amina Profile (2014)
Censored Voices (2015)
The Chinese Mayor (2014)
Chuck Norris vs Communism (2015)
Dark Horse (2014)
Dreamcatcher (2015)
How To Change the World (2015)
Listen To Me Marlon (2015)
Pervert Park (2014)
The Russian Woodpecker (2014)  *
Sembene! (2015)
The Visit (2015)



World Cinema Dramatic

Cloro (2015)
Chorus (2015)
Glassland (2014)
De naermeste (2015)
Ivy (2015)
Partisan (2015)
Princess (2014)
The Second Mother (2015)
Slow West (2015)  *
Strangerland (2015)
The Summer of Sangaile (2015)
Umrika (2015)




Audrie & Daisy (2016)
Author: The JT LeRoy Story (2016)
The Bad Kids (2016)
Gleason (2016)
Holy Hell (2016)
How To Let Go of the World: and Love All the Things Climate Can't Change (2016)
Jim (2016)
Kate Plays Christine (2016)
Kiki (2016)
Life, Animated (2016)
Newtown (2016)
Nuts! (2016)
Suited (2016)
Trapped (2016)
Uncle Howard (2016)
Weiner (2016)  *




As You Are (2016)
The Birth of a Nation (2016)  *
Christine (2016)
Equity (2016)
The Free World (2016)
Goat (2016)
The Intervention (2016)
Joshy (2016)
Lovesong (2016)
Morris From America (2016)
Other People (2016)
Southside With You (2016)
Spa Night (2016)
Swiss Army Man (2016)
Tallulah (2016)
White Girl (2016)



World Cinema Documentary

All These Sleepless Nights (2016)
Flag Without a Country (2015)
Hooligan Sparrow (2016)
The Land of the Enlightened (2016)
The Lovers and the Despot (2016)
Plaza de la Soledad (2016)
The Settlers (2016)
Sky Ladder: The Art of Cai Guo-Qiang (2016)
Sonita (2015)  *
We Are X (2016)
When Two Worlds Collide (2016)



World Cinema Dramatic

Belgica (2016)
Between Sea and Land (2016)
Brahman Naman (2016)
A Good Wife (2016)
Halal Love (2015)
The Lure (2015)
Male Joy, Female Love (2016)
Mammal (2016)
Much Ado About Nothing (2016)
My Friend From the Park (2015)
Sand Storm (2016)  *
Wild (2016)




Casting JonBenet (2017)
Chasing Coral (2017)
City of Ghosts (2017)
Dina (2017)  *
Dolores (2017)
The Force (2017)
Icarus (2017)
The New Radical (2017)
Nobody Speak: Hulk Hogan, Gawker and Trials of a Free Press (2017)
Quest (2017)
Custody (2017)
Step (2017)
Strong Island (2017)
Trophy (2017)
Unrest (2017)
Water & Power: A California Heist (2017)
Whose Streets? (2017)




Band Aid (2017)
Beach Rats (2017)
Brigsby Bear (2017)
Burning Sands (2017)
Crown Heights (2017)
Golden Exits (2017)
The Hero (2017)
I Don't Feel At Home In This World Anymore. (2017)  *
Ingrid Goes West (2017)
Landline (2017)
Novitiate (2017)
Patti Cake$ (2017)
Roxanne Roxanne (2017)
To the Bone (2017)
Walking Out (2017)
The Yellow Birds (2017)



World Cinema Documentary

The Good Postman (2016)
In Loco Parentis (2016)
It's Not Yet Dark (2016)
Joshua: Teenager vs. Superpower (2017)
Last Men In Aleppo (2017)  *
Machines (2016)
Motherland (2017)
Plastic China (2016)
Rumble: The Indians Who Rocked The World (2017)
Tokyo Idols (2017)
Winnie (2017)
The Workers Cup (2017)



World Cinema Dramatic

Axolotl Overkill (2017)
Berlin Syndrome (2017)
Don't Swallow My Heart, Alligator Girl! (2017)
Family Life (2017)
Free and Easy (2017)
God's Own Country (2017)
I Dream In Another Language (2017)
My Happy Family (2017)
The Nile Hilton Incident (2017)  *
Pop Aye (2017)
Woodpeckers (2017)
The Wound (2017)



U.S. Documentary

Bisbee '17 (2018)
Crime + Punishment (2018)
Dark Money (2018)
The Devil We Know (2018)
Hal (2018)
Hale County This Morning, This Evening (2018)
Inventing Tomorrow (2018)
Kailash (2018)  *
The Last Race (2018)
Minding the Gap (2018)
On Her Shoulders (2018)
The Price of Everthing (2018)
Seeing Allred (2018)
The Sentence (2018)
Three Identical Strangers (2018)
Yayoi Kusama: A Life In Polka Dots (2018)



U.S. Dramatic

American Animals (2018)
Blaze (2018)
Blindspotting (2018)
Burden (2018)
Eighth Grade (2018)
I Think We're Alone Now (2018)
The Kindergarten Teacher (2018)
Lizzie (2018)
The Miseducation of Cameron Post (2018)  *
Monster (2018)
Monsters and Men (2018)
Nancy (2018)
Sorry To Bother You (2018)
The Tale (2018)
Tyrel (2018)
Wildlife (2018)



World Cinema Documentary

Anote's Ark (2018)
The Cleaners (2018)
Genesis 2.0 (2018)
Of Fathers and Sons (2017)  *
The Oslo Diaries (2018)
Our New President (2018)
A Polar Year (2018)
Shirkers (2018)
This Is Home: A Refugee Story (2018)
Westwood: Punk, Icon, Activist (2018)
A Woman Captured (2017)



World Cinema Dramatic

AndiA eAlilega (2018)
Dead Pigs (2018)
Ferrugem (2018)
The Guilty (2018)
Holiday (2018)
Kelebekler (2018)  *
Loveling (2018)
Pity (2018)
The Queen of Fear (2018)
Tiempo Compartido (2018)
Un Traductor (2018)
Yardie (2018)



U.S. Documentary

Always In Season (2019)
American Factory (2019)
Apollo 11 (2019)
Bedlam (2019)
Born In China (2019)  *
David Crosby: Remember My Name (2019)
Hail Satan? (2019)
Jawline (2019)
Knock Down the House (2019)
Midnight Family (2019)
Mike Wallace Is Here (2019)
Moonlight Sonata: Deafness In Three Movements (2019)
Pahokee (2019)
Taken By the Tiger (2019)
Untitled Amazing Johnathan Documentary (2019)
Where's My Roy Cohn? (2019)



U.S. Dramatic

Before You Know It (2019)
Big Time Adolescence (2019)
Brittany Runs A Marathon (2019)
Clemency (2019)  *
The Farewell (2019)
Hala (2019)
Honey Boy (2019)
Imaginary Order (2019)
The Last Black Man In San Francisco (2019)
Luce (2019)
Ms. Purple (2019)
Native Son (2019)
The Sound of Silence (2019)
Them That Follow (2019)
To the Stars (2019)
Share (2019)



World Cinema Documentary

Advocate (2019)
Cold Case HammarskjAld (2019)
Storia di B. - La scomparsa di mia madre (2019)
The Edge of Democracy (2019)
Gaza (2019)
Honeyland (2019)  *
Lapu (2019)
The Magic Life of V (2019)
Midnight Traveler (2019)
Sea of Shadows (2019)
Shooting the Mafia (2019)
Mannen som lekte med elden (2018)



World Cinema Dramatic

Dirty God (2019)
Divino Amor (2019)
Dolce Fine Giornata (2019)
Dronningen (2019)
Esto no es BerlAn (2019)
Judy and Punch (2019)
Koko-di Koko-da (2019)
The Last Tree (2019)
Monos (2019)
The Sharks (2019)
The Souvenir (2019)  *
WA(R) A Ritoru ZonbA(R)zu (2019)


U.S. Documentary

A Thousand Cuts (2020)
Be Water (2020)
Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets (2020)
Boys State (2020)  *
Coded Bias (2020)
The Cost of Silence (2020)
Crip Camp (2020)
Dick Johnson Is Dead (2020)
Feels Good Man (2020)
The Fight (2020)
Mucho Mucho Amor: The Legend of Walter Mercado (2020)
Spaceship Earth (2020)
Time (2020)
Us Kids (2020)
Welcome To Chechnya (2020)
Whirlybird (2020)



U.S. Dramatic

The Forty-Year-Old Version (2020)
Blast Beat (2020)
Dinner In America (2020)
The Evening Hour (2020)
Farewell Amor (2020)
Minari (2020)  *
Miss Juneteenth (2020)
Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always (2020)
Nine Days (2020)
Palm Springs (2020)
Save Yourselves! (2020)
Shirley (2020)
Sylvie's Love (2020)
Twelve (2020)
Wander Darkly (2020)
Zola (2020)



World Cinema Documentary

Acasa, My Home (2020)
The Earth Is Blue As an Orange (2020)
Epicentro (2020)  *
Influence (2020)
Into the Deep (2020)
The Mole Agent (2020)
Once Upon a Time In Venezuela (2020)
The Painter and the Thief (2020)
The Reason I Jump (2020)
Saudi Runaway (2020)
Softie (2020)
The Truffle Hunters (2020)



World Cinema Dramatic

Charter (2020)
Mignonnes (2020)
Exil (2020)
High Tide (2020)
Jumbo (2020)
Luxor (2020)
Possessor (2020)
Identifying Features (2020)
Summer White (2020)
Surge (2020)
This Is Not a Burial, It's a Resurrection (2019)
Yalda (2019)  *


U.S. Documentary

Ailey (2021)
All Light, Everywhere (2021)
At the Ready (2021)
Cusp (2021)
Homeroom (2021)
Rebel Hearts (2021)
Rita Moreno: Just a Girl Who Decided To Go For It (2021)
Summer of Soul (2021)
Try Harder! (2021)
Users (2021)

U.S. Dramatic

Coda (2021)
I Was a Simple Man (2021)
Jockey (2021)
John and the Hole (2021)
Mayday (2021)
On the Count of Three (2021)
Passing (2021)
Superior (2015)
Together Together (2021)
Wild Indian (2021)

World Cinema Documentary

Faya Dayi (2021)
Flee (2021)
Inconvenient Indian (2020)
Misha and the Wolves (2021)
The Most Beautiful Boy In the World (2021)
Playing With Sharks: The Valerie Taylor Story (2021)
President (2021)
Sabaya (2021)
Taming the Garden (2021)
Writing With Fire (2021)

World Cinema Dramatic

El perro que no calla (2021)
El Planeta (2020)
Swizerland (2019)
Hive (2021)
Human Factors (2020)
Luzzu (2021)
One For the Road (2021)
A Nuvem Rosa (2021)
Pleasure (2021)
Prime Time (2021)


U.S. Documentary

Aftershock (2022)
Descendant (2022)
The Exiles (2022)
Fire of Love (2022)
Free Chol Soo Lee (2022)
I Didn't See You There (2022)
The Janes (2022)
Jihad Rehab (2022)
Navalny (2022)
TikTok, Boom. (2022)

U.S. Dramatic

892 (2022)
Alice (2022)
Blood (2022)
Cha Cha Real Smooth (2022)
Dual (2021)
Emergency (2022)
Master (2022)
Nanny (2022)
Palm Trees and Power Lines (2022)
Watcher (2022)

World Cinema Documentary

All That Breathes (2022)
Calendar Girls (2022)
A House Made of Splinters (2022)
Midwives (2022)
The Mission (2022)
Nothing Compares (2022)
Sirens (2022)
Tantura (2022)
The Territory (2022)
We Met In Virtual Reality (2022)

World Cinema Dramatic

Brian and Charles (2022)
The Cow Who Sang a Song Into the Future (2022)
Dos estaciones (2022)
Gentle (2022)
Girl Picture (2022)
Klondike (2022)
Leonor Will Never Die (2022)
Mars One (2022)
Utama (2022)
You Won't Be Alone (2022)


U.S. Documentary

AUM: The Cult At the End of the World (2023)
Bad Press (2023)
The Disappearance of Shere Hite (2023)
Going To Mars: The Nikki Giovanni Project (2023)
Going Varsity In Mariachi (2023)
Joonam (2023)
Little Richard: I Am Everything (2023)
Nam June Paik: Moon Is the Oldest TV (2023)
A Still Small Voice (2023)
The Stroll (2023)
Victim/Suspect (2023)

U.S. Dramatic

The Accidental Getaway Driver (2023)
All Dirt Roads Taste of Salt (2023)
Fair Play (2023)
Fancy Dance (2023)
Magazine Dreams (2023)
Mutt (2023)
The Persian Version (2023)
Shortcomings (2023)
Sometimes I Think About Dying (2023)
The Starling Girl (2023)
A Thousand and One (2023)
Theater Camp (2023)

World Cinema Documentary

5 Seasons of Revolution (2023)
20 Days In Mariupol (2023)
Against the Tide (2023)
The Eternal Memory (2023)
Fantastic Machine (2023)
Iron Butterflies (2023)
Is There Anybody Out There? (2023)
Milisuthando (2023)
Pianoforte (2023)
Smoke Sauna Sisterhood (2023)
Space: The Longest Goodbye (2023)
Twice Colonized (2023)

World Cinema Dramatic

Animalia (2023)
Bad Behaviour (2023)
Girl (2023)
Heroic (2023)
Mamacruz (2023)
Mami Wata (2023)
La Pecera (2023)
Scrapper (2023)
Shayda (2023)
Slow (2023)
Sorcery (2023)
When It Melts (2023)


U.S. Documentary

As We Speak (2024)
Daughters (2024)
Every Little Thing (2024)
Frida (2024)
Gaucho Gaucho (2024)
Love Machina (2024)
Porcelain War (2024)
Skywalkers: A Love Story (2024)
Sugarcane (2024)
Union (2024)

U.S. Dramatic

Between the Temples (2024)
Didi (2024)
Exhibiting Forgiveness (2024)
Good One (2024)
In the Summers (2024)
Love Me (2024)
Ponyboi (2024)
A Real Pain (2024)
Stress Positions (2024)
Suncoast (2024)

World Cinema Documentary

Agent of Happiness (2024)
The Battle For Laikipia (2024)
Black Box Diaries (2024)
Eternal You (2024)
Ibelin (2024)
Igualada (2024)
Never Look Away (2024)
A New Kind of Wilderness (2024)
Nocturnes (2024)
Soundtrack To a Coup d'Etat (2024)

World Cinema Dramatic

Brief History of a Family (2024)
Girls Will Be Girls (2024)
Handling the Undead (2024)
In the Land of Brothers (2024)
Layla (2024)
Malu (2024)
Reinas (2024)
Sebastian (2024)
Sujo (2024)
Veni Vidi Vici (2024)


U.S. Documentary

Andre Is an Idiot (2025)
Life After (2025)
Marlee Matlin: Not Alone Anymore (2025)
The Perfect Neighbor (2025)
Predators (2025)
Seeds (2025)
Selena y Los Dinos (2025)
Speak. (2025)
Sugar Babies (2025)
Third Act (2025)

U.S. Dramatic

Atropia (2025)
Bubble & Squeak (2025)
Bunnylovr (2025)
Love, Brooklyn (2025)
Omaha (2025)
Plainclothes (2025)
Ricky (2025)
Sorry, Baby (2025)
Sunfish and Other Stories On Green Lake (2025)
Twinless (2025)

World Cinema Documentary

2000 Meters To Andriivka (2025)
Coexistence, My Ass! (2025)
Cutting Through Rocks (2025)
The Dating Game (2025)
Endless Cookie (2025)
GEN_ (2025)
How To Build a Library (2025)
Khartoum (2025)
Mr. Nobody Against Putin (2025)
Prime Minister (2025)

World Cinema Dramatic

Brides (2025)
DJ Ahmet (2025)
Luz (2025)
Sabar Bonda (2025)
Sauna (2025)
Sukkwan Island (2025)
The Things You Kill (2025)
Two Women (2025)
The Virgin of the Quarry Lake (2025)
Where the Wind Comes From (2025)