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The Film-Lover's Check List Hypotusk
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Total: 545  
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See Again: 0 (0.0%)
Unseen: 545 (100.0%)

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[ GoldenGlobe: Picture ] [ IMDB TOP 250 ] [ Time's 100 ] [ Too See ] [ TSPDT: Recent 250 ] [ BestPicture Nominees ] [ 2010 ] [ Box Office #1 ] [ 2009 ] [ 2008 ] [ AFI Legends 1-5 ] [ AFI 100 Quotes ] [ EW Lists ] [ 501 Must See Movies ] [ Comic Book Movies ] [ Criterion ] [ Berardinelli ] [ Great Directors ] [ Ebert by Year ] [ TSPDT 21st Century ] [ Fave Movies ] [ My Movie Collection ] [ Musicals ] [ Favourites ] [ Sandra Bullock ] [ Julia Roberts ] [ Sofia Coppola Top 10 ] [ Kenny Top 25 Animate ] [ kevinaw2 ] [ Piero Scaruffi ] [ ] [ TSPDT Top 1000 ] [ AMTTop6 ] [ Movie Quote Sources ] [ Nyperold ] [ Actors ] [ AFI Genre ] [ IMDB List ] [ O Movies ] [ Unlisted ] [ Must See ] [ Other Must 5ee ] [ Movies Abowt... ] [ Movies to watch ] [ other movies... ] [ Chaplin ] [ Ebert's Hated ] [ Classic Partners ] [ Cinema Classes ] [ Film Registry ] [ Herzog ] [ Halliwell 1000 ] [ IMDB Top 250 ] [ 2008 Viewings ] [ Films for Study I ] [ 2010 Viewings ] [ Directors II ] [ 2009 Viewings ] [ Films For Study III ] [ Films For Study II ] [ SAI Top 100 ] [ SIA Ratings ] [ My Criterions ] [ Roeper 2000s ] [ Foreign Directors ] [ Beak 100 ] [ TV Shows ] [ 2000s Top 100s ] [ Actors B ] [ Actors A ] [ Actors G ] [ Actors D ] [ Actors E ] [ Actors F ] [ Actors Q ] [ Past Actors A ] [ Actors S ] [ Actors Z ] [ Actresses A ] [ Actors U ] [ Actors M ] [ Actors L ] [ Actors J ] [ Actors I ] [ Actors K ] [ Actors N ] [ Past Actors C ] [ Actors O ] [ Actors P ] [ Actors R ] [ Actors V ] [ Actors T ] [ Actors Y ] [ Actors W ] [ Past Actresses A ] [ Actresses Z ] [ Actresses M ] [ Actresses B ] [ Actresses N ] [ Actresses O ] [ Actresses L ] [ Actresses J ] [ Actresses D ] [ Actresses H ] [ Past Actors D ] [ Past Actors O ] [ Directors 1 ] [ Actresses K ] [ Actresses F ] [ Actresses G ] [ Actresses C ] [ Series ] [ Past Actors H ] [ Past Actors G ] [ Past Actors B ] [ Old Horror Movies ] [ Actresses U ] [ Directors 3 ] [ Actresses W ] [ Actresses Y ] [ Actresses S ] [ Directors 2 ] [ Actresses P ] [ Actresses T ] [ Actresses R ] [ Actresses Q ] [ Past Actors N ] [ Past Actors M ] [ 1980s Top 100s ] [ Past Actresses W ] [ Past Actresses D ] [ Past Actors F ] [ Past Actors L ] [ Past Actors K ] [ Past Actresses B ] [ Past Actresses C ] [ Past Actors S ] [ Past Actresses L ] [ Past Actors R ] [ Past Actors P ] [ Past Actors W ] [ Past Actresses G ] [ Past Actresses R ] [ Past Actresses S ] [ Past Actresses M ] [ Past Actors T ] [ Past Actresses T ] [ Past Actresses K ] [ Past Actresses H ] [ Modern Greats (1970-now) ] [ Best Documentaries ] [ Films101 ] [ Actresses I Like ] [ Watched ] [ 2004 movies ] [ watched 2/2006 ] [ watched 1998 ] [ watched 11/2006 ] [ watched 2/2007 ] [ watched 1993-87 ] [ watched 6/2007 ] [ watched 4/2006 ] [ Tim Burton ] [ watched 8/2006 ] [ watched 2002 ] [ watched 2001 ] [ watched 12/2006 ] [ Sympathetic Villains ] [ watched 11/2007 ] [ watched 6/2006 ] [ watched 97-94 ] [ watched 1/2007 ] [ surprisingly good ] [ watched 10/2007 ] [ About Movies ] [ watched 2000 ] [ watched 1999 ] [ watched 2004 ] [ watched 3/2007 ] [ watched 2003 ] [ watched 5/2006 ] [ Watched 9/2007 ] [ Train Movies ] [ watched 7/2007 ] [ nicky's top movies ] [ Unseen Horror ] [ watched 3/2006 ] [ watched 9/2006 ] [ watched 4/2007 ] [ watched 8/2007 ] [ watcded 2005 ] [ watched 7/2006 ] [ defintive adaptation ] [ watched 1/2006 ] [ 2005 movies ] [ Disappointing Movies ] [ watched 10/2006 ] [ watched 5/2007 ] [ IMDB Top 250 ] [ 1970s Horror ] [ 1980s Horror II ] [ 1980s Horror ] [ Favorite Actors I ] [ TSPDT 2000-2009 ] [ IMDB 2008 ] [ Horror Directors I ] [ Obscure 80s Horror ] [ HD ] [ Director Study ] [ James' Top 100 ] [ Tarantino Films ] [ AFI 400 (98) ] [ IMDb Good ] [ IMDb Worst ] [ Oscar Foreign ] [ Cannes ] [ IMDb Best ] [ Essential Masterpieces ] [ Original ] [ Cult ] [ iCheck 100 ] [ Oscar Foreign II ] [ EW 100 ] [ IMDB 250 ] [ RT 100 ] [ Masterpieces ] [ Essential ] [ BAFTA ] [ VV 100 ] [ BFI 50 ] [ Empire 100 ] [ Groundbreaking ] [ Golden Globes ] [ IMDB 8.0+ ] [ Movies ] [ Movies A ] [ DigitalDreamDoor ] [ Kyle Cota ] [ Koiso List ] [ Mel Brooks ] [ Directors II ] [ Cinema for Beginners ] [ Sight and Sound 2002 ] [ Andrew Niccol ] [ Jeremy Thomas ] [ Jay Roach ] [ Andy Tennant ] [ Jon Poll ] [ Garry Marshall ] [ Marc Lawrence ] [ Tamar Simon Hoffs ] [ Kristen Sheridan ] [ Nora Ephron ] [ Mark Waters ] [ Terry Zwigoff ] [ Rob Reiner ] [ Penny Marshall ] [ Dennie Gordon ] [ Brad Silberling ] [ Frank Oz ] [ Howard Deutch ] [ James Mangold ] [ Joel Schumacher ] [ John Hughes ] [ Noam Murro ] [ Rick Rosenthal ] [ Robert Luketic ] [ Robert Zemeckis ] [ Lawrence Kasdan ] [ Marek Kanievska ] [ Marc Forster ] [ Rob Sitch ] [ Todd Holland ] [ Preston Sturges ] [ Wayne Wang ] [ Tim Burton ] [ Thor Freudenthal ] [ Directors edited ] [ AFA ] [ EFA ] [ Directors IV ] [ Anime Franchises ] [ EW 100 ] [ Cannes ] [ JAP ] [ Oscars II ] [ Oscars IV ] [ HKFA ] [ Great Movies ] [ Universal Horror ] [ AFI 10x10 ] [ Criterion ] [ Directors V ] [ Ebert by Year ] [ 500 Anime ] [ Animation ] [ Directors III ] [ Directors VI ] [ Directors II ] [ Dragon Dynasty ] [ Eclipse ] [ MST3K ] [ Time 100 ] [ Oscars ] [ Oscars III ] [ Oscars Writing ] [ Directors VII ] [ Studios ] [ TSPDT 1000 ] [ Moviefone Best Christmas Films ] [ Superhero Movies ] [ .C jodies favorites ] [ L.A. Times 25 Best L.A. flims ] [ Top 5s - TFV Podcast ] [ Cult I ] [ My Good Movie Choice ] [ Venice Awards ] [ Avalon 1980s ] [ Ghost in the Shell ] [ Anime ] [ AFI 10a ] [ AFI 100 ] [ Oscars Writing ] [ Oscars ] [ BAFTA ] [ ISA ] [ S&S Combined ] [ TimeOut 100 ] [ Avalon 1950s ] [ Avalon 1920s ] [ Avalon 1930s ] [ Avalon 1940s ] [ Avalon 1960s ] [ Avalon 1970s ] [ Avalon 2010s ] [ Avalon 2000s ] [ Avalon 1990s ] [ IMDb Top 250 ] [ Directors ] [ FILMS ] [ List ] [ Cult ] [ Directors VI ] [ Movies by Decade ] [ Overlooked 90s ] [ Actors ] [ Empire ] [ Yahoo ] [ Weeds Season 2 ] [ Weeds Season 3 ] [ Directors II ] [ IMDB Recommended ] [ Directors IV ] [ Directors V ] [ Oscars for Acting ] [ Directors III ] [ DVD's to Purchase ] [ Movie Rental List ] [ Horror A ] [ Horror Owned ] [ 1950s Horror ] [ 1960s Horror ] [ Horror Owned 2 ] [ Silent Horror ] [ Ãˆsfd top 200 ] [ Oscars 2010 ] [ Foreign Films ] [ Empire 100 Foreign ] [ ACTRESSES ] [ 2011 Awards ] [ 50 Greatest Cartoons ] [ Village Voice 100 ] [ testing ] [ Time 100 ] [ UK Monarchs & US Presidents ] [ Vanity Fair 50 ] [ ] [ Series & Couples ] [ Oscar BP Winners ] [ Oscar BP Nominees ] [ National Film Registry ] [ NSFC 100 ] [ NBR Annual Top 10 ] [ Movies Ive Seen ] [ Movieline 100 Foreign ] [ IMDb Top 250 ALL-TIME ] [ IMDb Decades ] [ Golden Globe BP Winners ] [ Font Color Codes ] [ 300 ] [ EW 100 ] [ Empire Indy 50 ] [ Eberts Great Movies ] [ DIRECTORS - Current ] [ DIRECTORS - Historical ] [ ACTORS ] [ Critic Societies BP ] [ Carville 5OO ] [ Arts & Faith ] [ Chaplin-Keaton-Lloyd ] [ 553 Must-See Movies ] [ Movies Ive Watched ] [ Jim Carrey Movies ] [ Adam Sandler Movies ] [ IMDB TopRated Horror ] [ 501 ] [ Movies to See ] [ Clag ] [ Berardinelli ] [ TSPDT: RecentTop250 ] [ TSPDT 1000 ] [ MovieMeter 250 ] [ TimeOut 100s ] [ IMDB Top 250 ] [ CinePad 100 ] [ Cannes ] [ All movies ] [ Need to See & Seen ] [ Scheib - Sci-Fi ] [ RT Animated ] [ Scheib - Fantasy ] [ Scheib - Horror ] [ Sci-Fi Awards ] [ RT Horror 2 ] [ RT Horror ] [ RT Comics ] [ RT Sci-Fi ] [ RT Romantic ] [ RT Christmas ] [ RT Best ] [ MST3K ] [ Indie ] [ Directors NE ] [ Endings ] [ Henson ] [ Directors CT ] [ Directors II ] [ Criterion ] [ 2010 Viewings ] [ 2012 Viewings ] [ 1970s Top 100s ] [ 2010s Top 100s ] [ 2011 Viewings ] [ ABC Scripted Programming ] [ Sundance ] [ Academy Awards ] [ IMDB Top 250 ] [ MST3K-Related Names ] [ MTV Movie Awards ] [ My Films Alphabetical ] [ Nominated Actors (D) ] [ Nominated Directors ] [ My 10 Best ] [ Other Directors ] [ Other Actors ] [ MST3K ] [ Kinema Junpo Foreign ] [ NBC Scripted Programming ] [ Kinema Junpo Top YBY ] [ Supporting Actresses ] [ Japanese Directors ] [ Supporting Actors ] [ Kinema Junpo Top Films ] [ Series ] [ Golden Raspberries ] [ Nominated Actresses (L) ] [ Nominated Actresses (D) ] [ Hanna-Barbera ] [ Golden Globes ] [ Famous Composers ] [ Other Actresses ] [ Best Actresses ] [ FOX Scripted Programming ] [ Original Screenwriters ] [ Best Directors ] [ Best Actors ] [ AK100 ] [ AFI Top Laugh Noms ] [ AFI Top Love Noms ] [ AFI Top Thrill Noms ] [ AFI Top Musical Noms ] [ AFI Top 100 Noms ] [ Personal list ] [ One ] [ Our Movie List ] [ Directors ] [ My stuff ] [ Movies seen in 2007 ] [ AFI 100 Passions ] [ Django Durango ] [ Oscar ] [ James Bond ] [ Not On the List ] [ must see ] [ other movies ] [ Want To See ] [ Missing From ICM ] [ West Films ] [ Leigh Films ] [ Tracy Films ] [ Lancaster Films ] [ Stewart Films ] [ Wayne Films ] [ Welles Films ] [ Temple Films ] [ Taylor Films ] [ Lombard Films ] [ Rogers Films ] [ Peck Films ] [ Pickford Films ] [ Stanwyck Films ] [ MST3K ] [ Robinson Films ] [ Poitier Films ] [ Olivier Films ] [ Oscars for Acting ] [ Mitchum Films ] [ K. Hepburn Films ] [ Monroe Films ] [ Marx Bros. Films ] [ A. Hepburn Films ] [ Loren Films ] [ Keaton Films ] [ Kelly Films ] [ G. Kelly Films ] [ Holden Filmography ] [ Grant Films ] [ Hayworth Films ] [ Harlow Films ] [ Garland Films ] [ Gardner Filmography ] [ Garbo Films ] [ Gable Films ] [ Fonda Films ] [ Dean Films ] [ Douglas Films ] [ Dietrich Films ] [ Directors IV ] [ Davis Films ] [ Chaplin Films ] [ Cagney Films ] [ Crawford Films ] [ Colbert Films ] [ Cooper Films ] [ Astaire Films ] [ Bergman Films ] [ Berardinelli ] [ Bogart Films ] [ Bacall Films ] [ AFI Film Scores ] [ AFI: 10 Top 10 ] [ ATJ - Best Films ] [ Zombies! ] [ Directors, Pt. 1 ] [ Leonardo DiCaprio ] [ Dustin Hoffman ] [ OFC 100 ] [ Entertainment Weekly ] [ Box-Office Hits ] [ Everything ] [ Newer movies ] [ Directors VII ] [ Spielberg Curriculum ] [ James Cagney ] [ Hugo Weaving ] [ Harry Dean Stanton ] [ Gregory Peck ] [ George Sanders ] [ Warren Oates ] [ Vincent Price ] [ Tobias Menzies ] [ Thelma Ritter ] [ Stephen Dillane ] [ Spencer Tracy ] [ Sam Rockwell ] [ Robert Mitchum ] [ Robert Duvall ] [ Richard Jenkins ] [ Paul Giamatti ] [ Patricia Clarkson ] [ Noah Taylor ] [ Morgan Freeman ] [ Liam Neeson ] [ Laura Linney ] [ Lance Henriksen ] [ Judy Davis ] [ John Hurt ] [ John Cazale ] [ Jeremy Irons ] [ Jennifer Ehle ] [ James Stewart ] [ Ingrid Bergman ] [ Humphrey Bogart ] [ Gary Oldman ] [ Gary Cooper ] [ Frances McDormand ] [ Emma Thompson ] [ Doug Jones ] [ David Strathairn ] [ Daniel Day-Lewis ] [ Christopher Walken ] [ Chris Cooper ] [ Cary Grant ] [ Benicio Del Toro ] [ Anthony Hopkins ] [ Alec Guinness ] [ Alan Rickman ] [ AFI ] [ Grey ] [ Directors ] [ IMDB TOP 250 All-time movies ] [ Vatican ] [ everything else ] [ Movies I ] [ Superhero Movies ] [ Filme ] [ Complete Sci-Fi ] [ Bette Davis Films ] [ Gossip Girl ] [ Masters of Horror ] [ Kurosawa ] [ Criterion ] [ IMDB Top 250 March 2012 ] [ My Movies ] [ Watching ] [ Submarines ] [ Sci-Fi Marathon ] [ Top 100 Sci-Fi ] [ Reddit Top 250 ] [ tsst ] [ Sci-Fi Top Rated ] [ Film Noir Top Rated ] [ 50 Best 2010 ] [ 50 Best 2009 ] [ 50 Best 2008 ] [ 1980s Top Rated ] [ 1970s Top Rated ] [ 1950s Top Rated ] [ 1930s Top Rated ] [ 1940s Top Rated ] [ Jordan ] [ Hidden film Gems ] [ Films I Own ] [ Shakespeare ] [ misc movies ] [ Movies Not On ] [ notonthelist ] [ 2007 Releases ] [ Bravo ] [ Screenplays ] [ Owned ] [ Palme D ] [ Janus ] [ IMDb 250 ] [ HBO Shows ] [ Film Site ] [ Golden Tomatoes ] [ Film Registry ] [ Oscars ] [ Film Classes ] [ Empire ] [ Ebert by Year ] [ Ebert ] [ Directors II ] [ Criterion ] [ Columbia Master ] [ AFI TV ] [ AFI Stars ] [ AFI Songs ] [ AFI Scores ] [ AFI Quotes ] [ AFI Musicals ] [ AFI 10 ] [ Heroes/Villains ] [ AFI 10 ] [ Academy Award Noms ] [ 21st Century ] [ TV Shows ] [ Wincott Movies ] [ Tough Guys ] [ O-taeknibrellur ] [ Skari 2011 ] [ Skari 2010 ] [ Skari 2009 ] [ Skari 2008 ] [ Skari 2007 ] [ Skari 2006 ] [ Skari 2005 ] [ Skari 2004 ] [ Skari 2003 ] [ Skari 2002 ] [ Skari 2001 ] [ Skari 2000 ] [ Skari 1999 ] [ BAFTA 2008 ] [ BAFTA 2007 ] [ BAFTA 2006 ] [ BAFTA 2002 ] [ BAFTA 2001 ] [ BAFTA 2000 ] [ BAFTA 1998 ] [ BAFTA 1997 ] [ BAFTA 1996 ] [ BAFTA 1995 ] [ BAFTA 1999 ] [ AFI 100 series ] [ 501 Must-See Movies ] [ Skari 1998 ] [ Skari 1997 ] [ Skari 1996 ] [ Skari 1995 ] [ Skari 1994 ] [ Skari 1993 ] [ Skari 1991 ] [ Skari 1989 ] [ Skari 1987 ] [ Skari 1988 ] [ Skari 1986 ] [ Skari 1984 ] [ Skari 1985 ] [ Skari 1983 ] [ Skari 1992 ] [ Skari 1990 ] [ Seriur Hryllingur ] [ Seriur Hasar ] [ O-myndir/leikstjorar ] [ Leikstjorar Klassik3 ] [ Germanskir leikstj. ] [ Romanskir leikstj. ] [ Grinleikstjorar ] [ Asiskir leikstjorar ] [ Hryllingsleikstjorar ] [ Vinsaelir leikstjorar ] [ Arty leikstjorar ] [ Storir leikstjorar ] [ Leikstjorar Klassik2 ] [ Leikstjorar Klassik1 ] [ O-leikarar ] [ O-handrit ] [ Icelandic Films ] [ Alvoru leikstjorar ] [ James Bond ] [ Golden Globes 2011 ] [ BAFTA 2005 ] [ BAFTA 2004 ] [ BAFTA 2003 ] [ Chaplin myndir ] [ Golden Globes 1998 ] [ BAFTA 2010 ] [ BAFTA 2009 ] [ Golden Globes 2010 ] [ Golden Globes 2009 ] [ Golden Globes 2008 ] [ Golden Globes 2007 ] [ Golden Globes 2006 ] [ Golden Globes 2005 ] [ Golden Globes 2004 ] [ Golden Globes 2003 ] [ Golden Globes 2001 ] [ Golden Globes 2000 ] [ Golden Globes 1999 ] [ Golden Globes 2002 ] [ Golden Globes 1997 ] [ Golden Globes 1996 ] [ BAFTA 2011 ] [ Golden Globes 1995 ] [ Top songs ] [ Top 50 ] [ Serious Actors ] [ Picture Nominees ] [ Palm D ] [ Oscar: Writing ] [ Oscar Foreign/Docu ] [ My Favorites ] [ James Bond ] [ Ebert by Year ] [ IMDB Top 500 ] [ Comedy/Action Actors ] [ Best Acting ] [ Directors ] [ Movies I Own ] [ Jan Svankmajer ] [ Complete Tim Burton ] [ Elvis Movies ] [ Lindsey ] [ Looeys Oldies ] [ Just for Fun Shorts ] [ Directing I* ] [ Authorship ] [ Jackie Chan ] [ Directors II ] [ Ultimate Directors ] [ Tarantino top movies ] [ Random additions ] [ 2011 New Viewings ] [ 2000s Best Pic Noms ] [ Facets UK ] [ Facets AU/NZ ] [ Ewan McGregor ] [ Australian Films ] [ Empire 500 ] [ Zombie Films ] [ Oscars for Acting ] [ Oscars ] [ My 200 ] [ Need To See ] 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Academy Awards (1950-59)



Best Picture

All About Eve (1950)  *
Born Yesterday (1950)
Father of the Bride (1950)
King Solomon's Mines (1950)
Sunset Boulevard (1950)

Best Director

Born Yesterday (1950)  George Cukor
The Asphalt Jungle (1950)  John Huston
All About Eve (1950)  Joseph L. Mankiewicz *
The Third Man (1949)  Carol Reed
Sunset Boulevard (1950)  Billy Wilder

Best Actor

The Magnificent Yankee (1950)  Louis Calhern
Cyrano De Bergerac (1950)  Jose Ferrer *
Sunset Boulevard (1950)  William Holden
Harvey (1950)  James Stewart
Father of the Bride (1950)  Spencer Tracy

Best Actress

All About Eve (1950)  Anne Baxter
All About Eve (1950)  Bette Davis
Born Yesterday (1950)  Judy Holliday *
Caged (1950)  Eleanor Parker
Sunset Boulevard (1950)  Gloria Swanson

Best Supporting Actor

Broken Arrow (1950)  Jeff Chandler
Mister 880 (1950)  Edmund Gwenn
The Asphalt Jungle (1950)  Sam Jaffe
All About Eve (1950)  George Sanders *
Sunset Boulevard (1950)  Erich von Stroheim

Best Supporting Actress

Caged (1950)  Hope Emerson
All About Eve (1950)  Celeste Holm
Harvey (1950)  Josephine Hull *
Sunset Boulevard (1950)  Nancy Olsen
All About Eve (1950)  Thelma Ritter

Writing (Motion Picture Story)

Bitter Rice (1949)
The Gunfighter (1950)
Mystery Street (1950)
Panic In the Streets (1950)  *
When Willie Comes Marching Home (1950)

Writing (Screenplay)

All About Eve (1950)  *
The Asphalt Jungle (1950)
Born Yesterday (1950)
Broken Arrow (1950)
Father of the Bride (1950)

Writing (Story and Screenplay)

Adam's Rib (1949)
Caged (1950)
The Men (1950)
No Way Out (1950)
Sunset Boulevard (1950)  *

Foreign Language Film (Special)

The Walls of Malapaga (1949)  *

Best Documentary Feature

The Titan: Story of Michelangelo (1950)
With These Hands (1950)

Best Documentary Short Subject

The Fight: Science Against Cancer (1950)
The Stairs (1950)
Why Korea? (1951)  *

Short Subject (One-reel)

Vitaphone Novelties: Blaze Busters (1950)
Granddad of Races (1950)  *
Wrong Way Butch (1950)

Short Subject (Two-reel)

Grandma Moses (1950)
A True-Life Adventure: In Beaver Valley (1950)  *
My Country 'Tis of Thee (1950)

Best Animated Short

Gerald McBoing-Boing (1951)
Jerry's Cousin (1951)
Trouble Indemnity (1950)

Cinematography (Black and White)

All About Eve (1950)
The Asphalt Jungle (1950)
The Furies (1950)
Sunset Boulevard (1950)
The Third Man (1949)  *

Cinematography (Color)

Annie Get Your Gun (1950)
Broken Arrow (1950)
The Flame and the Arrow (1950)
King Solomon's Mines (1950)  *
Samson and Delilah (1949)

Film Editing

All About Eve (1950)
Annie Get Your Gun (1950)
King Solomon's Mines (1950)  *
Sunset Boulevard (1950)
The Third Man (1949)

Music (Music Score of a Dramatic of Comedy Picture)

All About Eve (1950)
The Flame and the Arrow (1950)
No Sad Songs For Me (1950)
Samson and Delilah (1949)
Sunset Boulevard (1950)  *

Music (Scoring of a Musical Picture)

Annie Get Your Gun (1950)  *
Cinderella (1950)
I'll Get By (1950)
Three Little Words (1950)
The West Point Story (1950)

Music (Original Song)

The Toast of New Orleans (1950)  "Be My Love"
Cinderella (1950)  "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo"
Captain Carey, U.S.A. (1950)  "Mona Lisa" *
Singing Guns (1950)  "Mule Train"
Wabash Avenue (1950)  "Wilhelmina"

Art Direction (Black and White)

All About Eve (1950)
The Red Danube (1949)
Sunset Boulevard (1950)  *

Art Direction (Color)

Annie Get Your Gun (1950)
Destination Moon (1950)
Samson and Delilah (1949)  *

Costume Design (Black and White)

All About Eve (1950)  *
Born Yesterday (1950)
The Magnificent Yankee (1950)

Costume Design (Color)

The Black Rose (1950)
Samson and Delilah (1949)  *
That Forsyte Woman (1949)

Sound Recording

All About Eve (1950)  *
Cinderella (1950)
Louisa (1950)
Our Very Own (1950)
Trio (1950)



Best Picture

An American In Paris (1951)  *
Decision Before Dawn (1951)
A Place In the Sun (1951)
Quo Vadis (1951)
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)

Best Director

The African Queen (1951)  John Huston
An American In Paris (1951)  Vincente Minnelli
Detective Story (1951)  William Wyler
A Place In the Sun (1951)  George Stevens *
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)  Elia Kazan

Best Actor

The African Queen (1951)  Humphrey Bogart *
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)  Marlon Brando
A Place In the Sun (1951)  Montgomery Clift
Bright Victory (1951)  Arthur Kennedy
Death of a Salesman (1951)  Fredric March

Best Actress

The African Queen (1951)  Katharine Hepburn
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)  Vivien Leigh *
Detective Story (1951)  Eleanor Parker
A Place In the Sun (1951)  Shelley Winters
The Blue Veil (1951)  Jane Wyman

Best Supporting Actor

Quo Vadis (1951)  Leo Genn
Death of a Salesman (1951)  Kevin McCarthy
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)  Karl Malden *
Quo Vadis (1951)  Peter Ustinov
Come Fill the Cup (1951)  Gig Young

Best Supporting Actress

The Blue Veil (1951)  Joan Blondell
Death of a Salesman (1951)  Mildred Dunnock
Detective Story (1951)  Lee Grant
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)  Kim Hunter *
The Mating Season (1951)  Thelma Ritter

Writing (Motion Picture Story)

Torero (1951)
The Frogmen (1951)
Here Comes the Groom (1951)
Seven Days To Noon (1950)  *
Teresa (1951)

Writing (Screenplay)

The African Queen (1951)
Detective Story (1951)
La Ronde (1950)
A Place In the Sun (1951)  *
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)

Writing (Story and Screenplay)

An American In Paris (1951)  *
Ace In the Hole (1951)
David and Bathsheba (1951)
Go For Broke! (1951)
The Well (1951)

Foreign Language Film (Special)

Rashomon (1950)  *

Best Documentary Feature

I Was a Communist For the FBI (1951)
Kon-Tiki (1950)

Best Documentary Short Subject

Benjy (1951)  *
One Who Came Back (1951)
The Seeing Eye (1951)

Short Subject (One-reel)

Grantland Rice Sportslight (R11-2): Ridin' the Rails (1951)
The Story of Time (1951)
World of Kids (1951)  *

Short Subject (Two-reel)

Balzac (1951)
Danger Under the Sea (1951)
A True-Life Adventure: Nature's Half Acre (1951)  *

Best Animated Short

Lambert the Sheepish Lion (1952)
Rooty Toot Toot (1951)
The Two Mouseketeers (1951)

Cinematography (Black and White)

Death of a Salesman (1951)
The Frogmen (1951)
A Place In the Sun (1951)  *
Strangers On a Train (1951)
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)

Cinematography (Color)

An American In Paris (1951)  *
David and Bathsheba (1951)
Quo Vadis (1951)
Show Boat (1951)
When Worlds Collide (1951)

Film Editing

An American In Paris (1951)
Decision Before Dawn (1951)
A Place In the Sun (1951)  *
Quo Vadis (1951)
The Well (1951)

Music (Music Score of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture

David and Bathsheba (1951)
Death of a Salesman (1951)
A Place In the Sun (1951)  *
Quo Vadis (1951)
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)

Music (Scoring of a Musical Picture)

Alice In Wonderland (1951)
An American In Paris (1951)  *
The Great Caruso (1951)
On the Riviera (1951)
Show Boat (1951)

Music (Song)

Here Comes the Groom (1951)  "In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening" *
The Strip (1951)  "A Kiss to Build a Dream On"
Golden Girl (1951)  "Never"
Royal Wedding (1951)  "Too Late Now"
Rich, Young and Pretty (1951)  "Wonder Why"

Art Direction (Black and White)

Fourteen Hours (1951)
The House On Telegraph Hill (1951)
La Ronde (1950)
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)  *
Too Young To Kiss (1951)

Art Direction (Color)

An American In Paris (1951)  *
David and Bathsheba (1951)
On the Riviera (1951)
Quo Vadis (1951)
The Tales of Hoffmann (1951)

Costume Design (Black and White)

Kind Lady (1951)
The Model and the Marriage Broker (1951)
The Mudlark (1950)
A Place In the Sun (1951)  *
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)

Costume Design (Color)

An American In Paris (1951)  *
David and Bathsheba (1951)
The Great Caruso (1951)
Quo Vadis (1951)
The Tales of Hoffmann (1951)

Sound Recording

Bright Victory (1951)
The Great Caruso (1951)  *
I Want You (1951)
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
Two Tickets To Broadway (1951)



Best Picture

The Greatest Show On Earth (1952)  *
High Noon (1952)
Ivanhoe (1952)
Moulin Rouge (1952)
The Quiet Man (1952)

Best Director

Five Fingers (1952)  Joseph L. Mankiewicz
The Greatest Show On Earth (1952)  Cecil B. DeMille
High Noon (1952)  Fred Zinnemann
Moulin Rouge (1952)  John Huston
The Quiet Man (1952)  John Ford *

Best Actor

Viva Zapata! (1952)  Marlon Brando
High Noon (1952)  Gary Cooper *
The Bad and the Beautiful (1952)  Kirk Douglas
Moulin Rouge (1952)  Joes Ferrer
The Lavender Hill Mob (1951)  Alec Guinness

Best Actress

Come Back, Little Sheba (1952)  Shirley Booth *
Sudden Fear (1952)  Joan Crawford
The Star (1952)  Bette Davis
The Member of the Wedding (1952)  Julie Harris
With a Song In My Heart (1952)  Susan Hayward

Best Supporting Actor

My Cousin Rachel (1952)  Richard Burton
The Big Sky (1952)  Arthur Hunnicutt
The Quiet Man (1952)  Victor McLaglen
Sudden Fear (1952)  Jack Palance
Viva Zapata! (1952)  Anthony Quinn *

Best Supporting Actress

The Bad and the Beautiful (1952)  Gloria Grahame *
Singin' In the Rain (1952)  Jean Hagen
Moulin Rouge (1952)  Colette Marchand
Come Back, Little Sheba (1952)  Terry Moore
With a Song In My Heart (1952)  Thelma Ritter

Writing (Motion Picture Story)

The Greatest Show On Earth (1952)  *
My Son John (1952)
The Narrow Margin (1952)
The Pride of St. Louis (1952)
The Sniper (1952)

Writing (Screenplay)

The Bad and the Beautiful (1952)  *
Five Fingers (1952)
High Noon (1952)
The Man In the White Suit (1951)
The Quiet Man (1952)

Writing (Story and Screenplay)

The Atomic City (1952)
The Sound Barrier (1952)
The Lavender Hill Mob (1951)  *
Pat and Mike (1952)
Viva Zapata! (1952)

Foreign Language Film (Special)

Forbidden Games (1952)

Best Documentary Feature

The Hoaxters (1952)
Navajo (1952)
The Sea Around Us (1953)

Best Documentary Short Subject

Devil Take Us (1952)
The Garden Spider (1952)
Man Alive! (1952)
Neighbours (1952)  *

Short Subject (One-reel)

Athletes of the Saddle (1952)
Desert Killer (1952)
Light In the Window; The Art of Vermeer (1952)  *
Neighbours (1952)
Royal Scotland (1952)

Short Subject (Two-reel)

Bridge of Time (1950)
Devil Take Us (1952)
Thar She Blows! (1952)
Water Birds (1952)  *

Best Animated Short

Johann Mouse (1952)
Little Johnny Jet (1953)
Madeline (1952)
Pink and Blue Blues (1952)
The Romance of Transportation In Canada (1952)

Cinematography (Black and White)

The Bad and the Beautiful (1952)  *
The Big Sky (1952)
My Cousin Rachel (1952)
Navajo (1952)

Cinematography (Color)

Hans Christian Andersen (1952)
Ivanhoe (1952)
Million Dollar Mermaid (1952)
The Quiet Man (1952)  *
The Snows of Kilimanjaro (1952)

Film Editing

Come Back, Little Sheba (1952)
Flat Top (1952)
The Greatest Show On Earth (1952)
High Noon (1952)  *
Moulin Rouge (1952)

Music (Music Score of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture)

High Noon (1952)  *
Ivanhoe (1952)
The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima (1952)
The Thief (1952)
Viva Zapata! (1952)

Music (Scoring of a Musical Picture)

Hans Christian Andersen (1952)
The Jazz Singer (1952)
The Medium (1951)
Singin' In the Rain (1952)
With a Song In My Heart (1952)  *

Music (Original Song)

Son of Paleface (1952)  "Am I in Love"
Because You're Mine (1952)  "Because You're Mine"
High Noon (1952)  "High Noon (Do Not Forsake Me, Oh My Darlin')
Hans Christian Andersen (1952)  "Thumbelina"
Just For You (1952)  "Zing a Little Zong"

Art Direction (Black and White)

The Bad and the Beautiful (1952)  *
Carrie (1952)
My Cousin Rachel (1952)
Rashomon (1950)
Viva Zapata! (1952)

Art Direction (Color)

Hans Christian Andersen (1952)
The Merry Widow (1952)
Moulin Rouge (1952)  *
The Quiet Man (1952)
The Snows of Kilimanjaro (1952)

Costume Design (Black and White)

Affair In Trinidad (1952)
The Bad and the Beautiful (1952)  *
Carrie (1952)
My Cousin Rachel (1952)
Sudden Fear (1952)

Costume Design (Color)

The Greatest Show On Earth (1952)
Hans Christian Andersen (1952)
The Merry Widow (1952)
Moulin Rouge (1952)  *
With a Song In My Heart (1952)

Sound Recording

The Sound Barrier (1952)  *
Hans Christian Andersen (1952)
The Promoter (1952)
The Quiet Man (1952)
With a Song In My Heart (1952)



Best Picture

From Here To Eternity (1953)  *
Julius Caesar (1953)
The Robe (1953)
Roman Holiday (1953)
Shane (1953)

Best Director

From Here To Eternity (1953)  Fred Zinnemann *
Lili (1953)  Charles Walters
Roman Holiday (1953)  William Wyler
Shane (1953)  George Stevens
Stalag 17 (1953)  Billy Wilder

Best Actor

Julius Caesar (1953)  Marlon Brando
The Robe (1953)  Richard Burton
From Here To Eternity (1953)  Montgomery Clift
Stalag 17 (1953)  William Holden *
From Here To Eternity (1953)  Burt Lancaster

Best Actress

Lili (1953)  Leslie Caron
Mogambo (1953)  Ava Gardner
Roman Holiday (1953)  Audrey Hepburn *
From Here To Eternity (1953)  Deborah Kerr
The Moon Is Blue (1953)  Maggie McNamara

Best Supporting Actor

Roman Holiday (1953)  Eddie Albert
Shane (1953)  Brandon De Wilde
Shane (1953)  Jack Palance
From Here To Eternity (1953)  Frank Sinatra *
Stalag 17 (1953)  Robert Strauss

Best Supporting Actress

Mogambo (1953)  Grace Kelly
Hondo (1953)  Geraldine Page
Torch Song (1953)  Marjorie Rambeau
From Here To Eternity (1953)  Donna Reed *
Pickup On South Street (1953)  Thelma Ritter

Writing (Motion Picture Story)

Above and Beyond (1952)
The Captain's Paradise (1953)
Hondo (1953)
Little Fugitive (1953)
Roman Holiday (1953)  *

Writing (Screenplay)

The Cruel Sea (1953)
From Here To Eternity (1953)  *
Lili (1953)
Roman Holiday (1953)
Shane (1953)

Writing (Story and Screenplay)

The Band Wagon (1953)
The Desert Rats (1953)
The Naked Spur (1953)
Take the High Ground! (1953)
Titanic (1953)  *

Best Documentary Feature

The Conquest of Everest (1953)
The Living Desert (1953)
A Queen Is Crowned (1953)

Best Documentary Short Subject

The Alaskan Eskimo (1953)  *
The Living City (1953)
Operation Blue Jay (1953)
They Planted a Stone (1953)
The Word (1953)

Best Live Action Short



Christ Among the Primitives (1953)
Herring Hunt (1953)
Joy of Living; The Art of Renoir (1952)
Overture To The Merry Wives of Windsor (1953)  *
Wee Water Wonders (1953)


A True-Life Adventure: Bear Country (1953)  *
Ben and Me (1953)
Return To Glennascaul (1951)
Vesuvius Express (1953)
Alpine Safari (1953)

Best Animated Short

Christopher Crumpet (1953)
From A To Z-Z-Z-Z (1953)
Rugged Bear (1953)
The Tell-Tale Heart (1953)
Toot Whistle Plunk and Boom (1953)

Cinematography (Black and White)

The Four Poster (1952)
From Here To Eternity (1953)  *
Julius Caesar (1953)
Martin Luther (1953)
Roman Holiday (1953)

Cinematography (Color)

All the Brothers Were Valiant (1953)
Beneath the 12-Mile Reef (1953)
Lili (1953)
The Robe (1953)
Shane (1953)  *

Film Editing

Crazylegs (1953)
From Here To Eternity (1953)  *
The Moon Is Blue (1953)
Roman Holiday (1953)
The War of the Worlds (1953)

Music (Music Score of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture)

Above and Beyond (1952)
From Here To Eternity (1953)
Julius Caesar (1953)
Lili (1953)  *
This Is Cinerama (1952)

Music (Scoring of a Musical Picture)

The Band Wagon (1953)
Calamity Jane (1953)
Call Me Madam (1953)  *
The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T (1953)
Kiss Me Kate (1953)

Music (Original Song)

The Moon Is Blue (1953)  "The Moon is Blue"
Small Town Girl (1953)  "My Flaming Heart"
Miss Sadie Thompson (1953)  "Sadie Thompson's Song (Blue Pacific Blues)
Calamity Jane (1953)  "Secret Love" *
The Caddy (1953)  "That's Amore"

Art Direction (Black and White)

Julius Caesar (1953)  *
Martin Luther (1953)
The President's Lady (1953)
Roman Holiday (1953)
Titanic (1953)

Art Direction (Color)

Knights of the Round Table (1953)
Lili (1953)
The Robe (1953)  *
The Story of Three Loves (1953)
Young Bess (1953)

Costume Design (Black and White)

The Actress (1953)
Dream Wife (1953)
From Here To Eternity (1953)
The President's Lady (1953)
Roman Holiday (1953)  *

Costume Design (Color)

The Band Wagon (1953)
Call Me Madam (1953)
How To Marry a Millionaire (1953)
The Robe (1953)  *
Young Bess (1953)

Sound Recording

Calamity Jane (1953)
From Here To Eternity (1953)  *
Knights of the Round Table (1953)
The Mississippi Gambler (1953)
The War of the Worlds (1953)



Best Picture

The Caine Mutiny (1954)
The Country Girl (1954)
On the Waterfront (1954)  *
Seven Brides For Seven Brothers (1954)
Three Coins In the Fountain (1954)

Best Director

The Country Girl (1954)  George Seaton
The High and the Mighty (1954)  William Wellman
On the Waterfront (1954)  Elia Kazan *
Rear Window (1954)  Alfred Hitchcock
Sabrina (1954)  Billy Wilder

Best Actor

The Caine Mutiny (1954)  Humphrey Bogart
On the Waterfront (1954)  Marlon Brando *
The Country Girl (1954)  Bing Crosby
A Star Is Born (1954)  James Mason
Robinson Crusoe (1954)  Dan O'Herlihy

Best Actress

Carmen Jones (1954)  Dorothy Dandridge
A Star Is Born (1954)  Judy Garland
Sabrina (1954)  Audrey Hepburn
The Country Girl (1954)  Grace Kelly *
Magnificent Obsession (1954)  Jane Wyman

Best Supporting Actor

On the Waterfront (1954)  Lee J. Cobb
On the Waterfront (1954)  Karl Malden
The Barefoot Contessa (1954)  Edmond O'Brien *
On the Waterfront (1954)  Rod Steiger
The Caine Mutiny (1954)  Tom Tully

Best Supporting Actress

Executive Suite (1954)  Nina Foch
Broken Lance (1954)  Katy Jurado
On the Waterfront (1954)  Eva Marie Saint *
The High and the Mighty (1954)  Jan Sterling
The High and the Mighty (1954)  Clarie Trevor

Writing (Motion Picture Story)

Bread, Love, and Dreams (1953)
Broken Lance (1954)  *
Forbidden Games (1952)
Night People (1954)
There's No Business Like Show Business (1954)

Writing (Screenplay)

The Caine Mutiny (1954)
The Country Girl (1954)  *
Rear Window (1954)
Sabrina (1954)
Seven Brides For Seven Brothers (1954)

Writing (Story and Screenplay)

The Barefoot Contessa (1954)
Genevieve (1953)
The Glenn Miller Story (1954)
Knock On Wood (1954)
On the Waterfront (1954)  *

Best Foreign Language Film (Special)

Gate of Hell (1953)  *

Best Documentary Feature

The Stratford Adventure (1954)
The Vanishing Prairie (1954)

Best Documentary Short Subject

Jet Carrier (1954)
Rembrandt: A Self-Portrait (1954)
Thursday's Children (1955)  *

Short Subject (One-reel)

The First Piano Quartette (1954)
Strauss Fantasy (1954)
This Mechanical Age (1954)  *

Short Subject (Two-reel)

Beauty and the Bull (1954)
Jet Carrier (1954)
Siam (1954)
A Time Out of War (1954)  *

Best Animated Short

Crazy Mixed-Up Pup (1954)
Pigs Is Pigs (1954)
Sandy Claws (1954)
Touche, Pussy Cat! (1954)
When Magoo Flew (1954)

Cinematography (Black and White)

The Country Girl (1954)
Executive Suite (1954)
On the Waterfront (1954)  *
Rogue Cop (1954)
Sabrina (1954)

Cinematography (Color)

The Egyptian (1954)
Rear Window (1954)
Seven Brides For Seven Brothers (1954)
The Silver Chalice (1954)
Three Coins In the Fountain (1954)  *

Film Editing

The Caine Mutiny (1954)
The High and the Mighty (1954)
On the Waterfront (1954)  *
Seven Brides For Seven Brothers (1954)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954)

Music (Music Score of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture)

The Caine Mutiny (1954)
Genevieve (1953)
The High and the Mighty (1954)  *
On the Waterfront (1954)
The Silver Chalice (1954)

Music (Scoring of a Musical Picture)

Carmen Jones (1954)
The Glenn Miller Story (1954)
Seven Brides For Seven Brothers (1954)  *
A Star Is Born (1954)
There's No Business Like Show Business (1954)

Music (Original Song)

White Christmas (1954)  "Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep"
The High and the Mighty (1954)  "The High and the Mighty"
Susan Slept Here (1954)  "Hold my Hand"
A Star Is Born (1954)  "The Man That Got Away"
Three Coins In the Fountain (1954)  "Three Coins in the Fountain"

Art Direction (Black and White)

The Country Girl (1954)
Executive Suite (1954)
Le Plaisir (1952)
On the Waterfront (1954)  *
Sabrina (1954)

Art Direction (Color)

Brigadoon (1954)
Desiree (1954)
Red Garters (1954)
A Star Is Born (1954)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954)  *

Costume Design (Black and White)

The Earrings of Madame de... (1953)
Executive Suite (1954)
Terminal Station (1953)
It Should Happen To You (1954)
Sabrina (1954)  *

Costume Design (Color)

Brigadoon (1954)
Desiree (1954)
Gate of Hell (1953)  *
A Star Is Born (1954)
There's No Business Like Show Business (1954)

Sound Recording

Brigadoon (1954)
The Caine Mutiny (1954)
The Glenn Miller Story (1954)  *
Rear Window (1954)
Susan Slept Here (1954)



Best Picture

Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing (1955)
Marty (1955)  *
Mister Roberts (1955)
Picnic (1955)
The Rose Tattoo (1955)

Best Director

Bad Day At Black Rock (1955)  John Sturges
East of Eden (1955)  Elia Kazan
Marty (1955)  Delbert Mann *
Picnic (1955)  Joshua Logan
Summertime (1955)  David Lean

Best Actor

Marty (1955)  Ernest Borgnine
Love Me Or Leave Me (1955)  James Cagney
East of Eden (1955)  James Dean
The Man With the Golden Arm (1955)  Frank Sinatra
Bad Day At Black Rock (1955)  Spencer Tracy

Best Actress

I'll Cry Tomorrow (1955)  Susan Hayward
Summertime (1955)  Katharine Hepburn
Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing (1955)  Jennifer Jones
The Rose Tattoo (1955)  Anna Magnani *
Interrupted Melody (1955)  Eleanor Parker

Best Supporting Actor

Trial (1955)  Arthur Kennedy
Mister Roberts (1955)  Jack Lemmon *
Marty (1955)  Joe Mantell
Rebel Without a Cause (1955)  Sal Mineo
Picnic (1955)  Arthur O'Connell

Best Supporting Actress

Marty (1955)  Betsy Blair
Pete Kelly's Blues (1955)  Peggy Lee
The Rose Tattoo (1955)  Marisa Pavan
East of Eden (1955)  Jo Van Fleet *
Rebel Without a Cause (1955)  Natalie Wood

Writing (Motion Picture Story)

Love Me Or Leave Me (1955)  *
The Private War of Major Benson (1955)
Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
The Sheep Has Five Legs (1954)
Strategic Air Command (1955)

Writing (Screenplay)

Bad Day At Black Rock (1955)
Blackboard Jungle (1955)
East of Eden (1955)
Love Me Or Leave Me (1955)
Marty (1955)  *

Writing (Story and Screenplay)

The Court Martial of Billy Mitchell (1955)
Interrupted Melody (1955)  *
It's Always Fair Weather (1955)
Mr. Hulot's Holiday (1953)
The Seven Little Foys (1955)

Foreign Language Film (Special)

Samurai I: Musashi Miyamoto (1954)  *

Best Documentary Feature

Heartbreak Ridge (1955)
Helen Keller In Her Story (1954)

Best Documentary Short Subject

The Battle of Gettysburg (1955)
The Face of Lincoln (1956)
Men Against the Arctic (1955)  *

Short Subject (One-reel)

Gadgets Galore (1955)
Survival City (1955)  *
3rd Ave. El (1955)
Three Kisses (1955)

Short Subject (Two-reel)

The Battle of Gettysburg (1955)
The Face of Lincoln (1956)  *
On the Twelfth Day of Christmas (1955)
Switzerland (1955)
24 Hour Alert (1955)

Best Animated Short

Good Will To Men (1955)
The Rock-a-Bye Legend (1955)
No Hunting (1955)
Speedy Gonzales (1955)

Cinematography (Black and White)

Blackboard Jungle (1955)
I'll Cry Tomorrow (1955)
Marty (1955)
Queen Bee (1955)
The Rose Tattoo (1955)  *

Cinematography (Color)

Guys and Dolls (1955)
Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing (1955)
A Man Called Peter (1955)
Oklahoma! (1955)
To Catch a Thief (1955)  *

Film Editing

Blackboard Jungle (1955)
The Bridges At Toko-Ri (1954)
Oklahoma! (1955)
Picnic (1955)  *
The Rose Tattoo (1955)

Music (Music Score of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture)

Battle Cry (1955)
Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing (1955)  *
The Man With the Golden Arm (1955)
Picnic (1955)
The Rose Tattoo (1955)

Music (Scoring of a Musical Picture)

Daddy Long Legs (1955)
Guys and Dolls (1955)
It's Always Fair Weather (1955)
Love Me Or Leave Me (1955)
Oklahoma! (1955)  *

Music (Original Song)

Love Me Or Leave Me (1955)  "I'll Never Stop Loving You"
Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing (1955)  "Love is a Many-Splendored Thing" *
Daddy Long Legs (1955)  "Something's Gotta Give"
The Tender Trap (1955)  "(Love Is) The Tender Trap"
Unchained (1955)  "Unchained Melody"

Art Direction (Black and White)

Blackboard Jungle (1955)
I'll Cry Tomorrow (1955)
The Man With the Golden Arm (1955)
Marty (1955)
The Rose Tattoo (1955)  *

Art Direction (Color)

Daddy Long Legs (1955)
Guys and Dolls (1955)
Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing (1955)
Picnic (1955)  *
To Catch a Thief (1955)

Costume Design (Black and White)

I'll Cry Tomorrow (1955)  *
The Pickwick Papers (1952)
Queen Bee (1955)
The Rose Tattoo (1955)
Ugetsu (1953)

Costume Design (Color)

Guys and Dolls (1955)
Interrupted Melody (1955)
Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing (1955)  *
To Catch a Thief (1955)
The Virgin Queen (1955)

Sound Recording

Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing (1955)
Love Me Or Leave Me (1955)
Mister Roberts (1955)
Not As a Stranger (1955)
Oklahoma! (1955)  *



Best Picture

Around the World In 80 Days (1956)  *
Friendly Persuasion (1956)
Giant (1956)
The King and I (1956)
The Ten Commandments (1956)

Best Director

Around the World In 80 Days (1956)  Michael Anderson
Friendly Persuasion (1956)  William Wyler
Giant (1956)  George Stevens
The King and I (1956)  Walter Lang
War and Peace (1956)  King Vidor

Best Actor

The King and I (1956)  Yul Brynner *
Giant (1956)  James Dean
Lust For Life (1956)  Kirk Douglas
Giant (1956)  Rock Hudson
Richard III (1955)  Laurence Olivier

Best Actress

Baby Doll (1956)  Carroll Baker
Anastasia (1956)  Ingrid Bergman
The Rainmaker (1956)  Katharine Hepburn
The Bad Seed (1956)  Nancy Kelly
The King and I (1956)  Deborah Kerr

Best Supporting Actor

Bus Stop (1956)  Don Murray
Friendly Persuasion (1956)  Anthony Perkins
Lust For Life (1956)  Anthony Quinn *
The Bold and the Brave (1956)  Mickey Rooney
Written On the Wind (1956)  Robert Stack

Best Supporting Actress

Baby Doll (1956)  Mildred Dunnock
The Bad Seed (1956)  Eileen Heckart
Giant (1956)  Mercedes McCambridge
The Bad Seed (1956)  Patty McCormack
Written On the Wind (1956)  Dorothy Malone *

Writing (Motion Picture Story)

The Brave One (1956)  *
The Eddy Duchin Story (1956)
High Society (1956)
The Proud and the Beautiful (1953)
Umberto D (1952)

Writing (Screenplay-Adapted)

Around the World In 80 Days (1956)  *
Baby Doll (1956)
Friendly Persuasion (1956)
Giant (1956)
Lust For Life (1956)

Writing (Screenplay-Original)

The Bold and the Brave (1956)
Julie (1956)
La Strada (1954)
The Ladykillers (1955)
The Red Balloon (1956)  *

Best Foreign Language Film

The Captain From Kopenick (1956)
Gervaise (1956)
The Burmese Harp (1956)
La Strada (1954)
Qivitoq (1956)

Best Documentary Feature

The Naked Eye (1956)
The Silent World (1956)
Where Mountains Float (1955)

Best Documentary Short Subject

A City Decides (1956)
The Dark Wave (1956)
The House Without a Name (1956)
Disneyland: Man In Space (1955)
The True Story of the Civil War (1957)  *

Short Subject (One-reel)

Crashing the Water Barrier (1956)  *
I Never Forget a Face (1956)
Time Stood Still (1956)

Short Subject (Two-reel)

The Bespoke Overcoat (1956)  *
Cow Dog (1956)
The Dark Wave (1956)
Samoa (1956)

Best Animated Short

Gerald McBoing! Boing! On Planet Moo (1956)
The Jaywalker (1956)
Magoo's Puddle Jumper (1956)

Cinematography (Black and White)

Baby Doll (1956)
The Bad Seed (1956)
The Harder They Fall (1956)
Somebody Up There Likes Me (1956)  *
Stagecoach To Fury (1956)

Cinematography (Color)

Around the World In 80 Days (1956)  *
The Eddy Duchin Story (1956)
The King and I (1956)
The Ten Commandments (1956)
War and Peace (1956)

Film Editing

Around the World In 80 Days (1956)  *
The Brave One (1956)
Giant (1956)
Somebody Up There Likes Me (1956)
The Ten Commandments (1956)

Music (Music Score of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture)

Anastasia (1956)
Around the World In 80 Days (1956)  *
Between Heaven and Hell (1956)
Giant (1956)
The Rainmaker (1956)

Music (Scoring of a Musical Picture)

The Best Things In Life Are Free (1956)
The Eddy Duchin Story (1956)
High Society (1956)
The King and I (1956)  *
Meet Me In Las Vegas (1956)

Music (Original Song)

Friendly Persuasion (1956)  "Friendly Persuasion (Thee I Love)
Julie (1956)  "Julie"
High Society (1956)  "True Love"
The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956)  "Whatever Will Be, Will Be (Que Sera, Sera)
Written On the Wind (1956)  "Written on the Wind"

Art Direction (Black and White)

The Proud and Profane (1956)
The Seven Samurai (1954)
Solid Gold Cadillac (1956)
Somebody Up There Likes Me (1956)  *
Teenage Rebel (1956)

Art Direction (Color)

Around the World In 80 Days (1956)
Giant (1956)
The King and I (1956)  *
Lust For Life (1956)
The Ten Commandments (1956)

Costume Design (Black and White)

The Magnificent Seven (1960)
The Power and the Prize (1956)
The Proud and Profane (1956)
Solid Gold Cadillac (1956)  *
Teenage Rebel (1956)

Costume Design (Color)

Around the World In 80 Days (1956)
Giant (1956)
The King and I (1956)  *
The Ten Commandments (1956)
War and Peace (1956)

Sound Recording

The Brave One (1956)
The Eddy Duchin Story (1956)
Friendly Persuasion (1956)
The King and I (1956)  *
The Ten Commandments (1956)



Best Picture

The Bridge On the River Kwai (1957)  *
Peyton Place (1957)
Sayonara (1957)
12 Angry Men (1957)
Witness For the Prosecution (1957)

Best Director

The Bridge On the River Kwai (1957)  David Lean *
Peyton Place (1957)  Mark Robson
Sayonara (1957)  Joshua Logan
12 Angry Men (1957)  Sidney Lumet
Witness For the Prosecution (1957)  Billy Wilder

Best Actor

Sayonara (1957)  Marlon Brando
A Hatful of Rain (1957)  Anthony Franciosa
The Bridge On the River Kwai (1957)  Alec Guinness
Witness For the Prosecution (1957)  Charles Laughton
Wild Is the Wind (1957)  Anthony Quinn

Best Actress

Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison (1957)  Deborah Kerr
Wild Is the Wind (1957)  Anna Magnani
Raintree County (1957)  Elizabeth Taylor
Peyton Place (1957)  Lana Turner
The Three Faces of Eve (1957)  Joanne Woodward *

Best Supporting Actor

Sayonara (1957)  Red Buttons *
A Farewell To Arms (1957)  Vittorio De Sica
The Bridge On the River Kwai (1957)  Sessue Hayakawa
Peyton Place (1957)  Arthur Kennedy
Peyton Place (1957)  Russ Tamblyn

Best Supporting Actress

The Bachelor Party (1957)  Carolyn Jones
Witness For the Prosecution (1957)  Elsa Lanchester
Peyton Place (1957)  Hope Lange
Sayonara (1957)  Miyoshi Umeki *
Peyton Place (1957)  Diane Varsi

Best Original Screenplay

Designing Woman (1957)  *
Funny Face (1957)
Man of a Thousand Faces (1957)
The Tin Star (1957)
I Vitelloni (1953)

Best Adapted Screenplay

The Bridge On the River Kwai (1957)  *
Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison (1957)
Peyton Place (1957)
Sayonara (1957)
12 Angry Men (1957)

Best Foreign Language Film

The Devil Strikes At Night (1957)
The Gates of Paris (1957)
Mother India (1957)
Nights of Cabiria (1957)
Nine Lives (1957)

Best Documentary Feature

Albert Schweitzer (1957)
On the Bowery (1957)
Bullfighter (1956)

Best Live Action Short

A Chairy Tale (1957)
City of Gold (1957)
Foothold On Antarctica (1957)
Portugal (1957)
The Wetback Hound (1957)  *

Best Animated Short

Birds Anonymous (1957)
One Droopy Knight (1957)
Tabasco Road (1957)
Ham and Hattie (1957)
The Truth About Mother Goose (1957)


An Affair To Remember (1957)
The Bridge On the River Kwai (1957)  *
Funny Face (1957)
Peyton Place (1957)
Sayonara (1957)

Film Editing

The Bridge On the River Kwai (1957)  *
Gunfight At the O.K. Corral (1957)
Pal Joey (1957)
Sayonara (1957)
Witness For the Prosecution (1957)

Music (Scoring)

An Affair To Remember (1957)
Boy On a Dolphin (1957)
The Bridge On the River Kwai (1957)  *
The Story of Perri (1957)
Raintree County (1957)

Music (Original Song)

An Affair To Remember (1957)  "An Affair to Remember"
The Joker (1957)  "All the Way" *
April Love (1957)  "April Love"
Tammy and the Bachelor (1957)  "Tammy"
Wild Is the Wind (1957)  "Wild is the Wind"

Art Direction

Funny Face (1957)
Les Girls (1957)
Pal Joey (1957)
Raintree County (1957)
Sayonara (1957)  *

Costume Design

An Affair To Remember (1957)
Funny Face (1957)
Les Girls (1957)  *
Pal Joey (1957)
Raintree County (1957)

Sound Recording

Gunfight At the O.K. Corral (1957)
Les Girls (1957)
Pal Joey (1957)
Sayonara (1957)  *
Witness For the Prosecution (1957)



Best Picture

Auntie Mame (1958)
Cat On a Hot Tin Roof (1958)
The Defiant Ones (1958)
Gigi (1958)  *
Separate Tables (1958)

Best Director

Cat On a Hot Tin Roof (1958)  Richard Brooks
The Defiant Ones (1958)  Stanley Kramer
Gigi (1958)  Vincente Minnelli *
I Want To Live! (1958)  Robert Wise
The Inn of the Sixth Happiness (1958)  Mark Robson

Best Actor

The Defiant Ones (1958)  Tony Curtis
Cat On a Hot Tin Roof (1958)  Paul Newman
Separate Tables (1958)  David Niven *
The Defiant Ones (1958)  Signey Poitier
The Old Man and the Sea (1958)  Spencer Tracy

Best Actress

I Want To Live! (1958)  Susan Hayward *
Separate Tables (1958)  Deborah Kerr
Some Came Running (1958)  Shirley MacLaine
Auntie Mame (1958)  Rosalind Russell
Cat On a Hot Tin Roof (1958)  Elizabeth Taylor

Best Supporting Actor

The Defiant Ones (1958)  Theodore Bikel
The Brothers Karamazov (1958)  Lee J. Cobb
The Big Country (1958)  Burl Ives *
Some Came Running (1958)  Arthur Kennedy
Teacher's Pet (1958)  Gig Young

Best Supporting Actress

Auntie Mame (1958)  Peggy Cass
Separate Tables (1958)  Wendy Hiller *
Some Came Running (1958)  Martha Hyer
Lonelyhearts (1958)  Maureen Stapleton
The Defiant Ones (1958)  Cara Williams

Best Original Screenplay

The Defiant Ones (1958)  *
The Goddess (1958)
Houseboat (1958)
Stranger With a Gun (1958)
Teacher's Pet (1958)

Best Adapted Screenplay

Cat On a Hot Tin Roof (1958)
Gigi (1958)  *
The Horse's Mouth (1958)
I Want To Live! (1958)
Separate Tables (1958)

Best Foreign Language Film

Arms and the Man (1958)
Vengeance (1958)
Mon Oncle (1958)
The Year Long Road (1958)
Big Deal On Madonna Street (1958)

Best Documentary Feature

Antarctic Crossing (1958)
The Hidden World (1958)
Psychiatric Nursing (1958)
White Wilderness (1958)

Best Documentary Short Subject

Ama Girls (1958)  *
Employees Only (1958)
Journey Into Spring (1958)
The Living Stone (1958)
Oeuverture (1958)

Best Live Action Short

Grand Canyon (1958)  *
Journey Into Spring (1958)
The Kiss (1958)
Snows of Aorangi (1958)
T Is For Tumbleweed (1958)

Best Animated Short

Knighty Knight Bugs (1958)
Paul Bunyan (1958)
Sidney's Family Tree (1958)

Cinematography (Black and WHite)

The Defiant Ones (1958)  *
Desire Under the Elms (1958)
I Want To Live! (1958)
Separate Tables (1958)
The Young Lions (1958)

Cinematography (Color)

Auntie Mame (1958)
Cat On a Hot Tin Roof (1958)
Gigi (1958)  *
The Old Man and the Sea (1958)
South Pacific (1958)

Film Editing

Auntie Mame (1958)
Cowboy (1958)
The Defiant Ones (1958)
Gigi (1958)  *
I Want To Live! (1958)

Music (Music Score of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture)

The Big Country (1958)
The Old Man and the Sea (1958)  *
Separate Tables (1958)
White Wilderness (1958)
The Young Lions (1958)

Music (Scoring of a Musical Picture)

The Bolshoi Ballet (1957)
Damn Yankees! (1958)
Gigi (1958)  *
Mardi Gras (1958)
South Pacific (1958)

Music (Original Song)

Houseboat (1958)  "Almost in Your Arms (Love Song from 'Houseboat')"
A Certain Smile (1958)  "A Certain Smile"
Gigi (1958)  "Gigi"
Some Came Running (1958)  "To Love and Be Loved"
Marjorie Morningstar (1958)  "A Very Precious Love"

Art Direction

Auntie Mame (1958)
Bell, Book, and Candle (1958)
A Certain Smile (1958)
Gigi (1958)  *
Vertigo (1958)

Costume Design

Bell, Book, and Candle (1958)
The Buccaneer (1958)
A Certain Smile (1958)
Gigi (1958)  *
Some Came Running (1958)


I Want To Live! (1958)
South Pacific (1958)  *
A Time To Love and a Time To Die (1958)
Vertigo (1958)
The Young Lions (1958)



Best Picture

Anatomy of a Murder (1959)
Ben-Hur (1959)  *
The Diary of Anne Frank (1959)
The Nun's Story (1959)
Room At the Top (1959)

Best Director

Ben-Hur (1959)  William Wyler *
The Diary of Anne Frank (1959)  George Stevens
The Nun's Story (1959)  Fred Zinnemann
Room At the Top (1959)  Jack Clayton
Some Like It Hot (1959)  Billy Wilder

Best Actor

Room At the Top (1959)  Laurence Harvey
Ben-Hur (1959)  Charlton Heston *
Some Like It Hot (1959)  Jack Lemmon
The Last Angry Man (1959)  Paul Muni
Anatomy of a Murder (1959)  James Stewart

Best Actress

Pillow Talk (1959)  Doris Day
The Nun's Story (1959)  Audrey Hepburn
Suddenly, Last Summer (1959)  Katharine Hepburn
Room At the Top (1959)  Simone Signoret *
Suddenly, Last Summer (1959)  Elizabeth Taylor

Best Supporting Actor

Ben-Hur (1959)  Hugh Griffith *
Anatomy of a Murder (1959)  Arthur O'Connell
Anatomy of a Murder (1959)  George C. Scott
The Young Philadelphians (1959)  Robert Vaughn
The Diary of Anne Frank (1959)  Ed Wynn

Best Supporting Actress

Room At the Top (1959)  Hermoine Baddeley
Imitation of Life (1959)  Susan Kohner
Imitation of Life (1959)  Juanita Moore
Pillow Talk (1959)  Thelma Ritter
The Diary of Anne Frank (1959)  Shelley Winters

Best Original Screenplay

The 400 Blows (1959)
North By Northwest (1959)
Operation Petticoat (1959)
Pillow Talk (1959)  *
Wild Strawberries (1957)

Best Adapted Screenplay

Anatomy of a Murder (1959)
Ben-Hur (1959)
The Nun's Story (1959)
Room At the Top (1959)  *
Some Like It Hot (1959)

Best Foreign Language Film

Black Orpheus (1959)
The Bridge (1959)
The Great War (1959)
Paw (1959)
Village By the River (1958)

Best Documentary Feature

The Race For Space (1959)
Serengeti Shall Not Die (1959)

Best Documentary Short Subject

Donald In Mathmagic Land (1959)
From Generation To Generation (1959)
Glass (1958)  *

Best Live Action Short

Between the Tides (1959)
The Golden Fish (1959)  *
Mysteries of the Deep (1959)
The Running Jumping & Standing Still Film (1960)
Skyscraper (1960)

Best Animated Short

Mexicali Shmoes (1959)
Moonbird (1959)  *
Noah's Ark (1959)
The Violinist (1959)

Cinematography (Black and White)

Anatomy of a Murder (1959)
Career (1959)
The Diary of Anne Frank (1959)  *
Some Like It Hot (1959)
The Young Philadelphians (1959)

Cinematography (Color)

Ben-Hur (1959)  *
The Big Fisherman (1959)
The Five Pennies (1959)
The Nun's Story (1959)
Porgy and Bess (1959)

Film Editing

Anatomy of a Murder (1959)
Ben-Hur (1959)  *
North By Northwest (1959)
The Nun's Story (1959)
On the Beach (1959)

Music (Music Score of Dramatic or Comedy)

Ben-Hur (1959)  *
The Diary of Anne Frank (1959)
The Nun's Story (1959)
On the Beach (1959)
Pillow Talk (1959)

Music (Scoring of a Musical Picture)

The Five Pennies (1959)
Li'l Abner (1959)
Porgy and Bess (1959)  *
Say One For Me (1959)
Poor Pierrot (1892)

Music (Original Song)

The Best of Everything (1959)  "The Best of Everything"
The Five Pennies (1959)  "The Five Pennies"
The Hanging Tree (1959)  "The Hanging Tree"
A Hole In the Head (1959)  "High Hopes" *
The Young Land (1959)  "Strange Are the Ways of Love"

Art Direction (Black and White)

Career (1959)
The Diary of Anne Frank (1959)  *
The Last Angry Man (1959)
Some Like It Hot (1959)
Suddenly, Last Summer (1959)

Art Direction (Color)

Ben-Hur (1959)  *
The Big Fisherman (1959)
Journey To the Center of the Earth (1959)
North By Northwest (1959)
Pillow Talk (1959)

Costume Design (Black and White)

Career (1959)
The Diary of Anne Frank (1959)
The Gazebo (1959)
Some Like It Hot (1959)  *
The Young Philadelphians (1959)

Costume Design (Color)

Ben-Hur (1959)  *
The Best of Everything (1959)
The Big Fisherman (1959)
The Five Pennies (1959)
Porgy and Bess (1959)


Ben-Hur (1959)  *
Journey To the Center of the Earth (1959)
Libel (1959)
The Nun's Story (1959)
Porgy and Bess (1959)