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The Film-Lover's Check List Drew3189
  • Titles in black are seen.
  • Titles in amber are seen but should be seen again.
  • Titles in red are not seen.
Total: 701  
Seen: 93 (13.3%)
See Again: 0 (0.0%)
Unseen: 608 (86.7%)

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Seen ] [ See Again ] [ Unseen ]

Long-Running Film Series

James Bond

1. Dr. No (1962)
2. From Russia With Love (1963)
3. Goldfinger (1964)
4. Thunderball (1965)
5. You Only Live Twice (1967)
6. On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969)
7. Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
8. Live and Let Die (1973)
9. The Man With the Golden Gun (1974)
10. The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)
11. Moonraker (1979)
12. For Your Eyes Only (1981)
13. Octopussy (1983)
14. A View To a Kill (1985)
15. The Living Daylights (1987)
16. Licence To Kill (1989)
17. Goldeneye (1995)
18. Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
19. The World Is Not Enough (1999)
20. Die Another Day (2002)
21. Casino Royale (2006)
22. Quantum of Solace (2008)
23. Skyfall (2012)
24. Spectre (2015)
25. No Time To Die (2021)
Casino Royale (1954)
Casino Royale (1967)
Never Say Never Again (1983)

Star Trek

1. Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
2. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
3. Star Trek III: The Search For Spock (1984)
4. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)
5. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)
6. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)
7. Star Trek: Generations (1994)
8. Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
9. Star Trek: Insurrection (1998)
10. Star Trek: Nemesis (2002)
1. Star Trek (2009)
2. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
3. Star Trek Beyond (2016)

The Pink Panther

1. The Pink Panther (1963)
2. A Shot In the Dark (1964)
3. Inspector Clouseau (1968)
4. The Return of the Pink Panther (1975)
5. The Pink Panther Strikes Again (1976)
6. Revenge of the Pink Panther (1978)
7. Trail of the Pink Panther (1982)
8. Curse of the Pink Panther (1983)
9. Son of the Pink Panther (1993)
1. The Pink Panther (2006)
2. The Pink Panther 2 (2009)

Harry Potter

1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001)
2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)
6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)
8. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)

Dick Tracy

1. Dick Tracy (1937)
2. Dick Tracy Returns (1938)
3. Dick Tracy's G-Men (1939)
4. Dick Tracy vs. Crime, Inc. (1941)
1. Dick Tracy, Detective (1945)
2. Dick Tracy vs. Cueball (1946)
3. Dick Tracy's Dilemma (1947)
4. Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome (1947)
Dick Tracy (1990)

Dr. Kildare / Dr. Gillespie

1. Internes Can't Take Money (1937)
2. Young Dr. Kildare (1938)
3. Calling Dr. Kildare (1939)
4. The Secret of Dr. Kildare (1939)
5. Dr. Kildare's Strange Case (1940)
6. Dr. Kildare Goes Home (1940)
7. Dr. Kildare's Crisis (1940)
8. The People vs. Dr. Kildare (1941)
9. Dr. Kildare's Wedding Day (1941)
10. Dr. Kildare's Victory (1942)
11. Calling Dr. Gillespie (1942)
12. Dr. Gillespie's New Assistant (1942)
13. Dr. Gillespie's Criminal Case (1943)
14. 3 Men In White (1944)
15. Between Two Women (1945)
16. Dark Delusion (1947)


Charlie Chan

1. Charlie Chan Carries On (1931)
2. The Black Camel (1931)
3. Charlie Chan's Chance (1932)
4. Charlie Chan's Greatest Case (1933)
5. Charlie Chan's Courage (1934)
6. Charlie Chan In London (1934)
7. Charlie Chan In Paris (1935)
8. Charlie Chan In Egypt (1935)
9. Charlie Chan In Shanghai (1935)
10. Charlie Chan's Secret (1936)
11. Charlie Chan At the Circus (1936)
12. Charlie Chan At the Race Track (1936)
13. Charlie Chan At the Opera (1936)
14. Charlie Chan At the Olympics (1937)
15. Charlie Chan On Broadway (1937)
16. Charlie Chan At Monte Carlo (1937)
17. Charlie Chan In Honolulu (1938)
18. Charlie Chan In Reno (1939)
19. Charlie Chan At Treasure Island (1939)
20. City In Darkness (1939)
21. Charlie Chan's Murder Cruise (1940)
22. Charlie Chan At the Wax Museum (1940)
23. Charlie Chan In Panama (1940)
24. Murder Over New York (1940)
25. Charlie Chan In Rio (1941)
26. Dead Men Tell (1941)
27. Castle In the Desert (1942)


28. Charlie Chan In the Secret Service (1944)
29. The Chinese Cat (1944)
30. Meeting At Midnight (1944)
31. The Shanghai Cobra (1945)
32. The Scarlet Clue (1945)
33. The Jade Mask (1945)
34. The Red Dragon (1945)
35. Shadows Over Chinatown (1946)
36. Dangerous Money (1946)
37. Dark Alibi (1946)
38. The Trap (1946)
39. The Chinese Ring (1947)
40. Docks of New Orleans (1948)
41. Shanghai Chest (1948)
42. The Golden Eye (1948)
43. The Feathered Serpent (1948)
44. The Sky Dragon (1949)
The House Without a Key (1926)
The Chinese Parrot (1927)
Behind That Curtain (1929)
Eran Trece (1931)
The New Adventures of Charlie Chan: Season 1 (1957)
The Return of Charlie Chan (1973)
Charlie Chan and the Curse of the Dragon Queen (1981)

Titles in blue are lost films.

The Lone Wolf

1. The Lone Wolf (1917)
2. The False Faces (1919)
3. The Lone Wolf's Daughter (1919)
4. The Lone Wolf (1924)
5. The Lone Wolf Returns (1926)
6. Alias the Lone Wolf (1927)
7. The Lone Wolf's Daughter (1929)
8. The Last of the Lone Wolf (1930)
9. Cheaters At Play (1932)
10. The Lone Wolf Returns (1935)
11. The Lone Wolf In Paris (1938)
12. The Lone Wolf Spy Hunt (1939)
13. The Lone Wolf Strikes (1940)
14. The Lone Wolf Meets a Lady (1940)
15. The Lone Wolf Keeps a Date (1940)
16. The Lone Wolf Takes a Chance (1941)
17. Secrets of the Lone Wolf (1941)
18. Counter-Espionage (1942)
19. One Dangerous Night (1943)
20. Passport To Suez (1943)
21. The Notorious Lone Wolf (1946)
22. The Lone Wolf In Mexico (1947)
23. The Lone Wolf In London (1947)
24. The Lone Wolf and His Lady (1949)
The Lone Wolf: Season 1 (1954)

Titles in blue are lost films.

Boston Blackie

1. Boston Blackie's Little Pal (1918)
2. The Silk-Lined Burglar (1919)
3. Blackie's Redemption (1919)
4. Missing Millions (1922)
5. The Face in the Fog (1922)
6. Boston Blackie (1923)
7. Crooked Alley (1923)
8. Through the Dark (1924)
9. The Return of Boston Blackie (1927)
1. Meet Boston Blackie (1941)
2. Confessions of Boston Blackie (1941)
3. Alias Boston Blackie (1942)
4. Boston Blackie Goes Hollywood (1942)
5. After Midnight With Boston Blackie (1943)
6. The Chance of a Lifetime (1943)
7. One Mysterious Night (1944)
8. Boston Blackie Booked On Suspicion (1945)
9. Boston Blackie's Rendezvous (1945)
10. A Close Call For Boston Blackie (1946)
11. The Phantom Thief (1946)
12. Boston Blackie and the Law (1946)
13. Trapped By Boston Blackie (1948)
14. Boston Blackie's Chinese Venture (1949)
Boston Blackie: Season 1 (1951)
Boston Blackie: Season 2 (1952)

Titles in blue are lost films.


Ellery Queen

1. The Spanish Cape Mystery (1935)
2. The Mandarin Mystery (1936)
3. Ellery Queen, Master Detective (1940)
4. Ellery Queen's Penthouse Mystery (1941)
5. Ellery Queen and the Perfect Crime (1941)
6. Ellery Queen and the Murder Ring (1941)
7. A Close Call For Ellery Queen (1942)
8. A Desperate Chance For Ellery Queen (1942)
9. Enemy Agents Meet Ellery Queen (1942)
Ellery Queen: Don't Look Behind You (1971)
Ellery Queen: Season 1 (1975)

The Falcon

1. The Gay Falcon (1941)
2. A Date With the Falcon (1942)
3. The Falcon Takes Over (1942)
4. The Falcon's Brother (1942)
5. The Falcon Strikes Back (1943)
6. The Falcon In Danger (1943)
7. The Falcon and the Co-Eds (1943)
8. The Falcon Out West (1944)
9. The Falcon In Mexico (1944)
10. The Falcon In Hollywood (1944)
11. The Falcon In San Francisco (1945)
12. The Falcon's Alibi (1946)
13. The Falcon's Adventure (1946)
14. Devil's Cargo (1948)
15. Appointment With Murder (1948)
16. Search For Danger (1949)

Philo Vance

1. The Canary Murder Case (1929)
2. The Greene Murder Case (1929)
3. The Bishop Murder Case (1930)
4. The Benson Murder Case (1930)
5. The Kennel Murder Case (1933)
6. The Dragon Murder Case (1934)
7. The Casino Murder Case (1935)
8. The Garden Murder Case (1936)
9. The Scarab Murder Case (1936)
10. Night of Mystery (1937)
11. The Gracie Allen Murder Case (1939)
12. Calling Philo Vance (1940)
13. Philo Vance's Gamble (1947)
14. Philo Vance Returns (1947)
15. Philo Vance's Secret Mission (1947)

Titles in blue are lost films.



Michael Shayne

1. Michael Shayne: Private Detective (1940)
2. Sleepers West (1941)
3. Dressed To Kill (1941)
4. Blue, White and Perfect (1942)
5. The Man Who Wouldn't Die (1942)
6. Just Off Broadway (1942)
7. Time To Kill (1942)
8. Murder Is My Business (1946)
9. Larceny In Her Heart (1946)
10. Blonde For a Day (1946)
11. Three On a Ticket (1947)
12. Too Many Winners (1947)
Michael Shayne: Season 1 (1960)

The Whistler

1. The Whistler (1944)
2. The Mark of the Whistler (1944)
3. The Power of the Whistler (1945)
4. Voice of the Whistler (1945)
5. Mysterious Intruder (1946)
6. The Secret of the Whistler (1946)
7. The Thirteenth Hour (1947)
8. The Return of the Whistler (1948)

Hildegarde Withers

1. Penguin Pool Murder (1932)
2. Murder On the Blackboard (1934)
3. Murder On a Honeymoon (1935)
4. Murder On a Bridle Path (1936)
5. The Plot Thickens (1936)
6. Forty Naughty Girls (1937)
A Very Missing Person (1972)

The Crime Doctor

1. Crime Doctor (1943)
2. Crime Doctor's Strangest Case (1943)
3. Shadows In the Night (1944)
4. The Crime Doctor's Courage (1945)
5. The Crime Doctor's Warning (1945)
6. Just Before Dawn (1946)
7. Crime Doctor's Man Hunt (1946)
8. The Millerson Case (1947)
9. The Crime Doctor's Gamble (1947)
10. The Crime Doctor's Diary (1949)

Perry Mason

1. The Case of the Howling Dog (1934)
2. The Case of the Curious Bride (1935)
3. The Case of the Lucky Legs (1935)
4. The Case of the Velvet Claws (1936)
5. The Case of the Black Cat (1936)
6. The Case of the Stuttering Bishop (1937)

(Only the original film series is listed here.)


The Thin Man

7. The Thin Man (1934)
8. After the Thin Man (1936)
9. Another Thin Man (1939)
10. Shadow of the Thin Man (1941)
11. The Thin Man Goes Home (1945)
12. Song of the Thin Man (1947)

Mr. Moto

1. Think Fast, Mr. Moto (1937)
2. Thank You, Mr. Moto (1937)
3. Mr. Moto's Gamble (1938)
4. Mr. Moto Takes a Chance (1938)
5. Mysterious Mr. Moto (1938)
6. Mr. Moto's Last Warning (1939)
7. Mr. Moto In Danger Island (1939)
8. Mr. Moto Takes a Vacation (1939)
The Return of Mr. Moto (1965)

Mr. Wong

1. Mr. Wong, Detective (1938)
2. The Mystery of Mr. Wong (1939)
3. Mr. Wong In Chinatown (1939)
4. The Fatal Hour (1940)
5. Doomed To Die (1940)
6. Phantom of Chinatown (1940)

Sherlock Holmes

1. The Hound of the Baskervilles (1939)
2. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1939)
3. Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror (1942)
4. Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon (1943)
5. Sherlock Holmes In Washington (1943)
6. Sherlock Holmes Faces Death (1943)
7. The Spider Woman (1944)
8. The Scarlet Claw (1944)
9. The Pearl of Death (1944)
10. The House of Fear (1945)
11. The Woman In Green (1945)
12. Pursuit To Algiers (1945)
13. Terror By Night (1946)
14. Dressed To Kill (1946)

(Only the Basil Rathbone films are listed here.)


Inner Sanctum

1. Calling Dr. Death (1943)
2. Weird Woman (1944)
3. Dead Man's Eyes (1944)
4. The Frozen Ghost (1945)
5. Strange Confession (1945)
6. Pillow of Death (1945)

Bulldog Drummond

1. Bulldog Drummond (1922)
2. Bulldog Drummond's Third Round (1925)
3. Captain Swagger (1928)
4. Bulldog Drummond (1929)
5. Temple Tower (1930)
6. The Return of Bulldog Drummond (1934)
7. Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back (1934)
8. Alias Bulldog Drummond (1935)
9. Bulldog Drummond's Revenge (1937)
10. Bulldog Drummond At Bay (1937)
11. Bulldog Drummond Comes Back (1937)
12. Bulldog Drummond's Escape (1937)
13. Bulldog Drummond's Peril (1938)
14. Bulldog Drummond In Africa (1938)
15. Arrest Bulldog Drummond (1939)
16. Bulldog Drummond's Secret Police (1939)
17. Bulldog Drummond's Bride (1939)
18. Bulldog Drummond At Bay (1947)
19. Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back (1947)
20. The Challenge (1948)
21. 13 Lead Soldiers (1948)
22. Calling Bulldog Drummond (1951)
23. Deadlier Than the Male (1967)
24. Some Girls Do (1969)
Bulldog Drummond (1952)
Bulldog Drummond and 'The Ludlow Affair' (1957)

Titles in blue are lost films.

The Saint

1. The Saint In New York (1938)
2. The Saint Strikes Back (1939)
3. The Saint In London (1939)
4. The Saint's Double Trouble (1940)
5. The Saint Takes Over (1940)
6. The Saint In Palm Springs (1941)
7. The Saint's Vacation (1941)
8. The Saint Meets the Tiger (1943)
9. The Saint's Girl Friday (1953)
The Saint: Season 1 (1962)
The Saint: Season 2 (1963)
The Saint: Season 3 (1964)
The Saint: Season 4 (1965)
The Saint: Season 5 (1966)
The Saint: Season 6 (1967)
Return of the Saint: Season 1 (1978)
The Saint In Manhattan (1987)
The Saint: The Brazilian Connection (1989)
The Saint: The Blue Dulac (1989)
The Saint: Fear In Fun Park (1989)
The Saint: Wrong Number (1989)
The Saint: The Big Bang (1989)
The Saint: The Software Murders (1989)
The Saint (1997)

American Comedies

Andy Hardy

1. A Family Affair (1937)
2. You're Only Young Once (1937)
3. Judge Hardy's Children (1938)
4. Love Finds Andy Hardy (1938)
5. Out West With the Hardys (1938)
6. The Hardys Ride High (1939)
7. Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever (1939)
8. Judge Hardy and Son (1939)
9. Andy Hardy Meets Debutante (1940)
10. Andy Hardy's Private Secretary (1941)
11. Life Begins For Andy Hardy (1941)
12. Courtship of Andy Hardy (1942)
13. Andy Hardy's Double Life (1942)
14. Andy Hardy's Blonde Trouble (1944)
15. Love Laughs At Andy Hardy (1946)
16. Andy Hardy Comes Home (1958)
Loews Christmas Greeting (The Hardy Family) (1939)
Andy Hardy's Dilemma (1940)

Ma and Pa Kettle

1. The Egg and I (1947)
2. Ma and Pa Kettle (1949)
3. Ma and Pa Kettle Go To Town (1950)
4. Ma and Pa Kettle Back On the Farm (1951)
5. Ma and Pa Kettle At the Fair (1952)
6. Ma and Pa Kettle On Vacation (1953)
7. Ma and Pa Kettle At Home (1954)
8. Ma and Pa Kettle At Waikiki (1955)
9. The Kettles In the Ozarks (1956)
10. The Kettles On Old MacDonald's Farm (1957)


1. Blondie (1938)
2. Blondie Meets the Boss (1939)
3. Blondie Takes a Vacation (1939)
4. Blondie Brings Up Baby (1939)
5. Blondie On a Budget (1940)
6. Blondie Has Servant Trouble (1940)
7. Blondie Plays Cupid (1940)
8. Blondie Goes Latin (1941)
9. Blondie In Society (1941)
10. Blondie Goes To College (1942)
11. Blondie's Blessed Event (1942)
12. Blondie For Victory (1942)
13. It's a Great Life (1943)
14. Footlight Glamour (1943)


15. Leave It To Blondie (1945)
16. Life With Blondie (1945)
17. Blondie's Lucky Day (1946)
18. Blondie Knows Best (1946)
19. Blondie's Big Moment (1947)
20. Blondie's Holiday (1947)
21. Blondie In the Dough (1947)
22. Blondie's Anniversary (1947)
23. Blondie's Reward (1948)
24. Blondie's Secret (1948)
25. Blondie's Big Deal (1949)
26. Blondie Hits the Jackpot (1949)
27. Blondie's Hero (1950)
28. Beware of Blondie (1950)


1. Road To Singapore (1940)
2. Road To Zanzibar (1941)
3. Road To Morocco (1942)
4. Road To Utopia (1946)
5. Road To Rio (1947)
6. Road To Bali (1952)
7. Road To Hong Kong (1962)


1. Francis, the Talking Mule (1950)
2. Francis Goes To the Races (1951)
3. Francis Goes To West Point (1952)
4. Francis Covers the Big Town (1953)
5. Francis Joins the WACS (1954)
6. Francis In the Navy (1955)
7. Francis In the Haunted House (1956)

Torchy Blaine

1. Smart Blonde (1937)
2. Fly Away Baby (1937)
3. The Adventurous Blonde (1937)
4. Blondes At Work (1938)
5. Torchy Blane In Panama (1938)
6. Torchy Gets Her Man (1938)
7. Torchy Blane In Chinatown (1939)
8. Torchy Runs For Mayor (1939)
9. Torchy Blane.. Playing With Dynamite (1939)


1. Maisie (1939)
2. Congo Maisie (1940)
3. Gold Rush Maisie (1940)
4. Maisie Was a Lady (1941)
5. Ringside Maisie (1941)
6. Maisie Gets Her Man (1942)
7. Swing Shift Maisie (1943)
8. Maisie Goes To Reno (1944)
9. Up Goes Maisie (1946)
10. Undercover Maisie (1947)

British Comedies

St. Trinian's

1. The Belles of St. Trinian's (1954)
2. Blue Murder At St. Trinian's (1957)
3. The Pure Hell of St. Trinian's (1960)
4. The Great St. Trinian's Train Robbery (1966)
5. The Wildcats of St. Trinian's (1980)
1. St. Trinian's (2007)
2. St. Trinian's II: The Legend of Fritton's Gold (2009)


1. Doctor In the House (1954)
2. Doctor At Sea (1955)
3. Doctor At Large (1957)
4. Doctor In Love (1960)
5. Doctor In Distress (1963)
6. Doctor In Clover (1966)
7. Doctor In Trouble (1970)

Carry On

1. Carry On Sergeant (1958)
2. Carry On Nurse (1959)
3. Carry On Teacher (1959)
4. Carry On Constable (1960)
5. Carry On Regardless (1961)
6. Carry On Cruising (1962)
7. Carry On Cabby (1963)
8. Carry On Jack (1963)
9. Carry On Cleo (1964)
10. Carry On Spying (1964)
11. Carry On Cowboy (1966)
12. Carry On Screaming (1966)
13. Don't Lose Your Head (1966)
14. Follow That Camel (1967)
15. Carry On Doctor (1967)
16. Carry On Up the Khyber (1968)


17. Carry On Camping (1969)
18. Carry On Again Doctor (1969)
19. Carry On Up the Jungle (1970)
20. Carry On Loving (1970)
21. Carry On Henry (1971)
22. Carry On At Your Convenience (1971)
23. Carry On Matron (1972)
24. Carry On Abroad (1972)
25. Carry On Girls (1973)
26. Carry On Dick (1974)
27. Carry On Behind (1975)
28. Carry On England (1976)
29. That's Carry On (1977)
30. Carry On Emmannuelle (1978)
31. Carry On Columbus (1992)


Carry On Christmas (1969)
Carry On Again Christmas (1970)
Carry On Christmas: Carry On Stuffing (1972)
Carry On Christmas (1973)
Carry On Laughing!: Season 1 (1975)
Carry On Laughing!: Season 2 (1975)

Jungle Adventures


1. Tarzan, the Ape Man (1932)
2. Tarzan and His Mate (1934)
3. Tarzan Escapes (1936)
4. Tarzan Finds a Son! (1939)
5. Tarzan's Secret Treasure (1941)
6. Tarzan's New York Adventure (1942)
7. Tarzan Triumphs (1943)
8. Tarzan's Desert Mystery (1943)
9. Tarzan and the Amazons (1945)
10. Tarzan and the Leopard Woman (1946)
11. Tarzan and the Huntress (1947)
12. Tarzan and the Mermaids (1948)
13. Tarzan's Magic Fountain (1949)
14. Tarzan and the Slave Girl (1950)
15. Tarzan's Peril (1951)
16. Tarzan's Savage Fury (1952)
17. Tarzan and the She-Devil (1953)
18. Tarzan's Hidden Jungle (1955)
19. Tarzan and the Lost Safari (1957)
20. Tarzan and the Trappers (1958)
21. Tarzan's Fight For Life (1958)


22. Tarzan's Greatest Adventure (1959)
23. Tarzan the Magnificent (1960)
24. Tarzan Goes To India (1962)
25. Tarzan's Three Challenges (1963)
26. Tarzan and the Valley of Gold (1966)
27. Tarzan and the Great River (1967)
28. Tarzan and the Jungle Boy (1968)
Tarzan of the Apes (1918)
The Romance of Tarzan (1918)
The Revenge of Tarzan (1920)
The Son of Tarzan (1920)
Adventures of Tarzan (1921)
Tarzan and the Golden Lion (1927)
Tarzan the Mighty (1928)
Tarzan the Tiger (1929)
Tarzan the Fearless (1933)
The New Adventures of Tarzan (1935)  (serial)
The New Adventures of Tarzan (1935)  (feature)
Tarzan and the Green Goddess (1938)
Tarzan's Revenge (1938)
Tarzan, the Ape Man (1959)


Tarzan: Season 1 (1966)
Tarzan: Season 2 (1967)
Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle: Season 1 (1976)
Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle: Season 2 (1977)
Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle: Season 3 (1978)
Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle: Season 4 (1979)
Tarzan, the Ape Man (1981)
Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes (1984)
Tarzan In Manhattan (1989)
Tarzan: Season 1 (1991)
Tarzan: Season 2 (1992)
Tarzan: Season 3 (1993)
Tarzan: The Epic Adventures: Season 1 (1996)
Tarzan and the Lost City (1998)
Tarzan (1999)
The Legend of Tarzan: Season 1 (2001)
The Legend of Tarzan: Season 2 (2003)
Tarzan and Jane (2002)
Tarzan II (2005)
Tarzan (2013)
The Legend of Tarzan (2016)

Titles in blue are lost films.

Jungle Jim

1. Jungle Jim (1948)
2. The Lost Tribe (1949)
3. Mark of the Gorilla (1950)
4. Captive Girl (1950)
5. Pygmy Island (1950)
6. Fury of the Congo (1951)
7. Jungle Manhunt (1951)
8. Jungle Jim In the Forbidden Land (1952)
9. Voodoo Tiger (1952)
10. Savage Mutiny (1953)
11. Valley of Head Hunters (1953)
12. Killer Ape (1953)
13. Jungle Man-Eaters (1954)
14. Cannibal Attack (1954)
15. Jungle Moon Men (1955)
16. Devil Goddess (1955)
Jungle Jim (1937)
Jungle Jim: Season 1 (1955)


1. Bomba, the Jungle Boy (1949)
2. Bomba On Panther Island (1949)
3. The Lost Volcano (1950)
4. The Hidden City (1950)
5. The Lion Hunters (1951)
6. Elephant Stampede (1951)
7. African Treasure (1952)
8. Bomba and the Jungle Girl (1952)
9. Safari Drums (1953)
10. The Golden Idol (1954)
11. Killer Leopard (1954)
12. Lord of the Jungle (1955)

The Dead End Kids

The Dead End Kids

The East Side Kids

The Bowery Boys

1. Dead End (1937)
2. Crime School (1938)
3. Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)
4. They Made Me a Criminal (1939)
5. Hell's Kitchen (1939)
6. The Angels Wash Their Faces (1939)
7. On Dress Parade (1939)

The Little Tough Guys

1. Little Tough Guy (1938)
2. Little Tough Guys In Society (1938)
3. Newsboys' Home (1938)
4. Code of the Streets (1939)
5. Call a Messenger (1939)
6. You're Not So Tough (1940)
7. Junior G-Men (1940)
8. Give Us Wings (1940)
9. Hit the Road (1941)
10. Sea Raiders (1941)
11. Mob Town (1941)
12. Junior G-Men of the Air (1942)
13. Tough As They Come (1942)
14. Mug Town (1942)
15. Keep 'Em Slugging (1943)
1. East Side Kids (1940)
2. Boys of the City (1940)
3. That Gang of Mine (1940)
4. Pride of the Bowery (1940)
5. Flying Wild (1941)
6. Bowery Blitzkrieg (1941)
7. Spooks Run Wild (1941)
8. Mr. Wise Guy (1942)
9. Let's Get Tough (1942)
10. Smart Alecks (1942)
11. 'Neath Brooklyn Bridge (1942)
12. Kid Dynamite (1943)
13. Clancy Street Boys (1943)
14. Ghosts On the Loose (1943)
15. Mr. Muggs Steps Out (1943)
16. Million Dollar Kid (1944)
17. Follow the Leader (1944)
18. Block Busters (1944)
19. Bowery Champs (1944)
20. Docks of New York (1945)
21. Mr. Muggs Rides Again (1945)
22. Come Out Fighting (1945)
1. Live Wires (1946)
2. In Fast Company (1946)
3. Bowery Bombshell (1946)
4. Spook Busters (1946)
5. Mr. Hex (1946)
6. Hard Boiled Mahoney (1947)
7. News Hounds (1947)
8. Bowery Buckaroos (1947)
9. Angels' Alley (1948)
10. Jinx Money (1948)
11. Smugglers' Cove (1948)
12. Trouble Makers (1948)
13. Fighting Fools (1949)
14. Hold That Baby! (1949)
15. Angels In Disguise (1949)
16. Master Minds (1949)
17. Blonde Dynamite (1950)
18. Lucky Losers (1950)
19. Triple Trouble (1950)
20. Blues Busters (1950)
21. Bowery Battalion (1951)
22. Ghost Chasers (1951)
23. Let's Go Navy! (1951)
24. Crazy Over Horses (1951)
25. Hold That Line (1952)
26. Here Come the Marines (1952)
27. Feudin' Fools (1952)
28. No Holds Barred (1952)
29. Jalopy (1953)
30. Loose In London (1953)
31. Clipped Wings (1953)
32. Private Eyes (1953)
33. Paris Playboys (1954)
34. The Bowery Boys Meet the Monsters (1954)
35. Jungle Gents (1954)
36. Bowery To Bagdad (1955)
37. High Society (1955)
38. Spy Chasers (1955)
39. Jail Busters (1955)
40. Dig That Uranium (1955)
41. Crashing Las Vegas (1956)
42. Fighting Trouble (1956)
43. Hot Shots (1956)
44. Hold That Hypnotist (1957)
45. Spook Chasers (1957)
46. Looking For Danger (1957)
47. Up In Smoke (1957)
48. In the Money (1958)



1. Halloween (1978)
2. Halloween II (1981)
3. Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982)
4. Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988)
5. Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989)
6. Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers (1995)
7. Halloween H20 (1998)
8. Halloween: Resurrection (2002)
1. Halloween (2007)
2. Halloween II (2009)
1. Halloween (2018)
2. Halloween Kills (2021)

Nightmare On Elm Street

1. A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984)
2. A Nightmare On Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985)
3. A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)
4. A Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988)
5. A Nightmare On Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (1989)
6. Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991)
7. Wes Craven's New Nightmare (1994)
Freddy Vs. Jason (2003)
A Nightmare On Elm Street (2010)

Friday the 13th

1. Friday the 13th (1980)
2. Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981)
3. Friday the 13th Part 3: 3D (1982)
4. Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)
5. Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning (1985)
6. Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986)
7. Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988)
8. Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
9. Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday (1993)
10. Jason X (2001)
Freddy Vs. Jason (2003)
Friday the 13th (2009)


1. The Amityville Horror (1979)
2. Amityville II: The Possession (1982)
3. Amityville 3D (1983)
4. Amityville: The Evil Escapes (1989)
5. The Amityville Curse (1990)
6. Amityville 1992: It's About Time (1992)
7. Amityville: A New Generation (1993)
8. Amityville Dollhouse (1996)
The Amityville Horror (2005)
The Amityville Haunting (2011)
The Amityville Asylum (2013)