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Total: 1070  
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Unseen: 946 (88.4%)

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The Complete Looney Tunes and Merry Melodies Filmography

1929-1935: Bosko, Buddy, and Beans

1. Bosko the Talk-Ink Kid (1929)  [4*]
2. Sinkin' In the Bathtub (1930)  [3*]
3. Congo Jazz (1930)  [6]
4. Hold Anything (1930)
5. The Booze Hangs High (1930)  [6]
6. Box Car Blues (1930)
7. Big Man From the North (1931)
8. Ain't Nature Grand! (1931)
9. Ups 'n Downs (1931)
10. Dumb Patrol (1931)
11. Yodeling Yokels (1931)
12. Bosko's Holiday (1931)
13. The Tree's Knees (1931)
14. Lady, Play Your Mandolin! (1931)
15. Smile, Darn Ya, Smile! (1931)  [6]
16. Bosko Shipwrecked! (1931)
17. One More Time (1931)  [6]
18. Bosko the Doughboy (1931)  [6]
19. You Don't Know What You're Doin'! (1931)  [6]
20. Bosko's Soda Fountain (1931)
21. Hittin' the Trail For Hallelujah Land (1931)
22. Bosko's Fox Hunt (1931)
23. Red-Headed Baby (1931)
24. Bosko At the Zoo (1932)
25. Pagan Moon (1932)
26. Battling Bosko (1932)
27. Freddy the Freshman (1932)
28. Big-Hearted Bosko (1932)
29. Crosby, Columbo, and Vallee (1932)
30. Bosko's Party (1932)
31. Goopy Geer (1932)
32. Bosko and Bruno (1932)
33. It's Got Me Again! (1932)  [3*]
34. Bosko and Honey (1932)
35. Moonlight For Two (1932)
36. Bosko's Dog Race (1932)
37. The Queen Was In the Parlor (1932)
38. Bosko At the Beach (1932)
39. I Love a Parade (1932)  [6*]
40. Bosko's Store (1932)
41. Bosko the Lumberjack (1932)
42. You're Too Careless With Your Kisses! (1932)
43. Ride Him, Bosko! (1932)  [6]
44. I Wish I Had Wings (1932)
45. Bosko the Drawback (1932)
46. A Great Big Bunch of You (1932)
47. Bosko's Dizzy Date (1932)
48. Three's a Crowd (1932)
49. Bosko's Woodland Daze (1932)
50. The Shanty Where Santy Claus Lives (1933)
51. Bosko In Dutch (1933)
52. One Step Ahead of My Shadow (1933)
53. Bosko In Person (1933)  [6]
54. Young and Healthy (1933)
55. Bosko the Speed King (1933)
56. The Organ Grinder (1933)
57. Bosko's Knight-Mare (1933)
58. Wake Up the Gypsy In Me (1933)
59. Bosko the Sheep-Herder (1933)
60. I Like Mountain Music (1933)  [6*]
61. Beau Bosko (1933)
62. Shuffle Off To Buffalo (1933)  [6]
63. Bosko's Mechanical Man (1933)
64. The Dish Ran Away With the Spoon (1933)  [6]
65. Bosko the Musketeer (1933)
66. Bosko's Picture Show (1933)  [6]
67. We're In the Money (1933)  [6]
68. Buddy's Day Out (1933)  [6]
69. I've Got To Sing a Torch Song (1933)  [5]
70. Buddy's Beer Garden (1933)  [6]
71. Buddy's Show Boat (1933)
72. Sittin' On a Backyard Fence (1933)  [6*]
73. Buddy the Gob (1934)
74. Pettin' In the Park (1934)
75. Honeymoon Hotel (1934)
76. Buddy and Towser (1934)
77. Buddy's Garage (1934)
78. Beauty and the Beast (1934)
79. Those Were Wonderful Days (1934)
80. Buddy's Trolley Troubles (1934)
81. Buddy of the Apes (1934)
82. Goin' To Heaven On a Mule (1934)
83. How Do I Know It's Sunday (1934)  [6*]
84. Buddy's Bearcats (1934)
85. Why Do I Dream Those Dreams (1934)
86. Buddy's Circus (1934)  [6]
87. Buddy the Woodsman (1934)
88. The Miller's Daughter (1934)
89. Buddy the Detective (1934)
90. The Girl At the Ironing Board (1934)
91. Viva Buddy (1934)
92. Shake Your Powder Puff (1934)
93. Rhythm In the Bow (1934)
94. Those Beautiful Dames (1934)
95. Buddy's Adventures (1934)
96. Pop Goes Your Heart (1934)
97. Buddy the Dentist (1934)
98. Buddy of the Legion (1935)
99. Mr. and Mrs. Is the Name (1935)
100. Country Boy (1935)
101. Buddy's Theatre (1935)
102. I Haven't Got a Hat (1935)  [3]
103. Buddy's Pony Express (1935)
104. Along Flirtation Walk (1935)
105. Buddy In Africa (1935)
106. My Green Fedora (1935)
107. Buddy's Lost World (1935)
108. Into Your Dance (1935)
109. Buddy's Bug Hunt (1935)
110. The Country Mouse (1935)
111. Buddy Steps Out (1935)
112. The Merry Old Soul (1935)
113. Buddy the Gee Man (1935)
114. The Lady In Red (1935)
115. A Cartoonist's Nightmare (1935)  [6]
116. Hollywood Capers (1935)  [3]
117. Little Dutch Plate (1935)
118. Gold Diggers of '49 (1935)  [5]
119. Billboard Frolics (1935)
120. Flowers For Madame (1935)

1935-1939: Porky Pig

121. Plane Dippy (1936)
122. I Wanna Play House (1936)
123. Alpine Antics (1936)  [5]
124. The Fire Alarm (1936)
125. The Phantom Ship (1936)
126. The Cat Came Back (1936)
127. Boom Boom (1936)
128. Page Miss Glory (1936)  [6]
129. The Blow Out (1936)
130. I'm a Big Shot Now (1936)
131. Westward Whoa (1936)
132. Let It Be Me (1936)
133. I'd Love To Take Orders From You (1936)
134. Fish Tales (1936)
135. Bingo Crosbyana (1936)
136. Shanghaied Shipmates (1936)
137. When I Yoo Hoo (1936)
138. Porky's Pet (1936)
139. I Love To Singa (1936)  [2]
140. Porky the Rain-Maker (1936)
141. Sunday Go To Meetin' Time (1936)
142. Porky's Poultry Plant (1936)  [4]
143. At Your Service Madame (1936)
144. Porky's Moving Day (1936)
145. Toy Town Hall (1936)
146. Milk and Money (1936)  [5]
147. Boulevardier From the Bronx (1936)
148. Don't Look Now (1936)
149. Little Beau Porky (1936)  [4]
150. The CooCoo Nut Grove (1936)  [3]
151. The Village Smithy (1936)
152. Porky In the North Woods (1936)  [4]
153. He Was Her Man (1937)
154. Porky the Wrestler (1937)
155. Pigs Is Pigs (1937)  [3]
156. Porky's Road Race (1937)  [3]
157. Picador Porky (1937)
158. I Only Have Eyes For You (1937)
159. The Fella With the Fiddle (1937)
160. Porky's Romance (1937)  [3]
161. She Was an Acrobat's Daughter (1937)  [3]
162. Porky's Duck Hunt (1937)
163. Ain't We Got Fun (1937)
164. Porky and Gabby (1937)
165. Clean Pastures (1937)
166. Uncle Tom's Bungalow (1937)
167. Porky's Building (1937)
168. Streamlined Greta Green (1937)
169. Porky's Super Service (1937)
170. Sweet Sioux (1937)
171. Egghead Rides Again (1937)
172. Porky's Badtime Story (1937)
173. Plenty of Money and You (1937)
174. Porky's Railroad (1937)  [4]
175. A Sunbonnet Blue (1937)
176. Get Rich Quick Porky (1937)
177. Speaking of the Weather (1937)  [3]
178. Porky's Garden (1937)
179. Dog Daze (1937)
180. I Wanna Be a Sailor (1937)
181. Rover's Rival (1937)
182. The Lyin' Mouse (1937)
183. The Case of the Stuttering Pig (1937)  [4]
184. Little Red Walking Hood (1937)  [5]
185. Porky's Double Trouble (1937)  [5]
186. Porky's Hero Agency (1937)
187. The Woods Are Full of Cuckoos (1937)  [3]
188. September In the Rain (1937)
189. Daffy Duck & Egghead (1938)  [3]
190. Porky's Poppa (1938)  [5]
191. My Little Buckeroo (1938)
192. Porky At the Crocadero (1938)  [5]
193. Jungle Jitters (1938)
194. What Price Porky (1938)  [5]
195. The Sneezing Weasel (1938)
196. Porky's Phoney Express (1938)
197. A Star Is Hatched (1938)
198. Porky's Five & Ten (1938)
199. The Penguin Parade (1938)
200. Porky's Hare Hunt (1938)
201. Now That Summer Is Gone (1938)  [4]
202. Injun Trouble (1938)
203. The Isle of Pingo Pongo (1938)
204. Porky the Fireman (1938)  [4]
205. Katnip Kollege (1938)  [2]
206. Have You Got Any Castles? (1938)  [2]
207. Porky's Party (1938)  [3]
208. Love and Curses (1938)
209. Porky's Spring Planting (1938)
210. Cinderella Meets Fella (1938)
211. Porky & Daffy (1938)
212. The Major Lied 'Til Dawn (1938)
213. A-Lad-In Bagdad (1938)
214. Wholly Smoke (1938)  [5]
215. Cracked Ice (1938)  [4]
216. A Feud There Was (1938)
217. Porky In Wackyland (1938)  [2]
218. Little Pancho Vanilla (1938)  [4]
219. Porky's Naughty Nephew (1938)
220. Johnny Smith and Poker-Huntas (1938)
221. Porky In Egypt (1938)  [3]
222. You're an Education (1938)  [4]
223. The Night Watchman (1938)  [4]
224. The Daffy Doc (1938)  [5]
225. Daffy Duck In Hollywood (1938)  [3]
226. Count Me Out (1938)
227. Porky the Gob (1938)
228. The Mice Will Play (1938)
229. The Lone Stranger and Porky (1939)
230. Dog Gone Modern (1939)
231. Hamateur Night (1939)
232. It's an Ill Wind (1939)
233. Robin Hood Makes Good (1939)
234. Porky's Tire Trouble (1939)
235. Gold Rush Daze (1939)
236. A Day At the Zoo (1939)
237. Porky's Movie Mystery (1939)
238. Prest-O Change-O (1939)
239. Chicken Jitters (1939)
240. Bars and Stripes Forever (1939)
241. Daffy Duck and the Dinosaur (1939)  [3]
242. Porky and Teabiscuit (1939)  [3]
243. Thugs With Dirty Mugs (1939)  [3]
244. Kristopher Kolumbus Jr. (1939)
245. Naughty But Mice (1939)
246. Hobo Gadget Band (1939)
247. Polar Pals (1939)  [5]
248. Scalp Trouble (1939)
249. Believe It Or Else (1939)
250. Old Glory (1939)  [2]
251. Dangerous Dan McFoo (1939)
252. Porky's Picnic (1939)
253. Snowman's Land (1939)
254. Wise Quacks (1939)  [5]
255. Hare-um Scare-um (1939)
256. Detouring America (1939)
257. Little Brother Rat (1939)
258. Porky's Hotel (1939)
259. Sioux Me (1939)
260. Jeepers Creepers (1939)
261. Land of the Midnight Fun (1939)
262. The Little Lion Hunter (1939)
263. Naughty Neighbors (1939)
264. The Good Egg (1939)
265. Fresh Fish (1939)
266. Pied Piper Porky (1939)
267. Fagin's Freshman (1939)
268. Porky the Giant Killer (1939)
269. Sniffles and the Bookworm (1939)
270. Screwball Football (1939)
271. The Film Fan (1939)  [3]
272. The Curious Puppy (1939)

1940-1944: Bugs Bunny

273. Porky's Last Stand (1940)
274. The Early Worm Gets the Bird (1940)
275. Africa Squeaks (1940)
276. Mighty Hunters (1940)
277. Ali-Baba Bound (1940)
278. Busy Bakers (1940)
279. Elmer's Candid Camera (1940)  [1]
280. Pilgrim Porky (1940)  [5]
281. Cross Country Detours (1940)
282. Confederate Honey (1940)
283. Slap Happy Pappy (1940)
284. The Bear's Tale (1940)  [5]
285. The Hardship of Miles Standish (1940)
286. Porky's Poor Fish (1940)  [4]
287. Sniffles Takes a Trip (1940)  [6*]
288. You Ought To Be In Pictures (1940)  [2]
289. A Gander At Mother Goose (1940)  [5]
290. The Chewin' Bruin (1940)
291. Tom Thumb In Trouble (1940)  [5]
292. Circus Today (1940)
293. Porky's Baseball Broadcast (1940)
294. Little Blabbermouse (1940)
295. The Egg Collector (1940)
296. A Wild Hare (1940)
297. Ghost Wanted (1940)
298. Patient Porky (1940)  [5]
299. Ceiling Hero (1940)
300. Malibu Beach Party (1940)
301. Calling Dr. Porky (1940)
302. Stage Fright (1940)
303. Prehistoric Porky (1940)  [5]
304. Holiday Highlights (1940)
305. Good Night Elmer (1940)
306. The Sour Puss (1940)  [4]
307. Wacky Wildlife (1940)
308. Bedtime For Sniffles (1940)
309. Porky's Hired Hand (1940)
310. Of Fox and Hounds (1940)
311. The Timid Toreador (1940)
312. Shop, Look, & Listen (1940)
313. Elmer's Pet Rabbit (1941)
314. Porky's Snooze Reel (1941)
315. The Fighting 69 1/2th (1941)  [6*]
316. Sniffles Bells the Cat (1941)
317. The Crackpot Quail (1941)
318. The Haunted Mouse (1941)
319. The Cat's Tale (1941)
320. Joe Glow, the Firefly (1941)
321. Tortoise Beats Hare (1941)  [2]
322. Goofy Groceries (1941)  [3]
323. Porky's Bear Facts (1941)
324. Toy Trouble (1941)
325. Porky's Preview (1941)  [5]
326. The Trial of Mr. Wolf (1941)  [5]
327. Farm Frolics (1941)  [5]
328. Porky's Ant (1941)
329. Hollywood Steps Out (1941)  [2]
330. A Coy Decoy (1941)
331. Hiawatha's Rabbit Hunt (1941)
332. Porky's Prize Pony (1941)
333. The Wacky Worm (1941)
334. Meet John Doughboy (1941)  [6]
335. The Heckling Hare (1941)  [2]
336. Inki and the Lion (1941)
337. Aviation Vacation (1941)
338. We, the Animals - Squeak! (1941)
339. Sport Chumpions (1941)
340. Snow Time For Comedy (1941)
341. The Henpecked Duck (1941)
342. All This and Rabbit Stew (1941)
343. Notes To You (1941)
344. The Brave Little Bat (1941)
345. The Bug Parade (1941)
346. Robinson Crusoe Jr. (1941)
347. Rookie Revue (1941)  [6]
348. Saddle Silly (1941)
349. Porky's Midnight Matinee (1941)
350. The Cagey Canary (1941)
351. Rhapsody In Rivets (1941)
352. Wabbit Twouble (1941)  [1]
353. Porky's Pooch (1941)  [5]
354. Hop, Skip and a Chump (1942)
355. Porky's Pastry Pirates (1942)
356. The Bird Came C.O.D. (1942)
357. Aloha Hooey (1942)
358. Who's Who In the Zoo (1942)
359. Porky's Cafe (1942)
360. Conrad the Sailor (1942)  [4]
361. Crazy Cruise (1942)  [5]
362. The Wabbit Who Came To Supper (1942)  [3]
363. Horton Hatches the Egg (1942)  [6]
364. Saps In Chaps (1942)
365. Dog Tired (1942)
366. Daffy's Southern Exposure (1942)
367. The Wacky Wabbit (1942)  [5]
368. The Draft Horse (1942)  [6]
369. Lights Fantastic (1942)  [6]
370. Nutty News (1942)
371. Hobby Horse-Laffs (1942)
372. Hold the Lion, Please (1942)
373. Double Chaser (1942)
374. Gopher Goofy (1942)
375. Bugs Bunny Gets the Boid (1942)  [1]
376. Wacky Blackout (1942)  [6]
377. Foney Fables (1942)  [5]
378. The Ducktators (1942)  [6]
379. The Squawkin' Hawk (1942)
380. Eatin' On the Cuff Or The Moth Who Came To Dinner (1942)  [5]
381. Fresh Hare (1942)
382. Fox Pop (1942)
383. The Impatient Patient (1942)
384. The Dover Boys (1942)  [2]
385. The Hep Cat (1942)  [2]
386. The Sheepish Wolf (1942)
387. The Daffy Duckaroo (1942)
388. The Hare-Brained Hypnotist (1942)  [2]
389. A Tale of Two Kitties (1942)  [5]
390. Ding Dog Daddy (1942)
391. My Favorite Duck (1942)  [6]
392. Case of the Missing Hare (1942)  [3]
393. Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs (1943)
394. Confusions of a Nutzy Spy (1943)  [6*]
395. Pigs In a Polka (1943)  [3]
396. Tortoise Wins By a Hare (1943)  [1]
397. The Fifth-Column Mouse (1943)  [6]
398. To Duck... Or Not To Duck (1943)  [6]
399. Flop Goes the Weasel (1943)
400. Hop and Go (1943)  [6*]
401. Super-Rabbit (1943)  [3]
402. The Unbearable Bear (1943)
403. The Wise Quacking Duck (1943)  [5]
404. Greetings Bait (1943)
405. Tokio Jokio (1943)
406. Jack-Wabbit and the Beanstalk (1943)
407. The Aristo-Cat (1943)  [4]
408. Wackiki Wabbit (1943)  [3]
409. Yankee Doodle Daffy (1943)  [1]
410. Porky Pig's Feat (1943)  [3]
411. Tin Pan Alley Cats (1943)
412. Scrap Happy Daffy (1943)  [5]
413. Hiss and Make Up (1943)
414. A Corny Concerto (1943)  [2]
415. Fin n' Catty (1943)
416. Falling Hare (1943)  [3]
417. Inki and the Minah Bird (1943)
418. Daffy - The Commando (1943)  [6]
419. An Itch In Time (1943)  [3]
420. Puss n' Booty (1943)  [4]
421. Little Red Riding Rabbit (1944)  [2]
422. What's Cookin' Doc? (1944)  [4*]
423. Meatless Flyday (1944)
424. Tom Turk and Daffy (1944)
425. Bugs Bunny and the Three Bears (1944)  [1]
426. I Got Plenty of Mutton (1944)  [4]
427. The Weakly Reporter (1944)  [6]
428. Tick Tock Tuckered (1944)
429. Bugs Bunny Nips the Nips (1944)
430. Swooner Crooner (1944)  [3]
431. Russian Rhapsody (1944)  [6]
432. Duck Soup To Nuts (1944)  [2]
433. Angel Puss (1944)
434. Slightly Daffy (1944)
435. Hare Ribbin' (1944)  [5]
436. Brother Brat (1944)
437. Hare Force (1944)  [3]
438. From Hand To Mouse (1944)
439. Birdy and the Beast (1944)
440. Buckaroo Bugs (1944)  [5]
441. Goldilocks and the Jivin' Bears (1944)
442. Plane Daffy (1944)  [4]
443. Lost and Foundling (1944)
444. Booby Hatched (1944)  [4]
445. The Old Grey Hare (1944)  [5]
446. The Stupid Cupid (1944)  [4]
447. Stage Door Cartoon (1944)  [2]


448. Odor-Able Kitty (1945)  [3]
449. Herr Meets Hare (1945)  [6]
450. Draftee Daffy (1945)  [3]
451. The Unruly Hare (1945)
452. Trap Happy Porky (1945)
453. Life With Feathers (1945)
454. Behind the Meat-Ball (1945)
455. Hare Trigger (1945)  [6]
456. Ain't That Ducky (1945)
457. A Gruesome Twosome (1945)  [3]
458. A Tale of Two Mice (1945)
459. Wagon Heels (1945)  [5]
460. Hare Conditioned (1945)  [2]
461. Fresh Airedale (1945)  [6]
462. The Bashful Buzzard (1945)  [5]
463. Peck Up Your Troubles (1945)
464. Hare Tonic (1945)  [3]
465. Nasty Quacks (1945)
466. Book Revue (1946)  [2]
467. Baseball Bugs (1946)  [1]
468. Holiday For Shoestrings (1946)  [5]
469. Quentin Quail (1946)
470. Baby Bottleneck (1946)  [2]
471. Hare Remover (1946)  [3]
472. Daffy Doodles (1946)
473. Hollywood Canine Canteen (1946)  [6]
474. Hush My Mouse (1946)
475. Hair-Raising Hare (1946)  [1]
476. Kitty Kornered (1946)  [2]
477. Hollywood Daffy (1946)  [5]
478. Acrobatty Bunny (1946)  [3]
479. The Eager Beaver (1946)
480. The Great Piggy Bank Robbery (1946)  [2]
481. Bacall To Arms (1946)  [5]
482. Of Thee I Sting (1946)
483. Walky Talky Hawky (1946)  [3]
484. Racketeer Rabbit (1946)
485. Fair and Worm-er (1946)
486. The Big Snooze (1946)  [2]
487. The Mouse-Merized Cat (1946)
488. Mouse Menace (1946)
489. Rhapsody Rabbit (1946)  [2]
490. Roughly Squeaking (1946)
491. One Meat Brawl (1947)
492. The Goofy Gophers (1947)
493. The Gay Anties (1947)
494. Scent-imental Over You (1947)
495. A Hare Grows In Manhattan (1947)  [3]
496. Birth of a Notion (1947)  [6]
497. Tweetie Pie (1947)  [2]
498. Rabbit Transit (1947)  [2]
499. Hobo Bobo (1947)
500. Along Came Daffy (1947)
501. Inki At the Circus (1947)
502. Easter Yeggs (1947)  [3]
503. Crowing Pains (1947)  [6]
504. A Pest In the House (1947)  [5]
505. The Foxy Duckling (1947)
506. House Hunting Mice (1948)
507. Little Orphan Airedale (1947)
508. Doggone Cats (1947)
509. Slick Hare (1947)  [2]
510. Mexican Joyride (1947)
511. Catch As Cats Can (1947)
512. A Horsefly Fleas (1948)
513. Gorilla My Dreams (1948)  [2]
514. Two Gophers From Texas (1948)
515. A Feather In His Hare (1948)
516. What Makes Daffy Duck (1948)
517. What's Brewin', Bruin? (1948)
518. Daffy Duck Slept Here (1948)  [3]
519. A Hick a Slick and a Chick (1948)
520. Back Alley Oproar (1948)  [2]
521. I Taw a Putty Tat (1948)  [4*]
522. Rabbit Punch (1948)  [3]
523. Hop, Look, and Listen (1948)
524. Nothing But the Tooth (1948)
525. Buccaneer Bunny (1948)  [5]
526. Bone Sweet Bone (1948)
527. Bugs Bunny Rides Again (1948)  [2]
528. The Rattled Rooster (1948)
529. The Up-Standing Sitter (1948)  [5]
530. The Shell Shocked Egg (1948)
531. Haredevil Hare (1948)  [1]
532. You Were Never Duckier (1948)  [5]
533. Dough Ray Me-ow (1948)  [4]
534. Hot Cross Bunny (1948)
535. The Pest That Came To Dinner (1948)
536. Hare Splitter (1948)
537. Odor of the Day (1948)
538. The Foghorn Leghorn (1948)  [1]
539. A-Lad-in His Lamp (1948)
540. Daffy Dilly (1948)
541. Kit For Cat (1948)  [1]
542. The Stupor Salesman (1948)  [5]
543. Riff Raffy Daffy (1948)
544. My Bunny Lies Over the Sea (1948)  [1]
545. Scaredy Cat (1948)  [1]
546. Wise Quackers (1949)
547. Hare Do (1949)  [3]
548. Holiday For Drumsticks (1949)
549. Awful Orphan (1949)  [1]
550. Porky Chops (1949)  [1]
551. Mississippi Hare (1949)  [4]
552. Paying the Piper (1949)  [5]
553. Daffy Duck Hunt (1949)  [1]
554. Rebel Rabbit (1949)  [3]
555. Mouse Wreckers (1948)  [2]
556. High Diving Hare (1949)  [1]
557. The Bee-Deviled Bruin (1949)
558. Curtain Razor (1949)
559. Bowery Bugs (1949)  [3]
560. Mouse Mazurka (1949)
561. Long-Haired Hare (1949)  [1]
562. Henhouse Henery (1949)
563. Knights Must Fall (1949)
564. Bad Ol' Putty Tat (1949)  [2]
565. The Grey Hounded Hare (1949)  [4]
566. Often an Orphan (1949)  [6]
567. The Windblown Hare (1949)  [3]
568. Dough For the Do-Do (1949)  [1]
569. Fast and Furry-ous (1949)  [1]
570. Each Dawn I Crow (1949)
571. Frigid Hare (1949)  [1]
572. Swallow the Leader (1949)  [4]
573. Bye, Bye Bluebeard (1949)  [3]
574. For Scent-imental Reasons (1949)  [1]
575. Hippety Hopper (1949)  [6*]
576. Which Is Witch? (1949)
577. Bear Feat (1949)  [6]
578. Rabbit Hood (1949)  [4]
579. A Ham In a Role (1949)  [6]


580. Home, Tweet Home (1950)
581. Hurdy-Gurdy Hare (1950)  [4]
582. Boobs In the Woods (1950)  [1]
583. Mutiny On the Bunny (1950)
584. The Lion's Busy (1950)
585. The Scarlet Pumpernickel (1950)  [1]
586. Homeless Hare (1950)  [3]
587. Strife With Father (1950)
588. The Hypo-Chondri-Cat (1950)  [1]
589. Big House Bunny (1950)  [1]
590. The Leghorn Blows At Midnight (1950)
591. His Bitter Half (1950)
592. An Egg Scramble (1950)  [3]
593. What's Up, Doc? (1950)  [1]
594. All a Bir-r-r-rd (1950)  [2]
595. 8 Ball Bunny (1950)  [4]
596. It's Hummer Time (1950)  [6]
597. Golden Yeggs (1950)  [1]
598. Hillbilly Hare (1950)  [3]
599. Dog Gone South (1950)  [6]
600. The Ducksters (1950)  [1]
601. A Fractured Leghorn (1950)
602. Bunker Hill Bunny (1950)  [1]
603. Canary Row (1950)  [1]
604. Stooge For a Mouse (1950)
605. Pop 'im Pop! (1950)
606. Bushy Hare (1950)
607. Caveman Inki (1950)
608. Dog Collared (1951)
609. Rabbit of Seville (1950)  [1]
610. Two's a Crowd (1950)
611. Hare We Go (1951)
612. A Fox In a Fix (1951)
613. Canned Feud (1951)  [1]
614. Rabbit Every Monday (1951)
615. Putty Tat Trouble (1951)  [1]
616. Corn Plastered (1951)
617. Bunny Hugged (1951)  [2]
618. Scent-imental Romeo (1951)
619. A Bone For a Bone (1951)
620. The Fair Haired Hare (1951)
621. A Hound For Trouble (1951)
622. Early To Bet (1951)  [1]
623. Rabbit Fire (1951)  [1]
624. Room and Bird (1951)  [2]
625. Chow Hound (1951)  [6]
626. French Rarebit (1951)  [2]
627. The Wearing of the Grin (1951)  [1]
628. Leghorn Swoggled (1951)
629. His Hare Raising Tale (1951)
630. Cheese Chasers (1951)  [2]
631. Lovelorn Leghorn (1951)
632. Tweety's S.O.S. (1951)  [1]
633. Ballot Box Bunny (1951)  [1]
634. A Bear For Punishment (1951)  [2]
635. Sleepy Time Possum (1951)  [6*]
636. Drip-Along Daffy (1951)  [1]
637. Big Top Bunny (1951)  [1]
638. Tweet Tweet Tweety (1951)  [2]
639. The Prize Pest (1951)
640. Who's Kitten Who? (1952)
641. Operation: Rabbit (1952)  [4]
642. Feed the Kitty (1952)  [1]
643. Gift Wrapped (1952)  [2]
644. Foxy By Proxy (1952)
645. Thumb Fun (1952)
646. 14 Carrot Rabbit (1952)  [5]
647. Little Beau Pepe (1952)
648. Kiddin' the Kitten (1952)  [4]
649. Water, Water Every Hare (1952)  [1]
650. Little Red Rodent Hood (1952)  [5]
651. Sock a Doodle Do (1952)
652. Beep, Beep (1952)  [2]
653. The Hasty Hare (1952)
654. Ain't She Tweet (1952)  [2]
655. The Turn-Tale Wolf (1952)  [5]
656. Cracked Quack (1952)
657. Oily Hare (1952)  [5]
658. Hoppy-Go-Lucky (1952)
659. Going! Going! Gosh! (1952)  [2]
660. A Bird In a Guilty Cage (1952)  [2]
661. Mouse-Warming (1952)
662. Rabbit Seasoning (1952)  [1]
663. The Egg-Cited Rooster (1952)
664. Tree For Two (1952)
665. The Super Snooper (1952)  [5]
666. Rabbit's Kin (1952)  [1]
667. Terrier-Stricken (1952)
668. Fool Coverage (1952)
669. Hare Lift (1952)
670. Don't Give Up the Sheep (1953)  [1]
671. Snow Business (1953)  [2]
672. A Mouse Divided (1953)
673. Forward March Hare (1953)  [4]
674. Kiss Me Cat (1953)  [4]
675. Duck Amuck (1953)  [1]
676. Upswept Hare (1953)
677. A Peck o' Trouble (1953)  [4]
678. Fowl Weather (1953)
679. Muscle Tussle (1953)
680. Southern Fried Rabbit (1953)  [4]
681. Ant Pasted (1953)
682. Much Ado About Nutting (1953)  [6]
683. There Auto Be a Law (1953)
684. Hare Trimmed (1953)
685. Tom Tom Tomcat (1953)
686. Wild Over You (1953)
687. Duck Dodgers In the 24 1/2th Century (1953)  [1]
688. Bully For Bugs (1953)  [1]
689. Plop Goes the Weasel (1953)
690. Cat-Tails For Two (1953)  [4]
691. A Street Cat Named Sylvester (1953)
692. Zipping Along (1953)  [2]
693. Duck! Rabbit, Duck! (1953)  [3]
694. Easy Peckin's (1953)
695. Catty Cornered (1953)
696. Of Rice and Hen (1953)
697. Cats A-Weigh! (1953)
698. Robot Rabbit (1953)
699. Punch Trunk (1953)  [6*]
700. Dog Pounded (1954)
701. Captain Hareblower (1954)
702. I Gopher You (1954)
703. Feline Frame-Up (1954)
704. Wild Wife (1954)  [6]
705. No Barking (1954)  [3]
706. Bugs and Thugs (1954)  [1]
707. The Cats Bah (1954)
708. Design For Leaving (1954)
709. Bell Hoppy (1954)
710. No Parking Hare (1954)
711. Dr. Jerkyl's Hide (1954)
712. Claws For Alarm (1954)  [3]
713. Little Boy Boo (1954)
714. Devil May Hare (1954)  [1]
715. Muzzle Tough (1954)
716. The Oily American (1954)  [6]
717. Bewitched Bunny (1954)  [5]
718. Satan's Waitin' (1954)  [6]
719. Stop! Look! and Hasten! (1954)  [2]
720. Yankee Doodle Bugs (1954)
721. Gone Batty (1954)
722. Goo Goo Goliath (1954)  [6]
723. By Word of Mouse (1954)  [6]
724. From A To Z-Z-Z-Z (1953)
725. Quack Shot (1954)
726. Lumber Jack-Rabbit (1954)
727. My Little Duckaroo (1954)  [6]
728. Sheep Ahoy (1954)
729. Baby Buggy Bunny (1954)  [2]


730. Pizzicato Pussycat (1955)  [4]
731. Feather Dusted (1955)
732. Pests For Guests (1955)
733. Beanstalk Bunny (1955)
734. All Fowled Up (1955)
735. Stork Naked (1955)
736. Lighthouse Mouse (1955)
737. Sahara Hare (1955)  [4]
738. Sandy Claws (1954)
739. The Hole Idea (1955)  [6]
740. Ready.. Set.. Zoom! (1955)  [2]
741. Hare Brush (1955)
742. Past Perfumance (1955)
743. Tweety's Circus (1955)
744. Rabbit Rampage (1955)  [6*]
745. Lumber Jerks (1955)  [1]
746. This Is a Life? (1955)
747. Double Or Mutton (1955)
748. Jumpin' Jupiter (1955)  [6]
749. A Kiddies Kitty (1955)
750. Hyde and Hare (1955)  [2]
751. Dime To Retire (1955)
752. Speedy Gonzales (1955)  [1]
753. Knight-Mare Hare (1955)  [4]
754. Two Scent's Worth (1955)
755. Red Riding Hoodwinked (1955)  [5]
756. Roman Legion-Hare (1955)  [4]
757. Heir-Conditioned (1955)  [6]
758. Guided Muscle (1955)  [2]
759. Pappy's Puppy (1955)
760. One Froggy Evening (1955)  [2]
761. Bugs' Bonnets (1956)  [5]
762. Too Hop To Handle (1956)
763. Weasel Stop (1956)
764. The High and the Flighty (1956)
765. Broom-Stick Bunny (1956)  [2]
766. Rocket Squad (1956)  [3]
767. Tweet and Sour (1956)
768. Heaven Scent (1956)  [6]
769. Mixed Master (1956)
770. Rabbitson Crusoe (1956)
771. Gee Whiz-z-z-z-z-z-z (1956)  [2]
772. Tree Cornered Tweety (1956)
773. The Unexpected Pest (1956)  [4]
774. Napoleon Bunny-Part (1956)
775. Tugboat Granny (1956)
776. Stupor Duck (1956)  [5]
777. Barbary-Coast Bunny (1956)  [4]
778. Rocket-bye Baby (1956)  [6]
779. Half-Fare Hare (1956)
780. Raw! Raw! Rooster! (1956)  [6]
781. The Slap-Hoppy Mouse (1956)
782. A Star Is Bored (1956)  [5]
783. Deduce, You Say (1956)  [1]
784. Yankee Dood It (1956)  [6]
785. Wideo Wabbit (1956)  [3]
786. There They Go-Go-Go! (1956)  [2]
787. Two Crows From Tacos (1956)
788. The Honey-Mousers (1956)  [3]
789. To Hare Is Human (1956)  [4]
790. Three Little Bops (1957)  [2]
791. Tweet Zoo (1957)
792. Scrambled Aches (1957)  [2]
793. Ali Baba Bunny (1957)  [5]
794. Go Fly a Kit (1957)  [4]
795. Tweety and the Beanstalk (1957)  [5]
796. Bedevilled Rabbit (1957)
797. Boyhood Daze (1957)  [6*]
798. Cheese It, the Cat! (1957)
799. Fox-Terror (1957)
800. Piker's Peak (1957)
801. Steal Wool (1957)  [3]
802. Boston Quackie (1957)
803. What's Opera, Doc? (1957)  [2]
804. Tabasco Road (1957)  [4]
805. Birds Anonymous (1957)  [3]
806. Ducking the Devil (1957)
807. Bugsy and Mugsy (1957)
808. Zoom and Bored (1957)  [2]
809. Greedy For Tweety (1957)
810. Touche and Go (1957)
811. Show Biz Bugs (1957)  [2]
812. Mouse-Taken Identity (1957)
813. Gonzales' Tamales (1957)  [3]
814. Rabbit Romeo (1957)  [4]
815. Don't Axe Me (1958)
816. Tortilla Flaps (1958)  [4]
817. Hare-Less Wolf (1958)
818. A Pizza Tweety-Pie (1958)
819. Robin Hood Daffy (1958)  [3]
820. Hare-Way To the Stars (1958)
821. Whoa, Be-Gone! (1958)  [2]
822. A Waggily Tale (1958)
823. Feather Bluster (1958)
824. Now, Hare This (1958)
825. To Itch His Own (1958)
826. Dog Tales (1958)
827. Knighty Knight Bugs (1958)  [4]
828. Weasel While You Work (1958)
829. A Bird In a Bonnet (1958)
830. Hook, Line, and Stinker (1958)  [6]
831. Pre-Hysterical Hare (1958)
832. Gopher Broke (1958)
833. Hip Hip-Hurry! (1958)
834. Cat Feud (1958)  [4]
835. Baton Bunny (1959)  [1]
836. Mouse-Placed Kitten (1959)
837. China Jones (1959)
838. Hare-Abian Nights (1959)
839. Trick Or Tweet (1959)
840. The Mouse That Jack Built (1959)  [3]
841. Apes of Wrath (1959)
842. Hot-Rod and Reel! (1959)
843. A Mutt In a Rut (1959)
844. Backwoods Bunny (1959)
845. Really Scent (1959)
846. Mexicali Shmoes (1959)  [4]
847. Tweet and Lovely (1959)
848. Wild and Woolly Hare (1959)
849. Cat's Paw (1959)
850. Here Today, Gone Tamale (1959)  [4]
851. Bonanza Bunny (1959)
852. A Broken Leghorn (1959)  [1]
853. Wild About Hurry (1959)
854. A Witch's Tangled Hare (1959)
855. Unnatural History (1959)
856. Tweet Dreams (1959)
857. People Are Bunny (1959)

1960-1964: Warner's Cartoon Studio Closes

858. Fastest With the Mostest (1960)
859. West of the Pesos (1960)  [4]
860. Horse Hare (1960)
861. Wild Wild World (1960)  [6*]
862. Goldimouse and the Three Cats (1960)  [5]
863. Person To Bunny (1960)
864. Who Scent You? (1960)
865. Hyde and Go Tweet (1960)
866. Rabbit's Feat (1960)
867. Crockett-Doodle-Do (1960)
868. Mouse and Garden (1960)  [4]
869. Ready, Woolen, and Able (1960)
870. Mice Follies (1960)
871. From Hare To Heir (1960)
872. The Dixie Fryer (1960)
873. Hopalong Casualty (1960)
874. Trip For Tat (1960)
875. Dog Gone People (1960)
876. High Note (1960)
877. Lighter Than Hare (1960)
878. Cannery Woe (1961)  [4]
879. Zip 'N Snort (1961)
880. Hoppy Daze (1961)
881. The Mouse On 57th Street (1961)
882. Strangled Eggs (1961)
883. Birds of a Father (1961)
884. D' Fightin' Ones (1961)
885. The Abominable Snow Rabbit (1961)  [5]
886. Lickety-Splat (1961)
887. A Scent of the Matterhorn (1961)
888. The Rebel Without Claws (1961)
889. Compressed Hare (1961)
890. The Pied Piper of Guadalupe (1961)  [4]
891. Prince Violent (1961)
892. Daffy's Inn Trouble (1961)
893. What's My Lion? (1961)
894. Beep Prepared (1961)
895. The Last Hungry Cat (1961)  [3]
896. Nelly's Folly (1961)
897. Wet Hare (1962)
898. A Sheep In the Deep (1962)
899. Fish and Slips (1962)
900. Quackodile Tears (1962)
901. Crow's Feat (1962)
902. Mexican Boarders (1962)  [4]
903. Bill of Hare (1962)
904. Zoom At the Top (1962)
905. The Slick Chick (1962)
906. Louvre Come Back To Me! (1962)
907. Honey's Money (1962)
908. The Jet Cage (1962)
909. Mother Was a Rooster (1962)
910. Good Noose (1962)
911. Shishkabugs (1962)
912. Martian Through Georgia (1962)  [6]
913. I Was a Teenage Thumb (1963)
914. Devil's Feud Cake (1963)
915. Fast Buck Duck (1963)
916. The Million Hare (1963)
917. Mexican Cat Dance (1963)
918. Now Hear This (1962)  [6]
919. Woolen Under Where (1963)
920. Hare-Breadth Hurry (1963)
921. Banty Raids (1963)
922. Chili Weather (1963)  [4]
923. The Unmentionables (1963)
924. Aqua Duck (1963)
925. Mad As a Mars Hare (1963)
926. Claws In the Lease (1963)
927. Transylvania 6-5000 (1963)  [5]
928. To Beep Or Not To Beep (1963)  [3]
929. Dumb Patrol (1964)
930. A Message To Gracias (1964)  [4]
931. Bartholomew Versus the Wheel (1964)  [6*]
932. Freudy Cat (1964)
933. Dr. Devil and Mr. Hare (1964)
934. Nuts and Volts (1964)  [4]
935. The Iceman Ducketh (1964)
936. War and Pieces (1964)
937. Hawaiian Aye Aye (1964)
938. False Hare (1964)
939. Senorella and the Glass Huarache (1964)  [5]

1964-1969: Other Production Companies

940. Pancho's Hideaway (1964)  [4]
941. Road To Andalay (1964)
942. Zip Zip Hooray! (1965)
943. It's Nice To Have a Mouse Around the House (1965)
944. Cats and Bruises (1965)
945. Roadrunner a Go-Go (1965)
946. The Wild Chase (1965)  [4]
947. Moby Duck (1965)
948. Assault and Peppered (1965)
949. Well Worn Daffy (1965)
950. Suppressed Duck (1965)
951. Corn On the Cop (1965)
952. Rushing Roulette (1965)
953. Run, Run, Sweet Road Runner (1965)
954. Tease For Two (1965)
955. Tired and Feathered (1965)
956. Boulder Wham! (1965)
957. Chili Corn Corny (1965)
958. Just Plane Beep (1965)
959. Hairied and Hurried (1965)
960. Go Go Amigo (1965)
961. Highway Runnery (1965)
962. Chaser On the Rocks (1965)
963. The Astroduck (1966)
964. Shot and Bothered (1966)
965. Out and Out Rout (1966)
966. Mucho Locos (1966)
967. The Solid Tin Coyote (1966)
968. Mexican Mousepiece (1966)
969. Clippety Clobbered (1966)
970. Daffy Rents (1966)
971. A-Haunting We Will Go (1966)  [4]
972. Snow Excuse (1966)
973. A Squeak In the Deep (1966)
974. Feather Finger (1966)
975. Swing Ding Amigo (1966)
976. Sugar and Spies (1966)
977. A Taste of Catnip (1966)
978. Daffy's Diner (1967)
979. Quacker Tracker (1967)
980. The Music Mice-Tro (1967)
981. The Spy Swatter (1967)
982. Speedy Ghost To Town (1967)
983. Rodent To Stardom (1967)
984. Go Away Stowaway (1967)
985. Cool Cat (1967)
986. Merlin the Magic Mouse (1967)
987. Fiesta Fiasco (1967)
988. Hocus Pocus Powwow (1968)
989. Norman Normal (1968)  [6]
990. Big Game Haunt (1968)
991. Skyscraper Caper (1968)
992. Hippydrome Tiger (1968)
993. Feud With a Dude (1968)
994. See Ya Later Gladiator (1968)
995. 3 Ring Wing-Ding (1968)
996. Flying Circus (1968)
997. Chimp & Zee (1968)
998. Bunny and Claude: We Rob Carrot Patches (1968)
999. The Great Carrot-Train Robbery (1969)
1000. Fistic Mystic (1969)
1001. Rabbit Stew and Rabbits Too! (1969)
1002. Shamrock and Roll (1969)
1003. Bugged By a Bee (1969)
1004. Injun Trouble (1969)


1005. Bugs Bunny's Christmas Carol (1979)  [5*]
1006. Freeze Frame (1979)  [5*]
1007. Fright Before Christmas (1979)  [5*]
1008. The Chocolate Chase (1980)  [6*]
1009. Daffy Flies North (1980)  [6*]
1010. The Yolks On You (1980)  [6*]
1011. Portrait of the Artist As a Young Bunny (1980)  [5*]
1012. Spaced Out Bunny (1980)  [5*]
1013. Soup Or Sonic (1980)  [5*]
1014. Duck Dodgers and the Return of the 24 1/2th Century (1980)
1015. The Duxorcist (1987)
1016. The Night of the Living Duck (1988)
1017. (Blooper) Bunny! (1991)  [1*]
1018. Box-Office Bunny (1990)
1019. Porky and Daffy In the William Tell Overture (1991)  [4*]
1020. Invasion of the Bunny Snatchers (1992)
1021. Chariots of Fur (1994)
1022. Carrotblanca (1995)
1023. Another Froggy Evening (1995)
1024. From Hare To Eternity (1997)
1025. Marvin the Martian In the Third Dimension (1996)
1026. Superior Duck (1996)
1027. Pullet Surprise (1997)
1028. Father of the Bird (1997)
1029. Little Go Beep (2000)
1030. The Whizzard of Ow (2003)
1031. Museum Scream (2004)
1032. Hare and Loathing In Las Vegas (2004)
1033. Duck Dodgers In Attack of the Drones (2004)
1034. Cock-a-Doodle-Duel (2004)
1035. My Generation G... G... Gap (2004)
1036. Daffy Duck For President (2004)  [2*]

Movies and Specials

Compilation Films

Bugs Bunny Superstar (1975)  [4*]
The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Movie (1979)
The Looney Looney Looney Bugs Bunny Movie (1981)
1001 Rabbit Tales (1982)
Daffy Duck's Movie: Fantastic Island (1983)
Daffy Duck's Quackbusters (1988)

Original Films

Space Jam (1996)
Tweety's High-Flying Adventure (2000)
Looney Tunes: Back In Action (2003)
Bah Humduck!: A Looney Tunes Christmas (2006)

Compilation Specials

Bugs Bunny's Easter Special (1977)
Bugs Bunny In Space (1977)
Bugs Bunny's Howl-Oween Special (1978)
How Bugs Bunny Won the West (1978)
Bugs Bunny's Valentine (1979)
The Bugs Bunny Mother's Day Special (1979)
Bugs Bunny's Thanksgiving Diet (1978)
The Bugs Bunny Mystery Special (1980)
Bugs Bunny: All American Hero (1981)
Daffy Duck's Thanks-For-Giving Special (1980)
Bugs Bunny's Mad World of Television (1982)
Bugs vs. Daffy: Battle of the Music Video Stars (1988)
Bugs Bunny's Wild World of Sports (1989)
Bugs Bunny's Overtures To Disaster (1991)
Bugs Bunny's Creature Features (1992)
Bugs Bunny's Lunar Tunes (1991)

Original Specials

Daffy Duck and Porky Pig Meet the Groovie Goolies (1972)
Carnival of the Animals (1976)  [5*]
A Connecticut Rabbit In King Arthur's Court (1978)  [6*]
Bugs Bunny's Looney Christmas Tales (1979)  [5*]
Daffy Duck's Easter Show (1980)  [6*]
Bugs Bunny's Bustin' Out All Over (1980)  [5*]

Anniversary Specials

Looney Tunes 50th Anniversary (1986)
Happy Birthday, Bugs!: 50 Looney Years (1990)

DVD Availability:


[1] - Looney Tunes Golden Collection, Volume 1

[2] - Looney Tunes Golden Collection, Volume 2

[3] - Looney Tunes Golden Collection, Volume 3

[4] - Looney Tunes Golden Collection, Volume 4

[5] - Looney Tunes Golden Collection, Volume 5

[6] - Looney Tunes Golden Collection, Volume 6


* - Not restored, as the main cartoons on these DVDs are.