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The Film-Lover's Check List Drew3189
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  • Titles in amber are seen but should be seen again.
  • Titles in red are not seen.
Total: 2745  
Seen: 307 (11.2%)
See Again: 0 (0.0%)
Unseen: 2438 (88.8%)

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Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

Box Office Attractions Company Films

Gertie the Dinosaur (1914)
Shadows of the Moulin Rouge (1913)
Fighting Death (1914)
Kate (1914)
Life's Shop Window (1914)
The Walls of Jericho (1914)
The Thief (1914)
The Idler (1914)
Samson (1914)
A Fool There Was (1914)
The Girl I Left Behind Me (1915)
The Gilded Fool (1915)
Children of the Ghetto (1915)

Fox Film Corporation Films (1910s)

The Celebrated Scandal (1915)
The Kreutzer Sonata (1915)
The Governor (1915)
From the Valley of the Missing (1915)
Anna Karenina (1915)
The Clemenceau Case (1915)
Princess Romanoff (1915)
A Woman's Resurrection (1915)
The Plunderer (1915)
Wormwood (1915)
The Devil's Daughter (1915)
Should a Mother Tell? (1915)
Dr. Rameau (1915)
Lady Audley's Secret (1915)
The Two Orphans (1915)
The Song of Hate (1915)
Regeneration (1915)
The Wonderful Adventure (1915)
Sin (1915)
The Little Gypsy (1915)
The Soul of Broadway (1915)
The Family Stain (1915)
Carmen (1915)
The Blindness of Devotion (1915)
A Woman's Past (1915)
The Broken Law (1915)
The Galley Slave (1915)
The Unfaithful Wife (1915)
Her Mother's Secret (1915)
A Soldier's Oath (1915)
Destruction (1915)
The Green-Eyd Monster (1916)
A Parisian Romance (1916)
The Fourth Estate (1916)
The Serpent (1916)
The Ruling Passion (1916)
The Fool's Revenge (1916)
Merely Mary Ann (1916)
His Fighting Blood (1916)
The Witch (1916)
The Marble Heart (1916)
Gold and the Woman (1916)
The Bondman (1916)
A Wife's Sacrifice (1916)
Blue Blood and Red (1916)
Slander (1916)
A Modern Thelma (1916)
A Man of Sorrow (1916)
Blazing Love (1916)
The Eternal Sappho (1916)
The Sins of Men (1916)
The Battle of Hearts (1916)
The Spider and the Fly (1916)
Hypocrisy (1916)
A Woman's Honor (1916)
East Lynne (1916)
Ambition (1916)
The Man from Bitter Roots (1916)
Caprice of the Mountains (1916)
A Tortured Heart (1916)
The Beast (1916)
Under Two Flags (1916)
The End of the Trail (1916)
Sporting Blood (1916)
Daredevil Kate (1916)
Little Miss Happiness (1916)
Her Double Life (1916)
The Unwelcome Mother (1916)
Where Love Leads (1916)
The Fires of Conscience (1916)
The Straight Way (1916)
The War Bride's Secret (1916)
The Ragged Princess (1916)
A Daughter of the Gods (1916)
Romeo and Juliet (1916)
Love and Hate (1916)
0007351 # Sins of the Parents (1916)
The Mediator (1916)
Jealousy (1916)
0007073 # The Mischief Maker (1916)
The Vixen (1916)
0006404 # The Battle of Life (1916)
The She Tiger (1916)
The Victim (1916)
The Island of Desire (1917)
0008307 # A Modern Cinderella (1917)
0008453 # The Price of Silence (1917)
0007705 # The Bitter Truth (1917)
The Darling of Paris (1917)
0008459 # The Primitive Call (1917)
0008390 # One Touch of Sin (1917)
The New York Peacock (1917)
0008543 # The Scarlet Letter (1917)
Melting Millions (1917)
The Tiger Woman (1917)
0007792 # A Child of the Wild (1917)
0008580 # Sister Against Sister (1917)
0008225 # Love's Law (1917)
A Tale of Two Cities (1917)
0007712 # The Blue Streak (1917)
0008094 # High Finance (1917)
Her Greatest Love (1917)
Tangled Lives (1917)
0008085 # Her Temptation (1917)
0007848 # The Derelict (1917)
She (1917)
0008524 # A Royal Romance (1917)
0007636 # American Methods (1917)
0008593 # The Small Town Girl (1917)
0007737 # The Book Agent (1917)
Heart and Soul (1917)
0007948 # The Final Payment (1917)
The Silent Lie (1917)
The Slave (1917)
The Broadway Sport (1917)
0008602 # Some Boy! (1917)
The Siren (1917)
0008413 # Patsy (1917)
0008708 # Two Little Imps (1917)
0008682 # To Honor and Obey (1917)
0008138 # The Innocent Sinner (1917)
Wife Number Two (1917)
0008792 # Wrath of Love (1917)
0007876 # Durand of the Bad Lands (1917)
0289107 # The Spy (1917)
0182439 # The Soul of Satan (1917)
The Honor System (1917)
0007904 # Every Girl's Dream (1917)
Betrayed (1917)
A Modern Jack and the Beanstalk (1917)
When False Tongues Speak (1917)
0008795 # The Yankee Way (1917)
The Conqueror (1917)
0008370 # North of 53 (1917)
Camille (1917)
A Rich Man's Plaything (1917)
0005130 # Conscience (1917)
When a Man Sees Red (1917)
0008674 # Thou Shalt Not Steal (1917)
Cleopatra (1917)
Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp (1917)
0008671 # This Is the Life (1917)
The Rose of Blood (1917)
0008304 # Miss U.S.A. (1917)
0008405 # The Painted Madonna (1917)
0007625 # All For a Husband (1917)
A Branded Soul (1917)
0008544 # The Scarlet Pimpernel (1917)
The Babes In the Woods (1917)
0008720 # Unknown 274 (1917)
Trouble Makers (1917)
The Heart of a Lion (1917)
The Pride of New York (1917)
The Kingdom of Love (1917)
0007966 # For Liberty (1917)
Madame du Barry (1917)
0009654 # Stolen Honor (1918)
Cupid's Round Up (1918)
0009149 # A Heart's Revenge (1918)
0008956 # Cheating the Public (1918)
Treasure Island (1918)
0009146 # The Heart of Romance (1918)
The Forbidden Path (1918)
Les Miserables (1917)
0009236 # Jack Spurlock, Prodigal (1918)
0009390 # The Moral Law (1918)
0009621 # Six Shooter Andy (1918)
0009111 # The Girl With the Champagne Eyes (1918)
Her Debt of Honor (1918)
The Devil's Wheel (1918)
0009832 # The Woman and the Law (1918)
Rough and Ready (1918)
0008994 # A Daughter of France (1918)
0008945 # A Camouflage Kiss (1918)
0008926 # The Bride of Fear (1918)
0008890 # The Blindness of Divorce (1918)
Western Blood (1918)
The Soul of Buddha (1918)
0008829 # American Buds (1918)
Miss Past and Miss Present (1918)
0008921 # Brave and Bold (1918)
0009726 # True Blue (1918)
0009484 # Peg of the Pirates (1918)
0008974 # Confession (1918)
0009069 # The Firebrand (1918)
Blue-Eyed Mary (1918)
Under the Yoke (1918)
Ace High (1918)
0009782 # We Should Worry (1918)
0009581 # The Scarlet Road (1918)
0009257 # The Kid Is Clever (1918)
0009459 # Other Men's Daughters (1918)
0009169 # Her Price (1918)
Miss Innocence (1918)
0009052 # Fallen Angel (1918)
0009019 # Doing Our Bit (1918)
0008886 # The Bird of Prey (1918)
0009293 # The Liar (1918)
Lawless Love (1918)
Bonnie Annie Laurie (1918)
The Prussian Cur (1918)
Queen of the Sea (1918)
0009552 # Riders of the Purple Sage (1918)
Mr. Logan, U.S.A. (1918)
The Land of the Free (1918)
0008944 # The Caillaux Case (1918)
0009526 # The Queen of Hearts (1918)
0009270 # Kultur (1918)
Swat the Spy (1918)
When a Woman Sins (1918)
0852672 # On the Jump (1918)
Salome (1918)
The Rainbow Trail (1918)
0009355 # Marriages Are Made (1918)
The She-Devil (1918)
Why I Would Not Marry? (1918)
0009055 # Fan Fan (1918)
Tell It to the Marines (1918)
The Woman Who Gave (1918)
0009053 # Fame and Fortune (1918)
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves (1918)
Buchanan's Wife (1918)
Every Mother's Son (1918)
0009658 # The Strange Woman (1918)
0008953 # Caught In the Act (1918)
0009218 # I Want To Forget (1918)
0009219 # I'll Say So (1918)
0010044 # The Danger Zone (1918)
0009083 # For Freedom (1918)
Treat 'Em Rough (1919)
0010355 # The Light (1919)
0009980 # The Call of the Soul (1919)
0179541 # Woman, Woman! (1919)
0010173 # The Girl With No Regrets (1919)
0010404 # Luck and Pluck (1919)
0010392 # The Love Auction (1919)
0010235 # Hell-Roarin' Reform (1919)
Smiles (1919)
The Man Hunter (1919)
0010141 # The Forbidden Room (1919)
When Men Desire (1919)
Gambling in Souls (1919)
Never Say Quit (1919)
0010773 # Thou Shalt Not (1919)
0010613 # The Rebellious Bride (1919)
Fighting For Gold (1919)
Married In Haste (1919)
0010572 # Pitfalls of a Big City (1919)
0010319 # The Jungle Trail (1919)
The Love That Dares (1919)
Help! Help! Police! (1919)
0010470 # Miss Adventure (1919)
The Siren's Song (1919)
The Coming of the Law (1919)
A Fallen Idol (1919)
0010918 # Words and Music By - (1919)
0010068 # The Divorce Trap (1919)
A Woman There Was (1919)
When Fate Decides (1919)
My Little Sister (1919)
0010028 # Cowardice Court (1919)
Putting One Over (1919)
The Lone Star Ranger (1919)
0009909 # Be a Little Sport (1919)
The Wilderness Trail (1919)
0010642 # Rose of the West (1919)
0010711 # The Sneak (1919)
0010001 # Cheating Herself (1919)
0010909 # Wolves of the Night (1919)
0010397 # Love Is Love (1919)
Rough Riding Romance (1919)
Checkers (1919)
0010728 # The Splendid Sin (1919)
0009970 # The Broken Commandments (1919)
Evangeline (1919)
La Belle Russe (1919)
0010454 # The Merry-Go-Round (1919)
The Winning Stroke (1919)
0010388 # The Lost Princess (1919)
0010651 # Sacred Silence (1919)
Last of the Duanes (1919)
Kathleen Mavourneen (1919)
The Speed Maniac (1919)
0010710 # Snares of Paris (1919)
0009999 # Chasing Rainbows (1919)
0010170 # A Girl In Bohemia (1919)
0010693 # Should a Husband Forgive? (1919)
0010834 # Vagabond Luck (1919)
0010407 # The Lure of Ambition (1919)
0011145 # Eastward Ho! (1919)
0010768 # Thieves (1919)
0010387 # Lost Money (1919)
Wings of the Morning (1919)
The Feud (1919)
0010864 # The Web of Chance (1919)
The Lincoln Highwayman (1919)
0010782 # Tin Pan Alley (1919)

Fox Film Corporation Films (1920s)

Flames of the Flesh (1920)
What Would You Do? (1920)
The Shark (1920)
The Cyclone (1920)
Faith (1920)
Heart Strings (1920)
Her Elephant Man (1920)
The Last Straw (1920)
The Strongest (1920)
Shod with Fire (1920)
The Hell Ship (1920)
The Devil's Riddle (1920)
The Daredevil (1920)
The Black Shadows (1920)
The Adventurer (1920)
A Manhattan Knight (1920)
Molly and I (1920)
The Tattlers (1920)
The Mother of His Children (1920)
Desert Love (1920)
Would You Forgive? (1920)
The Orphan (1920)
Leave It to Me (1920)
The Dead Line (1920)
Forbidden Trails (1920)
The Terror (1920)
Love's Harvest (1920)
The Iron Heart (1920)
White Lies (1920)
A World of Folly (1920)
Twins of Suffering Creek (1920)
The Troublemakers (1920)
3 Gold Coins (1920)
A Sister to Salome (1920)
The Spirit of Good (1920)
Rose of Nome (1920)
The White Moll (1920)
Square Shooter (1920)
The Little Wanderer (1920)
Her Honor the Mayor (1920)
If I Were King (1920)
The Man Who Dared (1920)
The Untamed (1920)
Firebrand Trevison (1920)
The Skywayman (1920)
While New York Sleeps (1920)
Merely Mary Ann (1920)
The Husband Hunter (1920)
From Now On (1920)
Sunset Sprague (1920)
The Tiger's Cub (1920)
The Challenge of the Law (1920)
Beware of the Bride (1920)
The Girl of My Heart (1920)
Drag Harlan (1920)
The Little Grey Mouse (1920)
The Texan (1920)
The Face At Your Window (1920)
The Plunger (1920)
Just Pals (1920)
The Iron Rider (1920)
The Thief (1920)
The Land of Jazz (1920)
Flame of Youth (1920)
The Scuttlers (1920)
Number 17 (1920)
Two Moons (1920)
Blind Wives (1920)
Prairie Trails (1920)
Partners of Fate (1921)
The Cheater Reformed (1921)
Why Trust Your Husband (1921)
The Mountain Woman (1921)
The Big Punch (1921)
Wing Toy (1921)
While the Devil Laughs (1921)
The Road Demon (1921)
Dynamite Allen (1921)
The Blushing Bride (1921)
Oliver Twist, Jr. (1921)
Know Your Men (1921)
Bare Knuckles (1921)
The One-Man Trail (1921)
Hands Off! (1921)
The Lamplighter (1921)
Skirts (1921)
The Tomboy (1921)
His Greatest Sacrifice (1921)
Colorado Pluck (1921)
Hearts of Youth (1921)
Beyond Price (1921)
Get Your Man (1921)
A Ridin' Romeo (1921)
The Mother Heart (1921)
Big Town Ideas (1921)
Straight from the Shoulder (1921)
Children of Night (1921)
Live Wires (1921)
The Big Town Round-Up (1921)
Maid of the West (1921)
Lovetime (1921)
After Your Own Heart (1921)
Play Square (1921)
Over the Hill To the Poorhouse (1920)
Singing River (1921)
To a Finish (1921)
Ever Since Eve (1921)
Hickville to Broadway (1921)
A Virgin Paradise (1921)
Primal Law (1921)
What Love Will Do (1921)
A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court (1921)
The Night Horsemen (1921)
Little Miss Hawkshaw (1921)
Thunderclap (1921)
Bar Nothin' (1921)
The Lady from Longacre (1921)
Queenie (1921)
Cinderella of the Hills (1921)
Shame (1921)
The Rough Diamond (1921)
Perjury (1921)
Bucking the Line (1921)
Riding with Death (1921)
Desert Blossoms (1921)
Footfalls (1921)
The Devil Within (1921)
The Jolt (1921)
The Last Trail (1921)
Jackie (1921)
The Queen of Sheba (1921)
Trailin' (1921)
0012834 # Whatever She Wants (1921)
0012633 # The Roof Tree (1921)
Any Wife (1922)
0013769 # Winning With Wits (1922)
Little Miss Smiles (1922)
Sky High (1922)
0013180 # Gleam O'Dawn (1922)
0013643 # Strength of the Pines (1922)
0013610 # Smiles Are Trumps (1922)
0012978 # The Broadway Peacock (1922)
Chasing the Moon (1922)
0013481 # Pardon My Nerve! (1922)
0013633 # A Stage Romance (1922)
Extra! Extra! (1922)
Iron to Gold (1922)
0013528 # The Ragged Heiress (1922)
0013726 # Up and Going (1922)
0013100 # Elope If You Must (1922)
0012903 # Arabian Love (1922)
0013775 # Without Fear (1922)
0013400 # Money To Burn (1922)
0013746 # Western Speed (1922)
0013733 # Very Truly Yours (1922)
0013591 # Shackles of Gold (1922)
The Fighting Streak (1922)
The Men of Zanzibar (1922)
0013796 # The Yellow Stain (1922)
Strange Idols (1922)
0013561 # Rough Shod (1922)
0013314 # Lights of the Desert (1922)
For Big Stakes (1922)
0013587 # A Self-Made Man (1922)
0013712 # Trooper O'Neill (1922)
0013446 # Oath-Bound (1922)
The New Teacher (1922)
The Fast Mail (1922)
Moonshine Valley (1922)
0013247 # Honor First (1922)
Silver Wings (1922)
Just Tony (1922)
Monte Cristo (1922)
0013744 # West of Chicago (1922)
Nero (1922)
0013139 # A Fool There Was (1922)
The Crusader (1922)
0013797 # The Yosemite Trail (1922)
0013805 # Youth Must Have Love (1922)
0013074 # Do and Dare (1922)
0012995 # Calvert's Valley (1922)
0012931 # Bells of San Juan (1922)
Mixed Faces (1922)
0013774 # Without Compromise (1922)
My Friend the Devil (1922)
0013333 # The Love Gambler (1922)
Shirley of the Circus (1922)
0013689 # Arabia (1922)
While Justice Waits (1922)
The Boss of Camp 4 (1922)
Who Are My Parents? (1922)
0013204 # The Great Night (1922)
Tommy Tucker's Tooth (1922)
0013313 # The Lights of New York (1922)
0012991 # A California Romance (1922)
Pawn Ticket 210 (1922)
Catch My Smoke (1922)
A Friendly Husband (1923)
The Custard Cup (1923)
The Face on the Bar-Room Floor (1923)
The Village Blacksmith (1923)
Three Who Paid (1923)
0014054 # The Footlight Ranger (1923)
0014255 # Man's Size (1923)
Brass Commandments (1923)
0013696 # The Town That Forgot God (1922)
Romance Land (1923)
Truxton King (1923)
0013904 # The Buster (1923)
0014093 # Good-By Girls (1923)
Three Jumps Ahead (1923)
0013900 # Bucking the Barrier (1923)
Madness of Youth (1923)
0014224 # Lovebound (1923)
0014488 # Snowdrift (1923)
0013882 # Boston Blackie (1923)
Stepping Fast (1923)
Skid-Proof (1923)
0013821 # Alias the Night Wind (1923)
If Winter Comes (1923)
The Man Who Won (1923)
Soft Boiled (1923)
0014453 # Second Hand Love (1923)
0014015 # The Eleventh Hour (1923)
0014107 # The Gunfighter (1923)
The Silent Command (1923)
The Lone Star Ranger (1923)
Monna Vanna (1922)
0014124 # Hell's Hole (1923)
St. Elmo (1923)
0014550 # Times Have Changed (1923)
Does It Pay? (1923)
0014028 # The Exiles (1923)
0014098 # The Grail (1923)
Big Dan (1923)
Cameo Kirby (1923)
0015179 # No Mother To Guide Her (1923)
Six Cylinder Love (1923)
The Temple of Venus (1923)
North of Hudson Bay (1923)
0014278 # Mile-a-Minute Romeo (1923)
The Shepherd King (1923)
0014598 # When Odds Are Even (1923)
0015037 # Kentucky Days (1923)
The Net (1923)
0014632 # You Can't Get Away With It (1924)
0013961 # Cupid's Fireman (1923)
Hoodman Blind (1923)
Gentle Julia (1923)
Eyes of the Forest (1923)
This Freedom (1923)
The Governor's Lady (1923)
0015029 # Just Off Broadway (1924)
Not a Drum Was Heard (1924)
The Blizzard (1923)
0015049 # Ladies To Board (1924)
0015085 # Love Letters (1924)
The Wolf Man (1924)
The Shadow of the Desert (1924)
The Vagabond Trail (1924)
Arizona Express (1924)
0015114 # A Man's Mate (1924)
The Plunderer (1924)
The Trouble Shooter (1924)
The Circus Cowboy (1924)
The Lone Chance (1924)
0015479 # Western Luck (1924)
0015286 # Romance Ranch (1924)
The Man Who Came Back (1924)
The Heart Buster (1924)
Against All Odds (1924)
That French Lady (1924)
The Desert Outlaw (1924)
The Last of the Duanes (1924)
It is the Law (1924)
Dante's Inferno (1924)
The Cyclone Rider (1924)
Oh, You Tony! (1924)
0014998 # Honor Among Men (1924)
0015208 # The Painted Lady (1924)
Hearts of Oak (1924)
0014955 # Great Diamond Mystery (1924)
Winner Take All (1924)
The Warrens of Virginia (1924)
0014942 # Gerald Cranston's Lady (1924)
0014832 # Darwin Was Right (1924)
The Last Man On Earth (1924)
Teeth (1924)
Daughters of the Night (1924)
My Husband's Wives (1924)
0014736 # The Brass Bowl (1924)
0016076 # The Man Who Played Square (1924)
0014905 # Flames of Desire (1924)
The Roughneck (1924)
Troubles of a Bride (1924)
The Deadwood Coach (1924)
Curlytop (1924)
In Love With Love (1924)
Gold Heels (1924)
The Arizona Romeo (1925)
Ports of Call (1925)
The Dancers (1925)
Dick Turpin (1925)
Folly of Vanity (1924)
Star Dust Trail (1924)
The Champion of Lost Causes (1925))
The Trail Rider (1925)
Riders of the Purple Sage (1925)
The Scarlet Honeymoon (1925)
The Hunted Woman (1925)
Marriage in Transit (1925)
Gold and the Girl (1925)
Wings of Youth (1925)
She Wolves (1925)
The Rainbow Trail (1925)
Scandal Proof (1925)
The Kiss Barrier (1925)
Every Man's Wife (1925)
Hearts and Spurs (1925)
Greater Than a Crown (1925)
Lightnin' (1925)
The Lucky Horseshoe (1925)
Kentucky Pride (1925)
The Man Without a Country (1925)
The Wheel (1925)
The Timber Wolf (1925)
Havoc (1925)
The Iron Horse (1924)
Thunder Mountain (1925)
The Everlasting Whisper (1925)
The Fighting Heart (1925)
The Winding Stair (1925)
Durand of the Bad Lands (1925)
Thank You (1925)
Lazybones (1925)
The Fool (1925)
East Lynne (1925)
The Best Bad Man (1925)
When the Door Opened (1925)
Wages for Wives (1925)
The Desert's Price (1925)
The Ancient Mariner (1925)
The Golden Strain (1925)
The Gilded Butterfly (1926)
The Palace of Pleasure (1926)
The Conquering Blood (1926)
The Outsider (1926)
The First Year (1926)
The Cowboy and the Countess (1926)
The Road to Glory (1926)
My Own Pal (1926)
The Johnstown Flood (1926)
The Dixie Merchant (1926)
Hell's Four Hundred)
Siberia (1926)
The Fighting Buckaroo (1926)
Rustling for Cupid (1926)
Sandy (1926)
Tony Runs Wild (1926)
Yellow Fingers (1926)
Early to Wed (1926)
The Shamrock Handicap (1926)
A Man Four-Square (1926)
Black Paradise (1926)
Hard Boiled (1926)
A Trip to Chinatown (1926)
More Pay - Less Work (1926)
The Silver Treasure (1926)
The Gentle Cyclone (1926)
Honesty -- The Best Policy (1926)
Fig Leaves (1926)
3 Bad Men (1926)
The Family Upstairs (1926)
No Man's Gold (1926)
White Eagle (1926)
Marriage License? (1926)
The Blue Eagle (1926)
Womanpower (1926)
The Lily (1926)
The Midnight Kiss (1926)
The Great K & A Train Robbery (1926)
The Country Beyond (1926)
Whispering Wires (1926)
30 Below Zero (1926)
The Return of Peter Grimm (1926)
The City (1926)
Wings of the Storm (1926)
The Canyon of Light (1926)
Going Crooked (1926)
Bertha, the Sewing Machine Girl (1926)
Summer Bachelors (1926)
Desert Valley (1926)
One Increasing Purpose (1927)
Stage Madness (1927)
The Auctioneer (1927)
The Music Master (1927)
The Last Trail (1927)
Upstream (1927)
The War Horse (1927)
Marriage (1927)
The Monkey Talks (1927)
Ankles Preferred (1927)
Love Makes 'Em Wild (1927)
The Broncho Twister (1927)
Whispering Sage (1927)
Madame Doesn't Want Children (1926)
Hills of Peril (1927)
Outlaws of Red River (1927)
Heart of Salome (1927)
Is Zat So? (1927)
Rich But Honest (1927)
The Cradle Snatchers (1927)
Slaves of Beauty (1927)
Good As Gold (1927)
Secret Studio (1927)
The Circus Ace (1927)
Colleen (1927)
Married Alive (1927)
Chain Lightning (1927)
Paid To Love (1927)
Tumbling River (1927)
Singed (1927)
What Price Glory (1926)
The Loves of Carmen (1927)
Two Girls Wanted (1927)
The Joy Girl (1927)
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927)
Black Jack (1927)
The Gay Retreat (1927)
Publicity Madness (1927)
Silver Valley (1927)
East Side, West Side (1927)
High School Hero (1927)
Pajamas (1927)
7th Heaven (1927)
Very Confidential (1927)
Blood Will Tell (1927)
Ladies Must Dress (1927)
The Arizona Wildcat (1927)
Wolf Fangs (1927)
The Wizard (1927)
Silk Legs (1927)
Come to My House (1927)
The Gateway of the Moon (1928)
The Branded Sombrero (1928)
Woman Wise (1928)
Sharp Shooters (1928)
Dare Devil's Reward (1928)
Soft Living (1928)
A Girl In Every Port (1928)
Square Crooks (1928)
A Horseman of the Plains (1928)
Dressed To Kill (1928)
Why Sailors Go Wrong (1928)
Love Hungry (1928)
The Play Girl (1928)
The Escape (1928)
Honor Bound (1928)
Hello Cheyenne (1928)
Hangman's House (1928)
A Thief in the Dark (1928)
The News Parade (1928)
Don't Marry (1928)
No Other Woman (1928)
Wild West Romance (1928)
Chicken a la King (1928)
Fleetwing (1928)
Painted Post (1928)
Road House (1928)
The Cowboy Kid (1928)
None but the Brave (1928)
Street Angel (1928)
The River Pirate (1928)
Four Sons (1928)
Fazil (1928)
Win That Girl (1928)
Plastered in Paris (1928)
The Air Circus (1928)
Dry Martini (1928)
Me, Gangster (1928)
Mother Machree (1928)
The Farmer's Daughter (1928)
Mother Knows Best (1928)
Romance of the Underworld (1928)
Prep and Pep (1928)
Taking a Chance (1928)
Riley the Cop (1928)
The Red Dance (1928)
Blindfold (1928)
Homesick (1928)
Red Wine (1928)
Lost In the Arctic (1928)
Captain Lash (1929)
In Old Arizona (1928)
True Heaven (1929)
Fugitives (1929)
The Sin Sister (1929)
Making the Grade (1929)
New Year's Eve (1929)
The Ghost Talks (1929)
Strong Boy (1929)
Hearts In Dixie (1929)
Blue Skies (1929)
Speakeasy (1929)
Girls Gone Wild (1929)
Trent's Last Case (1929)
Not Quite Decent (1929)
The Veiled Woman (1929)
The Woman from Hell (1929)
Public Opinion (1929)
The Far Call (1929)
Protection (1929)
Joy Street (1929)
The Valiant (1929)
Fox Movietone Follies of 1929 (1929)
The One Woman Idea (1929)
The Black Watch (1929)
The Exalted Flapper (1929)
Masked Emotions (1929)
Behind That Curtain (1929)
Black Magic (1929)
Pleasure Crazed (1929)
Masquerade (1929)
Chasing Through Europe (1929)
Lucky Star (1929)
Words and Music (1929)
Why Leave Home? (1929)
Salute (1929)
They Had To See Paris (1929)
4 Devils (1929)
The Girl from Havana (1929)
Big Time (1929)
Backwash (1929)
Frozen Justice (1929)
The Cock-Eyed World (1929)
Married in Hollywood (1929)
Love, Live and Laugh (1929)
A Song of Kentucky (1929)
Romance of the Rio Grande (1929)
Nix On Dames (1929)
Seven Faces (1929)
South Sea Rose (1929)
Christina (1929)
Hot for Paris (1929)
Sunny Side Up (1929)

Fox Film Corporation Films (1930s)

The Lone Star Ranger (1930)
Cameo Kirby (1930)
Harmony At Home (1930)
The Sky Hawk (1929)
Let's Go Places (1930)
Men Without Women (1930)
City Girl (1930)
The Big Party (1930)
Happy Days (1929)
Such Men Are Dangerous (1930)
The Golden Calf (1930)
High Society Blues (1930)
Crazy That Way (1930)
The Three Sisters (1930)
Temple Tower (1930)
Double Cross Roads (1930)
The Arizona Kid (1930)
Svenson's Wild Party (1930)
Born Reckless (1930)
On the Level (1930)
Not Damaged (1930)
Women Everywhere (1930)
So This Is London (1930)
Rough Romance (1930)
Cheer Up and Smile (1930)
Good Intentions (1930)
Wild Company (1930)
One Mad Kiss (1930)
Common Clay (1930)
Man Trouble (1930)
The Last of the Duanes (1930)
Song o' My Heart (1930)
On Your Back (1930)
The Sea Wolf (1930)
Soup To Nuts (1930)
Liliom (1930)
Up the River (1930)
Scotland Yard (1930)
Renegades (1930)
The Big Trail (1930)
The Dancers (1930)
A Devil With Women (1930)
Just Imagine (1930)
Lightnin' (1930)
Oh, For a Man! (1930)
Princess and the Plumber (1930)
Part Time Wife (1930)
Under Suspicion (1930)
The Man Who Came Back (1931)
Men On Call (1930)
Once a Sinner (1931)
Fair Warning (1931)
Girls Demand Excitement (1931)
Don't Bet On Women (1931)
Body and Soul (1931)
East Lynne (1931)
Three Rogues (1931)
Doctors' Wives (1931)
Mr. Lemon of Orange (1931)
Seas Beneath (1931)
A Connecticut Yankee (1931)
Charlie Chan Carries On (1931)
Three Girls Lost (1931)
The Spy (1931)
Exit Laughing (1930)
Quick Millions (1931)
Six Cylinder Love (1931)
Young Sinners (1931)
Always Goodbye (1931)
Women of All Nations (1931)
Daddy Long Legs (1931)
Annabelle's Affairs (1931)
The Black Camel (1931)
Goldie (1931)
Hush Money (1931)
Their Mad Moment (1931)
A Holy Terror (1931)
Young As You Feel (1931)
Transatlantic (1931)
Merely Mary Ann (1931)
Bad Girl (1931)
The Brat (1931)
Mama (1931)
The Spider (1931)
Wicked (1931)
Skyline (1931)
Riders of the Purple Sage (1931)
Sob Sister (1931)
Heartbreak (1931)
The Cisco Kid (1931)
Ambassador Bill (1931)
The Yellow Ticket (1931)
Over the Hill (1931)
Surrender (1931)
Good Sport (1931)
Delicious (1931)
The Rainbow Trail (1932)
Stepping Sisters (1932)
Dance Team (1932)
Charlie Chan's Chance (1932)
The Silent Witness (1932)
Cheaters At Play (1932)
She Wanted a Millionaire (1932)
The Gay Caballero (1932)
Business and Pleasure (1932)
After Tomorrow (1932)
Disorderly Conduct (1932)
Devil's Lottery (1932)
Careless Lady (1932)
Amateur Daddy (1932)
Young America (1932)
The Trial of Vivienne Ware (1932)
While Paris Sleeps (1932)
The Woman In Room 13 (1932)
Man About Town (1932)
Society Girl (1932)
Mystery Ranch (1932)
Week Ends Only (1932)
Bachelor's Affairs (1932)
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (1932)
Almost Married (1932)
The Cry of the World (1932)
The First Year (1932)
Adventures Among the Big Apes and Little People of Central Africa (1932)
A Passport To Hell (1932)
The Painted Woman (1932)
Down To Earth (1932)
Chandu the Magician (1932)
Hat Check Girl (1932)
Wild Girl (1932)
6 Hours To Live (1932)
Rackety Rax (1932)
The Golden West (1932)
Sherlock Holmes (1932)
Too Busy To Work (1932)
Tess of the Storm Country (1932)
Call Her Savage (1932)
Me and My Gal (1932)
Handle With Care (1932)
Robbers' Roost (1932)
Second Hand Wife (1933)
Hot Pepper (1933)
Face In the Sky (1933)
Dangerously Yours (1933)
Infernal Machine (1933)
State Fair (1933)
Smoke Lightning (1933)
Spring In Autumn (1933)
Broadway Bad (1933)
Humanity (1933)
Sailor's Luck (1933)
After the Ball (1932)
Pleasure Cruise (1933)
Bondage (1933)
Hello, Sister! (1933)
Cavalcade (1933)
Trick For Trick (1933)
Zoo In Budapest (1933)
The Warrior's Husband (1933)
Adorable (1933)
El rey de los Gitanos (1933)
Hold Me Tight (1933)
Ladron de amor (1930)
It's Great To Be Alive (1933)
I Loved You Wednesday (1933)
The Romantic Widow (1933)
Best of Enemies (1933)
Arizona To Broadway (1933)
Life In the Raw (1933)
The Man Who Dared (1933)
Melodia prohibida (1933)
The Devil's In Love (1933)
F.P.1 (1933)
Shanghai Madness (1933)
Pilgrimage (1933)
The Last Trail (1933)
Paddy the Next Best Thing (1933)
The Good Companions (1933)
Charlie Chan's Greatest Case (1933)
Doctor Bull (1933)
My Weakness (1933)
The Power and the Glory (1933)
Walls of Gold (1933)
The Worst Woman In Paris? (1933)
The Mad Game (1933)
Yo, tu y ella (1933)
Berkeley Square (1933)
My Lips Betray (1933)
Olsen's Big Moment (1933)
Jimmy and Sally (1933)
Hoop-La (1933)
Smoky (1933)
I Was a Spy (1933)
Mr. Skitch (1933)
As Husbands Go (1934)
I Am Suzanne! (1933)
Orient Express (1934)
Frontier Marshal (1934)
Sleepers East (1934)
Carolina (1934)
Ever Since Eve (1934)
La ciudad de carton (1934)
The Devil Tiger (1934)
Hold That Girl! (1934)
I Believed In You (1934)
David Harum (1934)
Coming-Out Party (1934)
George White's Scandals (1934)
Three On a Honeymoon (1934)
The Constant Nymph (1933)
Man Stolen (1934)
Bottoms Up (1934)
Murder In Trinidad (1934)
All Men Are Enemies (1934)
The Only Girl (1934)
Stand Up and Cheer! (1934)
Such Women Are Dangerous (1934)
La cruz y la espada (1934)
Now I'll Tell (1934)
Liliom (1934)
Change of Heart (1934)
Springtime For Henry (1934)
Call It Luck (1934)
Wild Gold (1934)
Baby Take a Bow (1934)
She Learned About Sailors (1934)
Charlie Chan's Courage (1934)
Granaderos del amor (1934)
She Was a Lady (1934)
Handy Andy (1934)
Grand Canary (1934)
The Cat's-Paw (1934)
Pursued (1934)
Un capitan de Cosacos (1934)
The World Moves On (1934)
Servants' Entrance (1934)
Charlie Chan In London (1934)
The Dude Ranger (1934)
Love Time (1934)
Judge Priest (1934)
Caravan (1934)
365 Nights In Hollywood (1934)
Dos mas uno dos (1934)
Peck's Bad Boy (1934)
Marie Galante (1934)
Gambling (1934)
Elinor Norton (1934)
The Ace (1934)
The White Parade (1934)
The First World War (1934)
Bachelor of Arts (1934)
Las fronteras del amor (1934)
Music In the Air (1934)
Helldorado (1935)
Bright Eyes (1934)
Senora casada necesita marido (1935)
The Lottery Lover (1935)
The County Chairman (1935)
Mystery Woman (1935)
Charlie Chan In Paris (1935)
Under Pressure (1935)
Bride of the Beast (1935)
One More Spring (1935)
Saga of the West (1935)
The Little Colonel (1935)
Insure Your Wife (1935)
The Great Hotel Murder (1935)
Juliet Buys a Baby (1935)
Life Begins At 40 (1935)
George White's 1935 Scandals (1935)
$10 Raise (1935)
It's a Small World (1935)
Hard Luck Mary (1934)
Spring Tonic (1935)
Ladies Love Danger (1935)
The Cowboy Millionaire (1935)
Our Little Girl (1935)
The Daring Young Man (1935)
Under the Pampas Moon (1935)
Doubting Thomas (1935)
Black Sheep (1935)
Charlie Chan In Egypt (1935)
Hard Rock Harrigan (1935)
Ginger (1935)
Silk Hat Kid (1935)
Curly Top (1935)
The Farmer Takes a Wife (1935)
Welcome Home (1935)
Orchids To You (1935)
Dressed To Thrill (1935)
Dante's Inferno (1935)
Redheads On Parade (1935)
Little Angel (1935)
Steamboat Round the Bend (1935)
The Gay Deception (1935)
Thunder In the Night (1935)
Roaring Mountain (1935)
Here's To Romance (1935)
Charlie Chan In Shanghai (1935)
Rosa de Francia (1935)
This Is the Life (1935)
Bad Boy (1935)
Way Down East (1935)
I'm Crazy About You (1935)
Music Is Magic (1935)
In Old Kentucky (1935)
Navy Wife (1935)

Twentieth Century Pictures Films

The Bowery (1933)
Broadway Thru a Keyhole (1933)
Blood Money (1933)
Advice To the Lovelorn (1933)
Gallant Lady (1933)
Moulin Rouge (1934)
Looking For Trouble (1934)
The House of Rothschild (1934)
The Last Gentleman (1934)
Born To Be Bad (1934)
Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back (1934)
The Affairs of Cellini (1934)
The Mighty Barnum (1934)
Clive of India (1935)
Folies Bergere (1935)
Les Miserables (1935)
Cardinal Richelieu (1935)
The Call of the Wild (1935)
Thanks a Million (1935)
Show Them No Mercy! (1935)
A Message To Garcia (1936)

1930s (After Merger)

Dante's Inferno (1935)
Redheads On Parade (1935)
The Gay Deception (1935)
Thunder In the Night (1935)
Roaring Mountain (1935)
Here's To Romance (1935)
Charlie Chan In Shanghai (1935)
This Is the Life (1935)
Way Down East (1935)
Bad Boy (1935)
Music Is Magic (1935)
Metropolitan (1935)
Thanks a Million (1935)
In Old Kentucky (1935)
The Man Who Broke the Bank At Monte Carlo (1935)
Navy Wife (1935)
Show Them No Mercy! (1935)
Your Uncle Dudley (1935)
Whispering Smith Speaks (1935)
The Littlest Rebel (1935)
King of Burlesque (1936)
Charlie Chan's Secret (1936)
Paddy O'Day (1935)
Professional Soldier (1935)
My Marriage (1936)
Every Saturday Night (1936)
It Had To Happen (1936)
Here Comes Trouble (1936)
The Prisoner of Shark Island (1936)
The Country Doctor (1936)
Song and Dance Man (1936)
Everybody's Old Man (1936)
Charlie Chan At the Circus (1936)
O'Malley of the Mounted (1936)
Gentle Julia (1936)
A Message To Garcia (1936)
Captain January (1936)
The Country Beyond (1936)
Under Two Flags (1936)
Champagne Charlie (1936)
The First Baby (1936)
Half Angel (1936)
Private Number (1936)
Little Miss Nobody (1936)
Human Cargo (1936)
Sins of Man (1936)
The Crime of Dr. Forbes (1936)
White Fang (1936)
The Border Patrolman (1936)
Educating Father (1936)
High Tension (1936)
Poor Little Rich Girl (1936)
36 Hours To Kill (1936)
To Mary - With Love (1936)
Charlie Chan At the Race Track (1936)
Girls' Dormitory (1936)
Sing, Baby, Sing (1936)
Star For a Night (1936)
The Road To Glory (1936)
Pepper (1936)
Zane Grey's King of the Royal Mounted (1936)
Back To Nature (1936)
Ramona (1936)
Thank You, Jeeves! (1936)
Ladies In Love (1936)
Dimples (1936)
Pigskin Parade (1936)
Fifteen Maiden Lane (1936)
Under Your Spell (1936)
Wild Brian Kent (1936)
Can This Be Dixie? (1936)
Reunion (1936)
White Hunter (1936)
Banjo On My Knee (1936)
Laughing At Death (1936)
Career Woman (1936)
Stowaway (1936)
One In a Million (1936)
Charlie Chan At the Opera (1936)
As You Like It (1936)
Secret Valley (1937)
Crack-Up (1936)
Woman-Wise (1937)
Lloyd's of London (1936)
The Holy Terror (1937)
On the Avenue (1937)
Wings of the Morning (1937)
Off To the Races (1937)
Love Is News (1937)
Fair Warning (1937)
Nancy Steele Is Missing! (1937)
Time Out For Romance (1937)
Seventh Heaven (1937)
Midnight Taxi (1937)
Step Lively, Jeeves! (1937)
Fifty Roads To Town (1937)
Wake Up and Live (1937)
That I May Live (1937)
Cafe Metropole (1937)
It Happened Out West (1937)
The Great Hospital Mystery (1937)
Charlie Chan At the Olympics (1937)
Under the Red Robe (1937)
This Is My Affair (1937)
Angel's Holiday (1937)
Big Business (1937)
Sing and Be Happy (1937)
Slave Ship (1937)
She Had To Eat (1937)
Born Reckless (1937)
The Californian (1937)
The Lady Escapes (1937)
Wee Willie Winkie (1937)
You Can't Have Everything (1937)
One Mile From Heaven (1937)
Love Under Fire (1937)
Think Fast, Mr. Moto (1937)
Western Gold (1937)
Thin Ice (1937)
Borneo (1937)
Wild and Woolly (1937)
Wife, Doctor and Nurse (1937)
Hot Water (1937)
Life Begins At College (1937)
Lancer Spy (1937)
Roll Along, Cowboy (1937)
Heidi (1937)
Charlie Chan On Broadway (1937)
Ali Baba Goes To Town (1937)
Danger-Love At Work (1937)
Dangerously Yours (1937)
Second Honeymoon (1937)
45 Fathers (1937)
Dinner At the Ritz (1937)
Big Town Girl (1937)
The Jones Family In Borrowing Trouble (1937)
Thank You, Mr. Moto (1937)
Love and Hisses (1937)
Tarzan's Revenge (1938)
City Girl (1938)
Change of Heart (1938)
Hawaiian Buckaroo (1938)
Charlie Chan At Monte Carlo (1937)
Happy Landing (1938)
International Settlement (1938)
Checkers (1937)
The Baroness and the Butler (1938)
Sally, Irene and Mary (1938)
Love On a Budget (1938)
Walking Down Broadway (1938)
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (1938)
Mr. Moto's Gamble (1938)
Island In the Sky (1938)
Rawhide (1938)
In Old Chicago (1937)
Battle of Broadway (1938)
Four Men and a Prayer (1938)
A Trip To Paris (1938)
Kentucky Moonshine (1938)
Rascals (1938)
Kidnapped (1938)
Josette (1938)
One Wild Night (1938)
Three Blind Mice (1938)
Mr. Moto Takes a Chance (1938)
Always Goodbye (1938)
We're Going To Be Rich (1938)
Panamint's Bad Man (1938)
Passport Husband (1938)
I'll Give a Million (1938)
Little Miss Broadway (1938)
Gateway (1938)
Keep Smiling (1938)
Alexander's Ragtime Band (1938)
Speed To Burn (1938)
My Lucky Star (1938)
Safety In Numbers (1938)
Hold That Co-ed (1938)
Time Out For Murder (1938)
Straight Place and Show (1938)
Meet the Girls (1938)
Five of a Kind (1938)
Mysterious Mr. Moto (1938)
Suez (1938)
Always In Trouble (1938)
Just Around the Corner (1938)
Sharpshooters (1938)
Submarine Patrol (1938)
Road Demon (1938)
Up the River (1938)
Down On the Farm (1938)
Thanks For Everything (1938)
Kentucky (1938)
While New York Sleeps (1938)
Charlie Chan In Honolulu (1938)
Mr. Moto's Last Warning (1939)
Smiling Along (1938)
Jesse James (1939)
Tail Spin (1939)
The Arizona Wildcat (1939)
The Three Musketeers (1939)
Pardon Our Nerve (1939)
Wife, Husband and Friend (1939)
Inside Story (1939)
The Little Princess (1939)
Everybody's Baby (1939)
The Hound of the Baskervilles (1939)
Mr. Moto In Danger Island (1939)
The Story of Alexander Graham Bell (1939)
Winner Take All (1939)
Inspector Hornleigh (1939)
Return of the Cisco Kid (1939)
Chasing Danger (1939)
Rose of Washington Square (1939)
Boy Friend (1939)
The Gorilla (1939)
The Jones Family In Hollywood (1939)
Young Mr. Lincoln (1939)
Charlie Chan In Reno (1939)
Susannah of the Mounties (1939)
It Could Happen To You (1939)
Mr. Moto Takes a Vacation (1939)
Second Fiddle (1939)
News Is Made At Night (1939)
The Ware Case (1938)
Frontier Marshal (1939)
Hotel For Women (1939)
Chicken Wagon Family (1939)
Stanley and Livingstone (1939)
The Jones Family In Quick Millions (1939)
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1939)
Charlie Chan At Treasure Island (1939)
The Rains Came (1939)
Stop, Look and Love (1939)
Here I Am a Stranger (1939)
The Escape (1939)
Hollywood Cavalcade (1939)
Pack Up Your Troubles (1939)
20,000 Men a Year (1939)
Heaven With a Barbed Wire Fence (1939)
Drums Along the Mohawk (1939)
Too Busy To Work (1939)
Day-Time Wife (1939)
City In Darkness (1939)
Inspector Hornleigh On Vacation (1939)
Barricade (1939)
The Honeymoon's Over (1939)
Everything Happens At Night (1939)
The Cisco Kid and the Lady (1939)


Swanee River (1939)
City of Chance (1940)
He Married His Wife (1940)
High School (1940)
The Man Who Wouldn't Talk (1940)
Little Old New York (1940)
Young As You Feel (1940)
They Came By Night (1940)
Charlie Chan In Panama (1940)
The Grapes of Wrath (1940)
The Blue Bird (1940)
Free, Blonde and 21 (1940)
Star Dust (1940)
Viva Cisco Kid (1940)
Johnny Apollo (1940)
Shooting High (1940)
So This Is London (1939)
I Was an Adventuress (1940)
On Their Own (1940)
Lillian Russell (1940)
Girl In 313 (1940)
Earthbound (1940)
Four Sons (1940)
Charlie Chan's Murder Cruise (1940)
Lucky Cisco Kid (1940)
Sailor's Lady (1940)
Manhattan Heartbeat (1940)
Maryland (1940)
The Man I Married (1940)
Girl From Avenue A (1940)
The Return of Frank James (1940)
Pier 13 (1940)
Young People (1940)
Charlie Chan At the Wax Museum (1940)
Public Deb No. 1 (1940)
Yesterday's Heroes (1940)
Brigham Young (1940)
The Gay Caballero (1940)
Down Argentine Way (1940)
Night Train To Munich (1940)
The Great Profile (1940)
The Mark of Zorro (1940)
Street of Memories (1940)
Youth Will Be Served (1940)
Tin Pan Alley (1940)
Charter Pilot (1940)
Murder Over New York (1940)
Jennie (1940)
Chad Hanna (1940)
Hudson's Bay (1941)
Michael Shayne: Private Detective (1940)
Romance of the Rio Grande (1941)
Tall, Dark and Handsome (1941)
Girl In the News (1940)
Ride, Kelly, Ride (1941)
Golden Hoofs (1941)
Western Union (1941)
Murder Among Friends (1941)
Tobacco Road (1941)
Sleepers West (1941)
Dead Men Tell (1941)
Scotland Yard (1941)
That Night In Rio (1941)
Ride On Vaquero (1941)
The Great American Broadcast (1941)
The Cowboy and the Blonde (1941)
Blood and Sand (1941)
For Beauty's Sake (1941)
The Great Commandment (1939)
Man Hunt (1941)
A Very Young Lady (1941)
The Bride Wore Crutches (1940)
Moon Over Miami (1941)
Accent On Love (1941)
Dance Hall (1941)
Mail Train (1941)
Charley's Aunt (1941)
Dressed To Kill (1941)
Wild Geese Calling (1941)
Private Nurse (1941)
Sun Valley Serenade (1941)
Charlie Chan In Rio (1941)
Belle Starr, the Bandit Queen (1941)
We Go Fast (1941)
Man At Large (1941)
Last of the Duanes (1941)
A Yank In the Royal Air Force (1941)
Great Guns (1941)
Riders of the Purple Sage (1941)
Week-End In Havana (1941)
Moon Over Her Shoulder (1941)
I Wake Up Screaming (1941)
Small Town Deb (1941)
Rise and Shine (1941)
Cadet Girl (1941)
Marry the Boss's Daughter (1941)
Swamp Water (1941)
Confirm Or Deny (1941)
The Perfect Snob (1941)
How Green Was My Valley (1941)
Remember the Day (1941)
Blue, White and Perfect (1942)
A Gentleman At Heart (1942)
Knockout (1941)
Son of Fury (1942)
Young America (1942)
On the Sunny Side (1942)
Roxie Hart (1942)
Castle In the Desert (1942)
The Night Before the Divorce (1942)
Song of the Islands (1942)
Lone Star Ranger (1942)
Rings On Her Fingers (1942)
Sundown Jim (1942)
Secret Agent of Japan (1942)
To the Shores of Tripoli (1942)
Who Is Hope Schuyler? (1942)
The Man Who Wouldn't Die (1942)
My Gal Sal (1942)
The Mad Martindales (1942)
Whispering Ghosts (1942)
Moontide (1942)
It Happened In Flatbush (1942)
The Remarkable Mr. Kipps (1941)
The Magnificent Dope (1942)
Thru Different Eyes (1942)
Ten Gentlemen From West Point (1942)
The Postman Didn't Ring (1942)
United We Stand (1942)
This Above All (1942)
Footlight Serenade (1942)
A-Haunting We Will Go (1942)
Little Tokyo, U.S.A. (1942)
The Pied Piper (1942)
The Loves of Edgar Allan Poe (1942)
Orchestra Wives (1942)
Berlin Correspondent (1942)
Careful, Soft Shoulder (1942)
Just Off Broadway (1942)
Iceland (1942)
Girl Trouble (1942)
Manila Calling (1942)
The Man In the Trunk (1942)
Tales of Manhattan (1942)
Why We Fight, 1: Prelude To War (1943)
Springtime In the Rockies (1942)
That Other Woman (1942)
Thunder Birds (1942)
The Undying Monster (1942)
The Black Swan (1942)
Dr. Renault's Secret (1942)
Life Begins At Eight-Thirty (1942)
China Girl (1942)
We Are the Marines (1942)
Over My Dead Body (1942)
Time To Kill (1942)
Immortal Sergeant (1943)
The Fighting Guerrillas (1943)
The Meanest Man In the World (1943)
Margin For Error (1943)
The Young Mr. Pitt (1942)
Dixie Dugan (1943)
Quiet Please: Murder (1942)
Hello Frisco, Hello (1943)
He Hired the Boss (1943)
The Moon Is Down (1943)
Desert Victory (1943)
Tonight We Raid Calais (1943)
They Came To Blow Up America (1943)
Crash Dive (1943)
The Ox-Bow Incident (1943)
My Friend Flicka (1943)
Jitterbugs (1943)
Coney Island (1943)
Stormy Weather (1943)
Bomber's Moon (1943)
Heaven Can Wait (1943)
Holy Matrimony (1943)
Wintertime (1943)
Sweet Rosie O'Grady (1943)
Paris After Dark (1943)
Guadalcanal Diary (1943)
Claudia (1943)
Happy Land (1943)
Why We Fight, 5: The Battle of Russia (1943)
The Dancing Masters (1943)
The Song of Bernadette (1943)
The Gang's All Here (1943)
The Lodger (1944)
Lifeboat (1944)
The Fighting Sullivans (1944)
San Demetrio London (1943)
The Purple Heart (1944)
Four Jills In a Jeep (1944)
Jane Eyre (1944)
Tampico (1944)
Buffalo Bill (1944)
Pin Up Girl (1944)
Bermuda Mystery (1944)
The Eve of St. Mark (1944)
Ladies of Washington (1944)
Roger Touhy, Gangster (1944)
Home In Indiana (1944)
Take It Or Leave It (1944)
Wing and a Prayer: The Story of Carrier X (1944)
Candlelight In Algeria (1944)
Wilson (1944)
Sweet and Low-Down (1944)
The Big Noise (1944)
In the Meantime, Darling (1944)
Greenwich Village (1944)
Laura (1944)
Something For the Boys (1944)
Irish Eyes Are Smiling (1944)
Sunday Dinner For a Soldier (1944)
The Keys of the Kingdom (1944)
The Fighting Lady (1944)
Winged Victory (1944)
Hangover Square (1945)
A Tree Grows In Brooklyn (1945)
Thunderhead - Son of Flicka (1945)
A Royal Scandal (1945)
Circumstantial Evidence (1945)
Diamond Horseshoe (1945)
The Bullfighters (1945)
Where Do We Go From Here? (1945)
Molly and Me (1945)
Don Juan Quilligan (1945)
The Immortal Battalion (1944)
Nob Hill (1945)
Junior Miss (1945)
Captain Eddie (1945)
A Bell For Adano (1945)
The Caribbean Mystery (1945)
Within These Walls (1945)
State Fair (1945)
The House On 92nd Street (1945)
And Then There Were None (1945)
The Dolly Sisters (1945)
Fallen Angel (1945)
Leave Her To Heaven (1945)
A Walk In the Sun (1945)
Doll Face (1945)
The Spider (1945)
Colonel Effingham's Raid (1946)
Shock (1946)
Behind Green Lights (1946)
Claudia and David (1946)
I Live In Grosvenor Square (1945)
Sentimental Journey (1946)
Johnny Comes Flying Home (1946)
The Dark Corner (1946)
Dragonwyck (1946)
Cluny Brown (1946)
Rendezvous 24 (1946)
Do You Love Me? (1946)
Strange Triangle (1946)
Somewhere In the Night (1946)
Anna and the King of Siam (1946)
Smoky (1946)
Centennial Summer (1946)
It Shouldn't Happen To a Dog (1946)
Deadline For Murder (1946)
Black Beauty (1946)
If I'm Lucky (1946)
Three Little Girls In Blue (1946)
Home, Sweet Homicide (1946)
Strange Journey (1946)
Margie (1946)
Wanted For Murder (1946)
The Razor's Edge (1946)
Dangerous Millions (1946)
Wake Up and Dream (1946)
My Darling Clementine (1946)
The Shocking Miss Pilgrim (1947)
13 Rue Madeleine (1947)
The Brasher Doubloon (1947)
Backlash (1947)
Boomerang! (1947)
The Late George Apley (1947)
Carnival In Costa Rica (1947)
Miracle On 34th Street (1947)
The Homestretch (1947)
Jewels of Brandenburg (1947)
Moss Rose (1947)
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947)
The Crimson Key (1947)
Second Chance (1947)
I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now (1947)
Mother Wore Tights (1947)
Kiss of Death (1947)
The Foxes of Harrow (1947)
The Invisible Wall (1947)
Forever Amber (1947)
Nightmare Alley (1947)
Thunder In the Valley (1947)
Roses Are Red (1947)
Gentleman's Agreement (1947)
Dangerous Years (1947)
Captain From Castile (1947)
Daisy Kenyon (1947)
13 Lead Soldiers (1948)
The Tender Years (1948)
An Ideal Husband (1947)
Call Northside 777 (1948)
You Were Meant For Me (1948)
Let's Live Again (1948)
Sitting Pretty (1948)
Half Past Midnight (1948)
The Challenge (1948)
Arthur Takes Over (1948)
Scudda Hoo! Scudda Hay! (1948)
Anna Karenina (1948)
Fury At Furnace Creek (1948)
Behind the Iron Curtain (1948)
Meet Me At Dawn (1947)
The Counterfeiters (1948)
Green Grass of Wyoming (1948)
The Winner's Circle (1948)
Give My Regards To Broadway (1948)
The Street With No Name (1948)
The Checkered Coat (1948)
Deep Waters (1948)
Escape (1948)
Fighting Back (1948)
The Walls of Jericho (1948)
That Lady In Ermine (1948)
The Creeper (1948)
Night Wind (1948)
The Gay Intruders (1948)
The Luck of the Irish (1948)
Road House (1948)
Jungle Patrol (1948)
Cry of the City (1948)
Apartment For Peggy (1948)
When My Baby Smiles At Me (1948)
The Snake Pit (1948)
Belle Starr's Daughter (1948)
Bungalow 13 (1948)
That Wonderful Urge (1948)
Unfaithfully Yours (1948)
Trouble Preferred (1948)
This Was a Woman (1948)
Chicken Every Sunday (1949)
Mine Own Executioner (1947)
A Letter To Three Wives (1949)
Yellow Sky (1948)
Miss Mink of 1949 (1949)
Down To the Sea In Ships (1949)
I Cheated the Law (1949)
A Man About the House (1947)
Mother Is a Freshman (1949)
The Fan (1949)
Mr. Belvedere Goes To College (1949)
Tucson (1949)
The Forbidden Street (1949)
Canadian Pacific (1949)
The Beautiful Blonde From Bashful Bend (1949)
It Happens Every Spring (1949)
House of Strangers (1949)
You're My Everything (1949)
Come To the Stable (1949)
Will James' Sand (1949)
Slattery's Hurricane (1949)
I Was a Male War Bride (1949)
Pinky (1949)
Thieves' Highway (1949)
Father Was a Fullback (1949)
Everybody Does It (1949)
Oh, You Beautiful Doll (1949)
Fighting Man of the Plains (1949)
Whirlpool (1949)
Dancing In the Dark (1949)
Twelve O'Clock High (1949)
Prince of Foxes (1949)


When Willie Comes Marching Home (1950)
Dakota Lil (1950)
Three Came Home (1950)
Mother Didn't Tell Me (1950)
Under My Skin (1950)
Wabash Avenue (1950)
Cheaper By the Dozen (1950)
The Big Lift (1950)
A Ticket To Tomahawk (1950)
Love That Brute (1950)
Night and the City (1950)
Panic In the Streets (1950)
The Gunfighter (1950)
Where the Sidewalk Ends (1950)
Stella (1950)
Broken Arrow (1950)
The Cariboo Trail (1950)
No Way Out (1950)
The Black Rose (1950)
Farewell To Yesterday (1950)
My Blue Heaven (1950)
The Glass Menagerie (1950)
Mister 880 (1950)
I'll Get By (1950)
Two Flags West (1950)
All About Eve (1950)
The Jackpot (1950)
American Guerrilla In the Philippines (1950)
The Fireball (1950)
The Mudlark (1950)
For Heaven's Sake (1950)
The Man Who Cheated Himself (1950)
Halls of Montezuma (1950)
Call Me Mister (1951)
Of Men and Music (1951)
I'd Climb the Highest Mountain (1951)
The 13th Letter (1951)
You're In the Navy Now (1951)
Lucky Nick Cain (1951)
The Sword of Monte Cristo (1951)
Fourteen Hours (1951)
Bird of Paradise (1951)
Desperate Siege (1951)
Dieu a besoin des hommes (1950)
I Can Get It For You Wholesale (1951)
On the Riviera (1951)
Follow the Sun (1951)
Half Angel (1951)
The House On Telegraph Hill (1951)
The Frogmen (1951)
Take Care of My Little Girl (1951)
Mr. Belvedere Blows His Whistle (1951)
As Young As You Feel (1951)
The Secret of Convict Lake (1951)
David and Bathsheba (1951)
Meet Me After the Show (1951)
The Guy Who Came Back (1951)
People Will Talk (1951)
No Room For the Groom (1951)
No Highway In the Sky (1951)
Journey Into Light (1951)
The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
Love Nest (1951)
The Desert Fox (1951)
Anne of the Indies (1951)
The Model and the Marriage Broker (1951)
Golden Girl (1951)
Let's Make It Legal (1951)
Fixed Bayonets! (1951)
Elopement (1951)
The Girl On the Bridge (1951)
House In the Square (1951)
Decision Before Dawn (1951)
Red Skies of Montana (1952)
Rose of Cimarron (1952)
Japanese War Bride (1952)
Phone Call From a Stranger (1952)
Viva Zapata! (1952)
Return of the Texan (1952)
Five Fingers (1952)
Deadline - U.S.A. (1952)
With a Song In My Heart (1952)
The Pride of St. Louis (1952)
Belles On Their Toes (1952)
The Outcasts of Poker Flat (1952)
The Australian Story (1952)
Lydia Bailey (1952)
Diplomatic Courier (1952)
Wait Till the Sun Shines, Nellie (1952)
Lady In the Iron Mask (1952)
We're Not Married! (1952)
Don't Bother To Knock (1952)
What Price Glory (1952)
Dreamboat (1952)
O. Henry's Full House (1952)
Les Miserables (1952)
Monkey Business (1952)
The Snows of Kilimanjaro (1952)
Night Without Sleep (1952)
Lure of the Wilderness (1952)
My Wife's Best Friend (1952)
Way of a Gaucho (1952)
The Steel Trap (1952)
Bloodhounds of Broadway (1952)
Something For the Birds (1952)
The Thief of Venice (1950)
My Pal Gus (1952)
The Star (1952)
Pony Soldier (1952)
Stars and Stripes Forever (1952)
My Cousin Rachel (1952)
Ruby Gentry (1952)
The I Don't Care Girl (1953)
Niagara (1953)
Taxi (1953)
Tonight We Sing (1953)
The Silver Whip (1953)
Treasure of the Golden Condor (1953)
Down Among the Sheltering Palms (1953)
Destination Gobi (1953)
Call Me Madam (1953)
Man On a Tightrope (1953)
Titanic (1953)
Invaders From Mars (1953)
The Desert Rats (1953)
The Seven Deadly Sins (1952)
The Girl Next Door (1953)
The Glory Brigade (1953)
The President's Lady (1953)
Powder River (1953)
The Farmer Takes a Wife (1953)
Pickup On South Street (1953)
The Kid From Left Field (1953)
White Witch Doctor (1953)
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953)
A Blueprint For Murder (1953)
Sailor of the King (1953)
Dangerous Crossing (1953)
Inferno (1953)
Mister Scoutmaster (1953)
Vicki (1953)
City of Bad Men (1953)
The Robe (1953)
Thy Neighbor's Wife (1953)
How To Marry a Millionaire (1953)
Man Crazy (1953)
Beneath the 12-Mile Reef (1953)
King of the Khyber Rifles (1953)
Man In the Attic (1953)
Miss Robin Crusoe (1954)
Three Young Texans (1954)
Hell and High Water (1954)
Racing Blood (1954)
New Faces of 1952 (1954)
Night People (1954)
The Rocket Man (1954)
Prince Valiant (1954)
River of No Return (1954)
Gorilla At Large (1954)
The Siege At Red River (1954)
Out of This World (1954)
The Barefoot Battalion (1953)
Three Coins In the Fountain (1954)
Princess of the Nile (1954)
Demetrius and the Gladiators (1954)
The Royal Tour of Queen Elizabeth and Philip (1954)
Garden of Evil (1954)
The Raid (1954)
The Gambler From Natchez (1954)
The Egyptian (1954)
Broken Lance (1954)
Woman's World (1954)
The Adventures of Hajji Baba (1954)
Carmen Jones (1954)
Black Widow (1954)
Outlaw's Daughter (1954)
Black 13 (1953)
Desiree (1954)
The Other Woman (1954)
Devil's Harbor (1954)
There's No Business Like Show Business (1954)
Prince of Players (1955)
The Racers (1955)
White Feather (1955)
Untamed (1955)
A Man Called Peter (1955)
Violent Saturday (1955)
Daddy Long Legs (1955)
That Lady (1955)
Green Magic (1953)
The Adventures of Sadie (1953)
The Magnificent Matador (1955)
Soldier of Fortune (1955)
Angela (1954)
The Seven Year Itch (1955)
House of Bamboo (1955)
A Life In the Balance (1955)
The Virgin Queen (1955)
How To Be Very, Very Popular (1955)
Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing (1955)
The Left Hand of God (1955)
Seven Cities of Gold (1955)
The Tall Men (1955)
The Girl In the Red Velvet Swing (1955)
Oklahoma! (1955)
The Deep Blue Sea (1955)
The View From Pompey's Head (1955)
Good Morning, Miss Dove (1955)
The Rains of Ranchipur (1955)
The Lieutenant Wore Skirts (1956)
The Bottom of the Bottle (1956)
Carousel (1956)
On the Threshold of Space (1956)
Mohawk (1956)
The Man Who Never Was (1956)
The Proud Ones (1956)
The Man In the Gray Flannel Suit (1956)
Hilda Crane (1956)
The Revolt of Mamie Stover (1956)
23 Paces To Baker Street (1956)
D-Day the Sixth of June (1956)
Massacre (1956)
Smiley (1956)
Abdullah's Harem (1955)
The King and I (1956)
Bigger Than Life (1956)
The Queen of Babylon (1954)
Bus Stop (1956)
The Last Wagon (1956)
The Best Things In Life Are Free (1956)
Between Heaven and Hell (1956)
The Desperados Are In Town (1956)
Teenage Rebel (1956)
Love Me Tender (1956)
Three Brave Men (1956)
The Women of Pitcairn Island (1956)
The Man With a Whip (1956)
The Girl Can't Help It (1956)
Stagecoach To Fury (1956)
Anastasia (1956)
Fury At Rock River (1957)
Oh, Men! Oh, Women! (1957)
The Storm Rider (1957)
Lost Continent (1951)
Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison (1957)
Break In the Circle (1955)
She Devil (1957)
Kronos (1957)
The River's Edge (1957)
Oasis (1955)
Boy On a Dolphin (1957)
The Restless Breed (1957)
Lure of the Swamp (1957)
Desk Set (1957)
The Lonesome Gun (1957)
The Way To the Gold (1957)
The True Story of Jesse James (1957)
China Gate (1957)
The Wayward Bus (1957)
Two Grooms For a Bride (1955)
Island In the Sun (1957)
The Abductors (1957)
God Is My Partner (1957)
Apache Warrior (1957)
An Affair To Remember (1957)
A Hatful of Rain (1957)
Bernardine (1957)
Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? (1957)
Hell On Devil's Island (1957)
The Unknown Terror (1957)
Back From the Dead (1957)
The Sun Also Rises (1957)
Forty Guns (1957)
Copper Sky (1957)
The Deerslayer (1957)
Under Fire (1957)
The Three Faces of Eve (1957)
Ghost Diver (1957)
Sea Wife (1957)
Young and Dangerous (1957)
Rockabilly Baby (1957)
No Down Payment (1957)
The Abominable Snowman (1957)
Ride a Violent Mile (1957)
April Love (1957)
Escape From Red Rock (1957)
Plunder Road (1957)
Kiss Them For Me (1957)
Peyton Place (1957)
A Farewell To Arms (1957)
The Enemy Below (1957)
Stopover Tokyo (1957)
Beautiful But Dangerous (1955) [tt0048006]
The Gift of Love (1958)
Sing Boy Sing (1958)
Diamond Safari (1958)
Count Five and Die (1957)
Ambush At Cimarron Pass (1958)
South Pacific (1958)
Blood Arrow (1958)
The Young Lions (1958)
The Long, Hot Summer (1958)
Thundering Jets (1958)
Showdown At Boot Hill (1958)
Ten North Frederick (1958)
The Naked Earth (1958)
Space Master X-7 (1958)
From Hell To Texas (1958)
Fraulein (1958)
The Bravados (1958)
Desert Hell (1958)
Wolf Dog (1958)
Sierra Baron (1958)
Gang War (1958)
Rx Murder (1958)
A Certain Smile (1958)
The Fiend Who Walked the West (1958)
Flaming Frontier (1958)
The Hunters (1958)
The Fly (1958)
Harry Black and the Tiger (1958)
The Barbarian and the Geisha (1958)
Villa!! (1958)
The Roots of Heaven (1958)
In Love and War (1958)
Mardi Gras (1958)
Frontier Gun (1958)
A Nice Little Bank That Should Be Robbed (1958)
The Inn of the Sixth Happiness (1958)
Rally 'round the Flag, Boys! (1958)
I Mobster (1958)
Alaska Passage (1959)
The Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker (1959)
The Sad Horse (1959)
The Little Savage (1959)
Lone Texan (1959)
The Sheriff of Fractured Jaw (1958)
A Dog of Flanders (1960)
The Diary of Anne Frank (1959)
The Sound and the Fury (1959)
Intent To Kill (1958)
Compulsion (1959)
Warlock (1959)
Smiley Gets a Gun (1958)
These Thousand Hills (1959)
Woman Obsessed (1959)
Here Come the Jets (1959)
Women Are Weak (1959)
Say One For Me (1959)
Son of Robin Hood (1958)
The Alligator People (1959)
Return of the Fly (1959)
Holiday For Lovers (1959)
The Miracle of the Hills (1959)
Blue Denim (1959)
A Private's Affair (1959)
The Oregon Trail (1959)
The Blue Angel (1959)
Five Gates To Hell (1959)
The Man Who Understood Women (1959)
The Best of Everything (1959)
Hound-Dog Man (1959)
Beloved Infidel (1959)
Blood and Steel (1959)
Journey To the Center of the Earth (1959)


Sink the Bismarck (1960)
Bobbikins (1959)
The 3rd Voice (1960)
Can-Can (1960)
The Wind Cannot Read (1958)
Seven Thieves (1960)
The Rookie (1959)
A Dog of Flanders (1960)
Wild River (1960)
When Comedy Was King (1960)
13 Fighting Men (1960)
Twelve Hours To Kill (1960)
Wake Me When It's Over (1960)
North West Frontier (1959)
Valley of the Redwoods (1960)
Crack In the Mirror (1960)
The Story of Ruth (1960)
Murder, Inc. (1960)
Operation Amsterdam (1959)
The Lost World (1960)
From the Terrace (1960)
The Idiot (1959)
Sons and Lovers (1960)
Young Jesse James (1960)
For the Love of Mike (1960)
Duel In the City (1960)
Squad Car (1960)
Walk Tall (1960)
Let's Make Love (1960)
September Storm (1960)
High Time (1960)
The Captain's Table (1959)
Weddings and Babies (1958)
The Thirty-Nine Steps (1959)
Desire In the Dust (1960)
One Foot In Hell (1960)
The Venus of Cheronea (1957)
North To Alaska (1960)
Legions of the Nile (1959)
The Wizard of Baghdad (1960)
Upstairs and Downstairs (1959)
Tess of the Storm Country (1960)
The Secret of the Purple Reef (1960)
Esther and the King (1960)
Flaming Star (1960)
Swingin' Along (1961)
The Marriage-Go-Round (1961)
The Long Rope (1961)
Sniper's Ridge (1961)
The Millionairess (1960)
A Circle of Deception (1960)
Sanctuary (1961)
The Canadians (1961)
Days of Thrills and Laughter (1961)
Desert Attack (1958)
All Hands On Deck (1961)
The Trapp Family (1956)
Ferry To Hong Kong (1959)
The Fiercest Heart (1961)
The Silent Call (1961)
Return To Peyton Place (1961)
The Big Show (1961)
The Right Approach (1961)
Snow White and the Three Stooges (1961)
The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come (1961)
Battle At Bloody Beach (1961)
Misty (1961)
20,000 Eyes (1961)
Wild In the Country (1961)
Voyage To the Bottom of the Sea (1961)
Francis of Assisi (1961)
Marines, Let's Go (1961)
The Big Gamble (1961)
The Hustler (1961)
7 Women From Hell (1961)
Pirates of Tortuga (1961)
The Comancheros (1961)
The Purple Hills (1961)
The Two Little Bears (1961)
The Second Time Around (1961)
The Innocents (1961)
Madison Avenue (1962)
Bachelor Flat (1962)
Tender Is the Night (1962)
Satan Never Sleeps (1962)
Hand of Death (1962)
State Fair (1962)
The Broken Land (1962)
I Like Money (1961)
Lisa (1962)
The Cabinet of Caligari (1962)
It Happened In Athens (1962)
Something's Got To Give (1962)
Womanhunt (1962)
Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation (1962)
Air Patrol (1962)
Hemingway's Adventures of a Young Man (1962)
The Firebrand (1962)
Five Weeks In a Balloon (1962)
The 300 Spartans (1962)
Gigot (1962)
The Longest Day (1962)
The Loves of Salammbo (1960)
Young Guns of Texas (1962)
The Lion (1962)
The Queen's Guards (1961)
The Last Days of Sodom and Gomorrah (1962)
Robert Youngson's 30 Years of Fun (1963)
The Day Mars Invaded Earth (1963)
House of the Damned (1963)
Nine Hours To Live (1963)
Marilyn (1963)
Police Nurse (1963)
The Yellow Canary (1963)
Cleopatra (1963)
The Stripper (1963)
Harbor Lights (1963)
The Leopard (1963)
Lassie's Great Adventure (1963)
The Young Swingers (1963)
Of Love and Desire (1963)
Thunder Island (1963)
The Condemned of Altona (1962)
Take Her, She's Mine (1963)
Move Over, Darling (1963)
Surf Party (1964)
Man In the Middle (1963)
The Third Secret (1964)
The Curse of the Living Corpse (1964)
What a Way To Go! (1964)
The Eyes of Annie Jones (1964)
Horror of Party Beach (1964)
Shock Treatment (1964)
The Horror of It All (1963)
Witchcraft (1964)
Night Train To Paris (1964)
The Visit (1964)
The Earth Dies Screaming (1964)
Rio Conchos (1964)
Moro Witch Doctor (1964)
Fate Is the Hunter (1964)
Guns At Batasi (1964)
Goodbye Charlie (1964)
Apache Rifles (1964)
Back Door To Hell (1964)
Raiders From Beneath the Sea (1964)
Zorba the Greek (1964)
Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964)
The Pleasure Seekers (1964)
Dear Brigitte (1965)
War Party (1965)
The Sound of Music (1965)
John Goldfarb, Please Come Home! (1965)
Devils of Darkness (1965)
The Curse of the Fly (1965)
Fort Courageous (1965)
Up From the Beach (1965)
Those Magnificent Men In Their Flying Machines (1965)
A High Wind In Jamaica (1965)
Convict Stage (1965)
Von Ryan's Express (1965)
Rapture (1965)
Wild On the Beach (1965)
Morituri (1965)
The Reward (1965)
Spaceflight IC-1 (1965)
The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965)
The Nanny (1965)
The Return of Mr. Moto (1965)
The Flight of the Phoenix (1965)
Do Not Disturb (1965)
The Cavern (1964)
Daniel Boone: Frontier Trail Rider (1966)
The Plague of the Zombies (1966)
Dracula: Prince of Darkness (1966)
Our Man Flint (1966)
The Murder Game (1965)
The Reptile (1966)
Rasputin: The Mad Monk (1966)
Cloportes (1965)
Weekend At Dunkirk (1964)
Stagecoach (1966)
The Blue Max (1966)
How To Steal a Million (1966)
Batman (1966)
Smoky (1966)
Modesty Blaise (1966)
Fantastic Voyage (1966)
Blues For Lovers (1964)
The Bible: In the Beginning (1966)
That Tennessee Beat (1966)
Way... Way Out (1966)
I Deal In Danger (1966)
The Quiller Memorandum (1966)
The Sand Pebbles (1966)
The Jackals (1967)
Come Spy With Me (1967)
Prehistoric Women (1967)
The Witches (1966)
One Million Years B.C. (1966)
The Mummy's Shroud (1967)
In Like Flint (1967)
Frankenstein Created Woman (1967)
Hombre (1967)
Two For the Road (1967)
El Greco (1966)
A Guide For the Married Man (1967)
Caprice (1967)
The St. Valentine's Day Massacre (1967)
The Viking Queen (1967)
The Flim-Flam Man (1967)
The Cape Town Affair (1967)
The Day the Fish Came Out (1967)
The Incident (1967)
Tony Rome (1967)
Bedazzled (1967)
Fathom (1967)
Valley of the Dolls (1967)
Doctor Dolittle (1967)
The Legend of Custer (1968)
The Anniversary (1968)
Planet of the Apes (1968)
Quatermass and the Pit (1967)
The Further Perils of Laurel and Hardy (1967)
Prudence and the Pill (1968)
The Detective (1968)
Bandolero! (1968)
The Sweet Ride (1968)
The Lost Continent (1968)
The Secret Life of an American Wife (1968)
A Challenge For Robin Hood (1967)
Deadfall (1968)
The Vatican Affair (1968)
The Boston Strangler (1968)
Star! (1968)
Pretty Poison (1968)
The Touchables (1968)
Lady In Cement (1968)
Joanna (1968)
A Flea In Her Ear (1968)
The Magus (1968)
The Devil Rides Out (1968)
Decline and Fall... of a Birdwatcher (1968)
The Guru (1969)
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1969)
100 Rifles (1969)
Doctor Glas (1968)
Hard Contract (1969)
The Last Shot You Hear (1969)
The Boys of Paul Street (1969)
The Chairman (1969)
Che! (1969)
Secret World (1969)
Justine (1969)
Staircase (1969)
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
A Walk With Love and Death (1969)
The Archangel (1969)
The Undefeated (1969)
John and Mary (1969)
Hello, Dolly! (1969)


The Only Game In Town (1970)
M*A*S*H (1970)
The Kremlin Letter (1970)
Patton (1970)
The Girl Who Couldn't Say No (1970)
Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970)
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970)
Myra Breckinridge (1970)
The Games (1970)
Hello-Goodbye (1970)
Move (1970)
Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970)
Cover Me Babe (1970)
The Great White Hope (1970)
Countess Dracula (1971)
Little Murders (1971)
Vanishing Point (1971)
Making It (1971)
B.S. I Love You (1971)
The Mephisto Waltz (1971)
Celebration At Big Sur (1971)
The Panic In Needle Park (1971)
Escape From the Planet of the Apes (1971)
Walkabout (1971)
The Seven Minutes (1971)
The Marriage of a Young Stockbroker (1971)
The French Connection (1971)
Journey To Midnight (1968)
Made For Each Other (1971)
Blindman (1971)
The Hot Rock (1972)
Sans mobile apparent (1971)
The Concert For Bangladesh (1972)
The Culpepper Cattle Co. (1972)
The Other (1972)
Fillmore (1972)
What Became of Jack and Jill? (1972)
The Strange Vengeance of Rosalie (1972)
Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972)
To Kill a Clown (1972)
The Salzburg Connection (1972)
Five Days Home (1972)
Sounder (1972)
The Darwin Adventure (1972)
Vampire Circus (1972)
When the Legends Die (1972)
The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972)
Trouble Man (1972)
...And Hope To Die (1972)
The Poseidon Adventure (1972)
The Heartbreak Kid (1972)
The Effect of Gamma Rays On Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds (1972)
Sleuth (1972)
Gospel Road (1973)
Ace Eli and Rodger of the Skies (1973)
Emperor of the North (1973)
The Legend of Hell House (1973)
Battle For the Planet of the Apes (1973)
The Last American Hero (1973)
The Neptune Factor (1973)
Gordon's War (1973)
Kid Blue (1973)
The Shrieking (1973)
The Paper Chase (1973)
The Seven-Ups (1973)
Cinderella Liberty (1973)
The Laughing Policeman (1973)
Zardoz (1974)
Ransom (1974)
Conrack (1974)
The Three Musketeers (1973)
Claudine (1974)
Dirty Mary Crazy Larry (1974)
S*P*Y*S (1974)
The Mad Adventures of 'Rabbi' Jacob (1973)
Together Brothers (1974)
Harry and Tonto (1974)
99 and 44/100% Dead (1974)
Anything For Love (1974)
The House On Skull Mountain (1974)
The Crazy World of Julius Vrooder (1974)
The Phantom of Liberty (1974)
Phantom of the Paradise (1974)
The Towering Inferno (1974)
Young Frankenstein (1974)
The Nickel Ride (1974)
The Four Musketeers (1974)
At Long Last Love (1975)
Ransom (1974)
Capone (1975)
The French Connection II (1975)
W.W. and the Dixie Dancekings (1975)
Race With the Devil (1975)
The Dragon Flies (1975)
Tarzoon: Shame of the Jungle (1975)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
Black Moon (1975)
Royal Flash (1975)
Whiffs (1975)
Per le antiche scale (1975)
Take a Hard Ride (1975)
The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother (1975)
Lucky Lady (1975)
Survival (1976)
Peeper (1975)
Hugo the Hippo (1975)
Scent of a Woman (1974)
Next Stop, Greenwich Village (1976)
I Will, I Will... For Now (1976)
Sky Riders (1976)
The Duchess and the Dirtwater Fox (1976)
The Blue Bird (1976)
The End of the Game (1976)
Mother, Jugs & Speed (1976)
The Last Hard Men (1976)
Breaking Point (1976)
Silent Movie (1976)
The Omen (1976)
Moving Violation (1976)
High Velocity (1976)
The Sunday Woman (1975)
Alex & the Gypsy (1976)
Fighting Mad (1976)
Kenny & Company (1976)
All This and World War II (1976)
Silver Streak (1976)
Wizards (1977)
Mr. Billion (1977)
Le sauvage (1975)
Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure (1977)
3 Women (1977)
Star Wars (1977)
The Other Side of Midnight (1977)
Fire Sale (1977)
The Black Pearl (1977)
Thunder and Lightning (1977)
Julia (1977)
Damnation Alley (1977)
The Turning Point (1977)
The World's Greatest Lover (1977)
High Anxiety (1977)
An Unmarried Woman (1978)
The Fury (1978)
Damien: Omen II (1978)
The Driver (1978)
A Wedding (1978)
The Boys From Brazil (1978)
Magic (1978)
Quintet (1979)
Norma Rae (1979)
A Perfect Couple (1979)
Dreamer (1979)
Alien (1979)
Game of Death (1978)
Butch and Sundance: The Early Days (1979)
Breaking Away (1979)
Luna (1979)
Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979)
Avalanche Express (1979)
The Rose (1979)
The Runner Stumbles (1979)
All That Jazz (1979)
Scavenger Hunt (1979)


Fatso (1980)
Inferno (1980)
Headin' For Broadway (1980)
The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Brubaker (1980)
The Stunt Man (1980)
Oh, Heavenly Dog! (1980)
Middle Age Crazy (1980)
Paul Mazurksy's Willie & Phil (1980)
Health (1980)
My Bodyguard (1980)
Sam Marlow, Private Eye (1980)
Terror Train (1980)
Kagemusha (1980)
Loving Couples (1980)
A Change of Seasons (1980)
Tribute (1980)
Nine To Five (1980)
Prisoners (1981)
Fort Apache the Bronx (1981)
Eyewitness (1981)
On the Right Track (1981)
Omen III: The Final Conflict (1981)
Hardly Working (1980)
Death Hunt (1981)
Savage Harvest (1981)
History of the World: Part I (1981)
The Cannonball Run (1981)
Zorro, the Gay Blade (1981)
Chu Chu and the Philly Flash (1981)
The Woman Inside (1981)
Southern Comfort (1981)
Tattoo (1981)
Shock Treatment (1981)
Taps (1981)
Modern Problems (1981)
The Amateur (1981)
Quest For Fire (1981)
Melanie (1982)
Making Love (1982)
Porky's (1982)
Eating Raoul (1982)
I Ought To Be In Pictures (1982)
Visiting Hours (1982)
Author! Author! (1982)
Megaforce (1982)
Young Doctors In Love (1982)
Six Pack (1982)
The Pirate Movie (1982)
I, the Jury (1982)
Monsignor (1982)
Class Reunion (1982)
The Man From Snowy River (1982)
The Verdict (1982)
The Hot Touch (1981)
Kiss Me Goodbye (1982)
The Entity (1981)
Without a Trace (1983)
The King of Comedy (1982)
Betrayal (1983)
Max Dugan Returns (1983)
Heart Like a Wheel (1983)
Tough Enough (1983)
Bill Cosby: Himself (1983)
Return of the Jedi (1983)
Porky's II: The Next Day (1983)
Mr. Mom (1983)
The Star Chamber (1983)
Phar Lap (1983)
Fire and Ice (1983)
The Osterman Weekend (1983)
All the Right Moves (1983)
A Night In Heaven (1983)
Silkwood (1983)
Two of a Kind (1983)
To Be Or Not To Be (1983)
The Secret Diary of Sigmund Freud (1984)
Careful, He Might Hear You (1983)
Unfaithfully Yours (1984)
Blame It On Rio (1984)
Antarctica (1983)
Romancing the Stone (1984)
The Stone Boy (1984)
Kidco (1984)
The Buddy System (1984)
Rhinestone (1984)
Bachelor Party (1984)
The Gods Must Be Crazy (1980)
Revenge of the Nerds (1984)
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984)
Dreamscape (1984)
Impulse (1984)
Give My Regards To Broad Street (1984)
Paris, Texas (1984)
Gimme an 'F' (1984)
The Flamingo Kid (1984)
Johnny Dangerously (1984)
Mischief (1985)
Turk 182! (1985)
Porky's Revenge (1985)
Almost You (1985)
Ladyhawke (1985)
Moving Violations (1985)
Secret Places (1984)
Prizzi's Honor (1985)
Cocoon (1985)
The Man With One Red Shoe (1985)
Key Exchange (1985)
Warning Sign (1985)
Joshua Then and Now (1985)
Plenty (1985)
The Doctor and the Devils (1985)
Commando (1985)
Bad Medicine (1985)
The Jewel of the Nile (1985)
Brazil (1985)
Enemy Mine (1985)
The Boy In Blue (1986)
Stripper (1986)
Power (1986)
The Vindicator (1986)
Death of an Angel (1986)
Highlander (1986)
Lucas (1986)
Legend (1985)
SpaceCamp (1986)
The Manhattan Project (1986)
Big Trouble In Little China (1986)
Aliens (1986)
The Boy Who Could Fly (1986)
The Fly (1986)
The Name of the Rose (1986)
Half Moon Street (1986)
Jumpin' Jack Flash (1986)
Streets of Gold (1986)
The Morning After (1986)
Wisdom (1986)
Black Widow (1987)
Mannequin (1987)
Raising Arizona (1987)
Project X (1987)
Predator (1987)
Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds In Paradise (1987)
The Pick-Up Artist (1987)
Big Shots (1987)
The Princess Bride (1987)
The Sicilian (1987)
Less Than Zero (1987)
Wall Street (1987)
Broadcast News (1987)
Satisfaction (1988)
Aren't You Even Gonna Kiss Me Goodbye? (1988)
Saigon (1988)
Bad Dreams (1988)
Big (1988)
License To Drive (1988)
Die Hard (1988)
Young Guns (1988)
Dead Ringers (1988)
Alien Nation (1988)
Cocoon: The Return (1988)
Working Girl (1988)
Gleaming the Cube (1989)
The Fly II (1989)
Skin Deep (1989)
Say Anything... (1989)
How I Got Into College (1989)
Weekend At Bernie's (1989)
The Favorite (1989)
The Abyss (1989)
Millennium (1989)
The Fabulous Baker Boys (1989)
When the Whales Came (1989)
Worth Winning (1989)
The War of the Roses (1989)
Enemies, a Love Story (1989)


Downtown (1990)
A Matter of Degrees (1990)
Nightbreed (1990)
Nuns On the Run (1990)
Vital Signs (1990)
Short Time (1990)
Die Hard 2 (1990)
The Adventures of Ford Fairlane (1990)
Young Guns II (1990)
The Exorcist III (1990)
Miller's Crossing (1990)
Pacific Heights (1990)
Marked For Death (1990)
Frankenstein Unbound (1990)
Home Alone (1990)
Predator 2 (1990)
Edward Scissorhands (1990)
Come See the Paradise (1990)
Sleeping With the Enemy (1991)
Class Action (1991)
The Five Heartbeats (1991)
Mannequin Two: On the Move (1991)
Omen IV: The Awakening (1991)
Only the Lonely (1991)
Dying Young (1991)
Point Break (1991)
Dutch (1991)
Hot Shots! (1991)
The Commitments (1991)
Barton Fink (1991)
The Super (1991)
29th Street (1991)
For the Boys (1991)
Grand Canyon (1991)
Naked Lunch (1991)
Shining Through (1992)
Back In the U.S.S.R. (1992)
This Is My Life (1992)
My Cousin Vinny (1992)
White Men Can't Jump (1992)
Ferngully: The Last Rainforest (1992)
Folks! (1992)
Alien 3 (1992)
Unlawful Entry (1992)
Prelude To a Kiss (1992)
Man Trouble (1992)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992)
Rapid Fire (1992)
Storyville (1992)
Jumpin' At the Boneyard (1992)
The Last of the Mohicans (1992)
Night and the City (1992)
Love Potion #9 (1992)
Home Alone 2: Lost In New York (1992)
Used People (1992)
Toys (1992)
Hoffa (1992)
The Vanishing (1993)
Best of the Best 2 (1993)
Danger Sign (1993)
Jack the Bear (1993)
The Sandlot (1993)
Hot Shots! Part Deux (1993)
Once Upon a Forest (1993)
Rookie of the Year (1993)
Robin Hood: Men In Tights (1993)
Rising Sun (1993)
Only the Strong (1993)
The Good Son (1993)
Freaked (1993)
The Beverly Hillbillies (1993)
Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)
Ghost In the Machine (1993)
Sugar Hill (1993)
The Chase (1994)
Bad Girls (1994)
PCU (1994)
Speed (1994)
Baby's Day Out (1994)
True Lies (1994)
Airheads (1994)
The Scout (1994)
Miracle On 34th Street (1994)
The Pagemaster (1994)
Trapped In Paradise (1994)
Nell (1994)
Far From Home: The Adventures of Yellow Dog (1995)
Bye Bye Love (1995)
Kiss of Death (1995)
French Kiss (1995)
Die Hard With a Vengeance (1995)
Braveheart (1995)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995)
Nine Months (1995)
Bushwhacked (1995)
A Walk In the Clouds (1995)
Strange Days (1995)
Waiting To Exhale (1995)
Dunston Checks In (1996)
Broken Arrow (1996)
Down Periscope (1996)
The Truth About Cats & Dogs (1996)
The Great White Hype (1996)
Independence Day (1996)
Courage Under Fire (1996)
Chain Reaction (1996)
That Thing You Do! (1996)
Romeo + Juliet (1996)
Jingle All the Way (1996)
The Crucible (1996)
One Fine Day (1996)
Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie (1997)
Inventing the Abbotts (1997)
Volcano (1997)
Speed 2: Cruise Control (1997)
Out To Sea (1997)
Picture Perfect (1997)
The Edge (1997)
Soul Food (1997)
A Life Less Ordinary (1997)
The Wind In the Willows (1996)
Cold Around the Heart (1997)
Anastasia (1997)
Alien Resurrection (1997)
Home Alone 3 (1997)
Titanic (1997)
Firestorm (1998)
Great Expectations (1998)
The Newton Boys (1998)
The Object of My Affection (1998)
Bulworth (1998)
Hope Floats (1998)
Cousin Bette (1998)
The X-Files (1998)
Dr. Dolittle (1998)
There's Something About Mary (1998)
Ever After (1998)
How Stella Got Her Groove Back (1998)
The Siege (1998)
A Cool, Dry Place (1998)
The Thin Red Line (1998)
Simply Irresistible (1999)
Office Space (1999)
Wing Commander (1999)
Ravenous (1999)
Never Been Kissed (1999)
Pushing Tin (1999)
Entrapment (1999)
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)
Lake Placid (1999)
Brokedown Palace (1999)
Sex, Shame & Tears (1999)
Drive Me Crazy (1999)
Fight Club (1999)
High School Jack (1999)
Anywhere But Here (1999)
Anna and the King (1999)


The Beach (2000)
Grey Owl (1999)
Here On Earth (2000)
Where the Heart Is (2000)
Big Momma's House (2000)
Titan A.E. (2000)
Me, Myself, and Irene (2000)
X-Men (2000)
What Lies Beneath (2000)
Sunset Strip (2000)
Digimon the Movie (2000)
Tigerland (2000)
Bedazzled (2000)
The Legend of Bagger Vance (2000)
Men of Honor (2000)
Dude, Where's My Car? (2000)
Cast Away (2000)
Monkeybone (2001)
Say It Isn't So (2001)
Someone Like You... (2001)
Freddy Got Fingered (2001)
Moulin Rouge! (2001)
Dr. Dolittle 2 (2001)
Kiss of the Dragon (2001)
Planet of the Apes (2001)
Glitter (2001)
Don't Say a Word (2001)
Joy Ride (2001)
From Hell (2001)
Shallow Hal (2001)
Black Knight (2001)
Behind Enemy Lines (2001)
Joe Somebody (2001)
Kung Pow: Enter the Fist (2002)
Ice Age (2002)
High Crimes (2002)
Life Or Something Like It (2002)
Unfaithful (2002)
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)
Minority Report (2002)
The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest (2002)
Like Mike (2002)
Road To Perdition (2002)
I Love You Baby (2001)
Swimfan (2002)
The Transporter (2002)
Solaris (2002)
Drumline (2002)
Just Married (2003)
Daredevil (2003)
Phone Booth (2002)
Chasing Papi (2003)
X2: X-Men United (2003)
Down With Love (2003)
Wrong Turn (2003)
From Justin To Kelly (2003)
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003)
The Order (2003)
The Veritas Project: Hangman's Curse (2003)
Runaway Jury (2003)
Pinjar (2003)
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)
Magos y gigantes (2003)
Stuck On You (2003)
Cheaper By the Dozen (2003)
Catch That Kid (2004)
Welcome To Mooseport (2004)
The Passion of the Christ (2004)
The Girl Next Door (2004)
Man On Fire (2004)
The Day After Tomorrow (2004)
Garfield (2004)
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004)
I, Robot (2004)
Alien Vs. Predator (2004)
Paparazzi (2004)
First Daughter (2004)
Taxi (2004)
Flight of the Phoenix (2004)
Fat Albert (2004)
Elektra (2005)
Hide and Seek (2005)
Because of Winn-Dixie (2005)
Robots (2005)
Guess Who (2005)
Fever Pitch (2005)
Kingdom of Heaven (2005)
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Mr. and Mrs. Smith (2005)
Rebound (2005)
Fantastic Four (2005)
Supercross (2005)
Transporter 2 (2005)
In Her Shoes (2005)
Little Manhattan (2005)
Stay (2005)
Walk the Line (2005)
In the Mix (2005)
The Family Stone (2005)
Cheaper By the Dozen 2 (2005)
Grandma's Boy (2006)
Tristan + Isolde (2006)
Big Momma's House 2 (2006)
Date Movie (2006)
Aquamarine (2006)
Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006)
The Sentinel (2006)
Just My Luck (2006)
X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)
The Omen (2006)
Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties (2006)
The Devil Wears Prada (2006)
My Super Ex-Girlfriend (2006)
John Tucker Must Die (2006)
Alatriste  Captain Alatriste (2006)
Idiocracy (2006)
Everyone's Hero (2006)
Bandidas (2006)
The Marine (2006)
Flicka (2006)
Borat (2006)
A Good Year (2006)
Deck the Halls (2006)
The Fountain (2006)
Eragon (2006)
Night At the Museum (2006)
Epic Movie (2007)
Reno 911!: Miami (2007)
Firehouse Dog (2007)
Pathfinder (2007)
28 Weeks Later (2007)
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007)
Live Free Or Die Hard (2007)
The Simpsons Movie (2007)
Death Sentence (2007)
The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising (2007)
Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (2007)
Hitman (2007)
Alvin and the Chipmunks (2007)
Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem  Alien Vs. Predator: Survival of the Fittest (2007)
27 Dresses (2008)
Meet the Spartans (2008)
Jumper (2008)
Horton Hears a Who! (2008)
Shutter (2008)
Nim's Island (2008)
Deception (2008)
What Happens In Vegas (2008)
The Happening (2008)
Meet Dave (2008)
Space Chimps (2008)
The X-Files: I Want To Believe (2008)
Mirrors (2008)
The Rocker (2008)
Babylon A.D. (2008)
Krabat (2008)
Europa Clip (2008)
City of Ember (2008)
Max Payne (2008)
The Haunting of Molly Hartley (2008)
Australia (2008)
The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)
Marley & Me (2008)
Bride Wars (2009)
The Happy Cricket and the Giant Bugs  O Grilo Feliz e os Insetos Gigantes (2009)
Taken (2009)
Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li (2009)
12 Rounds (2009)
John Rabe (2009)
Dragonball: Evolution (2009)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)
Night At the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (2009)
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009)
I Love You, Beth Cooper (2009)
Aliens In the Attic (2009)
Post Grad (2009)
All About Steve (2009)
Jennifer's Body (2009)
Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)
Avatar (2009)
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (2009)


Tooth Fairy (2010)
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid (2010)
Date Night (2010)
Marmaduke (2010)
The A-Team (2010)
Knight and Day (2010)
Predators (2010)
Ramona and Beezus (2010)
Vampires Suck (2010)
Machete (2010)
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010)
Unstoppable (2010)
Love and Other Drugs (2010)
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010)
Gulliver's Travels (2010)
Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son (2011)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules (2011)
Rio (2011)
Water For Elephants (2011)
X-Men: First Class (2011)
Mr. Popper's Penguins (2011)
Monte Carlo (2011)
Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)
Glee: The 3D Concert Movie (2011)
What's Your Number? (2011)
The Big Year (2011)
In Time (2011)
The Sitter (2011)
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chip-Wrecked (2011)
We Bought a Zoo (2011)
The Darkest Hour (2011)
Red Tails (2012)
Chronicle (2012)
This Means War (2012)
The Three Stooges (2012)
Prometheus (2012)
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)
Ice Age: Continental Drift (2012)
The Watch (2012)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days  Diary of a Wimpy Kid 3 (2012)
Won't Back Down (2012)
Taken 2 (2012)
Chasing Mavericks (2012)
Lincoln (2012)
Life of Pi (2012)
Parental Guidance (2012)
Broken City (2013)
A Good Day to Die Hard  Die Hard: Last Day (2013)
Cheech & Chong's Animated Movie (2013)
The Croods (2013)
Epic (2013)
The Internship (2013)
The Heat (2013)
Turbo (2013)
The Wolverine  Wolverine: Samurai (2013)
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters (2013)
Runner Runner (2013)
The Counselor (2013)
The Book Thief (2013)
Walking With Dinosaurs 3D (2013)
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013)
Devil's Due (2014)
The Monuments Men (2014)
Son of God (2014)
Mr. Peabody & Sherman (2014)
Rio 2 (2014)
The Other Woman (2014)
X-Men: Days of Future Past  X-Men: Future & Past (2014)
The Fault in Our Stars  TFiOS (2014)
How To Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014)
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods  Dragonball Z: God & God (2013)
Let's Be Cops (2014)
The Maze Runner (2014)
Gone Girl (2014)
The Book of Life (2014)
Penguins of Madagascar (2014)
The Pyramid (2014)
Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014)
Night At the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (2014)
Taken 3 (2014)
Kingsman: The Secret Service  Kingsman (2014)
Unfinished Business (2015)
Home (2015)
The Longest Ride (2015)
Poltergeist (2015)
Aloha  Volcano Romance (2015)
Spy (2015)
Paper Towns (2015)
Smosh: The Movie (2015)
Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F' (2015)
Fantastic Four  Fant4stic (2015)
Hitman: Agent 47 (2015)
Maze Runner II: The Scorch Trails (2015)
The Martian (2015)
Bridge of Spies (2015)
The Peanuts Movie  I Love Snoopy: The Peanuts Movie (2015)
Victor Frankenstein (2015)
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip (2015)
Joy (2015)
The Revenant (2015)
Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016)
Deadpool (2016)
Eddie the Eagle (2016)
The Other Side of the Door (2016)
Florence Foster Jenkins (2016)
X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
Independence Day: Resurgence (2016)
Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016)
Ice Age: Collision Course (2016)
Morgan (2016)
Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children (2016)
Keeping Up With the Joneses (2016)
Trolls (2016)
Rules Don't Apply (2016)
Assassin's Creed: The Movie (2016)
Why Him?  Lama Davka Hoo (2016)
Hidden Figures (2016)
A Cure For Wellness (2016)
Logan (2017)
The Boss Baby (2017)
Snatched (2017)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul (2017)
Alien: Covenant (2017)
Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie (2017)
War For the Planet of the Apes (2017)
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)
The Mountain Between Us (2017)
Murder On the Orient Express (2017)
Ferdinand (2017)
The Greatest Showman (2017)
The Post (2017)
Condorito: The Movie (2017)
Maze Runner: The Death Cure (2018)
Red Sparrow (2018)
Love, Simon (2018)
Deadpool 2  The Untitled Deadpool Sequel (2018)
The Darkest Minds (2018)
The Predator (2018)
The Old Man & the Gun (2018)
Bad Times At the El Royale (2018)
The Hate U Give (2018)
Bohemian Rhapsody (2018)
Widows (2018)
Dragon Ball Super: Broly (2018)
The Kid Who Would Be King (2019)
Alita: Battle Angel (2018)
Breakthrough (2019)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2018)
Stuber (2019)
The Art of Racing In the Rain (2019)
Ad Astra (2019)
Judy (2019)
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
Ford v Ferrari (2019)
Spies In Disguise (2019)
Underwater (2020)

Fox Animation Studios

Anastasia (1997)
Bartok the Magnificent (1999)
Titan A.E. (2000)

Blue Sky Studios

Ice Age (2002)
Robots (2005)
Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006)
Horton Hears a Who! (2008)
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009)
Rio (2011)
Ice Age: Continental Drift (2012)
Epic (2013)
Rio 2 (2014)
I Love Snoopy: The Peanuts Movie (2015)
Ice Age: Collision Course (2016)
Ferdinand (2017)

Other Animation

Olive, the Other Reindeer (1999)
The Simpsons Movie (2007)
Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)
The Book of Life (2014)

Fox 2000 Pictures

Courage Under Fire (1996)
One Fine Day (1996)
Inventing the Abbotts (1997)
Volcano (1997)
Soul Food (1997)
A Cool, Dry Place (1998)
The Thin Red Line (1998)
Ravenous (1999)
Never Been Kissed (1999)
Pushing Tin (1999)
Lake Placid (1999)
Brokedown Palace (1999)
Fight Club (1999)
High School Jack (1999)
Anywhere But Here (1999)
Anna and the King (1999)
Here On Earth (2000)
Sunset Strip (2000)
Men of Honor (2000)
Someone Like You... (2001)
Unfaithful (2002)
Drumline (2002)
Phone Booth (2002)
Chasing Papi (2003)
Down With Love (2003)
Catch That Kid (2004)
Man On Fire (2004)
Hide and Seek (2005)
Fever Pitch (2005)
In Her Shoes (2005)
Walk the Line (2005)
The Family Stone (2005)
Aquamarine (2006)
The Devil Wears Prada (2006)
Everyone's Hero (2006)
A Good Year (2006)
Alvin and the Chipmunks (2007)
27 Dresses (2008)
Marley & Me (2008)
Bride Wars (2009)
All About Steve (2009)
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (2009)
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid (2010)
Ramona and Beezus (2010)
Love and Other Drugs (2010)
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules (2011)
Water For Elephants (2011)
Monte Carlo (2011)
The Big Year (2011)
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chip-Wrecked (2011)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days  Diary of a Wimpy Kid 3 (2012)
Chasing Mavericks (2012)
Life of Pi (2012)
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters (2013)
The Counselor (2013)
The Book Thief (2013)
The Monuments Men (2014)
The Fault in Our Stars  TFiOS (2014)
The Longest Ride (2015)
Poltergeist (2015)
Paper Towns (2015)
Bridge of Spies (2015)
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip (2015)
Joy (2015)
Keeping Up With the Joneses (2016)
Hidden Figures (2016)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul (2017)
The Mountain Between Us (2017)
Love, Simon (2018)
The Hate U Give (2018)
Breakthrough (2019)
The Art of Racing In the Rain (2019)
The Woman in the Window (2020) [tt6111574]

Fox Searchlight Pictures

The Brothers Mcmullen (1995)
Girl 6 (1996)
Stealing Beauty (1996)
She's the One (1996)
Looking For Richard (1996)
Blood and Wine (1996)
Smilla's Sense of Snow (1997)
Love and Other Catastrophes (1996)
Paradise Road (1997)
The Van (1996)
Intimate Relations (1996)
Star Maps (1997)
The Full Monty (1997)
The Ice Storm (1997)
Oscar and Lucinda (1997)
Two Girls and a Guy (1997)
Shooting Fish (1997)
Slums of Beverly Hills (1998)
Cousin Bette (1998)
Polish Wedding (1998)
The Impostors (1998)
Waking Ned Devine (1998)
20 Dates (1998)
My Sweet Sheffield (1998)
A Midsummer Night's Dream (1999)
Best Laid Plans (1999)
Whiteboyz (1999)
Boys Don't Cry (1999)
Dreaming of Joseph Lees (1999)
Titus (1999)
American Women (2000)
Soft Fruit (1999)
Chinese Coffee (2000)
Woman On Top (2000)
Tap Dogs (2000)
Quills (2000)
Kingdom Come (2001)
Sexy Beast (2000)
The Deep End (2001)
Waking Life (2001)
Super Troopers (2001)
Kissing Jessica Stein (2001)
The Good Girl (2002)
One Hour Photo (2002)
The Banger Sisters (2002)
Brown Sugar (2002)
Antwone Fisher (2002)
Bend It Like Beckham (2002)
The Spanish Apartment (2002)
The Good Thief (2003)
The Dancer Upstairs (2002)
28 Days Later (2002)
Garage Days (2002)
The Cannibal's Daughter (2003)
Le Divorce (2003)
Thirteen (2003)
In America (2003)
The Dreamers (2003)
Club Dread (2004)
Never Die Alone (2004)
Johnson Family Vacation (2004)
Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
The Clearing (2004)
Garden State (2004)
I Heart Huckabees (2004)
Sideways (2004)
Kinsey (2004)
Millions (2005)
Melinda and Melinda (2004)
Separate Lies (2005)
Roll Bounce (2005)
Bee Season (2005)
The Ringer (2005)
Imagine Me and You (2005)
Night Watch (2004)
The Hills Have Eyes (2006)
Thank You For Smoking (2006)
Phat Girlz (2006)
Water (2005)
Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
Trust the Man (2005)
Confetti (2006)
The Last King of Scotland (2006)
Fast Food Nation (2006)
The History Boys (2006)
Notes On a Scandal (2006)
The Namesake (2006)
I Think I Love My Wife (2007)
28 Weeks Later (2007)
Once (2007)
Waitress (2007)
Day Watch (2006)
Joshua (2007)
Sunshine (2007)
The Darjeeling Limited (2007)
The Savages (2007)
Juno (2007)
La Misma Luna (2007)
Young @ Heart (2007)
Street Kings (2008)
Choke (2008)
The Secret Life of Bees (2008)
Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
The Wrestler (2008)
Notorious (2009)
Miss March (2009)
My Life In Ruins (2009)
(500) Days of Summer (2009)
Adam (2009)
Whip It (2009)
Amelia (2009)
Gentlemen Broncos (2009)
Crazy Heart (2009)
My Name Is Khan (2010)
Our Family Wedding (2010)
Just Wright (2010)
Cyrus (2010)
Never Let Me Go (2010)
Conviction (2010)
127 Hours (2010)
Black Swan (2010)
Cedar Rapids (2011)
Win Win (2011)
Dum Maaro Dum (2011)
The Tree of Life (2011)
Homework (2010)
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan (2011)
Another Earth (2011)
Margaret (2011)
Martha Marcy May Marlene (2011)
The Descendants (2011)
Shame (2011)
Sound of My Voice (2011)
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2012)
Lola Versus (2012)
Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012)
The Do-Deca-Pentathlon (2012)
Ruby Sparks (2012)
The Surrogate (2012)
Hitchcock (2012)
Stoker (2013)
Trance (2013)
The East (2013)
The Way, Way Back (2013)
Enough Said (2013)
Baggage Claim (2013)
12 Years a Slave (2013)
Black Nativity (2013)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
Dom Hemingway (2013)
Belle (2013)
I Origins (2014)
Calvary (2014)
The Drop (2014)
Birdman (2014)
A Walk In the Wilderness (2014)
The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2015)
True Story (2015)
Far From the Madding Crowd (2015)
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (2015)
Mistress America (2015)
He Named Me Malala (2015)
Brooklyn (2015)
Youth (2015)
Demolition (2015)
A Bigger Splash (2015)
Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie (2016)
The Birth of a Nation (2016)
Jackie (2016)
A United Kingdom (2016)
Table 19 (2017)
Wilson (2017)
Gifted (2017)
My Cousin Rachel (2017)
Step (2017)
Patti Cake$ (2017)
Battle of the Sexes (2017)
Goodbye Christopher Robin (2017)
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)
The Shape of Water (2017)
Isle of Dogs (2018)
Super Troopers 2 (2018)

Fox Faith

Thr3e (2006)
Love's Abiding Joy (2006)
One Night With the King (2006)
The Last Sin Eater (2007)
The Ultimate Gift (2006)
The Inquiry (2006)
Moondance Alexander (2007)
Saving Sarah Cain (2007)
A Good Man Is Hard To Find (2008)
Ace of Hearts (2008)
Mama I Want To Sing (2011)

A {Bracketing} indicates the movie is believed to be a lost film.