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The Film-Lover's Check List Drew3189
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  • Titles in amber are seen but should be seen again.
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Total: 115  
Seen: 62 (53.9%)
See Again: 0 (0.0%)
Unseen: 53 (46.1%)

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Great War Movies (AMC filmsite)

Part 1

1915. The Birth of a Nation (1915)  (d. D.W. Griffith) U.S. Civil War
1916. Intolerance (1916)  (d. D.W. Griffith) U.S. Civil War
1925. Bronenosets Potyomkin/Battleship Potemkin (1925) (USSR) (d. Sergei Eisenstein) Russian Revolution era
1925. The Big Parade (1925)  (d. King Vidor) The Great War
1927. The General (1927)  (d. Buster Keaton & Clyde Bruckmanu) U.S. Civil War
1927. Wings (1927)  (d. William Wellman) The Great War
1927. Napoleon (1927)  (FRA) (d. Abel Gancelife) French Revolution
1930. All Quiet On the Western Front (1930)  (d. Lewis Milestone) The Great War
1930. Hell's Angels (1930)  (d. Howard Hughes) U.S. Civil War
1933. Duck Soup (1933)  (d. Leo McCarey) fictional war
1935. The Informer (1935)  (d. John Ford) Irish Civil War

Part 2

1936. The Charge of the Light Brigade (1936)  (d. Michael Curtiz) Crimean War
1937. Scipio Africanus: The Defeat of Hannibal (1937)  (ITA) (d. Carmine Gallone) 2nd Punic War
1937. La grande illusion/Grand Illusion (1937) (FRA) (d. Jean Renoir) The Great War
1938. Alexander Nevsky (1938)  (d. Sergei Eisenstein) Invasion of medevil Rus
1938. The Dawn Patrol (1938)  (d. Edmund Goulding) The Great War
1939. Beau Geste (1939)  (d. William A. Wellman) Fre-For-Leg in N Africa
1939. Gone With the Wind (1939)  (d. Victor Flemming) U.S. Civil War
1940. Foreign Correspondent (1940)  (d. Alfred Hitchcock) WWII-Europe-U.K.
1940. The Great Dictator (1940)  (d. Charlie Chaplin) pre WWII-Europe
1940. Northwest Passage (1940)  (d. King Vidor) French & Indian War
1940. The Sea Hawk (1940)  (d. Michael Curtiz) Spanish-British War

Part 3

1941. Sergeant York (1941)  (d. Howard Hawks) The Great War
1941. They Died With Their Boots On (1941)  (d. Raoul Walsh) The Great Sioux War
1942. Casablanca (1942)  (d. Michael Curtiz) WWII-N Africa
1942. In Which We Serve (1942)  (d. David Lean) WWII-Europe
1943. Guadalcanal Diary (1943)  (d. Lewis Seiler) WWII-Pacific-Guadalcanal
1943. The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943)  (UK) (d. M.Powell & E.Pressburger) The Great War & WWII-Europe
1943. Sahara (1943)  (d. Zoltan Korda) WWII-N Africa
1944. Hail the Conquering Hero (1944)  (d. Preston Sturges) WWII-U.S.
1944. Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo (1944)  (d. Mervyn LeRoy) WWII-Pacific-Japan
1944. Henry V (1944)  (d. Laurence Olivier) The Hundred Years War
1944. Ministry of Fear (1944)  (d. Fritz Lang) WWII-Europe-U.K.

Part 4

1945. Roma, citta aperta/Open City (1945) (ITA) (d. Roberto Rossellini) WWII-Europe
1945. Story of G.I. Joe (1945)  (d. William A. Wellman) WWII-Mediterranean
1945. They Were Expendable (1945)  (d. John Ford) The Philippines
1945. A Walk In the Sun (1945)  (d. Lewis Milestone) WWII-Europe-Italy
1946. The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)  (d. William Wyler) U.S.
1946. Notorious (1946)  (d. Alfred Hitchcock) post WWII-Brazil
1949. Battleground (1949)  (d. William A. Wellman) WWII-Europe
1949. She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949)  (d. John Ford) U.S. Civil War-Southwest
1949. The Third Man (1949)  (UK) (d. Carol Reed) post WWII-Europe-Vienna
1949. Twelve O'Clock High (1949)  (d. Henry King) WWII-Europe-U.K.
1951. The African Queen (1951)  (d. John Huston) The Great War-Africa

Part 5

1951. The Desert Fox (1951)  (d. Henry Hathaway) WWII-N Africa
1953. Stalag 17 (1953)  (d. Billy Wilder) WWII-Europe-Germany
1953. The Desert Rats (1953)  (d. Robert Wise) WWII-N Africa
1953. From Here To Eternity (1953)  (d. Fred Zinnemann) WWII-Pacific-Pearl Harbor
1954. The Bridges At Toko-Ri (1954)  (d. Mark Robson) Korea
1955. To Hell and Back (1955)  (d. Jesse Hibbs) WWII-Europe
1956. The Searchers (1956)  (d. John Ford) post U.S. Civil War-Texas
1957. The Bridge On the River Kwai (1957)  (d. David Lean) WWII-Pacific
1957. Paths of Glory (1957)  (d. Stanley Kubrick) The Great War-France
1958. Dunkirk (1958)  (d. Leslie Norman) WWII-Europe-France
1958. Run Silent, Run Deep (1958)  (d. Robert Wise) WWII-Pacific

Part 6

1959. Ballad of a Soldier (1959)  (d. Robert Wise) WWII-Europe-Russian front
1959. Ben-Hur (1959)  (d. William Wyler) Roman ???
1959. Pork Chop Hill (1959)  (d. Lewis Milestone) Korea
1960. The Alamo (1960)  (d. John Wayne) Texan-Mexican War
1960. Spartacus (1960)  (d. Stanley Kubrick) Roman slave revolt
1961. El Cid (1961)  (d. Anthony Mann) Spanish-Moor War
1961. The Guns of Navarone (1961)  (d. J. Lee Thompson) WWII-Mediterranean
1962. The Manchurian Candidate (1962)  (d. John Frankenheimer) Korea/Cold War
1962. The Longest Day (1962)  (d. Ken Annakin) WWII-Europe
1962. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)  (d. David Lean) The Great War-Arabia
1963. The Great Escape (1963)  (d. John Sturges) WWII-Europe-Germany

Part 7

1964. Dr. Strangelove (1964)  (d. Stanley Kubrick) Cold War-U.S.
1964. The Train (1964)  (d. John Frankenheimer) WWII-Europe
1964. Zulu (1964)  (UK) (d. Cy Endfield) Anglo-Zulu War-S Africa
1965. Chimes At Midnight (1965)  (UK) (Orson Wells?) England???-Battle of Shrewsbury
1966. La battaglia di Algeri/The Battle of Algiers (1966) (ITA) (d. Gillo Pontecorvo) Algerian War
1967. The Dirty Dozen (1967)  (d. Robert Aldrich) WWII-Europe-Germany
1968. Voyna i mir/War and Peace (1968) (RUS) (d. Sergei Bondarchuk) Napoleonic Wars-Invasion of Russia
1969. Battle of Britain (1969)  (UK) (d. Guy Hamilton) WWII-Europe-U.K.
1969. Castle Keep (1969)  (d. Sydney Pollack) WWII-Europe
1970. M*A*S*H (1970)  (d. Robert Altman) Korea
1970. Patton (1970)  (d. Franklin J. Schaffner) WWII-Europe
1972. Ulzana's Raid (1972)  (d. Robert Aldrich) U.S.-Apache War-Southwest

Part 8

1975. The Man Who Would Be King (1975)  (U.K.?) (d. John Huston) U.K. India/Afganistan
1976. Midway (1976)  (d. Jack Smight) WWII-Pacific
1977. A Bridge Too Far (1977)  (UK) (d. Richard Attenborough) WWII-Europe
1977. Cross of Iron (1977)  (d. Sam Peckinpah) WWII-Europe-Russian front
1977. Soldaat van Oranje/Soldier of Orange (1977) (NETH) (d. Paul Verhoeven) WWII-Europe
1978. The Deer Hunter (1978)  (d. Michael Cimino) Vietnam-U.S./Vietnam
1978. Coming Home (1978)  (d. Hal Ashby) post Vietnam-U.S.
1979. Die Blechtrommel/The Tin Drum (1979) (W.GER) (d. Volker Schlondorff) WWII-Europe
1979. Apocalypse Now (1979)  (d. Francis Ford Coppola) Vietnam
1980. The Big Red One (1980)  (d. Samuel Fuller) WWII-Europe
1980. Breaker Morant (1980)  (ASTL) (d. Bruce Beresford) 2nd Boer War-S Africa

Part 9

1980. Kagemusha (1980)  (JPN) (d. Akira Kurosawa) Sengoku era Japan
1981. Das Boot (1981)  (GER) (d. Wolfgang Peterson) WWII-Europe/Atlantic
1981. Gallipoli (1981)  (ASTL) (d. Peter Weir) The Great War-Turkey
1982. First Blood (1982)  (d. Ted Kotcheff) post Vietnam-U.S.
1985. Oberst Redl/Colonel Redl (1985) (HNG/AUS/W.GER) (d. Istvan Szabo) Austro-Hungarian War
1985. Ran (1985)  (JPN) (d. Akira Kurosawa) Sengoku era Japan
1986. Heartbreak Ridge (1986)  (d. Clint Eastwood) Invasion of Grenada
1986. Platoon (1986)  (d. Oliver Stone) Vietnam
1987. Full Metal Jacket (1987)  (d. Stanley Kubrick) Vietnam-U.S./Vietnam
1989. Casualties of War (1989)  (d. Brian dePalma) Vietnam
1989. Glory (1989)  (d. Edward Zwick) U.S. Civil War

Part 10

1992. The Last of the Mohicans (1992)  (d. Michael Mann) Mohican Wars
1993. Gettysburg (1993)  (d. Ronald Maxwell) U.S. Civil War
1993. Schindler's List (1993)  (d. Ronald Maxwell) WWII-Europe-Holocaust
1993. Stalingrad (1993)  (GER) (d. Joseph Vilsmaier) WWII-Europe-Russian Front
1995. Braveheart (1995)  (d. Mel Gibson) Scottish Independence
1995. Richard III (1995)  (d. Richard Loncraine) fictional war-Fascist U.K.
1998. Saving Private Ryan (1998)  (d. Steven Spielberg) WWII-Europe
1998. The Thin Red Line (1998)  (d. Terrence Malick) WWII-Pacific
2000. Tigerland (2000)  (d. Joel Schumacher) Vietnam-U.S.
2001. Black Hawk Down (2001)  (d. Ridley Scott) Somali Civil War-U.S. intervention
2002. The Pianist (2002)  (d. Roman Polanski) WWII-Europe-Holocaust
2002. We Were Soldiers (2002)  (d. Randall Wallace) Vietnam
2004. Der Untergang/Downfall (2004) (GER) (d. Oscar Hirschbiegel)
2006. Flags of Our Fathers (2006)  (d. Clint Eastwood) WWII-Pacific/U.S.
2006. Letters From Iwo Jima (2006)  (d. Clint Eastwood) WWII-Pacific
2009. The Hurt Locker (2009)  (d. Kathryn Bigelow) Iraq
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more Great War Movies not listed

1950. Halls of Montezuma (1950)  (.d Lewis Milestone) WWII-Pacific
1965. Doctor Zhivago (1965) (.d David Lean) Russian Revolution era
1970. Catch-22 (1970)  (d. Mike Nichols) WWII-Europe
1970. Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970)  (.d Richard Fleischer) WWII-Pacific
2001. Enemy At the Gates (2001)  (Jean-Jacques Annaud) WWII-Europe-Russian front
2003. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)  (N.ZLD?) (.d Peter Jackson) fictional war
2005. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)  (.d George Lucas) fictional war
2005. Jarhead (2005)  (.d Sam Mendes) Persian Gulf
2008. Che: Part One (2008)  (.d Steven Soderbergh) Cuban Revolution