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The Film-Lover's Check List Drew3189
  • Titles in black are seen.
  • Titles in amber are seen but should be seen again.
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Total: 78  
Seen: 46 (59.0%)
See Again: 0 (0.0%)
Unseen: 32 (41.0%)

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Most Popular Horrors of the 1960s

Most Popular Horrors of the 1960s

1. Psycho (1960)
2. Rosemary's Baby (1968)
3. Kwaidan (1964)
4. Night of the Living Dead (1968)
5. Onibaba (1964)
6. The Innocents (1961)
7. Repulsion (1965)
8. The Birds (1963)
9. Eyes Without a Face (1960)
10. Peeping Tom (1960)
11. The Haunting (1963)
12. Hour of the Wolf (1968)
13. The Collector (1965)
14. Black Sunday (1960)
15. Blood and Black Lace (1964)
16. Village of the Damned (1960)
17. Quatermass and the Pit (1967)
18. The Nanny (1965)
19. Black Sabbath (1963)
20. Blind Beast (1969)
21. The Devil Rides Out (1968)
22. Kill, Baby...Kill! (1966)
23. The Fearless Vampire Killers: Or, Pardon Me But Your Teeth Are In My Neck (1967)
24. Carnival of Souls (1962)
25. The Masque of the Red Death (1964)
26. The Pit and the Pendulum (1961)
27. Spider Baby (1968)
28. House of Usher (1960)
29. Witchfinder General (1968)
30. The Last Man On Earth (1964)
31. The Brides of Dracula (1960)
32. Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed (1969)
33. Horror Hotel (1960)
34. Satyricon (1969)
35. X: The Man With the X-Ray Eyes (1963)
36. Strait-Jacket (1964)
37. Carry On Screaming (1966)
38. Tales of Terror (1962)
39. The Plague of the Zombies (1966)
40. The Raven (1963)
41. Panic In Year Zero (1962)
42. The Curse of the Werewolf (1961)
43. The Comedy of Terrors (1963)
44. The Haunted Palace (1963)
45. Dracula: Prince of Darkness (1966)
46. Spirits of the Dead (1968)
47. Dr. Terror's House of Horrors (1965)
48. The Tomb of Ligeia (1964)
49. Premature Burial (1962)
50. Frankenstein Created Woman (1967)
51. Dracula Has Risen From the Grave (1968)
52. Destroy All Monsters (1968)
53. The Gorgon (1964)
54. The Little Shop of Horrors (1960)
55. Planet of the Vampires (1965)
56. Godzilla Vs. Mothra (1964)
57. 13 Ghosts (1960)
58. Children of the Damned (1964)
59. The Day of the Triffids (1962)
60. Two Thousand Maniacs! (1964)
61. Dementia 13 (1963)
62. King Kong Vs. Godzilla (1962)
63. The Terror (1963)
64. Blood Feast (1963)
65. The Brain That Wouldn't Die (1962)
66. The Green Slime (1968)
67. Creature From the Haunted Sea (1961)
68. Orgy of the Dead (1965)
69. Bloodlust! (1961)
70. The Atomic Brain (1964)
71. Horror of Party Beach (1964)
72. The Astro-Zombies (1968)
73. Horrors of Spider Island (1960)
74. The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies (1964)
75. The Creeping Terror (1964)
76. The Beast of Yucca Flats (1961)
77. Manos: The Hands of Fate (1966)
78. Monster A-Go-Go (1965)