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The Film-Lover's Check List Drew3189
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  • Titles in amber are seen but should be seen again.
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Total: 400  
Seen: 288 (72.0%)
See Again: 0 (0.0%)
Unseen: 112 (28.0%)

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AFI Top 400 Thrilling Movies Nominations (2001)

1. The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
2. The African Queen (1951)
3. Air Force (1943)
4. Air Force One (1997)
5. Airport 1975 (1974)
6. Alien (1979)
7. Aliens (1986)
8. All Quiet On the Western Front (1930)
9. All the President's Men (1976)
10. Anatomy of a Murder (1959)
11. And Then There Were None (1945)
12. The Andromeda Strain (1971)
13. Apollo 13 (1995)
14. The Asphalt Jungle (1950)
15. Assault On Precinct 13 (1976)
16. Attack (1956)
17. Back To the Future (1985)
18. Backdraft (1991)
19. The Bad Seed (1956)
20. Basic Instinct (1992)
21. Bataan (1943)
22. Batman (1989)
23. Battleground (1949)
24. Beau Geste (1939)
25. Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1925)
26. Ben-Hur (1959)
27. The Big Clock (1948)
28. The Big Heat (1953)
29. The Big Parade (1925)
30. The Big Red One (1980)
31. The Big Sleep (1946)
32. The Birds (1963)
33. The Black Pirate (1926)
34. The Black Stallion (1979)
35. Black Sunday (1977)
36. Blackboard Jungle (1955)
37. Blade Runner (1982)
38. The Blair Witch Project (1999)
39. The Blob (1958)
40. Blood Simple (1984)
41. Bloodsport (1988)
42. Blue Velvet (1986)
43. Body Heat (1981)
44. The Body Snatcher (1945)
45. Bonnie and Clyde (1967)
46. Boomerang! (1947)
47. The Boys From Brazil (1978)
48. Dracula (1992)
49. Braveheart (1995)
50. Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
51. The Bridge On the River Kwai (1957)
52. Brute Force (1947)
53. Bullitt (1968)
54. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
55. Call Northside 777 (1948)
56. Candyman (1992)
57. Cape Fear (1962)
58. Capricorn One (1977)
59. Captain Blood (1935)
60. Carnival of Souls (1962)
61. Carrie (1976)
62. Casablanca (1942)
63. The Cat and the Canary (1927)
64. Cat People (1942)
65. Champion (1949)
66. Charade (1963)
67. The Charge of the Light Brigade (1936)
68. The Cheat (1915)
69. The China Syndrome (1979)
70. Chinatown (1974)
71. Cliffhanger (1993)
72. A Clockwork Orange (1971)
73. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
74. Code of Silence (1985)
75. Coffy (1973)
76. Contact (1997)
77. Cool Hand Luke (1967)
78. Copycat (1995)
79. The Count of Monte Cristo (1934)
80. The Covered Wagon (1923)
81. Creature From the Black Lagoon (1954)
82. The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
83. Death Race 2000 (1975)
84. Death Wish (1974)
85. The Deer Hunter (1978)
86. The Defiant Ones (1958)
87. Deliverance (1972)
88. Destination Tokyo (1943)
89. Detour (1945)
90. Dial M For Murder (1954)
91. Die Hard (1988)
92. The Dirty Dozen (1967)
93. Dirty Harry (1971)
94. D.O.A. (1950)
95. Do the Right Thing (1989)
96. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920)
97. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931)
98. Dog Day Afternoon (1975)
99. Don Juan (1926)
100. Don't Bother To Knock (1952)
101. Double Indemnity (1944)
102. Dracula (1931)
103. Dressed To Kill (1980)
104. The Eagle (1925)
105. Earthquake (1974)
106. Edge of Darkness (1943)
107. The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
108. Enter the Dragon (1973)
109. Escape From Alcatraz (1979)
110. Escape From New York (1981)
111. E.T., the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
112. The Evil Dead (1981)
113. The Exorcist (1973)
114. Face/Off (1997)
115. Fail-Safe (1964)
116. Fargo (1996)
117. Fatal Attraction (1987)
118. First Blood (1982)
119. The Fly (1958)
120. The Fly (1986)
121. Foreign Correspondent (1940)
122. 48 Hrs. (1982)
123. Fourteen Hours (1951)
124. Frankenstein (1931)
125. Freaks (1932)
126. The French Connection (1971)
127. Friday the 13th (1980)
128. From Russia With Love (1963)
129. The Fugitive (1993)
130. Full Metal Jacket (1987)
131. Fury (1936)
132. The Fury (1978)
133. F/X (1986)
134. The Game (1997)
135. Gaslight (1944)
136. The General (1927)
137. The Getaway (1972)
138. Ghostbusters (1984)
139. Glory (1989)
140. The Godfather (1972)
141. Goldfinger (1964)
142. The Great Escape (1963)
143. Gun Crazy (1950)
144. Gunfight At the O.K. Corral (1957)
145. Gunga Din (1939)
146. The Guns of Navarone (1961)
147. Halloween (1978)
148. Heat (1995)
149. The High and the Mighty (1954)
150. High Noon (1952)
151. The Hills Have Eyes (1977)
152. The Hitch-Hiker (1953)
153. Honeymoon Killers (1969)
154. Hoosiers (1986)
155. The Hound of the Baskervilles (1939)
156. House of Games (1987)
157. House of Wax (1953)
158. House On Haunted Hill (1959)
159. The House On 92nd Street (1945)
160. The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939)
161. The Hunt For Red October (1990)
162. The Hurricane (1937)
163. Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964)
164. The Hustler (1961)
165. I Am a Fugitive From a Chain Gang (1932)
166. In the Line of Fire (1993)
167. The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957)
168. Independence Day (1996)
169. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
170. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
171. Intolerance (1916)
172. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
173. The Invisible Man (1933)
174. The Iron Mask (1929)
175. Island of Lost Souls (1932)
176. It Came From Beneath the Sea (1955)
177. Ivanhoe (1952)
178. Jacob's Ladder (1990)
179. Jagged Edge (1985)
180. Jaws (1975)
181. JFK (1991)
182. Jurassic Park (1993)
183. The Karate Kid (1984)
184. The Killers (1946)
185. The Killing (1956)
186. Kim (1950)
187. King Kong (1933)
188. King Solomon's Mines (1950)
189. Kiss Me Deadly (1955)
190. Kiss of Death (1947)
191. Klute (1971)
192. L.A. Confidential (1997)
193. The Lady From Shanghai (1948)
194. The Last Days of Pompeii (1935)
195. The Last House On the Left (1972)
196. The Last of Sheila (1973)
197. The Last of the Mohicans (1992)
198. The Last Seduction (1994)
199. Laura (1944)
200. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
201. Lethal Weapon (1987)
202. Licence To Kill (1989)
203. Little Caesar (1931)
204. The Lives of a Bengal Lancer (1935)
205. The Lodger (1944)
206. The Longest Day (1962)
207. The Lost Patrol (1934)
208. The Lost World (1925)
209. The Magnificent Seven (1960)
210. The Maltese Falcon (1941)
211. Man Hunt (1941)
212. The Man In the Iron Mask (1939)
213. The Manchurian Candidate (1962)
214. Manhunter (1986)
215. Marathon Man (1976)
216. El Mariachi (1992)
217. The Mark of Zorro (1920)
218. The Mark of Zorro (1940)
219. The Matrix (1999)
220. Mean Streets (1973)
221. Midnight Express (1978)
222. Mighty Joe Young (1949)
223. Misery (1990)
224. Mission: Impossible (1996)
225. Moby Dick (1956)
226. The Most Dangerous Game (1932)
227. The Mummy (1932)
228. Murder, My Sweet (1944)
229. National Velvet (1944)
230. Natural Born Killers (1994)
231. Near Dark (1987)
232. New Jack City (1991)
233. The Night of the Hunter (1955)
234. Night of the Living Dead (1968)
235. A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984)
236. No Way Out (1950)
237. North By Northwest (1959)
238. Notorious (1946)
239. The Omega Man (1971)
240. The Omen (1976)
241. On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969)
242. One False Move (1992)
243. The Onion Field (1979)
244. Out of Sight (1998)
245. Out of the Past (1947)
246. Panic In the Streets (1950)
247. The Parallax View (1974)
248. Patriot Games (1992)
249. The Phantom of the Opera (1925)
250. Pi (1998)
251. Pickup On South Street (1953)
252. The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945)
253. Pinocchio (1940)
254. The Pit and the Pendulum (1961)
255. Planet of the Apes (1968)
256. Platoon (1986)
257. Play Misty For Me (1971)
258. Point Blank (1967)
259. Poltergeist (1982)
260. The Poseidon Adventure (1972)
261. The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946)
262. Predator (1987)
263. The Prisoner of Zenda (1937)
264. Psycho (1960)
265. The Public Enemy (1931)
266. Pulp Fiction (1994)
267. Raging Bull (1980)
268. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
269. Rear Window (1954)
270. Rebecca (1940)
271. Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
272. The Reckless Moment (1949)
273. The Red Badge of Courage (1951)
274. Red Rock West (1993)
275. Reservoir Dogs (1992)
276. Return of the Jedi (1983)
277. Ride Lonesome (1959)
278. The Right Stuff (1983)
279. Robin Hood (1922)
280. Robocop (1987)
281. Rocky (1976)
282. Rollerball (1975)
283. Romancing the Stone (1984)
284. Rope (1948)
285. Rosemary's Baby (1968)
286. Run Silent, Run Deep (1958)
287. Runaway Train (1985)
288. Saboteur (1942)
289. Safety Last (1923)
290. San Francisco (1936)
291. Sands of Iwo Jima (1949)
292. Saving Private Ryan (1998)
293. Scaramouche (1952)
294. Scarface (1932)
295. Scream (1996)
296. The Sea Hawk (1940)
297. Sea of Love (1989)
298. Seconds (1966)
299. Sergeant York (1941)
300. Serpico (1973)
301. Seven (1995)
302. Seven Days In May (1964)
303. The 7th Voyage of Sinbad (1958)
304. Shadow of a Doubt (1943)
305. Shaft (1971)
306. The Sheik (1921)
307. The Shining (1980)
308. Shock Corridor (1963)
309. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
310. Silkwood (1983)
311. The Sixth Sense (1999)
312. Sleepy Hollow (1999)
313. Sleuth (1972)
314. Smokey and the Bandit (1977)
315. A Soldier's Story (1984)
316. Sorry, Wrong Number (1948)
317. Soylent Green (1973)
318. Spartacus (1960)
319. Speed (1994)
320. Speedy (1928)
321. Spellbound (1945)
322. The Spiral Staircase (1945)
323. The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)
324. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
325. Star Wars (1977)
326. Steamboat Bill, Jr. (1928)
327. Steel Helmet (1951)
328. The Stepfather (1987)
329. The Stepford Wives (1975)
330. Strangers On a Train (1951)
331. Straw Dogs (1971)
332. Suddenly (1954)
333. Superman II (1980)
334. The Suspect (1944)
335. Suspicion (1941)
336. The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1974)
337. The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999)
338. Targets (1968)
339. Tarzan, the Ape Man (1932)
340. Taxi Driver (1976)
341. The Ten Commandments (1956)
342. The Terminator (1984)
343. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
344. Test Pilot (1938)
345. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
346. Thelma & Louise (1991)
347. Them! (1954)
348. They Live By Night (1948)
349. The Thief of Bagdad (1924)
350. The Thief of Bagdad (1940)
351. The Thing From Another World (1951)
352. The Third Man (1949)
353. The Thomas Crown Affair (1968)
354. Three Days of the Condor (1975)
355. The Three Musketeers (1939)
356. The Tingler (1959)
357. Titanic (1997)
358. T-Men (1947)
359. To Hell and Back (1955)
360. To Live and Die In L.A. (1985)
361. Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
362. Top Gun (1986)
363. Topkapi (1964)
364. Touch of Evil (1958)
365. The Towering Inferno (1974)
366. The Train (1964)
367. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)
368. True Grit (1969)
369. True Romance (1993)
370. Tumbleweeds (1925)
371. 12 Angry Men (1957)
372. Twelve O'Clock High (1949)
373. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954)
374. Twister (1996)
375. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
376. Under Fire (1983)
377. Under Siege (1992)
378. Unforgiven (1992)
379. The Uninvited (1944)
380. Union Pacific (1939)
381. The Untouchables (1987)
382. The Usual Suspects (1995)
383. Vertigo (1958)
384. Wait Until Dark (1967)
385. The War of the Worlds (1953)
386. War Games (1983)
387. Way Down East (1920)
388. Westworld (1973)
389. What Ever Happened To Baby Jane? (1962)
390. When a Stranger Calls (1979)
391. White Heat (1949)
392. The Wild Bunch (1969)
393. The Wind (1928)
394. Wings (1927)
395. Witness (1985)
396. Witness For the Prosecution (1957)
397. The Wizard of Oz (1939)
398. The Wolf Man (1941)
399. The Woman In the Window (1944)
400. The Wrong Man (1956)