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The Film-Lover's Check List Carville
  • Titles in black are seen.
  • Titles in amber are seen but should be seen again.
  • Titles in red are not seen.
Total: 578  
Seen: 566 (97.9%)
See Again: 0 (0.0%)
Unseen: 12 (2.1%)

Movies Ive Seen ] [ Oscar BP Nom's ] [ Oscar BP's ] [ GG BP's ] [ Critic BP's ] [ Maltin ] [ AFI 100 Yrs Lists ] [ FilmSite 300 ] [ 101 BF Bk ] [ VF 50 ] [ Spectator 50 ] [ 1958 World's Fair ] [ IMDb Decades ] [ Silent Movies Ive Seen ] [ ] [ Sams Silent ] [ Rothas Silent ] [ Silent Summary ] [ Ebert's Great Movies ] [ Ebert Annual Best ] [ Ebert Yr Top 10 ] [ A&F ] [ NFR ] [ S&S Top 10's ] [ S&S ??????? ] [ S&S 2012 (C+D) ] [ S&S 2022 (C+D) ] [ IMDb Oscar Highlights Badges ] [ IMDb 250 Badges (1996-2022) ] [ IMDb 250 ALL-TIME ] [ Carville 5OO ] [ EW 100 #1 ] [ EW 100 #2 ] [ Time 100 ] [ VV 100 ] [ Empire 500 ] [ 501+ Must-See Movies ] [ NYT 1000 ] [ 1001 Movies ] [ Oscar Foreign ] [ NBR Foreign ] [ GG Foreign ] [ NSFC 100 ] [ Movieline 100 Foreign ] [ Empire 100 Foreign ] [ Ray 100 Foreign ] [ BFI 100 ] [ NBR Yr Top 10 ] [ AFI Yr Top 10 ] [ BFCA Yr Top 10 ] [ GG BP Nom's ] [ Chaplin-Keaton-Lloyd ] [ DIRECTORS - Historical ] [ DIRECTORS - Current ] [ ACTORS ] [ ACTRESSES ] [ Manic Pixie Dream Girls ] [ Series & Couples ] [ UK Monarchs & US Presidents ] [ 50 Greatest Cartoons ] [ Foreign Films Ive Seen ] [ TV Christmas Movies Ive Seen ] [ Documentaries Ive Seen ] [ Shorts Ive Seen ] [ Quentin Tarantino Great Movies ] [ Scorsese's 85+39+12 Films ] [ Looney Tunes ] [ Maltin 2 ] [ 2010 BP ] [ 2011 BP ] [ 2012 BP ] [ 2013 BP ] [ 2014 BP ] [ Cannes ] [ Ingmar Bergman Universe ] [ TV Movies&MiniSeries Ive Seen ] [ Esquire 75 Man Movies ] [ TCM: 52 Must-See Movies ] [ Video Detective ] [ BBC 100 American ] [ Bergman Films ] [ BFI 100 ] [ ISA ] [ Spirit Awards ] [ ISA Best Film ] [ MovieMeter 250 ] [ Reddit Top 250 ] [ Roeper 2000s ] [ Rosenbaum ] [ RT 100 ] [ TSPDT1000 ] [ Premiere Daring 100 ] [ Rolling Stone Maverick ] [ Movieline 100 ] [ SF Chronicle 100 ] [ Time Out 100 ] [ Empire Reader Polls ] [ Empire Masterpiece ] [ Empire Top 50 (18 certificate) ] [ Empire Indy 50 (World) ] [ Empire Indy 50 (USA) ] [ 24/7 Tempo 50 ] [ Premiere 50 Unsung Classics ] [ Moving Arts 100 ] [ Kermode 50 ] [ Complex 100 ] [ Premiere Dangerous 25 ] [ BBC Foreign 100 ] [ Britt Robertson ] [ 15 Changing Cinema ] [ EW 100 Classics (83-08) ] [ Bugs Bunny Cartoons ] [ Esquire 100 ] [ TSPDT-21st Century ] [ 25 Italian Neorealism ] [ EW - Genre Lists ] [ The Beatles ] [ Sam Stoddard Essential ] [ Fix Requests ] [ New Films to Check ] [ Font Color Codes ] [ Blank Worksheet ] [ EW - 20 Guilty Pleasures ]
Seen ] [ See Again ] [ Unseen ]

FONT COLOR CODES CHART (& other Site Aids)




AliceBlue AliceBlue AliceBlue
AntiqueWhite AntiqueWhite AntiqueWhite
Aqua Aqua Aqua Aqua Aqua Aqua
Aquamarine Aquamarine Aquamarine
Azure Azure Azure Azure Azure
Beige Beige Beige Beige Beige
Bisque Bisque Bisque Bisque
Black Black Black Black Black
BlancheDalmond BlancheDalmond
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue
BlueViolet BlueViolet BlueViolet
Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass
BrightGold BrightGold BrightGold
Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze
BronzeII BronzeII BronzeII BronzeII
Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown
Burlywood Burlywood Burlywood
CadetBlue CadetBlue CadetBlue
Chartreuse Chartreuse Chartreuse
Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate
CoolCopper CoolCopper CoolCopper
Copper Copper Copper Copper
Coral Coral Coral Coral Coral Coral
CornflowerBlue CornflowerBlue
Cornsilk Cornsilk Cornsilk Cornsilk
Crimson Crimson Crimson Crimson
Cyan Cyan Cyan Cyan Cyan Cyan
DarkBlue DarkBlue DarkBlue
DarkBrown DarkBrown DarkBrown
DarkCyan DarkCyan DarkCyan
DarkGoldenrod DarkGoldenrod
DarkGray DarkGray DarkGray
DarkGreen DarkGreen DarkGreen
DarkGreenCopper DarkGreenCopper
DarkKhaki DarkKhaki DarkKhaki
DarkMagenta DarkMagenta DarkMagenta
DarkOliveGreen DarkOliveGreen
DarkOrange DarkOrange DarkOrange
DarkOrchid DarkOrchid DarkOrchid
DarkPurple DarkPurple DarkPurple
DarkRed DarkRed DarkRed DarkRed
DarkSalmon DarkSalmon DarkSalmon
DarkSeagreen DarkSeagreen
DarkSlateBlue DarkSlateBlue
DarkSlateGray DarkSlateGray
DarkSlateGrey DarkSlateGrey
DarkTan DarkTan DarkTan DarkTan
DarkTurquoise DarkTurquoise
DarkViolet DarkViolet DarkViolet
DarkWood DarkWood DarkWood
DarkYellow DarkYellow DarkYellow
DeepPink DeepPink DeepPink
DeepSkyBlue DeepSkyBlue DeepSkyBlue
DimGray DimGray DimGray DimGray
DimGrey DimGrey DimGrey DimGrey
DodgerBlue DodgerBlue DodgerBlue
DustyRose DustyRose DustyRose
FadedBrown FadedBrown FadedBrown
Feldspar Feldspar Feldspar Feldspar
Firebrick Firebrick Firebrick Firebrick
FloralWhite FloralWhite FloralWhite
ForestGreen ForestGreen ForestGreen
Fuchsia Fuchsia Fuchsia Fuchsia
Gainsboro Gainsboro Gainsboro
GhostWhite GhostWhite GhostWhite
Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold
Goldenrod Goldenrod Goldenrod
Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray
Green Green Green Green Green
GreenCopper GreenCopper GreenCopper
GreenYellow GreenYellow GreenYellow
Grey Grey Grey Grey Grey Grey
Honeydew Honeydew Honeydew
HotPink HotPink HotPink HotPink
HunterGreen HunterGreen HunterGreen
IndianRed IndianRed IndianRed
Indigo Indigo Indigo Indigo Indigo
Ivory Ivory Ivory Ivory Ivory Ivory Ivory
Khaki Khaki Khaki Khaki Khaki
Lavender Lavender Lavender Lavender
LavenderBlush LavenderBlush
Lawngreen Lawngreen Lawngreen
LemonChiffon LemonChiffon LemonChiffon
LightBlue LightBlue LightBlue
LightCoral LightCoral LightCoral
LightCyan LightCyan LightCyan
LightGoldenrodYellow LightGoldenrodYellow
LightGreen LightGreen LightGreen
LightGrey LightGrey LightGrey
LightPink LightPink LightPink
LightSalmon LightSalmon LightSalmon
LightSeagreen LightSeagreen
LightSkyBlue LightSkyBlue LightSkyBlue
LightSlateGray LightSlateGray
LightSteelBlue LightSteelBlue
LightWood LightWood LightWood
LightYellow LightYellow LightYellow
Lime Lime Lime Lime Lime Lime
LimeGreen LimeGreen LimeGreen
Linen Linen Linen Linen Linen Linen
Magenta Magenta Magenta Magenta
MandarianOrange MandarianOrange
Maroon Maroon Maroon Maroon
MediumAquamarine MediumAquamarine
MediumBlue MediumBlue MediumBlue
MediumForestGreen MediumForestGreen
MediumGoldenrod MediumGoldenrod
MediumOrchid MediumOrchid
MediumPurple MediumPurple
MediumSeaGreen MediumSeaGreen
MediumSlateBlue MediumSlateBlue
MediumSpringGreen MediumSpringGreen
MediumTurquoise MediumTurquoise
MediumVioletRed MediumVioletRed
MediumWood MediumWood MediumWood
MidnightBlue MidnightBlue MidnightBlue
MintCream MintCream MintCream
MistyRose MistyRose MistyRose
Moccasin Moccasin Moccasin
NavajoWhite NavajoWhite NavajoWhite
Navy Navy Navy Navy Navy Navy
NavyBlue NavyBlue NavyBlue
NeonBlue NeonBlue NeonBlue
NeonPink NeonPink NeonPink
NewMidnightBlue NewMidnightBlue
NewTan NewTan NewTan NewTan
OldGold OldGold OldGold OldGold
OldLace OldLace OldLace OldLace
OliveDrab OliveDrab OliveDrab
Orange Orange Orange Orange
OrangeRed OrangeRed OrangeRed
Orchid Orchid Orchid Orchid Orchid
PaleGoldenrod PaleGoldenrod
PaleGreen PaleGreen PaleGreen
PaleTurquoise PaleTurquoise
PaleVioletRed PaleVioletRed
PapayaWhip PapayaWhip PapayaWhip
PeachPuff PeachPuff PeachPuff
Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru
Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink
Plum Plum Plum Plum Plum Plum
PowderBlue PowderBlue PowderBlue
Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple
Quartz Quartz Quartz Quartz Quartz
Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red
RichBlue RichBlue RichBlue
RosyBrown RosyBrown RosyBrown
RoyalBlue RoyalBlue RoyalBlue
SaddleBrown SaddleBrown SaddleBrown
Salmon Salmon Salmon Salmon
SandyBrown SandyBrown SandyBrown
Scarlet Scarlet Scarlet Scarlet
SeaGreen SeaGreen SeaGreen
SeaShell SeaShell SeaShell
Semi-SweetChocolate Semi-SweetChocolate
Sienna Sienna Sienna Sienna
Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver
SkyBlue SkyBlue SkyBlue SkyBlue
SlateBlue SlateBlue SlateBlue
Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow
SpicyPink SpicyPink SpicyPink
SpringGreen SpringGreen SpringGreen
Steelblue Steelblue Steelblue
SummerSky SummerSky SummerSky
Tan Tan Tan Tan Tan Tan Tan Tan
Teal Teal Teal Teal Teal Teal Teal
Thistle Thistle Thistle Thistle Thistle
Tomato Tomato Tomato Tomato
Turquoise Turquoise Turquoise
VeryDarkBrown VeryDarkBrown
VeryLightGrey VeryLightGrey
Violet Violet Violet Violet Violet
VioletRed VioletRed VioletRed
Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat
White White White White White
Whitesmoke Whitesmoke Whitesmoke
Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow
YellowGreen YellowGreen YellowGreen




size 1 font
size 2 font
size 3 font
size 4 font
size 5 font
size 6 font
size 7 font = largest
size 8 font = same as 7
size 9 font = same as 7
size 10 font = same as 7
size 100 font = same as 7


QUESTION = What size is the default font with undefined size? Let's test!
Note: We know the undefined default font color is blue, so lets set the color for the comparative test strings with defined font sizes as black.
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz1234567890!@#$%^&*()_-+={}[]:;"'<>,.?/~` = Size 1 Font
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz1234567890!@#$%^&*()_-+={}[]:;"'<>,.?/~` = Size ? Font
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz1234567890!@#$%^&*()_-+={}[]:;"'<>,.?/~` = Size 2 Font
Answer = Default Font appears to be between 1 & 2, so maybe about 1.5?




*a href='AAA'>BBB*/a>
where * = open carrot "<" (2 locations)
where AAA = Actual Web Address
where BBB = Text to show to represent website
"Wikipedia Page for The Godfather"




📽️ = Film Projector = Silent Filmmakers (Directing &/or Starring)
🎥 = Movie Camera
🎞️ = Film Frames
🎦 = Cinema
🎬 = Clapper Board = Directors
🏆 = Trophy
👱‍♀️ = Woman (Blond Hair) = Actress
👩 = Woman (Brown Hair) = Actress
👱‍♂️ = Man (Blond Hair) = Actor
👨 = Man (Brown Hair) = Actor
👸 = Princess = Actress
🤴 = Prince = Actor
🏆 = Trophy
✔️ = Check








*img src="XXX">
where * = open carrot "<"
where XXX = Web Address of image
NOTE: maintain quotes around XXX value
Wikipedia jpg image atop their page on "The Godfather"
Logo gif for The Film-Lovers Checklist
Video gif of movie clip




Specify the width and height in your IMG SRC HTML tag as shown in the example below.
*img src="
(following is good example)
The Moving Arts Film Journal "100 Greatest Movies of All Time" (2010)




(all lines have exactly 50 characters)







CONFIGURATION TESTING (some lines may have varying # of characters)




2012 Awards



(Dec 19) Zero Dark Thirty (2012)[NYFCC]


Leading Contenders to Receive a BEST PICTURE OSCAR Nomination (in decreasing order of confidence)
If NOT Nominated - Predict It Will DEFINITELY Appear on AT LEAST ONE Other List (i.e. Golden Globe-Drama, NBR, AFI, BFCA, NFCA, NYFCC, LAFCA)
Note: At least 5 films will receive Best Picture Oscar Nominations - but as many as 10 can be nominated

Best Picture Oscar Nomination is a LOCK

(absolutely guaranteed that all 4 of the following titles will comprise 4 of the 5 (minimum) BP nominations)

1. (Nov 16)  Lincoln (2012)  -- [OSCAR][OSCAR-FOREIGN](oscar)[GGD](ggd)[GGCM](ggcd)[NBR](nbr)[BFCA](bfca)[NFCA1](nfca2)(nfca3)[NYFCC][LAFCA1](lafca2)(afi)
2. (-OUT-)  Argo (2012)
3. (Dec 25) Les Miserable (2012)
4. (Nov 21)  Life of Pi (2012)

Best Picture Oscar Nomination is EXTREMELY PROBABLE

(guaranteed that 1 of the 2 will comprise the remaining slot to complete the 5 (minimum) BP nominations)

(the remaining title will PROBABLY also be nominated to expand the list of BP nominees to 6)

5. (-OUT-)  Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012)
6. (Nov 21)  Silver Linings Playbook (2012)

Best Picture Oscar Nomination is VERY POSSIBLE

(if the list of BP nominees is expanded beyond 6 up to the maximum of 10 - it will almost certainly be comprised of 1 to 4 of the following titles)

7. (-OUT-)  The Master (2012)
8. (Dec 19) Zero Dark Thirty (2012)
9. (Dec 25) Django Unchained (2012)
10. (Dec 19)  Amour (2012)  (aka "Amour")


Being Cited By Some Prognosticators - But I'm Not Yet Convinced The Title Will Appear on ANY List (in decreasing order of likelihood)
I Am Predicting that NONE of these will receive Best Picture Oscar Nominations

Best Picture Oscar Nomination is REMOTE POSSIBILITY

(it is REMOTE POSSIBILITY that any of these titles will receive a BP nomination - 1 (or maybe 2) MIGHT slip in and surprise me)

(Nov 02)  Flight (2012)
(Jan 10)  Hitchcock (2012)
(Nov 16)  Anna Karenina (2012)
(-OUT-)  Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
(Dec 14) The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
(Oct 19)  The Surrogate (2012)  (aka "The Sessions")
(Oct 26)  Cloud Atlas (2012)
(-OUT-)  The Impossible (2012)

Best Picture Oscar Nomination is LONG SHOT - But I am still hopeful.

(it is EXTREMELY UNLIKELY that any of these titles will receive a BP nomination - but I am hopeful)

(Dec 25)  Hyde Park On Hudson (2012)

NO CHANCE AT ALL of Recieving a Best Picture Oscar Nomination.

(-OUT-)  Lawless (2012)
(Jan 11) Promised Land (2012)
(-OUT-)  The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
(Jan 10)  To the Wonder (2012)
(-OUT-)  The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2012)
(Dec 21)  On the Road (2012)
(-OUT-)  Brave (2012)
(-OUT-)  Killing Them Softly (2012)
(-OUT-)  The Paperboy (2012)

[BEST PICTURE](nomination)



OSCAR. Placeholders (2012)
GG-D. Placeholders (2012)
GG-CM. Placeholders (2012)
NBR. Placeholders (2012)
BFCA. Placeholders (2012)
NSFC1. Placeholders (2012)
NYFCC. (Dec 19) Zero Dark Thirty (2012)
LAFCA1. Placeholders (2012)
nsfc2. Placeholders (2012)
nsfc3. Placeholders (2012)
lafca2. Placeholders (2012)
Oscar-FL. Placeholders (2012)

Academy Awards

1. Placeholders (2012)  -- BEST PICTURE
1. Placeholders (2012)

Golden Globes

*** DRAMA ***
1. Placeholders (2012)  -- BEST PICTURE
1. Placeholders (2012)  -- BEST PICTURE

NBR Top 10

1. Placeholders (2012)  -- BEST PICTURE

AFI Top 10

1. Placeholders (2012)

BFCA Top 10

1. Placeholders (2012)  -- BEST PICTURE

(7) nyfcc = New York Film Critics Circle (Monday Dec 3, 2012)

(4) NBR = National Board of Review (Wednesday Dec 5, 2012)

(8) lafca = Los Angeles Film Critics Association (Friday Dec 7, 2012)

(9) afi = American Film Institute (Monday, December 10, 2012)

(5) bfca = Broadcast Film Critics Association (Tuesday, December 11, 2012)

(2) GGD = Golden Globe - Drama (Thursday December 13, 2012)

(3) GGCM = Golden Globe - Comedy/Musical (Thursday December 13, 2012)

(6) nsfc = National Society of Film Critics (Saturday, January 5, 2013)

(1) OSCAR = Academy Awards.N (4) NBR = National Board of Review (Thursday Jan 10, 2013)



1. The Gold Knight (11/7/2012)
2. (<10/26/12)
3. HitFix (10/15/12)
4. The Film Experience (11/4/2012)
5. The Oscars Project (11/8/2012)
6. Awards Daily (9/5/12)
7. Awards Circuit (10/28/12)
8. Awards Psychic (<11/9/2012)
9. Awards Breach (10/22/12)
10. Oscar Countdown (11/6/2012)
11. The Oscar Boy (11/7/2012)
77. Cinema Sight (7/30/12)
88. Award Season (2/27/12)
99. Never too Early Movie Predictions (12/30/11)




99. Pretty Colors (2001)






1. CHARLES CHAPLIN ----- have seen all 13 feature films starring/directed by Chaplin (1918-67) ----- continuing to watch shorts (1914-18)
2. BUSTER KEATON ----- (1) have seen all 20 shorts starring (& often directed by) Keaton (1920-23)
....................................................----- (2) have seen all 12 silent features starring (& often 'directed by') Keaton (1923-29)
....................................................----- (3) have seen MGM's "The Hollywood Revue of 1929", PLUS all 6 remaining MGM sound features starring Keaton (1929-33)
....................................................----- (4) have seen 6 of 13 available shorts with Fatty Arbuckle (1 lost)(1917-20); (5) have only seen handful of later career films (1934-1966)

HISTORICAL DIRECTORS (Ranked generally in Chronological order)

3. [09] ERICH VON STROHEIM ----- have seen all 9 feature films 'directed by' ----- excluding 2 lost films
4. [53] ALFRED HITCHCOCK ----- have seen all 53 feature films 'directed by' ----- excluding 1 lost film
5. [12] PRESTON STURGES ----- have seen all 12 feature films 'directed by' ----- __
6. [19] ELIA KAZAN ----- have seen all 19 feature films 'directed by' ----- have seen both shorts (both documentaries) 'directed by' ----- __
7. [05] JACQUES TATI ----- have seen all 5 feature films 'directed by' ----- __
8. [07] ANDREI TARKOVSKY ----- have seen all 7 feature films 'directed by' ----- __
9. [08] JOHN HUGHES ----- have seen all 8 feature films 'directed by' ----- __
10. [27 of 36] FRANK CAPRA ----- have seen 27 of 36 feature films ----- Need to see 9 Narrative Features + 2 narrative shorts + 16 documentaries
11. [21 of 26] BILLY WILDER ----- have seen 21 of 26 feature films ----- Mauvaise Graine (1934); The Emperor Waltz (1948); Avanti! (1972); Fedora (1978); Buddy Buddy (1981) ++++ Death Mills (1945) (30m)
12. [37 of 51] GEORGE CUKOR ----- have seen 37 of 51 feature films ----- Need to see 14 Narrative Features + 1 narrative short
13. [22 of 25] GEORGE STEVENS ----- have seen 22 of 25 feature films ----- The Cohens and Kellys In Trouble (1933); Laddie (1935); Something To Live For (1952)

CURRENT DIRECTORS (RANKED) ----- NOTE: Have completed all of these Filmographies at some point in past (except for Martin Scorsese) - am working to catch back up on those I've gotten behind on

14. _1[09 of 09] QUENTIN TARANTINO ----- have seen all 9 feature films 'directed by' through "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" (2019) ----- _
..............................................................................................----- have seen both features containing segments 'written by' &/or 'directed by': Four Rooms (1995); Sin City (2005)
..............................................................................................----- have seen only remaining reel of first ever film 'written by'/'directed by' - a narrative short: My Best Friends Birthday
..............................................................................................----- have seen all 3 feature films 'written by' (but not 'directed by'): True Romance (1993); Natural Born Killers (1994); From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
15. _2[18 of 18] COEN BROTHERS ----- have seen all 18 feature films 'directed by' through "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs" (2018) ----- __
16. _3[08 of 08] CAMERON CROWE ----- have seen all 8 feature films 'directed by' through "Aloha" (2015) ----- __
17. _4[08 of 08] AARON SORKIN ----- have seen 8 of 8 feature films 'written by' or 'written by'/'directed by' through "Steve Jobs" (2015) ----- __
18. _5[11 of 11] LAWRENCE KASDAN ----- have seen all 11 feature films 'directed by' through "Darling Companion" (2012) ----- November Road (_____)
19. _7[05 of 05] THOMAS McCARTHY ----- have seen all 5 feature films 'directed by' through "The Cobbler" (2014) ----- Timmy Failure (2020)
20. _9[05 of 05] TOM HOOPER ----- have seen all 5 feature films 'directed by' through "The Danish Girl" (2015) ----- Cats (12/20/2019)
21. 11[07 of 07] ALEXANDER PAYNE ----- have seen all 7 feature films 'directed by' through "Downsizing" (2017) ----- __
22. 12[06 of 06] JAMES L. BROOKS ----- have seen all 6 feature films 'directed by' through "How Do You Know" (2010) ----- __
23. 14[31 of 31] STEVEN SPIELBERG ----- have seen all 31 feature films 'directed by' through "Ready Player One" (2018) ----- West Side Story (12/18/2020)
24. 16[05 of 05] JUDD APATOW ----- have seen all 5 feature films 'directed by' through "Trainwreck" (2015) ----- ?Untitled? Pete Davidson (2020)
25. 19[04 of 04] BEN AFFLECK ----- have seen all 3 feature films 'directed by' through "Live by Night" (2016) ----- Witness for the Prosecution (_____)
26. 21[08 of 08] ALFONSO CUARON ----- have seen all 8 feature films 'directed by' through "Roma" (2018) ----- __
27. 24[21 of 21] PIXAR ANIMATION STUDIOS ----- have seen all 21 feature films 'produced' by through "Toy Story 4" (2019) ----- __
28. 26[09 of 09] AMY HECKERLING ----- have seen all 9 feature films 'directed by' through "Vamps" (2012) ----- __
29. 27[10 of 10] JON FAVREAU ----- have seen all 10 feature films 'directed by' through "The Lion King" (2019) ----- __
......................................................................----- have seen all 4 feature films 'written by'/'starring': "Swingers" (1996); Made (2001); Couples Retreat (2009); Chef (2017)
30. 28[10 of 10] CHRISTOPHER NOLAN ----- have seen all 10 feature films 'directed by' through "Dunkirk" (2017) ----- Tenet (July 17, 2020)
31. 29[10 of 10] DAVID FINCHER ----- have seen all 10 feature films 'directed by' through "Gone Girl "(2014) ----- __
32. 30[09 of 09] WES ANDERSON ----- have seen all 9 feature films 'directed by' through "Isle of Dogs" (2018) ----- The French Dispatch (2020)
33. _6[06 of 08] TERRENCE MALICK ----- have seen all 6 feature films 'directed by' through "To the Wonder" (2012) ----- Knight of Cups (2015)* (AMAZON IV); Song to Song (2017)* (AMAZON IV); Radegund (_____, 2019)
34. _8[15 of 16] ROBERT ZEMECKIS ----- have seen 14 of 15 LIVE ACTION feature films 'directed by' through "Welcome to Marwen" (2018) ----- The Walk (2015)*$
35. 10[08 of 09] DAVID O. RUSSELL ----- have seen 8 of 9 feature films 'directed by' through "Joy" (2015) ----- Accidental Love (2015)* - aka "Nailed" (AMAZON IV)
36. ??[06 of 07] ADAM McKAY ----- have seen 6 of 7 feature films 'directed by' thru "Vice" (2018) ----- Step Brothers (2008) (DVR)
37. 13[17 of 20] ROB REINER ----- have seen 17 of 20 feature films 'directed by' through "Shock and Awe" (2017) ----- And So It Goes (2014)*$; Being Charlie (2015)*$; Shock and Awe (2017)*$
38. 15[23 of 25] RON HOWARD ----- have seen 23 of 25 feature films 'directed by' through "Solo: A Star Wars Story" (2018) ----- In the Heart of the Sea (2015)*$; Inferno (2016)*$ (DVR)
39. 17[11 of 12] DANNY BOYLE ----- have seen all 11 feature films 'directed by' through "Steve Jobs" (2015) ----- T2 Trainspotting (2017)*
40. 18[04 of 08] JASON REITMAN ----- have seen 5 of 8 feature films 'directed by' ----- Labor Day (2013) (DVR); Men, Women & Children (2014)*$; The Front Runner (2018)*$
41. 20[05 of 06] ALEJANDRO AMENABAR ----- have seen all 5 feature films 'directed by' through "Agora" (2009) ----- Regression (2015)*$; Mientras dure la guerra (_____, 2019)
42. 22[13 of 16] LARS VON TRIER ----- have seen all 13 feature films 'directed by' through "Melancholia" (2011) ----- Nymphomaniac: Vol. 1 & 2 (2013) (NETFLIX IV); The House That Jack Built (2018)*$
43. 23[11 of 12] TERRY GILLIAM & MONTY PYTHON ----- have seen all 11 feature films 'directed by' through "The Zero Theorem" (2013) ----- The Man Who Killed Don Quixote (2018)~~
44. 25[15 of 16] ROLAND EMMERICH ----- have seen 15 of 16 feature films 'directed by' through "Independence Day: Resurgence" (2016) ----- Stonewall (2015)*$
45. 29[23 of 24] MARTIN SCORSESE ----- have seen 23 of 24 (non-documentary) feature films 'directed by' ----- New York, New York (1977)


46. [42 of 43] LINDA DARNELL ----- have seen 42 of 43 feature films ----- #37 - Angels of Darkness (1954) (aka "Donne proibite")
47. [30] MARILYN MONROE ----- have seen all 30 feature films
48. [11] GRACE KELLY ----- have seen all 11 feature films







49. [testing-adds] overflow





********** ACTION / ADVENTURE & EPIC **********

1. Napoleon (1927)
2. Cleopatra (1934)
3. The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
4. Gone With the Wind (1939)
5. The Sea Hawk (1940)
6. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)
7. The Wages of Fear (1953)
8. The Seven Samurai (1954)
9. The Ten Commandments (1956)
10. War and Peace (1956)
11. The Vikings (1958)
12. North By Northwest (1959)
13. Ben-Hur (1959)
14. Spartacus (1960)
15. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
16. Zulu (1964)
17. Dr. Zhivago (1965)
18. The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968)
19. The Lion In Winter (1968)
20. Waterloo (1970)
21. Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972)
22. The Poseidon Adventure (1972)
23. Enter the Dragon (1973)
24. Papillon (1973)
25. The Towering Inferno (1974)
26. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
27. Fitzcarraldo (1982)
28. Gandhi (1982)
29. The Right Stuff (1983)
30. A Passage To India (1984)
31. Ran (1985)
32. The Mission (1986)
33. Top Gun (1986)
34. The Last Emperor (1987)
35. Die Hard (1988)
36. Speed (1994)
37. True Lies (1994)
38. Braveheart (1995)
39. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)
40. Gladiator (2000)
41. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
42. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)
43. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
44. Troy (2004)
45. Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)  *
Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004)  *
46. 300 (2006)  *
47. Crank (2006)  *
48. Iron Man (2008)  *
49. Watchmen (2009)  *

2004 Edition Titles (Dropped from 2010 Edition)

50. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (1921)
51. The Iron Horse (1924)
52. Alexander Nevsky (1938)
53. The African Queen (1951)
54. The Man Who Would Be King (1975)
55. Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes (1984)

********** COMEDY **********

1. Safety Last (1923)
2. The General (1927)
3. Duck Soup (1933)
4. It's a Gift (1934)
5. Modern Times (1936)
6. Nothing Sacred (1937)
7. Way Out West (1937)
8. Bringing Up Baby (1938)
9. His Girl Friday (1940)
10. Sullivan's Travels (1941)
11. To Be Or Not To Be (1942)
12. Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949)
13. Born Yesterday (1950)
14. Mr. Hulot's Holiday (1953)
15. Some Like It Hot (1959)
16. Move Over, Darling (1963)
17. The Pink Panther (1963)
18. The Producers (1968)
19. The Odd Couple (1968)
20. Harold and Maude (1971)
21. What's Up, Doc? (1972)
22. Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex * But Were Afraid To Ask (1972)
23. Blazing Saddles (1974)
24. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
25. Animal House (1978)
26. Airplane! (1980)
27. Tootsie (1982)
28. Trading Places (1983)
29. All of Me (1984)
30. This Is Spinal Tap (1984)
31. The Breakfast Club (1985)
32. Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
33. A Fish Called Wanda (1988)
34. The Naked Gun (1988)
35. Big (1988)
36. Home Alone (1990)
37. Groundhog Day (1993)
38. Grosse Pointe Blank (1997)
39. Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997)
40. The Big Lebowski (1998)
41. There's Something About Mary (1998)
42. Amelie (2001)
43. Lost In Translation (2003)
44. Shaun of the Dead (2004)  *
45. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004)  *
46. A Cock and Bull Story (2005)  *
47. Little Miss Sunshine (2006)  *
48. Borat (2006)  *
49. Juno (2007)  *
50. Knocked Up (2007)  *

2004 Edition Titles (Dropped from 2010 Edition)

51. Show People (1928)
52. Bluebeard's Eighth Wife (1938)
53. Midnight (1939)
54. Road To Morocco (1942)
55. The Fortune Cookie (1966)
56. The Dinner Game (1998)
57. Meet the Parents (2000)

********** DRAMA **********

1. Mr. Smith Goes To Washington (1939)
2. The Grapes of Wrath (1940)
3. Citizen Kane (1941)
4. The Lost Weekend (1945)
5. The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
6. Great Expectations (1946)
7. It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
8. The Bicycle Thief (1948)
9. All About Eve (1950)
10. Sunset Boulevard (1950)
11. Ace In the Hole (1951)
12. On the Waterfront (1954)
13. Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
14. 12 Angry Men (1957)
15. The Seventh Seal (1957)
16. Sweet Smell of Success (1957)
17. Vertigo (1958)
18. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
19. 8 1/2 (1963)
20. Belle de Jour (1967)
21. The Graduate (1967)
22. Guess Who's Coming To Dinner (1967)
23. Easy Rider (1969)
24. The Last Picture Show (1971)
25. Nashville (1975)
26. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
27. All the President's Men (1976)
28. Rocky (1976)
29. Raging Bull (1980)
30. The King of Comedy (1982)
31. Dangerous Liaisons (1988)
32. Rain Man (1988)
33. Do the Right Thing (1989)
34. Raise the Red Lantern (1991)
35. Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)
36. The Player (1992)
37. Forrest Gump (1994)
38. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
39. Shakespeare In Love (1998)
40. All About My Mother (1999)
41. American Beauty (1999)
42. Traffic (2000)
43. Vera Drake (2004)  *
44. The Lives of Others (2006)  *
45. Volver (2006)  *
46. United 93 (2006)  *
47. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007)  *
48. Atonement (2007)  *
49. The Reader (2008)  *

2004 Edition Titles (Dropped from 2010 Edition)

50. Children of Paradise (1945)
51. Letter From an Unknown Woman (1948)
52. A Man For All Seasons (1966)
53. Sleuth (1972)
54. Kramer Vs. Kramer (1979)
55. Fatal Attraction (1987)
56. Apollo 13 (1995)
57. The Truman Show (1998)

********** HORROR **********

1. Nosferatu (1922)
2. The Phantom of the Opera (1925)
3. Freaks (1932)
4. King Kong (1933)
5. Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
6. Dead of Night (1945)
7. Diabolique (1955)
8. Horror of Dracula (1958)
9. Psycho (1960)
10. Peeping Tom (1960)
11. Village of the Damned (1960)
12. The Birds (1963)
13. The Haunting (1963)
14. Rosemary's Baby (1968)
15. Night of the Living Dead (1968)
16. The Exorcist (1973)
17. Don't Look Now (1973)
18. The Wicker Man (1973)
19. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
20. Jaws (1975)
21. The Omen (1976)
22. Carrie (1976)
23. Eraserhead (1977)
24. Halloween (1978)
25. Dawn of the Dead (1978)
26. The Shining (1980)
27. Friday the 13th (1980)
28. The Fog (1980)
29. An American Werewolf In London (1981)
30. The Thing (1982)
31. Poltergeist (1982)
32. Gremlins (1984)
33. A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984)
34. Evil Dead II (1987)
35. Angel Heart (1987)
36. Misery (1990)
37. Tremors (1990)
38. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
39. Scream (1996)
40. Ringu (1998)
41. The Sixth Sense (1999)
42. The Blair Witch Project (1999)
43. The Mummy (1999)
44. Audition (1999)
45. The Others (2001)
46. 28 Days Later (2002)
47. Saw (2004)  *
48. The Descent (2005)  *
49. The Orphanage (2007)  *
50. Let the Right One In (2008)  *
51. Drag Me To Hell (2009)  *

2004 Edition Titles (Dropped from 2010 Edition)

52. What Ever Happened To Baby Jane? (1962)
53. Deliverance (1972)
54. Manhunter (1986)
55. Child's Play (1988)

********** MUSIC **********

1. 42nd Street (1933)
2. Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933)
3. The Gay Divorcee (1934)
4. Top Hat (1935)
5. Show Boat (1936)
6. Alexander's Ragtime Band (1938)
7. The Wizard of Oz (1939)
8. Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942)
9. The Gang's All Here (1943)
10. Meet Me In St. Louis (1944)
11. The Red Shoes (1948)
12. On the Town (1949)
13. An American In Paris (1951)
14. Singin' In the Rain (1952)
15. The Band Wagon (1953)
16. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953)
17. Seven Brides For Seven Brothers (1954)
18. A Star Is Born (1954)
19. Oklahoma! (1955)
20. High Society (1956)
21. The King and I (1956)
22. Funny Face (1957)
23. Pal Joey (1957)
24. South Pacific (1958)
25. West Side Story (1961)
26. Viva Las Vegas (1964)
27. A Hard Day's Night (1964)
28. Mary Poppins (1964)
29. My Fair Lady (1964)
30. The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964)
31. The Sound of Music (1965)
32. Funny Girl (1968)
33. Hello, Dolly! (1969)
34. Woodstock (1970)
35. Cabaret (1972)
36. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
37. Saturday Night Fever (1977)
38. New York, New York (1977)
39. Grease (1978)
40. All That Jazz (1979)
41. The Blues Brothers (1980)
42. Fame (1980)
43. Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
44. Dirty Dancing (1987)
45. Moulin Rouge! (2001)
46. Chicago (2002)
47. Once (2007)  *
48. A Prairie Home Companion (2006)  *
49. High School Musical 3: Senior Year (2008)  *
50. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007)  *
51. Mamma Mia! (2008)  *

2004 Edition Titles (Dropped from 2010 Edition)

52. Strike Up the Band (1940)
53. You Were Never Lovelier (1942)
54. Easter Parade (1948)
55. The Last Waltz (1978)

********** ROMANCE **********

1. Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927)
2. It Happened One Night (1934)
3. Camille (1936)
4. Wuthering Heights (1939)
5. The Shop Around the Corner (1940)
6. Waterloo Bridge (1940)
7. The Philadelphia Story (1940)
8. The Lady Eve (1941)
9. Casablanca (1942)
10. Now, Voyager (1942)
11. Brief Encounter (1945)
12. Beauty and the Beast (1946)
13. The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947)
14. Adam's Rib (1949)
15. The Quiet Man (1952)
16. Roman Holiday (1953)
17. To Catch a Thief (1955)
18. An Affair To Remember (1957)
19. The Long, Hot Summer (1958)
20. Pillow Talk (1959)
21. Breathless (1960)
22. The Apartment (1960)
23. Breakfast At Tiffany's (1961)
24. A Man and a Woman (1966)
25. Barefoot In the Park (1967)
26. Love Story (1970)
27. A New Leaf (1971)
28. The Way We Were (1973)
29. Annie Hall (1977)
30. 10 (1979)
31. The French Lieutenant's Woman (1981)
32. An Officer and a Gentleman (1982)
33. Out of Africa (1985)
34. Nine 1/2 Weeks (1986)
35. The Princess Bride (1987)
36. When Harry Met Sally... (1989)
37. Pretty Woman (1990)
38. Ghost (1990)
39. Green Card (1990)
40. The Age of Innocence (1993)
41. Sleepless In Seattle (1993)
42. Romeo + Juliet (1996)
43. The English Patient (1996)
44. Titanic (1997)
45. As Good As It Gets (1997)
46. In the Mood For Love (2000)
47. Punch Drunk Love (2002)  *
48. Before Sunset (2004)  *
49. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)  *
50. Slumdog Millionaire (2008)  *

2004 Edition Titles (Dropped from 2010 Edition)

51. Random Harvest (1942)
52. All That Heaven Allows (1955)
53. The Fabulous Baker Boys (1989)
54. While You Were Sleeping (1995)

********** SCIENCE FICTION & FANTASY **********

1. Metropolis (1927)
2. Lost Horizon (1937)
3. The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
4. The War of the Worlds (1953)
5. Forbidden Planet (1956)
6. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
7. Jason and the Argonauts (1963)
8. Dr. Strangelove (1964)
9. Planet of the Apes (1968)
10. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
11. A Clockwork Orange (1971)
12. Silent Running (1972)
13. Solaris (1972)
14. Sleeper (1973)
15. Westworld (1973)
16. Dark Star (1974)
17. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
18. Star Wars (1977)
19. Superman (1978)
20. Alien (1979)
21. The Road Warrior (1981)
22. Scanners (1981)
23. Time Bandits (1981)
24. Blade Runner (1982)
25. E.T., the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
26. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
27. Tron (1982)
28. Ghostbusters (1984)
29. The Terminator (1984)
30. Back To the Future (1985)
31. Brazil (1985)
32. Aliens (1986)
33. The Fly (1986)
34. Robocop (1987)
35. Batman (1989)
36. Total Recall (1990)
37. Naked Lunch (1991)
38. Jurassic Park (1993)
39. Twelve Monkeys (1995)
40. Independence Day (1996)
41. Men In Black (1997)
42. The Matrix (1999)
43. X-Men (2000)
44. Artificial Intelligence: A.I. (2001)
45. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001)
46. Spider-Man (2002)
47. Serenity (2005)  *
48. Children of Men (2006)  *
49. Pan's Labyrinth (2006)  *
50. The Dark Knight (2008)  *
51. District 9 (2009)  *

2004 Edition Titles (Dropped from 2010 Edition)

52. The Man In the White Suit (1951)
53. The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957)
54. Fahrenheit 451 (1966)
55. Minority Report (2002)

********** MYSTERY & THRILLER **********

1. Little Caesar (1931)
2. The Public Enemy (1931)
3. Rebecca (1940)
4. The Maltese Falcon (1941)
5. Double Indemnity (1944)
6. The Big Sleep (1946)
7. Kiss of Death (1947)
8. The Third Man (1949)
9. Strangers On a Train (1951)
10. The Big Heat (1953)
11. Rear Window (1954)
12. The Night of the Hunter (1955)
13. Rififi (1955)
14. The Killing (1956)
15. Touch of Evil (1958)
16. Goldfinger (1964)
17. Bonnie and Clyde (1967)
18. In the Heat of the Night (1967)
19. Point Blank (1967)
20. Bullitt (1968)
21. The Italian Job (1969)
22. Dirty Harry (1971)
23. The French Connection (1971)
24. The Godfather (1972)
25. Mean Streets (1973)
26. The Sting (1973)
27. Chinatown (1974)
28. The Conversation (1974)
29. Dog Day Afternoon (1975)
30. Taxi Driver (1976)
31. Scarface (1983)
32. Witness (1985)
33. The Untouchables (1987)
34. Goodfellas (1990)
35. Miller's Crossing (1990)
36. Basic Instinct (1992)
37. Reservoir Dogs (1992)
38. Pulp Fiction (1994)
39. The Professional (1994)
40. Seven (1995)
41. The Usual Suspects (1995)
42. Fargo (1996)
43. L.A. Confidential (1997)
44. Memento (2000)
45. City of God (2002)
46. Oldboy (2003)  *
47. Cache (2005)  *
48. Casino Royale (2006)  *
49. The Departed (2006)  *
50. The Bourne Supremacy (2004)  *

2004 Edition Titles (Dropped from 2010 Edition)

51. The Asphalt Jungle (1950)
52. Charade (1963)
53. The Thomas Crown Affair (1968)
54. Serpico (1973)
55. Run Lola Run (1998)

********** WAR **********

1. Wings (1927)
2. All Quiet On the Western Front (1930)
3. Grand Illusion (1937)
4. In Which We Serve (1942)
5. Five Graves To Cairo (1943)
6. The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943)
7. Rome, Open City (1945)
8. They Were Expendable (1945)
9. Battleground (1949)
10. Sands of Iwo Jima (1949)
11. Twelve O'Clock High (1949)
12. The Desert Fox (1951)
13. The Red Badge of Courage (1951)
14. The Cruel Sea (1953)
15. From Here To Eternity (1953)
16. Stalag 17 (1953)
17. Mister Roberts (1955)
18. Attack (1956)
19. The Burmese Harp (1956)
20. The Bridge On the River Kwai (1957)
21. Paths of Glory (1957)
22. Ballad of a Soldier (1959)
23. The Guns of Navarone (1961)
24. The Longest Day (1962)
25. The Great Escape (1963)
26. The Train (1964)
27. The Bedford Incident (1965)
28. Von Ryan's Express (1965)
29. The Dirty Dozen (1967)
30. Hell In the Pacific (1968)
31. Where Eagles Dare (1968)
32. Catch-22 (1970)
33. Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970)
34. M*A*S*H (1970)
35. Patton (1970)
36. Cross of Iron (1977)
37. The Deer Hunter (1978)
38. Apocalypse Now (1979)
39. The Big Red One (1980)
40. Das Boot (1981)
41. The Killing Fields (1984)
42. Come and See (1985)
43. Platoon (1986)
44. Full Metal Jacket (1987)
45. Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)
46. Schindler's List (1993)
47. Saving Private Ryan (1998)
48. Downfall (2004)  *
49. Letters From Iwo Jima (2006)  *
50. The Hurt Locker (2009)  *

2004 Edition Titles (Dropped from 2010 Edition)

51. Shoulder Arms (1918)
52. Sergeant York (1941)
53. Story of G.I. Joe (1945)

********** WESTERN **********

1. Union Pacific (1939)
2. Stagecoach (1939)
3. The Ox-Bow Incident (1943)
4. Duel In the Sun (1946)
5. My Darling Clementine (1946)
6. Fort Apache (1948)
7. Red River (1948)
8. She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949)
9. The Gunfighter (1950)
10. Winchester '73 (1950)
11. Bend of the River (1952)
12. High Noon (1952)
13. The Naked Spur (1953)
14. Shane (1953)
15. The Searchers (1956)
16. The Tall T (1957)
17. 3:10 To Yuma (1957)
18. Forty Guns (1957)
19. The Big Country (1958)
20. Man of the West (1958)
21. Last Train From Gun Hill (1959)
22. Rio Bravo (1959)
23. The Magnificent Seven (1960)
24. Lonely Are the Brave (1962)
25. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)
26. Ride the High Country (1962)
27. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (1966)
28. The Professionals (1966)
29. Once Upon a Time In the West (1968)
30. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
31. True Grit (1969)
32. The Wild Bunch (1969)
33. The Ballad of Cable Hogue (1970)
34. Little Big Man (1970)
35. McCabe & Mrs. Miller (1971)
36. Bad Company (1972)
37. The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean (1972)
38. Ulzana's Raid (1972)
39. High Plains Drifter (1973)
40. The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976)
41. The Shootist (1976)
42. The Long Riders (1980)
43. Young Guns (1988)
44. Dances With Wolves (1990)
45. Unforgiven (1992)
46. The Last of the Mohicans (1992)
47. Brokeback Mountain (2005)  *
48. The Proposition (2005)  *
49. The Assassination of Jesse James By the Coward Robert Ford (2007)  *
50. There Will Be Blood (2007)  *
51. No Country For Old Men (2007)  *

2004 Edition Titles (Dropped from 2010 Edition)

52. Run of the Arrow (1957)
53. The Left Handed Gun (1958)
54. Two Rode Together (1961)
55. Ride In the Whirlwind (1965)
56. Hombre (1967)



* = New titles added for 2010 Edition


List is a combined list from 2 editions of "501 Must-See Movies" published by Bounty Books: (1) the original 2004 edition, and (2) an updated 2010 edition. 50 films included within the 2004 edition were eliminated from the 2010 edition and replaced by 50 films which had premiered between 2003 and 2010. The 50 new titles are included at the ends of the center columns (and noted by an asterisk), while the 50 deleted titles are included in the right most column under the headers "2004 Edition Titles (Dropped from 2010 Edition)".


2004 edition had 501 titles while the 2010 edition has 502 titles (Kill Bill Bill Vol 1 & 2 is counted as a single film).


450 titles were included in both editions

+51 additional titles in the 2004 Edition (only)

+52 additional titles in the 2010 Edition (only)
