Esquire Magazine's "The 100 Best Movies of All Time" (2021)
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The 100 Best Movies of All Time
An entirely subjective list of the greatest films in history that matter right now.
By The Esquire Editors
March 2, 2021
To completely take the wind out of all of our sails, coming up with a perfect list of the 100 greatest movies of all time is... well, it's impossible isn't it? To get cerebral about it, when lists like this come together, half the fun is going through and seeing where (or even if) your favorite made the list. Taking in how your tastes and experiences line up with whomever wrote this monstrosity. With film being such an expansive and subjective form of art, there is hardly a wrong answer to what is and isn't deserving of making a list like this.
But what's special about this, our list of 100 great films, is that it speaks to this moment--this group of Esquire editors. We went through the lists made in the past and we collectively agreed... it didn't represent who we are right now, in 2021, looking out our pandemic windows with our political anxiety and our TikTok pastas. So instead we changed it. Made it something reflective of us. When you peruse the pieces we write, the opinions we have, and the approaches we take, you can see the influence of the films on this list. Not to get too earnest, but pop culture has this way of permeating our senses and informing who we are as people. It's the beauty of good writing and acting and direction. It's easy to think, "A movie is just a movie!" but it isn't, is it? We wouldn't care what films are on this list if it were.
So bookmark this page and take the journey with us. Get spicy in the comments and tell us what we left off, but be careful! That might reveal as much about you as it does about us. In all seriousness, this list is meant to be a conversation: a celebration of the 100 films that we decided help define who we are as a publication and a staff and consumers of them talkie pictures that fill our nights. And hey, your opinion might just be a wake up call to us. Between 12 Angry Men and Parasite, we are willing to bet there's a good movie we missed in the in between.
Oh, and for you documentary heads? Chill out. We see you and your penchant for real stories, so we put the best of those documentary films in a separate list. So come. Let's go through the best 100 movies of all time.