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Total: 388  
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Unseen: 388 (100.0%)

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[ GoldenGlobe: Picture ] [ IMDB TOP 250 ] [ Time's 100 ] [ Too See ] [ TSPDT: Recent 250 ] [ BestPicture Nominees ] [ 2010 ] [ Box Office #1 ] [ 2009 ] [ 2008 ] [ AFI Legends 1-5 ] [ AFI 100 Quotes ] [ EW Lists ] [ 501 Must See Movies ] [ Comic Book Movies ] [ Criterion ] [ Berardinelli ] [ Great Directors ] [ Ebert by Year ] [ TSPDT 21st Century ] [ Fave Movies ] [ My Movie Collection ] [ Musicals ] [ Favourites ] [ Sandra Bullock ] [ Julia Roberts ] [ Sofia Coppola Top 10 ] [ Kenny Top 25 Animate ] [ kevinaw2 ] [ Piero Scaruffi ] [ ] [ TSPDT Top 1000 ] [ AMTTop6 ] [ Movie Quote Sources ] [ Nyperold ] [ Actors ] [ AFI Genre ] [ IMDB List ] [ O Movies ] [ Unlisted ] [ Must See ] [ Other Must 5ee ] [ Movies Abowt... ] [ Movies to watch ] [ other movies... ] [ Chaplin ] [ Ebert's Hated ] [ Classic Partners ] [ Cinema Classes ] [ Film Registry ] [ Herzog ] [ Halliwell 1000 ] [ IMDB Top 250 ] [ 2008 Viewings ] [ Films for Study I ] [ 2010 Viewings ] [ Directors II ] [ 2009 Viewings ] [ Films For Study III ] [ Films For Study II ] [ SAI Top 100 ] [ SIA Ratings ] [ My Criterions ] [ Roeper 2000s ] [ Foreign Directors ] [ Beak 100 ] [ TV Shows ] [ 2000s Top 100s ] [ Actors B ] [ Actors A ] [ Actors G ] [ Actors D ] [ Actors E ] [ Actors F ] [ Actors Q ] [ Past Actors A ] [ Actors S ] [ Actors Z ] [ Actresses A ] [ Actors U ] [ Actors M ] [ Actors L ] [ Actors J ] [ Actors I ] [ Actors K ] [ Actors N ] [ Past Actors C ] [ Actors O ] [ Actors P ] [ Actors R ] [ Actors V ] [ Actors T ] [ Actors Y ] [ Actors W ] [ Past Actresses A ] [ Actresses Z ] [ Actresses M ] [ Actresses B ] [ Actresses N ] [ Actresses O ] [ Actresses L ] [ Actresses J ] [ Actresses D ] [ Actresses H ] [ Past Actors D ] [ Past Actors O ] [ Directors 1 ] [ Actresses K ] [ Actresses F ] [ Actresses G ] [ Actresses C ] [ Series ] [ Past Actors H ] [ Past Actors G ] [ Past Actors B ] [ Old Horror Movies ] [ Actresses U ] [ Directors 3 ] [ Actresses W ] [ Actresses Y ] [ Actresses S ] [ Directors 2 ] [ Actresses P ] [ Actresses T ] [ Actresses R ] [ Actresses Q ] [ Past Actors N ] [ Past Actors M ] [ 1980s Top 100s ] [ Past Actresses W ] [ Past Actresses D ] [ Past Actors F ] [ Past Actors L ] [ Past Actors K ] [ Past Actresses B ] [ Past Actresses C ] [ Past Actors S ] [ Past Actresses L ] [ Past Actors R ] [ Past Actors P ] [ Past Actors W ] [ Past Actresses G ] [ Past Actresses R ] [ Past Actresses S ] [ Past Actresses M ] [ Past Actors T ] [ Past Actresses T ] [ Past Actresses K ] [ Past Actresses H ] [ Modern Greats (1970-now) ] [ Best Documentaries ] [ Films101 ] [ Actresses I Like ] [ Watched ] [ 2004 movies ] [ watched 2/2006 ] [ watched 1998 ] [ watched 11/2006 ] [ watched 2/2007 ] [ watched 1993-87 ] [ watched 6/2007 ] [ watched 4/2006 ] [ Tim Burton ] [ watched 8/2006 ] [ watched 2002 ] [ watched 2001 ] [ watched 12/2006 ] [ Sympathetic Villains ] [ watched 11/2007 ] [ watched 6/2006 ] [ watched 97-94 ] [ watched 1/2007 ] [ surprisingly good ] [ watched 10/2007 ] [ About Movies ] [ watched 2000 ] [ watched 1999 ] [ watched 2004 ] [ watched 3/2007 ] [ watched 2003 ] [ watched 5/2006 ] [ Watched 9/2007 ] [ Train Movies ] [ watched 7/2007 ] [ nicky's top movies ] [ Unseen Horror ] [ watched 3/2006 ] [ watched 9/2006 ] [ watched 4/2007 ] [ watched 8/2007 ] [ watcded 2005 ] [ watched 7/2006 ] [ defintive adaptation ] [ watched 1/2006 ] [ 2005 movies ] [ Disappointing Movies ] [ watched 10/2006 ] [ watched 5/2007 ] [ IMDB Top 250 ] [ 1970s Horror ] [ 1980s Horror II ] [ 1980s Horror ] [ Favorite Actors I ] [ TSPDT 2000-2009 ] [ IMDB 2008 ] [ Horror Directors I ] [ Obscure 80s Horror ] [ HD ] [ Director Study ] [ James' Top 100 ] [ Tarantino Films ] [ AFI 400 (98) ] [ IMDb Good ] [ IMDb Worst ] [ Oscar Foreign ] [ Cannes ] [ IMDb Best ] [ Essential Masterpieces ] [ Original ] [ Cult ] [ iCheck 100 ] [ Oscar Foreign II ] [ EW 100 ] [ IMDB 250 ] [ RT 100 ] [ Masterpieces ] [ Essential ] [ BAFTA ] [ VV 100 ] [ BFI 50 ] [ Empire 100 ] [ Groundbreaking ] [ Golden Globes ] [ IMDB 8.0+ ] [ Movies ] [ Movies A ] [ DigitalDreamDoor ] [ Kyle Cota ] [ Koiso List ] [ Mel Brooks ] [ Directors II ] [ Cinema for Beginners ] [ Sight and Sound 2002 ] [ Andrew Niccol ] [ Jeremy Thomas ] [ Jay Roach ] [ Andy Tennant ] [ Jon Poll ] [ Garry Marshall ] [ Marc Lawrence ] [ Tamar Simon Hoffs ] [ Kristen Sheridan ] [ Nora Ephron ] [ Mark Waters ] [ Terry Zwigoff ] [ Rob Reiner ] [ Penny Marshall ] [ Dennie Gordon ] [ Brad Silberling ] [ Frank Oz ] [ Howard Deutch ] [ James Mangold ] [ Joel Schumacher ] [ John Hughes ] [ Noam Murro ] [ Rick Rosenthal ] [ Robert Luketic ] [ Robert Zemeckis ] [ Lawrence Kasdan ] [ Marek Kanievska ] [ Marc Forster ] [ Rob Sitch ] [ Todd Holland ] [ Preston Sturges ] [ Wayne Wang ] [ Tim Burton ] [ Thor Freudenthal ] [ Directors edited ] [ AFA ] [ EFA ] [ Directors IV ] [ Anime Franchises ] [ EW 100 ] [ Cannes ] [ JAP ] [ Oscars II ] [ Oscars IV ] [ HKFA ] [ Great Movies ] [ Universal Horror ] [ AFI 10x10 ] [ Criterion ] [ Directors V ] [ Ebert by Year ] [ 500 Anime ] [ Animation ] [ Directors III ] [ Directors VI ] [ Directors II ] [ Dragon Dynasty ] [ Eclipse ] [ MST3K ] [ Time 100 ] [ Oscars ] [ Oscars III ] [ Oscars Writing ] [ Directors VII ] [ Studios ] [ TSPDT 1000 ] [ Moviefone Best Christmas Films ] [ Superhero Movies ] [ .C jodies favorites ] [ L.A. Times 25 Best L.A. flims ] [ Top 5s - TFV Podcast ] [ Cult I ] [ My Good Movie Choice ] [ Venice Awards ] [ Avalon 1980s ] [ Ghost in the Shell ] [ Anime ] [ AFI 10a ] [ AFI 100 ] [ Oscars Writing ] [ Oscars ] [ BAFTA ] [ ISA ] [ S&S Combined ] [ TimeOut 100 ] [ Avalon 1950s ] [ Avalon 1920s ] [ Avalon 1930s ] [ Avalon 1940s ] [ Avalon 1960s ] [ Avalon 1970s ] [ Avalon 2010s ] [ Avalon 2000s ] [ Avalon 1990s ] [ IMDb Top 250 ] [ Directors ] [ FILMS ] [ List ] [ Cult ] [ Directors VI ] [ Movies by Decade ] [ Overlooked 90s ] [ Actors ] [ Empire ] [ Yahoo ] [ Weeds Season 2 ] [ Weeds Season 3 ] [ Directors II ] [ IMDB Recommended ] [ Directors IV ] [ Directors V ] [ Oscars for Acting ] [ Directors III ] [ DVD's to Purchase ] [ Movie Rental List ] [ Horror A ] [ Horror Owned ] [ 1950s Horror ] [ 1960s Horror ] [ Horror Owned 2 ] [ Silent Horror ] [ Ãˆsfd top 200 ] [ Oscars 2010 ] [ Foreign Films ] [ Empire 100 Foreign ] [ ACTRESSES ] [ 2011 Awards ] [ 50 Greatest Cartoons ] [ Village Voice 100 ] [ testing ] [ Time 100 ] [ UK Monarchs & US Presidents ] [ Vanity Fair 50 ] [ ] [ Series & Couples ] [ Oscar BP Winners ] [ Oscar BP Nominees ] [ National Film Registry ] [ NSFC 100 ] [ NBR Annual Top 10 ] [ Movies Ive Seen ] [ Movieline 100 Foreign ] [ IMDb Top 250 ALL-TIME ] [ IMDb Decades ] [ Golden Globe BP Winners ] [ Font Color Codes ] [ 300 ] [ EW 100 ] [ Empire Indy 50 ] [ Eberts Great Movies ] [ DIRECTORS - Current ] [ DIRECTORS - Historical ] [ ACTORS ] [ Critic Societies BP ] [ Carville 5OO ] [ Arts & Faith ] [ Chaplin-Keaton-Lloyd ] [ 553 Must-See Movies ] [ Movies Ive Watched ] [ Jim Carrey Movies ] [ Adam Sandler Movies ] [ IMDB TopRated Horror ] [ 501 ] [ Movies to See ] [ Clag ] [ Berardinelli ] [ TSPDT: RecentTop250 ] [ TSPDT 1000 ] [ MovieMeter 250 ] [ TimeOut 100s ] [ IMDB Top 250 ] [ CinePad 100 ] [ Cannes ] [ All movies ] [ Need to See & Seen ] [ Scheib - Sci-Fi ] [ RT Animated ] [ Scheib - Fantasy ] [ Scheib - Horror ] [ Sci-Fi Awards ] [ RT Horror 2 ] [ RT Horror ] [ RT Comics ] [ RT Sci-Fi ] [ RT Romantic ] [ RT Christmas ] [ RT Best ] [ MST3K ] [ Indie ] [ Directors NE ] [ Endings ] [ Henson ] [ Directors CT ] [ Directors II ] [ Criterion ] [ 2010 Viewings ] [ 2012 Viewings ] [ 1970s Top 100s ] [ 2010s Top 100s ] [ 2011 Viewings ] [ ABC Scripted Programming ] [ Sundance ] [ Academy Awards ] [ IMDB Top 250 ] [ MST3K-Related Names ] [ MTV Movie Awards ] [ My Films Alphabetical ] [ Nominated Actors (D) ] [ Nominated Directors ] [ My 10 Best ] [ Other Directors ] [ Other Actors ] [ MST3K ] [ Kinema Junpo Foreign ] [ NBC Scripted Programming ] [ Kinema Junpo Top YBY ] [ Supporting Actresses ] [ Japanese Directors ] [ Supporting Actors ] [ Kinema Junpo Top Films ] [ Series ] [ Golden Raspberries ] [ Nominated Actresses (L) ] [ Nominated Actresses (D) ] [ Hanna-Barbera ] [ Golden Globes ] [ Famous Composers ] [ Other Actresses ] [ Best Actresses ] [ FOX Scripted Programming ] [ Original Screenwriters ] [ Best Directors ] [ Best Actors ] [ AK100 ] [ AFI Top Laugh Noms ] [ AFI Top Love Noms ] [ AFI Top Thrill Noms ] [ AFI Top Musical Noms ] [ AFI Top 100 Noms ] [ Personal list ] [ One ] [ Our Movie List ] [ Directors ] [ My stuff ] [ Movies seen in 2007 ] [ AFI 100 Passions ] [ Django Durango ] [ Oscar ] [ James Bond ] [ Not On the List ] [ must see ] [ other movies ] [ Want To See ] [ Missing From ICM ] [ West Films ] [ Leigh Films ] [ Tracy Films ] [ Lancaster Films ] [ Stewart Films ] [ Wayne Films ] [ Welles Films ] [ Temple Films ] [ Taylor Films ] [ Lombard Films ] [ Rogers Films ] [ Peck Films ] [ Pickford Films ] [ Stanwyck Films ] [ MST3K ] [ Robinson Films ] [ Poitier Films ] [ Olivier Films ] [ Oscars for Acting ] [ Mitchum Films ] [ K. Hepburn Films ] [ Monroe Films ] [ Marx Bros. Films ] [ A. Hepburn Films ] [ Loren Films ] [ Keaton Films ] [ Kelly Films ] [ G. Kelly Films ] [ Holden Filmography ] [ Grant Films ] [ Hayworth Films ] [ Harlow Films ] [ Garland Films ] [ Gardner Filmography ] [ Garbo Films ] [ Gable Films ] [ Fonda Films ] [ Dean Films ] [ Douglas Films ] [ Dietrich Films ] [ Directors IV ] [ Davis Films ] [ Chaplin Films ] [ Cagney Films ] [ Crawford Films ] [ Colbert Films ] [ Cooper Films ] [ Astaire Films ] [ Bergman Films ] [ Berardinelli ] [ Bogart Films ] [ Bacall Films ] [ AFI Film Scores ] [ AFI: 10 Top 10 ] [ ATJ - Best Films ] [ Zombies! ] [ Directors, Pt. 1 ] [ Leonardo DiCaprio ] [ Dustin Hoffman ] [ OFC 100 ] [ Entertainment Weekly ] [ Box-Office Hits ] [ Everything ] [ Newer movies ] [ Directors VII ] [ Spielberg Curriculum ] [ James Cagney ] [ Hugo Weaving ] [ Harry Dean Stanton ] [ Gregory Peck ] [ George Sanders ] [ Warren Oates ] [ Vincent Price ] [ Tobias Menzies ] [ Thelma Ritter ] [ Stephen Dillane ] [ Spencer Tracy ] [ Sam Rockwell ] [ Robert Mitchum ] [ Robert Duvall ] [ Richard Jenkins ] [ Paul Giamatti ] [ Patricia Clarkson ] [ Noah Taylor ] [ Morgan Freeman ] [ Liam Neeson ] [ Laura Linney ] [ Lance Henriksen ] [ Judy Davis ] [ John Hurt ] [ John Cazale ] [ Jeremy Irons ] [ Jennifer Ehle ] [ James Stewart ] [ Ingrid Bergman ] [ Humphrey Bogart ] [ Gary Oldman ] [ Gary Cooper ] [ Frances McDormand ] [ Emma Thompson ] [ Doug Jones ] [ David Strathairn ] [ Daniel Day-Lewis ] [ Christopher Walken ] [ Chris Cooper ] [ Cary Grant ] [ Benicio Del Toro ] [ Anthony Hopkins ] [ Alec Guinness ] [ Alan Rickman ] [ AFI ] [ Grey ] [ Directors ] [ IMDB TOP 250 All-time movies ] [ Vatican ] [ everything else ] [ Movies I ] [ Superhero Movies ] [ Filme ] [ Complete Sci-Fi ] [ Bette Davis Films ] [ Gossip Girl ] [ Masters of Horror ] [ Kurosawa ] [ Criterion ] [ IMDB Top 250 March 2012 ] [ My Movies ] [ Watching ] [ Submarines ] [ Sci-Fi Marathon ] [ Top 100 Sci-Fi ] [ Reddit Top 250 ] [ tsst ] [ Sci-Fi Top Rated ] [ Film Noir Top Rated ] [ 50 Best 2010 ] [ 50 Best 2009 ] [ 50 Best 2008 ] [ 1980s Top Rated ] [ 1970s Top Rated ] [ 1950s Top Rated ] [ 1930s Top Rated ] [ 1940s Top Rated ] [ Jordan ] [ Hidden film Gems ] [ Films I Own ] [ Shakespeare ] [ misc movies ] [ Movies Not On ] [ notonthelist ] [ 2007 Releases ] [ Bravo ] [ Screenplays ] [ Owned ] [ Palme D ] [ Janus ] [ IMDb 250 ] [ HBO Shows ] [ Film Site ] [ Golden Tomatoes ] [ Film Registry ] [ Oscars ] [ Film Classes ] [ Empire ] [ Ebert by Year ] [ Ebert ] [ Directors II ] [ Criterion ] [ Columbia Master ] [ AFI TV ] [ AFI Stars ] [ AFI Songs ] [ AFI Scores ] [ AFI Quotes ] [ AFI Musicals ] [ AFI 10 ] [ Heroes/Villains ] [ AFI 10 ] [ Academy Award Noms ] [ 21st Century ] [ TV Shows ] [ Wincott Movies ] [ Tough Guys ] [ O-taeknibrellur ] [ Skari 2011 ] [ Skari 2010 ] [ Skari 2009 ] [ Skari 2008 ] [ Skari 2007 ] [ Skari 2006 ] [ Skari 2005 ] [ Skari 2004 ] [ Skari 2003 ] [ Skari 2002 ] [ Skari 2001 ] [ Skari 2000 ] [ Skari 1999 ] [ BAFTA 2008 ] [ BAFTA 2007 ] [ BAFTA 2006 ] [ BAFTA 2002 ] [ BAFTA 2001 ] [ BAFTA 2000 ] [ BAFTA 1998 ] [ BAFTA 1997 ] [ BAFTA 1996 ] [ BAFTA 1995 ] [ BAFTA 1999 ] [ AFI 100 series ] [ 501 Must-See Movies ] [ Skari 1998 ] [ Skari 1997 ] [ Skari 1996 ] [ Skari 1995 ] [ Skari 1994 ] [ Skari 1993 ] [ Skari 1991 ] [ Skari 1989 ] [ Skari 1987 ] [ Skari 1988 ] [ Skari 1986 ] [ Skari 1984 ] [ Skari 1985 ] [ Skari 1983 ] [ Skari 1992 ] [ Skari 1990 ] [ Seriur Hryllingur ] [ Seriur Hasar ] [ O-myndir/leikstjorar ] [ Leikstjorar Klassik3 ] [ Germanskir leikstj. ] [ Romanskir leikstj. ] [ Grinleikstjorar ] [ Asiskir leikstjorar ] [ Hryllingsleikstjorar ] [ Vinsaelir leikstjorar ] [ Arty leikstjorar ] [ Storir leikstjorar ] [ Leikstjorar Klassik2 ] [ Leikstjorar Klassik1 ] [ O-leikarar ] [ O-handrit ] [ Icelandic Films ] [ Alvoru leikstjorar ] [ James Bond ] [ Golden Globes 2011 ] [ BAFTA 2005 ] [ BAFTA 2004 ] [ BAFTA 2003 ] [ Chaplin myndir ] [ Golden Globes 1998 ] [ BAFTA 2010 ] [ BAFTA 2009 ] [ Golden Globes 2010 ] [ Golden Globes 2009 ] [ Golden Globes 2008 ] [ Golden Globes 2007 ] [ Golden Globes 2006 ] [ Golden Globes 2005 ] [ Golden Globes 2004 ] [ Golden Globes 2003 ] [ Golden Globes 2001 ] [ Golden Globes 2000 ] [ Golden Globes 1999 ] [ Golden Globes 2002 ] [ Golden Globes 1997 ] [ Golden Globes 1996 ] [ BAFTA 2011 ] [ Golden Globes 1995 ] [ Top songs ] [ Top 50 ] [ Serious Actors ] [ Picture Nominees ] [ Palm D ] [ Oscar: Writing ] [ Oscar Foreign/Docu ] [ My Favorites ] [ James Bond ] [ Ebert by Year ] [ IMDB Top 500 ] [ Comedy/Action Actors ] [ Best Acting ] [ Directors ] [ Movies I Own ] [ Jan Svankmajer ] [ Complete Tim Burton ] [ Elvis Movies ] [ Lindsey ] [ Looeys Oldies ] [ Just for Fun Shorts ] [ Directing I* ] [ Authorship ] [ Jackie Chan ] [ Directors II ] [ Ultimate Directors ] [ Tarantino top movies ] [ Random additions ] [ 2011 New Viewings ] [ 2000s Best Pic Noms ] [ Facets UK ] [ Facets AU/NZ ] [ Ewan McGregor ] [ Australian Films ] [ Empire 500 ] [ Zombie Films ] [ Oscars for Acting ] [ Oscars ] [ My 200 ] [ Need To See ] [ Kyle ] [ IMDB Top 250 ] [ AFI 10/10 List ] [ AFI 100 II ] [ AFI 10 ] [ Not on the List ] [ Some Favorites ] [ Netflix ] [ IABBBBM Official ] [ AAGFR Genres ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Doctor Who ] [ Oscars Best Actor ] [ Not Listed ] [ Film Registry ] [ Films ] [ Directors Edited ] [ Television ] [ Short Films ] [ TV Films ] [ Fat Guy ] [ Marley ] [ Rosenbaum ] [ More ] [ Directors V ] [ Academic Viewings ] [ My Top Films ] [ Genres ] [ War - AMC ] [ L.A. ] [ Gangster list ] [ 5's ] [ My Directors ] [ My films ] [ Films ] [ DVDs ] [ 2006 ] [ 2007 ] [ 2009 Oscar Movies ] [ 50 Docs to See Before You Die ] [ ABC 100 ] [ AA Best Supporting Actress ] [ Academy Awards (1930/31-39) ] [ Academy Awards (1940-49) ] [ Academy Awards (1980-89) ] [ Academy Awards (1960-69) ] [ AA Best Picture ] [ AA Best Director ] [ Academy Awards (1927/28-29/30) ] [ Academy Awards (1950-59) ] [ Academy Awards (1970-79) ] [ AA Best Supporting Actor ] [ AA Best Actress ] [ AA Best Actor ] [ Academy Awards (2010-Present) ] [ Academy Awards (2000-09) ] [ Academy Awards (1990-99) ] [ Actors by Decade ] [ AFI Musicals ] [ AFI 10 Top Ten ] [ AFI Yearly Top 10 ] [ AMT 2000s ] [ Amanda Bynes Movies ] [ Angelina Jolie ] [ Bergman ] [ BAFTA Awards (2000-09) ] [ BAFTA Awards (2010-Present) ] [ BAFTA Awards (1990-99) ] [ Berlin-In Competition ] [ Best Actor ] [ Berlin Awards ] [ IMDB Best of 2000s ] [ Box Office ] [ Bond Movies ] [ Campo ] [ CARTOONS ] [ Cary Grant ] [ Christian Bale ] [ Disney Live-Action Shorts ] [ Disney Feature Films ] [ Diretores ] [ DVDs ] [ Entertainment Weekly ] [ Zooey Deschanel Movies ] [ Woody Allen ] [ Wes Craven ] [ Want To See ] [ Venice-In Competition ] [ Vazute ] [ Ultimate Directors ] [ TV Shows ] [ TV Log-Zeb ] [ Top 250 05/16/10 ] [ Top 1000 ] [ Tony Awards ] [ Tom Cruise Movies ] [ Terry Gilliam ] [ test ] [ Terrence Malick ] [ Star Trek ] [ Shows Currently Watching ] [ Sherlock Holmes ] [ Picture Nominees ] [ Programs Watched ] [ Oscars: Best Doc Winners ] 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Movie Series

Sherlock Holmes


Arthur Wontner

1. Sherlock Holmes' Fatal Hour (1931)
2. Sherlock Holmes and the Missing Rembrandt (1932)
3. The Sign of Four: Sherlock Holmes' Greatest Case (1932)
4. The Triumph of Sherlock Holmes (1935)
5. Murder At the Baskervilles (1937)

Basil Rathbone

1. The Hound of the Baskervilles (1939)
2. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1939)
3. Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror (1942)
4. Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon (1943)
5. Sherlock Holmes In Washington (1943)
6. Sherlock Holmes Faces Death (1943)
7. The Spider Woman (1944)
8. The Scarlet Claw (1944)
9. The Pearl of Death (1944)
10. The House of Fear (1945)
11. The Woman In Green (1945)
12. Pursuit To Algiers (1945)
13. Terror By Night (1946)
14. Dressed To Kill (1946)


1. The Return of Sherlock Holmes (1929)
2. The Speckled Band (1931)
3. Sherlock Holmes (1932)
4. The Hound of the Baskervilles (1932)
5. A Study In Scarlet (1933)
6. The Adventure of the Speckled Band (1949)
7. The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959)
8. Sherlock Holmes and the Deadly Necklace (1962)
9. A Study In Terror (1965)
10. The Double-Barrelled Detective Story (1965)
11. The Best House In London (1969)
12. The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother (1975)
13. The Seven-Per-Cent Solution (1976)
14. The Hound of the Baskervilles (1978)
15. Murder By Decree (1979)
16. The Case of Marcel Duchamp (1984)
17. Young Sherlock Holmes (1985)
18. Without a Clue (1988)
19. Testimony (1988)
20. Sherlock Holmes (2009)
21. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011)

The Marx Brothers

1. The Cocoanuts (1929)
2. Animal Crackers (1930)
3. Monkey Business (1931)
4. Horse Feathers (1932)
5. Duck Soup (1933)
6. A Night At the Opera (1935)
7. A Day At the Races (1937)
8. Room Service (1938)
9. At the Circus (1939)
10. Go West (1940)
11. The Big Store (1941)
12. A Night In Casablanca (1946)
13. Love Happy (1949)
14. The Unknown Marx Brothers (1993)

The Thin Man

1. The Thin Man (1934)
2. After the Thin Man (1936)
3. Another Thin Man (1939)
4. Shadow of the Thin Man (1941)
5. The Thin Man Goes Home (1945)
6. Song of the Thin Man (1947)

The Pink Panther

1. The Pink Panther (1963)
2. A Shot In the Dark (1964)
3. Inspector Clouseau (1968)
4. The Return of the Pink Panther (1975)
5. The Pink Panther Strikes Again (1976)
6. Revenge of the Pink Panther (1978)
7. Trail of the Pink Panther (1982)
8. Curse of the Pink Panther (1983)
9. Son of the Pink Panther (1993)
1. The Pink Panther (2006)
2. The Pink Panther 2 (2009)

Dirty Harry

1. Dirty Harry (1971)
2. Magnum Force (1973)
3. The Enforcer (1976)
4. Sudden Impact (1983)
5. The Dead Pool (1988)

James Bond

1. Dr. No (1962)
2. From Russia With Love (1963)
3. Goldfinger (1964)
4. Thunderball (1965)
5. You Only Live Twice (1967)
6. On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969)
7. Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
8. Live and Let Die (1973)
9. The Man With the Golden Gun (1974)
10. The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)
11. Moonraker (1979)
12. For Your Eyes Only (1981)
13. Octopussy (1983)
14. A View To a Kill (1985)
15. The Living Daylights (1987)
16. Licence To Kill (1989)
17. Goldeneye (1995)
18. Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
19. The World Is Not Enough (1999)
20. Die Another Day (2002)
21. Casino Royale (2006)
22. Quantum of Solace (2008)
23. Skyfall (2012)
Casino Royale (1967)
Never Say Never Again (1983)

Star Trek

1. Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
2. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
3. Star Trek III: The Search For Spock (1984)
4. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)
5. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)
6. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)
7. Star Trek: Generations (1994)
8. Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
9. Star Trek: Insurrection (1998)
10. Star Trek: Nemesis (2002)
11. Star Trek (2009)
12. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)

Harry Potter

1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001)
2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)
6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)
8. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)

National Lampoon

1. Animal House (1978)
2. National Lampoon's Movie Madness (1982)
3. Class Reunion (1982)
4. National Lampoon's Vacation (1983)
5. Joy of Sex (1984)
6. National Lampoon's European Vacation (1985)
7. O.C. and Stiggs (1985)
8. Class of '86 (1986)
9. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989)
10. National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon 1 (1993)
11. Last Resort (1994)
12. National Lampoon's Senior Trip (1995)
13. Vegas Vacation (1997)
14. Golf Punks (1998)
15. Repli-Kate (2002)
16. Van Wilder (2002)
17. Jake's Booty Call (2003)
18. National Lampoon's Barely Legal (2003)
19. Blackball (2003)
20. National Lampoon's Gold Diggers (2003)
21. Dorm Daze (2003)
22. National Lampoon's Going the Distance (2004)
23. Lost Reality (2004)
24. Lost Reality 2: More of the Worst (2005)
25. Teed Off (2005)
26. Adam and Eve (2005)
27. Pucked (2006)
28. Cattle Call (2006)
29. The Beach Party At the Threshold of Hell (2006)
30. Dorm Daze 2 (2006)
31. Pledge This! (2006)
32. Van Wilder 2: The Rise of Taj (2006)
33. TV: The Movie (2006)
34. Spring Break 24/7 (2007)
35. Bag Boy (2007)
36. Homo Erectus (2007)
37. One, Two, Many (2008)
38. Ratko: The Dictator's Son (2009)
39. Van Wilder: Freshman Year (2009)
40. RoboDoc (2009)

American Pie

1. American Pie (1999)
2. American Pie 2 (2001)
3. American Wedding (2003)
4. American Pie 4: Band Camp (2005)
5. American Pie 5: The Naked Mile (2006)
6. American Pie 6: Beta House (2007)
7. American Pie Presents: The Book of Love (2009)
8. American Reunion (2012)


1. Batman (1966)
2. Batman (1989)
3. Batman Returns (1992)
4. Batman Forever (1995)
5. Batman & Robin (1997)
6. Batman Begins (2005)
7. The Dark Knight (2008)
8. The Dark Knight Rises (2012)


1. Superman (1978)
2. Superman II (1980)
3. Superman III (1983)
4. Superman IV: The Quest For Peace (1987)
5. Superman Returns (2006)
6. Man of Steel (2013)

The Karate Kid

1. The Karate Kid (1984)
2. The Karate Kid, Part II (1986)
3. The Karate Kid, Part III (1989)
4. The Next Karate Kid (1994)
5. The Karate Kid (2010)

Police Academy

1. Police Academy (1984)
2. Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment (1985)
3. Police Academy 3: Back In Training (1986)
4. Police Academy 4: Citizens On Patrol (1987)
5. Police Academy 5: Assignment Miami Beach (1988)
6. Police Academy 6: City Under Siege (1989)
7. Police Academy: Mission To Moscow (1994)


1. Rocky (1976)
2. Rocky II (1979)
3. Rocky III (1982)
4. Rocky IV (1985)
5. Rocky V (1990)
6. Rocky Balboa (2006)

Robin Hood

1. Robin Hood (1913)
2. Robin Hood (1922)
3. The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
4. The Bandit of Sherwood Forest (1946)
5. Rogues of Sherwood Forest (1950)
6. Tales of Robin Hood (1951)
7. The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men (1952)
8. The Men of Sherwood Forest (1954)
9. Sword of Sherwood Forest (1960)
10. A Challenge For Robin Hood (1967)
11. The Ribald Tales of Robin Hood (1969)
12. Wolfshead: The Legend of Robin Hood (1969)
13. Robin Hood (1973)
14. Robin and Marian (1976)
15. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)
16. Robin Hood: Men In Tights (1993)
17. Robin Hood (2010)


1. Arabian Nights (1942)
2. Sinbad the Sailor (1947)
3. Thief of Damascus (1952)
4. Son of Sinbad (1955)
5. The 7th Voyage of Sinbad (1958)
6. The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (1974)
7. Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger (1977)
8. Sinbad of the Seven Seas (1989)
9. Sinbad: The Battle of the Dark Knights (1998)
10. Sinbad: Beyond the Veil of Mists (2000)

Planet of the Apes

1. Planet of the Apes (1968)
2. Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970)
3. Escape From the Planet of the Apes (1971)
4. Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972)
5. Battle For the Planet of the Apes (1973)
6. Planet of the Apes (2001)
7. Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)
8. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014)

Star Wars

1. Star Wars (1977)
2. The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
3. Return of the Jedi (1983)
4. Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)
5. Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)
6. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
7. Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)

Wallace and Gromit

1. A Grand Day Out (1989)
2. The Wrong Trousers (1993)
3. Wallace and Gromit In a Close Shave (1995)
4. Cracking Contraptions (2002)
5. Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005)
6. How Wallace and Gromit Went To Hollywood (2006)
7. A Matter of Loaf and Death (2008)

Agatha Christie

Hercule Poirot


Peter Ustinov

1. Death On the Nile (1978)
2. Evil Under the Sun (1982)
3. Thirteen At Dinner (1985)
4. Dead Man's Folly (1986)
5. Murder In Three Acts (1986)
6. Appointment With Death (1988)

David Suchet

0101. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Adventure of the Clapham Cook (1989)
0102. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Murder In the Mews (1989)
0103. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Adventure of Johnnie Waverly (1989)
0104. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Four and Twenty Blackbirds (1989)
0105. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Third Floor Flat (1989)
0106. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Triangle At Rhodes (1989)
0107. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Problem At Sea (1989)
0108. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Incredible Theft (1989)
0109. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The King of Clubs (1989)
0110. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Dream (1989)
0201. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Peril At End House (1990)
0202. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Veiled Lady (1990)
0203. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Lost Mine (1990)
0204. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Cornish Mystery (1990)
0205. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Disappearance of Mr. Davenheim (1990)
0206. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Double Sin (1990)
0207. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Adventure of the Cheap Flat (1990)
0208. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Kidnapped Prime Minister (1990)
0209. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Adventure of the Western Star (1990)
0301. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Mysterious Affair At Styles (1990)
0302. Agatha Christie: Poirot: How Does Your Garden Grow? (1991)
0303. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Million Dollar Bond Robbery (1991)
0304. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Plymouth Express (1991)
0305. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Wasps' Nest (1991)
0306. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Tragedy At Marsdon Manor (1991)
0307. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Double Clue (1991)
0308. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Mystery of the Spanish Chest (1991)
0309. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Theft of the Royal Ruby (1991)
0310. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Affair At the Victory Ball (1991)
0311. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Mystery of Hunter's Lodge (1991)
0401. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The ABC Murders (1992)
0402. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Death In the Clouds (1992)




1. The Alphabet Murders (1965)
2. Murder On the Orient Express (1974)
3. Murder By the Book (1986)
4. Murder On the Orient Express (2001)




0403. Agatha Christie: Poirot: One, Two, Buckle My Shoe (1992)
0501. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Adventure of the Egyptian Tomb (1993)
0502. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Underdog (1993)
0503. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Yellow Iris (1993)
0504. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Case of the Missing Will (1993)
0505. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Adventure of the Italian Nobleman (1993)
0506. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Chocolate Box (1993)
0507. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Dead Man's Mirror (1993)
0508. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Jewel Robbery At the Grand Metropolitan (1993)
0601. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Hercule Poirot's Christmas (1995)
0602. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Hickory Dickory Dock (1995)
0603. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Murder On the Links (1996)
0604. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Dumb Witness (1996)
0701. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (2000)
0702. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Lord Edgware Dies (2000)
0801. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Evil Under the Sun (2001)
0802. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Murder In Mesopotamia (2001)
0901. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Five Little Pigs (2003)
0902. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Sad Cypress (2003)
0903. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Death On the Nile (2004)
0904. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Hollow (2004)
1001. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Mystery of the Blue Train (2005)
1002. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Cards On the Table (2005)
1003. Agatha Christie: Poirot: After the Funeral (2006)
1004. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Taken At the Flood (2006)
1101. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Mrs McGinty's Dead (2008)
1102. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Cat Among the Pigeons (2008)
1103. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Third Girl (2008)
1104. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Appointment With Death (2008)
1201. Agatha Christie: Poirot: The Clocks (2009)
1202. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Three Act Tragedy (2010)
1203. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Hallowe'en Party (2010)
1204. Agatha Christie: Poirot: Murder On the Orient Express (2010)

Miss Marple


Margaret Rutherford

1. Murder She Said (1961)
2. Murder At the Gallop (1963)
3. Murder Most Foul (1964)
4. Murder Ahoy (1964)

Angela Lansbury

5. The Mirror Crack'd (1980)

Helen Hayes

6. Murder Is Easy (1982)
7. A Caribbean Mystery (1983)
8. Murder With Mirrors (1985)

Joan Hickson

9. The Body In the Library (1984)
10. The Moving Finger (1985)
11. A Murder Is Announced (1985)
12. A Pocket Full of Rye (1985)
13. The Murder At the Vicarage (1986)
14. Sleeping Murder (1987)
15. At Bertram's Hotel (1987)
16. Nemesis (1987)
17. 4:50 From Paddington (1987)
18. A Caribbean Mystery (1989)
19. They Do It With Mirrors (1991)
20. The Mirror Crack'd From Side To Side (1992)

Geraldine McEwan

21. The Body In the Library (2004)
22. The Murder At the Vicarage (2004)
23. 4:50 From Paddington (2004)
24. A Murder Is Announced (2005)
25. Sleeping Murder (2006)
26. The Moving Finger (2006)
27. By the Pricking of My Thumbs (2006)
28. The Sittaford Mystery (2006)
29. At Bertram's Hotel (2007)
30. Ordeal By Innocence (2007)
31. Towards Zero (2007)
32. Nemesis (2007)



Julia McKenzie

33. A Pocket Full of Rye (2008)
34. Murder Is Easy (2008)
35. They Do It With Mirrors (2009)
36. Why Didn't They Ask Evans? (2009)
37. The Mirror Crack'd From Side To Side (2010)
38. The Secret of Chimneys (2010)








1. Love From a Stranger (1937)
2. And Then There Were None (1945)
3. Love From a Stranger (1947)
4. Ten Little Indians (1949)
5. Witness For the Prosecution (1949)
6. Witness For the Prosecution (1957)
7. Ten Little Indians (1959)
8. The Spider's Web (1960)
9. Ten Little Indians (1965)
10. Endless Night (1972)
11. Ten Little Indians (1974)
12. Why Didn't They Ask Evans? (1980)
13. The Seven Dials Mystery (1981)
14. Spider's Web (1982)
15. Hallmark Hall of Fame: Witness For the Prosecution (1982)
16. Sparkling Cyanide (1983)
17. Ordeal By Innocence (1985)
18. The Man In the Brown Suit (1989)
19. Ten Little Indians (1989)
20. The Pale Horse (1997)
21. Sparkling Cyanide (2003)
22. By the Pricking of My Thumbs (2005)
23. Towards Zero (2007)
24. The Great Alibi (2008)
25. Crime Is Our Business (2008)