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It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie

Reader Review

Hitman's Run

Posted by: Steven Nash
Date Submitted: Saturday, December 11, 1999 at 11:15:44
Date Posted: Tuesday, December 21, 1999 at 05:05:36

I have seen some bad, bad films but "Hitman's Run" is surely the most awful but hilarious film ever made. Starring Eric Roberts a man whose dubious claim to fame rests entirely on his being the sister of Julia Roberts makes a comment on the calibre of this sorry action film, as does the fact that it was directed by Mark Lester, the man who bought you "Commando," by far and away the worst of the Schwarzenegger flicks. Roberts plays a hitman for the mob who decides to turn to the straight and narrow and enrolls in the witness protection program. However when a teenage hacker finds all the witness protection files and hands them to the mob, that's when this laughable action movie kicks off. Highlights include ridiculous car chases which for some strange reason show no other cars on the road despite being in the heart of New Jersey, Roberts testing a substance for cocaine by rubbing an absolutely huge quantity on his gums, stupid stunts, and above all the fact that Roberts, despite being an expert hitman, is the worst shot of all time.

There are so many plot canyons in this film, you'll have a blast picking them all out. Rent it now -- it is hilarious.

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