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It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Movie

Reader Review

Robocop 2

Posted by: J.Noble
Date Submitted: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 at 15:14:07
Date Posted: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 at 07:51:47

If you like violent mean-spirited movies, then this is it. The first "Robocop" film was a slick action-packed story packaged around the sadness of a lost soul trying to rediscover his identity. Peter Wellers played a cop in Detriot left for dead by the bad guys who gets refitted into a super cyborg crime-fighter. Since his brains were the only part of his body salvaged, he still remembers his past life and seeks revenge on the bad guys who stole his life and memories from him.

This brings us to the unholy mess that is "Robocop 2." This movie's main problem is that it has too many ideas and subplots going on at the same time and never really resolves any of them. It's just very badly directed and edited. There's no continuity to it at all; one scene just crashes right into another. There's a subplot about a new highly-addictive drug ("Nuke"), a subplot about a turncoat cop who's selling out to the bad guys, a subplot that has Robocop stalking his former wife and family, a subplot about a foul-mouthed 12 year old punk who starts dealing said "Nuke," a subplot about the Detroit cops on strike, a subplot that has the scientists at OCP Technologies creating a new Robocop using a CRIMINAL'S BRAIN (gee, I wonder if it will go crazy and start killing all the wrong people?), and a subplot involving Robocop's prime directives being changed to make him more polite. Confused yet? In the meantime the blood and bullets fly, and the death toll triples every ten minutes.

This movie is so ridiculously stupid and mean-spirited it will make you cringe. For example, did we really have to see a cop's torso get sliced open in graphic detail by a bad guy, and did the director really have to script a part where a eight year old kid to go do something with a refrigerator? That's totally tasteless.

Scene to watch for: How Robocop handles a little league team that's ransacking a store after he's reprogrammed to be more politically correct.

Things that make you go "Huh?": Why top scientists would purposely place a violent criminal's brain into their new Robocop cyborg. (So that there can be a huge 'Rock-em Sock-em Robot' battle at the end, of course!)

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